Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 26, 1877, Image 3

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    fjl Tl TH TT T71 Ti 1 T 1
In many parts of our city the side ,
walks are in a deplorable eondition
Tbey endanger Iifo and limb, and ac
cidents are of frequent occurence. - The
Common Council, if they entertain any
respect for the rights of bur citizens
should examine into the state of our
sidewalks, and where they are found
let be in a dangerous condition, they
should be promptly repaired.
A Citizex.
"We insert the above at the request
of a citizen and say further that we
have watched those pavements until
ih'-y are a perfect eyo-sore and yet we
t! j not see how the council could do
better with the funds in their hands.
'i '.ie ieople cry save, save, economy,
p.:jd the street commissioner's bills al
ways run hig. Remember much of this
sidewalk is along vacant lots where the
city would have to advance the money
to repair them with no security for its
rt turn.
Tlio H. & M. Depot buildings in
il. is city will be moved down to the
f --t. of Main St. immediately. The
f .;ime shop and coal house now etand
5ii.j at the foot of Main St. will be mov-
d South, up the valley, and the pres
ent la3.v?nger and Freight depot placed
in their stead. This will be good news
tu Oiir people, the dejot under the hill
having long been an e3'e sore, besides
brio dangerous to life and property.
Mr. "Walter White has the contract and
comuieacco at once. Other improve
ments will be made during the course
A the summer.
While chronicling this good news,
we are obliged to part with some old
frk-nds long endeared to Tlattsmouth
a:: 1 her people by their social and gen
ial qualifications of ruind and heart.
W? allude to Mr. G. "W. Iloldrege,
A .-;.. Supt. of the B. & M.t C. E. Yate3
:?npt. of Telegraph and train dispatch-
r, riemin and Jfevens. Owing to
the consolidation of the Nebraska
K -iiv.-iy and the B. & M., it .becomes
thi interest of the mmagers to centre
1. fwrefs at Lincoln. These gentle
with their families will leave us
ou the rst of August.
People's Camp Meeting.
A people's camp meeting under the
:u.ti.ageiueut of Dr. Hudson, will be
h -l'l in Murray's Grove, near the Eight
Mile Baptist church, commencing Aug.
y.I, and closing the 13th. Rev's. II. E.
.J.ui.ison, of Omaha; O. A. Williams, of
" :K City: J. X. Webb, of Ashland and
1! v Mr. Reed, of Peru, will be present
.itnl lake part in the exercises.
II. U. Accident.
A; engine carrying Dr. Livingston
. ;u sent out on the road yesterday nf-;c:'i!',
in answer to a telegram that
-.40 train had jumped the track,
dit: Hug two cars, 4 miles this side of
A ?iiland, and injuring some two or
'i.ce prrsoa3 pretty severely. Mr.
.Tji::is Danley, of Ashland, was badly
!:iir: about the head, and his recovery
-i doubtful. Jacob Mason, of this city,
5.; il his hip dislocated, and his thigh
;io.ably broken, though his case is not
foiisidered hopeless. Mr. and Mrs. Leg
iivil. and Mrs. Win. Handle, of this city,
n,.ie on the train, the latter being in
conversation with Dan'ey at the time
mi tlie accident, but happily escaped
crn the slightest injury. Mrs. Lec
Cetl received a slight cut on her lip,
.:ul three or four of her teeth loosened.
Ali things considered it occurred very
fortunately ; a few yards further and
th-y would have been roiled down the
embankment of Salt Creek, which
would in ail probability have killed all
on board.
lr. McCrca, the old and well known
dentist of Tlattsmouth, has returned,
and will occupy his old rooms over
,wh:icons drug store, whore he cordial
ly iavites all old friends and patrons
to isit him, hoping that he can attend
t tiiM'- needs with satisfaction.
We are sorry to learn that our oblig
iugand good looking telegraph man
Mr. Fitiuir.g has been quite sick for
sometime. He is now able to go to
v.oik again, and report progress in
strikes and things.
We lhauk Maj. Pear man for a com
plimentary ticket to the Otoo County
i'air at Syracuse September 18, 10, 20
and 21st 1S77,
Jas. Erwin an old subscriber to the
IIlrald called last week.
II. A. Sturgcs formely Principal of
the High School has been visiting us
again. He is succeeding in bis profess
ion bravely at Omaha.
AVm. Troop another old IlniiALD man
steps up and says go ahead.
Joe Lloyd, who was injured, is doing
first rate, we learu from his father, and
proposes to strike for more locomotion
R. W. livers, of Weeping Water, says
the IIehald shall still live, hard times
or no hard times.
Dr. John Black, who has again been
ill for some time, is slowly recovering.
We are sincerely glad to know the
f-aiae. and hope the Dr. will soon be
about again on the old corner. It looks
i.ot desolate, but sort of strange over
there without the doctor.
Dr. MeCrea has returned from Cairo,
looking bright as a new dollar, and as
cheerful as a returned Blaek Hiller
with a big bag of gold. He to, though,
thinks that all things considered Platts
laoutb. is the best jtf ace to- live in.
Ayers, general manager of the Ma
son Hamlin Organ Co., in Chicago, has
been visiting us for some days. He is
a very tfne gentlemanly person, and
good business maji we will warrant.
AIestH-3. Keenan & Grace wish to call
the attention of their customers and
the public to their fine stock of
and a great variety of bottled ale, Ac.,
including Bass', which they will sell
at satisfactory prices. 18t3
I would give notice to my old friends
and the public that I have re-opened
my store, one door south of Dr. Jno.
Black's office, where I am prepared to
furnish groceries and queensware.
Gloves of all descriptions manufactur
ed to order and kept in full stock.
II. Heuold.
Country produce of all descriptions
bought and sold at II. Herold's. It
I would give notice that I am now
prepared to furnish Warm Meals at all
liours, in my new location. A good
assortment of groceries, confectionery,
tobacco and cigars constantly on hand,
Country produce taken in exchange for
goods, at C. A. Montgomery's.
Opposite Platte Valley House. 18t3
Any information in regard to a me
dium sized roan cow, nearly red on
neck, and one horn drooping, wiH be
thankfully received by
Wm. L. Wells.
Read, Read.
Fine calf boots made to order for
Sewed boots for S6.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes $4.00 ;
Repairing and every thing in propor
tion at Merges'. 12-tf
Tax Collection Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on the
first day of August 1877 I will proceed
to collect all delinquent tax duo the City
of Plattsmouth all persons owing said
City such taxes must make arrange
ments to pay on or before said day as
no indulgence will be granted after that
time. J. M. Patterson:.
17t3. City Treasurer.
Slippers for 25 cts at Merges. 12tf
Dick Streight has got some carriages
a.nd wagons to sell. Call arid sec t!ie:n.
Slippers for ?5 cts at Merges'. 12tf
For Sale.
X. W. 24, 12, 12 situated about six
miles from Plattsmouth good land 30
to 40 acres under plow, plenty of wa
ter, house and other improvements
will sell for one sixth down balance in
equal payments 1 2 3 4 and 5 years, ten
per cent int. anually. Inquire of D.
Remick of Pawnee City, Xeb., or Maj.
D. II. Wheeler. Plattsmouth, Xeb.
July 9th 1877. 16-m3
Boots and Shoes.
Call and examine the low down
16tf. prices at Merges.
Farmer's Attention.
R. Douelly opposite Streight's stable
is doing a vast amount of work, not
only all kinds of blacksiniihing and
repairing machinery &c. but is turning
out first-class' wagons and buggies un
der the knowledge of Mr. Peter Rauen
who is acknowledged its a first-class
workman. A sample of his work can
generally be seen at the shop if you
call soon after it is turned out. 1GL3
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Xathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives them advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
Full line of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. "Weekbach, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Fine Boots for 83.00.
Fine sewed bouts for $7.00
Alexis Buckle shoes for 34.50
Sherwood's boot & shoe Emporium,
Plattsmouth. Xeb. 11-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any style desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon & Nathan.
J.-V. "Week bach will pay in cash or
goods thp highest market price for any
amount of potaiots. 29tf
-10 acres in section 30, town twelve, range elev
en. 3 mile? south-east of Louisville etation, B. &
M. Ii. K. Cass Couuty, Nebraska.
ISO Acres I'nder Cultivation,
with house and barn, orchard and forest tree,
plenty of spring water. Will be sold in 80 acre
tracts If dedred. Enquire of Jos. Schlater. Jew
eler, Plattsmouth, Neb. Hm6
Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main SU Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
For Hale. Best qualities of plug-smoking
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
Mike Schnellbacher and Billy Has
ler, the indomitable blacksmiths, in
consequence of their misfortune, have
been obliged to rebuild their old shop.
They are now better prepared than ev
er to do all sorts, kinds and varieties of
black and white smithing. Black in
that, most work in iron and steel is that
color, and White inasmuch as they are
white men to deal with. Give thsni a
Thankful to our numerous friends
for their patronage we would solicit
a continuance of the same promising
to give them satisfaction.
16t3 M. Schnellbacher.
Head Qiartera good, cxrt. ale,
beer, &c, for sale.
Fine boots for $5.00
Fine Sewed boots $7.00 .
Alexis buckles shoes $1.50
at Robert Sherwood's.
Looking out or our sanctum on Monday morn
ing we discovered water coming out of the end
oi a hose, ooine 30 to 4 feet from the top of the
Saunders House, t'pon going over to investi
gate the mystery we fouud tne other end of the
hose attached to the pump exut that is ued
for the Hotel kitchen, and oury .me man work
in the lever. Mr. Gregory is offering these
pumps In the market at very Imw price. This
pump Is aeknow letled to be the best force pump
ih the world. It is strong and durable, no sine
Jars and leather valves to eet out of order, and
pumps so easy that a child can work it. One
will be put up in a public well on Main etreet
sooa. i'4i-iies wishing pump for aeep or shal
low wells shocld examine this one before pux
ch.'Kinz elsewhere. .F. S. GKEOOav.
uat stauudera llouev Platttiiujuth, Neb.
la ttra atmosphere experienced tier duxtag the
irmmer months, the lethargy produced by the
beat take away the deaire for wholesome food,
and frequent perspirations reduce bodily ener
gy, particularly those suffering from the effects
of debilitating diseases. la order to keep a nat
ural healthful activity of the;syitein we must
resort to aiiiliclal iiieans.- For this purpose
Svhenck's Sea Weed Tonic is very effectual. A
few doses will create an appetite and give fresh
vigor to the enervated body. For dyspepsia, it
Is invaluable. Many eminent physician have
doubted whether dyspepsia can be permanent
ly cured by the drugs which are generally em
ployed for that purpose. The Sea Weed Tonic
in its nature is totally different from such dru;.
It contains no corrosive mineral or acids; in
fact it assists he regular operations of nature,
and supplies her deficiencies. The tonic in its
nature so much resembles the gastric Juice that
it is almost identical with that fluid. The ea
trie Juice is the natural solvent which. In a
healthy condition of the body, causes the food
to be digested ; and whenthU Juice is not excre
ted in sullicient quantities, indigestion, with all
its distressing symptoms, follow. The Sea Weed
Tonic perforins the duty of the gastric juice
when the latter is dehcieut. Schenck's Sea
Weed Tonic sold by alt Druggists.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in Cass
and adjoining Counties ; gives special attention
to collection- and abstracts of title. Office with
Geo. i. Smith, Fitzgerald Clock, Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. 17y 1
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a scientific combination of
some of the most powerful restorative
agents in the vegetable kingdom. It
restores grey hair to its original color.
It makes the scalp white ami clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive principle by which tl e hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is
unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is
the most economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making only an oc
casional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men. and officially endorsed
by the State Assayerof Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renevv
er has increased with the test of many
years, both in this country and in for
eign lands, and it is now known and
used in all civilized countries of the
world. For Sale by all dealers.
Ask Yoarsclf these (Juestious.
Are you a despondent sufferer from
Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness.
Palpitation of the Heart? Have you
Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv
ous System depressed? Does your
blood circulate badly? Have you a
cough? Lo? Spirits? Coining up of
the food after Eating? c., !c. All
of these and much morn are the tli
iect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, and Indigestion. (Ikhen's Au
gust Flowek is now acknowleged by
all Druggists to be a positive cure.
2,400,000 bottles were given away in the
U. S. through Druggists to the people
as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any
person of its wonderful quality in cur
ing all forms of indigestion. Sample
bottles lOcts. Regular size Tocts. Sold
positively by all first-clyss Druggists in
the U.S. 11-tf-alt.
Time and Season.
Best grades of all kinds of
16tf for the warm days at Merges.
Slippers for 35 cts. at Merges'. 12tf
Robert Sherwood' Frice List.
Fine boots for $3.00,
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis buckle shoes $4.30
Ladies Calf Shoes for S3.C3
Rexairing equally cheap. 11-tf
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
hape of bat, can be seen at Solomon &
Xat ban's emporium. 5tf
Fine calf boots made to order at
Merges' for $4.50. Sewed $6.00. Men's
Alexis $4.00. All eastern goods at pro
The firm known a? Bryan & Chambers have this
day fUsul ved partnership by mutual consent.
The business of the firm will be conducted in the
future by J. G. Chambers. All accounts due
the firm must be paid to said Chambers, and all
debts owing by the firm will be paid by him.
Plattsmouth, July 7th, 1877.
W.m. Bryan.
lGt5 J. G. Chambers.
Notice to Physicians.
Clfrk's Officf. Cass Co. Nkb.. (
Plattsmouth, July 3d, 1S77. f
Sealed Proposals will be received at this
ofhee up to August 7th, 1S77, from practicing
physician1 for the care and treatment of the
cointy poor, at Poor House in Cass county, for
one year from date of acceptance of bid said
bid to include medicines. Include all paupers
of the county and prisoners in the couuty jail.
By order of Co. Coinmissioners.
C. P. Mookk, Co. Clerk.
By J. W. Jen JfijJGs, leputy. iot2
T ho Centaur Liniments a-by pai.
siib lue swellings, Leal barns and lllcu'e
nin'isin. Spavin, and any flesli, bone or muscle
aiiiiient. The hite Wrapper is for family use,
the Yellow Wrapper for animals. A list of the
ingredients are contained around each bottle
They are cheap, speedy and certain.
The certain, sp9edyadharin,es
remedy for children, is Titcher's Castoria. It is
as pleasant to take as honey and as certain in
its effects as Castor Oil. For Wind Colic.
Worms, Sour Stomach, and Disordered Bowels,
there is nothing like Cast oi la. I?tl3
Sheriffs Sale.
T. W11. "lurk (if til. rii..if fnur 0.1
district within and for Cass Countv. Nebraska,
and to me directed, I win on the 27th day of Au
gust, A, 1). 1R77, at 10 :: o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south door of the Court House in
the City of Piattsmouth, in said county, sell at
iiuuiiu aiui-itim; rcai ectaie, 10-wit :
t ten (10) in block twenty (oi in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, S'ebraska. The tame
bo in if levied upon and taken as the property of
Drury aud Laura Uraves. Defendants ; to satis
fy a judgment of Paid Court, recovered by Ed
vml a. Dovey. plaintiff.
natisuiouiu, ;urasK:it JUiy Z4tn. A. U. 1R77.
I8t5 M. B. Cutler, ShertfT.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued by VTm.
L. Weils. Clerk of the District Court of the 2d
judicial district, within aud for Cas Countv.
Nebraska, and to rue directed. I will on the 27th
any oi August, A. D. 1877. at 10 o'clock, a. in., of
faid day. at the south door of the Court House
in the City of Plattsmouth. in said County, sell
at public auction the following reai estate, to
wn : i he equal undivided one third (S) part
of the south-went quarter (sw) of section fif
teen (15) town twelve (12) north of ranee twelve
(12) eaetof the 6 p. m. The same beiug levied
upon and taken as the property of Henry Mi
sine r, defendant ; to satisfy a Judgment of said
Court, recovered by William Hoejr. plaintiff.
Piattsiuouth, Nebraska, July 2W. A. l. i$77.
l$ta ii. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Ey virtue of an order of iale issued by AVm
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me directed
I will on the 2th day of August. A. D. 1S77, at
10 o'clock a. in., of said dav at the south door of
the Court House, in the City of Piattsmouth. in
said county, sell at public auction the follow inn
real estate to-wit : The north e:ist qoiarter
(ne1) of section five (5) in tow u eleven (1 li north
of range thirteen (13) cast c4 the 6 p. m. The
same being levied upon-aud taken as the prop
erty of Wm. II. smith, administrator of the e
tateofjohn Chandler, deceased, defendants:
to satisfv a judgment of said Court, recovered
by Lou M. Hays, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Neb., July 24, A. D. 1S77.
Lvc- It. li- Ci x leji,. She ruT.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of two executions issued by the
Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cas
county, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will ou
the 27tli day of August, A. D. 1877, at 2 o'clock.
&m., of said day, at the south door of the Court
ouse in the Cny of Plattsmouth. in said Coun
ty, sell at public unction t - e following real e-tHleto-wli:
The north-east quarter (ne'i) of
the aouth-west quarter (sw') of section six 6)
town ten (10) rane 13) east of the 6 p. in., ad
the north-west quarterfn wJ4) of the south-west
quarter of section six (6) town ten (10) range
thirteen enst of the 6 p. in., and the south-went
quarter of s w qr of sectiiou six (6) town ten (10)
range 13. east of the 6 p. m., all inlCass county
Nebraska. The same being levied upon and ta
ken as the property of Vallery & Kuffner, d
fendants : to satisfy a iudgmeut of said Court,
recovered by T. B. Weber & Co., plaintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 2Uh. A. D. Is77.
I8t4 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by 'Wm.
t. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, 2d judical
district, within and for Cass County. Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 27th day of
August. A. D. 1877, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south door of the Court House, in the
City of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate, towit :
Lots nine (9) and ten (10) in block thirty-six (36)
in Plattsmouth City. Cass County, Nebraska.
The same beinsr levied upon and taken as the
property of Wheatly una lllisiana Mickelwait
and E. S. and Harriet A. Sharp, defendants ; to
satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by
J. Cuminine & Co., i laintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 24th. A. D. Is77.
18t5 M. C. Cl TLEK, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virt ue of an order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the 2d judicial district Court, within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 27th day of August, A. D.
1877. at 11 :30 o'clock, a. in., of said day, at the
south door of the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth. In said county, sell at public auc
tion the following real estate, to-wit: 'the
west half (wi4) of lot number two, ami the east
half (e'i)of lot number three in block thirty-four
(W) in the City o Plattsiuoulli. Cass county, Ne
braska. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of E. L. Vivian an-1 ltichard
Vivian, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of
said Court, recovered by John Fitzgerald,
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24th. A. D. Is77.
18U5 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by Win.
L. Wells. Clerk ol the District Court, 2d Judicial
district, within and for Cass county. Nebiaska,
and to me directed. I will on the 27th day of Au
gust, A. D. 77, at one o'clock, p. in., of said
day. at the soutli door of the Court House, in
the Citv of Piattsnioutli. in said County, sell at
public auction the following real estate, to-wit :
The north half (iiH)of the north-east uuarter
(neU) and the north half in'iiof me north-west
quarter (nhi of section twenty-six (2fi) iu town
ten (10) north of range thirteen (M) eat of the
6 p. m.. less five acres, and the mill situated
thereon, said mill property of five acres of land
and the mill thereon is known as the Cnion Mill
on Wtepb'g Water in said county. And after
selling the above ir.o acre of land, less the five
acres. I will Fell the said five acres of land and
mill thereon with appurtenances and privileges.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
propertv of .lames' Folden. Sarah Folden. Fred
Seirth. ileorgiua Scirth. Fred C. T.o. Catherine
Tro. Nicholas Peterson, Peter Oruber, and John
L Farwell. defendant : M satisfy a judgment
of said Court, it-covered by Henry Dubois,
r-lattMiiouth. Neb., July I'T'h. A. I). 1877.
l-t5 M. B. t'Lll eh. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm.
I.. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2 l judicial
district, within mid for Cass county. NeOraska.
and to me directed. I will on the 27th day of Au
gust, A. 1. 1877. at two o'clock, p. in., of said
dav. at the south door of the Court House, in
the City of Plattsmouth. In said county, sell at
public auction the folluniug real estat, to-wit :
The north half uiH of the rorth-west quarter
(uv4 of section thutv-two (32) town eleven (II)
north ot range leu (lo) e:it of the 6 p.m.. in
Cass countv, Nebraska. The same being levied
upon and tiiKen ns the property of Ce. McAdie.
Sarah McAdie. Klwiu M. Park, et al. defendants :
to satis'y judgment of said Court, recovtred
bv Nathan Jones, plaintiff.
'Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24th. A. D. 177.
ljtts M. B. ClTLEK. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.-
Bv virtue of an order of pale Issued by Wm.
L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court. 2d judicial
district, within and for Cass county. Nebraska,
and to tne directed, I w ill ou the 27th day of Au
aust, A. D. 1877. at three o'clock, p. in., of said
dav. t th south door of the Court House, in
the City of Plattsmo ith. in said County, the fol
lowing real estate, to-wit : The weft half (wu)
of the north-east quarter (nel4) of section four
(4) town eleven (11) north of range nine (10) east
of the p. m. The saaie being levied unon and
taken as the property of Mary Isabella Bond
and James M. Bond, defendants: to Fatssty a
Judgment of said Court, recovered bv Jedcdiah
Walker, administratoi of the estate of Duncan
Cameron, deceased, plaintiff. .
Plattsmouth, Neb.. July vtth. A. D. 177.
18t5 M. B. Cl'TLEK, Sheriff.
. Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of a-i order of sale Issued by Wm. I..
Wells. Clerk of the District Court of the 2d judi
cial district, wiihin for Cass comity. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the 27th
dav of August. A. D. 177, at 3 :15 o'clock, p. m..
of said dav at the south iloor of the Court
House, in the Citv of Plattsmouth. in said coun
ty, sell at public auction the following real es
tate to-wit : The south half (s'4) of the north
east quarter (ne1) of seclion twenty-sixf2") in
town eleven (11) north of range nine cj) east of 6
p. ni. in Cass county. Nebraska. The same be
ing levied uM)ii and taken as the property of
Frank T. Holmes. Hannah A. Holmes, and Mi
chael K. Dove, defendants ; to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court, recovered by K. A. Wigsen
liom. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24th. A. D. 177.
lata M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court, 2d Judicial
district, within and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will ou thc27thdayof Au
gut, A. 1. 1877, at 3 ::to o'clock p. in., of said day,
at the south d.wr of the Court House, in tlieclty
of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public
aucth u the following real estate to-wit ; The
north half (n1,) of the north-west, quarter (nw!4)
of section thirty (.TO) in town eleven (It) north of
range nine (9) east of the 6 p. m.. in Cass coun
tv. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of John B. Core. Sarah
Core and E. W. Stevens, defendants : to satisfy
a judgment of said Court, recovered by Christi
na Soiiierlad. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Neb., July 24. A. D. 1877.
1815 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Win. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court, 2d judicial
district, within and for Ca county. Nebraska,
it nd to me directed. I will on the 27th u.iv Ai;
I ust. A. D. 1877. at 1 :3i !ocr. r- .. of said
lav. at the south dooi of the CoJi'T House, in
the City of Phil is n Mith. In said county, sell at
public auction the following estate to-wit :
Commencing ht- ', feet south of the uor:h e:ist
corner of the north-west quarter i'nwAi of sec
tion thirteen (1") and miming thence south 210
feet, thcuce wet 3"13 feet, thence north 210 feet,
thence east 3C3 feet to the place of beginning.
All King and being In section thirteen (.l.t) town
twelve (12) north of range thirteen (13) east of
the 6 p. m.. in Cass county, Nebraska. The
san e being levied upon and taken as the prop
ertv of Snllie Wright and ethers infant heira of
Sabina Wright, deceased, and Lee M. Wright
and Uobert Gullion. defendants ; to satisfy a
Judgment of said Court, recovered by Edward
G. Dovey. plaintiff.
Platteniouth, Neb., July 24. A. D. 1S77.
I8t3 M. E. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of art order of sale issued bv Wm. U.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the 27th dav of August. A. D. 1877. at
II :o o'clock a. tn., of said day. at the south door
of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth,
In said county, sell at public auction the follow
ing real estate, to-wit : The north-east quar
ter (nel of section eighteen (18) town eleven
(11) north of range thirteen (13) ea?t of the 6 p.
m. The same being levied upon and taken as
the property of Henry and Jane Kirkham, de
fendant ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court,
recovered by Emtlv Drew, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 2t, A. D. 1877.
it5 IS. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
To Leu it A. ITuthncr:
You are hereby notified that Macgie 8. Hneb
ner lias filed her petition in the District Court
of Cass county and state of Neb. aga:nst you,
the object and prayer of said petition is that she
mav be divorced from you. She alleges as caus
es therefor willful absence on your pan for more
than two yearjfc and a failure to furnish a suita
ble maintenance, you are further notilied that
you are required to answer said petition on or
before the 27th day of August. A. D. 1877.
CHAr.MAX & Sprague oolicitors. 17t4
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States for
the Distnct of Nebraska.
In the matter of Reynolds and Cooler, Bun-
Omaha, Nebraska, July 1G, 1877.
To Whom it may Cunnrn:
Pl1te tn liuIrA tintls.0 H rulix.- tfenl- i.t T i : ....
lias been, to-wit. on the l-'th day of July. A. I).
18. ,, filed in said district court by Daniel D.
Cooley, of Ashland, iu said district, who has
beeu heretofoie duly declared bankrupt under
tne act of Congress entitled "An. Act to estab
lish a uniform system of bankruptcy llroiif;h
mit the L'uited States," approved March '2d,
18". and as amended, for a discharge and ovr
ti li-a.t e thereof, from all ht debts and other
claims provable under said act. and that the 3d
day of August, is'7. at 4 o'clock P. M.. a the of
fice of J. L. Webster, Esq., the register in bank
ruptcy for said district at Omaha in said dis
trict, is the tiiui aud place assigned for the
bearing of the am ; when aud where von may
intend, aud show cause., if auy you have, why
the prayer of the said petition should not be
granted. WATSON B. SMITH.
17U CTk V. S. Ditd . Court for satd Diat.
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court ol the United States, for
the District of Nebraska.
In the matter of iieynolds and Cooley, bank
rupts. Omaha Nebraska, Jnly 10, 187".
To whom it may concern:
Please to take notice hereby, that a petition
lias been, to-wit. oi the lvth day of July, A. D.
ls77, tiled in said distnct court by Otin C Rey
nolds, of Ashland, in said district, who has been
heretofore duly declared baLkrupt under the
act of Congress entitled "An Act to establish a
uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the
United States." approved March 2d, lso7, and as
amended, for a discharge and certificate there
of, f ronf all his debts and other claims provable
under said Act. and that the 3d dav ot August,
1877. at 4 o'clock P. M., at the o'lfice of J U
Webster, Esq., the register in bankruptcy for
said district, at Omaha in said district, is the
time and place assigned for the hearing of the
same ; wheu and where you may attend, and
show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of
the said petition should not be granted.
t7t2 CTk tl. S. Dift. Court for said Dist.
Legal Notice.
To B. L. Harding, Nellie . Harding hU wife,
A. J. Hixlye and A. Kecsling, itun-rexidcitt
You, and each of you will please take not ice
that on the 13th day of July, 1877, the Union
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine, tiled in the
oflice of the Clerk of the District Court, in and
for Cas.s countv, Nebraska, its petition setting
forth that on the 2fcth day of November, 172,
Wm. Altaffer and I.ucretia E. Altaffer, his wife,
executed to plaintiff their mortgage deed, to se
cure certain notes bearing even date with said
mortgage ; also that on the 28th day of April,
1873. the said William and Lucretia E. Altaffer,
executed a second mortgage to plaintiff, to se
cure certain other notes of same date with said
second mortgage ; that both said mortgages are
on the following described premises in Cass and
Otoe counties, Nebraska, to-wit :
The south-west quarter (ii) of section thirty
six (3t) in township ten (10) north, and the north
west quarter (V) of the north-west quarter (i)
of section one (i) iu township nine i'J) north, all
in range 12 east of the tth p. m. Plaintiff aleo
asksalinding that there is due on said first
notes and mortgage twenty-two hundred and
fifty-five dollars and forty four cents, with in
terest thereon from May 2th. 1877. at 12 percent.,
and on said second notes and mortgage the sum
of twenty-one hundred and twenty-seven dol
lars and 77 cents, with interest thereon at 12 per
ceut. per annum, from April 2sth. 1877, and for
the costs of this suit. Also asking that said
fi tiding may draw interest from date till paid,
at 12 per cent., and for an attorney fee of 10 per
cent, of the amount of said second mortgage.
Plaintiff also sets forth that subsequent to the
execution of sid mortgages to plaintiff, that
defendants B. 1.. Harding. Nellie B. Harding,
William Stadelmanii, A. J. Hodges, A. Keesling,
Buttery fc ltzenby. George Boeck. J. McCarroi
and E. CJ. Dovey, claim some interest in, or lien
on said premises, and askins: that they be re
quired to set forth the nature and tinouut of
their respective claims, and that the same be
declared subsequent, junior and subject to
plaintiff's mortgage lien, and that said mortgag
ed premises be sold to atisiy the amount of
plaintiff's decree aud for general relief.
You will also piease take notice that nnless
you appear and answer thereto on or Ik lore tne
loth day of September. 177, said petition will
be taken as true, and decree rendered thereon
sis praved.
The Cmox Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of Maine.
By L. Dvo Chambers, ri'Cs Att'y. 17t4
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given to nil persons having
cl'Mins iioir.i-t the estate of T. A. Xing, deceas
ed, to file the same iu ihc o2iC3 ff t'o County
Judge, of Cass countv. Neb., in Plattsmouth. oil
or before the 24th day ot January, A. D. 1878,
and u mci-t the administrator ot said estate on
said day. at one o'clock p. ra., at said place for
iil.owaucK of the same.
July Clh, 1877.
Wm. II. Newell, Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate or Ellas Forbes, de
ceased. Before W. H. Newell, County Judge,
in and for Cass county.
To whom it ni-i? concern;
Take notice that C. H. Winslow. of said coun -ty.
has filed iu my office an instrument of writ
ing, purporting to be the last will and testament
id Klias Forbes, and made application to have
the same admitted to Probale, and that said
cause is set for hearing at my office iu Platts
mouth, on Monday the Bill day of August. A. D.
ls77. at one o'clock p. m. of said day. at wnich
time and place all persons interested may ap
pear and contest the same, anil show cause if
any they have, wuv the said instrument of writ
ing should not he allowed as the last will and
testament of Klias Forbes, deceased.
July ltith, 1877.
Wm. H. Newell, Co. Judge.
Charles II. Warner, of Los Ange'os county, in
the state of California, aud E. W. Lane, of the
State of Iowa, will tke notice that Charles H.
P.eck of the Countv oi Lancaster, in the State of
Nebraska, did on the 6th dav of July. 1877. file
Ins itetition iu the District Court of the Second
Judicial District, within and for Cass County,
Nebraska, agaius; the said Claries H.Warner
and E. W. Lane defendants, setting forth that
the said Charles li. Warner gave a mortgage to
K. W. Lutue on the east half of the north-east
quarter of section eighteen (18) town ten (lo)
range ten (lo) east, iu said County of Cass, to se
cure the puvment of 12D 4", according to cer
tain notes lvfcrred to in said mortgage, and that
since the giving of said mortgage, the said E. W.
Lane for value assigned, ami transferred the
same to the plaintiff, and praying that said
Charles II. Waruer and K. W. Lane may pay the
sum now claimed to be due amounting to 3429.40
and interest at 12 percent irom October 1st, 1874,
together with the sum of $ i.;i5 taxes on said
land, paid by tin? plaintiff with interest thereon
at the rate o"f 12 per cent per annum, from April
2;sth, 1877, that said premises may be sold to pay
the same. And the said Charles II. Warner and
K. W. Lane are herebv notified that they are re
quested to appear and answer said petition on
or beiore the 13th day of August, 1877.
Chaklks H. Beck.
By Wheeler & Stone, his Att'ys. 16t5
Legal Notice.
To Ida Vanhorn:
You are herebv notified that Mary P.Allen
did ou the 11th day of May, A. D. IS77, file her
petition in the District Court of Cass County,
and State of Nebraska, against you and Henry
C. Vanhorn. Elizabeth Vanhorn, Kebecca Van
horn, and Joseph Vanhorn jr.. heirs at law of
the estate of Joseph Vanhorn. deceased. The
object and prayer of said petition is to correct
an alleged mistake in the description of land
conveyed or intended to be convejed by Joseph
Vanhorn, sen., (now deceased) and Kebecca
Vanhorn to paid plaintiff, by deed made, exe
cuted, and delivered on the 1st day of Septem
ber, A. D. 187U, said petition alleges that the de
scription of the premises intended to be con
veyed by said deed was erroneous uj to part of
the premises intended to be conveyed in this,
to-wit: Instead of reading "all of lot number
two not deeded to Joseph Vanhorn, Jr., and
enough of lot number three (3) so as to make(40)
acre." It should have read and was intended
by the parties to said deed to read -forty acres
off of tlie south side of lot number thr e (3) in
section 17. town in, north of range 14 east, said
f'-rtv acres: lving south of aud adjoining seven
r-'id two-thirds .".tics owned bv Joseph
Vanhorn. jr., in said lot number three (ot, aud
the object and prayer c t naid pi tftion is to have
fii. d deed corrected so as to read in accordance
wiiU the above allegation, you are further noti
fied that you are required to answer said peti
tion ou or before the lath day of August. A. D.
1877. or said petition will be taken pro coufesso,
and decree entered accordingly.
Mary P. Allen.
By Chapman & Sfrague solicitors. I5t4
Legal Notice.
To Ida Vanhorn:
You are herebv notified that Joseph Vanhorn
jr., did on tlie 17th day of May. A. D. 1S77, file
nis petition in the District Court of Case Coun
ty and State of Nebraska, against you and Hen
ry C. Vanhorn, Elizabeth Vanhorn. Kebecca
an horn, and Mary P. Allen, heirs at law of the
estate of Joseph V anhora. deceased. The ob
ject and prayer of said petition is to correct an
alleged mistake in the description of land con
veyed or intended to be conveyed by Joseoh
Vauhom, sen., (now deceased) and Kebecca
Vanhorn, to Snid plaintiff, by deed made, exe
cuted and delivered on the 5th day of Septem
ber. A. D. 1870, said petition alleges that de
ncription of the premises intended robe convey
ed by said deed was erroneous as to part of the
premises intended to be conveved in this, to
wit : Instead of reading "all of lot number one
and enough of lot number 2 to make the aggre
gate Just lorty (40) acres in section II. town 10
ten. range 14 fourteen." it should have read and
was intended by the parties ro sjiid deed to read
all of lot number two (2) containing thirty-two
and one third (32H) acres and seven aud two
thirds (73 ) off of tlie north side of lot number
three (31 all in section seventeen (17) town lo.
north of range fourteen (I4t east, and the object
and prayer of said petition Is to have said deed
corrected so as to read in accordance with tlie
above allegation, you are further notified that
vou are required to answer said petition on or
before the nth day of August. A. D. 1877, or said
Ietition will be taken pro confesso and decree
entered aocordinirlv. Joseph Vanhorn, Jit.
By Chapman & Sikauue solicitors. Kt4
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution issued by Wm. L.
W ells, clerk of District Court, second Judicial
district, wilhin and lor Cass Countv. Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 30th day of
July. A. D. 1ST", at 11 o'clock, a. in., of said dav,
at the south door of the Court House, iu the
city of r lai said Count v, sell at pub
lic auction tlie lollowing real estate to-wit :
Lots five, six. seven and eight .". 6, 7 8), m
block one (i). in Mickelwak s addition to the
city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska ; also lots one,
two, three and four, (1. 2, 3 & 4). hi block two (2)
in same addition ; also lots one, twv, three,
four, five, six, seven ano) eight. (1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7
& ), in block three (), in lame addition ; and
also lots one, two, three and four. (1, 2, 3 & 4. lit
block foil-(4i in same addition ; and lots one,
two, three, four. five. six. seven, eight, nine and
ten, (1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8, 9 & 10, in section twelve,
(121. town twelve (12). north range thirteen (13).
east of the sixth (ith principal meridian, ks
shown by the plat of Wheativv and Illlssiania
Mickelwait on file in the County Cleik's nffice
of Cass County, Nebraska ; The same being lev
ied unon and taken as. the projerlv of Y heat
ley Mickelwait, defendant; to satiety a Judi
inent f t said Court, recovered by John D. Tutt,
Plattsmouth, Neb., June 27th, A. P. 1?77. -
Ut5 tiUclvft
Once More!
O TT IR,--
Is Just low being opened,
line lu
We have a full
Spring and Summer Dry Goode,
Bleached and Br oxen Domestics,
Prints and Summer Dress Goods,
Ladhsand Gents Hosiery.
A full Stock of
The best stock of Coffee ever brought to this
City ; Boasted and Green.
Canned Fruits in great varieties.
Sugars & Syrups in all sized packages
Koreijm & Domestic
In five gallon kegs, at riumtner's.
A few more ladies'. Misses', and chil
drens' shoes to be closed out. Coae
and examine before purchasing, and
save money.
. -
cheaper than ever ; another car load
just received.
Corned beef, Boston baked beans,
orange marmalade, peach marmalade,
blackberry jam, and a variety, of other
goods to make a meal without building
a lire these hot evenings.
cheaper than it wa3 ever sold in this
town before.
The best gunpowder tea in America.
Salt by the car load or pound.
When they are wanted, do not forget
to call and see how much money ycu
can save by purchasing of
Eli Plummeb,
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Our Idea is to buy for CAST! and sell for CASH
to every one. and at such rates that both buyer
aud seller can live.
Now, we w.tMt to see all our old
friends back again, an I we want all the
new ones we can get. We promise to
treat you well and send you home hap
py, with a wagon load of goods bought
for very little money.
Nert week f expect to fill this colnmn with a
new list of goods, just opened. Bead the offers
and ine and look, at the goods, that is all I ak
Has removed to th lower part of Tua'.ii street
n what wi. Dovey". Store, flu
Immense Stock of Furniture
U larger than h expected, aud he
all p rcaen t stock on hand at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Kemember the new stand down town, a 90
FOOT STOKE. Two stones full of furniture.
Before I pack it away and have to handle It
all over. I want to sell off a good deal. Mow is
your time to buy,
In rtattsmouth, Xeb., on Fourth St.. about the
you will find :
Corn Planters, (hand S. horse)
Stirring: I'lows,
Sulk)' Piou s,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &.c, &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repalilng
of farm and other machinery, as there
la a good lathe In my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is well known as a
Sew Wacom and Itasrgtefc made to
Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable
Stravei from Piatt? mouth on Tuesday morn
ing, the 10th dav of Mav, 1877, one bay horse. 10
vears o'.d. and about IShandshigh, a little white
on one hind hoof, blind in left eye. cannot tell
his blindness only by trying- the eve. The eye
appeals as good, and is as full a right eye. Any
information leading to his recovery liberally re
warded. U2) M. DOltKIXGTON.
The old EONNEU STABLES in Plattsmouth
Neb., have been leased by Dr. Jones, and he
has opened a new and handsome livery In this
well known bam. The finest and best of horses
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or to Trade.
I desire to give notice that I have a larze.
handsome brick barn, with plenty of room for
horses and wagons. I can put farmers stock
ani wagons, loads of grain or anything all un
der cover, in the dry. Eemember this.
Thanking all my ol 4 patrons for their many
favors. I solicit their trade this cnmini? year,
satisfied I can accommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before. 3-yl.
Machinist, an old Maker and Itnn
ner f Thresliing Machine-,
has opened a shop on Sixth Street near Mr. Don
elly's 'Blacksmith and Wagon Shop where he has
prepared himxelf to do any and nil machine work
without exception. He hac a No. 1 Lathe can
turn in wood, iron, Steele, and all other metal in
connection with machine work. He can do any
thing required in a guu.sinith, even to making a
gun. of which we have the evidence in a Vat.
breach loader throwing one two or three balls at
once at will of the gunner.
Mr Geo. W. Shrader a fanner near Hock Bluff
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from Virgin
ia can be refered to in regard to his former con
nection with the manufacture of threshing ma
chines. Gi v Mr. Kinser a call and will insure
you satisfactory work on any part of a Thresh
ing Machine. SJ-mo.
Have no room to explain here. Business pleas
ant and honorable. Wotm-ii. boys and girls do
as well as men. We w ill f uriiic li you a complete
outfit free. The business pay better than any
thing eWte.- We will be expense t starting
you. Particulars free. Write anil see. Farm
ers and mechanics, their sons and daughters,
and all classes in need of paying work at home,
should wri'e to us and learu all about the worn
at ouce. Now is the time. Don't delav. Ad
dress T'tCE ft Co.. Augusta, Maine.
mnnnOan't be made bv every agent every
TV II LliJ month in the business we furnish, but
(Jjilililthose willintt to work can easily earn a
w v w
ifozea dollars a day riant in their own localities
Farmer Improve Yaur StUck
lil;h, t,.
i i it ! ' i 1 ' ! ' Mi
V i . i ' V.h.,1 i.t. :. Ii i
We were the firxt to introduce thU very worthy
tested them thoroughly and we are convinced they
fanners of this couutrv for tne following reasons :
Early maturity, quiet disposition, good breeders, cood moth-rs. ami the very best breed in-
the world to cross wth- the large coarse breeds, giving them beauty of form, Improving their
fattening qualities, acd greatly improving the quality of the hams, whleh-are not ex ell I bv
any other breed. Their color Is black, the skin is perfectly smooth, and very thin aod m b !-"-hence
they have no scurf or skin disease which white hogs are sore to trt In a black foil coun
try, aud they are not n-ityrt tt chulera in common with other swine, liiey are th larget of.
the small breeds, making from three to fonr tundrea lbs in one year sometimes resih 6oo or
700 pounds and can be fatted at any age.
W' have now a very choice lot of pigs from iT differcct iT.nirtatiocs. sr.d are prepa;i tr
mate pigs properly for breedJnj, and w arrant tver pi; pure Essex or no le.
x mm m
P L A T T S M O L" T 1 f , NEB.
Pomfesser the Folloicinj Siitrhritief.
1. It Is rev-r affected by frost requiring uir
tapping. raUiiiK of the handle or other cure.
2. It starts with the limt or second motion ot
the handle, and the flow ceases the moment you
stop, leaving no drippings to form mud or ice iu
winter, on and around tlie platform.
3. It thoroughly veaciliiras the' well, rid.Miig
It of foul air.
4. It aaves Its cost every yeur in labor ; it run
to easy
5. It i invaluable in case of lire ail englur
eter ready at your door.
tj. The cylinder being of ntone. and glazed oi
the lii'ide. is equal to class, and much stronger ;
there is no slime or filth ever collecting on It.
7. The well requires no cleaning out alter one'
of these pumps is set in one that Is clean.
8. It combines both the atmospheric and force
principle, which elves It an equal pressure for
the water, throwing a eteady btrearu. both witn
the up and down motion of the handle.
9. Thi! pump always'briiii's cool water from
the start, the water standing btlcw the plaUorm.
in a stone cvlinder.
to. The buckets may be removed at any time
without inovimc the pump or platform.
Thev will throw f.oin fifty to sevt nl feet
from the end of a hose, from wells up to blxty
feet deep, with one hand power.
Thev are aIo very useful for waybills carria
ges, wiudows, sprinkling lawns, &c.
East of Platte Valley Houe.
Iu the Town.
G-jod Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with cui
riages if desired.
Csrrir.ges sent to Depot io meet u'.l trains
whenever ordered;
Funerals attended and c:iniyge! fumH.ied to
friends. Addrss, J. W. SHANNON.
42-ly Pllattsiuoutb. N.
IB 3"
m t n
, - e-- T r y
: w s
y- ? - s
2 CD
a s
- - n
e ri TX
. O
2 r?
2 33
3 , -
Lounges, Table3, Bedstead s
Of All Pcscriplivm.
Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cusu.
W'i th man y th an k s f or past patron a?. I invitr
, Invite all to cll and examine my
tf. FtR . vri r ati rornx.
U A ; 1 ,P ii
' i nu k' i 1 1 i rv a .
v;iriety ofswino Into thi ciDnfrr-have
are by far the iuot valuable breed for the-
f !.'BtAKi-3