THE HERALD. J. A. MACMURPIir Editor. r'LATTSMOUTII, OCT. 11, 1877. II i: l l It 1AC A X TICK ET. Tor Jmle f Supreme Court, tu;o. 15. LA K E. Tor lUx'rul of Stale Ct-lversity. C. II. HOLMES. N. it. pausing ei:. For County Officers. For County Clerk SAMl'EL HALL. For County Treasurer, J. W. JUMNoO.V. Vov Sheriff, i:. w. hyep.s. Por Coitnty Jinlc. A. N. SCLLI VAN. I'or Sup't of Public Iivitrtrjtluii, I'. W. WISE. i-Vr C.uiity Commls doner. JAS. cr.AW I'OUH. For Coroner, o. m. sit.eicht. For County Surveyor, C. NV. K UKFIELD, ': ;:::v ti-11 113 we luiil the jolliest, most ; iblo and liannor.iou.s convention s Saturday, ever held in Ciss county. I III ' llill'lM s f V ir'PTfJ. -I 11 til rr: imf 1 : ''eei)lng Watei- and quarrel like the very mischief, it seems. We didn't do did we? -I'.'T as we 110 to presss a telegram . .:.ts from Lincoln with the nomiua 1 'is for Judge and Regents, and say :: -4 the Convention did not pass any C'sohiticns. The IIekald thinks the jjentlcmon Weeping Wal r 0:1 S iturd.iy, put up very strong t:c!:et :nd one that is al---.i-jsi sure to bo elected next November. Wi; are pleased to learn that Mr. :avis had a very respectable and friendly force at llu convention. Tiie best of friends must trive way some times, ff)f the tfi' ! tf th-f whole. Mi;. .1. V. .1 iZ.Ni.c Iris no reason ' b.: diicoar 1,4 .?d at the strength and .vumbr of his friend in th ; county. I'.in't !-t everything a; one?, John. ??: cv-mI and try again, my boy! IU'V. L. S, 1 r.;. 0 ::, and s. veial old war-horses of th.j It 'publican ptrty r.t '. 1 t!r? convention Saturd 1;.', ; ; i!e'.- 4-ite.;. Tii2 II:-;:: all m st !:eartily . el';.m?s th:m bacli a.ti:i to the true : . liMicai fold. Ir yi.a want a .:d paper and want it kept up, t!;- leaders and idtizeus !..i;ot pay for the saau promptly. You y re. t lily for th. p .p -is you have to ; ay for in advance ;'.: I away from 1 vm , way your hnu papers we:!. N"i.Y four lawyers on il.e S'.a'.e del i'.o:. 1 to .v:i. X.U t ) b i.l gn : .a.-n. why dida't ou 1. t il g round. ' i'v iu ' Van il'a. y ':::;; Mr. Mor- ; j.i.l and the I :u .t time. Hon. S. M. Ki :::::' at :tic:c received a ,'ry respec.a'.'l? vot.'for Coaaty Treas at the emve.r.ioi. II j would iw !.'ea a very suitable n mi'a ition, I: id no. tli i exi m.ues of tinu and ice mile the nomination of Mr. i jVhnsjii more suitable . Cist your bread upon the w iters and will come loafinj back. Wheeler. -i:x. Can this b? our 1 1 1" t'a ;t 1ms drop p; I into proverbs. X , our L in t.ix .s cake in his hi. brought a 1 oa 1 of plants fro. a Piattsmoath l!iat have be?n mak ing a splendid display. He will fur nish p'.ants t o any w!u m ly wish t purchase to- lay at wry lo ,v figures and plants that are of the best descrip tion. Lincoln Journal-Fair week. Our Tin: Ilr.uALD is acpiiintel with both Mr. livers an I Mr. S u'di va 1. oar .andid ites for Sheriff an 1 Ju 1 j- and hereby c Jaratulates them on th.ur y-oriousn jui'natiou and, we lup?, hap ly clecti n. Pi: a:-. iVisi-: is s wll known that a history of his life, his de.sds, or a recom mendation to vote for him woul I be superduouo. Wi: hav? nt th? pleasure ol a per sonal a vauaintauee with Mr. Crawford, the nominee for Co. Comaiissioner, bat; we are assured h? is a number one :n in ind tine as steel. Tiiafsthe kin I of m in we want. Mu. Hall, the republican candidate for Clerk is said to be aa excellent yonnp; man, an 1 a very suitable person for clerk of this county. That sterling republican and honest man, J. V. Johnson, w ill be hard to beat at the coming election. Vt"e rath er fancy the demyerats are nonplussed at the harmonious nomination of such a strong ticket. A more extended n oti ce of the can didates will bs given next week. The lack of spa-:?, on account of th3 tax list, and the absence of Mr. MacMur ! ay prevent any more comment now. Hut we have four weeks, nearly, to "wake Vm up" in. Tnt State Fair is being announced a success by every one who was there. The officers and managers come in for a fair share trf the praise. With few exceptions the enierpn could not have been better conducted. It hasltea a great advt rtisemeat for the fciate and with the dawn of a new eaiigix tion and the prospect of another tidal .nave of settlement towards the west, Nebraska may Lope by some sui plcmer. tary effort,, lu&tl her share of tU.2 iu-eieite. Slight collision took placo on Sun l.ay at the curve on the railroad be tween here and the landing. Lincoln Avenue is boinij graded and fixed up "sp ink um." John Shan non and .Sam Chapman took us out to see it t'other day. Dick Streight, Dan Johnson, and J3am Long took a premium on every horse they showed at the State Fair. Good for the boys. -Wiley Biack brought us some more of those famous sweet potatoes, Satur day. Chas. Marshall feels like a big Sun Flower. Took the first Premium at the State Pair for his fine work at Merges' and a bouncing younj shot; maker full ten pounds to be exhibited at the next fair. Mr. (. M. Slrtight washes us to thank his friends for the honor of the. nomination of Coroner and to say that he respectfully declines the same. The Vatchtum has a new name for our Louisville friends, he calls them the Grocery Editors Uy the way we thank them for their beautiful Sentiments about the IIeh.vld. Saturday morning was a busy morning on main street. All the poli ticians and the politician's candidates and can lid ity's politicians were on hand. Horses and baggies rushed round and oil they go for W. V'. Dick S.reih- met with an acci dent returning from the Convention The bridge at 4 Mile Creek is bad, and Streight after crossing left his team with McLawain while he went back to see that the other teunu got across all right. 15y some means Streighta team ran backwards off the bridge and bank and broke his buggy ba lly, one of the horses was also cat some. "We must have some pay on oar Subscript i ti list. I: is impossible to run a newsp ip-r witaout th? money to pay some bills at leas'. Our tow a li-.t is far behind. Many owe us who r n well afford to pay and tlv? little from ca'-u one, if all pay, makes a great deal to u.s. The s 'abject of a wagon road :icto.;s the Philte is talked of again. We sincerely wish our leading men of means and our County odi.-ials would take boh! of this tiling and sop if it could not b? pushed through. It will help Pbdf saioulh and a -commodate a larger portion of the northern part of the C.Miiity almost as much as another raihoid woull. A large portion of Southern S upy con' .1 co ne here to trad' and our p n!e could have egress North easily and realilv. t'a'.s County CunveaLIju. An In l -pendent Greenback Ma.-s Convention will be held at Weeping Wat er Palls on S if ur lay, October 20th 1377. at 1 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of 'putting in n :nin ition a fell county ticket, to be. voted for at the Novem ber election. Let every and eae!i farmer, laborer, and tax paver turn out, irrespective of old part y a .71 i ia t ions. By order of the committee, G. W. SilRADEK. THE CASS COUNTY CONVENTION. WltF.PIXg "Wathu, Nf.b., Oct. Cth. 1S77. Tiie Cass County Republican Con vention convened pursuant to previous notice, an 1 organized by electing I). II. WiinitLi;'.: temporary chairman, and J. M. I3c yudslcv, secretaiw. After the appointment of a committee on Cre dentials, consisting of M. M. Datlcr, O. land ) Tefft, A. Root, T M. Uobbitt, and It. B. Windham, the convention took a recess until 1 p. 1:1. avteuxoon s:: ;-io x. Convention called to order, and the committee on credentials reported 10o delegates pees :;t. (We have not room to give the n 1 nes of the delegates). Oa m o.i :i l!;. tempo.-.iry organiza tion was m id.; urm ment. J. M. Beardsley h iving declined, J. P. Pol ; was elected Secretary. On motion nine tellers were appoint ed, anl tire convention proceeded to ballot for ueleg ites to the S.ate Con vention, which resulted ia the election of the following gentlemen: D. II. Wheelei, II. J. Streight, M. B. Cutler, It. B. Windham, Sc.m Chapman, J is Hall, Geo. S. Smith, Orlando TefTt, M. M. I itle", A. L averty, The convention then proceeded to tko :n:r.:u itioa of County O -Users, as follows : Fon Cocntv Cli;i::c 1st billot; Sam!. II ill 4 ; II. I)om 01 ; J. W. Jen nings CS; S Mttf ring 12. ' 2.1 ba-.ot; II ill 5; ; Djo.u 7; Jen nings 4); sc itL-ii.ig 1. Foa i;..Tuasc.i::::j. j , . , . 51; D. D.vis 37; S. M. Kirk pit rick 11; s?.ittering t. Fo:: S.i:-:ni:-f-. It. V . Ilyer.s 5.T; B. W. Cunninghim 12; J. Lloyd 12; O. M. Streight 21; scattering 1. Fo:: Corxrv Jcdoi:. A. X. Sulli van 87; Mr. Murda IS. Fon Co. SirPEitixrssrDiiXT. 1st bal lot; U. W. Wise 31; C. Alton 34; G. B. Crippin 14; D. D. Martindale 21; scattering 2. 2d ballot; Wise 41; Alton 45 ; Crip pin G; Martindale 15. SnbaMot; Wise 53; Al.on 4 3. Fon CorxTV CoiMissioxc:i. 1st U.illot;J.i3 Crawford 42; F. C. Cole inaii 27; II. D. Kellogg IS; Judge Wolf 6; J. iV.Barr 1. 2o ballot ; Crawford 5y ; Coleman 42. O- M. Streight w;u nominated by ac clamation fur CorvHier. (I. V. FairSeld vns ivomiuated for Sur eyor by acclamation. The fcIov ing weie then elti.ted COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE Piattsmouth, 1st Ward, D. II. Wheeler, 2d " E. G. Dovey, 3d S. M. Chapman, 4th " M. B. Cutler, " Precinct, A. B. Todd, Rock Bluffs Geo. Berger, Liberty S. B. Ilobson, Fight Mile Grove.. . . John F. Polk, Mt. Pleasant Jas. IIa'.l, Louisville J. V. Glover, Center W. B. Ashman, Weeping Water T, Clark, South Bend Geo. D. Mattison Elm wood Turner Zink, Stove Creek J. M. Matthews, Tipton T. X. Bobbitt, Greenwood II. D. Kellogg, Salt Creek II. D Root. John A. MacMurphy was then elect ed Chairman of the Committee. On motion the Convention then ad journed. D. II. "WHEELER, Prest. J. F. Polk, Secy. A Beet that is Hard ta Beat. Mr. Jas. S. Rouse, of Greenwood, brought the Heiiald Oilice a sugar beet last Friday, which weighs 12 lbs, Who says Cass County soil, and Cass County farmers, don't produce 'vegeta bles' worthy of notice. Personal. Rev. D. Hart and lady started Wed nesday for Salt Lake, v, here he propos es to spend the winter for his health, which has been very poor for some time p;ist. Miss Carrie Bennett left last week Thursday, to attend school at Brown ell Hall, Omaha. Mis3 Anna Dakin made a visit to Piattsmouth, for a few days last week, preparatory to her departure for Utah Territory, where she will spend the winter with a sister. Frank Wellman, Editor of the Sut ton Times, showed his good looking countenance in our sanctum for a few moments 011 Monday, on his way east. Call again and stay longer, Frank. Mr. J. D. Simpson, our genial City Cleik, assisted us financially. Thanks. Julius Pepperberg. our ami ib'e and industrious cig ir m tnufaeturer was on hand with the stamps as he always is. A long and successful life to you, Jul ius. T. F. Welhorn, of Louisville, called oa ns during Court week. Mr. John Zehrung, of Lincoln, State iigent for the White Sewing Machine, male the Hejiald a short call. Mrs. Keuish, mother of Mrs Dawson, and Miss Maggie Dawson, started yes terday afternoon for Philathlphia ac coiap micd as far as Chicago by Mrs. Dawson. New place of Entertainment, Wr.nMAX Si Co. have fitted up iha old stand formerly occupied by Ben Ilmiple, with a new and complete stock of Liquors and Cigars also will furnish meals to farmers and others who are hungry. 20t4 Keen ax and Gnu:; at the old reliable Lhjuor store have constantly 0)1 hand a full and complete stock of ;irst-cdas Li'coi;s and ci ;a::s. A fine :dock of old Ari'LE huaxdv ou hand. i."J-U Registrar's "List of Platlseaoath City Precinct. Armstrong Wm Armstrong S J Asuburii Jessie Alley Jef Agaew Wm Alley James Auueisou i neodoie Anderson Peter II. Butterv Ed Black G W Boeck Henry Babbington D E Ballance Robert Black l'red Black John Biack Wiley Bodiue Theadoro Baker Wm Badancu George Burgess W B Rev Black G X Bennett W Brannon Ed Billings G G Boone J 0 Birclmeld W C Black R W Beckner J Banner Amos Brantner J W Black Charles E Bryant W L Barnes J W Bennett I. D B unes J E Buttery J II Bryant Frank Beaumeister J F Baker rm II Beverage, Joliu Ballance Wm Bona Henry B.msJuhn Bcstcr A A Butts O Blunt Wm Blunt Frank Beard J T Rev Brown O W Bowman James Brvant James A Burk Denis Bartlet C Brisken D D Brooks John Bester Julius Cunningham E E Cunningham A Cooney John Conner Joseph A Champion J M Chapman S M Cushing R C Chapman G B Crosby G W Chalfant Lou Cooney John Conn J W Chubrick 11 C Cunningham Wm Culler M B Culler L W Curruth Frank Childs A L Carries J V Cooper llenrv Curtis F M Cushing W Carre a M M 13. Duke J S Donelan Wm E Darrah Wm ' Duke C i.espain Wm J Despain Albeit Donnelly Robert Drew Alva Bmislon W W Dovey E G Drain John . Dorriugion F M Dovey George " Dillon Janus Duke Edgar Duttoa John Dawnev Thomas Donohu Charles Drum Daniel Dinkworth B B Dahl F Duttou S Dillon Parker Dillon John Davidson Lewis P Dougherty G S Dawson C S 12. Elster Fred Englert John Evans Wm Ebart Frank Edgerton George Eaton Ell Eaton F S Eagan John Emery Edward Egenberger V English Mike K ritzgeral l John Fellows R O Fickler George Fry Audiew C Finisher John Fairfield Geo W Flin Sy Foisome C X Frank Geo Fitzer Frank Farvis Wm Forrest Vru Fisher Frank Frazier Ed Frazier Br:idley. G. Gorder Fred Gaston M Graves II A. Golding Levi Gyger G F Gridin John Gingery John C Graves D 11 Gingery W II Gibson Jonathan Guthman F V Gram berg Wm Graham Oieau Gockenour Isaac Grovenor Frank Gill John Graves D Ilerold Wm Hobbs Wm L Hays J G Hodgert James Hoffman C J Hartman J S G003 F Grace Jarats Guthman Fred Guthman Oswald Gill John Gass P P Grace John Greenen Frank 11. Ilerold Gus Hollister il II Hamilton Jesse Hassier Wm Ilerold Herman Harrison Geo Holmes Charles M Ilatt A G Hauty John Hartman Jesse Heisel Conrad llorrigan M M llohdscauh John Haines J W Hemple Ben Hell'ner John Hickey Pat Hanson George Hughes Thomas llinkle S S Howard Geo Hudson Aleck Iloose Henry Hart 11 C Hudson Wm Ilupley Joseph Hurley Dennis Hughes James Hildebrau Gil " Huglies G W liebert Frank Hudson Wm Hickey Pat Hendrickson V." A Hancock John Handesly Joseph Hamilton John Irwing Wm lnglisii Mike I vers Henry James L D Johnson J F Johnson L Jones W D Johnson O F Johnson Peter Jones George J Jones M D Johnson C M Jevnia Andy Jones S E Kennedy E W King C W Kirkham II Kinison Orin Knight Wm Kinison James Korisky John Kesslg Julius Kroiick J Kuhn Mat Keeley Mike Livingston II It Lampke Wm Lazenby Am Luckey John Leving tleorge Lemont W II Irwin E Ingle Wm II Johnson T F Joliusou 1) X" "Johnson L C Johnson J W Johnson L F Johnson Andrew Jennings J W Johnson I C Johnevis Greep Johnson E li. Kinsur G W Kroeh;er Fred Kennedy X F Ivarnes Alex Kinison Joseph Keniday V A Kaughman Henry Kingman Henry. Knee John Kreehler George v Lewis E B Leonard V V Linning Fred Leach John Lenhoff F D Landensehlagh L Lemittious Joseph Landes F Latham Fred Landes Benj Leuchtweis Joseph Lorsen Olmie Loissivien James Lovane Albert Lucas J C Mulligan Mike Martn Peter Mathews W V MacMurphy J A Merges Peter McCrea J L MeGuire Mike McLaughlin A W Mulligan Pat Malone M L Muipliv Mike B Morgan M W Mitchell Thomas Miller David MockenhauotC McD.uiagh F M Man his J W Marshall Charles McEntee Charles Mutts Georffa W Mason David Marshall J W McElwain M. Moore Curt Mullen 1) W MeMikiu II C Murphy P B Miller H M Moore C P Metteer F J Merlins Henry Mickelwaii V, Mahonev Con Mahor.ey Pat II Mahiuiev Mike Morrison W F Mitchell" A Morrisy Pat Mvre.5 Thos Mc.Maki-n A C Marsh L W MeManis Wm Moore Wm Merges N C Mamui James Mirmion John Moore L Murry Francis Murphy T L Martins Joseph Malone James Morrisy Mike McDonald John Mandalt Wm Miller H G Miller Henry W Zi. Neville Wm XiihdsC F Nicln Is C Nichols George Niman F Nathan Isaac Narh Richard Neil Cal Nelson W Newton Clark O. Owens Wm O'Rou: ke .7. dm Oatly James Odlalra T 11 (A'oiinur C. O'Conner .Mike O'Maru Thos Ochmc Ololf O'Neil ('on Owens T Cr Osourn C M " O'.hert Joseph Oatson Mike. O'Connor Daniel O'Donohu Michael (J'X'ei! E Olesen Carel O'Neil Lafactte Pepperljerg J Phil by John Palmer II E Pronger G E Poland J R Patterson J M Peterson Peter Peierson Ciiarley I'ersivill Geo F Pal in James Pe.lerson Peter Pearson O Porter A G Parr is Wm Pol an John Ru finer P E Roberts J M Rauen Peter Rudabeck A Ruth Fred Robison A Rosf nbaum A D Rush John Religan John Schlegel Christ Sh.ryock W B Simpson J D Sneider Levi Sexton Tim Smith F D Stadter Frank Sti eight O M Schlater John Shafer Geo Sevbolt Geo A Smith E A Smith T D Skinner Frank Sage Harvey Smith Herman Solomon E'is Smith C P Sehnas Aug Stiles L C Smith Wash Sperk C Scott W D SaeJ W Smock I' Z Schulhof Henry Smith Charles A Parmele C II Pollock Thos. Peterson Peter Per key Wm Ptttee James Peterson Rasmus Peterson Andrew Fluff Julius Pal in Tim Pai ten A L Peterson John l'lummer Eli Patterson John Parmele Elam Purdy W G It. Roberts J P Randal II C Rauen Valentine Roberts II W Randie W E Reinhackle Aug Riley James Resina J Rosenbaum Ed S. Schlegel Alex Shryock T W Stevens John Sherwood R Shurk Geo Stadelman Fred Streight Jason Schlater Joseph Schnellbacher J M Stadelman Wm Schildknecht W II Short Wm Scott W W Skinner T N Smith G S Sprague A L Seidenstriker Phil Spragtie II A Sharp E S Shan nor J V Spnrlock B Sheridan Mike Smith D B Smith Edward Smock P G Sherman S E Startup Wm Savage Charley 1'. Tucker James Thomas Thomas Tracy James V. Vial Chas Vass T W Vivian James IV. Wise U W White A W Savage A L Tucker Wm L Thouvenal Dan Tallon John Thomas Wm Vallery Jacob Jr Vivian Kit-hard Veilee O A Vroomu A C Wheeler D II White F E Wavbricht Morg West Wm S Windham It 1J West R C White W J Waterman II A Williams P II Waterman John Weckbach J V Warren Dan Warren Chun Weckbach A IL Wever.T J Wells W L Wever A J Walling John Wis? J N Wright Alpha Wavman John Wise P L Winterstine Win Williams James Wimph Charles Wallou John Wardian Joseph Williams J C Warren D G T. Young J P Young W A Young Frank I Certify that the abrve is a true list of the votes-of Piattsmouth City Precinct as appears upon my Books. I will set for Registering and Correction on Tuesday and Wednesday 30 t!i and 31st of October 1S77 at the Drug Store of J W Buttery. Geo. II Blacic, Reg. Piattsmouth Neb., Oct., 7th 1877. iii:i. ETTIKREIWIK At 12 :I10 h. lo.. Oct. full. :it hi" lesitlcnee in Greenwood, Cass '.. Xeb., WiuT. Ltlierr Uge. aguil fin ty-tiuee yearn. Mr. Etheredge formerly lived in Piattsmouth and at the time of his death was selling goods in Greenwood and was a man well known and re spected in Cass County. He leaves a wife anil two sons beside a large cir cle of friends to mourn his sudden loss. THE MARKETS. HOi: E MAUKETS. KKl-OHTED HI K. E. WHITE. YVhout. NO. 2 " rr.ieeteil Corn. Mielleii 'rn, ear tats iiail -v, Xo. 2 ' U ' rejected Eye, 803 7". t;n en is 13Q 14 3--) J) Latest new yoi:k mahkkts New "i okk. Oct. lutli. Jloncv, 5 UoM,:. 1K- LATEST CIIICACO JIAKKKTS. Ciric.'.;o, Oct. loi'a. Klonr 5 2.V.r, 75 Wiutat 1 Con. 42VC,la Oits, .- 22' i Kve,.... . M liarW ..CO Hoiih- ; 5 ?r:.J 4 Native Cattle ",'''-" 23 Texas Cattle 3 rOiiS i-j SPECIAL NOTICES. For sale, cheap, 139 Desirably build ing lots in the city of Piattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. 2Jtf Lock Herd vou can get Boots and Shoes of all styles, pattern" and make, from No 1 EASTERN HOUSES also a fine stylish perfect fit of MT OWN MANUFACTURE from the finest French Calf Boots made in the state, down, at prices that drfy competition. Ladies and Children's shoes a speciality. Peter Merges. Sl.oO Boots made to order for S 1.20 at the Sue? t:iat received the first Premium at the State and County Fairs. Peter Merges. 20tl If you want a bargain iu Boots and Shoes g to Win. ILrold's. Large slock to be sold for Cash at Cost go ing oul of that branch of the trade. To rurtka.- ors of B. il. P.. It Lands. We desire to call the attention of our land purchasers to the fact that the time for payment of the taxes for the year 187'J expires OCTOBER 31st, 1S7T. Those who have not paid their ta:es should proceed to do o at once A failure to makipuymtmt of the taxis on the land is an express violation of t lie contract made with this Company, and may lead to its cancellation. A. E. Touzalin. 23t3 Laud Commissioner. J. V. Weckbach says he's healed on salt in quantity, quality and juice. Will not Lc undersold. 27tf Strayed. From the undersigned on the 24 ih inst, one dark bay or brown mare mule weighs about one thousand lbs., seven years old a small sore on the right fore ieg below the knee Any one taking up or giving any information leading to the recovery of said mule will be liberly rewarded by addressing me at .Ashland Ntlo. 23tU Frederick Cristian. Lnjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans and thou sands of means for enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect hcaltht but how often do the majoii ty of people feel like giving it up dis heartened, discouraged and worried out with disease, when there is no oc casion for this feeling, as every suffer er can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will make them as free from disease as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint is the direct cause of seventy-five per cent, of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Costive ness. Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of the Dead, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Try it. .2S-tf-alt. All nervous, exhausting, and painful diseases speedily yield to the cvaativc ir.Guecees of Eul-Term-aclier's Electric Bolt and Bands. They r.rc safe, simple, and effective, and can le, easi ly applied ly the patient himself. BouU. with lull pe.i'Ucalars, mailed fre. Atidiccs I'ulvkr MAdiia Galsamc Co., CiiicininUi. Ohio. ISyl-e.U. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 00 days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf Wise William Winston W C Warranton Ben Wever James Homeopathic Dispensary. I take this opporeunity to notify my friends and the public generally. that I am prepared to furnish pnre Home opath to Medicines cf all kinds. I also have a fine assortment ofJCascs for med icines for family use. Odice hours from 0 a. m., to 4 p. m. I have a medicine that will cure Ague almost instantaneously, constantly on hand. J. L. McCrea, 23w4. Homeopathic Physician. Estray Notice. Takeu ur tv the suberi'jer on Tucs l iv. Sep tember lith," 1ST", on the road leaJiiv south from Ahl:md, between scti'in :4 mid as. nvn 12, ranjie n east 01 the tilli l. in., in C;m C. unty No!ra.Nk:i, one dark hay h oe, with a sn.ldle imd bridle. Said horse is blind iu his left ev, ha a while cpot la the fn has three v.-htte fret, and has a srav spot on his rK'ht shoulder, h;is been branded U. S. on the left shoulder ; uo other m irks visible. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges raid take him away. JOfiN KELFEE. October 2d, i7T. Co:;s:nnp!2on ecu be CUKKI) tJcIjpnrU'K t'nlrioitsc vrui. htiieiirk's a. V'd B'onlo. !iel:oRok'.i irxke Are the o-.ey n-.Uiciue that wiii cure Puln'. i i iirv t!is'r:ot ion. t-r;-iueiitly ini'iiieiDe.s that d stop a eon'i wiil ieea-iii the U.'.ith n" the p:ii lent ; t --f ltselt up tht liver, slop thv oireui.e.i.t.i of ti Mood. hei:nirh:ii' follows, an-.l i:i twi t i ' el the a -tiua oi the v-ry uraud liia; c iao'l tin- eoujrh. Liver C unplaint ana Ivpsp?jri:i a;-e the eau.sef of two-thirds of tiie c;uses of Coasa n -tiou. Many imthous eoiiiplain of a prsin in t 11 side, eoustiiiatiiti!, eoated tongue, i-a'a ia t.n siiouhler llate, feflins; of ilrowsiiiesi ami r.";t lessiiess, the food lyin heavy on the Sto;n icvi, areoinpanied with liei.lity auJ beiehin up of These Syioptin usually originate froai a d.--ordered coadiiioii vl ll;e Moiuai-U or a torpi I liver. IVi-sons so erreetr d. if tliev take one or tw. heavy euld. and if the eou.ih in these ease- be sudeniy cheeked, will titiit rlie S!oti-i-1i a.i 1 liver eloirii 'd. m:iaitiin torpi. 1 atrl i iai-uve. an J all. Hist before they are anie the ImiK- :a-.-a in:iss of son s, uud' ulceiatt d the lentil of which is depth. Si-iieneU's l'ulmonie Syrup 's a:i ex;re'. raid which lo,-s nor eoiitain opium or r.ny thinj eulatfd t'jein'tlc a co.ili s. 1. 1 ;,. . SelienekV Sea Weed T:iiejH:lve thf foo.l mixes Willi tiie jr:itriet juiecs of tbe stoiiKi'-ll aids digestion and eieai. k a ravenoiw iq-petite. When the bowels ;.re eo-'.'.ive. skin nillii v, or the Symp'.nnis o' lien-. i-e (f bilious teiulei.iy, ScliencU's i'aiuhake 1'iilw are reipoi'i-d. These ar prepared on'v bv .1. 11. SniKM'R .t- siv N. E. rorrer Si!h and Aroli Sis. And fur sale by all drusui.! nnd dealers, itit (iood News. I bepr to inform the public that I w ill return to my old business, Uo ots and Shoes. lkiii a practical Hoot and Shoe man I know how to buy. Stock will arrive about October 1st and will be sold cheap and for cash on ly. Xo trust, no losses, no extra prof its. Wait and vou will save monev. Weeping Water, Sept. 20th, 1S71. 2Ctf John Marshall. Private Sale. The whole of Rev. David Hart's Household goods w ill be offered for sale during the next ten days. 27tf Rest Shingles ever sold in this mar ket only 8-j.GO per M., at Waterman & Son's. C7-t 1 Oyster! Fresh Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be loun l at F. S. Whitcs's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and crisp every Satur day, by express. Call and get the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. 130,000 extra Star A Shingles just re ceived at Waterman & Sou's. 27tl All kinds of Lumber constantly com ing and on hand at Waterman x Sun's. td Carload Port Rykox Lime just re ceived and for sale at $2.'-)'J a bid. a Waterman & Son's. 27-td Rarrels of fresh ceaneeeeies for sale cheap at 27t: J. V. Weceeach's. FA 11ME T.3. A TT EXT I OX ! Julius Pepperbcrpr. Cigar M:iunfac titrer, on Main SK, Piattsmouth, X'cb. Cigur Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaceoos for smoking purposes. For Su'c. Rest qualities of plug-smok-mg tobacco always on liand. ;0-tf. Latest fall styles in Millinery at Mrs. Johr.r.on and Miss Sweeney s. rvi vicid'dv. .FIRST l'llEMIUM for my own manufacture at the last State Fair. I do the finest work ia I he State. 1 also keep the largest and best stock of Roots and Shoes in the County and sell them cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see. Xo trouble to show goods. 2St-i Peter Meroes. Various causes advancing years care, sickness, disappointment, an her editary disposition nil operate to turn the hair, and either of them in clines it to shed permanently. Ayer's Hair Vigor w ill restore faded or grey, light and red hair to a rich or deep black as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving! t a healthy action, and removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use fall ing hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases w here the follicles are not destroyed or glands dewiyed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brushy, weak, or sickly hail to which a few applications will produce the gJoss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft luster and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor die, and w ill not soil or color w hite cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair and keeps it fresh and vigorous. For sale by all dealers. FAI12I FOR SALE. 40 aercs In section 36, town twelve, ranrieelev en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville t-tation, B. & M. K. R. Cass County, Nebraska. 1M Acres lirdcr CaHivatieis, with house and barn, orchard ncd forest tree, plenty of priru; water. Will be sold in so aere tracts if desired. En:piire of Jos. Schlater, jew eler. TlattMiuoutlT. Neb. ! PiiO SCIIEXCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Thee P5!is are comnoed exclusively of vege table ingredients, an l although they entirely supersede t tie of Mercury ."io hut leave any of its injurious effrcts. T Z" Act iircet!y TLpon flic Liver, ar.d are a valuable remedy ia !1 oiw of le ntnjremeiit of that oran. hick eie;laeJie. Iniii ;-tiou. a id ail tSUiou iiisordei -, suucouib to their free use. AGENTS! 5M59 L01V-IItIC'!:i nrt rAST-SIXUXti i: otitis ASK MOr COMI'l.KTELV ElCi'KnSENTEO IN Ol'R :itv; roHBiATi i'lIlTI'S bv Mini'li- paz. binriirc-. iilnsira-tioii-, ete. 'ihey are popular wilis of every kind, and -- d-.w ior C;uivasHer. All y-t-iiaiiv H-i.hiHK n.irj nt no other, aridrr" r:ini. SCAM.M I.LL. &. CO., Sr. IXJL'ls, Mo. XOW HEADY FOR AGENTS ! The Great Strikes! That timi lv r.ew book, bv Hon. .T. a Ihn s. A compleif hUtorv of 111! causes and thrillir-' events of the meat raiiioiid a.d labor war till over the country, Ili.i"STi:atki. AIJKXTO t'ATKI everywhere. The bei-t chance to make money ever offered, lie ware of inferior works. Cct the beet aiid lowest prieed. Address 23ms sTA:;rAr.D cook house. tiT. I.OUI, Mo. LEGAL XOTICKS. Sheriff's Sale. Pv vl l'.i.- f an e eution. IMiiod bv Wm. I. WV'iiw. Cei'ii. h .1. W. .l.'iimnss. d.:pui)of tbe Di.s'.rii t Com i. Jd JuM'.-htl Itisiriet, witliiu and for Cass, Nebraska, and to me direeted, 1 will on ihe I .tii day of UetoUer. A. 1. Id77. al 10 i'i-li k, a- lit. of sai J day. at the sovilh door of the CmirT Iloue, in lhe"t'!ty of i'lattsinoiil !i, in said County, sell at public aiaiion tne Jol l.iwmjr persouul property, ln-wit : Doe sonvl lioi'se. yeiii"s old : one bay iiorse, 7 .eari old: one w;i':iin, (two horse) ; one eet of harness for two hi .es. ' 'lhe same tieinn lvid upon taken ai the property of Harvey Carper and A. C. Carper, dleliiiant- : to ati.iy a Jiid.-menl if said Court, leeovered bv Urialidv 'ie.Il. piuintiil., Nch., o.-t. -d. a. i. is;;. i:tj m. n. ccrixi:. sheriff. Legal Notice. In the County Court In and for t';iss County. NebisKti, iii the matter of Ksiale. ol C;,ui-sa il. ihickiey, deceased. To k7;";-i it huiy eunecru: Take noti. e tint tbe final report of A. C. I.o der executor id t lie Hie Will of C!ni ia II. Ituek lev. deei'ilsed. liiis been filed in my, mid tii'nt I have aioinled Deiober the M'liiA. I. 1-"i7. id o'e'oi k a. in., as the time of the esain bmllon of the said reptrt. ill my oliiee iu I'latlf iiionth. Nebraska, at which tm.eaiul piaoe h!1 persons interested may appearand show eiiuse, if any they have, wliy s ad re:ori slu uSd not be received and allowed as and for the t'.nal report and aec. mill of said Executor, and the said A. C. Ider. K.'.eciitor. dlsidiared. Vit ni-,s my h;in1 and oJiicit'l seal of thi3 Court, this l".h day of October. 1-77. H . 11. -N ! i:i.!.. County Judge. Legal Notice. In th.e Coaniy Court, w itliiu and for C;issCouii ly Nebraska. In the matter cif tho t-Ht.tto ol Sarah Crabr, deeeiisrd. T whom it miu concern: Take notice that the final report of C.eor;;e If. IV.aek, administrator of th estate of js.ira'u t'i'aU. deeea-cd. has been hied In my ohiee, ami lhatl have ajipointed O. t i.'tl. lOo'ciock a. m.. as the an.l place of e.:imiiiatioti of said report, at In y onieo bi l'l;ittiu.iul li. Neb., at which tiine and phice all persons inteiestod m:iy a; and i-how cause, if any th'y have, w hy said report should not be received and al-lo-Acd as the final report and account ol 'said adniiiiistrai.ji, and tho George. 11. ;!ack, disehariteil. Witness my hand this ld day of October, A. !.. lT7. W.M. JI. Ni v. Ki.r., i;stJ County Judee. Sheriffs Salo. llv virtue of an eveeiuio.i Issued bv the Clerk of t"be isistlii t Court. -Jd .buii. l..! li-.ii ict, w ith in and for Y.-s County. Nebraska, and to me diiei'led. I wiil n tiie r.iii day of November, A.. is;?, :.l 10 o'clock. A. M , oi iiid diy. at thesouili door of 1 1 1 c- Couri iiouse, in the city ot i'litttsniouil', hi said n'liiiiy. I '.l at Public A'.ierinii th.- li.iii.wiic? KH:iJe. to-wit: Coin meiii'iii at the Mimli r.hi im'i cu u.-r of I lie soutliv.ert ipiarter (sw1., i .f section twenty-nine (iso, in tov. n iwelv.- t'i. uorth rane thir'cen (i.)i. e:'st of the 0 P.M.; tiie:n-e nortli oi-um lod.s: tlinee west. 12 uv-l.i,) rods; tliciii e south 12 G"-l(e, rods ; thence oj-i 12 n lil ioiIk, lo t he p!:ce of i-eiuini:. Coutainiiijr e;e aere, more or le-;s, and k;uiu as iiie s .Mile firov.i Jlaiii-:t Chiire'i property. The same be iiijl levied upoi; :'.!!. 1 taken iis the property of Tiie S Mil." Cri'M' iiiiplist Cimieli, t t i.l. dei'eii d.'.nt : t satisfy a jiab-'tnont of said eotat, re covered bv 1. V". Lewis, pi. ,;i. ti;t, PiiillsaiouCi, Neb., Oef. .. A. I., 177. jt v. 5 M. 15. CVTi.Ki;. .sberifi'. Sheriff's Salo. I'.v virtue of eveeution issued bv the Ch i l: of tiie ldstrici t . i t. 'Jd .lud.ciid Idsti ict, withiu aiulforCa-s iniintv, Nebraska, and to me direeted, I will on tiie li dav of .ocuiler. A. 1). J.S77. at 11 o'clock A. t., ol s:iid day, :il the s uitli doer of the Court House, in tiie ei;y of I 'hit isuu.u! li. iu .siiid eonnt v. sell at Public. A ue'.e fii'Iowlu; H -al J'tati', to- it : The north east ou.iiter i i i of tiie south esl im;ir tert'il and liio norlli west, quarter Ci of the st. ui h west quarter ( ' t ) iind t he rHiill h west ;u:ir tert'ilot the south west quart"!- "t . ami also tiie .eiuLii east quarter o of the soulh west qu. liter t'.tt of -t. Lio. i (;. town ten din. ranue thirteen (I'D, east of !hs G P. M.. or kii mi cli tl.eteo. as v. id sati.sf;. said judgments and eesl. Tiie same i'l be sola in -in acre tracts, as above, ouii'.ie'.ich.s; at the la.rii: east M. Ti.e s:;:i.e l.eiii ievieil upon a.-d tak l: :is the properly of V;;'.!. ly & Itniiner. uelendanls ; to s itisiv ;i iuduiiieiit of s id Court, leeovered by T. P.. V. el.t r c; Co.. iiiniiitii. Pi:t'f.,:uoatii, Neb., U?t. I. A. 1..177. 2sv.s Jl. IJ. Ct'Ti-FR. Slteri3. Moitgage SaJo. Fo;-tcl:u-e of Ch ill i Xm1jag:. State of N'obia.ka, Cass Count j : ss. lit'f:n-lt hiivina Veen mude hi tbe conditions til" a ceriaiii h i; li I 5ii'il;;;;i', made on it about the 11th day ol October. A. l. is;;,, by Wilbam li. .foiiuson to lia'al.a-t r Siebol.l, notice is liei e by pivoa that tiie said n.ort.atre will be ln:;--efoseil by a sale of the property so liioriuaiicd. to-v. it : " t):ie yoke of oxen, one j.iett :md one line back, red sides, about sit vears ild. Siiid sale to take place at the front door of 1 he Court House, iu the Citv of Piattsmouth. Counts of Cass. State of Nebraska, on the '7lh day of Oc tober. A. 1. 177, comment-in:! :-.t t he hoitrof oi.e o'clock p. in., in' dav. for cash, to t he bij.''i est bidder. :.f public ti'ictioii. to pay oiT the amount of money due on hiiid mol t tae. t o-n it : The sum of 44.7.r. and costs of Kile, and cost.-" of keeping; said oncp. and t lie costs of obtaining possession ot saiil oxen, for the pu; p"se of niak nig said sale. Pa lthasi:is Siri.i.i. bv .M. li. Cl 11 tat, A"Mt. riattsmoiith, Oet')l,sr 4ih. 1-.77. i.'s(. Logal Notics. In the estate of fhibert ?.f. La! fn."dwn-eil. I'efure V. H. Newell. Co'.pity Jude. in and for Cass County, Nebra .kii. To whom il m :j concern: Notice is hereby triven that Anderson Hoot, administrator of the estate of Koberf M. I.atta, dece tceil. lias made application for final settle ment. and that s.iid c.inse Is s,-i fur lie.irin at my oflice in Pratt -moiith. Ni-h., on the 12th day of October. 1S77. at one o'cloek. p. m.. at w hiMi time and place any person itib-nv-ie-J may be present and examine said accounts. PbitlsniOU'.h "!., epteinl-i r Ulsf. 11-77. 2713 Wm. 11. Newell. Co. Judge. Hale of Co::u::o:i Stlio.jl LhihI. Notice is hereby civn tVint on Fri'Irsy the l'j:' day of October, is;;, all the school Land in C.iss county remain'm:; uiLsold. (except that which h;is been leased) will be offered at public "a'e to the highest bidder, .tt the oliiee of the county Treasurer, of said county, said sale eoiniut nc -in'; at to o'clock a. in., iind continuing until all of said hind has been oilVreil. Full description and appraised value of said bind will be found at the county Treasurer's office.. Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 7lh day uf August. A. D. 177. p.v order of the Hoard of educational Land and Funds. F. .M. DAVIS, '.I7 C om'r. Pub. and i;ui!iiint;s. J. C. CcaiMi'.'s. County Treasurer. Aent. A. G HATT, .IC3T OPENLD A OA IN, Xcic, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, or. Mala e'treet in Fred Kroeh'er's ,ld staud. LvtTvhodv on hand for fresh, tender meat. is VI HARDWARE STORE, In rii.ttsiiioatli. Neb., on Tburth St., about the 31 fDDLE OF TIIE U LOCK, you will find : Stirring IIos, Cultivators, find all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Hillet. Seed for Sals. 311 .Subscribe fur tlio IIekald and Xe-li-dska Farmr; on!y 62.05. LOOK HERE! ONE ACKNT made Si -O lat ,i a..L- c.lll.... ...... fx, new article to business men ANOTIIKfl made One I.ADV maile '4H tne BOY made 11 Sin one week width shows can be tlone if a party is energetic. Business e.-y and honorable, heart stiiuip for circular giving fuil particuhirs. Address, Uoom'Jfi-fiker.dall" Br.llclinjc. 4in6 i'HZi'A'0, ILL. All Address lo t!it Sick- l you nr.-t Do vou waul t.i purify the i:y "Ien to ei rid ,i i.rhtniicss? s.mictldu t'i tiLiislhfci yii.' a I iippeiiie to i i t rid of lie) OUtUltsi? eood diKCtiir.' to slcrii weilr Do yon want Do .Von want l)o you want Do you Win. i I o you want Do you want Do yoil want If' you do, ! buihl ui) your ciprltttitlou .' a brhk and vieoiouj liediii'.' TAKE LIVER EEG-uLATQE I J. H. ZEILIN &CO., Sole pn :prt -!: S "mi moils i'liihidt-lp;u:. ' Liver Peculator Tiie favorite i.ijiu ions mineral sub stance. Hut is l'l til". -rr ' '.' F. (i V. T A 15 L li, 'A? i O .. ..1 u I tlin W.eil li. ? .-f!PCSTttX:?7X?Z -rn 'i;..t ami Herbs. Vf.:-MlC,-i- -Jyj hi. li h n A 1 1 - I s , " i. Piovlileuee lias plac ed in cc.i;i!( u s hi ie Liver 1'isease l:i( t le Villi. il' M IM.I'I.'IIK II. I. iSKsmCAlK)lll" DKKA.NtiK.MI- NT OK 1 Hi: I.l VIII AMI HOVtL, liWlLMK TilK I.l AM) HtKVK.VT CHILLS AND FEVEH. NIJiMO:.' MVKU RMVlXATCSt Is en.h'entiy :i Fiimiiy Medicine ; arid by bein kept ready for iinmeiiiate result .till nave many an hour of sulTerinj; and nr.'.ay u dolliil' 1 time a.ul doctors" biil.t. Aft'T i'U r Forty Vcai :' trial it Is t 111 reeelv 1'iH the most uiiipiabliett irr.Uinoiibils to II- 1 r -lues from ;s rvoas if tb: liiliest cliuiaeter and lesiio.isii.iiity. K.iniueiit phys'.cli;iis comiueiid il as tho iuo:-t t:rrs:crt : a siTtirit FOP. CONSTIPATION. I! li A I ) A CH K. PAIN IN TIIK S'lol' I.l iKIis, I .. I MiSS. SoL U SI(M ACfl, H V I 1 As 1 li IN llil .MO LIU. HILIOI.s A'HU'Ks. PALPII A'liO.N OF Tlili IlKAlil, i'AIV IN liMi riKOION OK TIIK KIDMiVS, DliSI'ONTd.NCy, OLOOM AMi I'Ulllillilli INOOF K i L : ALL OF WHICH ATvLlIii: OFFSFKINli OF A DISKASKD LI V Jill. t'OUC IX CtliLIKtl'.X. r.'r cbih'.reii romplaliihiir of colic. In iidiii'he, or sK'K sloinili h, a re.ij.ooi. i ui or pmre will civ relief. Children. well as adull s eiu .v:nenmes too smpiM'i or cal si m id bin Inch doc:, not iliiicrt well, oroiiia iin; sour stoKi -acli, liu'.'.rt burn, r restlessness: a food dose of LU-r ltr-iitat ir ill;;ive relict, 'i'his uppu'es i Ps-i'suliS of ail .";;es It i the cheapest, imrest .it id best Fuinliy Jledicine iu the world ! IT ISAM AO .l'AIi. Thousands lead miser d ie lives, sulferiutt froit dvsiepsii. a disordered -toimich and liver, pro ducing biilioiisness, liciii ttmrn, rt"tieiie.s.s. weakness irreuul. II" appetite, low spirits, rlsiiij!: food alter eiitin. it'i.l otleii eudinit; in f.ital at taeks ot lever. They know I hev ale sick, yel yet little sympathy." The unfailing remedy' tr jireveiit t he-e afliicnons and restore heulth i Si:.iios' Lii.k i::.t. i i.ATi u. .VAM-FAI-i'l KKI) OVLV r.T J. JI.ZEIL1X d- CO.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Pr.H K, .?l.r- Sold by ail Drusglsts. tC.y PAUM FOR SALE. T2.r Z':rt Kioek Krn-ui in C'nMM County i'or Halt- Vrry 'iM'ii). Said farm coiifains A P.OFT 4"7 Al'l.'LS, lt in cultivation ; .70 acre- of meadow land ; -cJ acre in past ui... encloniMl with a (rood lenee. and about -.hi acres d limner, 70 of wbieu is enclosed with a five-board fence, and ii useil as a h.-lor. Tin i are over l.tuii) p.FAPINii Fdl if TKF.n.-?. AV ii i or .' miis of bedjre f;'iic.. Said biriii is well , ;.eie . and has upon it a i.uiili Co.Ml'OKTAPLli lluCSii, yralie r ics. siali-es, etc. t ic. Tbe abovo farm is locate,! r,'i MILFS SOL "I II OF l'l VI 'I'SMot'l II, and Is l.uowii as tiie old '. L. llobls plaef. : O'oe-ll.h d (!o'i"n. and luihitiee c: t' or v can. tiuw. Fji fui fher particulars ;ii:ply to SFVPOLT P,KO.. 7wS PlatUmoutli, Neb. ;f.VDr by Aden's in eilies and coun try towns. Only necessary to show sample to iiiiikk sales and money, for any one out ot employment ami iS25 rooseii to work, c sea tiiiny uy an ou ksiness men. Send stamii for 'circular. wiili prices to nuenis. Add res. A vrt:'i. 1 AidM Y." Koudali iiuddin, Chi-'ii-'. in v: W. D. JOKES' NEW L1VEHY STAJILE, 1TATT-MOUTII, XEB. The old nONNIilt STAPLES in I'laKsinoiitl. Neb., hiive been leased by Dr. Jones, and he lias opened a new runl handsome liverv in ll.i well known bum. The finest and best of hoises ami caniajies ai:ys ready to let. saddlk nonsiz.s ciu:.vr. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AND UEOKE. ALSO T desire to plve notice thai I Lave a lart'e batiilsoine brick barn, with plenty of room for horses and ;i;tot:s. lean put "farmer stock an t wairons, loads of grain or i'liythlMi; all uu d( r cover, iu the drv. Kemember this. Thaiikimr all my old pations for their man' favors, 1 solicit their trade Ibis comiiijr yea' s::tisied I can accommodate them bettei and belter by tliem than ever bt fore. :!-T. SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED 03ST IxrjVIZsT STBEET, i:.u,t of Phitle Valley House. TIIK OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In Hie Town. Good I'tains Alirtrytj on Hand. Careful Drivers sant with cs riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to t all tt. whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TO 'A U. Funerals tittended and can ia?s furnisbet friends. Address, J.W.SHANNON. 4J-ly I'UatUmouth. Nc yiHj?rf: contain Hidiitrte paitl H Vf V .. cle f Mercurv. orany v s, vy OliO. W. KLVSIilt, .1Iaehl:i:tt. xin old snd It. ne i- oT 'i !ir'iiiii;; Ia Iioj.'is, has opened :i sbop on Sixt h Stjeet, near Mr. 1 e!!y 's Hl:i"!"niiili rmd VVak'nn Shop win re ! pieiiareu in i itself lo oo an v and inr'.cl me uiliioiitexcepliou. He has a No. 1 I ilii t urn in w ood, itou, stee'e, and ail oilier met . connection with machine work. He c...i ' thin reipiired in a i:i:i:sn;ith, even to L-uii.of w Inch v e have ti.e evidence in breach loader throw in one two or th.ce V onep at Will ol tbe (.uuiier. Mr Ceo. V. t-.'xine rear I! e. ; an old' of Mr. kiliscr tio..t ' ia can Lo refer.'ij fi m regartl to his burnt i n' Ctioll with the Iii:i:ntfiM :i:i of tlire.-'iluu chines. Civj Mr. Kinsrr a i ail and w ill I you satisfactory Wo; o:i any cf a Tl., ir. Macliiac. . PLATTE VALLEY HGU JOII.V IJOXW, Irirlcl.r. TSSC C$;.I5 IlELSAULi: HOf Good .Tccomtr.olation3 for'Fr.i" and the traveling public. Board S' day. Meiils 2oc. Entirely refitted re-furnislied. and farmers are reo' ed to call tuid get 3 meals and bet; 81.00. 3 1 O. K. SALOOI?. I Ucep constantlT on Uauu Ilests 3IihvauI:eo lln which can le had at no other PLACE IH THE CiTV Also the best of irryKs. ltquohs. axd cm at:. I'sVaU Ed. UoseiiliJW.-