- t ; 1 I Vaukesha Central Medical Spring ! ft. IS. KtUSTOTV, Proji. 5--sO T'.ie waters of this Spring have been nnalyzed by Prof. IJonn, of Milwau keeAnalytical Chtimist. and found to contain the same ingredients, substan tially, that have rendered the IJethesda and Glenn Springs so famous. THESE WATEP.S CUIiE DIABETES. KIDNEY AND INTERNAL TROUELES OF VARIOUS KINDS. Tliey rf .Jilpperl nil over tlie Vnltrd Mtatei and tf-ir rniutatiou 1h Cii'.!oiiltel. Windham's Real Estato and Loan Office, LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, TAXB3 PAID, U.'S. PATENTS TO LA1TD OBTAINED. Titles i:atninfI and Porteotcd. LOANS NEGOTIATED. THE "CENTRAL" RANKS A3IONG THE BEST OF THESE SPRINGS. Tor further particulars apply to S. II. BARSTO V, l.-.i.iC WAUKESHA, WIS. Ml BAKXF.S FOOT M CII!KHV. I'OWEU 1 riclificri'i I eNhleh lO-MaUur iMit machine, v.ttn Uailder. Cahinct i-rs, a;.'on .MuKcrs and .Tobher in miscellaneous wink can compeic nli(i'Ai. TV AN l MtirK villi strain power lint'.infactiirilij; ; also Amateur's supplies, saw Mmles,. fancy woods mid tle siirns. Sav when you read this and sen. t for catalogue and prices. W. F Jvus IlAttNES, Kockford. Winnebago Co. GOIY VOL' CI LETTERSQ Excelsior Copying ISook. Mudr or C'heniiral "Paper. i';ofc!y copies nnv writing WITHOUT Water, I'KES. or HKl'Sfl. nsed at home, library or of fice. For Ladies wishin:: to retain copies of let ters, every Misine man. clerijy tneti. correson- tlents. travelers it is nivaiiiame sens at mki. Send 't-00 aii'l we will semi a. taw pai:e look. letter size. H Y M A 1 1. Jaid to any address. e r--fer to anv 'oi-iniercml A'.-cni'y. Send stamp f.r Agents' C ircular. KXCKIIOK .11 i ft.. HO l'nrloni St., Mchi;i. III. 54HM AC.I".T:"j wanted. 'n;i MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, IILjI CKSJli Til house siioi:in;, (p--: j V WAGON EEPAIEIXG S"A Y All kinds of yJ. f ?J FARM IMPLEMENTS Y- j mended V r J Neatly d- Promptly Horse, Mulc& OxSIioein. In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a (iiraffe. (!ome and see us. UEW SHOP. r-n Firth St.. between Main and Vine Street, lust across the corner from the F.w MEllAI.U oFFICB. K'il A PHYSIOLOGICAL View o X'lnrriagjo X WV-aVejr L'h L" 'g.' L Onide to Ved.cuc and TifTiTm J - "W.W ..tilid.-iirial 1r:ne on ilia ri t f e J W A S.titiM of unman nl tli rf --ea V ket&Jm.: ..... .... ih.l u rtt tor it: tlieae EjarM?. civtf of Bnproduetion and ithe Uiaensea of Women. A boofc tor pr.vr. cunfcia- " PkiwA I iv-.i-rnCAL ADVISER! On mM tli.oni.rs -t ifrivrii kit ure nrl.ii. trum Sol. Abuse. Excesses, or becret Iii.e.iP3, vtth tli 0-t BMtnofrn, arV-f. pricfiiti ct. A CLINICAI, LiCTCTIiE on the nhoT dlffifM ind fo. ot the Thror.t a rut L.uncs, Catarrh.Kupture. Ui Opmm Hab.t.fir.. p-ir 10 rt. l.i'hr boo -nt po:piloTi rs?ipt of price: or!1 threa. ConT.mic: .'-'Vi p" brutitu!:y liiHtmt(l. tor 75 ctJ. AUdieu iE.iff'i lS, u. i. SUi St. Si. XuU, ZZO. IvnnATE.MI. Agents nanteU. 15u6l- fe nesalt pttltnate. rarllculars free. J AdlreiJ.WOttTH4 CO.. til Loij. Ma. ! I SJ I O 3 CtK -linr'l. i'ain:fc.; too p ...ki'.v. S.ia jkii H I ? J P'l r Kir'j "!" '- CmlTos. x'eni-u iinier.1 i i,- u a h -rv o: Jit. Otir- tit lrev', J. IS. Gaj lord x Co.. Cl.i-.a,:-J, lit. $3 ooi.n ri.ATrT)v,Tnir.s. c in kEC u Bt.rl l. SfiR Wa-tl h FliIT" Aukni r rVllHt ' f t::-r x. 4iIiih1 M ouk Hm f if imiiu-ii. 'mllon, LrwMi ofXrniorr, I trirtnlrd iht. loi MunhfMiil " ImitotcTic), Ncrvno l(JIh(i'. rrnir I,ntvs A'-'n. ':.-urh. I -. t:l t broii.- ar.-. ji.d : IK AM, tr. 1 to l b trtrUlitfM. I, o.in hii h.vl liiV-Ion eiiwvm, oufwKlirtr.Ki.tr, fa.l. I!e U 2Tlii4t of tii He ff.iteil S i -!. ust run nrv. hni tli I?rt prr:itp to lh U S. I. A If 1 rl ri'iuirfT 2 trvAinwnt with lrt vte hini U arti. mil r riu. k-MfT v- t.vt-iikcrtf-e ffc :-i:wol. S?d! fifty rvnU 1 i4irni of l;ubU?r i'lui--. him) rir rular of l-npn-ttnt infc:natit'n lv ptj'w. m) IC 4Ll'e FTi!f P4!!. per B"x. "m'tltion five. MARRIAGE GUIDE S? y an A? J mtl.il "-1 o U'tn S-i" on all d ot .rtvti caturi. Vi-iSl milvtre Uj nimrrwti nnl ntr.twtii ia'.ttt DMiTUce. II-Mir to t htfalthy ami truly Iiai-f'V in liijuit'1 ri t:.'T. fcrr rjody huald gel Ui )v. Iru'e U etuU, U axij 2P ROBERT DONNELLY'S -4A"2) ULACKS3L1TH SHOP. IWijou, liu(fjy, JLirhiur and Plow re pairinj, ami general jobliny. I airt now prepared to do ;:!! kimls of repairing of farm ami other inari.incry. as there is 11 ijood lathe iii my 'iop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable V7a?:on Maker ir taken f harse of the waon shop, lie Lj will known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xeiv AVasons nml :t ussi! made to Order. SATISFACTION G I.'AKANTEEO. SIii cn Sixth street, opposite Sire'-;Ufs Ktuhle HENRY BCFCK. DKAI.Ki: IN W1 1& s? 22 a S 2 s? Oj SAFES, CHAIRS. Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads r.r.-., r.T!, i:t f All Ihsnijt;jns: METALLIC BUHI AL CASES It is a duty every man owes to himself and to thoe interested with him to know the condl dition of the title to his property. It is a fact well known to the lentil profession, antl to real estate dealers, that thousands of the improved and unimproved farms of this western country, have imperfect titles ; much expense and lili gailnn can be saved by having your titles exam ined and perfected, at once, and before proper ty reaches eastern f!,ures in value, when ques-ti-MiuMe titles become more diUk-nlt to remedy. All persons claiming title to lands should ob tain the United States Patent and have it re corded, the legal talc from the Government is vc-ted In the individual through the patent and title Is not perfect until the Patent is issu ed and recorded, and eastern capitalist will not I'h'i money on such security unless it is done. As a matter of business convenience, I have connected this department with my Law Prac tice, and have placed in charge of it W. S. Wise, who wiil, under my supervision, attend to all matters appertalninir thereunto. A ten year's residence in the State and Coun ty, with constant business experience, and rela tions with its inhabitants, ha- thoroughly q ual ifietl me for transacting business of the above mentioned character with facility. K. 15. WINDHAM. Atfy. at Law. W. S. Wise, Notary Public. aiyl PHICE3 T. OZET LOMON & NATHAN, rou THE Fall and Winter of 1377 and 78. '.Ve have received a TKKMKN"DOUS STOCK of Staple and Fancy Dry Hoods, Millinery, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Trimminrj-s, Jewelry, Notions, &c, &c, which we will 6ell at prices that defy competition. The following will ive our customers an idea of the VERY LOW PRICES which Ave will adhere to. Prints (standard) 16 yards for $1.00 Canton Flannel. 12 Cotton Uattinpr, 8 It.s for 61.00 Cottonades, from loc per yard up Comforters, from 00c a piece up Felt Skirts, from COc up Standard Carpet War p.:? 1.23, 5 It) bundle Ladies Gauntlets, TCc per pair up Children's Merino Hose. 4 pair for 2oc Gents' Merino Underwear from Goc up Other Brands, 20 yards for $1.00 Indian Head Muslin, 12 y'ds for $1.00 "Water Proofs, from 70cier y'd up Blankets, (full line) $1.25 per pair up Ladies shawls, from 75c up All wool yarn, best in market 85c lb up Ladies Kid Gloves, 75c per pair up Ladies Merino Hose, 2 pair for 25c Ladies Merino Underwear, GOc up. Money for Farmers. have now on hand, ready for shipping a fi ol Pure Bred 1 oland China pips for sale, at reasonable rates. Can furnish in paiis not akin. Tlie-e pis; are descended from the herds of she pnrd A- A lex an tler, of Illinois. and A. C. M oie. Can pedijrnv to lite best bo;;s at the national ho". slio- in Chi cago in lsTJ. Corre-pondeiiee promptly answered. Fave the expense of sciidinz tarilter ea i. E. N. SHEEIM) . lCmC Malvern, Mills Co., Iowa. "VVOODEIiT CO"F,F1X"rrS Of a!l sizei, ready male ami s!.! cheui for cash. MENS' CLOTHING. Overcoats from $3.25 up Fall Suits from $5.00 up. BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens' Boots from $2.25 up Ladies Shoes from $1.00 up Trunks from $1.50 to $2.00. Full line of Trimmings, Fringes, Ball Fringes, Silk, and all kinds of Vol vetincs, Plush. of Zephyrs, Woosted and Berlin Yarn, ; MONEY TO LOAN. 8100,000 To loan on improved farms in Cass ountv, at low rate rf i:iietest. Applications solieifei). Plattsmouth, .March Is;;. J X. WISE. E. G. DOVEY & SON, take pleasure in announcing', TO THE CITIZENS OF PLATTS MOUTH AND VICINITY, That they are now located in their NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, Opposite Fitzgerald Block, and ready to see their old customers and as many new ones as may come. Having just opened a new assortment of goods in a new, LIGHT HANDSOME PLACE OF BUSINESS, We think we can ac commodate the public and please the taste of all. Give us a call any way, and try the nev. up town store. litf PERFORATED PAPER IN GOLD SILVER AND ALL COLORS. Fine stock of LADIES READY MADE CLOAKS from $3.00 up. CASSAMERES, DUB AGE. EMPRESS CLOTH, BLACK ALPACAS, SCOTCH PLAID, "WRAPPER GOODS LADIES TILTERS. CORSETS and WHITE UNDERWEAR. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. as presided over by Mrs. Dull, the experienced Lady Trimmer who was with us hist season, is full and complete. Mrs. Dull is competent to do any work in this department sa;i.sfactoril-. We hsve the finest stock of millinery goods west of Chicago, and do not propose to be undersold. Uon't 'Forget The Fiacc, PHILADELPHIA STORE, Main St., Plattsmouth. In order to Introfiucc oi:r 4013 illustrated Catalogue (In book form) of Jewelry ar.d '.Vatchcs, with full informaiion llow to Bccorao Agents, and. 3IaliO Itloncy, xve v.-i.l send, on receipt of One DolLir, by return mail, this Illustrated Catalogue, to rjcllier with OUR GtZIl DOLLAR COLDEra CASKET. '';V,-.'f''; OTP. TIOT.T.ATI CASKET Contains one clejmntly engrared "Lady's Broocli and Ear Props, Amethyst settings, inlaid wtLh 1'carls; one beautiful Cut Cameo ltinK; one fine pair of lingravort Slef v liuttons; three rmd spiral Amethyst fetutli, inlaid with Pearls; one nobbv Collar Jtutton; one latest pattern Lady's or Gent's rumpadnnr Neck Chain; one ele pintOamo Seal; one beautiful chased Hand Iiinsr; one solitaire Lake Geortt: Diamond XMn; one pair (j) elcjrant enirravcd llracelets. All the above are the finest Gold Plate, and arranged in a beautiful white, pink-lined casket. Illustrated Catalotrtte of Jewelry and Watches sent with each casket. On receipt of One Iol!r we will send one of these JOollar Caskets, by mail, post-paid, cr I'ouv Cabketa on receipt of IS3.50. Addrcfs. GEO. G. JACOB jT & CO., Importers of Jewelry and Watrfies, 117 WisoonsLa Street, LlilvatJioo, Wl ' ";" " 1 -3" e-t-CD P3 o o B CO s- C2 w CO -j- -s . zn u. '- -ft 1 "2 O t5 ffl hrl 1 li " S e-5 C O ' 5 r 6 J 14 1 ; 1 1 'o il !i M.j: t ii.-.al..- fee J.a-it pali'n:a ;e. 1 ia-. I; '.ii'. :? all lo euil .uid eMiinifie luy LAl.'f.K STOrK. or GO TO THE Herald Office E. FARM ELE, SALE, FEED d- LIVERY STA13LE. Oa r.I;in strr-et ne:rly opnoite the Court House, Piattsmouth, eb. FIorsES foR Sale. The buyiti and sc-ViInJi of gootl horses in.tde the specialty of the business. How Horses & Carriages, a:i-J gentle horses, for Ladies to Urive ar kept :it this S:;;l le. ANo a carry all, which r.ms to the depot, and will eurrv passe iii-is from any place iu'iouu on cull. FAR3IEi:S CALL AND E A' AMINE 31 Y STOCK FOR SALE. 8yl E. PARMELE. LENIIOFF & BONNS, Jlornins; Dew Saloon ! Otj' iloor e;u"t of the Saunders House. We keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3-ini'j CcBstuntlyen Hand. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. Piloos Reduce ' -rr.iixjf t-!'"? o n 3 Gears, Io Cams, 17 o Springs. 5ZW 15D EUGUI 11113 CF By th ripiratiori of I'atatiU endr whirh we haro N en ijini royultito, vta ara eietbled to be.1 our 21a chiu.a iit Greatly Reduced Prices, &nd kj low r-a theso of any first -clics taachin". ssso ron cir.ccLAr.3 asd fpjcs LISTS. TTSZD SS"7E?a IIACHHTS CO, 203 alush Art., ChiK flo. KU F0H 0ALE ET O. K. SALOON. I keep constantly on I:;iud Best's 3Iilwaukce IJcer. whicli can be had at no other PLACE IN THE CITY. Also Mi." lu st of ii i.v l.. l:qvoiis. axd n.tf;'. C.;i!nj kill. Kostenbauiil. fRfcl PistMwmJ b alt eampltaoee wita uw M!wlngeiodiilis The tijTMl Sijw t "gT.I - d 3!'- PUtio Crapnr. 10 Che-mut Slrwi, 1 'kilndrlpma. mnurctnrpr of lure Coil Bv ."Sf-;-!, !- Kl-iSci,i Sodur1 8,ln-.Utl Wan-, will m4 o t..P. w """" 2 ' ' S ..-' ty.' . DooM Eitr riu.4 Kilw Spoon., and entrravw on each epootl any desired i-"-J?'A' i Vr vAw IM aooe Company, with your ihum aat sar.. and alw with u. 7S c-m. K. I : :; Win IfMi Sirw. Ibt Siwni will be teat by tx.-e-. (or mad, f you h no rr,- :mi, . ?.-i: T7r.t TMTTM P.TV TlAVS T7P.OM DATE fe Elcsrant Table Silverwaro m -g of the b nuterml. .n n;'nl to U bcrf buv rux4 Wire Diane, a Ue fuiloalnj Idler f'om the Company wul teitily: ,rTT To whom it may Coaoern. i'ti. Fpood. .cut out under thin arrane.-nipt vt fairuin are of be.t qiplif, trtt bonvily platrd with pure nick. I (t!ie h .rdt wait ni-t.il knovrrt. and a d.mUe-eTtra law of pura Coin standard f -Iver tl Id oa tnp cf tr.r ft'il. ttias rm luring titm ti.o very br-at SUr-r-Fl.iu-d vre niKunff-. tnr-4. w ul botor aa - r v kioh .- nut cnwi the Btlrraare Coutou, aal ul t bonur uw buapea Uur ti-i. ftra the lf rf t.l. r"""r-. loi.uo.i 704 Chcotuut St.. fhiladc'il!-. STTATIIWAKF. CORPUS. Co re-r'pl of tMi Coupon. toch r iih 75 cent to ecver aT e?ir., lnetnfl- drcaltaX cur yui Co.a-btAi. lrl tiuuble-extra p:ai SILVEFt SPOONS. m1ffliM-iiinmt any 1rf!rf4 lnic!il. ait cbmx-. .r. lo b prepalf fry tb c-nu beat us, aiiu Ui. svou 1U Ikj Ct.ivt:ica at tttiiiuuou irvo ct aay ' Ccia Iwf BinT diyi rro-n ni-. r- r" ff " p!1 . ;iTvn :i cui f tfSKL li-atttwl X.Ilv.Ali oil.vx.it ri..'.l'iM t.'-'.. 701 Cues-cut St.,ThdO'iP1.pli'3. n T1TT ITTIli r - n . i m IIT T i 01 E 5 IE1, .1 Hi I X . .i.i! . -aar, Fh-vilfl It be 4-rtrofl. any one of (; Mlorrlrit artllr. will b. po-it (a lira of lap Spoon o t luent of tlie fc'lt-wtna tli.--.: fr-ia aoiid mtet.l '..j. j. 'lives, i. aue .u'i iiuuut' .i.. .h.-,. uvu.j. ...k. iVt'i'TS pli-rd. t'i; x fork., duu:.:e nicSji ailrrr .l.il.i. WD eta. if ail li.ea il (rooait are arairru. em ioe in, iiimi m7irin ., . ir . w ,i uc , v.-. ivi " f J for aovr, and to CIS. Tor lorLS fotpl, .,ut:iUJ o-irm!r i3r 5 whit would oost von n:'jh rr.nre in n ct-'i-r wt. I' "ncu ro- tilflt each artiel. f-x-er- Kuivis, v.iU Lo casrs'.'uJ wtit i-jr liiiUiJ dcttllW wia... tu wiU WJt-'Ubt a -kiv a ivU II t!'. TMa liberal offer boMa rood fr on?y riwty iTitb Nm fi-ita, fbertr're) it ia to lite ititerr.t of alt who c.in st-rurc ita bcnrtln t r.-o e it Uli t.-iey are not fbr-rrt-.l or trawm f the eKirat:ou of the time siU.:. at icTS -Slhliuc Silverware rhouiii be i-ireie-i dilcct to ita NATIONAI. E: ;n riATi-a co., JTo. 7D1 Chcstaat Street. rniiiAE'ii.riiLi, pa. V?.-l f wC r-1 M It. (S2 . o o w r 5 re o ry.. c: M 5 rs -s o -1 5d O ex DC Ft -.-Vv. v-V.,v V?v it--3". as. -.- 5 ri. -J r?. ro. '3 Vr-5 --v-i-- 7 r'.i:;;--v aV yx o o ii7 r.3ii er.-x- t.i.--j.r !T " ' e-T-e-. -J-V-'iriX 4 ,- rr i w k..-:, .;;.:;)!. '?:.-i' J ' ; 1 e -V 2 L o i iiii.iV jit ', .v v .1 IJe-e JL i--.-ViJWVe, l,r " '" 1 II r - - v - 1 mA E - it x - t1 -zaf w y A M2Lr.s-C0. V were tT:e firr't to ir.trodnee ;hN very v. variety cf swlae ip.t.t tested theai t horoimlily and vv are cmiviiiV -d tiiey arc by "far I lie mo. -t v;.! fanners of this country for the folIowin; reasons : Larlv i mil writ v. timet ili.-. position, irn.iil l-i tder. iruo 1 moi hers. :i: 1 t'. the world to cross with the lai-re eoi-e bieeiis. fiviii: tht iu l.e.iuly ot fi fal toil in; .null lies, and -;reat !y imiii i 'uv? t l.e o.ial u v r lie liains which ii any t.ther breed. Their color is blaek. t ie- skin is perectly liiiM-: Ii. and v li' i ice t hey have no sem f or skin t!K.ve i hi.-li while ht-;s" :u e si re lo L---t i try. ;uid t hey are not miij- t .' tn t in, ; i in coiiiiuon w I; h i l.cr 'A inc. 1 hey lh"e small lireeds, m:iki.'irr Ironr tiiree to lour Luiit'.rc i l! in one year soliii Too poiimls and can lie fatted at any ae. Ve liiive now a very choice lot "of ni-s from -iv clitTcrei.t i:i:portatioi:s. mate pi.js propel ly for brcc-lm, and warrant e .ci y j it; pure i;.-e ,r no s. t'n eon u.tbio Lire very he- nil n-ipiii hoi e i v 1 hin :n l a I h'ek ;.ie the times c in il are i le. v ii i;r the -J 1-rt d in Vi'l r t !;:!! e.li.d 1 y lid vin:e soil i i -l-.le-l . f act i,i cr repi-if l t ) lltf J. W. VAN DOR EM, l:;,po!;. Fun Iu L.'.c Co., X, :-e,.,i:-.iu. li;;s co:;ie iion:t And hv has brought tiie iinsjst line of Oress Goods, Goods, Finicy 'a G o o d s a 1 1 d N o 1 i o : s you c v e v s a vr . p4 m-3 C-a23 V fc; ', U ij - - - : -i ,r- '.' vi '"tiv!tn - A.J.. ' ' 7 -ars.-'-; f-Tr ti f TS T!" .Tt- itTQ r?. r liVUi.9 V iltii C-l-Li liotb C.. til d. ylGS till y-Be aMaH ret Eaaty assd! eip tSII- ' nDBSBsa; Mojo Spring and Summer Gcods ever end ever so cheap. N-r- h yj'tr f kvjj ':H-lv,riV irt-ih'.-. I lurry ''. icaai t ' E::-J v-t';i .i-.-ri ?;.'. lit n t3 H r r-! f 4aW IMmH t"- i Hi J. V. WECKBACH, Prop. SJ.lR.C EXISTS I AVc are in almost daily receipt cf DRY AND FANCY GOODS, T71 X 9 ve offer our friends and the public at at prices lo suit the times. Caslimcrcs, Alpacas, Delaines, tS;c Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward. Th finest stoel; of White I'.eiNprcad ever bronlit to the City. Baell's Cacsimeres, Tweeds. Jeans, and Cottonades in full Stock. r a : -i -J ' a. N -i aj tui:iw3 ail: viriii u-itiiVtii-jiuuiOTs vi c V -.a ?T iTVN tEi I v i' -v Li iti Oc A I.I. KIM):'. Country Produce taken in exchange for Gcods. Tim :.!:i:" f.r ja t fuvors i:: !';: years j'oi e !-, I r spe ' '. i "y a-.?, a .:.:: r u-.-.. of t ln ,.c;... llt'AHASTKEIMi ATW'.'l 1 li'N I N ALL CASr..i, and llop:;i;: !:. I l.ol 1 . to pjr i mi. 1c I : - . - cd with riicecsj, I it -ma: i iis ever. ,r. , .. ( i ; . RE3i:di:i::n the place, one boon v,!:,t vr p. ., pi-a rrsrioETH, nebra -':a. , r r tt7 -ri r -. Havo ju.t oj'.fiio-.l li.f ii' .iir;-" ;.: 1 ::m'-. Mto:-?; of ALSO .1 A;ir A.V FRESH STOCK OF is k U k. m m I . &fm " .at A tboasplotc siciv stock of Inli Dress Goods, Folt .sals, I1 ill 1 1 .its, For GiMiiUrHiCM; 1 TANS, TIES. AND SILK NFJ'KERCI. PARASiI.S. j Hosiery, lAv Blue, Cardinal Rod Seal Brov; i I ! Embroideries and Laces. 1 j BACK (OMRS AND Ni'TIoNS or ALL KIND . Satcl.t.s Viin.s.-.s, :;,:! J.iniit H IIhimI Sateln-K TIU i ('niii-, Tilt-i i .-:!, lillil I 'ii.-I'.j!:.S l!!:!tl!t!Ta'i. 15iV3 S.inil.K. L (.'.C-i;'H-i T t CiI.S. uC, C V;i (l; r.VillC, Vhiii '( 1; . A Full t-iuek of j Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, Lard SALT 11811, TJ. - -! . White Fish and Ccd. j RE 31 E 21 HER--ALL KINDS OF c.OFNTUY PHDUrE 'J'A: j EA CHA3,'CE FOR Ooojts. lONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL D v. 1 i i eV t.-r r