' I. -1 I for 1 . if I? f Hi A i '1 ( 5 Iff THE HERALD. LOCAL XEWS B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Co netted Thursday, January 10, 1ST 8 FOR OMAHA l'-ltOMTLATTSMOrTU. l eaves ; :is a. m. Arrives 8 :.v a. in. 2 :.W p. in. ' 3 A', p. in. FROM OMAHA FOR I'LaTTSMOUTII. I.PiiTpg o :0r. a. in. Arrives 10 :24 a. m. 0 :W p. in. " " roi: THE WEST. Usvn T'lattsmouth 9 :o a. in. Arrives I.iu eoln, VI -m p. in. ; Arrives Iteaiwy, :2- p. m. Freight leaves 10 :2i a. m. Ar. Lincoln 3 :;ir p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 0 :t) a. 111. Leaves Lincoln, J2 A'j p. in. Arrives rial isinouth. 3 :1(J p. m Freight loaves Lincoln n :35 a. in. Arrives 1'latlsinouth, 4 :'2Ti p. in. c.oixt; EAST. Express, a. m. I';'sseii!;cr. (train each day) 3 :r.O p. m., except Saturday. Kvery third Saturday a train con nects at the Usual time. A REIVAI. AM' DEPARTURE OK FLATTS MUITII MAILS. EASTKKN, -Oi:TUi:nX & SOCTIIF.RX . , , . . I Depart at - 0 M a. in. Arrive at - S :3o a. m. '.. .. . 3 :W p. ui. OMAHA. VIA R. & M. Arrive at lo :30 a. in. 1 Depart at - 2 :K p. in. WKSTK11N VIA B. Ac M. Arrivs ?t - 3 :1" P. in. Depart at - 9 :C0 a. ni. VVKK1-IN: AVATKIS. Arrive at Vi :00 hi. Depart at - 2 :0O p. in. ItttCK m.lFl'S VNION" MILLS. Arrive at U :00 m. I De part at - 1 :"0 p. m. J. YV. MARSHALL. I. M. L )C A L A D V E I :T I S F. M E NTS. Transient. 2--nt. a I'm". Regular advertis ers. t c-nt per '.me. No ad el tiseiiient iuselt- 1 for less than Z'i cents. I -,... 1 ntirAU 'it Sif-itntf r:.!cs- Attorney and oilicers ."f the law will lie neld rrs rsponsibfe for all lei:al notices they hand in, ,inl all parties ilesnaiK'.iii:: .:i proof if put ica i.m of ;uiv noti-e wiil be held lor the vuhliea- an i tioii Ice, of such notice. COMMUNICATION'S. As our pace is liviitcd. all co'umuiilen'lons must be brief and to tin-point, with no wasie of words. . 'I he paper is r-p"nvble f'-r the correctness :icc..rdiiiii to copy of paid mailer and paid 1-c-gals. only. 1 nv person who t:ikcs t!:e paper regularly frouitlif" pos'-oiliee. wlo-Hier directed lo Ins name, or w lo lhcr lie Is a subscriber t.r iiol ;s lesiMinsil.le for the pay. 2 if anv nerson i.rdeis h:s paper ihsi'OTif iii lie.'l he must pav all arrrar:-es. .r the iniblu.l-t-rinav (.uni:ii- to sen.l ;t n.il:i payment is ma'te and coll-et the whole amount, whether 1he paier is tak-n trom the oiliee or not. 1 me courts have decided that refn-lus to t v'e ncwsi.apers and periodicals trom the post ..vi,..- :ui. I 1. avitr- them i;n":illed f.r. . i-i )ri:n i turf evioem.e tn i.ir..Mi.,.,.,. : l l. -Solomon's homo. Nw type ncv type, eoiiiu 1U with your jol'S tf Tho Tfiii of Honor conliiHU'.s t Kfow ami nrospor. Dr. Mercer, hits gone to Tt -xas for his he:ilt!i. .Solomon ct- Natlrm lire coming out in a lig Ad next 'vc.-!:. l'rauk ;nti:ma'.'s r.t'W front im-l-rovt-s tin' sto;-f l-ii! ling very m;i;-o. M-vcrr.1 loail.s of corn or oats tafcon hoiuii'.w. -t':f -FnemiiSMh's Hall, at Omaha, cam-J ni'.ii licing ImniiV., on Fri,lay last. Choice o.itins aw -V.? hy th-.; bavn-1, l.iislu-l or iH-ck, at tlie V. O. X-vs le jt. The A V A M s at Xo. ivo lose to give a festival on the 211 of Vtb. Tiring in youv c : 'a ' r oats to the Hkuald olTivc. 41tf. Ehlcr 0. L- Muetze will iieach on Snn.lay 27th, ISIS, at 11 o'clock A. M. at the court house. McP.rhle read a very funny letter 1 efore the l'rcss Association about those cocktails and things. Corn and oats taken at this office on Subscription at market rates. 41tf Quarterly meeting 2G and 27th, of this month at the M. K. Church, Y. B. Slaughter, I). presiding Elder. Xew Card type latest styles of lyiie for Letter heads aipl liill heads now is your time to visit the Herald office. The man Lewis, whose leg was amputated last week, is very low and it is doubtful if he lives. During these long winter evening's you will want something good to read you can get it at the P. ). News De pot. r.uv your Inks for winter use at the . (). News Depot, where you will find large stock. 43 2t a Look out for Solomon & Nathan's big Ad next week, thats' the way to do business couldn't get it in this week. Phil Young, t lie handsomest man in town has a fresh supply of draught horses on hand so says Aleck Schlegel. Qctti: a number of persons have of fered to bring us corn or oats when we did not need them, now we will take some gladly on Subscription. 4ltl Judge Sprague has gone and left us at last. Those Black Hills seem to swallow up a good many of our kind. Buy the Musical Library, contain in" three pieces of Music for only 10c for sale at the P. O- News Depot. 43 2t The Chronicle is improved very much typographically, by the change in Editors. Mr. Thomas takes hold as if he knew how. TheSteen Family appeared here Satnrday and Monday nights. They had bad luck, slim houses, but gave a real good performance arid paid their bills like gentlemen. rhil Young at the P. O. News De pot sells the Brown Bros. & Co'?, cele brated "delicious" Caramels, best in the market, try them once, and you will buy no other. Judge Linch has left us and gone to New Orleans, to reside permanently. We are sorry to lose the Judge, he was a gentleman in every respect and a thorough Bcpublican to boot. Dr. XV. B. Slaughter, rresiding El der of Omaha District, will hold a quarterly meeting in the M. E. Church the 20th and 27th. Preaching on Sat urday 2 p. m. and 7 p. m., Sunday 1 1 a. m. and 7 p. m. You know you lie in bed of a morning, wondering what you will have for breakfast. Consult the Home Cook Book, and secure relief. Our book stores sell it. Price SI. 50. Mr. Hesser brings the Herald a couple of bunches of pieplant. Just think of it! piepls.nt at this se;ison of the year; but then Mr. Hesser always was ahead of the times, and he always remembers the editor too. Jos. Connor, Alexander, our grain devouring friend, of the South Platte country gets one in, on Dr. Miller, our North Platte Friend of the Omaha Herald, that may be considered a set tler. "We learn from the Fremont Trib une, that Mr. Abbott, formerly of this place "skipped out'' from there under rather adverse circumstances. He did not come back to the town where Mac Murphy lives. He was Abo(u)t play ed out when he left. Mr. Cooley, P. M. at Eagle, is the happy progenitor of a new Postmaster, that is, in the course of time, if things go right, he may take his daddy's place and become a celebrated Nasby at four corners Eagle district. .Messrs Solomon & Nathan have brought with them from St Joseph their bookeeper a Mr. James Finley, who will remain here as a salesman and will be found a thoroughly posted and very agreeable person to deal with. Mr. Schickelanz, a brother-in-law of Mr. Henry Boeck. of this place, has established himself as a barber in the neat rooms of the Platte Valley House, and oi ened up a very neat and invit ing shop. He was former!' of Co n c:l Bid lis. Tev.iperMce He.idiii? Honi. The Temperance Pealing Thiom will be open to the public on Friday eve ning, all per.-ons vh are willing to aid bv c!;lvi'.!'.itii.::s of books, periodicals and furniture will please send tl.em in as soon as passible. The Ladies' Tem perance Union wiil hold their meeting in the Beading Boom this (Thursday afternoon at o'clock. The case of D. II. Wheeler and others against the City of Plattsinouth and others, commonly known as the tax injunction case, was decided by Judge Pound in favor of the enjoinots or Plaintiffs; by agreement it was car ried up to the Supreme Court and will be argued this week. We hope this will be settled speedily and all taxes declared legally due be paid at once on such decision being made. Musical Instruments. If you want something that should be in every famil-, a noon Piaxo or Organ give mo a call and I will fur nish you one and guarante satisfaction at a low price and on the easiest terms No one can afford to be with out one or the other. A sample of the EXCEEDINGLY rOITLAR STYLE 210 i Mason fc Hamlin Organ can bo seen at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store on Gth near Main St. I have se cured the services of Mr. F. Mewes a competent Trxi:n. Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. James Pettek. Orders left at Mr. Johnson's wiil be attended to with dispatch. 43t2 A large and numerously signed petition was presented to the Council Saturday evening, asking that the Li cense of all Saloon keepers in town be raised to ? 1.000. After a strong de bate ic was raised to !?-"j00 hereafter. The Council stood 4 to 2 in the rise. Some at least of the saloon men have License now, until June. Others will expire soon. There is considerable ex citement over the situation among those interested in the business. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for February now ready. In addition there are a number of excellent Short Stories by popular authors; the con tinuation of 'The American Countess," by Etta W. Pierce; a beautiful chrome frontispiece, illustrating a Parisian marriage fete of eighty years ago, with interesting descriptive matter; Scien tific Notes, and so forth, in almost endless variety. Each number of the Popular Month ly has lS pages quarto, and 100 very interesting illustrations. It is with oat doubt the cheapest and one of the best and most popular magazines pub lished in the English language. Send in your subscriptions to begin with the January number, and com mence the new volume, as also the new serlcl story '-The American Count ess." Annual subscription price, S3; sin gle copies, 25 cents postpaid. Address, Frank Leslie, 537 Pearl Street, N. Y. Go and see Phil Young's new chro-mo's. It is reported that Sheriff livers took Mr. Oyger, living near "Weep ing "Water, to the Insane Asylum last week. He seems to bo crazy on politics partly. Report comes to us that Billy Shrvock, in traveling over the western part of the county got badly frost-bitten. Cold water's, good Billy put it on gradual; the red rib-bon may help. Temperance Meeting. The Bev. W. B. Slaughter will de liver a Temperance Lecture at the M. E. Church on Friday evening at 7 GO P. M. He is a rousing speaker well posted on the subject. All wanted to turn out. The riattsmonth Debating Society. Meets at the Court House, Saturday evening at o'clock ; all are invited to attend. Question: Resolved that Wom en have more influence in ennobling Society than man." Beading, John Way man and A. T. Humphrey; Extemporaneous speech, W. F. Morrison. C. F. Nichols. J. Waymav, President, Secretary. rrof. Bronson a blind Phrenolo gist has been here for several nights accompanied by his w ife They Lec ture and examine heads and have had the Court House full every evening so far. The boys are having lots of fun over the Professors' prognostications, he told Elam Parmele he should have been a lawyer, and Phil Young that he was too good looking to live long, be sides giving him a chromoo Every body, wants to go and see Mr. Bronson. Soldiers Attention! All Soldiers who served 00 days or in the Union Armv, and who Home steaded, 40, SO, or 120 acres of land, are entitled to 120, 80, or 40 acres more or onouzh more that when added to the Homestead already made, will make 1 CO acres, additional right for volunteers. Cash paid for these addi tional rights Send address and the time when you Homesteaded. the com pany and Regiment you served in. Cor respondence Solicited from anyone. Address J. P. Yorxo, P. O. News Depot, 43 2t Plattsinouth, Neb. We want to announce that the Herald has received, among ether new material, fjuite an extensive as sortment of wood type, something we have always been short of before. AVe can now print posters, dodgers c, to a much better advantage than before. We have also received, and have order ed, a large lot of new job and adver tising type; latest styles of card type, 0. &c. We mean to canvass the town thoroughly for work as soon as we are prepared to do it, and if you m an to support your home, printing business now is the time to show your go-j.l will. Thomas Jackson, a practical coal miner, who has been prospecting, for coal in the vicinity of Omaha for the last year or two, has struck a vein of c :! eighteen inches thick, and a vein of fire. clay, six feet thick r.ewn miles below Plattsinouth. He is beir.g as sisted by three other men. The coal is said to be in a paying quantity, and in quality it is between the Wyoming and Iowa 'oals. Mr. Jackson intends to bring a load of it to Omaha next week for inspection. -Bee. O.i'.y hopj you've foun 1 it, Mr. Thom as J wkson, "practical coal miner," but we've been all through that coal out fit and business with high hopes once, and got disappointed. Ordinance Xo. 82. An Ordinance raising the License of Liquor Dealers, Saloon Keepers and Dram Shops from one hundred Dol lars to Jive hundred dollars. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the May or and Councilmen of the City of Platts inouth, Cass County. Nebraska, that Section No. Two of Ordinance No Seventy-seven, issued and approved Feo ruary 17th, 1S77, be and the same is hereby amended so that it shall read as follows, viz: Sec. 2. That Section Eight of Ordi nance No. Forty-two, be so amended that it shall read as follows: Five hun dred dollars instead of two hundred dollars, as the amount to be paid for the License, therein provided for, by the applicant for said License, provid ed that all the other provisions of said Section shall remain unchanged by this Ordinance. Sec. 3. That all Licenses shall date from the 1st day of May of each year, or shall pro rate, save and except that all Licenses now in force shall continue until their expiration. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, as required by law. "Signed, J. W. Johnson, A ttcst : Mayor. J. 1). tiMFSox, Clerk. 44tl Personal. Prof Thompson came down week to see old Plattsmouth. last Nicholas Cox, of Weeping Water, came in to see the Herald yesterday. Two old and prominent citizens of Omaha and the state died last week, Geo. Mills and St John Goodrich. Bishop Clarkson will be in Decatur on Sunday tho 20th, to administer the rite of Confirmation and in Grand Island the 27th. Mrs. Crocker and family sold their building lately to Mr. John Leach who removes his place of busiuess therein. Mrs. Crocker has gone to Kansas City, and Miss Crocker to Chi cago. Mr.Schnasse left for tho "Ebony protuberances" last week, and Platts mouth will miss him sadly, in a busi ness way. He was a liberal dealing man, trying to live and let live always and wo hope ho may come back more than satisfied with his far west venture. Our young friend Chester Smith took the girl of his choice. Miss Nellie Black, and left for the east, when they come back we shall be happy to wel come Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That's the way there was a Wed ding over at Br. Geo. Black's house yesterday. Mr. C. II. Smith was married to Miss Neliie Black by the llev. Mr. Black burn and the happy couple go east for a wedding trip. For Sale or Trade or to rent on good terms, the place where I now live, known as the"Schild knecht place." Call at the Herald Of fice for particulars. Peter Bates. Mr. Chamberlain and Son are very busy putting Plattsmouth feather beds and pillows in order, and they seem to have their hands full; we can recco mend them for ye editor's wife sent down a pair of pillows to be renovat ed and they returned three, that ought to speak well for them. Their rooms are on lower Main St. opposite But tery's Drug store. MAItltlF.n. LKWIS-ELSWICK At the residence of the bride's lather, on Rock Creek, Saunders Co. Neb.. Thursday. December i::th.ls77. bvChas. 'J'nrnev, .1. T.. Ik. Hakxky N. Lewis and Mis.s An xa M. Ki.swick.. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. KK.rOJITF.il HY F. E. WHITE. Wheat. No. 2 " 3 " rejected Corn, hhelled. . . . Corn, ear Oars Rai l- y. No. 2 "3 " rejected Rye so 70 L'0'.-.L".' n 13 15S HO is IS so Latest new yorx markets New oi:k. Jan. 3. Mont'v.. . . Cold,.'.... 4 101 LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Cnic.voo, Jan. 2-T. 5 oo r. -" : Flour Wheat Corn Oars Kve It ."trier Native Cattle. Texas Cattle.. H'S. , I (rj3 41 'J 4 .M 50 3 r.tvT-a so .... 2 5!it.t rm 3 XiKtUi ! Oysters! rre!i Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be found at F. S. Whites's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and cri-p every Satur day, by express. Call and get, the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. IlKl.r for the weak, nevvons.and deiuiitated Chronic ami jiainfti! dNeases cured without me:!iciiie. Electric I'-.-'t-i and odor apiiliaii'-cs. all about thm. and how 1 ilitiii-iu'.-'i the j;eii iiiiic t. "iii t'.iesmirions. r.oo',-. with f ail jiarth.j-ula:-. m.;i!cd free. Address IT i.v !::: M A ,H r it Galvanic Co.,--j- vi;i' S;rc-'., Cincinnati, o. is.'.l-alt. New .Is a t Sc .-1 fli ers. Joseph Schlattr, the Jeweller, lias gone into a new iv.A extensive line of I goods in .!!, li; ion to ins u.sual .Jewelry ! Sloe!:. His store is 1:1 led with new and l oautM'ul goods of various kinds. 3?!l!.'i:s his new stock of Watches, Clot ks and Jewelry, Silver Ware, t lie best in the market. in:ns Spectacles, pocket knives. Purges; Chi na and Bohemian Ware; Musical In struments, Strings and Music Books. Children's toy Wagons Hobby horses, &.C., and a host of knick nacks and cu rious toys for holiday presents for children's amusement; Bird Cages, Cent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large line of new goods in every branch of the business. (Jive him a call ,OS. SCII L ATER. 31tf Main St. Plattsinouth. A Gertie Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of teuiperat ure, rain, wind and? sunshine often intermingled ill a single da)", it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us hy neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee'a (Jerman Svrun kept about ryour home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor s bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Sevepe Coughs, Croup or any other di sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. (lerman Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularsize, 7"5e. titftf-alt J. V. Weckbach says he's herded on salt in quantity, quality and price. Will not bo undersold. 27tf Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa. 4tf. By universal accord Ayer's Ca thartic Pills are the best of all pur gatives for family use. They are the product of long, laborious, and success ful chemical investigation, and their extensive use. by Physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, proves them the best and most effectual and purgative Pill that med ical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pill can bo compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in per fect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they preveri and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effectual, cathartic is required. For sale bv all Dealers. You can save a large per cent of your corn crop by reading "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. C4tf For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf SPECIAL XOTICES. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old phy iclan retired from active practice, having had placed in hU hands by an East In dian niissioimry the formuhi or a siiu;le vegeta ble remedy for the epeedy and pnii;uient cure of Consumption, Rronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma, and all Throat and Lung nneetions, also a posi tive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous complaluts, afler havin;; thoroughly tested its wonderful curative poweis in thous ands of cases, feels it his duty to make it kuown tc his suflering fellows. The recipe w ill be sent free of charge, to all n ho desire it, with full di rections for preparing and .sueces-fully using. Address with stamp, naming this paper. Or. J, C. Stone, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Ia. G4m 15 1 (.3 G EST THIXG OUT. Grains of Wheat measuring one-half inch In length. SAMPLE FIIEE. to every Farmer iii the L'nited States. Greatest Curiosity in Seed ever seen. S. Y. fin in os &. Co , Sweetwater, Teiiu. Air Three li'ind Mice. Three thousand rats ! Three thousand rat ! Three timusaud rats ! See how they run ; think hat they eat M illiolis to feed. They all run after the farmer's wife ; W ho soon put an end to their useless strife. By killing these constant pest of her life. By giving thein"CVHfeniit Hat Ex terminator" the safest and most cer tain Bat Exterminator in the world. It will save millions of corn annually It will positively exterminate the pest from your premises and kill them as they travel, thus leaving no telltale dead rat to warn others from eating Centennial Bat Exterminator. You get rid of e very rat without the dan ger attending the use of strychnine or arsenic. We challenge the world for a more profitable investment of 23 cents, and proclaim it the greatest economizer of the age. You will recommend it to your neighbors. For sale everywhere. A large introductory box postpaid on receipt of 23 cents. Star Manufac turing Co. Box 400. Ft. Madison Iowa. For sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. 3itf TO TIIK Al'I'MCTF.I). Act wisely, and at once procure the f ol 1 o wi n g wo n de rfu I F am i 1 y M ed ic i n es. Dr. Fitler's Biieumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Bead, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fil ler's Kidni-y Cordiil removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. fitler's Calisaya Tonic, lor debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitter's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists, Chapman it Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl L'se 'Centennial Bat Exterminator." Messrs. E G. Dovey & Son have a fine stock of mens' Kip boots, also a large assortment of ladies side lace, misses' and chiidrens' shoes, in great variety, for sale at bottom prices. Give them a call !"r anything in the line of general merchandise, at their new store near head of Main St., soutli side. 27tf. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 00 days in clothing. Bots and shoes in cl'.iding a superh stock of ladies and children shoes, which wiil be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were ('ever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20lf J. V. Weckbach lias an immense stock of Fall, and Winter Dry and Fae.ey go.N and Groceries of all kinds. Farmers and Housekeepers give them a call for anything iu the line of Gen eral merchandise, 27tf. I li MIC 7 W .1 TT EXT I OX .' Julius lVppcrbcrg. Cigar Manufac turer, o:i Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. Foi Stde. Best qualities of plug-smok-;ng toiaecoalways on hand. 20-tf. Farm for Sale. A well improved farm of pn acres for sah near Light Mi'e Grove, Cass County. Neh. Ti e improvements consist of l-'-lacresunder cultiva tion, good house and outbuildings, and a line grove of limber. 1- or further particulars apply to Willett I'otteiiger, at l"latt-month : or. Hen ry Kirkhaiu, on the premises. 34m3 Good Books for the Farm, Garden & Household. The following is a list of Valuable Books, which will he Mihplicd from the olliee of the Nki'.hvsk v ilK.UAi.ti. Any one or more of these hooks will lie sent post-paid to any of our readers on rceipt of the reguiar price, which is named against cadi hook. Allen's (R L . L Fi New An. Farm Rook..?2 r.O Allen's il.. F.) American Cattle 2 ro At wood's Count ry am' Suburban Houses.. . 1 ro P. uumcr's Method of Making Manures 2" Breck's New Book of Flowers 1 75 RnU's Farm Ga"denimr and Seed Growing.. Da Ill's Modern Horse lHictor. )S mo.. Dadd's Ameiican Cat He Doctor, mo... Fiax Culture, 7 prize Essays by prac. gr'w's Fuller's Grape Cull m ist. .". Fa'ton's I'e.u'h Culture Gregory on Squashes paper.. 1 00 1 .TO i :n 1 N) l ro 30 l ro 1 -Mt i no 1 50 1 75 30 1 00 20 Harris on the Pig Henderson's Gardening for Pleasure Heudersou's Gardening for l'rorit Henderson ' Practical Floriculture Herbert's Hints to Horse- Keepers Hop Culture. By 'J exper n a d cultivators.. Hunter ami 1'rapper minus How t raise them Profitably Our Farm of Four Acres, l'a. 3(ic, Clo. 60c. ; K. Clo Parsons on the Uose Cjninby's Mysteries of llee-Keeping (Juiney (Hon. .In-ialO on Soiling Cattle (Juinn's .Money in the Garden..' (jiiinuV Bear Culture for Profit no ,V) "0 25 ."0 00 Kiiey s Potato l est. . . Paper .r0 cts, cloth.. Hoe's Play and Profit in iny Garden Stewart V lo i , ai ion for the Farm, Garden 75 1 50 Mm orchard Stewart's Stable Bi.ok Stewart's Shepherd's Manual Stoddard's An I.'izg Farm. l'a. 50c. ; cloth... Thomas' Farm Implements and Machinery Tim Bunker Panels : or. Yankee Farinliisr.. Tobacco Culture. By 14 exn'r'cd cultivators v nring s i training ior i ront anu iicauu.. Waring's Element of Agriculture "White's Cranberry Culture Wright's Practical Boultry-Keepei. . . . . These books are from the firm of Orange Judd Co., and are first-class. LEGAL XOTICES. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Mtry E. Loder, deceased, before A. N. Sullivan, County Judge, in ami for Cass Countv, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given' that E. D. Lauhlin has filed an application in the County Court, in and for Cass County, Neb., for the appointment of Jacob L. Phillies. ndniiid-Uraror of the estate of Mary E. ixler, deceased, and said cause is set tor liearinii at the office of the County Judge in I'lattsmoui n, on the Mil day of February, A. I. 1S7S. at 'i o'cloeiv p. in. of said day, at which, time and place all persons interested may ap pear and show cause if any they have why the saiil Jacob L. Bbillips slioiild not ho appointed administrator of sa d estate ' Witness mv hand this l:lh day of January. A. D. IK7K. at I'lattsmoui h. Neb. 4it3 . A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge. Notice. Nolice is hereby given to all persons having accounts against the entate of Samuel Mav, de ceased, to file the same in the office of the County Judf. at I'luttsmouth, Ciss Co.. Neh., on or before the iith day of June. A. it. ls?S. 43t3 A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge. Sheriff's Sale. Bv a t!ie of three several executions ismu by Win. I Wells. Clerk of the District Couit. within mul for Cass Countv, Nebraska, ami i me directed, I will on the 'Jsth dav of January. A. D. 187s. at 11 :"o o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door of ihe Court House in the i'.V ot I'lattsmout'.i. in said County, sell at public unction the foilowiim real vstale. to-wit : Lots one ( 1 1 two (2) three r four ( 1 liv.") anil .tin; (Hi in block ei chtv-o'ie isij in tbeCity of liatts inouth in said County. Also, the undivided, one fixtli interest iu lois one (l) and two (2) in Mock thirty (: in said City of l'lattsiuoiith. The same heimr levied upon and taken as th" property of E. II. Eaton, defendant ; to satisfy judgments of said Court, recovered by Mason & Hamlin Organ Company and others lis plaint iffs. liattsinoutli Neb.. Dee. 2;. A. P. 177. 4t5 M. B. Cutlkk. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an alias execution issued bv YV. L. Wells.Clerk of the District Court, within and for Casrf Countv, Nebraska, and to me direct ed. 1 will on the nil day of February A. 1). 17 at 11 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, inthecitv of Platts mouth. in faid County, sell at pufdic auction the following real estate, to-wit : Beginning at the quarter section corner, on the north side of .section seventeen 17) town eleven (lit north of range fourteen H) east of the tith I. M., thence east twenty (20 chains thence south twenty-four (24) chains thence west twenty (2n) chains thence snulli fix t ecu (IB) chains I hence west twenty (2'iichains thence north forty (4n chains t hence ea-t t enty cje chains to the place of beginning, and containing 2s acres more or less, and known as a part of t he Joseph Sans farm, in Hock BlulTs precinct in said Coun tv. The same beinu levied upon and taken as the property of Joseph Sans, "one of the defen dants in a suit wherein Joseph Shera and Jo seph Sans are defendants; to satisfy a judg ment of Said Court, recovered by Edmund E. Woolsev. plaintiff. l'latt.s'mouth, Neb Jan. 2d, A. D. 173. 4115 SfT B. Cuti.ek, Sheriff. Legal Notice. In the District Court, 2d Judicial District, in and for Cass County. Nebraska. John F. Buck, iilaintiff, vs Joscnh McClure. Jacob Vallcry ami 'eter E. JittfTiier, a firm doing business in" Nf br.isKa under the stvle and firm name of Val lery . Hull ner, Theodore Webber and Geo rue YV ."Webber, a firm doing business under the style and firm name of T. B. Webber & Co., In Chicago, 111. ; and Morse. Slieppard & Co., of Boston, Massachusetts, defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that John F. Buck, plaintiff, has filed in the Clerk's ottice of the District Court, in anil for Cass County, his petition asking for the fore closure of mortgage on the north half n'i of the sont h-west quarter (sw') of section six (; iu township ten ( no range thirteen 13) east of the iith P. hi., and that said premises may be sold to satisfy the sum of two hundred and lift y dollars (SiMi.oo) with interest, asking also t hut T. B. Webber & Co. of Chicago, Illinois. Morse, Shepheid & Co.. of Boston. Massachusetts, who claim to have some interest in said premises, may be required to appear and answer said pe tition, showing their several rielitsand interests in the same, otherwise that they be forever bar red from any equities they may have in said premises. John V. Buck. 3PP5 ly Geo. S. Smith, his Att'y. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Win. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judi cial District, within and for Cass County. Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 2sth dav of January, A. D. 1S7S, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said dav. at the south door of the Court House, in tho City of Plattsmouth, in said Countv, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : The north-east quarter (ne'.i of I he south west quarter iswVt) and the north halt of the south-east quarter (sei and also the soutli thirty-two (32) acres of south-west quart er(sw4) of t lie north-east quarter O'C'ii of section sev enteen (17) town eleven (11 ) north of rani' four teen (14) east of the nth P. M. The same being levied upon and taken as the pioperty of Jos. Sans, one of tiie defendants ; to satify a judg ment of said Court, recovered by Ediuond E. Woolsey. plaintiff, against Joseph shera and Joepli Sans defendants. Plattsinouth. Neb., Dee. 2fi. A. D. 177. 4ntr M. B. Cutlkk. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an execution issued bv Wm. L. Wells, Clerk of the Disjrict Court, 2d Judicial District, within ,.nd for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 v.ill cm the 2S1 h day of January. 'A. D. Is7s, at lo o'clock a. m. of said dav. at the south door of the Court House, in the Cay of Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at public a uc! ion the following real estate, to-wit : Commencing eight im chains and twenty-live (2.1) links wesi of the quarter 1 1 section cor ner of Ihe north side of section nineteen ilu) town twelve (12) range fourteen iH) east of the f.th I. M., south five (1) degrees east five (") chains and seventy-live (7.1) links thence west r.veiily-live (2.1) links thence south two r2) chains and four (til links thence west 2 chains and siiv-one (01 ) links to a point on the east line of "Fitth street if continued south from I'luttsmouth. then north along the sairt street seven (7) chains and .seventy-six and one-half (7i'.'i) links to the north line 'if said section, tlici ce east ui the section line two (2) chains and thirty t o and one-half (,(2;i) links to the place of beginning, containing two 2) acres more or less. Also, the following: Commenc ing at the north-east coiner of the north-cast quarter (iie1) of the north-west quarter (nw ,) of section nineteen la) town twelve (12) range fourteen tl4) east of Clh P.M., thence running west I hiily-t hree rods to the line of ihe old road thence south alongsaid road twenty-three (23) rods thence east thirty-one (.SI) rods thence north lo the place of beginnimr containing four (41 acres and ninety-six ( ni) roda more or less. I he same being levied upon and taken as the property of .lame O'Neill one of tho defend ants : to s::!islv a judgment of said Couit. re eovered bv G"eo. , K. Miekclwait. plaintiff's, against T. 'F. fames. J. V. Carnes. J allies O'Neill L. K. Johnson and 1). N. Johnson. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Dee. 20, A. D. 1S77. 4ot M. B. Cutlkk, sheriff. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE STILL, TWO DOORS EAST OF POST OFFICE. KEEN AN & GRACE. "Where you can get your Christ mas ami New Years CIGARS AXD LIQUOBS. Good "Star A" whiskey at S1..M) per gailon. Wines and Liquors generally. SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES made a specialty. 30t3 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJ1 CKSM1 Til HORSE SHOEING, AND WAGON REPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly c- Promptly :0: Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. UEW SHOP, on Fifth St., between Main and Vine Streets, just across the corner from the N'EW HERALD OFFICE. loyl ARNES' FOOT POWER MACH1NEUV. 1 fylifferenr machines with I which Builders, Cabinet Jy Makers, Wagon Makers akers and Jobbers in miscellaneous work can compete as toot'AL TV axi thick with sieani power manufacturing ; also Amateur's supplies, saw blades, fancy woods and de simis. Sav where you read this ami sen.i for cat almrue and prices. W. I John Bauxks, Rockford. Winnebago l o. mo: EY TO LOAX. $100,000 To loan on improved farms in Cass ount y, at low rale of interest. Applications solicited, l'lattsiuoiith, March 177. J N. WISE. NOW READY FOR AGENTS ! The Great Strikes! That timely new book, by Hon. J. a Dacus. A complete history f the causes and thrilling events of the great railroad and labor war ail over the countrv, Kinkly Ilu'straikp. lia:TS W'ATKI everywhere. The best chance to make money ever offered. Be ware of inferior works. Get the be-t and lowest priced. Address i.'6ni(i STANDARD BOOK HOUSE. ST. Louis, Mo. 0 Vk B T i ) i WILLIAM HEROLD, rtealor lo DRY GOODS. CLOTHS. DLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD.. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. Notions, Quconsvare, and in facr'everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FL'RS. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. 31yl C&icap Burlington & Quinsy R. R. IS THE DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, Running Through Cars CHtGAOG CouiTciL Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad FOIi ALL rOI.VTS TV XEBTtASKA. COLORA DO. VTA IT, MOXTAXA. X EVA DA, AMZOXA, IDA 1IO, AND aIif:i?:msB THROVG 13 C A 11 S TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA,ATCHISO!I k St. JasCDb Through Cars toIJ (J j'U jand all Foi'd-on SHJSSOIUI, K.WSAH & T3CXAS, AVI Houston & Texas Central ITaillloads. IT is THE DIRECT EOUTE FROM THE Wast to ilia East AND THE EAST TO THE "WEST. All information about rates of fare will be cheerfully jriveu by appivinc to 1). Y. HITCHCOCK, lien. A Yes. Pass. An't., 42!y I'HlCAou. J. G- CHAMBERS. Manufacturer of and DeiiJcriii S ADD LE. COLLARS, HALTERS. WHIPS,, ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. The only place in town where "Turlcy's nat ent self adjustable horse collars are sold." Minn PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOIIX ItOXS. Proprietor. TSIC OZ. KLLIAIILIl IIOLSC. Good accommodations for Farmers and the traveling puMic. JIoard!?l per day. Meals 2oc. Entirely refitted and re-furnished, and farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals and bed for S1.00. 5ml A. G. HATT, JEST OPENED AC. A IX, New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street in Fred Kroeh'er' old stand Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. iwyl. Great Stock- Breeder's Monthly. THE NATIONAL LIVE-STOC JUJ..i;AL, 1-oDiiMc.eu in CHICAGO, ILLS. millS OREAT MONTHLY is Turiiversally ae A kiiOvmdj!cd to be wiinout a rival in us De partment of Journalism. Each number contains 44 to 4s lar;:e pages, three columns lo t he pajre, with a handsome cover, ami is P.kaltikli.i.V ii.llsti:.tki with elegant double plate euKra viiis. It is devoted especially to livestock and the dairy, and no K.ikmkk or .Stock Uuf.kuf.b can afford to do wi.o tut it. It discusses the science of breeding, i ne merits of the various breed, the most approved methods of feeding and handling, and everything pertaining to tiie successful management of live-stock on the farm. It has an ably-conducted veterinary D paninent, in which will be found articles upon the laws of health and disease, as applied to Domestic Animals, which eauniit fail to be of meat value to nil who ere interested in any kind of live-stock. It contains separate De partments, devoted to llo I;.-K.S, CATTLE, tiHEEP, .SWINE, and the DAIRY, and its corps of editor are rceoni.cd throughout the entire country as the Most Tiii:oc;n, Aki.k., and Pkacticai. writers in tncir separate depart ments, that can be found in AHK--I ica No ex pense inspired, on the p.rt of its publishers, to make it a hiijh-tuneit, rt iintilr, trictiril, and f-ftrtu-tive Journal, such as every intelligent farms er ami stoek breeder will find worth many times iis i;ost each year. It is the L,ai xrei-t as well lis the Ist Stock Journal published. Subscription price, per annum postage pre paid. . Posters, handsomely illustrated with fine engravings of live-stock, mailed frc on application, to those who will make up clubs, and a liberal commission allowed. Address ail letters, registering those containing money, un ices in shape of Postal Order or Draft, to SIOCK Jul. R.NAL COMPANY. Publishers. Lakeside Ruilding. ciurviO, III. P-Srvn 20 Cmts rort .specj m kn Cory, il l 3 6S r5 W. D. JOKES1 NEW LIVERY STABLE, lVLATTSMOtJTif, The old r.O'NER KTAP.EHS In Thttl 4inoutlJ Neh.. have Pceii l H d hy Dr. .(ones, and h lias opened a new and handsome llverv In tin.' well known hniti. 'I lie tlnest and he.tt vl hol'st and cai riaites always ready to let. saddle Horses cheat. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. houses TiiAixfciT axd nnoKi!. ALSO I desire to pive noiii'o Ih.'it I Karri a laiye. handsome Inn k l-arn, with identy of room foi horses mid warons. I can put. farmer stock an I wacons, loads of grain or iiuylhiiK all un dercover, n ihe dry. KciuciuImt this. Thanking all mv "old palions for their" many favnrs. 1 soln il their tiadtf this coining yenl' satrsfifd Inn a'''oinuiodaie thfin PcttiT i'Td tlo belter by tueni than ever before. . 3-j'l. HARI'WAKE STOKE, In l'lattsiuoiith. Neb., on Fourth St.. about thd MIDDLE OF THE 15 LOCK, you will find : Corn I'lanlers, (Iiaiid & horse) Stirrizi? IMows, Sulky I'lotvs, Cultivators, and all kinds of Farm Implements amt Slielf Hardware, Tin Ware, Sif,., &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. - Seed for Sala ?inf AND,LAND! BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. FOR SALE I1V cS'EKEq.BL. EL- IV M'.IMtANKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1S77. Ten Years Credit at C per cent Intereat, Six Years Credit at C per ' cei.t Interest i and 20 2cr cent Discount, Other liibernl Discount Tor 'n1i, Jtebalet. on I mi-cm nml Fretchtn, and I'rt-miiiiii" tor Improvt -iientM. Pamphlet" and .Vans, contain ini full partic ulars, will be mailed free to any part of thrf world on application to land i ommissionek. v.. a :vf. R. n. loyl Lincoln, .Nkhiiakka O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IS Drugs? Medicines WALL: '"'PAPER, All Paper Trimmed Freo of Charge; ALSO DEALER IN" Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest I'nlilicntions. I'roKcrlpI ioiiH Carefully Componiidetl by an i:xpei-ieiiocl llriieslMt. REM EM RE It THE PLACE. COH. FIFTH f- 21 A IN Si REETti PLATTSMOUTH. XEI5. Waukesha Central Medical Spring ! S. SI. ninSTOW, Prop. - oj-.-o The waters of this Spring have bcerf analyzed by Prof. Eode, of Mihvau kf;i. Analytical Chemist, and fonrxl to ;ontain the same inrpdients, substan tially, that have rcitdei ed the Uelhesd; and Glenn Springs so famous. THESE WATERS CCRR DIABETES, KIDNEY AND INTERNAL TROUBLES OF VARIOUS KINDS, They nre whipped ail oirr the i'uiled Ntatert ami llieir reputation in t iKlonbtt-al, THE "CENTRAL" RANKS AMONG TlE REST OF THESE SPRINGS. lVr further particulars apply to S. II. 1JARSTO 2.jin0 WAUKESHA, WIS. SHANNON'S ' LIVERY SALE AND FEED East of I'latle Valley House, THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the To'vn. Good Teams Always oil Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Canias sent to Depot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HCARSE IN TOWN. Eunern!s attended and canines furnished t trieuds. Address, .1. V. isllAN.NON. 42-ly Ellatltinotith, Kcfcf.- (1