i 1 j j i t 1 THE HERALD, TELEGRAPHIC! rarticnlars of lhi i:lortinn of the New Tope, Leo XIII. Floods la California. Home, February 20. Cardinal Giva chino Pecci, Pontifical Camerlengo, has been elected I "ope. Cardinal Pecci is an Italian. He assumes the title of Leo XIII. The conclaves' second ballot was to begin this afternoon, but the smoko of the burning ballots in this case was not observed until 0:43 p. in., showing ' the votes were much scattered. The Fanfulla states that German y instruct ed llohenlohe to declare that the elec tion of an irreconcilable pope would oblige the government to take rei res sive steps immediately, whereas a moderate pontiff could speedily termi nate existing differences. The Fan fulla also says French cardinals, con trary to their first h.-r larations, ulti mately determined to unite with Spanish, Austrian and German cardi nals iu supporting a moderate candi date. Circumstances of the election are as follows: At this morning's ballot Car dinal Tecci received 1G votes, which was 5 short of the requisite two-thirds majority. When the voting was finish ed and the papers were burned, Cardi nal i ranchi and those holding the same views with him, advanced and knelt before Cardinal l'ecci. This ex ample being followed by others, Car dinal Pecci's election was accomplish ed bv the method know as " by adora tion, count rsegur immediately in formed the pope that he purposed to present him with one million francs as the first donation of Peter's pence from the ireneu episcopate. Assoon as the result of the election became known, bells in a'l churches of Pome were rung and diplomats went to the Vatican to congratulate the new pope. Cardinals will remain m the Vatican until to-morrow. Perfect order pre vails everywhere. l'ecci is tall, has a fine, high fore head, long face, straight features, large mouth, prominent dun, cheerful, open countenance, fine sonorous voice, great dignity of manner, witty, liberal in re gard to the right of the Holy .See as re gards irrevocably private life, has con siderable literary talent and has writ ten poetry. Athens, February 20. A telegram from Volo states the Greek insurgents, though at first successful in lighting near that place, are now in a critical position on Mount Pelion. The Turks have captured some of their positions and are now mustering regulars and Uashi-Bazouks for gcneial attack. San Fkanci.sco, February 20. Sac ramento City was saved from the Hood, but at the expense of the surronnding country. Many breaks in the levees are reported above and below the city. The village of Washington, opposite Sacramento, is under water. All is lands in the delta of the river except Grand Island, are reported Hooded. The Vallijo presents the appearance of a vast lake; the immense body of wa ter pouring through the Straits of Car quicDcz into San Francisco hay, causes a continuous ebb tide on the surface of the bay, the Mood entering only in un der currents. This has not been ob served since the great Mood of 1SG2. Travel by rail and stage i3 much im peded throughout the state, except on the main line of the Central and West ern laciiic. Hie water lias l alien some inches around the Sacramento City levees in consequence of relief af forded by Hooding of the surrounding country. The storm, which lulled yesterday, Uroke out fresh to-day with a heavy southerly gale and rain. There is no present prospect of diseontinu ence except in the flooded districts. Agricultural prospects for the coming season are most flattering. and New Urunswick. All aboard, all aboard, gentlemen!'' And then the machine being put iu operation, it re peated the cries loudly and distinctly.; Inquiring of the ingenious inventor how often this series of cries could be repeated by rotating the same tin-foil record, he replied that he had used the same tin-foil sheet a thousand tiims, and found it still effective. Already this most extraordinary dis covery has been applied to practical purposes, and the American Clock Com pany have purchased the right to at tach it to their clocks, which will not strike, but call the hours: 1 o'clock! 2 o'clock ! 3 o'clock ! Alarm clocks will also be arranged not to rattle with discordant rings, but to call out: "4 o'clock! wake up, wake up! what are you sleeping for at this hour?" The guard at the depot gate will be superseded by a phonograph, which at the proper time will announce the next train and name its stopping stations. The number of toys in the shape of talking dolls which will fill the land and enliven the nurseries is beyond all calculation, and no one can begin to name all the uses to which the inven tion will be applied. I feel, "Mr. Editor, in writing this brief notice, that I am taxing your cre dulity, but here is the tin-foil object before me, and 1 have seen and heard its indentations thus wonderfully re sponded to by the adjusted diaphragm. A few months, however, will dispel all doubts on the subject, and lead each one of U3 to repeat the caption of this article, and ask What next? w 0 KS' JJlue Jeans Williams is what may properly be called an hotel invalid. Af ter he had concluded his midday meal recently, at a Cincinnati hotel, one colored waiter remarked to another: "Jes tell yer, Jeame.s, that Injianni man ain't no sik alligator. When he f us done sot down to de table I axed him would he see the menu, an he jes look at me an' say, 'Xo, I don't mean nobody. Den he shout up, 'Hoy. fotch me some hog an hominy ;' an 'im f. plates ob dat, an' wen he done finished up an' stop, dat plate he w's eatin'off'n dinn't want no scourin'. Yer h'ar me!" It is no feather in the cap of an as tronomer to discover a new planet. What the world wants is a more cer tain cure for toothache. Jane Grey Swisshelm is away at pantaloons. Jane be a little deranged on this pantaloonatic so to speak. still firing appears to subject; a The Livingston Mansion Burned. We clip the following from a New York paper. Gen. Ilobt. 11. Living ston of Plattsmouth, is a descendant of the family mentioned, and was nam ed after Judge Hubert It. Livingston. father of Chancellor Livingston: "The old Livingston mansion, near Barry town, which was burned last week, Saturday, had a history. The estate, comprising 400 acres, was pur- cnaseu aitertneie volution by the wi Co-EJncation of the Sexes. While girls unquestionably have their uses in the economy of nature, nnJ possess "merit3 exclusively their own, it may be boldly asserted that they are totally unfit to pursue in corn puny with young men the studies which constitute the curriculum of ev ery respectable college. One of the earliest studies of the Freshman year is the art of getting the janitor s cow into the fourth slorv of the dormitorv' fft i . " ... j.ms can ne reauiiy mastered bv any young man of good abilities and habits of industiy and perseverance; but be tween girls and cows there is a great gulf fixed. The girl from her earliest youth, looks upon the cow as a feroc ious beast, prone to keep young ladies in Jfie air in positions fatal to the pro !t arrangement of her back hair. To suppose that three or four young lady students are capable of the complicat ed pushing and pulling necessary to in duce a cow to climb several flights of stairs is to suppose that the natural feminine fear of cows can be eradica ted by the mere process of matricula tion. Thus we see that one of the very easiest of college studies is quite beyond the range of female intellect. dow Cen.Montgomery.and a fine man sion overlooking the Hudsonwas erect ed. It was named 'Montgomery Place," in honor of the patriot. Mrs. Mont gomery s maiden name was Janet Liv ingston. She was the eldest child of Judge Robert Pi. Livingston, and a sis ter of Chancellor Livingston and Ed ward Livingston. In ISIS, when the remains of General Montgomery were brought from Quebec and deposited in St. Paul's church yard, New York, the widow stood on the front piazza of her house and saw. the vessel go by; and when a salute wa3 fired she fell in a swoon, .she had no children, and when she died in IS2, the mansion wa.i be queathed to her brother Edward, and passed into the hands of his only daugh ter; and when the house took fire it was occupid by members of her family. Journal. WHAT NEXT. TLe EeTelations of the "Phonograph (Correspondence Telegraph.) There is now lying before me a sheet of "tin-foil" about twice the size of a sheet of note paper. Th eye can trace along its shining surface a number of parallel lines, com posed of slightly indented dots or marks somewhat like those made by a tele graphic message on a slip of paper. This sheet of "tin-foil," while quite smooth and unmarked, was- wound round a "drum" and placed in a "pho nograph" (first cousin or sister to a tel ephone), and certain words were spoken and certain cries uttered into the mout h of the instrument, across which stretch ed a disk of "tin" or "ferreotype plate." provided with a minute "tracing-point." This point touched lightly on the tin foil, which, being rotated, passed in a continuous spiral line beneath the said tracing point. Consequently, the vi brations proluced in the diaphragm by the spoken words caused the tracing point to correspondingly indent the ua-ioii. xuere was thus produced on iuo im-iou a record of the vibrations which constituted the spoken words. To retransforra thi3 into speech, all that was necessary was to move the drum back to its original position, so . that the tracing point rested on the tin-foil at the place where it had begun to produce its indentations. On now rapidly turning the "drum," the indented tin-foil passing under the tracing-point, caused it to move (fol lowing the indentation), and thus to vibrate the "diaphragm" in exactly the same manner in which it had been mov ed before by-the tones of the voice. This motion of the diaphragm ( won derful to relatej ry causing correspond ing motions of the air reproduced the spoken words. Theopeiator cried, "next train readv! I Stops at Xev.-ruk, Flizabth, It ihw.iv ! "Qaci l(i ;:is." Perhaps he was a stranger in town. He sat by himself ou the grand stand Wednesday afternoon, and when the judges' boat started out with the buos he fell i- ito the same error that numbers around iiim did. The buoys looked to him like barrels of Hour, and he was heard musing: "What on earth is that boat lugging A cargo of Hour around here for? Urn. Guess she's from the Hoard of Trade." After the race of the four-oared shells the boat returned, having the time, "7:.Vi," on her black-board. "What's that?" asked the old man of himself, as he rose up and adjusted his spectacles "7:oS, eh? We'll see about that, we will." He 'pulled a morning paper from his pocket, hunted up the market report, saw good Hour quoted at 50, and he growled: "They've formed a ring, ban'' em' and boosted up the price, but they can't swiixiie me out ot one durned cent, for I board ly the week and have a contract for six months ahead: Let 'em prance their 7:o3 around here all night if they want to: Free IVfs. The The Dairyman humorously puts the soimyuies of the undecided cheese- maker on the skimming question. as follows. We can only wish that Mac- beth's witches may take the man who takes the cream from our cliee.se: lo skim or not to skim that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler iu the man to suffer the slings and arrows of temptation's power, or take the cream from evening's mess of milk; and by skimming end it? To skim, to churn no more and by the step summarily end the question and the thousand ar guments that rise up, cream like! 'Tis a consummation that should give tis thought. To skim, to churn! to ti-iui.' perchance too much! Aye, there's the rub! For best of butter there's an o'er supply, and markets suffer from inferior cheese, must give us pause. Theie'B the respect for home consumption, now so very small; for who would ruin, what should most demand,' markets at home, or from proud men's tab.es drive the use of cheese, because so poor, and make them think they do not relish that which Englishmen with every meal doth take, because impoverished and taste less, made by use of skimmer? Then the extra work to grunt and sweat over the churn rnd bowl, and the uten sils of the butler room, with dubious hope of getting one's reward in the in creased returns, puzzles the will, and makes us rather work the milk'up whole than turn t-j practices we know not of, nor see the end, except in dimm-st shade. Much of the chnriry which be?iM at home is tv fee b e to get out of doo'i. lias come home, And he' has brought the finest line of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, ' Fancy Goods and Pfotionsyou ever saw. vie? aij 'j1 say MotaaiiEsg k gesen .sad Ieg fill y&m earn5! iresi liaSs.agad! earn till o m n Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap. Soto is your eJianeo lonwl to .y.77 aud unr7..ry.7l anyl ody. Harry vjy. I icant to ;o Has'. utj:iin utxt montii. 3300T HI! c - 5 M S. O K CO S3 p 'r .") ...(-...... . ,'...--" .:". -:t.v -V.-. USTZETW FIRM At the Uld Stand Fitzgerald Elock, one door east of First Xational Bank MALDANER & HERRMANN, . Having bought out the entire stock of Sehnasse & Gramberg, in this citv. will during the next thirty days offer the balance of their Winter Stock at prices lower than ever before seen in this city, and invite the inspection of the ladies of Flattsmouth and vicinity, as they feel assured that their pri ces cannot be undersold. J. V. WECKBACH, Prop. -:o:- dmzss aoom. UNDERWEAR, SUA WLS. ETC., HOSIERY, NUBIAS, vojiEsTics. runs, CARPETS, LACES, ETC. ETC. o o - J ? i --"x -v- - '.V: MANUFACTORY. ALL NEW GOODS. W E II A V E X O O Jj I S T O C K O II OLD STY L E S CIMliing: Be law Cast, A Complete Assortment of Boots and Shoes which we will Sell Very Cheap. Gents' Caps, Scarfs, Cardigan Jackets, Underwear, Etc., Which We will Close out at Low Figures. 'ALSO A FULL LINE OF GllOCEKHS CONST A N'T I. V ON HAND.. CALIFORNIA DKIED AXD CANNED FKUJTS AND JELLIES. Country Produce Taken in Ixthane NEW GOODS, ELEGANT STYLES. AVe arc in ;;liucwt daily rorciiit ot DRY AND FANGV GOODS, and E3HE9 wliicli we oHor our friends anj tli imblic at .WBaolesale mul Meim. n.t prices to suV. tlic times. Caslnneres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward. BBBSPBBADS T !9 The finost stock of White r.o. tiucu U ever io:i:rht i. the 'itv. avoirs oiaHsiarG! Euell's Cassimeres, Tweeds. Jeans, and-Cottonades in full Slock. J ATk P Ail ti' U3..S1 tut tilS cii'j UuaB' OF AM. KINDS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Thankful for past favors in the. years ! y, T re; ! fully rsk a font ii.ua u" ft the ;c.u.XTEKi.Ni "ATisFArnoN i.v .i.Lc vsKH, and hopliigiiiy (!U.rts to pira.-e may e ok.ui, Cil w Itii siicrc-ns, 1 i ciiKii:; .i.-. cue, V.' r.i i; ; r It KEHEUr.Ell THE PLACE, ONE imoji WEsT OF P. O., PI. A TT:s MOUTH, NIUUIA SE. 1 r"3 L 1 for Goods s- - . Hi ; i nsist? I fcsJJ fk WiM til m S i a J or Jl it TO THE PUBLIC! READ AND REMEMBER THAT i. 17 &3&to D WAY C;0(T:-:. CLOTHING, Vi-'.i;r.Lr to i ,l!;v ii.iia-ii-c :;rk of xo no x s, uoots : ions. HATS ol C'Al'S, CAKTETS, i:ti-. ASTONISHING! yt. jfo'jy-&-?yriyy. rfr rrs nn in onlt-r to ma'- c rom.i for tlioir spri:-;; ;i;n. I, w ill from t!.i.; ,ilc ofa-r si'loii'.li'l i:id'!'-';!ic:.s to t!.i- i:i!:ip, i:i rvciy ti.-:.n-j uij-iit. Wv assuro you this is a i;i;ti.u c!t:iva;:a' s:iK'. wo ni l oTiT . 1 prii-i'.s th.it. will not fail to please th; cl-.K-st bttyi-r. A i-il to our i if-ant Siorc JIoouis w ill co:i viiu'( you tli.it v.c Ji.-ive the largest tn-is: i;' t:- .siu.-k of g.-ods in out line in ILe city, vM h :;n::it o s.;'d in-.i.w ro;:si o;;r i m it in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Vatcfr, and as elegantly finished as a first-claso Piano, it received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. ST SEWS QNE-FQUS3TS4 FAST ER than other machines. Sts capacity is unlimited. There are more WILGOfi fVJ A C F2 i PJ E S coid in tho United States than tho combined sales of ail tho others. THE WILSOH PErSDIG ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHIfiG, given FREE with each machine. A Certificato Is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it in repair, freo of charge, for five years. St requires no special instructions to learn how to use it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered freo of chargo anywhere in tho United States. Sand for Illustrated Catalogue, and ctsk for sample of mending, and our Circular Ho. 197 fcr further Instructions for buying machines upon terms stated in tho Catalogue. ffi&j WILSON SEWING FslAeilifIS 00. G27 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. Stato and Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal. CO fr) Tr) f (Y :-rJ fr) R7 O Li"' U Llll liJ Li Hi Ji z) Yv !;;tvc j::.-1 :vci ivml from our (o(, for:ucrly Ueatcl at St. Ju.-it'i'I., Mo., a full il-e of r r iViiiimery c-z iancv Articles for tho Ladies, It.'uuliful in uYsigu and iatti.r;i, at ex'-eclinly Imv liginvs. In Gents' Clothing and Funii&Iimg' Goods, W'c carry ;i ctiHiltjto lino, v h.To ovoiyihitisr o.-ia 1 .o tn:uu t suii t!io m.ist fa. tidiuin goiilto i i;u ;u C.;-s t em.ity, ;il l)oii!i!ii li.;it! .--. ( )nr line O Tho Cheapest Ecok in the English Language. Nearly iaOO ILLUSTRATES) R-ics, Iiouiid in Plain Cioth, and svut !y mai!, j .!.;:; pr.'.;,i.!, ,- osi.y QUE DOLLAR AITD A HALF, plain Home Talk, cnibrac-in, .ATedical ('.:n;:!on S-nse, Toy M.oc;:: Over one liuiidrt'd tlioasaml ru.i'-s of l!ic Standard Kditem l.ave I :! s 1 at three dollars an i . i;ty-!i v centn. 'i'l:f in s ' ! -!itains t!.c iii.it.'i i of fie yiai.dard edition entire. 2S i' ':.. 1 ' ' ! : I '.I I 'Hi 'V: ''71' . ---I", i' . ' --':i'i-.i. X-J -: - V : in J th V.'e bave no'.v on hand and readv to whin the tints t lot of ESSEX TIGS Vineriea. Tins lnvl is not subject to cholera. We are breeding from :.Mtie of whifh are the' lii'ST SrECf mkv ever iir.rted. If 3-ou want purest a'ei l..?st, niiii-XT from l.Mronrjro Stock, ami in pairs not akin, "Ad Ins; J. I). VANDOItEX Vishg ( Vn ners, Wiuneh.v;o Co., Wis is oin li Hi. it d.-fy roiDj'i tiiioii in stj!c :unl ;irico. V'e alsn li:ivo a olioioo svio. i icn of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY OF THE LATEST PATTERNS ZEPHYRS IN ALL COLONS. Berlin and Gcrinanto wn Yarns in Great Variety. CARD HOARD, PLAIN, COLD AXD SILVER. CANVASS, I5IIUSSELS, 3IAT8, ETC. l?'ovr we attach priees on our goods, and judge for yourselves. 500 yds. Woolen Dress floods, Remnants at 10, liy.i, lo and Cfle; formerly 40 and 50e per yard. " A oOO yds. IJIaek and Xavy )Iue, Cashmere T)re.s floods at -c; formerly ."0e. o00 yds. Jieautit'ul Patterns iu lluehings. from 1!e up. uOO yds. d.'.p. "Stripeil Waslt Poplin at lc por yd. A he.iutit'ul section of Namluirg M dgings niui Mmhroileries from oc up. ients' Overcoats from S.'iuO up. Full Suits from ."i.Oi) up. Ladies' Handkerchiefs oc aiiece G for 2)c. Ladies Merino Hose ' pair for i c. All Wool Pdankets from SI. 25 up. Horse Jllankets S'2.40 jer pair. J!ed Spreads White and Colored SI. 00 up. Celebrated Hip Core Corsets u5e. Madam Toys Cor-ets 00c. l.'auliful Patterns in Cassimeres Tic and 61.00. Kentucky Jeans 25e per yant up. Kid Gloves, o0c per pair. Ladies' Merino Underwear .0e apiece up. Mens' Hoots S2.00 a pair up. Jidies Shoes SI. 00 up. Children's Shuts -2.1c up. Hats from 75c i'P- Caps 10c up. Hle ieheil and Urown Muslin 12 yds. for SI. 00 Canton Flannel 8c- yd "1'. WooL UJi. Led Ticking 10yds furSl.OO up. And other Articles too Numerous to Mention. CALL AT ONCE. THE S-A-XilE BEGMISTS TO-DAT. solomon & ;ATiA. Jlsia Statt, r::i!adelpLia Store. Disciisc .'ind i(s Causes. Prevent ion of Disease. Common Sense Remedies. Chronic Diseae.s oflhe ciiffV? rent Organs of I he S3 oily. Private Words for Women: Hints to Uio Childless: Priuate for Men: Impotency of Males !i, Fcuuilo The Habits of Men and Wonu-n : tin- Natural II-l.i!iori of M'-u ami Women to eai-h ther; Society, Loe, Marriairo. Parentage, ( r. The Sexual Organs, their Iu.'luenci! upon Development, Health, Social Posi tion and Civilization. History of Marriage among all Nations and in all Times. Sexual Immorality; Sexual .Moderation ; Si-ual IndilT renee. Adaptation in Marriage, Mental, riiv.i--.i!. M inet je, ;md Temjieramndal. Happiness in Marriage; I niermarriagc of I.'elatives. Essays for Young and Old, Married and Cnmarried, and many other topic Z&-ALLZIN LANGUAGE CHASTE. PLAIN AND F RfI It L fy Z : O NEi:sI) OF LKMMXd VOI'K CO I V Of Plain Home Talk, for the Purchase Price is within the reach of all. No Need Xeed lo Consult Your HiyM'cian Upon any of the Suhjtcts mentioned, for you can have a complet-j Knowledge of the wuiio, aiid of niany other m liters it less than his eonsultati m fee. 'o Need of riiuliii Ignorance In advanced Life for the sufferings caused hy the fellies of youth .Hid mid dle age, when a single hook will put jou iirtho Jight track. TSB TIMES ARE MAUB, And the host wav "To put money in vour nursr" is to send at once f-r a Copy of the l'opular Kdltion of Dr. Poole's PLAIN 1IOMKTALK. Vou can then preserve O GOD HEALTH y knowing how to prevent disense.ssave S!s.r,;) hy purchasing with einy SI. era tu re that you willupou ii-a liu is worth si). The c7ieajst booh; nizdi-ja or hUrto wvV, ioddW.t;d iu t'-t Wr!d! :o: UETTMR STILL! Try Canvassing, and if you succeed getting four suhseiiptioi.s, and will remit the six dollars, we will mail to each subscriber and yoaiKlf included a copy of this popular work. Contents table of this book .-e.it free. Address THE MFKKAY HILI PUTiMidlLVO COMPANY. iia- iZAS Z.-1H. PJUELT, Ni:V OEli CUT.