Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 28, 1878, Image 3

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Cheap repairing at Sherwood's. U4
Eastman's patent Book Binders at
this office.
Sherwood does the cheap repairing.
Ilerold's new front looks first rale
and is a great improvement.
"Wood "Wood on
wanted at once.
Fresh canned fruit and new Grocer
ies at Oswald Guthman's this week.
Frank Neitnan is building a new
barn and lots of improvements.
The state Teacher's Association
convened at Lincoln yesterday.
Improved book binders at this of
fice, tf
Property is changing hands about
l'lattsmouth quite rapidly, now days.
We waut some wood now " mi;
ty suddent" Some one roll it in.
Just arrived the Newest and Latest
styles in Ladies shoes at Sherwood's. It4
Win. Stadelmann is the man to sell
clothing at cost prices.
The grain and cattle men are very
busy now a days. There are lots of
both coining into town daily.
The City Election meeting Satur
day Evening don't seem to have been
much of a success.
Rockwell has
chepp for cash.
Oils of all kinds
The Post office front will be a vast
l.t lp to the looks of the building and
aid the light in the store.
Maldaner & Herrmann expect their
new Spring stock in shortly. 5211
Hon. Moses Stocking has hten
d-wn in old Cass this week, renting
his farm and so on.
A l:rge assortment of new Crockery
just received at F. S. White's.
Lo.k out for Sherwood's
next irt-tk.
N E'.V
--Get your Mill beads. Letterheads.
.Sir., put in Eastman's .new patent
c its id this if:';.:e.
New :
Mrs. Join
ods constantly arviviMg at
veene s.
--The weather, the weather, we
don't know what to say: For tin days
v. '.- are having 1 long to sunny May.
Who would kr, barefooted 'i Women's
tihots for .a Merg'.-s'. ltf
Mr. C. I'arinfclo is trying to imitate
Mil wauke hi ick in his painting ar
r.tngements for the spring.
Millinery Goods that defy competi
tion in regard to style and price at
Solomon Nathan's. ltl
We are requested to state that
there are regular services in the Chris
tian Church every Sunday.
Sherwood has received a splendid as
sortment of Ladies Shoes of ail kinds
for spring and summer wear. It4
Assessor Shryock was around to
M e the Herald this week. Who really
wants to see the Assessor?
Shf-rwood has a very fine and pretty
stock of Ladies shoes, come and judge
for yourselves. It4
Let us elect a Council that will give
u the Moffct bell punch pay your
taxes if you will drink your Cocktails
Look out for next weeks Ad Mal
daner & Herrmann. Lots of new
goods, and all sorts of new styles. 52tl
The High School Nine (Base ball
Club; weigh 10.30 pounds even up
and challenge any other Club of like
vf tight. James Patterson, Jr. Captain.
What's the matter with the City
Flection, never saw it so quiet. Every
body says let it run itself. Always a
calm before a storm, you know.
Notions and fancy goods at Mrs
Johnson's and Miss Sweeney's at their
new stand in the Saunders House. 52t2
In a letter to the Editor of this pa
per from Mr. Finch about Temperance
matters, we learn that he cannot be
here this evening to speak at the "Ital-
Call at Sherwood's when j-ou want
Ladies fashionable shoes, we caa and
do sell cheap. " 1U
-Mr. Gregory, of the Saunders
House is fixing up and painting the
house all over, for
u spring opening.
Go it
Canary Bird,
lscaiied, from the residence of L. C.
5-tiles, on Saturday, March 23d, a dark
toiorea canary sincer.
a ii rmr:ii re
ward will bf paid for his return to
Mrs. Lt. G. styles or for mforia3tion
tlwt will leai to his rcirovtry.
John Tutts's old place on 2d St.
has been sold to Hans. Morgan, who is
fixing it up "splinkHm" if any body
knows what that is.
Eiglity acres of Land for sale, near
Greenwood. Cas3 County, Nebraska;
all under cultivation, good small house
and young orchard and grove Time
on two thiids of purchase money. Ap
ply at Neb. IIekald office. ltf.
John Shannon, the agent, of the
Shenandoah Nurseries, has over 100,
000 trees and shrubs in his grounds
near his house. It is worth, while to
go over and see them.
Wiley Black has got opened finely
at Weeping Water. The firm took six
solid loads of Machinery into their new
place one day, and sold two pieces off
the wagon for cash, first pop.
Running Again.
I would notify the citizens of Cass
County that my mill is entirely refit
ted and in excellent running order
C. IIeisel.
5U3 l'lattsmouth, March, 12th 1878.
An excursion train passed through
on Friday last, besides the regular
train, bound for Lincoln and points
west; four passenger cars. Hurrah
for Nebraska Lauds.
City Election next Tuesday, and
the Temperance Ladies are going to
prepare a coffee stand for the tired and
weary voters who vote the right way,
so says rumour.
The Journal says there has been a
great change in B. & M. It. K. Con
ductors lately. Some of our old friends
in l'lattsmouth seem to have gone the
way of all II. It. Conductors.
Somebody wants to know if the
Editor of the IIehald put that call in.
No Sir, when we have anything to say
it will bo in the Editorial columns, or
over our signature Don't fret about
"To-Night Touv'e Been Drinking
Great Temperance Song and Chorus,
by C F. Shattuck. sung by hundreds
of Temperance Clubs, with greatest
effect, mailed by all music dealers for
3V. Published by M.S. Huyett. St
Joseph, Mo.
We learned from our exchanges
that Prof. Aughey intended visiting
the new coal mine below Rock Bluffs
on Tuesday last, but did not hear
whether he came.
Dr. McCrea. our old and well
known Dentist will have his card in
the IIeka i. n next week. He is-now
prepaired for businss at his room over
Ilerold's store corner 3th & Main stV.
Dkk Merse has got a cow that
gave siii') pounds of milk in four weeks
and besides using cream for coffee they
made W pounds of butter during the
same tune. Who beats that?
Miss May Kennedy of this county
who is attending the Normal School
is at home for a short visit; we see by
the Peru Herald that she i3 the corres
ponding editor of the Normal depart
ment of that paper. Good.
The temperance societies, and
citizens generally in sympathy with
th.'in are to have a Grand Bally this
afternoon and evening, eminent speak
ers are to be pies ;nt, and a good time
is expected. We believe that every
body is invited to participate.
We would announce to our many
patrons that we have just received our
first invoice ot Millinery Goods, and in
straw goods there are many new and
styjish shapes. We have also received
our importion of Pattern Hats, mag
nificent beyond description and we ac
cordingly extend a cordial invitation
to our patrons to call and examine same.
lit Solomon & Nathan.
A lady passenger while crossing
the transfer here one day last week
was robbed of her purse containing
money, ticket west, &c. The railroad
company supplied her with passes to
her destination and paid her expenses
Plattsmouth Cigar llannfactorj.
Julius Pepperberg the oldest ci
gar manufacturer in town, opens out
this spring with a fine and well assor
ted stock of Tobaccos, Fine Cigars and
plug smoking Tobacco of the best qual
ity. Cigar clippii gs for sale. Also,
pipes, holders and a variety of smo
ker's articles of Comfort and Luxury.
Married At the parlors of the
Stadelmann House, on Monday, the
2oth, by the Hon. County Judge, Mr.
Chas. II. King to Mrs. F. J. Greenfield.
The united pair will at once make a
permanent settlement at Kingsville in
this county.
We did not learn until too late for
last weeks issue of the death of Mrs.
Margaret IJaker, at Agencv city, Iowa,
on the 11th inst. Deceased was the
mother of Mr. Wm. Baker of this city,
who has resided here for some years.
His many friends here will sympathize
with him in his bereavement.
The "Star Banner Class" furnished
a Supper and Entertainment at Duke's
Hall hut Thursday Evening; the open
ing Grand March showed proficiency
la drill, the sapptr was provided prac
tically by fifty mastmund misses. The
occasion will long bo remembered by
the young and happy hearts.
And by tho Editor and printers too.
a kmd reiaewberance from Mrs. Mar-
susai stimulaUn our HCUOry wonder
A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Asher Tanner of this county was sent
by her parents, who are both of them
deaf and dumb, to Nebraska City to
learn to talk. She had been there but
a very short time when she was taken
suddenly ill and died in a few hours.
The grief of the father, who reached
her bedside only in time to see her die,
was terrible to witness.
An "old citizen" complains bitter
ly of some person at the southern end
of town who habitually has a little
gras3 or rye handy in the spring to
tempt the town cattle and then shut
them up .We hope these affairs can be
amicably adjusted between neighbors;
it is hardly a proper subject for news
paper interference.
- -You seem to be hunting all round
for a Mayor The Herald can give
you a first rate one The Hon. Geo. S.
Smith. Tom Stevenson Mayor of
Neb. City, a lawyer, has just led Neb.,
City out of her business difficulties
and if George is elected and has the
good sense we give him credit for, he
can aided by the right kind of a Coun
cil greatly aid Plattsmouth to get out
of the mud.
Women's serge shoes 60 cts.
Women's leather shoes 75 cts.
Men's buckle Alex 1.50.
Such prices and selection from the
Largest and best Stock
ever brought to town, -AT
Call and examine before purchasing.
No trouble to show goods. ltf
Rt. Rev. Rob't. H. Clarkson, bishop
of this diocese, proached in St. Luke's
Church on Sunday morning last, and
confirmed a class of six. Bishop Clark
son's sermons we consider among the
best examples of persuasive pulpit or
atory, and his sermon of Sunday morn
ing was no exception to this general
good rule, as his large audience testi
fied. It w;is to be regretted that his
stay was so short, he being obliged to
go to Bellevue in the afternoon. The
Bishop leaves for England next week
to attend the decennial Pan-anglican
To the Voters or the 3d Ward Platts
mouth Nebraska.
Gentlemen: While most heartily
thanking vou for the unanimous nomi
nation given me in my Ward for Coun
ciluian, I have decided that inasmuch
as my business obliges me to be absent
a Iargn portion of my time and having
reasons to believe a srood man can be
elected in my stead. I most respectfully
decline ue nomination tendered me
and ask my friends that inv name be
not used for any office at this city elec
II. E. Palmer,
l'lattsmouth. Neb.. March 57, 1877.
We do not wish to brag but sim
ply to call the attention of those who
think it a great thing to give the edi
tor and family a pass into the Co. Fair
that last week's paper contained nearly
a column of matter pertaining to the
i fair, notices of meetings, financial re-
poit Ac, occupying space worth ten or
twelve dollars: and this is only one of
a number of columns which are tilled
in the course of the year, conveying
information throughout the county,
awakening and keeping up an interest,
and preparing the way for the efforts
of the officers and those interested in
making the fair a success.
We took a look in at Hesser's gar
dens last week while on a short trip
into the county. lie is raising an im
mense number of bedding out plants
such as verbenas, geraniums, pansies,
coleus, &c, and expects a large trade
this season : he does not seem at all
discouraged b-previous dtawbacks cf
grasshoppers, &c. Every spare corner
of his greenhouse was filled with let
tuce, and every arrangement is being
made for early spring vegetables: Mr.
Ilesser himself was busy with the help
of a man in getting out shrubbery by
the quantity for transportation to
Lincoln, Nebraska City and other
points; in fact every thing looked like
business and we are glad to see him
We were edified by a visit from a
number of boys on the Herald office
porch the other day, the boys ranging
in age from eight to twelve years, and
their conversation was so mixed with
profane and obscene language it was
absolutely sickening to hear. In jus
tice to some of the boys we will state
however that the most of the profani
ty and obscurity was limited to two or
three. Those boys who could listen to
such language from their associates
and from men the patterns which
they are to follow and not form the
habits themselves are deserving of
vast credit. How much we caa realize
by thinking how readily we children
of a larger growth fall into evil ways
when the example is constantly before
us, and around us. To the parents who
are trying to train up their children
with correct habits this is a serious
West Liberty, Cass Co., Neb.
Ed. Herald: Our town has indeed
fallen, like ancient Greece and Rome,
from its great grandeur and import
ance, through marrying and the grave
yaru, uniu nas almost been swept
from existence; but thanks to the Sil
ver Bill and Senator Jones, long may
ho flourish; oh! we mean silver! Be
cause the other day wo received fifty
cents, all m money, and bought five
cents worth of peanuts, and the whole
town has been on a "bust," and now
on the remainder we are enabled to
sail out of the sea of oblivion and enter
upon the highway to fame and renown.
Some may be so inquisitive as to
have a great deaire to know where this
grand city will be situated. The ky
is above it, the earth beneath, is sur
rounded by air, near the center of the
U. S in the State of Bliss Kiss county,
on Snipe " Creek, comparatively speak
ing is not far from nowhere.
There was a 'hog doctor passed
through here the other day, who was
mightily puffed up. He visited every
one he said who was the owner of
swine. So in order to amuse him each
one sent him to his next neighbor, for
there was not a four footed beast in
the town.
At night he gave a lecture and by
the way he was in a very fcood humor.
We listened to his exposition of the
causes and treatment of. the "malady,
ho called it, with great patience. And
the whole upshot was he could "treat
successfully any lot of swine provid
ing they were not already sick." Some
boy here sung out, "that lie had seen
whole families who could kill hogs and
then cure them." Your own.
C. O. W.
Which mean:i Correspondent on
"Lino"eturned to Peru on Monday
Mrs. Waybright has been and is still
very ill. .
Mr. Piper, a teacher at the Vallery
School house, left us for the West Mon
day. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Plum
mer is slowly recovering from her re
cent severe fit of sickness.
Dr. and Mrs. Chapman's youngest
child is very low having suffered a re
lapse the first of the week.
Mrs. Cox, who came to Plattsmouth
to attend the funeral of her father, Mr
Baker, returned home on Wednesday
J. T. Polk, of Glendale, just re
turned Saturday from Indiana, where
he has been the greater part of the
D. II. Wheeler, Jr. Lincoln cor
respondent Nebraska Herald and
University student now. has been
home on a visit.
Capt. Paine of the Land Commission
ers office, came down to see us Thurs
day last. TJiey are leasing school lands
very rapidly this year.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Pierce have return
ed from a long visit to Connecticut.
They think after all Nebraska will do
to live in awhile yet, especially to
farm in.
"Lino" correspondent of the Omaha
Republican, and son of the llev. Mr.
Blackburn of this place called Satur
day and has been visiting at home for
several days.
Wheat. No. 2 7.VTCM)
3 r...6:
" reiectd ,Kn;Vi
Corn, shelled, (ukw) -Jti-'SJ
told) -'1
Corn, ear l.'cl? 17
Oats : t.'i
liarl-y. No. 2 I.vT'-to
"3 Is
" rejected l-
Bye "
Latest new york markets
New York. March 20
Money 4!4
Gold 101 'a
Chicago. March 21
Flour 5 &i5 a
Wheat 1 u'.H
Corn, 4m
Oil'i 23-1
Rve . . 5f
Barlev 47
Native Cattle .1 W.I 90
Texas Cattle 2 5r
Hogs, 3 &vi-3 00
Notes, receipts and bills for sale at
the Herald Office; also scale book3
for grain and cattle dealers. 4Gtf
Oh Say,
if you want a squ.ire meal for, 25 cents
go to John Leach's Restaurant one
door east of Fitgerald's Block. 52tf
Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur
ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort
Madison, Iowa. 34tf.
Corn aud oats taken at this office on
Subscription at market rates. 41 tf
A Partner Wanted.
A man with small capital as a nart
ner in the brick making business. The
brick to be made from the celebrated
Kaolin found near Louisville, this
county. It will burn white and is very
valuable. Also a moulder, one that
understands setting and burning.
J. T. A. Hoover.
49m3 Louisville, Neb.
The grandest bargains ever known
in this town can be had for the next 60
days in clothing. Jioots and shoes in
cluding .a superb stock of ladies and
childrens shoes, which will be sold clear
nown for cash. Such bargains were
Cever known before, at Stadelman's
clothing emporium. 20tf
Act wisely, and at once procure the
following iconderful Family Medicines,
Dr. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy
and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent
specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back,
Head. Heart. Lungs. Limbs, Nervous,
Blood and Chronic Diese;ises. Dr. Fit
ter's Kidney Cordial removes deposits
of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re
tention of urine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Bladder and Kid
neys. Dr. Fitler's Calisaya Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the system, tones the
stomach, and increases appetite. A
pleasant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels and destroys the
teeth. Dr. Fitler's German Pectoral
for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
and Colds, a superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid
ly. Your druggists. Chapman & Glass
are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl
-Magazines bound here.
Oh say! did you see those fine fat
heifers come through town Tuesday,
when slaughtered, they ean le found f
at x oung s meat market. Come and
see my fine fat mutton and Pork, Tur
keys and chickens. Fish, &c &c, the
best meat to be found in any market
in town, eon" e and see and buy of the
F. M. Young.
Bound to keep the market going.
Farm Implements at
Fked Gordeu's.
at bed rock cash prices. 52t3
For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build
ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms
easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin
Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf
You can save a large per cent of
your corn crop by reading "Three Blind
Mice," and following advice. o4tf
For Sale
A good Portable Pipe Orgau. manu
factured by the celebrated I. Dennett
Nutter, entirely remodeled and good
for twenty years. This beautiful in
strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of
pipe, and for quality and power of tone
cannot be surpassed by any Portable
Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire
of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of
pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to
dealer in musical instruments, Platts
mouth, Neb. 47tf.
Help for the weak, nervous.and debilitated
Cliruiilc and painful diseases cured without
mediciue. Electric Belts and other appliances,
all about them, and how to distinguish the gen
uine from the spurious. Book, with full partic
ular, mailed free. Address Tulykkmacueb
Galvanic Co., 292 Viae Street, Cincinnati, O.
A Gentle Hint.
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain,
wind and BimshiHe often intermingled
in a single day, it is no wonder that
our children, "friends and relatives are
so frequently taken from us by neglect
ed colds, half the deaths resulting di
rectly from this cause. A bottle of
Boschee's German Syrup kept about
your home for immediate use will pre
vent serious sickness, a large doctor's
bill, and perhaps death, by the use o.f
three or four doses. For curing Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia,
Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di
sease of ttie Throat or Lungs, its suc
cess is simply wonderful, as your drug
gist will tell you. German Syrup is
now sold in every town and village on
thiB continent. Sample bottles for tri
al, 10c; regularsize, 7oc. 38tf-alt
New type new type, come in with
your jobs. tf
Important Notice.
Lincoln, Neil, March lith, 1878.
The B. & M. K K. Co.. ofTers to Incoming Set
tlors from the East, or to any others, an of its
uiiMcciMiied tract!" which have been broken up
and cultivated in past years and whicn are now
ready br a crop, at the Nominal Rental of : 50
eenti per ;"re for'Is Cultivated in 1877. 2
cenis tier acre fur Lands Cultivated in past
venrs but not cultivated in 177.
The leases will u've full guarantee for the
llai vet-ting of the Crops, whether the tracts are
Hold bv the Company or not. For leases and
full lKirticulors en(uire of Land tcpartiuent B.
& V'. K. R. Lincoln, or to nearest Laud Agent.
Another good farm for sale in
C:iss County lfiO acres; good house,
six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres
broke, fine cotton wood grove ten acres,
Apply to Neb. Herald office.
4tf. J xo. A. M.vcMurpiiv.
llring in your corn or oats to the
Herald office. 41tf.
Brown's Vegetable Licer Pills are the
most reliable remedy for sick headache,
biliousness, indigestion and torbid
liver, now before the public. They
are prepared with special reference to
the bilious influences of this western
climate, and are now the popular fam
ily pill of the OLD and NEW WEST.
Ask for them and take no other.
lirown's Cough Balsam gives sure
relief to all who are suffering from
Coughs, Colds ami throat and lung
affections. Do not neglect a cough
until consumption has you in its fatal
grasp, but procure this great remedy at
Brown's Arnical Salce is acknowl
edged to be the greatest healing remedy
of the age. lt removes inflammation
and heals old sores, ulcers, cuts, burns,
and frost bites.
Ask for a preparation of Sarsaparil
la. Dandelion, and Iodid-e of Potas
sium; the great remedy for Chronic
Rehumatism. It purines the blood
and invigorates the liver
The above popular remedies and all
of Brown's Great Western Family
For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan,
Chapman a Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. Y.- Johnson.
51t4 Plattsmouth. Neb.
Not Going to California.
Mrs. Johnson & Miss. Sweeney havo
some new pattern hats and other milli
nery which they invite all their pat
rons to call and see at their new stand
in the Saunders house. They w ill al
so keep a stock of notions and fancy
goods. 52t3
For Groceries of all kinds and at
low figures the Louisvillians will find
Rockwell on hand every day.
Grand reduction in Blanketa, Scarfs,
Caps etc., at Maldaner & Herrmann s.
New jirtce,
White IJlVt S3 00
Old price.
2 75 a pair,
3 00 - "
5 00 " 44
6 00
3 50 " "
4 00 44 44
3 00 44 44 tf
4 00
5 00
2 50
3 00
Colored -
Rockwell of Louisville makes a spe
ciality of teas, don't you forget it. tf
Dry Goods are one of the most es
sential things in keeping house and
people who waut anything in this line
can find Rockwell of Louisville, ready
for sale at low figures. Hardware is
plenty, heavy, cheap and good at
Rockwell's Louisville. 52tf
Tension Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
has a certificate of the county Clerk
filed with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 52tf
Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator."
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale- Issued by Wm. L.
Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass Count v. Nebraska, and ta uie directed
I will on the frth dv of April. A. D. ls7S. at
viip o'clock p. in. of said dav. at the south door
of the Court House in l'lattsmouth. in said
County, sell at Public Auction the following
real estate, to-wlt : The north-west quarter (.n
wi of the north-east quarter (ne1) of section
thirty-two (32) and the south-west quarter (sw
't) of the south-east quarter (xeV) of section
twenty-nine i) all beiwt in township twelve
(12) north of range nine c. east of the tub P. M.
in Cass Countv, Nebraska. The same beini: lev
ied uimu aud taken as the property of Robert
E. Fanner and Anna Fanner, defendants; to
satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered by
El nest A. Wisrgenliorn. plaintiff.
PlatUiuouth. Neb., March 2ith. A. D. 1878.
its R. VV. Hykks, Sheriff.
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the Tnited States, for
the District of Nebraska. In the matter of
Joseph Shera, Bankrupt.
Omaha, N'kb., March 26th, 1878.
To whom it may concern:
Please to tak notice herebv, that a petition
has been, to-wlt. on the 11th dav of March. A.
I. tf78. filed iu aid District Court by Joseph
Shera. of Koek Bluffs, in atd district, who has
heretofore been duly declared bankrupt under
the act -of Congress eutitled "In Act to estab
lish a uniform system of Bankruptcy through
out the United Stales," approved Marcli 2, 1S07.
and as amended, for a difchan;e and certificate
thereof, from all his debts and other claims
provable under said act, ami that the 3d day of
April. 187S. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the office of J.
L. Webster, Esq., the Register in Bankruptcy
for said district at Ontaha in said District, is the
time and place assigned for the hearing of the
same ; wheu and where you may attend, and
show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of
said petition should not be granted.
Iti Watson B. Smith.
Clerk of the U. S. Dist. Court for said Dit.
Attachment Notice.
J. M. Patterson Treasurer Cass Co., Xeb. Plfl.
va M-irv A .TettWs Defe'n't. ill CountV Court.
The Defendant will take notice that on the
ot ilnT of March A. I). 1ST, the said County
Judge Issued an order of attaehinnt in the above
entitled cause and that vour credits and cho.-es in
action have been attached to pay the Judgment
Hiiiiu'lit to be recovered and that said cause
t-..lj -Kllmiineil until the 24ith dav of April A
D. 1K78 at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day. Plaintiff
claims judgment for the fum of $k4 4f.
Plattsmouth, Nku., M;irch 14th, 178.
By A. N. Scm.ivan, Treasurer.
51t3 County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
r.v virtue of an order of sale Issued by Will.
L. Wells. Clerk of tlie District Court, w ithin and
for Cass Countv, Nebraska, and to me directed.
1 will on the 20th dav of April. A. I). 1H78. at 9
o'clock a. m., of said day. at the south door of
the Court House, in Plattsmouth, in said Coun
ty sell at public auction the following real es
tate to-wit : The north-west quarter (11W4) of
section twentv-eight (-?) township No. ten (10)
north range ten (lot east of the p. m., in
Cass County, Nebraska. The same being levied
upon aud taken as the proiorty of William
(juinn and Ellen Quinti. defendants : to satisfy
a decree of said Court recovered by Jacob Lel'e
ver. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., March lith. A. D. 1878.
suto lt. W. Hykrh. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm.
L. Wells Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed
I will on the 'J2d dav of April. A. D. 1S78. at 9
o'clock, a. 111.. of said day. at the south door of
the Court House in l'lattsmouth iu s;iid County,
seil at public Auction Hie fullowiiig Real Estate
to-wit : the east half of the south west quarter
(E. 'i S. W. M of section twenty eijibt
Towncliip No. eleven (11) North of rane No.
eleven (U), east of the 01 h p. 111. in Cass County.
Nebraska. The same beini? levied upon and
taken as the property of Win. Maple and Mar
tha Maple Defendants ; to satisfy a judgment
of said Court, recovered by Mary A. Scybolt
I'lattsinouth, Neb., March antli, A. D. is:s,
S2t5 Sheriff, Cass county. Neb.
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby Riven to all persons having
claims or accounts against the estate of VV. T.
Etheridse, deceased, to tile th Paine in the of
fice of the County .Imltre. at Plattsmouth. Cass
Co., Nebraska, on or before the 2lst day of Sep
tember, A. D. 187S.
A. N. Sui.i.ivan. Co. Jude.
Flattsniouth, Neb., March ath, 1378. bziz
Probate Notice,
In the matter or the estate of Mathias A.
Johnson deceased, before A. N. Sullivan, Co.
Judge in and for Cas Co. Neb. To whom it
may concern notice is hereby given that Aman
da Johnson has filed an application in County
Court in ami for Cass Co. Neb., to be appoint
ed Administratrix of the estate of Matliias A.
Johnson deceased and said cause is ct forbear
ing at the ollice of the Co Judue in I'lattsinouth
on the 2d day of April A. D. 187H at 10 o'clock A.
M. on said day. at which time and place all per
sons interested may appear and show cause if
ary they have, why the said Amanda Johnson
should not be unpointed such Administratrix
of said estate. Witness my hand this 12th dav
of March A. D. 1878, at l'lattsmouth Nebraska.
A. N Suixivan,
Clt.'t County Judce.
Sheriff's Sale.
llv virtue of an order of sale issued by AVm.
L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass Countv Nebraska, and to me directed.
1 will on the 2tilh day of March. A. D. 1878. at
one o'clock p. 111.. of said day. at the south door
of the Court House, iu I'fattstuouth, in said
County, sell at public auction the following real
estate, to-wit : The south-west (juarter of sec
tion thirty-six (3i) in township ten ( 10) north of
ran:.-e twelve (.1- east of 6th l M. in Cacs Coun
ty, Nebraska. The same beini; levied upon and
taken as the property of H. L. Harding, Willie
L. Harding, Wni. Stadelmann. A. 4. Hodge. A.
Kuninr. M. Can-oil. Georue Roeck. Buttery &
Lazenby and E. ;. Dovey, defendant ; to satisfy
a Judgment 01 saiu iouri, recoverea oy 1 ue
t'uiou M utual Life Insurance Company of Maine
Piattsmouth, Nebraska. Feb. 18th, A. D. l78.
4'J15 K. W. Hyehs. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Rv virtu" of an order of sale, issued by Win.
I Wells. Clerk of the District Court witbir and
for Cass Countv. Nebraska, and to m directed.
I will 011 the 2:tth dav of March, A. 1). 1878. at 2
o'clock, p. in., of said day. at the south door of
the court House, in t uitsmontn. 111 said coun
tv. aell at public auction the following real es
tate, to-wit : The north half of the south-went
quarter of section one I ) town ten (10) range
eleven (II) cast of the Gtll 1 . M. Ill Cass Countv
Nebras, together with the appurtenances. The
same beiuir levied uyon and taken as the prop
erty of John Kewton, Jane Newton. E. L. Reed,
Carnngtou Hammer aud C. J . Squires, defend
ants ; to satisfy a judgment of eaid Court, recov
ered iy ,(onn uiacK, piainun.
l'lattsmouth, Neb., Fel. -'th. A. D. 1878.
4915 It. W. HvEKts, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued bv Wm
L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, wit bin and
for Ca Countv. Nebraska, and to ine directed
I will on the 22d dav of April, A. I). 1878, at in
o'clock a. in., of sahl day, at the south door of
the Court House, in the city ot I'lattsmoutn. In
saiil County, sell at public auction the following
real estate to-wit : Iit No. four (4) in block
No. forty-four (44) in the City of Plattsmouth,
C:iss County. Nebraska. The parae beine lev
ied upon and taken as the property of Flavins
J. Metteerand Mary J. Metteer. defendants:
to satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered
oy William Jukennerry, piaintm.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Si arch 191 Ii. A. D. 1878.
5JI5 K. W. H vers. Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
Willium Burr non resident defendant, you
will take notice that on the 5th dav of Decem
ber 1h77, plaintiff tieorge A. Seybolt filed Lis
petition and commenced an action 111 the Die
trict Court 2d Judicial District in and for Cass
County Nebraska praying for a decree and or
der from the said Court to' sell the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of section No
teu (10) Ih township No ten (10) north of range
No elevin (11) east ith P. M. in Cass Countv Ne
braska, said Real Estate having been conveyed
oy saiu niiaiii jurr 10 weorge A . neynoil iy
mortgage J eeo on me ilttll dav or Marcn A. l.
1874 to seenre the n.ivment of a certain nromi-
sory note dated March 12tn, 1874 and calling for
payment 01 tne sum 01 580 witu interest at tue
rate of 12 per cent per annum due March 12th.
1875. which sail note you the said William Burr
failed and refuired to pav. You are requed
to answer the said petition of Plaintiff on or be
iore tne -rm day ot April, 1878 or judgment ana
decree win oe taken against you ry 1 lainnn
accordance with the prayer of said petition.
ftU4 (1K0. A. Seybolt. Plaintiff,
By Sam cell Chapman, his Attorney.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Done with Neatness! Dispatch.
The only place in town where "Turlev's pat
cm self adjustable liorse col'ais are sold."
Lounges, Tables, Bedstead
0 All Descriptions
Tr-j-! -
Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash.
With many thanks forpjust patronage. 1 tnvl
invite all to call and examine my
1 ndifTerenr ma
I which 15 in Ul
JIJ Makers, Wai
difTerenr niachiues with
Iders, Cabinet
agon Makers
and Jobbers In miscellaneous
work can compete as to gr a lr
TV AND thick with steam
power manufacturing ; nlso
Amateur's supplies, saw
blades, fancy woods and de
signs. Sav where you read
this and send for catalogue and prices. W E
.fmix Harnk.h. Kocktord. Winnebago Co.
?! r ,
-"3 5
, ' J" 3
. v 2
: :
'. c :
: ss .
: S-S
cf s
: ': ;-sE
- 0
. X H.
: r c s x s
r y. y. z se t. y. :
-? ; " 1 - .
r . el
a k 5 5 5 a ae x s -z ;
1T t X'llVKetail price S3C3 onlv$25D. iVir
I j 1 Jir Qryaii, price $373 only $135.
ssmaa Taper Iree. s. r. icitt, v. asu&granfl.j.
Dftf flT WTO PDrreven-fbotrevolverwith
nDlUL VDU I Rttlbox cartridges. Address.
J. Bown & Sou, l;fi Si 138 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa
KWii'a Uadicai. (.'run for Ca
tarrh will not instantly relieve and
mecdilv cure. Keference-., Henry
Wells. "Esq.. Wells. Fargo & Co.,
Aurora. N. Y. : Win. Bowen, Esq.,
S Mc. Hattnn. tiraut & liowen. !t.
a Bl-ouis. Testimonials and treatise
B Ihvm.til. Price, with improved
J j Inhaler. SI. Sold everywhere.
WEEKS & POTTER, Proprietors, Bof ton Mass.
TTrm rpiTTI Wel'i, Richardnon & Co i.
npnrmnrn is recommended by the agricultu
111111 DO 1 ral prees, aud used by thotisauds
of the very Pest uairymen. it
f :ives a perfect June color, and is
larmless as salt. A !2o cent bottle
colore .too pounds, and adds 5 cents
er pound to its value. Ask your Druggist or
lerchanf for ii, or nend for descriptive cireu-
lar. WELLS. RICHARDSON . CO., Proprie
tors, Burlington, Vermont.
Profusely Illiiflrated with portraits and Sketch
es ami containing over wo rage.
A SINGLE VOLUME. Agents wanted every
where. Address for extra Terms and Circulars.
Hitchcock & W'aldeu, Cin., Chicago A St. Louis.
Con r hi. f'oid.H. Inrlneiina. Ilnarsenrsit,
IMflicult Kreathinsr. Hiid nil A tree -tionx
of (he Thrnut, Itronehial
Tubes, and I. ungt. leading to
Con mu nip tion.
Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle.
C. N. Ckittkxdox. Prop., 7 Sixth Ave., N. Y.
II. R. Stevens : . -
Dear Sir, Tids Is to certify that I have used
your "Blood Preparation" iu my family for sev
eral years, and think that for Scrofula or Cank
erous Humors or Rheumatic affections It cannot
be excelled.
Your respectfully.
Mk.h. a. a. dinsmore.
Yejrctine is Soli all Druggists,
Has received an IMMENSE STOCK of
Corn Planters, Cultivators,
Sulky Plows,
and Plows of every description ; the
Harrison Wagon,
the Lest and cheapest wagon in tha
market by all odds.
Spring Wagons,
Buggies, and Three-Seated Wagons;
and the world renowned Courtland
Platform Spring Wagon.
Wood's Self Binder,
Threshing Machines,
and all kinds of
Agricultural Implements
In every variety, and at
Bed Hock Prices.
52tf rialleniouth, Nebraska.
O ft 1
: s, J H - r. H C - s,
W - i-'-J I H &i ? A ci - 3
3 7is5"77;
dealer la
Lai-Ke sloek of
to be
Notions, Queensware,
and lu fact everything you can cullorla
the Hue of
General Merchandise.
AU kinds of country produce taken In ex
change for good. :dyt
Chicago Burlintanlt Quincy rTST
East and West,
Running Through Cais
Council Bluffs,
Union Pacific Railroad
Throusli Cars toUOUSTON"'11111 1't,'"t"t",
,11IH?i rtI, K.W'NAS A TEVAK,
Houston ii Texas Ceutrul KailKoa(L.
West to the East
and Tin:
AH Information :i!out rnte of fare will bo
cheer! ullv giveu by applviiij; to
Cien. Wes. l'as. At;'!.,
42ly CllICA(i).
j 117 SENECA ST. CLZVE. 0.
New, Clean, First Class Meat Sh'p,
on Main Street In Kretl KroehWV 11 ftanrj
Everybody on hand for fresli, tender lueat.
To loan on improved farms In C.'uw mint, r,- at
low rate of inter"t. Aiiiicatioii! ttolieitfl.
l'lattsmouth. March 1S77. J N.WISE.
James Pettee
Musical Instruments,
Sole Appointing Agent for
The L'nrivnIIed 3Iaon A Hamlin
Also, the Sterk. Henry F. Miller, and Hallet
Cmnston I'ianos for Cass and Sarpy counties.
Neb. Cillandnee
at office, fclxth. one dor siitli of Main St.
ri.ATTS.Mol'TH, NEI'.
Tiiitn? and repairinjr Planon aud Organs a
!lecialtv, nuder the skillful hands of Mr. S. M.
Brown, a tuner of thirty-three yean experience.
First Class Stock, cine.
lfa ezzl