Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 19, 1877, Image 3

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    l-. it ir'r -r. a
In report of Teachers' Convention
last week, for "Reception" in several
places read '- lieeess" anil you w ill have
hi: it.
Withave made arrangements to have
Magazines, Medical and Law reports,
and other pamphlets bound. Apply
at the IIlkald oliice. tf
The Xeb. Farmer excursion wi'l
take place on Friday July 27th. Free
huss from the Saunders lloue to the
junction; fare, round trip, 32.00.
Sae Uros. have a fine article of wire
netting for sale, at only G cents per
square foot. 12tf
"We could'nt pet round to Mr.
Druminond's sociable, Tuesday night.
Stayed liomo studying grammar for
this week's issue.
Hoots and Shoes.
C;t'I and examine the low down
lGtf. r KICKS AT ilKKfjl:?!.
lick Streight has been sending the
Hkkald to his wife during her absence.
He says he'il have to stop it now, and
w e gues3 that'll fetch her home.
Farmer's Attention.
II. Donelly opposite Streight's stable
is doing a vast amount of work, not
only all kinds of blacksmii hing and
repairing machinery S:c. but is turning
out fast-class wngons and buggies un
der the knowledge of Mr. Peter Ilauen
who is acknowledged as a first-class
workman. A sample of his work can
generally be seen at the shop if you
call soon after it is tinned out. 1013
Our friend Young has begin the
cash system in his meat market. That's
business. Only keep it up longenough
and the butcher will make money, and
the customer that pays won't have to
Jiiaha up for tlu man that docs not pay.
Time axd S::ason
IJrsl grades of all kinds of
FOOT- XV All i:
l'Jtf for tha warm d;iys at Mi;i:c;i.
A J.ady in this town lost 00 on
Prof. Von Coelln's nationality. She
wasn't sharp; fur part of the fund no
!oubt, t!ie Prof, would have kindly con
sented to be born in the proper coun
try for her to have won the
After Von Coelln declared that
s:'!n"o!s could on a pinch get along
without a grammar in them MacDon
iigu has be en heard inquiring seriously
the cost of funeral expenses. A friend
wants to know whether it is for him
fi.h" er Von. Don't know; in the an
cient days it would have been pistols
fr o:ie and grammar for two.
oil and Castor oil for Machine pur
poses at reduced rates at
r. s. v.'iin-ii's.
lion. Sam llarker, together with
the oilier members of the Legislature,
have all been subpoenaed to appear at
Lincoln on the 30th, to tell why they
shut Leroy Winters,' Esq., up in a cold,
cold dungeon one pleasant Sunday last
winter. Winter sues for 930,000, and
the attendant expenses will cost the
State 50,000 should Winters make out
a case. Sam 13. says ho must be aueing
for pedigree, for he don't show much
blood himself.
Alex Schlegel, wit his leetle bag
of gold, walked into our sanctum the
other day and showed us the wonders
of Deadwood, Kapid City, and else
where in the ebony hills. Alex carries
a little buck-skin bag, S ISO gold dust,
and o!i how it sparkles ; chunks and
nuggets, scales an. I shimmers of
gold, all to be had for the Miggin," if
you can find the right place to dig.
..Sehlegel is' enthusiastic over the
the prospect of "Ilapid" and thinks
there's the place for a town. So mote
it be that's all the JIkkald has to say
Slippers for 3" ct . at Merges. ICtf
They do some old fashioned staging
from Sidney to Cheyenne yet; and the
driver becomes one of the great folks
of the road. Mr. Alex Sv'.degel speaks
of two drivers characters in their
way (!eo. Chapman who drives from
Deadwood twelve miles this side of
Ilapid City, and McCIellan who drives
from there to Buffalo City as two of
the best drivers on the route. We
well remember when the driver was
gladly looked forward to, as an old
friend, and we counted the stages by
the drivers we knew on the old long
lines across the west years ago. Mr.
Schlegel came home sick and the two
Iersons above mentioned did every
thing they could to make his journey
And now comes our neighbor and
friend, Leonard, also from the Black
Hills, bearded like a pard, and rugged
as a mountain bear. He has photo
graphed every thing under the sun out
there, and tried his best to coax the sun
down into a cave so he could photo the
back end of that. Mr. Leonard has
made considerable investment in Cen
tral City, and thinks that's the place
guess it is. We know one thing, there
was one happy little woman in Platts
mouth one evening shortly after this
bearded and bronzed stranger walked
into the Post O'lico of his nativeC?'
town. Mr. Leonard, w it'i new views,
new implements, and a renewed lease
of life and good humor, will hereafter
be found at his old stand on Main st.,
over Pttcr Merges' store. And that's
the matter with the old blackdiiilcr.
Tnv Mr IT-.' ---,-'- ti... r....-r.
the HhM M.i a !:ira.--ii? t ..: ,i M-..t-day.
Prof. Von Codicil, Slata Supt. of
Iowa, lectured on practical School
matters on Monday livening. It was
highly approved by almost every one
who heard it, especially on the Gram
mar and Arith metic business.
Joe. Conner still keeps up the grain
business, and waits for the new crops
to come in.
Wm. Eikenberry thinks he has a
three minute horse in hi3 team. Wil
liam doe3 drive good "bosses."
Col. Vanetta is home again. The
weather is very dry and the Col. says
funerals are scarce.
Slippers for 33 cts at Merges'. 12tf
Camp meeting, Lincoln district, to be
held at Mt. Pleasant, commences Au
gust 1st. El'er Lemon will preside.
General invitation extended to all ad
joining charges, ministers and people
to participate. Location a good one,
plenty of water and accomodations,
boarding tents, &c, &.c.
Slippers for S3 cts at Merges'. 12tf
The Danbury News man says: "There
is nothing that will change a man so
much as a great grief, unless it is shav
ing off his mustache."
Ilespectfully dedicated to Wm. Wells,
Esqr., our District Clerk, foremenda
tions and corrections.
For Sale.
X. W. 24, 12, 12 situated about six
miles from Plattsmouth good land 30 j
to 40 acres under plow, plenty of wa
ter, house and other improvements
will sell for one sixth down balance in
equal payment 1 2 3 4 and 5 years, ten
pert'ent int. anually. Inquire of D.
llemick of Pawnee Citv, Ntb., or Maj.
D. II. Wheeler. Plattsmouth, Neb.
July Oth 1877. 10-m2
The most sensible man for a pro
fessed educator we have ever heard is
Prof. Von Coellen our Irish l'russo
German friend. He's scooped Mac
Donogh forever. After that lecture,
where he left the grammar out, Mae.
went home heart broken, tied up his
head and ordered a mustard poultice
and skim milk to match.
Head, Ilea l.
Fine calf boots made to order for
. 1.50.
Sewed boots for $5.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes 84.00;
Impairing and every thing in propor
tion at Mi;uc;i:s'. 12-tf
(Fnn:i a Correspondent.)
Why is be glad his name is not iu the
Ccntenni il History j
Peeause it might have appeared as
Wilsie Garland.
Friend Child finds himself in the fix
that every one d ies who attempts to
write a history. People will insist that
one m in shall make a perfect and com
plete history without omission or era
sion. It is impossible. What Mr
Child has done is to gather mujh val
uable information of Cass county, and
place it where it can .be got at. It is
worth more than the 30 cents he asks
for it, and any sensible man can get
that much value out of it.
On and after the 13th of July I shall
sell meat for cash only. I shall keep
an assortment of the best of meat on
hand constantly. ' To do this I must
have cash. Thanking the citizens for
tlu-ir liberal patronage I would solicit
a continuance of the same, confident
I can give them satisfaction.
l(J-t2. F. M. Youxo.
Tax Collection Notice.
Notice is hereby given that on the
first day of August 1877 I will proceed
to collect all delinquent tax due the City
of Plattsmouth all persons owing said
City such taxes must make arrange
ments to pay on or before said day as will be granted after that
time. J. M. Pattkkson:.
17t2. City Treasurer.
Ibduvt Sherwoo-.r Price List.
Fine boots for 83.00,
l ine sewed boots for 87.00
Alexis buckle shoes 81.50
Ladies Calf Shoes for 82.25
Ilepairing equally cheap. ll-tf
Hari on the Coroner.
For a long while our worthy and
patient coroner, Mr. Buttery, lias been
waiting for a job. Day after day he
lias been disappointed. Not long since
Edward saw a telegram that a iloater
had been seen coming down the Mis
souri Iliver. He placed himself on the
bank and all through those hot. hot
oajs oi .iiny watched laitntuiiy ana
well for that body, determined to do
his duty, his whole duty, and more, by
the deceased, whoever he might turn
out to be. The facts are "agin" our
man though, the chap got steered into
Iort near Bellevue and the Sarpy Co.
man got the benefit. Again Edward
heard a man was "drowned"' in the
Platte; again he haunted the river
bank; moonlight nights saw him still
at his post of observation, day-light
weakened not his vigil. Alas that he
again was doomed to loss of time and
fee. Mc Hagood reported on the last
one 12 miles below here and I'd has
lost all faith. He wants to resign,
what's the use of a coroner if no strays
come in lrerc.
Every fash ir."vi Wde of silk for
trimmings, ami hJjkj rVffy fashionable
hape of hat, caj lu cuat Solomon &
Nathan's emporium'. 3tf
Fine calf boots made to order at
Merges for 81.50. Sewed 8'J. 00. Men's
Alexis 8L00. All eastern goods at pro
Mr. O'Donahuo drops in and says
ff.fid the Tf'"" T T "V-Vh'"
Mr. i.
county, c
: ui ir.
Uncle otsphen ilobseu has Ij 'va
rieties of fine apples preserved by his
own method.
Just go down to the Court House
and see Hi! lie Wells new corner cub
board with round edges.
Mr. T. J. Todd brings us some
splendid specimans of bearded wheat
which grew over 4 feet high.
D. II. Wheeler keeps a register of
his letters,' and he has already writ
ten 3,500 since January 1st, 1877. .
Ilro. A. S. Wigton, of the Hastings
Journal, and chairman of the Teach
ers' Convention, visited U3 last Week.
The young Hoodlums about town
who scare horses and then laugh at it
want a night in the cooler. Mr. Mar
shall. John Shanon is putting a new roof
on his barn. Xow John can mortgage
the roof and weatherboard the sides,
and so on till ha gets a new barn.
Jas. Patterson, City Treasurer is
about to collect the taxes nolens voUns
after the first of August. That's right
make em pony up and see what we
can collect.
A good deal of flirting on the
quiet has been going on up at the High
School this week. We don't see as
the grown up children are any wiser
than the small ones. They are a little
slyer, that's all.
Mr. Sloeum's team ran away yes
terday and jammed the tongue under
the sidewalk near Mathews store, so
that five, men couldn't pull it out. Boys
shooting lire crackers scared them.
This oiujht to be stopped.
The IIi:hali) is under obligations
to Mr. Chardo and Mr. Ilungate for
notes and minutes of the Teachers in
stitute and Snp'ts. meetings. Both are
excellent secretaries for newspaper
men, neither getting too much nor too
little in their notes.
The boys go out on the avenue and
up on Geo. Smith's hill and shoot glass
balls every night. Wo don't know
what Mrs. S. would say if she were
here too much shoot we think.
The crops iu and around Platts
mouth, and in fact from what,wehear,
all over the county, look verv fine. Out
on the road acrcrs from Maxwell's, to
wards the Hock Bluffs road are several
very tine fields of corn.
The wheat and barley are gnawed a
little, and the crop shortened, but corn
in many places never looked finer.
Just let us have- one good crop, Mr.
Hopper, and we'll take care of you in
the future. Every day, hoppers go
over, but none have stopped to do any
harm vet.
Dick Slreight has got some carriages
and wagons to sell. Call and see them.
The entertainment and social at High
School Hall, by the members of the In
stitute and invited friends, on Tuesday
evening, was a very pleas mt and re
cherche affair. The exercb-es opened
by a quartette, by Misses Butterlield
and Doolittle, and Messrs. Foote and
Mutz, followed by several declamations,
readings and essays, by ths teachers
present. We can only speak of two
particularly, as our space is limited.
The "Gem of the Evening," by Miss
Doolittle, of Omaha, was finely spoken.
Essay by Mr. Church, of Brownville,
"The Philosophy of tb.3 Hidieulous"'
was pithy, sparkling, and full of good
points well digested.
After the conclusion of the literary
exercises, the homo members entertain
ed their friends from abroad wit . ice
cream and cake, and the balance of the
evening was spent in pleasant social
This close 1 the exercis3s of the In
stitute. Wednesday and Thursday
were devoted to the examination of
Teachers. The institute h is been a
pronounced sueees and has undoubt
edly been of good service to principals, j
ijaire iuii minutes or me proceedings
will be found in our columns'. Next
week we shall publish Mr. Church's
Essay. Lack of space prevent it this
Mike Sehnellbacher and Billy Has
ler, the indomitable blacksmiths, in
consequence of their misfortune, have
been obliged to rebuild thdr old shop.
They are now better prepared than ev
er to do all sorts, kinds and varieties of
black and white smithing. Black in
that, most work in iron and steel is that
el or, and White inasmuch as they are
while men to deal with. Give them a
Thankful to our numerous friends
for their patronage we would solicit
a continuance of the same promising
to give them satisfaction.
Head Qaarters gaol, cool, ale,
beer, &c, for sale.
Fine boots for 83.00
Fine Sewed boots 87.00
Alexis buckles shoes 84.50
atllobert Sherwood's. lltf
Ixikin out of our Muclmii on Moii.tav inorn
ircg we ilKrnveri'J wal-jr oininit tl of ilia eiul
oi a host. iMiiic :v ! 4i lei t from the i; f the
Samplers Hn;sp. I pon pcins over to invnf:
ate the mystery we fouml Hie oilier euil of tlie
hose atl tcln-.l tn tin-iii:iii iiufc th;tt H ueil
for tlw Hotel kllelu'ii. ami only .me niiiu woik
iiiil the lever. Mr. tneirory i oITciin these
puniiis iu the market at very l...v prii e-. This
je.mij. it iicksio'.vieaea to he tile lie-i i'jree i;nnp
n the wnt ia. It i slrou:; and lnnMe, m sioae
jars ar.vl leather valves to net out of order, :iml
iim:;s so easy that a ehild ran work ii. One
wiil (o ut t; in a public: well on Main street
soon. Tunics uishliii: pump 'or oeep or shal
low wells should examine this one before pur
clmr'tij cN' -vltere. .1. S. Greooky,
loll Suuiiflcvs Ifra-e, l'UiUinoi'.lh, 'el).
Omaha Ads.
A -T'r- T71 -t-f
l 1. V -i
) -i o r,j in:; .:.r.
ii ii ii U f ii U i u it u it 0 u ii id 1 1; ii iJ
Corner 14th and Farnaiu Sts.
Over 3,500 Sample Fairs at prices
l-if"o00 pairs Ladies' Fine Goat,
Kid' Serye, and Foxed Rutton Shoes,
81.75 ; regular price, $3.75 to S3.50.
BUTTON' SHOES, 1.25 and 81.50
regular -5-2.25 to $3.00.
ISH AND SIDE LACE. 81.25 and
81.50; worth 82.00 to S2.50.
81.00 and 81-25; worth from 81-50 to
SHOES. Button, Laced and Elastic,
VERY FINE, at 81.50; actually worth
82.00 and 3250. IMMENSE BAR
lar price, 90c.
"TifA lot of Fine and Heavy SLIP
PERS A XI) LOW SHOES at 81.00 to
81.25; worth 81.50 to 81.73.
ALEXIS, S2.00; regular price, $2.50.
wort ! $'3.50.
3T.ME.V.S' LOW SHOES, $1.50;
worth $2.00.
$2.00,82.23 and 82.50; worth $2.73 to
and Lace, 81.00 to 81.25; worth from
$1.50 to $2.00.
SHOES, $1.23; worth $Ui0.
AND SLIPPERS, 50 and 75 cents;
worth 81.00 to 81.25.
82.00: worth $'3.00
Yon cannot fail to he suited in
some of the MANY BARGAINS we
of r.
Opposite Grand Central Ilotl.
It , Omaha X'eb.
Clolhir.g UjIow Cost.
In order to make room for a fall and
Winter stock I will sell from now till
Aug. 15th all clothing at and below
cost. Call aad examine prices.
C. G. IlmtALn.
.rATiiittt i:. ::oa:;iso,
ATTORN FA AT LAW. Will i-raMiee in fass
ami adjoining Counties ; pives speeiat atteuti n
t-) collect ions and abstracts of title. !;i:-e with
;eo.-S. Smith, Fitzgerald l'.lock, I'latt-'inoui li,
Nebraska. ''1
The firm known a r.ryan .i Cliambers have this
day (Mssolved i:nt!ierhi! by mutual consent.
Tiie business of tht firm will be conducted intl'.e
future by J. t;. t'hambers. All aecomits due
the firm "must be paid to said Chambers, and all
debts oim; bv tiie linn will be paid by lum.
l'iattsii.outh", July 7th, 1S"7.
V"M. r.UVAV.
10tj J. ii. (.'HAMHEIIS.
Notice to Physicians.
Cx.i-r:'s Oi'?'t.-r. Cai Co. Xt n.. t
l'LATTSJlOl I'lt, July 3d, lsrr. (
Seated Proposals will be received at t!ii
oHice up to Ai'tikt Tt'i, 1k;7, from practicing
physicians for the care and treafiiRiit of the
county poor, at I'oor House in Cass county, for
one year from dale of acceptance of bid said
Lid to include medicines.
15y older of Co. Commissioners.
C. 1". MonKK, Co. Clerk.
By J. W. Jen-i'u:, Deputy. HH2
l lio Centaur Liniments siniiy
subdue swellings, heal bonis ami will euro Ulieu
matism, Spavin, and any flesh, bone or muscle
ailment. The White Wrapper is for family nee,
the Yellow Wrapper for animals. A list of th
ingredients sire contained around each bottle
They are cheap, speedy and certain.
Tiio certain, sp3edy:!!Ui,iarmiefs
remedy for children, is Pitcher's Castoria. It is
as p'.e-iaiit to take as honey and as certain in
it.s effects Castor Oil. For Wind Colic,
Worms, Sour Stomach, and Di.-'ord-'rcd Dowels,
there Is nothing like Castoila. 12tl3
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives them advantage over, all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
A few City orders for sale.
Full line of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
army of elerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
How it is Done.
The first object in life with the
American people is to get rich; the
second, how to regain good health.
The first can be obtained by energy,
honesty and saving; the se ond fgoo'd
health) by using Green's August Flow
er. Should you be a despondent suf
ferer from any of the effects of Dvs
pep.sia, Liver Complaint, Indigestion
&c, such as Sick Headache. Palpita
tion of the Heart, Sour Stomach. Hab
itual Costiveness, Dizziness of the
Head. Nervous Prostration, I,ow
Spirits, &c you need not suffer anoth
er day. Two doses of August flower
will relieve you at once. Sample bot
tles 10 cents. Regular size 7, cents.
Positively sold by all first-class Drug
gists in the U. S. 11-tf-alt.
j ndifferenr nuicliin with
I which Hujlders, Cabinet
llj Makers, Waon Makers
and Jobbern in misecllaneon.s
work canlcoiiipete :us to ci ai.
TV AN'l i-iii K with steam
power manufacturing ; ;-o
Amateur's siippie.,, saw
blades, fancy wmh1s nnd le-si-''is.
Sav whem von i-e:,a
this and send for e italoirue and iirices. W. i-
1 jll.v Uai:m:;j, Koekfold. Wimieba-ro Co.,
lH. ist'.a
!'. i ' . !'.;;! i',-fi. :', r ?'. ;rp :
.'.IT.-Vs, '.Vi e ! 'i '' l i;i e v 'T:--!J' I. .
! few close will create aa appetite ami uive fresh
viior to the enervate.! body. 1'or dyspepsia, it
is invaluable. Many eminent i:;yxlrian have
doubted whether dypeola cau be permanent
ly emvd by the drills whieh are generally em
ployed for that p.irpoe. Tile Sia Weed "Tonic:
m it.s nature ij totally dtlTereiu from such drus.
It contains m corro'ivc mineral or acids; in
fart it as.-ists tin; re-fular operations of nature,
and HUpplies her deiieieneie. The toni'- in it"
nature inueh rex-nc-les the a istiie Jnire that
it is almost identical w ii that llnid. The k.:u
trio juice is the natural folveat whirli. in a
lieallhy ronditicm of the body, eau.-es Ihe food
to be d;ueted ; and hen this juiee is not excre
ted iii sufficient 'lUantities. indi.eKtioii. with all
iSdistiessi:isynipto:ns. follow. The Sea Weed
Tonic performs" tiie dn;y of th" :isrrio juice
when the latter is d'-slcieisf. So.'ienc.Vs Sea
Weed Tonic t by ail Drugs''-''-
Mrs. Svnnestvedr, of Lincoln, will be
at l'lattsmotith Tuesday and Wednes
day, July 2"Hh and 2Cth, with kid gloves,
lisle thread gloves, laces, etc., which she
will sell cheap for cash, or trade for
second hand clothing. Parties wishing
me to call at their house, please? drop
me a postal card at Plattsmouth.
Fine Boots for $".0O.
Fine sewed boots for 87.00
Alexis Utickle shoes for
Sheti wood's root & siiof Empouivm,
Plattsmouth, Neb. ll-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste anil can trim in any stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon" & Nathan.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. ttf
210 ffres in section 3fi. town twelve, ranee cleT
en. 3 mile south-east of I.ouisvil!e ttatioo, B. &
M. It. U. Cass Comity, Nebraska.
lO Acres i isiJcr Cul! Ii alio:i,
with and barn, orchard and forest trees,
plenty of spring water. Will be sold in 8tl acre
tracts if deidred. Kticjuire of Jos. .c-ihiter. jew
eler, I'lattsmoiitli, Neb. limti
Julius I'epperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer, 'on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tnbaccot's for smoking purposes.
V01 .S'ie. liest qualities of plug-smok-;ng
tooaeco always on hand. 0-tf.
I)y universal accord Ayi.ii's Ca
tiiautic I'n.r.s are the best of all pur
gatives for family use. They are the
product of long, laborious, and success
ful chemical investigation, and
their exttnsive use. by Physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized na
tions, proves them the best and most
effectual and purgative Pill that med
ical science can devise. Peing purely
vegetable no harm can arise from their
use. In intrinsic value and curative
powers no other pill can be compared
with them, and everv person, knowing
their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the system in per
fect order, and maintain iu healthy
action the whole machinery of life.
Mild, searching and elTtctual, they are
specially adapted to the needs of the
digestive apparatus, derangements of
which they prevert and cure, if timely
taken. They are the hc:,t and safest
physic to employ for children and
weakened eons'.Kutions, where a mild,
but effectual, cathartic is required.
For sale by all Herders.
Lsgal Notice.
To Tsc.'i A. l!'.u.1:ur:
Yon a.-e hereby no iacd that Mnsiric S llueb
t'.er has liicl her pet i. i-iti in liie District Couit
of Cts, county a:.d stale of Neb. svi 1 11st yea,
the object and ;-i :i er of said m it ion is that she
mav be di oi ced f i mil you. She ;d leges as caus
es therefor v. rUful abseiire on your p.ri for more
than two years, and a failure to furnish a suita
ble 1.1 -liutcuaue-'. you are further notified that
von are re iuired t" answer said petition on or
before the -7ih day of Angus'. A. I . IS77.
MA'iiilKS. HfKBXFIt.
ClIAT-MAN" . Si'KA'il'K Holiritors. I'Ai
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the Uuiicd States, for
the District of Nebraska.
In the matter of lt-'ytiolds and Coolcv, Bati-
Omaha, Nekimska, July 16, 1877.
To IF7cm it tiny Concern:
Please to take notice hereby, tt'.at a petition
has been, to-wit. on the ltti day of July, A. D.
17T, tiled in said district court by Daniel D.
Cooley, of Ashlaa l. iu s it. I district, who has
been iietvtofo e duly declared bankrupt under
the act of -Joic.tcss entitle I "An Act u estab
lish a uniform system of bankruptcy throuirii
out tiie L'nited Mates,'' approved" Hatch rM.
lsfiT. and as aui.mded. for a Ui-e!iar:;e tiud cer
titieute thereof, from aii h;- debts and other
claims tuov.ible under s lid net. and t!i tf the rid
day of Ai:jut. Is77. at 4 o'clock 1'. M..a. the of
Oceof.l. I.. Webstfr. K' , ti:e ri"L-ister in bank
ruptcy for s vid district at On. ilia in said dis
trict, is the time and place assigned for the
hearing of the same ; when and where you may
attend, and shmv cause, if any yon have, why
the pravrr of the said petition should not be
granted. WATSON 11. SMITH,
17t2 Cl'k I. S. Dtst. Court for said Dist.
In Bankruptcy.
la tiie District Court of the United Stales, for
the District of Nebraska.
In the matter of lieynoids and Cooley, bank
rupts. Or.iAitA N'r.niiASKA, July 16, 1S77.
To irhum i'fdily coucer t:
I'lcase. totake notice hereby, t n petition
lias been, to-wit. on the r.tii day of .luiy, A. D.
l!77. liled in said district court by Otis Ii. Key
nolds, of Aslilnnd, in said di-drici, who has lieen
heretofore duly declared bai.krupt under the
act cf trom;rcss entitled "An Act to establish a
uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the
I nitrd States.'' approved .Sla'rch L'd, lst;t, and as
amended, for a dischate and rertuirate there
of, from ;.il his del?s and other claims provable
under said Act. and thai the ::d day of August,
177. :;t 4 o'clnck J'. M.. at the oti'u e of J I..
Webster. Ksi., the reirister in bankruptcy for
said cii-.tiict, at (MiuWi t in sail .li-.lii.-l, is tr.e
time and place a-si:ied for lie hearing of the
same : when and where vou mav attend, and
show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of
the said petition should not be granted.
v.'a rsoN n. smith.
17t2 (ri'k S. DM. Court for said Dist.
Legal Notice.
To II. L. Harilirw, XrlVc T. Iltirding hi vife,
-l. J . ll,''ije.t a. id .1. Kccslinu, mm-ratulcnt
(it fc win tit:
You. and each of vou will pleast take notice
that cm t tie 1.11 Ii day cif .Inly. ts77, the I 10.111
Mutual Life l!iuruuee Co. of Maine, liied 'a the
ol'iice of the Clerk of the District Court, in and
for Cass count v, Nrhra-ka, its petition fettitii
forth th-ii !i llie '.'st h d.iy of Nuvember, lsT,
Wm. A'tu'T-rand Luc-ret la K. Alta'Ter, his wife,
executed to plaint itt their mort-iae deed. t-se-cure
c. -rlaiti notes I -:c 1 1 : 1 even dare w ith said
iur;aisn : also that 011 t he -jstli lav of April.
K;l. lac .iiil William a id Lucre! in K. A'tatler,
eeei;ted a second iiioit'utre to pl.iiii.iif, to se
cure certain other notes ot same dale with said
second 11101 tsira'-re : that both s.dd mortgages are
cm the follow inr described premises in l'a and
Otoe co'.mt ies. S'ebr uka. to- it t
The south-west iu:irier v1 i sect ion thirty
six (:: 111 towTisiiio ten tK-i i:rt!i. and the u'M 1 li
wot i:-.ii'i'-r of the uorih-west quarter t,4
of section one v ) i;i ton i.siiip nine (: ticirth. all
in raiifj-1-eal of t'.ic irt.i p.m. ri.iiiiiirf 8:.-t
asks a, litidiuu lhat there i: due cm said first
mites ami iiMirtsnKP 1 wi t:ly-tvo h-.ilidr;-d a-id
iifty-tive doilars and fori four een.s. wuli i
lerest tlic-rcon Irom May --1 h. 1 77. at 1 2 pel c . . .
mid on :ti.l sc-ond notes ami iiiortacu 1 i.e - .
of twenty-one hiiinlieil :i:id tv. en; y -sev.-n .
l.trs and 7 ceats. with interest thereon al 1 1 ; per annum, from April 1S7;, and l- r
the costs of tliis suit. Also asking s;nd
fiudins: may draw interest from date till pai ti
at VI per cent., ami for an attorney fee of 10 per
cent, of the amount of sat I second mortgage,
riaintiil also sets forth that snbseouent to the
execution of s;.id tuortsaK,s to plaint iff, that
defendants II. L. Hardihjr. Nellie L. Harding.
William Stadelmann. A. J. Hodges, A. Keesling.
lluttei y k Itzenby. Oec re Uoeck. .1. McCarriil
and K. ii. Dovey, claim some interest in. or lieu
on said premises, and asking iliac they be re
quired to set f 01 til th-i nature and mioiuit of
tlieir refMctive claims, am) that the same be
declared sulsecu'nt, junior ami subject to
plaint iff 's 11101 -j jane lieu, a nd 1 bat mid mortsraa
ed premises be told to ratisfv the amount of
plaintiff's decree and for eneial relief.
"1 oil will ;t!so please take u.xice ttiat uniess
you appear and answe r tin-'-ct 1 on or before the
lUtli ciabf September, 1S77. said petitiiri will
be taken as true, and uecrevf rendered thc-reou
as praved.
Ev L. Dvo CitAsiBEiw, Pl'Cs Atfy. ITU
'I- . , - -. . -'..C I "l. i'V
. .!..:;,.. t f 1 0 .-.fin , Neb . ... r..tti-.i,.;-:;tt.:i
i"..'-. ei. iv tiie. --Jta ii.y of J.tuj..r. .A. D !-.
I t 1 i- Ui:- ... r : '.r i:ifk of s.i-i c -1.: v ;;r'
" '.' !. Ii. NKiVi.i. b. Co. .Ili(i'0.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estaK; of I'iias rmbes, de
ceased. Before W. If. Nov. t-!l. Comity J ud;e,
iu and for f ass county.
To whom it Hi"; conn r i:
Take notice that C. 11. Window, of aid eoun -ty,
has tiled in my otlicn an instrument of nt
lni:. purortina to be ihe last will ancl testament
of'Kiias Forbes, and made application V have
the same admitted to i'robate, and that said
cause is set for hearing at my otliee in 1'latts
mouth, cm Momlay the crh day of Auvrost. A. D.
1S77, tit one o'c-lock p. m. of said day. at wnlch
time and place all persons interested may ap
pear ami contest the same, and shx.v cause if
uuv they have, w h v t lie said instrument oi w rit
inj; should not be allowed as the last will and
tesiHiuent of Klias Forties, deceased.
July ltith, 1877.
Wm. II. N'KWFbl., Co. Judije.
Charles II. Warner, of Loi Anuelos county, in
the State of California, and li. W. Itne, of the
State of Iowa, will take notice that Charles li.
lieck of the County of Lancaster, in the State of
Nebraska, did on the tr-lh day of July. ls77. file
Ins petition iu the District Ouirt of the Second
Judicial District, within and for Cass County.
Nebraska, turainst the said diaries H.Warner
and li. W. Lane defendants, setting lortli that
the said Charles 11. Warner gave a moitcaje to
E. W. Lane on the ea-t half of the north-east
quarter of section eighteen (1 town ten tin)
rantre ten (1") east, iu said County of Cuss, to se
cure the payment of tM-Jy . according to cer
tain notes referred to in said mortgage, and that
since the riving of said mort;:l tiie said li. W.
Lane for value a-sined. and transferred the
same to the plaintiif. jmd praying that said
Charles II. Warner and K. W. Lane may pay the
sum now claimed to be due amounting to r'ISMo
and interest at 2 percent .rom October 1st. 1S74,
together with the sum of (.;i."j taxes cm said
land, paid bv the plaintiff with interest thereon
at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, from April
2sth, 1S77, that said prenii'-es mav be sold to pay
t lie same. And the said Charles 1 1. Warner and
K. W. Lane are tierebv notified that they are re
quested to appear ami answer said petition on
or before the I'Jlh day of August. 1S77.
CHAiu.Ks II. Beck.
By Wheeler & Stone, bis Atfys. ltHTi
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a power
of i.i!e contained m a rUattel mortgage, given
on the SutU day of t etobcr, 1s7f, and recorded on
th" anh day of October, ls7i;. in book K of chat
tel morlcag'e records, on pae 4"1. cjf Cass c-oun-tv.
Neb.', bv C 1'- -Moore, recordcl, by J. W.
Jennings, "leptilv, which same mortgage was
executed by Oriliith Cooley, as mortgagor to
Emerson li'. Eaton, mortgagee to secure the pay
ment of a judgment debt, bearing date Oct. ad,
1S7, judgment for one hundred and forty-one
dollars and ei-hty-tw. cents (SMl.KM upon
which judgmeni debt the said Emerson II. Ea
ton claims th-re is due and imp ii 1 the sum of
one hundred and fortv-one dollars and c iglity
two cents (sl 11. SJ) with iuterert at the rate c f V
per cent, per annum, according t the tenor
thereof, 'ihe uiicler-igne I will sell at jnihlic
auction to the higher bidder, for cash, '.n the
first dav of August. 1s77. at one ( 11 one o'clock p.
in., at tiie soulii door of the Court House ill
I'lattsmoiitli. Neb., the following described prop
el tv, to-vi it:
i)e span of dark brown mnres. one I years o,d
and one nine vears old; also, (me roan cow, 6
years old. " E. II. Katox.
M. B. i', his agent. 1I2
Legal Notice.
To IJa Yanh irn:
You are hereby notified flint 'Miry V. Alien
did on tiie 11th day of May. A. D. IS77, file her
petition in the Distric t Court of Cass County,
and State of Nebraska, airaim-t you and Henry
C. Vaiihorn. lili.abetli Vaniiorn. Kebecca Van
honi. and Jo-c-pii Vnnliorn jr., heirs at law of
ihe estate of Joseph Vanhorn. deceased. The
object and pnver of said petition is to correct
an alleged mistake In the description of land
conveyed or intended to be coi.v eyed by Joseph
V auburn, sen., (now dwenedi f.iol llebi-cra
Vanhorn to t-anl plaintiff, by deed made, exe
cuted, and delivered on tile 1st day of epicm
ber, A. D. Is7i!, said petition alleges tl-it Ike de
scription cf the premises Lilendcd to be con
veyed by said deed was erroneous a- part of
the preiidses intcKdc (I to be conveyed in this,
to-wit: instead of reading "all of lot number
two not deeded to Joseph auliorn, Jr., and
enough of lot number three (3i so as to tr'.akei !
acres." It i-hould have read and was intended
bv the p.uiies to said deed to read "forty acres
oil of the south side of lot number thi'ie (:; in
section 17, town in. north of rane 11 east, said
f irtv acres h ing sour li of and ad joining ceven
and" (7a nens owned bv Joseph
Yanhoni. jr.. in said lot number three t:i, and
the object and prayer of said petition is to have
said deed corrected so as to read in accordance
with the above allegation, you are further noti
fied that vou are required to answer said p ti
lieu on or before the Irttti day of August. A. D.
1877. or said petition will be taken pro toiifesso,
and decree entered accordingly.
Makv r. Al.I.F.N.
Ey Chapman & SniAorK solicitors. l.'.ti
Legal Notice.
To Ida Vanhorn:
Vou are hereby notified that Joseph Vanhorn
ir.. did on Hie I7;h day of M iy. A. D. 1S77. file
bis petition in tiie Dis'uiet Court of Cass Coun
ty and State of Ne'-raska. iigaiust you;:: cl Hcn
iv C aiihoiu. Eli.alx-l h Vanitoni. liehecca
Vanhorn, and Mary i". Allen, heiis at lawoltlie
cslaie of Josepii aiihoi u. dec-eased. The ob
ject and pra -r of said pet ii ion is to correct an
alleged iiiisiitKe in the description of land con
veyed or intended lo be conveyed by Joseph
Vanhorn. sen., (now deceased"! and Kebeeca
Vanhorn. to siii-.l plaintiff, by deed made, exe
cuted and delivered on theeth day of Septf-m-ber.
A. D. !S7;i, said petition alleges that le
penption of the premi-es ititended to be eoavey
iu i said deed was erroneous as to part of the
premises intended to be conveyed in (his, to
wlt : Instead of reading "all of lot number one
and enough of lot number '2 to make the aggre
gate just forty (4to acres in section 17, town in
ten. range 14 fourteen." il should have read and
was intended by the partb-s to said deed lo read
h11 (f lot number t woc'i containing thirty-two
and one third acres and seven and" two-
thiids (73 ) off of the north side of lot number
three (3) all in section seventeen (17) town lo,
north of range fourteen (14) east, and Ihe object
and prayer ot said petition is to have said deed
corrected so as t lead in accordance with the
above a.bval ion. you aiv fun. her notified that
you are required to answer said petition on r
before the l.ith day of August. A. D. Is77, orsaid
petition ill be taken pro coab-sso and decree
entered accordingly. Joski-m Vamiokn, Jit.
DV f HA I'M AN & fSI'IlACjl'Ksoileilors. 1..I4
Legal Notice.
In the County Court within and for Cass Co.,
In the matter of the etate of Jacob Bachelor
Take notice that the final report of Joshua
Oappin. administrator of said estate has been
filed' im my oliice, ami that I have appointed Ju
I 'JMd. A. D. Is77. at on. o'clock p. m. as the
Iii, le and jlace of examination of said report, at
my oliice m riattniout!i. Nebraska, at which
time and place all persons interested may ap
pear and show cause if any they have hy said
report should li-.t be received ami al'oued as
and for a final rep. u t, and accounts of said ad
ministrator and the said Joshua i;..ppin be dis
charged. Witness my hand and official seal of this Court
this -iih day of June, A. D. 1s77.
lr.trj Wm. II. Xf.wkli.
Probate Notice.
Iu the matter of the I'robate of tiie last will and
testament of John Compton. d cea-.ed. lie
fore Wm. II. Newell, futility Judge, withii.
ami for Cass Co., Nebraska.
I'd n-hiim it inoy concern:
Take notice that Maria Compton lias filed in
my o:i;-e an instrument. of writing, purporting
to be tiie last u ill and testament oi John Comp
ton, deceased, and made application to have
the sanm admitted to probate, and that said
cause is set for hearing at mv ofiice in I'latts
mouth. on the 2"th clay of .Icily, A. D. 1S77. nt
one o'c'oek p. in., ef said clay, at which time and
place ail persons interested may appear ami
contest the same and show catie if any they
have why the said instrument of writing .shoulcl
not be allowed as the last will and testament of
John Coinpt'iti deceased.
Witness my hand and oficial seal at Platts
nioutii, Nebraska, on thi- roili day of June A.
D. 1X77. W.M JL N KWK.1.L, Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
To IIm !-ic 31. TiuU.j:
Vou are hereby iioti"d that Ifet.iietta II.
Turtle has filed tier petition iu the DM net Court
of Caw IV'im: y and Stale of Nebraska, against
you. the object and prayer of said petition is
I hat sac may be dnoie-d from you. she alleges
as causes therefor, willful absei'ee on your part
for more than two vents, and a i.Lp.u. e t ( irnish
a suitable maluiai. .auce. you are I urt her not ihcd I
that you are required to aiinuer sanl p- til ion on I
or o. ioie i tie i.ta ilav ot August, a. ji. is, 7.
HK.NKliri 1 A 11. i'L lTI.F.
I'll VX AN & SPRAOt i:. sot-cilors. 14t 4
V.y : i. , oi .11 Ceeit.i-.:i issued i ' Wlil.L.
'.' '!. cii v.: .1 Di-ii i.-t t'oi.t'l. .si-ci.-nd Judicial
: i -.-: n-i. 1. 1 bin and i"i :e- .'cmnly. Nebraska.
in mi' iiinv;.-ii. i wid on tie- 'tn d :y of
-I u;y. V. !. IH77. a. i : o' . a. hi., of said nay.
at Incsoiitii iiimi ni .ie c oiiit Hi liie
c-ity of I latlsmoiu a. hi said cuuit v. s;"TI at pub
lie auction the- loliowinvf rel es.ule to-wit :
IvOts live, six. seven anil elht ). (i, 7 jfc In
blocTk one ( 1 1, in Miekcdu ait 's iiddilion to the
citv of I'lattsiuoutu, Nebraska ; also lots one,
two, three and four, ILL', rl i ! '. ill block two (2)
in same aiblition ; also lots one, two, three,
four, live, six, seven and c i-bt, (I. 2. :i, 4, 6. 7
& s). iu block three (.:). i'l Paine addition ; and
aiso lots one. two, three and four, ( 1, 'j. :i K 4). in
block tour ( 4i iu i-aiiie addition ; and lots one,
two, three, four. live. six. seven. ei;ilit. nine and
ten, (I. 2, 3. 4. i. (S, 7, S. y & 10 in sect ion twelve,
(121. town twelve it2i. north rarize thirteen i i:ii.
east of tiie sixth (cub) piiie ipal mei i.ti.m, as i
? by the plat of Wheatlev and lllissinnia r
Mickelwait cm file in Ihe Comity trleik's cilice !
of Cass Count v, Nehrasktt : The same belns lev- i
ied il:on and taken as the property of heat
ley Mickelwait, defendant; to satisfy a Jud;
inent of s;tid Court, recovered by John D. Tutt,
rialtsmouth, Neb., June 27th, A. D. Is77.
iL li. OLTLKK,
lito Sheriff.
r 9
is larger than he expected, and h-r
all present stock on liau.l at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
ITemeinis-r the new stand down town, a 00
FOOT S'i'oltii. Two stores full of furniture.
l'efore I prick it away and have So handle it
all over. I want to sell cdl a good deal. Now II.
your time ti buy,
In riatts:iiouth. Neb., on Fourth St.. about the
you will find :
Corn rlaiiiersj (hand &, Iiorsr)
Stirring 5Blovs,
SuJIiy 1'lauH,
and all kinds of Farm Implements ami
Shelf Hani ware. Tin Ware, &.C., Slc.
Hungarian and Millet. ,
Seed for Sale
?1K1 f '
Wagon, linggy, Jfac'iinc and Flow re
pairing, and general jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repaiiln
of farm and other machinery, us there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the waon shop.
He is well known as ft
NO. 1 WOr.K.MAN.
"Yew "ITasronn nticl IJnje ri.trte lo
S ATI S FA CTI O N il V A Ti A N'T !' Kl.
Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable
Strove " from Flatt-mouth on Tiieful '.y- inorn
ir.L". the l.'.th dav of Jlav, 1-77. one bay noise, to
vears o".. and aliour l.1ia!id liih. a little white
on one hind hoof, blind in left eye. cannot tell
his blindness only by trying IlK? "eve. The eye
appears as rood. "ami is'jis full as riitht eye. Any
information lciidinir to his recovery liberally re
warded, (.ili.'i F. -M. Doi:nixc;ro-.
The cjM r.ONNHIi STAP.I.FS In riatlsmonlh
Neb., have been leased by Dr. ."ones, and he
.i:,io,t i, in...- :imiI ti:MH?soMie livcrv in t b is
well Known barn. The linos t and best of horse 8 j
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or lo Trade.
I desire tr rrrive notice lhat I have a larsre.
handsome brii-k barn, w it h plenty of room lor
horses and wagons. 1 can put farmers stock
an 1 wagons, loads of grain or anything all un
der cover, ii. the dry. Keiiicmber Ibis.
Thankinjrnll mvoUpations for their many
favors. I solicit their trade this comimj year,
satisfied I can accommodate them better and do
better by thein than ever before. 3-yl.
niachiiiiMt, & an old .linker and Hun
ner of '1 11 relil s f!arliiiie4,
has opened ashoj) on Sixth Street near Mr. Don-c-lly's
lllacksmith and Wuk"" Shop where he has
prepared himself to do any and rill machine work
without exception. He has a No. 1 Lathe can
turn in wood, iron, Steele, and all ot her metal in
connection with machine work. He can do any
tiling required in a (iunsmitli. even to making a
jrun.of which we have the evidence in a 1'at.
breach loader throwing one two or three balls at
once at will of the ituuiier.
Mrfieo. V. Shraiier a farmer near Mock 111 tiffs
an old aeiuaintance of r.Ir. Kinser from Yiruin
ia c-au be refered lo iu recard to his former con
nection with the manufacture of t hrestiinu ma
chines, tiiv Mr. Kinser a cill and will insure
you satisfactory- v.'orli m any part of a Thresh
in Machine. W-mO.
il.i.e II-. loom lo r.v'i.iui .M l, . jur.oi' -..- 'oji.-,-
ant and honorable. omen. bo s and trills do
as well as men. We w ill furnish you a comjdi-fe
.1... , iil I'll 'im " i t iim timii J
tiling else. " We w ill benr evpeiise f starting
you. rarticulars free. Wwte and see. Karm
i'ls an-i mechanics, their sons and daujihb-rs,
and all classes in need id paying work at home,
should v.ri e to us and learn' all about the work
at once. Now is the time. Don't delav. Ad
dress ''UK X Co.. Angu.s.a, Maine.
AnrjoCan't be tnade bv every n::ctit every
HjJiliiiontll in the business we furnish, but
u)ij J fj those willing to work can easily earn a
(liizeu doll.ii's a day ri'it In theli own localllics.
Farmers Improve Your Stock,
i -Mil I ''V'
It -r.- ;!.''. ' .111.1,
5 :-&r- 5 - . - '. - : - - - ' - - ' - v:. - - r
lSv!5';V vO'rr.fiiJ j
. ' "'T-g'- S-!MB--t
We were the first to introduce thi- very worthy variety of swine Into this couuii Ii i
tested liiem thoroughly and we are t-onviiiced they are by "far the mot valuable breed for t
fanners c f this count ry for l he follow in;j rea-sons :
Kaily matuiity, (U!et dis(ositU!i, Kood breeders, good mother, aii.1 Ibe vei-y best breed
the world to eroi-s with the bue eoai'e breeds, giving Ihem beauty of form, iuiprovini; O -fattening
qualities, and jrieatly improving tl.e quality of t!ie bams, whicdi ate ucl exeeileil
any other breed. Their color is black, the skin is pcrleetly smooth, and very thin and v. hi,
behee they have nosctnf or skin disease; which white liogs'aie sine to u't In a black soil c - r
try, and they are u4 KJj.ct to clmlcra in eommoii with other sw ine. They aie the lnr;i ':
the small breeds, making from three to four hundred tfs in tuie j car sometimes reach i.o-. i
Too pounds and crn be (alrvd at any aue.
We have now a very choice lot of pis from mt different importations, :nd are prepare-',
mate piijs propeily for brcedin?, and warrant every pig pure K.-sex or no Side.
-T.--.f-;-' rni;r" n .-
iA' t..i;i; I'. i.iVA.
. ?
rToMC I3I.M13
I ' ul r.. ) uw I uni- ' -i -
jit -... ;j,:i,!...'A.U ' J ST -
m- f
FOK ts A I r li I'.V
1'LATTsMoi TH. N"i:i:.
Fosstsses tJte Following Xupei iorili
1. It Is iiAvr afTeclcd by frost -rfi'tiirin? In
tappin;;. ot the handle or oilier cat--.
j. 1 1 starts v itlt t he liivt or second m"l i n of
the handle, and I he How ceases the iiiotrmrit yen I
stop, lcavimc no drippings to lorm mud or : e ift
vi inter, on mid around the platform.
3. It thoroughly vciiuhile.i Ihe cl!, lidding
it of foul air.
i. It caves its cost every year Iu labor ; i: run-
eo easy
5. It is in valuable In ras.; of lite an eigiiif
c-er readv at vour door.
6. Tlie'cvlimlcr bcinii of etoee. nt'.l "lazed :
the InMde. Is euiial to ula.-s. and iikicIi stnmncr
there- is no slimr.- i- tilth ftcr enlleeiiiiK on it.
7. The well ieiiiircs uc clcanim; out aiicroli.
of these pumps is s.'-t in one that Is c lean.
8. It combines both tiie atmospheric and forec
principle, u hic-li uives it an ecual pressure b i:
t lie water, t In un im: a nteady si roam, bed h ii if
the up ami down motion of the bamlle.
l. I bis pump always brinrrs cool v.-.-ilcr front
the start, the aU-r Maiidinn below- the l.l.itlull.t
in a stone cylinder.
10. The 1'iuekets may be removed at any lliiic
Without inovini; the pump or plalfoi'M.
Thc-v will throw from fitly to seventy-five feet
from the end of a hose, Irom veils up lo sixty
feet deep, l!h one hand power.
'1 hey are al-o very useful for washing furiia'
pes, vc'ihdov. s, spritiMltij; law i:s. c.c.
oisr -iviviiT ST-EiE-x, of Flatte Valli-y lloti.-ic.
In the Town.
Good Ttams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers S3iit with car
riages if ck
Carriage? sent to Depot to meet all haii.c
whenever ordered.
TuiirraN at tended ainl carriages fnrnKlied to
rleloN. Aifiiu-'
l'llaltsmoiilh, N-l.
5 ' l
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f: 2 r
rr J2 m
"5. ' g
S 'EJ ' 2 -
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Si ."J
Z e-t-
'i CO
3 ?
"" 7.' J-
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c L.
3 s
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Lounges, Tables, Bedst ead r.
I.TC-., ETC, 1-.TC-..
Of All Ihsrij)tion.
Of all sizes, ready made ami sold ch'-apfor d-.'.
With many patronage. I ii. i
Invito all to call and rxniniue my
4otf. Fi'KxiTi Ki: a:vi wrns,'
i'. '
- - ' - j'. ' -- ' -v. .-r.xi
i: ;.
I 1 1 : , i I i t I
b . v,i I
Hip;n , Von Du lil: Co., i. nal