Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 25, 1877, Image 3

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    T-IIE HE II A Li).
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
Corrected Sunday, Septe mler 30, 18T7.
leaves 5 :45 a. in. Arri ves 3 :50 a, m.
" 2 :M p. m. " 3 :i5 p: lU.
Leaves 9 :iT a. ni. Arrives 10 :2l a. m.
6 :00 p. ni. ! IU.
f .av" Plattsmouth 9 :V a. in. Arrives Lin
fcoln. -30 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :21 p. in.
Freight leaves! :io a. m. Ar. Lincoln l :20 p.iri.
Leaves Kearney. 6 :40 a. m. Ibarra Lincoln,
12 :3.t . in. Arrives Plattsmouth. 3 :10 p. m
, Freight leaver Lincoln 11 :5 a. in. Arrives
I'lattMiiouth, 4 :1j p. in.
Epr;".s, 0 :15 a. in.
ra-ssengiT, (train each day) 3 :M j. in., except
Hatnrdav. Every thinl Satuiday ii train con
iiecls al the uiual time.
. . , , oa., , 1 Depart at - r. :."). in.
Anive ut - i 0 a. m. '.. .. . a :no p. la.
Arrive at li a. in. I Depart at - 2 :1." p. in.
Arrive at - 3 :15 p. in. J Depart at - i :ti a. in.
Arrive at VI :xi in. Depart !'t - 2:'p. ni.
noi-K Ki.t i fs s vsis-. iiir.i.s.
Arrive at U :O0 in. Depart at - 1 :no p. m.
Transient. 25 con's a line. Kegulsr advertis
er. 1!) rents per line. No advertisement hiscrt-
J for less than colits.
I.e:il notices at Statute r;ites.
Ati'rn-y ami iIH-t-rs .f the law will " eeld
r'iMiiisilife tor all It-sal notices they, Jf'iud in,
Mid al' p. n ties (l,'iiiaiii!in;: a proof of ptii.lica
1 :.ii 'if aiiv notice will he held for the v"blica
lioii lee of such noUcc.
As our space is limited, all conimunica'lons
nmst l.i let an-t to tiif point, with no waste
f words.
The paper is responsible for the correct ness
according to copy of iu!d iat!rr ami paid Le
cals, only.
1. Any person who takes the paper regularly
from Hie- pos'-ofl'ii-e. whether .ire-ted to his
liame. or w liethi-r he Is a sijh-"-riier or not is
re- poiisihle for the pay.
j. If any person orilris his paper discontin
ue. 1. he miisi pav all arrearages, or the pnlilish
r may continue to send it unl.l payment is
loaite. ami collect the whole anio 'iit. whether
the paper is t from t he offlf t not.
l lie courts have decided thai ivfuslnji to
iake newspapers and periodica'. fum the Mst
ullice, or removing and leaving tlieiu niic;aiel
lor. is )rihvt facie evidence of in i kn'TIonal
LOCAIj news
For ii No. 1 Hat only 75 cents at Stal
lemanu's. IUt2
Tlify are ratlier jroinc for McDon
iili on the "tax-ljowiin";" business.
They say the fellows out sit Louis
ville nouii:i:ttcil H.ia Jones for Coroner.
Is dot so?
For :i good Cap only 50 cents at
M;idleinai;ii. yit2
We h;ve IV )b is satisfie.l
now, he ought to have got sill he wants
Mi the West."
We leant with great rVsret that
fne of the twin babies of Dr. Hudson's
tiied List week.
A Xt. 1 s"tt ItdiesFnr latest styles
-.lily the low price of .:.()f) at Stadle
I:l:limV. JJU2
I l.c'.c SLreig'it resigns in favor of
l)r. V.'. I). J. nes for Coroner, we under
tand. Hurrah boys for Jones for Cor
oner. Tliey say Hob and Fd have fallen
out a.tin. Fd says Fob wants more
than his share of the bed. .Softly boys,
there's a good time a coming for us.
CulUing citiens "tax-howlers" and
ap-heads," isn't n good way to eneour
nge an honest settlement of the City's
troubles, for serious troubles they are.
-Commissioner Wolfe had an old
friend. Mr. Moore, one of his boyhood's
playmates, to see him last week, and it
did Mr. Commissioner good. We have
not seen him so happy for a long time.
Mr. Micklewait has raised some
very handsome liar-berries this year,
in addition to producing a fine berry,
rjsembling the cranberry, barberry
when it grows luxuriantly makes a
famous hedge. That's what Mr. W. is
I am hack again
mill ready to put up ami black stoves
and clean chimneys and do it all in
the very test and most satisfactory
Ciiauley Uitow.v.
Phil Young, the gayest youngster
ju these parts has just returned from
:i trip down south to St. Joe and there
abouts. The boys insist that Phil has
been getting married, but when asked
Phil only laughs and says: "find out."
"We're puzzled to know just what
the Young man h is been up to.
Now that the democracy has made
a straight ticket in the ruaili we hope
this campaign will be narrowed down
to two parties who alone have ;my
chance of determining who shall nian
sige our affairs for the next two years.
It's either si democratic or si Republi
can victory in Cass County this year.
All side issues are useless.
The Surveying party of Mr. A.
Schlegel returned home on Saturday
last; in g'tfod health and sound as one
bf the dollars of our da ldies. George
Fairfield, preacher George, looks first
rate and says he' ready to live and die
with Dob Ingersoll for ever and ever.
"Aleck" feels as happy as .1 big San
flower and is enthusiastic over the
country I Ley fcave been surveying in.
Scbafer' New Dtfardlng Horise.
George Shafer has greatly enlarged
his boarding itotise and added Git rt
new wing with a number" Cf go'cid figVf
rooms. He can acconJdlWt ft??y Num
ber Of boarders how.- 0 eMffig along
Arctic Overshoes only $1.75 at Stad
lemann'e. SU2
"Wccsiii Stand quite a good deal
of Machine between now and the Gth.
Keep working and we'll win.
For a good Suit of Clot!es only 65
00 at Stad!emann's. 3U2
We'll take some good Machine po
litical work in our5 this fill 1 . atid any
fldlow that fancies tlic Democracy
vvbht use the Machine is daft.
New Goods at Sclilaters.
Joseph Schlater, the Jeweller, has
gone into si new and extensive line of
goods in siddition to Ids usual Jewelry
Stock. His store is tilled with new
and beaut' fu! goods of various kinds.
his new stock of Watches, Clocks sind
Jewelry, Silver Ware, the best in the
111: h as
Spec4ae'.cs, pocket knives. Purses; Chi
na ami IJoiiehiian Ware; Musical In
struments, S' rings and Music Books.
Children's toy Wiigons Hobby horses,
&c, and a host of knick nacks and cu
rious (oys for holiday presents for
children's amusement; Bird Cages,
Gent's Canes, I'mbrelas stnd a large;
line of new goods in every branch of
the businvss. (Jive him a call
Jos. Sciilatei:.
Sltf Main fet. Plattsmouth.
The fellow who is suppisjd to
have sto'en goods from the Freight De
pot, 0:1 Saturday, was arrested smd
brought iTfove Judge Haines Tuesday
evening, liivi J;! Ige Iiau'e l him over
t!i;j oils severely and charged him
with tin t!i -ft. All t!ie fellow culd
say was th it lie h:i I been drunk since
hut Wed :ies lay, and if he stole the to
bacco he never I new it: TMe railroad
men sill swear to the tobacco, and to
his being the thief td the be3t of their
belief. All they could get out of him
was that he was drunk since Wednes
day and couldn't remember what lie
did do. Under the naiae of Welch he
was sentenced to S10 fine and 15 days
hard work in the County Jail.
Serious R. R. Accident.
As the Western bound freight train,
which left here Monday evening, very
late, reached si point near South Bend,
the engine encountered a land or rock
slide, which threw the engine eff the
track, and demolished seversil csirs
and their contents. The engineer, Mr.
Johnson, was severely injured sibout
the head. Mr. Fred Lewis, the fire
man, wsis thrown under the coal and
other debris from the wreck, sind lay
there nearly drowned in the water, un
til help could be procured. A specisil
engine smd Dr. Livingston wre tele
graphed for sit ("nee. Mr. Lewis was
brought back to Plattsmouth early in
morning, stnd on examination Dr.
Livingston f oil. id his leg broken and
one arm. besides being bruised badly.
The wreek co-.i!d not be removed from
the track before Tuesday evening." The
morning passenger train, baggage, &e.
being tr.msferre.l to smother train
brought up from Lincoln. L'nvis lias
a wife aud two children, and resides in
For Good Calfskin Mittens C 5 cents,
go to Stadlcmanu's. 3U2
Two Cj:iri'iitions in a niiimtd, as one
One Swallows tl ollior an J tlien hasn't
a hearty .Meal.
D.)t!i t Swallow tlie RrjinMieaus,
of I'j-is, bat will II. 1 J Ciey !u l
b.'ttvr I.-i Fie C .a tract out.
Loris villi:, Oct. 23.1, 1S77.
F:ito:: IIki:al:: From thy most
reliable data obtained, it appears that
the greenbackers who were prevented
by the weather from holding si conven
;it Weeping Wsiter on Saturday met at
Louisville on Tuesday smd made what
they called the following nominations,
For Treasurer J. M. Patterson ; for
Clerk John D. Tutt; for Sheriff D. Itsi
my ; for Judge Wm. D Hill.
This convention wsis held at the de
Ioc. Mr. Schnider being Chairman. The
outfit then adjourned to the village,
where, what wsis called si democratic
convention, was held, and they went
through the farce of nominating a reg
ular straight democratic ticket as fol
lows For Tresisurer J. M. Patterson, of
Plattsmouth; for Clerk,- John D. Tutt,
of Salt Creek; for Sheriff, Dan. Ramy,
of Salt Creek; Judge, W. D. Hill, of
South Bend; for Cosnmissioner, John
Gyger, of Weeping Wsiter; for Coroner
Dr. Hildebrand of Louisville.
Mr. J. X. Wise wsis chairman of this
convention, aud B. S. Rairisay and Ed
Ruffner, secretaries. Xo nominations
were made for Superintendent or Sur
veyor. Either they don't think the of public education cf any ac
count, or they acknowledge the superi
or judgment of the Republicans at once
whenever it comes to a nutter of resil
If there is si man on that ticket who
is not sin out and out democrat, I should
like to see hrin. If any honest green
backer votes that ticket as an aid to
his party or his principles, ho a big
ger fool than I am.
It's the thinnest thing out. If the
greenback party mean to nominate,
why not nominate a ticket composed
of some pronounced greenback men, be
they Republicans or Democrats. If
they wanted to join the Democratic
party why" riot say so at once and save
time fooling. The honest greenbsick
ers believed they would not receivo
any benefit from eitlfer existing party,
and w anted a new dish, not svi old stew
farmed ovef. Xo such greenback,
bo? democracy in rinne'.-
A Disgusted G'eexbackeb";
I '?0 propos to vote the Reniiblioan
I ticket hereafi;,;'
A No. 1 Over Coat fof at Stad-
lemann's; " 81t2
. Notice of Fan$ral Serrice.
A Seintdri will be preached on the
28th of Oct, at two o'clock p. m. at
the United Brethren Church about
two rriiles and a luilf south of Platts
mouth for the Relations and Friends
of the departed Mrs. Wilhelmina Val
lery, who died on Tuesday Oct. 20th
1877, at her residence in Cass Co, Xeb.
The services will be conducted by
the Rev. J, P. Yust, in German.
Friends of the family invited.
Organs and Pianos tuned and re
paired, orders left at Johnson's Drug
Store will receive prompt attention.
JAmes Pettee,
Dealer in Musics;! Instruments.
Mr. Allan, of the "Crete Uhioii " was
in town yesterday.
C. L. Mather, an old printer in this
office, and whilome Editor of the
"Red Cloud Chief," csilled on us Wed
nesdsiy. A. B. Charde of Burt County has
had an attack of typhoid fever. We're
Sony for Charde for a fever plsiys
smash with good looking healthy
chaps like Charde.
Hon. Joseph Beardsley i3 the happy
father of a young legislsitor about two
weeks old, the Herald just heard it
si few weeks ago. He can't vote this
election but is growing up for business
in the future.
The Xiobraia Pioneer is just the
cheerriest, heartiest paper that comes to
our table, the Editors evidently are so
happy over their new dress and their
better prospects that it does one's heart
good to read them.
The Herald had the plesisure of
rtleeting Mr. Thomas of the Red Cloud
Chief sit Lincoln lsitely. Glad to make
his personal acquaintance at last and
the Chief is stlwsiys looked for as an
old friend at the IIeUAld office.
If you have an organ out of repair,
leave your order at Dr. Johnson's Drug
Store, and get It repaired.
Our esteemed fellow citizen Gen.
E E. Cunningham returned from the
Black Hills a few days sigo. He re
ports his business there as very pros
perous indeed and lias great fstith in
the mineral prospects of the Hills.
On siccount of the continued ill health
of Mrs. Cunningham her Physician has
advised a winter in Florida and sifter
si short visit to her relatives in Falls
City herself and the Genersil will pro
ceed to some point id Florida where
Mrs. C. will spund the winter.
The General returns to Plattsmouth
again for si short tittle and then to the
Blark Hills.
Through sill the many changes of
political life, through all the fierce smd
savage contests of partisan warfaie,
as ;i man and a citizen no person ever
residing here has stood higher or made
warmer and truer friends than Gen.E.
E. Cunningham. Xoma:i in the state
has been better or more widely abus
ed, no man ever took it more bravely.
True to his friends, true to his word
to those friends, he was nlwsiys sible to
call on them in the time of need.
The Herald did not alwsiys sigree
with Genersil Cunningham nor ai
prove of somu of the methods he used
towards success and always told him
so frankly, squarely face to face, but
when we compare him with some of
the so csilled guns who have figured in
politics in Xebraska, and who want to
be known sis great lesvlers they sink to
utter insignificance. He was an un
tiring worker and hsul the coursige o?
a Lion. He deserved better of Xeb.
than he has received. Xow he ssiys
"Thank God I have left all politics be
hind me, it is an ungrateful unthank
ful business at best."
Wlten the IlEi.tLD comes to" say go'od
bye to General Cunningham, we shall
feel that we are saying good-bye to a
friend, a gentleman, and in many re
spects a very able man.
With sill thy faults, deaf deneral, we
love thee still. andif monev will do you
any good, and ot:r wishes could aid you.
we only hope the famous hills msiy
empty her richest golden treasure in
your hat.
Sage Brothers have just received a
very handsome lot of new nickel plat
ed Argand base burner hard ebal stoves.
Perfect beauties.
See organ ad in another coulumn.
If you want a fine organ, with Val
uable improvements, give me a call.
James Pettee, Ag't.
Mr. Schnasse, our enthusiastic
German Wisconsin friend, returned
home last evening from a visit to
Watertown and east to buy goods. We
expect the old store will soon look like
a Depot in the Centennial grounds lsist
summer, it'll be eo full of customers
looking at new goods.
Messrs.- E. G. Dovey & Son have a
fine stock of mens' Kip boots, also a
large assortment of ladies side lace,
misses' and childrens' shoes, in great
variety, for sale at bottom prices. Give
them 11 call for anything in the line of
genersil merchandise, at their new store
near hesid of Main St, south side. 27tf.
J. V. Weckbach has sin immense
stock of Fall and Winter Dry and
Fancy goods and Groceries of sill kirids.
Farmers and Housekeepers give them
a call for anything in the line of Gen
eral merchandise.- 27tf.
For safe, cheap, 150 Desirable build
ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taes all paid up. Terms
easv. . Apply .A. TV.. McLaughlin
Gwlilcr si National Bank-. 23tf
Act ibinelg, and at once procure the
following manderful Fsimily Medicines,
Dr. Fitleu's Rheumatic Remedy
and Liver Fills, a positive, permanent
specilic for Xeuralgia, Rheumatism,
Sciaticst LUmbago, Gout, pain in Back,
Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Xervoiis,
Blood and Chronic Diesesises. Dr. Fit
let's Kidney Cordiil removes deposits
of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re
tention of urine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Bladder sind Kid
neys. Dr. Fitter's Calimyi Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the system; tones the
stomach, and increases sppctite. A
pleasant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels ami destro3s the
teeth. Dr. Filler's Germnn Pectoral
For Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
and Colds, .1 superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid
ly. Your druggists; Chapmsin & Glass
are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl
Look Herd
von can get Boots and Shoes of all
styles, psitterns and make, from
Xo 1 eastern houses
also a fine stylish perfect fit of
from the finest French Calf Boots made!
in the state, down, at prices that defy
competition. Ladies and Children's
shoes a speciality.
Peter Merges.
J. y. Weckbach says he's healed on
salt ifl quantity, quality and price.
Will hot be undersold. 27tf
Enjoy Life.
What si. truly beautiful world we
live in! Xattire gives lis grandeur of
mountains, glens smd oceans and thou
sands of means for enjoyment. We
can desire no better when in perfect
health!, but how often do the majori
ty of people feel like giving it up dis
heartened, discoursiged sind worried
out with disease, when there is 110 oc
casion for this feeling, sis every suffer
er can esisily obtain satisfactory proof
that Green's August Flower will make
them as free from disease as when
born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint
is the dir'efc't cause of seventy-five per
cent, of ssicii msiladies as Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headsiche, Costive
ness. Xervous Prostration, Dizziness
of the Ilesid, Palpitation of the Heart,
ami other distressing symptoms. Three
doses of August Flower will prove its
wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10
cents. Try it. 28-tf-alt.
All norvons. exhausting, and painful diseases
speedily yield to tl:e curative influences of Ful
vermacliri's Electric Belts and Rands. Tliey
are safe, simple, iind effective, and can be easi
ly applied by tlie patient himself. Book, with
full particulars, mulled free. Addrens Pulvkh
MAtTttFit GAi.fJ.ixic Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
Xw' place of Entertainment,
Wei dm an & Co.
have fitted up the old stand formerly
occupied by Ben Hemple, with a new
and complete stock of Liquors and
Cigars also will furnish mesils to
farmers and others who are hungry.
20 U
Keenan and Grace
at the old reliable Liquor store have
constantly on hand si full and complete
stock of first-class
A fine stock of old apple brandy on
hand. 23-14
Homeopathic lisy?us:iry.
I take this oppreunity to notify my
friends smd the public generally, that
I am prepared to furnish pine Ilome
opsithic Medicines of sill kinds. I also
have si fine assortment ofjCsises for med
icines for fsimily use.
Office hours f rom 9 st. in., to 4 p. m.
I have si medicine that wil! cure Ague
almost instantaneous!.; constantly on
hand. . 6. L.- McCkea,
28w4. Homeopathic Physician.
Donnelly rnesins business evidently,
smother new wagon, the handiwork of
himself and Peter Rauen. the boss wag
on msiker, is just finished and ready
for inspection, while the wagons, bug
gies and ploughs he hsis standing around
it requires a man of nerve to stand
such a crowd of business, fortunately
Mr.Donnelly has got the requisite nerve,
and is csipsible of pushing all that kind
of business along on time, sind still
there is room for more. Bring on your
work, gentlemen, and get it done to
your satisfsiction. 30t3
.If you want the best flour ttf be hsid
in market, csill for Schluritz's Cedar
Creek brand, and you will have it.
Don't forget to ask for Schluntz's, eith
er XXX Family, or Patent. Ssitisfsic
tion guarsinteed. It csui be found at
all the principal stores in the cJty.30t3
Oysters! Fresh Oysters!
Fine fresh Oysters will be found at
F. S. Whites's every week during the
Season. Also Celery every Saturday,
received fresh and crisp every Satur
day, by express. Call and get the
hang of things.
27tf F. S. "White.
I'l-irate Sale.
The whole of Rev. David Hart's
Household goods will be oflered for
sale during the next ten davs? 27tf
Candidates Notice'.
I hereby announce myself an Inde
pendent candidsite tor the cilice of
Sheriff subject to the will of the peo
ple as it may be expressed at the Polls
on the 6th of next Xovember.
30t3 O. M. STRAIGHT;
for my tftvn manufacture at the last
State Fair. I dct thd finest work In
the State. I also keep the largest and
best stock of Boots and Shoes in tli
County an sell thertf cheaper than the
cheapest. Call arid see. Xo trouble
to show goods.
23:4 - - Pcter'mce?.'
Consumption can be CURED
8cHtnrU Pulmonic Hyrap.
HtxrnrU.- N-ii Yl4 Tonic.
. .. ..WctoencOVj MititiPrake fill v .
Arc the ooly medicine that will cure l'ul.i.o j
ary OoHrumption: - .
Frequently medicines that will stop a co'ii'i
will occaHirt the dfatli i.f the patient t W
ItK-k up the liver, stop the circulation of.ti!
blOr1. hemorrhage. Io!1J"as. and hi f.wt t I -cioii
the action oi the very nris i:i- that c.vtijl
the cough.
Liver Complaint and Dvpspepsia are th3
causes ol two-thirds of the cases of Coniiin?
tion. Many .persons conyilaiii of a pajn in tiio
side, const tp.1t tan, eoale'it tongue, uhiii In tin
shoulder Made, feeling of drowsiness anlt rift
lessness, the food lyinu heavy on the Stoinicli,
accompanied with acidity aud belching "tip of
These Symplons usually originate from . dis
ordered condition of the stomach or a torpil
Persons so effected, if they take orieor twd
heavy coldw, and if the cough in these, ease
le suilenly checked, will find the Stomach an I
liver cloned, remaining torpid and inactive;
sind almost before tliey are aware the lungs are
amass of sores, and ulcerated the result of
w nit-It Is death.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup !s an expectorant
vhrch do-s not contain opium or anything cal
culated to check a cough suddenly.
Hi-heni-k'a Sea Weed Tonic dissolve the f.Hvl
mixes with the g:wtrict juices of the stomach
aids d,ietlouamt creates a ravenous appetite.
When the bowels are costive, skin fallow, or
the ?ytirpmnis o'the'rwie of a bilious tendency,
Sehe;ick's Mandrake Pills are required.
These medicines are prepared only by
N. E. corner Sixth and Arch Sts. Phila.
And for sale by all druggists and dealers. 29t 1
Candidate's Notice.
rLATTSMoirrn, ITeb., )
Oct., lC'lh, 1877. f
. I hereby announce myself as an In
dependent Candidate or the office of
County Clerk, subject to the will of.
the people svs itmavibe expressed at the
Polls oh the Cth of next Xovember.
30t3 J. W. Jex.vixgs.
Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Cigar Clippings of Spsmish and Ameri
can Tobsiccoes for smoking purposes.
For Sale. Rest qualities of plug-smok-;ng
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
The grandest bargains ever known
in thi3 town csm be hsid for the next CO
dsiys in clothing'. Roots arid slides in
cluding a superb stock of lsidies and
childrens shoes, which will be sold clear
nown for cash. Such bargains Were
Cever known before, sit Stadelman's
clothing emporium. 20tf
Hall's Vegetsible Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a scientific combinsition of
some of the most powerful restorsitive
sigents in the vegetable kingdom. It
restores grey hair to its original color.
It msikes the scsilp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive princiIe by which tie hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hsiir moist; soft and glo'ssj,- rfhd is.
unsurpsissed as a li air-dressing. It is
the most economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making bnly an oc
casionsil application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
mcdicsil men, and officially endorsed
by the State Assayerof Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renew
tr lists increased with the test of many
years, both in this country smd in for
eign hinds, and it is now known and
used in all civilized countries of the
world. For Ssile by all desilers.
2M acre? in section 3C, town twelve, range clrv
en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville station, 11. &
M. R. R. Cass Comfy, Nebraska?
ISO Acres SJnder Cultivation,
with hniUe and barn, orchard and forest trees,
plenty of spring water. Will be sold in 80 acre
tracts if d-.-ired. Enquire of Jos. Schlater, Jew
eler, PlattssnouSh. Neb. 14m6
These Tills ar composed exclusively of vege
table ingredients, and although", t.rry ,Pntirely
supersede the use of Mercifry. do not leave any
of its injurious effrcts.
Act Oireclly I'pon tlic Mvcr,
and are a valuable remedy in all cases of de
rangement of that organ. Hick Headache.
IndisPMtion. and all ItiliouM VisordVr,
"iiccoiiib to their free use. 2wl
lOW.l'RlCF.n nnd KAKT-SKILlXti
PK:Tl'H bv sample paires, bindings, illustra
tions, etc. They ar oopoiar vjrks of every
kind, and ure miecemt for Canvassers. All act
ually wishing emiiltnmrvt. and iioother. address
The Great Strikes I
That timely new book, by Hon. J. a Daci s.
A complete history of the causes and thrilling
eveutu of the great railroad aud labor war all
over the country. Ii.lustratko.
AISIATM IVAXTKII everywhere. The
bent chance to make money ever offered. Be
ware of inferior works. Get the best and lowest
priced. Address
St. Louis, Mo.
Sheriff s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, incued by Wm.
h. Wellx, Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial
District, within and for t"as County. Nebraska,
and to me directed. 1 will on the 2t3th day o'
November, A. D. 177, at 10 o'clock, a, in., of said
day. at the south door of the Court House, in
the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at
public auction the following real estate, to-wit :
The north east quarter of the south west quar
ter and tue north half of the south-east quar
ter, and also t lie south thirty-two (32) acres of
the south west quarter of the north-east quar
ter of section seventeen (17) town eleven (11)
north of iage fourteen (H) east of the 0th P.
M.. in Cass County Neb. The same beinir lev
ied upon and taken as the property of Joseph
Sans, in an action wherein Joseph Shera and
Joseph Sans ar" defendants : to satisfy a judg
ment of said CiAirt, recovered by fiflhioud K.
Woolsey. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Oct. 22f. A. D. 1877.
3lt5 M. B. Cctler. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, issued by Wm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, 2d Judi
cial District, within and for Cass County. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on the 26th
day of Noveniber.A. D. 1877, at 10 :3no'clock a. m.
of said day. at the south door of the Corrrt
House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said Co'hn
ty, sell at public auction the following ral es
late, to-wit : The south-cast quarter nf the
nrth-east quarter of section nineteen (latown
twelve (12) north of range fourteen (14). east of
the 6th P. M., also the north-east quarter of
the north -esist quarter the same section, town
and range. The same being levied upon and ta
ken as the property of James D. Mtuhad, An
na J. Miiishall, Siniou P. Benadfcin and K: E.
Moore, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of
said Court, recovered by Jacob Beam, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Oc'. 15, A. D. 1?77.
31 15 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of W. T. F.theridge,
fiereasert. Before Wm. II. Newell, County
Judge, Iu and for Cass County, Neb;
To whoift it may tantrtn:
Notice is hereby given that Kliza Jane Eth
eridge has filed an application In the County
Court, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, to to
appointed administratrix of the estate of W. T.
fetheridge, deceased, and said cause is set tor
hearing at the oflice of the County Judge, in
Plattsmouth, on the 12th day of November, 1877.
at one o'clock p. in., of Said day, at which time
and place all persons -interested may appear,
and siiow cause. If any they have, why the said
Eliza Jane Etheridge bould not b3 appointed
such adiniuistratrix of said estate.
Witness my hand this 23i day of October,
1877, at Plattsmouth. Neb.
3U3 Wm. H. Keweil Co. Judae.
Legal N6tice.
All persons afe hereby notified that I will not
Eay any debts contracted by my wite, Charitv
. Carter, alter this date, as ehe has lift my bed
and board. .
Avoca. Neb., Oct 3t-n, 1877. " '
35 Josa- ..CA-azs.
Legal Notice.
! the nvattcr cf the Ptobate of!t will aM
festauieut of .Wllheli iua Vallery, deceased.
In the County Voui t of Cas County, Neb. .
To whom it may com:
t.. .....i ...... , .. v. r..n.. u. .ii.i
( , i ORC .ll'.l.T 111. Ik W V'f . till. I , . . , -1
j fouuty, has filed ill my office ai iustrumetit of
I vriliug, purporting to be the laxt will and tes
taiiieul of W iliit-nuiua N ailery, deceased, nnd
made npp.U-at)u to have the saiue udmitied to
Probate, and that said cause Is set for hearing
at my oflice. In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Friday,
tlienthday of November, A. 1. JK77, at one
o'clock p. in., of said day, at w hich time all per
sons interested may appear and contest the
haine, ahd show cause it any tliey hae. why
said instrument should not be allowed as the
last will and testament of said deceased.
Witness my hand this 2d day of October,
1877 at Plattsmouth Neb.
3it3 W m. 11. Newell, County Judge.
Legal Notice.
.In the District Court o the 2d Judicial Dis
trict In and for Cass County. Nebraska.
Win Stadelmann Plaintiff, vs J. N. Randall, De
fendant. .'. N. Randall of the State of Iowa will take
notice th;( Win. Sialelmai.n of tile County of
Cass and sfrr-? of Nebraska, did on the 2:1th. day
of August A. li. i77, tile his petition, in the
District Court of Cass County Stale of Nebras
ka, against the said .'. N. Randall, setting forth
that the said J. N. Randall, defendant, is in
debted to the said Win. Sladt'liliann. Plaintiff,
on account of goods purchased of Plaintiff at
divers times, in the .sum of seventy-four smd
iifl Y-flve hundredths (.74 & !k-1?0) dollars, that
said account is just, that no pan bf th same
has been paid and that the said J. N; Randall
Mill refuses to pay the same, mid plaintill prays
Judgment for .-?74 v 55-100 with Id per cent int.
from March 1st 1870. And in order to collect the
same t lie said Wm. Stadelmann has conimencl
a suit in attachment and your property ha been
attached. You are hereby untitled to appcar
and answer said in tition according to law, and
the rules of said Court of Judgment will be
entered against you by de fault and your prop
erty sold to satisfy the same.
It. B. Windham.
3015 Atty. for Stadeliiian.
Legal Notice.
In the Con 11 tv Court In and for Cass County.
Nebraska, in the matter of thi ''stats 61
Clarissa 11. Buckley, deceased.
To whom It may concern:
Take notice that the final report of A. C. I.o
der executor of the the Will of Clarissa H. Buck
ley, deceased, has been tiled in my oflice. and
that 1 have appointed October the ;niii A. Dr
lr!77. at 9 o'clock a. in., as the time of the exam
ination of the said report, at my oflice iu PlatH
liiouth, Nebraska, at which time and place all
persons intereMed may appear and show cause,
if any they have, why said report should not be
received and allowed as and for the final report
and account of said Executor, and the said A.
C. Loder, Executor, discharged.
Witness my hand and ollicial seal of this
Court, this uth day of October. J877.
29w3. W. 11. Newell,
County Judge.
Estray Notice. .
Taken lip by the subscriber on Tuesday, Sep
teinher lsth," 1877. 011 the road leading south
from Ashland, between sections 34 and 35, town
12, range east of the pth p. ifl:, iit Ca-is Ccunty
Nebraska, one dark oay lfoise, with a saddle
and bridle. Said horse 13 blind in hts left eye,
has a white spot in the face, has three white
feet, and has a gray spot on his right shoulder,
has been branded V. S. on the left shoulder ; no
other marks visible. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay charges and take him away.
October 2d. 1877. 29wB.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued bv the Clerk
of the Distrct Court. 2d ?fT!cial District, with
in and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to ine
directed. I will on the 5th day of November.
A. D. 1S77, at 10 o'clock, a. M., of said day, at
the south door of the Court House, iu the city
of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at Public
Auction the following Real Estat.. to-wit :
Commencing at t lie south east (Sel coiner of the
southwest quarter (swli) of section twenty-nine
(2!, iu town twelve (la), rtorth range thirteen
(13), east of the T 1", M. ; running thence north
12 C.3-10O rods I tl'efie west. 12 65-100 rods;
thence south 12 rci-100 rods ; thence cast 12 65
loo rods, to the place of begiiiing. Containing
one acre, more or les, and known as the x Mile
irove Baptist Church property. The same be
ing levied upon and taken as the property of
The 8 Mile fJroye. Baptist Church, et al. defen
dant ; tosatifv- a judgment of said court, re
covered bv D. V. Lewis, plaintiff,
riattsmouth. Neb., Oct. -.. A. D.. 1877.
2w3 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sala
Bv virtue of two executions i-sued by the
Clerk of I he District Court; 2- fudii-ial District,
within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to
me directed. 1 will u the 5t!i day of November,
A. D. 1577. at 11 o'clock A. St.. ol said day, at the
south lioor of the Court House, in the city of
Plattsmouth. in said coniitv. sell at Public Auc
tion, the following Ileal Estate, to-wit : The
north east quarter f1) of the south west quar
ter ("..t) and the north west quarter O4) of the
south west qaarter(H)andlhesouth west quar
ter (Vi) of the south west quarter ?). and also
the south cast quarter O4) of the south west
quarter of section six (ii). town ten (10),
range thirteen (13), east of ths 6 P. M.. or so
much thereof as will satisfy said Judgments and
cist. The same will bo sold in 4o atr tract, as
above, commencing at the north east 40
The same being levied upon and tak' 11 as the
property of Vallery & Hnifner, defendants; to
satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by
T. b; Weber & Co plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., O -t . 4. A. D.. 1877.
2bw5 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Mortgage Sa'e.
ForcWoswre of Chattel Slortqagt.
Kta-te of Nebraska, Cass Countj : ss.
Default having been made In the conditions
of a certain Chattel Mortgage, made on or about
the 11th day ol October, A. D. 1875. by William
H. Johnson to Balthacr Siebold, not ice is licre
bv given that the said mortgage will be fore
closed by a sale of the properly so mortgaged,
to-wit: One yoke of oxen, one pied sufil one
line back, red sides, about six years old. Said
sale to take place at the front door 6f the Court
House, in the City of Plattsmouth County of
Cass, State of .Nebraska, on the 27th day of'Oc
tober: A. 1). Ia77, commencing at thehoiirof one
o'cIock p. 111., of said day. for cash, to the high
est bidder, at public auction, to pay off the
amount of money due 611 said mortgage, to-wit :
The suni-of $44.75. and costs of sale, and costs of
keeping said oxen, and the costs of obtaining
possession of said oxen, for the punoseof mak
ing said sale. Balthaskr Sikbold.
bv M. B. Cutler, Agent.
Plattf mo uth, October 4th, 1877. 2st4.
Neifi, Clean, First Class Meat Shop,
on Main Street in Fred Kroehler's old stand.
Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat.
In Plattsmouth," Neb., on" Fourth St., about the
you will find :
Com Planters, (liaiiti & liorse)
Stirring Ilov.
Sulky Plows,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Ilart! vrafC; Tin "Ware, &c &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
Subscribe for the Herald atlcf Ne
braska Farmer; only S2.65.
v 0. w r -ww
made last
week sIlim? our
new article to Imlsiucss men
? to biLsiucss men ANOTHER made
LADY made H O'irc BOY ma1 e
ie week which Shows what can be
1913 in one
done if a party Is energetic. Business fasy and
honorable. Send stamp f6r clrci-.rrt'i- gfvihij fult
particulars. Address,
HoomXG KctTirair7 Itnildinc
i STTTPE b? Agents in cities and conn -5
&1J try towns. Only necessary to show
I msjco sales ant money, for
1 to I any one out 01 employment ana uk
' morr Sposed to work. Used daily by all brt
JiO jsiness men. Send stamp for circular.
avwiu tl I. "r ill uur-utf. AlKllTTl.
? f la
(gran '(fl)p6iiin(g
A full line of
Dry Goods,
A Splendid Display of Black
Cashmeres and Alpaca
Dress Goods:
A Large Stock of Flannels, Jeans.
Yarns, and Blankets, of all
Woolen Hosiery
O :-
by the
All to be foun-t at
OLD STAND on Simn htreet, Platts
mouth, opposite the Saunder's - -HJ:e.-
An Atldfoss to Hie b' -
ln you want O i'urfv I.I10 vstcm?
1 Ki you want to got. rid ot Mhoiiciies .
Do you want soineh'r1g to xtrtuigtliuii -IK)
you Willi a good Hl)rt l!e"r
Do you want to g.-f rid of luriJiuMt
Do you want gxJ iligi?Htiou? '
Do you want to sleep v.-ell? "
IH you want to build Up your .nsiitu'
Io you want a brsli ujid Vlgoif'is fv : 1 :
If you do, A
Sole prnpr'cioVs- Slinnions' Liver i.'ci
1'lWlail t-Iplifi. - -
, . Tftf 1'ftvi ' I
jiwctj TtnTir r.r -v
nUflit nt ; "
s . warranted
contain a siu;-l
Jc ofr Merrill
l.ijyrious iiilue .
Sftlut. but is i
roiil.Hlliil: tin- f
em Koots mill . ! :
which nil A 1 I -
lr..l.4i. ...... 1...
eft !n coinTries where Liver Disease nu
vail. It wtl.t Ci Jik AM. incWHr.n i
Is eminently a Family Medicine ; and by :
kept ready for Immediate resort will cai
nu hour of sulT.-rinj; and many a dollar . 1 .
and doctors' bills'.
Aferovt r Forty Years" trial It W f' tx 1
ln: the l;.ut IlIlMHHtifl.'il ti-Htihl1t1ials to
tues from persons of the highest chai.ii'ti r
responsibility. Emiucnt physicians i-oimr
it ax tiie most
For children coinplaiuiuc of
colic, headache, or sick stoinuch,
a teaspoonful or more will jjIvi
relli f. Children, as well as iiiiiiUh
eat sometimes too much supper
or eat something which does not
illui'Ht well, producinKHotirMtoiii
ach, littartburn, or restlessness ;'
a trood dose of Liver Kcirulalor
will give relief. This applies to
pvrKoiis of all ages It Is tin
cheapest, purest and best Faruilj
Medicine In the world I
Thousand1.'! lead tnlsecaNe lives, sufferi- 1
HyspVpHi. A tt!i-)tdcrbdflot(-ar-h and Jiv
tlttntr Wllioufnes. litrrouf, tostf
weakness Irretrular appetite, low spirits,
food after eatiiiK. and often ending In fit' l
tacks of fever. They know they are si.-,
pet little sympathy. The unfailiiiK renu -prevent
thee atllictious and restore lm.
Simmons' Livkr Kki latok.
J. II. Z EI LIN & Cr
ritfCK, $1.00. Sold by all Druggists.
Tlie ltent Ktoelt l'nl-m In 4hi ' t.
For Hale Xery Cheap.
Said farm contains1 ABOX'T-lo'- ACl -in
cultivation ; 70 acres of nieidow 1
acres in pature, erfcloeil witli a con.
and about 0 acres tif timber. To of v , .
enclosed w itli a five-board fence, and in
a luiir-!?t. 'lbcre are over l.oiw BJ
Fit ITT Tit EES. Also 4 or 6 miles ..' .
fence. Said farm Is well watered, and I.
lcs. stables, etc. etc.
The alove farm Is located MILFS :
OF PLATTSMOUTH, and is known us
W. L. Hobb's place.
Tkkms : One-third 16wii.- an.1 bahi
6 or 8 years timo. For furibcr.n.-irttciilii
to ol'.V ltOLT BP-
27wl PlattHliiouth " .
The old r.ONN Fit STABLES ii;" li..;
Neb., hafe. Ih-cii Iensed -by -Dr. Jones. .
lias opened a nev and naudsouie livery 1
well knowo barn. The linost and best oi : - i
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for S:
or io f radfe.
I desire to give notice that I have a I .
handsome brick barn, with plenty of ronn
horses aud wagons. I can put fanners t
rtni w-ncons; loads of grain or anything al!
lii-r cover, in tie i'ry. K-inember his.
ThankliiKall lliy oil pal ions fifr their 11
favors, I .solicit tneir trade this romiuK J
SaMsfif d I can Mecounnodate them better an
better by them than ever before. 8-
East of Platte Valley House.
In the Town.
Good Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with c;u
riages if desired. , .
Carriages sent lb Dcptft to meH ail I
whenever brSfefeA.
Funerals attended and earria-s fiimisi.. ; :
triends. Address, J: V. isHaNNO v
4J-ly niattsniouth. X. -b.
SlarhlniHt, A an old 31 alter and Zlun
nrr of Threshing 3IaehlaeM.
has ojiened a chop on Sixtli Street near M. . i "i
elly's lilacksinlth and W'aiion Shop when I 1 I.
prepaed hiniHelf to do any anil all machiii'
without exception. He has a No. 1 Lat:-
turn in wood, iron, steeiw, and allother ni- ' :.
connectton with machine work. He can . ..n .
thing reiuired in a gunsmith, fven to mi . .
gun. of which we have the evidence in ; r..t
lrea-li louder throwinRone two or three 1 .t
once at will of the (runner.
Mr;co. V. stiraier a farmer near Kock 1 1"?
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from V.i .-..i -ia
can be refered to In regard to Ji is fount r
iiection with tlie inanufacl lire of thresliiu ' 1.1 1 -chines.
;if j Mr. Kirise'r a call and will '..i .-.
ton sat i.sf;u-tory work on uny part of a Tl . i.
IIji Machine. 62--".
J OtlS IIO.XM, Proprietor.
(lood accommolation3 for Fa i?
and the traveling puhlie. Board i )
day. Meals 23e. Entirely rclitte l .!;:
re-furnished, and farmers are. ref,
ed to call and get 3 moals and bei l-.-i
Forest Tm
o rest Tor So.vtioi?.
Or Iuhal!')OTnr "'ar-S. ?nr.A ,o",
orest Vasr. Troches .
oror Throat, floarsaae, TicJtliag Cougta ta-'
of ird'fng !p2 ieut orcf,- Ulv'rs. Cots, B&.a
nd lor Pilc
w w m mmm. 7 v
or Chrpil lands, &it- Lhewn, bilu vlbit-
th 1 Oil"! I-.Id liitil.
RpreMTar inhaler
fi or IahsHnsferCa'aTTh.CcnsumpTOi. Aam.