V U K II !$ UA L I). . a. M.vi.':-ii.raiii-... . .Ihuror., i'LATTSMOl'Tir, Al'IdL 177. Our l'l.:trn :.. An c.uly Naii'it.ii OusUtationa! t'onvi lit ion to consider, anion;.: other thii:..N 11. o follow im: item-;: Si tats for J'rcsi Ami. :it:d no ri' picctioii for one term, at least. .Lh ct the I're.d. lent ;i:id Viet; I'rost .L:il as nearly by a dirccl vole of thy people as possible. Llect l S. Senator by a direct, vote r;f the people. Civil Service rules: A poointm 'uts for mci it and Illness, (as a ru!" from the pm ty in power), no re um a! during lime of commission except for derelic tion of d uty. st A T i : a m i : l : ; : n ts. Longer terms for Stalo and County 0:!lcial.s, fair .salaries, and no re-election. Judges to he created l.y appointment .uid for hv.z terms, only removable for corrupt practices or incompetency. We believe the country needs the above changes in her organic laws, and we shall, from time to time, the same uj.n our n-ni!o. I'ntil we have more liht this is our platform. 1 1 tI p it aloi!'. "iUNTKiKill at home the IIej:am subscribe for it. Letter I'ox, county news and other matters of interest. Jons 1. Irish advises that the Dem ocratic party of Iowa light the Hayes policy "iio to the hilt of the knife.' The Dubuque Tinus suggests that t Ids will be startling news at Wash ington, where they are not aware that there is ;i Democratic party in Iowa. Ule:tr:')',tl Ojin ion. In compliance with the law emu-ted laat winter by the legislature, Governor Gather has appointed General A. II. Conner, of Kearney. Hon. S. II. Cal houn, of Xt-braska City, and Hon. J. H. Ames, of Lincoln, a commissioners to revise the- laws of Nebraska. The commission will comm.:n"e its labors on the loth of Mav. "We had the pleasure of a call this af ternoon from Mr. Ik Noyes, of Louis villo. Neb., Gen. Agt. of the Mason & Hamlin organ, and Mr. James l'etiee, of the riattsino'.ith IIi:!:ai.i. AVe ex tend a hearty welcome to 1 o'Ji of these gentlemen t'o our city, and trust their itay among us may be a pleasant one. Ar b. City Ufa. While at Lincoln lately v-e visited the patent roller skating pond of our friend Mcliride. Mounted on four tiny wheels the youth, beauty a-i I elite of Lincoln wheeled and tumbled, (occa sionalIy all over the door of the Acad emy of Music while the baud played "pop goes the v. easo!," "Jump Johnny Jump" and such other lively ami in spiring tunes. Wet"'I you it is fun alive to skate in the house, on the floor; it the pleasant spring time. Anyj:o;y who has been in Tennessee knows what a peculiar State it is, and will therefore readily believe the Jonesboro Journal when it ?ays that "oh Monday last, near this place, while the sun was shining brightly, a single chunk of snow fell to the earth weigh ing loO ma Is. and still remains in t et andnmmelted ami can be seen by any who are disposal to doubt this statement." We don't believe it whore's Dick Cashing? Dr.ArM: didn't include tho Doston Tractor when sahMhc? Uostoa pa rers didn't ieprcs-nt the stalwart Ko iul;lea:i ; entiment of New England. The 7'v;;. . r says: "i-resideiit 1 1 arts and Gov. I'acLard wen; elected by the vote of Louisiana, and the ilunkeys who discredit Governor Packard's right' by that aci. invite President Hayes to step down and out. There may -be ways of dodging that fact, but they arc not honc-A ways." Intir U i n 11. Wc do not agree with Mr. Warren, (in the R?pulliari) that there is no law for the custom of the Country that "Tho Majority Shall Pule." It is and lias been the unwritten law of the laud since tiie foundation of the government and tacitly recognized in every statute almost. It is the great point which dis tinguishes our form of government from that of most Luropean countries, where u minority do rule, by the same custom, their right being founded on birth, inheritanceor usage. Here man hood suffrage gives, (or should), the right to select what laws shall be en forced and by whom. Not Heard Front. Piztitioxs from "bankers, merchants and manufacturers have poured in up on President Hayes, (ireat depu tations of business men have waited on him. The i lie capital of the coun try has filled Ids ears with the discon tented chink of coin and the murmur ing rustle of treasury notes, lint we read of no petitions from the widows and orphans of union soldiers. The mothers of sons who fell at i'oit Moul trie or Port Hudson, or starved in the prisons of Charleston, have s-ent no deputation. The dead have not been heard not even thv who lie encamp ed on the Heights of A rl'mgton.so near that tho west wind might, be the tele phone to bring their sa I warning to tho c'ars of a brother soldier a?id his coun selors, "Take heed what ye do." O'ruce Uri-ait.cood in N. V. Tii.ns. 'Tnr. Louisiana commission have not reported as yet, but have asked for fur ther instruction?. The instructions have beea scut but areot maden public. Packard again asks that the commis sion be allowed to inquire into the va lidity of his title as Governor and the appointment of the returning board. Also the validity of the Supreme Court and courts of the State. If the present Courts (and they are the only ones in the State) are declared legal, he will leave his case to the decision of the Courts. If not be doea not say what he will do, but is tired of having the commission inquire into unimportant matters, while these essentials ate left undecided. The feeling is that seme how tho Xiehols government will yet be recogrdzed, but President Hayes will have a hard time to convince the people cf the justness of such a course, imlcss lie can show hotter pre of and more of it in Ni hols' favor than v.' yet seen. 'II The editor of the Ilattsmouth "Iler ! aid ".says 1;? can't live always on bor ! nnvi'il final.-;. I f h I s c red i t, is so t h at . hn .-hi lu.rr.tw bo is 'i in.-,-,! liir-Vf ..'!.-- ' in the state. l.im-oln Drinocrnt. i rnfcrtunattdv we can as vet. Nome of thes-j d;:ys we'll be obli-,'.- I to for-.-L to pay back owing to our deiiinu.-ut "subs" and then well, '"The. won't e;o very well then." world A Terrible i'irc. Oil U'edTiCsday. the 11th, the Soulh ern Hotel, ; St. J.ouis, was found to be on lire. A flight fill scene ensued. ..here were some f0 f,drls and others in he upper story, many of w hom were binned to dea! h or killed by jumping from third and fourth fdorios. Seo ac7 count em outside; of paper. Mrs. Y.'i'l A. Morrison, of Water ville, IJ o:iC! county, Xeb., writes to ascertain the whcrabou'.s of "Will A. Morrison, whereupon the Grand Island j Tn-1'pen'li-ni responds that it is unable j to acemo(I,;te her with his present ad dress, but it is quite likely that he has heeded the voice of the late Lam3ntcd Horace (Jreely, and has gone West to grow up with the country. Undoubtedly he'll grow vp, very high some where "West if ho doesn't mend his ways. The telegraphic despatches indicate that Turkey will not consent to any terms offered her by the other powers of Lurope and that a general war must ensue into winch L'ngland will inevit ably be drawn. Already the effect is I cing felt in this country in the increased price of bread stuffs. Should such a war be entered upon it will give a great im petus to manufactories, employ labor, enhance capitol.and cause or people to forget and heal home troubles in a gen eral bettering of all business interests. A Thomas Street couple made this singular wager; If Hayes is elected the wo nnii agreed to build tho fires this Winter, and if Tilden was elected the man was to build thm. Thurs lay after the election the wom.ni took the h?:ient of th ; d ubt and ha; obliged him to build the fires ever since. Their oldest daughter say3: "It don't maka no ili.'Tjrence if the Aug d Gi-n'aril is elected, ri 1 never did Luild no fires and she n;-ver will. You can bet on thatagoo.lde.il safer than on elect ion." E.v. Jon.N" S. llownx retires from the llhilr Tim--. after a year's work. TIi following is the "platform" on w'uh h he leaves ofoee: Tf we have trampled down the weed.-; and made anyon -'s path plainer or eas ier, well. If we have blunderingly hurt any one "Without just cause, we would have iIkm.i believe that "we shot our arrow over the wall" and thus un wittingly "hit our brother." Well, General, what do you think of it? Times ain't like they used to was, are they, in the newspaper business? CoRveatioii of Iovr.i Lditors. CorxriL Blufts, I a., March 22. A convention of the editors of tho Eighth congressional district of Iowa, was held in this city to-day. The at tendance was large and the proee.-disigs varied and interesting. Among the resolutions adopted was ono favoring the passage of a law providing for the pubiicat ion of all general acts passed by the legislature of the State in tho legal pjpers of each county, and pledg ing the use of all honorable means to this end. The members were to-day tendered a banquet by the business men of Council Bluffs, Yes, and that's one of the things Neb. editors want to attend to. Here we arc again, months after laws are passed, and no one knows what they are. The money thrown away for pam phlets would print the laws in at least one paper in every county. The IM. association of Neb. need to look after this, and attend to some of these young law-makers about now. JltGttCT J3oj. All coi'innini'M'.ion3 f orthis ilepartinoi.t nr.ist lie pP'i.dy wriiM-U oil oi.e side of llio paper. -ntain no ers.a d or iinpri! r ai'.'jsious and be aeeoiapaidi-d v i: ii l!ie writer's ut'.Al. nai.ie tiloiiii it i ced no' neeevs ivily p.. ; iaed to tirliele written. .'oriv-:j'oiident can do as tlcy like Ml.oiit that, but mu-t ini'orin us privately of t'aeir real names. I Til's "Letier V-'" i4? inten.b'd for the yonns folks ;iiid be-iuners. t.lilier col respo'j.ii.-nee v ill nppeu" els- wiiere. Peak Hekald Do you allow com munications for your "Letter Ilox'.' out side Cass Co.? If so I will tell you of a visit I have just made to the Oma ha Reservation, the home of the In dians by that name. It was during the vacation of my school, and our mutual friends. Mi. and Mrs. lt. mado my visit lively and pleasant ; then I found such lively young people, at the Mis sion, neighbors of Mr. 15. Four daugh ters of .Toe I.eFleshe, a Chief of the tribe, make their home there; one, J-ni-sette by name, is well educated, plays nicely on the organ, and is very enter taining. She with her sisters, also Miss J.ll.au l Miss C. W. showed me the pleasant strolls near the banks of the Missouri where the I locks were very beautiful, and, from the names carved upon them, must have attracted the attention of many long ago, as they bore date fifteen, twen ty and thirty years back. Susotte told :iin she found, last summer, a name which she had forgotten, written ia tho year 18m, and almost entirely covered with mo.'s, which she scraped off, we .looked again for it but could not find it. The Indians cams there to mill and wc had great times in watching them, some on thdr ponies, soma in wagons, and other poor miserable i,-.,,l:iiin- ..-irws5 vrith crrisfs on their backs A your- O.r.aha frClznt took j us all out for a ride (in one of their new 1 mn her wa-on with oao.io" ' "- nr. mi.lfl.l.' 1 i i.o.i .. ; .Me ' a pair ot pome... and v,e iua i jow , time; but you say short epistles, so I ; wi!! sav -tiod bye and hope you will exeuse all imperfections as this is my j first r.ttempt to write for tho "Letter llox." 31. IM . D-n att-.r Hurt Co, Xeb. (Try it no-Hin, boots, you're all right.' -Ld.) S.,,....,F,: for tl.n I7,,., VIT vest r.-. i per in tho county, full of new. All printed at home. Cotudv Commission- i crs rei-ort. City Council nroeeediir's. I and c-v.-rythin- of interest to the p..o- b f:z!' '?. Lont.s ".V.V finds fiuU with ! Chanthetlaiu-s addres,, and savs noi h- jer the President nor Hep. parly aban- .1 1 : 1 ..,.. t .- 1 : 1. U001.U i.t.11, ..t;i ji'i o;i toe muu 5'..c; i ! heads an article ".Left in the Lurch ' and " Chamberlain Abandoned by the U.S. Government." "ilAMiis Darling" is cutting (juite a titiie in the Omaha papers. It seems one Xiehcls got entangled with a wo man in Chicago, whom he ca'ls "Mamie Darling." lie lives or ought to live in launders Co., and when there is known as Kelly. To get rid of Mamie he pub lished himself as killed by a runaway I t0;im in Qrnaha. Mamio found out that was a lie, and came on. Nichols ICeily wished he was dead, and so did she only the Fremont reporters were happy, and they like to busted with news. Senator Paddock. Senator Paddock is truly a represen tative of the people of Xebruska, and his energy and work are -fully deserv the llattering compliments which are being bestowed upon him by tho State press. Instead of hanging about home to look after the interes; s of some town pump or corner Post Oilice, which is of no concern to tho great public, we find him at his place of pub lic duty-, both early and late, working with a never (lagging zeal. Now using his best efforts in forming an Indian commission whose object was to open the Dlaek Hills to the miner and thus aid the material advantages of his own State. Again he is urging the claims of the soldier and then he turns his whole attention towards opening the fast mail route between Chicago and Omaha. Next we will find him lending his assistance toward the or ganization of a narrow gauge railroad from Leairice to Denver, thus opening the richest portions of our common wealth. As in the case of Hurt we find him advocating claims of an in jured man and through him the right prevails and lie receives a vote of thanks fnm the Cathode committee appointed for that purpose. Indeed he is a representative of Nebraska of whom every loyal citizen feels proud. We can now justly repeat our state- ment made rior to the ei-ciion of Senator Fadd-vk, viz: He is a man who is qualified for the. position to will U tntr ,tol t state tnir, l.i :md whose character for personal in- tegfity ami worth cannot be imieach- ed. Crtle 1 osi. . (luess that's about so Mr. 1'us! It Is Tha-rrM It Will Bc-ama (isnaral. "Tiir.orcu Din: r.i ny r.'T'A, April 14. In order to occupy the Danube Russia must reckon with Germany. The way to Constantinople lies through Berlin. w a it ifr:viTAi;Li:. London, April 11. A St Petersburg despatch savs tV.ir !u .-..,r !,..! ;.. .,( . , ; -u..!.!. i..,f n . . u'. iiu cim it7 ill i!ic .itii'if, inn uic im.v i sinn military mi-asuir-s do not htticate j the Immediate opening of tho cam- r l':V.-?n- .1C w:',liW,a lh:iL ."':rirn;l . will make an wion at i);icil:catioii, but success is not thouijbt probabb'' I l4lt",u une l"" 'l'"l3 Th 'Tii.i'i convsp..:iknt at Ct-ttinje ! "v" f,'a:f:l1 Sair'ts u'' l,',,!r-'p l"kl' represents that the Turkish armv has K l v'.1'" ye s" 1,1 Tv I ,' not been abl to ,:ntcr the countVy of ! A,,'e :r w?ia ,!S"r"J'- ilV 1 lnx the Miriiliti'S. The l'p'ht n? po f:tr has !.,., .,.,n.,,.,t i ..c c.l rim a. Losses have been small on both j sides. A movement of Turks is ex-i peeted toward ClozaU'ho, which fortress ni'i'iH provision. l itrkey s mi.irrei with the Merivlites is owin.;' to their refusal to furnish the- usual conting- meut for war against Montvnegro. j Tin: TATKST. London-, April, 10. The PtuiJard ! ja-cial from Vienna says the JJussian j Ambassador h.i l an audienee with the J-hnperor of Austria to-day, and after- wards an interview with Count An- : tlia.-.-d, to w hoi 11 he c:v.iiiaiiiiir:tt-u ; ;i len-jrapiue eircitiar jioui 11 in: CorLsehakoff. Yesterday's uav S panic 111 ' f.',iirt,.,0,i 1,,- ., I lo.iov.tu o a j financial circles was tri.wivr recovery to-niariit in eon so- .1 n:uTic:t ..f '1 1 v.-i e i I 1 11 .i; j -1 r-r. fl.".'.. P-l r. ' is and London stating that diplomatic attempts are likely to be. made to pave the way for giving advice to Russian susceptibilities by unending th-; trea ty of 1. iris. The greatest readiness is discernable on the part of the Austrian ( !r.vri r?i n o-"i t i i .c: 1 1 . i u .? t :mv l-iteist" ot- , . , 11 . : , , 1 ar.ii.t Ti Ti.-i .el! Vii ii.-ioi'ii .viiin'i nnv in i"1-1! 1 l" . u"- i'-i4it "Hii .i.... uv. , made bv ilnlatid. I.o:.'dox, April, 10. Cm-man con tract ers wlio supplied the corps at llel J'ord and Stratsburg have arrived at St. I'etcrsLdtrg where they are making large contacts. Fifty railway engines, fd'ed for the gauges of the Romanian lines, have been supplied bv the Rerlin factories. One-third of the ;irmy at j KischenaiT will cross the l'ruth, but j will movi"1 Towards th.i Snlini to r-r.-xs ! U over into Dohru lseha. 'o 'e 1. .- .1. : L U i 111 V1!1 1 monitors are at Sulini. Th.e llerli". correspondent of the j S fa. . rd teh'craphs: "I he:ir from ! Vienna that negotiations arc peudino; i..vTr.-le-tvA etdi the powers on one side and! ltussi i on the other by which an im- j M niey mediate out break of war seems liktly j 1 to he prevented. 1 co:.ie o.v..ni:.ii:.TLY down. j One of our most f.tmoiH criminal ! law(-rs received tin invitation notion' : J I since to"come down and Ueienil a couple of prisoners, now in jail hero for bur glary. The prisoners very kindly in forming him that they had no money, but bcrricinir htm for Go. I s sake to come. ' This is the way the lawyer proceeded to ommejently not come down, as re cciffd by the Sheriff just before Court ope -nod. JlrxoTOWN", April 17, '77. To T.'. . 21. ( iii prison) Plattstnioutlt, Xthr-.tska : j 2.1 r DriAn Sir. Yours of the 9th ! instant, turoiiiru me Kinaucss oi i. ncie i Sum," came into my possession this i wninS. Without delay I give you an answer. A nj yurs t am n:iu.::m .a.i.ju.. t:.. ai are m jail "accusea lor m-.ro-.arj, i J " tnat S.otli are "select cases, ami laat you have no money, hut will hhss rie , , , 1 if I " ill only come Hotna and delend ; Von. I like this frankness on your i part, and know you must be most out- j i .lefeously t rented. Your letter was really so affeotim j so wrought upon aid I ' brought to my mind so vividly the da- I f njome.i ot v.sttmg one -in piL-mi, t ! th:it .auneumteiy alter conc-lu-UHR us , j reading. I determined to take the first ! L5,:rhtnimj Lxpiv.-s train goiuj to Fhitts mouth and visit you. However "sober second thought" restiaincd my ... .. . 4. .. " . , r, 1 i J !' 0 ";"-U4l ,4IlU A'-lViU ! Mwor.U. as the doctors say, of 1 concluded not to go- and ' come IKl'.i 11. . "come down.' . .. Yours is a remarkably "select case it : , ,.1.1,.... i.. :. 1 li S'.IUUMl OU 1,11(111 ll'i:V.-L V IS 1JUIHI "in jai 1 " TViif .i-,ru;1 n..l t.:vr:ir his- tory gives us a frw like shining exam pies, striking evidence of heroic mar- tvrdom The Strength of your "ease' lies not in human agencies ian agencies. In dancing to the " . , '", .. of labor man always makes his music fellow man "come down." This is wick ed sa Jly so. I say man is a very wick ed, cruel, oppressive, unjust animal. Ho conspires against honesty and all those other attributes which make up what the insane call " excellencies of character." This ought not to be. In men and in the machinery of govern ment devised by them I beseech you not to trust. In the perilous hour they will fail you. Commit these lines to memory: "Since man to man is so unjust, I cannot tell wdiat n au to trust." I can only advise you to turn for aid to a power which is iiot human. Here you will find a safe deliverance with out price, and you. will not have to "come down" with that which is ho reward of honest toil, and gives chil dren bread. You have undoubtedly read in early days, if not in your pres ent captivity, how protection was giv en to Elijah, to Daniel, to Shadiv.ch, reshacli and Abednego, to Joseph with only a loss of a small portion of his ,.I1,nf tr !i.- rliihlmn ,,f l i.i gaillie.lt, tOtllO ClllKlreil Oi l.-iael U their release from Egyptian bondage. -" ;md during their wanderings and to Peter as "the light shined in the pris on" and "his chains fell off from his hands." I could cite you to many oth er similar instances, but it is useless as I am certain your learning in this line can supply the omission. L,et the force of these citations cheer and com fort you. You must not despond nor be cast down in spirit. Let your nat ural cxhuberant feelings sustain you. I-et swfet music steal forth from vour j prison bars (two can join ia the song a, ,.ou s?.( r. ' lls Vi; ml.hty nevv s !,o:, .;::..!, felt its power : y,-,,.,,, fn(1!, ,es- ,,ro,Vt Or Jo l) ond'tsvd the trying Iiot:"." It is true unfeeling man may deprive you of the luxui ies of life, but others have been denied them. The just in all ages have had a hard time. Don't be discourage.!. The comrnusary is all j ri-ht- Lct tIlC3- Un of Cowpcr give von back bone- "Wimii Iiatar fennel the hoith? sp?:it, And wept over I.slunavi. A mes-u;.,' :"ro;ii Uo I.i.id was sent 'ft iinid.' her I :i v. el!. Sk niM v.i'l laijaVs c.'.e r.n;I enwe t'o:'.vi:iee w.; at this d;iy. A l-l'-e-ioiis C-e-l r.i:i ;-,i:t lefn l'ro e.s I.v t'.it vay." Courage man ! The darkest ho in lu l n e:it-j jui i inx t-i .. tiie i;it.i ot -lay. Your faitb mhL not be weak, Let it bs as t!i Strnir bulls of P.a- -ban." Ti;e warm i lit-crin- b;v will , , . , , In 1,1 t.iiii'ji on ymr hv And it; to tho In s'.iaes-j of Low cry A ,t ; ,-1,. n,- fiv.j'ei spring tini', p-iTumed with tho breath of tho "Qui en of May."' you shall step a3 a fr(.(,!n;ll!i- I shall not 'com-? down." AVith doep sympathy I remain your most grateful friend an 1 obedient ser vant. 11. II. C. rz int In Bankruptcy. :e Pi e riot r-ai:-t of t'ie United States, for n 1 oirict 01 t bra - i.striet of Nobruska. m ; ni'lt'i rot .In striet of Xcbra fbis is t' irlvc notice thr.t on the iV of April. 177. a warrant of bankruptcy was issued o'd of t lie 1 'istriet t'oiu i. efiiie I niied .Slates, f,,r j,.. j (., i-iet of NebrasU.-i, a:aia-t tiiesnil p'i Shr;i ot Itoek loons. 1.1 too . entity of .111 said I lit-1 1 let. ".v)ii has been :ui hldired a bank! apt on creditors petition; and the pay in ci: 1 of any debts, mid t hp delivery of any pio'p ci ly bciuncim; to said bankrupt, to him." or to hi.s'nve. :ind taf transfer ot any property by him no firiddden by law. That a mcetiir; of the creditors of .said bank lupt. to prove their debts and to choose one or more-assinr-cs of b.is cst.Ue. w ill be held at a. Court of ll iiikrupey to be holden at Omaha, in said di-tra-:. 0:1 in m n iv 01 .iav. 1 - . .. nt two o c o.-K l. In., hi the oi ice of J. L. chstcr, l.sa .. .. ' . ... - .... . 4 t ;,, l.cisicr in i.ankl uplev e.l sa.ni ( oui t Wll I.IAM llAII.V. 4t2 S. .ai.-.!i;;I fur said Instiiet. THE MARSSTS. uo:!i: ma t: mkts r.! fot:rKi i;v r. 1:. v. m i p,':." oa:.V.'.' ' " t -,,., s. . . Mile.. .2 t ::; 0J ' i-''-"1 '-''- oO I j KTS ! V 1" 1 vokk :-iai; Nr.w Yi.iiK. April l. 2t lot;.- latest ciiU'A'U) ?i.Vi:.m:ts t iiicauo, ,prii 1.-. Fh.::r Wle.V.t I Corn . . a 1 IK ... I lO.'.S, f; ).V."V".. C ailie 'T. 7t)!i ; Cl j s.-, ; !; 7-5 LOOK HEREia 1st i 'tr ' n.'-.v ,-i 1 1 i . 1 1 T . h-wh-.i liio. AVOTHKK mane! :: -one i.adv made -n.. nov made 15 in one week "Ahich shows w liat an be . d:ne il a oail v is enevelic. l'aisincss easy and ' n-i:io-d-.:o. Sen. 1 sr oei. for ciiei.hir lrtvinV fall ' p rO'-'h-o-s Ad ire-.-. j it'ooiu a 3 ;-i-iiiIair :ninr. i 4:n CillCAia.), ILL. ! . . . i ;M A ! '1' bv Agents in cnics nnd conn Cry l iwns. only a-a"iio.lt's o iranc s IV l iwns. Onlv pece.ssuv t' siio.v iieplcs o iranc sales and mo!:cy, lor 1 '- s uit one out of cinolovoieiit ami in hit one out of cm on rr j, ose. i to work. I's.-.l daily by all bn Oat) -dncss ineii. Send stamp lor circtilal' a. vn n pi s to a. cents. Adores. M'f.l l AI. J.C v Kendall J'.midinir, C hicajro. jj - .'J fJ .i:'i"S"f:ii.si t"SK Ih"icelsir Copying Hook. M JIaile of C'Iimia! I'aper. t.'n. - uu - cop - ., - s any wr;:iie: uiinmi w ater, i'hi:s. or niu sn. uo,i ,-lk hom-.iihran- r of- i f,,.,.. For l.acih Miin t retain copies of let- .. . . . . . i uxV" rep r to anv I oiuinei' i-i! achcv. i-o'ihi m'imoi 4.... . t -i .o.t . .- i.' v 1 1 1: r u. . A ip ii,'-te .! no iVoai-;ori st,'tiiuai:, ill. 6tW) ACit:. rt v- anted. Jim; Subscribe for tin? IIf.uald and A'c- Lra.sna Farmer; only Svht.3. ; Dr. SCH EN K S S r. N 1A it D i K.l LP I E.S Til .-Un ' !'0!mdes ti.r diseases r( the t-.-ivrs ;:! Scire: vcr.'s rtLNHNii' s ;, Seil I" VC'v '.S S r V 1 : ! 'It Tu.V 1" ;imi1 S'MI ! M K's i'IaMoIAKK i il.l.S, i,Ill !t' l.,kfll th Iiiii'.s ;:x" i.'c-i i '.'ye.',. ;i spi'eii v fine is ftl-'cre.i. To t!if;1 J'hi'k uif ile'n !''!-. .1. II. Srlienck ,f rt.il.vdi'lphi.'. tuvi-s his n i; i i vai ! I v..;ccss 1:1 t? iv:i! liiciit i.i 1 . 1 i t : 1 1 u y .;ise;iscs. Xhf l'lil:Mit!ii.r Svrt;:: tincTis ilit. ir.nnii.l i;i:f- wr 111 i::-.:s tn'jue.r- ti-r. if ii' l-y n :' : ex:e-t(r:.t:MH. Tirwh.-ti jii j. hi, m t-into-r - rif.. a seynt -.::,-:. wiU tu-.i..- 11 ..:T. t'i i.i- j 't-nai',!?.' ti!'-' u'a'ti'fc '"iV".!", tin,, ; l'Tierifo" -y M..ir.i i! iutii , it. v.ivk" I ills ! ' art o. tiie iiv.T. r.':r.iH.' el.ru.-!;. nl V::'y:d l.!a,!.!.T. th. I'i'.c Hi liver is Mt.'iit luvt'tl. ' l;t ami a!tt r.itnv tin :uk:i!i ni" v.-iii.-Ii it is 'li:lpi , L'il Mti! t'll t'0'l rSVVtT.tS soiirnt-J. It aM-:s tie; 'f;o;.;iiii ly t..iiin t: j f.,o,i :uit'jHitii.onil.syn!iwi!:t,'iaki?V'''t- v.C : tiiei: nil" liiii'M l:eal. :unl t:m i'.iii"i.t v 1:1 suvelv get vc:i 11 cmcis 1;:-umi to Mcvi'llt Ilc-!l coll t we! I it cure is taken to prevent lH'-h col.l. All u!;c w is tl ! cw'iuU 1; .Se!.e;;eU. either I terson:iil V r Ii V let t V. e:i:i do i :it !iU ei im'i- i i::i otsi.-.'. comer f .ski ;i ana Arch nuki- ! tlelplua. every Monday, i seticnckv ioeii-ia-.s ar o'.d l.y ji-l dnyid-'ts uuouioioui u;e country. -i.'il) n 1 prifHF rr J mm en is Qi-.o Kind for t!j 13 01:1.1:1 Family. The oilierfur Unix's anil AiiiJituIr. j Thfi,, i.jjOr.,,,,,! aro ,,.j,!y the n.W.f the world. 'J'hc;r cU'eeis are iiuie It -3 than iuwitcI- lOUS. '4'l;e White'I.I Jiiment i for tho human f.Hnily. It will drive inieiineiti-m, S.-i.iiica and Nenr.iL'ia fi'om the s stem ; cure l.tun'vi.uo, Chiin.i.iili-1. r.ock-,j;e", l':t!y, I!-1). ;U.d luo-tcu-taneous erne' ion-''; it extracts iiiL from tioen h;U:(N and li-et. ;lid !he '.o!-oii ef 1 itos and St iei.' of VI nomoiw vil d-s ; it suhdue.s v.veli i!;'j. and a'ii-.o iatcs pain ef every kind. . le-n sprain, or ennses oi-i-nr. it is the iim-l jtcai remedy ver d i.co vcre'.l t o hen! t lie lajie i-ii p: i ts. Tin- ( eatanr l.inimeia used with i;ial 1 !!u-a-f-v tnr son- t'.ii'nat. Tot ii.ic'a1. ';;!. el ! t'ii--M.4. Ka.r- ache. :t'id Weak JiacU. liu-fel- liran' Is Pat u sami'Ie ot lUliiicrous testi:;:c,i.i als : 'IxnrANA 1Io-.ik.Jkfi". Co.,I.vt., 1- j '"I think ii my duty to inform yoa iliat I have ss'.iili'Pil null h v n('.)-!i IVet sunt eh !!. A I -u- 1-ntth'X id" I'e'iianr J.nimi-ia- j liits :Putt!:e work loriiii'. 1 have not heeu ' frfi Iron: these s.ve!l:iis i; ljt jmi'm. ! "At 1'."" !"n I'u'iMCIH i;knjamin intow.w ! T'ne proof i- in the trial. If is tvli.'.tde. it is h:.,!(lv!i isc:ioa..a:nifvervfa!ni!vsii..tianavo I ih;-;vhiievntaiir Liiiinn-nt. j b !: t ellow C Viilir I.! tJiitiP!t is ;iho- it. dio tae tunii museies. cor-Js and ne-n ef eor.-es auu aiiiiuais. n nas iili mi :i;e' 1 laore w and ernd cures in t lirce year l ripro iu, M mm . in.l- alls, heratches. Sweeny, ioi.l tretioral lamene-s. Uitin all idia-r reiiaaiies i.i e:-!enci;. Head what tiie iv;it KxiTi ssiuen say of i: : "Xir.v Vouk, J;n:u:iry, 1!. "I.vcrv r.-.viier ef liorses .should uive t'ne t'KN' TAflt l.tMMI XT it trial. We consider it the ho-t ariieie ever uko.1 in our srai-'es II. MAIiSll. Sap!. Adams 1a. Slaides. N. V. K. l'l 1. I Z, Snpl. I". S. 1.x. .s:a"o!e-. N. V. ALlU.itl" .s. OUN, Stij.t. Nat. Kx. M;ll!i s N" V T!se pairiMis if tiiis Ltuimetit :.re ra-riers :,;-.d j Veterinary S ur,.'coii . v ::re con'hni.Uiy i soi::e l.iaime!.: It hcis iel'.ls, V.'o:v;.!t. 1 j evil, r iimvc.s SV.i I'iia.s. a ml is 'v'.'iiii I : j 1 i i- : s j ot dollars :.u;r. illy to l-'arnn-iv. I.ivery-i i:. ' St' !;-! ro-.v ers. Sai-ep-ra i -v-i a ad tiio-.e "ii.;, i rr.r ' n;i:t . ii i a L i a1. What a Farrier cannot do for -v- t'.ie I't-tit.iur Liniment v ji! do ,-.t a tri;!:: ; e;-.t. These I.iiii:m-tits are el ! !.v r'. !. alrrs t!rou:'!ioi.t the country. '1 hey a;e y ,-r.i . .i-d by Ho propi ieturs. and !.!:;. .'id be uivea to aay I'.uji.-r or l'iij s,e...:i who doiiv l- te -I tlnia. J.abratory of J. B. llo.se & Co., 4G De v St., Nkw Vouk. r r "-C y M. "Ot- M, Jt ri'cnri' ,s :'s!i i,i is a .-..mo; tr- s-, :il e l"of ' is'.-.r Oil. i 1 is ,,s pYas oi! :. I lion-. It i pre-oeiii.iriv ml.it i.,l t. Te i:!tU iiTllal'h el h.iieli. It i- ; v.o;-;:t.s, ; i mih.tcs t I n!, I'l-uiii.ti es l he s;ema-a. ;.!;d cni'.-s win.! co'ie. i'e.v ivm-'.ii. s no as ci'li.)- .'.-a-i f..r IWt risbn.-. ('..nip. Won is. ;.-el iioopm r l'i...''i. Ci-:.!.'! i is :i .: ie.ii.-ie ard p;;i e!y . ..-1 :. :.;; piep-:r:'-ion. i-ti . ;-" eia-elive t Casii.r Oil and noil act' nor gripes. May C, 1, !S. J. V.. J!o- : f have : , ' a- u. :. ( o., x. v. : mUv of - ;.;;it ch;! !:ioi. a":-l a ' . -1 i; i A as ;i ay I'.aii'y -, 1 it t i ii." v.-:" l eirni ." I V elii'i'o i'a have been ral Ii:..".- by ti.; n-a ot ad its u- . for chiidren. a : --ip ..j. to. i:i pi ef - s i i'd ! . '.lr. ru;: fur iaa'i ia a lev. . 1 o- ereiif . ;o :e.y m ... i k.iow .f. I fee! it :.; a t:i y I o ;.-i ve i ' is i ; ; I',,-.. , .- ea a-.-cetn-.t of the hcin Si is I liavc Ut l i . ea bv i l.e u-enf t ' a.-'! cK : A. ! V 114-h" V o r-lii-j :-.o. :.:a:n r. i.itti.i;. r "i t i I 1 i t i i i J j J ! I "T th: IVorVJn:; ( W. ;:;c r. .-. t rep:. re . to land-di a I '::-. e.s v. eeir-l;:: : -i,;i 'oy nic.'i ;;; hone. I'nc v ':! of the tine, o; for their sp-.re i.;oii:ctiis, Jin.sini ,s new. I'.,;: '.. ;-.:nl pi'' !i! :'ale. i'ei-.e-as .1' eiilur ::. ;, i:," eari! i'roi:i .'.ii cents to per e"e. :::; -. :-n.j a :a.i' 1 ml ii v: a I si: ia bv !e vot in ; t i nir v. !:.!.- time to tae biisie.e.s Ib.y.s nr-.i ui; Is ca rn ie"iriy ;: IiipcIi as i!.n. 1 hat ;li who see t his fu.t ice "i.ir.y sea-.l their addre s. and ! 1 T'o- na-i::.ss v.", laaUe 1 his nii n:. ra i ie! 1 ' -d .:i. r ; To Ma h as are not .vc!l sa'i-'i. it we v. :.'! -.,-i:d ore .!:.!.,: la t:'y for l!c trouble of writher. I'tdi p:a . :ee,e,! s. saiiO'h'S we.i-Tli S'ver;'.I dolhi!- (o eo:a:ae:f. v rk on . a ad a eo-1 01 ' ! "'' : ' : ' i i - ::. o .. of the t.-tcst and be -t I!!n-li-.:t ! p,.:a: -:-' ior I n'l ert .'. e I v mail. i. ; ier. if on want p-t- j nntai-n! and roliial 1. 1:1.111..; Si i.vs-. work. ;.d-!"--ss i iV (.., l'el i 1 .It 1 11 , JIo. j ;- ?-... A-k t; recovered rs,1;-. j - ," . 3 v r, ; : d v-pep; ics.bilioil- siif 41". .jpfih:jh, r"-ir" ferci-.vic.-iiit.soi fever "S." " ': l', ;v;.', ;" .mil a;rue. the mcrcii- rial .:.-. ase.l pala-at how thev ii'i-.ivi-iviI ji e e::i 1 11. eti.-.-r mo spir- . tt-1-4 i! - antl L'oo.l appe'.dc. -yl'-iJb'he" :ul tell "..U bv 1 ... lil. .1.-.....! .. ... fT."l ifiSX-T'TrSZV-'i uiki a l' s 1 m .it . s"i.:v- The Chcaiext, r.in . f owl f F.tM.7. -Vc.-r.Wtc in tin: ll'url f. For Iy-pepslfl, rut!Jp;.l b:i. .Tannine". T'.d iou at I ;:ck--. Sick 1 li-aihe-h"'. Colic, D--pre--ion of Spirit-, S..tir stoia.-n-ii, lieai l 1'aini, &.... &c. This unrivalled S-ant ie-i u K"fn.-dy is t ai rant ed not to contain a 'iin;!i pan ieic of M'-rcu. y, or any hjnrk'.n niaiei,.! .- an-t ine-e, l :.t is rUllIlL Y ViyjL'TA BLK. C"iit a: ai:ii t !:ns Soiithern Ihiols and Ilerh-s, v. tiieii au wise jiiT.-. ideaee has plae-d ii: count i'es win re l.iver l:-e:e.'s ieo-i prevail. .' V ill en;-.: ,I,'J im'-' o'si s- fo. (-::( ie lATOlijaiU !t of fhi I.i ' 1' o".- I.''is.l-. 1 Tae syinptonis of l.iver ('iii;!.ii:.f :ro a hi! Kin' 1,-,-, j ter or bi'.d ta-'te in lb--I110iii.1i : i.ii:i in I he iiaek, J.'i : s-,,.. n-i i: nts. u! iea ini-! aken for hh'-cni-i' i 'in ; -"o ' Soar .-v-on-ieii : l."--of A ppe-i"e ; i'--i .-is aiiei - nai. iv co.-ie.e aoii i,i : n.-aeaeo-- : l.e.-s e.i iiu iii'i'V, ' ..,1 t v. il n a pal at id : en . ai :on of iiav i.-ie ta;I oini ; :. : a 4 ii i'h oi!-'e r to h..ve Pet a (!nne : lee.::n v. i.ow S: :i n a ; h:--.K M-'.lo'. :: u- pearanee of t he skin and ev. s a lr" Con ;ii of- I ten mi.-taken lor eon-mopi ion. 1 S.i'iii'tihi"- iiKinv i'f t'ie-e -vnipto'iis att- n i the ei-o-.ee. :u .d he, s very j", w', hat tin l.iver. j i '.d , 1 Pf-nt sutu'iiie'. wivtchedncss and 1. i: Tit m!I j 1 eii-ue. I 1 cm roeo-arapud ;p an .n-icioii- r.tne!y for j I disea-e el toe r. I ea:; ham and l.'viap-!a mm .v.i N s Kit i;i.;; i.a 1 l.i-.w is t ;. v."' ?:iK;t. j : A "'.f:i'-t-r SI rec! '.rt, 1 lllhuieip'lia. " i .'-OI 1 O "YA c have te-te l i. 4 vi.tn'S, j..--i-oii::v, and: lupiw tint far I v-;ii-o-:a. j:.:er.--nc--. and 1 Tiil'obh I teai'.aehe. it is the b si eiei'ieh.e ihe werid ewri-a e. We hav tried !o:ly n.her 1 renicdii s t.etir Siiumon-" I.i-. er Sle-j.-.I.ti.-i'. but none 0! Ihi'iM rave n- more tiia'a teeiiior.iry ic iief : bu! th" ueouia'ar not n!v relieve ii la.t ciired us." E l. IkU -jivj'h ar.it Jt.-.cns.r, M.-i-Afl II XT 1 co:i, Ca. -IT 1 ' n:'-' nr. 7 o i. -i .'. 7 . ;:: ..V ( ( '(.. MViV ..,:u I'i ' 1 1. A I M! ! l'l If A. I T ei.Ti 1 in.: 1. i.e.. ie-d e! V- . ted 111 t ae ea.ni r niedie:' . ?.e.-- iiiii a any o; h.-r and ie bo iv. t.i;.lit a.'-ippy l-ropor: e-n l'fepnrutii.a. viz : a l' cat uar-1. lnl ionie. an nrexccptiori l'"' "V5" frroctive of alt f .- Mich nai Miceess h;e . is i.ow regarded as the I EFFECTUAL For all t!:-cases if the Si-'- .-!. a Ii nu "Malii ioos Fc ve' s, i'.o wc! t sia. JMrnial I ici ressio'i, ;. "i and Nan-eii, sii-K Headache, t and lhho'.isne-s IT MAS r-.T0 EC CA VTIOX As there are a. nnmher t,T in. tothe i.nt.li-. v.e woiiit! c tldloii t- bn. 1 1 o I'-..dcrs ..r Frcnarcd ; n: l:i:;rf.. !;:. nole- in fmr c I per. wnli the trade taan;. srsimp i . i.v.L .... - . i.oh-i- l- I'i'fiiiilii - J. H..L 1 LI X . Jfaro.t, (,'!., a .'.. Fhila- y.,r vnh'ai.:. i,H-p.-in.. sh-unh nhslor. h:;-s:. e.i nte i iau. i'o irs it for o t i , t ti in; il is lee.nalio'n'l.'d, ; h?ic.' il l" lad. .1 lone used il in ' (.d abbs. v. i ; h my nii'ies ;i!ol ia.r-i-i, K) " iii.iMil l-,aif ;i : a-at :-i i hue. I have . .it'cliiat I eavc it to. ...n i:ni rei'ootriie: pvi-i v one i ;.al iljs -hi:-!, :.s lieint; the he. ieine" know n fur ai! coniil.i:nt that h! i- 1.. irto. 1- T. IAVI - a.Lv Aeiit for l.raiii:cis t-i Gee - te SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED THK "LniiST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. j Careful Drivers sent with ca, ria&cs if desired. Cavrir.t s s-.ait to Depot to t.u-et atl iivius '.vh i.evor ordered. THIZ ONLY .'J TOWN. Vunorn! atlodp and oania;"-s funiilird to Irii'inu. Addl es :. J. W. SH ANNON. 4-J-iv mates-month. Nih l w 5 O O o in C-2 y O 5 I ).: sr: s X S a Tf. 5" r. c - y rx. 14 HENRY BCFCK. DKAf.nn in mum til Sh m.tgt . SAFE"?, ChTAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads, ETC.. FTC, t:TC, Of All D,S"riLUj:i?. fJTVp A T,T,TQ BTTRT AT.GSFS Vt it!i many tb.t'nVs fcrpist patror.a; iait'!; a'.i to c:tM sn-i examinp ir.y I. Air ';:"". s'lncs oi" intr. Fnivrr: cg; I iuvi j : Ci ' t!:e : V' l "o" t ', Kcoknk. Io :. .Mi .-is-ooi. i';-..t". .",i!. 11. Mi.ier. C-ve ; r.a-.-r. iaei -en: h yca.r. A bunt sixty I - p::v a'! -xi-e:ivs. tor ' a: ! r-.i, i ;i. Ik-.. ! ill ! r-. I Mai-a i:- imi-s l ? .;: i ! o.-.. I-. el! eel s.S'i; v.' . i:!'s a'o: i e ie!'.- 1S.S-M y,. . e -s , ;. .inn:; "i!y n.ie.i. la.u'ish bra!:"be l.-i-c. !': Lc.-i er.-s bv Kmint-a'. 0. :'e;. i-"re.j !"es Iii::!i v:::i !'r.-, l'-;:i:d in C:;.,. liei. l-'ree J t-:i wished -i i ie's t or v. :i" !:..-.r.'i.e-. '.'.o-- -' a oil -I iai fi-.-e. S: .a-: i'Li ;.i -. ,;;::,:: fi.-.-. ( " -: i b. a : I- in-.' clubs-, an i f.raay bonr-i. lr: ip-oad iaie !.- da-.e.l. I: i:.; Use e.,-:;:i .-s ;! i.e. u:. .No v:t catioii. A-.h.r.-ss !'n;. dies ( ode-. . l.coki;k, f. v .1. ale v. he.e "on saw kids a;i e. i '. inici:l . 11)1 yi . DOVEY & SON, IT At the (;id stand of iT, r- -jj- i wy v-i in I'latt.smouth, XeTraska. r-. i f ' :i'02r:T:3 5:r-r oi Drv Goods, Grocer ies, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Wooden and Willow Ware, IX FACT EVERYTIIIXC THAT A FARaIRR OR AXY 0XE ELSC NK!)i COMIXfl I'N" PrM! TIIE HEAD OF 1NERAL MERCHANDI The firm, wtll known.. "is buyers on a !;iiL;e scale, for , . , . , ., , . exclusively, and Wnne malun-; 110 I'Hys prepared to eo oa lls fuol terms, (it not better) as . , ',. . anv OlhCl" lirm in Hie Lo'.illlV, STAPLE DRY GOODS A SPECIALTY ! JIUSLTX TUF BOLT!! CAJtPXTS, OIL CLCTli., V.FXLO II' II OL L. i Aas-, UEXHLi ,8 IIEFTIXiJS. m -r . o , -fc- -T-r- i run:-: PACK MEATS TAKM ALL KINDS OF l'KODL'CK, AND WILL A LAV AYS jIL I'OUN'I) 02T IT A 2s I) TO IUY OH SLLL AT FA Hi , I'illCLS, TO LOTH crs- ! . - T()2Ii;U AND THA- ':, i) i; n . 'leLicrnber the QliB. STAND r !jtite Iloneiart's I)rug .-tore, iluiii Street. II. C. DOVKY SON" cu Jnl r-tT, iv U n ?j tfj li ii - n H H H i H tJ a. 1 I mwpwuhpu low,. 11 11 iizilliikU. 13 . C3f. Z INT S I We arc In r.lnu'st DRY AND FANCY GOODS which we offer our fii.'ndH .nut the public at :it priec-i tmtm mmn a Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, & Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from G cts. a ynrl upward. E jhjID 3 PEEAD S T : of hite T.ed . ( er l.na:L.aI . tho City. The lire! s .-'jtarr .i 'J. ajr mtm t" JT" Euell's Gacsimcres, Tweeds, full ti LUiUiJ L: j. L-.' tl . or a lt. Country Produce taken Thankful forp.e t favors ia th--Of Alt NTK!-:i.VO s A'l !-r.( ! I. 1; cil with -ueci.ss, 1 it niaia :.s ever, ore SCHNASSE cc lust cprned a 'A V-y T Ay n n: TO f Jill jr.. i ! 1'3l eoitn)Uite S)ring Shawls, Dress Goods, Straw IJafs, Felt Hats, Fur Hats, For Ge 11 lie men, fJA UFi?, TILS. a y i FANS, V"' Hosiery, Havy I31uo, Cardinal ?,:d & Seal Brcvn. $ o u a 44 v j u w y u o Embroideries and Laces. BACK COHJtr, AX D XOTI0XH OF ALL KlXU.-. Satchels, Valises, and Ladies Haml Sat sets, and Iiibbon.s wmmm a B i assc::t.-:::.t. JJovs Summer Ca?oimcns, Tweeds. &r., Queenswarc, Wooden Ware, and A Full 55? Iielf ioi-smrslwtiF. Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, Lard SALT FISH, Mackeral, White Fish and Cod. nvxiiFiimiii- LL FIXI'X OV COVXlUY I'L'O'UCL' IMA" A" A' IX EACH AX OF. FOIL U(JIS. ONE DOOR EAST of THE n rr4 n rv r.-i rr. ?r tt ? 4- ( j v H a & so; daily jvceipi ef 71 to suit tin times. J!i -r, '-uf .i-u.X..lw ' . Jeans, and Cottonad'.n Stock. t --i ..-Ti , , ii u tl L. J f- ;a ViX VvUiViLi T- :;!M).s. in exchange for Good." by. I peel fi:"y a-!; a nt i:na an l lioj-h ;: i.,y .11' , S .O p 1 -e .-.J J. V. V.'i ( KI.A' o:-;;: r.ami wr.w r p. n., rj,ATTsMturir, a;;;.-. 1 . GRAM BERG":' .V h-tO( of S' s.v r:nr hTovx o:r -IC- new slock of XKCKF.IlCUlliF. PAHASnLH. - hf Is. Toilet Quills, kc, Tiltt is, Cor- Innumerable. fin o Stock of 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, in I 5! i , y r'l I ,. " "