TYPOGRAPHIC RECOLLECTIONS. uy tiik initial w. So. I. AN EXTEKPKIStNO DliVIt- Thirty odd years ago, typographical apprentices were usually 'bound' to iearn the art and m story of a printer' as the old documents have it. I was then only an indentured novice my self, and ranked with the the juvenile imps of the craft, many of whom re sided in their masters households. It frequently ecu re J that I was sent to other offices and thus I became ac quainted with many an odd circum stance, and queer personages young and old. I propose to ainuse the read ers of the Electrotyper with occasion al reminiscences, as opportunity and memory permit, under the caption above written. The first recollection that rises in ray mind, concerns a rollicking, scrape grace youngater, whoso acquaintance I made by meeting him in the morn ings before working time. His name was Jerry S. Like myself he was a bound boy, not over fifteen years of age, and 'devil, roller-bo;r, and errand runner in common, in the establish ment of Mr. Y. a well known and rather eccentric printer, of Philadel phia, at that time, but long since de ceased, Jerry lived with his master's family when at home, and he was obliged to perform certain domestic services as they happened to ba required of him. 1 shall preface my story of the lively lad, somewhat further, by stating that he was quick-witted, active and useful but brim full of mischievous fun. and fond of original experiments and per formances, mechanical and otherwise. He was also given to meddling with matters not strictly within his prov ince, en I little could escape his prying curiosity or handling, unless well lock ed up, whether inside or outsile the office. Twice each week it was Jerry's pre scribed duty to accompany Mrs. Y., his master's wife, to the market and carry back the purchases. On one of these occasion, the lady invested in half a dozen half-grown pure-white and beau tifully feathered chickens. These, on account of their sprightly appear ance, were permitted to live on and roam the ample houseyuds of the Y's. which premises were next adjourning the printing office. In a little vvhi'e the young foul3 be ing well fed and petted, becarae very tame and familiar with the members and attaches of the household. Per haps it was two or three weeks afier their purchase, and occupation of the new quarters, when Mrs. Y. announced to her husband and the assembled diners at her table, one noon, that the growing pullets had developed a num ber of bright scarlet feathers making a very marked contrast with the snowy white ones in all other parts of their covering. When dinner was done, master and apprentices visited the chickens, and after close observation all present decided they were uncom mon, and none had ever seen similarly marked poultry. Jerry was ou" of the number, and for onco he was passive aud merely looked ou. Mr. Y. mentioned the curious plumage of the fouls and several persons, and ero long a number of callers came to view them, among whom were several so called chicken 'fanciers,' who were so much impressed with the oddity that they offered good sums for the new chickens. These proffers were not accepted, as it was not the de-ire of tLe lady who owned the fouls, to turn thera into money again. Surprise aud curiosity were largely augmented a few days latter by the fresh discovery of Mrs. Y. that there suddenly appeared decidedly blue feather, in harmonious juxtaposition to the red ones, in various parts of the now highly prized bip?ds. .Still no one sf-emd to have a suspicion that the striking change in the plumage of the tender fouls, was other than natural to them, and not one supposed it to be a smart bit or Jerry S's. deviltry. Even professed poultry breeders examined Lhem, and, being unable to explain the peculiarity, were content to call it a "strange freak- of nature," or that the birds were of a new variety. Meanwhile j Jerry, the sly dogwho had accomplished the i;n;Ksition, hug sred himself with very delight over his successful delusion of s many parsons. Mrs. Y. had a la-ge fanciful Gothic cage raue fur her pets, and her market Loy had the unblushing temerity to propose a name for the r.vw style" of fouls, whkh the simple hearted lady actually adopted. Gradually, familiar visitors were calmly informed that they were the "American National .Banner Chickens," very rare indeed as nobody else had them. The Centen nial was not then in vogue, or it is bearly posible that u different appela tion might have been suggested. Successful adventurers and charla tans not unfrequently are emboldened to carry their schemes a step to. far. This was master Jerry's fate Xot content with fooling people to the "top of their bent," he must need .accom plish the. dethronement of his own ar tistic, although unrecognized, genius and tumble back to the common dust heap to bo derived as an impudent trickster. So wags the world always. Humbug, to be accepted and admired as wonderful and true, must never ex hibit its most simple tool, but work naturally, slowly, and by small degrees, until even a preposterous thing is con sumated. People will swallow much if it be administered to them in small pellets, and with due caution, until an entirety of magnitude will bo "taken in," and the recipients ask, as did Oli ver Twist, '-for more." P. T. Barnum has demonstrated this truism again and again. Jerry's exploits tickled him to such an extent that he supposed he could go still further in the same direction with like impunity. The facts are, his previous operations were brought about by his dicovery, in a private re ceptacle for such things, of several small pots of prfe ions, bright colored printing inka, which had never been used in the ottice until then. In. the place were kept gold sizing and bronze powders, which observation had taught the diabolical young scamp the method of using, at that period reckoned as oils of the "mysteries" of the craft, comparatively ppeakijig. These latter articles he applied with precision to the legs and beaks of the already var iegated fouls ;u he had before applied j the colors to the plunge. The last result was rather stunning. Prom tawny drab, the parts receiving the coatings of sizo and bronze powder became like new brass. It was too much. The last "fraud" was immedi ately apparent, and it led to the discov ery of the other.?. Jerry received a reward of merit, in the shape of a sharp castigation, from the hands of his master, osleusibly for encroachment on sacred preserves at the office, although some thought it was because the boy had succeeded in victimizing his employers common sense, in reility. For a full week af ter his punishment the aspiring 'devil' sullenly arid spitefully brayed out ink aud rolled the forms. Late comers to view the strange birds whose fame had gone abroad, were told they were disposed of, as in deed they were, by being decapitated and stripped of their gairish and fatal though innocent glory. One day Mr. Y. drily (perhaps wretchedly) said to master Jerry that he must hasten back from an errand as the dinner that day would include a pot-pie make from the "American Na tional Danner" and bronzed breed of chickens. Jerry failed, however, to put in his claim for a share of the (under other circumstances) dearest dish of his de sires. "Whether he went dinnerless or otherwise I am not aware ; but for a considerable time thereafter the enter prising 'devil' dreaded a chicken meal with others of the family because of the memories it was liable to recall at his expense. Mr. Y. was always talka tive and facetious at table, and Jerry knew he would have no chance to re tort. I am glad to report that Jerry S. served out his term of appienticfrhip aud became a hand pressman, working inXcwYoik and other large cities. Ten years ago he emigrated to Califor nia, whre I hope he .is thriving, and still in the flesh, as an energetic and good wcrkmdn such as I last knew him to be. To the Editor of Vie I.Jer Orccm. What is the difference between Jo Medi'd and John A. Logan? Ans. Medill is i?i-congurous and Logan is out of Congress. The Globe-Journal, of Falls City has changed hands, havirjg been purchased by Mr. Jacob Dailey, who comes from Pennsylvania to Falls City to embark in a newspaper enterprise. FIX. Party (about to ask for a subscrip tion.) I am so glad we have met, Mrs. Chodder. I wanted to speak to you ahem the Idiot Orphans' Fund." Mrs. C. "Dear! dear! poor child, did he stray far? Law ks-a-mnssy I Fund, is he then? Why, hi didn't heven know he were lost!' "Mary, I do not approve of your en tertaining your sweetheart in the kitchen," said a lady to her servant. "Well, ma'am, its very kind of you to mention it; but he's from the country you see, ma'am and I'm afraid he's to shy and orkard in his manners, ma'am for you to like him to come up into the parlor," replied Mary. "Mamma," said a little five-year old, "what is a widow aud what is a wid ower? TLe mother explained to the liiitle fellow, and by way of further ex planation, said, "If you f-hould grow up and get married, and your wife should die, why then you would be a widower." "Oh, no I wouldn't," said the little fellow, "I'd court another girl." "Miscellaneous Items. Nantucket has a j;iil without a pris oner. Expense of maintaining the insti tution last year only 1S3 !'2. 'a large portion of which was expended in re pairs. The smallest compositor in the coun try lives in Georgia. lie is eight years old. fifty inches high, and enn set a newspaper column of solid minion in a day. Frank Buckland, the Enghsh natur alist, says that the skins of snakes, if dried and nroperly purified, might be u.nde into very attractive trimmings for ladles' dresses. Some of tho life insurance compan ies are incorporating in their now pol icies a suicide clause to read that the policy shall be vitiated if the insured die by his own hand, "whether sane or insane." .. Queen Victoria goes walking in a short dark petticoat; the heels of her boots are not half an inch high, the soles are broad and thick, and they are never blacked. The Loudon Globe complains of the increacl use of the revolver by the criminal classes in London, and warns the police to stop the sale of sword sticks, which are openly disposed of in the streets for sixpence each. The amount of crude petroleum pro duced in Pennsylvania last year was 8,963,0- barrcls.um average of 24.57:3 barrels per day. The total amount of shipmen s of crude and refined oil was 10,191,432 barrels. How to ferment a malt liquor which shall combine the non-intoxicating charactei of the German lager beer with the incomparable flavor of English pale-ale," writes an Enclish brewer to the London Times, is what he and his brethren Lave got to learn. The Cherokesshave over eighty com mon schools. The Chickasaws have four public and about ten district schools. The Choctaws have two pub lic and over fifty district schools. The Creeks have three public and about thirty district schools. Itice powder, which is much used by ladies upon their faces, is said to often contain lead, which renders it very in jurious. If a little iodide of potash is dropped upon the powder, the presence of lead will be releaved by its turning yellow. A Turk holding a considerable pos ition in the State will take a handful of boiled rice from the common dish, and, after having squeezed all the wa ter out by working it well in his handf will put the lump into the mouth of a guest as a mark of pecular favor. TT2r Ffib ULTAffl f r a onr adveruaer iia3 not nima hia advert! mtnt altogether distinct, we will interpret aud elabo rate it aa follow : k. st. pooti;. 3r.T., Atithor of rtain Homo lIk, Medical Common S-nxo, hcifiir in Story, etr.. I'M Lexington Avniiu (our. Ei-t Sth Street), New York, ai IsoKrENiE2i Fhisiciah. trrU all forma of CinywiHa r Cirotiic niwunea. and receives letter from ail parta of the Civilized Wobu. By Lis orlgifiil way cf conducting a Vledioa'alTTao tlr he U uncoes-fully tresfrir r.uinerou. irneenM in K u rope, the Vet Indiea, tmliiitii ot Cauatla, and in every part of the United atatcfl. Or dek-trrious drug used. He baa, during the part twemy three years, treated uwsfuUy iir:y or quit 4tl,00U cases. All fa't connected with each ca-e ara car.-fiilly recorded, whether they be communicated by letter. or in person, or otwerved by the lictor or bit associate phyiricUna. Tbe latter re all acienufia medicul men. E0W INVALIDS AT JL DISTA2P 52 Ara treated. AU invalid at a rtistAiice art quire to answer a list of r'ain qnertion winch eiiciia every lymirtom under wSioh the Invalid Miller. AU coin munK' iuo'M treated ntrictiy cunfi uutitil. A cimipU-bi Tste:n of rejrixterins freventa mwtkes or confusion. Lint of qaestiimn Kent free, on upli5itin. to any pari of the world. 8iity-pure pamphlet of Kviuknceh ot fueca. alao sent free- AU tlwe testimonial are from thoe who have Me n treated by mail and expreaa, AnvicK in oFFiez, oh bt mail, rati or chabcg. Caii ou or address DR. E. B. rOOTS, Ko. 120 terirgton Ave., V. Y. Jiu.rtfi 1o stll UTovies Tlain Jfcmtlhlic mid yScdicui Conuncn. Sense: Jilso Jfr'Fcefts Science in Story. 7 Uftflfi(l.U. KKLl-M' .. ... Hurray; Dr. Bergs;' Toils Bowel tsi Xila Villa. These ptliaars as iaf.iili'.iie reir.t.ly for const :p itinn and wilts caa'w t ty we-tntr or (:,pr'2.-i"n of tht vn.tiitif? motion of iiic. b-r-veJa. TUcj very piiit-.s iacreaie ths aotsvty ot il".e inte:ii,a crnal. pr.duci 4ofc stoo1 aid reliere pile at oiiJ. Tl:'i-.;.u Ihm Sra cared by them, i'l-.- o S centa. sui.i by ::-.vl f ro-!-t. of price. Pr-pi tJ oily lv F. ALFSKD K'UCUVlli T. PutHttACwr, 4U4 lot-b ca Avkscv, Saw I'm Cm. , . Khubsj'o and Dasdel oa, TV bt combin ttion of purely ver tab'e nudv 41 lo ent.rely r-p!ce Calomel or i!!ue 1'i.l. It Rtinin!j the iivirr. tnure'Md.4 th flow of bile, and tun rem vrt at jnm torp. i.ty f the. liver. b:l!'niiea and !ml :lnl Mil' tTca'.i.a. :in t the dic.t ariiin from B::ch ai ivipe a. eic bevl che. flr:nlPti", etc. Thetfl'ei t:r;-:iew of t-Mi Bxtrict will be proved, vi-iib!y. at o'c a tae pitico:, as -n or two i.ottliv are Rihicient to s't.nr the conapeici m beautifa'lv. and remove ri'np'ci aJ stiii e.insed ly liver trocb es. Trice ft pr b-ittle. 5 bottloa. $S, will be eent on ro-ipt of the price to anv ad-Ire, free of charge iYenand onlv by f. ALFRED UB1CH A HOT. 1'a AliiiAriOT, tuiioiinjr Avagrcc. liiw You (ti. . B. FOOTE, M.D. 120 Leiintoa ATenne, NEW YORK, Fred. Gor dor's Implement Emporium TUIKD STKEET, XOET1I OF MAT, Is the place to buy every kind of Agricultural Implement. SULKY GANG PLOW, of the Chlmgn Flow Co.; STANDARD NEW HI DING CULTIVATOR, of RocJiford, III.; NEW 3TONITOR, (Cherli Row) CORN PLANTER; CHAMPION and other CELEBRATED HARROWS 'SazzmQii1 audi 'Fella' Wagons, SINGLE and COMBINED REAPERS and MOWERS,' New Manny. Wiampiou, and others.) WOODS' REAPER, MOWER, AND HARVESTER, (with Stlf-Rindiwj attachment.) THE VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINE, Nicliolln, Shepjmrd & Co. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Sale. FRED. GOltDEll, OSlce in J. V. llVckbacU's Store, corne 'lain and Tliird Street. TH BUY THIB BEST! E "NEW" AMERICAN a? !S3 D. A. KEN YON, Mannytr, BOOT 3sm SHOS Cor. E. 28A St. Ail Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND HECEIYE3 Letters from all 2firts of the Civilized World. BY H'3 CEICISAL WAY Cf CoaflnctiflE a HeSical Praclic HE IS TREATISa Wumeraug Patients in Europe, th West Indies, tli3 Dominion of Canada, and in every Stato of the TJni.cn. ADVICE CSVEN BY MAIL FREE OF GHAflGE. Ko merenrTal rneJIclne. or d3leterlcm cSrnca nc1. Ilaa during tte jiaat twentj years treated pm- - fully nar!y or quite 40,100 c---. AU cii ncctod with rach cna arft orjf:illy n'OTil whether tlioy be cfinnour.!cejed by ktvr or in person, or cbservwl by tho Doctor or his a?-c-:r. tn lTisiciai.s. Xite latter ure all eoiuiitUls luculcal tr.f-n. a'l Invalids at a distance are require! to nnswor an x?endJ list of pl:ia question, which will b furnished by mail free, or at the office. A com plete Ryslcin of rcsi'tcrinir ireverttii miRtiikc cr confusion. Case book. never conMiltrd, exc-ft by the jiliysiclans of the esiablixhm- fcr.. F.r fre. consultation aend for list of questions. A sixty jvpe pamphlet of evidenced of aucccu pent fire also. Atiarett Ir. IZ. TJ. FOO'l'r:, Box 7S8, Tiew AGENTS VA?iTuD. Dr.. Footi la thu author ot '"Miwai. V. :. -Hon Sessb.' a lxi.k thjtt rea. h--d a c n;::;. )., of over 250.000 copies; also, of '"IV.:-! !!:: Talk." mors reevntfy prWWw.!, w'.wcl: t-n -to tbc rxu-ut of T'.V'id oiJ.es ; nlso, of i!is i IS BlOBT,"V4Uut is now be:ng publUhud ui tci. . CONTESTS TABI.FS of all, excepting the tin-t-inentiontj work (ilnb Is oot of I'rint). will be wnt free on nuplica .r. to either iJr. Toote, or tbe tariij E "nV. r 'v izs C:piI7, whose ofiV:eu 129 F-tct 'i-.h i'tit.i. AkciiU both men anJ women nonted to the f.ircjjiing worku, to whom a libei.-l -n tit ill be allowed. The beginning of email ft-rii"i:r fiave been made in selling Tr. I'ooi po; u'--work. mPli IIomk Talk" Ih ai;.c;i rh auptcd to adult, and SciEMfK in Sirav" i jtit the thing f"T tbe y.mns. f' ljd 1T i-.nt-'i.'s . tables and see for y ourfl vim. Tlie former ain-w- n a mn'.tirude of question which lai-'i-K ami :.: e men feel a delicacy about o-kit:s of their hy :ci:i:-.; Thtte is uotliisjg In l!u-rt::re at all li'te ith.-i f the f "t'R'ing worl.s. "ScimcK IS Ftoky cai oo'y be hail of at'f uta or of thv Vubiixl .rs ' Pl.i!N llMM.iTAl.IC" !a pnb:!shd f Ei.l.i.h ar. 1 .eintn lnnuafra. Ouce m r. i-1 . -y-B.l..iT.i,- -'ii;- i-iVi i;:v , iKfcifcf Jf Kxcclsior Copying- H;)o"u. la;lc of (Mtn'tcat Puj'r. Q'licklv cop.' s :inv v.riili;fi WIiIlOl 'l" Wjitrr, I'liKS'.or tsitrstl. uscil ;il lniii, liiiiary .r of ticc. For Ladies wishing to rot;iitt eop.ies of let ters, every business mtiii. oriyiiii i;. c; ri'esii ilenlx. lr;i'v -iels II IS ie v i In tl'ie ei! at sig'it. S ml t ;ii.d w e v iil scud a :m pnire book, letter size. UY M A 1 1, jmi J t any address. Ye refer to ittiv t'oeiiiiei-.ial Aeu.v. Scud s?;fi i.,r .ZfiiH'('i:v.:!:ir. .1'f'.t.iOK SlV'Xti GO TO THE This Ivlachiiie is Ofiered to the Public Upon its Merits Alone. I.l;;ld and Still Running Qualities, ami its Self-Threading Needle and S.'-l:tjul itiiiij Ti i..:on:, nuke it the JfoU Desirable Machine in the world. FRANK CARRUTII. A GE N T, PL A TTSMO UTH, NEB RASKA . fvdicral ll'istcni Office -2 llouglas Street, Omaliu, Xb. 4 ml Herald Office FOR YOUR .tKr AEXlfi w.mU'd. ilKMSU. 111. 4letj (s.Gont AD OK ASS AS ACUVE. f -ti ! , ---.. --.rl r'- r.lr i.: '. - a .".d.-t.- - -. '.-j .' "iC 3 - j . r. J.-.-T Tor Throat. Lungs. Asthma, and Kidaeys. Torest Tar SoSution, g cr Infcab.tion f:r Ciiiarr't. Consumption, Yt liroi.ii.uib, uiitl Ahiliuia. Merest Tar Troches, cr nr", Ttiront, Hor.rst'aeaa, Tickling Cougo and tj I'urifyiiittLe liicatu. pTorcst Tar Salve, a cr liealirc Itirloler.t Sores, Ulcers, Cut3, Bares, 3 auu lv-r l'lKs. orect Tar Soap, or Chapped IL-cdJ. Salt Kheuin, Skia DIseaaes, 3 the loilct anil l ath. Sorest Tar inhalers, cr Irhalins for Catarrh. Consumption. Astnina. Xor Sale by all Druggists. MIKE SCHNELLBxCIIER, AND WAGON LFPAIItlXC All kinds of FAKM IMTLFMENTf- ' mended . Neatly cf- Promptly :0: Horse, 3Iulc & Ox Sliociiic;. In sliort, we'll shoe anj tiling tliat Jias four feet, from a Zebra to a dirano. Come and see us. on Fiftb St.. between Main nnd Vine Stioet? . just neross the corner Irciu the E HKKALI THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN,CT. Prices Reduced. "The Family Favorits" IMPROVED New Mode! Machine. LI2HT-RU3XM3, HCISELES2, No Gears, No Cams, No Sprine. SEW 151) ELEGJL5T 11113 OP WOODWORK. By the expiration of Patents under which we hare fceen jwying royaltiea, we are enabled to soil our Ma chine at Greatly Reduced Prices, and aa low as thoeo of any first-claas machine. SEHD FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS. SSWIlTa 1IACHI1TE CO, 203 Wabash Av., Chicajo, IIL. F03 SALE BT VV xj.il LI 11 U2d O V V XJ. iL XJL .LJ 11 lias eomij Utjtit, And he has brought (he finest line of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions you ever saw. say flBotlniiig of groceries by line acire9 !$t anal Ise fill yaw cans9! rest Ifiafe uiui caps till yow Ba3HHb: fosiy Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap, Now is your chanco bound to sell and undersell anybody, mllurry vp. I want to go East again nixt month. V- 0 BSZi r Ci3 ID WITHOUT ARBITRATI0 r ta 8 or 8 to 7? Just as you like, and ie caaa m aHways caiiaiefii ii im t 1 sa& IsatlBBBMatiofin at the m o m m n N! MM 5f P n As it is gcnprally our custom to pive you our prices for goot! so that you can calculate at home what you buy for your money, we will give ou prices below which will be lower than ever :uil 10 pt-r cent, cheaper than c:i:i anyw here in t!iisi!y or State. We have the a1 vantitre of itny luerch tut in this city buying direct from manufacturers. We have opened a Wholesale .Store in St. Joseph Mo., which will be iilU.i.deJ by Mr. Solomon. LOOK AT Ol'Il Fii.CH LIST. 20 yards prints for one dollar. .Summer .Sh a!-. ?.jc up. hruwu and bleach muslin, one u:llar, Ilauiikercl.i 'i';, :j fur 2."c. lilue and brown d.-nims, one dollar. Ladies Silk il-inukerchier, S.jc each. Jicd ticking, one dollar. Ladies Hose, i p ur for 2oe. Cheviot, one dollar. Men's Socks 5c up. Grass Cloth, one dollar. Cuffs k.uI Collars, 2"5 a set, an J up. M ilt ,-ha'Jts, en j doilnr. Hed Spreads, out dollar up. Table Linen, ci-; dollar. Corsets, LOod, SOo up. Crash Towel inc:, one dollar. 12 " 10 " 4 if A 12 As it is impossible to give the prices of our enoriLous li we will only state that it is the largest and finest stock ever brought to this citv and consisting of tie foll jw i, styles " Poplins, Double Silk Pongees Japanese Silks, Matelas Zephyr Suitings, Lawns, Grenadines, and Percales, at prices ranging from 12J2' cts. up; also Ji tine line of HAMBUHC, EM DUO I DERILS from 5 cents up. LTXEX EMBROIDERIES to match our LIXEX DRESS GOODS. A full assortment of KLWDLE III: and everything belonging to A. FIRST CLASS "We also keep a full liae $esi&ymmi Mesa ssiatfl'BBoyg9 tDIeitfjaBBt from .?4..0 up for wliole suits. Jeans Rants from 1.00 up. An unexcelled line flEXTs' rURXIIIIX(; i; line White Shirts 6 1 up; Calico Shirts, 4'J cts. up; Cheviot Shirts, 50 cts. up; Overalls. CO cts. up; Taper Colhw MEN AND BOYS' 3 ATS. ANT) CAPS. Hats, Tie up; Caps. K?c up; Hoots, 82 per pair up; Shot s. ?1 p. r pair up: TliUXKS an 1 VALISES :i .. sortniei'.t. We do not keep a little of evervthinu'. fnnu :;ti Ave JI;ti:! Ie to a ban el of salt, but w hat we do c.'u have in full and complete stock. JEWELRY, RLATED WARE, CLOCKS, TABLE aad POCKET CUTLER: Tin a A We would inform the ladies of Plattsmculh and vicinity that we are in receipt of the the f.nc-t Pattern Heads and Bonnets Direct from Paris. Wo have an Accomplished, Easliionble Ladv Trimmer who understands the business thoroughly and ca tas.es; also a f nil line of SILK TRIMMIXCIS, Ribbons, Elowers and Ornaments. Sash Ribbons from ' an svit ui ; Tiimmed Hats, 81 and up. We have a large and complete stock Canvass, Perforated Card Board. ZenJnis. Xeedies, Mottoes, and Silk Flood of all shades. An immense stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Mats. Hemp Carpets 2Gc per yard ; Ingrain Cup per yard. Standard Carpet Chain, 5 lb bundles only 81.2". , We have also, for the accommodation of our friends, added to our already extensive assortment a 1 use st Oil Window- Shades in all colors. Lace Window Curtains 2." ets p r yard. We present our annual price list satisfied that our customers will see that we can do better for them ILa beforeand thankful for past patronage we most respectfully ak a continuance of the same. Plattsmouth, Xebraska, March 22d, 1877. mLOMON cf- NATHA CSIsiiia:i f v. TEf r. e .- f x1"! ; cr- ; rn t. - .5. i. . ' sr. . ' iLwpp;;; S' ittd lII! i jlijy Jp .4 I: THE LARGEST AXD DEST SELECTED STOCK OF fIBPP ft. PllfllP P (I ( IF inclndii!r the greatest variety of beautif"! colored shoes lor children ever brought to this market. To be closed out at Bm mm mmmimm &go mi I shall continue to keep the best of workmen in my man ufacturing department. 1 V"