THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS K. B. Windham helps the Herald out this week. Fine Winter stock of flannels at E. (J. Dovey & Son's. 39t2 All wishing New Years cards will obtain them to much better advantage by leaving their orders early. Canned Fruits, at cost at the News Depot. "Bartle and Randall B & M clerks' Omaha, must expect sharp tricks if they go to Bellevue.' Fine line of Gentleman's caps fr sale cheap at Solomon & Nathan's. 89t2 Hush Fellows is laid up with rheu matism, that is to say, is hobbilng round on crutches. Billy Shryock takes his place at Young's for a few days. New Crop choice Messina Oranges and Lemons, for the Holiday trade at the P. O. News Depot. Dr. Ritchey, the Laughing Gas Dentist, from Chicago has concluded to remain in the city during this week. Give him a call, if you wish teeth ex tracted without pain. Subscribe for the "Rise and fall of the Mustache" with J. P. Young agent at the P. O. News Depot. 30t2 One of the best friends the Her ald has is M. Schnellbacher; the sub stantial kind, you know, v that al ways pays his bill promptly without grum bling, and they are the kind who suc ceed, too. Go to Solomon & Nathan's for vour Holiday goods, Prices to suit the times. 83 13 Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher has con tributed her "mite" towards making the Home Cook Book the most valu able of all cook books. Our bookstores sell it. Price 81.50. We are selling our entire stock of Fall and Winter clothing at cost, come and see the prices, at Solomon & Na than's. 3912 If you want to buy a dollars worth of goods again in your lif, before you do si, go to T rank Carruth's and look a his Silver ware. Just opened, and the handsomest and cheapest in town. Gl;i?s Tvnro and crockery at Dover's, one of tht ir leading lines, and tliry have a large stock. 391.2 On account of bad weather and other entertainments occurring thi week, the lecture of Hon. G. S. Smith at the High school next Friday even ing has been postponed for the pres ent. Fresh Oysters and Celery for the holidiy s a; the Express olliee, cheap. They are putting in the iron front at Guthman's building on Main St. Jno. Way man made most of the cast ings, the pillars were cast atGlenwood. It's going to look very nice when fin ished and improve the building very much, and is a credit to all parties. Groceries, cheap, pure and good, at Dovey's nails at low down prices, ta Sabbath School Soeiable and Re-nnion There will be a Methodist Episcopal Sabbuth SchoolRe-union at the M. E. Church on Christmas eve Parents children and friends of the school are cordially invited to be present and participate. Music; short addresses; Sweet meats for the children and sweet children to meet and greet, will be our programme. B, Spurlock. Superintendent. J. J3 Fixcii, the celebrated temper ance lecturer or "red ribbon" man will be here next Saturday evening and will speak that evening and for a por tion of the next week. Mr Finch has a United States' wide reputation as a speaker and worker in the temperance cause, and no doubt.will draw crowded houses. If he can succeed in arous ing the temperate element among tho our people, sufficiently so that our council will have back bone enough to stop this universal licensing of saloons In Plattsmouth, he will hive done a great work. The present laws In the state in regard to the sale of liquor are very strict and if he can also indnce those who call themselves especially temperance people to exert themselves Jn seeing that the present laws are en forced he will have been of gteat bene fit to suffering humanity in this neigh borhood. Programme of the riattsmouth Literary Club for Wednesday evening Dec 26th. Mcsic Quartette. Declamation Mr. Wise. Recitation Miss V. Barnes. Select Reading Miss Pollock. - Select Reading Miss Ursula Wiles. Essay Miss F. B. Wise. Solo Mr Windham. Declamation Miss Suttou. Recitation Mr E B Lewis. Oration Mr Simons. Mrsic Double Quartette. Resolved, That Capital punishment should be abolished in Nebraska. Affirmative Drummondand Morri son. Negative Windham and Wise. Not Dead Nor Sleeping Bct wide awake to the interest op our Customers. We are able to compete with ant western house in holidat goods. santa clavs mas made oxe store ii is headquarters and will positive ly appear on tiie streets monday the day beeore christmas. look out for him ye children. 1 Chapman & Glas. 3IABRIKU. MAXWELL MAY At the residence of J. S. Tewksberry, Weeping Water. Cass Co., Neb., on the 13lli inst.. by the ltev. J. B. Chase, Kob't. P. Maxwf.ll to Ax.ME M. May, all of Weeping Water. We referred briefly to this happy event last week, but as it took place on the day the Herald went to press, we could not give full particulars. Miss Annie May is a niece of Mr. J. S. Tewtsberry, an old and well known resident of this county, and Miss An nie, having spent some portion of the last few years in Plattsmouth, has many friends here as well as in Weep ing Water. Mr. Maxwell is well known as one of the staunch business men of the county, and a young man who is bound to make his way. The Herald wishes them both a full measure of happiness and success in this world, and long life to enjoy it. The happy pair left immediately after the ceremo ny for Nebraska City, there to take the train for St. Louis and other points, on an extended wedding trip. The coming Book. J. P. Young at the P. O. News De pot has taken the agency for the "Rise and fall of the Mustache" for Platts mouth and Cass County, Nebraska. Good agents wanted Subscriptions received for above book at the P. O. News Depot. Personal. J. P. Rouse, of Greenwood made the Herald a pleasant call. Come again. The man who will take Mr. How ard's place as Passenger Agent here, is Mr. Bechtal. Hon. Jos. Beardsley of Weeping Wa ter was in town last week, looking amazing well for the time of year. W. I. Tucker is the agent for Smith's, Combined extension rule, a most use ful invention for Carpenters, Lumber men and others. Bub Balcombe goes to Chicago to engage in some sort of Newspaper work there. Good Bye, Bub, We've drank from the same canteen and un less the telephone enlarges its sphere. Bub, well have to quit now. SPECIAL NOTICES. Take Notlc. All persons indebted to me are re quested to settle the same by the first day of Jan. 1878. or their accounts will be p.acfd in the hands of an otlicer ror collection. 33 vrl Dr. W. II. ScniLDKNECHT. a .r .i. .2 "5 2 o - 2 ..2 g - a S - 4- -2 53 O S 2 Ef.2 a. C3 o to .2s .22 o a C3 s rt 5 o J! !- 5 3 a 3 ci v- o 1 a? "3 Ui o o s X3 Ai 00 o a en 3 35 J5 ts a c 1 -m IK . ) o! - o 8 - 51 W V OB CM O O JZ 3 O 7Z. a zs 2 2l Fleminsr & Race, of Weeping Water have been doing a rushing business but still have plenty of goods left to suit their customers and for the few days intervening between now and the Hol idays will offer everything very cheap so that no one can fail to be pleas ed. Special bargains in clothing, the very lowest price in groceries, and a square deal in everything. EVERY BEE-KEEPER SHOULD READ THE AMERICAN EE JOURNA L An e!e:int 3fi inse Monthly devoted to Th most successful and experienced Bee-Mas- ter in America are its regular correspondents. It is the Olhest, I.akqkst and BEST BEE PAPEH IN THE WORLD ! TWO DOLLARS A VEAR.SpecimenCopylOCts. 38-4t 971 W. Aladison bt. unicago. 1878. Eclectic Magazine OF nmss uTCiTrcs, sssrcs, aits ast. (THIRTY-FOURTH TEAR.) The Er.Kf;tio reprints monthly from all the foreiga Quarterlies. Reviews. Magazines, and Journals, their choicest contents, including Es says. Scientific Patters, Biographical Sketches, Tales, Stories and Poems. The field of selection is rery large, and it is Denevea mat me eclec tic rjreseuu a neater vanei y ana uisarr bihdu- ara oi literature man any oiner penouicai mat depends exclusively upon nome talent. A. Knowledge oi tne current literature oi oin er countries is indispensable to all who would keep pace with the progress of the age : and the tcLKCTic oners me Dest opportunity ior uu talning this knowledge at a moderate price. in bruersi i.iteratHr eucu writers as Right Hon. W. E. Gladstoue, James Anthony rrouoe, Mattnew Arnold. Charles Kjnesley. Francis Power Cobbe. Lslie Stephen, Arthur jiriiw. Aiirru lennyson. mounts untrue. Wil liam Blak. Mrs. Uliphant. Thomas Hardy, Tur genletr. W illiam Morris, Miss Thackeray, and others equally eminent are represented in its pages. in nnrnrr, me nesi articles or such think ers and writers ae rrois. Huxley and Tvndall, Richard IToctor. B. A.. 1'rof. Owen. lr. W. B. Carpenter. Max Muller. J. Norman Mock ver St George Mivart. . B. Taylor, and others, are gtven. The Eclectic offer Its readers the best serial atortee, together with t he fthert sto ries lor wuicu me cngitHii magazines bare men ana ues-rvei repuianou. lis Editorial departments comprise IJterr Notices (dealins with current home books). For. eisn Literary Notes, science, and Art (summar izing nneny tne new discoveries ana achieve ments in this field), and Varieties (consisting of choice extracts from new books and foreign journals). tacn numocr contains a rine meei n era v tug usually a portrait executed In the Sent manner. Terms. Single copies, 45 cents ; one copy one year, ?5 ; two copies, S3 ; five copies. 20. Trial subscriptions lor three months. Si- 1 he Eclko tic and any $1 Magazine to one address, $8. SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. The publisher takes pleasure In announcing c "im nimio arrangenieuis wnicn enanle him to furnish to evorv subscriber tn th LKfTic (for one dnllar in addition to thercgular buiahiij'uuu jiict;? it iiimc kuu uuh steei en Kravinu. entitled "II lull laml soi This engraving is from ouo of Lar.dseer's most celebrated painting, aud represents a Hich land girl surrounded by a groun of fawns. lii-h she is feedin?. while her youn" brother holds a stately pair of autUrs. probably the trophy of some former chase. The size of the plate ia ma incnes, pnntea ou Heavy plate paper, mak. lng a p'cture suitable for the wall of any room ine reguier price of this engraving is 5, but we luruitu uuiuy 10 suoscn tiers to the JEclec Addrcf s, . It. PELTOX. Pahlisher it 25 Fond Street, New York. Reed Bros, at Weeping Water, havn't cleaned jout that second story by any means, and when - the retail supply gives out it is very soon replaced. They have a general assortment with partic ular articles suitable for the Holidays and can provide you with a Christmas present suitable for all from Grandpa down to the baby. Their prices are down to bed rock and the quality of their goods is first class. Remember you can find a large as sortment of pure sugar and cream can dy toys, plain and fancy candy, also large stock of nuts at the P. O. News Depot. Your last chance!! now is the time to buy toys and Holiday goods, if you want them cheap go to the P. O. News Depot, for the goods must be sold to make room for the spring stock. New Years calling Cards, in a large variety at the P. O. News Depot. Agency for the "New Wheeler and Wilson 8. Machine" now offered for Cass Co. Neb. on easy terms. For par ticulars address A. J. Swarts, Travel ing Agent, Omaha. 39-2t A large lot of Ladies furs, very cheap. Mens' Arties at $1.25 pr pair, the cheapest in the market. Hats, caps Gloves &c. in great abundance. Now is your time to boy. 2t Notary Public. J. C. Newberry, Notary Public and Collection agent. Eight Mile Grove, Cass Co. Neb. Conveyancing blanks constantly on hand and all business promptly attended to. 3St3 Holiday goods of all kinds at Hen ry Bceck's. 2t Go down to nenry Bceck's anrl see the handsome Christmas furniture he has for the Holidays. 2t New Year's Clothes at Stadelman's Buy, Buy and Echo Answers why why!. 2t The celebrated Rat Exterminator is for sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth Neb. See Adver tisement elsewhere. At Stadelman's, $5 Overcoats. Suits from $8 up; All kinds of nobby clothes at greatly reduced prices. Come and get a Christmas present. 2t Wall pockets and Wall Brackets other useful and ornamental articles suitable for the Holidays at Henry Bceck's. 2t The latest styles in silk plush, satin and gros-grain ribbons, flowers, velvets plumes, ornaments and everything in that line at Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney's to be sold out before the first of January. 83-2t FARJf FOR SALE. tin acres in section 3,town twelve, ranpeelev en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville station, li. Si M. K. R. Cass County. Nebraska. ISO Acres 1'iider Cultivation, with house and barn, orchard and forest trees. plenty of spring water. Will bo sold In 80 acre tracts if desired. Enquire of Jos. Schlater, jew- ler. riattsmouth. Neb. HmS "ew Goods at Sehlaters. Joseph Schlater, the Jeweller, has gone into a new and extensive line of goods in addition to his usual Jewelry Stock. His store is filled with new and beautiful goods of various kinds. BESIDES hi3 new stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silver Ware, the best in the market. nE has Spectacles, pocket knives. Purses ; Chi na and Bohemian Ware; Musical In struments, Strings and Music Books. Children's toy Wagons Hobby horses. &C and a host of knick nacks and cu rious toys for holiday presents for children's amusement: Bird Cages, Gent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large line of new goods in every branch of the business. Give him a call JOS. SCII LATER. 31tf Main St. riattsmouth. Henry Thlerolfs Restaurant and Lodging Booms. Meals 25 cents. Farmers and others accommodated at all hours. A few good rooms; on Main Street nearly op posite Platte Valley Ilouse ALSO a stock of candies and other confect ionary and stock of general groceries. 37t3. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeny are desirous of clearing out their stock of Millinery, will offer it from now until the first of January at prices low enough to suit everybody. They have still some handsome pattern hats and will have more for the holidays. Their stock of ribbons, feathers, flowers, &c is full and they are ready to tret up a handsome hat on short notice. Call and suit yourself. They also have in connection with their Millinery store a dress and cloak making department. 3t3 Furniture for tbe Holidays. If you really want to see a nice lay out of useful, pretty ornamental things go down to ilenry Beock a and see bis stock or goods for the Holidays. Among the novelties are: Basting and sewing tables, that fold all up in a little heap and can be stowed away in your drawers or cupboard. Novelty ress Board, can be set tip any where in the room and used for two different kinds of work. Handsome bed-room sets. Hocking Chairs, that fold up, and can be set up against the wall. all pockets and wall brackets in infinite variety. Chairs for the little folks all prices and kinds; Picture frames, of all sizes and forms made to order. Rustic frames. Safe3 of various kinds and all prices. Beds and mattresses in creat varietv Handsome Reclining Chairs, can be put at any angle, useful for sick per sons. Extension Tables. Chairs till you can't rest That is until you buy some: Mirrors, hand glasses, and a thousand other pretty things. Come and see them all. IIenry Boeck. 3312 Plattsmouth, From this time until the first of Jan uary Mrs. Johnson and Mis3 Sweeny will sell their stock of Millinery at cost for the sake of clearing out their en tire stock. Call and get a bargain. 37t2 Frank Carruth has two men busy making up jewelry, now a days. St CONSUMPTION CUBED. An eld pwyf tclaa retired from active practice, tatting had yiaevs! in his hand try an Bast lu- diau missionary the formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the speedy and permanent ctfre of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a posi ttve and radical cure for General Iebility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers In thous ands of rases, feels it his duty to make it known tc his suffering fellows. The recipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire ft, with full di rections for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp, naming this pnpeY. Dr. J, C. Stone, 4! North Ninth Street, I'hiladelphia. Ta. 34II16 Air Three BMnd Mice, Three thsmand rats ! Three thousand rats f Tiiree thousand rats ! See how they run ; think what they eat M illtons to feed. They all run after the f:irmer's wife ; Who soon put an end to their useless strife, By killing these constant pests t-f her life. By giving them "Centennial Rat Ex terminator," the safest and most cer tain Rat Exterminator in the world. It will save millions of corn annually It will positively exterminate the pest from your premises and kill them as they travel, thus leaving no telltale dead rat to warn others from eating Centennial Rat Exterminator. You get rid of every rat without the dan ger attending the use of strychnine or arsenic. We challenge the world for a more profitable investment of 25 cents, and proclaim it the greatest economizer of the age. You will recommend it to your neighbors. For sale everywhere. A large introductory box postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. Star Manufac turing Co. Box 400, Ft. Madison Iowa. For sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. 34tf Oysters! Fresh Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be found at F. S. Whites's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and crisp every Satur day, by express. Call and get the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. You can save a large per cent of your corn crop by reading "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34tf E. G. Dovey & Son, keep right along thtoughall the holidays selling goods the same as usual, only a little cheaper on some grades. 39t2 Go to the Express office for your oysters and Celery for the Holiday's. Convalescent. Chambers, the harness maker, has just recovered from a severe attack of Western fever; and has now conclud ed to remain in Plattsmouth, and in crease his business. This being the case, a new stock will soon b laid in, and new work be ready for all of his old customers and as many new ones as fate may send him. Remember the place, on Main stn two door's east of Pepperberg's cigar store. 39t2 For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. w. McL.augnnn Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf J. V. Weckbach says he's healed on salt in quantity, quality and price. Will not bo undersold. . 27tf Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa. 34tf. Knit for 11) eaatl BlTM full Uealara DH.O.K.8TKKS, Uadlsoa BU CUomto. W. 31W13 Messrs. E. G. Dovey & Son have a fine stock of mens' kip boots, also a largo assortment of ladies side lace, misses and childrens' shoes, in great varietv, for sale at bottom prices. Give them a call for anything in the line of general merchandise, at their new store near head of Main St., south side. 2tf. XO THE AFFLICTED. Act wisely, and at once procure the following vDonderful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs, Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ter's Kidney Cordial removes denosits of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water. and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitters Calisaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmoutb. 20-yl Quinine and arsenic form the basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and are the last resort of phys icians and people who know no better medicine to employ for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drugs are destructive to the sys tem, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and dpression of the consti tutional health. Ater's Ague Cure is a vegetable discovery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, norany deleter ious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. ItJs an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as a cure, of all complaints peculiar to'malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. It acts directly on the Liver and billiary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigerous, healthy condition. For Sale by all Dealers. Au nervous, exhausting, and painful diseases speedily yield to the curative influences of Pul vermacher's Electric Belts and Bands. They are safe, simple, and effective, and can be east ly applied by the patient himself. Book, with tun particulars, mailed free. Address Pulvib- maceck Galwakic Co Cincinnati. Ohio. lSyl-alt. "German Syrup." No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. In two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, ana ass wnat tney know about it. Sam pie bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. SStf-alt J. V. Weckbach has an immense stock of Fall and Winter Dry and Fancy goods and Groceries of all kinds. Farmers and IIousekfiers give them call for anything in the line of Gen eral merchandise. 27tf, The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next CO days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaecoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. J3est qu:tlities of plug-siaok-!.ng tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. Organs and Pianos tuned and re paired, orders left at Johnson's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. James Pettee, Dealer in Musical Instruments. Farm for Sale. A well Improved farm of 180 acres for sale, near tight Mile Grove. Cass County. Neb. The improvements consist of 125 acres uiidor cultiva tion, good house and outbuildings, and a fine grove of timber. For further particulars anply to Willett Pottenger. at J'lattsinonth : or. Hen ry Kirkham, ou the premises. Slin3 Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator.' LEGAL, NOTICES. Legal Notice. In the District Court of the 2d Judicial District In and for Cass County. Nebraska, Maryaret K. Wilson, plaintiff, vs Eincry Wilson, defend ant. To Emery WiUon: Yon are hereby notified that Margaret E. "Wil son has filed her petition against you, in the District Court, of Cass County, Nebraska, pray ing that she may be divorced from you, and for tbe custody of the children born to you and her by virtue ot marriage. She avers as cause of action against you, neglect and desertion and a failure to provide the necessaries of life for her and the said children. You are hereby notified to appear and answer the same, according to law, or Judgment will be rendered against you by default, and the prayer of said petition granted. 39U by R. B. Windham, her Atl'y Sheriff's Sale. By virt ue of an Execution Issued by W. II. Newell County Neb. Judge, within and for Cass County, and tome directed, I will on the 3m. day of December A D 1877. at 12 o'clock. M., of said day, at the residence of O. K. Fleming in Rock Bluffs Freclnct. in said Couuty, sell at public auction the following personal property, to-wit : One lot of corn. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of G. ET Flem ing defendant ; to satisfy a Judgment ot said Court, recovered by Clark & Tlununer plaintiff. riattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 19th. A. D. 177. 89-W2 M. B. Cutlrb, Sheriil. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm. L. Wells clerk .f the district court 2d judicial district within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to roe directed, I will on th 21st day of January A. D. 1878, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day, at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth iu said county, sell at pub lic auction the following real estate to-wit : The north half (nVi) of the north-west quarter(nw) of section number thirtv-lwo(32) township elev en (11) north of range ten (10) east of the 6th P. M. Tbe name being levied upon and taken as the property of Geo. MeAdie and SarahMcAdie Edwin M. 1'ark, Thomaa Thompson, Agnes C Knapp and David Sheldon, defendant ; to sat isfy Judgment of said Court, recovered by Na than Jones, plaintiff. I'lattsmoulh Neb.. Dec. 20th, A. D. 1877. 3915 M. It. Cutler, Sheriff. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance ot a decretal order of sale, reudered by Hon. 8. B. I'onnd. Judjje of the 2d Judicial District, of the State of Nebraska, made at bid chambers at the Court IIoue. in N. bmska City, in the County ot Otoe aud State aforesaid, on the 12th day of ifceinier, A. D. 1877. I will on Monday, the 21st day of January. A. D. 1878. at the somh dottr of the Court ilouse, in the City of riatts mouth, in the County of Ca-e, at the hour of od o'clock ;. m. of said day, offer for sale to the highest bidder.the north-east quarter (nel) of tbe south-west quarter taw1) of section elev en (II) in township twelve H2) north of ranue thirteen (13) east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, said real est.ite sold as the property of Jesse E. Gorrcll nnd Catharine J. Gorrell minors, heirs of Jacob P. Gorrell, deceased, r;ih sale will be held open one hour for bids. Terms c;ish. December liftli, 1877. A. L. SPRAOUR. Guardian of Jesse E. and Catherine J. Gorrell, minors. 3t)t4 Legal Notice. n tho nU'rict Court. 2d Judicial District, in and for Cass Count Nebraska. John F. Buck, plaintiff, vs Joseph McClnre, Jacob Vallery and Peter E. Ruffner, a firm doing business in Ne braska under the style and firm name of id le ry Ruffner, Theodore Webber and George W. Webber, a firm doing business under the style and firm name of T. B. Webber & Co., in Chicago, 111. ; and Morse. Sheppard & Co., of uoston, Massachusetts, attendants. The defendants above named will take notice that John F. Buck, plaintiff, has filed in the Clerk's office of the District Court, in and for Cass County, his petition askiiiz for the fore closure of mortgage on the north half (n4) of tne soutn-west quarter (swv) or section six (6) In township ten (10) range thirteen (13) east of the fith P. M.. and that said premises may be sold to satisfy the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars 9250.on) witn interest, asHing also that T. B. Webber & Co. of Chicago, Illinois, Morse, Shepherd & Co., of Boston, Massachusetts, who claim to have some interest in said premises, may be required to appear and answer said pe tition, showing their several rights and Interests in the same, otherwise that they be forever bar red from any equities they may have in said premises. JOHN JT. UCK, 33t6 by Geo. S. Smith, his Att'y. Legal Notice To Robert E. Farmer and Amy Farmr, non- rcwuicia acjctuianis. You are hereby notified that Ernest A. Wle- genhorn, on the 12th day of December. 1877, filed his petition in the District Court, within and for the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, against the said Robert K. Farmer and Amy t artrer, defendants, setting forth that the said Robert E. Farmer and Aruv Fanner irave a mortgage to the said Ernest A. Wiggenhorn on the north-west quarter (nwVi) of the north-east quarter (ne') ofsectiou thirty-two (32) and the south-west (sw4) of the south-east quarter (se'i) of section twenty-nine (29) all being in township twelve (12) north f range nine (9) east of 6th P. M-, in said County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to secure the payment of four hun dred dollars ($400) due in one year from date. togetner wun interest at vi per cent per annum from date, accoi ding to a certain promissory note, and prayinK that the said Robert E. Farm er and Amy Farmer may pay the sum of three Hunnrea ana sixty nonars togetner witn inter est thereon from the 2d dav of December 1876. mt th nt. nf 1 wr HAnt iur Annum that haln. the amount still due on said note and mortgage or that said premises may be sold to pay the same. And the said Robert E. Farmer and Amy f armer are nounea mat tney are required to appear and answer said petition on or before tne z-iin aay oi January a. u. 1878. Dated Dec 12th, 1877. EKNK8T A. WlOGEXHORjr. 38U by T. B. Wilson, his Att'y. Attachment Notice. State of Nebraska, Cass County. I S. In Jus tices Court, before E. J. Mathis. J. F. Wm. F, Manson. plaintiff vs A. Hammond, whose real first name is unknown, defendant. On the 19th day of November. A. D. 1877. said Justiae Issued an order of attachment In the above action for the sum of twenty-seven dol lars (.JZl.UU). Greenwood, Keb.. Dec. loth, 1877. 38U . Wm. F. Maksox, Plaintiff. Attachment Notice. State of Nebraska, Cass County. L. S. In Jus tice's Court, before E. J. Mathis, J. P. James Jardine by his next friend. Jas. Jardine, Sen., plaintiff vs A Hammond, whose real first name is uDKnown. aetenuant. On the I9th dav of November. A. D. 1877. said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum of twenty-eight dol lars ana niiy cents. Greenwood. Neb., Dec. loth, 177. 3iJ3 Jas. Jabdixb, Plaintiff. Sheriffs Sale. Bt virtue of n eTcntlon IssiipiI Tit TVm T. Wells, Clerk of tho District Court. 2d Judcial District, within and for Cans County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 24th day of December, A. D. 177, at 11 :S0 o'clock, a. m.. of said dav, at the south door -f the Conrt House. In the City of Ilaltsinouth. in said countv. seil at public auction the following real estate, to- wit : I,ot three (3) in block six (6) tn the City of ine levied upon and taken as the property of SI mon Obernalty, defendant ; to atlsTy a Jndg ment of said Court, recovered by Thomas Far' rows Co., plaintiffs. PlattemoutD, Neb., Not. , A. D. 1RT7. S5t5 JL B. CuxLBTt, SheriH. Sheriffs Sale. Br virtue of an order of sale issued by Win. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within aisd fir Cass Conntv. Nebraska, aud to me i rected. I will on the 14t'ti day of January, A. I. I87i. at 10 o'clock a. m.. vi a!d d. y. at t swh door of the tViir; Hons rn ti.e City f ri:i'?iHor.!h, in said c.uurty. sell ntpu'i lie ntictbni Ihe toilouilg rl C't-ti". tl : Lot two (2) and lot three .:; in the mirth-v. ct quarter (m!) of section sixteen ti imn twelve l-f) north range ten (10) eat of the Clli P.M. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of A. W. Kirli:ml.-. dcfentlriut : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by S. Puisifer & Co., plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. l;h. A. D. 1877. 3St5 M. B. CtrTLKit, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution Issued by Wm. II. Newell, County Judge, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will ou the 241 h day of December, A. D. 1877. at 1 -J30 o'clock, p. ni.. of said day. at the south door of the Court Ilouse, in the City of Plattsniouth. in said County, sell at public auction the following personal property, to-wit : Ore horse. The same being levied upon and taken as the prop ertv of Ilenry Stiyd-r. defendant : t satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered by James Ariustrong by his next frieud, Levi Walker, plaint id. j'lattsmoutn, reo. uec. vjin, a. it. iktt. 38:2 M. B. Cl'TLKKf Sher:fT. Notice. To rhilip Reihart, non-resident defendant. will take notice that Edward ti. Dovey. of tbe County of Cass. In tire State of Nebraska, did on the 8th day of December, A. D. 1877, file his petition in the Di.trict Court, withii, and for the County of Cass in the State of Nebraska, agaiunt you and George shoeiuan. defendants, setting forth that the said Phillip Heihait gave a mort- f:age to the said George Shoeiuan. on the west lalfofthe north-east quarter of section No. twenty-six (-J6) town twelve 1 12) nonu oi range eleven (11) east ef the 6th V. M., in said County of Cass, to secure the payment of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ( accord ing to certain notes referred to in said mort gage, one of which has become the property of this plaintiff, and praying that said Phillip Kei hart may pay said amount due on said notes and mortgage, or that said premises may be sold to pav the same, aud that you are hereby notified that you are hereby required to appear and an swer said petition on or before the 21th day Of January. A. D. 1878. Uaied tne 8tn uay or uecemoer. a. it. sii. Edward G. Dovav. 38t3 per Chapman a Spragck, bis att'ys. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Bv virtue of a chattel mortgage given by J. F. Sweeney to J. 1. Case & Co., February 12th. A. D. 1877. and recorded in book K. pae 637 of Chattel Mortgage Record of Cass County, Ne braska, on the 16th day of February. A. D. 1877, to secure the pavment of a certain note given by the said J. F. Sweeny to the said J. I. Case & Co.. on the 12th day of February, 1877 calling for the sum of three hundred and thirty-eight dollar-sand fifty-two cents ($;!3S 52-100) and pay able ou tbe 1st day of November, 1877, with in terest at the rate of 12 per cent from date until paid, also a reasonable attorneys, fee, upon which there is due this Dec. nth, ArD. 1877. the sum of three hundred aud t lnrt v-eiiilit dollars and fifty-two cents (338 52-00) principal, and thirty-three dollars and ninety cents (333SKM00) interest, also thirty three dollars and eighty five cents (S33 85-100) attorneys fees. Total amount due Dec. 13th, 1877. U four hundred and six dollars and twenty-seven cents ($406 27-100). And. whereas, the said J. F. Sweeny having made default in the payment of caid principal, interest and attorney's fees. I will offer said personal property described in said chattel mortgage, to-wit : One Eclipse 32 inch cylinder separator, and one mounted Woodburyl power, 10 horse, complete, one black horse, one brown horse, three sorrel horses aud one grey horse, for sale at public auction, at South ilend. Cass County, Nebraska, at 11 a. in., on the 4th day of January, 1878, or so much thereof as shall satis fy principal, interest, altorueys fee and lltecost of taking, keeping, advertising aad making sale of said property. BoulU Bona, n ebraska. Dec. 13th. 1877. J. I. CASK Bi .0.. By M. B. Cutler, Agent. 3St4 Legal Notice John Allison and Augustus Spires non resi dents of the State of Nebraska will take notice that Joseph Sans and Robert Gullion of the county oi c;is, in tue state ot zebras it a din on the 7th day of June, A. D. 1877 file their petition In the District Court of Cass Co. in the state of Nebraska against tbe fsaid John Allison and Augustus Spires defendants settine forth that m in take was made iu tbe description of land conveyed by nortgage aud master in Chancery deed of Cass County Nebraska of date Reptem- ter totn 18(8 to tne said neiendaut Augustus Spires wherein the said John Allison was defen dant and Charles S. Wortinan was plaint if!, the same being sold on foreclosure of mortgage and tne same mtstaKe oeing mane in me deed oi said premises made by tbe said Augustus Spires defendant to one of the plaiuiiff's. Joseph Sans, and praying in that said mortgage and ueeos oe corrected sy mat tney win einnrace the land intended to be mortgaged and deed ed by the defendants aforesaid and the said John Allison and Agustupires defendant's are notified that they are requiredjto appear and an swer said x-tition on or before the 2Sth day of January 1878. Dated December I2th. 1S77. Jot-KPH Sans and Robhbt GCT.i.rov,prffs. By XJ. 11. W UKELKR and W. i'OTTEHOKI!, 38w5 . their Attorneys. Attachment Notice. Geo. Black vs O. W. Mrrk. Before Wm. IT. Newell County Judge, iu and for Cass County, Nebraska, The defendant will take notice that on the 3d day of November. A. D. 1S77. the said Countv Judge- Lssuett an order ot attachment hi the alove entitled cause, for twenty-six dollars aud 4c ($28 04.00) and that your property hasbeen Jat tached to pay the same, and that said cause stands adjourned nntil the 21st day of Decem ber. 1477. at one o'clock P. in., at which time vuu can appear and make defence. tiKO. 11. 15t.ACK, by Wm. n. Newell, County Judge. Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. Sd. 1877. 37t3 Attachment Notice. John C. Cummins. Treasurer of Cass County. Neb. vs G. W. Merk. Before Wm. II. Newell County Judge, in and for Ca-sg County, Neb. The defendant will take notice that on the 23d day of November. A. D. 1877, the faid Coun ty Judge issued an order of attachment in the above entitled cause, for the sum of twenty three 74.100 dollars (323 71.1(0) and that your property has been attached to pay the same, and that snid cause stand adjourned until the loth day of January, A. D. 1878, at one o'clock p. m.. at which time you can appear and make netence. JOHX C. CUMllI-8, Treas of Cass Co. Neb. by Wm. H. NrwKM, Countv Judge, riattsmouth. Neb., Dec 3d, 1877. 37t3 Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm . Wells. Clerk of the District Conrt. 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass Count v. Ncbraka. and to me directed. I will an the 24th dav of De cember, A. D. 1877. at lo o'clock, a. m., of said day, at the south door of the Court Ilouse, in the City of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at puinie auction tne lonowmg real estate, to-wit : Ixt twelve (12) In block eighteen (18) in the Citv of riattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of James H.Dick and Margaret C. Dick, defendant ; to sailsty a judgment oi said Court, recovered by John Black, plaintiff. risiuiDuuiu, jseu., iov. zisi, a. j. ion. 3515 M. B. (Jitlkk, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial District, withinjand for Cass County, Nebraska, and to ine directed. I will on the 31st davof De cember. A. D. 1877, at 10 :30 o'clock, a. ni., of said ay, at tne soutn uoor oi tne court House, in the City of riattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The north h alf ef the north-west quarter of sec tion thirty (30) town eleven (11) range nine (9), east of the 6th P. M., In Cass County. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the Drortertv of John B. Case. Sarah Case, and E. W. Steven, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Christiana Soiner- iai, piaintm. riattsmouth, Neb.. Nov. 23, A. D. 1877. 36t5 M. B. Cutlkr Sheriff. Legal Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry Amison, aeceasea. Applicatvu for license to sell real estate: To Adda Amison. Albert Amison. and Annie Amison, heirs of the estate of Henry Amison. deceased. Vou are hereby notified that Edward .. lJovey. administrator oi me estate oi Henry Amison. deceased, has this dav filed his neti- tlon in the District Court, within and for Caws County. Nebraska, asking that he may be li censed to sell real estate beloneine to said es tate for tbe payment of debts outstanding against said estate. ou, ami eaen ot yon are notified to appear before his Honor S. B. Bound. Judss of said Court, on the second dav of the January term, A. D. 1878, a. the Court House, in the City of riattsmouth, Cass County. Nebras ka, and show cauae why said sale should not be made, and said license should not be granted. it any mere be. E. O. Dovey. Administrator of tbe estate of Henry Amison, occvueu, vj oouo vims. o. bjhtii, his An y. Legal Notice. Elizabeth Finher non resident of Xebraska will take notice that John Finisher of the coun ty of Cass in the state of Nebraska did on the 6tl day of November, 1877 file his petition in the District Court of Cass Countv in the State ot .Nebraska, against the said Elizabeth Fint-di er defendant, setting forth that said plaintiff ami defendant were Intermarried and that the said defendant has been wtllfully absent from the said plain tift for more than two Years laat past without any cause or justification there- ior on me pan oi said piaintm ana praying that the said plaintiff John Finisher may be divorced from the said Elirebeth Finisher de fendant and the said Elizabeth FitrNher Is hereby notified that she Is required to appear nu answer saiu pennon on or Deiore tue 2Stn aay oi January 1873. JOHX FlJflBHEB. 38t5 by Willett Pottkngek, his Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue f an evecntbin Ksne? by Wm. I . Wells, t'li-rk of the DiMiiet Court. Second Judi cial Distii.-t. witttr'ti and lor 1'ass County, he ai d to m ui'e:ted. I will ou the 24th davof ! X. 1. 177, at oce o -:M'k r in.. of s;ti Uay. i.t tn-' wnoth cH.r of tbe Court lion ii' l! e t iiy of P. iUsinuiith. in said Coun tv. Til -it ii-:t'''.c"tii-ii-.ii the following i.'rsoiiaI, io-wit : On Misou . ll.'unlii. ttigaii slvic W). No. 7-.7Jl. alo one IMaaon & Hamlin onran styl" 3J2. No. H.t. a'-o on. t.eo. A. Prince &. Co. organ, nniulicr .i(;.37i. ami ali-o one of Ceo. A. Priife .V Co. organs, mitiit er f.4.11'. The t:u:i" being levied upon and talitr. iis the property of E. II. K.Aon. defendant ; to :itfy a Judgment of falil Court, recovered by Maon & Hamlin Organ, Company. I a!ro b-v.e-l otH-r executions at lh" san:e tune lliat w:is received by me since the receivt ot t!i a'ov- agiinst K. II. Eaton, upon the smuo progeny In t!i- fol lowing Older, ai-d mbject to the aitove excci tion. to-wit: Singer manufacturing Co. v W. A. FoKlen. Thos. EUiugton aud E. fl. Eaton, is sued from tli t'onnt v I 'oiirr. Oris- County. Neb.. a.lso Mno'i ti liar.. liii Oman ConiT;.nv vs E. 11. Eaton, from County Court. Aud alo Eineliiie P. Eockwood vs E. II. Eaton, and alio E. II. l.a ton vs Win. Stadelmann (vs plaintiff for cost) the last two freni th District cou .j ;is .oi.n- ty. aud also k. ll. fcnuui vs .i. . rai ief .v c t Haines, Justie.o of the IVace, of Cass Couuty, Nebraska. IMattsniouth. Neb , Dee. 13lh. A. D. 177. gSia M. 1. Cutleb, Sheilff, Legal Notice. rtmrlM ijixenbv. In the State of Color.-.da will iki notice tliitt Wllfl im Ball, of the Coun ty of Cass and State of Nebraska, did on the r.t.i day of October. A. D. 1877. file bis petition In the District Court of Cass County and State ol Ni hrwka. aifaicst one Ambrose Ijtrcnby :Md tbe said Charles Lazenbv. defendants, t-etliiiir forth that the said defendant" are indebted to nald plaintiff in the sum of 5100.00, together wit b 12 per cent, interest on me num. irom me sth day of April 1876, according to the tenor ofa certain promissory noie inaue in iiiiih hum o: lirtil on I lint d.ite. And that the said plaint iff caused an order of attachment to issue out of said Court, on the same day against tne proper ty of said defendant, ciianes i-.enoy. ::nu mi' same was on the r,lU day of October. 1877 levied on the following real ec'.ate of rOd Cii.f, I uinliT to-wit The: north half of the south east quarter of section eleven 1 1) town twelve (12) range thirteen ( east of (he Cih P. M.. in Cass Countv, Nebraska; also, the undivided hair of lot i.nnitiff seven (71 III diock nmnocr seventeen (17) in th" City of riattsmouth. Nth And the said plaintiff praying Judgment aziiinst said defendant for the sum rf 1'K)k. with Vl percent interest from April Mil. is7ii and cost of suit, and the said Charles Idtzenby is notified tliit hi W remilrrd to anuear and answer tbe said petition on or before Mondaytbe 2sth i ay of January. A. D. lf7K. or the said petition wih be taken ad true and Judgment rendered nccord- tnKly Wll.l.IAM BLI.. 1'1'tf.. Ji'lO Dy V ILLn 1 UI, too n J. . Legal Notice. crmi-.n. a w,u.,k nf the Stnte of Missouri. will take notice that on the the 3otb day of July. A it is-:? A hi-uloun Di'vo filed hit petition III the District Court, 2d Judicial District, in and for Cass County. Nebraska. ag:lnst James M. Woods. Matilda Woods, and William S. , V oods. setting forth that James M. Woods, and Matil da Woods gave a mortgage to the said Abra ham Dcyo on the east half () of tbe south .ot miart.r (u nf tint itort h-esist Quarter (V) of section No. thirty-two (31 township number ten (lov range No. thirteen (ia) eai oi tue bin Itlncipal Meridian, to secure the payment of $1,ono.oo acooiding to a certain note referred to In ault ntortirMiro mill that. William S. W OOds claims some interest iu part of said land, which he has acquired since tue tiave i juauum mortgage, and praying that said sum may be paid with Interest at I J tier cent, from July Is 171 sml thtt Win. S. Woods mav be required to appear and answer said petition, set ting forth his rights. If any he may have, before the Hint day of January, A. D. 1S78. 3f,tc Abraham Dkvo, by M. I HATWARD & iio. . SMITH. niK an JS. Sheriffs Sale. T v vlrtti of an nriler of unit Issued bv Wm. I- Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judi cial District, within and for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed. 1 win on tue Z4tn dav of December. A. D. 1877. at 11 o'clock, a. til. of said day, at the south door of the Court ilouse, in tne Citv oi riaiismouin. nenranna. in Silid Countv. sell at public auction the fol lowing real estate to-wit: Commencing Ht a point 1Z7 6.10 feet north of the south east corn er of tbe west half of the south west quarter of section seven (7) township twelve U-) north of ranire fourteen (14) east, which point by actual survey is 1326 feet east of the south-west corner of said section, thence west 40? feet thence north 210 1.10 feet thence east 4ni feet thence smith 216 2.1 feet to the place of beginning, contain ing two acres more or less. The name being levieu upon and taken as ine propeny oi c. . Klntr and Harriet Kin, defendants : to satify a judgment of said Court, recovered by C. H. Far- mcie, planum. nntismouin, eurasKa, .v. yist. . i. 171. 35t5 M. 15. CUTLER, Sheriff. THE "OLD RELIABLE" RICHARDS Power Corn-Shelters and Separators IHliD." OT-eV T.OOO In Iallr sterrlee. IHEV NHKLL fl.KAJI 1'HOnTUE COB. M HOT t T TUB l - CIXA5 TIIE COIIX WEI.I. H'AsTK NO UKAHI. I.OOO tm Tef hour wttU Icn-horM power. l.OOO ton wr dar wl til one-horse power. " -BKAT IT IV VOt' tAH." imat TJIEY of Them Ills. Central It. It. 'o., Chleapro. We have six machine. Have shelled 1.000,000 bush els corn In sixtj dart. Good work and satisfactory. b a, iiuu.1, wumn r. III. Central R. It. Klritor. Waiiw lOrhiuYla KhpJlera ill nur W&n.h(iusea. Are pihitifti iiA durable. Shell clean and clean well. Tnlon, ElTStr, Kannan City, no. Have shelled l.OOO bushela per hour with Ulcliardi K(. 0 Machines, doing Rood clean work. Uave bad three sliea. Ship another Nn. 0 at once. WM. H. 1AXSHAW Supt Ele-r-atoro. dtlllleothe, Otilo. Bave shelled and ahlpped owr n niiillua tsuabelj earn annual I j, with your dueller and Erurl im. . n MAKlTlaXD & CO. South Depot Elevator. TnitlanApolla.Ind. Have uaed No. 2 six years. Shell 300 hUHlwla per hour. Shells wagon-hammers, car-links, hone-shoes, ox-yukes, etc.. log-chmlns - worry It," but hll ail rlnm. JNO. U MANNA A CXX Ham Cltr Klevator, Ilia. Bave shelled e.GOO bushel per hour with Na 1. En tirely saUatactory. J MO. 8TKWAKI OO. RICHARDS IRON WORKS CO., OIZZOi.0-0, ITiTii, BtnxOXBS OV Sttani Engines! Grain Elivators, Portabli Burr Kills, tc, &e. fWSfoial Catalog by mmU. SaANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED 03sr icnsr street, East of Matte Valley House. THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE la the Town. Good Teams Altcays on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carrfag' furnislied to friends. Address, J. VT. SHANNON. 42-ly I'llattsinoutii, Neb. 55 IPH C3 Hal A. G. HATT, JCST OPENED AGAIN, New, Clean, First Class Heat Shop, on Main Street In Fred Kroohler' old stand. Even body on hand for fresh, teuier meat. 2Syl TOOFS STANDARD HUFFIER, For AI L Kwlng Slarfalnet. The lent to uiw nnd inont jierfoctly constrnetcd, Addrcps E. i. T00F, " Dowtnc " Dnilding, Kirw Totk or Nvr IUvs.v, Ct. CD'd. Si.. THE LICHTEST RUWItlNO, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR ' or SEWIITLt HACHI1TES. Torrmlntt all the latest and moat desirabld Improvements. . .... It is easily nwdarstood, makes th dosble t a read lock-stltek, baa aelf-rewBlatlar Ui aloas and take-an, and will do the wkolo rcngo of family work wlthoat chaaca. The DOBKST1C " la made in the most dnr eble manner, with conical steel bearings and Compensating Journals thronphont. Aeents for tha "DOMtKTIC" Sewlaf a ehlae and the " DOBKKTIC " PPr Faaklea wanted in all unoccupied territory. Address . Uifeg lUehbs Ccaptn, llnr York. W. D. JONES' NEW LIVE11Y STA15LE, PLATTSMOUTII, NEH. TUe old fONNEK STAIif.FS iu Fliittsmoutrl Neb., haver been tewed rty lr. .(ones, arm" htf has opened a nw hiiiI Imiiilsniiie livery In thW well known 1mm. 1 lie illicit 11ml bi.'st of horsed and carrlases always reaily to trt 8ADDLK nOlWhS CHEAP. Horses kepi for Sale or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AND BROKE, I desire to ive notice tliMt I have a l;trce, handsome Imek hum, with plenty of nioni fir" hones and w;u(im. . I e;in tt liinncrs utoek an t WKfiiim, louiN nf gr:un or iinyt lilnij ull un der cover, in t lie dry. Km'Hnbfr tliU. 'J tiuiikinjr all my old patrons for their many fiivoi-s, I solicit tiieir trari tills eominir vcir, Hatisfletl I can aeeominodate them bi tter and a.9 betler Iiy llicm than ever before. 3-yl. COUNTER,PLATF0RM WAGON &TRACK ITT: -m 1 w C r . 1 h 11 THE BESTARE- I --THE CHEAFEST MARVIN SAFE SCALECO. 265 BR0ADWA Y V. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST PWLA. PA. I 111 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0, CJE0. W. KINSEK, llarhliilMt. Jt an old Maker and Una nor of Threxhinr ?TtacliIne, 1i;ls opened a idiop on Slth Street near Mr. Don ellys I'.hK'ksinitli hiiiI Watfouhliop wliere lie bnA in''i Hired himself to do any and all machine work, wit limit except ion. lie bao a No. 1 lithe can turn in wood, iron. Steele, and all other metal irr connection with machine work. lie can do any thing required in a Kuusinith, even to making s sun. of which we have the evidence in a l't, breach louder throwing one two or llirte balls at once at will of the gunner. Mr tieo. W. Slirader a fanner near Hock niufTs an old acquaintance of Mr. Kfnser from Virgin ia can be rcfered to In regard to his fonnereon nectiou with tli autifaeture of tlircslilng ma chines, tiivj Mr. Kinscr a call and w ill insiir you satisfactory work on any part of a Thresh ing Machine. M-ni. HARDWARE STOKE, In riattsmouth. Neb., on Fourth St.. about the" MIDDLE OF TUE BLOCK, you will find : Corn Flanlerw, (band &. borne) Stirring Ilov, Sulky riowu, Cultivator, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin "Ware, &o, &c ALSO, Hungarian and Ifillet, Seed for Sale 31m 1 rc.yo,n LAND,LAND! BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. roi:; by IS, IMo- 25L- Si- Great Advantages to Buyers IX 1877. Ten Tears Credit al 0 percent Interest. Six Years Credit al C prr crnt Interest, and 20 per cent Dwvuid. Other Liberal !Ieut Kor Cash, Kebatea on furrt ;id trclffhtn, and Ireni!un tor Itrprove mrntM. P.irofilitft and 3fap. coniinln? fuil partic ular, will be mailed lre to any uit of tho world n abdication to I.AM) OMMISSION'ER. B. A: M. R. 1J. 10yl LlX.-01.3l, EBllAKA