Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 12, 1876, Image 3

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    ! . i
'; i
n f r ? ? f v !
'. u -V3 li iu h A L I..
Loi a l a . v k 1: r i r ! u k n ts.
Transient. 2.") Ctnit A Mm. I".nlar adverti--r.s
to (fills pr liit No ittWt-ni-KMii'iul Inwert
1 for ;nu ." ci-iiH. no:.ii-.? ru Statute ralos.
Attorney ami oiUeers ,f the lasv will be field
rfpiusU.f' for all lecal notices they IihiiiI in,
and alt parties ib-mantlm-: ,:i proof of jiitb'ti;:t
llui of not lee u ill l o bild (or the unLilica
llffn lee ol ptieli notice.
At our !i.i,f is limited, all foiirnunira'ons
mutt t. Imi f and to the jMvim, with no waste
X vnrd.s.
I. Any person who take-i llic naper rej-.ilarlv
frvimih j'os' -o;Vi . whether iir"-;-l to in-
b.uiic. or w lother lie Is a mjixr: ilT or not is
responsible for t he p:iv.
1. llanv jh'miiii urili'i' Ins paper lisor:tin
uxl, hi im'i-i pay all am iia.'es. r the publish
rr m:iv eontinm l send :i until j:iy irnri t is
mad. "anil ollt-ot t lie li!f amount, whether
lb papi r is t ik-ii from lln "fin r not.
;. 1 lie eoni H have ilr. -i.!., I tint n-l'asinir to
take newstiapers :mJ perioiii,- iN from tin post
oftiee. or ri-iiioviim and l-avni" tlitm iinealled
lor. Is irrim'i at U evident. of IN r KM rioN i.
1 .. . 1 . - .. - -
A twr t'ifr orders f"r salt?.
It C'li.'t'iin work at Hhrrwoml & Stnl
mvm's. tf
Prof. Ilnrlhuil and troupe of horse
trainers, with their trained trams, left
here for Neh. City last Mondiiy. They
exhibit there two days.
Country pnnhn-i- t.ikftn at the highest
market priees. at Seimnsse it fiiam
ljr'si!i exchange for jcoods. tf
We aeknovled:e with thanks, the re
eeij.t of a jar of the prize preserved
peaches from Mrs. Khun Parmele. We
shall prmerce theiu for some festive oc
casion. A pmd l"in,i.o to trade fur a letim At IIei:ai.i
"Waterman Son keep the celebrated
I . riper eTupetin. f?t2
No Soap is ho soft and nice as tin?
"l-'orest Tnr" for the nursery and the
Nv Styles of clothliitr arriving coii
t;tntly. Now is the time to buy at
Wm. StaI'Lilm ann's
f rtjiit clothing emporium.
K.l. Kasf-nhau'.n M sole ajrent '.' Mil
wfinkee heer, i;nd keeps it eimstanllv
:i hand. If you want a Ood ylass of
l.e r all on nie.
r. Kosrxi'.AU.M.
Mr. Kobert M-tteer brought us a
-mammoth sweet potato, weight r'a
fiotmdf, a'friment of whieh we .n.k
d for oar Sunday dinner, and pro
nounce it eeeHeiit. We exjiect to eat fit tliat potato the rest of the wi:
Tcr, and may have enou gh left to la.-t
'us into the t-prin?.
Mri:':)i!;ui in; r:nJ n-i-aii ii: nt SIk-i ,v..o.l a.
jiiirtuiaiiii's. -'ll
Wanted, at this ofiic. m subseiip
tion. a h a 1 of corn at highest market
pi :.
K.iri's stcek '.if choie' and fresh
ndi. i:i t!ie Ci!y. at the 1". . News
I .;(.. :- the s.oek of f iney
I'ap-r. tl
roL; iv.u i;a A ;? ."-1T.
The (v.'.d "Water Arf- "',' 'i
-'it ti.i eot;; a?' :i ' th"
Fiida iif evci'i ;..ui.U; i.:...
tice is given.
it. .-.:
ji - i.. i : k'
.: J
i' ,: t
I .
M l'rIJF.
i .
It. Donnelly is prepared to do fjener
al blaeksniithin in all its di tails. I
as in
ii nv v " -t'.'.i ITeine !,",,:r. !";' ' i ihia
,o "
:i.a.i we k;:o.v Ahi. .-t cvt-i v man, woman a:i: child
! has a ni"ii:t for fast riding, ami lor
j the benefit of thing i-ight-s'.vkers, we
Andy McLaughlin Las just returned ; , ; ;ltHntio!i to the f.tsltrt
ar iVu
I'nited States.
:ii lirvr. i v. i "an iii:iVcfr and : from the, Cejitenitial. aim me iii.l : tlioi ou jli tram in the
warrant satisfaction "in every ! thing he di 1 was to get dispatehes j Leaving Philailelphia by the JVntisyl
n.r .wi rr..i u,.ii uiiii nMi!,i. , ...... . i i i vaia nailr.!d. at ':'- any uionr.r.g.
iicss and dispatr h.
! Ohio. Having been down there he
On the eve of the great election in knows h .. it is himsilf. The ex
Ohio and Indiana, our friend Oswald j ejtinent through those Mates has been
;ut!imati was getting .spliced tn a mo.-t j intense. No suvh campaign h. been
estimahle voting ladv. the daughter fd ! known r.i years.
Mr. Itipple. With many a merry jest,
and music that makes glad the heart,
Mr. Oswald committed matrimony, and
now we wish him and his all the good j the urf c.ime down from Kiu-oln Mou
luek that can happen to anv one man. , to accouiionv tlu l'l.'.t tmoiith
Mav he rise like his own veast. and hr-
pa"-st -ng:! s 1 ide o ver t he line between
the Centennial eilv and Tin dung, ll
r,:i!rs. in t-n Imms. This particular
train is composed of parlor ears, so ar
rang d that the inagniiieent SLt ie ry "Mi
b itli sid'-s of the line eannol be over
looked. The old. highlv cuitivaled an 1
if J) Hath iwav the founder of the ; rich agrieult urai di-tri'-ts east of llai
1 1 1'HA I.I . the proprietor of the Utvoh, fishing are o.xtiytn!v interesting to the
', , .. . , i the traveler, u hilst the mountain r.irg-
JoHwtK and the greatest sa.-ot: of , , Kittamdoir
I--int. th. Coiiemaugh, the A i l"g: i '
r .;.
i; . ; -
: I i :: i .
m. . :.;.n:,
"IKW',1 I '
li.- i.
.- i tM::: 1
CM i
t i." I (-..
11,.,! i
' i . i: : :
!i? v. !. .:
I.;i-: v f ':
on 1.
1 ! !.-"! I l:- '.ho u i.t
. Mr. I't-sry logo's :. .a .
.. . :i r : V. I .. l-v U' V. Mr. i
. MAieiiiALu tj M.-s.Ttas- j
;-;r Hatt the Butcher
..U i l.c m ia vV.n r.a'.'.o the fan? ,
.i :A ::i.e I'a. Y.i r. Ly V. r. M. v- ;
l;iv' ! i'lvi. l-.i- ;;tn'iii!'U l.
i i kaij; Mi l.' liv boots, it (
i;'. I i'is W;y !:r..-'i i"li.'i'. .
once li'ore triXon tlu field an.l offea Hu
si ivi.-rs to llir put''....- in hi old stand.
I'li-jiu'C-l to furiiistt t'ne beet oi
: ii .a r . 1 j 1 '. . . . ' ! , l7i'.. ;it
1 1- of 1. . - i'. - i'l 'f s. 1".
!'i .'I. N( 1'.. Mr. V. ii.. I J ' ii -
I .-vi el;. -1 c. y. ;:i : u ;U
Xtv ,li v. t 5.
i fv- J-! t r.v?? yr.s I
a . i
H? Cs
;iud l.undre.i. of charm rig vai led views.
come famous among nu n. and may the
madame well, we wish her good
luck too.
Vallery and Kuffner are just in re
ceipt of a nice huge stock of liepel
lants and Dress Coods. tl
W. 1J. LOllIN-i & CO..
h;ive just received their
l am. stock or
consistingof a large variety of styles of
suit: i. act, nrrTfjN, and polish.
FKENfll ANI AMKKK'AN" K1I. ri l'.IU.F,
w hicli we have marked at
We ask you to
Call and Exiuniu? our Stork,
and feel confident that
vor can savi: monky y iu yinu or
A CIlU-l' an !.;'.' as cheap as a
W. Ii. LOU INC & CO.,
Cor. 14th & Farnham Sts.,
Opp. (hand Central Hotel.
Omaha, Nebraska.
California Tears at the P. O.
N ews
We cm recommend Hatt for line
Roasts. The one be furnished us a
flay or two since wrs the bet we ever
saw in I dattsmouth.
sporting gentlemen to Waban.ey Lake ' 'V n.' chj-k en ..ui ,n- in- uav ,i..l
. , " , . ,i-u .- taki!;;: Die Limited 1 a.-t l.xpfss. i.y
and sliow them how to k.,1 geese. lhJ s.(,(iill., t,;rs at,
Dr. Livingston, Sam. Chapman. Ceo. j ed at Pittshuri:, and pa.-sengc: arrive
Smitli, Mart. Cutler, Dr. Schiidkneeht. j in Chicago the following morning.
... . , r ,i . . ! liiisnv luurs in mUanee d all other
ivian, and some more felloe.-, have ; r(i:);. Jl(.(.c,.si(;lti,,g only one:
all gone down to abausey Lake to ; n j.j,. ,; i,., x other Railway on
hunt geese. j this Cold ii.ent can df-r the induce-
Mv irraciou! our streets are full of ; ment of a li.ddiiing train from the:
, .... ... f, . ,.r East. M. Cl.trk. at the Ceneral Tick- .
geese every dav. hat s tue use of i . . i.r
" J ! et race. la in s-i ! eet, ( aieago. l.'.i-j
gaingso far? j (.. ;. n-nt ion given to letters of in- ;
Mr. J. li. Terree and wife are in j ;ui:y. J
town- A'allerv A Ruff tier, ttn oli vc-li-ible :
Rev. Mr.Orr leaves Plattsmouth next j i, (:, ,., (lf l'l.iamou;h. are o;Ve
w ek for rail-mount and Rev. Mr. Hart, i h x.p ;l ;,00,, su. ,,f fall goods. ;
of Falls City, titkes his place ;ts pastor j J(.)H, ;1.l(.k .,,,5 lh(. I1V (io(Jlf, ;
of the M. E Church here. We are sor- j ,Itpai t raent. and the Dry Goods tend
ry to have to say go al bye lo Mr. Orr : -1( 1)lin onco in ;l while, too. !
but wish him .sin-cess wherever he j !
mav no. ! It is an interesting f.ici that nature'
' . --.-! 11... I. ..!!... . . . 1 . . '
I lias pi ov ee-'l liei ov. .1 ucniiCi 1 1 .mo .-.-
Mr. V. Y. Leonard returned from the j ...,. ,,f l . i , - , hits so wid.-:i v pu
;nntetMiial eslerday. tation a lar. "Forrest Tar" is simply
-f '. n. ............. 1 r,... 1 i.;..! a mire preparation of tar for the Thna
.Uli.. I . .11. iiuuiyu Mrtiuu 11.1 v..." ! ,
ve.sienlay to join her husband who 1ms
been sick there for somet ime and 1:11- La. lies' winter boots of ail deserin
able to return Iiome. He went East , (ions cheap at
i .iiu'...o'i.-i...a te.' .oi.'t it tf- ,;,. n.,iwv.i .TiIiwoii limn'
; 1 ; . .
i:.. t- n v . 'i -J-;-. ." i . I . i . - o i ie Si-j.i.,
I-.'. .:: 1 j .. i . 1 t:e !'it -;;..r; ' S;i-;.:n
i: ..i ;:.:.;. .!.. s; . . i-i i-i n
l.iv. 1 1 1 i l i : in - li-r. w h 1 .;. ;r . y.::',
. ;;i. .-l iit:.;.. ! !'...: T.;e.-;i: ;.. :i. a
iiioi .U;
oil it. Mmr. so.nli snic Miiin sueet, natismouttl. No
1 1. t.v '"v.. it;...i I.-: ilti-rv ii l'..i-:i.
" "'1
Ii-!.' .1. i.i'..asi '.. !:e lu;i::iv J
wil l cl;;:cjeii ia f:.r::.l'::-' ii'et In . v '.i.i:n'.i.:iii::. l.n"
Ul 1-.-J. wli.-n t.o M.ate.i 1. r tl.o liii'ii i.i.oryaiiU
.l t. !-..; Mt Ni'l :;.:i. iii a Iftn-r . tin
li.ii...u ; j,' t: :.!'..'. . '..j;..t; ;.i J.-
s.- it, . lit li. I'll vnitl ll.f Iv.i;.-ii Wif,
A. ti. EI ATT.
fiaoil fresh tr.itk
rls delivered daily !
"'i Viii:.':';' 1 '.a catny. N-. .. 1 1 r:vp:nrnor.'Y's mo.vk ix ri.A ttsmocth
the ;;. ei.Mv.i of tn. ICF.'i.ry : -.Ni:1' t'ae j IT Tlirv f.'NT IT, I1Y
ilji i!.,! i no. 1.1s to:i 1. oil..; im- liii ir .t vo l W1.1 1 , .
:,.! li. .1 10 -ii. 1 - !::.!. ,c, l.i.e.N. j j j.- J S A 6 1 1. 1 SITU.
i.; . - to l; m-:. M ' . ';.-s f o., !
ivci rv in' ii!(.-l'v. o.'.ll i:!- ''I' 'll'. I pxd ly YOCIt OKIKlS AND t V'll.t. TUT ASD
1 1'- .. ' -I a .-lifi l l'i .-l. n .ii'"! most j i.ivk oC
of ., if..- n.oail.i r ! l!i:.l !it:o-lt. ;d- ' -, .
t..ii-i:,r .: ' in.n:.--;. ;'.:nt t .- i ' e 1 . u . y .a
:.... I T'i -- o- V, w vc-.'ivi'.' i;i;T i. tli ldi :
ia: ..: 1 . , r. r. to;-.ii- iM-r.i:..; ;.. :-c:m r. i h
i-.u'.i. ! !..!.. iM.irl. i .. .! ;o no Miianii ;.l , 'i.
Lungs and Cat.arrh.
I'.n.'i i' . in I'L.i i.-.v..oii; o . cm r I r
i : . t iii- i oi .1. ;: i y. ;-.;. to :u- ; i ai I
i- . .. : ... I ..v. '' 1 iii.i'!i :. illi K I. - i'l i' . ; . p. YvV.'VioiV.'ii-iioatiiy ct.-.v. : Va&,n, Huuju, It -.whine and Plow re-
C ti i, i;-s ( oiiiili , Ni'i
I -icyl
ani serve yoiv rejitihirly.
non Day ii ell Y'S
several months ago.
I have now on hand the largest and
lust assortment of all kinds of foot
wear that ever came to town, which i
will i.e sold at a very small prolit to i
compare, with the hurd turns. I got ;
the !
KiiisT rr.EMiru
at the Fair for the best assortment of '
Roots ami Slioes, and Root ami Shoe ,
J. V. W's.
Hugh. Orr Es . hits lnui.riit the sorrel
mare known as the Stullnmn mare, of
Parmele. and takis her to Cheyenne,
soon. Rlack Res lias tieea sold to par
ties in New York, and is beating 2:40
all to smash.
i v. f i ... :. i . : ,i ; ..f : . ,
'Cii iiassf iv. i ct in oi-i n nn i- I
lv undeistool that tliev keep ki::-t I
. r, tf.,,;,.t w.J .vi'V vomi man ann'K
i o.s .. -Ms . ,r. i . . . ; . , fo... i, t! ml.l
1111. liliO lilC l.iVUI Ol I Hi" ..I..' -- .-.v..-
lh'st assort ill ".It of e cried fruit
bought direct I v at the R ill i:n-.. m irk
I i... c... ...v- ivn ..- ii -w.t ;ii i. et. 1 ) iei cent less i.i.iii e'.ei, a v
l .11111 I , ..I.." i.'i ..
.... . . - . . l 1 . -. i 1
ol JiooIS. t ail aim ll me oeion- j in-
Cniirl r-a illc !'e; !.
' i .- '!.. tii -ii ii 1
puiriuji and yen nil jobbing.
Notice to Bridge Contractors, j peter paces,
! The old Reliable Wagon Maker
,! .y .a li--.-. iv... for .;. -. liMru.-tion nl :i . ciiarm of the waKon .slio;..
. .ii i'i ul. . .' or r !:o in-' ;:i . fi i'i:..: .i.fl on j - "
; 1 oia;.'. evil .:i i -.. :-i : i ; iiio- iH-tweea is liiuiivn asa
to!;: l:: ii:,-M I. i';.--; cay. N.-l.i ;:-.';;i. j (). l YVOItKMAN.
!:i ".!'.- to Ivo i ..ii-ai'iion .1 .a urriiriliiin'e wit a . .... , .
r ,-,. i u ,. . ; i e 1 1 . ,s i ... i. ... i:i i i:o i n'i , s , w X asoiM ami Uusi macU' to
o'o.'. 'i.'i '('a - i'oiiiviv. N.'i.r.'t-ka. Ti.e I'nunly '. ' ?rler.
f ocv::.s r.rv. Ii:e i;!'! t. l"''-t .my i SATISFACTION It l' A ItAN'iKKD.
or:.;; ;.: i. lie' te.l.lor uili; j.ri-e P'l- lio- ' sjx! ,....!(. SlroilUH Stalle.
i'i. ' i a ; :i e:v-. or ei ....:'.': '; t -i ;vi I .. .. i 1 ........ ' 1
I. .!'... ol I ol:"' ' o ; i j. -n "-'. ; - - - - - - -
i.l' .oi:;jC. co'H-tv rii rl:.
. f eiaa v. .'- f t.
ch;!i nur else .s here,
i will not be uti-
Pktfi: ?n:;.oi:s.
i,'i i -
i iie V. 1-
dre.eiy anticipnt in
I.. . .1 ., v , , I u-'l -.1 ll til 111 O.VJ
as some others claim thev !o. We i o s..!..mi..n Ai Nathan .s lor a suit oi
must imike a profit to do business sue- i tne:r line coining.
cessfu'.lv, but will sell lower for cash , 7,., iv ('-,,.
lhan thev can be bought in this city. I!i"wn- Lu"' U, Xn ( 'l '''
jytf ! is back here to sc. h.s old cnums once
- !
Co to Dr. Donehm's for l imps; the j
finest stock in the city. a, h.-.v r e:s. ;
Call and see mv stock befon; parch a-;- j
more, lie is going into busines strong
on his rei'.n n.
r i:i:
i, t: an i.i-::: i: :
AT J. V. VS.
Mike MeC'.iire h::s bo:ight the old
P.ittenger place, and wili 5 ion have a
handsome resilience put up there, it
eottonwood lumber don't gi e oat or
th mill bust ii). Hurra!! for Mi:
Parker lost the cup at Omaha in the
pigeon in. .tell the other day, by one
! t ii'l. The score was I to i.
A full sto-'v of shelf and other hard-
i a a re ;;nd nails at lower prh-
tie i r- (": : e
shriidvage f values with bti.-.iiii-ss en
leriuis", -lolin R. Drake, llsip. the gen
ial and i"M'til..r pi opi 'e! er ' i the h:;.1.
ilig hot; 1 of Chic U'. aiin.' lU'-":; to- ! ;y
h our a 1 vert ising columns the r.di; -tion
of pi ic a to stdt the tim-s. Any
one can scenic in advance con'.cn.'. ;.t
ipnu teis. by teley ra j-hin at tic c:;
1 cT the hotel, and .stilting the price
of the iv. .ins wonted.
J. V. Weekbach wiil ray in e.i-h or
goods tin highest market price for any
amount of potatoes.
& i rnfi'iv.''i '-JO-HOC Patent Metallic 1 I
-i".'.'. i'..-.""--.-.1:".".' I'Vacl.iv prevents j -y (1
i . -. t.. ! o.i...... ,v S "9
,...;o.i oi.;- '.'.'. v ';; "' '' "'; ' - Miig ys" S I
i . ..... . - . " j . '
r ' i --
I .1
nry Ro. ck keeps th
. .sAhE RY
PETER MERGES;n'tiiror of anil le:i!er in all kinds or
:. ev-
Pns'..j terlaa 1"? w ill i i - :
it: Mi. Cab Parm-dee's on Tue - l .y
ri ruing of next week. A covdi.d iovi
lation Is ext. -nd d I all.
M:ts. Ni:i.mi: Fe.LN- n.
at .v (iiamocrg s.
The Wid.onsev hunters are back. and
I iRri.oT'iA:
i The lest and finest Fi
,.- . ... iiw, I,... 1 Roots that can be made in
Ml- Ut'll' s . I I . -1 1 S'.. i v.'. v ..... ....
work dope by V. L. Thomas, th- col- j
V. "aterm in .rc Son are exclir-ive i e
i i -.-i:! i,n- Tascott's rnamel paint. i
! :er -alloii. f-
I report 70 diiek-i .in.l as many snipe
1 Co to I.. Cohlings for bargains in j ftilo,
j coats from ;?!.) upwards. -it. j ...
- ! v.".,i.. .i A- .ivo in iccoio!. of
as-iO; t-
,.- w.r.. -
.... 1I..1-,, i it I -ii- I M on: ( i i :
, - 1 ' 'III lilllil' 11 ' tlH". 4 H-'-- -J '
' ' . an 1 arc sellin:; inmi ?.'-).U0 up.
. I li'ceiv.-d t!ie tirst Premium at
red tail r. in tun city. He can do as
nice work as Ramg-'. Stine, or aliv es-tat-li.ditnent
in Omaha. 2't'J
(oar.-l ;i!-li to J. V. Weckhach's f;-r
r ts. m.twithstan ling which, we ill
oe n',cas.-d to tend to 11 calls at
ill calls at 1
torn prices.
Co to Wiitrriniin ic Son's, who
Ed. RosfiibMi n is fixing the old E.
Duke house on Vine si. up to kill. ,
Evervbodv says Ed. is going to be j
ni irried. hut he says it is all to keej
1,. a -if-s f..r Moth Proof C.o-r-' '.'i- i R.ichnors Hall m.
ing. and I ailding paper of all descrir
i kin. i,
-1- ....
':i!loi-v S- RaiT.ier are sell ill tin
the Fair, and can m.dce the 1 est in the j j..,, i;..,J. j,... W.,,- c.e for 'f-.ts-h.
market, I do repaiiing cheap and
neat 1 v. j
2D tf Pr.ri::: :.ii:i:-;rs. j Kverybo-Iv is going to tie. Weeping
V .iter convention to-day. t i- re wi.t
turn out an. a warm of furnitnie west of t:io '-an be seenrat his hi'
house, nearly opposite t I.e Rank. Fine
chatuber setts from S-1 to n l :iii I
upwards. Dining and jjsitttug room
s-"Sts. sa.fes. mirrors.. The iia.'st st i s
of gig:-, and pe;-.iab' for babys.
II- is al-o sol ageut f. r IF . ri i- iV
patent cotal-.inatiou safe, tie- :ii.! -on-Veuicnt'.
c .::i!:i.ii'.iiiin ;m i des: r, :!!: 1
diliou t" i'Vi'1'v hoii'. -p us li-t of
kitchen furniture. 2'-!t.
A new and full hue of foot g.-aring
C: ,i'. I !-.-' 1 ''',: "i
. 1 ; . i V I'.'.'-.t'iiiv"1" i The h.r-.ost and Pet assorniient fur the lowest
. . ' J ,' . i . .; : ,i t'i-sh rioi-s of anv stor in Cass County.
i ! i - ' '-' ' '
l ... a t
i '...:.-Vv Ci-.', ::
r;natio.i ol
' '" '
." ..'.? .!. ;-,, Plattsmouth, Xt bntska
i: : i
V, .1.
: i ' i i .'
. o- . .
i .iL-jz' a
j oi: sai k r.Y
in ."i".K.VSli.l.
o! iii. i.llii;
d .-ix.e;
sag- Rrothers aie selling quantiti'-s
vt stoves, and have an immense stock
. a Iniiid of ail kinds, including the cel
ebrated Argan 1. the best heater known.
" 21H2
I re--eived th" first premium for the
best assortment of R '"Is and Shoes,
the best assortment of Root and Shoe
leather, and Home Male Roots. I do
manufacturing cheaply and promptly.
j.)-lf 1'n i:it Mi:r.iii:s.
Choice Oranges at tho P. O. News
Depot. Ji:-a ie. l ived. tl
A SooeiLcns I'lutio for vile ch..-p. or to !rt
Lu-talre at the IlriiAi.r. oJHee.
New stock of repcllants. cotton dan-
els. jeans. eassimeiTS, prints, muslins,
blankets, comforts and a great variety
of o' her goods just received
2o-2t by I'.. C. Piivi Y ,
.1 UOOl HAiliiAlX.
be it verv lai ;
time no doubt.
Our ( ntc l -prising f lothier. Rilly
Stiidelmann. inis li-iuiucd from I In With an iiiim. use stock of Cloth
ing and Ceiitfi Furnishing
which he will sell a! lower prices than
Mil tin Ell v.-1 LI. OUT
i . or v vie oin red in this city.
I'nele Thomas .Jefferson Todd tells
us he h is a great giat gram! son. who
I he hopes will live to see the next Cen-
Mtist be Sol-1: V) Lot in Phitttnt'h tennial. Mr. Ceo. Maylield is happy al
for ?.00. (fj P. Jl. W IX MI AM. j Sl) iu p.-ing a grand father.
A few years :igo "August Flower" was
d is-'overed to b. a cei tain cure for 1 ' s- ;
pi -ia an 1 Li ver canal aiat. a tew thin ;
Disp. pt ics ni.sde ki,o a ii : o t li. i r !'i i i.-i -
hov eilsilv iiU'! ii'lieklv til -V had bee:;
cured by its us.-. :l:".!oit mcits of 1
(I'.iki'n's An.rsT Fi.o'.v- b. i-im !
heralded through country by suh. .-
it to ii'io' her. un; il wi lout aivriis-:
i iig, its s i! h ;s bi-ci ini - i :n mensc Drug- j
gists in EVERY TOWN i.i tin- Fni'id j
tates an. selling it. No person sulTer- 1
ing with Sour Stomach, sick Headache. 1
Com i veness. Palpitation of tie Heart.
indigesi ion, low spirits, e. t, can take
i I-.-.;i.
A. I .rii i'ii
. : . II.
.1. .'o-
":.l l-
i o
f f.
.!. V. .s. ! A N. C.
e.i'atif i lU-lliy A I.i -
'.Jl . !
'11. i
Appciatiii'iit- or Administrator
In tic- ci i.e. r ol" r.e- -t ;..' i r ilo-.u;.- Atnison.
:i II.
I T '.
.1 :."
'.- li
'.-rii. ! V
y. .-,. .i-.i-, at.
it i.i .v ..!
l-o.iy L '.".':! th.-.t .loti' "V
t.a:-!loii I . .. V 1" . '. . i
; : oo.i ;.i,.ii,.!s.-.i:or t' II:.- .- t lo
Ain's...!. (!,-.. o o,i. 1 ;;: I s. id . .o -.-
lo-.. I i::; a I in v e.i'o la i i-it .s',i..;i ii o:i t .10 :i.
Great Advantages to Buyers
in io;.
Trn Ycurs Credit at G per cent Interest.
.s';.;- Yrar.-i Cn dit ul ( p"r rmt Interest,
nn-l H jur rent Discount.
Otcfr I.ier:i1 Iiciint S'r t'ali,
Ith'linl"- itu Karei ami Freislilr.
ami i'roiiiiufii' tor lniiiove
iii ii.
T!ie I'-iri '01 ."W.'injs'et h'nrtwr. containinc
f'lii ; ulii'u'.ars. In mailed free to any part
of the world on :i;pli:t ion to
i. am om.v.isshim:i:. n .1 m. n. k.
i.e. 1 Lincoln. Nkckaska
I' "I:';;. I rlUI.ADr.Ll'HIA, 1A.
: ,v .,. o ,- l l I-,.;, a, .a '.oi'.; ... 1.1. .f i -r-IlIS C.ltKAT Il KKNATIfiNAT. EXHIBI-
'i.i . . r -..i.- tin;. -in t iilai-e ;utv i-ei'-oi. i A TioX. 1 1k;m:i To COMMKMOliATK
li :.;- .'.1 inc. a-ei-r a:-l sin.w i-iins.'.. if iin j Til I. Ni: 1 1 1 XI MI LUTI I AX X 1 VKIS A K V OK
Ui.-v !i-.- wl.V s.,:.i l 11. li.'.vev -iioithi not i.e .WiKillCAN I N I l I'l.X HLXCK.- oPKXkM
a bottle for 7." cents and try if
ph. bottles Id cents.
r i i ... i - - : . . r ...
- - i Tfcnu II in ir.'.ii uir fan iiiFd.ot'iu roii'
New line f Clrl Ires' Misses and ; l.!,l(jon ir .,. lu.U) Uo(i, tht. vuUn
I.UHllM lioso. itll Mllu-, 5lj ira .iitti j-. .
ce at J. V. WV.
the hrem -u complain niuer.y m.u Mr. T. I.. Potter has just returned t hree doses without relief. Ootoy
the tax-paying, property-holding resi- , ,i ,,.,, :L .h.wi lrv Druggisis i'hai'MAX i"c Ci.vs a i i
debts of the town do not support them i ,.ii
t .'tLi t, 11
in their endeavors to keep up a lire de- WrKPlNO WTi:n.
partmcnt. and that unless a change is I A m,w .T(.,v'(,l,-y Store where he will
made, ttie novs m t.iue must aoaniton ; h;iv u ,iew Vaiicd stock, nrt. ,, and
the elTort to keep up s iid the hi igiide. ! ,(.(.u). ni(!l (..,..p judgment, of clieap at
and those who own prop-.-rty must d-- j u- ... . Mitsic.-il Instruments
j and a general assortment of Jewelry,
j Repairing done neatly, cheaply and
i promptly. CT.".
.coo l :
ii.'.e. oi 'U'I -l.ta
1'ia - i.e:; i n. .cu.
o-iiali.;-, i-.i-ci
The new st.n-k of mitts and gloves I In ;!:. r:tat of Il-ury Myers, (icceeil. l.ef.-.ri.
V. in. il. r. I. ( oiii'iy .Uoi.L-, in iiii l lor
i l.'..::n . X'e'.r.c.k.i :
"., Ii'.'o'.ii it tn :i; ' '.'.'' no
X.-i is ii.-rcl.v -.. ..! i.i a a. l. r nrroso;
are selling evorv dav I
.J. V. Wi.cki;a( it's.
to the i MAV intii AM) Will. ( Ll SK XO KMLKK
i. ; t.ii.i. imi;. .Ml tin n:i i ions oi t no worm ami an
I lo;. h. 1 V ' ! t :.. Si :C . -; anil 1 en i'oi n-s of tin- I'nion are par-
V. . 11 N i:'. r.I.l.. ' t n-Iji.ti ner in this womlerf n! h-nionstr;ition.
Conn! y .linlo. J l'.iituinu prjet In r the nwist conipri heiisiN e ool-
. i.-i-ii.U! e art in:isnr-s. in "rnamrai in vein ioiim.
scii'iu it.e (lisi oM i u s. iiiiiiiuini'tnrii'ir acliicve
nieiiis. niin.-i iil spcciinens. nml a;;i ienltural pro i-v.-r eliilnti il. 'I I.e 'lolilnls dcvoleil lo
tie- i:iiiliitioa ;ne siiiiateil on tin lim of tho
lVni:s Ivaiii.i liailroii.l met emlnaei four hun
i loll lift v aires of Fail mount Park, all
i loei'v i 1 1 1 proved ami ornameiileil. on which are
ere. ;,'ii t i.e laren Iniihliii's ever eiinstriu-teil.
I .... .a thcsi m rim: an ara oi iuty aeies aim
T.rsinl TJnfino
T h I f ."X ' T J 1 1 11 I '"PI TCI vnf.-i
i il-i l OllLillll Ll. Ill .id'.' 11 tO ; ,:,yp ,;
I . h i- ma- 't'
and other lire apparatus in order and
help pay tin expense of keeping up an
Co to Julius Pepp -rberg for good ci- 1,1--;l;1izt..l tire force,
rars, plug :mJ line cut tobacco. Loril-
gars, i
lard Co's.
l.ol pOIHli
'-tl C.J. Hoffman. the firmers'l I:c-ksmith
' is alwavs readv t. repair votir wagons.
Is of fust class butter j si,;U-p,.n votir ihei-lis ;irni d anything
a;.'.1, ;i
M I''.s
We were up to the new machine
shop-- ystenliiy. They are going to be
much fr'cr buildings than many of us
suppos; il, and they begin to loom up
!':tton in rerrciies fur K: ':i c -:: .
e!!c. ;;. r.di'.s. burii . S.- iMs. S;;; - ..
.v.. Thr V. iiile I.iiiiiic-at i- tor t he licai;:.'. f.. ni
iiy. am! tin- Yeilo.v Liiiimeat U for li-ii'-t-.;. Tic y
are ccrtai.i. h.a.dy :,;nl 1 1 .; .
Oi" '-,-." -il lll'lil -lo l-.oi- .-. i ,..,..! .,,,. I...",- ,.f l.nilH
, . . V - . '. , .1 1...- :, ,. ... : i i 's Ol.-ft.'.l lo!' till! p'll-p'ISI'S Ol tllP c-v. II 1 oil on is
,: , . .. y. -a. i e.i,: . .s s -, , , o , t ,,,, ' ,,,!,-t In III i It y .lays im-
: , " ":' " "" T "' "I,',"-,. , ';o a.,;. I m.-ilialelv lollowma t!'f the f.vliihi-
' 1 '.". '' " ",": ',' i ".;.;.',. , t tion a million and uqtiaru-f of people Visited it.
-! I ' 1 . 1 : i ( . ' I ! i.'i! i I.',' 1 i l.tN 'M jilt, ."it lit i
! The Pennsylvania Railroad,
a. el evi.i.n:
l :"!.
M. it. N KWI'1.1,.
County .l.itle.
TSSK JiUC IT TIlt'XK. i.i.e
CPbStoriais lt
oheriii's Sale.
and evervthing in his line. Flow and very hiindsoinely.
machine repairing a specialty Sewing ;
machines particularly. 21-it. COLLKtT I! MTH F.
I.a.lie.' eidf'shs ..rdTfer iX'. at ! ', !f, f W' '.?
th ct-iitfiiiaal hoot an.l si store. - ill horses for 1 X , W 1 d pidlse collie tor-
I ward and si-itle at once, as time enough
Mr. Hatt is furnishing the best of I j,as ehqised now and these accounts
wanted at highest market prices, at
tf Sens assk v: liiiAsn'.r.iifi's.
Julius Pepperberg. Cigiir Manufac
turer, on Main St.. Plattsmouth. Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri-
nu ionaccoes ioi .. ,i' "r"- . meat ; he buys nothing but line cattle, . ought to be paid.
A or Ji:r;t. i-esi 4u..uLo-.'. . . . i ;UI1 is l-iound to suit customers. :t
ng tc bacco always on nana
noo not i!iii;se;C
is n! is n't e t:::
tive oi .'.. ois. .'i.i
e.oi e- i, a ! urn i s
; or .a i,'e li .i
e. l;--."-;s i,i
A.'! I .'o!i' .
;.. 1 1 's .-ei ,i:v
a-tor i.!.
f.. v.. i-:.;
is th. most dii-eot. fimveriicnt and economical
;o i ii : 1 s ; 1 1 1 i cat is. It e . li lis l : s it
Merp'i-e nor Aleoitol. "hi!. In--., I ,
li.c. .' lie. dlh. ami aiot'ii'l l.'i.i
(Vii I'.a.
. i .
a i
, l. V. .1 ili!l il
t.v me .i.e. .
.. V. 1'. Id
:. -o ,; i .1.
oi r.
:.-.! . i
'.'..1 ..
u' ( 'a -s (
I W.A l.'U 1 ill .. ..I i! .IV of I le-
. i': 11
-,s a. in., i
oin II ...
And all other persons who either
owe lie or whom I owe are icq li sted
L. Ciolding has just received a new j fll ,,t tbeir iiccount -, for seitle-
Er Ilr.UAT.P Your city can boast of st,.k of readv made clothing and gents' : ment as 1 .ropose to clear mv books
a No 1 Cigar Faetoi v. run by Julius, j . " , . i m. bv Nov 1st lsTC
We got the best from him we ! f.rm!...W g'-ds. hats and ca es. l,,ts ; upl 7,ot Frttl(.,n,v
loan I on the road 'his side of Chicago, j and snoes ami will undersell the low- j that lin)( u j, ,. psiti v,.lv a!!i ai,s.
and were indiued to take a box along, j est for cash. is-4t. lutelv collected by leg d process.
J-- j Rospectfuliv," O. M. Stp.i.i r.riT.
tf. Dry Cioors IlrSNEK. I Summer as well as winter has its i Liverv P.iirn corner Sixth and Pearl
j changes, and sufferers of bang, throat ' streets, Plattsmouth. ls:(,
Ts,.. i.,.r T..;t -m.l v, IStiir sJg'J 00. ; iind chest diseases should alwavs be i
i 1. Il IHM -y'-l V- . T
ttu I,trr" 1;:"-
AG. '.N'
: i k i:
01" iilY 'S nl fa;- iiii'iil r. X. V. in":.
vi: A UAl.T"o . .v, w.,:i m.. :3J ;".. N. V.
I.', virtiie e! a;-, or.ier. 1 s :ie r-isi:r,! nv i . c.
ooi.'. i .,;;:;. y lie. 1M. i, ei :-. n i-. ..i - , .... ,....,,.:., un,i .i.i-
V el.l-.sU-i - ........... r" "' ...... f......
1 1 :.m -l ami from Philadelphia will pass t hrnif;;!
:i lot vM CI.N I KXMAL Ol- POT. whioii the
Ccneaiy haio er.-eieil al the Main Kntinnre tr
live ; i.i! lit ion ; rounds for the aeconirT'iflation
of c.isN ii' is t ho isli to stop at or f.;irt from
. '. . ' i : i:ii,i" lar-.o- lintels coat i"i''ias to this
' -i 'i -i" -ve i ' i'' i si.uio., iin.l ihe Kxliifiitiou. a ''iio enienee of
, ' '.' 1 ' o.'o ... i'.' 1 T !: ;:;.-alet value to visitors, ami alTordeil ix-
O .l"'l ". 01 .,, 11- I .1... o.....,..-o ... ; . i-.oi I ..1,1.. i.
is Vii "oVi.v i rsi: iH nmn.; diki-'ct to
. ! 1 UK t KM KXMAL 1U U PIMiS KciirsWvii
i :ii:is will :i!so slop at till Kiieanipmpiit oi hip
. r. a.
ail o i v
i.-e. Ill to.
.. .1 :a ;.e:i--w
i; ; iiii
ol 1 I.i
-,' It. I
..c :
il I sj
''Il of
i:l Wattnuan s.
on their guard. Dr. Creeps Expector-
; ant will relieve Coiigiis and al! irrita-
S.lomon A: Nathan are in receipt of i tion and pre
the biigest and finest stock of mi'.li.i- ! Typhoid Fever.
ri y goods ever brought to this market. J j
IlatT ir. any stvle and shape. Long; 1YAXTE1K j
Ostrieli Plume-i. of all fashionabh eol-: p-)lMi. live, active Agent for Or-j
nigs iiim Pirusoi an eoiois. ami : ,,;,,; a,i Pi;mos. for Cass Co. . will
sexi ix Yarn jou wore.
t . 1 1 r 1 1 t r i r t ir t.
and prevent C'Tisumption and ! iuis i:i,-ue.. i-. i.' . ici wo n,.i,
. . 1 ' T ... 1 I 1 . . .-. .1 .....,... 1 t ...... I .
lil eioi n-s, i .ii i j oioct .-- ... o t v. . 1 1 . s 1 1. ; 1 1 . -
cd at this oili -e. All work expedi
tiouh and ne.itlv executed.
X !! is a -'!;;. ejVP:, ttiat 1 will ea:.
vero;is wil.i llliiv tilVei' lloillS.'.Ves ;is c.ooij-
ti..tesl..r t-aeliei' t-i lit eilllioli sei.o...i .1
this eoiiiily. iit ray nl'.i'" in tie I A'n "f Y, ;.i.m
i.n r.on tlie 1 ist I i olav a'lil s .t ..iril.iy o: eaei:
ami eeiy li.onlli. t-uiaiiienr; ii ; ;sl lo oVloi-x
a. in.
l'.ueit tins sa it.iv of .'a:in '.rv. A. 1. "S""..
(I. i". ( Id riu.x.
.v. s"..'i"t oi 1'iiU. s;,-: : a -i:
.Vis. i al f !'.! lo'..: il-Mis-.. in I-!, it ..a on
tl'.i i.isL I iii...-- i, ul .u in .i:'.'- "i -..' h ie
ii. b. c:d l i
:tlt "i 1 vl
;i . 1
i.' i e i
i.f lilt iiliwlrf-y'l
i! in-
!.-.', j ,,
;. i'i.'.:.-. i;
MM-,.. ;Il
i,i Sail, ill!'
-1 !
Pat ions oi liusii.aulry, at him rstatioii. on this
I he l'i-!in ) vnnia ltaihoa'1 i the grandest
laov.ay oruaiii-ation in tie world, lt controls
i t .ma-:.' v-i i..i!-s oi piailw.ty. tonniii) em-
"" -'.," , ' '. ,''''."; :,;: i tinim-.:-. lines!.. Philadelphia. Xrw Tdtf:, H.-dl i-
Vi' i .'""a"".' - "', o'io ' f ' -.-'! ' i'i"!-'. ie ".Va-diimrPMi, over whi.-li in.tufi'nn
' '' , ' Vvf 'r'-'' ' '-" N ' d.iv ;,:ul id-jilt ears are run from Chicago. St.
' " :"' !" . .; '. - . ! i. . C'ceiuirtti. l.oi.isviSli-. IndiaitaiHiiis, Cri-
' et t.i- - 'l . ...t: ,oli i,..a Ul-- , ,, , u -I,,',., I., Clv.avrol n'vT Kti irillinm
! ii i;c. . i :: i ;;--'.".;:: i v. . . eo; a. I '.ui- "
, ,' i':';"1: ; ;:-'til' ' !vr i '' '! i is h.i..i with ,ionu! ami tipni
'"'," " ' '". "' ," ' i . . . r c. 'i'i'1,.',. '1,. ir.irki tvl iiearv t I niils upon a i'?ep hed of
" . ' .'v'". V r'l. V- -V- I limUii ttone l".-rtat. an.l il bridcps are all of
i-"..' ; '; :j , , s,".-,. ' Vi "f,-, i oon ur .stone. 1 s piisseiier trams are eq nipped
e ;t-i- "!
J O li Ci
. 1 .
ii OtiCdS.
t M il.
Fried MditZ. at Jones" Livery and
Feed ;;;ide. w ill funiilt good rigs to
For the benef.t of the far-
OBSTACLES Mi 'inrltl'ii nVei-fS.-.-ls ef 11;
ami i. oi: - - li' e.ii ' v i.i . i
In... 1 r '- -. .i. I ' peiil,,:-
to .-I ii i'l a.'- i: o i". I. X.
HT PPT ' CJr o'etll ! '! tlf.-tl. ellt X.
li.-oU aii.l .-tr.-i:' o-s s,.;: .. i- in : .
ion s. .o I, !li ' .'. '.: 1 1 - s. -.:
Mat h r-t.. I'h c.eiei p n o i-.:.
I.:.v a hi...t rep C'lt'oa 1"!' a n: ":':. t o .; : t
;:!it. pitilt ss,,,, tl s k i : 1 . l-.y
Mrs. F. K: ' t :' -:i'.,l Mi-s X -'::. SI;. -r! h-'Ye --oti"
ii.'.o Illf ..less : a 1 1, i I-1T l-c-l.l. :::! i o ; ; , ! !.
.. .i-i'ii li it., v I i ''0 i:i w::et ;' v. r' in rli.'.r
Iii-.. - ; i iii": 'I'id sen t ; it 'ii ..( i n" rt :,!.me t .; Mr.
r. -". r. f-:.e t'oi-'l" west ol t'o S.iU. 1. rs
li-ji.--" s'iirjsfotirv j..irv:i.. 1 nM rii;i'-:..i
of ciii a of their team5
A j-eoto hi. n.l V'it-tor S.-win;: M e!c
r:.i;fe.l :r. r. .1 riiinil",: oi'.;rr. I'i"'.
A is i a .uA '' i'-oii 'oio ' i.i -I.
!u. ::!!,- ;.t the 111 li.M ! .i".:. -.
;it reasoitabh
2 -ill
a....f :iiil i:iost I'liiim ele stock ol . .v. i . .. ... a ;,..!,....... ,.,.-..
n:r -- .till CI IU'llfl III HIS .111' I lli'liu I i;n no t!nl"Ci'
.i ...-..-j t..I t ri mm iiio- ever ii ill I li i-j ! . i. i. i. . .1 i.. ......;.. a. .. I. .. 1 '' 1 " 1
inu-i "ii" " i ill,. il ill!, oiiiti in 'it s.i : Iii- i' in .1 1' i i ... i i i . i . .. . . I , ., 1 ,
n- i .... i 1 .K- 'ri-iioivioi- tti-ii ! .,"... . ii i ..i luci.s, t vvou.d s.av vve hive the I t
c:tv. A e !m.e a L id 1 1 imm i. that m tllt. i S - Apply to Preset t A: , . , . .... . , . , ,
. . i ,. a ..i ... i.r..iviin, in f.ii'iv. ! ii: . " i. i. arn ri hn. n. and I v. oi i.ui' iiifi'i'M.
i till l oi- not. ...... ... v ,-.v,.... , iiii;. 1. oi 11 II 1 ol IS, .Mniilkil.
i.-h H its trimmed after the most aj- j ..
proved and fasliionabl. stjb-s. We j ;Mi-ge Hansen. Mason, will do any
have the celebrate I Pattern Hat. and u-ork in brick, stone or plaste, -jng. in a
iill kimls of ornamcnt.s. suited to every j ej,,,,,!. substantial liiiinner. and at fair
tiiste. Come one come all. and judge ; prices. On Court House Hilh on south
for vourselves. We are also in daily ; sixth street. Cdm-i
ieeirt of dry and faney goods of the;
latest styles and patterns. Price list I A new lino of Roots at all prices.:!
nwr .-. eh . I v W'
. I , )v.
i I'C.
in--. : i
Fit.. ' p r.T'.l" to o-
fT 't s!)r-wooil
u i: o i'ii i v U m.w 1 1 incvr.ivi inent for ' omfoi t ami
! saf -rv. and are inn at fa-ter speed fn !iir;iler
i ne : anei-s than I he t rail's of any line on th con-
IMieiu. i ie ; tiiiipanv lias laru'eiy inereasiwi ns
t e.,ic i. tent for Ce'nteinii:d travel, ami will i
1 pi i paretl to ii'!d in its om n simps loeoniol i ves
, . and pii.ssi'ii'ji I- at shtvt lotiet siifurieilt to
' i' .S'" i t"I'y : 'dmnioil.'.fe anv oxtr:i demand. 'I'heii :
,.. !!.-;. ; JUt risiiiiri'i". at the i-omniaiiil of the t'oiu-
'. . I . ilile ..,,....,.,..,. tlie livt.sf li..'f.-tt u,....l,ilv,i,,t'i.
; i:i leii Laos. : ; i(,,;s j,,,-:tu its patrons dia in the Centennial
"""' :i! i Itvtiihifi"".
v'"' n:, v "" i rut: M.v;xiri"nxT sckxkky for which
''v','"'.!" i the l'e"i:s Iviir.ia Central U so justly oplchraled
. ..i . i- - j ,r,.s..t:ts to tll tl iveler over Its penert road-
e. i j ..::.. fees ' tt.,y .,n ever-eliaiiirini; panoraiu.i of river.
. ,,. . , inoia.'aiu aatl landscape views tuiequalicil in
... i.r i .. ..... ..... All"! i'-:i.
... :". , "",- -- ,"" , " ".- , . THK K.VTIXC STATIOXS on fids line are
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rks or irratcrOiPioi'i
Ai.nrwr nnNr..
yisr I. r.i": w..,.; r
ritAXK TIIoMfsoy,
D. M. BOYD, Jn.,
Uen Fs A",v
EIclro-IMald Table Ware,
Ornamental Art Work
Meriden Britannia Company
S30 Bro&dwny Nw York.
The best plated SPOUXS artd Forks are those
Silver ptaied heaviest on ttte jmrti where ne
cessarily the most wear Mines, and bearing the
Trade Mark.
1 W47-HO;i'ft nllOTIIKKR-XII.
X. I?. This great imfrovemf-nt In Silvor-I1t-d
Ppooui ami Forks is apptled nlike to vnH
jirade of riac-A 1. 1 and 12 07, as ordered.
The I j-rx ess and Machinery for mannfacturlng
these coot!" are ratented. The extra 6r "Stan
dard l'tatf ' maio by this Coinany fs st-atEpetl
A 1, sfniy. nnd Is plated if) f'er rent, hearier
thau the ordinary market Standard.
y' Fas-t rini'iiins avarded at all Fattr,
where exhibited, fror.l vT-Vrld's Fair of lVS fO
American rn'tirnt Frtr ik mettiriivi.
fi.' to
a .
Ifrptirt .1 1' 11M 1'
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