THE HERALD. J. A. MACMURPIIY Editor PLATTSMOUTH, DEC. 13,1377. QUE CLUB LIST YQll 18 IS. We re?-nt our readers this cok wiih a club list of papers which can be tnkfii with the Hki: alp. Iii lhii way you can Ret two paiwM or laasazines lorlitt'o more than the m:n of own. We would also liKc new siiV.scribers to the Herald, and all who propose tricing It f(-r smother yciu to come forward now. The Crst of the year Is a good time to commence subscrip tions to ail papers, ;yid we can only get these riuto rates itbout the first of the year. Subscribers to any of those i;ioj-i, &c, who wish to rcuew, will alo get thou nincli more promptly by renewing their subscriptions before their name U strici:en frpni the present year's list. The IIcitAf.D and Harper's Bazar, Weekly or Magazine.' $ 4.90 " and Iuter-Occan, weekly... 2.R0 ' " fend-weekly " ' " Chicago Tribune " l'ost& Mail, weekly.... " ' " dally " " IYairie Farmer " " " IcuivleCourler-Journ'l " Scribners Monthly " ' St. Nichohis " American Agriculturist " " Deinorest's Monthly Mag 4.00 2. so 2.30 C.C5 3.30 3.05 4 8- 4.10 2.70 3. G5 " " Scientific American 4.35 " .. .. Xew York uii 2.G5 .... .. oi.i-crvcr 4.fi0 " " Kclcctie TtiAZm- B.73 " " 'eb. Farmer, (luoiillily).. 2.65 ";i(ibe -Democrat St Louis 2.V) " " "Ix--Iics 111. Newspaper... 4.15 We ran also send lor the luter-Oceau aud the premium inAs offered by it at special rates fur our subscribers, which rate they eau learn up on application at this office. IIURKAII FOR THE III !: U.I) FKE 311 131 MSI! To eTcry uian, woman and child in the county a chance is offered to obtain one or more valuable articles in addition to a copy of TIIK NEBRASKA IIKRALD for one year. To every new subscriber to the Xk bkaska ilEiiALD for one year, who pays us two dollars, or to every old subscriber who pays up past arrearages and one year in advance wo will give his or her choice of the following books : The IIomk Puimz, a cook book compiled from receipts contributed to the Home Department of the Chicago Tribune. It is a volume cf 1G0 pages, and gives fully as much information as do the SI. 50 and 82.00 cook books, besides being the practicnl experiences of practical housekeepers, or a work on farming, one on small fruit raising, and one on the care of horses, the names of which will appear next week. For every cash subscriber for 1S78, who will send us one additional name, or in other words for two "cash" names we will send a copy of the Xf.braska Farmeb for a year; or three "Domes tic" Fapeb Patterns, to be selected from the catalogue by the subscriber. For evr.ry cash subscriber for 1S73, who wii: send us two additional cash names.or in other words, for three cash names we will give a medical work by Dr. E. li. Foote, entitled Plain Home Talk axd Medical Common Sense, a book of over 900 pages, containing most excellent advice on hygienic sub jects; or a SMiTiiooRArn, with com plete outfit. The Smithograpu is an apparatus by which any one can copy pictures,pattern?,or designs of any kind, either the size of original pattern or enlarged as many times as they may wish. It is a most fascinating little instrument, or a copy of. the Ameri can Agriculturist with their premium a handsome microscope valued at 2.50. For every live cash name3 we Will give a set of .silver plated fores, which retail at four or five dollars per set. For every ten cash names we will give one of 15arnes' Foot Power Scroll Saws, which retail at fifteen dollars. These saw will do any kind, of ornamental work in wood, shells metal, bone or ivory, such as brackets, frames, work boxes, wall-pockets, cor nices, &c. For every fifteen cash names we will give a knitting machine valued at twenty dollars. For every twenty-five names we will give a new sewing machine valued at lifty-fivc dollars, and such as have re cently sold at 6(U'enty-five dollars. Each subscriber in theso clubs will receive one of the single premiums, whichever he may choose. Subscribers who take the Nebraska Herald at club rate3 with some other paper or magazine can have the single premium by payment of twenty fivo cents in addition to the rates given in our clubbing prospectus. Congress adjourns on Saturday the 15th for four weeks. Eusti3 was admitted as senator from Louisiana on Tuesday last. The battle seemes to be at present against the Turks. Plevna was re captured, and Sulliman Pa3ha bully wounded. "Where" oh whore! is John ny Dull. The Editor of the Omaha Eepubli can had better go right over to the Her ald ofSce and put his face down on the floor and let Doc. Miller stand on him. Perhaps he would accept that apolo gy. Evidently Mr Buckingham made a mistake in dying just now. There will be, a grand wedding darae Rumour, says down on the "Weeping Water to day. Even as we go to Tress Robt. Maxwell Esq'r is about to wed Miss Annie May, a neice of Mr. and Mrs. Tewksberry. Such goin's on and the Herald gettin' older and older every day. Oh my !. Thet Tiad a tin wedding in the Her ald's family the othci day, and the edi to.r V3, a w'it.h3 now. Dut reallv who 1 blow it. We wish them much joy though, :i3 'artily as though they ad a dozen little Vis, and all full of brains. Chronicle. ' You might loan us a little "'Ed" now. to pay for our Rooster you gobbled last fall. Tim Chronicle is much more severe on Mr. Commissioner Ramsey whom it claims as a friend than we are. It. denies that he ever did or could Edit the Chronicle; thats rough. We meant to help him out m a friendly way too for if he can't even Edit a newspaper, what can he do. He isn'st rnuch of a commissioner and is out of practice yJl'yA teaching. On what weather overhead If a fel low was only travelling that way now vvhafe elegant roads he would have. Owing to a number of Legal notices coming in late, wo are obliged to omit several Editorial articles and other lo cal matter we had intend to publish. Head the Herald premiums, Head the Herald Club List, Select the premium you want, Chooso the paper you will Club with. Come right up to the Herald OiTice, Pay us the chink, and get yourdud3. The Herald brags about its army advertisements. The truth is ths Dee declined to publish them at the beggar ly rates' now paid under a recent ruling of the Attorney General. Of course the Herald is welcome to such crumbs from the federal crib. Dee. Correct; The democrats being usually 20 years behind the times can afford to do government printing at rates es tablished 20 years ago. Ilespet'ting the Djctor. The Omaha Herald won't exchange with us because its editor says we don't show him proper respect. Xow that is a mistake. We have the high est respect for you, doctor. From our earliest childhood we were taught to respect old age, physical infirmity and mental weakness. Kearney Press. That beats us; The Prts3 ought to 'apologise next week. Temperance Lecture. The two Ladies Mrs Losee and Mrs. Langdon, who have been holding ser vices here, will lecture this evening on Temperance. And Mrs. L. says the invitation is very broad. They want all who use Alchoholic drinks, tobac co smoke or chew or other stimu lants to attend. That's right, Sisters; go for the Tobbacco stained chops, and those leather lined tea drinkers. They need it. Speaking of Plattsmouth tho Bee correspondent says : Here in this burgh roams the calm, serene McMurphy of the Plattsmouth "Herald" in search of mental food with which to feed hi3 patrons. Tho "Her ald" is ably edited, and is well supprt cd. Here McDonagh of the Watchman still lives, and pursues his grammati cal studies. Somebody must have been posting that chap. This i3 the way the Earthquake served a man's farm up country; so says the Ponca Journal : John II. Armstrong, of South Creek, states that the earthquake broke and tore up a large portion of his farm. Level ground was chawed into ravines, ravines were filled up, and dry land was transformed into mud, with pools of water, unfathomable, incomprehen sible, and by reason of their sulphur ous smell, diabolical and abominable. Verily this is getting to be a wonder ful country. J. L. IIutgtiins, living near Weep ing Water has been making cheese, now, for some years, commencing, in '70. He milks 45 cows, and finds no difficulty in selling the cheese. It averages 11 cents a pound at Xeb. City (That is as good as they do in Wis consin on land, that cost SCO $to 70 pr acre-Ed, At first they would not touch Nebraska cheese, but now, he has no difficulty in selling his cheese. He speaks very encouragingly of the cheese prospect in thi3 state. There is an other cheese factory about to be start ed a short distance from him of which our friend S. A. Beardsley will have charge. We're a waking up, boys. The West Foint Progress reports gratifying progress on the great man ufacturing enterprises of the Elkhorn metropolis. The stream is now com pletely and permanently dammed ! Re publican, We are glad to know and rejoice at West Point's success and think more towns ought to follow her example in building up manufacturing Interests; DuS the Republican is rather late ,in saying that it is just now, completely and permanently damned. This Edi tor in company - with other old Xe braskans remembers striking the said Elkhorn, one dark night, many years ago, before the days of bridges, when the water wa3 10 foot high; supper, friends and fire were on the other side and caught but a swim could bring us there. We certainly thought the Elk horn was at that time completely aud permanently damned, or stream never was. We receive the folio wing from Mr Jthoden, of thi3 county, in regard to his son. Hall of Corrinne Lodge Xo. 5, A F & A M. Conine Utah Dec 8 th 1877. Whereas it has pleased tho Grand Architect of the Universe to remove from our Lodge to the Grand Lo Iga on high, our worthy and esteemed brother Alexander llhoden, therefore; De it Resolved, that Corrine Lodge Xo 5, A F & A M has by this sad dis pensation of Providence lost one of its cherished and active members, his aged parents a loving and dutiful son, socie ty an ornament, and the community a useful and promising member. That as a Lodge we mourn tho loss of one whose place cannot be easily filled. That the members wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. That a copy of these resolutions bo forwarded to the relatives of our de ceased brother aud a copy furnished to tho Salt Lake Daily Tribune for pub lication, all of which is fraternally submittal. E. P. Johnson, ) ti. (lOLDBERT, J.W.McMcte. Robt. SiiUMAN, Act'gSec'ty. j seal Missionary Wort. For several davs two Ladies from Xew York Mrs. Lcsee and Mrs Langdon have been lecturing and la boring in Missionary work in this town principally afternoons and evenings at the M. E. church. Tuesday Evening they give a talk to the little folks. Mrs Langdon talks and tells stories and Mrs. Losee asks questions and makes comments to bring out more clearly the intent and meaning of the other lady's remarks. Then Mrs. Losee sings and says a few words. It appears fiom a book published by herself, and vari ous newspaper notices we have observ ed that Mrs Losee has been a Mission ary for years in Xew York aiding in re claiming the Xews boys Doot blacks aryi others of the street classes from vice and pauperism. Finally showing so much tact in this work she has been requested to go to Salt Lake and try her hand (or her tongue) on the Mor mons. Little children, mostly, havo paid and are paying her way there. It costs about 5 cents per mile and little Sun day School boys and girls send her one mile, two miles and so on. She stops here on the way only by special-invi- Itation, will go from hero to Lincoln, thence to Denver, and perhaps stop at other points on the way. Doth ladies have a very happy faculty of interest ing both children and grown people, and while we have but little faith in their converting any Mormons, they can do much good in other places and among the Gentile population out there One cf Nebraska's Fine Horses. From the Spirit of the Turf. Col. Geo. W. E. Dorsey of Fremont, Xeb., has purchased of Whipple Bros., Lagerstown, Penn., the Hambletonian stallion, "Saturn," or "Whipple's Vol unteer." Saturn is a dark chestnut, sixteen hands high, one white stocking behind, and weighs in ordinary flesh eleven hundred pounds. He is very compactly built, good shoulders, splen did quarters, very heavily muscled, good substantial legs and feet, with neck and head a3 fine as a thorough bred. Saturn was foaled in May, 1S70, and is very richly bred, being sired by Sat ellite," he by Robert Bonner, and he by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, &c. One ta, Saturn's dam, was sired by "Volun teer," he by Rysdyk's Hambletonian, &c. Saturn has had very little train ing, was handled during the past sum mer only, and kept in stud at same serving between 40 and 50 mares. He has never been in a race, but in pri vate trials lias repeatedly trotted quar ters in 35 seconds, and a mile in 2:30. Good judges consider him a very prom ising horse, and claim that with prop er handling he will show next season closo to 2:20. Saturn goes lo the stock farm of Col. D., and will be used in the stud until June or July, of 1878. He will then be placed in tho hand3 of a first class trainer for further devel opment, and if what his friends claim be true, we predict he will in time, es tablish reputation second o no horse in the Xorthwest. We congratulate the lovers of fiuo horses in Nebraska, that such a horse has been brought in to their Stato, and wish the horse and his owner success and prosperity. Col. D. also purchased of some parties, a bay filly, foaled in 1876, sired by Sat urn, dam Georgianaby Royal Revenge, dam of Georgiana, a thoroughbred. Tho prico paid for Saturn and filly was $3,250, Once More. Editor Herald: I see a corres pondent of the Xew York Times gives some facts and figures tuching th fi nancial condition of that city, which are anything but assuring of future prosperity. He says "that in 1S53 with a population of C20,574 the city debt was fifteen million dollars and in 1875 with a population of 1,036,837 the debt was $116,773,024 While at this time with no appreciable increase of people the indebtedness is $132,090,932. the total tax went up from 09,740,362, in 1800 to 31.10S.533, in 1876 tho rate of tax per capita, advanced from 63 99 cents in 1876 to 311 30 ceut3 in 1875." Comparing the taxation of Xew York with that of other cities it is found that while the rate there is S2 65 cents per S 100.00, in Boston it is 31 27 cents. The owner of $30,000 worth of proper ty in Philadelphia would ba liable to pay 3150 or 3 mill3 on the dollar, in Xew York he would pay 31,430. While tho population of Xew York has in creased ten per cent, the debt has in creased 325 per cent. Xow Mr. Editor we cannot make any comparison in population, of this place and those cities but we can beat them to death with taxes: You are aware if a man ha3 $50,000 property assessed to him in this place his tax would be at 55 mills as last year, making his tax $2,750.00, more than eighteen times as much as Philadelphia and almost twice as much at Xew York and for this year it would be: Boston $435.00, Phil adelphia $150.00, Xew York $1,470, and in the village of Plattsmouth it would be 2,250.00. In Xew York if a man has a little money he can put it out at interest and afford to pay tax on it. But here he cannot but will buy U.S. Bonds or anything to get out of paying taxes on it a3 he cannot afford to do so. Respectfully, E. G. Dovet. If Mr.Dovey will throw his influ ence towards electiug a Legislature that will sco to it that all property is taxed alike and at what it is worth, we will agree with him and allow him to stato all the facts ho can gather bearing on that subject. Unless this is done the present statement is un just to Plattsmouth inasmuch as no idea is given of the valuation of prop erty. The only cure for this taxation business, is to strike at the root of the matter and tax everything, money and all, at its true value on this condi tion and because it helps to elucidate the folly oX our preent system of as sesament wo allow the above article space. Ed. TELEGRAPH ICI THE FRENCH 3HN13TRY RESIGN. What ex-Gov Hendricks lias to say. rinchback resigns the Senatorsliip. The Pope's Condition. London, December C, A Russian official dispatch admits the capture of Elna, and says Prince Mirsky, being attacked by 20,000 or 30,000 Turks, "was compelled, after a stubborn resist ance and heavy loss, to fall back, first from Mahren to Elna, and then from Elna, to a fortified position at Jako witz, at the head of Mountain George., December 6. The French ministery tendered their resignations at this morning's council, and Presi dent McMahon has accepted them. Washington,' December 6. Mr Blaine has relinquished the chairman ship of the civil service and retrench ment committee in favor of Teller and taken the chairmanship of the com mittee on rules. The president and the following nom inations to the senate; Envoy extraor dinary and minister plenipotentiary to Brazil, Henry W. Ililliard, of Georgia; Consul generals John Q. Smith, of Ohio, at Montreal ; Alfred E. Lee of Ohio, at Frankfort; Consuls Julius Stahel, of Xew York, at Osaka and Hidga; T. J. Machrin, jr., of Ohio, at Xassau; secretary of the United States legation at Spain, Dwight Reed, of Xew York, all duplicates of those sent in the extra session, iNDiANAroLis, December 7. The daily Xews to-day has an interview with ex-Governor Hendricks in refer ence to the report that Mr Tilden took the oath of office last year and would soon begin a contest for the presidency. Mr. Hendricks says ; I know nothing whatever about these statements. Of course I cannot know Tilden's actions, what he ha3 been doing or what he in tends to do. So far as I am concerned, Mr. Wheelei has been sworn into the office of vice president, and ho will stay there for four years. When he was sworn in that ended it. Bucharest, December 7. A Rus sian statement i3 published here which says: It is better to continue the war than to conclude a patched up peace which will sooner or later make an other war necessary. Russia must ob tain autonomy for the Christian popu lation, independence for Roumaniaand Servia, increase of V?rritory for Mon tenegro, and for Russian possession of Batoum and Kars and free navigation of the Dardanelles. Xew York. December 8. Arrests continue of proprietors of saloons and bar tenders for selling liquor in viola tion of the law, and tho excitement is unabated. At the excise board rooms to-day the police kept iu order two lot g lines of applicants for licenses, among them a number of women, and the com missioners were busy signing licenses for those whose applications and bonds had been approved. EX GOV. riNCIIEACK: of Louisiana, has addressed an open letter to Gov. Xicholas, resigning his place a3 United States senator from that state, St. Petersburg, December 8. It is officially announced tho Russian loss between Xovember 10th and 17th was was 3,153 men. Total loss sines com mencement of the war, 74,858 men. Constantinople, December 8. The government has impressed street car horses for the aimy. A dispatch from Rome says the pope experiences temporary relief, especial ly in the morning, but every attempt he makes to assume a sitting po3turo produces a relapse. Bucharest, Monday December 10 Afier a severe engagement yesterday before Plevna, Osman Pasha, who wa wounded, surrendered unconditicnallys Turks iri Plevna were dying of hunrer and cold. There is great joy here. Du charest is covered with flags. Bucharest, December 10. Plevna is now in the hands of the Russo-Rou-manian armies. The Agence Russe. make3 the following announcements: Osman Pisha attempted to break through in the direction of Widden. He was attacked in front and rear any was compelled to lay down his armd after a glorious -struggle in which he was seriously wounded. All with one voice praise his conduct. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. KETOaTEU JS F. E. WHITE. Wheat. Xo. 2 SO ". . " 3 7rvT'.75 ivieetPfl TTy'im Corn, nhell;d 05 22 Corn, ear 15 Oats - 13 Darley, JCo. 2 . .... 1320 3 13 " rejected ". is Rye, 35 latest sew yoek markets New ohk, Dec. 12. Money, svn& Gold, i03!s LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Dec. 12. Flour, 4 7.W5JS 75 Wheat 1 Oeft! 09 Corn, iV-n Oats, 20 Rve . NTs Barlev fO Native Cattle 4 75ffl5 00 Texas Cattle 2 ftA 00 Hogs 3 WK(i4 00 MOXEI TO LOAN. $100,000 To loan on Improved firms in Cass ountv, at low rate of interest. Applications solicited, llatlsmouth, March 1S77. J N. WISE. SASH, DOORS, AXX ItIOUlL,DIXC:S. GOOD GOODS, - IX) A V PRICES. GUSTORF & CO., Ciiicap. Mills at 25 3, 257 A 259 Twentieth St. 33W4 ATOM Of Ten Years' Duration. Tho Dis charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirely Cured by SAfiFORD'S RADICAL CURE. Messrs. Weeks & Potter: Gentlemen I feel com pelled to tcknowlL-dKe to you tlie Brent benefit BakFOKd's Radical cfii lias been to me. For tn rears I have been ntUlctcJ with this loathsome disease, end especially In the winter time bas It been most severe. The discharge has been thick and bloodv, emitting a foul odor so bad that my Kresence in a room with others was very offensive them. One week after commencing the usa ol Bakfoko's RadioaI. Ci'BS I ws not troubled wlU U at aU. Mvse iiaea of tnto and emoll, which vers tphollu frone, have now fully returned, and my gen. aral Health Is inuch improved. Yours, &ELiiOt7R?TE H. FORTJ. Shnrt-ilawx Writer. C baits Bapxds, Hi co. Nor. 3. 137S. LATE!?. Gentlemen? The parknsra of Baitfowj's1 CTTTf arrived baroto-nlght all right. I don't know what I should have done If It bad not been for this remedy. I have tried Nasal Douches und everything elso. and although I have been ablo to atop tho otlenelve dis charge, I have not been able to recover my senses of taste and smell until ItrlcdSAsror.D'sCcB;. You can refer any one you choose to mc, and I will cheerfully Inform them In detail as to tho benefit Bi remedy baa been to me. YTnrs. MELBOU1SNB XL TOSD. Gsa2to Rapid s, Mica., any. is, 1S7G. SAHFQRB'S RADICAL CURE Eot only promptly arrests the corrodln dlscb srtrea Catarrh, but, by sympathetic action. It restores to sound health all the organs of the head that have) tecome affected by it, and exhibit acj of the folio w toxd affections: Defective EycFlpht, Inflamed and Mattery Eyes. Painful and Watery Eyes, Loss of' " Hearing, arache, Neuralgia of tho Ear, DiscbarKes from tbeIar,IUngins; Noise r in tbo Head, Dizziness, Nervous Head- ache, Pains in tho Temples, Loss of the) Senses of Taste and 8m ell, Elongation of ' the Uvula, Inflammation cf tlio Tonsils, Putrid Sore Throat, Ticklinj? or Hacking Cough, lirouciiitiii, and. Bleeding of tho X.anf8 Earn package contains Pr. Sanford's Improved Inhaling Tube, wiih full u:id carciully prepared di rections for use in all csm-s. Price. 1 1. For sale by all wholesale and retail drnggl?ts end dealers throoghonttheUljlted FtatosanJCunii'las. Wh EK.3 & POTTffil, O-ceral Agents uud Wliolosalo Drug gists, Bos tOU, MjsS. C8LLUIS' Voltaic Plasters AH Eleetro-Galvanla Cattery, combined Trtth a hiKhlv Modicatcd Plaster, forming tha grandest curative agent In the world or medicine. and utterly surpassing all other Plasters heretoloro In use. They accomplish more la one week than the old Plasters in a whole yoar. They dQ UOt pol iUto, they ocbj(. They Ttelleve ltelleve Itellcve ltelleve Kelleve Itollove Kelleve Affections Affections ofthe Chest. I.UDH3. oft lie AnectloDS Affections Affections Affections Affections Affections of tho ot'tlie ofthe of tho oftho Heart. Liver. Spleen. Kidneys. Spine. Nerves. fielleve Relieve Kelleve Kelleve Bellevo ofthe Affections Affections Affections Affections ofthe Musclea. ofthe oftho ofthe Joints. Bones. Sinews. Ko matter what mav bo tho extent of yonr eeffer-. fcg try one of these Plnsters. Relief i (ntwnun cm a fact supported by hundreds of testimonials la our possession. Bear la mind that the most Impor tant discoveries in pharmacy dote back lcssthan ten years, and that combinations of gums and essences of plants and shrubs are herein united with Kleo Scity to form a curative Plaster, in soothing, heal r. and strengthening properties as far superior to another Plasters heretofore in .oso as the milfintlflo piiTBiclAfl is to the hore-le:ch. Frloe, as Cents. careful to call for COLLINS VOLTAIC PLAB TKK lest you get some worthless imitation. Bold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists throaphonttha United States and Canadan. and by WEEKS A POX TEB, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. HENRY BCFCK. DEAL Eli IN 7 SAFES, CHAIRS, Lonngcs, Tables, Esdstcads i ; ETC., KTC, ETC., Of All Dcscnpt tans. METALLIC BUEIAL CASES "WOODElsT COFFITS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks fur pivt patronage. I In vl'e Invite all to call and examine ray lak;e stock of 40tf. FURS ITS' atK Al C OFFIXS. A PHYSIOLOGICAL Wmv7 oi Marriage f RMSAWU. VT 'Hi'TJ A Ouide to Wed'.cck sol .') r'tLf S.-ouadViirisl Tr.H:i,e on ths t V"JT. i - Hi"" I ciutMt uottl lor it ; 111. e- A H xj' fZ1 cnt of Beprednction sod SjiEUi.Bze oi v.- oneu. vitte. conmci- & pugrs, prioe On II d:sOiuri oi a PriJii e ; Abuse, Ei"C8-e. -r Hocrt Xlsoane, vital Uie meant of run, srH ihv rnjr. prit-.X ct- A CXjINICAL L,C-7JU.. 0:1 the abor dlsensrs and Plow ot tlit Tbroatand Lunjra, Cu.tixriiiiupturc, th.o Opiuxa iftbit,A.c.. prk-e iU c:s. Kit hr hock rent csrrni1 on rrctTtpt Gt pricM Or all three, containing i-Wpof. lM-autilu!iy ItiuRlmtcd. for 7 ct. Aildre im. h CTTTS, 9. U 2. tk St. Louis, JSC A. YEAR. Arnts wanted. Ensl- ss rartlrularsfroe. r t? JiJ AddruW WORTa k, CO.. St LcuU. 11a. Ufi OaT: Mart Mn HalrftaSiolVJeiy ani9ftlll i n. Carltim. m v m iS7 Voabinetoii St., Chiees IIL A I PREI"3I WATCH AXT CFJAIJf j"U"s.iitIroa. Gay lord &CO. Chicftso, 1U. $3 GOLD PI.ATEDWATOHES. Chepr in the kumn Sampik Watch Fi:t to Awrs. AdouXa-s, A. COL'iVTKK tt CO- CuiCAtto, lu. Or.A.G.OLiN 'lM Kn.t Vvhin iton M. hv.iiffst ' 111, for Ilia -.. J au i'MAsM oi a f rlvate nature, rwirttf-is from riy abRmt or IntW-tlon of :ttiT SrT. SeiEfnul Wcakm-Mprodiu-inf Fmlajtlon, IsOM of Memory. Jmpnirt-d Mrht, I-okI .lUnnhwod or impotcriry, Servoun lability. nn-r-iiUy curvd ; fiJ-iMM of tn liIutnVt Kidney a, Liver. aisiT. Astlmii, Catarrh. I "1 !?, m l l lironir Iri-rmm, and JHS EfE OF FEMALKS, yield to his trvatnwnt. Dr. Otin hat had lift-long exerts:. ice, bii1 rum whm othm fail. Ha ba ralaal9 of tlie If rm.xi S- liool, us no merx-urr. has tha larcwt prm-Uf in the U.S. L.AIiKH reauiriiic trwurmnt with private home and board, mil write. tOvery ronwRiritni for fMKtienu. Send fifty cent frr lample of Rubber floods and rtr rnlnr of Important informition by exf-reas. aIi. OLIO'S Female Pill, $5 per Rot. Coni;Hst:o free. MAEEIAGB GUIDE CS younand middle turi of both Sexes on all duaM of a prfvata oaurni. ai ua.bL advLv tn the mimel and throe rontettplann marrava. How tt be hemhbv and truly hnDy in the married rela tion. Everybody thou Id gt tltit book. 1tUm 60 oenU, lo auy adr eVata aeaiad. WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer In DRY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. :o:- Notions, Queonsware, and la fact everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FURS. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. 3lyL V ft a B it s nV d A book lor p (gran penin(g PLUMMEB'S. A fall line of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings. G ROC ERIE S I N GREAT VARIETY A Splendid Display of Black Cashmeres and Alpaca Dress Goods. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A Large Stock of Flannels, Jeans, Yarns, and Blankets, of all Descriptions. .Woolen Hosiery WOOLEN DRESS FRINGSS, Madies audi . OMMreim MERINO UNDERCLOTH ING. GREAT VARIETY O F COTTON FLANNELS. A good soft coal stove large size, for sale at Plummer's. ' "Winter Apples at Plummer's. New and fresh stock of buck mit tens and glove3. A pood stock of "Winter Apples at Plummer's. -: O : by the THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS EVER BROUGHT WEST OF THE MISSOURI RIVER, All to he found at ELI PLUMMER'S OLD STAND on Main Street, Plat ts niouth, opposite the Saunder's House. 30yl H. HEROLD, dealer ia 1UY GOODS, BOOTS, snof.s. HATS, CArs. GLOVES, FCUXISHIXO GOODS, GROCERIES, dc. JEWELRY and NOTIONS. I have a large stock ol! uak Glove, of my own make, to he closed out at Al kinds cf COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for . S3 s . Main Street, Corner of Fifth, Plattsmouth. - - Neb 3dyl ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, MacJdne ami Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds of" repairing of farm and oilier niachim-ry, as tiu rc is a good lathe ia my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon .shop. He Is well known as a .NO. 1 WOKKMAN. Xew Wagons itnd iStigieA made to tinier. SATISFACTION" GUARANTEED. 'Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's St.itlc ASTONISHING! Tlie Cheapest Book in the English Language. Nearly 1000 ILLUSTRATED Pages, Bound in Plain Cloth, and sent by mail, postage prepaid, for oslv ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF, Plain Home Talk, embracing Medical Common Sense, for 1.50 ! ! fiver one hundred thousand Conies of the Standard Edition havo boon sold at three dollars and twenty-five cents. the Standard edition entire. Disease and its Causes. Prevention of Disease. Common Sense Remedies. Chronic Diseases of the different Organs of I he Body. Private Words for Women: Priuate for Men: Impotency of Males & females: The Habits of Men and Women: the Natural Relation of Men and Women to each other; Society, Eove, Marriago, The Sexual Organs, their Influence tion and Civilization. Ilistorv of Marriage among all Nations and in all rimes. Sexual'lmmorality; Sexual Moderation ; Sexual India rence. Adaptation in Marriage, Mental. Physical, Magnetic, and Temperamental. Happiness in Marriage; Intermarriage, of Relatives. Essays for Young and Old, Married and Unmarried, and many other topics. tTALL IN LANGUAGE CHASTE, PLAIN AND FORCIBLE.. N O NEED OF LENDING Y 0 U It COPY Of Tlain Home Talk, for the Purchase No Nccil Need to Consult Your Physician Upon any of the Subjects mentioned, for of the same, and of many other matters, No Need of Pleading Ignorance In advanced Life for the sufferings caused by the follies of youth and mid dle age, when a single book will put you 1 TIME And the best way "To put money in Copy of tho Popular Edition of Dr. Foote's PEA IN HOME TAEIC. You can then preserve GOOD By knowing how to prevent, save literature that you will upon reading .ay The cheapest oook, meutcac or otherwise, puuiishca in me n onai " :o:- BETTER Try Canvassing, .and if you succeed remit the six dollars, we will mail to eaeli copy of this popular work. Contents THE MLKUA X III 37mG 12a And New Illustrated Catalogue, with Our Imperial Caskrt ontnln. one pair of I.iuTj'h TirufWu. nnc iU;3-.n N'prk Cbatn ani I-or.;ct nn nj orstiKN.oue pair of sleeve Bunons. one I r-t Kar-nnr' nd I'ln i.inir.uix' c.icri ci rnem Rhip" I'.ln, on i'luln R:nij. cue etnoswl liattm;; a:l of wh'rh r? tlir fi.T-t ir!.I-piiP, vrrrrnri t-d th test nf .olid eiid, Inr1 fxncUy m rfpri-M-riir 1 t.v f .io tur.v mjM in liii-; am. t n.t-ineii On rroript of Ore UoMnr w. will s"d tl.i trancl nrrnv i,f plfiraiit Jt-wi 'rv. ti i-nro y j-ai-ki in a leai Having one of ihe Imperial ( 'asIcpui in mir ncj,;,nii. we nui.! sav. 1-..T. u l.:le flic r-Titric. aro Tit pollil l?ol1. tiiey are lietuitiful Imr.ntidiiS and rer- pr. wia in me city jewelry atore."r.prrii! iiwban. r t. 4. "An bonnrnble liouse. entltlPd to Ihe con!il nee of ti:-'r wn'rrni .' Tn:'"!? C:rir-n.w W'r I'l.r. "We endorse the hith r':-r of reectaliiiitv attacli.- i in '.l,e ,n 1 1 1: y ." K:. 1:it..s tn.ord To iwnre our patron3 of oir re'-pnurit-iltry. vv r n, any reici-ife biiiiei hru..e in CJni iuuati, aii by prmisHiun to Uie commtrciai afc-eacy of J k,Kh I,r"l t-." i !' oriltrf, ( STEINAU JEWELRY C0MPAX1', Xo. 5 Arcade, CINCINNATI, C Windham's Real Estate and Loan Office, LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, TAXES PAID, U. S. PATENTS TO LAND OBTAINED. Tltlem Examined nnd Perfected. LOANS NEGOTIATED. It is a duty every man owes to hlme:f and to those interested with hiia to know tli comll dition of the title to his property, it is a fart well known to the legal profer,slon, nid to real estate dealers, that thousands of the imirin-ol and unimproved farms of this western country, have imperfect titles; much expense and lili (intion caa be .saved by having yonrtitli exam ined ar.d perfected, at ouee, and before proper ty reaches eastern fl ;uies in value, when quci tfonahle titles become more difficult to remedy. All persons claiming title to land should ob tain the I'nittd States I'atent and have it re corded, the hunl title from the Government Is vested In the individual through tho patent and title i not perfect until the Talent in Issu ed and recorded, and astern enjiitaUx! will not loan money on such security unless it i" done. As a matter ol business convenience, I havo connected this department with my Law Prac tice, and have placed m charge of It W.S. Wise, who will, under my super ision, attend to all matters appertaining thereunto. A ten year's residence in tho State and Coun ty, with constant business experience, ;md rela tions with its inhabitants, has thoroughly qual ified me for transacting business of the aboo mentioned character w ith facility. 11. li. WINDHAM, Att'y. at Law. AV. S. Wish, Notary I'liblia. aoyi LENHOFF d BONNS, Morning Dew Saloon ! One door ea.t of the Saunders House. Wo keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3Jm9 Constantly on Hand. --o- The new style contains the matter of Hints to the Childless: Parentage, etc. upon Development, ueaan, social i op Price Is within tho reach of all. you can have a complete knowle.lgo at less than his consultation fee. on the right track. ARB MABB, your purse" is to send at once for a HEALTH S18."i0 by purchasing with only SI. 39 is worth 820. STILL! In getting four subscriptions, and will subscriber and yourself included a table of this book sent rree. Address EL PUBLISHING COMPANY, EAST 28TH STITEKT, NUW YORK CITY. infractions how tn become Ag.nts. tty ent-li puriit'i-lr .ii- e bcinii pju;;lly as ood ai mMUMA