T LIE HERALD. L A . M -A CM UISPH I. , . .Emm PL ATTSMOLTTII. OCT. 12, 1878. RKITBLICAX TICKET. Ol JIS 1 -i 1 S ;, ;T TV T"fc " L IT ''CO VI -i:! 0- (J For President, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, of Ohio. For Vice President, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, of New York. For residential Kiecior, AM.VSA COI!I5, or I-atn'it-itrr. SILAS A. ST KICK f.ANI, of iju:.4s. A. H. CONNOi:, or Huira'.o. For Member of C'o'.isjre?, 1'KANK W h LC 1 1 , of Madison County. I' vi- Member oi Conre (Coutinjnt,) THOM AS J. M JOUS, of Nemaha County. For Covcindr, SILAS (JAKIIKi:. tif Wchster County. For Lieutenant (Im craor. OTIIMAX A. A I? HOT T, of Hull County. For Secret :iry of State. ltUUNO TZSCiHCi", of Sarpy County. Fur Auditor. J. 15. AV1.S TON, of Oage County. For Treasurer, J. C. Mrl5HIIK. of Colfax County. J' r 6ipfi"iiit',iuif-iit of rutoe: Iristr action, l-KOF. S. U. THOMl'SON. o I'uvvmv; Coicity. For Attorney Oeacrat, ;::o ::?: n. koijki: ts, of Harlan County. For l.and Commissioner, F. M. 1AV1S, of Clay Coai.ty. Vor I:xtrift Attorney, 2.1 .Tu lieial LMstrlct ;i:o. s. smith of Cass CouatV. ::l:puiu.ican county d- pis TJUCT Coy YEXTTOX. i r on v for i .S.tiuidfis I'ounl it's, is c.il : 1 ? ; 1 1 . M.-inl iV, I -1 - I . . i- li.i !i. ;it 1 1 '!(,(:;. in. Uvleuatci for -::d hi v-i; i.ui pl.-as; kr llOlk'C. ' M. l'. l 1LKU. Cii'ii ("t-iitra! Co'ii. for Ca-- Co Th j rM'gWential electors at : gentlenn'ti v-lt known in t j 1 - ( i? Gen. S- rii'ki.i'i I is s. ; ! ; ! the liiaLory u:- .. i- . introil.icl ion i.i iifi-e.-s:uy. Gom. Cobl of Lincoln is alnios well known. IT; c.u'.- to tii- .St;sle from Wisi'on-iin s-.-wrnl vo us ir and 8ftt!e I in Li c .'.:. w':i r ' th ui.-iiievo'il i ii'i.K.ta ii i- i 1 1 '."' ond to iion in tlio Sl.itc. Oen. Connor, f.o ;i In ii in i t iin -ly, settled at KvMnii'y, wlit-re he is i.i rising to be oa; of t!i.i nust prom'n citiz ns. All threo are co 1 s;) an i have ocenph'd prorniii .'ii; :isi'io;is in p ' -li a;'f 'irs. i ' h i.i tit SMtos ::.eye i n froaa and -ince t!i 'ir I.-ii -i- i.i tiiis tU.ne. il n fi:an:c vei.cii. otir nominee for Confess, is no.v from Madison eoun'.y. lie oi iginall3' settled in Uni t t'onniy, in .r7, and is one of our oldest settlers. His namo appears as Clerk on the roll of the first L'-isla-tive Assembly ever held in the Terito- old. and has been more or less in pub-j ii IWL .V hvU i . lie life ever since. i v ;e en pi i .:r.a:-.i 'i .i ( tVt'k. '. c ai.i !" K '- I i : - ... ( e M ' 'i' t";"V.'. t r ... . I h s r ciu'ts: J3 l .. A'JAIN !'. : ill'MC lio'.t' r, 11!,; p U ii , t U '. i.i' ! lea'ii vi re a'ta '! d tv: !,t v or lliit ' i milis from tin' a'-. i .-t " (!) ox- . 1 v a b:i!.d of j i ; v.T?:'y :i ' e j '" p :(, badiy j Vi (13 W wcrmlititr John Ot? ns, v;i'.'n;i in.;.- i i no Him:! er o in. .ii vn.f am ii t '.' i-: . . . Li i i i : ia l ii n ii : in.4 ia ii ila b a Is ,s ; reds kill.-1 is tir.known. Two were s -n t '.Iroj). Mr. 1'owt li, ; cimti.u-ior, ;Uates that the li;d;an sh-tue.l irn',;l .iiraje, and we; .-; ror.:.'-,-4 iT: Iv .1 wi:h V;::r a-, '. r :m..1 arn.v ri- i "i.-.i 1 in' I ! . . . . ... .! We have opened oar New stoek uf il t v.o-: ! . i li'.s hv liiiv viiii .- i,T LAKC, Oi At IV-avor I'tali. T""r LI ' 1 1 1 1 . . . i 1 1 . . i . i .- i ' , , T 1 ie p;veil!e;s to Oi hr.ii.l Il'oai WiO J ;oiabl in it.isi' thai m ijoi iiv, all tin iu'- b ir. raan p iSi'ii si'':i t ;ii e l i hi i V.-? itiji J:;.hJ.l . . h! i ';:!-.rji'iS !i - 'i rt ;i i; ti' 1. i'.i' a!i aiv mat- iainsl the bonds haii!i,r i upon .b.iiti 1. Lor fur pai iieip ii i in in ' the M..'::,tain f"-: l i :: is.;a.';'e !ii t .1 had a warm ! ie n . eai's a.iro. I:; d--ii!'," so !; e ' : d .tteiitiim to the atroeitv "f the c.a-; t7 kti L AIT DEES & HOLM AST DE FEATED 111 I1TDIAITA ! rmm manvvears oersonal aeon tin- P.T.TTT .T A r-J f WTT.T.T A MS siiiiCim. Tiiero are many lmpm'tent I 1 l : i I' 1, I I'1! Fl '"r-i 11 li.'- 1 i 1 ' 1 . T 111 flMl i 4; I titnee with .Mr. Welch we can vou.h j for his ability, honesty, and Itpnbli- canisin, and it is true as has been said j of hiin that the nearer to Ids home you i get the warmer and thicker you find i his friends, and that's saying a good J deal for a man. I i THOo. j. M uor.s j is i young man from Xemaha comity, and one of the brightest we have in the .State. lie served in the "Nebras ka First" and is one of the finest gen tlemen you ever mt. and if Congress should decide to give us another mem ber, there is no man in the tate who coald better represent iu than Tom Majors. ; STATE OFFICES. ! ; the inability heretofore of j.;i',horiii-s to ptoeure eviil. -lav ; that the (o;;-;ir.:-! ev to iiiiir.h r was widespread; that he I ... . . Weeping Water i',,r was imam' o.na. u up as a saerture 10 , lid ' P(" M,iir ii f''.-nat:on, out tfi-l otn.i'rs; two j cpiadly guilty might hereafter xp-f-cl j i punisi!ii''iit. Tiio ;iri-i('i;T having j i' he persons eieeted will serve in the ! th- nght under i!.e laws ot the frn- ; a. i. i iA i,.. , i,..,it ! Le-isialure nmh-r the new Co,,- ' to ciioom-ue.u.i ov ....n.:..!-. m...ol- , . .. i .. . . i: l :.. - ..i ... I... .1. ,t ! i or oe; le e 1 1 ii i i 1 1 1 -; e i i".-e . i i . n -i . need to be shot to death Jan- j ti:re of it about Ashland. rw- t.--ia 4i. x I w k i Tile lb ; ".:b: i.-an County v.'on mt-rts to i!av at the nomina: ion of utir Senato 11: I'.resentat ives for the next '.ears. 'i first i 1 V1 p O Q 4-v- O $3 , COFvlFORTS, - AND s a i 10 1 1 1 laws, and steps to ml nee our rite f ; "ary r.th lsTT. KEPUIJMCANS I MS SIX ( 0X- Gitrss.'ir.N in on io! i taxation, and Lo jirop. i!v and e;p: ally j j iissess and collect the rev.-nues i'f state ; ! and coaatv must be. taken. I I " 1 I Tlu-v matters require ( xpei leneed j T!ie most Complete Slock of men and able legislators. We hope i i . , .. . rt" ; t!ie Ih pblieans of. this county will ' .' .. Con .Mr.rs, Oct. 11. Further r . . . i i : I una iioyi loeeuunii.i m.u eo.i i i new . . wij S1.;,.t., :-, ln,. lo lepnbiican gains, which still keep tJl.,61. responsible positions. We want 71 i men sol new 1 ia t a ! ie:n ! o f "il i lis m : i !e , . . . r- . , . , . , ! lie men sea-etea ior in ir aoniiv ana i r, (.- .., T. by Lei! in lar-eeitUs. It now appears ; ;t .. .... , ,..;, I a "U " .!... :r . ...... i .... .... ;.. ii.,. : ' 1 i,,.;,,t ,Hr,.m:i,i,w '' " " hx'aiion. It the parly puts up men of reai-in'ng half of the country repnbli- U , r Vj;l Ri;. , Jh..lv wiU (.;;ivM1. i , w, .,V(.r;. :,ami-.i a s-peeeh V."e mnr.t agiin rf-pr.'s'. those of our sub-.erii.i-is v ho are be! on iheir subscriptions l-i S"!r! US iu t'e;:i,i ';;.t d::e us. "A I't-T harvevt" we w.-u to I.-' 1 We c;;'. e v.-; lie;; ;.;.!. '.::. i I j is He.w an ' r : Vi -1 to t.;;r -a . -- e;s, but th ' g..hh a sh-'-aves -.-erip- 1 10:1s are 11:! vet l.ir -steil ! -r 1; ;. i '. e 1 li.l our L'ratKU'.cs i":'!': c; ! s ioi. .ill i) .3 55, r-T1- V i:vi:ii i;r.(jrcnT to i'LATT.Moi"nr. We have also a Large Stock of ran can gams wi.i i.,-m re i i.ci eu.oig i .0 ty in ..-tiug them, bn olfset the loss in Cuval.oga county, and ; n., ..ns,.:iSl ";,;iU; ,ilf, make the repnblican majority in the : , t ,,,., is ...j., , ( vvi:, n UU c.(.Ui. The state about 7.00:). i ty, this fail audit behooves to have : mad- i by the I 01 l':e nam the II- u V. il-Kt. L. ('. T. dd inp.-i ai;r e 1 u last sa.a.oe-:- P 1 an. C -an ! It W.is "i".-' in- 9 O John C. '11a 11 s( 1,, ( I ::i:n ::n f the th i. lu;in t,i;l :,.,Uuij.an e imiidate. as Jelferson. an 1 v.e p; Gov. Garber, See'v. Tzschuek, Treas- rer MeHride and Auditor Weston ; V ""IX;.. . 7 '' 1 .de s.ues. local Ugiits and mcjUihees. it. wHie., were all renominated bv acclamation. L " " l , . must be put aside an I all wort togeth- j long tun.- . . I'inr !l 11 in 1 !nt m r 1 f 11 iin s: v- : 1. ...... 1 1 !!. 1 . :.. 1. 1 -.. i-... This is the best endorsement that coum 1 ' ' .im.o. u- mu. ' be given per not ie acts hav in lo tiee ; iv. I i has I ecu a ; :iiug, .Mr. To-.hl, but u e j I now rwi.iiii'-nd th esp"ech ! whole people, and they wi.l undoubt edly be elected by a larger majority than before. att'v. g;:n noiJEitT is u third termor, and is also too well known to need any eulogy here. He expects to take the stump, we are in formed, and if so we shall hear some good speeches dead sure, this fall. HON", o. a. Aim OT, of Hall county, our candidate for lieu- nveniii.u to ii'uni.iati' t in- KeprH-cnta- ; tenant governor , i .. a gautlein ia who t!ie "l1 ioat iMstnri. - iiiiipixeil of lass 0 1 to meet at i tijsesses to a lvni irK i.ue e.xieni i.ie them. They need no newspa- I ty counties in Ohio, including Ciucinna- ; than any man or set of men, and its in- j very much : while i:ol vgreeing with e to tell you their fame. Their til aUl1 t''dand. indicate T, ):) n pub- ; t,.n.,ls a this juncture demand of us j the fe;.:,;b:li!y 4f enforcing pnuiibilotw m ide them known' to the ; ,ic;i" ,n:,j,,ru-v 011 th'' s5aU ticket. ; nrst, good candidates, and then earuot, laws, we admit his r.-a.-or.ii.g on the ... . , , . ! Diirties runs lahind .ooo. Kenabli- ! ..(v....t ; ...,a ,1. .:)..,! w.irt fi-nm rv'lj nf t'.e ir.ii'iv 1 tee ur-fl of re- i f 111 1 u 1 1 til. I ii.iii.v, " 11 ujii iiv .... ... .... Jt rt t cans gaiii lour a?id p. 1 haps live con- ' UI,t;j Xovem' gressmen. 1 The republicans gain six congress- ! men. which exactly reverses politically j 'or. for::i:itii a Colorado tit ill worries the average f mocnitic mind. We think ;us so n ; Indiana and Ohio are delinitely heard " om all parties will agree that it has g -lie llepublicnn. Senator Paddock returned to his home in IJeatrice last week, nnd was most warmly welcomed by his friends :nd neighbors. It was an impromptu t Liir, and all the more natural and .enuijiC in consequence. Mrs. Margaret Chirk, wife of Hon. I Iain Clark, died at their home, Ft. alho'.in. Washington County, on Sep. '1. Mrs. Clark was highly esteemed by her friends and neighbors, and al hough her health has been tailing for rue years, her sudden demise was a uock to rnnnv friends. the present co':g. essioual list from Oitio. CoLrjir.fs.O.-t. 11 At midnight, tin' repu! iicitns claim, and dcnioernts ad mit tie election of Uarnes by U.ooa, and J 1 1 v 1 1 r 1 ; 1 b abiut s,'';U'. C:ii( A(;. Oct. 11 Footings of the resume mad - at Columbus. (., of reim- contidence of the people of his section, ties are, a'-eordiug t add tarns at this lie sen e 1 in the legislature of "71 and o.Hce. as follows: llel.'s maj n it i--. ;;.", in the constitutional conventions of j '';J1 ; 15 irue.-" majorities, -li. !..; ih'mo '71 and '75, and is an e.xeellant p.ti li i- j cr.itb; gains. S.:j 1 1 ; rep-abiiean giiiis. mentiirian. and has executive ability, ! 'J.717. :n case a contingency houM devolve ilium him the duties of gaveruor. I'KiU'. A. ::. Thompson, INwIANA. late dean of the agricultural college in : I.vki AXAroias. ()k t. II I a. re i the university, and now principal of j every indication tha" v. e l.a e ; ai i ied the state normal school, is wtdl known the state. Hani -'a is c -rtninlv in the west as a leading educator, and I tleet'-d. K. u.rns ionic in :do.vlv. no better selection could have been ; iL n..;v aIco tlu. oliiual , ou it lode ".'.de. I . , T . . r T If i cine. a. v. i:. i i -V i i . l . i . . ! W.. I..:,-. :.ii:KTiNj Of i.i:: itiiiTiuCAN s i v i i: c i: :i v nL v.) :i d irrr.E. I Sji..i.t! to ill O.n i-i i Duly it-jiubliean. J H : l'i Lincoln". Sim ,). ;oi t r lo. T!ie re- ; ; ::i : publi -an state centra! i-onimii tee met , ', -; at p. m. at the Comineici.il hou-e. ; - - Twenty meinii -rs were present. C. II. ; ' ' Co-re was permanent e'l.iirniaa atnl '. ; ; ; : E. Yost perm iiH-iit seeieiary. C. II. i "' 5-re, C. 10. Yost. T. 1'. Keiiaotd, J. W. ' ;. , v. Davis an. I A. II. llabcoek were (!;; -d ' li! 'libers of t!ie executive c. i-:'. .ill ; t ee. ; '- ' T.ie f-i!!owia ;arc all"rn tes f r j .-- j..; i':,.' i heit i ll eiee. n s: C. A. lioimes for L " a n: r;c:;i in-: ; i . ii. u neri-r ior loin; V. li. Michael, lor Connor. liac.e! tging rep r.s w.-:e ree-ived 1 I om diifereiit s-vlinas "f the State. Arrangements are nni-r progres-, f.r a vigorous canvass in all piris of t!.t' state. I'eop!" are ani usv ha, king cue wise i;, 7" ( a-' VI' need ot a. a;; A Fid! of X 'r ! -TV TTN I ? S ,-, Vi li-i El lr2 sn f d w ai f e o i. i i: for the lit, rooster tliis morn- liiii I i.:. i. nr. Our S;... k -.va.s boti-.-ht tuab-r extn tnely favorable rireumstanees and we are able t, s -il at th" very bottom prices, and will give tho i". -d baig.iii.s io be ii.id in Cass County. rrrr'iL'!:--Ai.L A'.v'.s or oorxritv viuwvcu take:; in i:.yc a a:i-i: roil hoods. GIIE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, w J A - - - M A i I i W I te.iteis in I The dispatches from Indiana and . hio still come in. Ohio has un ulitedly gone Republican by a hand - ane majority. Indiana is claimed by .. th parties and at this w riting it is ry hard to tell how the vote really .il be. Like Colorado it w ill proba ' take an othcial count to satisfy .'.e democrats that thsy have not won ; vie ton. F. M. IAViS. r y i: i . f i ... i oi vi.iv coiiiity, i'.i:nii-i:iif im ia:ii coinmissioner came int the cji.vcn- tionv. ith a large local stiengLii embrac ing a large part of Western and South ern Nebraska. lie is not as well known to the people at large as the other gen- tleman' but he held for some tim the j ollice of treasuer of Clay county and is j highly spoken of by all who know him , or haw had dealings with him in an official or busiues capacity. ; George Smith of Ca-s County is the nominee for dist. attorney, in this dist rict, lie is known to every reader of the IIkkai.Ij as a young man of abilit y, a good lawyer and if eiecied wid fill the positon with credit to himself and honor to the countv. i. 1 Oi' rep; en give a n 1. ! : l. '1 h - sfiire ;a.vc a net ivj tiblicaa o'J." Ti e board met Tifsday, Oct. C.l. orders were allowed Supervisors in the follow iitg road dists. i I. Davton. Suiierx is ,r No. 7 on fiom -.!. to-.vn- seltleisient S-.2'j x i ." i 1 1 c. a t i -s. ib. lea:, lii;:io.i;- s ia I s7 t t'oril v f -AM) - The most reliable returns received indicate the following r .-uiH : Republi can Congressman, 7; ')em. icrat i- 1 ; ih mi it ful. Indie it ions are 1 hut deniociats elect congressmen in the 1 st . ? 1. :i 1. a a I 1 .1 !i d ist i iets. and I tie repa' i h- ia., i :i i lie Jt h lith. 7th. i1:':. :;',. 1 ;ih and btiii. The j. l i i and sjj, d- uiiliui. ii:nwus m.ij.uiiv over Holm in iu th" -"ih is J. L. I i is. Superv isor No. -f. ou j " ' '" "' .."I'.. .. settlement :;:.!): i.'.-.r.-.r n.:v.' v. ::: v. .:::: ; ' i :. :. v ..... :: ; i L. W. P.itterso-a, supervisor .. ...,.. .. ; 1 s order for ll.oj j , A. J. .McDonald. Supervisor No. j la'IV.-t c;iicA';- v.;:fT ?. ! :;:J rd-r for la.a ) (' !: ' ' !.'-. (. W. Johns m, SujH-rvisor No. . ' '..!!!.'.'.'.'." ..... " i .- ;m ord-'i-for la.o;.) ; ' ;;; ..; ; W. O. Og iell. Silpcrvi.sor No. ;,t j: ; . r order for !. " ' C .1 , , i 7 i D. . slioo :i!ii in, Supervisor . - r-.-. A scraper was o:d- red -fro.;, Me. j QlQU IL 3vl?Q i-i ( ' 1 '.- t io- a U I l::iv, a x r - Ts-7- m-jl f'TfTPV ' I etc., rrc, etc. I On.- !.or Kast of t':'- I'.i--l-0!!i -o, PliUl moieh. ; .Neer.i.sKu. I'i:u lii .il Werkri's in SHEET IRON. ZISC, TIN. BHA- zieii r, d r., Lar-e .v.sortr.iPiit of Hard rain Soft GOAL STOVES, Wood and Coa! Sours fer !SKATIX; 015 COOKING, Ah i'.ivi u ll.aid. !'- v.-aii'iy of Tin. Kiifet Iron, ant Z'.r.r Wni k. kvl ii, Stock. Mo Oct :ber 4; h. Minutes of Aug. -d corrected. Hi l- l,a !'), and Ilarna over Landers in the , fr biuhiing a bt i ig" oer tiie Main 7th is ?,(.(.. The elections Tuesday in Ohio and Indiana are Leing watched with unus ual interest, it being gruerally conced ed that if Cue Republicans carry both States the campaign is virtually ended. ' hat is to say that the moral force of j : ids vote will be so great that it un lonbtedly will carry every Northern " tale Republican, and elects ILiyc .x: V heeler in November, certain. Should Indiana, however, go Demo cratic it will intensify tha tight for the rext thirty days, and the most exciting campaign ever witnessed will be enter al upon. ritoTFt i im; i ih it tueks. THE UBZAT CITTI.K FIELD OF THE W EST. ! west vi.:;;iNiA. WiiFF-Mxr;, W. Y.v.. O.-t. lb The Very few eastern people have any ticket voted is long and in most places We have bi en re j lies lei l to notice the f;u ttiiat Mr. Robert Hawk, of Neb. City, has a method of protecting young fruit trees from the ravages of grass hoppers that deserves the attention of Weeping Water on the tel. 'graph road, in ;i c iniaiiee with plans and speciii i tions on lile in Cieik's cilice. Tic res ignation of Frank A I bee, cons: able at Louisville, was accept -.J. Mr. Cun ningham reported favorably on load, petitioned ;.!' by Hughes and oiheis, and was ordered lo lay out and locate the sa;u as petitioned for. The following ae'ts. on gen'l laud were ine.i :-uins e l. For Thror.-., l.za Asthrni. nr.il Ki inryg. Forest Tvs Gok'sJen, t or I tOoi I- no-i f c ::'i..1'.i:j.j,;.(;j:i, r i j- r : r '3U.vjt; ..d l: i; 'o'LJ i if ) or """', I!-..'. - -y i, Causli aai . liilie Vl'. ii .-i i: -: .. . have f : . ; i : .1 T on: rn sj,!eii"e ia f-i ; "O ;..!::. d ill'' f'T ll'.U V. II II E . 1 T L I T i c Cean'y. i : i : . ! '. . ;:)-i-.'lei li:isiin-s. MAKING AND REPAIRING, 1 loni on Short N ot ice. i'-Lvir.ynii.M: WAtu:AXTEV: J M'ii'i:s i.oiv iMttix. SAGE BKOS. !f v a : t: ai :,.:;a-.i;.C. idea of the huge scale on which stock the count was abandoned until this raising is conducted in the country now morning. Returns are very meagre, comprising the great plains of the far but as far as received show repu I liei.n west oi the grass region of Nebraska, gains. Wyoming and Colorado. In short few . Mason County Partial returns in of our o. n people faiily realizo how ilic.ite bin to 'J0: republican majority. extensive the business has grown with- Jiff r.-on canity ah,.a:t SO) democrat- Co.-t, bid. witness fes before iu a few years. ic majority. ! Grand Jury Sep. term Oar attention has been drawn unite . - -Cost bill. State and Jam s Jones lately to these facts by the visit of Mr. ; TH'-TAt S. Hugh Orr, formerly a resident of Cass It does seem to us that our conven- coiinty, and who has made Ciieyenne tious could and should be better man- his hea l-quarters for the last live years, aged and more in accordance with cus- Oti these great national meidows tomary parliamentary usage in ail scattered here and there the eattle uin other ileliberat ive bodies. We can see have their ranches, for the most part no use of a pointing a committee on they put up no hay or winter feed at credentials who are rc.-piired to spend all. davs and nights in investigating dis- r s.fsT c r r vJl -x.- D Ci ii cr Iliiihre lM!')ic;a scrta, Vtrera, Cau au r I in j'JTLS, CT har;i'(I llria.ii. Iiil- luilcl una Uttt. 9 Honeys Coliecled, itii'i i iti:: i-ito-iz'Ti.v. 2 CO 1 & .: o ' 7 ct "ri vo Uj w i i e- ii iv-r? l - e v. y tm cr Ini.'.::: forC-mrrii, Ccr.ii-.r.rti'. r.. A.aiaii. For Sr.le ly ill I'rurrjits. Cost bid, Stat'1 and Ch ,s. II. Snyder Cost bill, lir.niv and Petit J ury J. II. ibilteiy .siin.l; ies for coun ty oaieers. and medicines W . ih Donelan. medicines J. '. Cummins, tax receipts pos tage, A;e Jno. s. Dmghertv, caring for Mr. Orr has from 1,0):) to , )d head puted cases, only to bring in a report of c.ittle, '2,2 ) to ;;,!)i'i of sheep, and o ) that a'imils of th. i;oie qu- stion being our fanners and fruit-growers. Mr. j to l.i) head of horses and ouies. The argurd before the 0011- again. A seu Cptou informs us that he winds the ; horses and cattle graze the year round, sibh: man does not i' el like s.-rving 0:1 Sc.'!' p: Isolier 10. 'Viiite. C 1 ll for e ciilty ... . C.l I.Toiles.i ylu;; reporters books J. C. 1 'ummiu's. postal cards J. F. i r it p. miie.ig.' C I?.i.-'! ai 'i-ss t'.-es trees with a preparation that prevents j but for the sheep he nits up hay and such a committee. In the Fust place, ( ,;!. v.itn-ss fees t'.'cvo'ing'hoppers from "limbing them ; builds more or less shelter in Cue win- a mim ritj report is only accepted at p. . ; d.ihngton. work on jail . .ii.d he considers it of so much impor- ten This spring he -had l,43i lambs, all, by com tesy. There is 110 such the- . Tiie following was alh wed on poor t.mce that ail those having voung trees ! tln'se are from Mexican ewes crossed orv in pai li.tm ularv law. If a com- ' ',' 1 1 aaatta, il'T s4o.-- houhl corre.'pond w ith Mr. Hawk on ; with Cotswold or Merino rams. They iniltee on credentials find they cannot -v m nt i s. . . ;;7.o 1 the matter. We add car advice to his J are very hardy and ha ha3 done well agree and do not want to take there- pr. Uhuk. salary ro.i and give the address, R. Hawk, Neb. ! with them. sp.u.sibility of deciding bet ween two , City. ! The cattle now raised there are not coiitest ir.g factions, their report should sTir. THUM rr! j the long horned, gaunt, and long-legg.-d oe msitive n the delegations and men In this connection it may Le well to Texas coast cattle that many suppose, they do admit to seats, and the rest; allude to another fact called to our at- , but cattle from North Texas and other should be refeired back to the conven- ' Jacob Giuher, tentiou by Mr. Rabcook, of Louisville, i daces, with short horns, heavy bodies th n to settle. This would save at ;uid that is that if gnisshopper eggs ! and shorter legs, in fact hard to distin- least one overhauling and lisiening to are stirred up and exposed to the sun j guish lrom native cattle. The sheep all of the evidence. Rut then, we and rain now they cannot hatch next j are about 7 miles from Cheyenne, and ought really to .t!e a!! these things spring, and that it is a good plan to ; the cattle range within a radius of 5.) before we come tn :i f t;il" convention, low corn ground up at once, and stir ! miles. This "double-header" is getting to be a and move all ground that can lie plow- j The boss cattle man 'n -piite a king monotonous-, disagreeable, expensive ed this falL This is a matter of great S over his own ranches, and hhv sway U and time wasting f.oce. and somf ca- importanee, and should not be entered j recognized for some distance around pable chairman e-f the centred com- into by one or two farmers alone, but j him. The stock is all shipped east at mittee and of a state co-. . ; mt ion ought and even to shut down on these 11 r-gubirit ies ! W- r - . , - i i 1 t ? l h' . V 5 '' -V;J ti ! .V--r;iii-i i'ln:".- We i. u.ui.'i 1 ' - ' :.:;-( ley . Mi . . o-i:: ;. ; .. v. e ':.. :: lie,.i.- a 'a K0..1 ii-oa.- ev-r a ;. w ' a ' I- . I IV ;.i I ..-,! "lit V CI I e,i- I! " e- , ,.(-, . , 1 Ul.i0 I- " '..-.i-.: -; io:' :i 1.: : : '. 1 ; . ' . '. .- i'4..;i:tv ' 1 ei : . t:-.i : 'i . m.i- i --r ."i 1 7.00 . ;;;1;; i '.: Vh'-'V. ,','! yi i.ii re .t Lvt.i ti- !. a 1": i -..!. . .hi:..- 1! -ti'2.70 '.-isir -!"ii in .':...:. Kiesvt -:. w ..as i:. i e t" j'-s ;:' .'.,e i'-i i; 1'.' :" !.: v.' -.ih ;' . V.ti ; H'.'.oia it. A'l ",:::!i' e.O .--ee;! ,-;- a ;; os ! ad tin ei is a.-.in.-ii i':. . .-i . vesy isi - '. set-.;..-., li is ;,!!::- ! "i.i -ne . , i ; : (, 1 oaol 1 ' . 1 A i n ;.' o! i ' ! ; ' - " ( ) ea -e of : I ' . v. : "s. " .,. , es. e.i' a,. .- l-e -a .-. .- ;.. i..r 1 i.-.a st-.e'.v f.a : :.,-r .-.' '. 1 .: i i. :iiil.'-i' ii h ) ' -' ' ' : t . i 1 rr. :.: ,. '! "w-.v: ' ,v :v;v.'.v-.. : 4.n :..--.;.! -a a e .. .. .; -. - -.. 7..; . ,N;:;h1;.;;.:;.;."!:, y.v -., ' ..! : :'v hVy '' ! mi r i-i er . s : -, i . ; 1 ....... :;. l J ; ' : ,: ' ; ; - ; . HEAL ESTATE BOUGHT & SOLD t a'x r.s P AID ; ' '.': i.e -- !.'.'; Ai.-orrrcl I'l iiu.'li. i-Jy I'l.atsno.uth. .el. ft. o O 7 5? CD -1 C3 s ' - 7 a ; !di-:ifi f:" le ;.tv t roil sale. A r:ls. ..od C"I . . 1 Nliil.'.M. 'r -ittivata ::. - 3 es T T. l M rai of atl i : iera.t. A;-i'.y to ' It !-.."v I MUIAM. roil SALE Fleminc? & Race, Y V.. (.Kits IN' Y GOODS, GROCERIES, ! i t.u-.r 1 i ! lev Aia'r 1 it x i :, :. v ii ha't if AT.",. ; I of Seel foil ( .,', I ' Jioofs. V.. I'. VlMiU VNJ. fey allof them tn mass", and then there the proper times each year. will be no 'hoppers to devastate any- i then, as we found, beefsteaks co. t Vdj next spring. cent a po-md. and bring the party back to the nd wpll established u-ge. .1-1 Tli- following was a!lo-.ve i c-n Road F. ist i-i -t fund: Samuel Richards. -n on dist Ct. . .t: " T. W. Focnt tin. " . . C- " Peter Kvi-iand. " :$).. I Jacob Gi uber, " 41... in.'-) llenrv Carpenter " 0o Joseph Mason " . . 2 ; c, .s. Fowler " ' . "-Is J. R. Turtle " :il . . . 2r M. Cook - :- Frank Pobenv " 4 1... M Mr. Canau.iv ' 4 t - - D. L. Hunt " -':- ' II. Ilawiev " -'It. . . S.o--) M. Ti in ;h ita " H... 4.ou S. .1. Evans " 4. " C. Jnsi-1 " . . C'. h Mr. Lake " '-- " 1". MeMulh ti " It'- . '-. 11 Adjonrti.-d tr. Thuvsd.'.v uioi ning. li.. r.- OA ?-T a li: "Sis 1 ; ii IF! r--"--. S rf"i j. I t C-s'l. s . U J E li . 1 e. .- v: fj - a-.. ' a of :-i ;;: 1 : i i . . . . -Aje.ly 1 i hf , o'1-nnvd No ..i: K. i:.'' iMOiA.v i t ; s,' .MIOES. AND NOTIONS. .vs.! V rnii'rV Sup pi im -n- rally. Our (ioods nro all New, and vvc sf I! Mip.n CIIKAP. THY US ONCr, AND SKEt ! 1 )y 1 ; WEE f T (f UVl TEI1, NEJl. I'": sa li: v i :..en-' '. v. ::ti v: ri 1'- w d J Id 11 S l J 1 f?,-f V -ill G5, Lnniber, i r.:. ::t ra:v U !'. "V'M'H AM. AlE. I.--! ti I'.'-e in Kock i -es. . C! tO it r. wi iui vM. an eat EAEa.uxs: : -; :.:. i.i Tire: a: e for sa p -.ViO. ; WeiiiriM li --.it Mor a'ltil" i ''!i-,.;i.. Kobnk. Iowa. !! ' i -si --i ',. I'm;. V,.i. II. M.lier. .iin-i,d 'I. ilia.-- r. t-1 ee! ee. : ii ",i: . Alien -il iol -! us ;i,;v ,t!i .n 'ises. a' Mem'' -; s,.ii. Coaol and lal loin -i. l'..ok!eeiTs. rfaaiin. l.'e;.i.--tel-s.i 1 1 1. i it i .i s.. i-.-haeel ..S a' V ev ois a ad I e;oll--r tl.oroe.u'tiiy fitted. Kali-h luani ln" fre. I ivr !.i"'l ii. s. I'.nte.'.-ai. in.i'ors. -rcr l-'es I ; v at , u ll a llr i-s I'.aro.' Ill Col!e:;e H ill. Flee fi:ni!.:n'il loom - fa stf l.oaroin. '1 e'oi apli !;.;. f : -.'. Stior! hai.d vvi.C.ag free. Oo -.1 l.ojnl--'..i.is. alio faie.iiy lioard. icidroad faro iio--ia.-t"d. loi'iieas.. t'losiness ia loo!oc. Nova f ill io. Address i',.illes( e!l.--o. Keokuk. Iowa.. Stri ll'T .e, s ,-.. rv,.r.i,uiVlHit. A, ''