( -- i .mm- r -&g ' r4i J S.V"- .-- l i I ii b 1 tt. - . - - t? ... ; .j ' !' - . I - I U 1! ii 1 4 ;:?'r-i '."'..i J3 ."!ilC?CA- . . . t . 1 . i .1 P - it i 4 ? . . 1 ; : - v. ' . . LOCAL AEVEBTrSE3T2Ta. Trswstent, 25 oofa a lino. Begulnr acrrjr-.fs-o,iae8lsi per lino. - No dvsrtenient inaei t ni loCleoM Uian 4 eenta. JjegU nottcea at Biatnte rate". JUtofney-i -nd officers of the law rill be nHd T3sponslDi (or B iecral notices they hand in. na ad fwrtlea demanding .a prott of publioa Uon cl auy notice wUi be tie"d (or the o'ibtlu Cfoo tea oi sucxk notice. At oar pact Is United, all e'.tinnnre'ons 3iwt,be T-i and to tti point, w uti no vaata a( wdU. - Ttm stent, a eer: u M 14 oeats ocr Una. 4 Cbrjtes t1" ecnu. ti.w ,;.a...;.i. '.:...-'. amount of pctat'Jna. , Centennial ranufcIory. Gents'Sti'? custom work, warranted at" K b Sher wood's. . . -. ; ' i'. "GOOD -nAROAIXSl t- SIDE LACE SHOE, ' for 81.73 Ht - MERGES SHOESTOItE. i. . m v Messrs., fitreight & M.ller . jvlsh to ca'I tho attention n tht-ir customers to the fact that it Is c.is.in:iry toe use Piiine ilit'riin Ma;;!? fi'i7r at r. o. xews Defttt. . i- ; till - 3 rr;-ni coco mnts, oranges u;iJIcaion3 at t'.io P. 0. Kev. l Iii-p!, cm v J uJi.-tJil. v-i. 4 r. ri'fi .l a-.-: J.-r:'i S:li.S, .'ulc'kih hi ; 'tv!..! i'. !;Cti TS. Will, . iiuit, . i- lioubn. i ri.ictpl'w. and Jospph lt-1 ituujts ; ' - 1 - - Pj nrt-.ie tf Bvo cxccaMofi? Ismsd ly the C'.cts ot tiio DLttrict C ui t. 24 Judicial liistiiet -.'. .::.:.-.-: : r. Ciuaijr, 6leliaU, and. to ;'C v 'coi-.n. : v: 1 ;.ic uii.li day .i April, A. i. 1-.:. , ; ! :: .v. i.. of said d.ty. at to t...u.- - i ;:.c O'jrt iloune ia tho -ny of f v ! t , ill s,.Ia C-oiinlv. sel.Ht 1 iipuC Ai:r t Tifitvli-ic.hl r: !'r -it Ji. .! 1 T -i f!it- tin. . 'vtm,!,. up accounts at the ctomeucetnenc ; niL suf.if ipnrutiwa tver in- t: 11 TV . -r- - -, -.it,,,, ,.(,, tuoiirt.iiip.c. t v.oi:3 use iiu'ir hi a it fo:i).Y3 ih;it tliev iv.n.-.t .. . ..... ... ...... ,, .Kd-to !,:vt- fn,,rI VrJy. Tl1 Wou.,fl ! Pi..io,,ia. Hernon!,r. is lua . . Avf ptny who takes tme Ike noa--nifiec. tvhctl bum, or whPttoer lie U a fnhcriuer or not ij rrspoRstbl for tb pny. iJ m iiiusf n nil nnvHi;!"1. or the imbll.-ih- nsd. be iaust pay all arreu;tss. or the inUilMfi rmu eontlniia to tend ii. until nvmciit li roado. and collect the whole nmnt. whrther die paoer ia tait?a from the omce or not. S. ib cuuru have decided tiiiit refusing to . ta newpaHra and periodicals froin the post oCe, or reertng mil l-&rinz tiicm Divcail-nl fci, ( arte erl.teace of isfTENTio.VAi. faAVD. have lipen acc )muirKlated" to hnrnss and other pfMxls, that they will he ex- !i'3 ev- 2,0 ;erj'i-j m continue to end ii uiuil payment J I pf-cted to C.i!l and aettle their accemts ?.,t , ' V vof",, ., ',-r'i- ,. v and colleet the whole amount, whrther ft i" 1,. :.. ti...;. 1 i,u'- le-lrt- - -? a. . sr. a. 11, . '-''' poor, suIiVri:!?. sk.tic.J prv.i-ii g-.i;.K tha. is complete, and all want:n-; ; tht, v;;1 (;, .......i., j anytluriff in ll.eir line Trill find it to , ri.OI:, tJ)(lU. t, tt t, L; ,j:;t , Papoterits, s'atijnsr, j'J...i3, 3p-tuhl in Bw Balls and B iU at tue P. O. t ti..lt . e f -in- real rsu e to-tii s iwie Kami. Vi.u-a TW..f Rl1! ' I'-'-'i rv 1. e v. Uj L. IiobliH i:ii-tu, conUtii-Mi i"H i". ,u 1 () nri.t.v.' ! ..:: i -oae acrv3 more or lee, j ii !:; ,u , iv. ..:y -atj v.-u aud tweuty-eivht In ItrtfTTi- r. wv v tt"j i" -" riv- i "'r'' '-i' Vt-i.. 1.0..:. r ue fourteen. 64t ot the I... a t, d'-cji.-ed i:i foiiOWS s 1 : .:, c it Unlui 55 20-13 acres j 1 sec i?. eostaicia Jo-piO ncres ; ; in 1 C 'litiicin' Zj 70-100 acr; s : - ' bojia ii.rlx C-vi) li'-nn-Ciiat ;'iitrrrn':4) Of &ec.ioii ivvtmy-n.jriii i;tn. hi !;!!;: 60 ac: c. .iii.ii La (; ) 01 tii r iiDii.-i ta.-t yu.utor u. la:; i.vi,.i Vt HUarter -(lrO of-? 1:;) . 1 t.-my-fcit liv ctiUUlL.iiu '.to a.-rv. if ti.: ia-u-: quarter tneH of thi corth-v.-e ,l qj:..-.c: UvK. 1 1 ! M.ul!i-i ij.1-! ;:i:irtyr js.-'j : ijtrt tisu iix'eaiy-cl'at i-'S t juLalciaj 1 .. .... i,t , 1 r "A l;l. I-, ll'lj'i;. severe toui::-.. Croup J ti-r thro.it Laud Lun disfan. ? .t. if - wr - - 1 1 : 1 ""rcT.o T. Cao :;nd E'- 'il.cn fc.jlLccsiso.'-i-ac thi I , - L.-1.1 01 j, 1. i & t. -J p-j::iuii, a 1 iauci i.i. ce reli. Ai.AriA Cir.oti. Joiui W. Carrei! Tranr-h If. Cumd; and Alzcr!a C-trrcir. nors n iutsci tithwii cf NeurasJct!, s-iu take notice Uiit iUe piaintlils tovo uamoJ. of the State of Wisouslu.didoataeSdia dT of January. A I. 18H, file the r pelltiou iu the UUuiet Court of lUe aocc.td Juoiciai District. In and fur Cas County I't'bni.s&. bmni liie stud Francis hL Uanii, Algeria Carreil. Jo;.u W. Carrell aad jvlw liarrrl, rtefnda-.iiJ, KeUiuc forth the exe cution 01 ci-itHin uioru-aire by the aaid Fran fHU. i;rrf II, and Alzeria Giureil. to the said J. I. G'a? ft i.. on t'.ie east half (em of tlwj sontli-wei quarter isrrli) of svcilob twenty (?) and fotir(icrea all in town eJeven (11) range lourten U) nnri rue w h iix th3 north-west quarter (nw) of eertluti twwKyahie ('"i lu-vu elvi-u (ii rn.ijra fouit eu(M, m Cms .'o-.!aty, NebTn-vKH. to sp!;;i the p.iyn.eal ; os., rg- crciiBi: to a certain pro.iiLnory r?. msniioned ia liit i.iUi I'l.iittae. and t'.at "fla.-e liic piving 03.111 nitirlgaji--, t;.c s;iid JoU: CitiTell claims iiae imprest in the said luml 'onder the satid Fraacid M. Carreil and Jlzrfa Caiw-U, jirayia .hal an accoaiit uiay U Um-tj of t.io-- amount due t hereon, that puiniiffs c !.. fee fciiowed a reai-oiiu!t- aituruey's fe. lliat Ihes-M iu teresl of tl)er,;tjil Jv.uo Carreil twj rtet Unvd fnfe- A::. y;- I .;t R & M. R. R,.Time Table. Corrected Tuetday. February 6th, 1377. FOS OMA.HA FKO-iTTSMOUTH. Leavea s .-45 a. m. Arrive- 8 Aa-in. " 2 UJ0 p. in. ' 3 :IS j. m. from o:jaha rox platt3mocth. Loaves i) a. ro. Arrive3 10 :! a. lit. ' 4 -00 r- ni. " h p. f. " e fjo p. m. T .-t p. 4i. ros TTtr. vvrsT. Leaves nattvuo'iUi 3 :!-. n-.. Arrira Lin coln, 12 H5 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney. 8 n) p. 111. Sr. Louis Exphps's- l.ar i'la'umoiali, 4 A3 p. ni. An ive-, Liacorr., 6 p. in. Freight !s ivea 7 :13 a. m. Ar. Lineoin V :Jb ;.n:. raoM t;ie vpcst. Lrrt Kearn.'y. 3 :) a. rn." Tavrs Uatn'n, 12 :15 p. ru. Ariives Plul'iir.oalh. 3 :15 P- m 8t Loura ExpRitw- Leaves Lineo'.n, 7 :20 a. m. Arrive Fiattrtinouth. 10 :S4 a. in. Fr-Hghl leavs Lin'o'ta 11:15 a. ta. Arrives Platuiitouiih, 4 :12 p. ia. GOING HAST. FjorftS-o. S rf-A a. m. FuMeuser, ttrain each day) 3 :! p. m. 4 KPTVAL AMD I.PAF.TCEE OF PLATTS MOUTH MAILS. EASTERN, SORIHSM & SOTTTHI?X full s ork of groceries also kept con .itrtiitlv 011 hand. I r - 45tf For Sale at a Barr!n. ON'E HOUSE AND LOT. one block south of Miin Street,. ... STORE BUlLTiTNG A ND STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. try it. If you ;!. vou can !X t : Uiv- a . .iLi.-e: :.k M'.:;u r (y'i u H'C tliu wl;tO ! ts.t iju.-iter is.rrr lt.c-.i cMt'-i'a (i.j, Voiir j ni:fiI!-tS in i i-:-i .i t'.,c fixot -.C i.) i:nsiv i.-it:S;:.b-. twn- it 1 y-.:: r o'.vm lauit, Ilattsi:j.Hith and iret a Satople Bottle for l' '-z -r-r' '' 'V 11 44 ; A -'t ' ; -ost ! r,.u. 10 cents :t::d try it; ture dovs w 1 ! I j , : ,u.;. .o.i f.s.ea . .lij." i.im- t : riov to tiir.t of pi-iisaM, and tiit tlie said prein- mttv lf 5i.Wl f- 'itii:fv ..; :?i-7 f!.i1m iti- Use property of les the said J .n Vf". Cajri'ai and Francis Car- . . .. re.l iay sua: lut.'rsjt and f.)ft l y a dav to I j i vtiuri rc:.i cs.at, r.i t.iij 1 :a;i.ed by timrt. itn.i thi said FraneiJ I ..-.a. iv-oii. i liiiTHi a.Liii iz'.T:a. ur.r: ::rt- neren noiinca ! t.l-if. tiltV ill'. rftiifyT In ini.;ir ...I rmwvlT i alio pi'Uii.ifi on ir m-iore the Jo. u a y til Apm, A. if. ioi,". or ! toe.eia -et i-iU wi.l le tak-u 3 true, tcid ju.ln mi ie.i .'eied aaitiet ... I. (,'Ail. ix., nv TLi, B. V.'ioham. tbei:-Att'y. j r ia.-tr - - ' . " j . j j.. n. 3 (ST! i n-neve !:y case. cti;t5. L-idi;.-o ;o .Va!l-ry & Drew's, and June B'ack will fit yon -out w ith a flue shawl at a vry lovv figure1 -the stock of slriwls must so d. 4&t2 Any person having the Grain Co'a sacks will o!'ig tnerl-y returning the s-irne at ;ice. Fued Gorier. 51,t2 J. V. Weckhach has returned froai -4 i: or the Eaa; with an f-itir" 1:? v poxls o!. the ro a 1 n: 1 co.n'iiz in every d;iy or t"v. Arrive fci - t vO a. m. I Depart at 5 :m a. 10 . 3 p. tu. CilAHA VIA B. A St. Arrive at l(:S0a. ni. i Depart at - J :1 p. n. WFSTfcCX via b. h. Arrive at - 3 J5 p. m. i Depart at - C 0 a. ni. vrr.t:rxo ititfr. i Arrire at 12 :oo r.i. ! I-"i art at - S :1 p. ra. . sck PLrrr a vi- ioit mills. : AriiTu at 12 9 m. ! Depart at - l :W p. ni. ) J. W. MAIUK II.!.. P. M Elsm P.irnt'e Ijsz a waon lat week and John Sh i iniu soais d-.vahle-trees and things. Tues-Hy th wag-.:i was brought back in front of I)trif blacksmith shop wita co:apli;n-:its of the borrower we s:ipp.. Wish some oiie wouhl brin. oar ol 1 bench back soon. It- etti.'i iuiarn -r a::d Il'4i-1 53) B ine!:? P,EST NEW SALT. : Ht at SCIINASSE & GltAJIBERC'S. M Y ,0 t .:.;:. (. :. f... 1.1 i.i i M. ! 0: ,-trfi'-ipi i : " j .a - f--n (" m r.M ii ivo cast vl the J A.t 1 f.-o lot .i (.i i :.v. t-'.-.O (14 e: ;;;tij.'.' lil I.OC'v JS-nilJ. fcnenlf s caie. ZJ'-l RITE RS ATTENTION! juliin Ptpperber. f'iirar Maaufac tmtr, on Main St.. PUltsm'uth. Ni1!'. t'iar riijipings of .Siiani"". ; i A.-v ri an Tob.tccoes for 8u k:.;; j.-;; ;';:;.-. For Sale. Be.it qu diti.-s r-'V' : --: .1 'ni tobacco ahv ivs on i n. -T . - For limn:3 iii.muf.ioiurH Bohtr.- Sher wood cann.-it iic equilr-l, ;;t the old stoix of tjlier .food S .Sta'Ji'bnan. Ea-wf il ft Co. plaintiffs vs fv; A. Fo'den, Oeo. F. McMMRii?e, oei. S. l.-aiiey and Vi.licIifly & Co. deft Pil i' i Aii.J idiiiuii'' t; and ;i!r. (?' ri: eat i F-y virt'i'? of ;m xe;'r.t:')r. ii.su'-.! Dy D. MeCu i.'.'1 :) yi lit-j ia an.i i-.g:-: ..: ir. .. jck ihm 1 (lrii iI tli ilricl Court. Heeond Judii-ial :.ni.i;i and one (i ea t i uaoic iiua4a iu iCoc iv i iit 't, wiihiu aa d lir Olvic Couitv. Nebraa iiiuils. -i ka. and b ite .Miveted. I wi!i o . tue 2d day of Ami also a'.l f bioc-k fve (') r;,Triii and Cve J iiarca. A. 1. 177. at one uVIock p. 111., f said oty, at t:i r;di"Jict 01 i.f.i. r. Mc Manure. In e.lSl l:f OUO.ii- ifllUirf III lulM'K h.i:ffs. Ai:il ...mi i.i t t.iii.' .s;x (ii; tl ' . t tl Siud t f (."i; e -t 01 pi.u.n: s!jd ir - in Kiif i.iuaVi. .11 I a ?j ..11 L.I - wm-i (ii ii --, it and Cve (5 ti.L i-i pu.;.l: aijuare m i;;ik liiiill.s. .X...U . ..)i. u ie, tme-. imi, oU'vra. and I wv;: ii,-. ::. I .', 1! Jfe ll.) iu l:.- six ..j; ti. at tme ( 1 i stdtn vt puiilic :uare ia iluek il.ii.fs. Aim iws. ou seven (r and eiitt i in !ock &, i5 ..-t of p.iouti ua ir- ia II.il-.-c JiiiuT-i. a.l ui .. t'ouidy. Aetiiitha. Ami a'.-tt; i-.It; t U'i.tm real estate, as the prjH'rty ol'.S. K.Holdi.s. lo-.til: ui" fisria r.ii..u l ie N. K. Ili'liits I;trm t'oataia:u tme uuiiiliril unii M-v-ii!y-li'e (l7.ii aces luot.j or !M, and tli'si-i ;ut'i a.s f-dio'-vsi : l .it; i;oi t.i-'-t esi ';u .1 iv. r uitv'i of smali-oa-it tjuartt. 1st-' "i .scnoii i.'f.'iv -t-i.'t ."'i 1.111 it l, f.rVli I I i I f.n:c f 'il iecu (.4; eai ui ix:! pri.iciai iM'rid.tn. eouiaiuiuj' i m-rca. l.iO'-riv I'recfli'it. in Ciiss Count v, sse ii ut nublie auction the foilon-in ersonal pro -erty to-wlt : O-e tlireslnn? muc.iiiic (separator and horse power coinrieie; also two horses. The s.iiii lti.:g levied upon ane taken ? the property 01 tiro. rt. Hailey. n of the defend-ani--.i ti '.itfsi'v a jadgMie i.t of atd Court, reeov eiert . hd-c!I & Co.. plaint; Its. i'I-uiii:ou;h. Nebrakva. Marrh sth. A. D. 177. .V)i3 M. Ii. ( LiLtB. hlieria. 0 iiaii s v .vrer:ii'ie Mciii.m n.ur kc-; - j u !;i '" " v newer is a cie:iti;w cm.n..aiio!i ot ! ...-iiiu twi-ut .-i-i.; it tomivi.n e..-v,-a'i Estray Notice. Tp.krn unhythe "ubsribT. living Ave rr.iles soiati of V.cfjiU'i; Waicr, one Dun ilare. alxut t'HMteen ! .is Is t 'l a: id ab'iut ei-'lit yi-ui old. Lad a Ucx c. w!isa ticn up. VVn. ClVf Tlx. yf,... j;.- v'ai.-: March 2i, 1877. otS .onie of tl.C !;;. powerful restorative ra..j,c iou.t.'en 1.1 IJ v.m ..f t-e ;..U p....c.:.a 0 rt.u.i.i ...f tk.t. a.iii,i.uiu. it . -i ,.e .-ii.! na.t r ,' oi l!e o-e... quarier T. , r-s on..s jr.TV hair to its original color. fe-ij of&cctbu ii-.iiy-o-.f -! j t....?!;,. ei?v- ( L'' -,-'" '''-t- If ii-i.i'cf.-j ;!, o.-:tlti v.-Iii i-!.-im Ir l, ratine f.i;--.'-i. I Ij eat .,1 ..:.a piniw.- i ." .ar9 n;tiW that 1 T O'-r jl 7Jr'r;.'t ;tvs Ccun:y. E3 : cures t!andrui'f and humors, und f.il- ' s,. ua. pait a c.e in I'ms-irai of the hair. It furnishis the i l'ilw me s...:.::-f.u,t j..:.-r t., -i .u . ,. -.-....-. ,:i 1 .: 1 .1 1. .: ! 1 10a I viiii y-o;:f i Ji . I -; . ;.-.t i ,i . in 1 1 1 ! r;i ..lA.t-ijii t-.v v. .i.u.i f ii -t-i : iu.l..-em i f;vmu.ie a.sta I ;b.c..iui-uicri- is i.!-rns:iiil tLiOUOt w;i;it it. ii.o ii.i!ri:lii.S!,sn,ii.!.. ..ih. i , ooui:i-tos. tpiui ,er oi kocuuu itveiny- ftraex. ;vitci.f.--. &;.. the f.d!owig oenriincd Utisnrpn.sswl as a !ia:r-dH''-:: i.T. It is : iv, ;j.m..u etevca Ui r i..v f.iari.u reni i:.:a:c : n.o si.i ta tl:;14, ah.-ieid huadred the in-..st rf..noPAical preparation ever j i";'-""1 i-'--p-i '"'-- --ia- . f1''-1,:.1;' ril-l'J;'' "i:Ji' l?,-12 It ilia':j: " li. ! l u: ..a, coi. . r.t: t 1- s ouiii-.-. nuan.T r.-..i ot the ue i;::;;.'-.i that on thesjth ajvoi jiarca itNO i-'tMifk i. i:... t:i. tin' pr'ii!ieuere- ist .iua.-'cr .' 'a if.-rijrtl. eoiun:issitji:crs vvt.i (na!e. u Koui.vr vj'piv nil tai.n-), pioi;et'ii iu iiib ii.uii.Hji-' areruiiiij tu W'.i ny icason ot tl:e ap proir;trin by r Ui iiiirllnst;;:; nr .i ii"?.tiari Kiv er K.ikr-ii.t C..-iapa:;y in thfA- Kit. t'r depot. laaf.M.ie ;...(-, lotiii.l l:ou . turn tnoies. stoe f""-,lftO 1 i LOCAL NEWS Actiivj- " i!.r ,t cUavia" niaus rnln to tli stt)na.:h. As a siiie a:nl $.tf iv:a; rrn' ov tor coi.!.. c. tKkt- -r or, -t Tar.'' "W'e have a QiO half scholarship wnr rant on Bayli? Ierca"tile Col'rge which we tt ill sc'.l very chap. ff. ror cheao an 1 na-it repaii iu? cro . tho Centennial ?t tore. HO 4. nffe: d t the pt:bl:c, as its effects i t"- raain a lon. time, iuaki:tir only an oz- rhs u'.id s-4i-t hi. -is I rdKional apn--!citi!.:i nec2?-5ary. It is it nvor f.iili to ! rw.bainnira and us tl by envr..w. ! ihi oo,l and ufcVM -do.-s nv harm. 3U4. j iii.'t.udi :nru. i-iul .iiueialiy -eni...;;--.. I - : M)v tise s: ttr .ss.-iyti o. ;d i-i t.s. i-.s- i Tin p 'pnhifity of Halls Hair R.-:.--.v- j r u.is in'-re.w,e. wttn i :" le.sj, or m-i.-'y years, both iu this ''" rv and ::: f. r- i; ia::.l Mus-U tr c atra;iio . o S;fi produces As In: ::, iuhah th - o vapors of ' : tu - air Mi- ren-Tar. i Have you seen the Centenni il Vc' pieces painted by rrank :;ta.l:-r. an: on exhibition at CarnrhV? 43i f- Teata of larg horses, harness an.'. waoa for salo at a bargiu. Enquire J at ;r Bbos. SIDE LACE SHOES, for 91.15 at MERGES SHOE STORE. Readv Made ATIXTEIi CLOTIIIXG. ' at co.-t. at SCJINA.tSS & GUAMBERG'S. R?pairins at the ho:n m mnfactory of Bob Sherwood. Centennial II vi:' 2danufiKrtory. A CliiM's fur co l r "o n h at :h? Hfhald 02! -ie. nqi'iir- W.tuttvl. ""3 lb PRE ill IirTTEir i:r.i-.'":AT-LT. If j'i;i w;i.!t to Z' L your ciiiiil y-:. cl-'i'ned or your stov -i:is.!. d. ell n Cii-is. Brown, or Iave or lers at -Iii.'i'.i rli.U li. IS eiviil-t llf.S ('. I j .. .c .iU i.. i ia i:-..i-:v c:.; ; lj r,.jlA '( S .L.:.: ', 1.1 ....... ij-i.il I j .i fo..ii.y. r. .i i. . i.ii : l ti . t i ; .. - v. f -. . . . . i" i. ! i j u o : 1 1; :.. i . r i 'i- ; ; o: c m tm. '. v J !wj !on ; Li'j mat;: oia teen tt..i e.iM t.i iti-. ii . in. ; -j. ; u.. t'.i' j" : ..' . ... .ia tnit ti 'j fi:..i f.c c ;.- :' r.-c..:. fi-i.: r ti .".!t:.- ... i'-'1 i vd' s'i.i! n i,.i.i. .i v i -e'.j id 3 .Id i -il.-.., 1.1'.'.: : - i . ..j-t'.-li; Uid, t i i.)., .y t ; , ., k. r..-.i liiirly I--': t . 'j ...:. .i.i... : . r L " , iim: . . i.. 2;i :r e.:. f.ll-i-is;. i-:-.- r;: ..!.:. S....I.I - - -i. - . 0 . -, c ...-. I.OUJ ' . ..i t. a : 1 1 J V.Io.vii.j; r.al ? -..t", a. l.? t- 1..C1- pI.Tl i'iH.i."iii J.ti CKJ', (3iS Couiiiy. .eU. 1 i'l,i u:-.i' l.;;u. I. i. Ec e: i.xtrioK & Missouni Piteh P.aiikoad ( Oi'.i'A.vv is.Nlbuaka. by iii I 1'. iVi. AIakqustt, Ati'r. Legal ITotlce. 'ctr.'.s'.;:'., C.a.ia Couaty. '(ic :u"? "tirrvi '".;it on the 5tt":j ua 1 cl ?."arch I '.'T. js; two o'ebi-K p. ni.. on tu proui.ita lKr- i;i ui v-iit-ed. :c: r..'.: i'.: i.i uni&.4 VOU s.i... ! a.ij'ly rH' sait:i ; pr.x:svt to ojos liic 0. t!ilui'4 a-.-.TdtRa to you tV I'Ji'-Oil oi t.ie ap- 1 . -. j-.'ic.i'-iii t y u.v liar I'm M:.M.-Uii Riv-e.- lUi.road t.oir.pahy ia .ebraai:a. it ticiot. i.!-cti!'.r fhops. round houses, i urn lab e. ide iii!t !. sovii..:ie!. &c, the i..!uvt iag tte.irribed real est at-? : Tiie east i:j.;siter:i iinntuel and liini'l y-ti e v;.i;u- fe-j; '.f !o t:.; inj;'. bltH'X (Co tr;y-ni.'-.'. .- !i .'- .i; i.a ii'.-ori d p!.l at 1'ia.is wwMtsi C;:y, '::u-a .' ...;. y, cU.a.-.ka. iV!.nii:.' 1,7. ..Aii.noAO I P.-s.cr IN TOUR JOB WORK. B':'.I-II'.i.i.-, Letter I lends, TUer? will be rn-vtiaj in the C-ri - j to !S'iS l. PI tti-.- ' -t'-. r 'Tf -i:i!i I u-7 tt 11 a. m. All iivtnbers an.l oL.i- ; tM;r (.wt s-.ipplyin.t-nstotaers with ers are requested to ritl-v.id. ! (vrv It in 2 !n he line- of jreneral up-i- ; i-:: 4nis'- th? nitst msonaUe terms, j f railed en Prank Stadter this ; totk k,t ftili and co-upiet. 80tf Wc'-t:, ana oa v u.;:::i ;ntt tn2 stu ito ilmoAt made up oar min i th.it w.j h id wandered into g-jui fairy h-tant. V"o cannot b?pin f resc-i voi k on and as it yourss!f. Tiie room will be i opened for an lea Creaai Parlor the j coming saason. bv ilr. F. StacL-ha-iP.'i. j llr. Stadcer ho'ds forth at the Pic- . - T"t 1 . At. . lure Crauery or nana t unuu. uive 1 him ft rail-and leav orJars for a nor- j Mr. aI. ilarp.iy, a p'i oiojr tp o: j ir "o ... c ei '.v.- : . l.-r 7i'.C . . i f w a.... f l .u - . ; ... . .-. . 1 . -- : ' 1 - -' - i ' . " ' i i;.!iu.-!tiifvt.iUt'-'. ': Il :: ' ; , ii. i ;i -.. t.r. ; j .u.. - i-5.-:;"Ai?F -'4 f.P.AMI'ICEO. ; ;. . i v O .:' ; tv - .. ..(..- . . v'.1.' . ' - -. ' . : i.-;cr J t 1 ...... . . . . . . " fc ; 1 : .4 t.., , ..'-. ' ,.i .irivi " O :'ii. ut - ni . ' .-..'.: r. -t'.-:'e. j 1, : ..o.-e P.-i.iivs. i... . . . .. ! . s u:ii.i'i;;a . . ; lb r 1. . 1 r' , ' f ... ti ...it.,-. .'"'-.-'.".'.'--"---' Boone s barber snop, at any tioaroi th- yxi. 4 ,.-. 4t a. -j-.c T.i tht-v v:fi i "'r.icu.at-- i-,it.a :,i ot i.W uu:V.v..t cjU.-r- j prr,-. v TJr.fi n.-. Cl-tV r liitfilt. CMltii II .-.tOVe an.l O ' . - , ... . ' ,. t Mr iV.V 4t i.i -;rv ! ..1 m-.--.- n:'.-.l .J.', 1 .va.i:p iiOU-.wO cents a flu-. 42tf r:itIl"'I-v o;': - " i: -v;thu:f,-ur.j ! -'V';'";'-'.'-'-?-'''11" 1. the p:aitr r,f iMe ets:c Janes M. EunJy. Mr. ;h unbyr.-j ..lid his !est t- h ' -:. ;-.u ! ; tTJ-r " ( iv. wm- I -. n. :.v-,.-Cii. co.u-iy fJBEAT B AR' JAINS. ' They h ive now i.: ;re I, t::-:s a.i '. t' I r ; 1; 1;::,' :';'r.t ,lU ! r tv.o t? mX' rC:-',,t"y - I bought a Idrc-- jtb lot of h:td wither Had ve., t.o:n oppotlu- ! ..'i , d ( ; J j Xtr BOOTS I riff t.nv.t,.s no ,Mt!.-.. .. V- Tr.'?' :,' J-T-'.':' l; " i i-1 Cms Ce-nty, Neb.. L be ahatei s-i.mn- 1 . . . . . , ' iii.i'.i n i.r fiM.tw in tidii.t") .'i. 1.111 j, liiMsiiivm.tkiii .i. ii !-. !. ".:; ;r;.! .-.' 't ';:" c 1 '-. t '"1 '; I i.,ce...i'.;. i si mwU :utie is Net fjr Le r- , I- - i - - - . i ; . . , . . . ... . I t!-..-n ' A'. .:. C. u. :!,:: '.i'l :Pil ''iV:-'! 7. y.-rs. I j t I .. il tit .a. t' : :; - n.; i. .::! ;v t;I.'l 'f A l . XZ IX V M 'A f.) ".V.v-i.iii.at bt -!: ti-.re. f::. -si :.;; :::.ri .j , I - ; . " t-i i.i p.w...- tu '...i?ii i..'::.. r r...-, r r"T ' n : ' Tl : ' A. I OI, l f.-..' ' 1; a '.! .1 I'M'K- J".r C J ' .'':t'". d -. '7"-" : a:. ..i kmc ::.: I.t.---c tt.r.-e i j fi'.hulj ii Su- e'.;i,l li wrst ot i ..u,i,u ov .u i.-.'C.v e-v-.:-.:w. I N ; anrl '"1 IJ ftn.l stU than ' UHLOW WHOT.rSAF.E iP.ICCJj. NOW I VOLH TIME, &-.. ;v t ar nil. ;on-. CALL aXh's.VVE MONiiY, i'r.Tiri". MEit-sr. ""v .-iTor:-- ;n :t; t ni .cH'isi; :.iACiii.vn kdf at the Hckald ):rice. AT! son The rr.u J;r:--.f.n as ituii! taisilav .'ii-..t.'.v;.d ant J. S. our t-i p'.asioti an-1 successful r.ier- r ;lor;vd t -e:.io a'.l oa :at-.!i:.K ! i.i ee t.;. : : i li:;; i o c'.!! t.f !!: I.'.d:: !y .tude la Pii.ia-i.-.i. o.l le.' .u..i d .y (t M.'l'Ca. A. I. 1377. it ri-n viui:.-. i.i. of K.i.d siay. .tt w::!cii li.ae aad p.acr a.i pei.ins iarereK.ed n.uy appear and. .o.v C.....V.-. it' anv liiev tiiivt'. vrhv tne eM, i Jdi.ii i i.ivc'.i sin.'.;. i ai.i be appelated such ad- ti..ni.tor -j: oaia iie. vt ii-ir. ray haid ia;a lOiii day of Marli, A. I 1) 1ST,".' il. ii. Ji'tWiLL, ir vySlJjt At O Li'.'U. to d;:rili9 the b-iutiful Envel ipe.- IMrnphl -is and Canls print , ... eI at t.i.s ohP... A!i woik ex bed i Dnwads and ceihn. ! tic;Usiv and ne.C.I v pveont-.h Il.'.Vii . U: r.?Aitr. j s "i.r.vii.-arav. TVeeiiias Wa:.:r, M..rt a :..t. 1?::. PR0CLA MA TZON. PEBvONAL. 21. L. Wliilo cl.yd on us nettin last i i w - k pevious to leaving for the B ;tck J Hi.ls. j Wm. - ta.!: l:r. tan bavin;; bee i ap: Iiit' 4 :'"-" tiie V. Marshal f ir liii t State :n ' v' : the uuLtArrMr.g acc;ii;:l of V.'.-i Siadeltaann and of Slu iwo.ai 6i Madiiiaann. i . o '. these concerns are hereby eat'ed . t -pear at ttiestara of tliesuM '" n s in tiie city nf f!att3:u xuii. C a.i " or bfef'e tie !5t!l day of ;.i!. 1 '" ' t'.emcat of said accaunt.-.. or -. . i : be tnv.r te.-rc-'i t'l ih? ': tt ' ' ease to- c i.!' i! -:i ri.l: e .. s . co:ne for aril. ' m. i kn", ". !T. . .'.: MS Coile.-.t r ... ,i i j In the dKtrtet coorr sbUJt'.J ju tloial district, 1 .-2VCI f?l !t ! in iiiiu for Caji Coautv. .NfOi'-wa. t I.i ": ; ..i.:iie i ; li n-:; b::.Ls. Ne''. : and jOm. j r . !'; u-rtt'd M nd J . 15. li!iil!lSoil, as adinlnU Ad ! i ...d : i'o i . i s... ii i i-i !n . f . : west i tr.ittiu ut in i:-t itc w laniu C rover. uceeas- Jiil. ! of pi..-::t sq-iare ia ...v. k liinns : nai a'-t j j y.':::! .j. rni;..n, l'au.taa a. notion, 1 A 1 t,f 0..;1'a Oil 1 I l.'lii... ILlld f-':: "irr.- I .i..... ........ 1! :T i.:t..nrt.- I'll .i. ' of public vi;t-..i lii i;.)c.t Lluiis. Cs t-.3-.:i!!y. .io.-'.i ft?:utitutciuimi:CoiiiL'uuv. Ue.lifCattu S.a. W in. a. v. ,-:i:i. iv 11. 1 'ji Cilii'.-e A. v hue t..u . i t", as w:e pi'o perry or a. k. ii.!;!w, 'r.. t'n.y-jj.e ii lfe, Ol ilH llilVH" f ll:. 3 .e .ud six I. All i uj ilii:. jvelP; ' i. - .:; n w tue ci.j of Halt-siuodtli. C'-" sa..a y. N.-tias ui J."t c ; -.od i.tads U'ld bit are 1 . . ... i fi v t'C 1: , I ' ail ia :.iv I,,.? i !.- .N,:iii.i.il , i '. i i u: .;. tt-i-iw ka. and a!i ail ol i .n il i.p.iu ;is r ti pn.'pciiy ' .fi.i .!.-sc;i!i .s.:i: re ;u tit-he. I .i iat:i nii.i lit:i. ia. 7. on an or- . i i s .e.I iro .. i.tit. it.tiii in .. .i t-.. ivi oNry, subjeet u the r.t t'iii.ot,.. . i..?i,. .;::i, .Neb.. M.uc'i 1 J : 177. .M. k. i'irr:,K. 72.3. SLena C-.-s C.i.. Nrh. trsi- H- c-iu att yot.. l iiit.i-iii'.'iuli, Marci: 7i, SCHOOL REPORT for the mon.b endirj- Feb. 16. 1S77. SfaitiS j Av. At tgn-t.-vnre. jS-gK3 'Corp. Ill -nshaient j ' jrreat Git'rit who lias ben with us iui- j somj tLutf lefi for Gra.ii isi.t.id to I V, , :M make ois iioaii. V7e wisa lli. Ala- pV. tiv.t i p iv ah s.i :ci.s in his n-.v.v id ico uu I ! '-!T"n are sorry io ioie him Itoiu P.ttsiuoulh tv d wero iiat.seti c.i mskum l:is "j jt.i . - i from our friend tlie Hon. Prarik kVcich j the cither dav. NOTICE. Ga:-'."-:wc r; r. i y i. v,-n o f.ii y IhoriTz Sale. 1 he)'-: y v,-n o ?.u p:-r o:':'-. v:o:n iirvp.r...;; ; '' tiii- ii:: v bfiv.vc '1. A.'Kwvaii.i '.-b.'aii;:v.r. 'r! 1 I'. A. !. ilii i ..! :r:y ;::i.i ... ; .-in , ii--'.: n:i : . . ' i ii.; lie. n lit: I i :-... t ii: n:v e.ta-n-.-.. sw l v-:i -..:v mi: ' Wi waru t!iii.Hil t.i i 9- ir.r'. ! .'ior u.;t..' t: i:.i:e. (frt:: 1. A. LLi.-o. i Uy virt'ir of five exeeu:io!i i io.1 bv ;V.e i 1 ia "f t lie li.l ; i.a i u : of i nd ' fi il d-.atnet niibiu ::? f.tr e'.:ss t'miatv. ,- I baka. an.l t ite u: ,1, t wpj on ii.l- ...ii ' C:y f Mi.: h. A. i. L-.7. at i ' t.VItt-r ;,. t.i.. of i '-.lid ti:.y. at li.e Mi:I kn-.a ;u I tie h ; i I I i i.i m a r.mi.S. .t'ii.,W ..! t eo i:.! v. Sf- . ;.l : T R L'S :V MA IZINC7. I tVist.s S -ii-'. lid. o o c r I - . .ap't. Patrons. I Tiiev wcTi? r.iti:?r bored cna would t ... . . : think the oUier uijht at Oni.iiia. '1'he j board ot trade met an t the simooI i board aad tiie 17, i b.iarJ O'-sidvs a : number of oilier bores Ij-u oa "the i streets. Caul. .'aimer ha r.lun;:.d from Mrs. F. l";s:er.;nd Mis "e!':tS!fMi h" v? tr":--"1 iiiio t ia iir-..s!:i.. ;. jiii bni!i'ss. aid t V . 1 ! i I i.e r.i- :i. d tu Ii -'.r iini- ;.t w ti.i c.j work i.i ! 't-ir hn;t e:,-:l s.iid ?re t!:ti'i at tto- :--":uenet. r. KIaU'I. m:e t't.tur w,st o? t::-. -';.-bd llou?. S.aisi :etioa i:.ia."..:t. t'd .iti o cr .t ifi'.rratr. 7-:i ... -L.irce aio. k V.'II-.fEi: toil AAV LS, 'I ; . ; . :U t. at - ' SCIIXAS-iR tl- ;R Ail BERG'S. i:c i.utaittn me .u.u'.t.t- o-j.fi aad r ::; f :-l if ; O.o iot ff T7 i.! T.i s-A I '':.-n. a?.;. I r i i ir .-.-'.:..; said- l.j of ):.! fail oi U:T :' v.. i.o.-.r .icra a r-suier i i cr i--.,.i ii ou i-t I -.tiit sell -PI !. :s ::a-i I.i Lead rltiin ynir oi'i sl.-i a.r.l ii iUdi r-x-.i (.-; nHr li . i d res::--i:.-o oi ,li-...-pii .- ;! 0"..-:t .'"lis ,: l.'.r-i :: at t .'. - :.i . .'.' :s- ij .t i-f ; . . s i'i !'.. 1 " 11 Kl 1.(1CK l.O'tl-i. , a -. t .. - i .. . o i jl-1 v cr. ;.' i f -.--ia t I f!i'u ; 1 1 - ,..sl v s. r I--. : to- i . : .t.. :--.--K-i. o-... -i -l'l o't i-'t Of -i'-IY- t ('-ll iiiia . ;".!.-.) mi" V.-.i n'f tl'i.f ...iti- i aad . N. 51ernai!i. Tlie ,-u.;.v tnc.-UUc fif A-Vf.rdsfcit. "i mis" J. iioi ioii. l aiiHua A. jioi ton, HiUbard ,. frpi-iicei", I '. W. 1 liliiil .t Co.. S-i. J ;. pll Jlju- it!a-iii:iu CompuLy. A'eil .t Caiin, Win. A. vtei.li and S. N. .ticiii.iin, noli re.-idei.-l. deieud win taste ioiit:e l.i.it uasd piaimiu-t did on tnr soi day oi r eeiu,.ry. 177, r.ie tins, pei'tiou in nit- mace of tin; Clt-r ot tue di-d.sel eoun, in auti iori a-is Ceuiuy, acoraitaa, ayaiust said nou revtlfiit tlcifud.ini'. anu tue t!iuic-aiu named i-m Vui orteatiatitsel.tiaiin a jaiti: inent agau.( iviiiis J. in riuu and i auinia a. Morion, lorthe sai.i us i u iiiou-iiuu ujj.., itU int. r-sttiierc-o:i at me rate of w n per et ui p-r aniui,.!. Loin July 1H.I, mid i dti iCL" oi a foieiiosUie ol a iu'oi i:a;e fciveo to seizure -sid suia. aitl note aud inor.s-.ir Peintivcn to -M.-uiia Gtuver, de- i ceasod. ol wnose tr-tut ptaintins ar? di:ii.UJ- ti-itior-. A .i'-y . ;' -5" a dectee o. lurec.oiure ai-iin-l aa i - ila c-.-u i.-a.-fi of s .ii i;i0i".jraie-J pt-'peity. I le s.t.s.S vO.a.i --"- i-i'l-.u'd io.lo-s, w .-. : i uit.i s...; i-., i el the noria-ea'it : :. -. tfe.ii JU ;..ll"..-t:i C3I ill town l'.: v. .u t.1 i'..!i-:e ft- Tea (l!;. ea d ! a p. in ; j .., -. :u: ,j-e.!t tiuurt-.r (.xe'i ot ttei.tion . r!u' i.. - ai iu.'.L ii:;. i-.-u i lO.i r.i-ii, fievea.t u) j i .. .t via p. i- ; di') iue ii'ji'iii lt;s i:i'.i i oi i he I .iiuiis-v ' r-i t"ir.rp.r tf t.f su eooa -t-n-U iji sa f l ..A a iVill..!...!'.!' f. Cl VM .21 V. .si l'( Ulf uu 1'. l i.. :.. (. r i:i t a--. . t sl ed to a" p.-'r ii1:: vv.u'.t. ii - it y miertsi tdey. or ay ol luein laay li;:Ve iu i Ur 1-,'i.iL'. aua ai u p-iiyit. ta:-l Cojtl to det-ixa a.iy e; inn de.endaLitt inr.y t.ave given aad ian-rieti tu paa-dta. f.ud u:-.i o..itr rei:e i-.itf.piny in.y nn'eci. ion arc iieri y le il ai red to iii..ver ica petnioa on or l-i're Apr.t -. i, ' -.".", or dei.i-.ii; . in l.e lairien - against vc-t oi yea ap i atti p-.t.i.'ii. li. E. I'l-.TTESGIlLStA 1 "' J. ii. ii-ii-.: . As .idi!.iu.-: rao.r-,J riaLntitTs. A. L. SfHAGVi; aval 1 . B. ilAKl, Thetr Attorn.-r. ..my, v-: ..ie oi Tubi-ia.-i.. una .1 tu - .: d t'.-fead.-.i.i."' revpuf , an -Mer e.:'.u m-siii-rn. Jii-l o... v,- .-. i! i- r GEnTRurc T. Jo:iK3 j;c. Principal. OPEMl! Waiitsio'toii and tu Uesttiiptioa ot t.iu scenery, the uud iohs ol t!i A'rei ident. tue gcaiai nature of G '. Ve.ii ! and our beua.ors liiere, was sj t.ui I . . , r..l j iu la.ii .ve a. uj, tor ij.j.-js il o.-uee s ! rauche to "Kit,' for a pa.s o tr.tta t-s ' so as w; codi i t j 'A'.i-aiu.-. l too. j i And our r-.i.irut'.l drfjujitic irieml : j j. V. tt eckOacit iias j.ut itii vf .l iro.a l. Wrtahiutou and ilio "tviii." iL- is en ;0'.: c.'.itciAiNs! tdiJi-: LAfi; t-noi:s. t'-'i" c!.Ta -it M E UG L 1 1 G K SiOIIi:. Legal Nctioo. rS rrnl 3) 3 41m 9 o re ! ii ih .1 51 J T. .i .'ir-iit :" -. , ! -i - ..w. : ur :?w V 'lj.. '.' . -. V. . v . , j o (toaiuiuu ....ii tiie uu.. -iii. 13 fil- i j thusia-jiio stbottt Pi'iiiiJeisi jl.iye aad lj I itt "" ' cfl'? ' c'-" t says he-is a sraud-loo.iUl i.J 1- ictia i : tb.e t.e.Jy r-r.-r ',:: , '. a r ' v iii'i'die "ii v tl..- . .. :i , .1. - I 1 1 uiau aud will make a nauio-r i Pivsi- i', p.V.,',".'"' 'J i.eie nrrt t-vo k "Oaee 3Icr onto the Breaclt, Kind rriendsi" dent, sso long l AtA -pet jQut, Breche and things as j Rev. Father Hayes, one of the "firs i . l!Tial. - " r .. jriiests 5ettli in ttiis town ' has re .' - - I iu rued to this cliars-- aad caih-d oti the . " TAXS NOTICE. T f H' Herald Tuesday. Hives is n lucky VTm. Stad el man lists ajiia openett i name jus now and we" bviieve this Tfils store for a short time, (see notice elsewhere).' and has a largo stock, of goods that m'ist be soM in sUt diys. They will be sold at 25 pr. c:. b-ss Jh?in east- Thit handso n ' stock of Boots find shoes just laid in 1 isc fa'l must l e soli also 23 p-?reert b?!--w cos . Now i the cine orezy.li'sz os in CO d.tys for c-f : r-t-'i c li-l! :. .. ".i .-.'s. m. -i.iu-.--t. Kiir.j is l ie . eul.inr lai.iitio;it. W.iMt t; -.". t i. innt ! for t a- Piu.i'f i ( .in which - lo v i:i ' o o -. i a-iJ s.r. i t- i torit'! a. id ii.u.iii sr.v toud.'iful. Wiipp l.'i.i-' I'-'M iinT Xilid. pa h d li.e . .i.'ii' is".-: l uao:.. lit, c IS. ! . .- ; . -. ri y. ; ,i -,-. li ; . .- - t -.. , day CO day itrfti :..! i-.i- :;.i.id Mi ei s; :p;e i-.:.d t.-.i.'-'v t-iy L-iut. ;ssid ii;." - ;. ! i r . i iii.iKitf : : ' j i . '--:.-... ii i-i ;.( t ,: i.-r ,i y.;.lhz:i .Toko v. O:".;- !t : V::e, Sruh Mi; Ad'!. r".:-:n t.t. Paris. T...,".i. ? 1 Ag r.t t. Kua;.p. si ml l.'avi I .1. ;' lo Aysses C. Kaa; ;. re i-i"; otit o."re:e:aat. Ta jtn; ncreny t.r...h;ii tiii f .'.!. a-i Juiie-t. platsa::?. ds-l oa fin- C.i rt :y .': i.i , A. L. ie;.'. r.i-- i.t it ii.-ii '.i. I.il- 1: Ceart in and lo: lis - -untv et t as ncJ .Siitic -f Nfbms . a-; i-st the r-dd (ifi'jy ::..!:e. j-arah ,Mc-:-i. vn M. !V.rk.'l"!:.i:M I t.o.;;..t:i, Afies rvsinpp, s'.tnt I'iivid J. ij-i.ica. ut .'e.'iuitnis. --ou.:r Pit t :.t iht.sal 1 Uloi-i:e'.'d:Adie -.nd ran VieAtlif on tiifSM.l da v t.f Ai..! . A. 1. g ive :ia.;-f-e: to?::o ..j.;,; ;-av-iutd. I'usk ...i i in- hoi i h !;;;!f lii'i.Mf tie? !i..iiiin;St t;ir-l-r (itt'ii of serf ijn i..;si!lr tiiiiiy-iieu i.'.i. iinvesi-1 : iuii.r r'i".-p,'1 i:f l a m rMisKA itaai- fi Tl j liii M . B- or r.f!.: d a t .i v 't'. .' - - ; 1 , j lisTten U'J- '-asr ff ia -'.iCi nmap! luiaa L 3 ti . ;.. - , :wl , PJ p t. sr. e..ia:ry - s c. -.-J-ae i o pay- i - Q i !.. .itdi-n-.s ; lisent i T.irteta li.'u-.Uvd au.t l-'.!ijf Ua'ntrs j uatl t i; iisid i accord!.!. to let C"! !:i:n I'.oaii.'iy imrrsre- j i MolIlSl SWK i.rftVKHrli i.-:-::;u. Cii:-.'3, e.;a secu.-e Iit-':-i f i-o md ret loriistsMiitf) rS-. ci ''.!,. i ; i. --hi (fjj ir-'-sii nil j : ia i j 1".-. u-! l.. - u- ' I '. i' . --' i.iy-:..-. he d of t.n e ui:e " - "' ...:.! ii.dt'-i -ot!iu: . a :d tut. .i ;,-j ;.;o f- rty ii-a.t . .:e s .i:if li -In- ifvi"il r.,iini ,-.:id i .i- . o; .lo-.-e; ,i,.-r.i a.i.i .Ii- i t a-- -i u'.:f iii'i : ;. .i. r-1 v ti ve . r ; v I r-.l ii',Hltfjllf''10l!? 1 centleaiait is a relative of tin ii tves. ! jari.-u . e v. . .;. . ... iiore tuaii iiiat he is a very lioi ge.u .1-j.u.i.i L'V.-ry wty. Ha urst t.ok tds.ire liere! ia o'J .til.i ieit in 7J i.mi i s. -. ri on ;o c ir isiu t Ai j f l. and : :i e! tra: l-'o.-. leevus.: r : llsei a i a j: .Aa r ,Vt C str a. btd:u t;it ..f t.ie Notice of liCKit-rUon. ti totiiNHi ' rse-ra;..,- rati ti-s-i tlie fr. of : i i-f-!- ii'-f.'-. : two nil idre.l .i.-ti jr . f i:.ing .:-.: S' -.; -ri-i 'V 'it. l7i. w:iji s:iet-.vi.ti frar.i-.'f!i-'d; -iii.d K v. in M.. I'arit -ro st: t riairif:a Mid t iiica t.f f ad w.:!" Tt 4 , .Trt.-vr5.-! to 'r.- tiefW.u i "- A;,.st.-: (. ..;. .:; j. i-n-.l J. Si- ! tir:i. i t;a .tf- t. .o tl.. rrayer i tbat an j .III.:, -a. ..i ,-;,- .iv I lvt I - ' all ' .11 i Bl. t I' I U' I 1:1 IHf i-nillCU. U:tO ISS ! i ;.-i-.atii. : ti 'f'iir:.-..a. pl.ont- ! P'.-n iiS.i.i tl :n it tMslrr'nifs m.-iy b is-ail io j p.f- li: f i.e ii-ierst ;n'd eo-rs. i::ia-s3 to.e l N "':; ;,i. "'tsr. 'i fi, a. r. t 77. ritiu. .V.'Af: an i i'ri..ias 'f'ttnsoa pay s,.!.i -i. A. t.'r r:.F.K, r;.i. r.:i. 1 nose i?:U ;ei-: a :J c ti !v a d;i7 t-v tv iidir.f d by i!:e C-.-a: I. Aa l i :ie said Aeaes C. Kntpp is . ....... - ...c..J.v- ....... v.. r- ..t i . . i j I- ! lit ''on ca e.r tefcr" tr.e "iC-ta dav of- A&m. A. D. j 1.-S77. , ..Vja.Ui jOS, . i. r.. iviLao, Atzcrncy. s . ; .ill J-1. I .'o p eS'-ii. pas nonage a t '- ( lector u iie :fi lif i i.'a:,,.!-: ;. t m . ' l-tliag father Hayes ' Canrdy. Ne'i.i..-)a;, li-t law a:iJt:.r.t-ri-jilvfi:: -dt Cttitoiio Gild dU for 3.'.43J.c.)in-J of i .. V'Uce t-::erb-rit or. - - La C.ni-t rf r;.,; !'-vr.I Jot-icial I i.T.a tor Ca.-i C;nny. NruiasSi. j plvf, i.'.ai.a. vs J.-i'iaii.ia Kuplie, j - t -i .fss h;s coining is for tils !);'. a: a.' ce.: .1 y, k. - r. T-77t P:t ,r.in.!.,r. ....! IS Dorrtnaosi have returned houie i t.i, lot. : r.:i..t i Jniiimi'i K'.:riti'". t.7:e S;i.".' -l ' i i -!': s..i. . id t '. oi-.; . t : 1 i l '.'u: ;y o.i d ( Sheriff's Sals. . B.' -t-oiertf ai tv.ifer 0f n.2. U-s iel br tbe i-'.'o: , t - e j C:.--; V cf r!,e I':.; ri.;: Court, ia ilif. o. -or.d J'.fii- f -.o;Hr tns't f .::e t :ial.iriet. sesrhsn rnd for Ciss Count v Ne-t.-i. ir. t-.e Sji.-se ot i i,a; sml to me u.svf;a.1. T tvid .ca the L-h SlEMi ell .chea I 'i ...9; k r i p-7 j lull j Cn I LCOa OUT F0II B ArtGrAlNS. -'nil rallani Win er CO.. Is j,Z COiT 707. IxlK 1 EXT TfllRTY PAT?;114 Plater's rest in Washtiigton t-o rairt? rrra for ttitmnjoth ! C I list .1.',. -JL Ta. CL. I.v.,'.iak ; .T .-oo'Vl tt .snVni i;irr-4:-i. ,,.;J, i ' ;';-K ' ' " ' ' - '. n:...v. A. I. j day ot -Us-u.1, A. i. IS7T, rf-JOTiVteiC a. -B..0Z i ' i Tnsrd aid, !-.Vtl. o ;i . Jn.t u-f, l-".ti--:i in is..; f.:'-;u.- Court uf J sriui t av,:it 'be sif ? d-r ? t':-4 C :srt Uoa.e, ' , 1 fiiiir;i' V. -,( f ij,,.,,' it M'jf T;,, Co-.,.ity. .'.-hi.. -ku. iiv-iiaitr t..e said Jo- ( in te Cityl Plattsmotit.tr. in tie.fd Cfenfv. lT ' on M'lrr'i 2:i. UV. l!J if t , f r-t is rr- 'm:' , V ' ;- ; ' i'!"o.'t.of said pe- t j.; paV.tlo u.;-uo a :i:e :iU"u 2 taal esiat'e to- f,.A.,, sat' tlie f'.o' i n. - oi ti.e-.ji-i tt i-d p.i m-t, n-- si-it-: !. v-rU! i ,;vt.r"e irorn tbe ttotet j v.-is : ihe i;t!h half .s-i oi t-ie norta-e.--s: : .ii tiie;;"T m-4-Hwn. iT.r t n sor? ' 'i" 1'r''!, yv l!;' lv ' s ; ;f .,T:; Ka,e. quarter (n'-'. ' of seea jn twer.'Vttr.. ia to-M iiiin I ' . t l.tci'-t a -iiovp. for the puriKit of t-orreiui ' ' t" "-r ' oa-ii.d ys r.-jetren rso'v iu her ; x.u;rder ten (to- nofi.li of riit:i-e an.i.ber ten ilo) j to vuriiu itltraiio;i liss t. ' i.-en-i.-ii. an tae Mn. ..f ..soma Kupke it no- , et of th fish P. M. isi 'a.-s t. Neb. iriesaarie ! SPP.IXG STOCK. sore :;:3 F. S. vVhits. j comin? manner. Hpt. ii-irs 'al ce.rbr.aeJ his fortv .T-1-0 icr our "rj?'11'' r f,? .'tiiinj uirta dy last week in si be- i v - Johsson. id Ward. r. P. GASS. 3d Wiird IT. fi. SA'ir". 4'.h WirJ. t.neu :iai sue is required to a;i;:- ar slid answr-r besns levied niMin and tai-..-n as tfi- nep..-rt7 of said petition m or bofore the ICih oy of Aprii. i Wii.i.iai Qinnn and Ci a Q iinn. u- fendau ; to A. I). 18.7. or J:.(tr;iieiit will herndeied aisnsi s-uiriv a depress of said ."ari, recovered hv ' you as prayed tor in said petition. Charles M. iiie-Ibv'. PiainCsf. ' I . l?Xf-tKtm.b7 f ii ftnouth, tut,.. F-r. 2it, A. D. r.B ivcHiv.liii ahi i-rs .t. H . nun, ShrftT --rva,j!-;a. - -ty-x vo.. Augusta, M .im." , tne" Other morriln? aud akcu Lira for a i st-ouences. Wft-.n'r. T snri't: -tw!t.-i-r--r-Tmrs T-n:np??Tn io-tnc muraer ot tv tl- i "Aia, way oon c Ave liam O'llria'f.-. . rvhfre there tiiti't in. X 4. : r " i i V nave such t-.tt;