HCZEJIRXjID EXTRA I LATTS.MOl Til, Aid. 1N7U, THE (.'-HOPS! OMAHA. Instead of presenting solid reasons against the principle of pro ! ata. or the justice of tin proisio"s of t lie bill up on tliat subject before congress, tin' hf gfTtsstiopprsTiiiuTe thel r appeiir-Tjliaal ia Iltrultl lustily .shouts Omaha. Jinee at this place about 11 o'clock on Thursday, the :Mth of September. Just "ter we had gone to Press. They .opped, dropped, steadily all the af ternoon, leaving yast numbers on the ground. 23. h. IIoppei3 in inn: eme numbers wnt last i;ight with us, doing consid- rable damage to the city gardens, by 10 a. in. the air was again full of the ests, and they commenced coming own to assist those already here in le work of destruction, the number toes not seem to iliminisn nere, ai- hough favorable reiorts come in from le west. The St. Paul Pioneer Press says there almost positive evidence to prove hat a remedy is at hand in the shape of an vjij tut in j buy, which is surely uid certainly destroying all the eggs id by the grasshoppers this year, thus isiiriiig Minnesota an exemption from je ravages of this voracious insect xt year. This bug is of :i deep red color about the size of a flea or rather a louse, re sembling the latter somewhat, also in ts shape and movements. Now as to he utility and complete success of these bugs, as destroyer of the eggs, there would seem to be no doubt in he mind of thosn who have given the ubject a general examination, as well as of those who have personally in spected their mode of operation, and the places where they have utterly de stroyed the eggs laid by the hoppers a few weeks ag). Tim Pioneer Press adds that the result of a careful exam ination of ground when the insect has destroyed all the eggs ami was seen prancing around apparently in search of something more to eat is perfectly satisfactory. We have no doubt that in a circle of 10 miles from Worthing ton there will be scarcely an egg left by to-morrow. It is to be hoped the successful ene my of the hopper has finally been fur nished by nature, and that they mav make their appearance here in Neb., as we have good evidence there will soon be work for them to do here, which we hope may le effectual in preventing their troubling Nebraska another year. 28th. Hoppers still here at work. Wind south preventing their going. They are laying quantities of eggs with which to supply provender to the coming insect, the savior of next years PIANO FOR SALE. A very handsome I'iano for sale cheap for cash; or a $2nn loan wanted u the same. In Hiiire at Xi If kkam ''flic. 9-tf. Hatt the Butcher lias once more taken th. field and offers his services to tin- pnlilie in his old stand, prepared to furnish the he.-t of R B -fT rjji GAM& FISH, &" FOWL, J.V .WK-INo.V. "Pro Hata will injure Omaha, the U. & M. R. II. is inimical to Omaha." &c. &c. i We do not object to the most ardent and act ive defense of the interests of Omaha by the Herald; but the . rnhl Should know that a measure like this pro rata bill, which removes unnatural and unjust discrimination against thej business of three fourths of the peopl! of the State, is one which the Herald ciniiot a fiord to oppose, because it ts supposed that such measure may work Home temporary injury to Omaha. I Omaha cannot a (lord to grasp at i icoikmi tor past ..im.na'e. i s,icit a c.n- , tillllance of th - same. I ppo.le Johnson's 1 ril!Z these slight and temporary advantages store. south side Main street. I !.u :-.m.ut.i. Ne t the detriment of three fourths ofj1"!." ti ji.vTT. the State. If this pro rata bill is a justj treasure, ohm that removes ruinous re-; C A T T R R CT H P R strictions upon the trade and traffic .,fi-"-" wwt iik, a large portion of Nebraska, then in thej end whatever its immediate effects' iray be it will and must result to the' advantage of Omaha. J The real friends of Omaha, upon1 7 whom she must n-lv for the success at which she aims, are all the people i Nebraska. If Omaha amounts to any-' thing more than she is at present, shej must become and remain the chief com-j mercial city of the State. To realize this destiny she must have the friend ship and support of the different sec tions of the State. If the Herald can show that prorata HO FOK THE IX PI. A TTSMOUTII. viii.r.i.i: I ealers in I ETC.. ETC., ETC. i .... I . ,f ,1,.. i I Nei.raska. Practical Workers in sheet nmx, zi.c. tix. ZlEltY, dV., tfc I'la'lsiiioiitii. lillA- l. iiui- assortment of Hard aim Soft COAL STOYES, is wrong or unjust, not in accordance. with the policy of the government to-! wards the Pacific Railroads, and the, KV,.,-y people, that it is in addition to all this injurious to Omaha, then its position will be soun 1. but the cry that this measure must be defeated simply and purely for the sake of Ounh i, will in the end prove Omaha's ruin. ST.UTS Of Til H PK J RATA RILL. Wood and t'oal Stoves for hi:atlu ok cook ink. Alwavs on Hand. tv of Tin. Sheet Iron. "Work, kept in Stock. and Ziu MIHIHl J" AS. jECJHj lEZSTAlsr. ;M. ;C! UK'S o.t st;ii,i ti!l Ki pl imh ly I lit .'litovc. CIU A Its. To ll A f v.vas, ,t-r., U'lloi.l:' SAI.K d- It E TA II.. W " K h h.V Good Goods, Buy Largely And i I ite t raile to call aiid examine, llf Farmer's Eating House, KEPT r.v AIM) KEEPS Groceries & Confectioneries. j ; ALS AT A I.I. II oil Its. Eating Houso and Saloon on ialn Street, ITearly op posite Court House- 1 7-::,n pEATTs.Morrii. xei;. i"3 tjooil fre-!i milk DELIVERED DAILY! AT Krt:i;vnnvs home i.x i'I.a ttsmi wtii IK THitY WANT I I'. IS j. i iii:aimii:isti:ic. I SKSH I " Vol I! olSIK.I!S ,NI I Wll.l. llfT AM lilVK VOC PURE MILK 9 ! rr -r7 r MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. ; r-KW.n vtiiixu i;t;.t tki : .'; I1C1'K! IAW IHW. SAGE BROS. ::-.tf t i.iri' ELM WOOD. Fin- t lio ill t'oi nial ion of liianv who ire iiskiiiir about tin; Status of the Pro' Ii.ta bill. w will state that said l.il.V did not pass either house of ( impress. Tl:f bill was reported by the .Judiciary Committee of the House, read twice tn 1 recommitted to the same commit tee. It was still in the hands ot the Judiciary Committee of the House at the adjuu in inert of Congress. We will sUite further that said bill did not fail or die, upon adjournment, but holds its present status in the hands of commit tee duriii"; recess of Congress, and up on the re-assembling of that body in fTJecember, will be taken up just where it was left at adjournment. We trust those who desire to know the exact st;it as of this measure will read this statement carefully, as it will obviate the necessity of asking anv further questions as to the status of pre rata in Congress. ;iti:i:it'r:, NEBRASKA. Healers in (Joorts . (iroeersies. 11 articles e.encrally kept in a country .ore. I-aimers, call and examine ln-lore oin may from home to hny. Ttf. IttHlEIiT Vny.iKl.l. V'S A XI) IILACKS3IIT1I SHOP. Wuyon, Jliiy;!, Mui liinr ami Plow re 2'tit iuy, ami y nerul Johhiny. PETE It It A U EX, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wam shop. He is well known as a No. 1 AVOKKM AN. Wngoiw niol Itnssies Tftntlr to Order. SATISKA' TION a"AK.NTi:i:i). Shop on Sixth .street, opposite Slrei;;tit "s Stal.le. i 4oy 1 and serve yon regularly. H. A. WATERMAN & S0N Wholesale mill Kctail Iealeis in Pine Lumber, SHIFGLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, llTf.. KTl '.. KTC. Mau. street Corner of l'i';!i. PJ.ATTS.i()rTH. - - - - Still Better Rates for Lumber, W will Hell all Vrrv 4-rHlM of l.unihrr 4'lira. Subs cribc roit THK H ERA LD! IT