0 THE HERALD. I. K'A LADY CUTIS EM E N TS. Transient. 2" iviU a line. Uegular advertis ers ly r. nls mm- lint-. No advertisement insert 1 for less than cents. I.f-.'nl notices at Statute rate. Attorneys and ofiicers M the law will b n-li res: nimble for aU legal notices they hand in, ami .HI parties I ti I : Li i 1 1 n ; a proof of ni nli-:i-ti"ii of any notice will be held lor tUe publica tion fee ol sue!) notice. COMMIMCATIOV. A our since is limited, all coniniuiiTca'intis 'iii'.t 1 e brief and to ttie point, with no Waste !. Any person who takes tin; paper regularly from the pos'-oHice. whether iiirwted to his Piviio, or uhetl.er In' is :i subscriber or not is. responsible lor the ;:v. 2. I f any person onlei s liis paper discontin ued, h- must pay all arrearages, or the publish er Hin continue to send ji until payment is Uta-ic . ::' collect t In- w hole amount. ' vvln-t her t n- paper is ik'Mi f toin t lo oMir-e or not. ':. 1 ii" courts have decided t hat refusing to l.i'-iK m-usnapiTs and periodicals from Ho; post oltiev, or removing and having tln-in uncalled for, is in inm t tic if evidence of imk.miuMI. tlAbL. 13. & M. R. R.Time Table. f'm )' ' Sunday, April l.vf, 1 477- 1 o;: OMAHA EKOM l'LATTSMOCTH. Leave 1 ', a. in. Arrives 3 :Ki a. in. - ::n p. in. " a : l." l. in. ri:M Omaha vou vlattsmouth. I.c.iM" 9 :0.i a. m. Arrives 10 :'I a. til . o :") p. in. 7 : !" p. m. VOU TIIK WEST. f.eav l'lattsnioiith ;i :t'i a. in. Arrives Lin coln. 1J I. . p. in. ; A n i Vf s Kearney. 8 :! p. in. freight le.n i-s 7 :!0 a. in. Ar. Lincoln 12 p.tn. EKOM THE WEST. Lieivc Ken r:iey. 6 : ! a. ni. Leaves Lincoln, 12 :!" p. in. An ives I'lat I smoiit li. : :11 . in t-'rwight le-ives Lincoln 11 :11 a. in. Arrives ri;:tI-inoiltii. 4 :12 p. in. fioiNi; east. Exple- s. r, :" a. m. l'.is-oir.c. r, 'train each il:ivl .1 :m p. in. i:ifi'Ai. and deeae rt i:e or elatts- -M1 IJl MAILS. K.vsTi irv, NouniKi:-; & fot Tiit ftv . . ..I Depart :it - r : a. u. Arrive at - 9 : a. m. j '.. .. . a .,, M ,n OMAHA VIA I!. M. Arrive :it in ::i ) a. m. ! D.-p.ti t at - 2 :1S p. in. W KSTF.HN VIA B. M. Arrive at - 3 .n p. in. 1 Depart :it - S : a. m. wi-xpism watfi:. Ars iveat 12 : m. i Depart at - 2 :00 p. ni. Utii.'K P.l.r KIM . ( SION Ml LIS. Arrive at Yi in. I Depart at - 1 p. m. J. W. MARSHALL. I'. M. LOCAIi XEWS. Mr. M. II. 1I:itli:iway long n. resident here, ami well known lo nio.st of our citizens, both in the City an. I County, has rt-turne'l ainl takf'S charge of the work r"jin ih-i-ai tmciit of t!ie IIvrald as of yore. lie will also collect hills an'lattnel to the ordinary business of the cnVfi in the ah.nei of the irojri etors at anv tinte. Fancy cards flross fJrain. Sohw Flake, Jtc at tho IIkuald And the 'lieri'T went west last week Sumi.wning a jury, you know, an so on. Sec t '. V. Mathews now implement- j and h.truwaro Ad., and "give the ol-I man a -hnn'.-i'" this summer. That dog Jaw i. Vtate Law. and in Om.iha and elso where they are enforc ing it htri'.'tly. I)i;; i:ig the lit" ris; four Winnebago In li fis w:-e drowned in tho Missouri Kirer, ;..-ar Dakota. Thi v nearly had a :ir" on the 3111 ba"k of Chaplain light's on Saturday. S jnse hoys set the grass on fire, and for a time it mad.' thing lively in that re " ion. . We have a .tf) half seholarship war rant on lJayJit-s Mercantile College which we will s'll very cheap. ff. I lav; you seen the Centennial Panel pieces, painted by Frank stadter, and on exhibition at Carruth's? 4 tf. A Trio of full-blooded Iloudans for sale. See T.J. Todd's new cake pan. 2ltf Team of large horses, harness ami wagon for sale at a bargian. F.nquire at Saov. IJhos. coon baroains! sum: lack shoes, for isl.7" at M FUG FS' S 1 1 OF STOR E. Frank White is back too, saucy.happy and gritty as ever, says he don't want to be Mayor, but does want to see the man vuo has better, cheaper, hand somer goads than he has. Goods se lected with care, bought low and to be so'd low. Good for Frank. Th 2 Sporting Club of Plattsuijuth held a large aiul enthusiastic meeting last Friday evening, to make arrange ments to receive tho Sportsmen of the Slate, hi May, when the annual tourna ment will take pkice here. Pigeons, prizes, &c. will be amply provided, and a large, fine time is expected. F. L. Iteed has just returned from tho east, with a large, new stock of goods, ami Weeping Water will look gay and festive with new spring styles shortly after Iteed gets home. Wc observed four great wagons loaded with goods progressing that way, Saturday last. New cake pan, enquire at the Her ald oi'iee. V4t. m Pi.-eases of the Kidneys effect the whole svstem. Should not be neg lected a single day. Tar acts directly and is the natural remedy. Take the 'Forest Tar ;" it is a pure preparation and cures when other remedies f-.iil. 2-to Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to call the attention of their customers to the fact that it is customary to close up accounts at the commencement of the vear. As they are expected to pay their biils it follows that they must have funds to pay with. They would therefore notify their customers who have been accommodated to harness and other goods, that they will be ex pected to call and settle their acccounts at their earliest convenience. Their stock of harness and other goods in that line is compu te, ;m l all wanting anything in their line will find it to their advantage to give them a call. A full slock of groceries also kept con start! on hand. 15tf p. o. r. ji. Our Postmistress was sitting at her window the other day, waiting for the Captain to come home from a game of "high jinks" at Lincoln, when a tall, red haired fellow just off the train stepped up with the rest lo ask for mail. They were all in a hurry, but the tall chap seemed in the biggest haste, and said : 'Anything for Louder?" The Postmistress had just turned her head to tell K. T,. (who has lately enter ed the mail service) how to clean the lamr s, and didn't hear the name, so turning back she said: "Any tiling for who?" "Louder!" said the tall fellw. liaising her voice to accommodate the gentleman she shouted "For who?" "Louder" came the answer back from outside the box. The people began to get uneasy, and the P. M. not liking the situation, call ed K. I,, to come to the window. He came and thought he'd make short work of it, so he shouted in a treble basso profundo "What do you want here, anyhow?" In a mild and placid voice the stran ger said: "I only wanted lo know if thero were some letters here for Mr. Louder. I wasn't awaro sir that the pople were all hard of hearing in this town excuse me." Mr. Louder's letters wcropasstd out and peace reigned at the P. O. A few City orders for sa!e. J. V. Week bach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. !)tf Centennial manufactory. Gents line custom work warranted, at Fob Sher wood's. GOOD IJAKO ATVS! SIDE LACK SHOES, for 81.75 at MERG ES' SHOE STORE. Quite a large Land Slide took place near Child's mill, on the 1. & M., on Thursday last, just after the passenger train to Omaha had passed. The down train in the evening was delayed until after midnight. Weekbaeh has just got the sidewalk j crammed with goods and boxes of new j goods, tnkes four boys and the Marshal to keep the street clear so as to roll I them into the store fast enough. And i then the crowd rush in to see what lie j has, and fairly jam up the spacu be- j tween tho counters inside. And now A. Drew, drew out and our old friend FJi Plummer takes "holt" of t!ie old stand onca more, and proposes to make tilings hum this summer, hop pers or no hoppers; so wags the world. One goes out and the other comes in and yet the people laugh and say w here can l buy goods the cheapest, and Eli says, come and see, that's the way to settle, it. It's fun to see Flam Pavnifle trade horses, and Flam trades most every day. riie Herald used to know two men who traded orses a great deal. One always ran down the horses he was trading for and praised up his own; the other man seldom said any thing, let tin; other fellow run his horse down all lie pleased, often joined in in a quiet way. but slyly an 1 gradually let all the good points of the horse he wanted to dispose of be seen, and nev er by anv means intimated that he had any donb's of the other man's veracity, but said "yes, yes," to any and all im probabilities ho might tell about hi3 horses. Well, Elam is a kind of a cross be tween the two especially when it comes to trading ponies. Messrs. Fleming & Race of Weeping Water have bought and completely re tit ted with new paint, new lining, new show cases, etc., the store building formerly occupied by J. Chase, Esq., where they have opened with a tine stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass and China Ware, and a full stock of ready made clothing and furnishing goods. Farmers will do well to give them a call. 2-2t. For Sale at a Ilargain. ONE HOUSE AND LOT, one block south of Main Street also STUltlS JiUILDIXU AXD STOCK' OF GENERAL HERL'H AN DIKE. If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stove polished, call on Chas. Frow n, or leave orders at John Foone's barber shop, at any hour of the day or niht. 50 cents a stove and 50 cents a ilue. 42tf CI I V TREASURER'S REPORT. Plattsmol'th. Neb., March 15th, 1877. To the Hon. 3finor anI Council: Your City Treasurer submits the fol- i low ing annual report of Receipts and j Expenditures for lat year: (en. 1 iiiul, Keeeipts $1559 43 Warrants red'mcd. 1525 OG Falance Poll Tax Dog Tax Imp'ment Fund 714 92 " Red'med.Gy.J 15 Ealance Int. on II. S. Fonds 1558 SO Coupons redeemed 2453 65 Fini s andLiceuses 1 Chicago At. Fonds S.-O 31 " Coup's redd.f2:J CO Falance Fun lg Fond Int 1218 70 " Coup's red'd 10U0 00 31 37 91 00 43 00 !l 113 00 G2 Balance 218.70 r iro Dept Fund 1 9G war'ts red'd 40 ID Int & prin II s Fur PdslOl 10 Coup's red'd. . 100 00 Falance Special Fund 4 35 " war'ts red'd l .M l 58 " on last settlement 1330 23 Advertising 11 00 warrants red'd . . C'J 00 Interest on Delinquents V, M R R Interest 114 10 Cemetery Fund 35 00 war'nts red'd 21 C5 Balance Prvbeock Int Principal 20 02 C4 10 133 40 F All of which is respectfully submit ted. Wm. Wintersteix, City Treas'r. Our public schools will be opened on Monday. THE 3I0LLY MACEE is gone up the spout, or rather down the snction at last. Silo was driven from her moorings during the late rise, struck by the ice iloating in the river on Friday night, and sunk just below the point out near the island. She has long been the only ferry-boat here and has done good service in her day. We are sorry for the loss to Mr, .sharp and Mr. Morgan, and hope they are duly nn fully insured. Fresh Cocoauuts ot the P. O. News store. 3-tl. AND STILL ANOTHER CHANGE Fli Plummer has bought out the en tire interest of A. Drew, in the Gener al Merchandise business, in Platts- mouth, and will now sell at the lowest cash rates the whole stock of goods making special reductions IN PRICE on certain lines such as WOOLEN' GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, many lines of dress goods, &c, He will also offer a large assortment of goods of various kinds at AUCTION SALE, commencing on Friday, April 13th, at 2 o'clock, in Fitzgerald's building, (where Shera's auction was held), aud continuing until the goods are sold from day to day. THESE AL'CTIOX LOTS are in dry goods, boots and shoes, cloth ing, hats and caps, ribbons, and dress goods, and odds and ends of all sorts. To be sold positively without reserve, to the highest bidder. Now is. your chance to lay in goods at the lowest cash rates, llemember next Friday. Great Gingerbread! what is this country coming too. Tramps, book agents, patent pincers, lamp chimney men, grarestone chaps all in one da3 The country is overrun with agents, agents, agents. No. 1 plow shoes for $1.20. No. 1 la dies serge shoes, $1. No. 1 Chicago kip boots for 81. !0. Chihlrens shoes from 0a up. Those goods must be sold in sixty days. Those wanting bargains must call soon at the store- of Wm. Stadelmann. 2t4 Mr. James Pet.teo, of the Herald sometime, has just returned from atrip in the southern part of the Count and over in Otoe. He has hail fair success in selling Organs and also added to the Herald a few new Subscribers. Prof. Jamison gives a free lecture at the Court House Friday evening. Subject, Geology and Genesis. 200 Rolls of our choice paper was car ried away last -week, and still we can supply those in want. y-tf Chap?hn & Or. as. And Dovey too, comes a'.ong with a new half column spring Ad. in which he s.-ts forth the advantages of his large an 1 well assorted stock of goods, with George and all tha rest of the boys always on baud to wait on cus tomers with patience, good will and business tact. Sound the trumpet, beat the drum, another lot of goods has come to'l'eter Merges' mammoth Foot iC Shoe Store. And now we waut to have the new Council modify the Fire Limit ordi nance. Good, new, sound frame build ings with tight chimneys, are infinite ly better than old rotten tinder boxes with Hues riddled like a sieve. Half a dozen good new frame buildings will go up on Main St. this Summer if they are allowed to be. built. Come!! SEND IN TOUR JOB WORK. Posters Fill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print ed at this otliee. All work expedi tiously and neatly executed. Ruffur-r &-Black are the boys for Eggs. They pay cash for any quantity. 100 daz. just shipped. Farmers bring in your eggs and gjt your cash, at agri cultural d;; )t' Cor. Miiuan l Gth St's. 3-tl. The firm of Bryan and Chambers, Saddles and Harness makers sold $210 worth of harness between Monday Morning and Tuesday noou. Dos is so heller as goot. What is of more benefit to frail hu manity than out door exercise; enjoy ing ourselves in a tine game of Croquet or Base Ball. You can get Balls Bats and Croquets at most any price. 3-tf Chapman & Glas. The Plattsmouth Sportsmen's Club are requested to meet to night in the Council Chamber and all Committees are especially desired to be ready to re port as the day of action draws on apace. By order of the Pres. Merges will get you up the best lits and the finest styles of Boots or Shoes in the country and does your repairing good and promptly. Choice Oranges. Lemons, eating apples &c, at t!ic P. O. News Store. 3-tl. Rjhert Sherwood, the well known Shoemaker, has fitted up the old Viv ian Store very handsomely, the fact is, it one of the neatest looking Stores in town and Robert knows how to make the work correspond ivitli the store. The Home Fire Insurance Company, Capt. Palmer agent, have instituted suit against parties for selling coal oil below the proof required by law. Two explosions have taken place, in this town in consequence. We are inform ed that but very little oil sold in the state will bear the test required for safe t v. Balloons, Kites, Base Balls and Bats, Marbles, Jack Stones, Fishing Rods, and Tackles, Bird Cages etc., at the P j O. News Depot. ?-tl. Schnasse! Schnasse! Schnasse has come home, the goods have come, they are opening them. My Gracious, what a lot! heaps upon heaps, so pretty, cheap, so goot. everybody says so, and Schnasse why Schnasse is as happy as a big Sunflower, and sells goods cheap, cheaper, cheapest for cash! S. F. Rockwell, at Louisville, keeps the Steel Beam PI ugh at $18 cash. Iron beam $17,Wooden Beam $15. Al so the Bain wagon and a general stock of Dry Goods aud Groceries. Louis ville, Nebraska. Mr. James Pettee of the Platsmouth Herald, also special asent for the Ma son & Hamlin organ accompanied by Mr. E. Noves dealer in lumber and hardware, Louisville, Cass County, al so general agent for Mason, fc Hamlin organ, southernNebraska called on the Press today. They are both very pleas ant gentlemen and reliable business men of Cass County. Nth. City Pres.. Mr. Pettee seems quite successful in his organ business, he disposed or made partial arrangements for the sale of five this week in and around Platts mouth. Mrs. Jos. Shera, at Bock Bluffs, still keeps her little store and Post OiTice going, where the farmers and neigh bors about there can yet find all kinds of fjro'-eri-js, quite a stock of Dry Goods and a fine display of 3f Winery Gooi.t. In fact all things generally no" led by families that are bought at a country store. State Sportsman's Association. Meets at Plattsmouth this year for its anual shoot. The 22d of May has been determined on as the timo and there will be a three days tournament. Great times expected. Over one thousand pigeons are lo be on hand and sever al prizes will be shot for. State cup and lots of other sups will be won by somebodv. Make ready, take aim? Shoot. The winter has passed and spring is opening; 'ere long it too will bo gone. and so with the fine collection of all I 'a per at Chapman & Glas'. Come ear ly for the best selection, and make your homes look neat to compare with the beauties of spring. 3-tf THE NEW COUNCIL. On Tuesday evening the new City Officers were assembled in the City Hall, and duly sworn in. His late Honor. Mayor Livingston, gracefully vielded the chair, and his new Honor. Mayor Johnson, took possession. The new Councilmen were also sworn to obey the laws, rules and regulations of the ancient Order of Councilmen, and it turtle twice a week. Before these ceremonies, however. the old fellows made up a final record follows: COl'XCTL PEOCEEDINV.S. Council met and called to order bv Mayor Livingston After reading min is, reports of committees and officers were called for, but none presented. Applications oi snater ami A. J.azen- i by for license were laid over, also of P. B. Murphy for do, also laid over. An ordinance for the prevention of dogs running at large presented and read. It required dogs to be coll tied and muz zled from May to September, read, laid over. Then proceeded to receive bonds of the newly elected Mayor, Clerk, Mar shall and Councilmen. Bond of J. W. Johnson read and approved bond of J. M. Patterson for Treasurer approved bond of Wm. Bennett for Clerk ap proved also, Morrison, Marshal, ap provedalso. Despain, Police Judge, approved. Eli Plummer approved for Councilman, E. G. Dovey's bond ap proved, R. C. Cushing's bond for Coun cilman approved, Jacob Vallery's boud approved. F. M. Dorington's bond read, approved. The newly elected officers and Councilmen were then sworn and took their oaths. Mayor Johnson then announced the standing committees, to wit: Finance Dovey, AVells and Gush ing. Fire and "Water Wells, Pepper berg, Guthman. Streets Alleys and Bridges Guthman, Dovey and Dor rington, Judiciary Gushing, Plummer Pepperberg. Claims Plummer, Yallery and Dorrington. Cemetery Yallery, Dorrington and Pepperb erg. The finance Committee were autho rized to employ a competent person to settle with the former treasurer. Dorrington offered motion to ai point a Committee to wait on the Co. Commisioners and endeaver to secure the city portion of the County bridge fund. The Mayor appointed Messrs Dovey and Yallery, to which commit tee the Mayor was added as Chairman. W. L. Wells was elected president of the Council on the 0th ballot. Mr. Dovey moved that the Council should meet tho last Saturday evening of each month and that a lino of $1.00 should be exacted from each mem ber absent without a reasonable excuse. Laid over. Council adjonrned un til next Saturday Evening Well now, gentlemen, you are pro--erly put in charge of the wellfare of this great city, we hope you may be able to manage its affairs with pru dence, wisdom and economy. "Be sure you're right, then go ahead." New ;oods! Mr. Schnasse, of the firm of Schnasse & Gramberg, h;is just returned from the East and laid in a new stock of Lite spring goods. This firm is too well known, and Mr. Schnasse's ability as a buyer add mer chant generally is realized so fully by the community that there is no need of their publishing an extended price list, which seldom gives the real prices, but they defy any fair and regular competition. Their new stock is very extensive, covering every variety and style of goods needed by the farmer, mechanic and purchaser. They are bound to sell them as cheap as any firm in town, and only ask their old patrons and all new ones to call aud examine and price their goods carefully before purchas ing elsewhere. Now is the time to buy while things are fresh, new and extra low in price. Schnasse & Gkambekg. PERSONAL. Samuel Richardson'.-- team ran away on Monday and scattered a likely look ing ouggy an over creation and some splinters dropded down in York state we heard. Mr. Hubbard, of the firm of Hub bard&Tewksbury .millers near Weeping Water, came along to see the Herald the other day and a very welcome vis itor he was. AV. L. Hobbs Esq., has been quite sick, but is now better and begins to look like tha same old William : onca more. . W. D.Jones could not quite get to be Marshal but he can buy and own the handsomest, nobbiest Phaeton in town and Doc's the fellow to keep the horses to match the Phaeton. Mrs. Jos. Gil more has been very sick, in fact the whole family have had measels and sickness enough lately for two or three outfits. We are going out to Joe Gilmores some day when the measles let up, to see whether it was Joe's ribs or the horse's that got broke. Joe savs the old horse wants to know about it. Aug. Rheinhackle the old reliable steady and true harness maker, f Plattsmouth comes to the front with his little old two dollars for the Her ald another year. Wemakethi- not of the fact because Mr. R. is one of the few men (comparatively) who come forward of their own accord without anv (Tunning and pay for a paper, jam ui, in advance every year. We havo received from D. II. Wheel er the Centennial Address ot .Judgo Kinney, of Otoe County delivered at the last State Fair, in Lincoln. It is a good deal like Judgo Kinney, more useful than ornamental, and like all agricultural .addresses tells the farmers just what to do in order to reap a for tune and they al ways and immediate ly proceed to don't do them things af ter the most solemn advice. Mr. E. McDonnell of Amsterdam N. Y. a cousin of Mr. Chas. Yates, Sup't. of the B. and M. Telegraph line is vis iting here this summer. "We hope the breezes, the people anil the place will ;ill agree with Mr. Donnell and that he will return to his home in the East with naught but pleasant recollections of his Nebraska trip. James Dick, former member of the Council and a very popular man among the railroad boys went east Tuesday. clear to Boston. Success James, doi.'t be too long about it, we'll all turn out when you come home Hags flying and drums beating. : Dr. J. A. Hudson has got out his new sign, at his otliee in Dr. Chapmans Drug Store. He can be found either there or at his residence, one door North of Siudelmans Bakery, on Sixth Street. An Elderly friend of the Herald sends us a wonderful account of a boy with two stomachs. My gracious! a boy with one stomach has been known to cat 37 pots of jam. And with two go way hard times and grasshoppers! Special Notice. The members of the AVoman's For eign Missionary Society are requestid to meet in tho Yestry of the M. E. Church next Tuesday April 17th at 3 o'clock, P. M. to transact some impor tant business. Mrs. F. C. Marshal Sec'y. (ill EAT BARGAINS! I bought a largo job lot of BOOTS ainl sell them E.ELOW WHOLESALE PRICES. NOAV IS YOUR TIME, before they are all gone. CALL AND SAYE MONEY. Pet eh Merges. CITY CLERK'S REPORT. Office of Citv Clerk ) Plattsmouth, March 15, 1877. f To the lion. Mayor and Council of the City of Plattsmouth : Gentlemen: In accordance with law and ordinance, relative thereto, I submit the following statement of the amount leviud on each fund, amount issue 1. and balance undrawn; amount of warrants drawn on .the several funds, and the sum of monies receiv ed for licenses, from March 1, 1S70, to March 15, 1877. GENERAL Ft'XD. Amount levied $2343 93 issued 13G3 72 Balance undrawn 070 21 improvement fund. Amount levied ..$140S 10 issued 037 92 Balance undrawn . 500 18 WARRANTS DUAWX. Fire Dep't Fund $ 127 21 Cemetery " -45 00 Special " 139 03 Tot'l w'rn'ts issued. .$2012 S3 Amt ree'd for lic'ns's. 1841 50 Total expenses of City from March 1, '76 to March 15, '77. $2612 88 Against 4243 53 during the vear 1875-0 Showing a reduction of $1030 70 All of which is respectfully submit ted. AV". F. Bennett, City Clerk. To the lion. Mayor and Council : Gentlemen: Your Finance Com mittee, to whom was referred the Clerk's Report, beg leave to state that we find the same correct, and recom mend that it be published in both pa pers according to custom. John Heffneu, "j AA'm. Neville, s Finance Com. A'm. L. AVells, ) Why have we no more AVashingtous and AVebsters? AVe have, anil plenty too, right here in Plattsmouth and Cass Co. if we. will only educate our children. You can get all the fine and choice books you want at Chapman & Glas', also Sterling Pens, Ink, Pencils, Slates, Marbles, Knives, Candy, Tobac co, Cigars and choice Teas. 3-tf FARMERS ATTENTION Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-ug tobacco always ou hand. 20-tf. AV. B. LOR ING Sc CO'S Great Clearing Sale of BOOTS AND SHOES Pffs'nts an npjtnrtnnity to m cirre nn txccedinyty yood jair of $irx for a very small amuunt of money. Cull and look tlmntyh our stock of 3f t tr I; i d tloicn Goods before tl size art broken. SOME OF OCR Fll.CR'JS FORMER PRESENT PRICE PRICE Gent's Burt's Alexis. . .$10 00 $8 00 " Hand m'de Alexis 8 00 4 50 " Fine mach. Cong.. 7 00 5 00 " fav'rites 4 50 3 50 " h'd m'de low shoes 5 00 4 00 " " " bal morals 0 00 4 50 Ladies' Goat Congress. 2 25 1 75 Serge Button. . 3 00 1 75 side lace. 2 50 2 00 fine fxd polish. 2 75 2 00 " serge polish. . . 2 75 1 75 Misses " " 1 50 1 00 " button.. 2 50 1 75 fine f'x'd button 4 50 2 50 " kid polish. .". 4 00 - 2 00 " fox'd " . . 2 00 1 50 Childs Newport Ties. . 1 25 1 00 line button 1 50 1 00 " sroat polish. 2 00 1 50 " French kid 2 25 1 50 Ladies' Eleg't Newport 2 50 1 50 silk inlaid " 2 75 1 50 " Fr'ch kid slippers 2 25 1 40 " Magn'lia low shoo 2 75 2 25 Gent's Fine Slippers. . . 2 00 1 25 These are only a fee; of the MANY BARGAINS that are to be obtained at AV. B. LOR ING & CO'S, Cor. Fourteenth and Farnain Sts., Opp. Grand Central Hotel. Omaha, Nebraska. Large stock AVINTER SlIAAVLS, at cost, at SCHNASSE & GRAMBERG'S. THE MAKETS. HOME markets. ItEPOttTED It F. K. AVHITK. AVhcat invito.-. Jn-tr JT 40"' ."ill l.V'.'IO f.IK rxv'a i.'O 00 Corn, Outs, Rye iarlrv 1 loirs Cilltle lluckwlieat, latest new yokic markets New Yokii, April II. Money ?. '4 i;ii.i, ioj's LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Ciiicaoo, April It. Elonr 3 iV'." 7" Wheat 'orii, -H la-.s. . . . U.t'f livi' P.:irl-V t Hi s . :vi ." ri) Cuttle 4 ;' c j-j Old papers for sale.. 75c a hundred. Notwithstanding the fact that Til den was defeated I do not intend to be beat by any Blacksmith in Nebraska, on anything in my line, from shoeing a horse, mule or cow to mending a cast iron stove or building a wagon or bug gy, putting a plough in order or repair ing any kind of a break in machinery. The best of timber constantly on hand for working into buggies, sulkeys, &c. A No. 1 Painter competent to do any thing in the line of painting buggies or wagons. Thankful for past favors I am ready to be forgiven for my misdeeds and will endeavor to give satisfaction in all cases. AL SlTINELLBACHER, 52-4 1 Brick Shop, Fifth Street. coon r.AROAiNs! SIDE LACE SHOES, for $1.75 at MERGES' SHOE STORE. Boschee's German Syrep can now be purchased right at home, it is the most successful preparation ever in troduced to our people. It works like a charm in all cases of corumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe coughs, Croup and other throat aud Lung diseases. No person has ev er used this medicine without immed iate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering, skeptical persons going about our streets with a suspicious cough, and the voice of consumption coming from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die it is yur own fault, as you can go to your Druggists in Plattsmouth and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it; three doses will relieve any case. Regular size only 75 cents. 50-tf. AVedding Bristol card board at the Herald office. SPECIAL. XOTICES. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Elsteratul Miss Nellie Short have tfone into the dressmaking business, ami vvoiilil 1 pleased to have those in want of work in their line to call ami see t hem at t he resi.leneo ot Mrs. Elsler, one door west of the Saunders House. Satisfaction guaranteed at;il charges iroileratu. "' 3IOXEY TO LOAX. 8100,000 To loan on iinprove:l farms in Cass Countv, rit low rate of interest. Applications solicited, riattsinouth, March is;;. J. N. WISE. The latest, greatest, and most re liable remedy ever put together by medical Ki-i-enee for Rheumatism Wmiin's. sv.-rlliiezs. ISuriis, diked l'.ieast. v:c.. is the Centaur Liniment. There are two Kinds. What Hie While Lini ment is fur the human family. tiiestron;'erl.ind. which is yellow i:i eo or. is for spaviin 1. lame and M rained horses and animals. Their eft cuts are wonderful. Mothers who have..! irntai,ie children, ean secure health for the children and ie4t tor themselves by usin Dr. Pitcher's Cas toria. It contains no morphine or anything in jurioiiH. It is as plca.sniit to take as honey, and is certain to cure Wind Colic, regulate the bow els and epel worm. For Teething children there is nothing like Castoiia.. 31113 Our enterprising and successful mer chants, E. G. Dovey Ai Son, are still at their post, supplying customers with everything in the line of general mer chandise on the most reasonable terms, stock kept full and complete. "JOtf WELLS BORKI). The undersigned is prepared to bore wells to ;my depth on short notice one foot hole and good tubing put in. All work warranted for one year. Ripley fc McDonald, Weeping Water Cass Co., Neb. 5-bt. " IIO'JT AM! SIIOK FACTORY. Call at Merges .Sboo Shore fur your Hoots ami .Shoes. His Charley Mar shall is the best workman in the conn- try, is the only man in town that ever made ;t pair of Boots en I ire, without eastern aid, that received a premium at a Fair. Repairing done promptly. JiEUAL 2s OTIC i:S. Sheriffs Sale. Ry virtue of an execution. 1 sued bv the ( 'lerk of the District Court. Second Judici.il D-iii .rl. within and fur d'ss County, Nebraska, and to me directed, J w ili on the lit h da v of Mav, A. D. I;;, at 11 o'ckcU a. m.. of saui iav, at the south door of the Court llouv. in the Cily of Elat t-njouth in said County, sell ;it public auc tion the following real eMs:e, to-it : The north half (a1, 1 ot lots nine, ten, elevt n ami twelve d lo I' 1-) in block eighl v-lour (Hti in tho town of V coping Water, C.i.ssi'o. Nebraska, 'i he same being levied upon and taken as tlie properly of R. D. Coalman now I'uusv. eii. de fendant ; to sal isfy a judgment of sai l Couit, recovered bv A. Rallies, plaintiff. l'lattsir.ou-.li, Nebraska. April 11. A. D. 177. Sto . M. 11. Cc rt.Ki:. StienlL Legal Notice. In the District Court, Cass County, Neb. Calvin II. I'armele vs Henry Sitrt and Ceorgu Sell. To Ilenrii Sicrt an l dionjc Scili, nH-rciit ntti- Jf-iulttittt. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the L' Hh day ot August. I;i,, f filed my peli. tion in the olace of tlie Clerk ot liie Disiric Court, in and for Cass County, Neiir:i.sia, the object aud prayer ol : which is i.i recover judg ment agaiu.sl you upon a eert.iui promissory note, for tins sum of si i,with the interest therw on lroni the tenth day of February, ls;j, at the rate of l- per cent per annum, ami cuts of suit, and tiiat irih s you appear an. I answer said pe tiiion on or liei'Jre liie J!-t day of May, A. D. Is? i". judgment, w ill be taken against you foi said sum of ?-l i, interest and costs, according to the player of said pvtaion. . II. I'ARMELE. bv Sam. M. Cjiai-m ax. his Atl'y. ;i-U Equalization Notice. The board of County ( oiuinissioners ill set on Monday. E.e bull day ot April, as a board cipiaii.al ion. at hich lime ail persons inteie-i el are hereby notified to appear. Uy order of Co. Commissioner. J. . .1 kn m nos. ",tj Acting Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. First National I'ank of riattsinouth. Nebraska I'laiini!)', vs. Joseph Shera and JoM ph Sans, Delendalils: also same l iaintiirs vs. win. I. Ilobbs, N. I!, llobhs. l'incip!es, an. I Joseph Shera. Jos. Sans, and N. E. Hobbs, Sureties, Delendalils ; I5v virtue of five eeculio;is issued by the clerk of I he Disl net Co'ui t . 'Jii Judicial District wit hin and tor '.i-s 'oiiniy. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on t lie b;i h day d April, A. D. is;;, at In clue ii. A. M., ot said day. at tin sent U door of t lie Court House in the citv of riattsinouth, in t-aid ( 'oiliity. Sell at 1'uhlic Auc tion the following real estnfe to-u it : ue I- arm, know u as I he V ni L. llnobs farm, containing two hundred and fifty-one acres more or 1.--. all in section twenly-scveli and twenty-eight in town eleven, north range fourteen, cast of the sixth principal meridian, in Cass county, Ne braska, and described as follows : Lot 1 nee 2;, containing '" io-lnfi acres ; Lot 2 sec 'J7, containing Wi In- Inn acres ; Lot 1 sec i's, containing ;o-imi acres ; South half ('i iionh-cast iu:irter imM of section twenty-eight (Jsj containing Niacics. South half (.s', of the iiorih-rasi ipiarte i He1, i of the iiortli-eai-t ipiarter (iie1) of scc-r tion twenty-eight containing in acres. I he nortli-ca.st quarter I ne1. of the north West quarter lnw'4 1 of the soul h -c ist ipiarier se'.jl of section iwcuty-eifclit l'-'sj con t utni nj in acre. Taken and offered for sale as the property of Win. L. Hobbs. And also the following real estate, as the property of Joseph Shera, to-wit : the east half ol the south-east iuai ter (se' t of the t he south east nailer (sel4i of ceclion i-even'.eeii tl7, to n eleven (11). north of range fourteen oi) east of tlie s-ixlh null) principal meridian, twen ty eJiH acies more or h s- ; And also south-west ij"uartei tsw .t) of the soulh-ea't quarter i.se1) ol section seventeen (17), town eleven (II), rauge fourteen till east of the sixth (th) principal lneiidian. forty i Id) acres more or lers : And al so iot seven (7 ill block two yZ) east of the pub lic square ill lioek Ellltls. A ii. i also lot ig lit (Si in block one (.1) south of public square in Hock Units. And a Iso lot-four (i ami nine en and east hall e'f oi live i."j) and eight is) in block one (1 soul ii and one (.1 ) ea-t ol public .square in Lock Uulls. And al-o all of block live (.".) novi'i and live (.1) east of public square in ICocK i'.'.ulls. And also all ol block six nil not ill and five (".) east, of public square in Lock I'lnlls. And also id! block, seven i nor! h and live (."i) east of public square in Lock islull . And also lots one. lso. three, ten. eleven, and twelve. (1. 1'.;:, in, II in block six (in west one 1 1 ) sout Ii ot public square in Lock Ijliiils. And also lots revcu ti) and eight is) in block live (.ii west of public square in Lock lUulls, ad in ( ass Countv, Nebraska. And also the follow ing real estate, as the property of.. It. Hobbs. to-wii: one farm known as Hie N. K. I lobbs f.iiin containing one hundred ami seventy-live ii;.") acres more or Ic:.-. and ib-scribed as f-Jlows : the north-vcst quarter tuw it) of .south-east quarter (sf',) ot section twenty-eight i.-s town snip eleven 1 1! i range t uii iecu (11; east of sixth principal meridian, containing 4i acres. '1 he north halfui's) of the noli h-east quar ter v lie1.! ) of the north-cast quarter jneU of section tvveiity-ciiiht 1-sJ township eleven (11) range fourteen IHJ east of the sixth principal meridian, containing L.H acres. The south half s', of Hie south-east quarter se'j! of seclion I .veiily-om jjlj I. e.vnsinp elev en LI 'I range fourteen. Ill e.ust of sixth princi pal meridian, containing mi acres. Tlie south part of the north-east quarter tic!j of the snuJi-east quarter seL4 1 of sec tion twenty-one 1-1 J tow it-hip eleven (.11 J range fourteen 14 east of the sixth principal nieri-di-Jii. containing 2 acres. I'art of the south-w est quarter 'w'.i of the south-west ounrlcr s' oi section twenty two -.'.'J township eleven 111 range fi 11 cast of the sixth principal, nicriiiai tourieen in, con laming 7 acres : ami also Lots live and six (,mKi;J in block one 1 South of public square, ia Eock Itlutls, Cass county. Ni b. : aud also Eikht and three fourth S'i Mercs of land be ing part of south-west quarter (s-.v'J ot south east quarter lse'i of : section thirteen (13 town twelve ( l-'I range thirteen (.' "'I cast of tiie ii p. in. and described a. follows: Commeiicin'j; thirty tin; rods from the south-cast corner of south west qr. sw'j of south-east quarter se'4 of said section. thence west forty-eight (is rods, thence north thirty 1:M rods, thence east thirty :'.) rods, thence south live .ll feet, thence east eighteen lSj rods, tlieni e soul Ii along said line lo' the place of beginning, all in Cuss County, Nebraska. And also the following real estate, as the property of Joseph Sans, to-wit : The east half (e1,) of the north-west qnaitcr (iiwVj) of section seventeen 1.17) township eleven 111) range fourteen (I ) east of the sixth princi ple meridian ; and also The west half (w ij) of t lie north-east quarter (ne' i) of section seventeen ( ) township eleven (.11) range fourteen (14) east of sixth principal meridian ; ami nlso The a.- quarter iiie1) of t lie soitth-wtst q l if ter (mi!.,) of section seventeen (.17) township eleven ul) north range fourteen (14; east of sixth pricipal meridian and also The north half (n1.) of the south-west quar ter isw'i) of section seventeen 17J town-hip eleven i) north range fourteen (14) east of the sixth principal ih I'lilinn ; and also The south-east ipiarter si;' j of the soutli west quarter of scciioii eight (s town ship eleven 1 1 J north range fourteen L - J east of sixth p. ni. ; and also Al! of block seven 71 west of public square in lioek l'.'ufts. Cass county. Nth. ; mid also All of block eight s west of tile public square in Lock 1 Huffs : and also All of block one lj ninth and seven 7 west of public square in Lock Itlufts ; ami also All of fractional block three a nith and five ." west of public square, Uock Eluiis, Neb.; and also) All of fractional Mock three (3) south and i-ix fo west of the public square in liock Ellin's, Neb. ; and also All of fractional block three :s south and seven 7j west of public square in ltock lHuffs, Neb. ; and also All of fractional block three tl south and eight, l west of public square in Hock EIulls, Ni b. ; and also All of block two 2 south and seven 7 west of nubile square in Lock Uuils, Neb. : ami also All of block two : south sunt eight iJ west Of public Sqllll ire in Kock i-k i '.lulls : md also Allof block one 1 1 1 south and eight ! west of public siiuaie la 1 Kock iUuU- Cass county. Nebraska. And also. a.s the property of N. K. Hobbs, jr., the. north seventy-five (7:)J feet of lots three, four, live and si'.x :j, 4. : and il) block five I 51 White's Addition to the city of l'lutlsuiouili, (,' iss county, Nebraska. All of the above named lands and lot are levied upon by virtue of five executions issued from said c-oiirt in favor of the Eirst National Hank of 1'lul ! smoiit h, Nebraska, and also all of the lands and lots levied upon as the property of Joseph Shera and Joseph Sans are attached by me this March i:;th ami 141 Ii, ls;7. on an or der of attachment issued from same court in favor of Ediiiond E. Woolscy, subject to the aforenamed executions. riattsinouth, Neb., March lllh. 1-77. AL It. 'E n.EH. 61t5. Sheriff ''ass Co., Neb. Sheriff's Sale. , T.y v irtue of an order of s.-i'e issued fry the Clerk of the Dist rict Court of the Second Judicial District, within and for C:iss t oiinl v. Nebraska, ami to me directed, 1 will on the Jstii day of April. A. D. 177. at ID o'clock, A. M.. of said day. al the south door of the Court House, in tb.t'city of I'lat tmouf h. in said County, fell at publicauction the follow ing real estate, to-v it : The east half (c1,) of the north-west quarter (nw1,) of section fount) town ten (to) north of range eleven ll) east of the tali Y. M. Ami also the south-east quarter iscl, of the south-west qurtcr isw !i) of section t hil t v-t hree (.-v;i town eleven Ol) noi t h of range eleven i'lll east of tin; fit h I'. AL all in (Vs Co., Neb. The same being lev ied upon and taken as the propert v of Fred S. Erisbe and Sarah K. Erislie, defendants ; to s-itlsfv a decree of aid Court, recovered by S. IS. Clark, plaintiff. l'inlt.-mouth, Neb.. M.iich i's It. A. D. 1-77. 11.1 M. It. Cr 1 1. fe.lt. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. I'.v virtufi of an execution, issued bv the Clerk of the District Court 2d Judicial I Mstrict. within and forCass County, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on tin- tilth day of April, A. D. 1-177 at In o'clock, a. m. of said (la, at the farm known as the C. I. Smith, in Light Mile Clove pi eciiict. in ; aid comity, sci! at public auction the following personal pi open r, to-wit : Allot tlie ear corn in the cubs near the iioue on said farm. Tlie anie being levied upon and tnken a. I he property of Ce lest in A. Smith and C. I smith defendants ; to satisfy a tud.-.uieiit of said Court, recovered bv Va'.iery .v Uuliner I'lamtifii.' l'lattsnioUlli, Neb., Aiuit 4rh. a. D. 577. 2ti M. h. Cvn.En, shenrT. n , n r. f?T- -as-fl f' '.'.'-i (5 3) f, i mm iit-mJ E3 CHS) .- N n nil n