IS THE HERALD. rrruMtU) r.vr.uY thi ksday PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA On Vine St., One Dlook Norlli of Main, Corner of FiflH Street. OI I'U'IAI. I'AI'KU I' fOl.VTV. fTFl"M AT J P THE HERALD. AIVi:iCTIH1i K1TIM. sp-vi k ! 1 w. w . t VI Terms, i.i Advance : One ropy, olio year I ti! copy, six mouths One copy, three months l.oft JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. VOLUME XII. ."IC ' " P E R S E Y .E K A N C E CONQUERS I'LATTSMOUTH, XKHRASKA, TIIUKSDAT, AUGUST 151, 187G. TERMS : $2.00 a Year. XUMDEU 'LI. 1 s,,r. SI is Sip's . col 2 ml. 1 ml . jl (Ml 1 1 .HI, U LMI ; ft (l! K nil ' ' 1 a (HI i 1 .". I ' IH 7 a S Kit 1.' to 1.1 IK) j T.r : it ; iik 4; III lM! V. CHI i".ii" n iMi 21 Cil' " id 1 in. ; 3 in sr. no !.-. i o: $Vi "! h-vo, lOCil Hit' s 1.1 iNtj - (i 'ii IK"! s mi" ., i mm in p on "i'l i'" "U ;, 111 l; 1,0 IKIj 1IH' nO Ativt'rtisiiijr l-i'ls lu nuarterly, f Tr:msieii! a-'votiscnienis must l' lih' fui in advance. r.Xll.l :'opil.'S of tl!t llKKAl t I or Sllle UV .1.1 oUlle.. I'll-dott'iee news depot ,- II. .1. Mlvlnllt, SaUIO-lel'S House.- .Dill (). I-'. JullllSlHI, '"I IK I' Main and Filth Mivcls. FIEST National Bank OF '"LATTSMOl'TII, NLLKASKA, SI -KrtOl TO tooti.i:. IIAWA A. CI-AUK, iIoitn Fit;f.k.i.i. . . V.. ;. ImvKV A. W. M lOJill O'Kol'KKK .'resident. . . . Vice l'l'i'Miilt'iit. Cashier. A distant Caslncr. Thin Hank is now open for business at tln-ir new room, punier Main and Sixth streets, ami is Jin-pared to transact a m hcial BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bondi, Gold, Government and Local Securities rin;irr and si.i. J)-jhjsits ii'i. !((! (i)i(l lntrfst All'ir- td an Time t 'i rtiji-.:t s. DRAFTS JDZR,vTWISr7 Available in anv pait of tin- Foiled States ami In All Hie I'nmipal Towns and Cities if lau'opc. ac; i:ts rrm: Ki.i:ri;ATi:i) Inman Line and Allan Line OF KTt'.AMKKM. Person vrishin;; to brm;; out their frends from Kuro n- ran I'l la llAETI'-KFTS FIIOM I S Tliruush to I' I n t t k in o ii t li . New Tailor Shop ! "W. L. TSIOdl-S, .1 iu I.' ll ED TAILOR, has opened a simp Ok r.ili St. n e t ilimrln lr. J no. Itlnek'is SnTc. Hi". I A Professional Workman, lias cavm ;;iii"l i -!j-t ion. so far ami vi;'aK r stay: If the p.v.pli. :v." i i : . i t'ti- I ( t I i ; t c 'iirour-:i.:.Tin-lt. GOOD FITS, v. ai:i: m i:d. A.Vlt ALL i nirns A lTl'.Xhi:i It) J'l.'OMJ'TL 1'. I l!v tji j: old s ivii r ST A DELM A NX. iVt-iirl; "j'j. Siinu'l' rx '-, Jain .S7. At tile ol.l taiiil 1 Ifil'l fovMi. aii'I for tlin '"iiieiim ii I n!li r''"ili :il ; pin es lTT'i. 1 iimmii. il yoa ilo n 'I Iii ve it.'-oiie' anil si e. A Larso Slock oiTlothiiiir. 'MUX'S AX1 HOYS' II ATM. A1'H. I.OVIX t'AMX 1UI VliS. VAI.ISI.S. I f i. . i'!i-.. etc.. i ll. All .'o'.' '1 ' tin ii! Hi ! .':o.i n: 1'iir-i. S e w i n g M a c h i n e s m:v iMr;:oi:: r.n; k si i i n GROVER & BAKER i iii: si.'.: !-.Y n; iiik.s:s 1 a aim,, W'Uholl the Vrtriif th- .tlti"-hmrnt.i, xwh ox A" '1,7. T t .-Hi t .'.r.-. Kb-. Tin s,- .ho i-on; ' in j !.!?' Inn in a mai'iiim' v til ilo we'! to trivc t lie ii hi 1 r l'aker a I rial. Nat -if.4 l!on uaraiiieeil. ami t!o' rln-apet iiiai iime ia the market. All onleis hv iu:iil promptly at telnleii to. Aililress. ' I II vs. Yl Al t.. Vim; I "I:-: I -ni i;;t!i. Nrti. E. PARMELE, SALE, FICL'P if- I.IVEKY STABLE. At the o!il Hyatt iVno. (lately J one's slaMe) in riattsinoMiii. N li. Vi:i keep coiistant!yon liaml ;r iinmi'er of Horses for Sale. 1 ho Inn i i a'i'l s:-';iti of ;;ooil hordes maile tiic sppeiailv of tin' l siiies. A new PONY PHAETON, m-at'e Imrses, for I.-nl :. t ) drive is kepi at the SlaMe. rA urn-: ns call ax n examine MY stock mil SALE. li-v!. K. l'AK.MHI.i:. Heller v,i e.'ii on dot Ben Hempel. MI S 1 !IK MAN. KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. n i.i iv :.!; main s: i;i:i r. VLATTsymr in, - - - - xej;. Meals at all Hours. Ales. Wines anl u'ooil I i jiiois to lie used re a Miinalily. tor jeiur !eiie1;t it you ill ire. l. II EM I' EL, 7V.). NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CURIOSITY A l.-n-iloiiar hill of ITTi! ent tree f r stamp. A1- (lre5 Hurst & Co., 77 Nassau M., N. V. 4t. AfCWTC "von want Hie I. est selling AvlC.ll I J article in the uorlil ami a i-o-id oui pal ent lever at eli. free of eit. w rite at onee to .1. Hi:i lK .v l ., 7io liio:iilay N. Y. It MIND READING PSYCHOMANCV FASCINA lion Soul Charming. Mesmerism and .Mal l ia'.'e I iiinie. show in how ell her se may faseinate and jrain t lie love ami alleetion ot any person tlieV elioose insl ititlv, 4mi paes, l,y! i ts. Hunt .V Co., l:vi S. 7th St.. I'lilla. i'a. 1 VISITING CKDS M line whit" ith name neatly ii inte sent fret? for -jn i ts. pin for .'',Tets. Tu intl oiluee my cards, will send 11 "mixed" incluilin siiou Hake, damask, . for I'd-. Samples for stamp. a;kn i- waxt 41 i:i:Ni:.sT M AIM, Ko. hosier N. Y. TyT p MermoiiH mid prayri' VIXJyJJ X O in.-. liii talk at t!ie N. A". Hippodrome from the Tribune verhatini re ports, pi tin- new Imok ti l:ut Till iin:". lie ware of ini;iiini. "Jin pores S. li.iion ordered. . I. lrs IVAMf.ll J!. 1!. IK KAT. I'nli- lislii r. mi !'r,i liw:iv. N . Y . f AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT Centennial history It sells faster than any other hook. One ayent .sold fd copies in one day. Send for our extra terms to agents. Address National I'lihlishim; Co.. Chicago. 111., St. 1. 1 mis. Mo, or Coin ml ins. O. Of ail kiude v prire tor t tAijr,.'-tuAtA,i 'fiysicttins A h-amxlie. MAGNIFYIHB CLASSES for Investiga tions in Iititanii,MinTtiUjy,llimicuUure,AgricuUure, Ac l.K.KS,PY I4SES,TKJ-KlSCOPKS rtc. 81 IVok 1'Rlrs List, fully WuHrated tent frre, MCALLISTER. fj.OPtcin,i9XAsaxv St., COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, USE W ELLs CAR BO LIC TABLETo, ri i i rnxi.v in 111. 1 i;oi;s. A TRIED AMD SURE REMEDY I'or s-ile l.y I oui-l- et.nnili v. and C. N. CIMT I -:N I ' V 7 : 1 ' It .V.v-.iiie. New oik. I: M'-o iif i-anmr.t -i.i to sii'ii per , ek ! ! selling Our Country A'vD ITS flPSOURCES I 'nil1 ;,!; in : ' U -:'m:,.: ;- nry of I i evi-'it-fid v ear- .; of the :;re.u I .x h il.i ,."- I.'lel 111 sv'i-i ;'. I - 'ii of OIM- Illicitly r. illllees 1.1 a;:. ' I -.eonitio-i ee. ml nei'a .s mai; , I o-: ;i i.itarai v i.-eiers. en: ii.ii ies. i-te.. all riehiv ni trated. A Ceidniy" .ltti and "Jti r;l'-F..v n-vi I i-i-e. S 'hs mni'vel lieisly fast. 1 .11 1 ' mole -.ors w an red 'I'lM-k I v for this ami our standard "I.I I-'KOK 1,1 VI KS I O !"." J'.noii :ilii-ady -old. also new I'.i'ile, -j.onn illn-t. I las mi i-,iiiiil I'm t r terms w i ii - to 1 1 1 - i:r. A is 1 1 111; - is , 'n!.. ( ii i.a.xo I!!., or Cia. ). tt vr "vT-: (ip :t M'-le I'd I'oiieu'e. Keoknk. !.-.::, on i he M : vo, ,;. i'lof. '. in. II. M.ilor, ;.-:i.i .1! .Manager. N i 'n-t eii I h ear. Ahoal ilv I i - hits pay all epeiis.-. lor .l, in',ie:!iip. Hoard mil Sia! toi,er". I M. (:. 'i"s. i -eaon-n. to-pr- tet s.l I pel .1! or. A : ell il eel s.Snrv ey ors and 1 e.ieh - is t ii ! oa-rii! v '.u'oii. hnu-iiv i iiraneiu-s ire,-. l-"i -e I.,-.-tor- s hv Kmim-nt lira' . is. I'ree las- lia's vva1: iaas Kand in Co!,e, Hall. I-Yee fnrni-lo-d I'm Te; for .-r:f lioai dia:;. '1 le-rraph - imrfie.-. Slim; hand rii in--: free. Coidhoaid in r eV.Uis. an I family hoard. Kaili'oa l t . , I !- lii'-t-d. I loiiiei,!' hi.s: ne-s m Keokiiu. Novi- ..liioli. Add i -r, ayli.-s I ore.:.-. Keokuk. Iowa. St ate w hei e on s iu liii-. iiiUrl li-eimiit. 11)1 f-.-i i. l .-i y DICK STIiEIGHT'S Xj I "V IB ZExL- "5rT , Feed and bale Stables. Col ie i i.i !l and lYai'.SJs. 11' -f. V" t:iK! l:V TIIK HOUSES DOUG H T . SOLI) (Hi Til A DEI), Kor a l";:i:' Comniission. TKA31S AT ALL HOUISS. l'ai i a-ular at Ten: ion paid Id Driving and Training TRO TTI.i; ST(5( Ei. A: s.l -A hearse fiunished w hen called for. ST HEIGHT & MILLKK, Harness Manufacturers, '.i)I.KS r.Kini.Ks, COI.I.AKS. and a!l kinds of liarm ss stock, const. ud!y on han I. rruil Con!Vr:oncTy, AND Grocery Store N ITS, C A NT M K: J" 1" A S sICAUS, -i-:r.s. Toi-.VCCOKS, r I. on:. 1 'l'lelnher i he place, f'l-po ite I'., il. !oyeys on Lower Main Street. Jl-l.V STIIEIHIIT iX- M ILL Ell. J. V. Wecktach, ;i:ni:i:ai, in HENRY BCFCK. IiKAI.Ki: IN IT ix 3? sxit re. SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables. Bedsteads, ktc, kti. , nr., nf All H -rijitious. G ro c c i ics, DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes, G n S I e 2? 3f METALLIC BUEIAL CASES 1 z?xZu?k: 1 I f all Mes, ready Ki:ide and sulil cheap for e;ish. AMI Al l. KINDS OK GOODS m-:i-:iki r.Y mi: OK- Householder AYith many llianks for past patronnfe-e. I invite J ( orner :ilaml Muin fts inite all to call and examine my ! ,..r... LAKUE STOCK Of 1 , A1 r.-MH. Ill M.IhAhA 4,tl. HHMTllir.Al)COFnV ; .i.aihmoiv old :.:.n:d. OFI'H IAI I I It r.c 'T It V. con(; l. Sfnatoks I' . W. ltkt(Jn-oek, Omnh.l ; A. S. Tad. lock, r.eatrlee. Ki-.l-ltKSKN l ATI E I.. CrilHK", l't. CulllOUII. STATU. Covki:.vii Silas Carhrr. Lincoln. !. i:k i a k v lii uiio T .sell nek, I.incon. 'lKKA.n!Ki:--l. O. Mel. ride. Lincoln. Al 1'11'U! J. I'. Weston. Lincoln. ArrmiN kv J k.n ekai. U. II. Koherts, Lin volu. ISCIT. I'l-l'.I.IC ISfSTKUfTION --J. M. MeKell- zie, Lini.-iNi!. LKOISLATIVF.. t'i Im.htiui T Sam. M. Cliapinaii, Ilaltsviouth. JiKlHKSKN TATIVK.S. Ztll OlSTlt K T Jtio. Y. Hanies, riattsimnith ; J no. House, tireen wood. JUniCTAL. Sn-RKVi: .IpixiKs ien. I'.. Laku. Omaha ; Iiahiel llantt. Urownvillc ; taiwuel Maxuell, Kreinont. COUNTY. Ci.tsKK-C. P. Moore, Platcsuionth. TliKAfll 1IKH-.1.C. CllHllllillS. PlatlSlHOlitU. Sn ki:i kk M. n. Cutler. Plattsinoiith. Ci Mll is-stiiN kks - K. !. I love v. PI alt. si noil til ; Y. It. Arnold, liieenwood ; i5. S. Kamsey, I.olll.v ille. 15. F. Heed. Pock Ilnffs. CITY. llAVOll- 1!. U. I.ivilili-sitdll. Tui-'Asb i: kk -Wm. interstein. Ci.kkk 'W. F. lleiim-tt. Cwl NC1I.M KN, 1st Wakd .1. Pepjierbei-g. AV. Neville. Cm; nci I. men, 2d V.'ah! P. L. A ise, .1. . Weckhach. Ciii;nil.mfn, M Ward Wm. 1.. ells, P. Ihniiicllv. CorVell.MKN, 4tli AVAltn F. K. Ciuthman. J. Hetlner. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. " Corrc letl S-n ;;d", Jmnuiry Wtl, 1STC. Oi: OMAHA KUOM l'LATl'SMi U'TIl. I..Ki.i.e.s Tj :i: a. m. Arrives s -..M a. in. 1 :-iJ p. in. "' : " 1'- m. rnM nIMI. FOR PLaTTSMOI'TH. ;ivi-s ;i :0 a. ia. An 'ves hi a. m. 4 :( p. ni. " I'- "l. ;. m. ' T : U" p. m. fok the v, i:sr. Lc:es Piatt --I'.ori I !i ,:)- a. in. Arrives uoio I la n. in. : Arrives Kearnev. s :CKI l. in. ST.. Loft I'.M"l!!sS-- I.eliVes ! 'lilt t SIllOM t II . 4 :X p. ii. Arrives, Lne-oln, : : H p. m. l-'m-i'. at h-M'. 7 :lna. la. Ar. Li a oln U :2"p ni. i - i 1 p. m. " :i' a. m rUM T'dK Y."i"ST. leaves Kearney. 0 : M a. in. Leaves Lhiculti. Kt P- in. Anius 1'! alt . mouth, o :!.' p. in. St Lor i -4 INi-:t::-s - Leaves l.iac dn.7 r.-O a. in. Anive-s l':a;t.snioiith, r:Jl a. in. Vreiir'-.t la aves Lincoln 11 :1" a. m. Arrives Pluttsiiiouth. 4 p. i l. I.-ives Lincoln 7 :!' p. in. Arrives Platts ftioit! il, 11 :la p. m. COIN! EAST, l Apr.s-i. r, a. in. P.i.sse,nrer. ni iin each day) S i. m. Tk'-1Vai- I'KPAKTl'KI-: OF 1LAT1S- Mll 'I'M MAILS. KARirilN. NOKilltUN .1 Sol TI.'FivV I I lepal't al - .". :'t0 a. m. - V :..' a. i.i. j y.. .. . ; ;,i p. m. OMAHA VIA ll. M . Arrive at la :.'W a. m. Oop irt at - 'J :1 I', in. wrsTKRN VU H. M. Arr'.veat - 3 :17. p. m. ; I lepai t at - i :i a. in. Vv I.B'.l-l N'i V. A I K!:. Arrive ai 12 :W i.i. Iicpartat - J ,M p. m. UOi'K HI.I FFS,':! NI'iN MILLS. Arrive r,t !i:i oin. ! epart at - l :tn p. m. J. W. MARSHALL. P. M PiiOFKSSIOXAL CARDS ! it. i:. viiii..n. ATToKNKY and Coiin-.-lor al Law. la al estate l.o-.iuiii and s.nd. Taes paid : and spe cial attention civc n to collet-lions, oniee over I'j-. Chapman's 1 i u Store, Piatlsinoi,! !i. HAW. J. I'll AIMIAX. ATTfiPM.Y AT LAW ami Solicitor in C'laii y. mice in Fit-ra!iPs I'.loek, I'Iattsmot!th. Nei.iaska. 11 1: 1'U K I.I C A X TIC K KT. A Suiiiilcmoiitary Call for Ilejv.ibliciin JStalo ('(invent ion to Xoininate Stite Oniccrs, Ktc. r President, llUTJIEKl OKI) 15. HAYES, of Ohio. For Vice President, ."WILLIAM A. WIIKKLKP. of Xew York. NATIONAL HKPI ISLICAN PLAT- Adontcd ut Cincinnati, June lotli, l7- When in the economy of Providence, his land was to he ourp-d of human slavery, and when 1 lie st relict a of the c.ov eminent of the K'oile. tiy the people, for the people, was t" lie ilciit.insi rated, the Kepuhlican parly came inio iover. Its deeds have passed into History, i.inl we look hack to Ih.-in wall pride. lie'ited hy their memories and hi'h amis lor the jrood of our country ami mankind, and looKm,: to the Inline with unfallei ui courage. Imln- and pur pose, we. the representatives of ihe the party, in national convention asscmhicd, make the folhiw in declination of principle-. : 1. I he railed stales of America is a nation. I'oi a league. Hv I iie coin hit ted wm k of t ho National ml StaU- ioveriiiiirnts. iindei- Iheir re -peci ive const i ; ut ions, t In- ri j;ii I of e i. cry ci I -en are seetnmi at home and proleeled ;il'ioad. ami the common wellan- piomoled. J. I iie lo puhlieaii parly has preserved those ur' el nmeiits to the iiuioiiedl Ii aiiiiiversary of i ae na'. ion'., dirt li. -indl hey are now the i in-oodiiii'-Ms ol the tfrcat tinllis spoken at it.i era o:e: all men were created eoiial ; that tlicy were endowed hy I Ie i r Creal oi- with cer tain ii'.al'enalile i:.:lits. anions wliieh are hie. iiiiertv and lin- i aisioi ot happiness : tfiat lor t lie a l't a i mi it'iii ot t :ie-e ends mm rnni":;ls ha e lieen iiisiituied anions men. dciiwiar tneir !s( po. el s I l't ill I Ihe const II t ot t lie c,o Vol in" d. I 11 -:l those truths are cheerfully ohi-ycd or, it neeiie l to le, virtuously eiiloienl, ine work of the Kepuhlieall 1 1 1 t V is unfinished. I;. 1 lie permanent paoilication of tin- South ein section ot ilo- I'uioii. and the complete Jno leeiioi.ol Its cai.'-Ils ill the en ;o ot ail t iieir nr'nt s. are duties to w li n-li the ii, pi To! lean party si, n ils -aeit-diy pledged. Ihe power to ivito. ale tor tin-eiiIoiet;ineiil of pnaclpies em Pt'dird iii the let-rut coiisi it at ional ameiidiuent s I- est,-. iiy iho.e amendments' in tin- I'muivsv of I lie 1 i.i ltd states and We declare il to he the solemn ohlisrai ma of the lei!a:ie and eecu I IV e ii' p ll i laeats ot t lie ( oiv e rill lie lit to put in I o immetii.ite am! vigorous exercise ail tamr con si ituttoiial i"iwe; s for iniuov mr' any ju-t causes ot diseoiiieoi on the part ot any class, and se curiii:: to every Am-'i'teau citiea complete Illi cit y a ml ex at i t'piaiit V in Ilo- t xerei-e ol a:! civil. polUu-ai aiel piihli-- l in tills end v, e mi pel at :v ely d- maud a 1 nmre- s a el.u i l-Ai'fiil l, whose courage and hdeiiiv to these duliessliali Hot falter iinld these It-suits ale 1 iaet d oeyoiid dl-pute or it call. 1. In the 1:; v l ;tei of ( ' li. a e- ..; ted hy Pres ident l .rant, the N.ii ion a! - -. in: a i.i ;.- s.-ia, -ed to remove any tl.a.hts of its dm , lo d.s eliarre :.:l ju-l oliij;a: inns to ii;:!il: - me, lit, us. ami s. h-u.ii' v ph-.lrt -i ' l ia., h t., :::.. I. e o; :s- .1. a: t In- -aiii' s! pr.u li.-ao'e d !, in i an 1 A 1 I.I.I. A. llt.VM'.TT. Pl'AL liS'l'A Ti: and Tax Paying Armils. No t ! as Pul.lie, Ft re and Life Insurance Admits, I'lattsmouth. Nei'iaska. ii. is. i,ivixivro. PHYSICIAN tf. SITlilKON. tenders his pro fessional serv i-es to ihe eil ietis of l ass county. Pesldel S'llllheas! coiner sixth and oak sts. ; OMiee on Main street, two thiols west of Sixtii, Plattstiioul h. Neluaska. ;:. n. sun ii. AT T UN I" Y AT LW and ileal Kstate Hro ker. Special attention jiiven to ( o'.leetions and all mailers atlcctiii'i the title lo mil est ate. Oilice on 'il lloor, over Post Otlice, Pl.ittsiiioiith, Nehraska. "!. A". A. CO KM H. ATTOKNKY nml Cti;i;s.,or at Law,;: ml Notary Puli'ie. Creeaw 1. Neh. Collect joiis and pavinu of taxes carefully at tended I i. .IOIIV W. II AIMiS. .M'STIcr. O!" Till' IT" A I K. and collector of dohts. collections made from tine tlollar to one Ih.iusanil tio lars. Mortaiies. Heeds, and oih er instruments lira'.', n. nod ail mimh luisiness a- a al!v trails;, eted I" fore a .lustiee of the Peace. P.t-st of felelem-e if ieilli;ed. oi iee on Mmn street. West ol Com; Hoii i'. ju-jl .loIlN W. IIAINLS. ttll. .1. aS. .V.VTI-.HMAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. I'liiem pi li ia of t itt:"d Mlile.v il Coliliiierci..! pi'o-.ii v. o .I ia- m iiom.i eietlit. t.em dm ;.i. i iuis pn niiv Illicit hy a continuous and .steady pi ' specie payiileids. a. In, "ill.' v'oastdi.ti' m. tin- I'r.-si, iie.tds t l de oil I I meld s al' to i ii. ii. e In mi f or otiice. the Smial e is to ad'. M- ami to to appomtiiK i.ts. ami the lloii-e ol i;. p lives is to accuse and ;'l o .ecu i o faitn, eel's. 1 lie la st li;ei. :.!S of the plilnle tieiiiand thai tl.e-e Ois'lU.'ti alls I f I'e lii :i I .so nalo i s ami ii'-; res--a i :: ;-, . w ho ju ij;-.-:. ami aei i.sei s s!;ou!d lad dictate ; l.i'-iit- to ti'.iee. The inv a I lalne n.h- pointments should have leteiem i sty. lidcliiy ami apacity id the i'.iM t the partv in iiowt-r thos I iii i mi iv and Mor of adminisi rat ion it-ipoliey to l.e represented, hid p-linilt r Hie oiu.- -I na- l'd- eoliseol eseata--S oai- serv lee p.-el.-t: ; laa he i;.;io:;.t- inr ti Iji'ii ri'h . f ii".s Co., A. 'i. j J Always :. th" t:Tie on Sat lii- 1 s 0yl j I'LATTSMOUTH, - - - NET, H. J. Streight, Prop. ;f'TI':i::.I i i-j.on jer tlay. onlv First -Class Hotel in town. loioil Sample llooin always ready lor 1 ravellur Aleii. i4sl 'GRAND CEWTftAL' HOTEL,;.r t and liiisl CCdicI Uv t ceji liiraso :iiil S;sn I' JHIO. h'EO. Til HALL, - - Eri. OMAHA. XI-: Ii. tint ; Contingent. iltei The Pepuhliean eleclois of the State of Ne hraska an- herehy ealh'i to send tieler ales from the several counties to meet in State convention at Lincoln, on the 'Jitth tlay of Septeuihcr, 1S7.;, j i o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in n.mi ' iuation eainiidales for the follow ine; named til'li ' eel s, i : Three pi csaleiitial electors, and nates. One Memher of Congress. One Memher of Conrr iovel nor. Llellt eliallt-dovelllol. Secretary of State. A utlitor. Treasurer. Supm iiitetidetit of Pnhhe Instruction. Attorney (ieneral ami Land Commissioner. And to transact such other luisiness as may Jiroperly come lu-fore the com eiition. The several counties are entitled to represen tation in the State Convention as follows, hased upon tile vote of C. A. Holmes for Keyient at the election in October, lsjj, e;iv inr one delegate to each l.Vl votes a nil one for tile fraction of 7" votes also one delegate ut lari! for each orraiiied couiily : ' .lohn-on 5 1 Kearney 2 Keith..". 1 ! I PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMol'TH, NTiP. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Flour. Corn 3ImK k rood Always on hand and for sale at lowest cash prices. I he Liirln t iri:-es paid lor W neat and Com. Paitieulal attention 'iveii custom work. I-ltol-nl K.Toli up PALAC BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Patik.) IM-ATTSUOITII, - - - -M:i IY l-.AK l.s St'l'I'MKll WITH TIIK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, DEER, ETC., ETC l- liou- 'p'.il.lee, i;iv p aees w lien- pi i res i'' ail lliers tt tie lilli d hy persons nelecwd witn sole reft, n nee lo tin- cllieiency ol the puhhe service and tin- riht of all cilieiis to share in I he honor ol reinlei iiijj fait 1 1 I'll I ser ice to i lieir counliy. ii. We rejoice in Ihe tiuiekeneil eoiiseieiiee of the people coucerntii political affairs, and will hold all public ollici rs to a rie,id re.-ponsildliiy. an l en ;a'c that the prosecn; ion ami punish ment oi ail wiio betray otheial trust siiall be speedy, tiiorouli and llli s i;i i n : . 7. Tile public school system oft lie se era I Sltes is i lie bid wark of the American lie public .and w illi a lew to its security and pi l'm.viiam e. we recommend an amendment lo the const iint ion ol the- l ulled Slates foriii ldiii'i the application of any puidie fund or proopeny lor tne bcnelit of any scluml or institutions ii'uicr sc. -tali. in eoiiiiol. s. The revenue necessary for current epen tiil Ul'es and t he ol.Ii 'al ions" of the puoiie tteot luiisi he largely derived from duties on impor tations which, so fas as possible, should be ad iusli il lo promote ihe interests ot American la uor ami advance the prosperity of the whole count ry. ;i. We reaairtn our opposition to further mi auls of t In public land lo cm poi at ions and monopolies, ami demand thai the nalional do main be devoted to five homes lor the people. pi. It is the imperativi duty of the i.overn melit so to inooit v existing 1 real les with Kui'op t an ovei umeuts t lint l he same proleei ion shall lie all ird -d to tin- adorned americmi eilien tlial. isiveu to the native born, ami thai all 'necessary laws . should be passed to protect em iiantsiu the absence id power in ihe states ior l hat purpose. 11. It is t he immediate dil! y of Coimivss to fall;, iiiv-siial'. t he etieci of" immimat ion and iiiii'oit ition of Moii'ollnns upon ihe moral and material interests ot lia- country. 12. The I ' t - j 1 1 1 ) I lea n ; ;-. 1 1 y ec."i-n ies w it h a p proval I l.e ii'st, nit ml advance leeenlly made t iAaidllie i -lahhsliim iit ol eipial rights t-.r vvoiiifii by Ine many ilui oitaut ainendiiieiils t 1 feeted l v 'tin.' Itejiiidiieaa leiis!atiou iu the laws w hi eh concern the pel s, ,imi and propel ty rela tions of wives, mot iters and w mows, and by 1 l.e appointment and election ol woim-u to the su pt i -iiii t-mle nee of cducat ion. cn.n ii ies ami ot lo r public trusts. the Inuicst demands of this class of eil I i ns for additional I i'h is and priv I h -i s and imniuinl ies shoiiid I e 1 leased with I e speei I id eonsaicral ion. I. ;. 1 he Coiistitui ion eonfei upon Coiii ess sovereign power over tie T'TI it'll ; p-s ol the I nited States or their 'oveninieiit. and in the exercise of this power it is the. rilil and duty ot i'oimi' ss to prohibit ami exti rpate in the Ti l ntoi". : s t hat rein- or barbarism, pob. n.;.m . a. id we demand ."neh legislation as shall pio-cui-e i his i ml and I he supremacy of American mstitut ions m all the 1 e; lit ories" II. 1 he pledges which the mil imi has -liven o our so'di. is ami sailors niusi In- fallilletl. -The ".i at of a! people will a! w a s hold those who peri let I t heiiTiv es for I !n .r eoinil ry s pi eserva lion in tin- kimh'st remembrance. 1.".. e sincerely depreciate all seel lonal feci - m;;s and teiuieiicies. We tm it-Ion: note vvitiii tteep solicitude that the 1 lemoeii.t a- pally, counts as its chief hope of success upon ihej eieelorial Voie of the liiisied Soulli. seelll'i'tlj t hie lull t he efforts of t !;o.-e u ho W t I e I o u'ly arrayed atrainst tile lettloii. and we invtke tin' i earnest attention of tiie country to the -.'rave j li'Utll I hat a success thus aeiimved would re- i open sectional stuie and inipen; nalional lion u Adams Anteope . I :.n ine Hullaio Hurt P.iitler 1 ass Cedar Chevcinie. Clay Colfax Cut'iiu'4 Dakota I au sou I Mxoii Doik'f I lomjlas . . . Kilmoiv.... Frank li a Frontier. . . I'm lias Cam- Cleeley. . . . ( oisper Holt Hall Hamilton . Harlan Hitchcock. Howard ... .leib-l'soll . . .1 M l.S . . .4 Ivliox Lancaster Lincoln . . . Madison . . Merrick . . Nemaha. . Nuckolls. i ioe Pawnee . . ..'I Phelps. ...... ...: Pierce . . .." Platte ...7 Polk Pel Willow. 5 Piehardsoa . . :', Saline 1 Sarpy a Sallii'del'S 7 Si-.vard 1 .Sherman 1 Stanton 1 'I'll aver ii, Yall'ey 7 Washington V.'avne 1 Wei.-t'T. ... a York . 1 1 t; r V.. Haw i s. Chairman. . L. I.IOI A N. St en. tary. A CALL KOK THKKP. Vi'i'iiain. dear Yilli.ini, come home to me now. Your Sammy i- letiiu-, forlorn. He misses your hand ana he misses your nice, V. ha h he knows would be laisetl for reform. The ' barrel " i- empty, the canva-s ahead. And still they are crying fo;- mole. Oh ! William, my love, if you only were here Ty shove a cheek under my tloor '. Come home, come home Iiear William. 1,1.7 William, 'time home .' SI'KCIAL TKM:f;!IAMS. A teo";r;uii to Lomloii. Aug. Co. tin: Ktissia ciuliassv siiys t!i;it !esp:te tin- Tin Uisli Ulic ial repurts of till tlie dispatches to ltus- Servians repulsed the dan aiTairs. the c fore Alexinatz. Vienna is Thanks the friend! I'titil'v tlie Aug. C'i. to the ef- y powers to cssen eonditiotts of pi-ace enemy l Porte fui ts of ti.illv id .. :.: 1 .... l't- -. 1. iii-"i i.aiuiis. ii.-s uoHiatpi is iiiiiiu-'.l lo war indemnity, and uarantee.s ayainst iiieaciii s of pe.'.ce hy Servia. Pelirrade, Aup,nt Co. ('en. Trhcrnayeff, on Tuesday, sus tained the repeated attaeks of the united forces of I"yonh Paslia and Krini Ptislia. who were endeavorin"; to take Alexinatz. The Turks to the nunilier of ."(,( k 10 were repulsed in all direc tions. Ihittle was commenced early Wednesday iiiuriiinr, and up to the present moment t he .Servian-; maintain their position. Constantinople, Aug. Co. It is positively stated in oilicial (iitarters that Turkey hitherto has made no proposals to any of the for eign representatives concerning the ba sis for peace negotiations. Vienna, August C3. Intelligence, from Iielgrade announ ces that the war party has finally ob tained ascendency, and besides des-. patching Col. Montverde to IJelgrade urging the continuance of the war, ("en. Tcheniayeff has sent Prince Milan dispatches, undertaking to regain the lost positions, to drive the Turks com pletely out of .Servia and to carry war into ihe Turkish territory. It also formally protested against Prince Mi lan's Pacitie leanings. Servians minis ters supporting den. TchernayelT, Prince yielded, and ordered hostilities to continue. Philadelphia, August C:5. Three boats with roughs went down the Delaware river hist niht and at daybreak a light came off at Hvpont's wharf, at W ilmington, between Mike lilies Pierce of Philad. Iphia. and Fid dler Lcary of New Vol !:, for 8 "'' ami miiofie-w eights championship, diiles Pit fee won the light, whipping his op ponent in half an hour. A POINT WLLL TAKKX. The lion. William A. Wheeler, in the course of his speech at diaiid Ilap itls, Michigan, Wednesday evening, said: They (democrats) make all sorts of charges against us. The St. Louis convention says the republican party has given Cl.'oV'oo.O'.i'i a-res of railroad lands to railroad corporations; is. I that there has been all that iven al together. Now, the iirt that was ever given to a railroad corpora tion was made under th? lead of Ste phen A. Douglas to the Illinois Central railroad. And about the last grant that was ever ma le was got through LIXJAL FKKS. About this time of the year we ex pect to see the usual frantic appeals to the "poor taxpayers" about the refusal of the County Commissioners, or the County Treasurer, to "let to the lowest bidder the printing of the delinquent tax list." Put this is all bosh. The law requires that the owner of every piece of real estate, upon which the taxes are delinquent titter a certain date, shall be assessed ten cents for a city lot and twenty cents fr a quarter seriion or less of land, thus delinquent, in addition to the tax, in order to pay for advertising the same, ami requires the treasurer to collect and pay over to the newspaper thus advertising, this amount. The taxpayers w ho pay their taxes promptly, pay nothing for this adver tising. If the newspaper agrees with the treasurer to take less than the fees the law prescribes, the treasurer does not give the difference, to the parties who pay for the advertising, but puts it into his own pocket, or. if he, in onler to curry favor, puts it into the county treasury, il is no less a steal from either the printer, or the delin quent taypayer. The delinquent is mulcted in interest and damages, al ready for the benefit of the county. If the law makes the advertising fees too large, it ought to be amended, but it is just iis proper, when there are several candidates for printing the de linquent lists to "let it to t lie lowest bidder," ;is it would be if there were several candidates for the otlice of jus tice of the; peace in a precinwt, to let that oilice to the lowest bidder, that is. to the one who would agree to pay a portion of his legal fees to the com missioners, as a bribe,' or to the county treasury. No honest county treasurer will de mand that a newspaper shall divide with him the legal fees for advert ising the delinquent tat list, but will, ns it is his manifest duty to do. have it printed in the paper published in the county having the largest circulation, and pay every dollar for it that he col lects for that purpose, as the law di rects. But the fact is that no reputable and permanent newspaper can as a mattwr of business, afford to do w ork for a county at pi ices much below the rates it charges individuals. The pay for thit advertising, which is a transient matter, is legally put at from C1 i to " cents per line for each insertion. The composition costs double that of ordi nary reading matter, and several hun dred pounds of type, not needed for any ordinary emergency, must be kept for this especial purpose in a county of considerable population. It is true that, in some instances, the wrangle over tics small bone, between rival "snide" country papers gets so hot that they offer to publish the list for nothing, but this is not business, only a disgrace to the profession. A man w ho should get so raving mad after oilice as to agree to discharge its du ties for nothing, to keep some rival out, would bo set down as either an ass or a lunatic, and couldn't get a dozen votes in any respectable commu nity. Xo respectable citizen ever de scends to this mode of getting an office, and no respectable newspaper ever otters to do work for the public when the compensation is fixed by statute, for less than the legal fees. The law fixes the fees for the protection of the public, and the laborer for the public, just as it fixes fees for any other oilicial services, and both parties are entitled alike to the protection of the statute. Lincoln Journal. I50IL LNGKRSOKL ON CKATS. TIIE DK5I0- and human riuhts tf,. We chiii 'e the 1 1, the sime in clmraet. r svmpat hi' tl wdh n makin g it font r tives t he iriu- Jicl na! ion's receiii iocs; with p plaadmu' in the 1 1 ,1 i I : -I e.i; of Utirepentetl letieilii-'i ; veu to t he rear ami prom, a mn- ( to l ho front : vvitli iiei.ben.i piidiatc tin- plighted until el ie party as beini: j n. d spin i as" w hen ii , ,' "i : . it ii mak um its' 1 of till' House of Kepl't senta- mi Ho- opaori mii: v of the ! Willi lieiier eiiiiaiiv :a:-e and mi overshadow p, emis t.l jus;;,-mame-ienient and obstruct ion with t'lov iir.r its -if through 1 1 eemlancv in the lo-v -r house of ( t . s - -1 - i . u i u ami ap !:.l 1 he -.-iitdin-iits lillr I icon soldiel . mled. rale -aliers ! piepos'ii to V- t In- imi cr, .meat ; lie 1 n the l-v its pariisa'i of iiivost;.'a; Mils e period ot it . as- ess. u;ter- ! Congress by Thomas A. Hendricks. who was then a member of th com mittee on public lands in the Sen ate, having been, four years previous, the Comissioner of the (ieneral Land (' And that win a small grant of 51.00:1,(100 of ncics to the Northern Pa cific railroad. I Laughter and ap plause. They are pretty fellows to talk about it. Put there is no need of discussing it, for all parties are agreed i I y iiicoiut'i'teiit to mini mister t lie irnvi-i incut . We warn ilie county a-taitist tru-tni;: a party thus alike un wort hy," reerean t and incapable. 17. Ihe National Administration merits eoiniiieiitlat ion for its honorable work iu the lnaiiaeemer.t of domestic and fopdti affairs, and President Craut deserves the continued and heart v j;rat it ud of the American people for his patriotism and his immense services in w ar and" pea"e. that the time has conn: to stop all : these land grants. The wilderness j that would not otherwise have been ' developed is now developing with suf ', licient rapidity, and nobody that has j the good of the country at heart and ! understands himself wants any more ! land grants at present). Col. 11. d. Ingersoll has addressed the following to the Peoria Transcript : Asa great deal has been said con cerning a few gentle remarks that I made before the county convention the other day, and a great deal more about remarks that I never made, that I think it right to tell what I did say: First I did say that the worst ward in New York, the ward in which there is the most ignorance, the most crime, the most vice and the most lice, would give the largest Democratic majority. Second 1 did say, speaking of (Jen. (.rant, that he had done more than any other man, probably, to save the na tion ; that 1 could not forget that at Donelson the eagle circled up the cliffs to victor for the lirst time, and when I heard a dirty, lousy democrat or rebel slander and curse him, that I felt out-rag-- 1. T hird I say that this was a time of general suspicion that everybody sns-pe.-ii'd everybody. That if an olVne holder had a decent suit of clothes, he was charged w ith stealing them, and that lazy loafers rould sit on the cor ners, with faces that had not been washed for a year, ami denounce every man Avitli a clean shirt "as a thief." I'pou the subject of shirts -dirt, and vermin. I made no other observations. What I did say is bad enough and tru- enough without any addition whatever; but bad as it is and true as M. is, I am willing to, and do stand hv I every word. I do say thai tho worst wards, the j worst cit ies, the tales, are the 'democratic wards, the democratic I cities, and the democratic states. I do not say that the Hamburg niurderfis are supporters of TiMcn and Hen dricks. I do say that the haters of liberty the assassins of colored men. women, and children the masked wretches who ride to the hut of the freedman and shoot him down like a beast, disregarding the prayers and tears of wife and chiMien. I do say that these men are not for Haves and Wheeler. I do say that the real friends of lib erty are the only friends of labor, and that those who vote for Hayes and Wheeler are the best friends of liberty, labor and love. I write this for one reason, and for one reason onlv. I am unwilling that i any one should believ e that I j.dge i men by their condition or position. I instead of by th(nr heads and hearts. P. (i. iN'.rpsi.ii.i THH IiATF. SI'LAKKU KKKH. Arrival of the Peiitains at " asliingle'ii and Departure for New Albany. Formal A nnouiireiiient hy Ir"i(ent ('rant. Washington, Aug. CC The re mains of Uih late Speaker Kerr arrived here this morning from Pockbt idge. Alum Springs, at :1.". accompanied by Mrs. Kerr and her son. Representatives Milton Sayler. S. S. Cox and II. Casey Voting, and Mr. Adams. Clp'k of the House. The body is encased in ac.i;-k et covered with black cloth. The moldings are of heavr plate, and then: are six heavy-plated, massive handle; on the sides. The cover is of plate glass, and extends the whole length of the casket. An extra cover of black cloth and silver-plated mountings (its over the glass. The. iuleiior is lined with white eilk and satin. 1'pon tha arrival of the party in Washington, Sergeant-at-arms '1 hoinpsir:: took charge, of the remains of Mr. Kerr, and had them removed to a special car. A detail of six men of police were placed on guard. The outer cover of the casket was removed, and the body laid in state until 10;:;o this forenoon. During the livrn'i;;, ;. number 'of Mr. Kerr's friends and otheis visited the depot to view his remain. At ll'-'" the casket was closed, and at 11 :V) the funeral party, with his remains, left for New Albany, link, via. Harrisluirg and Indianapolis. Pepresentati ves Sayler and Cox did not accompany (he; party. hu.Mi Pu.VNi ii, Aug. CC. The fol lowing has just been received from the President: It is with extremo pain that tin: President announce to the people of the United States the death of tin? Speaker of the House of i;epresc::';, tives, the Hon. Michael C. Kerr, of In- itiana. a man oi great intellectual endowments, large culture, irrcat pro bity and earnestness in his devotion to the public interests, litis passed from the position of power and usefulness to which he had beet! recently called. The body over which he had been se lected to preside not being in e-essiott to render its tribute of alVcrtiiH and respect to the memory of the deceased, the President invites the people of the l'n i ted Sttites to a solemn recognition of the public and private worth .and the services of a pure and eminent character. '. S. d RAN T. I5y the President: John L. Caha wa i. i.Ai'KU, Acting Secretary of State, Washington, Aug. CI, ISTfh From the Inter-ocean. Martin Van Puren, w hen dorernor of New York appointed one Marcy to a high judicial position to save him i Marcy) from exposure as corrupt. Reference to a biography of Tihlen shows that his father was one of Van Huron's "most cherished, intimate, and personal friends." A very .significant incident of thfl relation lit-tween young Tihlen and old Van Ptiien i-T re ' hited. Voting Tilden heard a discus-. si on in regard to a scheme for a coali tion between the National Republi cans ami the anti-Masons. tattle Samuel was urofoundlv impressed, and disappeared for two or three days whether it was two or three days the chronicler does not state . At all events, "in the seclusion of his own chamber," little Sammy produced a paper on the subject which he submit ted to his father. The old gentleman was so much pleased that he took Sammy to see Mr. Van Duron. Tho old Democrat who appointed Marcy to a judgeship to save that bad man from exposure was so enamored of little Sammy's performance that he caused it to be published "with tho signatures of a dozen or more leading Democrats It appeared in th-o Albany Ar'ns as an address, and the Jourirl attributed it to the pen .of Van Rureii himself. Thus early did Tilden show himself the equal of Martin Van Huron, "in ways that are dark and tricks that are vain" the equal of Van Duron, of whom his friend Jesse Iloyt said: For my political education I am mainly indebted to you, and I have, learned that politics is a matter of dol lars and cents, and adherence to party the only hope of gain. TIIK NKW VOKK ( ONVKNTIONV The nomination of I-Mwiu H. Mor gan for (lo verrior by the Republican Convention at Saratoga, N. V., yester day is probably the most prudent choice that could have been made, inasmuch as it will undoubtedly unite all classes of Republicans in support of the State ticket. Mr. Morgan is well known to the political world, hav ing served in many places of distinct ion. He was Vice J 'resident of the first Republican Convention, which met at Pittsburg in 1 "'). and was then made Chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee, a place he tilled con tinuously up to the meeting of the Cincinnati Convention. Was elected dovernor of New York in and was re-elected in IS'"'). He was a Ma jor dencral in the, army, but served without pay, refusing to receive any compensation for the service he ren dered the country, in I, sua ne was elected United States Senator, Idling the position with much credit. In ISC; President Lincoln offered him the Treasury portfolio, which he declined, and at the end of his term returned to private life, where, with the exception of his services as Chairman of Nation al Committee, he has remained until now. Mr. Morgan inspires more of confidence than enthusiasm, but his known probity, high personal charac ter, and excellent public record render him particularly strong in the coming rierce struggle in the Lmpiru "state. The rest of the ticket is a good one, and the whole proceedings at Saratoga yesterday augur well for the victory of the ticket in New York next Novein- iL-V. lliltr-ft:r'tu. The follow in", epitaph is from a tombstone in Indiana : I'm tor Tl.i - -O 1 . ut- P. i',i... I ieS. it nether rifles a( r Holiii 1 1 Livi d .lu-t teidv I'.l. s A lei cj-i. a- n. O " w o ll o B i- 1 1 - i i