IMfiMiciMliMMMBMMa f HE HERALD. THtf CCSIXESS OUTLOOK. Three Substantial Reasons V'hj It is Moving: From Bad to Better. The Tublic Tho improvements in business is no longer a matter of dispute. .Llse where the evidences which accumulate are Bet forth in detail ; iu brief they are: 1. An actual increase iu the aggre gate transactions of clearir.g houses at seven chief cities dufiri the three weeks ending October 21, compared with the corresponding weeks last year, of 833, 731,773. Though this increase .is less than 3 per centum, it establishes the fact that transactions exceed those of last fall, not onlv in quantities ex changed, but, in spite of the fall of pri ces, m values also. In quantities the increase appears to be over 13 percent. 2. This improvement is greatest in Xew York, Philadelphia and Chicago, the very cities which have the most ex tensive trade with all parts of the coun try. At New York, the improvement in mercantile transactions is even great er than the clearing indicate, because dealings in stock during the same three weeks were smaller than the correspond ing weeks4asb year. 3. Receipts and shipment of grain largely exceed those of last year, the in crease in Oct. being over 10 per in quantity, and since the opening of navigation about 14,000,000 bushels, or 13 per centum. The daily production of petroleum, though small early in the year, is now larger than at this time in 187.3. The movement in cotton ex ceeds that of last year to date by 44, 000 bales. A young college graduate with a few dollars in his pocket, had an ambition to follo.V in the footsteps of Horace Greeley s a newspaper man, and en quired 4f Curtis Guild of Boston, what were the runniug a paper requisites. The following sensible words composed the reply given in the presence of a secret gathering of newspaper men: A brain a flexible and elastic as yteel, A luemoiv sis tenacious as iron, A temper even as that of a saint. A digestion equal to that of an ostrich, Aud the endurance of arianmut. "Ahoo! Ow! Yahj Ahool Git out! O-o-o-hl my!" were the frightful sounds which awoke the ocupants of a sleeping-car on the Union Pacifiic railroad the other night. There was considera ble agitation among the passengers un til the porter came along and explain ed that it was only a gentleman who ha 1 had a nightmare in one of .he upper births. The gentleman proved to be Dio Lewis,-who had been eating escol loped oysters, doughnuts lobstei-sulad and Boston ducks for supperand who dreamed that he had received a Dem ocratic nomination for Congress in Mass; ch tset s. "I want you to play something bril iant and dashing," said youugMr Rom eo to the organist arranging for the music at his wedding: "none of those old die-away, worn out thines usually played."' 'How would Beethoven's Symphony in E minoi' arranged as a fantasie in four tlats and one stop to the high C, suif you?" inquired the musiciaR. "Well said the bride-groom elect, exidently puzzled, "if its got the ring and go of the 'Skidmore Guards' or 'Tommy make Room for your Aun tie' in it, I think it will do. This is the kind of houses they had "down east" in an early day. Some of our Nebraska grumblers haye fared much better. The first framed houses were usual ly small, low and cold. The half house about twenty feet square satisfied the unambitious. The double house, forty by twenty in dimensions, indicated progress and wealth. It was designed for shelter, not for comfort and ele gance. The windows were sm;iil, with out blinds or shutters. The fireplace was sufficiently spacious to receive logs three or four feet in diameter, with an oven in the back, and a flue nearly large enough to allow the ascent of a balloon. A person might literally sit in the chimney corner and study astron omy. All the cooking was done by this fire. Around it, also, gathered the family at evening, numbering six or twelve children, and the cricket on the beaith kept company with their prat tle. The furniture was simple and use ful, all made of the wood of naiive for est trees. Pine, birch, cherry, walnut and curled maple were mostly used by "the cabinet-maker." Vessels of iron, copper and tin were used in cooking. The dressers, extending from floor to ceiling in the kitchen, contained the mugs, basins and plates of pewter which shown upon the farmer's board at meal times. The post of housewife was no sinecure. She had charge of the dairy and kitchen, besides spinning and weaving, sewing and knitting, washing and mending for the "men folks." The best room, often called "the square room." contained a bed. a bureau or desk, or a chest of drawers, a clock, and possibly s brass fire-set. Its walls were as naked of ornaments as the cave of Macpelah. It was an age of simple manners, industrious hab its, and untarnished morals. Sanborn's History of New Hampshire. X Dog- Story. A dog case, tried in the Circuit Court at Saginaw, is fully reported in the Michigan Lawyer. The plaintiff raised berries for the market and had a little dog that industriously drove away the birds from the crop. The defendant owned a big dog, and one day the little dog, chasing birds into the defendant's premises, was bitten by the big dog and mortally wounded." The plaintiff proved t he uncommon value of his dog and.denvinded damages. The defend ant justified the conduct of his dog un der a statute which says that it is the duty of every police oilicer or consta ble to kill unlicensed doga. The plain tiff dog was not licensed. Judge Mar ston, in his charge to the jury, said: It does not appear from the record, and the court will not presume, that the defendant's dog was either dz Jure or a police officer or a constable; and that if he held neither of these po sitions at the time, then clearly it was not big duty to act in so summary and severe a manner. It does not satisfac torily appear that defendant's dog had sufficient intelligence or discretion to act in an official cap icity in such cases As an officer, if he claimed to act i:. that capacity, he only had a right to kill plaintiff's dog in case he found him going at large not licenced; and wheth er defendant's dog had examined the records and .ascertained thereby that plaintiffs dog was not licensed, does not appear. Even if the plaintiffs do had no collar on. and the defendant's To f'-.-f:. r.'t V-p"m ;v. not 'Vf?Hr"a .'oi!:ir wms t!;- 5;v. Jut b.-.- f , ;r.:iii-.i -:.t:n.;;irc-i ;- i""; rd in ;,nl j... --tify uu- .?or t;-i-i striate. Nw i or!; tAmi. TELEGRAPHIC ! New York, November 10. The Tribune savs: The following is the substance of the latest news and com ment furnished at headquarters of the national committee: Information from Louisiana and Florida show that the white league and ku-klux are making raids on the ballot boxes and canvassers. This of course proves they have lost these states. Governor Kellogg and Governor Stearns are in formed that leading friends of Mr. Tilden are on their way to Louisiana and Florida, and they invite promi nent men of national reputation of both parties to be present. They ask that the situation and the facts be thoroughly known. They say: We know we are right, and will stand or fall by the record. Philadelphia, November 10. The following are copies of telegrams sent at about noon to-day by President Grant: Philadelphia. November 10. To Gen. W.T.Sherman, Washington: In struct Gen. Auger in Florida to be vig ilant with a force at his command to preserve peace and good order, and to see that the proper and legal boards of canvassers are unmolested in the per formance of their duties. Should there be any grounds of suspicion of fraud ulent count on either side it should be reported and denounced at once. No man worthy of the office of President should be willing to hold it if counted n or placed there by fraud. Either ean afford to be disappointed in the re sult. The countrv cannot afford to have the suspicion of illegal or false returns. (Signed) U. S. Grant. Philadelphia, November 10. To General Sherman, Washington Send all the troops to General Auger he may deem necessary to insure en tire quut and peaceable count of the ballots actually cast. They may be taken from South Carolina unless there is reason to suspect an outbreak there. The presence of citizens from other states, I understand, is requested in Louisiana to see that the board of can vassers make fair count of tha vote actually cast. It is to be hoped that representative and fair men of both parties will go. (Signed.) U. S. Grant. WHOM THE PRESIDENT HAS CHOSEN. Philadelriiia, Pa., November 10 In accordance with the request of Gov Kellogg, of Louisiana, that prominent men should go from the north to in spect the counting of votes in that state, the President has invited the fol lowing gentleman to proceed to New Orleans for such purpese: Hon. W. O. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Gen. J. O. Garfield of Ohio, Hon. J. A. Kasson of Iowa, John Schonberg of Pennsylvania, Gen. J. A. Logan of Il linois. It 's understood that most of these gentlemen have accepted and will reach New Orleans within a few days. A COMMITTEE ASKED TO COME TO NEW OR LEANS. New York, November 10. The fol lowing dispatch was sent to Gener.ds Ingersolls, Hubbard, Robinson, Bedle Curtin, Palmer, McCreery, Carroll, and others; also to Senators Thunnan, Bayard, Randolph, McLkmald, Kernan, and other Senators, and to leading pub lic men in the northern states: Re publicans and democrats, citizens of New Orleans, urgently request that a delegation of prominent gentlemen come here at once to counsel peace and a fair honest return. " Yo are earn estly required to be one of the ten or fifteen gentlemen, all widely known to meet at the Louisville Gait House. Sat urday evening, proceeding directly south, or, if more convenient, meeting at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Monday morning. Your prompt ac ceptance by telegraph is requested. This emergency appeals to vour patri otism. Abram L. Hewett, Chairman. Washington, November 10. Gen. Sherman has acted upon the telegrams received from the President, and has r -reived word from G. n Ai g r that he ha 1 ordered nine companies to Florida and would order live more and go ii pei-son with them, leaving Col. Hui.t of the Fifth Artillery in command oi South Carolina. A company of artil lery will be put of the troops sent from South Carolina. TROOPS FOR FLORIDA. Washington, November 10. Fo.ur companies of troops have been ordered from South Carolina to Tallahass. Thay left this morning. Gen. Aug. r will accompany them to Florida. Ex citement is more intense than ever, and crowds are congregated at m i:iy points throughout tliat city discussing the situation. Yankton, D. T November 10 Last night about 7 o'clock Jack McCall and Jerry McCarty, prisoners in the United States jail.made desperate efforts to es cape overpowering the jailor and beat ing him badly, but the Marshal, hear ing the alarm, came to the rescue. Both the prisoners are charged with muvder in the Black Hills, McCall be ing the murderer of Wild Bill. Their cases come in for trial here the 27th. A Troitise on 11 arses." A Combridge youth, old Ryder's boy says the Boston Courier, is the anther of the following interesting effusion : "Horses is useful ter drawbacks and and milk wagons hearses and an a great many other usfull things They eat hay and oats for fodder an doant eat up linen dusters an door mats like a marsh goat does. A boss will kick awful with his feet. Ralzie Sours tried ter Iikc'i a close line round a nold car horses huff once and the old boss kicked him soz his folks had ter have a funeral for him. I.s fun ter ride on a horses back. Inguns is the best riders m the world. Tha skim over the perrarie3 an shoot buff tiers an peace commissioners. I wisli I was a Ningun. I,d scalp my school teacher awful quick. When a boss gits scart he'll sometimes run a thousand miles an sm-ish thunder out of everything. A horses tail is the usefulest thing in th world .er keep flies off ov him. Thir tails is also handy to m ike. rid dle b'ze ov. When a hos gits sik soz he kante do no moar wurk hez cent to Wards bone faktera and maid inter tovlit soap an ivory an r lot, of things. V'e n nuth-;r feller thi oad a lot ov read pepp ir inter olp Ashense Horses nnaze wun day. whyle'he s.ood in frunt ov the fisch marki lie snoartid an wru i an throad sum fisch out ov the wagjun. kle?r do vti ter Piiort Wash intia; Ide lyke e own" a boss. $nnn"a" ' iennd ov UUtl ""tli in til-- haseitw J J J ;ho? Hilling to wnw very r.prent every ess we iuniish, Dut :n can easily earn a 1 w'.i'n u:i.trs a a it risriit in :'tei: own l!caj;ties Have no room to explain here, liiiMi'ess pJeis at:t and honorat. W-nnen. hoys and gir.s do lis well as men. We will furiiUh you a -o;-;lete T'i i.n-!n- n-v better than a.iy V .r. i 0 c-; ; Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup for the cure of Con- sumption, Caught and Colds The great virtue of tills medicine is that It ripens tlie matter and throws It out of the sys tem, purities the blooil, and thus effects a cure. Sciif.nck's Ska Weed Tonic, for the Cukk or DYSFEPSIA.1XU1UE3TION", &c. The Tonic produces a healthy action of the stomach creatintr an appetite, lorinlnz chyle, anil curing (lie most oustiuate cases oi inuigcs tion. Schenck's Mandrakk m.m, for thk Cuke of Liver Complaint, &c. These Tills are -alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver, without the lca-st danger, an tliev are free front calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for con sumption, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens liie matter and purities the Mood. Tlie Mandrake Tills act upon the liver, create a healthy bill?. Mid remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause of Consumption. The Sen Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the stomal, makes a good digestion, and enables the orirans to form good blood ; ai d tVius creates a healthy circulation of healthy blood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will cure every case of conui)i;'io!i, if t;iken In tune, and the use of the medicines persevered iu. Dr. Schenck Is professionally at his princinal ofliee, corner Sixth and Areh St., I'hilade'.pliia. every Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. AGENTS2rnln?"of"o -like Steel Rn. t our trOide- MAKE filial 'itidlaat-M Hell r.oidlv. tfl 0 A Tl I VJiend f or circular. N. "V. Kmr. $1 0 h. Lin I iCo., 35 Wall St., COX 3236, N. Y. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, - Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in Pine Lumber, SHIG-LES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Ma- street. Corner of Fifth, PIiATTSMOUTTI, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber. Hatt the Butcher has once :iir.; e trXcr tho field a" 1 offers his sci xi ".'-- to !-- puiilie in his old stf.nd, prepared in lUiuisli ihe best of GAME. FISH, & FOWL, IX SEJ.S0X. Thankful for past patronasre, T solicit a onn I nuance of the s:mie. Opposite Johnson's Dnis Store, south side Main street, Tlattsinoutd, Ne braska. S3ly A. i. II ATT. ROBERT DONNELLY'S wa.o-o:lt AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. rETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew lVasons mid lns:;ie made to Order. SATISFACTION OUARAXTKKD. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streiiiht's Stable. Fopest Tap, For Throat, Lungs. Asthma, and Kidneys. Forest Tar Solution, or inhalation for Catarrh. Consumption, Bronchitis, and Aaiiuna. Forest Tar Troches, or Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Tickling Cough, an.4 Purifying the Breath. Forest Tar Salve, or HealinK Indolent Bores. Ulcers, Cuts, Burns, and lor Pile. Forest Tar Soap, or Chapped Hands, Salt Btaeum, Skin DIaeaaea, tiie Toilet and BaUt. Forest Tar inhalers, or Inhaling for Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma. For Sale by all Druggist. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in ETC.. ETC., ETC. One Door East of the Post -Office, Tlattsniouth, Nebraska. ... : O : " Practical Workers in SHEET IRON, ZIXC, 7' IN, BRA ZIER 1', dc, tiui. Large assortment of Hard ana Soft CCXA-Hj STOYBo, Wood and Coal Stoves for II ATISG Oil COOKING, Always on Hand. Every variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in stock. MAKING AND REP IE I KG, Done on Short Notice. ZS-EVERYTUIXQ VCA Fit A XTF.D ! PKICS.M LOW ,I)()WX. a,ff SAliE BROS. There is Money in it! Exempt froa Execution, and Hot Perishable. Special Inducements to the Trade. AGENTS "WANTED Style S. Everywhere for tba WEED Family u j Sasclactirio SEWING MACHINES. Setail Price, $75.00. THZT ARE THE Simplest, lightest Burning, Best Had and Host Sellable Sewing Machines la the world, (Cut this oat and rensmber it) AfM" eve if i C-3 6. LC'j yTaUib. Art., Cii-.-.trc, Hi, -FOR 1-Y Centaur Liniments Letter from a MlnUter. Xm. II. Hickcox. Rector of St. John's P. E. Ctiurch, Waketleld, Clay Co.. Kansas, writes: "Many years I have been siiaering front a weak back, caused from a sprain more than 40 years !u;o. I have not foin-d anything to relievo me until I coinineni'cd thuse of Vntaur I.iimiieut. I fiel it my clirisllau duty to inforui you that by it wonderful effects I am et-Uiely'rciieved of pain, Jan. 22d, 1873. This is a sample of many thousand testimoni als received, of wonderful cures effected by the Centaur Liniment. The Ingredients of this arti cle are published around each bottle. It con tains Witch Hazel. Mentha, Arnica. Rock Oil, Carbolic, and Ingredients hitherto little known. It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Lini ment Is performing more cures of Swellings, Stiff Joints, Eruptions, Rheumatisms, curaU;ia, Sci atica, Caked Breasts, Lock-jaw, &c, than all other Liuiments, Einbroeatious, Extracts. Salves Ointment and plasters now in use. For toothache. Earache, Weak Back, Itch, aud Cutaneous Eruptions, it Is admirable. It cures burns and scalds without a scar. Extracts poison from bites and stings, and heals frost bites and chillblains. In a rhort time. So fami ly can afford to be without thejCeutaur Lini ment, white wrapper. The fentar I.iniinent.Yilov Wrapper is adar.ted to the tough skin muscles and Mesh of The animal creation. Its effects upon severe cases of Spavin, Sweeney, Wind-Gall, Big-Head and Poll-Evil, are little less than marvelous. Messrs. J. MeClure & Co.. Druggists, cor. Elm anil Front sts.. Cincinnati. O., say : "In our neighborhood a number of teamsters are using the Centaur Liniment. They pro- ' nonnce it sujM'rior to anything they hav ever used. Y e sell as iugii as lour or nve uozen uot- tles pei mouth to these teamsters. We have thousands of similar testimonials. i For "Wounds. Galls. Scratches, Ring-boae, &c. and for Screw orm in Sheep, it ha no rival Fanners, Livery-men. and stock-raiders, have : in this Liniment a reineuy which is worth tiiiuii dred times its cost. Labratory of J. B. Rose & Co., Castoria. Mothers may have rest ami their babies may have health if tliey will use Castoria for Wind Coiic, Worms. Feverishness. Sore Mouth, Croup or Stomach complaints, it is entirely a vegeta ble preparation, and contains neither mineral, morphine, nor alchohol. It is as pleasant to t'.I:e as honey, and neither gags nor gripes. Dr. E. Dlinoch, of Iup t, Oliio. says : "I am using Castoria iu my practice with the most signal benefits and hapny results, and Bud it a perfect substitute f r Cantor Oil." This Is what everyone says. Most nurves in Xew York use the Castoria. It is prepared by Messrs. J. B. Rosa & Co.. N;v York, successors to Samuel Titcher. II. D. CALL AT 1878 Headquarters ! STAIt OF THE WEST (Renovated.') con. 3D & MAIN STS., P. B. MURPHY, Proprietor. FREE LOCH 8 A. M. TO 2 P. M. C'lioirr&t Wines. Liquors, aud Cip.arsi! AT THE IS A 12. CSTall in and see P. P.. and jret a cool refresh ins drink of the celebrated seir Pott:-.l Lacr. 2m3 l ii. 51 1 UV 11 V. PKOPniETOB OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St.. under First Nat. Bank.) FLATTS3IOl'TII, - - - SEH MV CAR IS SLTPLIED WITH THE BEST WINES, LIQUORS, EZGh-A-IRjE BEER, ETC., ETC. F O 17 I It ' AND IRQ i SI PLATTS MOUTH, " I B., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers Sair and Grist Hills, AS A' MTFA3I FITTIXa. Wrought Iron Pipe. Forcp and Lif' Pipes. Srr;:r Gauges. Safetv-Valve Governors, and ail kinds of P.r.iss Knjrine Fittings, repaired on short nolie. FARM MACHINEK Kepaired on Short Notice. 4fyi WILLIAM HEROLl Keeps one of ihe Largest Stocks OF CERIES, IN TOWN. 4oyt HO FOR THE BZaoSs I IN PLATTSMOUTII. AM) OlfiAK STORL O F rjr-Mt-fiUIRIi'S old stand stiil kept open b the above. CIGARS, TOBACCOS. dC, WHOLE SALE iC- RETAIL. W" IvEKP Good Goods, Buy Largely And invite trade to call and examine. Itf SdANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED OU nyC-AJEIsr STEEET, East of Platte Valley House. Til ?: OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Good Teams Almays cn Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if dc3ired. Carriages sent to Deiot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HURSE IM TOWN. !':": i , - .iv- e-irr1-'r' ft-N!iel to I'M ! I ,., V,, THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS VEST MER1DEN.CT. Farmers' Eating House, KEPT 15Y GEORGE SIIAFEll. ALSO KEEPS Groceries & Confectioneries. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. OX MAIN STlfEET. Nearly Opposite Court Hausa, PLATTSMO UTH, NEB. 26tf O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IX Druqs? Medicines? u AND PAPER Ali Paper Trnnmeu nee oi Charge. ALSO DEALER IX BOOKS. Stationery, Magazines. AND Latest Publications. Presicrlptiojis Carefully Coin pounded by an lixperieuccd. firas'I.-st. P.EMEMP.EU T1IU PLACE. COR. FIFTH d- MAIN S1REETS TLATTSMOUTH. 'KH. MIKE SCHKELLB CEER, i$L.3CKs'Jirrii II0KSE SlIOEINU. AND WAGON KEPAIRIXC. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENT? mended Neatly d- Promptly :0: Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing In short, we'll shoe anything that h:i: four feet, from :i Zebra to a Giraffe. Conn and see us. JSTIEW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streets just across the corner from the nkw HERA LI OPKICK. iv 3f As our adveiuer bKS not mada his adverttgfc ment ltnfrt.her distinct, we will interpret nd elabo rate it as follow! : E. IS. FOOTE. 3r.I., Anthor of Plain Home 1'olk, Medical Common Senna, 1 Science in Story, etc. 12U Lexington Avenne (cor. Eat 28th BtreetJ, New York, ai Isdepenuhti Physician, ire-ts all forms of Lingering or Chronio I Diwnes. ami receiroi letter from all part of tho j Civilized Would. By fan origintxi tony of conducting a Medical Prac tice, he I Kucoe8f nlly treat ne uumeron patient in Knrope, the Vel Indlen, Itoinlnioii ot taiiaua, and in every partoi in" uuiua dibics. NO MtJRCURiAL) Or deetprions drus nseii. He has, during the past twenry three year, trailed Micesfully nearly or mit 4U.0OO caes. All faitu connected with each cae are carefully recorded, whether they be xmmunicatel by letter or in person, or obervet by the Doctor or hi associate physicians. The latter are all scientulo medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTAICE Are treated. All Invalids at a distance art ."Kjtiire to answer a lint of plain qnection which elic ererj vmnrnm nnder which the invaltJ mffera. AU com. muninUioiiM treated ttrictly ctJHfitUuttal. A conipleU fystem of registering i-n-vents muwakea or confusion. List of questions went free, on application, to any part of the world. Sixty-pae pamphlet of Evidences of Scocess, also sent free. All thews testimonials ara from those who have been treated by mail and express, AD VIC l! OFFICE, OB BY MAIL, FUEK OF CHlflOK. CaH on or address DR. E. B. I'OOTE, No. 12(TLexIngton Ave., K. Y. Jl anted to sell D" 'Fouies Tlat'n. Jfomt Talk and Akdieal Common. Sense: Also J)r looks Science in Story. Hr Particulars address t ... lluriui'Jlilirublishinfi Company 129r2S5t 1VEW YORK. Dr. Berjsr's Tonlo Dowel and Pile Pills. These pills are an ir.fitlli'ile remedy for constipation and ile, cause t by weakness or suppression of thi peristiltic motion of the bowels. They very peritlj Increase the activity of the intestinal anal, prodjes oft stool and relieve piles at one. Thnas havs been cured by them. Price 60 cents, nei-t by mnil on re.t"t of price. Prepared only by F. ALFRED R'JICU-VRDT. Phaemacist, 4Ui Focara Avisuk, New Voac Citt. Dr. Ssrgar's Compouni Plaid xitract of fihabarb 'and Dandal-ia, The best combin ition of purely veffwab'e mofllc;: si to entirely replace Calomel or Blue PiiL It timui:.c) the livr. Increases the flow of bile, and thus remiev at once torpidity of the liver, biliousness and liaMtnal eoastlpation. and the disease arising from such at iyspeiisia. ick beadiche. flatnlrnee, etc. Theeffeo tireneis of this Extract will be proved, visibly, at ones to she pitient, as oneor two bottlen are sufficient to clear the complexion beautifully, an I remove ptmp'et and stains c timed by liver '.roubles. Price $1 perb-ittle. 5 bittiee, $5. will be -sent on rer -ipt of the price to an address free of chnnre lreparrd ool.v by P. ALFRED REICH A KDT. PBABiiiarr, 4U3F04BIF AVEHCB. NIW YOBE ClTX. Good frli liti'k DELIVERED DAILY ! AT EVEIIVFCDT'S UOMEIXVLA TT.MO"Tli IKTIIIYWANTIT, ltV J. F.'BEAl'SSKISTEn. SEND IN VOIT, OuIFBS AVI I WILL. TKT AND lilVK VOt' JPTJjBLtt MILK mi m, i T -TIM" Ifii i- i i m mmm sjm la i i . j :- s : It-.Uva v; I::,. ft 91."! llvVlj 13 mith American Th Oldest Company! The Rest Or can. Xearly 75,000 In 1'm. I'udorHedl by the ltet SIuMieians and Fully Warranted. lont Fall to Try a Nmitb American O reran if yon Ituy. PRESCOTT & HILL, BOOT , I ! Ill I I 1 111 mi m I f 3lit - -111 "i i "i m i rrTiT i ii I S3 3 EH O 2 ?5 -3 i3 We liavo tlie largest and besl assortment and will sell eastern work lower than any other tore in town. AVh also have the larirest niaoufactoiy, wlirre vru make ihe finest of custom ivork. and renair with neatness mid dispatch. We make lino sewed ixi(s for .il. also line temped hoots fir 88, and made lv KtlBEItT SHElYOOi). s.ho got 1iim.oma Hi Urn tov. u from Siale fnir. for fine dress lMots. Now is your time for cheap uiude boots. Good fit ad at;jf;.otion guaranteed. See of prices : Fine dress sewed hoots $11.00 I Ladies' Serpe Oaitcrs S .85 " egied " g.!0 I Men's Serge t'niijrresa Oailers 1-2 Kine Slippers, only -3o I " Puekle Plow Shoes 1-25 ;.adies' Serge Congress Cnileif 10 I All Ca!f ttoots, only 4.00 Kvervfhiug else equally cheap. Call and set us. You most he pleased at the "rentennial ;hoc Store." SHEKVVOOU & STAUELMAN.N. BUY THE BEST! ' the nm W" SBWI1TG Eh S3 I 5Q 2 M 9 Maclaine is unercd to the Public Upon its Merits Alone. IU Light anl Still Running Qualities, and its Self -Thread ing NeedU and Self -Regulating Tensions, make it the Jlost Desirable Machine in the world. FRANK CAR RUT II, JEWELER, AGENT, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. General Western Office, J. II. MAHLER, Manager. 215 F. S. WHI1 DEALER IN JISTID (OJTISTJID GOODS. Ladies Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods,, Perfumery, Ilai Oil, Soap, Paper, Collars, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Queensware, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. LATEST IMPROYED COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary household needs, and will sell you goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard times any more. Organ General Jlgents, COLUMBUS, NE1J. AND SHO E STORE. AMERICAN 8 -3 to t3 5S UouKlas Street, Omalia, .cb. 9