.S. - r --. 1. -.71--: xst-J w -lVKv-'V It- -- TUE HERALD, LOCAL. XEWST Uur neighbor, Dogardu.-i M;itiew3 grows better looking every d.iy lately since pigeon shooting season. Ban II. Wheeler, Esq. made a small investment in a croquet ground out liaelc of the Court House, and if pro viding fun for the jurymen, witnesses, and court attendants is pay fortho in vestment, Dan has got principal, com pound interest, and 40 per cent besides, for his work. Sii.;crs for Softs at Merges'. 12tf Custom made plow boots at S1.75, ;tt MadoliiKUin's. 12t2 California oranges, the best and sweetest in the market at the P. O. News Depot. Mr. Schnasse has returned from the I 'lack Hills and reports his firm doing well at Rapid City. Alex Schlegel has gone into partnership with the firm arid he and C.ramberg will run the Jihick UilW end of it while Schnasso attcn ts to this part of the outfit. Mrs. Ulster has been obliged to give up her shop on Main Street, but will still take in sewing at her house on Chicago Avenue, one door east of M. 1$. Murphy's. She respectfully so licits the patronage of her former cus tomers, and all others who ma- desire work done cheaply and well. reui Jh of July at Weeping Water. The citizens of V. W prepare to cele brate the 101st Fourth of July, and anticipate a better time than has ever been at this place. Something to anui:;e all during the day. and in the afternoon and evening there will be a big danci:. iTverjbody is invited to attend and trip their light fantastic toe. M. Wai:t. Weeping Water. tlippers for C" cts at Merges. I2tf Head Henry J'oeck's new locals this week. Sago llros. have a fine article of wire netting for sale, at only G cents per square foot. 12tf Clo;;i7 Cxerciscs of the I'latfiuouth Iil.i School, for Hie Term Ending lYiJay, Juno 2'11, 177. ri:ora:AMMi:: SALUTATORY K. R WlXKHAM. ornxiMi choiits, DECLAMATION Thomas Cl'shixo. TARl-KAl'-Pynniid of Children. EXEUCI!K SnXfi- -".In t I.'ke Me." DlAl-OOfr "Choice of Trades," 11 boys. IiriTf-Mi-s'-s Lit.i.n: and Katie St.i- DiX LAMA" ION "i'orty Year Ao."' TilOM.H M.MiTH IS. I A !:.:: Vt'-'K1 Wotu.ui iii tw-r Shoe.' Di:CL VMATION "Chuniins? Soug," Hikdie Inis.il. l.'l'.,i'.:TKTTE. DIAi.OOX'E "When Hie Cat's away. Hit Mice w ill l'hij IS boys. EXERCISE Si NC, -"What we Know." RECLAMATION "Three Pears," James Gil-more. T Ah LEAL" "Oid Fashioned School.". .20 boy-. DIAI. Kil'E Madame Savant IV Examination. t.vK'.tCISE NONd "lit-'iiig Tanly." DECLAMATION Alma Vi'atekm a x . Cfl AKAUK "The M.ulcap." Mi-ses Domrixo TO.v, U sr, Cooi'KB and Mahgie 1)0(i;i. CJCAUTETTE. DIALOG I E- "Old Fashioned Spoiling School." !! boys. DIXT.A MATIOX-" Wreck of the Hesperus," Lewis O'Neilu TABLEAl "The Ol J.Itachelor." DECLAMATION ':Oi Una!," POl'F.KT M 'DoNAfiH. DIALOG CE -"Great Lives." FAECr "Mr. Willis Will." Mistes Doom, L. I'OLI.UCIt. K. IIOBKS Ultll M. COOl'EK. DECLAMATION -"The OM Man Dreams." LF.iCELLA O'NEILL. TAB LEA 'J "The European (Question." t C A RTETTE "The Professor .it Home." IIALa E- "The Ked C'higtiou." Misses Pol- I-ock. Room, P.illixgs. Td rkr, &e. RECLAMATION" "The Dealer's Story." Nptttf. MnL:t. RIAL ;CE "The Ix)e ola Ctmnet." ONU "The Mulligan Guards." RECLAMATION The Dyins Tloof-r," Ml?j Watkkmax. TPLEAl-"Bii:ebe;ird."' RIALOdX'E Out all Round. " RECLAMATION. Mirs Habwnc.I ox FARCE "Rateh Juslice." VALERICTOKY IIox. (J. S. .Smith. CLOSING CHORl S. The music wEI be lurnSl-.etl by the OrgauUts aud Singer ol the different Church Choirs. ;ran-l Uhcf July Celebration. To take place at the P.O. News Dc lot in Flattsmouth Xeb., where I have just received alarge stock of Fire works Flags, Fire crackers, Torjedves, Toy Pistols and Paper caps Walloons, Lanterns etc to be sold cheap for the 101 st anniversary of our American In dependence. A grand Display of Fire works and Walloon ascension will take place in front of the P .O. 2s"ews Depot. i:jt2 J. Ph. Yorxo. livery fashionable shade of silk for trimmings, and also every fashionable phape of bat, can be seen at Solomon & Jsathan's emporium. otf piue Si-ring Suits lower than ever Ut (ICt2 Starelmann's. Read, Head. Tift ealf boots made to order for .Sevvc-d boots for 80.00; Men's Alexia buckled shoes 84.00; Ittprc-'ring and every thing in propor t.'3H t VJZ?3Z& IS-tf ANOTHER a. II. ACCIDENT. A Man Comes Ycry Near Beln? Crushed to Atoms Under a Locosiotlre. Will be Maimed for Life and Probably Lose a Ieg. On Tuesday evening, at a few min utes past six o'clock, a number of sec tion hand under John O'Keefe, were coming down the track, on a rubber car loaded with iron bars, in front of a lo comotive, or, as we aie told, allowing the locomotive to push their car along, when just above the depot, by some un accountable accident, which no one seems able to explain, one of the men named John Wiia'.en fell ofl, and the front wheels of the locomotive passed over his lower limbs, mangling the j right foot and lower portion of the leg in a horrible manner, and injuring the left foot and leg considerably. The man was immediately carried to his home near the Ji. & M. yards, and Dr. Livingston called in, who dressed the wounds of the sufferer in a speedy and masterly manner, setting in proper po sit ion the crushed and broken bones and flesh; doing everything possible ! for the comfort and safety of the pa tient. The right leg is broken jut lxdow the knee, and a portion of the outside of the foot together with three toes are taken off: in fact the whole right limb is terribly mangled from the foot to some distance above the krie and we are told that it is very doubtful about the possibility of saving it. Tha left foot and leg as before stated, was con siderably injured but not dangerously. Mr. Whalen endured the excruciating suffering in a very heroic manner, with out the use of chloroform or other qui eting potions, and is doing as well as could be expected. So far as we can learn, no possible blame can attach to any officer or em ployee of the road for these accidents, which are becoming rather irequent, but are simply the result of careless ness on the part of the individuals themselves, and just so long as men are thoughtless and careless in their action around railroads, just so long will newspaper men have to record these horrible accidents. Later. Since the above was in type we learn from Dr. Livingston that he has but very slight hopes of being able to save the man's life, even. cheap, cheaper, cheat est. Fine calf boots made to order at Merges' for 81.50. Sewed $G.C0. Men's Alexis Si.00. All eastern goods at pro portionate G 11 A SSI 10 ITER Pill CES. Fourth of July is coming, and so is a large stock of fireworks, Hags, bal--loons, fire crackers, torpedoes, and a large assortment of other 4th of July goods, to be opened out at the P. O. News I)3pjt in a few d lys. 12t3 Mrs. Hayes, daughter of our P. M. Capt. Marshall, returned from ll.)ton on Friday, after more than a years ab sence, she will reside here for a short time, we understand. Hon. L. L.Lewis and wife of Buffalo, X. Y., passod through here on the way to California last week stopping over a day as the guests of D. II. Wheeler and brought the Herald wordof relatives in Buffalo, Mr. Geo. Dakin and family. Henry Boeck having got fully es tablished in his new place of business and having a large and commodious, store full of goods, he desires to see all his old friends on hand to help him dispose of them. We have visited Mr. Brock's store lately, and can asur our readers that for variety of goods, cheapness and durability it will be hard to find another store west of the Mo., like it. The Jarge room below stairs is devoted to a sales room and repair shop. On the second floor, furniture is stored; an entrance at the rear on the East side allowing wagons to be loaded or unloaded right into this story. Altogether Mr. Bceck has a very bandy place and we hope he may do a betier business thin ever. Fine boots for 85.00 Fine Sewed boots .$7.00 Alexis buckles shoe3 81.50 at Bobert Sherwood's. lltf All connected with the schools, both scholars and teachers.are hard at work preparing the grand tilings which are to electrify the audicncoon Friday ev ening, at Fitzgerald Hall. Recitations, music, tableaux, pantomimes, &c, are being arranged aud practised and we assuiv t.ar readers that everything promises well for a fine entertainment. All yj that are athirst, come to Chapman & Glas' and drink of Peruv ian beer, soda water and seltzer water, without money and without price, on Thursday (to-day) from 4 to 12 p. in. If you want any kind of furniture, go to Bocck's, at Dovey's old stand, where you will find everything in that line fuliy represented. Remember the place, Dovey's old stand lower Main St., nearly opposite thy post office. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. r.irronrrcr n f. v,. white. Wheat Com, Outs Eve Rarlev Ho-s.". Cattle buckwheat,. .2 0i"-3 00 60 latest new york markets New Yokk, June 2f. Money,.. Gold..... IVi LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS.- CuicAtJO. June 20. F!''ur 5 2.VJ5 73 vno;it I 4H ' - 4o 37S Jye. w Jrtey 4 5Sl-frO ' - - -, . . x r J i Di: Latto, of Lineoln has been up to see us during Court weeks. Geo. W. Doane, Esq, one of Omaha's le gal lights, one of the first white Setlers in Nebraska and an old friend of the Herald's attended Court here last week. Thus. Harlan, Esq., Sergeant at arms of the Senate and now traveling Cor respondent of the Lincoln Globe, Lin coln, called on the Herald Friday last The farmers along the line of the U. P. think they are safe from any exten ded ravages of grasshoppers and al though corn looks small owing to the wet weather a few days of Sunlight will bring it out and make ;i gcod crop yet. Small grain never looked better. Rev. Geo. C. Betts, formerly of Plaits mouth, now of St. Louis, made his sis ter Mrs. Walter White, a flying visit or: Monday last. We regret to hear that Dr. Noah Hobbs came very near ending his days by the accidental inhalation of some arsenic which he was using and which thr w him into severe convulsions we are glad to state however that he is re covering. Little Sister Palmer, daughter of Capt. H. E. Palmer norrowly escaped severe injury on Sunday last, by falling from the banisters a distance of ten feet and striking a hat rack in her de scent breaking one of the arms, some slight contusions were the only appar ent permanent result, although she was senseless and delirous for some time. Jas. E. Morrison, a brother of Frank Morrison's has located here and will practice law, so they say, good looking young man, too. lie brings nrst rate recommendations and we hope he may find Plattsmouth an agreeable and profitable place to hang out his shin gle. Mr T. Sexton informs us that he met some old friends of the Herald at Dakota, Mr. Higley's folks who inquir ed after us. Glad to hear from the boy. Mrs. Lew's, a sister of Mrs. Pollock's of this city, made her friends glad by her unexpected arrival for a short visit, last week. Miss Martin, of Bellevue. has been visiting friends in Plattsmouth. Mrs. Marsland has returned from her English trip, and like all wander ers she is better pleased with her Ne braska home than ever. She with her two children visited Plattsmouth on Tuesday. Fred Dorriugton returned from Den ver and Cheyenne last week, where he hud been to attend to shipping the quartz mill belonging to himself, Gen. Cungiugham and others. The mill weighed 44,000 lbs., & the freight from Denver to its destination, near Dead wood was 82,400. Mr. Dorrington goes out again on Saturday and is very san huine about the value of their mines there, ajid the future wealth of the country. Slippers for :$ ct.s. at Merges. 12tf Large lot of ladies' and children's shoes all varieties, at less than half wholesale prices, must be sold at Stad elinann's mammoth clothing store. 12t3 A GAME OP WIND. Trees Blonn Over, Houses Unroofed, Small Truck generally ''toMed up." Our friend Joe Connor often tells us about a "little game of wind" he's had etc. The game of wind received by this town last evening beat Joe's game a whole string, double discounts it and leaves Joe nowhere. It is an old adage that "two can play at any game," but Boreas played it alone last night, for the poor unoffend ing trees and shattered roofs could hardly be said to take a hand in the game, at least not in the shape of play. Neither do the owners damaged think there is much play about thi3 game. the storm. About 5 o'clock last evening the cloud3 to the n. w. grew blacker and blacker, and that peculiar lull was perceived which always precedes a storm. About six it broke, following as these storms always do, a narrow track from the north-west. DAMAGES. The chimneys from J. Vallery's house, a Carpenter shop near the 2nd Ward School House, W. L. Wells' window on the west side caved in. Tucker's fence, the trees in MacMurphy's yard, breaking two of the largest off entirely, and thence around one corner of Billy Neville's to Mike Schnellbacher's black smith shop, which it completely un roofed, carrying the entire roof over C. l'armele's barn, up against Mathews' hardware store. The first story of Schnellbacher's shop is demolished and must be rebuilt. The fire wall of the Bonner Stables was blown away. IX THE COl'XTRV The roof of the Poor House is blown away and the out buildings torn down and destroyed. Andy Taylor's house w.u; racked, thirty feet of barn blown off its legs and his trees and orchard broken down and damaged. The or chards of Cap. WiKs and Stephen Wiles are probably damaged consider ably. We have not heard from further out in the country, or from Iowa, at the time of going to press. The wind rose and fell, at the same time winding and whirling in tortuous semi-circles so dangerous to life and property. ACCIDENTS. Croft. Eikenberry, of the Poorhouse, had a narrow escape. The tumbling roof knocked down one of the inmates, in the hall, a lame man, and while Croft, was trying to get him to a room his wife and child followed one of his men out of the window, intending to run in the wake of the storm. Croft, jumped out and caught the child just as the roof fell not two feet further on. It's the worst blow-out this part of the county has had. We being very for tunate liitherto, in this respect, OUT YVE9T. Iiiheidcr's warehouse, two car-loads of corn in. Mr. Arndt's child Avas carried 100 yards. Station House, east of Inhelder's store, carried about two rods, stove carried five rods from house; woman's arm badly hurt; woman in the house. In less than an hour water over four feet on bottom. Mr. Arnd't stable moved from foun dation. Windows broken. Reichert's stone house blown down, four miles below. Terrell's barn blown down, 1 hon? killed, Ji hurt some. Bea vers house blown down, two. miles south of Cedar Creek. The roof of Jacob Schneider's gran ary was taken. It rained 1J hours in torrents, so hard it beat down a girl of 12 years to the ground Omaha was flooded; more rain there than wind. PERSONAL CARD. (rCRLISIIER BY REQUEST.) City of Plattsmouth, County of Cass, State of Nebraska. To-wit. James II. Dick, of the City of Platts mouth, County and State as aforesaid, being duly sworn deposeth and saith. 1. That he ha3 been in the employ of tlve Burlington and Missouii River Railroad Company for over seven years, in the capacity of Machinist, Foreman and Locomotive Lngineer, and given complete satisfaction to his employers. 2. It appearing from the Superinten dent of the said B. & M. R. Railroad, that an attempt has been made either through me or my friends to under mine the reputation of Mr. Ilawks woith, the Master Mechanic of said Railroad Company in their shops, in the said City of riattsraouth, by means of anonymous letters, to secure his re moval and get me his place. I hereby solemnly swear that I never wrote or caused to be written, any such anony mous letters, nor have I the remotest idea of who the writer or writers is or are or have been. 3. I further swear that I have never in public or private, by letter, sign, or otherdevice, said or expressed anything derogatory to Mr. Hawks worth, or any other officer of the Company, either as regards their efficiency or personal char acter. 4. I hereby solemnly swear that I would denounce and resist the propo sal of any friend or other person, writ ing any letter or communication depre catory of aivy officer of the said Com pany and in my favor, believing that in my case, as in all others, efficiency or inefficiency will always find its level, without myself or my friends plotting, contriving or scheming on the subject; and furthermore I denounce anony mous letters, and those who connive at them, or write them, as unworthy of the sympathy of man. James II. Dick. Subscribed to and sworn to before me this 13lh day of June, A. I. 1877. Wm. L. Wells, Clerk. High School, Entertainment, at Fitz gerald's Hall, Friday night, Remember. Collection Notice. Mike St hncllbacher tTc Win. Hassler desire to give notice that they want every person owing lliem to make an endeavor to r.vv up at once, as they have been badly dam aged by the storm, having, to rebuild tiieir shop, and nee'l the money at once. Please come forward and secl'le. all of you, and greatly oblige the undersign ed. SCIl.NELLBACHER & IlASSLEK.. 13t2 Council Proceedings. Council met in regular session, Sat day, June 10th, 1877. Present- The Mayor Councilmen; Peppeiberg. Val lery, Plummer, Dovey, Wells, Cushing, Dorrington, and Guthman. On motion of Mr. Guthmann, J. D. Simpson was appointed Clerk pro tern. Minutes of meetings June 2d, 14th, (spe cial) were read and approved. Marshal's report received and filed. The committee on streets, &c; accom panied by the Mayor, waited on the County Commissioners, and represent ed the state of our bridges. The Hon. Commissioners agreed to answer their requests on the 8th ; "but for some rea son not known to the committee, Mr. Ramsev, one of said commissioners, left this city early on tlirt morning of the 8th. Consequently the request of committee was not acted on by that body." The steps of the Methodist church were reviewed, and an order made to ask the trustees to alter the sidewalk, so a3 to give more room. The claim of Mrs. Mary Adams was indefinitely post poned. The claim of S. M. Merriam was re committed for further action. The matter of Mr. Dovey's tax. was referred to Treasurer same as all other taxes. Ordinance 79 was passed and will bo found elsewhere in the Herald. Dorriugton offered a resolution to change rule 16th, so as to make speci al committees composed of three mem bers instead of five, as at present car ried. A committee of three was appointed to ascertain tiie amount of money necess ary to be levied as taxes for next year. On motion, J. D. Simpson was em ployed to make tax-list for 1877. f he committee on streers, &.C., were !. A.1A 1 A Jl insirucieu to nna oui me amount-required to open a street frcni I'd street. to the Rock Bluffs road, and report at next regular meeting, Saturday, June yotii. The City Clerk was instructed furnish the Treasurer with a list coupons surrendered by the B. & M, to of It. R. Co. in 2s eb. l'JG coupons were delivered and burn ed at the special meeting of the 14th, amounting to 10.600. Finance committee allowed bill of Finisher, .$;. Council adjourned. J. W. Jonxsox, Mayor. J. I). Simpson, Clerk. Itememlier, ladies, j'ou can get the best and latest styles of ladies and hildrcns' shoes of all varieties, at 14t3 Stadelman's. Boot and Shoe price list Fine boots i ade to order for $4,50 AT MEROE.S. Fine sewed boots Men's Alexis buckled Repairing and all eastern down in proportion. $6.00 . 4.00 goods It Doffn, Down. The foot gearing at Merges' Grass hopper prices, 1776. Jul i. In appreciation of the grand cause of Universal Liberty, The Clan Xa Gad will celebrate the 101st Anniversary of American Independence, in FITZGEItALR HALL, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., ON Wednesday Ece.July 4fA, 1877. Music, Fireworks, Balloon Ascen sions. Reading Declaration Independence by F. M. MACRONAGII. Ten uiinute addresses on Liberty. Patriotism and Sociability, by RR. LIVINGSTON, PROF. RUSH, of Omaha, and others. SOCIAL HOP to begin at 10 p. m. Every lover of Liberty, male and female are invited. Refreshments at Fred. Stadelmann's. Omaha Brass and String Band on deck. 13t2 Ordinance No. T9. An ordinance to provide for the filling of vacancy in the offices of City Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal. Whereas; there is no provision un der the Statute for the filling of vacan cies in the ollices of Citv Clerk, Treas urer and Marshal, of cities of the sec t,nd class, except as contained in Sec. 2'J of chapter 9, revised statutes. Therefore, Be it ordained by the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of Plattsmouth. SEt'. 1. That in case of a vacancy in the offices of City Clerk, Treasurer, or City Marshall, by death, resignation, or removal from the City of either of the aforesaid officers, it shall be the du ty of the Mayor of said City, by and with the consent of the majority of the Council, to appoint a suitable person to fill such vacancy, until the next gen eral election, or (in the case of absence of any of the said officers) until the du ties of said offices are resumed by the regularly elected officer. Sec 2. Any person appointed to fill vacancy in accordance with section one of this ordinance, shall execute a bond in the. same amount as the regularly elected officer is required to execute, which shall be duly approved before said officer shall enter upon the duties of said office, and said officer shall re ceive the same compensation as now fixed by ordinance, and shall do and perform all of the official ac's as are now required by law, to be dune and performed by said regularly elected of ficers. Sec. 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordi nance, be and the same are hereby re pealed. JSi:c 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from anil after its pas sage and publication, according to law. Attest: J. W. Joiixsox, J. D. Simpson, Maj-or. Clerk, 7o tern. Mori? for hot V3ti nw suits of chejp cool clothes weather, must be closed out, at St AD elm ax's. R;b?rt Sherwood Price List. Fine boots for 85.00, Fine sewed boots for S7.O0 Alexis buckle shoes 4.50 Ladies Calf Shoes for S3.25 Repairing equally cheap. 11-tf Wr have made arrangements to have Magazines, .Medical and Law reports, and other pamphlets bound. Apply at the Herald office. tf SPECIAL NOTICES. till. JAfS. CEIA!:L.KM. DENTIST. 2-li and 2-JiJ Farnh;ni St.. between Itth and lith. J 'rest-rv.it ion of the mitiirHl Teeth mule :i specialty. Oldest piactieing Den tist In the Citv. Our gunsmith, Mr. Kinser, is an in ventive genius, he has not only invent ed and made every part of a rille that will throw three b-ills at once in three different directions, but he has just in vented an emery rod. that attached to his lathe will put as fine a polish on the inside of the barrel as can be done in London. 1113 Early Seed. The Early Sanford Seed corn for sale at Ruffner & Black's this corn will mature if planted early in July and yields equal to the old dent. 8t7. i ho Centaur Liniments allay pain. subdue swellings, heal barns and will cure Rheu matism, Spavin, and any flesh, bone or muscle aihneiit. The White Wrapper is for family use, the Yellow Wrapper for animals. A list of th ingredients are contained, around each bottle They ere cheap, speedy aud certain. Tiio certain, speedyaild harmless remedy for children. Is Pitcher's Castoria. It Is as pleasant to take as honey and as certain in it efleets as Cantor Oil. For Wind Colic, Worms, Sour Stomach, and Disordered Bowels, there is nothing like C'astoila. 12tl3 The millinery department of Messrs. Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full and complete this season. Their con nection with their wholesale house at St. Joe gives them advantage over all smaller dealers. They propose furnish ing that class of goods in greater vari ety, and at lower prices, than any house on this side of the Missouri Riv er. 5tf A few City orders for sale. Full liue of every kind of goods at the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his army of clerks are dispensing as last as they cau hand over the goods. tf. How it is Rone. The first object in life with the American people is to get rich; the second, how to regain good health. The tirst can he obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the se ond fgood health) by using Green's August Flow er. Should you be a despondent suf ferer from any of the effects of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Indigestion itc, such as Sici: Headache. Palpita tion of the Heart, Sour Stomach. Hab itual Costiveuess, Dizziness of the Head, Xtrvous Prostration, Low Spirits, &c you need not suffer anoth er day. Two doses of August (lower will relieve you at once. Sample bot tles 10 cents. Regular size 7.1 cents. Positively sold by all first-class Drug gists in the U. S. 1 1-tf-alt. BAKNES' FOOT M 1 1 III V V I'OWKK 1 n different machines with I vlieli Builders, Cabinet 111 -Makers, Waon Makers and Jobbers in miscellaneous work c;in,'eoiupete as tiKH'Al. tv and pkioe with steam power manufacturing ; also Amateur's supplies, saw blades, fancy woods and de signs, bay where you read tub and send for cita!orue and prices. W. K. Johv Uakes. Kocklori. Wiu'ebaiio Co.. I ill. .MM 1 Dr. Schorl Pulciosk Nyrep, Ska XiKT.Q Tcaio. ak.i Majidkake Pii-m. These incr!!ohie h ive u-tilonhtetllv performed j UMr euro "f Conii!iiilhn than any otherrem eJy kmwti to tnc Auieiit-.i.t puViiio. Tliey are ! comiiuinirte'l I vegetable iiiicili-.'its. and c 'in fant nomine wnuM cut ie liiaiiinus to me uu iriait eoiiMtitut Ion. ttiier remertii- iirtvertised as cures for C-jnsitiiitou, prob.ibiy contain opi um, which i i-otiH'whut dangerous dm;; In al e:ises, iintl it taken freely by conviiuptive pa tiet.t, it must lo great injury : for li tendency Is to eoiifi!" the morbid matter in the syxieiti, which, of course, must make a euro impossible. Sehcnck's pulmonic cyrup if wurraireil not to eoutain a particle of tipium : it is composed of powerful but harmless heibs. which act ou the Iun?, liver, siomach anil blood, and Hum cor rect all morbid sccretb.ni!, and tj(el all the di Be.xsrd matter from tiie body, lliese are the oidy means oy w hich eonsuiupl iou can lie cured, ami as Sehenck'rt Pulmonic. Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic, and Mandrake 1'iUs are the only medi cines vvliich operate in I his way, it i obvious they are the oulv jjenuine cure for I'ulmoiiary (.'oiiMiimptiou. Each bottle of this in vuiuaMc medicine is accompanied by lull directions. Rr. fcchcwk is iirofe-ssioiiallv lit his princiiuil office, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, ev ery Monday, here all tellers for advice must be addressed. lit- Have you seen the Centennial Panel pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and on exhibition at Carruth'sV 4otf. Team of large horses, harness and wagon for sale at a bargan. Enquire at Sage Bros. A new American and a new Wilson SEWING MACHINE for sale at the Herald Office. Early Seed corn ner &' Black's. (Sanford) at Ruff St7. If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stove polished, call on Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John Boone's barber shop, 'at any hour of the day or night. 50 cents a stove ami 50 cents a Hue. 42tf ' Old newspapers for sale at the Hei: lLD office, 75c per hundred. Binding done at the Herald office. mom:i to loan. $100,000 To loan on improved farms in Cits Co'iiitv, : low rate of interest. Api-iicatioits soli( itetl. riattsmouth, March Ik?;. J. X.AVTSE. Wedding Bristol card Herald office. board at the New cake pan, enquire at the Her ald office. 2lt. Our lady trimmer is artiste and can trim in ed. in experienced any style desir 5-tf. Solomon !c Nathan. Quinine a.id arsenic form the basis of many of the Ague remedies in the market, and are the last resort of phys icians and people who know no better medicine to employ for this distressing complaint. The effects of either of thtse drugs are destructive to the sys tem, producing headache, intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing of the ears, and depression of the consti tutional health. AYFIl'sAOFE Cl'llE is a vegetable, discover, containing neither quinine, arsenic, norany deleter ious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure for every form of Fever and Ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Besides being a positive cure for Fever aud Ague in all its forms, it is also a superior remedy for Liver Complaints. Ittis an excellent tonic and preventive, as well as a cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, marshy and miasmatic districts. It acts directly on the Liver and billiary apparatus, thus stimulating the system to a vigerous, healthy condition. For Sale bv all Dealers. Fine Boots for 83.00. Fine sewed boots for 87.00 Alexis Buckle shoes for -84.50 Sheuwood's boot & shoe Emporium, riattsmouth, Xeb. 11-tf. J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. 29tf Get your Magazines bound. Xow is your time. At the IIf.kald office, tf. FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Peppeiberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. LEGAL XOTICES. Legal Notice. Estate of Welhehnine Mertens. deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the e;ate of Welhehnine Mer tens, to tile the fame in the office of the County Judjie. riattsmouth. Cas County, NeO., on or before the 2-d dav of December, A. D. 177, and to meet the administrator of paid estate at one o'clock of sail day. at suid time aud place, for the allowance of the same. Wm. II. .Newell, County Tudire. June lmh, 1877. latJ Legal Notice. Estate of. Malhias Tyson, deceased. Notice is hereby jiiveu to all persons bavins claims against the estate of Alathijs Tyson, de ceased, to file the s:ne in the cilice of the Coun ty Judge, Plattsmouth, I'-iss County, Neb., ou or before the 2th day of December. A. D. 1S77, anil to meet the administrator of said estate st one o'clock of snid day. at said time and place for allowance of the same. Wm. II. N kwell. County Jude. June 10th, 1S77. 1313 Legal Notice. Estate of r. J. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby tiven to all persons havlr.z claims against the cstaie of P. . J. Smith, deceas ed, to lile the same in the office ot the County Juiijrc, Plattsmouth, Cass County. Neb., on or before the 21st day of December. A. D. 177. ami to meet the administrator of said eslate at one o'clock, of said day, al said time and place, lor the allowance of ihe fame. Wm. II. Nkwki.l, County Jud je. June luth, let?7. laul Legal Notice. In the matter of the estate of T. A. Kinj:. Be fore V. II. Newell County Judge, in and lor saitl county. To u-lioni U may concern: Notice is hereby given that an app'icition !.::s beeu tiled in the County Court to have W. T. fctheridjre appointed administrator of the estate of T. A. King, deceased, and said cause Is eel, for hearing at the office f the County Judge, in riattsmouth. on the 2!'th dv of June. A. D. 177. at one o'clock p. m. of saitl day. at which time and place all persons interested mai nppesrand show cause, if any they have, why the s.ild W. T. Ktkeridge should not be appointed fuch ad ministrator ot saitl estate. Witness luy hand this 12th day of June. A. D. Is77. iit l'lattHinnuth Neb. lilt 3 W. H. Nkweli, County Judt;e. ESTRA Y NOTICE. Taken up on my farm on the l.Uh day of May. 1877. One dark bay horse 15 hands hi'ili, or to vears old, star in forehead, both bind teet white. Farm is vituated 6 milessouth-west from Weep inir Water Falls. Weeping Water, May 30th, 1877. Ilt5 T. CLAKK. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry Oanhart, deceased. Before W. l, Newelltouuty Jude, In and for Cass, county, Nebraska, I'o uhnm it may omcenit Notice ic hereby given that Elizabeth Oaubart has filed an application in the County Court, in and for Ca-s t'ounty Nebraska, to be appointed atimiiusT rami ot rne estate oi iieury .;uii in, i deceased, and said ciu.e is set for "hearhiji at ! the office of said County Judg'. iu Plattsmouth. on the day of June, A. D. W7, at one o'clock p. ni.. of saitl Jay. at which time ami place ail persons Interested may appear and chaw cause, it any thev have, why the said Elizabeth Oan hart shoufd not be appointed such administra trix of said estate. Witness my hand at Plattsmouth, Neb., this .'I jv of June. A. D. 177. n w Wm. H. New eli., Co. Jndse. I Bceck enry ilii-i removed ro J!-..- W cr cart of Main sireet n what was Ks e , ' Stura. f lis Iiamsass Steel: of Furniture Is larger than he es peeled, and he WILL SELL OFF all present stock on hand at Greatly Reduced Prices. Reinemher the new stittid hv:i town, a FOOT SsTOttE. Two stories fml of furniture. Before I park it away mid have to handle it all over. I want, to sell oft a good deal. .Sow it your time to ouy, CHEAP FOR CASH, of HENRY noEOK. . "SJ.F -SsrlstJ lis 1 1 A HI W A R E STO R L, In Phittsnumlh, Neb., on Fourth St., about tho MIDDLE OF TIIK 11LOCK, you HI find : for ii 5Santer? iJUiiistl &. tsorscj SliiTlnrr PlotvN, Sulky Pi own, Cultivator, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, !tc, &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale 31111 ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKS3IIT1I SHOP. Wayon, Bugyy, Machine and- Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RACJEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the w aou shop, lie is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew WHsron in.l ISussIe made- to UvtU-r. SATISFACTION Of A P.ANTi:ED. Shop on Sixth street. oi)poiie. Streight's Stable H 2 AD QUARTERS. ST. LOUIS BUCK BEER, AND 31 IL WA UKEE BEER. 1TZSOLCSALE AXI tl!rilir GEO. EIX1EBTOX. W. D. JONES' NEW LIVERY ST A ISLE, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. The eld RON N Kit STAPLES In Plattsmouth Neb., have been lease by Dr. Jones, and hp has opened a new and handsome livery in this well known barn. Tiie finest find best of horse? and carriages- always ready to lei. SADDLE HOKSKS CHEAP. Horses kepi for Sale or lo Trade. HOUSES TliAINED .VXD BIIOKE. ALSO t desire to irive notice that I have a larce. handsome brick l.-aru, with plenty of room for horses and wajjons. 1 can put "farmers stock an 1 wagons, load of grain or a nvthi'i all un der rover, v the drv. U member Mils. 'J'hankiiitf all my M pat tons tor their mni-y favors, I solicit their trade this oofninir yar, satisfied I ran acf'omi.Knlale them better ami do better by them than ever before. 3-yl. GEO. W. KINSEK, 3Iar liliiiMt. &. an old Maker and Itau nrr of 'i hrctsjiins: Jlncliines, has opened ashop on Sixth Street near Mr. Dn elly's lilacksmith and Wajron Shop where he has prepared hine-elf to do any and all machine work without exception. He has a No. I Lathe can turn iu wootl. iron, steel, and all other metal in connection with machine work. lie can do any thing required iu a srunsmitli. even to niakinir a uii. of wlm-h we have tiie evidence in a Pat. breach loader throwing one two or three balls at once at will of the iruniier. Mr Oeo. W. Sliratler a fanner nearTtoek Bluffs an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from Virgin ia can be refered to in regard to his former con nection with the manufacture of threshing ma chines. Givj Mr. Kinser a call and will insure you satisfactory work on any part of a Thresh ing Machine. ij-mtS. oqqq.aii; be made bv even' nirerit rvcrv in the business we furnish, but lliu to work cau easily earn a fizeti dollars a dav riirht in theit own localities. Have no room to explain here. IJusiuess pleas ant arid honorable. Women, boys and girls do a.s well as men. We w ill f uriiih you a complete outfit free. The business pays belter than any thinj' else. We w ill bear expense f start hit; you. Particulars free. Write and see. Tann ers and mechanics, their sons and dauirliters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us ami leuru all about the work at ouee. Now is the time. Don't delav. Ad dress f'tva Co.. Augusta, Maine. i r Farmers Imnrave Yanr StQ-ok l iri'u '-...!;- .iir -j!-rii 'a.-r. - -V v ,-"' Tf We were the first to introduce this verj' worthy varietv ofswin 1iu: tin's i-oimti j lut e tested them thoroughly and we are com (need they are by far the uio-l valuable breed fur th lariiicrs of this country for the following reasons : Karlv maiunty. uuiet position, i-ootl breeders. coimI mothers, a;nl the very best breed In the w- rhl to ciis- with the laiuc coaie breeds. fattening tiua!ilies; auil L'leatiy bprovini; the qu.iiitvof the hams, which ate uri excelled hy any other breed. Their color i black, the skin is ptrfectiy smooth, aud very tuhi ami s hitt heinte they have no ocmf or skin disease hii-u whir hi;sare sure t- iu a blsk iil eoun -try, and I hey are ni xulijn t tt rio -. in common with oilier sw inc. Tbey urtj tin? ljJ"e-t ok the small breeds, makirji; fnuu three to four hundred Ps In one- j ur idu''t!iv.i;.' rea-u uot or 700 pouii'Is aii'l can be falted at anv ae. vVe have now a vei y choiee lot "of i.i;rs from fix dilTeretit Impor'at i'.iis, and uo prt :i;rc.l to mate pijii propei ly for uiextiiuf, ai.d wuiraul every pig pure Lssex or un sale. wwm PUS? GOMFASY.' . t? PATENT STONE FORCE PUMPS. DAYKNPOKT. IOWA. es jr. o 'EfcAWSSTCKEPlMi R.7S !'l-27-?'T'".- si I f "A ! ! V! - t t- - 1. 1 t)it SALE 15V j.c. cummins; - Pl.ATTS MOUTH, XKH. THIS ZPTTZMII? , P'j.sncsms the Following Superiorities ' t. It is eovvr afb'r'.f ! ' y fr.'tit ftnilriiiu m i.it'pin, raisnu of t lie hai.dl" or ol h--r care. li starts with the Hi -t or second motion of the handle, an I thr Ho .v eea.-.-s t lie inn inch I mt Mop, li-avm.r ro drippim? to form mini it ice in winter, on and around the i -In, form. ;i. If thoroughly vent.'l.itts the rll, riddii-f it of f.ml air. 4. 1 1 t-aves its cost every year la labor ; It rinir n eaiv a. It Is invaluable hi case of fire -;tn cn.Iuo eer ready at your door. . The cylinder 1'cinj; bf "tone, and (il ied oi.' . the itiMde. Is t-ipial to ulass, and much stronger ; there is no !iiiic or liiih ever colleirtin on It. 7. The well reiiutres no rtcauhu out after oire of these puaips is sot in one that is clean. , 1 1 coin i tines hot h the a I niosphPi ic and force principle, which ;ives it jiu eipial prc-wurc on -the water, tlirowina: a steady .stream, both with the up and down motiou ot tin: namlle. it. Thit pump always briu;js cool water fioni the start, the w aler .standing; be!oM tiie platform in a stone cylinder. P. 1 he buckets may be removed at any lime without tiinvliit; : lie pump or platform. '1 iiev will throw from Ibty to seventy-five feet. -from t he end of a hose, lioiu wells up to sil feet, deep, with one baud pmv-r. They are nl -o very useful for washing cania CS, windows, sprinklhn; lat ic.. SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED: OZT "LVCIZT STREET, ' Eaid of Platte Valley House. Til K OLDEST , LIVERY STABLE In tho Town. Good T earns Altrayn ou Hand. Careful Drivers sent witli cm riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trails whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEAF.SE IN TOWN. I'uuerais attended and CHrrlajres furnished friends. Addio .1. Vv. SHANNON. 42-ly l'llattsmouth. Neb. z its CD M III Id O o 7- n " " Oi-- M 5 o F Ilia " -o 3 5 - '5 I 2 t CO ht o c; CO rj . 2 o3 - 2.-; HENRY BGFOIL DEALKU IN X?1 11 3? 23L i f U SAFES, CHAIRS, Lonnge3, Tables, Eedsteads, ETC., ITf., KTf.. Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BUHI AL CASES WOODEI7 COPFI17S Of all sizes, ready ma'le and sold cheapforca.sU. With many thanks for past patronat;n. 1 invite invite all to call and examine my LA IN IK STOCK OK 40tf. FI RMTI'IK AM VOWl. Klvinit them iuly of fonn, nnj'i ov n;" thi-ii jfv ---u:l.i .i C:Sr J.W. YANDOREN, Ri '!. V'.o.i Da l-ic Co.. T.'i-'coV.i