Til B IF ERA L i). J. X. MACMUKPIIY . Editok. II,ATTSMOUTJI, JULY 12, 1377. l'HOi". Priunnioml is bound they shall know we have Sunday Schools beie. Thkuk's a good Ieal of fu:i in a -uiet way up at the High S.hoo! about llOW. Ql'kky Diil the Watchman man ever have any brains to- get tired ? Our Co. exchanges say no. A 't tLKOKAM ajiiiouiiciiiff tlit? d t'alh f the popo was received ou Sunday4 tut needs coidirmiii. Ttnu;i; Ciises of sunstroke which proved fatal, occurred in Omaha on Saturday the 7th. The thermometer sdood at one hundred in the fchado that d.y. Ilm: & Co. distillers, Omaha, have .-hipped the Ilus.-ians G.000 gallons of hit Alchohol via San Francisco. The Ilee thinks that there will he some red hot fighting soon. We opine it ought to he above proof. Tiik C 1. Si Q. train arrived at and departed from Omaha yesterday. There was a wash-out on the St. Jot; road, iiear Trailer's Point, and tin train had to come up by the way of Plattsmouth. Omaha Republican. And that's the way it ouyht to run all the time confound it. Mk. 1'irKit the agent of Webster's Dictionary's is in tow n attending the Teacher's Convention, lie supports us in the assertion that "Webster is the :reat Newspaper authority in the U. S. One oT Webster's latest dietionarys contains an epitome of all "knowledge and it may be safely said the man who Knew his Dictionary by heart w ould be indeed a thoroughly educated maa. The Indianapolis Journal feels ::u tboiiz'.vl to state that th senatorial career of Stanley Matthews will finally ci.iMi on the 4th day of March, loTD. That reminds us that our newly ac quired friend, Judge Lynch, says there i:i cj'ar departments of this (Juveru incut wow, instead of il.n e as of yore; to-vit, viz: las the lawyers say.) The executive, the judicial, the legislative, and Stanley Matthews. If he's boss nf the other three, March 'Tt) is too far Oil. Death on the Kail. .Ouiulta Daily Republican. Xkbkaka City. July 9. Oie IVarson. formerly of Omaha, w as I accidentally killed while falliiu: from j a trr.nel t ruin while in motion on the j Ni-'orstska railroad, one ami one-half j ii'iifS below this city this evening, lie will be buried by the company. Mr. Pearson formerly worked for the K. M. It. R. Co. at Ih llevue and La Platte. lie was buried in the cemete ry at t his place yesterday mornii:, at tended by many R. It. men. .Missjirnx rive" risl;. Cut (JlTat Oaiaha. The Old Muddy ru-e almvo Oiualia on Tuesday and cut tlirou.di a isock of J.aud striking the Neb. side below the .Smelting v.orks, and the Iowa side be low toe bridge washing out a iai!c of ' 1 .'i- Sir -T.I f raft- l,iu.',ei..iiit'- nui- '. ., . " ' ., ; nuinnr.es mail staved r.t Council 1 uifs Tu -sday. The entire C. U. & Q. traii.s have been run through Plattsmouth .'iuce, where they always ought to be run. History Of Cu.3i Cacnty. Ir. Childs' Ilutory of Cass Cnuulv is now reedy for sale. Price 40 els. I-t r copy, including lxcorils of ths old M f tiers society as well. Thi'j work is one of great value to .d! the uhl settlers. Dr. Chil ls printed it at his own expense that something like a correct history of early events iaifcjit be preserved. In almost every other county in the state they publish ed their Centennial History at the- (-:- ' j'cu;e of th: county. The. c boohs .ire for sal. by Tr. "Waterman of Louis ville, J. 1. Young at Pi.iUsrnuulh and '.li-T places in the County. 'I he War Frolic ei. LoXIiOX. July 7. The niiiitary titintioti nuw ;i;pi ars to be ivs follows: The Turks have changed their front and fu'cd to the -f-l war! sinCfti" '!:K;!:iHi' pntr in,-j I into Bulgauria; the Russians are de ploying with their left Hanks resting on the Danube to face the Turkish line from Pustchuk to Shumla; where this j moveiiiriit is complete a general battle may be expected unless the Turks fall back to Balkans, or the Russians mass i heir whole auiidrilater.il and turn it by passing the- Balkans. The Russian f aces coming through Dabrudscha are approaching the Turkish Rastchuck and shuiul.i line. This column is too strong to be opposed hy any force de tached from the Turkish main body, while ihi- main body cannot turn upon it without exposing its rear toRussias, main force. This situation is the crea tion of Corwrites. Ilezems entirely ignores the existance Seiistiia, Viras and Kutendenje, and the latest information fixes thu garri sons at these places respectively, 32,000, 20,1)00 and 10,000, which operating on the flanks or rear of the Russian Dod niJ.schic force would paralyze its ef- forti to co-terate with the army in central Uulgaria. UKsides the -garri- . sons of these fortified places, tin? Suli-j man 1'a.shas array, which is now stated j to be embarking at Antivaria, could be landed at Vama, which would make the number of Turks on the Ilus.sian left " flank over 50,000, The Russian Dabnidsc-he corps is expected to nu in ter cub' SC,O00. T'ASVUVVXlMi 'E.H L'l A LITTLE. Boy a Stout On Ills E;u. The 1'oor OM I'cnltcntury L'urttr t!ic Hammer A 'aln. Dr. Miller has Found A llii? lionanza. Iast Saturday the Omaha Herald struck it big; hjavy, rich, thry say, we don't see the thing. It had interview ed Secretary Tzschuck and found out that Ross Win. Stout had inveigled the Legislature ? into passing a bill which leased the Penitentiary to him for 10 years to put who he pleased in it and keep (hem there at GOcts per day. This scared Miller, anything about the penitentiary always docs. He is mighty careful who is to have charge of that penitentiary while he lives in the state, we see that. lie's right about it. j It iseems that under a law of the Legislature passed last winter the board of public lands and buildings, was authorized to make a contract with responsible paities to let the services of the State prisoners to the lowest bid der for a term of years: Provided, Xo bids shall be received w here the net cost per capita shall ex ceed GO cents n v day, and the estimates shall be on convicts only. They advertised such a letting, and W. II. 13. Stout bid GO cents, and was the only bidder. The board lirst accepted his bid as he says, and then began to think they had found a mares nest and backed out. Stout now sues for a mandamus to compel the fulfilment of the con tract. SKCHETAR Y TZSC'll L'CK tells the IIkkall Stout can make SCV 000 a year out of the contract, and ob jects. We have not time now to look this matter up. It seems to ns that our prisoners ought to earn enough to be kept for less than GO cents a day. There are two things we do know, that no republican official ever better ed his or the state's condition by allow ing the Omaha Herald to make a cat's paw of him. And if Dill Stout has such a wonderful power of managing a whole Legislature, two-thirds of of whom are supposed to be sharp law yers, and entitled to rt big pay in fees for their learned and legal opinions, and also the Board of public lands who were and are to draw up this con tract if he can beat both of them in legal acumen and persuasive argument, the State of Nebraska has but two uses for William. If he is so dangerous at large chut him up in the penitentiary at once, bottle him up. Its only bottled Stout any way. The other use w e can put him too, is to send him to Congress. The National Legislature can't be so unearthly much smarter than all of ours for past years and as Stout has al ways got the hi'st of all of then?, dem ocrats and all (according to the Ilrr. AL2) he ought to be able to manage the conflicting elements down there so as to bring peace and plenty to the country and proiit to Nebraska. There is one moie use for Stout the V.V. and Central Pacific had better discharge Miller and their other L'ui- tors and managers and put Stout in. i for if Tom Scott ever gets a hold of RillStout providio. he has the powers ! iiiciibtdto liim the Texas Pacific will, i surely be built somewliei e's ulitre it will hurt somebody. C'siss CtMinty Uridj'f's Ajaf n. We understand that ;i lot of bi iilf-5 are to lie built this summer. One :t-t Smith's crossing on the "iVeeinnir Wa- ttr; length of main .;an Tii feet. j One in Sec. 19 T. 3 0, Ii. 13 near ld- lard i Shel lcTiS (oh ain't we ghui i one i . .. . " . . 1 i sp:i'i 76 ft. On li :ie bel.veen Sections 4 J and 3 T. 10, U. 15, near Clisby'.s farm j length of the bridges 112 ft. j One near Klepser's Louse in See. 02 j T. 11, II. 11, length 42 ft. j One on S. Line Sc-c. S, T. 11, It. 10 ' length 20 ft. I One in Sec. 5, T. 12, It. 12, near A. Schiegels farm Commissioners to locate II, Wolf, - Jl"E"l-1 Civil Enrinee eers. VT.C. . i .l lir IE.LO 1 The above Committee were out last week and staked oat these bri Iges. The IIxkald is sincerely glad to know that the wants of the peoule are being accomodated by the Commissioners. We are also happy io hear (even from oar friend Sheldon, v.e understand) from in any .'.ources that pour old Mar tyred M. L. White's bridges still stand. Xotoue lias gone oat in spite of the terrinc rains of the past two springs. ' We don't know whether these are to be Reformers bridges or not but we ven- tu;e a guess thaV-he bridges built ac cording to frize and quality vili cost the Co. as much as White's (So called) and that they will hist no longer. j Uuild us some more bridges down on the Weeping Water? Oueries. One friend wants to know whv we dou.fc inU th? City Tre.lsur;r or Council-for not collecting City taxes promptly. There are too many stran gers here this week to wash dirty cloth es just now. Another wants to know our opinion of "Hayes policy." Also on "Civil Service rules." That's easy answered. We don't be lieve in pol;cies policy is luck, if luck hits us all right its a good policy if not its bad. Ptcond, Humanity is about alike all ovsr. We are just like the rest of you, we despise Machine poli tics unless we can turn the crank. If we turn said crank the machine is gen erally thought a good one. We don't know yet who is turning the Hayes crank here just now but we'll find out in a few days. If "Hayes" pol icy whatever that is "keeps in my men and turns out somebody elses its' a good policy. If it keeps out my men and uts in yours its a bad policy." I.s'nt that about the way we feel? Mr. Kiikpatrick, wants to know why we don'i pitch into the system cf school taxes and things; yes well, we haven't time this week, but as there are a lot of public Educators here this week and . . . 11 a. i. . j , I. . . ; J " i t --vw i A P M P ! T0IINAU0 IN WIMJOXSlN. Janesvillk, Wis., July 0. A terrible tornado on Saturday night swept everything before it. At Pen saukee station, twenty-five miles north of Green Ray, on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad, the Gardner Hotel, the largest brick summer resort hotel ia northern Wisconsin, was blown -j down. Eight persons are known to have been killed and two missing. Other buildings were blown to pieces. The town is a total wreck. The saw mill, shingle mill, and a store were to tally destroyed. The tug Spray and a Schooner aro a total .wreck. The school house and fifteen or twenty houses were blown down. A power ful gust raised the Depot and blew it across the track and prevented pas sage of the Green Ray train, for two hours. The bridge was damaged and misplaced. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Milwaukee, Wi3., July c A special to the Sentinel from Pen saukee says: A terrible whirlwind struck the town on Sunday night, leav ing but three houses standing. The Gardner House, the large Hotel, was wholly demolished. Saw mills resi dences, trees fences and etc., were swept away. Six persons are known to be killed, twenty wounded, and five missing. Some guests were at the ht tel of whom nj account has been matte. The losses were heavy. The storm tore uo large trees as though they had been weeds, and whirled them in the air like.leathers. It is supposed further reports will show more causaltics. War News and Notes. RUSSIANS TO OCCUPY CONSTANTINOPLE London, July v. It is said the gov ernment lias information that Rus sians intend to occupy Constantinople at all risks unless the Turks anticipate that event by making peace on the czar's terms. The etfect of this and other intelligence as to Russian inten tions has been to modify very consider ably the view taken of the crisis by certain members of the cabinet. Tiie practical outcome will probably lie that if more energetic members should feel bound to adopt active policy, they will no longer be opposed by those cf their colleagues w ho have hitherto been dis posed to caution. It is reported a pow erful reinforcement is to be sent to the squadron in Resika bay. The Sultan recently at a private audience declared to Layard. Rritish represeiiative, that ho would not guarantee protection to Christians if the Russians continue to excite'rebellion in Bulgaria acd per petrate atrocities in Asia Minor. Ron. D. L. l.ym-Ii. Tiy Appoiutn..-!it of Lieutenant Gov ernor C. C. Antoine, this gentleman was yesterday promoted from the bench of the Fourth District Court to be judge of the Superior District Court, paiis.h of Orleans, vice Jacob Hawkins, de- ceased. Judge Lvneh was born in Ire land, and when a boy in his native land he received the benefits of an excellent education. Jlecarm to New York from Ireland in WA, and to New Orleans in 1S"5. His first employment here was as a teaeiier, ami to u:is cay lie nas continued a rlrm friend of teachers and public schools. While teaching ho em ployed his spare momeiKS in reading law, and In lMT he was admitted to the bar of practice in the courts of I.ou- j iiatia. 'When the severe nrdcal of tiie ! civil war cair.e on, a::d thiouh the i dark davs of its l .rojrress. .T ude Rvnch. w..l5 ioun,i faithtul anions the' lVw I'iiioii men of ev Orleans, true to the oath he had t:ik-;i to S0pp.:rt aad went of his adoption. lu lc;JJ,vhen General Ranhs attempt ed the recfuatruction of the ijtate, un der the plan advised bv rre.sliUnt. Lin- ro'.n. J u.l'f Lynch wa? nominated as Attorney fleneral i.t" L;i'ii-i ana, and was e'.t ci.eil to that oitice on the lickt-t with Governor Mieiiae! llahn. lie held the o.'liee of Attorney (ici:er;il u.:li! ihe Lit tc-r I'.-u t of 1S05. when the Stale gov ernment reverted to the returned Coti tederates, and Colonel A. . Ilein ti be came his suecessor , i lle was reajj't;iut- ed l v General Slieiidaii, v: e Ilt-rron, i denoscd, and served a: li .it time. Judge Lynch then resumed the practice of his j j profession, until 170, when he s- rved j a term of two years as a member of the ' House. At the iN'ovemb'-r ( h oti-n, in ISTJ, he was placed tat the Republican ticket as a candidate fcr judge of the Fourth District CVuit, pari.-di of Or leans. A split in the Democratic ranks scented bis eic'l inn. lie vtcei ved 12,1) i" votes against S?.ul2 cast for T. J. Cooh-y and 12,07:? for .1. M. Bonner, both Dem ocrats, lie li ts hel l the judgeship of the Fourth District Omit from the time he assumed the duties of the office by virtue of his eleciion. until the pres ent, when be is called to higher Juniors by being made judge of a court of great er jurisdiction. He enjovs Ihe reputa tion among tiie more intelligent mem bers of tl:e bar of being one of the ablest jurists on the district bench. His selection as Judge Hawkins' successor is, therefore, peculiarly felicitous, not only on account of ids legal attain ments, but his long tried integrity as a man. Xew Orleans Republican. Judge Lynch we understand intends to settle in Pluttsmouth and practice law. lie is now looking about for property to suit him. lie is a gentle man in every sense of the word, and the IIlh.vld was very much interested in his descriptions of the actual state of society in Xew Orleans during the late unsettled state of political events down there, the Judge being an eye wilne;-3 to manv of tiie scenes, having been as above stated a resident of New Orleans since ld57. One of Judge Lynch's decisions in the case of Louisi ana vs 11. C. Dibble, in regard to'the At torney Generalship of that State, was ac cepted by the Supreme Court of the State, and his decisions generally were sound. Fruit Itaisers. "We have received from the State Horticultural Society a neat volume of 130 pages, containing their "Transac tions for 18T7." They invite our criti cism on a slip also sent ttlong with the book. "Candid cri deism." they want. Well then to be c.inuid, we have delay ed noticing this work thus far in order to get time to read it thoroughly, that we might criticise with intelligence. We have come to the conclusion that they know move about the business than we do, and if we wcie going into fruit culture, we would consider this book one of the most valuable aids to be obtained, and should teal it for. ad vice and not criticism. The men whose names appear prom inent in it, and whotia theories and ad- vice vre to criticise .Lave TE LEG R I ! m?de national fame in horticulture, i Some of them at last. They have done i i a creat deal for the state of XeUniafca. j .... They have convinced a skeptical world that Nebraska can raise fruit, No. 1 fruit. That she can get away with the older states on many varieties. They have done more, they have by actual demonstration convinced our own peo ple, tho early settlers here, the most skeptical of all that fruit raising can j be conducted with profit and success in ! - w i i . it .Neii. Day oy a ay ami year oy year me area of orchards and fruit trees is in creasing. Long after vine-yards and orchards existed in Cass, Otoe and Ne maha counties they still told us that we could not raise fruit north of the Platte; in the northern counties and so on. Rut here we have Washington, Burt and Dakota counties represented, and telling about their orchards and thmr fruit trees. And west in Hall Saline and Jefferson, and almost all ov er the State, the returns come in that they Jiave berries and apples and fruit glowing. In fact it is only a question of time and cultivation of the soil. To a certain extent, the older the land the easier fruit trees grow, that's all there is of it.J Go ahead gentlemen, and if ymi do -as much more and as much bet ter in the next ten v ears as you have in the past ten, you can defy anybody's criticism. THE MARKETS. HOME MALKLTS. KEfURTF.I) BY F. K. V. tl!j V.'hrtit Corn, .... lilts live I'.:'. r:.-v 1 !...'.. Cattle. l5ucUvhe:it,. . ir-0 1!2 '! 7". 60 latest 'EW yokk m akkkts Skw Yokk, July 11. Money, Cold, lt;"-:,8 LATEST CHICAGO MAIIKETS. CllICAeiei, July 1 1. I'teur 5 '.-.",- 7."i Wiieat Id..' 1 17 Corn -JsVi' Oats Kve I.. Laity, lios 4 w Cattle , 4 7') T A C 1 C. CHARLES. y . t? V,- L ii r OFFfCES : .g.:?: and iO, r:iriiat)i St., - - ;inhn, t-T. i i'"ji,o.sorvalloi of tiie 'atiirai Teeth Ma 'e a irvsjtj'. GLl-b? jf'-cf.'.'i.7 Dtnlhl i;t the ,.7v. Money for I have now on hand, roa lot of rarmers, dy I..r shippius a fine Pure Bped tolaia! China I'la for sale, at reason.-.lile rat-.1 an uirni: It in pairs rot a'on. t !!. v (tescioii.-d from itie herd-, of Slieiiard .( u re Ml- tier, of Hanoi and A. C. Moore. t'; n p i : e-. the le st Inns ai ihe national hoc siu v ia (. i: cairo in 1S7J. lorrc pondeiietr lucia'ellv m.-w ere,!. Sa l lie eieuso of snidiu. fart'eer e, I. E. N. SM tr'.ti: i". lr.mC Malvern, ?.iiiii Co., low . J take pleasure in aiinounci , PL.VTTS- Tin: crnznxs 01 MOUTH AND VICINITY, That thev are now located in their NEW BUSINESS HOUS Opposite Fitzgerald lilock, and readv to see their old custome md as many new ones as may onu Having itisl a new iissort men I men t (' "om is in a new LIGHT HANDSOME PLACE OF j BUSINESS, We think we can ac commodate the public and please the taste of all. i I " j ! . Give us a call any way, and try the j new uptown store. . lltf I S.GOO.OCO Ciotflis OK TIIK niments . 1 24 I li:ive been solJ the last your, ami not one com j jilaint lias ivac'.iCil us tliat they have not Uoue all that is rlaiiiieil ur tnein. inut-eo, .scieutirc s'iiil cani;ot ii'j boi!;! tht ipsuU readied lu these wonderful preparations. Added to C:tr holic. AmiiM, Mentha. Soneca-Oil and Witeh llazel, are other Ingredients, which makes a family liniment that defies rivalry. Klieuimitic and bed ridden cripples have by it been enabled f4o throw away their crutches, and many who for year have been ufliieted with Neuralgia Sciatica, Caked Hrem-ts, Weuk Backs, ic, have found iH-nn.incnt relief. Mr. .lu-i.ih West lake. of Marysviile, ()., writes : "For years my Khi'uniatism has been so bad that I have been unable to stir from the houe. 1 have tried every remedy I could lu.'ar of. Fi nally I learned ol the Ct ntaur Liniment, 'li'.e first t hree hollies e;i:illec! me to v.alk without my crutcliev. 1 jini meii.luiM ronidiy. I U.:uk your Liniment simply a marvel. This Liniment euro Dams aad Scalds with out a scar. Instructs the poison from bites and stinus. Cures Cliillblains and FioMc 1-fect, and is veiy efficacious for liar-ache. Tooth-ache, Itch and Cutaneous Kniption.:. The CVnt.-mr Iiniuitnt, Yellow Wnippfr. is intended for the foash li!res, curd and luuscics of horses, nmlos and animals. i:i:ad kkad ! Itev. Ceo. W. Ferris, Manoekill, Schoharie Co. N. Y., says : "Mv Horse was lame for a ear wi;h fetlock wrei.'cli. All remedies utterly laib-d to cure and I coti-i:ieivi! hi. u worthless until 1 cnmiiieie-ed to use 'eiitaur l.ininicnt. which rapidly cured him. I heartily recommend it." It makes very little difference whether the case he wrench," sprain, spavin or lameness of any kind, the facets arc the .anie. The jrrcat power of the Liniment is. however, shown in roll-evil. IU-head, Sweeny, Spavin, Kinj; none, (alls and Scratches. Tins Liniment is worth minions- of dollars yearly to the Siock-itrowern Livery-men, Farmers, and those having valua ble animals to care for. We warrant its ofl'ccts and refer to any i-'.uTier who has ever used ii. Laboratory of J. R. Rosn & Co., -mUky St.. 7i:w Yoa:i. A cmplete sutitute for Castor Oil, without i: unpleasant taste or recoil in the throat. The result of 20 year.,' practice by Dr. S.ua'l l'itciur of Massachusetts. l'itelici 's Castoria i:; iiarticu!arl y reeon.mcn J -CJ for chiidren. It destroys worms assimilates the food, aad allows natural rdeeo. Very e!!i -a-i ioas Lii ("r )u:) and for children Teethimr. For Colds, Fevenshii"ss. Disorders of th.- Ilowels j and Stomach Cmaplainis. nothing is so effective It is as pi jasant to take a honey, easts hat .';" : ceii.s, and can be had of any drug'ji- t. j Thii is one of ta-ny testimonials : j "CoitNWALL. Li:i'A'on Co.. i'A., Mar. 17, '7k j l, in-s;r: l have used your Castossia in rr.x i j.'.'a. i i.-e for soiiie t i:ia . i take .ureal p'.t-asure i :n ; cja;.ititi;:j i? to Vie ii 'i.t.-ioa as a safe, le- . liable, and auiv. able la.-da-hie. l! is parti -alar j lv ('.'?; ' Pt r!;i! !ri ii where t he repugnant t:i"te oi I csuu' till :ciuie: s il so liiti'cult i o a. ill', inSt "T. E. A. EMI i-.i:S. .1. 1)." ! Matheiv who try Ca toria vdil "ud that they j cm sleep niukts and tiiai their tiaVies will be healtiiy. i 1-tU J. B. Ft i: & CO.. 7ew Yoi! -:- . , . . r-. . At!i the recovered i .', 1 7 dy-p.-p; ic-.bii.ous s-uf- il.-...fviv'r-, Icliin (;f fever ui azue. t lie merci!- b ii.,1 diseased pa'ient how they l-ee.ivered health. el. erful spir- od aioictjte. ?it in v wii! tt ii vou hv if : ''.i 7T "; I a I. her Sim.Vons' I.iv- li: i:i:i.iCi.AVjj;. Th-: :: r For I), -i. a:s ;'t! a Ol' i: il; , it; - in. c.l :.ol to i.; th.i Vjiil. pe;-la, C'ci-.ti'-atioii, .lau: dii-e. r.ii Mel; IL'iidaeiiO. Co I i-Mn e-- -iou s-our Siie.iai ii. lieari i::rn. .e.. Cvr. :-t'!i d "Souliierii lieiiiedy is arr.Uit ri .i'.i.iti ,1 c "a .rtiele of .Meiv a: y, :ir:t.fi;s laaiiTal Mi.i-titiiee, hut is PUUULY yi:uj:tabli:. co::t ;i:ii ii: tli-i-e u.!t v. !:iea "ft iid wi-e Ji.t f IK,.': :' .- V. I" fe Liver .' ,,' f.iv nil i. '. ( .;.-.. c I'll. Til !:oi: :oid Hert.. :ii-e iia ; ii! '-(! i i ii-e-' i.io-t irea;i. 1 1 1 L-.rar.nii.ti r.t i l i;e ie.!;e.ii i er ':er.;ii did ;ire ;t l.ii- j t r er l-nl t" to i'l tin' ran'ita : I'.iin in tin- I n -;;, j de- er joii'tr. '..iteii mi- tukett fi.f i;iie;iin.iti-!'i ; ; j .mr it. i mi.-. i : l.ii - i.t Aj'i'e tie i;.ii eN ::nei - i n:itei et)t-:ive and : I i-ndie-lte ; i,f i nii'iiii'rv. v il ii e.iinf.il - i-;;-. tr inn .!' 'i:. i;iir ' j i- 1 i'i dit font". In'i. v, liii-;-, tn;;;hf re h ive eecii J j di.ne ; Hehiiil.V. Lmv Si;i ii Cii.-I; y. ' ,v ;tp- j ! iienr.uiee .l : l.e -ki.i.i.d i ( .-. a dry Cellgll of ten i..ii-t:i!i n lei i tin -iiin;io:i. j Srmtt iui. s iii i-iy i-f tliese Kyeijittiiiis attend I t in- (ii-e.i-", ji; c! iier- very few. iiut tne Li'.er. ! tin i-ti e-t ti'iiii in ! iie l"i.U , is jr. ni'r.illy t!.u I sciti ei Hit di-i-.i-e, and il tiel leuinted in'ti-i e ia f:d s'.i.'lel lie, wieiclieelit'ss i.x,d OKA11I Aa! j eij.ie. 1 cn reuii!!i-inl it fei f:l'."ici:iis ri'inedy fur ill. t:i!.-i th. I lv. r. 1 1, mi ii ma ;u.d lyjejiia, mmk'Ws' Livr.:: i:Ei;rt..T!i. LK'.V IS I. AVlM!.H, r.J, "dn-i.-r Siivet, Assistant I'i-t M:!-ter, l'i.iliideiiu.i.i. ''. linv. te-ted U- vii'tues. iier-tn.il!y, :i:id I liii.iw Uiiit I'.ir lvie:i-i;l. Uil.ni-ni;-.'. ;iud I riireliein lli'.ld.ieiie. il i- tile in-.-,t lii' dieine Lie welid everi- lv. We !;:ive tiled felly otliir reutt-dies bel.ire Siliilileti' I.i'ei' II.;: u L: . oi". Suit iiiim ef tlieei fi.ivt iif mure tlian tenipeiary re lief: tint tli" Kentater nut only re);eed t ut cured Hi-." .''. i'Vtyi'i-'i'1' a.;d Ji .;;.-'((.;, iia cou, llu. ?.fit'tiififtirc I i.c!i tin J. H. Z : I LI X i- CO.. MACON, ;.., :i:.d 1'!! II. l)Pi 1'iiIA. It contain- lour i.i.V.i. a! eleiiieiits, ueer imi ted in tiie .-aiiie Iiapt'v pifipi : I i.i:i in any etiior preparation, vi : a p !it!e e.tt .l.u t ic, a u inder- . fill Tenie. mi iiiicmp'. iiiiiiiuli Alteiiii ive and certain i'erretivt ei nil itui'iiriilet of the i;jy. j Such ."ii.a! i-i'ei'i -s has ultcuded its u-e, that it I i.s i;;iv 1.' .';.r. led as ii:e EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC ln' all diM'a.seii tif lie Live;, "jloiaa.-h and i Si.'i-en. i A It : :!li il: if). M.-daritei" t'evfs. I:.v.e 'inujiiiui.t. Dyspcp- s' !. Menial I K in es-leu. Usi It ne--. .Jiiiindiee, i Nan :). Slek Ilfiulacjic. Colle, Coltiiuitioa ' iiai! Liliii'.i-iie--. IT 1 IAS NO EQUAL. CAUTIO.V. A- there a;e a liuinh. r of ilnit'iTior.s (.'rered to the imidie. m' would camion the coniinmiily to l'i:y iu l'' h is or 1'ivpared St;iN.v 1.1 v ki: Ki'.tii'i . vniK. lii.lc" in imr eni'aveil wmii p.'i'. Willi tii ti.o'e mark, "-ta.no and inatuie i;idl'titli. None ot tier N K'-miine, .. . ZE f LIN d- CO., 3f(fo;i, G'tt , and P'lilnd' i.J: ia. Y in- v.dt'.'ihlf ia"i!' '::" sini neiiV Liver K; i:l. iter, iias sa mu many I).i ."tor- t ill, I nt if I.t everything it is re.iiiimetiiled, iiml never kne.v it tt fail, I Icve nid t! in I'tdin aiul iruli''-. with my mule.- ami herM". civitnt them aluiai had a Inn ! !e a a time. 1 have not lo-t .neiliat 1 ive it ia, yoiean rt commend it to cveiv one ti.a! lias si ,ek I's eeii! the he-t 111 t (I ieine ku.ma lor ud ci.Tn;.I.iin:-' t!i::: li'ti-'.-th'-h i ht L to. K. T. TAVLlli!. o"i!y Agent for (lungers ol (Itorgia. PYTVa Arrciits in eit'e-. jnd cmei- a ;ti y' luitiis. Yini-. iieee-..-.'iry to show H ' sa'aipies to nniKt' sates and mtmey. fur 1 ".any one tnt ol cmploynit-iu and ti:-- r t "..- I to wori" . I'setl tl.iilv hv all lei- !-, ' m ...- ..... .1 i . ... l..r ..ir-ti l-i r UilOli " . ...i ....... .... , A f ;; i . 1 1 ! ,, l,ii...'ii "itt3?.H .Subscribe for the IIeuald and Xc braska Farmer; only tJ-J.tlS. LUU iV i i i-4 1 I -l i week Mdhni; our new artiele tt business men AN ill I Lit made !w:i -lne I.AUY made 'iS din laiY lnade IB 15 in tne week which show what can be tloiie if a Ortil v is t'lit-ivetie. lliisiness e i-y and li'inorahle. Seii'l stainl for ciiciilar giMii;-! full particulars. AtMress. ltouiu (i -It-enditH" llnJMInir. 4nn3 C'HICAiJO, ILL. PL4TTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOtlN Ii3. I'rorleto-. TZZIZ OLD KiiM.iiac ssoi'si:. flood accommodations for Iarmers I and the traveling juiblic. Hoard SI per 1 day. Meals Coc. Entirely 'refitted and j re-furnished, and farmers are request- e.vto call and set -i meals and 1-ed for j SI. 00. . . . Saa3 L olid Once More! ELI PLUHMER'S Having opened a stock of floods at my old stand, in Rlattsmouth, a$;ain, and h.ivina: just rcturncel from tiie East, I am prepared to sell goods at better rales th-.n I have ever done be fore. O TJ IK, n ft . f?, s w n 3s just line ia l.ow being oiKne.I. We have a full Spring and Humiiur Dig (Joode, Bhacli'd and Jtroucn Domtstiw, Prints and Summer Press Goods, L'ldL'i and Gents Hosiery. A full stock of YANKEE NOTIONS, 'CP s- m imp Qfkyy ) ? The Lest stock nf (Vr?--e ever brouJit to thl t'.tv ; iifiiMtd ilid Green. Canned Fruits in great cari ti-s. Snj'trs tf Xyr'iji oil f. pacJ.-ag- s j PRIED FRUITS iorciini & Domestic llv intenfien l?"l il a first ti-idt. ntl to niufce iiiv Mere tt'.e Kiui'oi'iiM.i fur th'.' farm er, wants.' We vi'! take ail C'eui.try rroduoc ;:i exchange far j.'eod?, at cash rate. Our idea 1-. tuhuy for CASH tir.d sell forf'ASTI to every one, and at su.'h rates that both hi.yt l and st-IIcl" can live. j Xow, wo want to see all our old friends back .again, an 1 we want all the j new imps we can get. We jironiise to ; treat you well and send you lnnne iiaj I iy, with ;i wagon load of goods bought for verv little money. N'pvt week 1 expect to fill this column with :i new iist of otitis, just oin-ned. Keatl ihe 'diers and come and look, at the goods, that is all 1 ask 7in(j KLI FLU JIMKIL I i l LU3 W 13 1 as We are in almost DRA T WECKB AND FANCY GOODS, which we otTer our fih uds and the pt.l lie at at piiees Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaine.-, &e. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward. BBD&PHBADS ! tit stock of V.'hito Bedsjuvad r.tr brought to the Cltv. The f5i Euell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, full muz OF ALL Country Produce taken Thankful for pad favors in the years gone Of.M: INTKKI CATl-r..l TH IN I.V ALL fASE" ed ith llClcKS, I if ruaiu i:.s ever, PEMEZIBER THE PLACE, A SCHNASSE & I ai-d d a Q & it CI 2 lete coin!) a xev.' a:;i fr m ic w tf Spring Shawls, Dress Goods, Straw Oats, Fek Mats, Fin Hats, For Gentlemen HCARFS, FAXS, AX D GASEMEBiuS: OF Hosiery, Navy Slue, C'rdinal Red & Seal Brovr.. mm Md Kid $tnm Embroideries and Laces. BACK COM US AXD XOTIOXS OF ALL KIN US. Satchels, A'alises, and Ladies Hand .Satchels:, Toilet Quilts, Ace, Ti - , sets, and ItiLbons a ra.vi: assout.mct. IJoys .S.iiamer Casj-ii'itred, Tweeds. Sec, (iueeiioware, Wooden W. A Full Stock of Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, Lard SALT FISH, M; c.':t r.t White Fish and Cod. REjIEJIEERALL KIXDs nF Co FX 7' R I' PRODUCE TAEFE 1 EA CUAXGE FOR GOODS. ONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I latttmouth. ACH,-Prop. v o 9 D ? daily receipt of ami 1 M to .suit the tin.es. Jeans, and Cottonades in Stock 'VESICA!; KIXDS. in exchange for Goods. by. I respectfully ask a continuance of the s-,i a a.. I hoping my i 11 il ls to please inn v he i J. V. WrJOKJVAUI. ONE DOOR WEST OF J'. it; I' LA TTSMO urii, XE II E . 1 .s A r-p GRAMBERG r New ticJi of 45- O L:'0 ran stock of fit m new stock of SILK' XECKERC J!J: '. PARASOLS. A.L.L tSMAP Innumerable. QQBdl & mm