Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 07, 1877, Image 3

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    rn il It II it i 4 I I.
Lift 11 Hi 11 A Li U.
Tiaasieat. is cents a line. Regular advertis
er. rents per line. No advertisement tusert-
1 tor 1 xf than i cents.
I .nl notices at Statute rate. '
Attorneys and Hic rs .)f the law 'U' J1"'1
riVKiisible for all leg-.U rnt'c" they hand In,
and all parlic demanding .a proof ( publica
tion of any notic will lie held tor the publica
tion Ice vi such notice.
A our ;? is Mroited. all coiiinmnie a'ions
r.mst be brief and to the point, with no wmw
si words. ,. , ,
The paper is responsible for the correctness
Mwl'ng to copy ol paid matter and paid Le
C-.tls. only.
1. Anv wwn who Ukei (lie nawr re
from the imw -office, whether directed to his
luiine, or wnether lie N a subscrioer or not
-Mmiijie lor the pay.
If anv jwrson order his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue lo send it until payment n
made, and collect the whole ainouut. whether
the jihiht is taken from the office or not.
3. the court have decided that refusing to
take newspapers and period i-aU from the post
.I'hce, or removing and It sivintr them nncahd
for, is firi,ru fuif evidence of istk.mihSAL
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
Corrected Sunday, April 1st, 1877.
I .earves 5 :4." a. wi. Arrives SaOa. ni.
" -i ::t0 p. in. " 3 :1j p. in.
I.avee )T. a. m. Arrives 10 :24 a. m.
-.u p. m. " 7:45 p. in.
leaves FlaltMiioutb ! :- : Arrives Lin
coln, Z 15 p. in. : Arrive, Kearney, :o0 p. m.
FrelgM leaves 7 :1 a. in. Ar. Lincoln 15 :25 p.m.
Leaves Kearnev. 6 .10 a. m. Leaves Lincoln,
i2 :4.r. p. in. Anives Plattsmouth. a M3 p. in
Freight leaves Lincoln 11:15 a. in. Arrives
PlattsinoLtli, 4 :l'- p. la.
ftxpreis. (5 :15 a. m.
PawMeuer. (train each day) 3 :' il m., except
Saturd.iv. Every third Saturday a train con
nect at the usual time.
Depart at
5 :."o a. hi.
3 :i p. oi.
Arrive ?t - 9 :"0 a. tn.
Arrive at 10 -W a. m. I Depart at - 2 -.15 p. m.
A rrive at - 3 :15 p. m. I Depart at - S :00 a. m.
WEtTl-ffi WATER.
Arrheat V2 :f m. I Depart at - 2 :0O p. m.
niveat 12:00 1". Depart at - 1:00 p.m.
"We learn with pain that Mrs. El
'; .vit Duke is lyin very low with lung
Handsome black lace pattern hats of
.ie latest 6tyles at Mrs. Johnson and
Miss Sweenev's.
Chaplain Wright is back from the
I'r.'bbyterian Assembly at Chicago we
s.--, the Herald has not seen him j et
t ,..ill and see the Ger.ts Gne Trench
.wli Shoes of the latest styles made to
rf'.Lr for S9.00,at.
The State Medical Society met in
1 .u..'ia June Dr. Livingston and
Tr.o. Jilack members from this place
I r. Livingston was re-tlecled record
ing Secretary.
It is Dr. George Black Who had
v':i ir;:t of the grange PioW business,
;.i.'i whcie notice should have appear
t i in tho pa'ier of May 24th. We re
DMblish that notice this week.
T'aa S. S. Association met in Oma
jia Tuesday Evening. Mr. Thos. Pol
lock iscneof the delegates from Platts
:uouth and Supu Crippiu from W. W.
in thi-3 ccuntr.
Mis. Johnson and Miss Sweeney are
onstantly receiving new pattern hats
:f styles, which go as fast as receiv
ed. Thoy are expecting a new lot on
Satu'-day of this week to which they
r.'spt ctf tily invite attention.
If you want a good job of blacksmith
;r ;t machine of any kind repaired, a
pair of horses well shot'., or any otlier
ul of b'.acksmithing or whilesinitli
i.!g dune in a complete and arti Uic
n::mner ; if you want a Xo. 1 w:ion
made or a fme buggy built in a satis
factory manner, go to a first class me
cli.tnic. You will find one in the per
son of Robr. Donnelly Esij.., (itlt yt., op
p.-:ite Streight's stable. lOto.
lion. Sam M. Chapman helped us
over our difficulties promptly. Thanks.
Mtbsrs. b'treight & Miller, Xo. 1 bar
neys mani'.faturtr3, gave us a lift; and
,il.-o Mossrs. S.ige Hros., stoves and tin
wart with the jiect jsnrv lucre.
Mrs. Babbington accidentally stc-p-.nd
off the walk into the ditch, opposite
the Bonner Stable?, as she was return
ing from church on Sunday evening,
wrenching one of her limbs severely.
We trust she is not seriously injured
Some young gentleman assisted her
Mr. McClaren, Editor of the Lincoln
Lemocrat, and Mis3 Pronger called on
the Herald Monday. Mr. C. was one
of the excursionists and came round by
Plattsmouth home, on the principle
that the longest way round was the
surest. That was it. wasn't it, Mac?
Ii:e Kearney rress, notices the Quill
Drivers' Motto and their reasons for
troing on an excursion.
We saw Mr. Craig of Cass, Co., at
Sidney Friday as we came down. Ha
was in from th Black Hill after good3
and 'coked as brown and hearty as you
We have received kindly word3 from
Mr.Thurston.foi merly of this place and
ce vr in S-ginavr, Michigan. We hope
Mr. T. v; Hi have the best of luck in
that country where grasshoppers never
.come and apples grow like praties.
Mr. T. C. VanEpps, formely of Elm
wood, Cass Co., now of Olympia, Wy
oming Ter., sends for the Herald that
be may get the news from home.
11. D. Hathaway, of the Lincoln i" ir. tom.
Miss Gertie Borders has ben vis
iting in Plattsinouth; she returned to
Lincoln on Monday last.
Take the Torest Tar" for all kid
ney complaints. It will ilo the work
Mr. Geo. 8. Kinser, our gunsmith
and repairer of Threshing Machines
and other machinery, came in and
helped our financial condition. Many
thanks friend Kinser.
The Ilerolds are having their
buildings newly painted; also the drug
Btore occupied by Mr. 'Johnson. It
helps their appearance very much in
deed. Last Sunday night was about as
dark as it usually gets, and church goers
had a hard time of it getting home.
Mrs. liabbington in attempting to
cross the street by Jones' livery stable
stepped into the ditch and sprained her
ankle very severely.
Closixo Out.
The best and largest stock of
Boots & Shoes
in Cass Co. will be closed out cheap for
cash at
Merges' Boot & Shoe Emporium.
Pine Boots for 8-5.00.
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis Buckle shoes for S4.30
Sherwood's boot & shok Emporium,
Plattsmouth, Xeb. 11-tf.
The weekly meeting of the Litera
ry Society was held in High School
Hall on Friday evening. The hall was
rilled by an orderly and well behaved
audience. The exercises were very in
teresting, although there was chance
for improvement in some particulars,
very pertinent ly shown up in Mr. Wind
ham's most excellent criticism. Many
of the pieces were excellently spoken,
and others with a little more care in
preparation would have been an honor
to the students. The music was a lit
tle slim, as from several causes no prep
aration at all wa3 made. More atten
tion will be given to the music for the
next evening, and the singers will en
deavor to do their part for the enter
tainment of the audience.
Those persons knowing themselves
indebted to Clark & Plummerand oth
ers for what is known as the Grange
Plow will please call and settle with
the undersigned immediately and save
costs as I have obtained sole control of
all the assets.
A few more plows in good order for
sale cheap for cash or on approved se
Geo. II. Black.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon & Xatiian.
J. V. Weckbaeh will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 2Dtf
Manufacturing and repairing cheap
and better than the best at Merges'
shoe factorv. 10-tf.
Robert Sherwood' Pries List.
Pine boots for S3.00,
Pine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis buckle shoes $4.50
Ladies Calf Shoes for 82.25
Repairing equally cheap.
Call and see the new
Spuing Bed
comfort and durability combined.
East of Parmele's livery and sale stable
J. A. Tick,
Territory for sale. Prop.
June 4th, 1877.
Editor Herald: Having heard
several citizens of Plattsmouth re
mark that the exercises of last Friday
evening would not compare favorably
in point of interest, with the enter
tainments previously given by the
High School Literary Society.' I wish
to suggest that it was merely the or
thodox "calm" which might reasona
bly have been expected to follow the
"storm" of excitement displayed upon
the preceding meeting of the Associa
tion. Lest some should think that the per
formances were deteriorating, I take
this opportunity of stating that for
next Friday evening the teachers are
diligently preparing an unusually in
teresting programme, consisting of
dialogues, humorous declamations, &c.
The Hon. G.Smith has kindly promised
to add the crowning interest to the oc
casion by giving us one of hi3 happy
Likewise, the singing committee in
form me that they were unable to
practice last week, and consequently
the music was deficient in quantity,
though not, I think in quality; but
they assure me that on next Friday
they will favor us with a "Full Cho
rus." Thanking the citizens of Platts
mouth for the interest they have man
ifested in, and the hearty support they
have given to these entertainments, I
have the honor to subscribe myself.
Yours Respectfully.
Wellington W. Drummond.
How it is Pone.
The first object in life with the
American people is to get rich; the
second, how to regain good health.
The first can be obtained by energy,
honesty and saving; the second (good
health) by using Green's August Flow
er. Should you be a despondent suf
ferer from any of the effects of Dys-pep.-ia,
Liver Complaint, Indignation
&o,such as Sict Headache. Palpita
tion of the Heart, Sour Stomach. Hab
itual Costiveness, Dizziness of the
Head, . Xeryous Prostration, Low
Spirits, &c, you need not suffer anoth
er day. T wo doses of August flower
will relieve you at once. Sample bot
tles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents.
Positively sold by all flrst-cla' Drug
gists in the u. s. n-tr."
Principal' Convention.
LlN'COLN Neb., June 4 1977.
Convention of principals and Co.
Supts. at Plattsmouth, July 9th to 19th
inclusive hotel board 4 per week, pri
vate 3.
Train from Uui iha at 9 P. M. Full
announcement 6oom
8. R. Thompson.
State Supt. Public Inst.
Oneof the best, if not the best, eat
ing house on the U. P. road is that of
Chauncey Wiltze, at Grand Island.
Everything is neat and clean as a Sun
day home parlor, and both Mr. and
Mrs W., strive to make their guests
just as happy as i. is possible to be.
Who wants a drink of Salt Lake
water? Don't all speak at once, we've
only got one bottle.
A place to board, by a young couple
in a private family. Good reference
given if required. For further infor
mation apply at this office.
During our absence our friend
Wm. Agnew went and got married to
one of the nicest girls in town. Miss
Xellie Parmele. We think William is
in luck. We wish them both the ut
most happiness and beg leave to assure
them that only absence of body and
not presence of mind prevented the
Herald from taking a hand iu that
Book Agents, now is the time to
secure your territory for the new work,
People's Library. Apply to
J. B. IIeywood
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Synopsis of the District Court Proceed
ings to Date.
Court convened pursuant to adjourn
ment of the April term, on Monday
June 4th, 1877.
Present, Judge Pound and the officers
of the Court.
L. C.Sliles, G. W. Mayfield, R. O.
Fellows and O. M. Streight were sworn
as bailiffs of this court.
Jason Streight, W. Delesdenier, J. M.
Schnellbacke, S. McConkey. Julias Pep
perberg, Geo. Lathrop. Jos. Austin, C.
G. True, A. Prouty, Jno. Johnson, Jno.
Copple, Chas. Fowler, W. Wettencamp,
B. W. Briggs.
Two jurors being absent, and Pep
perberg being excused, the sheriff rilled
their placsa as follows: J. Beckner, B.
Hempel, A. B. Fox.
Jno. Lewis, Jas. Simpson, Z. McCul
lock, J. Ossenkop, J. Hardnock, H. G.
Race P. B. Snaok. E. Hall, G. A. Ash
mun. J. F. Polk, F. Carruth, O. II.
Goodwin, E. Doom, G. W. Garrison. J.
McCaig, Robt. Mctteer, B. Dlost, II
Eikenberry, Jno. Berger.
The case of Story et al vs. Latta,
Fitzgerald vs. Schneider, continued.
Welford vs. Brantuer, dismissed at
plaintiff's cost.
Hawk vs. Munn, dismissed, W. P.
Shera & Shera vs. Rankin, dismissed,
CP. W. P.
PI u miner & Clark vs. Hyers, dis
missed. C. P. W. P.
J. O'Gorman, deceased, and Catholic
Church of Plattsmouth, vs. Fitzgerald,
Xeville and Murphy, as Building Com
mittep, a decree was entered against
defendants of 6900.
Upon the proper oaths and papers
John Toak and Henry Axmaker
were declared citizens of the LT. S.
State of Xebraska vs Kroeler & Poi
sal, released on an recognizance.
Wm. L. Wells was appointed Clerk
of the court on giving bonds of $3,000
Jiine 2th, Child vs Slaughter, Mar
tin and Seybolt. decided in favor of
defendent. .
Frederick Stodd was declared a citi
zen of the U. S.
Fine boots for $5.00
Fine Sewed boots S7.00
Alexis buckles shes S4.50
at Robert Sherwood's.
FOLTZ GTLRF.RT at Centre Vallev on the
2d i'let.. Mit. Josei'h to Miss Minnie
A. Gii.kekt, by A. N. Sullivau, J. P., aU of
Cass Co., Neb.
Messrs J. A. Tice and H. D. Rhea,
the proprietor and gentlemanly agent
for Guest's spring bed are doing a fine
business. Many of our citizens are im
proving their opportunity of getting a
comfortable place to lie after the bus
tle of the day is over and when night
draws its sable folds around them.
Cheap, only S6.00.
Go aud see the new rustic hats at
Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney's.
For the Herald.
Meteorological Snmiuary,
for the month of May, 1877, Dy A. L.
Highest Barometer May 23 30.097 in.
Lowest 14 " 20 29.309 "
Mean 29.811 "
HigVt Thermometer May 17 84
Lowest " " 3 39
Mean M 59.9G3
Mean thermometer for 14 years past
54.043. Total rain fall 7.57 in. Mean
rain fall for May, for many years 5.00
in. Prevailing winds E. and S. E. Xo
of rainy days 21. Xo. of cloudy .8 or
more, 10. Thunder storms on 10 differ
ent days.
A marked feature of the month, has
been the number of rain storms, and
tne high temperature during the
storms, as also the intermissions.
The effect of these continued rains,
has been to retard the farmer in get
ting in his seed; but at the same time
to drown, wiuh away, or starve a largo
share of his foes, the locustd.
Julius, our cigar maker, has jilst re
ceived direct from the importers in
Xew York, as fine a lot of tobacco for
cigar iurposea as ever came to this
city. He always manages to give the
best of satisfaction to his customers.
Dr. SehenckN Palmonie Syrnp,
Ska Wkicd Tohic. awt Mawdrakb Pillb.
These medicine have undoubtedly performed
nor Cures of Consumption than any other rem
edy know)) to the American public. They, are
compounded of tesretatie ingredients, and con
tain nothing which can bo. injurious to the hu-
l man con-motion, oilier remedies advertl-'ed
j its cures for Consumption, probably contain opi
um, waicn is a pouiewnat aangerous utuk in ui
cases, and if taken freely by consumptive pa
tient, it must do great Injury ; for its tendency
is to confine the morbid matter in the syetem,
which, of course, must make a cure impossible.
Schenck's pulmonic syrup is warranted not to
contain a particle of opium : it is composed of
powerful hut harmless herbs, which art on the
luiifiH. liver, stomach and blood, and thus cor
rect all morbid sucretion", and expel all the di
seased matter from the body. These are tire
oidy means by which consumption can beeuied,
and as Scheni'k's Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed
Tonic, and Mandrake Pills are the only medi
cines which operate in this way, it is obvious
they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonary
Consumption. Each bottle of this invaluable
ineilieirm is accompanied by full directions. Dr.
Scheuck is professionally at his principal office,
corner Mxtli and Arch streets, Philadelphia, ev
ery Monday, where all letters for advice must
be addressed. 1U4
Masanlc Hall Company Shares.
In accordance with the directions of Platte
Lodt'e No. 7, 1. O. O. F., we will purchase two
hundred and eighty dollars worth cf shares, is
sued to aid in the erection of Masonic and I. O.
O. F. Hall Co. building in PlatUmouth.
No shaics will be purchased unless the shares
were issued to Platte Lodge No. 7. 1. O. O. F.
Kids will bo received for the money until
Thursday. June 14. 18T7, aud thoaa shares pur
chased from which the owner will make the
largest per cent discount from the par value of
the shares. The bids should be sealed and ad
dressed to J. W. Johnson, Treasurer Platte
Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F.. and endorsed, "Rids
for sale of shores in Masonic and I. O. O. F.
Hall Co." Rids mut be on file on or before the
Hth day of June, A. D. 1H77, and the awards will
be made on the evening of that day.
Siirned : John watmax.
J. W. Johnson.
Mike scumsllbacher.
DENTIST, 233 ami 226 Farnham St.. between
14th and 15th. Preservation of the natural
Teeth made a tpecially. Oldest practicing Den
tist in the Cityi
Our gunsmith, Mr. Kinser, is an in
ventive genius, he ha3 not only invent
ed and made every part of a rifle that
will throw three balls at once in three
different directions, but he has just in
vented an emery rod. that at tached to
his lathe will put as fine a polish on the
inside of the barrel as can be done in
London. 1U3
The best and largest stock of
in the county, bound to be sold out for
cash. (4tf) Peter Merges.
Early Seed.
The Ea-ly San ford Seed com for
sale at RutTner & Black's this corn will
mature if planted early in July and
yields equal to the old dent. 8t7.
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale bouse at
St. Joe gives them advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
A few City orders for sale.
Xew cake pan, enquire at the Her
ald office. '. 24 1.
Full line of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weckbaeh, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can handover the goods. tf.
By universal accord AVer's Ca
thartic PIlls are the best of all pur
gatives for family use. They are the
product of long, laborious, and success
ful chemical investigation and
their extt-nsive use, by Physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized na
tions, proves them the best and most
effectual and purgative Pill that med
ical science can devise. Being purely
vegetable no harm can arise from their
use. In intrinsic value and curative
powers no other pill can be compared
with them, and everv jierson, knowing
their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the system in per
fect order, and maintain in healthy
action the whole machinery of life.
Mild, searching and effectual, they are
specially adapted to the needs of the
digestive apparatus, derangements of
which they prevent ami curt;, if timely
taken. They are the best and safest
physic to employ for children and
weakened constitutions, where a mild,
but effectual, cathartic is required.
For sale bv all Dealers.
Get your Magazines bound. Xow is
your time. At the Herald office, tf.
Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
For Sale. Best qualities of pi ug-smok-'ng
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
Binding done at the Herald office.
To loan on improved farms in Cass County, at
low rate of interest. Applications solicited.
Plattsniouth, March 1S77. J. N. WISE.
Wedding Bristol card board at the
Herald office.
Early Seed corn (Sanford) at Ruff
ner & Black's. 8t7.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cents a stove and 50
cents a Hue. 42tf
Old hewspaiers for sale at the Her
ald office. 75c per hundred.
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and
on exhibition at Carruth's? 45tf.
Team of large horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargan. Enquire
at Sage Bros.
A new American and a new Wilson
for sale at the Herald Office.
The eri fiatfist. .,
- . nun iiifrci, re
liable remedy ever put together by medical sci
ence for Rheumatism, Wouni's, swelling. Rums.
" ifu nreasi, ac. is ine t-emaur Liniment.
There are two kinds. What the White Lini
ment is for the human faniily,thetroiigerkind.
which is yellow iu color, is for spavined, lame
and traiued horses and animals. Their effects
are wonderful.
Mothers Who haVGweakand irritable
children, can secure health for the children and
re4t for thenlsolves by uing Dr. Pitcher's Caa
toria. It contains no morphine or anvthing in
jurious. It U a pleasant to take as honey, and
if certain to oure Wind Colic, regulate the bow
els and expel worm. For Teethws cS'.Urea
there u nothing lilie Caitoria. Ml 13
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
"hape of hat, can be seen ut Solomon &
Nathan's emporium. 5tf
The most elegant and best line of
of all grades, including a most beauti
ful assortment of
of different colors in" the market.
To be closed out for cash. Reason,
change of business. (4tf) P. Merges.
Taken up on my farm on the l?th day of May,
1S77. One dark bay horse is hands high, 9 or 10
years old. star In forehead, oth hind teet white.
Farm is situated 6 miles south-west from Weep
ing Water Falls.
Weeping Water( May 30th, 1377.
Uto T. Clark.
Strayed from Plattsmouth on Tuesday morn
ing, the l.ith day of May, 1877, one bay horse lo
years old, aad about 15 hands high, a little white
on one hind hoof, blind in left ee. cannot tell
his blindness only bv trying the eye. The eye
appears as good, aud is as full asriht eye. Any
iuiormaliou leading to his rccoverv llberallv re
warded tit) F. M. DOKKIN'OTWN.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Ganhart,
deceased. Before W. H. Newell C ounty Judge,
in and for Cass county, Nebraska.
To uhtnn it may concern:
Notice i hereby given that Elizabeth Ganhart
has filed an application in the County Court, in
and for Cas Comity Nebraska, to be appointed
admiiii.strutiix of the estate of Henry Ganhart,
deceased, and said cauve is set for hearing at
the othec of said County Judge, in Plattsniouth.
on the aad day of June. A. D. 177, at one o'clock
p. in., of said dity, at which time and place all
persons interested mav appear and eh cause,
iijnny they have, why the said Elizabeth Gan
luirt should not be appointed such administra
trix ol said estate.
Witness my hand at Plattsniouth, Neb., this
2d day of June, A. D. l?77.
1H3 Wm. H. Newell. Co. Judge.
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Court of the United States, for
the Distrit of Nebraska.
In the matter of Joseph Shera, bankrupt.
To whom it may cjitcfrn:
The undersigned, William n. Smith, of Rock
Bluils, iu Cass, county, in said district, hereby
jiives notice of his appoiiitmeut as assignee of
the estate of Joseph Shera, of Rock Bluffs, in
the county of Cast., in said iistriet ; and who
was, to-wit : on the 7th day of April. 4. I). 1877,
adjudged bankrupt, upon the petition of his
creditors, by J. L. Webster, register iu bankrupt
cy for faid district.
Dated at Rock Bluffs, the 15th day of May. A.
D. 1877. I0w3. Wm. H. Smith. Assignee.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Wclhehnine Mer
toii, deceased. Before W. H. Newell, County
Judge, iu aud for Cass County Nebraska.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that William Mortens
has filed an application in the Count v Court, iu
and l"r Cas County, Neb., to have Jacob Val
jery Sr., appointed administrator of the estate
of Wellieluiiiic Meriens, deceased, aud said
cause i set lor hearing at the otiieeof the Coun-'
ty Judge, in l-,utsmoin!i, on the 9th day of
June, A. D. 177, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day.
at which time and place all persons interested
mav appeal and show cause if anv they have,
whv the said Jacob Vailei y Sr. should not be ap
pointed such administrator of said estate.
iiness mv hund at PlaH-inoulh, Neb., this
21st day of May, A. D. IA77.
Wm. H. Nkwkli,
9tl Couuty Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the County Court, within and for Cass Coun
ty. In tiie matter of the estate of Andrew
Sturm, deceased.
To whom it may concern:
Tak notice that the final report of Math his
Spohn administrator of the estate of Andrew
Sturm, deceased, has been filed iu my office, and
that I have appointed June nth. A. D ;7, ut
oue o'e;ock p. 111. as the time and place of exam
ination of such report, at my olhce in i'latts
uioutli, Nebraska, at which time and place all
persons interested iiihv appear and show cause
if any they have, why said report should not be
received and all-.. wed as and lor the final report
and account of said administrator, and the said
Mattiias Spohn. administrator, be discharged.
iu testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand this -1st da v of Mav. A. D. ls;7.
Wm. H. Newell.
013 Oounty Judge.
Estray Notice.
Taken hp by the undersigned on the 27th day
of April A. 1.. IS77, at my residence 3 miles sou 1 11
of Klinwond, in Stove Creek Precinct iu the Co.
of Cass, and state of Nebraska, to wit : one steer
color white, lame p. right fore foot, right ear
eiit, left ear emptied, and supposed to be four
yeais old this spring, and of the Texa- stock.
On or about the month of March last a cer
tain prom is uy tote given by Edward Tighe and
pavable to Samuel Ewing. both of Cast" county,
Ne'bnuska. for lite sum of six hundred and fifty
dollars, daiod April 12th. 1X73, ana payable the
1st dav of Jiiiy -is75. There is endorsed upon
the said note "-s'C.l.os. All persons are hereby
warned against purchasing the said note ; and
any person or persons producing Huid note will
be liberaly rewarded. Saml. Kwimi.
Plattsmouth May -'4th 1877. Jt3
Mrs. F. EiSler'and Miss Nellie Sliort have gone
into the dressmaking business, and would be
pleased to have those in want of work in their
line to call and see them at the residence of Mrs.
Elster, one door west of the Saunders
House. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges
ipnderate. 7-If
Headquarters Department ok the 1
Platte, Offk k Chief q. M. V
O.MAHA, Nk.. May 8th, 1877. )
SEALED PROPOSALS, in triplicate, under the
uMi;d conditions, will be received at this of
fice until 1-2 o'clock, M.. Tuesday the 12th day
of June, 1877. or at the same hour, (allowing for
difference iu timei at the offices of the Quarter
masters at the following named stations, at
which places and time they will be opened in
presence of bidders, for furnishing ami delivery
of Hav. during the year commencing July 1, 18
77. anil ending June 30. 1878, as may be required
at Omaha Depot. Omaha Barracks, Fort 1 1 art
Mi ft. Fort Mel'herson, North Platte. Sidney Bar
racks, Chev.Mine Depot, holt D. A. Russell, Fort
Sanders, Fort Fi (1 Mcele. Fort Bridge r. Fort
Hall, Camp Ootiglas, Fort Cameron, Cmnp Rob
inson. Camp Sheiidan, Fort Laramie. Fort Fet
terman. Cantonment Reno, Camp Stambaugh,
and Camp Brown.
Proposals for a ipiantity less than the whole
will be received, i'he Government reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals, and to ac
cept proposals io part if deemed advantageous
unless delivery as a whole is conditioned iu the
bids. A preference will be given to articles of
domestic pioduction. Blank proposals aud
printed circulars statins the kind and estimat
ed quantities f Hay required at each station,
and giving full instructions as to the manner of
bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders,
and terms of contract and payment, will be fur
nished on application to this ofhee. or the Quar
termasters at tUe various stations named.
Envelopes containing the proposal shonld be
ni..rked. "Proposals for Hay at " and ad
dressed to the undersigned, or to the respective
Fost and Depot Quartermasters.
M. I. I.u
Chief Quartermaster.
On Main street nearly opposite the Court
House, Plattsniouth, Neb.
Horses for Sale.
The buying and selling of good horses made
the specialty of the business.
New Ho rses & Carriages,
and gentle horses, for Ladies to drive are kept
at this Stable.
Also a carry all. which runs to the depot and
will carry passengers from any place iu town on
Cj4 Z, Z. T
Feed and Sale Stables.
' Comer 6th and Pearl Sts.
daV, wlch, cm Mo.vm.
Fo Fair Commission.
Pamcular attention paid to
Driving and Training
A hearse furnish-! when called fc?
Once 31 ore!
Having opened a stock of goods at
my old stand, in Plattsmouth, again,
and having just returned from the
East, I am prepared to sell goods at
better fates I have ever done be
fore. O TJ JEZ
Is just now being opened. We have a full
line in
Spring ami Summer Dry Ooode,
Bleached and Brown Domestics,
Printsaiid Summer Dress Goods,
Ladies ami Gents Hosiery.
A full Stock of
The best stock of Coffee ever brought to this
City ; Roasted and Green.
Canned Fruits in great varieties.
Sugars cf Syrups in all sized packages
Foreign tfe Domestic
Mv intention is to do a first, ela-f trade, and
to make mv Store the Emporium for the farm
er's wants.' We will take all Country Produce
in exchange for goods, at cash rates.
Our idea is to buy for CASH and sell for C A Sir
to everv one, and at such rates that both buyer
and seller cau live.
Xow, we want to see all our old
friends back again, an I we want all the
new ones we can get. We promise to
treat you well and send you home hap
py, with a wagon load of goods bought
for very little money.
Next week 1 expect to fill this column with a
new list of goods, just opened. Read the offers
and come aud look at the goods, that is all I ask
Bcsck i
. Has removed to the lower part cf Main street
n what was Dover's More. His
Immense Stock cf Furniture
is larger than he expected, and he
nil present s-tock on hand at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Remember the new stand down town, ji !K
FOOT STORE. Two stories foil of fuinitiilC.
Before I pack it away a. id havft to hau.l it
all over. I want to sell olf a good Ul.i1. -s'ow is
your time to buv,
In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Fourth Sf.. aVrut the
you will tlud :
Com ll:iHters, (hand & Iioi st-;
.Stirring IlQv.
Sulky I1oy.
C'ultl ator,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, Ac.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
ol farm n.nd other machinery, as tlure
Is a good lathe iu my sucp.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
- has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is well known as ft
Xew Wagon aud 1$ utiles made to
Shop on Sixth street, onposite Strefght's Stable
The old 7.0NNER STAPLES in Plat tsrn'uth
Neb., have been leased by Dr. Jones, and he.
has oiiened a new and hundsouie livery in this
well known barn. The finest and best of horses
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or to Trade.
I desire to give notice that I have a large,
handsome brick barn, with plenty of room for
horses and wagons. I can put farmers stovk
an i wagons, loads of grain or pnvtlii-ig all un
der cover, ii. the dry. Remember th's.
Thankingall mv ol i pati ons for their many
favers, I solicit their trade this coining year,
satisfied I can accommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before. 3-yl.
Machinist. A. an old 3Ikrf and Hitn
ner of 1 IireliiiK Machines,
has opened a shop on Sixth Street nar Mr. Don
ellv's Blacksmith and Wagon Shop where he has
prepared himself to do any and all machine work
witnout exception. He has a No. 1 Lathe can
turn in wood, iron, Steele, and all other metal in
connection with machine work. He can do any
thing required in a guusniith. even to making a
gun. of which we have the evidence In a Pat.
breach loader throwing one two or three balls at
once at will of the gunner.
Mr (ieo. W. a fanner near Rock Bluffs
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from Virgin
ia can be refered to iu reyard to his fmmer con
nection with the manufacture of threshing ma
chines. Oiva Mr. Kinser a call and will insure
you satisfactory work on any part of a Thresh
ing Machine. 52-m3.
A r nnt'an't he made by every agent every
UUU'uol'tn "le business we furnish, but
wOOu1'10"" "i'l'og to work cau easily earn a
dozen dollars a day right in theii own localities.
Have no room to explain here. Busiuess pleas
ant and honorable. Women, bovs and girls do
as well as men. We will f uriiisii you a complete
outfit free. The business pay l tier than any
thing else. We will bear expense ef starting
vou. Particulars free. Write anil see. Farm
ers and mechanics, their sons and daughters,
and all classes in need of paying work at home,
should wri'c to us ami iearnall aboirt the work
at once. Now is the, time. Don't delav. Ad
dress T'iue & Co.. Augusta, Maine.
Farmers Imp rave Your StQck
..-,: -;: -:.V -.: A . I j
id tfe--t'.v--;. v.-,--i VvsZi-K. :,.;v--, :.'.i-tS LJ
We were t'te first to introduce this Terywortbv Variety cf fwine Inr tSis counrv cav
tested them thoroughly and we are convinced they are by far the laost valuable breed tor tt6
farmers of this county for the following reasons :
Earlv matui Uy, qujet disposition, good breeders, good mother, and tns 'fcrv best brd Iri
the w rld to cross with the large coarse breeds, giving them beauty of form, lmraovrig ttea
laltemng qva:i;:es,ai.u grcaiiy improving ti.e qu:U!ty 01 tue nam, which euo oi exceaea c?
any other breed. Tneir color Is bl ick, th"e skla is perfectly smootn. and very t'aia and ";iit
hence they have no scurf or skin disease which whi:e' are sirje to st la a tlack soli coun
try, and tLev are not rultiftllt etialera in common wita ether swine. They are tie largest of
the small breeds, making from three to four aunlreu C i& one year scraetiiiits ieaci 600 or
"yO pounds and can be fatted at any age.
We hve now a verv ehoeoe jot of oigs from Ix Jl?erect Importations, aid are prepared to
mate pis properly for brredicg, and wtataut evjry pig pore Esex or l.o 6aie.
or. wt VANi2ont ,
"5irF32, Tea j tas Gc , "Victsiniu'-
DA LM'Olir.'ioW a
r'OR .SAL., u C r .
Plattsmouth, Xeh.
Possessf s ihc Following Suptiiot ilitt
1. It i nevvr alTee.o bw frost requiring in'
tapping, raising ot the haiidl. 01 other care.
1. It starts with the t'.ist or second motion or
the handle, uirl tbe tio cease-, tlie moim ni you
stop, !c.t ing 1.0 drippi.igs to lorin mud or ten 1..
winter. 0:1 i.uJ around lite plalfoim.
x It thoroughly veiail ttes the well, rMd!ng
it of ful air.
i. It ju ves lis cost cvciT year In labor ; It 1 un i
so ea"' ;
5. It is iivatuiMe In cise of lii a:i engine
ever r-ady at your ttnor.
ii. The vluViei heiai; t.f Mnr. ai.d glared oi
the lii-iile. is e pial 10 i'ass, and much stronger .
there Is 110 slime or Hit Ii ever collecting oil It.
7. The well reiti!r s no cleaning out alter on
Of these pumps is set ill one thai is clean.
h. ! combines both the atmospheric and fore
principle, which gives It an c;tiul pressure on
the water, tluovving a sietidy stream, both with
ho up and down motion of tl.c hani'ie.
. This piimn h!w j-i s In mi v cool water from
the sf a 1 r, t he :t-r stand ;:i'j below the platform
in a stone cylinder.
10. The buckets t,iay be removed dt any time,
without moving the piinip or platform.
Tliev will t luow from 1 1 : t to seventy. five fei
from the end of a hose, I1001 wells up to sixty
feet deep, with one hand p' -M-r.
They lire alo very tucfu! for "vasMtig carria
ges, windows, spi'iiihlit g 1 i.ui.i.
East of I'laUe Vidlcy House.
In the Town.
Good Tixims Always on liana.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carnages sent to Depot to nuet ail train?
whenever or'tciou.
Funeral attended and canlage furni-Ued
friends. Address, J, W. .UiANNON,
42-ly Pnattsiuouth, Neb.
c 2
- x. u. -i '
. ST
3 5
w w t. r, i".
ca 1
if .
5 o oJ
is -1
fei s
5 O o S
C " ' Si
- 3
1 i
IF VL 17 $ 11 2? e ,
Lounges, Taoles, Bed steady
Of All Description.
Of all bizes, ready made and sold cheap for casp
With many tharks for past patronag". I Irivilb
invite ail to call and examine my
4Hf. I'l'IteWITfti: A.VI 4 OF FIX.'
. ., A :S I si
11 n