..." k, ) V ft wtrwiSMi iii iii iii Ma' ii i Um i n t nil i 'i in ii i " W'i in iwwj'nwwiwi imih in . h,b j. pi T H K II ER A L I). fc l-ili i AFRESH MEAT 4 "2 ra OB It U ART. Is . i ir.- 1 f ZiiUIKU Al Din reaioence in rinusmnuiu. A3 1 in the 77th year of bis age. v!iLi;ni:menls Ccrae EcroBcast Beef liov j faeptimi fn ti:i i.i-r. ..:! . with ): :la:!i j 1 '.:! ;,iy.n'ii -l .I'm:", v-io r. !; 01 m UMih. 01 j for tin tr p 'M i;io;ii;-ti.:.. i.muies 3 ev, ii.c;..t. and iirofltablo. .trsons ui eit.'u-r -j-et t-a-.lv jmuFArtilVi The ot.iti'1'or CSeraert and Aiit rials. - Many many heartfelt thanks J3 allfSTlie .Funeral mftIccs - take place fromne kind for the a . -. .. - . the Presbyterian Church ou irmrsday.g - .1 .Cr for fiSerm we nave, ana an we can offer tp mends; March i5tb. at 12:30 p. tn., from whence the Who rlHYe overwhelmed U8 wilbjkind-'-l Faiully buryinii ground. These l.lnmionts are runply the wonder of the nesa dariner our nfUfHon Fi Efwoild. TUrl are lit:t ics tl.au niarY.-l- Kow let as have a National C tiitionaU jUop vention and amend " old docmnentlo . prevent future w .-i w br.i 11 rnii. 1 11 1 11 L' LEirr . 11 11 1 r n u 1 11111 1 . it .1 v. "Mcuvu J wHm the country, a John McMurpbyhav-SprAlnorbruis3iic:iir. it is tue must p,tpDt e:;m frtmi fto conts to -jr. pT tv-iun;r, :.n-.t a iio- , , . porti.'ial f a:u by fievouija th.ir wtio'.e time to j- V? ;HK- 1 JtI tit tOII "CIlOT. the bustle!, boys Rirfs oarn -nearly as .'-"iium vix fiVO OUT ' PORK STEAKS, iii-.i'ii j) men. i:i;it wnocte iius no;u:t; i,iiy sftii'i t'.it ir a-Mress. atul tf.st t!o hi'.slnoss ui;vke this impar:iUp;l?il olftT ; To such are iK-t w.'ii i.tfltf we will Hi-'ul i!H" di!.:r to jmy fur t!;t! triille of writiun. l'u.l ii;iiiicii.!:A, f.vi!i;4i-s worth eviT.U toil;;r In co:;ii'ici!re work oil. :-H't aci'ity of flmue :uut x-irfMu. uno n . I -it 1 t 3. rne W mit wmmfni tor in nuni:m i f j ,r:..,, :m,i t t (,!ui:i-.;tol y.u li.tti.ns - ., riwr 01 1,118 FF1' .1.-1 wui 11 iu AJ"i-vji.4iHny. it win time icieuni.UHiii, L-ia:ic.t au.t , ..n lU fr,.e hv is t:! U-udf-r. if yiu ner OilSll-,"?. 1 -vt tt i,:-- 4. 5NuraiiU fro - tiw yteii ; ure l.uinbHo, I ,., -.,1,1 i,'roflr:!i! work. a:!?r.-. k : 1 ni 1 m 1 r w r- w 1 1 1 1? 1 11 1 r. 111 Liitr ..j,-.. 1... 1 . 1 . ...... . t - - - - - ( Tiotl r -5VnUiOl:MU9. Av-l&, I aisy. lira, uihi hiiwi c.l- SKOUaiC M'1 NSON & c.. I'or.iutul. Te. 1 ! la"ifvnar 1R0O nf rntrh-lrisi dpsrt-nt. Jif ;in.us ruitioan ; it rxtr.tct tmt trout frozen .5m.5''T ' vJJiiiiculH anil teet. iiinl thn poison-01 lures snu -- - " Y7 ?" TTi r?" V".1 y-j I. - - - . through. irTfrhtiiH fh .omnd fnm- hniiw i nremedy ever tlistoverel to lifal t Up iiijir d parts. uijomit.tne second tr.xm?. nouse intlheCentaurLinaientlH ,;sei, Wit!l Klt.a, ,.,llca. thp olcTtriwn of fondonderrv in 1719.cy tor sore tbroat. Totiaiie. OaUnt cne oiu iowh oniimuuuueiry, in -$tirtaatm. Ear-ache ani Weak Back. 1 lie f I- DEAf.nit IN W u '? i f 11 a? c?. c?afK. r. ;r. ) n-A. ? . vs. t g r. .i.y a. ll XtTUKli MEA.1S IS XSAHO.X AT YOUNG'S Butcher Shop,! PLATT81I0UT1I, NEB., LOWER TUAIX ST., - - - SOUTH HIVT.. I 301T13 ! SJiiWAri fmmT.in,i"t,;.h .ajames McMurpKy. a great . srand-BonUHmi to but a sample of buU..u, testrunni tora toFremnt,'and one fidm"Ash'-5f !" rSixpiAif a iiome. Jeff. coiN.ri May 2s 75 4;1C: 3SFE.t CtfAIRS, land to eitner Fremont or CoIom&us.W"-;', : w- . , J V .-..-7 'V, ? crossin:? there, ana that a move is onlJ o " -r;'v . "v -".J borti. A tew -bottle oi uent.mr -tini s t s)l i. . fnD t f.i Hthen considered a raroircointry,a.H,r - :. .tho S. , - ff 182, and married a lady vi . r , , . . , . iein, or uerman tineHga, una ueionui dona the work lor me. 1 have iiot i.. - n i named UC3.er- ;,0.v I m BArlVetty wll. i U Usia.et-t. f 4 . t - l 1 i . . I : HDt. v lies nas reiurnea irom vwasn-f "w - j iiiem.iiniiiiKc ii i n. i, i.- , . Hhar 1a ' - r ' JlilllllV. 1 1 1" 'h,ll. Mil ;1 K VfT V fa..lllly sao l..! i'.A't C - ington. nesays Senator Saunders re-i aIO s . itae wuite tvutHur Ltaiiuent. reived 47 letters one morning and 45 - A year or no after this marriage i:r LA, urim nntilir-ilinn fnr nfflpfl ' TT c!im0Ved to the then wilds Of MlClllan.J'jior-es a'.id annual. It lias performed more WUB iippuctuontj I or unite, ue , . .Tonirfil cure.s in bree years ot Spavin. Suatu xt-rv rniifh nlpap.r with Prisidenftiniar Detroit, and Owned laud at 1 iint.Wind-e,ilis. Scratchis. Swi-eny. and ueueral ables, -Bedsteads, RTC, KIC, E1C, J Gj All Descriptions. " .5, . . . , . JiVrtf itits1 hrA annarntlv' hp ifrain$S,;,!,,!,,w,, t,iH' ail other reinedlfi in 'CXlxteilc- . JIayes and thinks we have at last gotlP01, suiied nete, apparently, ne .igain ? KeaU wiiat lbe Ki.eat Exrrea3Ilieu s:iy ofit . - the rieht man in the rieht dace. The!!1110'611 to Wisconsin and houht prop-'y ..NKW YOkk. Jauuary. "tj. ' Ws am rtitlmr liinntuif) tr .Mrs ol.erty at Southport, now Kenosha OWn-'fi -Every owner of horses should give the Ckn -.. "K"""-' J"'"' ""-(:. , , ... . ., , .tacr Mnimevt a trial.. We wsidcr It the Cantain bv enlartrinir his title to "Oen-lnS lanu iww wuuui me t uy. ..oiKmiMa , best article over used iu oar Mablua " , ! . - . r eral," but he quietly good dog, but Hold and he beloncs to the hold jsvestera tOiir Sliorteneu ta me or . ins ;ine i.iniment. n iksh tiam, omuis. t on 1 . . v" evii. removes Swelling't. and is worth iiii!i!o:i.i (wife, Whu died in 43. &Mine ywirs ar- o- di!:iri annunlly to farmer. Livery-men, . . . ., VI II rf I nnt .Ul'iniii W Sltih IV V "says -Brag is HMana .loss, or property overtaaing inej h. RH'rz, Siipt. u. s. Ex. Siahies, n.' y. -fast is a better 'f Karaily lierp, tie ng;jm sougut n:s oia .i audi o. uia, i. oida-j . fast breed.tnMM m J- in! 'rusnipj or imsMvS; w ro mi ' TI1E NEW LAW OF ASSESSMENTS. There is Considerable complaint andllter he married again, a lady by .he.,,,;0; 'toc-A-troiTei-s. Siieep-ralaer?, aad ih-ise h iving criticism over the. act of the late Leg-naEie of Kc-inhart. r:v lslature prescribing the duties of ass-luiet fanner, living Jation upon the Legislature." This isguvei witn rus son. jo.n a. r. all wrong. The newTConstitution pre-i XIc.Mufphy was a m m of a re-j scribfs jnst what shall be exempt andl'fiarliably p!;icid ami serene disposi. ion. what not. Every exemption allowed10 J- ne was wuit'ly known unu ur.i- - ... .. .... kJ 11.. 1 tr.. .... . ,;!.-. "i METALLIC BUEIAL CASES Of all sues, rrad y taide aad scl J. cUc;p Tor e;w:Ii. VTitii Htrtr.y ilt.tni.--for past patronage. I invite luvile aii ty-caJl.nuU exaaiiii :riy L.VKtJK 3TOt.ll Oi - HO FORTH cct 'g tiy ji j . -, ..;.- ' ' ' . m PL ATTS2WUTIT. 1 ASI) ClA.Xt MTOSIi ?9-MrOUI5E"a old stand 9ti:l kept een by the above. ." CIGARS. TOBACCOS, AC, WHOLE rrrSALE dr llJSTAIL. n" V.T.T.V Qood Goc-cis, Buy Largely Aud invi;e trsde tn eaU :.r.d exatnine. itf FOIC TCI' 5 -rar is. K T-t'if r yoti c a! or. Got ?1 TT e-Tfl cottlr- l fliiwri n w tt.it a r amer r:a:rt do fr 420 the Cealaur 14 u::ii:.ic.H niii il.l ,1b il ll.lllll liii. I thre KUtil lit-l':? 'inese Li:.;intat- arc wo-d v r'1 cois i ..'t:irci;Uout the eoamry. i Ley -re v.in:.i::rd ' - -. ssors, and the listing of property forfdeat&, soma six years ngo, wnen ne 5V2v J' -r o-KivHici ? "'-v u'" "---" taxation. -: Man v of those nl.iprtins-limade hinlast change but one. cmiing1il,a"Ui-r . 7l!,,ci'ia Ut"!t-' " W thA-wnvniWllrv' nf Sniii -ivtriojAwiixi west. to2s"eb., where he has since.: La'urutory of J. B. Uoe & Co , - t - - 1 4 ,o i: K-... T.-., T Honev. by the : Coristitutioa was allowed bySversally loved. Evt-ry on-3 for railvstf .KlXt'?, ' th Legislature in the revised act un-Slround his o!d home ca'.L-d him "Untie- ;rl ,n itu .r. ."y a t.ir'u 'i rL.in.: i r i .si i.vit v. i -:j Til AM ED VA at. isr A6BICULTUSAL SOCIETr. id .t- j ami I the Leeislature in the revised act nn-Hwounn ins u.u u.mn? c;.t-a .mu -""-'.nu it w r.n ,.; ki a ;. fi ... .. .. HT.i..-.....i,,ii,.n.. ,.,,.-. vaml 1:.'rau!e c i! .ii?!i. f i -i; r.-.y? w ctr wmen toe assessors are now acting. t-uim w maun wuvmci. io- ;si . 1 s t c t i. r-.u.'a-. s t i i' ur'cn. Jf I i- tt i: i j . : : .0,1 r-.i c , v .in I i m I I iti.i.-.. : : :' rlN'ew England Presbrterian faith. andvt';i'.H .irr.i;:i. cas:onai4 a w-i .t;::- ud j 61 . . . .. 5.t.iif-.y vrre i .e piy-iai, M iij eiii-i-ue j iwas a man ot Bincerw j'tf ty ixim u um, -t i:ia uasco;- o.i, airt lu-n.ie.- a .s uor kuj-i-e. leading an almost blameless life. Thci coi.nst. uona., My 3, i75. Ilast evening of hi3 life he read theXsr. j. n. Ttose i Co.. Y. : V-t ti-u: : I 111? ii ! : ;i:v or eunifi'.iwrfn n; ?l VJhave u sed a mnen Oaitoria as y fa.-iiiy in I Ii: V." lteVlT OHl PLATTSMOUTH, ) March 3d, 1877. f Cass County Agricultural Societyifpraver book almost all the evening. .i iv. I .. .ie e r r mt:ji kil in. ...l: . re i . -.- ; -f .,,.. xitiie United 5tte. ih'.'ik. mr.E. x, i.i r i.iiv fTiii . Tr in rw.. i. n i n t i'L.ii t i ii v;lh iLiiiitirtt, iiiL.iia L i i ... - . ... - , ,. . . , ... ; - - - - SI ..cyi'Mir,; eci i:u in r.. .uy eui.isren i::.'e o"ii rTTiTorT at two o'clock p. m. Josepli G. Gi!mur-r-!fus.-bein? ihe third attack of Wrti-tS;ved from a fver si-ver.d ji.n-ty t'.-.o t;e j..f ! 0. xliL.Iiliij, Vice President presiding, R. R. 'Wini-So, and although the fall down stairafor nvany di;. th..y ire s.:ii.j.v;t to. in .pref- i itj,,,, A1,n Tr o. T?nnrl ham. ."secretary. l would have ki. ltd a strong mm, it is-Mnrv roi c-rti.'ie.-t? : -.:: .r r u-. .. ' -. . i . . . . . ... - - k'1o,t.fi I l. tv. .; . iv.vi hv i-v ,.f i-.-r.i-.'-- i '-nvay rn n.ta sna itr a. r. nmfs cun :ii.i.ii ,.j i ii- u tut u v nnpiineinm fir r " - cry trurv vi i Ns.U.d.-.N f. LITTL!-:. t il . ..... ... iireiici to aav 'ne l:f in I - !n"V i would have ki.ieti a strong mm, it is dutv m tiv." r'.-.i .- -t.ri.- !? e Heading of the minutes wae inue.l-fiJurohable he was total y unconscions of.i nitely deferred. The Society proceed-yp:tin or of the coming death. Ho leftJ ei at once to the considerai-n of ques-the Mi-tn but a moment bt fore s'.ni'ir.i-'j?, tiuna lf hllHinf33 Thrf !.-: it a liprr.-i ..r-l iMvilv '5t! u rriiwl Tifpt tr. " V. : isl- - v -.-.-. m ftll'l i u:ixi - -' i . attendance more than orliiiry iat its i:-. N'o man could h;f e3t and eathiijiasm was evince-.! in t! affairs of the Society. A livaly a;id e .it - ... . . . . x-t . . . - . . ......... if ctut; uiscussion was inuuigea in asg faith, anil De .i sure or ruiuie napiu-5 l-ti.--vL, . to the time when family or member- ness. 2j 'vfHy1"i ship tickets expired, and as to the righ.sM To the family the death is. sim !:;! 'XJL ot voting conferred by the same, wUicbfjawful ; terrible iu its suddenness. The cheap'', ruxstwi iut For, PLATTSIOUI !I MILLS. PLATTSMO Vtli , NEB. Proprietor. T7 lit-l-.t: m-ii-.-u n il,! ff!-Vlr- :'.it 1. rnrifen'sr .t!T.tr.:;n iven ettr:om r:t ik. PURHiXUREi FURNITURE! . V St. jl s Ks 1 ftE'a TUJE MAS, K?;FS,AIT EATING EOUSI ' O-T LOW- v MAIN STItS-ST, PLA7TSX0UTIT, .- - - - . ''5. 4-J-il notirs. i?. 1IZXPF.L, Prep. ll. A. WATERMAN 4 : Vtok-sa'.e sr.d Set ail VeiJirra n ON, ! 3 3 T -iv. V' Sash, Boors, Blinds,! . ETC KTC f.TC. j HJU-.trt.-t Oj.: of F..'.U. j PLATTSXOUTH, - - - - IvES. i .... e. . tf?v r J n b 02 W.tfni4 111 i iiit or. .is i:s. Xu man could ha-e been lot- ,1 1 1'-Jt, ?-HtH-r ! T'l'i V1! T H f 1 ' ,.:-,-,t,;-.-.l. -Mud oul,: that we a!l i U, iCn.d ; N,. oTFanr.. C a-w.vuld live Ids life of simplicity- and'; J :.-s5?- ':'' t--cy r.c..cr-.; I :,;;.$ nnd is pr 1 m farmsh avi!.'n? ;,, asQfaitll. and be i.is sure of future happl-- s-ZL .'';JL V"3" inau-.i KMi nr!iic, I ..uA.-r.-o:-J. V-.-M aat ecu ;i.v stock tefcie i in - i .. 13 T Ti--''-. . . ;.. v wi i i.-u vt'i hv I Hablard Uo.ite :i.AToi:. I W'eeplri; v'aler, 1!tr.3 . eventually resulted in the adoption offTonly consolation being they were alJJj (.-it'ie itv:-w. the following provision, an amendment Mcheire. No sign of recognition ever a-; Jcktu Su-x:nu-!1? of the Kcgnlatlons as oSared by R. B.peared after the fall. They can onlv-' spirits. 'soiu'.-to i; ir'r,i-t c-j--i. ft". r - .'i- . . , ' J lh4s uiirivari-'d .Soathert: ii-rn. . v -r. .;tr .u . vv nanom. . lysjr to tlitir boalnic hearts. A cood oldJed not to inni i:-, ai: k.:' fr -.utii-..' m .-.iej:-; l.c i .t !li. .- - -i . i i V, ri - t-'j l i - i r t . sit Hor any Injuriou mineral s:f tM, o-.f u Kman has gone home. "Peace, be still y PURELY VP OPT 1 -' l" ;1S1S15: entilnlng t!i.e Saur r i ':-v,.- . .d . u igtvL-iuacdl.-L?A fin fttf.gW-'Awt,rh aif wJe rtrovi .'. a -.s ;,1 -r -i i. pre vn i: . yCrilt-'l.i "Family admission tickets $2.00 which constitutes the contributor a member of the Society until the lirst Saturday In March following the Fair.! and entitles him to all the privileges of the Association, and hi3 bona fide fatn-JUfyourselves accordingly during the season, including oneteam." We acknowI.l-e the receipt of Zhi 'l VX i,'..'-X-' A3 per rules of the Society the Treas-gj tble public: documents from Hon. lX;''' rj,,v; .;u!;i-i ili. 'r'oi f ivf'v':f ii - urer and Secretary made their annual5iV. Hitchcock. ' t-it-d to ui'i ro-i-r n ii- i. (,; :,t tn . re ee:: ,v.-. , ,iX .mini .m iwdone ; l.-ii.i!y. i., . ! i: y -!liiv ap- luto.n atiend ...t...n I ; . - t .. See the grasshopper bill and govrriiCx W,' fr 4l iM.-n C t i .- Jjof tie .'ivrflii t t o.vti,. S2 The yitpuiri9 of Liver t'o-r; vifr ir hurl f -isit t.i tae 1.1 K-i-ns:f. .i I can recommend an e:Tioac:oafi remedy for '(i;te?M' of the l.iv' r. Iie:rtlrorn and Lsy-;xi' ,ia, y.y.:-iy Live:: ivK'jL'i.ATB. l .taster Mreet, icuji, nuiiiiuii luution was rererreuNJ . v-nraaoe r the axm a-, i . to a committee of three to pass upon,ll An incoaip.ete artier on the action., minion for con-.a.r, consist! nsf Of J. A. MacMnrubr. Prrv1 fi l,,c lu"'m:,'1"'"r,J ' ".-ijthc ni-ae. at ottir wry few. be.t the Liver "WllkPP unit f Tl lml, ' Banancial Etatemtnt of the COUflty, i...'tse!ar-f:etos,MiiiuitieJ.Mjy, i gencnxliy tha tvainer ana ja. is. Aiurpnv. , SS . , swl l t::c dv-v.v: ntt.t it not res ;!(! m man fin miiinn ii, ,.i.i- 1 -i-i .li'niiliel this week, owing to tue ab3Cilce-risre.tt sti'.erir.r, wretcUucaesi uiitl ueatm win lilULllJII i nr nt'IHi V I I I I M mmm I CM rn n I the election of effieers for the ensuinglof the EHloj: from th omc-e. .1. ; i- . i . . ' jeai, wiucii resuitea in ine election, ot We hope the readera of the llynAt.D ,V D. II. Wheeler for President. D.Btn ..t.. tt d.nr Johnson Vice President and Gen'l. Su-8of mHtter and late news in thi, week's SnTCSJem ;PIUng Scretar'-gpaper. Mr. MacMuiphy, the Editorgl-fe-tH DitT,Trr- -t ;-"-a not give his attention to the P--, w. . ... ,T w ,pej- later tntn l iiesany mis wrcu. pnntw oi tnem r!iveo pu.jo i:is.n ifi,::.:.r.rv f- . iiyers. C iu Pmkham. J. A. Mac-& - rr - - VfWZ ' , ' m.': Murphy, II. C. Vau Horn. P. W. liob-;? The apparent breach between thevWn, csa.' bitt; the names for directors were sug- jJ President and the Senate with regard to 1 gested by a committee appointed forjj -is cabiiu-t appointments is liappi.ylj tuat purpose, and they also recomi.ieti- bridged over and all the n inint:i ns r. Cet'tii'l. Sample T.00.1.. .y:.;t"t tn ;ir,d from the Cept-t St HO EL, ... Lar ct titii Carat 3ytcl lit tiveesi Vlil c;sjro ami San GEO. THRALL. - - ... Prop. Oil AH A. XEP.. O, K. SAJLOON. ?C1 ..ill lilUiktO iJCl i i v, '.i'.oAi ca.i lc ha I .it r.o other C.-'.a3 i;!v -.-; f-.fautfi.- 2t 5 o1 CO JO -5 to p T- . c CL. fi- " ' ? -i " r si. 2 - i v' M -"? o a " c: 5" 5 . :r t L Ijj hfj part t5 H I ' I ; 2 Is W&r the lies:! SD clay we il Fall aeaal Winter isoods SCHNASSE & GRAM BERG'S r ! i Vif.-t.'.effrf.-f rt? ' t-ri J. l.Z PA LIS r CO.. MACON. vJA.. aad i'Hi LA I rr t Pii! V. .lain xi'iiv Kii-jki ' "ai"".r J, si'ver n- j i'i the f.i us'; I' rj. i and requested to co-operate with thevgtaken their p foregoing named directors F. M. Mc-Jgduties. auniign. u. u. F leming, tv. J. HtsserJ -r and S. Ii. Thomas, but no further ac-S! NED. SENATORS COMMITTEES, tion was taken thereon. It was decH-H ed by a voto of the Society to hold th?v5 Ajrriculture- ded that the fol!mvinr nniM l. a.l,Mri f?lrA Mti(iiiiil. Th naw eilms. 'ntve ptvpar.it ion. viz : a daces and begun their uew...eit:i:i! i'on-i-:iv? in;--, -(vSweti Signal ;i:reet !:. i-.tv-.v.. .. t; i!ii :-.iia : :!! v. -TADTiOCK. v: A - next Lountr Ka rmi nt a ; t miiour, iwm, ui t-bt viii::i.i, mvj 1S77 PrpKCTUAL fil-PClPIC - Ah n iii !.-!?;. i t tijinv:c.. I ve;?. v.,i .f:j-.::t;;U, riT.vcv It:.'! D.-," ' ' : i"" :l. i . ." ' - no-.'. Jlu;: Ii:'-, . T;:M.T.;-;.:?, t'.?:;: t'. i .-.. 1 i..;l-.ai.-"' ? k"! it.- Vlil . '.' " "r ft- " Iw "- N . , r . . We have opened our New Steele ot ' Dew One d ior east .of the Saundt-t llci'': ke;-p tVie Lest of Beer, Win 23, Liquors & Ci tet). r"3-t5r.t:v on H:md. KriVUliYJirtb, &C. er: tn o PfL-s r.'?.!-:-?e. iiiurt is,l t5 r.er er-t. f' r ""i-i.-ate.l Cri:.I.je, with reattwi for 1H77. A d Ltss, G,h;aV W r. TEUf Gtrw WO! " 81 Sr.hhe!d St.. rLtrbKrh.ra. priena KS, I3yl :i ! 'ITT i'h'iivercd c.:!iy in :r or TJW CITY, vr ei'lou. . .. M i'ns.Oihees and fosi a: i:ui.i iiatali A ntinarmn n-. . : 1 1 vr T t-' -i-wvivu ni uuw ttutteu vy v . ferry, J on, or Nevatl-t, I'a;tmc;c, . - th-r. w ,-. f. c r ! -, -km e -e Wells, as to the propriety and validitySOonover, Kirkwood, Saulsbnry, ibxoy. oM- ;.,Vr- y.e wo.aa c'.t ; .,1 ; coi:: iti . : of the actions of the Society on Febru-ElKi,i,ev- tiv'iil.cvuAV.u ary 10th, iu considering, the question!! ,P??!icii!S1;'3- y lrnVn'nV1 stn' J to the removal of the Fair Grounds,,,, of Florida, C. rover a-id Chr.a-nd. J-iL ,A,1;.1), u which resulted in th InnstfciAn nf r-v.r-i'ti it;i r,.-,r...v.i- P.umnrir4i if trtr , ana 1 ri'Ja.Ulpaia.. same at "Centre," in Cass Co.. it beingl9nd nrover. : " ' " ' ttX'i v-iuiea inac tne proceedings at thatr""" . x'K. & u touii! i uv .,"u" u hi and lai- rx i h o lime were unconstitutional ; quite unl; 'r u,;m,. M,th lny ..v,.; ?),r,r . :; v; u o. ppfM-.' PPPfTT PT.np.P g??T)S! , - -. . 1 fjf Ook. Ki aho.iL na t a Lo; i.i sa A l: t..e. i havo r.'t -t ' L.jIJJ i.inj;lt i ll J ii Jjii UL'LlUJ uiuiateu uwcnssion ensued - 111 W lichra ni,..:,.t ,.fe.,i,.,nl.;., .. tv,,.,, Cr,..0''ett:.st I r-v- iu , , , v . ..... v " ... r - ing the progress of which terestiug eiisodc occurrei of a rcvolationary ch i -. ;Z' I t.r.'iu i.;.:.it..i.y 1. ;r-.!vr.r-,a:." a ir.'-". - 'd".i t ,jf::r; t-.it ar;v.tl in i-;' 'i;r e-it of J.r.'-r;: Ms::!. e-ia '..-.:!. s ii i.:: it ! pa-i ti; tee e iti!!n-' in ti- v;;;r, with a hand- j si..e cover, and i.i be .'.,";tu:;y 1 .irt:,ra.i-'I T-:tri-; i nj,.i.nt diu'-i'-i-Us,e. saas iti-. it u vhe o:.y s nr.per ! t!-e -.r;d c,jv.a.l txe-ulvf:y to iiv it o:t aad iia !a:ry. it d ;?..;;! t-.oj .?t.nti?e. J ,. c?i.ii-t:. ti- ' n. ; tits v.-::v s L.i c.-s. t'.iC ftost an-TLi' l it.-ds f .'"i-.ii.'C ana j har.d:it:j:, ,na etciytittaij r-''-iniu? to ; ':e s.ic- I ex g'ti.i ;- o: t; v - sr ."; r.n the f;vrn. j I-:n ' tae ve. sjf... -s.-in-s t. n", i -e :n- It'sra vofUiiarri-a of I'r-rit;! t. t.".:!.--. wi cr:.:;.h.diirr..'!il a.r.:v-9 u'K.n tlm iv?3 t-f he":h a-;i tf..-.se r a; s-ed to iKw.siic Ai i-ti:V-5. th;;t c U.ii to 'e of sreat vi.ie in rntmiT4 and .vr.fk : icrs evi :y -.bt r.'. It contn :!. s.ir'irnt barnritt tt. .!vi '.-"ii to Horse-'. :,: 'het-n, K.v;.;e jn-' ta f ity, and 1 iiK sr'iiT.. ft Ci' "evs lf. C't;,V.?C-a iirfiLjJiOl i ; ti.C i ,'-!:ii ; o:.k i i.'::ne.:-n. Ar-ns j i :.: I ?Ui-a! i'-r in t ;r H-p.ir-4te j.--part- l tat eta re la .- van 'a. .-. ex- petite is spared oa t:.e part of its piii-li'aon. to i i-K'.k' it h high-trrn, rtSioiik, practical fw fn- trvrt.i-s Jmr- at. ;a.a snr a as ev?i y i;uei;:gent ! I'riner and sti-.ck hrei-der will Had worth ten -T r rt ! inne Its east, svien year. ill U Him & CO. TEU.V.:.rinele copies, one yrar. prstMf-e ; . I paid, !.: trinhs of flr, novrnsje p-.td, lS.ti: j T - rinftr I I i'.ii 1:1 (-!l, i;u nil L'AlJd i i- i. nrr iu l.-i-iiiii i j .Jit t 1 . i : - i . . . ... . t ... i r . -j i t --UV U AJAUXifc . n'M- i-.:k on '-io. i"-- o--. si. . no.-.-; J hthUtt i.;i'.'tf!!"i nc'trr f ;i;; i :.i ';o U'nl VrUmtc. a V-ofk of or j p. f i;5 1 iiii-.-. Addrvs-1e.tf.-pi. ivitei iiit: those I ; t. , !f"-i !.e.i nnu v.iti- j crTiiaiiT-ii: money, utiles in (shape of rental Or is. frtietal-l'-. (ii'lls. xt. Fnee j (,-r or Li '.'t. o TCK 4;t.'!:XAr, fOMP.VNY, Publisher. I. '.'.ci -ie P.iiildla,;. t'lil-.'.i; O. ILLS. SS.Nl tt1r, rolt -CY. " : " V. y a a If LJ ti il il II II II V f A NKETS, 0 S 8 COMFORT conflicting elements were suddenly and sued - in whicnr VUiri(.to Columbla-Dorsey. Spen-'J ,;;,,! f', l'V JTtt-A-indulged dur-Sfa-fr. Iusalls. Rollins. Savsder. Marti- 4. em'" kn .-rn i. v.! - -i:.;-r t- i i. !ier-r.cj ch, quite an iii-jumn, liarmirn. l - 4 ., .... r r- E :. "t :red. sorae'wlia: Territories Patterson, Clnis iancy.j ' " ' -- , , t .i rChaffee, Saunukf.s, Garland, (Jrovor.:L . . WL'' aracter. bu. thfilei.cf(,rtL b :i :2! r Qi4 H I Traitsportnfidn Routt-s ti the Sn-'i-t peremptorily harmonized, things ' wereSj,0ard Cameron , of WiacoisMn,' WinLi V i A All) i'tLO pitceu in statue quo, and ucidness pro-gg hn. ( oiit.ver, iJuniside. AtrxDcii!". ceeded ; the outgrowth of the discussio!iD,,vi30f v'est Virginia Harris, Lamar. t , - ... . . . cm muI Hrtf. L4 tion, to-wit: "Resolved that the ac-l! .r.rn'r,ii 1 ion of the association in locating tbt p u.ij.ij...... . j - Fair Grounds be rescinded W. ila your papers., to get the Co. 0r-- Well.-This motion, was submittetigauization .l;i!l in full. a ruing.pui to a vote anu carrieM. ns r '.. lit'-lnftlnrr f.-m v rt:id Pir'.tii. lor 2'rtt. 14 f 1 '.f-fefi.il jmkI 7'?e rrilmk. SO fs V-tf.- i.tf.i iVc-f ul"t.iie.t if piefened. NY. U. i;KIi', ivoer.csier, X. Y J.Tcnf Jon this pap.-r. -AND The most Complete Stock of . - Maw Ma dh ilijJ IJX ft BSYAfi & CHAfilBEBS, M;tisaf:.-. tutors -f an-1 Dssters !'t Oil 2v2T.XT:T' 3T,"i2 - East of i'latte Valley ;iooste. K TH fiLi)i:iT COLL o o o y o o 3 i r. J LTLRZ. whips. LIVERY STABLE In the Town. The following motion was al3madr-j"J: hiid submitted in writing and c? cried J , "Moved that this mating adjourn toy meet in the Court House, on Siitnrdav.vl March the 21th. at 2 o'clock, p. iu., f orA the. purpose of cntertaininrr i.roi osi-faWheat. new tirna In vrflt- r.-, , ..e .t...f3'7,ra ... ....i.i, UIC il" .JllMIl Ul lilVL JiOlt.' i- air Ground, and that all parts of thejftitye. MARKETS. HOME MAUKHT?. ' EEMBTEli m F. t. WRITS. County bo notified of the ojipoitanitylV""' ; to present thir proposit ions and con-ycnu'ie." .'. . . veniences. and that said Fair 1 lround"ias'ctwbe-tv be locatetl at that time. All hrl.lin?3 . : mcraliership tickets at the last Fair, LATr.r .tr.r.- to::k "mAukkts who became members .sinc then. artiQ new Youar. March 7. hereby entitled to vote at all meetiug:-gv:.-ey - of the Society, until one year from thefpt,!'J-.--'- - ate their membership tickets wer latest Chicago sia ejccts. sued, not beyond the nrst Saturday ii.wi Good Teams Always ou Hand. ;Carefu! Di ivsrs sat with cir- riages if desired. lJ'l-is! arriageji Kent to i'eit to meet all traif. i;.'ifNVheucver .nk'. y . ' . . . - V". ' Ti. xV-;i.V H--: '... iH TOWrt. 3 ''0 f-'unT..N .ittrisi-- ar. S i a riia ii.es fnnis":el to L-'frh a-:,-. v ! v. .;. vf. SilANXuIx. . M 42-ly - i'datusmouih. LTC, PTC, PTC. : H -M-P AIRING Done with Neitiie-3l Dispatch. cS "a o ;3 4:'!lr t,. 1 rr-- f l ! v I5- 5i". '-' h t , c .. . . v -. r 1 J. Ud vi-t ie ct"3 . v-i r.'-:: or Harness IVIanutaLtiircrs, ?AI)l;Ll.a' ' A - It . I 1 ? 1- 3 o CD o O 'rt o h ': tj c i . EVER. BROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTII. - We have also a Large Stock of WOlow Wooden-Ware COU-AKS. BtM sioeii, oonataaUy ou Fruit Confccliouory, . .. ' A Ml ' Grocery-Store i CANDIES, . . - - - -r.s. 5.1 ' -'v r . - - . i. ...... . . f"" ave that no yearly rutm l"inur..,..;.... 'ts p. t- ii K - r, slca. bershtn ticket Hiall 1 . good :for twofe-;;;;;;;;,;;-;-;;;::: g T ' ' Joseph G. GlI.MORE. t-l'V;;-- ti 4 " ""-t'r-.r t r.:. :..f. --.-..,.,, , - ' tvnewfcer it nla o li. IS. V IN'xllAir. V1..A PrM. Kf'," n.i.ri;-.8J .r. .w t.'rt'l!ftM r.'?.. i ;w: i.'i ! c:i Lovi MaJ.l r.Tei. TFA3 :c:-rLm, j PMtf-.tc I.. Ci. i;07 3 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and bale Stables. Crr.erG'a and Foiul&tt. nrrfej woajujeo by tkz 13 AY, WKSiEt, OR' Mtt-ITII. HOHSE3 30UOHT. SOLD OK TIIADED, Ecri Fair Conirii?i!0T3. TEAm AT ALL HOURS, j Driving and Training: AL-Alitse furcishe-I "ba eali?d icr. A FuIfStoc of I Our Steele was bought under extremely favorable circumstances tnd we arc able to sell at the very bottom prices, and will give the best bargains to bo had in Cass County. RPHEMBERALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE P0R GOODS. oaft'tlForgetthe IPIace5 ONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PlattS2B0Bfc. Kt. lmciDs, i Ty "... j V I i f j( W i 1 ". 4 i 5 4 t - Yp u 7 ' r ,t . w -".3