Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 18, 1877, Image 2

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    ;iK HERALD.
AVr.SMOUTII, OCT. lb, lb!7.
For Supreme'de-.,
i:lo. i. lake.
Tit I'.. 5. nl.Cili District,
u. rr:;siNc;i:i:.
Fur ir. .-iit. 4:1) Listrici,
I'. A. noLMKS.
I'or l'o:nty Officers.
For Comity Cl-ik
I ur County Treis'tivr,
For Sheriff,
1:. w. hve'is.
For County Jin!;!.'.
For l',.;;'t of riiWie Instruction,
U. AV, WlSK.
I'or Contiiy Commissioner.
For Co ion or,
Tor Comity Surveyor,
Vj!V ilo AvelaushV'
Kand.ill is the speaker of the House
11 kI Cox why Cox isn't.
And Garfield Did
auy 1 Lived democrat
any democrat,
even, vote for
Lllik's cartoon, "A Leader
"Without a Following," was made be
fuie th'"- Ohio ekclio:i evidently.
Conukkss met on the 1-jih and .S:un'l
.. Ilandall was elected speaker. The
papers say tally o;:c for Tom Scott and
Subs id v.
' lit: Annual Methodist Conference
tf the M. K. Church, met in Oiuaha on
Tlitns lay. The llev. Mr. Marquette 'Jr. ri-hlen of this county were up.
ANOTiiu.i: lesson the Ohio election
leaches, is that Democrats never vote
::ie Ilcpubiicaii ticket, no matter how
:.vajh they endorse Hayes' policy.
Tm-: lion and the lamb have slept to
. th.-r lately we presume as Bob Doom
!.l lid LUiU'ner appear to he running
r . Democrat ie ticket i a Cass County
... partnership.
It ii a little si.r.;u!ar that our Dein
ratlc friends al .'.ays have to select
1 .'pa- lic.ins to run on their ticket
hen they hope to win Independent
. r peoples men they call them.
The Greenback and temperance vote
Ohio would just have elected theEe--.'iblican
Candidates in the Legisla
;.;ie. Result, no Greenback men elect
c i (except in 0:11 county) no temper
ance men and the only party that ever
ive hope of a reform i:i currency and
u-nperance beaten. Go in on side is
ouea Greenhorns and Grccnbackers,
It is not Mr. Hayes who is objected
to, and no one could b-3 further from
feeling any personal enmity towards
the President than the Republicans
who honestly think "his" policy as it
i i called has been unwise and has cost
Ms Ohio as a Republican sta'.e and in
:act the whole North as a Republican
North, without gaining us the South
as .i Renublioan South.
Tin: IIekald man had the pleasure
of attending with a train load of oth
er people the noted Chiefs of the
:moux tribe, Spotted Tail, Red Cloud,
Man Afraid of his Horns, and 20 oth
t:s, to Ilearney the other day on their
'way to their homes, north of the Black
Hills. . The Indians left the ears at
Sidney. Old "Spot" wore a new, shiny,
iill: ping hat and an old-fashioned In
dian blanket.
A little while ago v.e saw a no-tie-
"hat Bob I) )omivith Jim Porter's
;.!) had Seth Cole in training for the
Sioux agency, and now Robert has de
voted his great mind to training Cass
County Republicans in the way they
hhould go. "If Mahomet can't go to
the mountain, the mountain must go
to M. '.hornet" he said last Saturday at
the Central Committee meeting the
only interpretation of this perversion
of the original sentence which can be
Made is: that as the Republican party
can't go to the Democratic for candi
dates the Democratic party must take
up Republicans and run them.
Last week one day the 1I;:kam
man visited Crete, and for the first
time put foot on a little patch cf land
!:f owns near there; finding it an FJe--;
;:it "Forty" by the w;?y, for either
t inkling sites or farmir.j.
The villaga of CreLe, en the Blue
; or.e of the handsomest in the State
'i is growing steadily and the improve
ments are of a substantial kind. A
.iviod water pjwer furnishes an exeel-
e:;t mill site an 1 in tine other manu
Jacturing interests will clustei arroun l
-ids nucleus. Messrs. Wells and , 1
.cn of the Union greeted us very cur
d hdly vrJnle th.ere. 1v V--i. n-'in
our hct. V.'e found many old l'iatts-.!i--ath
peojde in and about Crete.
They are having ;v savage County
r'eat fight in Sulino Co., one election
has been held and the contest is now
I tf.vecn Crete and Vv'ilLer, with the
id vantages in favor of Crete.
Lilie Plattsmouth Crete is in one cf Van County, luton a line of
R i:ho:td and the largest town by all
J Is i.i the County and would seem to
I.e the uiost natural poii.t for the Co.,
In th!s day and tjeiseraiion a County
teat off the line of a Railroad or at
a rev,- Etarion with no other advantages
seldom amounts to rauh, or meets the
Th? t:.Uii l'nre utlon.
The convention met .;: the 10th, the
committee on credentials rcnoited 49
counties, represented by 257 delegates.
The Lincoln county contest was set
tled by admitting both delegations (con-
tittin of two members each) to seats
and votes in the convention.
Hon. J. Vv . Dawes of Saline county,
was elected permanent chairman, and
Maj. J). II. "Wheeler, of Cuss, perma
nent secretary, with J. A. MacMurpliy
for assistant.
A motion to appoint a committee on
platform was tabled.
Nominations fcr the cflk-e of Su
preme Judge being declared in order,
the names of Gen. A. II. Connor, A. C.
Turner, lion. E. L. Drown, Judge Lake,
Gen. Cobb and Judge Clinton llriggs
were placed before the convention as
An informal ballot resulted as fol
lows: Geo. 15. Lake 90
E. E. Urown. C
Clinton Driggs 30
Gen. Connor T. 33
A.C.Turner 0
Gen. A. Cobb G
Whole number of votes cast..233
Necessary to a choice 127
The name of Gen. A. II. Connor wa3
The first formal ballot stood.
Lake.. 11G
Brown Ct
Driggs 03
Turner 8
Cobb 4
Whole number cast 2o-i
Necessary to.a choice 123
The names of Drown, Turner and
Cobb were withdrawn.
George II. Lake 137
Clinton lilies 122
Whole number cast "j;) -
Necessary to a choice ". .130
Judge Lake's nomination avus made
The names of J. II. Culver, Seward;
N. II. Persinger. Merrick; S. P. Mob
ley, Hall ; T. Nye, Dodge; and Dev. Jno.
Grey of Saunders, were presented. Mr.
Persinger was nominated on the -ith
The following State Central Com
mittee v. as then selected:
1st district ; D. P. Drannin and T. C.
2d district; John L. Carson.
3d district ; N. B. Larsh and Thos.B.
-1th district; D. II. Wheeler.
5 th " E. Bus j water and Chas.
Cth district; Bruno Tzschuck.
7Ui " Elani Clark.
Sth " AV. II. Michael.
0th " U. Eruner. .
10th " George P. Hall.
11th " E.S.Butler.
12 th " J. C. Santee.
13th " X.J. Paul.
11th " M. AVittmoyer.
15th " G. L. Brown.
1(3 tli " J. I). Cook.
17th " C II Gere aud CAV Pierce
ISth " S. P. Davidson.
10th " E. Fil'.ey.
20th " II. M. Vrrel!s.
21st " E. C. Carnes.
221 " ' John II. Helms.
2.,d " Wm. 3. Randall.
21th " A. L. Wigton.
25th " II. C. Andrews.
20th " Henry "Williams.
The convention then placed in nom
ination, for members at large, Messrs.
Amasa Cobb, J. "W. Dawes, It. Rosewi
ter, Lorenzo Crounse, M". L. Hay ward,
W. II. Michael. Crounse, Cobb, Hay
ward and Michael all declined, leaving
Dawes and Rosewater the only two
A call of counties was mads when
Mr. Dawes was found to he elected by
the following
E. Rosewater.
J. AV. Dawes .
Mr. Dave3
was declared
chairman of the Republican
Some resolutions were offered by Mr.
Houck, of IKiuglas, which were voted
down, on the ground that the conven
tion had already decided against a com
mittee on resolutions, and it would be
unfair to drag them in at this lale dite
A Letter to the Boy.
My deau little Boy: Your nice
little letter received and I was pleased
to hear from you and that you are in
possession of your ideal of Horse llosh
"old Dick" and was also pleased to
know that the horses aud pigs were all
well, now George I understand that
they call you runt, at Falls City, this
wont do. it, is bad enough for us at
home to call you the runt. Your size
and the last one, entitles you to the
name runt never mind, tell them that
you may be small in statute or physi
cally so. and the last, but it will be th"
only thing that you will be small in.
and never last urde.TS there is a whip
ping to be divided. You can have
lots of fun in Falls City if you try
and now, George, wade in, never
mind your face or feet. There are no
little girls hi Fails City you care any
thing about so you need not fear. Your
Ma may sc . Id but she can do that so
easy, she n 3 ver whips. Grandma will
not care. Grandpa has been a bey
onee himself and that fixes that. If
Ma scolds, you whistle, if-the makes
yen keep your face clean, make her
let you sleep with her. You can aiford
to wash your face to sleep with moth
er. I would like to see you al! at Falls
City. Don't you be a bad boy if they
waul yea to, George, ride old Dick's
tail off, bump all the boys noses in
town, when they run home bleeding at
the nose tell them a Plattsmouth runt
did it all.
Write lue ;;gain, give my love to
Grandma, Grandpa and Ma. Front
our Ati-J
r? Father.
The Globe Democrat on (Kiia.
Nuthing is explained aud nothing is
gained when we say that the Itepub
licans staid away from the polls, or
that the Ilepublicans voted the Work
ingman's ticket; we are still compelled
to answer the question, why did the
Bepublicans fit ay away from the polls,
or why did they prefer another ticket
to the Republican ticket? What new
element had entered into the content
within the past year to change so many
minds and to influence so many votes?
What was it which created dissatisfac
tion and alienation, especially after a
victory which had been especially valu
able to Ohio? A citizen of Ohio had
been elected to the Presidency, anoth
er citizen of Ohio had been called into
the cabinet, the good fortune of the
sons of Ohio had passed into a proverb,
yet within a year after Ohio had gain
ed all these good things by one victo
ry, the Republicans throw their victo
ry away, abandon ths field, and give
most emphatic and unmistakable ex
pression to their discontent. How did
this come to pass?
Good Ut-e far a Dime.
We advise all our readers to forward
their address and 10 cents to Orange
JuddCo., 245 Broadway, New York,
who make a special offer to send for
this sum (half price and postage) the
number for October 1st, of the Ameri
can A 'jrimliurist. This splendid num
ber, besides over 50 engravings, con
tains a great amount of useful, practi
cal, reliable, seasonable information,
not only for the Farm and Garden, but
for the Household, Children included.
Most will get from it hints and sugges
tions worth ten or twenty times its
cost Better still, to send 81. CO
and receive the paper, post-paid, from
now to the end of 1ST8 that is, all of
volume o7, with the rest of this year
frte. Two conies for $1.50 each). No
where else can one get so much really
valuable, paying information for so lit
tle monev not 3 cents a week, a sum
easily saved or produced extra, which
the paper will be sure to help one to
do. This Journal is pit-pared by prac
tical men and women, .who know what
they talk and write about from actual
experience and large observation, and
they can and do greatly aid others to
profitable planning and" working. Many
single hints and suggestions each abun
dantly repay a year's cost. The fear
less exposures of quackery and hum
bugs in every number, are invaluable,
and have saved its readers and the
country millions of dollars. The de
partments for the Household and Chil
dren are pleasing and instructive. Ev
ery number of ttie paper is beautifully
illustrated. In short, the American
Arri-ullurht is full of good things,
for every man, woman, and child, in
citv, village, and country. Take our
advice and send Sl.M) lor 11 months,
or at least send a Dime for the half
price specimen now offered, and see it
for yourselves.
See Solomon Nathan's big ad.
Fine rainy weather, good time for
Go to Piummer's and see the won
derful piles of goods.
Read Solomon & Nathans price list.
See Eli Plummei's new advertise
ment in this week's IIkuald.
Examine price list
of Philadelphia
Levi Gokling, oldest clothing man
m Plattsmouth, says go ahead. IIi-;k-ALP
E'i Plummer means that the people
shall know what kind of goods he has
see his ad.
Large stock and fine assortment of
home made gloves and mittens, for sale
cheap, at (COto) 11. HiaioLo's
Bast the Republican party, Mr
Grecnbacker, and etect the sraight De
mocracy. You'll be sure to get hard'
money then.
Dovey's delivery wagon ran away
with the wagon and upset Lorin Ken
edy and the horses, yesterday.
Peter Bates' little girl pulled a
scalding hot coffee pot over on herself
Tuesdav, scalding herself badly on the
A ait until the tho tax list goes
out and we'll pilch into politics, Coun
ty officers, city taxes and things gener
ally until you can't rest.
"Bob" has got that majority up to
SOU now. He counts en the green
backers. They do make a good assist
ant Democratic party always.
AVait until the Democratic and
Greenback party . nominate and then
we old Republicans must begin to
wake up for this tiling. Its going to
be no child's play this fall.
II. A. Graves, cheapest man under
the sun, does hauling all the way from
10 cents to -If) cent3. Big black "mules.
Just hail him.
Bob Doom thinks there will be a
clean 200 Demociatic majority in this
county, this election. Sec to it Repub
licans, that Robert can't t et up for a
Uncle Jake Yidiery s.iys he cannot
issue any call, or lend his aid to any
thing but a straight out Democratic."
ticket. How long before they'll fuse
with the Greenbackers? Let's see!
L The Sociable of St. Luke's
, (this
is cx-
will meet at the house of Mrs.
am on Thursday, October 10th
evening). A cordial invitation
Euos Berger, Eso., one of the
II n: alu's old friends comes up and
says: "go along, old boy" only don't
misrepresent us any more all right
v:e vn't knov.":!:.'lv.
r.r.ioiUKD y, r.E.'.imri.
Wheat. No. 2
' iciected
Corn. siie'.icJ
Corn, Oiir
L.ui y, No.
' rejected.. ..
LaTETT new
New oiik. Oet. 17th.
C'HICAOrt, Oct. 17th.
Flour 5 3v"'-; 1 fi
4'orn, 4l(,s
Itye S
Hurley, 5
Jlotrs 5 2v5 :i
Native C;i1Ile 3 0o.;.5 5,
Texas Cattle 3 m& 3 '
Messrs. E. G. Dovey & Son have a
fine stock of mens' kip boots, also a
large assortment of ladies side lace,
misses and childrens' shoes, in great
variety, for sale at bottom prices. Give
them a call for anything in the line of
general merchandise, at their new store
near head of llain St., south side. 27tf.
J. V. AVcckbach has an immense
stock of Fall and Winter Dry and
Fancy goods and Groceries of all kinds.;
Farmers and Housekeepers give them
a call for anything in the line of Gen
eral merchandise. 27tf.
TO Tilt: A S-' V I CTKI).
Act icisehi. and at once procure th 3
following wonderful Family Medicines
Dll. FtTLKU'S Ruia'MATiu Rkmko
and Liver Pills, a positive jermane:jt
specific lor .Neuralgia, ItlieumatiS!jnf
Sciatica. Lumbago, Gout, pain in Ra
Head. Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Xervotta.
Rlood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. ltz
Itr's Kidiw fordid removes deposit
of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, rn-.J
tention of urine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Bladder and Kid
neys. Dr. Fitler" Calisaya 'Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the system, tones the
stomach,, and increases appetite. A
pleasant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels and destroys the
teeth Dr. Fitltr's German Ptitoral
lor Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
and Colds, a superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid
ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass
are rgents for Flattmouth. 20-yl
For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build
ing lots in the city of Plattsinouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms
easv. Applv to A. W. McLaughlin
Cashier 1st National Bank. 2:Jf
Look Here
von can "et Pools and Shoe3 of
styles, patterns and make, from
No 1 eastekx hol'sks
also a fine stylish perfect fit of
from the finest French Calf Boots made
in the state, down, at prices that d-'fy
competition. Ladies and Children's
shoes a speciality.
Pi:ti:j: Mlkges.
To i'archascrs cf B. Sc M. II. R Lar;?s.
V.'e desiro to call th :.tter.thn of
our land purchasers to the fact that
the time for pay men t of the taxes f.r
the year 1S7'J expires OCTOBER Clit.
It577. Tlio-e who htivo i.ot paid their
taxes should proceed to do so at once
A failure to make paym.-nt of the taxes
on the land is an express violation of
the contract made with this Co:r pany,
and may lead to its cancellation.
A. E. Tol zalix,
2?t3 Land Commissioner.
J. V. "Wcckbaeh says bo's
salt in quantity, quality
Will not bo undersold.
healed on
and juice.
Asier-isuitjg- Success.
II is the duty of every person who
has used Buschke's Geioiax Syuit
to let its wonderful qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consumption,
severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneu
monia, and in fact all throat and lung
diseases. No person can use it with
out immediate relief. -Three doses
will relieve anv case, and we consider
it the duty of all Druggists to reccom
mend it to the poordyingconsumptive.
at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 doz
en bottles were sold last year, and no
one case where it failed was reported.
such a medicine as the Gekmax syr
up cannot be to widely known. Ask
your Druggist about it. Sample bot
tles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular
Size 75 cents. For sale by. 13 tf-alt
IlBLf f r t'i.3 wjak. nervoa;, an 1 d ;'o'i!it.ite.l.
Chronic and painful tii.-ea.scs cured without
medicine. Kite-trie lV.ts and other app'.ianees,
ail about them, and how to distinguish the eti
i:i:ie from the s;uriius. i'.ook, v. itit lull icirtif
ularss l-aidled free. Addre-s I'i lvkhmac;!::;!
C1ai.ya.nic Co., 2:r2 hie. Street, CiueiiiTiati, U.
l.;; l-att.
New place of Entertainment,
AVkidmax & Co.
have fitted up the old stand formerly
occupied by Ben Ilemple, with a new
and ' complete stock of Liquors and
Cigars also will furnish meals to
farmers and others who are hungry.
Keenan and Grace
at the old reliable Liquor store have
constantly on hand a full and complete
stock of first-class
Liqror.s a;d cigars.
A fine stock of old apple i: randy on
hand. 20-14
If you want a bargain in Boots and
Shoes go to Win. Ilerold's. Large
stock to be sol I for Cash at Cost go
ing out of that branch of the trade.
From the undersigned on the 24lh
inst, one d.nk bay or brown mare mule
weighs about ojio thousand lbs., seven
years old a small sore on the right fore
leg below tho knee Any one taking
up or giving any information leading
to the recovery of Laid mule will be
libcrly rewarded by addressing me at
Asddand NtL.
23t" Fiilderici: Cristiat.
Homeopathic BL- penary.
I take this opportunity to notify my
friends and the public generally, that
I am prepared to furnish pure Home
opathic Medicines of till kinds. I also
have a line assortment ofJCases for med
icines tr family use.
Ofiiee hours from 9 a. m., to 1 p. ni.
I have a medicine that will cure Ague
almost instantaneously, constantly on
hand. J. L. McCkka,
23 w L. ZIoiiit. oxjAhic Physician,
Consnnplion cna CURL!)
riieie:i' l-:!i '! J'oalc.
KriieucK JJ.iiiUiHke Hills.
Ar viio oi.iy nivU.cait tliat will cure Riil.i
k arv l o!..uiiii;)i i;n.
J r :i!ei:i: v linviii ii.i s v. ni nnp a
v. i;l ir'c iioi"i liie ilfiUit t t lie patient
t.-:t u: tan ii'.vr. fUi cir.'iU:i?io;i
l.l.iotl. heiiniiriium' foI'.MW.s, ami ia l:i
el ok the HL-tiou ot t!ie very orriuis til it
tl'l- 1-OllL'il.
Liver Complaint I)yps;)?;Ki:
nMirx ! tvvo-tliiru.i ot t in' caus ol
tio!i. Manv lrsoiis rouinlaiM f ;i !.;
side, c-oustipation. i-outcil t;in;ju, nai'i
shoulder Maile, I'er-Iiu of (lto;:lts
li-sMH-ss, Hie t'ooit ly'iitf heavy on tii i
aei'oinpaiaeit with a-.Klity and lel-;;iis;.t i
These Syniptons iisnuilyoriu'liKitc from auis
(inlered cuaditiou ot the stoniavli o a turpi I
JVr-oi!s 9o effcetPd. if tliev
one or two case
lieavv cohU, and i the eonli
I.e su'.leulv cheehed. wiil lind tli
much aai
liver tdojjued, reiiiainifiit u
iw.d almost before ihey are
id inactive.
the luas are
a mass 'f f-oie-!, and ulcer
Cue refill l of
w ) : i -1 1 is death.
Scheiiek'n I'uluiotiie Svri
wliieti dov-s not contain opaitu or nnytliiug eal
culateu to clieeK a eoui::i dPiloeniy.
.ScheiK-k's Se:i Weed Tgri ilisotves the food
mixes with the rai-triettfioes of the stoinaeli
ai'ls ditrestion and eruStuTa ravenous appetite.
A hen t he bowels are iiftive. skiu callow, or
the vmr:oais otlir-fr-i '! a bilious teadeiiey,
Seheiiek's Iane-ake VtM are required.
TlieiO laediei-ea are pre pared only by
4 .1. II. Si'Hkntk V Son
N. V.. eor erixtll and Arch Sts. I'hila.
And for kiIu hy all ivLsts and dealers. J0t4
the public
that I
old business, Bo-ts
ing a practical Boot
I Jnow how to buy.
i? ,bout October 1st
. ' tpand for cash on
i I f.'no extra prof
on '! save monev.
'Kzttst, S( iOlh, 1871.
- f ictr4t T
-V L ii lli -
e of Rev. David Hart's
' goods will be offered for
the next ten days. 27tf
ntrles ever sold in this mar-
3.00 per M., at "Waterman &
sters! Fresh Oysters!
I'lno fre&h ovsters will be .found at
F. s. Whites 's every week during the
Section. Alo Celery every Saturday,
receivm iresii and crisp every aauir-
day, by express. Call and get the
hang of things.
27tf F. S. White.
IGO.000 extra Star A Shingles just re
ceived at "Waterman & Son's. 27ti
Carload l'or.T Byuon Lime just re
ceived and for sale at $2.UJ a bid, at
Waterman & Son's. 27-tt
Julius Feppcrberg. Cigri rManufao
tmvr. on Main St., FiatU nrnth. Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri-
c:ui Tubai cvs tor smoking purpose.-.
For iltde. B -st qualities of plug-ssnop.-
yj tolKU'eo klwas on hand. 2t)-tt.
.-CO M',Vilti
andfts bar
nvn :rt b;
The grandei'Sv bargains ever known
in this town :a be had for tbenext '-o
days in clothing. Boots and snof.s m
elu'ling a supt-rb stock of ladh s and
childrens shoes, which will be sold clear
nown for c:sh. Such bargains were
Over known before, at S: ad e". man's
clothing emporium. 2 if
---- . . -
fur ray own m muf.icturc :tt tl-.o
State Lair. I do the tli test wmkjf
the State. 1 stUo kra-p the largest a
best stock of Boots a:id Shoes in 1
County and sell them cheaper than tl.e
cheapest. Call and see. Xo trouble
to show goods.
2o:l Pltlu Mlt.gls.
By universal accord Ayku'.s Ca
tiiaktic Pii.ns are the best of all pur
gatives lYa- family use. They are the
product of long, laborious, and success
ful chemical investigation, and
their extensive use, by Physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized na
tions, proves t hem the best and most
effectual and purgative i'ill that med
ical science can devise. Being purely no harm can arise from their
use. In intrinsic value and curative
powers no other pill can be compared
with them, and everv person, knowing
their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the system in uer
feet order, and maintain in healthy
action the whole machinery of life.
Mild, searching and effectual, they are
specialljr adapted to the needs of the
digestive apparatus, derangements of
which they preveet aud cure, if timely
taken. They are the best and safest
physic to employ for children and
weakened constitutions, where a mild,
but effectual, cathartic is required.
I'or sale bv all Dealers.
210 acres in section a;', town twelve, ranjje elev
en, 3 miles south-cast of Loi.isvi'.le rtaiioa, I). &
JI. It. It. Cass County, Nebraska.
ISO Acres Cui:i iitlsn,
with house and bavr:, orchard and forest trees,
pU'nty of sprii:;; water. Will be sold in t-i a era
tracts if tiesire l. Lmpiire of Jos. Se'.tiatcr. Jew
eler. Tl.itt-nioiith. Neb. II ml
These i'ilTs arc eom;.i: ed exclusively 'f vege
table inuredienl s. a;::! altliu-iirh th-'V eniirelv
sepefsriie t,i..- use of Mercurydo iioiK-:.e any
of its iiijurlous c!T:cts.
" 1? TZH 3Z"
Act Sirpctly 5'po Use Liver,
and are a vabi.ible lemeily in all eases of tie-ranireiiu-t'.t
oi that irj;an. Mi-U llendc:-j.
IntUPMion. ii;l .Jiljon.i iisorl-r,
i-uceo:iib to their f:ve use. 2i - i
AGEKTS ! Eri50
I.OY-IKlC::S5 nnd t'.tST-K1.7IX'
I'l'.CTrs bv sample jiaes. bindings, i'ia Ua-tiviis.eli-.
Tticy are popular wjrk', of every
kli'd. and nur xV'i.w Canvas-crs. Ai! ;.ct-I'-.div
wi.-hinir ( mi'7;r. and niotfu fx, add re."
-jiicJ bt'AM.M i:LL i i. O., 1st. Locis, llo.
The Great Strikes!
That li'iidv new liook.Ly II.mi. J a I.ats.
A coiiip'et ,' !:itoiy of the -;,ukps and thriiiiu;c
event-of ttie reat tiirea I ai.ti labor war ail
ovi-r tiie country. l l'fii-Y - Il.l.i:si 'KATUi.
AUS-'.N'rN V.STJ;i everywhere. 'i'he
Ix-itl cti.icce to i:iaUtf 1110. ley ever oLoied. lie
vraiv of u.f rri.r works. Gel the best ar.d lowest
priced. Address
s taniai:d book bocsk. '
. - t'r. Lc-t. is.H.
J iT i 1
fa f I t .1:1
iui I in
n l re
if W an
I beg to "
will ret?
and : .
SKr ;
and v . Le $
f it;: '.raitiW
f lift,
i-.i '
Leci! Notice.
Ail pi r. ar.i here! y notified thi't I wi.l iK't
':: ioiv !!- eitUn Ied liy my vt: Charity
I". V.iri'.-r. al: ' 1'iii !:.'. us the has l -ll iiiV bed
;i!iU loa; d.
Avoea. Neb., Oet i-tii, 1STT.
;;e;5 John i. Ca-itfr.
Legal Notice.
In the I:-tii-t Court of the L'd dmliei.d Tid
triet in and for Ca-s County. Netoa-ivii.
V.'m Statielmatm I'iainliH, vs J. N. Randall, De
fendant. N. Randall of the State ol Iowa will take
n lire that Win. Static lmami of t he Comity of
Cass state of Nebraska, tiki on I he -I'tli day
i'i Aiiiut A. I). 1ST7, lile his jictilion, in the
District Court of Cass County S!:te of Ne!ras
ka, against the naid.I. N. Randad, setting fonh
that tiie said J. N. Randall, tiefendant, is in
tieotetitothe said Win. SLadeluiann. I'lamtiif,
on account of (roods imrchastti 'f l'lamtitf at
divers times, in the sum of seventy-tour and
tiflv-five hiintiredths (74 iS. Ki-laoj dollars, that
said yecount is just, that no fart id th fame
has been paid and that the said J. N. Kandall
soil refiiM-s to jay the same, aud plainta! prays
.liuU'iiient for 571 vt D5-100 witli h er cent int.
from March 1st lfTO. And in ordr to collect tlie
same tlieaid Wm. Statielniatin lias commenced
a suit in attachment and your property has been
attached. You are herebv noiilieti to appear
and answer said petition according to law, and
ttie rules of said Court of Judgment will be
tmercd aaiu.-t you by tie fault aud jour prop
erty sold to satisfy the sjjne.
tl. P.. V.'lNl'IfAM.
3)to Ally, for Sladelman.
Legal Notice.
In the County Court in and f r Cass Comity,
Nebraska, m the matter id the Estate ot
Ciarissa It. liackley, diiceat ol.
To whom it may cwic.rn:
Take notice that the final report of A. C. Lo
derexecutorof the the Wid of Clarissa II. Buck
ley, deceased, has been Hied in my oitiee, and
that 1 have appointed October the aolii A. D.
1-77, at 9 o'clock a. in., as the time of the exam
ination of 1 lie said report, at my oSic.ein rial tu
rnout h, Nebraska, at which time ainl place all
persons interested may appear and show cause,
if any they have, whv said report should not l.e
received and allowed as and tortile tiual report
and. account of said Executor, and the. said A.
C. I.oder. Executor, discharged.
Witness my hand anil olVieial seal of this
Court, this nth day of October. 1S77.
21' J. W. il. Nkwk.i !..
Coumy Jiitij;e.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber on Tuesday, Sep
tember lsth, IS77, on the road leading south
from A-hlaad, between sections 31 and S, town
12. ran.ire ! cast of the p. m., in Cass Ccunty
Nebraska, one dark bay hoise. with a saildle
and bridle. Said horse is blind in his left eye,
has ;i white spot in the face, has three white
feet, and has a prav spot on his rijiht shoulder,
has been branded t'. S. on the left shoulder ; no
of li'-r ni-o ks vi.-iblo. The owner if requested to
pioe propel t v, pay Ciiaivs and take him away.
October 2d, 177, 2fw3. .
Legal Notice.
T IV, . f CnvF v.-ifT,:.! '111,1 f ;-.r --W2 I'nilll
lv Nebraska. In the i-,:.ucr o: the i-tate of
Sarah Craiit. d- ce ,is-d.
To ti-ltiun it nurj outer ri::
Tal-.e notice t!; t ti'e f:.e;l report of Ceonre II.
r.Iai-k, ::d!uiii;sti:;t r of the c-t:.te f Sarah
Ci:ir. dii ea.T'd. Ii.n been tih tl :n lav offa-e.and
'.. . t I l, .. ...... i lk.. 1 I T .. Ifw.'.-l.i-lr
a. in.. ar the iiiiie at.d place of examination of
.said report, at my oiiiee ln i tsmuui !i. Neb.,
at which tiuie;oi;i place ad p.-r.ons interested
!i!y pear and !i".v c;it-e, if any th-y have,
why said report shoiiM !i,n Lc- received and al
lowed as tlie final report ai'.il a-coit: t of said
;ol!ii i.-tr.Hor. ana me s.iiu ireorje. ji. i::ai-K
Viii;e. niv )i-.iid this 1st ,1 iv of October, A
1 , 1-77. ' Km. II, Nkwku,
'-.! :j ( ooiity Jiid-e.
Siierilfs Sale.
F!v vh i ! of a i e; .-::: l is e-i by the Clerk
of i :! I .sin-t ci.ur;. - i .J i.u- ::ti i.'e tni t, wit :i
is am! ;i;r Ca -s 'otioi v. Ael: asi;a. and to nie
directed. I v. i! en l!;c ot tl day ol November
A. I. isTT. ;:l 1.) Yi.iek. A. M..of said day. U
tiies.iiuli door f the Court lion in tl.e i ll y
i.i" i:-oi:!.'i. in said couiitv. sell al I'll I m i
Aiicti.'ii ti:o foi'iowie:: i:
Col a a, i -ueiirj; ai the soi.: !i ea-t iS'-l conn r f I tie?
.Nouihve;-t oiiaiicr t- '. i of seciion twenty -nine
(.'', in t'l'.vii twelve ; 1 , jiorl h raa:;e thirteen
t i.'.i. east of the G i b ; lir.:i;i;.,: theniv i.crji
iM-Pia : laehcc . u uvitn) rods ;
theace so-.itli 1 iw-loii rods ; t hence fast 1- ;"-
1m rods, to the place ol l-e.'i.iin.r. ,oiif.i'ii!i:
xu;;- aeie. mnre or less, :;r-. ka ?.vii us cic k ;hie
llrave Hai ti t Ciu.ica pr.Mici-ty. me M-,ne bo
hi: le ied upon and t.i:..u a the p-.-operty of Jiiicurove l'ap:i-t i ct a:. !.;. a
1 -.til : tos-(;;stv n 1ai:.'i!.'iO o - :!d ct.-art, re-
coered bv I. W. Lev. is. i.d.iP'r.
r:a;i.s;aoili!l, Ncj., O- t. .. A. !.. If 77.
vkvv,- .d. i'.. CLTt r.t!, Slifi-iil.
SiieriiFs Bale.
l'.v vivli.e f two eeci:;ioi;s issue! I v the
C ::!; of t.e M-'ru-tl'o:;:'. -(1 dud eia! Lis; net
v.iti.ia for Cass counfv, N-. liiiisKa. aad to
tiie directed. 1 wi'.l on the f !:i day of Novetnher.
A. I '. 1S77. at 11 o "chick A. M.. of s."id da v. ai tin-
s i.:.!i do ir oi" the Court iloese, ju ii;.- , i ; y ol
p; 1. 1 ino:;; !i. in s;::,.l e.innt y. .-e!'. ;-j ii;',nc Auc
tion, tile f'id.e.v'.ni K '.d i t.l'e. 1 o-w .1 : 'il
north car (piaiter c.i! fd tbeyout.! vest M'-'ar-t;
r i ' ,) d l lie no, i ii west ;n;;rter i'; of the
sout !i we.-t ip.iart-r t ! i! aud I he "oia h aT-1 p: ir
lert'.ilof fiie-oalh west mai U-r i ' .). ::?."i also
tae south ,;-( ov.-trter (i of ike aoatli west
juaitrr '4) of section six ( ;:. town 1-n (10),
rai l." ihiiieen l i st of ihi 0 1". M., or so
tnu.-'.i t beie : - . ill -aii.-fy said judgments and
' t V-' s:'::'e I'l oe s, ia 11; ?j ;i, 1 1 1 acts, as
S'.-o' t.J iii.encini' tit thi'ie-iih c:isi 41).
I i?i -f i b-.-ii-i levied u:oi! a- i ti as lac
i 7 ;:!: -ry!: r. iIi-N-ndants ; to
f ...:'r ite-iL of said C-'ji.-i, lecuVL lt il by
V", N "'!., O.-.t. !. A. D.. 1877.
t'L i i.ku, .:lcllt.
Iloitgago S?Je.
i,i . ite of Nebra-ka, Cass Cov.rd : r-t.
I.'frnlt iK-cti tnaile in ti e '.; e!;:ons
of a certain Ch:, tt-d Morti a .-e, iiti.d-- oi. eraiiotit
the tlth tiiiv 01 ;ctoiier. A. 1. I-'.;., i y V illi-.iin
Ii. Jol-.tisoii to 1',:-.:; ba-'T Si diohl. laii : is !.-'.
iiv Liv r. jiuit the said inoilane" w ii! 1 f- 1
ci' ,1 by a sale f l he property so riit-.-ie-cd.
l.'i-Vit: (liie ye,;t-oi oen. o;i- ,i ii ; . d one
line l-n.'-K. red sides, alxint t-iv v- ais o' . Sid
s-.!e to ft1;" place ;'t t ti" t. cnl door cf l'.e ! ' c.rt
lii i:,,!', in the I 11 V id I'iattsuiout'.i. Coie:tv
C..-.S. State "f ?.'el r:, on ibe t.ay of fle-J-.'-v-r,
A. i. j 7 ', coo; mcnei.i r t in- i -. r 01 one
o'i-!oe": i. i:i.. of -a d tiav. t r a t the
est bidder, at public auction, to n ;y !i Mie
ariye.t cf en.'cy jaj o:j said lau; lt,a lo-wit :
'l i e sum of : 1 ;.,'.".. aial costs of sa. : i d costs ol
U e;!-i.t; said oven, a- d the costs of obhdiiio
p.'Vj nf ;aj r'll, for '.'.)( pilfpi .-:.' Ii! i.iak-
r.i- !!.u:i H ask.ii Si!-:uot.D.
bv M. It. CerLuii, Ajrent.
I. i.M ai j uth, October 4ih, 1S77. st4.
JCST Ori:NEl A ( ! A I N,
Neur, Clean, First Clax-i 21 tat Shop,
0:1 Midn Street in Tred KroeU'er'-: old l:-.ud.
Lvcivbody on hand iur fresh, trader meat.
1 1 a b 1 uv a 1: 1: .sTo n i-:.
In riatiitno'.an, NVt., on r -.;-. rt! St., about tl.e
:;iL'DLi: oi' tiik kloc::,
you iii fu:d :
Corn IiasiJei"K, 1 1 i ;i 1 1 & Exsrse)
.SlilJiJ" iOVM,
t'tilliv ators,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
.Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, S:?., A;c.
Hungarian and. Hillet.
Seed for Sale
Subjcribo for the IIlt;Al: and Ys-
j brasua ran,ier; only S !.''.
O.N'J AfiKNT -.! List
vri -eMi:!? our
iif wa.-1i.-k to bu-iii -ss 111H1 AM"i'UR iuati
KJ -owl. .I)Vii;;,.i!o -iS Oac BUV niide
HiS la one e. k which stiows wh it can bi
loi-i if a v is energelie. Lo.-iness easy au l
t.-.uoraide. Send stamp for cax-nlar giviy'g fail
pal uoiiuirs.
ran psnin(g '
A full line of
Dry Goods,
A Splendid Display of Black
Caslmieres and Alpaca
Dress Gacds.
A Larje Stock of Flanrrh; Jtr
Yams, and Dlaiduts, f all
Woolen Eosicry
Ii adzes- and
O :-
bv the
AM to be Io-.;nU ivt
OLD STAND on Main Street, PLif ts
routti, opposite the Sauttders '
Hoxe. vOyl
An Ail dress to tlie Sick.
o.i '.lid t .1 v:: u'y t !. I .
i m oU v. , li t to i;e; 1 :,1 (j I .'
1 , vp v 1 , .; 1..... ,,a '.
. - : i ' : . " ' '
: , ; y . 1 -V r 1 1 .- . ' e. , :
' ' '':; e ,."
1 I.'.. U' Se' ' CO
I :j von W.ilil ti: h:.UU I'l' your -.-ir-i i: 1 tl i:7
Jin jo-.i waiit :i :-..-i:,k Ut.l .;:oitij fcili:-;-?
If" von do,
j. n. ZEILIN & CO.,
Sole li-oirietois-l-hilauclpiiui.
Simiii" m I.icr Kc.-.ul.itor
Tin- ravorite
Mtitr. mm. v.vm.w
ciildain asii.-- o jiaili-
le of Mi'i i ni v, or auy
i 11 jti l ion, lulia rat vmIi.
st,iii-e. l.el is 'l
Z'TJ l.v v i:: i: i a ii i.i:.
l :.'contaililiiL;tl:e SimUIi-
(111 Knots ai d Hi-ills,
lileli ail All- I so
'43i- jX J'rovidence lias tihic-
cd 111 coh:;!i les In re l.her Ii-.ease laot pre
vail. It WII.I.CI IIKAI.I. MSCASmil'sniHV
tsmjsov' xti-.ii i.AToi:
is eminently il family Medieine ; aed l.y lietn:;
kept ready for immediate ivs.n twill e 111 1 1 v
;tn lioiirof sult'-i 110; inid 1,1. uy a dollar in lime
aed doctors' lulls.
After over Forty Years' trial it is still rceclv
Inn tlie most uioinalilled timi.niaN 10 i vir-
. I lies from persons of tl:e liii;liel ciiar.o r and
icsjion di.uity. J.mineot pliv.siciaii.s cm-nKUd
it as tlie most
crriiCTJ AL siT.t int:
F'it t')STUATI , )l I'A I M 'II I". I'.MN I'l
tiik snot" 1.1 !:;:;. M.i n !s. sut , mum.
acii, i;m 1 as 1 ! 1 1 m: .M( t 1 11. 1,1 1 hi s
I'A in in Tin: i:i:cion of 'mii: Kinn.s,
l)l..sliM)i:('V, ci.ciOM AM) 1 tCM Iiili
JNCOl" i:TL: ALL OF Willi II Al.!. ill K
Ol FoI'LINi; OF A Dl.SKAMii) l.l I It.
LI" I II!LIi:i'..
For cliildreii caiplalnii' r 'd
colic, lieadaclie, or sick .-ti inaeh,
a lea-d'iioidul or more wiil civ
relief. Cliildreii. us well as a.i nils
',lt soinelimes loo niiicli sepp -r
or eat sooiethinjr liicli does i,ot
li;'o-t well, iio,lueintrsoiirsti"ii
aeli, 1h.':ii 1 I'm n, or resi lessin ss ;
a L-ood do-e of Liver Fc'.'iil.i I , ir
wiil fiivis relief. This, applies 10
I '.r-oiis of all tijes It Is the
cheapest, jeivc-t an t lie,; Faintly
Meiticine in the m.iUI '.
IT HAS IN'. r.ll'AI,.
Thousands lead lni--i val ,le lives, suf. rlnc fr na
dyspepsia, a rti-ordereil lo:l:cll ami li cr, pi o -ilucm
liiillonsii.-ss, heal linn 11, cos i vene-s,
weakness )(; it., Io spirits. ii-iie,
food alter eat ini:, and of. n i ndine in I.ital al
lacks of fever, fin yl now liiev nic si.U. yet
j;cl little synijjatliv. Tin; nefailim: remedy' to
previ lit tl af,!i.-t!o;is and u-store In altli is
tsiMiK'.Ns," I.lVKi: l:i.':i i.aI'j:'..
. IT. ZEILIN tl- CO..
rillLAOKLI-lllA. I'A.
I'kiit, s 1 .'). Sold l-y all 1i -tv'-.'ists. ;:y
The Ktv-t Sif.cU I'lviij Li '.','si t'cii:ity
I'or ?:il -:-.y :;i-:i.
Sail fan-1 ..:.. hit A l:: : T 4 C A c !.- lis.
in cii'livatlon ; 7'i ;ic!'."i of i. eado'.. land : li
;, in t..-.-' t-i.eii-ei! villi n. -.'oihI . ! ,
and '.' 1 '-'Xl a' les d r, M i.f n !,,, ;,
eneiost'.l v.iill a live-hoanl ii-iiee, a -lit is
a hor-lot. Tieie rser i.i .i j;KA"l;
1-Kt'lT 'I SIKKS. Al-o 1 t.r .-. liittes of !;.!;.
I'-llei-. Nal 1 t.ll 'll is w!l v.;;c-ei. I'l'd lias I111...1
;i a conn i'all:: lini', f-n.-1 -
ies. sta'i'k s, etc. cf.
T!o- :i!...v r :.-; is ated C' '. Mfl-FS S' I V Til
Oi" i'l-A I'l 'slo.."ni, ami i- i -nov. n a- tl.e oid
W. !.. Heidi's p!. -e.
Ti".:; : One-ll i, 1 ilni-n. Mid l, ;',n;ee a
or h leal'j tiiix.-. tl I i' ' '-r p n I ,ii ns:..j.,y
to ' ! i'.ol.T lit:; ...
I ! :no.i'.:i: Neii.
fi"X"JM. IU 1 y A;v-!"s ia eiC. i ar.-t c
J 0(j;il i " ii.. lniy l eie ,:y lo .
M s.rni;.i-.s io in " e s. i-- arsi uioae.' . ft r
5 In J V on I 1 -I , in 1 liiien ni. ; and O:.-
- in .i.- 1! iii,.) I ' 11 il;. ii . I y all I.M-
-.iie.- no 11. s ml -tamp ; 1 ci.'c!.,r.
"" .Vi!i pi e. :, 'i'M. .
i ilt'S L
:-i s v :-4
Ki 1. Mil '.'i.i .il.1
t !:.
t r t n ;j V iL i ...-ii.!.;
Ti-e old ?V ;.V :-,T.i;T.;--'. -.; : 1
Xv;-.. laae t,'-. i P a.. 1 !.- Lr. .1 , : -'
iris 11 i" I a in u :i-oS I-;.! i.i ,-a:;- i;.eiv 1:; ' 1, 1 1
v. ei' l.'lK. V. !l I nil 'I. 'i Ire, f, tic I sen Lest of,. 1, v .1
and .::i ia;-i s ai-.-:ys ic.idy to ! ;.
y a I !):.!: ri'Jiisns en ::.'.!.
Horses kept fcr Sae
to irado.
i:oii.-r:s Ti:Aixr.i a.; r.rjiivi:.
I ('esi-.-e to j-ive iiotii"- tl.;.: 1 !i: ve 1 l uee.
l::o:d'('iiie li. i.-k lja-e, v. ,:h 1 !v: ' 0! i." i lo
llorsrs iiuil . v. e'OtiS. i 1v.1l pl.i f. ''lie- s sloclv
an I wi-u'iiiis, P-a of jjrv:-. 1:1 or ai'vi'-io all uii
di l'ic.'rv. " I.'cinenile r I lii .
Tin. ill-in;.' ail in v ! pat 1 0:1s I n lireir imitiy
favr,;s. I si, licit 1 1 ; i r Had- t '; niein-r yea.,
;.fli:died I c;..i ;.ci ; e 1 :. 1.1 i,.-il-r;'n I '.,
Ik tier I t!. Ii an 1 t r la .uie. ' j'l-
OIT CcIliT ZmillTZTZi:,
V.JL-A of I'l.ll'e V;.:.ey llot'.MC.
Til!-: C!LJ)KST
In the Town.
Good TiMiuii Alv'uyj ou Hand.
Careful Drivel's S2nt vrilh car'
liases-if desired.
Car; :.ij,es M lit to Lepot lo i.,i ct ;;11 train 1
v. hi never ordered.
Fnncrti's .iMi-ndcJ atiJ carria'.- s fanii-P. -d (
liiei.ils. Atldrc: s, .1. V. SHANNON'.
-Tj-.y J'ilatt -n.ontli, Ni ii,
(;i:o. Y. KIXSEH,
3rii-ii'iii.t. t- ;n f.Jil Zsi.i-i' an;! Ilur. -t?t
r cf i ht-esif.ijic ?I;'-LIju',
has o;."' .-d .1 ' lion 01 Si til 1 - i t ne;;r Mr. ! 'o;
: A 's'j l.'ik-:!;il Ii";:.. I U il lion w here he 1,; ,
p: ; ; I e d !.!:. -i ll r ') ;.i,y a. id all !:iar!.in Will i.
; v. il.on.t c.'-.-i 1 1,1::. lli'I.rt.iiNi). 1 L;ttiu c; ,i
t n.-n in v. iiw.l. ii 0.1. 1 and a!i o' tier mi-tal i.i
! '-Miiiectioii witij machine woik. Ii- can do ar,"'
l!;;-. i- -jtii; 1 d ia a ;: ;,:.-:?. i;ii, i-vn lo mal.intr
oi "..1; eli have lli; evide in n p., .
""'' l;'!Jrt'in,v.ii!KOi.t. t.vo o.- bails t.i
; O.-e-,; J.r v. ! I f tl.e .Miiiiier.
: Mr ( ..mi. . si j a f;..i!io r near Ln;-!- I'lu--an
old rep : ;,,,.-i.( c i.f .dr. Silns.-r m.1,1 Mr
' ''-' - r.'tercii to i:i r-.-ar.i f I.i. fcrm-ir
I i-cciioti wi;!i li e ii:-t;.ii.'.i!-.t;i,. i,.resiiini:
: cliines. t;iv.Mr. i,;i,or;,ii!i!.i wiil r.
i " s:i'.!ta.ior V, 01k oi! any p.ui. of a 1 m
1 1:1:1 .-d.icame. Z--n
rPL AlTTE valley hous
'Villi i!L:3 i:i:f5AS22.
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Herald Office
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