Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 12, 1877, Image 2

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J. A. MACMURPIl Y. . . . .
The officers cf tlhe Editorial Associa
tion are requested to meet .it "tho Com
mercial Ilotcli at Lincoln, on Friday
tie 13th of April, to make arrangements
x'or our excursion in May.
2t2 J. A. MAcilcur-liv, Sec'y.
co and remember the Board- of
.Eiiializution notice, elsewhcie.
SIonToe Heath vn3 again elected
Mayor of Chicago, and the entire Hep.
Ticket. They are tired of People's
Tickets and "mix ups" in Chicago.
They have a "She board of trade," in
Omaha, we see, "by the Jlrpnllican
Monday. "What next.
Col. Rob't. Inger.soll lectures at Oma
ha en the 19th. Subject 8 to 7 And
we're all going up on a ."pecial. See if
we don't.
We publish on the outside of the pa
per the particulars of the cruel murder
of Cap. Maxwell & Son, in New Mexi
co. Cap, Maxwell was well known
here as a U. S. Deputy Surveyor.
Western exchanges say that Mr.Sit-
" ting Bull" has a very handsome daugh
ter named "Reclining Heifer." "Give
us a rest." A son now "Standing Stoer"
or Tawing Bullock" would complete
the family group.
The new paper, the Vindicator, from
Decatur, Burt Co., comes to us bright,
sparkling and cheerful, with hope and
courage for the future of the fair little
town. At last Decatur has gained one
of the wishes of hor heart. She has a
newspaper, printed, edited, and made
as you may say in the town and of
the town. Now a railroad, some new
blood and money and enterprise, and
Decaturites are fixed.
Remember Arbor Day.
"Arbor Day" come3 this year on the
I8th day of April, and the State Board
of Agriculture effer a premium for tho
greatest number of trees l l.ihted on
that day, as follows;
For all varieties fruit and forest
trees, $00.00
Greatest Xo. liar J woo J, 21.00
" Cuttings. $10.00
" " trees planted by oim
man during April, S 23.00
For further particulars see Premium
Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland and
Toledo all went Republican in the
spring Flection. St, Fouis even" gives
gives half and half. This doesn't look
much like a democratic reaction in tho
Xorth. Fven Henry "Watterson notices
this fact and asks. "Is the north de
bauched politically or are wo all darn
ed fools ? Yes, we guess so.
The rather long article on "Farm
Villages" from Seribner's J font hit is
finished this week. As tho writer
says the plan seems hardly practicable
to alter the older .settlements, and yet
it might be done in many instances
out west here; certainly in all the new
er portions, and most certainly some
thing of the sort cught to be borne in
mind in forming and settling the va
rious colonies that are constantly be
ing settled on our new and unbound
ed prairies.
Long yens ago the editor of this pa
per planned and dreamed of some sys
tem of farm life that would obviate
tho isolation of farmer's lives and
bring together the families of each
neighborhood for better cultivation
and more rational social pleasures.
The breaking out of the war destroy
ed the illusion, and the great bread and
butter question from day to day has
seemed to overshadow all other oper
ations of late years, or else the time to
do and dare which comes at least onco
to every man lias passed.
"With all our modern improvements
as we call them our great strides
in mechanics and literature, we have
done little for the homo life of the
farmer. The wits, the brains of the in
ventors have been exhausted to make
life in cities luxurious, elegant, but
the country home of the laborious and
hard-worked tiller of the soil has been
left to propogato its old failures and
Farm villages in truth or in name,
even, are almost unknown, and yet
they are feasible, practicable, and
should be made in every new township
now settling up. Perhaps hero is
work for our Agricultural College.
Let practical professors plan, & daring
purchasers bo found to carry out the
plan of village settlement. "We are
sure it will turn out a happy experi
ment if rightly organized and admin
The Co. Organization bill passed
Inst Legislature may be a wiso one,
and perhaps is needed in older and
more thickly settled countries than
ours. At all events it may do no harm
to have such a statute orT the books
for future use, but we opin that now,
during these hard times, when money
is so scarce and men are in debt, wlp?n
taxes aro already overburdensome,
Cas3 County, at least, needs none of
it. All change is not always for the
better. Our experienco is that n
great radical change in the form of
state, county or municipal government
can be made without entailing addi
tional expense on the community for
the time being; at least.
New ecu, new books, new experi
ments are always the rule. Extra le
gal advice has to bo called in, and a
huLdred little expenses follow such
change grievous to be borne at pres
ent. In the future, with an increased
population and better times, we may
need this form of county government,
but tho IIekald, at least, most cer
tainly would not advisv it now.
From Concord.
Coxcokd Xer., April. 5th, 1877.
EniTOit Herald: The inhabitants
3f Concord and vicinity,"" were enter
tained very pleasantly last Tuesday
evening, by an exhibition which was
given by the Concord Literary Society
in this school. Mr. E. IT. Wooley, the
teacher in this school, had spared no
pains to make this ono of the most en
tertaining exhibitions yet given at
Concord. And every performance
showed ci thoroughness of preparation
that was highly creditable to all par
ties. Space will not allow us to men
tion each individual performance, but
a few that appeared to us to be esDec
ially meritorious, will be noticed brief
ly. Mr. David Beaver rendered a de
clamation in a manner that we thought
extremely fine. Mr. "Wooley and Win.
Drmnmond delighted the audience
with a Farce, that to say the least re
flected great credit on the aforesaid
gentleman. We might mention others
but refrain for want of space. Suilice
it to sty that tho audience all wont
away feeling thst the evening had been
very profitably spent. This exhibition
closes the work of the literary Society
at Concord until next wiuter.
W. S. D.
what readiness they read and write, of
course they are confined t the. pencil
ss they have to follow the point with
the finger, and ink would blot.
Prof. Bacon is and ha been blind
ever since he va3 eleven years of age,
but has organized two schools of this
kind in 111. and Iowa.
The Prof, is anxious to get more pu
pils, and as the State pays all expense,
except for clothing, (which the friends
of the pupils have to furnish at any
place).it would seem that all who have
children afflicted in this way would try
and avail themselves of tho great ad
vantages of this beneficent institution.
The Prof, lias laid out part of the 10
acres in strawberries, at no expense to
the State, and has also furnished tho
house throughout with what furniture
they were obliged to have, at his own
expense. The legislature have now
made an appropriation of $1700, with
which to furnish needed furniture, &c,
from which nothing has been drawn so
far. Prof. Bacon deserves great cred
it for what he has done, he has devo
ted his life to the teaching of th-3 blind
and seems well adapted to the business.
The Institution is a very charitable
one, and should be appreciated. The
Professor says that only 61400 have
been paid in salaries since it opened.
There are at present five teachers, Prof,
and Mrs. Bacon, their son and daugh
ter and the Prof, of Music. It is to be
hoped that all our citizens who may
have children afflicted with blindness,
will take advantage of this Institution
to provide a means of subsistence for
their children, when they shall be de
prived of their assistance, which they
undoubtedly some time will. Pupils
are not influenced in religious matters,
but are allowed to attend any of the
numerous churches in the city they
may prefer. Sunday evening we had
the pleasure of listening to a very inter
esting discourse by Rev. Mr. Remick,
at the Episcopal Church, Mr. Remick
i3 a very pleasant speaker, and it is a
pleasure to sit under his ministrations.
The choir us in the morning rendered
the service in a very pleasant manner.
We will say just one word for Mine
Host of the House of the City of two
Cins; it is if yoa want first class treat
ment give him a call when you visit
Neb. City. P.
The Chicago Tribune is authority
for saying that the B. Sc M. R. R. and
C P. havo compromised matters, arid
the pro rata fight is abandoned on
the part of the B. & M. for the present.
Meanwhilo the U. P. takes tho freight
and passengers of tho B. M. & at Kear
ney for fair rates.
Go. TreasnrBTs Statement
Animal Statement of J. C. C'aramiasj
Treasurer of Cass Co., No')., Sliowini?
Receipts and Disbursements at the
Treasurer's Ollice from Oct. 31, 1S7.3,
to Oct. 31, lS7G
To ain't col'ct'd during yr '7G.S C 171 05 $G 171 C5
Et bal. overpaid last s'tem't.S 13 52
" ain't STe treas. vouchers. 5 wj 7'
cash on h"d to bal. .... 3-l: 4:1 " 171 f-5
70 5 230 50
To bal. on h'l last statora't.
aiu't col'ct'd during yr i.
Uy ain't S'te tre:n. vouchers.
..- .. ou jj'j t0
22(1 Sil
10 VO 9 231 SO
To cash from r.OMsou estate 8 5 00 $
By cash on li'd to bal
r oo ?
5 oo
5 oo
To amount Interest received
on assignments and re-
deinjilions, 713 03
Uy amount transferred to the
County General Fund, 713 33
1ST H!)
To balance transferred to pre
cinct bond interest acet.,..
By overpaid lost state-incut,
I The standard remedies for a!! Ureases of the
J luiijr are Hriijexr-K't 1Ti..uhii' svia r.
i Si hknck's Ska Wkkh 1'omi', and S. hk.Ni k's
i .M s ii: K ! rn.!.. j.,,4 if taken, be for; !).
! lumrs are i!ed:-oyeil. a speedy etire ;s eitecicd.
j lo these Wire:- medicines Dr. .. II. Scheiick
-113." ' of Philadelphia, c-wes his unrivalled success in
-. ' the treatment of inilinonarv
j The 1'ulmonie .-ynin ripens the morbid mat
j tcr in the luniks ; nature I hrows it o!t by an eaiv
expoctoi a! ion. for w hen t lie phlegm 01 matter
is i ipo a slight coul.'1i v. ill throw it off. the pa
157 CO ! tient lias rest and 1 ',. Inns be'jiu to heal.
lo eiinbh lie pulmonic svnr, to d.) this.
Keheiiek's .V:im! rake Iii!s mid SHiei:ck"s s.-a
To ain't poll fund transfer'd. 3 413 U9
" ain't Hank int. eol'ct'd of
H. & JM. K. 1! S 23 80
tx coi vi a ior ,:. io .on vt
" 74. 1 307 4Z
" '73.
" '72.
" '71.
" '70.
. i
' " eosts recovered in cae
of Slate vs Whituey
To ain't cash fr school or
der books
" ain't collections on "spec
ial receipts"
" uni't interest collected on
" ain't redemptions and as
MiintiitMit.s principal. . ..
" ain't redemptions and as
signments interest
" ain't error In receipts
4 7i
(1 01
2.1 no
1 i)2
00 C3
1 50
528 09
422 8S
2 l."6 21
713 ;v
7 522 S23 42
To amt tax collected 175.... 212 -10
' " interest collected 4 3j
Ry cash paid 2 is"5 coupons, ;o oo
a i7; " so oo
I'.y Treasurer's fec- 2 12
t? c;isli on hand to balance, C-i 03
Ilyamtieedor C. II. Good lh; 19 00
: " tax collected for l7f, fsll
" ' interest colluded, 182
1.17 3.) : " eed I onie must be freely u-ed to e'.eause tho
I stomaeli and liver. Sehen'ek's M. :id:;'ke Fills
act u tit" liver, rciuovjm; ;dl ob.trueti"!!"', re
I lax t lie f-;ail bl uldi r, tl:e bile stin ts freelv. and
i the liver is mom ?-el:eved.
Sehenek. s Sea Weed Ton!" U a uel.tle stiintl
lant and alteraJive ; tlie alkali of hieh it is
eoiiipoM-.l mixe with the loud and prevents
soiinu:;. 1 1 assists t '" diuel ion by t urnip up
th? stoma'-h to a lnvilihv etmdiiiou. so that the
216 75 food and 1'nln onie Srm will m. ike trood blood :
then the luiijrs heal, and the patient will surely
act wen u ea;e is laKeii lo prevent iron eolil
All who wish to eou-ult l)r. Selienek. eilher
nersonal'V or bv letter, eatl do so at his prinei-
210 7.1 i pal o.'tiee, corner ol Sixth and Area Ms., 1 lula
de!p!iia. every Mondav.
Sehenek ' inedteiiies are oul by all drtiir-'ists
throughout the country. 4:il'j
Zi LZ LI C.1 L , . 1 TT. T' -.v -1 1.1 1
J. . WECKBACH, Prop.
I?y cash paid 1 176 coupons.
By interest and exchange,. .
I'.y Treasurer's lees
l!y casli on hand to balance,
en on
1 07
4s yn
Ht bal. overpaid last s'tetn't. ? 11 5s
ain't war'nts redeemed . . . 1C 574 U7
" interest pd on same.. 301 7s
" " partial payments 13S'J01
" " cash on hand to bal. , 4 310 'is 522 593 4
To bal. 0:1 h'd hist stalem't.. $ 5 n.V) 43
H3 S3
1 1 )
I. 5 7.1
o 5 11
2 43
ata't tax col'et'd for... '74.
. . .3,
To the Board of Co. Commissioners :
OCT. 31st, 1370 :
To bal. an L'd last statd-.n'f . . 2 020 11
" eash fcr treas. fees bal. 4 74
am't tax col'd'd for. . . .'7ft. 13 2M 1
" " " " " '74. lw2CU
- - " " "73. 2 9 i
. - 3 77
" . . . . '11. 1 I 3'J
" . " 'TO. 12 7g
" " " " " V.). 2 43
" "oc. 6
" " Int. collected 285 m
Uv anit S'tc Treas vouchers. ..I3 07 81
" " cash on hand to bal... 3 7."5 :r ?!0 853 70
The South Carolina dilnculty would
seem to he at last udjustetl, uul peace
oljly, for t!ie present at last. The tel
egraph reports give the followiu let
ters as hav " Inar passed between tho ri
val (iovernors:
CoLUitniA, S. C, April 10.
'Va la Hampton has written tho fol-lov.-iag
to Cliauiberlaiti:
fn: Ilavitu; learned th it you now
propose to turn over to the executive
chamber records and papers belonging
to the executive oificw now in ytur os
wession, i be to inform you that I will
send ft proper "leer to receive the same
at :ttiv hour you may indicate as the
most convenient to yourself.
I am', very respectfully, etc.,
Wade II aiti'Tox,
(Governor of South Carolina. '
Chamberlain replied as follows:
Sin Tteplvins to your note of this
date. I have to say that my private sec
retaiy will meet suc h olliceras vou niav
Arrived at XeV. City WednrsJay
noon. Found streets full, business
lively. Put up at the Cincinnati House.
Mr. J. Strine proprietor, a most accom
modating landlord, with a good stablo
and No. 1 host'.er to attend to the com
fort of any horses connected with the
hoi'.se. As newspaper men look each
other up first, we took in tlie o.'nce of
t.'ie N;b. City iVts', found the Messrs.
Prown live editors, and rushing busi
ness, had a very pleasant chat with
them. AVo then visited the Xetvs office,
where Mr. J. S. Putter dots the editori
al found him a very pleasant and
agreeable gentleman. Tho fi'ews as
well as tho rrcs issues a daily, both
lively, enterprising papers, in addition
to their weeklies. We are under obli
gations to both for courtesies received
Court wa; in session during our stay,
under the able direction of Judge
Pound. Smith our George, District
Attorne-, attended to his duties with
marked ability, and the papers say he
has made hosts ot friends in the city.
If we could judge from his appearance
he was happy. We visited Neb. Col
lege, which is evidently in a prosper
ous condition, with an able corps of
Professors, among which are Profs.
Woodbury, Keir.ick and Wilson, Prof,
ltemick kindly escorted U3 through the
buildings and grounds, they evidently
have an eye to business, and every de
partment seems to be in a nourishing
condition. Prof. Itichardson kindly
spent considerable time showing us
around, with him and Kev. Wilson, col
ored, we visited the Divinity School
grounds and chapel, which last is an
ornament to any city, built in a very
substantial manner, of brick, and capa
ble of seating a good congregation. Mr.
Wilson, colored, officiates there regu
larly now, as the Divinity School is not
in session at present, to a good congre
gation of colored people. Prof. ilson
officiated at the Episcopal Church, on
Sunday, to a large congregation, and
delivered a very interesting and in
structive sermon. Tlie choir consist
ing of Miss Crof ton, contralto, Mr. Pgge,
tenor and Mr. Morrison, basso, render
ed the musical portion in a very pleas
ant and artistic manner, their fine voi- !
ces mingling together beautifully. The
organist, Mrs. Metculf, shows herself i
an artist cf a high order, handling the i H7 idt o'Cah!?";3
nrfr-in with iwrfWf rx .liwl in :i rnrr
acceptable manner. j state rNiTE'NTi auy fund.
On invitation of Professor Bacon we i To id. on L'd last statem't..? 50200
1 .1 1-4 4 c- 1 , r ... , . " ra-Ji for treas. fee- lal.'7". 3
visited the State Schsol for the blind,! mn't t-n coivtM fnr....'v.-.. 3 37i
lMtp,l at V,.l e;t,. T ; -. - i " ....'74. 130 7'J
i. ... ..w vAi.j. IV l.T f Ul.TLtlll-
i. 4 t
" " interest collected '
Ily amount Gen. Fund Hejris
"tered Warrants redeemed,
I'.y ain't of hit paid on same.
By amount ot cash ou hand
to balance
91 0.1 80
2 750 00
475 Ji
27.1.1 PS
To bal. on hand last state
ment 3J17 02
To amt tax collected for 1S74, i:ws is,
l is 7:i, 35S
187.', 3 02
1S71. 5 75
" " " " " bjs, i,i
" " Intel est collected 113 61
Ily amt warrants redeemed,. 60 40
l.y amt int. paid on samu,.. . 51
liy amt parnal payments,. . . 050 !K
i'.y cash on Land to balance,. 3;34 07
r320 80
40S2 4S
4US2 48 on !iand last statement, 3277 70 ;
To stmt tax collected for 1S75. 7544 40
" " 1S74. 03 37
To amount of tax collected of
the H. & M. It. K for IS72.. 1079 4S
To ami tax collected for 1S71, 4 75
' 1870, 4 64
" " " " ls(;. 64
' " " " iscs, i ro
44 " interest collected, 305 20 1271 ?0
I'.y amt warrant redeemed.. 4iH 01
' " interest on same Ml 27
" " partial payments ."Vjo no
' SK'iel visot-recipts,. C2t64
" " j cii.di eolieetioiis cr.
to Districts 4013 01
Cash on hand to balance,... r.s:i 71 1271 fiO
Pal on hand last statement, t:25 s.1
To libit j cash collections,.. -lit', C1 007041
Py amt jvarraiits re leemed, 272o 37
interest paid on same c si
" part:::! paj meats 3.:i; 75
liy cash on hand lo balance, 51 w:70 44
To bal. on h'd last Mateiu't.. $ 1 C."..'! P3
" c;tsli for treas. fees 1 a!. '75. 1 so
" am t tax col'ct'd for.. . .'7". ti7 l.V
'74. 2lil Cl
" " " " ' '7X 1 19
i 4 4 t 4 -. j rt
" " " '.'..'. i'i'. 5 75
" ' " 'TO. 2 5t
" " " " 'G!. 1 21
" " " " ....'OJ. 32
' Int. collected...........' 40 54 $2 203 5:
By am't S'te tren. vouchers, S 1 7:7 3t
" " cash on h'd to bal. .. 4 io is i2 203 52
To bal. on h'd last Riatem't. .$ 2 0:2 C2
" cash for treas. fees nal
" am't tax col'ct'd for. ..
" " .'.'.'.'70!
" " " ' V;o.
" " " " ....'t;s.
" Int. collocted
3 307 00
522 31
3 02
1 1 50
11 22
1 S2
120 00 8G 072 19
Eal on hand last statement.. 17S ft
I To amount of easii 011 s;ile of
Four Farm loooo
To amt tax collected for Is.", ." 1 f t
" " " ' is7i.
' " " " " IsT.i, J 13
' ' Is 72, 3 03
" ' " " " ls;i, 573
" " " " " 1S7. 5 11
" " inleiv-.t col! pet cd, 45 73
F.v nmt warrants rodeemed.. Is5i S7
" interest paid on auie 2a S4
Py c.'.sh on haad to balance, 22 " t 21
Dix; ruxD.
Pal on hand last statement,. 22T 7rt
To unit eolb-fted forls75 7s", 00
" " ' " l.-74, 272 1:0
" " " " 12,.... 1 0:
" " " 187"), 2 00
" " lntorc.-.t collected,... asm
Uv air.ouiit transferred to
T.'.icliers' Fuu.l 744 00
Py cash on hand to valance, 5,"S 70
Pal on hand hist statement, 05 4S
To amount transferred from
!.; Fund, 7i4''0
'lo amount irausfeired Iroin
Fines mid Licensis Id 00
I To amt of apportionment of
Slate Belli r und .l.HI. lS7t-.. ill U I 03
To a nit of apportionment oi
Nicte Schl Id.Jhly ISTtJ. . . 217S00
Py amt of fh-oI vouchers... 11316 77
ily amt of 1 leasurer's fees
on apportionment 121 09
I'.y cash on hand to balance, km ("
Pal cn hand lat statement.. 775:t S5
To amt tax collected for 17 , 770 bj
" 1S74, 1025 0
" " " " " 1S72, 77 0J
" " ' 1S71. 1 10
" " " 1S70, 6 01
interest collected 241 47
Ky aint school vouchers 824 41
l'y casli 011 hand to balance,. 7s57 71
4123 'jr
1322 70
To amt tax collected for ls75, f.g 07
" " interest collected, 1 21
Pycatdipnid 1 1S70 coupon... 10 00
interust and e.veliaiiKe,. . . 42
" Treasurer's fees 5S
" cash on hand to balauce, 4s 2S
To amt tax collected for 1S73, HI C.n
" " interest collected, 5 02
Py cash paid 1 1870 coupon.. 20 C
interest and exchange,. . . 55
" Treasurer's fees 2 4
" cash on hand to iial.inee, 223 75
To nint tax collected for IS75, 74 si
B"is" interest collected 1 l
103 93
10 93
53 23
Py partial payment to V. W.
V ise
Py Treasurer's fees
" cash ou hand to balance.
43 00
3 2 OS
59 2s
216 70
24C 70
7; 13
7li 111
Liniments .
One Kind for the Human i'amilv. The
other for himI Aiiintals.
To amt tax collected forls75, 24 70
" " interest collccied, 00
Py Trensurer'r fees 29
,: cash uii hand to balance. 20 ot
To amt tax collected for 1K75, 191 7
" Inieiest collected, 4 (i
Py Treasurer's fees
eash un hand to balance,.
1 !5
IfNi K3
State Co.
Total amount oftnxes levied
for 1S75
Amount collected up to Oc
tober 31.-t, 1S70,
Amount deliucpiout for 1S74,
etoler 3ist. l75
Aiiiwunt collected up to Oc
tober 31st, IS7iJ
2I27 21
2279s 24
1128 7
2S23 93
1 170 t- 0
UliCoIlCOted 111 0.1 4!i71 10 j
G73 7S
7 tr
fi;i; 31
."2 is 37
1551 51 j
12 74 J
0570 62
Atnovnt deliiMiuent for 173,
)i toher 31 t.ls7.".
Amount collected up to Oc
tober, 1S7C.
Totr.l ruioimt tiiu'olleeted
fur 1S73. Is74, and 1-75
STATE Or N f.r.K A SKA, (
Co. of Cass. '
"We, the Commissioners i f sa!d County, here
by certify that we have ma le a full and com
plete examination f the lorcrning statciiKiit
cf .1. C. Cummins, Treasurer of said County,
and have made a thorough compnri-on of 8ait
tiatemeiit with nil of tha Treasure:' I.ooUs of I (
AC'-oun's and we fin J the same correct. And ! lia
we further certify that t
arc neatly and intelligibly kept.
Siunecl, VV. P. Anxoi.rt, 1
P. S. K.VMSKV. ''Cot!
liKN 11 V WObKli. )
These Liniment are dimply the wonder of the
world. Theii eifeets arc little less than inarrel-
I Tl.A i I I.teitnlrtiif 1.1 llirt Ihitiviii
f unily. It will drive Uheumati-m. Seiat iea and
Neiiraijihi frni tlie system : cure Lnmtiao.
i'hillblaiii''. Lock-jaw. Palsy. Itch, and most cu
laneuus erupt loin ; it extracts frost iroiii Iroen
hands and feet, and the poisnn of bites and
stints of venomous 'vptdes ; it subdues swell
ing", and alleviates p.iin of every kind., hen
sprain or bruises necor. it is the most" potent
remedy ever discovered to heal t he In jus t it parts.
The Centaur Liniment i- i:sed with preat ellica
cv for sore throat. Toothache, 'alel
3re:i!ts. Eiir-aehe. iiixl Weak Pack. '1 he iol-lowh-jj
i" but a. sample of numerous testimoni
als :
'i.MUANA IIoMK. JKl'F. Co., I-M., May 2s '73
"I think it my duty to infoj mjiou that T ltave
Kiiil'ered much with woliYii feet nl
eliurii. A lew bottler nf t'entaur Liniment
has tinitv (iie work for mi. I have nut been
free from these swellings in eistit yenriH.
Nov. I am perfeet.y well. The Liniment
oyzht to be applied :irm.
o.) -1 ! The proof is io t he trial. It is reliable, it is
' J 1 1.. : . ..1 1 . ....:!.. . i i i
ii.i . 11 i- cue. i j .. a ;n 1 e ei i.liiiii sin nuu nil e
the vhitf J'entaur Liniment.
fr , . "a - 1 ma . . . r . : . .. ....
00 30 j lie m "i i v en Kiii t ' x.iitiiiieiii is .loap-
ii'u 111 1 ue iom:u musi-ies, eonts uioi ncsn 01
hor.-es and animals. It lias iieilormed more
wenderliil cures in three years of Spavin. Strain
V ind-nails. Seratehes. Sweeny, and general
lameness. ii.:in a, I oilier remedies in exeteiiee.
10s 78 ! Ke;td wluit the great Expressmen say of it :
"Sr.vr Youtv, January, ls71.
"I'verv owner of hoi-ses should pive the !i-:x-TAUlt
LlNlMKNT ;i trial. We consider it the
best article e ver used in our stables.
II. MaKSII. Adams Fx. Stables, N. V.
K. 11 lJZ. Sunt. I". S. Ex. Stables. N. V.
ALPEKTS. ol.lN, Sunt. Nat. Ex. Stables N Y
The patrons of this Liniment are Farriers and
Veti rinary Siire.eis. who it re continually tisinjj
soi if l.ininieiif. li heiils (lails. Wounds, roll
evil, removes Swellings, ai.d is worth million
of dollars a'inually to F-.rme s, i.i very-men.
Stock-nrov. ers. Sheep-raisers, and those luivin
Iiel -t s or ealtle.
hat a Farrier cannot do for20the Ceuta'ar
Litdment will do a t'i:i!fir co-t.
These I.inime'ds are soi.) bv oVa'ors
tliron.liooi .tite eoiintrv. j Mey are v;ii 1 anreil
by il:e proprietors, and'a bottle ill be j;iveii r
ai I'an :i r or i'h vsf: ian v. ho d"siie to tet
t tlelll.
Labnitory of .f. 11. & Co.,
4-; 1 M: v Sr.. N v.v 'n k.
ir 7s
4:t33 4C.
4!-:;77 80
30.Y7 Co
1.1013 53
8512 St
I'l'i-'irr's S-tfrSn is a, nni
dete substi
tute for C:i-tor Oil. and is a pleasant t' ii'.' e ;;s
Honey. 1 1 i- p !-! ietlarly adapied to Teeil.iu-j
and irritr. ehtldr.-n. it destroys worms, m-
stmilates the food. 1 -:'i:l.ites
s3 d
si JL till i.ta. Mil 1 U
AVe are in almost daily receipt of
ami Ememmmi
which we offer our friends and the public at
VV j
loSesaBe mwl fBcteSS.
prices to suit the limes.
tmm num. ooods,
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, Jie.
Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yanb for $1.00.
Muslins, from G cts. a" yard upward.
The finest stock of White Pcdsprcad ever broui;ht to the City.
Euell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonades in
full Stock.
A lis
n n ... -r mi ,
r ri i c- a , c r f r, . ; rj . ' r. i rv
Of ALL I'dXlis.
Country Froduco taken in exchange ior Goods.
Thankful f rpa-t favors )
JiI'S J.'ei'( hy. I respee;fu;y ;.sk r? ('
s!om:ie!i. stud ! CfAlSANTf.KlMi .Vl"i 1.N IN A I.I. CASKS, ;i ii'l hi;;:a.ii my e!
cures v. in 1 eolie. 1 remedies :ive as eihen- I . .. ,' , ". ., . .
cions for Feverish. -.. I'roup. 'orms, and v. itu success, I lemain a c i i
V hoojiin'r '"i; :ii. Castnria is a sci.-nt ifc am!
O JUea-
V. V. i
.. e (.f the
In. IV be Ci
: K P.i II.
. IV. e,
purelv euef
lii.u: ( :isi;.r u!.
reparation, nine eileeiiie
d neither t;as nor ;;r:p s.
C'lLr!! i-.iA. Coin!., ?.Liv ::. ls7it.
.1. P. L". .-.-Co., N. V. :
it- : I !;;;ve a f::tnily of (!;!:( cJiildren. at' !
i-ed a- i.iie'.i ' s.-,,kt.. as ; t : i v fiiiniiv ia
books and aeeoiinls ! llu' '.' " J,f-,-.;,'s. '. ', '' iv never tonnd
j :iii i ii iii:r e in i;. m y (man'eii ii;; . t ocen
I s:
from a fever
bv th.
l en.
At the Old St;iinl of
. sriiia v. 1 recommend lis n e l.
r i-ianv iti( ;!-. s tl.ev are sul'ieet in. in invf-
eienee to any ii:e.Keire I know of. I feel it my
duty to ;ive I !ii c.i ' '-. i'e 'ti aec.unt of the
leuvllts 1 have derived by th" v. ."d Castouia.
v t im s,
rati3 X't::::!.. i littlf.
r, -
1 i i i
To tSi
i2-rd r.i
By am't S'te treas. vouchers. $1 7f.O C3
cash ou h'd to bal 1 311 J S6 072 49
To hal. on h'd last tatom't.. 3 17320
" rash for tresis, f ..-es bal . '7". 1 i
" am't tux col'ct'd for. .. '75. 82f. m
"74. 05 07
" " " " " '73. 30
" " " " '72. 33
....O. 5 11
....'OS). 1 21
" " Int. collected 23 us
fl iO 3t
35 7'J SI l'JO 20
osi:.t.'alo nt i ineridian lo tLJirov.
n tl.4 iecttiive chamber for tlio jntr- ' formanoe of htr anlucis iV.itips.
F-Oit; ij;die;iteil in voitrtiote,
Very respectfully, etc.,
1. 71. ('HAMBr.KI.AlN,
Governor of Soutli 'arolinrt
tial brick structure 4'jxGo, three stories
high, with basement utnler the whole.
Tlie basement is used fur wash room
for the boys, and for h'nop whero tho j
boys make brooms, with which they j
supply all the surrotimlin country, i
The first story is used for hcIkk! an I i
recitation roms tlie second for Liu- j
f?ic rooms, libraries, 5,c-tho third for j
sitting and other rooms for the family,
and dormitories for tha pupils. The
kitchen is in the basement. Tho irls
do some very nicts fancy work of vari
ous kinds. A professor of music has
recently feeeoine connected with tho
school, and has already organized a
String Kami of girls and boys. We had
the pleasure of hearing 10 of them per
form several pieces on violin, 'cello, pi
ano, and double bass. They do remark
ably well for tho sh i t time t!n-y have
been under the Professor. Some of the
younij ladies play tlie piano arid sing
very well. Tho principal teacher is '
ilrs. Uishop, tha accomplished daugh
ter of Prof. Bacon, who is perfectly de
voted to tlie poor, blind pupils, and
hhows uiipxrunt-lcd patience in the per-
" Int. collected
lC0c2 12
liw2 12
Pill on hand last statement, 4077 21
To iirut tax collected for l. 4733 3
" " 1H74, 1H7 0i
" ' ' " 1S7, 1 3
" ' ' " " 1S0U, US
" " Iivterest collected, 223 4J
Pv amt school vouchers, KAO !'l
Py cash on hacd to balance, Mv 02
10tS."i 45
10185 45
Anit on hand last statement, C3 49
To anit tax collected for 1h73, a oo
Is7 2 0J
" " " " " S71. 4S
" " 1S70, 5KO
' interest cI!ected. ... cm
" overpaid to baliiuce,. CJ 31
Py am't S'to treas. voucher.".? 3 11!' I)
" cash ou hand to bal n-tct
U oo 13
To ain't ta eol'ct'.l f..r..
" " Int. '.!ie led
3Ji ni
4 as
:.5 07
Py arn't S'te treas. hl.itemT.. J 2".:) 73
" r:i!l on n'd to 7'i it
HTATK NOi'.M VL W'lloul, FCM).
j To bal. n h'd l -t i-l'itaiu'i . .Jj I.i
J .-iri't t.U eclet'd t.f. . . .'it. a t
I " Jut. colle'-tvl I -i-J
Pv JUU'I H'tf fU. Voll. 'In'1.1 2 !J
" " Ciiil on b'U lo b.iUlice, 4!
STATE jriMClAtiV t'VSl).
8 6 11
I (i 41
To bn!. on l.'d la-t 'i!ein't
" iviii'l rei ej-, c, (,f 4 ,tt k. . .
l vt (
411 no $ n.3uo
Pf am't S't treat. Vouchers..?
- ea-li on h'd to balance,...
r.;: oo
:,i ii
, i (i:i on
To bal. on h'd last stalem't
" iiiu't tax eol'et d f. .r.
.. . ..
" Int. collected .. ..
Mi ?.
'i HI
a; ii i
is, HI 1 1
liy am't S'te treas. vou'-hem 5
eaidi on h'd to bal
Ms; co
v v. ,'i e i t ij n i
Py balance"! rati-f erred from
i'recinc. bond fund 137 .".:
Tiiamt collected for 173 4.J0 oO
" " " 1S74 b(i40
" " " " ls.J 1J
" " is;j, i
" ' " " l?7i 1 U'
" is;o, .. m
' " liifi,. 60
" ls-.s'
" " to balance overpaid, 5E7 1
Py balance overpaid last
statement, 573 1 1
Py .dcrtisii!-r sales of 1870, f;i3-i
Pal on hand last statement. t:
Pv ami iiru transfeired to
General Fund 43!f
157 3'J
157 33
X iiM msa' S6 W Vnrfl Am I
in Plattsmouth, Xebraska.
Dry Goods, Grocor-j
. !
Coots, Slioes,
and Willow Ware,
oriiiii'r "Iais. AVe :ir.' now
l-ieiaie,! tof;,ini.,i isi! elas-cs ennti'.nt
eiii jiioyiuent a! borne, tile whole of Ilie time, or
for their sp.o mo'uems. Pr.siccss i;ew, li.rlit.
and i.rotiii'ble. 5'er-."iis of eitln-r sex easily
-.ii a from ;V cenls , si p.-r i . r.lii ;. and it i ro'
pi.rt ioii:u sum 1 y ucot in : then- v. hole t i.n" to
lie business. i'.".s ;i:m tills eirrn nearly as
In Sell as men. Thai a'l who see this not ice "in" y
s; u( tb.eir address. ; iul fe-t tlie liusiuess v. 'f
ni; l.e I li is m; :t !'a lie lied uliir: To such as are
ii"t well -atislled we will S 'lid in.;' doilar i. i:iv
:'ir the tr.::bb' of writing. Fail i'iir! ieiil.' r-'-,
' si:miies iint'i several dollars to commence
) work o:i. ;.;i'! a eoiiy of iliime Fireside, one
j of largest and i ..! Lla-i rated lmb! ieai ions.
all eni iiee :v mail. K-;iU'r. n you want .er
liiiliient and preiliaeie woik. ai'.li'ess
t;::t'i:.ii: Si ins.jn Co.. l ortland, Me.
j:njfLvj!i:i: Tin: place, oxi: duoi: yjy of p. r..
Fred. Cforder's Imlemont SmiDoriuni
tS Mt
'IIIIKD S'ITCI-:hT, NO'-TII of main.
Is tho place to buy every kind of Agricultural Implement.
Pi ZgFZ-r. ,A"k tlie recovered
f (' re is . v i e t i m s o f f e v e r
LJ V' "'"T.'iN 3-- rial til-eased pal lent
i y-JZ?' how I hey recovered
Str'&'Zi liealth. elK-erftil soiv-
t?;Y , i. i's and ;:oud aimetite,
-a?;sal' tl-.ev will tell vou bv
i'?Hl rrrr-VM' takhissiM;oM'Liv-
SULKY (AX(; PLOW, ,.f th- Chl-njo Ph,t Co.; STANDAJW NEW J'f
DlNti CPLTI VA TOU. f ll kfd, II!.; NEW MoXITOi;,
in.'! ,(!, r 'EL EJJliX 'J El UA1U10WS
nnik 'FqIIu1 Wagons.
Pal on hnnd but statement,
'1 o unit flues received,
" licenses reccned
Py amount t rau-fei red to
leaetieis" fund
Py cash mi hand to balance.
01 78
Id J )
.'13 jO
.If. 00
17! 4s
143 S3
4 J3 !f.)
ISO 4s
p.. .i M. U. K. nrtTt'N FEND.
V. it on hand bid ! 1 1 1 un lit ,
'Cn :i ii l t ei lit i ed l 'I is....
" I,' t.
' " lu'i led collected.. ...
Uv Niio IV I ) ,ir coupon
ir.lo. t. .
1 1 f H ii, I iul . in 1. 1 hi suliie, . . ,
py e,,.-.i i mi band to hliliUlt'",
734 05
M.VI 05
1M.7 l'
i .5 I .I
imi) ml
lb) I.I
;; s:i
P1S7 3J
WAIE AM' tit M'lMI'llON ACCdt NT.
I lUNfll-.U..
ID ;,in. .mil n ileliii'l i"lis pun
I 1 1 ... I to .curl ,il I el, .1.
f.Tiel Ftimil'j Medicine
I iii r'ie TF. .rM.
I For ! rpej'-ia, Couvtiiiatimi. Jaiiiidiee. P:l
i ions attacks. Sick Headache, i olic. i)e;v-ion
j of Spirits, Near Stomach, lieai i Purn. Vc.. Co-.
Tin- unriviiiled Southern lCemedy i- rvarraiit-
ed not to contain a fitiKle fl'iirtiele of Mercury,
or iinv injurious miner. il i-uostauee. hut is
containing those Southern ltoots and Ilerh",
which an all wie jtrovidetice has placed in
countries v.liere Liver Disease imirt prevail.
wn" eu re oi7 tlixuvu rmt?l hy Denimuncut
The firm well known as baycr on a ; uv;.r ro.Mir.t arc a hit-
Iai'""e KCalC, for terorlmd taste in the moutii ; pain in the back.
side or joints". often mistiikcn for Kheumaii iii :
Sour Stiiinaeh : I of A pj et it" : powe's altel -!
luiielv costive and lax: Headache; Iss of
i meuiorv, with a painful scnat ion ..i hiiviiifr fail
i ed to t!. s in. ctliii.i wiiicb on-lit to b ive been
I done ; 1 cbi!ii y. Low Spirit, a thick yellow o
1 peaiaiu e ot I lie skin r.nd eye-, ;i dry Cough ol
j ttii mistaken for e-uisunipt ion.
I So'aetii.ies many of these ryniptoiiis atleu.'.
nvrdnxivfdr. nnl V. Viilfi Iiiak'm? IiO ' I'ae di -easr. ai other very few. hut li.el.iver.
j i the larire.-t or-;'!" in the body, i
stilni-w. rhev are always jre:ire.l to : scat of the disease, iimi ii not rem
sell on as good terms, (it not Letter) as
xrXCJ.E rrifl COM UIXED EE APE US ami JfOWIillS,
(X'.ir ,tii 'Jlntiiija.'.n, ami otla.-rs.)
(trit.'t S-IJ'-Biii'liri'j attachment.)
THE VIBRATOR T1IP.ES11IXG JfACJllXE, Xi'huUs, Shpard l- Co.
. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Sale.
Oftiec in .1. V. Ifcckbaeh's simv, corner .1f;.ia ami Third Sin cts.
At the old Hyatt lUra. C:i! ely .Tones' stable)
in Plattsimuitli, Neb. Will keep coiistantly.en
hand a number of
-Horses for Sale.
n-t he.yimr afd s-:iSn;.' t f,'d hor-.-s made
siie 'i il: ', .-f ihe new
... :;. ': V I , i
. '.. I ... f I... S, .. T.l.
and ut.iiii
any other firm in the- County.
with 'je::tl.-horses, for Ladies to d.ive iJ kepi
iU tl
In I'lalS'aiouili, y oti Fourth St., about tl.c
you v. ill find :
C'oi'7: I,lanlfr'j (Iiand c licisej
.Sfirtiiipr I'Icjvm,
.Vilify rioirs,
wis iBiJir
pack meats
take all kinds
of produce, and vv ill
ALWAYS Hi: FOUND ON suiiernv.r, wretcne
en-ue. .
I can recon, meu.l ii- an cl::: -acinus ivincuy for
disease of th;? I.iu r. Heartburn and 1 pep;-i::.
Si.nin' l.iv Ki: llr.ia i.A'i m:.
l.i-: is ;. Yrr;i!-i:.
.Mii-n-r street,
Ai"d.-tr.iii Pet 7la-t r, l'
I "We l:ae te-te d its w::;es. per-oually, am!
luiow that for lv-pep;a. I'.il iu-ne-s, :lnd
i nroio. iii; in .i.i.u .ie, ii - i ,. r , . .r..ut!!e i ..I'-si . l;'"Kn:;. low::, on
tin- wiir.d ever -a- , u e u u . i -.i l.-i.y oi iei , ,.(. : -,-., .. j i. M.ll.-r. Ilea, r;.
! ee.o.f .-n.ouoii.- j..v. ( ... .,(.,,,... ,.r. N metenui vear. About Mtv doi-
! none of them ii.veu-more tiia'i i; ei;-..r ! lc- ; .v ;il ev pense,. i.v X: .:;:!, : . 'Poard
I licl : but.the :Uor not ..nlv v u-y ci i-ut : !.. : u.l!f.vv u:U:. . P.-.m-n. i; j.o,--I
eui-e.l us. i... l,t.iri- '' '"j -'''. -'la- j .,.,-,. ;,--:itoi-s.Are!lit ec ts.Sm-vey..i.s and
eon, ia. . , j els t ' i j I omr li 1 V tilled, llnuli-o br.ineiir i free.
I r 1 " f ''"rV T T t live I.....:.:-,-;!,., Piioae.o lYeu les-
I J. 11., 1; I LI 2 tc CO.. I man wiili laa-.s Land in Ciel-.e Hill, live
I M'.fllV tl.. :.!l.l l'H!i.AIl-:i I'HIA. ! tli:'-l.-l I-....1..S I'.ir-etf P. t :. 1" : ' . I 'dl -
' It ceut.-es feer medic::! clcmer.:-. never uni- j :U': fr-e. St'o.T iuml uiiuiu fi,-e C ed l oa;-d- j
. . . i i, .- ...?-,... in : c'nlis. ! lamiiv be., in. 1. lilluad ! : ne-.
! ..-.Vi..,,'v ei it! e ' i : ha rt . A ivu'iiiiT- I dil- to.'.. I'ui:cae I'msiucss in Kejikuk. No Mt
I i,,i 'v. '.:, .in l::-, veo':..l!.lliie AlieratlVi? ::.d I cttieli.
i;jJ:s CALL AX.' EA'AZIIXE , all linl.s of Farm Implr-nicnts :inJ
i ,
iitlf If;ircl wiiie, Tin V.'are, &.C.
Kuiiffarian and Kills
Seed fcr Sale.
certain t 'orree; : ve ef a! I mi pin el I ue ln.iiy. si .n::t - i:i . lo.s a: tended us u-e, m.l a
is now eel I he
For all " disease of the Liver, S'.oniiu h and
.1 , .1 li, ni' "'.i fri
Malaii u's Fevf.s. I'. -.el Coi'ipli:tnt. Dysj.ep
sl i. U it t::l I eprf--cin , Ke.-t I. -lie-.,
Nau-e.i. Sick ll-ad p lie, Colic, Con-tip uioii
and l;ilio'.:-iie--
HAND TO IRi'Y OR SELL AT FA IR ! a thrrr-are p number of imitations Tered
! to t In- public, we would rat i ion the cemmmiity
! to buy m Powder or Prepared Simmi.ns' I.iv
i k it i; t.i i Tn;:. in.!. s in our engraved wrap
per, with thcti .i je mark. st. imi tiiid si'iiiiliirc
uul.i'ikcn. nii. ot iter is L'.eon iie
Address ;avPe( i. ne.'.'. KeokiiK. unsa.
Stiite where you sa.v ibis .i..ei !i,cment. I yl
I) E R S .
Jlni ldai-t. & nil -M nnd l.'iin- ,
iter of '1 'hrewhinsr Maetiies, !
,,;s ei.ed a si' op on t II M Let ne::r Mr. I 'on-
I'll v '.- I.i :eli-ni t a and N'- :e.:o:i Sl.op H'hei be has j
i.. red I r:; !f lo de :n-v :iad a: : ma-Mae win !.
c: x w i
Feed and alo Stables.
(V-:;ii i i'..!i and I'eai ! Sts.
li"l:sr.s iiA!:i.r! i:V vr.i".
sj.iv, ivhe:?-;, on novrii.
For a F.ilr (.'ommissioa.
PilUleii'.ir jitti nti'.tl paid to
Driving and Training
Al A heare furnished when called for.
SCHOOL I.iNH FFND- IMMNCII'AL. ,llllt ,;, i,,,d ,,ni devnied
were slto'.vn exawi'lcs rf tli'?:r roailing
ami writinj, piTsonnlly by one of tlio
V'lj'i1..". It i: roallv r;or.lerfnl vvitli
To b;il. on led 1 n t t.item't $ I'M) eo
asu't coi'ct'it Uurins r 'T. 3.Miir Stfp.'eo
I'.y ain't S'te trrm. voii.-hrrs.
' " rash ,u h'd to bal
i liy bV:nce iinn-ili'i i.!ot
I -stHlmoiit
j I'.y amt tax paid I"i- is.Tioil
2 f:. 70 ; V purchases
.-. st3 or I I'.y ami tax s'e puic'eiise Isel
1 il . ;;
7 1 1 1 .3
1 1 1.-. m
(.1 1 !d
fi d
: -in
Reiiieinl't'i' tho
i I l'Ite
3 t 1 E. G. DO VE Y & SOX.
M.iin btiv-'i.
J. If. ZEILIN X- CO., v.ii!. .!:l. .eei ii.:i. He has No 1 lath- can
n , . . , ... . y .1. , l t ura 111 oi - ii . li on. si .'Citf, .. e.i .in ii ei .10. ... - - . "
Your abmble medicine Siuiic.oa'- l.iver lb--'- thi.i.u' leijuireil ia a gunsmith, pv.-ii t: m a I.i'';; a
,.!.....- ....I ...,.v I .... -w.r- lulls I U'C ! .in. i,( m . i i . e li:i ve 1 lie e aleii. e 1. 1 a i.ii.
it for evi-rvt !.in-4 0 i-s i eeoiiinien.b d. and i.ever j cider 1 !iro in-j; one n or t tin
l ...... ii r.',"1 I 1-ne used it in Colic' and . ;, t vm! ..f ! bT- f-ui.iier
.i . ,.;.!, ..,!.,.,.,!. h.irss "iviiiL' lliem i Mr f:. ., v Sbr ider a f irmer re;
IIIH.M Lit.) III! Illlll- - .'. " . ' , .1 ' ' - ,. . , , t r
alioiit lodl a bottle ,-t a time. I loi e-si . pi ,, ;, ,,;,( :;u.'i:iv i ; ' '
otic i bat I -M ve it p.. you e;i.i i ec. ue i" e ii.t it lo , ,,, , i.,. , , 1 . . i , . r ' : d I . . b is I iii in . I
... iii eilien :'! T.:e ii :. ..-in..- ... .... ..-tmiL. mr-"-
Maeiiiiie. Live Mr. Ki--rra. .i I :r.,a l.e j .O U M
every one ;,'.::t iioe :- oene.: ne- -;
i. ii e Known tor ail cor:i)iaim - i u.m ' ; . "
i lii'ir lo. I- i
Agent for (irugei s of Geei 31a.
insili'e von
ii isitctorv
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