Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 05, 1877, Image 2

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l-.KW.:rfj. X ;ir;v.'i jL,-i,. -r
Til I U ERA JU).
J. A. M.VCMURrilV..
I'l.ATrSOUTir, AVR1L 3, 1ST7.
The officers of the Editorial Assinci.v
ion ara rcfpiestetl to Tuerf at the Corn TrotcT, at iTi-ftcoIn, on friihiy
t?i lOtTiof April,' to make arrangements
tn our excursion in May.
J. A. MaoMcrfhy, SpcVv
Two letters from Weepin? Abater for
the Letter l'ox will appear next week.
An eailkquake of some rnaiiitii'le
occurred in Plumas count', California,
;n February last.
One by one the Life Insurance Com
panies vanish. In the mid it of Life we
are in (death) bankruptcy.
Gen. Bovtn, of the Iilair Times gives
a very interesting reminiscence enti
tled -Elkhorn in the Karly Days."
Within two months no less than
twelve railroads are to be sold under
the hammer. They are mostly eastern
and southern roads.
Republicans elected Mayor, Police
Judge and Marshal of the City officers
-it Omaha, and the Council stands C
Heps, and 6 democrats.
The President bas appointed a Grass
hopper Commission and Prof Thomas
lakes Minnesota; Xebraska, Southern
Dakota and Wyoming.
Maj. Sti'.ichcomb, so say the papers,
b editing the Juniatta Herald fur 150
ays. They've got a County seat tight
mi hand. Tell 'em a war story, Major.
The article on "Farm Villages." on
the fourth page, is from "Scribnw's
Monthly," and being a subject that our
farmers ought to bs interested in we
publish it in full.
Judge Clarkson, a brother of Ilish
op Clarkson, accidently shot himself
near Chicago last week and died on
Thursday last. lie belonged to tme of
the oldest law firms in Chicago and
was a man of decided abilities.
AVe see that the City Clerk' report,
(aud we expect the Treasurers too was
ordered published in both city papers
"as usual." "We haven't seen any such
report. There i3 a great fuss raised if
any public document is ever published
in the IIekall and not in the Watch
man. The Nebraska Editorial Excursion
will take place in the latter part of
May, and the editors generally intend
going. Please count us in, Mr. Secre
tary. Ej
We'll count in all who belong to the
Association, or who make their appli
cation for membership in the manner
prescribed by the constitution; other
wise we cannot. Mr. Sect' v.
It Avould serin as if all the great
pledges given to the South that the
President would abandon the Republi
cans there and leave the colored men
to their fate, have been made without
any authority from Mr. Hayes. He re
fuses to act until a commission has re
ported in Louisiana, and has invited
bo'h Hampton and Chamberlain to
eonie to Washington to talk it over.
The author of "Helen's Babies," the
charming little story which had .such
a run a few months ago. is writing a
sequel to it which appears as a serial
in Frank Leslie's Chimney Corne". It
is entitled "Other People's Children."
The opening chapters re-introduce us
to our old friends JJudge and Toddie
in the irvst delightful ia:tnn?r. They
make their uncle and aunt a visit of a
few days, and an account of the suc
cess of the aunt in managing other
people's children, which she thinks she
knews just how to do, is given. All
those who admired "Ilelen.s Babies"
will not fail to buy the Chimney Cor
ner and read "Other People's Children."
The troops are to be removed from
South Carolina at last. Both men
Chamberlain and Hampton have been
to Washington, agreeably to a request
of President Hayes. The result of the
conference has been to order the remov
al of the troops from the State House
of South Carolina. It is generally con
ceded that this gives the government
to Hampton. A commission has been
appointed to visit Xew Orleans, and no
definite action will be taken on the
Louisiana case until they report, but it
also looks as if "Nicholls would become
Governor there too. The wisdom of
Mr. Hayes' policy in these states re
mains to be demonstrated.
Thoy had lots of fun down in "V;tsh
ington this winter so Bob Doom and
all the boys say. About CO Kansas
members of the Legislature anT citi
zens came down to get something, and
the way they cursed civil service rules
was a caution to Bullwhackers.
There was a great strife to get in the
- Senate galleries or where the iro-eed-ings
could be seen and heard. All Ex
governors of the states and Senators
by courtesy have the right to enter.
Gen. "Wiles got in easy as ex-governor
of Neb. That was till right, the Cap.
was elected governor once, maybe you
all don't know it, but its a fact.
Gov. Butler was there too and of
course he went in, so did some other
fellows on Gov. B's good looks.
At last this was played out, one day.
Captain of Cass Co., presented him
self to the door keeper. "Can't enter
there" says that functionary. "Why
I'm Gov. Butler.of Neb." the Capt. said
II B 'responded the tloorkerp-
prthats too thin, there's ten men come
here already this morning 6aying they
was Gov. Butler of Nebraska. You
can't come in." The boy3 all like Pres.
2Iayes appearance ierson".lly, and are
about equally divided on the feasibili
ty and practicability of the New Civil
verfn reform measure-.
TH .'iT $.C U K AS.H 0 IT K U.
The County Commissioners have ap
pointed Isaa'j Pollard, Sam'l. Riihrml
son and L. Patterson as the committee
to examine and report on the best ma
chine tor destroying grasshoppers, they
to determine the kind of test, and set
Ihe time and place.
Mrs. Patty Stanton, of Stonington,
is 'Jit. She was married at 14, has arc
63 year old daughter, and would marry
again but for fear that the happy man
might seel: her money more than her
love. Ex.
The only remarkable feature in this
is that she became the mothei o this
S3 year old daughter at the age of 11,
and three years before she was mar
ried. Another case of a very great
mistake in a w Jinan's giving her age.
Don't you do it, girls.
John I). Ie, the Mormon Elder is at
last executed, shot to death, for his
participation in the Mountain Mea
dow Massacre 18 years ago. He made a
confession finally, which implicates
Brigham Young and other Mormon
Leaders, intimates that Brigham at
List gave him away and endeavours to
leave the impression that he would
have avoided tho Massacre if possible,
and that he did save the children.
His book will be published in full,
meanwhile justica may yet come to the
other participators in this crime.
Kansas Citv, Mo., April 1, '77.
Friend Maumukphv:-The face of
the Herald, like that of an old friend,
appeared to me last evening.
Kansas City than whom,. St. Louis
excepted, none higher sit3 in the state,
h is a population of forty thousand.
Following directly in the footsteps of
her fair elder sister, St. Louis, whose
public school, under the supervision
of Supt. Harris, are renowned through
out the United States. Kansas City
has a school system scored only to
that of St. Louis. She has a corps of
sixty well trained teachers, to do her
work of teaching, and if must be well
don". The careful eye of the Superin
tendent, who is an experienced teach
er, as all Superintendents should be,
scans the work of each room once in
two weeks, and where he is not satis
lied with the work, still oftener. If
teachers cannot come up lo the require
ments, they are, as they should be,
promptly discharged. The school oifi
cer3 are paying out the people's money
for work an I work they will have.
There are nine public 3cho.)ls, eight
Ward, or Grammar schools and one
High School. The Manual for the
present year is very much like th- t of
Plattsrnouth; it is revised ei:ch year.
The course does not comprise as manj
branches. No languages, s;ive good
English, are taught in the High School.
That work is left for the State Univer
sity. There are only four male teach
ers in the city. The Superintendent
says the female teachers do t'.ie best
work. ciz, of nine principals, are la
dies. The salaries of the lower grades
run from 640 to $ j0 per month. More
Gertie Johnson.
AN ACT to prevent hep and other do
mtstic animals from leiny killed by
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Leg
islature of the .state of Nebras
ka, That the owner or owners of any
dog or dogs shall be liable in any ac
tion for all damages that may accrue
to any person or persons, by reason of
such dog or doga killing, wounding,
worrying or chasing any sheep or oth
er domestic animal belonging to such
other person or persons; and the dam
ages done may be recovered in any
court having jurisdiction of the a
mount claimed
yt:c. 2. If two or moro dogs, owned
by different persons, shall kill, chase,
wound, or worry any sheep or other
domestic animal, such persons shall
jointly and severally be liable for all
damages tlone by siu h dogs.
f?KC. 3. The municipal authorities of
any county, city, town, or township,
shall have authority, by ordinance or
resolution entered at large on the prop
er journal or record of proceedings of
such municipality, to impose, a license
tax of not more than five dollars for
each dog, on the owner or harborer of
any dog or dogs, which license shall
constitute a special fund for the pay
ment of all u.tit)'igi.-s done by dogs
within tlie limits of the body impos
ing tho sam, to b? paid under such
regulations as shall be provided by
such ordinance or resolution.
Sec. 1. Any person shall have the
right co kill any dog found doing any
damage aforesaid to any sheep or do
mestic animal r shall - have just and
reasonable ground to believe that such
dog has been killing, wounding, chas
ing or worrying such sheep or animal
and no action shall be maintained for
such killing.
Skc. 5. It shall be the duty of every
owner or owners of any dog or dogs to
seetne-y place upon the neck of such
dog or dugs a good and sufficient collar
witii a metalic plato . thereon, on
which shall be plainly ' inscribed the
name of .such owner. It shall be' law
ful for any person to kill any dog found
running at large, on whose neck there
is no collar, as aforesaid ; and uo action
shall be maintained "or such killing.
Sice. . Kvery person who shall har
bor about his or 1km premises a col la r
"ess dog for tiie space of ten days, sha'l
be taken and held as the owner, and
shall b" lifiblt for id! damages which
such ducr h:til commit.
Skc. 7. The owner or owners of any
do or dojs who shall )iertoit the same
to run at large for ten days after this
act stiiili take effect, without such col
lar as hereinbefore described being t-e-curely
placed ujon tb neck of such
dog or dogs, shall be deemM guilty of
a misdemeanor and lined in any sum
not e-cedmgt"Aenty-tivedollars which
when collected, shall be naid to the
County treasurer, for the benefit of the
school fund of the county in which the
tine was imposed.
How are you Irish Setters and spot
ted coach dog?
At the telegraphers reception in
Chicago, tha dancers waltzed lo music
played in Milwaukee, eighty-five miles
away. A waltz and several marches
were transmitted by means of the won
derful telephone, the wires playing as
distinctly and perfectly as human
Subscribe for the Herald and Xc-
thr"slm Fanner; only ?2.6.
Left Pi.ittsinouth for the soutl
pari of t lies county. Cold, raw
wind, very uncomfortable March
weather. Arrived at the fine farm of
Jas. A. Walker's, one of Cass County's
best farmers, about 11 a. m. Found!
. , . ...
our genial Co. Treasurer putting a '
force pump of the most approved pat- j
torn in Mr W'-; -vrd" Vurnn tint i
in go)d "working order, to the great j
satisiaction or . . nau a pieaani i
tiJi- with Mr ..iwl Mrc AV" ilWr hn I
talk witn Mr. ana mis. ajn.r, , no ,
tra -a iiinnlir fivo.l -j c tl.oir liOti.l wijli-
... ..o .. ...j ,
large comfortable house, good farm, i
f V .
farming by the most approved method.
He. like other farmers in the county,
is considerably solicitous in regard to
the grasshoppers, and looks anxiously
for a solution of the problem, but is by
no means discouraged r has already put
in 13 acres of wheat for the grasshop
pers to eat, he says. I should judg he
could stand the destruction- of one
crop without serious financial injury.
After a bountiful dinner I started out
and called next at the comfortable res
idence of Mr. I'n os Berger; had a very
p'eaant chat with the family. Mr. B.
does not think much of the IIi-u:al:;
says it has to much space devoted to
advertisements, but could not well do
without it, notwithstanding. When I
explained that many of - the ads. were
new, and that we had commenced our
new volume with an enlarged paper,
he concluded it was about right if that
was so. Mr. B. thinks with some oth
ers that there is something peculiar in
the working of President Hayes' Civil
Service Beform :is shown in Omaha in
the removal of Mr Yost.
We then drove to the farm of An
derson Boot, Ls-j. Mr. B. was away
so I took in the Three Groves P. O. and
returned to meet him in the evening
Mr. Boot was one of our most enter
prising farmers; is now feeding a
splendid lt of steer., O-l in number,
contracted to our townsman. Mr. C.
Parmele, and to be delivered any time
before the middle of M iy at the dis
cretion of Mr. P. We have seen no lin
er, or more thrifty lot of steers in the
countv. Mr Boot ha? also a fine lot of
ItOgS running With the Cattle, mainly
... , , . .. ..
jjpiii3iures. x ioox. a waiK over tun
farm with the proprietor to view the
grasshopper eg- which lay around in
discriminately. Ho does not saw any
wheat tlii s season, but puts in rye, o its
and barley for small grain, and a huge
Held of corn to feed cattle and hogs if
the hoppers do not need it to carry
them through. He has a lino bearing
orchard from which he picked upwards
of 29T bushels of apples last season,
and increased it by planting four acres
more from his ocn n first ry last year.
He has three tine springs on different
portions of his farm convenient to ev
ery part, and is well fixed for stock
raising. Altogether Mr. Boot is a
i-y. ,.: rt .1 r.. . i 1 1 ..
lllllllj yO-illlt-iUl l.UliiL'l ilUU LIUUII'.l IO I
succeed. With many thanks to my - r"rT"
host and hostess for their kind Lo.-ioi- ! A V J
tality I start ou for new fields.
Monday, April 2, 1877.
Cold but pleasant. Drove out
south-west called on the gardener at
Eight Mile Grove, Mr. Otto Mutz.
Notwithstanding the ravages of the
'hoppers last year he has still a fine lot 1
of eahhao-fi atnl a. lcirrel of L-nint. loft i
- . . 1
ior mose mat wane. Air. si. is nrenar-
ing to put in vegetables again this
spring undisintireil by the quantities of
eggs left in the ground hist ye:ir by the
The annual school meetings arc in
session at Ei.lit Mile drove, and Cen
tre clio-jsiiiff their oilieers for the com
ing year. I brought up at Mr. U. Chil
son's at Centre, and could not refusa
his cordial invitation to turn in.
. Tcesday, April 3. 1ST 7.
M'arcli has taken a jump ahead, and
i irivinir na iiiri riinrli w.- !ioe v.T.T !
south wind with snow and sleet. A
few words for the Centre, one of the !
l l ....f f i1A ty N,,,f,r i
pioposed locations for the County heat.
It is near tho seographicul center of
the county, on a high, slightly rolling
prairie the principal advantage at
present, being that it is about equally
distant from each corne of the county.
Tiie citizens propose to give an undi
vided half of a quarter section of land
to the county for the location, ami the
equal center is said to be one mile
south and west of the corner, but lies
in a much less desirable place for the
location of a town. Tho good people
of Centre will in all probability have
an opportunely to show up their ad
vantages next fall.
Arrived at Weeping "Water about 10
o'clock found burgh in a state of
quiet excitement over mo arrest or ,
. il. . . f
M ..a,.
some four or five thieves who had been .
committing ilcpredations tiu tlie good
citizens Ol tiial Vicinity, appropriating
spring seats, chickens, etc. Two more
of the rascals got away, and the otticeis
have been following them in Iowa, but
did not succeed in coining up with thern
learning t'iat they were on their way
home, the officers returned, and have
mad in arrangements to secure them
when they siiow themselves. The
springs belonging to Mr. J. M. IJeards
ley were found. The portion of the
gang caught have their trial at 1
o'clock to-dav.
AVIiat -;7ifi)
'orn, Is.ej
Oats, i.'-W'-.v.
I've v 40 .-Ji
Hurler w-f-.w
lloi."4,' o.M
Cattle J riti.';- a H)
Buckwheat, 50
"Kv Y.juk. April 4."
Money ."
Gold J04-,
TmrAoo, April I.
I'huir 5 m
Wheat 1 i;ii
Oats.. . $-.'.
Uye ..
i'rley,.... ..
lio-js " -4it-"r. 7",
Cynle -4 jti5 i
rsiLi .nirnenls
Ono Uiaii f.r th l 'i man 3-ar.iilv- The- I
Tlieso '.ii"i.. i ar -!ui-'y tho wonder of 51: I
world. '1 heir efiecta liu.e !e-.s than marvel- !
MXlJZ&l j
Neur.u.cia irni tue sy-su-ro: ;urM.umli:tt:o,
t'hililuitiii!". l-fk-1;iv'. I'iii.-v. lt''li. sunt most cu-
tam-ius er;..sioun : it xtrat-tf fro.-i trooi frozen
stints of vfiionioii- 'lUiics : it m.u.'.h.-h s u-
as'J "l-v'at VM Vvcr' kii,,!- V! !l''n i
s,!r:ijn r imiisr otvor. it i ti:e i.u-t oot.-ut i
rriiu-d V Vfr (t : co v-lfil to Ileal t !. t ri ; u; I :U't
i;14. nt.-iiir l.if;:tiK.-nt i- u.-,-.l itli crt-;it -!U-:i-
y for soro tiiioai. Tool has-he. t'nwrJ
IlrettwtM. K;tr-a..-li?. ami Weak V.-.u-k. II i fol-
lowing i lut .i s:niiiie of numerous re-tiMioiii-
"I.NniANA Home. Jeff. Co.,Ixn., May 2S "7:5
"I t'link U in v .liitv to inform you tluu I have
Miiliri'eti niii.-ii wiili HwoliVn i-t aistl
-ooi-a-. .V lev liouic n( t VMaur laninifiit
ilonff l!u- w ork u.h. 1 li:ie not Ix-i-n
free from Uier i-wfhiiis in rishl .veai'i.
Now 1 h:ii MrlVetly welt, 'iiie Liuimt-iit
oi'.jrlit to be applied warn.
Th ;i oof Is in the tri:i!. If U rf!iali!e. it is
hanily, it i rlieap. aail every family sinutlci iiave
Use wliiTf 4'i-iitaur J.iiiimcnt.
T!;e Vellow Centaur l.iiiimen t i-; :i!ai)-
to the toii'a iiniseics. ronl" ami llesii if
lior-es auima-i. It 1 ;i jierfoi iiieil mere
wonderful eures in three year of S;iaviu. Straia
Vv iiul-jfali". Seratclies. Swertty. an-.l
l;meiies. than till oiat-r ivmeilie hi exi-tv'iieo.
tieaii wUat tiie ijreal Kxit-ssiiieu say o" it :
"Nkw York, January, 137-1.
''i'verv ovi;pr of Iuts".- s!ioi!I gie the C'KX
TVI'K I.iMMl'.XT a t:-i;:l. We eea-iKic-f it the
lest ariiele over in-eil in our staliles.
II. M.i;s;i, Supt. Aihnus Kx. Slal'ley. N. Y.
K. ITI.TZ. Sm;-1. I". S. Kx. Sta:!e. N. V.
-LBKUT.-. OI.IN, f-ui-t. Nat. Kx. Staic N Y
Tlie patron of this Liniment are I'arriers an-1
Veterinary Suieonx, wtio eont im;a'!y iiii.".
some I.iuimi'ii! . J t ileal- ia'.l.-, U iiii.hI.. I'oii
evil. l'-moves Sweiii:ij:s, ami is worth millior.
cf doUai-s annually to rarnuT.". I.iverv-ineii.
Stork-Growers, Slieeji-raisei-si. ami tiiose lia in;;
holies or ealtle.
What a I'arrier runnot do for ?20 the CV:it'Uir
I.ininirnt ill do at a ti iHin -ost.
Tliehe laniiiieiils are rohl bv ail dea'ers
tlirouiiotit the country. Tin y ;tc warranted
by the iroi ietoi-s, ami a !o!tl"- will t civeu to
atiV Fiirrier or i'livsician who !e.siie- to tet
Labratory of J. B. Bose & Co., 4gDkv Sr.,SEv Y'oun.
I"I-l:r"! rstor:a a i oiinih te Rulisii-
t ate for Castor and i -s as ji!e:n !' t to take as
Honey. It i- ot'itieu! irlv mlapted to Teething i
and irritaoie eluMrea. It iei!oy- wonur'. as
iini!.:tes the food, 1 -vulat'-s tlie' tomaeli. and
euros wind eilii-. Ke.v reiit-d;es are a-i ep.iea
ei.uia lor i'everiMnie-. t'loitp, Woinis, and
V lu.-oiiiu'i Couli. t'aturia is a Micntiiic and
purely Vt etahle preparation, 'more eifei-tive
liian Castor til, and neither ijairs nor gripes.
Cou M!:rA,('onii., May it7'.
Messrs. ,T. R. Hose ti Co., N. Y. :
t'ent" : I have a family of eifrht chHdrrn. and
li.iv tiel a mu di C.i'oiji as any family in
t:e fiiiied Slates, tiiiii!:. 1 have never found
lavthiio' eoiial to it. Mv eliildreii have been
i saved from a fever .several times by the use of
I C.sio:;iA. 1 i oeommeud its use for children.
for l.iaay diseases they are Kiitiject to. in prrf-
erenec io any ineuieine I kudu ot. i leel it ;nv
duty to ;ive this -rrlil':eate on je'c.-uiut of tlie
1 tnefils 1 iiae d'-ii'.ed by the u-e of C'asti.ikia.
'( rv I nil v vfuirs,
fK!3 Suit.'.lAN 1". LITTLE.
I I i I I I I i I ( J
To tlie V'oi'inc: ('!rt.-W( arc now
prepared toranish ail classes with constant
ep'plcyment at lion:", the whole of the time, or
foriht'ir spare liiomeul --. l.usr.icss t civ, iizht,
and piolitalde. lVrsons of either sex easily
earn from ." cents to .s." per evening, iiml a pro
portional sum hv devotioi: their whole lime to
the Imsinc:. i'.ovs and nidi earti nearly a
iu.-.cli as le-'ii. That yll who see t'n'.s notice i.iay
send their address, and test (lie husiuess
make this ii'.ip:.:-;ii;c!!;"i M!Vr ; To such as are
not well s.-u i--tiol we ill scii-1 one dollar to pay
for the trouble ol!. l-'uii particulars,
samples worth sevrr.d dollar' to comtticiiiv
work on. and a "o;v o! Home and Fireside, oie;
of the largest and let l:.i.-i. a"ed pal. !.:;:' ions.
all sent f r e 1 y mail. U'.-cier, if v.i want pe.- I
fiiai.ent and p.nii'a'de wo address i
tiKiiiiiif. Stink. :';( .. l'oiilund. TI.
vcnfiVIT d '
!' -.JiPjl5lCS.tli.ini!.- M.i- !
tervrt.. lei ici- ol It v.-.' i
;i;n! e-ru-, t ue mere i- !
1 lid (ii-e:i -ed eit U'iU I
l.-iv.- i! ey r.-.-.ivet-d i
l.e:iK!i. eliet rlld s..i--
SsS--'-"-?. S:i T'iidhev id t.ol V.-u l.v
V: STCTJ-f!'.;-! ' l i V : s i ; i. iV - '
5-.l.!ii':?,VitJj i-.K l:r.ta:i..vrou. i
- zif
The C!:c;n ::.ff, ZUtrist ami F.f,-.i"?i; I
"? ii mi l -'u'jil H,.i:e;;t j
i,4.';m l'iil l.
I-'or Dyf-iendu . (" iiutifiutioii. Jainidico rd-
lous attacks, S, i
1 c:til:tc i'. o'ie. j pi'.
of s;. in:-, sour sto-i-..-'.. n,-.e-i l-.urn. a
i or any ii-junoi;- laiiicra! Ci-'t.iiiee. iiut i
eoDtainiiu; those SouMicni Jl-iot ;ud llr-rl.i.
wliicii ;m n:l v.i e iiin;.l; ic- lias :;icei in
ecili-.tlii:--vhere Liver Iliseu-es u:o; t ifeviill.
It wf.'I rr oil f''.:-t.x.-. nri.-v I l,j Ijt range tn-:.nt
it 'tin J.i-rrin'. i ; .W.' -.
The yiujitoiu- of l.iver ('iul:utit nrr ;i ldt
ter oi' bud t.1tC iu tile iiueitil ; i.iin ill tile l.-uck,
i-id.'s or joint .often iii-t:i::cn for l.iu-m 11:1; i.-m ;
Sour Stoiuiich : of A p;e:ite : I!o-a cis nltei -liuiely
e:i-:ive atnt lux: lieaduc'ee ; I.o-.s of
tin iv.ory, witii u ji.iinf ;d -eti;it ou of iiavin. fiil
ed to d'i MOii"t!ilM:; V 'deli ou rhi t liuve
done; Dehility, !. iv Sjiiriis, a i iiie!c y -ilo-.r a;i-
e;ir;iiiee of t!ie skin and eyes, a -ry c'oiiyu of
ten tuf-t ie:i lor -.iin;;iniiio:i.
Soiuj: imes iiuuiy of tiie.e .-iuototus attcr.d
fie di e;i e. at otliers very fev, -, l,ut tile l.ier.
tlie lurfst oi ;..!i iii tlie body, is Leueruliy ti.o
sent of the di-ej'-e. it not lejulmed in tiiu
..,....1 .iO..,.Oi-r I .I, ...I .....I T.'-.irt ..OI
1 ean reeofiiuieiid a an enicru 1 .! remedy for
r ii,, i.iv, r, n...-.rii.r.ra and jysJM..j.ia,
mm.monsj.i-. kk l.r.i.t i au.k
Ii:--. Ma-ter Street,
Afsktmit To-t Master, 1'ii il:;lci-.hia.
"Yc liave tested Its virtues. jer-on:i!!y, and
know tunt for l)VKi'fiii;i. r.ilou-ue-s, and
Tliro'.diiti Headache, it is tin- Lest medicine
tiie world rversao. We li:ve tried forty ot'uer
reinedicK lie fort SirittiKUis' l.i'.er Keu'-.ilafor, 1 ut
none of IIicih jrave us mote tuan ti mtioniry re-li-f
; hut tlie iicirul itor not only relieved hut
ctueil us." C-.i. 1'cUtji iipli a.t'l -wcf,ytr, Ma
con, Kin.
jl rii'.'f'K '. ir. -i ).' lit)
MACON, tlA.. and l'lilf.ADEf 1'IIIA.
ft contniiis four luedieal eleiiiett"". never uni
ted in the a:ue hapiiy iiro).ortion in any other
ficjiaratioii, viz : n u.-utle hart ::', a uouder
Iid J'oaie, :oi iii:eeejitio:i:ilde Allcralive aud
certain Corrective of ali irniui-itie of the ImmIv.
.Sucli visual Hucecss lias uttended its u-e, lliat'it
is now retarded as the
For all diseases of the l.iver, Sioimuli end
Arf C lit. !l --f? i'l
:Jittario!H l-v-vors. i'-e.vei Cieui '.rn
, Tvsoen
J.innd're. -.' -'.. I . '. . ..'
.au e-., m.-s uj,i ta-"'ie, coi
aii;l 'iiil'OlsUCS ,
x r jias T?0 EQUAL.
Aq iliTe ;ire mitu'e.-r of h.jf'n'iloits t.ffercd
to t he iuo::ii v wouhl caution tlie com in on it y
to hey no f..w,lersor Prepared Simmons' l.iv
KK l'K-;i;i.AToi:, tii.Iii, in our ei,i;r.iv d v. rap
ler, u;t!i tlie trade lo.irk. Ltaiiqi stud signature
unbroken. me ot -ier is ireriuine,
Macon, On., and Philadelphia.
Your valualde medicine Simmon V l.iver Reg
ulator, h:ii saved me many lio4-tor' bills, I use
it for everything it is reeoiiimeudeil, and uerer
knew it to fail. 1 hnve used it in t'olie and
ti nihil, witii my mules and horses. jrivin.Lj them
about lia'f u bottle at A time. I have not lost
one that 1 jr;ve it to. you ean reeoinmend it to
every one that lias stoek as lieias the best, med
icine known ior all complaint that lmrse-tlesli
is heir to. K. T. TA VI.Oi:.
3-iIy Agent for Granger of Georgia.
It disc!iar.:rc3 i'ijelf, rin:l lht:.-3
piYC3 almost tho ontiro l.bor ol
the operator It is ai invalua
bl3 liupltsmeiit to evoryfarnir.
Description vill be sent to
parties applying-, who -will pleaso
s;at3 in what papor they read
the tclvertisaniDn-G.
ScihIo, Btoo z Co.,
r3 r
I frost ?cl-R'Ol'?GrV fnftllW ' TlieHt:uilarireiR.'.lM'sfir:tHiiv,-a:'sif tl. ! t-tj-Vl R
; IMivlU ; MASMUSE rn.Lrf, iui.l if taken Mow , r j fi M t M H 1 LI
I fsv- 5 SV-STGS N- ! Jau-!. rire a .s,,-.1y ,uu- n ,-ftW:te.i.. ; ' V-J 0 U t 12 U f l tWA
ftTVT' vTf ,(A i 1 osr Hihv i..f.h,-n,os lr. .1. II cl!fmk f-1 -? El J. H M Si It r N'
I Er:iv ! lillt'MSKI fci''i-iC:-Vv I'lmn ilri. hi... pws lii.s um iv;i!!.-.l .utess m a 'S3 fJ H M H l. ?1 H H vn R Vl
CHtCACO, ILLS, "-i ' ..x.oct.r:i!l..I1.f.vvii.-!i th. nhi-trm o't MV.t.-'r I
T"-i ''tea? :I.-!.t.-iy :,; n: ;-"i;;-.v
to lit- waiio :l i a iti its ; rtiaeiit
(.1 Jo.irs..!i.n!i. K-.-.-h tiemt'er t'.-ntai!!.- liii
Mires, t h I ''-' di! - so ! !:' p .; e, v i; 'i a h n-.i I -,i.l:.e
eover. ::;" is t-ea:i':r'!l!y !::! IM'e 1 v. Uii
ek'atit .;u':e--!.t-. to-i-ivi:::.-. It is tii..- o'i!y
paper in liie world devoted es :;-ive! to i; x o
stock, and llie dairy, it disci. ses tlie ci'.,iiee
of bie'!iii;.r. the merits of thr vaiious t reeus.
the most approved nictt'.oil of feeiiiai and
liandii:;;z. and everything iiertainitiy to I ti-- sue
ecssful iriaii.iirement of i;ve siocn ou tlie far.n.
Jinriun tin; year i.-(77. l'rof. .lames I.a-.v. tlie
inent etei inariaa i-f Unieil Iniveisity. xi!l
eiutnhute a -eri s of artielen upon tile lav.s of
iie.iltl: and disease s applied lo iioaiostie Ani
mals, that cannot taii to tie of ure.-it Tahiti to
l-'.-iriners and Slock l'.reedeis eeiy i:ele. it
coi, tains separate I lenart mi nt s. devoted t o
ii.... .,!.:, ;,...i,..i i. ii-.i.. ...,,i
itseon'-s of editors a're oijiani.-.l t lo'ouVh.'.ut
the enure count i y as t !;t in-t l norouit. Amc
and i'raci ical w i ib is in their cep. irate. I'- pari-
ineiits. t can be foiunl in America. No ex-
pease is spared on tlie part of its publishers, to
make it a o'(i'i-o,iiif, lum in al and i.i-.-iTi
f i''f .loitreai, just such as every i'.itelli.'ivut
f-niuer and stock breeder will liud wortii ten
lime its com each year.
I'KltMS Simrle copies, one year, postage
paid. . 1 5 : Clubs of live, pu- tau'e paid, s 1 .Hit
Clul:.of ten. witii an extra copy free to rerseii
m.tkiii i up elah. posiane paid.'i.
Minirf.' i't m.tntti -f tioti i mtiit d ht all icl n ill
tirf'i-'. Addres.- letters. registcrlTij:
eoiiiaiiiim; uuniey, uaiess in shape d" l'ot;ti r-d-r
or Draft, to
Sit K K . J ( H ' ! I N A Iv COMPANY'. 1'ablishers,
Lakeside I'-niidin. CillCAC. U, 1I.I.S.
;Si:ni 23 .':::' re it m-k'-imkn Copy.
.."V sjj jt. ,
S'(Tq,C v.-v;..-.-,.'ftI' 'r r yl f
JaS'" As our a1vertue iuj r.-.c. ma-io his advert
mer.t alt'ether dutinot, we will interi'r'-t ad ela'jo.
rate it, a fullowi : I
K. 15. FOOTI'. 51. r., j
Anthtir of Tlain ll-me 1'nlk. Medical Cj iun-m S tifc, j
Scienre in Storv. etc.. VSi I.e::.n" Aven-.te (is. ,
E-i-t Ssth Sins-t), Ken Yiirk, m Ivnu iisniM
1'hvsiciaN, treats all fonna of .iHttertfj r ( l.rouia
Ilis -.tses. and revivo letters lrai eii j arts cf thu
OtvirazF.n Woblb. !
By .trijintil wry of coi-ductinpr M-tii'-ftl rtao i
tin", he is ucoe--fsil:y tr-si-mr h-.:'.ithi-.s oni-efts in i
K ii rope. ti;e et liivllos-, "tuorniitloii ct !
Cauaila, nnJ in cery pnn of iiie Cniud S'siuis. j
Or dniPti'Hous dni nssl. He has. ihirin r the part
tTvemy three year, truatcd Rucrsf uUy iitsrSy or jiii:n j
4;i,U'"l cns. All f.u-ts coiini-Tted with rued cu-e ura
carefully recorded, whether thoy be wi!i:n:in'.catsl liy ;
letter or in persea, or otwrveii by the Ooeior or t i
a8-MK.-iate physiciina. TUe latter ar-i a'.t nciciititia
dedieal men.
Are All invalids at a disiar.i-e arc i ir,n!n J
to ans-.rer a !ist of T'lain qutvtions. whi-h c'c.w ev-rj
ym;tom undsr w iii h tiie inva'.ij m'Ters. .1. c.-i
muuiti oii ti'ert'tit Mrlcliy cnijti"iu. A cn'rpita
v-ein of r.risurin orcvents unmake-, or coi.t'tision.
Li- of que-umiH 'i:t fre, on aooiioMinu. to M.y is.rt
of the world. Sixty pare ia:niht of Evt!).NCi -T ;
fr'tefTss, a'.Fn f'Tit f.-eo. All tt-.esa tiv-iuiinc! er
from those vrho h:ivo been trcnu-d by mail and exf-e l. ,
CiiH on or aJ;trees
DIt. E. B. l'OOTE, !
Kfi. 120 Lexington Ave., K. Y. j
4-l t
Vuittcd 1o Stll DToufrs K iin Jtwc Ihllc
and J Udi'cui Cemzn n. .-A teo
jVfcto- .Science in Sicry.
Ii r i;rifcuSars gjJvm
Mumrft'ii'ii-t'uliishr. ofe;p-.'iy IZ- 'sTib'-r.
Dr. Ber-jer's Tanls Toscl ani 1'ile iM-s.
Th"e nil. s are an inf.illi'i!-; rorn.' ly for e':i-s:"p.i: i.-:
an l ri.o Ci:; I by -,v--.V-nos-i or r i", .-.-! n i f l:.i
s-r;stiti: t-.or:o.j ..i th-i U.'.v--!--.. T'i'-? vv.y .-eiri:i
ir!cn.-.A-;rt tl-.-f a-', f ty of tie, in-. ireil cr pr. .1 ii.u
t-r' t'. :iri-l r 'U.i.e r-:!.is at o-.n. 'J':i' v.-;iit..i.- 1 :-.!
ton t Dv l. mi. i'rlce 51 ";.;-. t. t y nd o
re'sv-.f. ot !-i.s-. Pr.-oarol w'x :..- I. ALV.'.KI"
tl :'.'. j ! V . t i i. i-'JiuaiCiSi-, -ii j'oc'il Vi-.i; -ii,
N !'...- Vi.-.u CiTr.
Dr. Hirir'a Conipai.l i'iiil irrtraet cf j
T'i- li'-t pju.liin ii ion of pur.-ty vi'.'.rib'c r-i- d I
t en ir-io- rep:.i." Ca'Jinel or B-r.e Fi.l. It -:mi.'.-i43 j
tn ii ;r. ir.'-r. is m ih (tv .. a--. 1 t':ir. ii.-.M"v. ;
it on :-. t-irpi iiir of tlie livir, lii.-Mi-in-s ae.,1 li:it.i --ir.i i
t . ti. n:i ! Tha ii-.Ke.-i--- frum ;u j
il i,: v siek tva-i iciio. ft ituli :;e--. e'c. TaeclVeo- '
liV.-i '.s of i. i;s EiLiTtrt will lie p.-.'ved, vii-il-ly. a: i:M
-. ill.- pit3', us on or turn tkittli.s ore uttflio'rtit to I
ST-'ar thu c-i:n;Tion bi int-fiidy, nn 1 remove ri:i:p'ri ;
i l stin C-4ILSU.1 hy liver truuti e-. 1'rli e J! rrrt) 't:l. j
i l iLUort, 5, Tili to sei.t on r,M ; of iho pi ire j
r- any Ire--v fn. cf rli:ir-e i-r.-enrrwl ov t.y ;
V. ALFRED IlKICHA !MT. VuAtaUki.u.1:, -M3 Foi'-ssy
iiini. -iw ii u C'rric.
M - , ' i : r.,
r f i in
Pofn-l's cfr-vcpcr'or'A-v
over tlio oi' t ti.:'-rj.o l't
will boro iat-Jr in t:.!!
condition? of eoii, xtili
bore through Coilrly,
Rooty, or V r a 3 h y?
round vi-thoub too
ifaip ot arr c-..t-r
tool, can r.j used io
c'i.i arrro a hole uirv adv
in-t? T?vofr,r Post
Ilolc-fl, Ho.1.-" fricvAo.
Hop Polfes.
T T f ""TTrT" 'i ' ",-'1Ts TTr
rri?"' " p - n r p s.-
Oi.ii. ILL, LlliJi. ii JJ
yia nrc :'T. nri'T k.
Jit -V .'i il 4 '. '. ii.-JI
:13 8. "ilaiu St., t-t I.ou-s.
Par Rnsv,i-i! tis c it
- '1:
tiaeiia-ni, ii:.-hi." ei&to ia tvlc
JiVtr st. iv rtud l
f':nr:!rR3 and 0EPAP.A-
r...iLVVri I Odi-liO) ,
r.Ian-CLfactui-od by iho "VThc
& Llolio:; Co., I.'o-w Toxk:
r--'i f!i Gcnvtry
T -tcrn Trade, a stoclx is k
ciltPLE, DIRGE & Vt
ij zrT ,!'.! :i t-rr.ELT, st. i
( ln-
1. -.: 3; ot-'im ffieii"! I:.- rJ';S- -V"
:-.: vi T- t:,i. tv-M t.ip iwoii e
.-. 1 i t:-.j4.r lucji t-i" ;J lUa a.-n:l tla.-0-
, . ,ii
K 'lUllXOT.T h
... jv- -
r,T m : ii
Ir. SCM l'.N KS STAN i) A I) I? I! Tx E iI ES
i ; i :p" a s;i;;r,t eouu'i n. :!1 tliiow ;t :f, the pa- I
tii-i t !.;.; rest ,-umI ! i:e liuis iiei;:n to l.ctil. j
j'o e'iif!d- lit" l-ti'i-ion'c svino to d- tii's,
!;-. -'c's M.ittir:-i:-- Fii! ainl c'l'-iic. S.- i
".Vt-cd 'I'tmi'- i-Hm l-.e freely used to !:.-. si . i!i,- !
si en,.- !i t i ; i r. Sj-h.-tn-k's M.MotraS i-
T ell u." el-. ::, , ; !.!.. r:i'!iul, h - ,
tin!'-o-r, i ii- I
i tl:fr liver is "iimi r-i:evei.
! Seh.-nek.s Sea Vv i ed 1 os.iv is a (mle vilniu i
; laiit and alterative : the alitali i.i which it l j
: con-.po-.eii niixe-' wii H the ti-o.l and pre.t-iits i
souriiiir. It asMs-fs the digestion p- toning up j
' tie- st.itiineii t a healthy condition' so that the !
1 food and Ptd-i ouie Synni will make itood olood : J
i men tne lanys neiii. ana tlie piti"ut win surely
I -et -.veil if care is I., Ken to prcvi-.d lieh -oid.
I All who w ish to coiiult lr. Seheiick. eitliT
j ix roiiail.v or by ietti r, caa d i so at piiaei-
' ' '" ' 7' -' 11 11 " ",' - ''"-
UeijMita. -, e: v ..loiiitav.
; Seheiiek-s inedh-in.-s are sohl t.y ail driris-s I
! .
S i
l-i T. rM
! 3 S
- o
I o
At tlie M stiin.t of Vaoory & IIutTnrr.
Now kept tiV
?r4 r?-; v-i- - vT
(';:- '.'liners will fia.l a ;rertfr;:l ass u tticut of
Dry Ghods,
Hoots and Shoes,
iAincy Gr'ods,
Q w eons ware,
J ' i'. !'.!-.' p-irc'i :sed !ie cut ire s'ock find irood
v iii oi o-e i t!i.- oi l iiriiis. t i--.vii : V;dler.v &
l'.i!'::or :iri 1 ':i;!i'iy i,-.--v, I a n u -v ji:--l-.:!ca
io oi.4"i- it
Lnrgo and Handsome Assort
ment of Goods, oi ail
r- n c .. T r.? r r? o . r rrr
ii. ii rx x: 2.4. j a
1 e-;;-'et to In:;-.- for Vtci. ;iid i"is!i fln. :i" 1
t '.-! 1 ..-! ! i-.j'l-.' 4!:iii !'fi.l .-.el- li.if-:
r;i"0 ;it,.;-c;..isiii- ei.-ee.'!iei'e.
Til; V1V
j : 4 4 jntAi ii
'..t:'..-!.ust::j. Nc')., i", is:r. iy.
s r "i f rr . r-.-.-.
L..2-:i 1 a. .
::nt i f i'iittte VaV-y !'.. use.
In tho To v n.
O'ood Tixims Altr'iys cn If inJ.
Csxfcful Drivers sent xrith car
riages if desired.
Crin-i.ij,fs s.-.'i't to rt-:oi
v. l:i-i:t)Vi r oi deied..
ill trsitis
o::lv her-:f: in tovvm.
.. c.-in ':v'- s f:rr:;N'i''(l to
J. V'. Si i VNMi.N',
!'l!a:i...!!..-!:-ii. Neb.
"2kc!v!:i!., & r.;i old "I.iVor rijj'l
lu-r f Th re sal iik ?IncIiSnew,
!r:s oi.ei-.-d a -':i mi Six !i Strc-f ucv.r Mr. Don-
e! ly '.s i;i:e-i.-,i,.i: 1: e.iai Wlnioii Sii. p wliei e io- iias j
i-i'cp:'. I Oi I ''il!:- ''if i(. mi any siel :: .! ui.;e!iir,e vo i
v. itiitiiit i nci'i'iien. lie litw a o. 1 lathe ci-.n
tiirii ii: u.Hj.l. i i-ori. sf e.'le. iiii.l ail o - he r inet.-it-i in
roniiection v. i; Si m;?c!:i:o' v-oi k. Ho can do any
j Hii.-ej reouired in n u.u.. -iiiil:i. veu to nial' in1 ;i
i (. ua, of vlm ii v. e have ti.e evidence i:i a l'al.
i 1 r--a-!i lo;: !; thrr.-viiiL' o:a: two liile-j hallsat
' ,!; e a: ;i; oi ll.- v.'ii-'.i-r
Mr. lio. W. .-'liiM-ltr a farmer rrnr l"-i:'k
I'.iiif'sau 4. Id ae:t!i-ii.aiice of .Mr. KiatT f: otu
Virgin: i e.m I e -; red to in ie-'eid to his f inner
comeciioa wit'n iii" maliufaci ,-.f Tlire-lntur iie Mr. K i a c;:!l and lie v. ill
i'lsure u sat i.-factory worii o i auv ti.i' t or a,
Tii n ln Macliiue.
c-r- .
X. f-
"5 -
v. - -1
s "i 'i
y Z.
y -
r. r
3- CD
5 7
r Ki r r a rsi
Si A &A
I10K.SC siiolinj;,
AVAJiN I'f-PAiinxc.
All kiniLs of
. '
aily iZ- Promptly
Ii-e '; 's -it! i!
I f -.!!;.;,. Ail.lre.v,
i--; v
t . .
Milled OxSIiceinyixnooIcUleliabloWasoiiMaker!
!rt, we'll shoe anything that lias ;
) feet, from a Zebra to a Girnfrc. ;
t tie ft nil hi-U l.S. j
h 8t.. hetween Main and M-e sire, !
L.- 1"J 1 ;
7. Y
u i
'.l 1
5 J-?, C3"ii. jL Isl"
Wo are 1:. :i!i.ios d.i'.lv ecijit of
i' lii. 'u we t tVer our fri.-uds and tlie j-uiiHc lit
it l-r'C' s to
t fimnn nnn& (ififtfiP,
CaiiinciTs, Alpacas, Delaines, &v.
Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00.
MiiGlins, from G cts. a yard upward.
Tlie .n.u-st stocI: id AVhite ".edsiui .i.i ever lirou.clii to tlie ity.
BueU's Cassitnere?, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonadcs in
full Stock.
iii..l CJ
- V '"'
2 Sell iSSStiEB&LiiiS-a Stli'Jo
Country Prcduce taken j..r p.!-:; ;
;uakant::kim: a -'
e.l V. il!l r Hi cc .- . T 1
on i i t!;. ye;!rs joi,e 1 y, I i-espr.'-: . l ily ;n
r is .!.M'A, ::, ::id lioje.. my ett.
Frsd, Gordon's Implems'nt Bmrnvrnm
Tin Ki !STi:i"i:r. M'::ni or mai::.
Is tho place to buy every kind of Agricultural Implement.
y-ULKY CANft PLOW, f thr ! :-t:;-j iVo.v Co.; ,S'7'.l.V.! ED XEY JU
L'lliU CULTIVATOR, I?.,:':f ,d, III.; XEW JfOXlTOE,
' (7 7..-(. A :- ir, COEX P LA XT EE; t'lIAMEICX
ohd 'flu- CELKiiii.VTEI HAllllOWX
J.-t. t.i., J. -v -f- --
t,IXai.E envl COjIEIXEU
Me nn a.
i '-fit H-IJ'-Jihuliny ntti Imi'tit.)
THE YIJsIkATOU niREXlllXH MACEIXE, XMt"U, M'piatd d- Co.
L'aticfcticn G uarantccd or no Sale.
Of!:cc in J. V. f.e":!.;ir :r . Store, ar.-m-r J;.ia
At Uo old Hyatt B.rn. (lat. ly .r.r.c' ytal le)
in I'laltsiHoutU. Neb. Will ke. foiis-.antiy.on
hand a iiuniber of
Horses for Sale.
Tiia huvin-and -'-'Hini; of pond horses made
live sjieeialiy of lie' hi! -un'.-s. A new
wii.'i re-:l:- liorscs, f.,r !.:'.,! ic to d:ive is kt;tj
at 1 he (s;nl,l.
11-yl. E. I'AliMELi:.
('i-erit M. reauti'e i.'i,!t.'-c. K.-n!,(l. I...a. oi i j an I waif: Hi . load-of pa in fr ; e t h l ' A HI J
the M;,sis,iioi. I'rof. Win. 11. .Mill.-,-, lo-iieia! 1 lie ,i . y Ue.i.e in e r t .1 s . inetreiii.ii v.:;:r. Alout vttv dol-i Thankiiii.' all e:yol. iii.tion 1 r iii.n.y
t..-.- ...... ..II ... .... ... M ...,. .1 I
. 1 1 . ' 1 i 'Ll' Sl.i, J 1'"' !ri A "" J " 1 '.llii'il- I. 1 i 1
r-..:-.s.Oj.,.-itfn's.Al'.-!.Uectsi-Vfy .is :::.d 'lei.eli- :
vs thor-o-.fc'idv Si't-.l. lin: iish 01:1:: lo's Cue. i
Free Lei-tur- by Lininrjit Oiittois. Fr-ii Fes
! iv :tU wit !i Ili ass ilatnl in College Hall. Free I
furwislieil rooms for self lioar-iin,-;. leleraiili- j
iny fre. .short hand writing free, (ioed r.oanl
inir clubs, and family l-oai d. . Kaili 0.-1 I fai de-dm-ted.
liiiini iise t iisiness in Kenkii:-,'. Nova-
canon. Auiire'-s r..i m-si ...o-s-. o...i ......
State where you saw this iHi el liscnient. llyl
fj" AND
Wagon, Bii'jgy, Machine and Plom rc-
pairti.'j, and ;; ii r.ti j 1'ji. n-j.
now iiiej.ared to do all LiinN r.f repairm:,'
'1 l.n ii. and ol r lua' h i aei y. as then;
is a good lath-j iii my .-hoi'-
,-s.t-i5.e c-.r-e of the v.a-ii liot.
1(o is NVt.u iuiII,VI, as :l
Nf. 1 AYOXK.MAN. '
., v . . ...Tf . r , .TlT-., 1
Sl.-iri oil S.v.t'.. lifi", ivo-'i .' -r:-ee.'' ; .-!,. .i"
f f.T
ft U h ' r'iJ S
5i rSi U D
r '.lit tl:e til:
Styles !
Mait ami tvm$$
13 nry fi fx y ,rf.j
KIN "I;.
in exchange for Good::.
i i ; -i,t;-.i;,iii e of tl.e ; aii-.e.
- t:i .h".i ..' lii.iy ' e rr .. ii
.1. . V f H P. v: H.
OXE JiOOE liV.V" (E P. .
plattxuo!' rrr, eh;: ask a.
mid oEili s.)
:id Third .tr-et-.
TPe '-Id MINNT!! STATI-F- in I'l.-tttrnoiitl,
Nth., have he?n leased l.v Ir. .lours, I'tei he
li.ii ojiened ;l new ;e;d h.M.i' - . i V rv tn tid4
v.ed ku.e.vii ham. Tl.e Tii:--:. nnd L-e: i of .io1j--
and CirriaRi s always ica:lr to 1-jt.
tsAiiin.r. iio::si'.s iii r.
Horses kept for Sale
or lo Trade.
Idisiri'to five t nut I have a Ur;'0,
hand-uine l iiek hani, with .'cut;, of loom I i and wa.'n::s. lean l".t I -i lie 1-. Moe.;
f-i v-- 1 , i Miii'lt J.-.eir 11:: : nuuiiif
,tT ai' d do
i - ctter h U.ern 1:1:1 .
1. 1 !:,
v.i l j-: 1
TTl 1 " 4t1. fStri1.1-tf
-r n -i ,,-5 4lrt ( Z f o 1 1 1 or?
C-jtftcrDtli an-1 l'e.1.1 .s;i.
!)U, WtAAi, Oil .tlOSTK.
For -i I-'air C iiii!ni-s: m.
I'ai .!' i:'...i attenlion ii.iid to
Driving ana Training
TKTTI. STOCK. A he:tie fuluidied when rul'e'l I'jT.
FIerald Office
-jTTO "7r? f"