Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 12, 1877, Image 3

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B. & M. R.R.Time TableT"
Corrected Sunday, April 1st, 1877.
i on om.vha fro-lattsmoctii.
Leaves 5 :j a. lii. Art i ve S -.V a. in.
- :.M p. m. " 3 :45 p. In.
Leaves ) :iv. a in. Arrives I-:24 a. m.
" 6 :(K p. m. 1 :45 p. in.
Leave Flatp-inouth 9 :40 n. tit. Arrives biu--.-oln,
tj -i.) p. in. ; Arrives Krnrney, S -.00 p. m.
Freight leaves 7 :10 a. m. Ar. Lincoln 15 :25 p.m.
Ia ave-s Kearney. t :0 a. in. leaves Lincolu,
1- :t.. p. ui. Arri-,cs Platlsinouih. 3 :15 p. pi
KivMiUt leave Lincoln 11 :13 a, m. Arrives
1'io.t :::iOUtIi, t :U p. tu.
'".v press. " a. In.
Pa- .cng'-r. i train each day) 3 :.VJ i. in., except
s.iiiii-,.iy. Kvcry third Saturday a train i-oii-
!ki!- at the usual time.
i-f it. '" cents a lino. Regular advenis-
e. . lj -?j r. pi-r line. No advel U-rciiieut inse-i-.i
for lc.-s than i cents.
l.i g-tl notices at Statute rates.
A: -orneys and officers of the law will be neld
rest onsibic for all le-cal notices they hand in,
and al parties demanding a proof of publica
tion ui any notice will be held tor the vublica
l.ou fee oi siii-li notice.
As our ;.; is liiHited, all coiuiiiimica'-ons
:nt:.-r be ti!l-.-X and to the point, Willi no waste
of v uriis.
1 lie paper is responsible for the correctness
acei-idii..; to ropy of paid matter aad paid l.c-i-als,
on';. .
1. Any j - tsoa who takes the paper iee-u!ar!v
fl 'l l Vile pos'-offc, whether diiv-.ied to Id's
nar.ic. or -vm-ther he is a subscriber or not Is
ItVpcnis-Jde for the pay.
-. if any person unlets Ids paper lNeo:iin
iied. l.e ma .1 pay all ailearai-es. ,,r the puhlish-
I !.: coi tome to "-end it until payment is
e. aad eillect the whole nmou'at, w i-.etlit-i'
tin; p.ip'-r is t ik-u from the oirV-e or not.
X l ne ci.arts Iiave decided t hut refusing to
fake r.ewsnaoers and periodicals from the post
oi'.k e. it' removing and leaving them uncalled
for. is ;ri,-i t fttcic evidence, of ixtkstioxal
I'll A I I.
J. 1'. Ruby's Wind Mill wentakite
n.; in the Ftorm of the 20th.
A Lev lot of flower pots just receiv
. .1 at .1. V. V's.
C ooper, Ehun I'drmele's man. lias
ut a iiw kind of day jpirment for
cool summer wtar.
--And the dear vo-ins sir's had a
5. Lice t lovely tr.tisic at Mr. J-jIiL.-'cm's
st-.-re one day last we. k.
-.'al ori J. P. Ytung at l'ost Oftk-e
X-.'v-- Depot for one of those st-If iiik
i.. pons, oti need no ink, uee wa
tt r.
Ti:t-iv will be a match i:no of
.!! b'jtxveeu tha Ho-jk ir.nll'i club and
Mt. Pieasant club to be played, at ;
atisn.oLth Saturday next at 3 P. M. ; July.
..lie Clippers score Anderson 4,
-The Knights Templars had an er.- Sumpson 4. Thompson 4. Patterson 3,
;,t E 'ilvue on the 3-1 4th ; Armstrong 5. Mahony 2, Dovey i Co
,.lVth of this month. Enighis ! Vlilt x Ih-ii.a.-hakl j 1, Davis 0. Total
II. Wheeler and Ih-beit Eallnuce j 2T
,i ;r) ill The Sueider Guards scire. Ilerold
.. . ! ?, K.-ne.'y 0, Va'.Iery 0, lV-ttenger 1,
'iVi: havfc tu.ule arraiigtmen.s. to have Kese 4, O'Xiel 1, Fairfield 2. Chambe s
i.4 i.:i;ies, Medical and Law repe-rls, i Q. Mai-on 2. Kinser 1. Total 17. The
id o'.'.'.er pamphlets bound. Apply ! Clipp.-r were ten ah'T.d. Chas. Duke
the. I'Ierai.d ollice. tf i Umpire; Fox and Coon, Scorers.
1 V
-- rhey do tell us that our new law-
er ft i.-nd Mr. Morrison, and Jut'oe
tl.ihi.s had ihe liveliest little old jus
;: -i-'s tiia'. the other day that ever any
one heard tell of.
Try the Pearl white Drip syrup at
14-13 WlX KiiACtfS.
E. Donnelly, our Elacksmith man
l imes to the front again, and declares
by actions which speak louder than
protestations that the Herald shall
live sti!l longer to aid the world and
all good blacksmiths to fame and for-'
t uue.
Ti e best line of syrups in town tit j
1 !-:. " Weck rack's. i
Persons wishing to buy Canary j
.;:( can get them by calling on J. P. ;
Young at the P. O. Xews Depot, where j
vou can hud a large assortment of bird I
t ages in a few days.
ase Eros, have a fine article of wire j
.e tting for sale, at only 0 tents per
.-i. nitre- foot. 12tf
--Pliittsunmiu is never behind any
Met r cdi tan city or great Eastern
State in the quality and character of
br sensations. Xo sooner do- s Judge
Hilton turn Jew Selignmn out of the
Grand Union in Saratoga than we-have
a bare shirted sensation at our Grand
Cnion, the Saunders House. The only
first class house iu town. Easiness is
Roots and Shoes.
Cad and examine the low down
-Win. Eryan the agent for the pat. i
iiljustabie collar and lately of the firm '
of Eryan & Chambers, leaves us for
Tennessee and other States through
which he will travel for the patentees
of said collar. William will make a
fcood salesman and we lioie he will ;
collar enough money to coma home j
i ieh i rn'pnpti.l.uit :iml li-ifv.
Farmer's Attention.
It. Douelly opposite Strc-ight's stable
is doing a vast amount of work, not
only all kinds of blacksinhhing and
repairing machinery &C. but is turning
.tit first-class wagons and buggies un
Jtr the knowledge of Mr. Peter Eauen
vhois acknowledged as a first-class
vorkmau- A sample of his work can
. ent rally be seen at the shop if you
'. iill soon after it is turned out. 10t3
Time and Season. grades of all kinds of
. '! f for the warm days at Merges.
New Thin?.
;-"or fanners and all their working
j cases. A nt-w flexible patent adjusta
ble coiiur; 11U any horse, prevents
haficg, durable arid convenient. At
Chatc bers Harness shop Plattsmoutb,
Person L
Mrs. C. II. Parmele went East week
before last to visit her daughter Mrs.
Atwood. There's another "Grass Wid
dyer." Of those attendingtheshool Conven
tion this week with whom the Hekalp
is personally acquainted are Mr. Wal
ter Drury Co. Stipt. of IUirt Co. and Mr.
A. U. Charde, teacher, from the same
riio IIekald had the pleasure of an
introduction and cordial greeting from
Prof. G. E. JJailey Analytical Chem
ist and Agricultural Chemist of the
University at Lincoln. Prof. IJaily
ranks very his;h in his profession in
the United Slates.
J. Piper, ae nt of Ividon Ulakeman
Taylor & Co. and also agent for Web
ster's Dictionaries, called at the IIeu
ali Office Tuesday. He is an old vis
ileiwn Xeb., his Cist triu being in 1814.
Freil. Stadelmann, our Fritz, has
gone to Europe, to the old vaderland,
to see how the war goes on, and to re
cuperate. The Herald wishes Fred,
a safe, pleasant and profitable trip.
Geo. Hansen, one of the TIeralis
oldest subscribers called in Tuesday
and left us in better humor than ho
found us.
Prof. IJaily gave a very intenesting
treat Tuesday evening in the way of
views through his Microscope. A num
ber of teachers and others were present
at his rooms at the Jjaundew House.
Mart Cutler is expected home fro..
out on the Eorder every minute, now a
days and then won't then; be fim in
the Court House.
Mr. Howard, agent of the C. 15. & Q.
an I li. & M. II. 11. in Xebraska started
with his f uoily for Denver Col., where
Mrs. II. will prob ibly remain for some
tui'u'ths hoping their son whose lungs
are affected may receive benefit from
ihe climate. We sincerely hope they
may be successful in returning him to
health and shall be glad to welcome
them back among us.
Per S:le.
S. W. t-'I, 1 . 13 sir stated about six
miles frjiM I'hittsmouth good land 0
to 40 acres under plow, plenty of wa
ter, house and other improvements
will sell for one sixth down balance in
equal payments 1 2 4 and -j years, ten
per cent int. anually. Inquire of J).
Eemick of Pawnee City, Xb.. or Maj.
D. II. Wheeler. Plattsniouth, Xeb.
Julv 'Jth 1S77. 13-uv2
Match game of Ease Eall between
the Clippers and Sueider Guards south
uf the Machine thons on the Fourth of
Wilshiin. Ran -tan.
Is prepared to dig your wells wall
tin in up and warrant thm to stand.
Give him a call, a Postal card will
reach him at Plattsniouth.
There will be a match game of Ease
Rail played in this city to-morrow at
2 o'clock, between the Clippers of this
place and the Poke Easy Club of Mt.
Pieasant. Spectators are invited.
On Saturday a Child gold fneck) J
Chain with clasp. The finder will be
siiitablv rewarded on leaving it at this
office. 10tl.
Mr. C. II. Parmele has been putting
up a new bath house. Didn't take long
either. One day did the. business. A
bath house is a mighty handy thing to
have these days.
A Xew and larger lot of staple and
fancy Drv Goods just iu for inspection
at J. V. W's.
If you want to keep out the mos
ipiotitoes go to W. L. Tucker's shop on
4!h St. opposite Mathews Hardware
Store, he is making th? neatest frames
yet and not only that but l.e will
make paint and hang Door and Win
dow bars for less than you can gt
them made anywhere else. Mr. T. will
do any other job in his line promptly
reasonably and well.
Chamber's Saddlery.
J. G. Chambers is the only agent in
this place for the flexible tidjustible
collar. Call and see him nt once and
get one.
On and afier the 15th of July I shall
sell meat for casli only. I shall keep
an assortment of the best of meat on
band constantly. To do tnis I must
have cash. Thankimi-t he citizens tor
their liberal patronage I would solicit '
a continuance of the same f-oio'.'.M.r !
I can give them satisfaction.
10-t2. p. M. Yocng.
Mike St-hnel'ioacher and Kill y llas
ler, tin ind oaitalile bl leksmPhs, in
consequence of their misfortune, have
been obliged to rebuild their old shop.
They are now lettrr prepared than ev
er to do all orts, kinds and varieties of
black and white smithing. Rhick in
that, most work in iron ami steel is that
color, and White inasmuch as they are
white men to deal with. Give them a
Thankful to our numerous friends
for their patronage we would solicit
a continuance of the same promising
to give them satisfaction.
Clothing Eelow Cost.
In on't r to make room for a fall and
Winter stock I will sell from now till
Aug. 15th all clothing at and below
cost. Call and examine prices.
C. G. Herald.
Nails by the barrel, keg, load or car
load all sizes at low prices at
The Teachers ConTcntion.
The event of tlie week has been the
assembling of theTeacher' and Super
intendent's Convention, at this place;
for the purposes of instruction and im
provement, under the guidance of the
State Sup't., Prof. Thompson. On Mon
day teachers began to arrive. A pre
liminary meeting was held Monday
evening, and on Tuesday the conven
tion was fairly organized as follows:
llna School Building,
Platts.mouth. July 10th. )
State Teacher's and Superintendent's
Convention met pursuant to arrange
ment, and was called to order by State
Superintendent Thompson, at 'J:M a.
in. Organization effected by the unan
imous election of A. S. Wigton, County
Supt. of Adams Co., chairman; G. L.
Lamb of Lancaster, secretary, and A.
E. Charde of Eurt, ass't. secretary ; af
ter which preliminary matters were
dispose ! of, which occupied the atten
tion of the convention until 10 a.m.
Then came the lirst formal exercise of
the session, which consisted in a very
interesting and instructive exercise in
out line map, drawn by Prof. Thomp
son, using South America as a subject.
In this every teacher present took part,
and with an earnestness which foretells
a successful session.
From 10:J0 to 10:30 a. m., lessons for
Wednesday were announced as follows:
Map drawing. Prof. Thompson; phy
sical and descriptive geography, J. A.
Goering; mathematics, reduction de
scending. Prof. Drutnmond; elementa
ry sounds by Wightman.
Intermission of 10 minutes, after
which there was an excellent and
instructive lecture on Physiology, .by
Prof. G. E. Eailey of the State Univer
sity. Convention adjourned until 8:30 a.
in., Wednesday. , A. P.. Charde,
Ass't. Secretary.
Wednesday, July 11th.
S:30 a. m. Convention called to or
der by A. S. Wigton, chairman. Exer
cises for a. m., Devotional, by W.P.Gran
tliam. Preliminary remarks by S. li.
Thompson until 8:10. Map drawing
by Prof. S. 11. Thompson until J:15.
Physio'ogy by Prof. S. E. Eailey until
0:43. School economy by Prof. S. Ii.
Thompson until 10:30. Exceptions un
til 10:4.5. Dictionary by Prof. Wight
man until 11:30; subdivided as follows
5 minutes for stating method, 10
minutes for recitation, and 10 minutes
for general remarks. Questions on
theory and practice of teaching, as fol
lows :
1st. How can the teacher increase
the self respect of his pupiisV Respon
ded to by Mr. Henley and others.
2d. What are leading questions, and
where may they be properly used V Re
sponded to by Mr. Rhodes and others.
3d. How can the self reliance of pu
pils be fciost successfully cultivated?
Responded to !y Mr. Darling and oth
ers, until 12 vi. Intermission until 2
i. ut. i -
The (onntv "Sno'rs :i:id Teachers i 1
convention" now iu session here is ful
ly organized and promises grand re
sults. Profs. Thompson, Rally, Wight-iti-m
Wigton, ic. are here and hard at
Teachers throughout all eastern Xeb.
should l e prcsfiit'as this will undoubt
edly be the most successful education
al treat of the year.
Eminent educators from abroad will
lecture during the evening sessions.
The Convention continues until the
10th of the present month.
general daily programme.
Opening from 8:30 to 8:45. calling
roll and response by sentiments. Map
drawing, 8:45 to 0:15, by S. R. Thomp
son. Physiology, 9:13 to :45. by Prof.
S. E. Eailey, of the State University.
School economy, 9:43 to 10:30, by Prof.
S. E. Thompson. Receptions from
10:30 to 10:13- Dictionary 10:45 to
It :C0. by Prof. A. R. Wight man. Oral
lesson, botany, 11:30 to 12 m, by Prof.
II. II. Nicholson. Intermission from
12 in. to 2 p. m. Geography, 2 to
Prof. Goering. Mathematics. 2;
15 to
3:30, Prof. W. W. Drutnmond.
The above, may undergo some slight
changes and additions during the ses
sion, but in the main will be the gener
al daily work. The evening exercises
are undetermined, but will ie announc
ed as soon as arranged. Lectin e Mon
day evening by Prof. C. W. VauCoellen,
practical education.
S. R. Thompson
S. G. Lamb
J. A. Goehring
M. O. Searl
Anna Tewksburv
A. E. Lake
L. R. Church
G. R. Crippen
II. R. Raymond
W. P. G rent nun
J. II. Darling
D. 15. Stone
L. A. Rates
W. II. Wilson
Ida Dooli.tle
Abby R. Cook
F. Cunningham
Anna Taggart
Ed. Ilealev
Rev. G. M." Orvis
Sonhia Gyger
A. L. Wigton
A. R. Charde
J. L. Rhodes
Win. C. Chambers
Ella Eil'ings
W. E. Drury
T. J. Ilitt
M. E. Hamilton
E. Price
Chas Cross
II. II. Xicho'son
Geo. W. Mitchell
A. 11. Wightman
Ch is. W. Ph.-t
Mrs. F. Pierce
Mil on 15. Polk
Jesse A. II. -rugate
Jennie Sutton
G. E. Railey
L. Darling
Katie Doom
Marv E. Gibson
Anna M. Gyger
W. W. Drummond Olive Gass
Myra E. Patterson Etta M. Patterson
Dot tie Cook A. C. Routzham
Chas. T. Eishop Marven Langdon
T. II. Ilitt Katie Hobbs
Flora llelle Wise W. W. Wie
Carrie Porter. J. D. Messinger.
A. E. Charde, Reporting Sec.
Any one wanting a Xo. 1 musical in
strument will find it to their advan
tage to examine the tine Mason & Ham
lin Organs we have lately delivered
here. I have also the agency for the
best piano made, "The Weber," which
was awarded the highest premium at
the Centennial. (Jive rae a call, and I
will be happy to impart any informa
tion you wish.
James Pettee, Agt..
Plattsmoutb, Neb.
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimminirs, and also every fasliionaUe
hape of "hat, can le seen at Solomon & j
"Nathan's CTOporiivtr., rtr J
VT. 11. LORINU & CO.,
Cumjiriaiuy a Larye Variety of Styles
Ladies', Gents', Misses', and Child
ren's' '"SHOES,
:5-SLIPPEES ! ! !
They will be found of
MANSHIP. And at the prices they are marked we
can guarantee to the purchaser
As the following price Jist will show:
J-Womeu's Kid and Goat Eutton,
;rTfWomeh's Fine Serge and Foxed
Eutton.ii? 1.2 j and 130.
Women's Fine Kid Polish, Side
Laced and Eutton,$1.73 ; regular price,
$3.00 and $3.30.
2if 200 pairs Ladies' tine Kid and
Goat Low 5hoes. button, lace, elastic,
etc., 51.40; worth $3.00 to $3.00.
I "i".Misses Shots Kid, Goat, Serge
and Foxed at $1,00, $1.23 and $1.00 pet
pair. IT'Men'd Low Strap Shoes, $2,000,
$2.25 and $2.50; regular prices, $2.50 to
:-l?10 Pair Gents' Extra Fine Calf
Roots at $4.30 per pair; regular price,
:3Gents' Calf Roots, $2.50, $3.00
and $3.50.
llTTouth's Fine Calf-Uexis, $1.30.
IJabies' Eutton and Lace S'aoes,
50 cents; extra hue 75 cents.
Tat $1.00, $1.23 and $1.50!
Call and see for yourselves.
Opp. Oraiid Central Hotel,
l'Jtl. Omaha, Xeb.
est ha r notici:.
Taken up on my farm on I lie 1 :-t li day of May.
177. One dark bay horse 1" hands hi.;!i. : or lu
years old. star m forehead, hot It hind feel white,
i'arm is . i t u a t ..-d U iniiessoulli-v,est Iruai Wee-pin;.'
Water 1"; lis.
Wweniiiij Water. May s.'itb, IS".
Ut;' T. Clark.
Lookls:! on: of our sanctum on Monday inorn
i j; we i isc; t T d v. aier eo'iiinz !t "f iiie end
oi'a hose, ne :j j to 4o feet from tat r-.j of t ie
Saunders !: .u-e. I'j.on j.oin: ovi-r to iavesii
jiaie tae in . s:ci y We fotiwd ne oilier end of ti;e
hose attaeli- 1 t 1 he piiinii -p.nit 1 hat is u-cj
for th- il.Hel khc.ieii. ami only one m ui work
in! tt!e lever, iir. Criiorv i.- offering these
j 'pumps in t ;ie market at very low pri-'es. this
I n-MiiJ) is aCKiioled-ed to he the be-l force ;.iuni
! t Ue uorid. It is strong and d iraide. no sione
i Jars and leather vaiv. s to eel oat of order, and
pumps so easy that a child can work it. One
wdl he put up iu a puidic well in Main street
mui. t'aities wi.-h;it:i pump- c-r aeji or siial
I low vc!ls kiioiild exatniutt this one li. pur-
clj;.c-iii e.ev.lieie. .1. s. ( iKKooj: y.
lotf Saunders House. I'lattsiiitaitii, Net).
Comrnissioners Protee ::? -
Mondav. July 2,1, 1S77.
The commissioners met in regular
ssi.m. i'teseai V. U. Arnold. 13. S.
nis.iv, lienrv v one, commissioners ;
('. 1. Moore, Co. Cierk; sheritf gone ov
er the Rorders, not present. When the
following was done, to-wit: The tax
as tvpor.ed by the State Auditor, he
and the same is hereby levied and or
dered on the tax list and duplicate for
Total Vidua: ion $2,235,108.00
(Jen. fund 4 mills on dol.. . $12.!i40.i!7
Sinking a.i " " ... 2,420.38
School 1 . .. 2,235.17
University 3' " " . .. 1,213 10
Total lew lor State 6i8'
mills 19,815.41
The following levy for county purpos
es was made:
Gen. I'd. 41., mills on dol. .
Sinking 4 . .
,14,558 20
, 4.852.75
Poor ?i
Total 13 mil's
Order allowed Ogdcn for road
dist No. 5 o $10.00
Oi iler allowed L.Sheldon for road
dist. No. 58 50.00
The following bonds approved:
Rond of F. L. Krugei, sup'i of road
dist No. 45, and bond of 15. C. Yeemans
constable of Centre precinct.
Order allowed Ki nder, dist. 45. $13.00
Accounts adowed on poor fund:
Ira Rosworih. work on poor h'se $2 25
Joseph Leaslev 5.4G
G. W. Gibberson
Jas. Loom is, (hauling)
J. C. Eikenbeii v. b'd'ng paupers
for June
G. II. Elai k. quarters salary
Tne following claims were examined
and rejected.
Jno. Rons, boarding Jas. Eagan. .$20.00
Win. Powell, attending same 12.5 )
Tuesday. Ju'y 3d.
Order allowed King. dist. Xo. 52
for lumber " $10.00
Order allowed Jos. Ferguson dist
Xo. 24 ". 50.00
Order allowed A. M. Holmes, dist
No. 17, tor lumber and spikes.
Ordered that the County Cletk be in
structor! to have advertisement insert
ed fn Neb. Herald for two weeks, for
bills from p'i sicians for care and treat
ment of county poor for one year, said
bids to be for treatment and medicines.
Petition of E. II. Eaton laid over in
detini e'y.
Ordered allowed McIIatrood. ditd. 38
$10.00. Order allowed Valiery, dist.
14 for lumber and spikes. Ordered al
lowed Flower, disi. 32, for lumber and
Clerk to place, report of lev v of school
district, received since the 28th of June
on tax list for 1877.
(Continued next week.
Head ti i ti ters g v 1,
beer, &c, for sale.
Slippers for 33cts at Merges'. 12tf
Slippers for 33 cts at Merges. 12tf
Fine white rose and maple syrup at
Weckbach's. Trv them. 14t3
Slippers for 35 eta. at Merges'. 12tf
Fine boots for $5.00
Fine Sewed boots $7.00
Alexis buckles shoes 54.50 -
at Robert Sherwood's.
Fine calf boot.-; made to order at
Merges' for 84.50. Sewed ."56.00. Men's !
Alexis S4.00. All eastern goods at pro-J
Dr. Schenek's Paluionic Sjrnp,
SeaWkkkTokic, asd JTanih. vivi: rn.i.s. '
The.e inedicines have undouetedly performed
more cures of Consumption than any other rem
edy known to the American public They "are
compounded of vegetable Ingredients, and con
tain nothing which can be injurious to the hu
man constitution." Other remedies advertised
as cures for Consumption, probably contain opi
um, whiidi is a somewhat dangerous dru in al
cases, and if taken freely by consumptive patient-,
it must do ureat injury ; for its tendency
is t colithie ! he morbid mat ier in the system,
wliiel. of course, must make a cure impossible.
Sehenck's pulmonic syrup is warranted not to
contain a part iele of opium : it is composed of
powerful but harmless herbs, wideli act uu tile
turn's, liver, stomach, and blood. i.nd thus cor
rect all morbid secretions, i n.i ejel all the di-bea-sfd
matter front the body. These are the
oldv means by which consumption can becieed.
and as Sehenck's I'ulnionie Syru;, Sea Weed
Tonic, atai Mandrake I'llls are tne only medi
cines which operate in tiiis way, it i- obvious
they are the only Pennine cure for I'ulmouaiy
Consumption. Eachboitle of this invaluable
inedi.-ine is accompanied by full direct ions. Dr.
So he nek is professionally at Ids principal ofliee,
corner Sixth and Arch streets, J'hiladelnliia. ev-t-rv
Mondav. where all letters for advice must
be" addressed. lit
Read, Read.
Fine calf boots made to order for
Sewed boots for $0.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes $1.00;
Repairing and every thing in propor
tion at Merges'. 12-tf
Remember, ladies, you can get the
nest and latest styles of ladies and
chi'drens' shoes of all varieties, at
13t3 Stadelman's.
More new suits of cheap cool clothes
for hot weather, must be closed out. at
13t3 Stadelman's.
Robert Sherwood' Price List.
Fine boots for $5.00,
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis buckle shoes $1.50
Ladies Calf Shoes for $2.23
Repairing equally cheap.
I ho Centaur Liniments an:iy pil,sl.
subdue swell ir;,rs. heal burns and will cure Rheu
matism. Spavin, and any flesli. bone or muscle
ailment. The White W rapper is for family use,
the Y. iljW Wrapper tor animals. A list of th
ingredients are contained around each bottle
They are cheap, speedy and certain.
The certain, spsedy and harmless
remedy for chii'iren, is I'iicher's Castoria. It is
as jileasaid to take as honey ami as certain in
it efleets a- Castor Oil. For Wind Colic,
Worms, Sour Stomach, and Disordered Rowels,
there is notliijig like Castoiia. 12113
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon A; Nathan, is particularly full
arid complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives thetii advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and :it lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
A low City orders for sale.
Full lin ? of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weekbaeh, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Ask Yourself these ?uost:;:ss.
Are y.u a despondent sufferer from
Sick Headache, Habitual Cost i veness.
Palpitation of the Heart 'i Have you
Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv
ous Sys: em depressed 'i Does your
blood circulate I :; 1 1 v "r Have you a
cough? Lo-.f Spirits? Coming up of
the food after Eating? &. All
of these and inueii more are the di
rect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, and Indigestion. Green's Ac
GrsT Flower is now ack now lege;) l.y
all Druggists to be a positive cure.
2.400,00') bottles were given away in the
U. S. through Druggists to the people
as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any
person of its wonderful tpiality in cur
ing all forms of indigestion. Sample
bottles I Gets. Regular size 75ets. Sold
positive!'. bv all lirat-class Dnurtrists in
the U.S." " 11-tf-alc.
IA!tN"i:S' FOOT power
Inditferenr in: chim with
!u li l!ui!ifel. Cabinet
J Makers, Wu.;oti Makers
and .Tobhers in misce'l:ncous
work cvu 'compete as ioqcai.
'IV ami l'lMi'K wiih steam
power mntiiif :o-i urior ; al-o
Am item's supple.-. saw
b!ades. fancy woods and rte
si:ns. s.iv "?l:cre you read
tiiis and send for e leihune and pncs. W.I-.
John Rakm:s, Kockford. Winnebago Co.
I'd. la.
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank stadter, and
on exhibition at Can tub's? 45tf.
A new American and a new
for sale at the Herald Office.
Team of large horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargain Enquire
at Sage Eros.
Fine Roo's for $5.00.
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis Euekie shoes for $4.50
Sherwood's root & shoe Emporium,
Plattsniouth, Xeb. 11-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in miv stv'.e desir
ed. o-tf. Solomon & Xatiian.
J. V. Werkbm h will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 20tf
EAini run sale.
"to acres in section .Ml. town twelve. rantteciev
en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville station, 15. &
M. R. R. Cass County, Nebraska.
ISO Acres C iiclt'r OtKivtitioii,
with house and barn, orchard and forest trees,
plenty of spring water. WiMbesold in si acre
tracts if (le-ireil. i'mp.iio; of Jj.i. Sel.later. jew
eler, Plattsniouth, Neb. 1 iuai
Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Phittstnou; h, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can 1 obaccoes tor smoking purposes.
Fot Sale. Rest qualities of pi ug-smok-
:ng tooacco alwavs on hand. 2J-tf.
' i
Various causes advancing years
care, sickness, disappointment, an her
editary disposition all operate to
turn the hair, and either of them in
clines it to shed permanently.
Ay i-:rs Hair Vigor will restore faded
or grey, light and red hair to a rich
or deep black as may be desired. It
softens and cleanes the scalp, giving it a
healthy action, and removes and cures j
dandruff and humors. Ey its use fall-
ing hair is checked, and a new growth i
will be produced in all cases where the 1
follicles are not destroyed or glands i
decayed. Its effects are beautifully j
shown on br.tshy, weak, or sickly hah j
to which a few applications will produce
the gloss and freshness of youth. !
Harmless and sure in its operation,
it is incomparable as a dressing, and is
es'iocially valued for the. soft luster
ilI1d richness of tone it imparts. It
contains neither oil nor die, and will
not soil or color white cambric; yet it
lasts lon- on the hair and keeps it fresh
rixjrj vigorous. I'oi cJe i.'idi dealers.
The firm known as llryan V Ciia-ubers this
tUi v i issuAcu paniieisiiio bv la itual i-on-ent.
The business of the firm wi?l be conducted In the
future bv J. O. Ch.iiii'irrs. Ail accounts due
the firm must be paid to aid Chambers, and all
debts -ii:g b it." linn w ill be paid by Unn.
l'ialtsu.ouih", July 7th, 1S77.
W M. r.tlVAK.
15 J. (1. CMAMIIERS.
Notice to Physicians.
Clerk's Ofkicf. Cam Co. Nfh.. I
I'LArTsMuuxn, July od, 1S77. i
f'ea'ed Proposals wi'.l bp received at this
office up to Auaust 7th, 1S77, from praciicin
phvsician for the care and treatment of tne
county poor, at Poor House in Cass county, for
one year from date of acceptauc of bid said
bid to include medicines.
15 y order of Co. Commissioners.
C. P. Mooke, Co. Clerk.
P.y J. AV. JEXXINOS, Deputy. 1G12
Charles II. Warner, of Los Anirelos count, ill
the Male of California, and K. W. Ijnc, of the
St.ttii ef Iowa. ill take notice that Charles H.
Reck of tlie County of Lancaster, in the Slate f
Nebraska, did on the lilii dav of July, ls','7. lin
lus petition iu Cue District Court, of the Second
Judicial District, within and for Cass Couiey.
Nebraska, against the said Chuiies II. Warner
and E. W.Lane dcfeiidauts, .setting tortii that
the said Charles tl. Warner .nave a morti;ase to
E. W. Lane on the east half of the north-east
quarter of section eighteen lis) town ten 1 10
lamte ten tin) east, iu said County of Cass, to se
cure the payment of JMJJ 40, acc rlin to cer
tain notes referred to in said molt ;age. and that
since the cavim; of said mortnai;e. , tie said E. W.
Lane for value asi".ned, and tra isfei red tiie
same to the plaintiff, and pray'au that said
Charles II. Warner and K. W. Iaiiic may pay the
sum now claimed to be due amountinjf to :.". 4i
and interest at 12 percent Uoni October 1st, 1S74.
together with the Mini of $ 9.!i5 taxes on said
laud, paid by the plaintiff with interest thereon
at the rate of u per cent per annum, trom April
Js'.h, 1S77, that said prembex may be oid to pay
t he same, and the said Charles II. Warner and
E. W. Lane are he,-cbv notified that they are re
Uesied to appear ami answer said petition on
or bt-tore the 1.5th dav of August. 1S77.
Cn.VKi.Ks 11. Peck.
Ry Vm:KLEii & Stone, his Ati'js. I.ii5
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby piven that by virtue of a power
of salt contained in a chatiel umrigaire, triveu
on theaa:h day of October, ls,S,aiiil recorded on
th- antli day of October, ts7'J. in boot: E of cliat
tel montage records, tin pae 4"L of Cass coun
tv. Neb., by C. P. .Moore, ifcordel. by J. W.
Jennings, deputy, which same niwlciue was
executed by (iritlltli Cooley, as nun iirau-or io
Eaierson 1L Eaton, tilortsa-ee tose'-ure the pay
ment of a judgment debt, bearing date a t. ad,
1S7H. jiidtrineiit for one liiiinlied and forty-one
dollars and eihf v-tw centH (fltl.s') upon
which Judgment debt the said Emersn II. Ea
ton claims there is due and unpaid tiie sum of
one hundred and fortv-one dollars and eighty
two cents ($141,821 with Interest at the rate f 12
per cent, per annum, according to the tenor
thereof. 'J he undersigned will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash, mi the
first dav of August. 1877, at oue(I) one o'clock a.
in., at the south door of the -Court House in
Piattsniouth.Neb., the following described prop
erty, to-w it :
One span of dark brown mare, one 4 years uU
and one nine years old ; also, one roan cow, u
years old. E. II. Eaton.
.M. R. Ci Ti.r.K, his agent. bit2
Legal Notice.
T T',t VatJmnt:
Yeu arc hereby notified that Mary P. Alien
did oa the nth day of May. A. I). Is77. tiie her
petition iu tiie Disiiict Court of Cass County,
and State of Nebraska, against ou and Henry
C. Vauhoru. Eli.'ibet u Yauhoni. Kebecca Van
horn, and .Joseph Vac.h.-rn jr.. heirs at law of
l lie estate of .Joseph Vanhorn, .deceased. The
object and prayer of said peiitiiui is to correct
an alleged mistake in tin description ef hind
conveyed or inieuded t lie couvejed by .Joseph
Vanlioiu. sea., taow deceased) and Lebcci-a
':inho!n to s-ud ptaintiii. by deed mafic, exe-euti'-d.
and delivered on the 1st day ef Septem
ber. A. D. lstii. said petition alleges that I lie de
scription of the premises intended tu be Con
veyed by said deed was erroneous as to part of
the preii.iM-s intended to lie conveyed in this,
to-wit: Instead ot rcaditig -"all of tot number
two not deeded to Joseph V anhorn. .Jr.. ard
emcu-h ot lot unmix r three (.ti so as to urike (4'i)
acres." it should have read and wa- intended
bv the p irties to said deed to read "I iH acres
oil of the south side ef lot number thr- e (.a in
section 17. town 10. north of raue 11 east, said
forty acres lying south of and adjoining seven
and two-thirds (7?,) acres owned bv Joseph
Vai'li.irn. jr., in said lot number three (:;, and
the object and praverof said petition is to have
said deed corrected so as to read in accordance
with the above allcgat ion, you are further noti
fied that you tire rcipiired to answer said peti
tion on or betore the lain day of August. A. D.
1S77. or s:t:d petition wili lie tal'eu pro confesso,
and decree emercd accordingly.
P.y Chapman Spragck soliciims. lrt J
To Id i 1(iuhini:
You are hereby notified that Joseph Vanhorn
Jr., did on the 17!h di-y of May. A. D. 1S77. tile
his iettlion in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty and state of Nebraska, against youa-.d lien
rv C. Vanhorn. Elizabeth anhorn. Kebecca
Vanhorn. and .Mary 1". Alien, heiis a; law of the
estate of Joseph V'auhiuii. Oect-ased. The ob
ject and prayer of s-ud petit ion is to correct an
alleged intsi.tse in the description of laud con
veyed or hueniicd io be conveyed by Joscoh
Valilloin, sell., mow deceased) and Rebecca
Vanhoiii. to said plaintiff, by deed made, exe
cuted and delivered on the .".th day of Septem
ber. A. D. l.-7ii, said pttiliou alleges that, de
scrip! ion of l lie i cmi.-cs iu tended to be convey
ed by said deed was erroneous as to part of the
premises intended to be conveyed in thi-. to
wit : Instead of reudim "ad of lot number one
and enem-h of lot number 2 to make the aggre
!ate just lorty (i.'ii a-res in section 17. lo-vu id
ti n. range 1 1 i'viut teeu. ' it should have read and
was intf inied by the parties to said deed to read
all of lot c.unib-r two t2i containing thirty-two
and on thinl (::-;!ii acres and seven and" two
thirds i7!; ) olf of the north side of lot number
three (:o aU in section seventeen (17) town io,
north ot range fourteen ( 14) east, and the object
and prayer of said petition is to have said deed
corr clcd so as tJ read in accordance with the
above allegation, you arc further notified that
you are rei-iiii't-d to answer sajd petition on or
before the lath day of August. A. D. IS".", or said
pi tit ion w ill be taken pro coi.feso and decree
entered accoriliii-.'ly. Joski-ii Vanhokn.Jk.
Ry Chapman spuaock solicitors. 1MI
Legal Notice.
In tiie County Court within and for Cass Co.,
In the matter of the estate of Jacob Bachelor
Take noticp tiiat the Pnal report of Joshua
Oaniiiii, tiditiil'.istra'.or of said estate lias beeu
tiled in my ollice, and that 1 have appointed Ju
ly L':id. A. D. 1S77. at mil o'clock p. in. as tiie
time ;nd place r.f examination of said report, at
mv ofliee in l'laltmout!. Nebraska, at which
time and place ail persons interested may
pear and show cause if any they have w iiy said
report should m.t be received and allowed as
and for a ri iai report, and account.-- of sai l ;el
.mt'iistrtof and the said Joshua Oppia be Ujs
clifi'gcd. Witness my hand and official scat of this Court
this -..-.ah day of June, A. D. 1K77.
lr)t; YV.m. H. Nkwf.ll.
Probate Notic
In tlie matter of tlie Probate of th? last will and
testament of .John t omplon. d H-e:eed. Jie
fo re Win. Ji. New ell, (. entity Judge, wkhil.
and for Cas Co., Netra-ka.
T ic.oai il limn (-.(( rn: notice that Maria Con-.pNm has filed in
my oiii.-e an instrument of wriiing. pttrportiiig
to be the last will and test anient ot John Comp
toii, d '. eased. and made applicat ion to hae
the same ailmittcd to probate, and that said
cati-e is set tor hearing at my ofi'ice in I'latts
inouth. on the i-itu day ef Juiy, A. I. Is77. at
one o'cioek p. in., of said day, at w hich time and
place all jieisoiis ititcrested may appear and
contest the same and show cau-e if any they
have why the said instrument of v. ritiiig should
not be allowed as tlie last wili and testament ol
John Coiaptiui deceased.
Witness my baud and oaieial seal at Platts
mni:!!i, Nebiitska. oti this li day of .June A.
D. 1S77. W M li. NhlVKLl., Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
To 1! trhi" M. Tut!:.::
You are hereby notified that Henrietta H.
Tilt tie has bled her pel ilioii in the 1 lisln.-i Court
of Cass y and .-stale of Nebraska, a--ainst
you. the object and prayer of said petition is
mat she may be divo-eed from you. sae alleges
as causes therefor, wtllnil absence on your part
tor more than 1 years, and a failu -e to I uruisli
a suitable maiinaiuance. you are furtlieriiotitieil
that you are rennned to answer said titioti on
or before the Glii day of August, A. D. ls;7.
Chapman & Spraock, solicitors. nu
SheriiTs Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution Issued by Win. k
Veils, clerk of District Court, second judicial
district, within and for Ca County. Ncoraska.
and to me directed, 1 wiM on lie awn day of
.Juiy. A. 1. IS77. at 11 o'clock, a. 111.. ol said day,
at t tie sottlii door of the Court House, iu tlie
city ot t latt-im-utii. in said Count v. sell at. pub
lic "anct 1011 the billowing rend es,at- to-wit. :
Lois hve. six. seven and eight .". . 7 & Bl, m
bbick one 1 1 1. in Mickelwiiil's addition to th
euy 01 Plattsnmut h, Nebraska ; also lots one,
two. three and four, (1, 1, a & t. in block two 2)
in same addition ; also bus one, two, three,
four. hve. six, seen and eight, (1. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7
& si, in block three co, in fame addition ; and
also lots one, two. t iuee and lour, (I, -, :i ; 4), in
block 1011.-1 1 . iu saiue addition ; and bls one.
t wo. three, f.' itv-?. six. seeu. eiciit, nitie and
lee, (I. 2. J. 4. .., 6. 7, , Hi 10. in section twelve,
t.l'-'. town twelve (Ui. north range thirteen i,"t,
net "I tlie sixth eitln prineipal meiidiatt. fs
oho-11 liy the plat tif Wljealiev and lUissiaaia
Mickelwait on tile in the Comity Cleik's JHce
of Cass County. Nebraska ; 1 l.e same beiti" lev
ied upon and taken as tiie property'.! Wheat
lev Micl.elwait, deleiidant ; to .utilv a j'td,
laent of "aid Court, reeore-rl by John 1. Tntt,
pi tin tiff.
Fiitt!aoui, JU25 27I-!, A. TX la-T.
Ut. li. cwn,zs. -
iiii .'.$;:.?:
Has removed to tie- lower i art of Main Hire el
li what was Dovov's Store. Jlis
Immense Stock of Fmnita3
is larger than he expected, and he
all present stock on baud at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Remember the new stand down town, a 9')
FOOT STOKE. Two stories fail of 1-ridture.
Before I pack it away and have t handle it
all over. I want ti) sell oil a S-U"l deal. Now is
your time to buy,
of HKXKY Ror.CE.
In Ptattsni jut'i, Neb., on Eourth St., about tiie
you will find :
Corn l'laiilers-i (hand &. horse)
Stirring I'lovs,
Sulliy I'lows,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware. Tin Ware, &c, cvc.
Hungarian and Hillet.
Seed for Sale
W Ti's
Wayon, Jluyyy, Jaco'ne and Plow re
pairiny, and general jobbluy.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of rep liiln
of farm and other machinery, as there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is we'd known as a
Wevv VVaeoins and Itu-ie made to
Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streicht's Stable
Stttive from Plaf'sniouth on Tuesday morn
ing, tlie l.Mh day of May, 177. one bay nurse. 10
years o'd. and about 1", hands high, a little white
on one hind hoof, blind in left rye. cannot teil
his biliidurss only bv liyin-r the eye. I he eye
appears as good. "and is as full alright eye. Any
information leading to his recovery liberally re
warded. (1U2i F. M. JIoHKl Ni I'on.
TVie old r.ONNER STARLFS in Plattsmoutb
Neb., have been leased by Dr. Jones, a-id he
has opened a new ami handsome livery in this
w el! known barn. The finest and best of bolsi s
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or lo Trade.
I desire to r;ive notice that I have a larce.
handsome brick barn, with plenty of room for and wa.'ous. I eau put farmeis stock
an I wagons, loads of grain or anything till un
der cover, ii the drv. Remember this.
Thanking all m v ol .' pati on for their many
favors. 1 solicit their trade this coming year,
satisfied 1 can accommodate them belterand do
belter by litem than ever beJore. a-yl.
Machinist. &. an old Mker and It mi
ne of '1 11 ! Iii nx -HachiiiCN,
has opened a shop on Six! It St reet n":r Mr. Don
elly's Rlacksinith and Wagon Shop where he has
prepared himself to do any and all machine work
w itliout except ion. He lias a No. l Lathe can
turn iu wood, iron, Steele, and all other metal in
connection w ith machine work. He can do any
thing reiptired in a guasiiiii li. even to makirga
gun. of which we have tiie evidence in a Pat.
breach loader throwing one two or three bails at
once at w ill of the "iinner.
Mr Ceo. W. Simmer a farmer ne.-irRock Bluffs
an old aeiiiiiiiiitance of Mr. Kinser from Virgin
ia fan be refered to iu regard to his former con
nect ion with the manufacture of threshing ma
chines. ;ivj Mr. Kins.-r a call and will insure
you satisfactory WorK oa :;:ty p.ut of a Thresh
ing Machine. C-'-ino.
AnnnCan't br made by every agent every
H. JI jyruonth iu the business we liirnisii. but
Cjjj-J Qlhose willing to work can tMiy earn a
dozen dollars a day right in theii own localities.
Have no room to e'xpl un here. Business pleas
ant and honorable. Women, boys and girls do
as well its men. We will furnish you a compleip
out tit free." The bu-dness p;4yc better thu any
thing eNe. We will hear expense wf starting
vou. Particulars free. Write and see. Farm
ers and mechanics, their sons and daughter,
and all cias-cs in need of paying work at home,
should wrire to us ami learn all about the work
at once. Now is the time. Don't delav. Ad
dress 'r,iL t; Co.. Augusta. Maine.
Farmers Impro
- j.-v .- - t x" . - -
Vs. :;
1 1 .
SVr-' -tt-'. -A'---V' Vr.' i- J i
-:".--irr'Vj-jr.rJWii'iit -' li:r.'. Jr'r
We were the first to itniodufo this very wonhv vat'ety o.rswini Into thu ceuntry-!:hv
tested them tnoroughly and we are convinced they are by far the mot valuable breed fui th
farmeis of this country fortht; following reasons
Rally maiurity. fiinet disjMisHioii. uood breeders, good mo'tiT. and the very best breed in
the. woild to cross Willi Ihe laii;i' eoaree lirceds, giving theni bea'rty of lorm, enproving their
fauening ijualifies. and greatly impioving the (prtIitv'"of the Lanit, whleh are not exceded by
aii other breed. Then- color "is Murk, the skin Hi perfectly smoetfi, and very thin Had white
hence they have no scurf or skin ,1;seast wldch wblt- tos me sure to "et in A black soil coon
try, and tiiey are nut tuttjrst lu thoUrn la uiumon w ilb o'f hoi swine. They aie th-s l-Lig- ,1 ef
the siuali bree-ls, making imai tbre to tortr buuurt'-l Si la '--';t yeai 'boaif-tluifca reach t'J or
7i)0 pound.- ami c;u b faited at any ae.
we hav now a verv choice lot of higs from fi-? d'f-srert Vitoort'itlcriS. Acd ai6 p:eri:d tr--'
mate pigs properly for breeding, vrmi am every u: piire Eiie-t or no s:iie.
DAYE.i?tRr ?M? C'J3?AU
hY k
I i dcAnLio I urtt rurnr.
Yji t-i '- ';-:,;';:. -b:M
Posscssi s the L'olloiciuy Superiorities
1. It is nev.-r alT.-eted by front re-.iuirinj- no!
tapping, rais-ier of 1 he handle or ot her caic
i'. It siarls with the llrst or second mot, mi ol
the handle, an I the liow cciusestl e m r.-i-nt you
slop, h aving no drtppin-ts to form mud (,r lee in
w-ule-:. on and around Ihe pint form.
3. It tlioiou'nly ventilates the well, lidding
it of f.-i-l ail.
4. It i-a es i;s cost every year in labor ; it runs
so e;t-v
5. It is invaluable in case of lire an t-ngiin
ex er ready at your door.
K The c vliiule r beiie' nf sf o.u- ill. (1 chtyeil oe'
the inhale, i o tiass, aed much sironner ,'
there is no slllne or 1'ith ever collecting on it.
7. The well ic'tuires no cleaning out after one
of these pumps is set in one i bat is clean.
S. It combines Imi h the at mospbei ic and fori .
principle. ha ii ulvesita.t eomil pressure f"i
the water, throw ing a sictnly si ream, both with
the iiji and down inotloii of i he li.imi'e.
9. I'his pump always brings cool walcr froi
the start, the water stand in ; below the plaltoi m
iu a stone cylinder.
Hi. 'I lie buckets may be removed at any time
without iiiov ing the piintp or plal foriii.
Thev wiil throw from City t: seventy-five feel
tvj.n : l.e eri! ef a hose, from weilsup to sixty
leet deep, Willi one hand power.
They are also very useful for washili-f carrla
ges, windows, sprinkling lawns. &.
E;ist of Plat te Valley House.
In the Town.
Good Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Ciirrinifps sent to Depot to meet ;
whenever ordered.
dl t!
Funerals attended and carrlatres furnished li.
.1 W. slIANXOS.
Pliatt-iiuoiith. Neb.
- v.
1 -cl
If I 5 I 1
- 5 rr
1 &
3. O Z
g O C 7T -J
u. c s- -r -
r i
7 T2
!i '
V. o'
2 -
r -
rt r-.
Loniige3, Tables, Bedsteadj:
Of All Descriptions.
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