THE II ERA LI). B. & M. R. R.Time Table. Cvirevted Thursday, January 10, 1878 FOK OMAHA FKoiSTrLATTSMOUTII. leaves 6 :n a. m. Arrives 8 a. m. 2 :30 1. m. - 3 :45 p. lu. FROM OMAHA FOJI FLaTTSMO UTn. ' Leaves 9 W a. m. Arrives 10 :24 a. m. :00 p. m. 7 :43 p. in. FOK THE WEST. Leaves Plattsmoutli 9 :W a. m. Arrives Lin eal u. 12 -30 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :2i p. in. Freight leaves 10 :21 a. in. Ar. Lincoln 3 Jo p.m. FUOM THE WEST. leaves Kearney. 6 :0 a. in. leaves Lincoln, 12 .35 p. ni. Arrives I'lattsmouth. 3 :10 p. in FriRht leaves Lincoln 11:35 a. m. Arrives Plattsiuwuth, 4 25 p. m. GOING EAST. Kxpress. 6 :'5 a. m. Passenger, (train each day) 3 :50 p. m., except Saturday. Every tlilrd Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. C. II. &. q. It. It. time t iiili:. WESTWARD. Express Mail. lo 15am ; 10 oopni 1 25pm; 1 4rain 4 55pm 5 3.0a in 7 40pm 8 loam losopni'n 3Sain 1 4.1am, 2 4 2iani 5 l.'.pni 7 10am. 8 oopm 'J LMain , fave Chicago Mnndota GitlesburK l'.ui liiiRtoii ottumwa C'harittm " I'restoa it-aouk Arr. PlatUiuouth EASTWARD. Express Mail. ' 3 Wpui' 5 .Viain 8 oopm ; 8 o-'iam lo 30pm ' 11 15am 12 f&uu : 2 l.ipm i 3 2Uain 6 oopm ; 6 iam ; 8 -input 8 5-"uin 11 05pm 12 15pm 3 lnaui ; 3 30pm j 7 OOaiu Leave Plattmouth.. liud Oak " Creaton Charlton ottunin l'.urlumton " Calesburg ... . " Irmlot Arriv. Chicago ONLY 27 HOCKS TO St. LOT" IS lv the new ROUTE Just opened via MONMOUTH. PULL MAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS run from liurlington to St. Louia without change. UY LEAVING P LA TTS MOUTH AT 3:50 P. M.. you arrive in St. LOUIS the next evening at 8 :. and leaving St. I.ouis at x zju a. m.. you ar rive in IMattsuioutli 9 :'J0 tlie next morning. Coupon Tickets for sale lor all points North, South, East and West. SAMUEL POWELL. D. W. HITCHCOCK, Ticket Agent, tlen. Western Pas. Anent. J. M. Beciital, A Kent, I'lattsmouth. RIM VAL AND DEPARTURE OF PLATTS- MOUTH MAILS. KASTKKN, XOIITIIKKX & POUTHEKV Arrive at j a. in. ..... 3 .,KI j, , OMAHA VIA I. & M. 10 :30 a. in. Depart at - 2 :15 p. m WKSTKRV VIA B. & M. 3 :15 p. m. Depart at - 3 :"0 a. m Arrive at Arrive at Arrive at WKKI-IMS WATKK. i :m in. I Depart at - 2 :00 p. in. KWK r.l.l KFS .V VMON MIt.l-. Arrive at VI :V in. ! Depart at - 1 :on p. in. J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient. 2 ct-nts a line. Popular ndvertls--ri. 10 t-ents per line. No advertisement Insert ed for levs than 2-" cents. I ei;al notices ;t St.ituto rate. tlnnn ys pnd ofticcrs .if the law will h" neld ri'S!Kniiie for all leeal notices they hand in. all ii;utie ileiiianiiimr a proof of piihlica li.-n id anv not if will be neiu tor the unbliea- ! urn fee ot' Mich mil ice. COMMUNICATIONS. . (i!v spue.- is limited, all coiui;m?iiea,"'niis is :l I. " brief and to the point, with no waste f Will il-i Hie i t;er is responsible for the eorreetiies :;.-r.riiiii',' l. ropy i.I mailer ani pani i.c i i!. uiily. 1. Anv peis-m vim take tin i:iTer r' ilailv I'.ie liis -ullle whether ilil I to liis ! .en-. 1. 1 w lie; her tie Is a subscriber or not is i .pntisiiiii' lor 1'ie ;;v i any person onleis his paper diseoptin- iin':.I i:iy arrf nies. er tl.e pnlilUli i- ! ihi fi.!iii!i;e " send U until panient l ;. .ice. :iiii; eii::.-rl Hie wnnit it 1 tai ill 111 . Wl.ethfl i n-1 :r-y is t ikn (mm th otiee or not. n;s live .ieeid.Ml ttiat letuin? ro t . tn.u.-miN :irk:l TMllilitie.ll'4 I I (.III lil "r7ti i. e. it re uiiivini! and 1-avina tl'.eiii tir.ealled .i is m i."j tint, evnlenee of l.XTKXTIO.NM. IUAI 1-. LOCAL XEWS -See vei tisc iiient of Mr.sical ; uincnts in another colunin. In- Niiu-ty car lmitis of finiranta, ;u d (T.rir h'unelu.'il iroods passed over ti c j!. M. List wefk. - ; lo Stailtlmaiiii's for new suits 'i-vv, uTnIorv. ear, t.-aps, hats, &c, &c, vt'ry clicati. Mr. Silas Crupsrr ilcliveml a fine it cow in to u on M'mkLiv. Veight :0: !T s. ?he takes the red ribbon. Stadelmann'a immense stock of loihing to be sold at great bargaii s for the next sixty days. Come and see. The next entertainment will le :ve;i by the High School Literary So . ty on Friday evening March 8th, in--l.'.nl of Saturday the 9th as per notice. --Improvements going on all the ie, Cal Parmele is building an addi :i to his house, Mike Schnellbacher a new frontispiece to his bachelor ..ost A brown kiJ mitten belong- to a poor little boy who has only : i- father and one mother. Return l; t ) this oftvte and receive the thanks of the boy's.dotiing father. Journal. Tho Masonic Festival last week was ;;. very enjoyable time. The social ing. ease and freedom of the visit- were greatly aided by Captain Mar sha' i's off hand way of managing such 1 ' ; I ! ! "S. -Mr. 15. Siebold sold a fine lot of li L-ied hogs to Messrs E. Q. Dovey &, 10 hogs averaged 423 lbs. dressed the oeaviest one weighed 316 lbs, dress- c good hogs, beat it Farmers. I. E. Babbington is repairing old l i .hes wringers, putting on new or i -M'tting the old rubber rolls and ma I : g them as good as new, also patent v, . it her strips for outside doors. Shop ( : Main St., opposite the Court House. : n of Carpenter and builder. 49t2 There will be a joint debate at -Tigh School Monday March 4th Prohibition question, programme elsewhere. Admission 10 ; . to apply oa the Side walk fund. I music interspersed with the ex ; i. All should attend. in any wise interested In flowers ." -.i iniiig, fruit, or vegetables, or in home hatiny will be delighted , . : the Rural New Yorker's remark- . '''o-jTiccu'ent in its iasne of eh ?d, Vh:ch will be m:;od free to ,. , , ,N!Wiuingawrw!iw .u jiunne s' . 'tk- rk. TLey have a colored revival meet ing at Omaha and It is getting quite the rage for white folks to go and see them. It looks funny to see a big house full of colored people and a f e w whites back in the hind seats. Must be Closed Out. Win. Stadelmann'a present stock of Clothing. Come and see for yourselves. The greatest bargains ever known, for the next sixty days. Boots and Shoes selling regardless of cost in order to make room for a new stock at J. V. Weckbach's. 46t4 Another good farm for -sale in Cass County ICO acres; good house. six rooms, frame stable. 125 aeras broke, fine cottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Xeb. Herald office. 4Gtf. Jno. A. MacMuepht. Meant for last week : "Oh, the mud, the terrible mud, cov ering the crossings with an anjjry flood ; on the pavement, over the street, soil ing biogans and dainty feet; oh, how a fellow roars for blood when his polish- ed-up boots slide into the mud." Lecture. The Rev. W. E. Copeland will deliv er a Lecture in the Court House on Friday Evening. March 8th. After which a Liberal League will be organ- bed. All are invited. By Order of Committee. A Partuer Wanted. A man with small capital as a uart- ner in the brick making business. The brick to be made from the celebrated Kaolin found near Louisville, this county. It will burn white and is very valuable. Also a moulder, one that understands setting and burning. J. T. A. Hoover. 4913 Louisville, Neb. The Pierce Call is of the opinion that a man who will tie his horse to a tree in this country ought to be whip ped. We too! saw a man tie a team to one of Dr. Schildknccht's young trees tho other day, which the team broke, and the man finding it in his way to drive over, broke it off and cast it one side. VekV few people knew that Mr. Thomas and Judge Childs up on the hill have a practical Telephone in op eration between their houses and can call each other and talk back and fortli whenever they choose. The other nifiht Mr. Thomas called the Judge to look at the moon, around which lie ol served a singular appearance, after he had rt-tired to Led and the instru ment wart 12 feet from the bed. Miss Childs up stairs could hear parts of the conversation that fo "ljwcd. To the Farmers of Cass County. Having made arrangements to sell the Waukegan Wood and Steel ''"i Ploughs, also Harrows, and the au kegan Star wood Pumps. I am now prepared to receiir orders for the same, jvrsons wisiiing any or me aoove am- .1 1 - i. 1 t ! eles eaii leave their orders with the i "iinde'ined or with Mr. Hubert Don nelly. I'lattsmouth, where you can see sample of Ploughs. Having used one of the S eel IJeam Ploughs and also one of the Harrows the past season 1 can reccommend them. B. Siebolp, 4913 riattsmouth, Neb., Programme of the Plattsmouth Deb. tiliz Society. Monday evening. March 4th, 1S78. Mt'sic Quartette, debate juestiox. litsolred. That prohibitory laws in reference to the manufacture and sale of Intoxicating Liquors is more of an injury than a benefit. Affirmative Messrs Donohue, Wayman, Nichols, W. F. Morrison, J. A. Connor. Neciatixe Messrs Simons, Wooloy, Windham, Sullivan and .1. E. Morrison. Music at intervals. This is a joint debate between the two societies of the town, the proceeds to go towards paying for the sidewalk to the High School. Programme of the Plattsmouth Debat ing Society, For Monday evening, March. 11, 1878. Mt'-sic Quartette, R kcttatiox Miss Sh ryock, Declamation W. S. Wise. Essay Miss Blackburn. Reading Miss Wise. Music Duett Misses Barnes and Patterson. Declamation A. X. Sullivan. debate question. Revolted, That woman should be al lowed the right ofsuffrage. Affirmative R, B. Windham, Flora B. Wise, J. E. Morrison. Negative E. H. Wooley, Jennie Sutton, E. T. Simons Wra. S. Wise. Secretary. S. Monday evening, March 4th will be occupied by a joint discussion between the two Literary Societies for which see papers. W. S. W. This is the way some of our Platts mouth people are treated when they go away from home. A reception was held in the parlors of the Occidental Hotel, in honor of Mrs. J. W. Marshall, of Plattsmouth, who is here visiting her daughtei.Mrs. L. M. Hayes. There were, seventy five persons in attendance and joy beamed on every face. The evening was divided between dancing, card playing, social pleasantries and vocal and instrumental music rendered in ar tistic and pleasant style by Mrs. Mar shall and Miss Wolfe, Mrs. Marshall also favoured tho assemblage with a beautiful recitation. She recites with a spirit and feeling and is an admira ble elocutionist. The supper which was served the latter part of the even ing was one of the Ijest ever gotten up ! in this city, and to this fact the guests ! lGfy. It wa the "wee sma hours i S'1!!'! fll1 i mcu oilier a happy good night and re- luctantly withdrew from the scene of 1 the merriment. Fremont Herald. Personal. We received a pleasant call from our old Black Hills Correspondent Joe. Fairfield who came home to get mar ried but not to settle, he returns soon to his Kanche 10 miles from Rapid City. Behold ; when we go way from home what news we hear. There's "Gad a candidate for Secretary of State tbey say, and our friend Wheeler, of Cass and twenty other fellows. Letter From LouisTille. Louisville, Feb. 23. Ed. Herald. Since my last we have enjoyed and still enjoy a spell of rood weather, steady and dry, and mud is a thing of the past. This state of el ements is very favorable to business, and people generally have improved it. The young men and maidens here are not backward in a social sense at all, this was fully demonstrated last Fri day evening, at a sociable held at Mr. Ferguson's. The attendance was com plete, and merriment was the order of the evening. The baskets bounteous store wa3 spread, after which music and singin'g made glad the hearts of all, and in the wee small hovtrs they took their departure, with the feeliugi that it was good to be there. .A series of sociables which should be in part a mite society, was organiz ed that evening, the object being the purchase of a bell for the new church, may the good work never cease. Itev. Gates of Omaha occupied the pulpit of the Congregational Church Sunday, and administered the Lord's supper unto the sons .and daughters of Zion." Seven persons were admitted its members Sunday morning, which makes a membership of fourteen. What think ye of Louisvillians now, and still there's more to follow. The Literary Society adjourned till fall. The friends of Mrs. Martindale will be pleased to learn of her recovery from a severe illness. .Our mutual friend, D. I). Martindale, is diligent, just and thorough, and has an eye on the whole educational interests of Cass County. It was announced in meeting Sun day that the predominating red ribbon was coining, that we would be favored with a lecture Thursday evening. We think a red ribbon is a far better orna ment than a red nose. So let them come. Transit. From Weepinsr Wnter. Weeping Water, Feb. 25, '78. Ed. Herald: Knowing you are al ways ready to receive all items of news from these parts, I take the liberty to write you in regard to a grand concert, given at the M. E. Church, last Wednes day evening, by l'roTessor T. L. Potter and the M. E. C. Choir, assisted by the j Orchestra and that wonderful organ j manufactured by Mason & Hamlin, they all say that iU music was just 1()Vt.!y, and the oi ganist savs it is the j, . , j bt'st instrument ever brougnt to tins j town. The concert was a success in execution and hnaneially. As a musi- and Choir leader T. L. Potter has few equals, if ymi ever want te get rid of the blue: first send for Prof, Potter and his ringing birds. FIDO. We have received the Black Hills Daily Pioneer, Dead wood, Feb. 22, done up in Red, White, and Blue and from it clip the following items about that region: BLACK HILLS RESOURCES. Items Extracted from the Report of the Executive Committee on Mew Territory. The gold yield of the Black Hills for the past vear was $4,000,000. The price paid for the Father De smet mine was 6400,000. Improvements in Machinery and mills completed and in process of con struction for the same company, 225. 000. The price paid for the Ilomestake mine, marly 5 100.000, and an 80-stamp mi!l nearly completed for the same company, The price paid for the Golden Terry was $100,000. The Giant brought 842,500. The owners of the Reno mine have refused $100,000 for that property. One half of the Rhoderic Dhu sold for 840,000. The Hidden Treasure has netted its owners to date $100,000; pays for la bor $6,000 per month, and has at pres ent a half million tons of ora in sight and could not to-day be purchased for less than $300,000. The Fairview, Aurora, Keets, Old Abe, (iestin, Woolley, Alpha, Lincoln and Ilomestake No. 3 are mines equal ly rich, and have yielded their owners llattering returns. There are 650 stamps at presant in operation m the Hills. Old hundred and fifty are nearly ready to begin work. The Arrest of Mr. John J. Moore Harmon and others. I- J. Fremont is gaining a considerable no toriety in matteis criminal, and the latest thing in that line is the arrest of J. J. Moore on the charge of grand larceny and L. J. Harmdft as an accom- plice to the crime. In August. 1877, a robbery was com mitted on the mail line of the Uhion Pacific railroad. It was done by some one who had access to the registry de partment. The amount of money ta ken is not exactly known, but is sup posed to be somewhere between S10, 000 and 30,000. In the amount stolen there wms known to be the sum of 85, 000 in S3 notes on the Bank of Mon treal, Canada, running from number 142,000 to number 143,000. This mon ey was sent by Bell & Smithers, New York agents of the bank, to a gentle man at J; ort Uenton. Montana. His story of the affair, as reported in the Chicago Tribune is this: The money which was the cause of the trouble was brought into my place by a man who wanted to make a trade for some goods. The goods were dia monds and watches. The amount of the trade was S3.500. When the man came to pay me I was afraid of the notes, because I wasn't used to them. They were new, done up in packages of S-100. There had been so much talk about forgeries and counterfeiting that 1 was not sure that this tnouey might not be wrong somehow, bo I went with it to a bank and asksd them if it was good, and they said they thought it was not. Then I went to the International Bank and showed it to them, and they said they were not sure, but they would send it over to the bank of Mon treal and mid out, and the next thing 1 knew I was in charge Do you know how the money came into the hands of the man you got it of?' 'No ; but I understand it was some sort of transation with gamblers, some sort of gambling or bunko deal.' Dp you know the man who made the trade with you for the goods?' No; I don't know who he wa3. He was introduced to me by other parties. You had no idea that there was any thing wrong with the money? 'No more than that I was afraid it might hava been a forgery.' To continue the story locally, John ny Moore was arressed at Riverside on Tuesday last. Frank Harmon, the sou of L. A. Harmon, was telegraphed to tell Johnny to meet his father at that place, it being the meeting point for the two U. P. passenger Trains. The name of L. A. Harmon was signed to the telegram. Innocently enough Johnny obeyed the summons, and when he entered the car at Riverside was much overjoyed to see his friend Harmon, toward whom he extended his hand with a hearty 'Hello, Lime!' A gentleman named Spurling, a spe cial service officer, seated near Har mon looked quietly up then and said 'How are you, Johnny?' Johnny knew the game was up. Harmon and Moore were taken to Laramie, where they waived examina tion Moore was admitted to bail of $10,000, but being unable to procure that bail was committed to jail. Moore has a wife in this city who is a pleasant little lady. She is terribly grief-stricken and humiliated by the disgrace of her husband. Fremont Tribune. Professor Silliman has stated that "lightning rods cannot be relied upon unless they reach the earth, where it is permanently wet, even in timos of the severest drought, and the best security is offered by carrying the rod, or some good metallic conductor, which is duly connected with it to the water in the well, or to some other body of water that never fail." Professional, indignant beggar to indigent confrere "You miserable wretchl Here you have been abjectly poor at this church-door for four years, and you ain't rich yet!" (Which recalls the colloquy between two Dublin beg gars; "Well, Mrs. Callaghan, what did you give your daughter Judy When she married?" "Faith, then, I did my duty by the child. Did'nt I give her the westside of Sackville street, which, if well begged, is worth SO shillings a week."i ore who has visited the temple ol the Three Thousand God3 in Kyoto, Japan, says that one thousand of them are life size and hold the smaller ones in their hands. They stand in ranks like soldiers. Every one is richly gilded, and as the sliding doors of the great temple were thrown back and the sun shot its ray nlong the line it made a spectacle of dazzling sqdendos 31 A ItRIKIl. r-EOPST THAYER On Tuesday. Feb. Wtli. 1X78. Iv the Rev. W.-S. I'.Uekl'iirn. Mr. IliiB fi:t I.'. Pnors-T to Mis I.v.ns Tmayf.k, :ill of Cass County. LYNX FOLDEN On Mon.l.iv. Feb. 2.MH. lit the I'ounty .IwlKtr'.xplliee, Mr. Anikpw Lynn of Filmore County. Xrt.. lo Mls Sarah J. Foldkx, ol Cas Cutiuly. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. KErOKTHl) i;Y F. K. WIllTK. Wheat. No. 2 . 3 ; rcjeeteil Corn, ulielled. (new) (old) Corn, ear Oats .. liarley. No. 2 "3 " rejected Kye T.Vi"'-TS Id is 15 13 is 15 30 latest new yokk markets New Yokk. Feb. 27. Money 'TW UoM,. lo: LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. CllICAOO. Fell. 27 Flour Wheat Corn Oa'.s, Hye Harlrv N.uiv'e Cattle... Texas Caitle.... Hogs 5 O0U5 25 1 02 00' t 4(i .3 .r03 80 2 CiK&l 80 3 7SCii3 55 SPECIAL. NOTICES. There will be a meeting of the Cass County Agricultural Society, on Sat urday March the 2nd 1878 at the Court House in Plattsmouth Neb., at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose of elect ing officers of the Society for the en suing year, and to transact such other business as may come before said so ciety A general attendance of all per sons interested in the Agricultural in terest is desired. By order of the President, J. P. Youxo, 48t3 Secretary Potatoes Early Rose, Peach Blows, a large lot for sale cheap at 46 t4 J. V. ECKACn s. You can save a large per cent of your corn crop by reading"Three Blind Mice, and following advice. 34tf -Magazines bound here. tf Several loads here now. of corn or oats taken 41tf Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Office ; also scale book 3 for grain and cattle dealers. 4Ctf Notice. As I am about to leave Platts mouth March 1st for my farm, near Weeping Water, I hope all those ow ing me will at once come forward and pay as I need the money aud must set tle my accounts. 48t2 L. W. Gibersox Grand reduction in Blankets, Scarfs, Caps etc., at Maldaner & Herrmann s. New price. Old price. White RlVt S3 00 $2 73 a pair, - 82 so 00 u 4 00 00 50 00 25 00 00 50 00 00 Colored , Horse tf Temperance. Realising the sad fact that the Red Ribbon men are bent on starving me out, I propose to hurry up the crisis by putting down billiards to ten cents a game. Temperance beverage and good ci g;irs furnished only to those who want them. I will force nobody to take anything violating their obligations. Note: Indians, Idiots, Drunkards, Wo men and Little Boys are not admitted to any of the privileges of my places as I keep the only Real Temperance Billiard Hall in this town. 48t3 Wm. Neville. TO THE AFFLICTED. Act wisely, and at once procure the following xjDonderful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ler's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitter's Calisaya 2'onic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. - 20-yl The Western Rnral. Tiik Westf.rx Ecrai.. of Chicajro, U rap idly gi ow ing In popularity and influence, for the enterprising and aggressive spir t it man ifests. Its several ilepartmeuts are full of in terest and admirably adapted to nil the inter ests of the Farm and the Fireside. It advo cates equal rights to all clauses, and ntnnf:ly opposes the encroachments of capital and the eriniling monopolies which tend to get a foot hold in our laud. The summary of Kenrral news nnd market reports Is excellent. In fact ThkWesteun Rl'ka l tins assumed the van tage ground as belus the foremost of its kind in tins countrv. We are not surprised that ita circulation aud influence are rapidly extending. 4St3 FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-'.ng tobacco al ways on hand. 20-tf . A New Barber Shop. I beg leave to announce to the pub lic that I have opened a barber shop in the west room of the Platte V alley House, neatness and the best of work manship warranted. Respectfully, 47t4 JOI1X SCHICKETAXZ. NOTICE. To the Vmaha A itthtcnttru It. II. Co.: The annual mctinjr of the Stockholders of the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad Company will he held at the office of the Burlington & Missouri Kiver 1 R. Co. in Nebraska, in IMatts moulli, N'ebraska.Thursday the 28th d;iy of Feb ruary ensuing, at 11:30 a. in., for the election of Directors, and any other business that may legally come before the meeting. .l'o. N. Djsxisox, Secretary. Bofcton, Jan. 2M, 1878. 4U For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf Farm for 'Sale. A well improved farm of lfio acres for sale, near Eight Mile Grove, Cass County, Neb. The improvements consist of I'Joacres under cultiva tion, good house mid outbuildings, and a fine grove of timber. For further particular anply to Willett l'ottcngcr, at l'l;Utinonth : or, Hen ry KirUhain, on the premise. 34ui3 II r.i.e for the weak, nervous.and debilitated Chronic and painful diseases cured without medicine. Electric Belts and other appliances, all about them, and how to distinguish the gen uine from the spurious. Book, Willi full partic u!ar, mailed free. Address Fclvekmacher Cai.vanic Co., 1'02 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. l8T-alt. Flour Reduced. Best family Hour can be had at $2.50 of F. S. White and J. V Weckbach. made at the Cder Creek and Weeping Water mills. Clinton & Johnson. 47t3 C.SCIILUNTZ. For Sale. A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty vears. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES PETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. Market Gardeners: Send for Roofs Garden Manual for 1878, full of instructions on gardtning topics, and price list of Choice seeds, sent for 10c allowed on first order for seeds. Address, J. B. Root. 46tl0 Rockford, Illinois. One of the best farms in Cass County Nebraskfor sale, cheap. Address The Herald Office, 47t5 Plattsmouth Neb. A Gentle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and? sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colus, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularsize, 75c. 38tf-alt Ojstersl Fresh Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be found at F. S. Whites's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and crisp every Satur day, by express. Call and get the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa. 34tf. Tho grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had fpr the next 60 davs in clotbinz. Boots tfnd shoes iri- f eluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf New type new type, come in with your jobs. tf Stockholders Notice. The annual meelliiK of the Stockholders of the Biirlin'.'lon & Missouri lUver Railroad Compa ny iu Nebraska, will be held at the office of the Company lu I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Thursday the i.Sl h pay of February ensuing, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the election of Directors, and any oth er business which may legally come before the meeting. J.vo. N. Den'Ison, Secretary. Boston, Jan. Jf-'d, 1878. 40U Bring in your Herald office. corn or oats to the 41tf. Corn and oats taken at this office on Subscription at market rates. 41 tf Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator." Air Three BMnd Mice, Three tliDiisaud rats ! Three thousand rats ! Three thuiisund rats ! See how they run ; think wliat they eat Millions to feed. They all run after the farmer's wife ; Who soon put an end to their useless strife, By killing these constant pest of her life. By giving them "Centennial Rat Ex terminator" the safest and most cer tain Rat Exterminator in the world. It will save millions of corn annually It will positively exterminate the pest from your premises and kill them as they travel, thus leaving no telltale dead rat to warn others from eating Centennial Rat Exterminator. You get rid of every rat without the dan ger attending the use of strychnine or arsenic. We challenge the world for a more profitable investment of 25 cents, and proclaim it the greatest economizer of the age. You will recommend it to your neighbors. For sale everywhere. A large introductory box postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. Star Manufac turing Co. Box 400, Ft. Madison Iowa. For sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. 34tf LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. d by a L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to ni directed, I will on the 2atU dav of March. A. D. 1878, at one o'clock p. m.. of said day. at the south door of the Court House, in I'lattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auction tlie following real estate, to-wit : The south-west quarter of sec tion thirty-six (36) In township ten (lo) north of ran'-e twelve 1'2 east of 6th 1. M. in Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as tne property of B. L. Harding. Willie I.. llardni', n m. Maoemiann. a. j. riouges, a. Kuuing, M. Carroll. George Boeck, Buttery & Lazeuby and E. CI. Dovey, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by The Colon Mutual Life Insurance Company of Maine I'laiiitilL Fiattsiuouth. Nebraska, Feb. 18th, A. I). 18(8. 4rt5 R. W. IIVKR8, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by Wm. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court wltblr and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 20l dav of March. A. D. 1878. at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the south door of the court House, lu riatisitioiiin, in saiu coun ty, sell at public auction the following real es tate, to-wit : The north half of the south-west quarter of section one (l ) town ten (10) range eleven (11) east of the Clh P. M. in Cass County Nebras. together with the appurtenances. The same bwing levied uyon and taken as the prop erty of John Kewton, Jane Newton. E. L. kee.i, Carrington Hammer and C. I. Squires, defend ants : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recov ered by John Black, plaintiff. Flattsniouth, Neb., Feb. 2t;th, A. D. 1878. 4915 R. W. II veru, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of ale Issued by W. 11. Hoover, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Nemaha Countv, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the 30th dav of March. A. D. 1878. atone o'clock p. ni., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth, Cass County, sell at public auction the follow ing real estate to-wit : The south half of the south-west quarter of sect ion twenty-eight (28.) in township number ten (10) north ol range No. nine (9) east, in the County of Cass and Mate of Nebraska. The same being levied upon and ta ken as the property of .losian F. Burdick and Deborah Burdick, defendants ; to satisfy a judg ment of said Court, recovered by George W. Reed and Edward 1. Reed, partners a Geo. W. Red Ac Company, plaintiffs. I'lattsmouth, Neb., Feb. is, A. D. 1878. 4st5 R. W. Uykks, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued bv Wm. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court within and for.Cass Countv. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 w ill on the 30th day of March, A. 1). 1878, at 3 o'clock p m.. of said day, at the south door of tne court nouse. in riausmoum. in saia coun tv. sell at public auction the following real es tate, to-wit : The north half of the north-west uuarter of section number thntv-two (3-') town- Miip number eleven (11) north of range number teu ilO) east of the 6th P. M.. together with ap purtenauces. The same being levied upon and taken as the proterty of George MeAdie. Sarah MeAdie, Edwin Park, David I. Selden and Agnes C. Knapp, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Nathan Jones, plaint iff. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. is. A. T. 1878. 48t5 R. W. Hyeru, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an or der of sale, issued by Win. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, to me directed, I will on the 16th day of March. A. D., 1878, at the hour of one 'clock p. in., of said day. at the south door of the Court House, in naid County, offer for sale at public auction, the following real estate, to wit ; lots two hundred and seventy-five C275) and two hundred and neveoty-six (2r) in the town of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska. The same having been levied upon and taken by virtue of said order of sale as the property of M. YouuRstedt and Anna. Voungstedt, de fendants ; to satisfy a decree of aid Coart therein rendered, on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1877, in favor ot Aarou C. Loder, executor of the last will and testament of Clarissa H. Buck lev, plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. Uth. 1878. 47w5 11. W. Hyeks, Sheriff. ARNES' FOOT POWER MACHINERY. 131 different machines with which Builders, Cabinet Makers, Wagon Makers and Jobbers In miscellaneous w ork can'compete as to quali ty asi price with steam power manufacturing ; also Amateur's supplies, saw blades, fancy woods and de signs. Sav where you read this and send for catalogue aud prices, w . F Joujf Barnes, Rockford. Winnebago Co. 13142 James Pettee DEALER IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrivalled Mason A Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Steck, Henry F.Miller, and Hallet A Cumston Pianos for Cass and Sarpy counties. Neb. Cillandsee SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Tnning and repairing Tianos and Organs a specialty, under tlie skillful hands of Mr. S. M. Brown, a tuner of thirty-three years experience. NEW BARBER SHOP. JOHN SCHICKETANZ, formerly of Council Bluffs has Just opened a barber shop in Plattsmouth. in the w est room (ground floor) of the PLATTE T.4LLE1 IIOl SU, He Is ready to do good work, proposes to keep a neat, clean aud wholesome plaee, and kindly solicits the patronage ot the public. 46ml PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOIIX BOXS, Proprietor. THE OLD RELIADLE IIOI SE. ! Good accommodations for Farmers and the travelinz public Board 31 per day. Meals 23c Entirely reattea anu re-furnished, and farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals aud bed for $1.00. Srn3 S j S Sj x ci S s S & S 2 Z CO : : : : : : : : :"3a5 . . . . .Jt$ : : "3 '. c ; . IS 3 5 C3 ; : : : :,s?ri6i o to a W OS M w M . Y. O 13 S3 a C3 o w N TEMPERANCE REFORM BV REV. W. II. DAN I ELS, A. M. Trofuselv Illustrated w ith portraits and Sketch es and containing over )0 Pages. C2 A WHOLE TEMPERANCE LIBRARY IN" A SINGLE VOLUME. Agents wanted every where. Address for extra Terms and Circulars. 4814 Hitchcock & Walduu, Cin., Chicago & St. Louis. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "1 J T 4 VT WKelail I" ' 3:3 "! v p"r L M J lV9?ltn. organ, price $375 only 41C3. Paper iree. s. I. scr.r. " saaastcaK j. OCT ancy cards. Snowflake, Damask, &e. N ntu-nnllki with nnnie liw Nassau Card C No 'o. Nassau N. Y. DP-IT flT TJTD rDTJPSeven-Bhnrrevolverwith Illjf ULVJtlll I UDLlbox cartridges. Address. J. Bown & Son, 130 & l is Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa S50 For CASE of CATARRH thatSAN FORn'8 Rauk'AL Ci'kk for Ca tarrh will not instantlv relieve and speedily cure. References, Henry Wells, E-i.. Wells. Faruo & Co., Aurora, N. Y. ; Wm. Bowen. Lsij., Mc. Ilatton, Grant & Bowen. St. $50? uis. Testimonials and treatise bv mail. Price, with improved uhaler. 81. Sold everywhere. POTTER, Proprietors, Boston Mais. TR'FLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEIiOUS WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for 'Ol;lIW, and all diseases of the THlfcOT. M ;M, CIIKHT and MICOIS ME1IBKAXE. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. CniTTENDOX, 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO was awarded lilglieMt prir.e at Centennial Exposition for flue clicicirw tiHtilitic and cicel Irncc and Iatfn character of Ktreeteniiia and flaiYirinu. If you want the bet tobocco ever made, ask your grocer ior tins, anu see mat each plug bears our blue strip trade-mark with words Jackson's Best on it. Sold at wholesale by all Jobbers. Send for sample to C. A. Jackson & Co., M l rs., Petersburg, a. VEGETIXE. No. 16 Lagrange St .SoCTll SALHlI, Mass. Mk.11. R. Stevens : Dear Sir I have been troubled with Scrofula, Canker and Liver Complaint for three years. Nothing ever did me anv good until 1 commenc ed using the VEGETINft. I consider there Is nothing equal to it for such comulainls. Can heartily recommend u to everybody. Yours truly, Mrs. Lizzie M. Packard. HONEY OF MTONDAND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Cousin. CoidM. Inflaenita. llosrwfncss, Oillicult Itreathiusr. and all A free -tionn or the Throat, Kronehtal Tubes, and Lun;. leading to Codsiidi ption. Price 60 cents and $ 1 per bottle. SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. CiUTTENbOX. Prop., 7 Sixth Ave.. N. Y. 4St4 CONTINUOUS ALL-RAIL ROUTE ! NO CHANGE OF CAKSX ONE ROAD, ONE MANAGEMENT! From csskuacjo to Pittslmrtli, HarrisbuTg, Baltimore, .Washington, PuilaSclnMa & Mi Tort. Great Short Line To BOSTOHI! VIA NEW YORK CITY. Reaches all Points in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Pullman Palace Cars ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS I MAGNIFICENT CARS KQUIPFED WITH THE CELEBRATED WESTINGHOTISE AIR BRAKES Janney's New Patent Safety I'latform and Coupler. Elegant Eating Houses WITH AMPLE TIME FOR MEALS. THREE EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS 8.00 A. M. SPECIAL FAST EXPRESS EX CEPT SUNDAY. With the popular Vestibule Sleeping Car Reaches Pittsburgh, 2 M a. m. ; IfarrieburK, 11 :45 a. in. ; Philadelphia, 4 :00 p.lin. j New York 6 :15 p. in. ; Boston, 0 .15 a. m. ; Baltimore 6 :30 p. in. ; Washington, 9 :00 p. in., next day. 5:15 I. M. Atlantic Exp. (ailj) With Drawing-Room and Hotel Car. Reaches PUtt-burgh, 12 :15 p. in. ; Harrfsburz. 10:65 p. m. , Philadelphia. 3 :V a. m. ; New York 6 :45 a. nx. ; Special Philadelphia Sleeping Car on this Train, which remains in depot until 7 :30 a. m., affording Philadelphia passengers a full nighi's rest. 9:10 P. M. Night Exp. Except Saturd'y. With Drawing-Room Sleeping Car. Reaches Plttbureh 7 :30 p. m 3 AO a. m. : Baltimore, 1 ;45 a. iu. IlarrwburR. Va.ihini:toa 0 k a. ni. ; Philadelphia, 6 :(0 a. in Nevw ork. 10 :3A a. m. : Boston, :40 p. in. Thrush Kalti more and Washington bleeping Car on this Triia. FAKE ALWAYS AS LOW A3 A'Y 'SZH. Z.IVE. tyThrough Ttciets for fale a.t all Principal Pmnts iu the Wen A&k for Uiein Tiathe FuET WAVNE& PENNSYLVANIA LINE. F. R. MY EES, ; 4Sly Gen. ras. & Ticket At., Chicago, o;z-rs 'i:Sr'2ijr' i s : " fc Ed " 5 " -'Li: -X - 5 c t; s i-'-' c 2 5 x b-r- m - - J i:i Z'oZ O" I OS X . O I - r; 3 ; d Sr. r3 2 X H y- : K - 2 -j ;s"7x "3 v ? v 3 m - - THE OLD RELIABLE WILLIAM HEROLP, denier lu Dili' GOODS. CLOTH 5. BLANKETS. FLANNELS, FUKNISHlNli GOODS. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stork f BOOTS and SHOES CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Queenswarc, and lu fact everything you can call for ia the lluis ot General Merchandise. cash r.vii) rou Hint: and fuus. All kiuds of country produce taken in ex change for good. 3lyl CMcap Bnrlinstoa & Qnincy R. R. IS THE DIRECT ROUTE EETWEEN THE East and West, RunniEg Through Caia Council Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad -ron Al.I. rZT3 IN X Klill ASK A. VOLOIIADO. wroMixa. CTAir. MOXTAXA. XKVADA. ATllZUXA, IDA 70 AND Califos?S3.iSL. T IB It O U 5 II C A K S TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA.ATCEISON k St. jQSeutL Through Cars tHQUST0Nnml a11 1,w,,,t" on niSMOLItl. KAXHAH &. TKXAM, AND Houston k Texas Central Kailltoads. IT IS THE DIRECT BOTITB FROM THE West to the Ea&t AND THE jsn: TO THE WEST All Information about rate; of fare will b cheerfully given by applylnp to U W. HITCHCOCK. Gen. V,'c. 1'at. A't., 4i'ly CniCAiO. CO U NTE R, PLAT FO R! VAGON. &JRACK THE BEST ARE i L c-rTHE CHEAPEST MARV1H SAFE SCflLECQ 265 BROADWAY. Y. 121 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA. PA. 117 SENECA ST. CLEVE. Q. j A. G. HATT, JUST OPENED AGAIN, New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street In Fred Kroehler' old utautf Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. 2rl. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE STILL, TWO DOORS EAST OF POST OFFICE. KEEN AX & GRACE. Where you can get your Christ mas and Js'ew Years CIGARS AND LIQUORS. Good "Star A" whiskey at 1.50 per gallon. Wines and Liquors generally. SCOTCH AND 1EISH WHISKIES made a specialty. seta MONEIl to loan, S1OO.O00 To loan on Improved farms In Cass ount y, at low rate of interest. Applications solifited. Plattsmouth. ilarcb 177. J N. WISE. yOW KEADY FOR AGENTS ! The Great Strikes! I That timely now book, by Hon. J. a Dx-m. j A compWtt history ol the cause and thnlllnz events of the great railroad ad iabo( war al ' trtr thr x try. Frv zly IZLCf lEArrii, : AGESTti WAXTEU ever ' he re. Ths bei cnuic to make money ever offered. He i ware of inferior works. Getthebtetandlowes; i pr""ed. Addtv j K.nS STANDARD EOOK HOCSr, t I ,-t , Ik V"? v. 5 .W NkaiK- ft!