THE UERALD. B. & M. R. R.Time Table. Cor retted. Wednesday. October 31, 1977 fok fbom plattsmo uth. leaves C :15 a. 10. Arrives 8 -'0 a. m. " -' : JV p. m. 3 -.45 p. m. FBO)l QMAHA FOU PLaTTSMOCTII. Leave a an a. m. Arrive 10 1 a. ni. :00 p. in. 1 :45 p. in. FOR THE "WEST. Leaves Flattamoutli 9 :40 a. tn. Arrive Lin coln, i -30 p. m. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :24 p. m Freight leaves 8 sto a. m. Ar. Lincoln 1 :20 p.m FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 8 :40 a. m. Leavws Lincoln 12 p. m. Arrives l'lattsruouth. 3 :10 p. ni Frlgbt leave Lincoln 11 uT . ra. Arrives nattsmoutu, 4 :25 p. m. GOING EAST. Espress. 6 :15 a. m. Passenger, (train each day) 3 AO p. m., except Saturday. Everv third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. A ERIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PLATTS Ulll'TH WillX KA8TEBV, KOfiTHEItS A 80CTHKRX Depart at Arrive at - 9 -M a. m. 5 :.T0 a. m 3 :(K p. tu I OMAHA VIA B. & M. Arrive at 10 -.30 s. in. Depart at WESTERN VIA B. M. Arrive at - 3 :1S p. to. Depart at - 2 :13 p. m s too a. m. Arrive at 12:00 in. Depart at - 3. -00 p. in. KWK BLUFFS A tTXIOX MILU. Arrive at 12 DO m. Depart at - 1 :00 p. m J. W. MARSHALL. F. SL LOCALADVEETTSEMEXTS. Trausient. 25 cents a line. Regular advertis er, lo rents per line. No advertisement Insert J for less than 23 cents. I2sl notices at Statute rate. Atlornevs and officers of the law will be oeld responsible for all legal notices they hand In, ami an Darties demanding a Drool oi dud nca t ton ot any notice will be held for the pnblica- tion lee ox such notice. COMMUNICATIONS. As our space I limited, all communications must be brief and to the point, v. itu no waste at words. The paper is responsible for the correctness accoruiii iu cupy ut mutLcr ouu ydiu ac gals, only. 1. Any person who takes the paper re; jularly to his hot Is from the to-ofnce. whether mrectea name, or whether he Is a subscriber or responsible for the pay. 2. It any person orueis his paper discontin ued, lie most pny ail arrearages, or the publish er may continue to send It until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taln from tb office or not. 3. ine court have decided that refusing to take newsoapers and periodicals from the post Sice, or removing ana leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of MiTJtJtTiOJiAi. FRAUD. LOCAL XEWS New Patterns at Weckbach's. S2t2 We expect to hear something drop tiext week. Oo to Wefckbach's for Patterns. 3?t2 VTe guess the D octor is going to make it, this tiaie. For a No. 1 lemann's. Hat only 75 cents at Stail 3 113 Somebody is going fo iled next Tuesdav! to be badly Patterns at Weckbach's. 3t2 Politicians and candidates liuve been plenty as prarie chickens used to be, about town last rwk, The Wlii'e Shuttle Sewing Machine the best ia the world, for .H;ile by J. P. Young at the P. O. News Depot. 32t2 Mr. J-evi:, the man w ho was in jured by the accident on the B. & M. road lsc week, is not improving very fast. It is a verv serious case. Dick and John were out in the country the other day and came home mighty jubilant. Wait until 'lection is over and see! Mr. Martindale, he of Louisville was down to see lis Monday. 'Pears like we heard he was running for suthin', this fall. I'r.cle Schlegel run away the oth er morning and got lost in the woods for ever so long we mean his horses did; -Its all the same in dutch." Uemember, we go to Press nesday evening, and it takes a time to set type, so send us the early Wednesday, Wed little news Our friend Egenberger, across the way, is getting quite a comfortable home like place, lie has improved the looks of his house wonderfully. Independent candidates almost in variably draw their chief strength from the Republican party. Remem ber tin's, friends, and be careful how vou vote. There must be going to be a lively lime, round here this fall, there are .tore people that know just how to . un a newspaper during 'lection than usual. Any person wanting any make of -Vwing Machine cleaned or repaired, vill pleas leave their orders lor same . ith J. P. Voung at the p. O. News epot, ajrnt for the White Sewing Machine. 32t2 Judge Linch, has finally and firmly termined to make Plattsmouth his . iding place in the future. Ilis office ill be found with Mr. Cushing in itzgerald Block, right hand entrance : the head of the main stairs. His .w card appears in this week's paper. Call on J. P. Young at the P. O. Tews Depot, and get prices for the ' Write Sewing Machine, the easiest unning, and comparatively noiseless, o cog gears, superioi in Workman rip, and warranted for three years. We received a letter from Dr. Boot Eight Mile Grove, saying that Mr. ton will not be a candidate . for unty Superintendent, We are very td to know this, the Herald hav X a very friendly feeling for Mr. Al 1. If the fortunes of politics had ode Liia oar candidate we should r re supported hfra with double ar- Clear breather once more, 'after more foggy, rainy and cloudy weather that we hare ever seen before at one time in Nebraska. The White Sewing Machine carriet oil the first Premiums over all other machines, at the Nebraska State fair at Lincoln in plain and fancy sewing, heavy stitching on leather &c. Call at the P. O. News Depot and examine machine before purchasing any other machine. 32t2 Hob. Sam. Barker and other Utah cattle buyers are home. We under stand tbey bought lots o cattle, can buy any amount more, cheap enough. but could not get cars to transport them. A large number of cattle are being driven home. U lovers of reading should remem ber that the long weary winter nights are at hand when you will want some irood reading matter so do not fail to co to the P. O. News Depot where you can be supplied with all kinds of read ing matter, i ou can also subscribe with J. P. Young for any Newspaper, or Magazine you wish at the lowest publishers prices and save you money and trouble. He will also order you any Book or publication wanted at publishers prices, do not fail to give him a trial. 32t2 Mr. C. J. liorntne. dropped In to see the Herald on Monday last and talked Pennsylvania awhile. He thinks he has one of the finest corn crops in Cass. Mrs. Mockenhaupl, wife of Chris Mockenhaupt,an old resident of Platts- mouth. died very suddenly on Satur day Evening, last. An inquest was held and the Physicians pronounced it disease of the heart. Henry Zikenberry has just return ed from Utah, where he has been buy ing cattle. He and his partners have 600 on the road. Henry will vote the Republican ticket this fall, and says all his neighbors are going to do like wise. P. B. Murphy among all our Re turned Black Hillers looks the sleek est, the roundest, the best kept. Ver- ly Pat must have had a good time of it, in the Hills. He speaks very fa vorably of "Rapid" and means to re turn when Spring opens. Bclden's Patterns. Mr. Valentine Weckbach is the agent here for Belden's Patterns, all sorts of Ladie's Patterns, such as Polonaises, Basques. Chemises, Saques, etc., Skirts. Overskirts, Drawers, etc.. Misses' and Chilrens' Patterns, such as Wrappers, Saques, Basques, etc.. Boys' Patterns. For Boys Coat, Vest Jacket, Waist, or Shirt, Overcoat. Also pants patterns of all kinds boys and men-?. Gents' Patterns, for Shirts, un derclothes etc. Give us a call and examine these new ami varied patterns oy wmcn any and all persons can make their borne clothes at home. V. Weckbach. Pr.igraianie of Plattsmontu Literary Society, for Monday evening, Nov. 5lh., at the High School building. Quartette Simmons, Wooley, Mor rison and Windham. Recitation Anna Vallery. Oration Prof. Simmons. discussion. Resolved: That the Russian govern ment is justifiable in waging war upon Turkey. Affirmative R. B. Windham, J. E. Morrison, J. II. Waterman. Negative E. II. Wooley. W. W. Drummond, E. D. Stone. E. II. Woolev, Prest. J. E. Morrison, Secy. It. I j. LYXC1I. ATTORNEY ANI COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Onire in Kitz-rcrald Block. I'lat Isuiout li. Neb. DIED. JENKS At the residence of his slter. in Ros- coe. III., Oct. l3.mi.MR. William C.JEii!, aged 4 years. He was born in Saybrook. Ohio, and was one of theoldeft settler ou the Weeping Water, be ing here for over 20 years. Candidate's Notice. Plattsmouth, Xeb., Oct, 10th, 1877. j I hereby announce myself as an In dependent Candidate or the office of County Clerk, subject to the will of the people as itraavbc expressed at the Polls on the 6th of next November. 30t3 J. W. Jennings. FAKJfERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-!ng tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. Judges, Clerks of election and vot ers will recollect that the matter of Township Organization is to be voted on at this election. For or against it. The tickets have been sent out. They are for a special ballot. The Herald published the law and gave our opinion of it some time ago. THE MARKETS. HOME markets. REPORTED BV F. E. WHITE. Wheat. No. 2 so " 3 75 rejected 60 Corn, shelled 20 Corn, ear 18 Oats 13 14 Earley, No. 8 30 "3 25 " rejected 20 Eye, 35 latest new yoek markets , New Vokk, Oct. 31st. Money,. a7 Gold, iys LATEST CHICAGO MARhJSTS. COICAUO. Oct. 31st. Flour s 33 00 Wheat- t-tl&l 12 Corn, 43V4 Oa'J. 23" . m &i Barley.. 61 Hogs. 4 60 80 Native Cattle .-. 3 o&gS 60 Tev.t Cattle . 2 fvi"? 75 "VEGETI1TE, says a Boston physician, has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many wonderful cures after all other remedies had failed, I visited the Laboratory, and convinced myself of Ita genu ine merit. It is prepared from barks. roots, a id herbs, each ofwhich is highly effective, and they are compounded In such a manner as to produce astonishing results." If the great Blood Purifier. Yegetiae Will cure the worst case of Scrofula. Is recommended by physicians and apothecaries Yegetta Has effected some marvelous cures in cases of Cancer. Yegetlae Cure the worst cases of Canker. ie worst cases Veg Meets with wonderful success in Meretrrial dis ease. . VBiGline Will eradicate Salt Eheuin from the system. lie moves Pimples and Humors from the face. Cures Constipation and regulates the bowels. Yeietiis Is a valuable remedy for Headache. nedy for Heads psla. Will cure lspepsla. Vfinrptint? I u&uuu ire system to Restores the entire synteni to a healthy condi tion. VBEBtiflB ises of Dizzines Bemoves the causes of Dizziness. Vfiptiifi ess at the Stom VBgetiiB he Back. Relieves Faintnes at the Stomach. Cures Tains in the Back YejGtiiB Effectually ctucs Kidney Complaint. i Kidney Comp VesBiiDB i cure of Femal Is effective iu its cure of Fenialo Weakness. Vegetine remedy for General Del Is the great remedy for General Debility. Vegetine I acknowledged by all classes of people to be t lie best ami most reiiableble bioou puriller in the world. VEGSTINiS Prepared by STEVEXS, Doston, Mass. II. 11. Yeptine is Sold ly all Drnists. SPECIAL NOTICES. Agents Wanted. To int reduce a new article needed in everv tiousemmi. intei prisinfi agents make from 3- to S3 per day. Address N. M. 1STEVENS X CO. Box 2-10. Counil Bluffs Iowa. A No. 1 sett Ladies Fur latest styles onlv the low mice of at Stadle- maun s. yit2 Messrs. E. G. Dovey & Son of mens' kip boots, have also fine stock large assortment of ladies side lace, misses and childrens' shoes, in great variety, for sale at bottom prices. (Jive them a call for anything in the line of general merchandise, at their new store near head of Main St., south side. 27if. Arctic Overshoes only lemann's. 81. .) at Stal 3U2 J. V. Weckbach litis sin immense stock of Fall and Winter Dry and Fancy goods and Groceries of all kinds. Farmers and Hou.sekeeers give them a call for anything in the line of Gen eral merchandise. 27tf. For a good Stiulleinaiin's. Cap only 50 cents at If you want a fine organ, with val uable improvements, give me a call. James Pettee, Ag't. For a good Suit of Clothes only S3. 00 at Stadlemann's. 3U2 For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. w. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf For Good Calfskin Mittens go to Stadlemann's. 65 cents. 3U2 Organsand Pianos tuned and re paired, orders left at Johnson's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. Jaies Pettee. Dealer in Musical Instruments. A No. 1 Over Coat for 65.00 at Stad lemann's. 31t2 -See organ ad in another coulumn. Lost er Stolen. From Celestian Decoty, one note, given by YV in. uuthman in January 18G5, for 8200,00; and two notes for S-50,00 each, given by II. Inhelder, dat ed Feb. 2d 1875; first note due six months after date; second note due in twelve months after date. All of said notes drawing 10 per cent per annum. Said notes were lost or stolen from the said Celestian Decoty on or about the 21st day of of October. A. D 1877, in aad about Cedar Creek, in the county of Cass, Xeb. All persons are hereby notified, not to buy, trade or barter for said notes. A reasonable compensation will be given to any person or persons finding the game, or giving information that will convict any person or persons who shall have stolen said notes from the said owner. Apply to Celestian Deco ty, or J. W.. Haines, or to J. A. Mac Murphy, Editor of the Herald. S2w2 J. W. Haines, - . Collector for Decoty. Tegetlae TsTUr FriICTBO. Act tuLtly. aid .'ti w. ,r-rnr the following wonderful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout; pain in Back, Head. Heart, Lungs. Linibs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. 2r. Fit ler's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitler's Calisaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant "substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. lr. Filler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists. Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Look Here vou can get Boots and Shoes of all styles, patterns and make, from No 1 EASTERN HOUSES also a fine stylish perfect fit of MY OWN MANUFACTURE from the finest French Calf Boots made in the state, down, at prices that defy competition. Ladies and Children's shoes a speciality. Peter Merges. J. V. Weckbach says he's healed on salt iu quantity, quality and price. Will not bo undersold. 27tf Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneu monia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it with out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to reccom mend it to thepoordyingconsurnptive, at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 doz en bottles were sold last year, and no one case where it failed was reported, such a medicine as the German syr up cannot be to widely known. Ask your Druggist about it. Sample bot tles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular Size 73 cents. For sale by. 18 tf-alt llKLPfor the weak, nervous, and debilitated. Chronic and painful diseases cured withont medicine. Electric Belts and other-appliances, "all about them, and how to distinguish the gen uine from the spurious. Book, with full partic ular, mailed free. Address Pulvermachek Galvanic Co., 292 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. 18yl-alt.- New place of Entertainment, Weidmax & Co. I have fitted np the old stand formerly occupied by Hen Hemple, with a new and complete stock of Liquors and Cigars also wHl furnish rueals to farmers and others who are hungry. 29t4 Keenan and Grace at the old reliable Liquor store have constantly on hand a full and complete stock of first-class LIQUORS AND CIGARS. A fine stock of old apple rniAxwr on hand. 29-U Donnelly means business evidently, another new wagon, the handiwork of himself and Peter Bauen. the boss wag on maker, is just finished and ready for inspection, while the wagons, bug gies and ploughs he has standing around it requires a man of nerve to stand such a crowd of business, fortunately Mr.Donnelly has got the requisite nerve, and is capable of pushing all that kind of business along on time, and still there is room for more. Bring on your work, gentlemen, and get it done to your satisfaction. G0t3 If you want the best flour to be had it market, call for Schluntz's Cedar Creek brand, and you will have it. Don't forget to ask for Schluntz's, eith er XXX Family, or Patent. Satisfac tion guaranteed. It can be found at all the principal stores in the c'ly. 30t3 Oysters! Fresh Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be found at F. S. Whites's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and crisp every Satur day, by express. Call and get the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. Candidates Notice. I hereby announce myself pendent candidate for the Sheriff subject to the will of an Inde- olfice of the peo- pie as it may be expressed at the Polls on the 6th of next November. Respectfully, 30t3 O. M. Streight The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 60 days in clothing. Roots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf I am baek agvin and ready to put up and black stoves and clean chimneys and do it all in the very best and most satisfactory manner. ClIARLET BltOWNT. New Goods at Schlaters. Joseph Schlater, the Jeweller, has gone into a new and extensive line of goods in addition to his usual Jewelry Stock. His store is filled with new and beaut'ful goods of various kinds. BESIDES his new stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silver Ware, the best in the market. he has Spectacles, pocket knives. Purses; Chi na and Uoiiemian Ware : Musical In struments, Strings and Music Books. Children's toy Wagons Hobby horses. &C and a host of knick nacks and cu rious toys for holiday presents for children's amusement; Bird Cages, Gent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large line of new goods in every m branch of the business. Give him a call JOS. SODXATEIt. 31tf Main St. Plattsmouth. SflhfeT New Boarding Honse. George Shafer has greatly enlarged his boarding House and added on 3 new wing with a number of good new rooms. He can accomodate any num ber of boarders now. So come along boys and call at the O-Jcnvald. SltS. be CUREU flifneU Palmonlr H.vrp. IschrarkN Wrrtl Tonic, Mehenek's Hadrske Pills. Are the only medicine that will cure Pulmo.i ary Consumption. Frequently medicines that will stop a co-i-r' will occasion the death of the patient ; tli " lock up the liver, stop the circulation of t' blood, hemorrhage follows, and in fact tlifjr clog the action of the very orgaus that cansoi the eoupii. Liver Complaint and Dypspepsia are t'.ie causes of two-thirds of the eases of Consump tion. Many persons complain of a pain in tilt? side, const i pat ion, coated tongue, uain in tin shoulder blade, feeling of drowsiness and rest lessness, the food lying heavy on the 8tomacU, accompanied with acidity and belching up of wind. These Symntons usually originate from a dis ordered eonditiou of the stomach or a torpi 1 liver. Perom so effected. If they take one or two heavy coldn, and if the cough in these case lie sudeuly checked, will find the Stomach an 1 liver clogged, remaining torpid and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerated the result of which is death. Scheuck's Pulmonic Syrup 's an expectorant men aov-s not contain opium or anytmng cai- culated to check a couuh suddenlv Scheui-kV Kea Weed Tonic disolves the food mixew with the eastrict Juices of the stomach aids dlgenion and creates a ravenous appetite wneii the t towels are costive, skin sallow, or the Symptoms otherwise of a bilious tendency, Schencks Mandrake Pills are required. These medicines are prepared ouly by J. H. Sthkntk A So.v N. E. comer Sixth and Arch Sts. Phila. And for sale by all druggints and dealers. 9t4 Lit all kiuua & prices for guia .SeAooU, 'Ajwic um A tamxii,. MAGNIFYING B LASSES for inveetiga- lions In lk?anj,SJinrralnji,Uiru;uUurr,A7rtevJltirt, Ad.KNfiHSPV UL.AKHEM,TKJ.EMC-OiE8 rfr. ft Paok Phicr List, fUg illuttaUd lent free. MCALLISTER. Mfo.Optici, 49 Mums St.. S.T. Great Stock-Breeder's Monthly. THE NATIONAL LIVE-STOCK JOURNAL, Published mt CHICAGO, ILLS. IhadttSiyaarst I enred mvMix Inim Book for 10 cents jrtres fall par DK.CB.8VIKS, ttoulars IS S. Madison BU. GUcaao, 111. 31W13 Private Sale. The whole of Bev. David Hart's HoCSehold goods will be offered for sale during the next ten days. 27tf Quinine a:d arsenic form the basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and are the last resort of phys icians and people who know no better medicine to employ for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of these drugs are destructive to the sys tem, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and depression of the consti tutional health. Ayer's Ague Cure is a vegetable discovery, containing neither quinine, arsenic, norany deleter ious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever and Ague in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. It is an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as a cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. It acts directly on the Liver and billiary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigerous. healthy condition. For Sale by all Dealers. FARif FOR SALE. 2fc) acres In section 3G,town twelve, range elev en. 3 mlle south-east of LoulsxMUe ttation, II. M. It. R. Cass County. Nebraska. ISO Acres I nder Cs!vi vatioi, wita house and !arn, orcl -vd and fere :t tr-f , ;ilen'y oJ snrlns wr.N-r.' WJJI !: iM in ro :ieie tracts if ibs.ired. L'ii'-ii:v o. J-.', cler. PliUismoatU. Neb. Sfhlatcr. jwv 14ms MANDRAKE PILLS. Those Piils are eouijwcd 'c'tisive!y of vege table ingredients, ami although they entirelv supersede the use of Mercurv. do not'lcuve any ot its injurious effrcts. rr fie r Act Directly I'pon tlie Liver, and are a valuable remedy in all cases of de rangement of that wrtfait. Mirk Headache. Indiuet ion. and all Uilio us lHordrr, Miccomb to their free use. 2;w4 AGENTS ! LOW-PKICF.I) itnd FKT-8ELLIXU JtOOHH ARWMO8TCOMrLKTir.LV RKPRESENTED IN OCR ;AM) COHniATIO' PROM- PKCTl'M bv sample pasres. bindings, illustra- lionw. etc. j nev are j iiey .ire ixnimar w s oi everv kind, and mure mircrx I or Canvasxers. All act ually winning emfilirymcnt. and no otters, address 2UII18 CAAlilt.l.Li & CO., T. I.O HI t, MO. NOW HEADY FOR AGENTS ! The Great Strikes I That timely new book, by Hon. J a DArrs. A complete history of the causes and thrilling event of the great railroad ai.d lahor war all over -the country. Finely I li.U(tratei. AUKXTM 1VAXTKII everywhere. The bent chance to make money ever offered. Be w are of inferior works. (Jet the best and lowest priced. Address 2tim8 STANDARD ROOK HOUSE, St. Lo l is, Ho. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. bv L. WelU, Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 2(th day of November, A. D. 1877, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The north east quarter of the south west quar ter and the north half of the south-east quar ter, and aleo the south thirty-two (32) acres of the south west quarter of the north-east quar ter oi section seventeen (17) town eleven (11) north of range fourteen (141 east of the Cth 1. M.. in Cass County Neb. The fame being lev ied upon and taken as the property of Joseph Sans, in au action wherein Joseph Shera and Joseph Sans are defendants : to satisfy a judg ment of said Court, recovered by Edinond E. woolsey. platntilt. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct. 22d. A. D. 1877. 3!t5 M. B. Cutler. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued br Wm. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judi cial District, within and for Cass County. Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 26th day of November.A. D. 1877, at 10 :. o'clock a.m. of said day, at the south door of tlie Court Houee in the City of Plattsmouth. in said Coun ty, sell at public auction the following real es tate, to-wit : Thi south-east quarter of the nrth-e;v-t quarter of section nineteen (19) town twelve (12) north of range fourteen (14). east ot the 6th P.M., also the north-east quarter of the north-cat Quarter the same section, town and range. The same being levied upon and ta ken as the property of James D. Minshad, An na J. Minshall, Simon P. Benadoin and R. E. Moore, defendants : to satisfy a ludirment of said Court, recovered by Jacob Beam, plaintiff. i iaitsmouin, eo., oc. is, a. d. 1877. 31t5 . M. B. Cutler, Sheriff. Legal Notice. In the matter of the estate of W. T. Etberidgn, cteeeased. Before Mm. H. Newell, County Judge, ia and for Cass County, Neb. To whom it may concern: Notice ia hereby aiven that Eliza Jane Eth- eridge has filed an application in the Comity Court, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, to be appointed administratrix of the eetate of W. T. liineriage, deceased, ana said cause is set for hearing at the office of the County Judge, in riattsmoulb. on the 12th dav of .Novemtr. M77. at one o'clock p. m., of said day. at which time and place all persons interested may appear, ana snow cause, tr any they have, why the said Eliza Jane Etheridee should uot bo anoointed such administratrix of said estate. Witness my hand this 23d day of October. 1877, at Plattsmouth. Neb. iit3 Wm, H. Newell, Co. Judge. Legal Notice. ATI persons are hereby notified that I will not pay any debts contracted by my wife. Charity E. Carter, after this date, as she has left my bed and board. Avoirs. Neb., 0! 9th, 1377. SObi Joax B. t'A"Xiis. Consumption can S Mm X mm) nATARRH ft intao. ttjmlai. Legal Notice. Jos. Oiandier. of of Mfssonrf, Har riMHi Chandler, of the State of Cwb'iado, ;id tii' li"lri tf Mary Johnson. deccaiH'd. wilt take notice tliHt Lou M. Haves, vf thet'wuuty of Cas. in the State of Nebraska, did on the 2Stth dav of cfoler, A. I. 1871. file her etitioii in the Dis trict Court. 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, against Win. II. Smith a administrator of the eiate of John Chand ler, deceased. Harriet Itarr. Samuel Chandler, Jos. Chandler, Harrison Chandler, Elizabeth Brown, late widow of John Chandler, deceased Win. Chandler, and the heirs of Mafv Johnson. deceased, setting forth that said John Chand ler gave a mortgage to the said Ixju M. Ilajes, on the north-east quarter of section five ( hi township eleven (11) north of range thirteen (13) east or trie 6tli I. M.. in said County 01 Cass, to secure the payment of floso.oo. according to a certain note referred to iu said mortgage, and that since the giving 01 said mortgage, the Oliv er defendants claim some interest In said lands, under the. said John Chandler deceased, and praying that said sum may be paid with inter- tut. at iz ier cent, irom Marcn ytn. irik. or mat said premises may lie sold to pay the same ;and the said Jos. Chandler, HarriiHiu Chandler, and the heirs of Mary Johnson, deceased, are requir ed to appear ana answer said petition on or be fore the iirth day of December, next. Ixu M. Hayks. by Wheeler & Sto k. her att'ys. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of two executions, issued by Wm, H. Newell, County Judge, withhi and for Cats County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will 011 the l-'lh day of November, A. I). 177, at 11 o'clock, a. ni.. of said day. at the farm of .1. T. A. Hoovnr, in Ixiuisville precinct. In aid Coun ty, sell at public auction the following iiersonal property, to-wit : Four horses, one hundred acres of corn in tS field, more or less. The same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of J. T. A. Hoover, one of the defendants ; t satisfy judgments of said Court, recovered by C. II. McConuick & Bro., pi ai miffs. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct. 29, A. I). ISTT. a.13 M. B. Cutler. Sheriff. Legal Notice. In the matter of the Probate of the last will and testament of Wllhelmina Vallery, deceased. In the County Court of Cass Couuty, Neb. To whom it truly concern: Take notice that Jacob Vallery, Sr., of said County, has filed in in) office an instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and tes tament of ilhelmina Vallery. deceased, and made application to have the same admitted to Probate, and that said cause is set for hearing at my office, in Plattsmouth, Neb., on Friday, the 91 h day of November, A. 1). 1877, at one o'clock p. m., of said day, at which time all per sons interested may appear and contest the same, ahd sbow cause if any they have, why said instrument should not he allowed as the lat will and testament of said deceased. Witness my hand this 2d day of October, 1877 at Plattsmouth Neb. 3it3 wm. H. Newell, County Judge. Legal Notice. In the District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis- trict in and for Cass County. Nebraska. Wm Stadelmann Plaintiff, vs J. N. Randall, De fendant. J. N. Randall of the State of Iowa will take notice that Wm. Stadelmann of the County of Cass and state of Nebraska, did on the 29th day of August A. D. 1877, file his petition, iu the District Court of Cass County State of Nebras ka, auainst the said J. N. Uaudail, setting forth that The said J. N. Randall, defendant, is in debted to the said Win. Stadelmann. Plaintiff, on account of goods purchased of Plaintiff at divers times. In the sum of seventy-four and hfty-Sve buudredtiis ($74 & 55-luO) dollars, that said account is just, that no part of the same has been paid and that the said J. N. Randall still refuses to pay the same, and plaint ill prays Judgment for a74 A 55-10O with l'l per cent int. from March 1st 1870. And in order to collect. the same the said Wm. Stadelmaun has commenced a suit in attachment and your property has been attached. You are hereby notilied to appear and answer said petition according to raw. and the rules of said Court of Judgment will be entered against you by de fault and your prop erty sold to satisfy the same. II, B. Windham. 30:5 Atty. for Stadelmau. Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber on Tuesday, Sep tember lth, 187T, on the road leading south from AHland, between sections 34 and 35, town 12. rani;e 9 east of the 6th p. m., in Cass Ct unty Nebraska, one dark bay hoise, with a saddle and bridle. Said horse is bMnd in his left eye, has a white f pot in the face, has three while feet, and has a grav spot on his riht shoulder, has been branded U. S. on the left shoulder ; 110 other marks visible. The owner i.- requested to prove property, pay charges and take Dim away. JOHN KEEFEK. October gd. 1877. 20w5. Sheriff's Sale. Hv virtu. of an execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial District, with in and for Ca-s County. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 iil on the 5th day 0$ November, A. I). 1877, at 10 o'clock, a. M., of paid day, at tho tuiith door of the Court House, in the city of I'la.t.':nouth. in said county, sell at lublic Auction the following Keal Estate, to-wit: C'-:ui'.UL,in ut tl.e south cast (se)cornerof the southwest, quarter (sw'i) of section twenty-nine (201, in town twelve fi2), north ratiee thirteen (13), east of the 6 IJ, M. ; running thence norm i'l 63-100 rods: thence west. 12 65-100 rods; thence south 12 65-100 rods ; t hence cist 12 G.V loo rods, to the plnce of beginfnjv Containing one acre, more or less, and known ns the 8 Mile Orove Ihiptist Church property. The same he Inp: levied upon ami taken as the property of The K Mile firove baptist Church, et al. defen dant ; to satisfy a judgment of said court, re covered bv 1. W. lwis, plaintiff, Plattsmouth, Neb., tv-t. . .. A. D.. 1877. 2w5 M. 15. Cutler, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Hv virtue of two execution" issued by the Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie directed, I will on the th uay of November, A. D. 1877. at 11 o'clock a. M.,of said day, at the south door of the Court House, iu the city of riattsmouth. hi said comity, sell at Public Auc tion, the following Keal Estate, to-wit : The north east quarter of the south west quar ter (4) and the north west quarter P) of the south west quarter Oi) and the south west ouar ter (Hi) of the south west quarter (!), and also the south east quarter (U) of the southwest quarter Oi) of eectton six (61. town ten (10) range thirteen (13), east oi tits 6 I. M..or so much thereof as wi!l satisfy said judgments and cost. The same will be sold In 40 acre tracts, as above, commencing at the norfi east 40. The same heinr levied upon mid tak n as the property of vallery & ltuffner. defendants; to- satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by x. r. eier c i o., iihiiiuu. Plattsmouth, Xeb., t -r. 4 A. !.. 1877. 28w5 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff. A. G HATT, JCST OPENED AGAIN, New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street in Fred Kroehler's old stand. Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. 2Tl HARDWARE STORE, In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Fourth St., about the MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, you will find : Corn Ilanters (hand &. horse) Stirring Plows, Sulky Plows, Cultivators, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware. Tin Ware, &c, &c. -AJLjSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale Sim Subscribe for the Herald and Ne braska Farmer; only $2.63k LOOK HEREIMi new article t business" men A NOTH EH utado One LAD-Y made SH one BOY mad e Slant we week whu-ti shows what-can be done i party 1 energetic Business easy and honorable. Send stamp; for circular giving lull particulars. Add res. IUwa -MeMdaJI" Ksildlnsr. ni6 CHICAGO. ILL. TTJ V-.'IMAPE by Agents in cities and coun- J)XV tT7 towns. Only necessary to show -.- samples to make sales and money, for yTQ. any one oat of employment and dia- CPCt tZ !el to work. Used daily by all bu- QO tiness men. Send stamp for clreurar, with prices to agents. Addres, A ' r -SPECIAL AtiESCy." DAT! ."J: Kendall BtrJriir.s. Cbicazo. (gran penin(g PLUMMER'S. A full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings. G ROCERIES 1 X GREAT VARIETY A Splendid Display of Black Cashmeres and Alpaca Dress Goods. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF ST YLES OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A Large Stock of Flannels, Jeans, Yarns, and Blankets, of all Descriptions. Woolen Hosiery ' WOOLEN DRESS FRINGES, Gents' Madesr and MERINO UNDERCLOTH ING. G HEAT VARIETY O F COTTON FLANNELS. by the THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONSr TR I yi MINGS AND FANCY GOODS EVER BROUGHT WEST OF THE MISSOURI RIVER, All to be found at ELI PLUIilMER'S OLD STAND oit. Main Street, riatts- mouth, opposite the gauader'a " . . House, , STJ" All Address to the $1 u w .n.t lo mn if tin- Mittrin'. Oi vou want to eet rfd ot l.llii)i,",e-is? Ho you want soiiictlitiiK tostix ,, -' lo you want a r;rlHV li you want to tret rid of nci vo .' v )yiu wunt (roinl ditiettvu'. IM you want to sleep well? Ito you want l tmtKI r yoir rnf ;;ntlon' IVirou want a brisk and vigorous fcvllnifV Ir yon do, TAKE LIVER EEGTJLATOE J. H. ZEILIN & CO Sole projn ironrletors Simmon' Lfver R : Hilla add in I j Thr I'SHillll rrntfTi ni 1 u r k rK.nrTr" 3is wai raisf 31 cofttalii hsIi.." cle of Merc : injurious ml hut LY V E EV colititlning t(. em Kooli ii . which an A 1 i l'l frovidext h cd in countries where Liver Disease Vail. IT Wll.1. Cl'KR JU.L tllKKAKMU ' ;'' HKltANOEMKNT ur THK LlVFK ANII j,..-, KECL'LATK THK LIVKR AND VKKVI CHILLS AND FEVi:: NimiflXH' LIVKR KEtll M iliir Is eminently a Family Medicine : ; kept ready for immediate resort wf an hour of suKeruiu and UMiny a XDd doctors' hills. After over Forty Years' trial It f- . ; , i--.-m ing the most uniualilled testiiHoni , i.j 1' v. tues irom persons ot ttie niffliest c . , .- . responsibility. Eminent physic'in' , -.r.i. ..). . it ar the most crrccTriL specs: st FOR COXRTIPATION, IIEADACI; V. V N THK SHOULDER. DIZZ1NE. ; !: : O ACH, BADTASTE IX THE MOU1 ; :.U ATTACKS, PALPITATION VP 1 ! li'. s PAIN IN THE REGION OF Tni lT Vi DESPONDENCY, "LOOM. A D ! !.;:: 1 IX OF EVIL : AIJL OF WHIG 1 i'.f. iU OFFSfRING OF A DISEASED L' V . i.. COLIC IX CIIILDB V For children eoinplalnb ; colic, headiiclio, or sit-k m:iii:l. !.. a feapnonfiil or more wi" j reiki. Children, as well as n ' il eal sometimes too much or eiit sMiiot lilnu w bli-li ilo . . divert well, prodiicius'nirsti . ach, heartburn, or rcsiie.sM-' a tood dose of Liver Itegt.i will e' ve relief. This applies -prons of all ages It I-" cheapest, purest and best Par1. ; Medicine in the w orld ! IT II AS SO KtCA L. Thousands lead miserable live, sue. 1 dyspepsia, a disordered etomach aid : - - duciag Nbllhousnese, heartburn, oo-.; iv-- -s weaknew irregular appetite, low spm: -. 1 food after eatlnjr, and often ending in ; tacks of fever. They know thev ar- s. -i cet little sympathy. The unfailing .... :.. Srevent these afflictions and restore r .i ;' . r IMMON8' LlVit EEGULATOK. JIAXUFACTCBED OXLY R i- J. II. ZEILIN d Co. PHILADELPHIA. I Prick, $1.00. Sold by all Druaglsts FARM FOR S Ali ill. The BetHtock Vnrm In Vnmx C011.U; l'nr Nale Very Cheap. Satd farm coniains ABOUT 40T ACRKf. v Iq cuitivatlon ; 70 acres ot meadow Ihi-i ; . acres In pasture, enclosed with a gc l and about 2f.O acres of timtirr, 70 of wi.; , enclosed with a five-board fence, and in v .1 1. a hoir-lot. There are over l.ono l.K t. ! FRUIT TREES. Also 4 m It mie :f fence. Said farm Is well watered, and ha- 1 j - it a tJOOD COMFORTABLE HOUSE, gn . ies. stables, etc. etc. The above farm is located MILKS S' ' ! ' ; OF PLATTSMOUTH, and it known us to - W. I Ilobb's place. Tkrms : One-third down, and balan - ' . . 6 or 8 years timo. For further particular - ; ; to- KEYBOLT Itltos 2Tw I PlattswoutU, f V. D. JONES' NEW LIVERY STAULI PLATTSMOUTH, XElt; The old BONNER STABLES In n .tts.-.- ' Neb., have been leased by Ir. Jones, ai: t ha.i opened a new and handsome livery in well known barn. The linest and best of l.;:v and carriages always ready to let.. SADDLE HORSES CHEAT. Horses kept for Sal or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AND 15R ALSO I drsire to pfve notice that I have a 'r. . . handsome brit-k barn, with plenty of ro-: i j- r horses and wagons. lean put 'farmers -' ,, an i wagons, loads of grain or anythtiii; a.i 1.1. der cover. In the dry. Remember th. Thanking all my old jiatiorrs for tin Ir u n-, , favors, I solieit their trade this coining v- h satisfied I can accommodate them better a'. I t---better by them than ever before. 3- i SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED OUST IMIJVTICT STIinill'r East of Platte Valley House. THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Good Teams Always on Hand, Careful Drivers sent with cai riages if desired. Carriages sent te Dcjiot to meet all tin!:- wheuevei ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE H TOWN. Funerals attended and carringes ftimiilied t(. triends. Address. J. W. SHANNON. 42-ly Illattsmouth. Neb. GEO. W. KINSER, 3IachlnlMt, &. an old Maker and Hun iter of TIireMhing- .Marhinesi. has opened ailnp on Sixth Street near .Mr. D011 cliy "s Biaeksmith ami Wagon Kho; v here he Iih renared lumpen to no any and all iiia'-mne work itliout exception. He ha a No. 1 lithe 1 . t urn in wood. Iron. c' :n -.i . : " I 1M01 Her ir.eial in connection with i-i:ieinne work. He can do any thing required in a gunsmith, even to making a run. of which we have tne evidence In a Pat,' reach lo;ider throw ing one two or three balls at once at will of the gunner. Mr ieo. W. Shrader a fsrmer near Rock Bluff an old acUHintance of Mr. Kinser from Vincm la can be refered to in regard to his forniereon neetion with the manuf:u-ture f tliresiiiug ma chines, tiiva Mr. Kinser a eall and will insure vou satisfactory work hi any part of a Thresh-' iiK lUJcumr. oz-ntt,. PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOUX BOH, frtnirietor. THE OLD RELI.IDLC IIOl'SK. Good aewmmodations for Faniicr.i and the traveling public. Board 81 per! day. Meals 25c. Entirely refitted and re-furnished, and farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals and bod for Fopest Tap TOT Throat, Luogs. Asthma, and Kldstyi. fo resit Tar Sok'tion. or Irhslwion for Crrh. Owurur-tioa, ' 7 roiic-mi.nd AtilJiiii. Forest Tar Troches, pre Tnwflst, IM&rif! Tfetifc?C Coocb aa$ Forest Tar Salve, or Ifrsiinc I-ndcIcaCSeaw Fleers. Cnu, TTrotis. titsiui rHri. Forest Tar Soap, or Cfcmwit Hand. Sslt liLeum, Eila Tineas, t toilet tad Bath. ' - FO! or I L4J For Sal ls t Tr?cA:' V n