1 1 THE HERALD. LOCAL NEW Help the old Pioneers next.Satitrdr.. A few City orders f .T rale. (let a Pioneers' Hadge.next Saturday. A kxi llano to trade for a train At Hf.uai.u OrrtcK. Mr. Voung sent us some very line allien the other day. A now lot of slipper at Herges" shoe store, for Tj cents. K. Pai mele has a new handsome car 1 Ligf, mid lots of nice driving horses. A fine full blooded Houdan cock for sale. Also. r.c or two cockerels' of the same hreud. Apply at IIekai.d Offtck. A membership ticket to I'aylies Mer cantilo College, for sale at the IIkicatd cftice, cheap. ( Worth 640). FA RMERS A TT EXT I OS ! .1 alius Pep per berg. Cigar Manufac turer, en Main St., Plattsmouth. el. PERSONAL. Tako llassemier went east yesterday to be ffone a month. Good luck, Jacob. A brother of Hon. J. V. Barnes, from Missouri, called here Friday Morning. Charley Driscoll, architect, v;is down here Tuesday, to make the plans for the new machine shops. Mr. Ballance, the father of all the B. boys, is here, and going to stay with us awhile. Our old friend, Dick Cushin return ed from Tennessee, .Monday, and feels glad to get back to Xeb. again. Hon. John Barnes returned from Beaver City, Utah, on Saturday last. Win. Ilerold and wife have gone to the Centennial, and James Patterson and family go next week. CARD OF THANKS. Platthinouth, Aug. 21, 197. Editor HcnAi.i): Permit us through the medium of your p.iper to say a word by way of acknowledgment to the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity. We say with all there is in at to feel and TIIK NEW MACHINE SHOPS. The grading for the new machine shop is rapidly nearing completion The site now selected and already sur veyed by Mr. Caivert, takes in the big spring, and 2 lots running lengthwise ! up the hill towards Wintersltin's. At the summit of these, a huge tank will : be built supplying water to all the J works below, and to the town if neces- sary, swine day. It takes the old mill, ' ami this wonderful, complicated, and i useless old structure will be removed ! from our sight and remembrance. It , also takes the buildings and lots of Mr. I Edgerton, and where Savage live3. j The machine shops proper will be ICO j ! x43. instead of 60x45, as the Wat'lunan stated a week or two ago, built of brick ! with stone foundations. The buildings altogether are to be of superior make ; and will be permanent, substantial im- ; provements, for both town and It. I!, i Co. ; 3f ARKIER. V.VI'Wi - i K. I NO A t tin' residence of Mr. Cornelius Horning, "H Thursday, the lTtli day of Aucu-t. 1(C. Iv Win. H. Newell, ("o. Judi;e, Mr. i nils W.rso.v to Miss M a ky A. HoK inu ; nil f (.';:.. fount v. Nebraska. M MM Ml OTifm ancDW SPECIAL NOTICES. WELL IMPROIED FA11M FOR .SALE! A good farm of over so acre, witli fair house, and out-buildings, all improved, good water, and a nice giove of timher. Said farm is near I'inht Mile (iiovi1. in f a.ss County. Neb., l.cinij n1 j of sfV of section l, town li, ratine 12. For further particulars ;ipply to J. C Cummins, at the Couit House. K. K. KINO. lUi JOS1K SCOTT. With Entirely New Face, Attractions and Feature PLATTSMOUTH You can save money by getting the Smith American Organ. 12-25t. Summer as well as winter has its changes, and sufferers of lung, throat and chest diseases should always be on their guard. Dr. (Jreens Expector ant vrill relieve Coughs and all irrita tion and prevent Consumption and Typhoid Fever. 5 times LA RGE R than ever 100 TIES More G-HA1TD i TEACHERS EA'AM I XATIOXS. I'"f Su, ing tobacco always on hand 'iff.ir ('li).pings of Spanish and Ameri-j SJ)t,akt w,.u (louCf g00(l anj faithful fan i (i.i iTn"3 i)i smoKintr ii up ra. , , , .. ., Best qualities otplug-smok- " . - 20-tf. iuui imu-iihi: in.iiiiv, vuiu .. in i.-nuiu I benevolence, have soothed our sorrows rmembor t lie Pioneers' Association .lU(1 litened the burden of our grief ii. ,...( ii.,.. v;.,t i 1 IIL Llll; d L tilt Kill l liuinr, lir v ' 'i urday aftcrnooii, to gut up a pic-nie. If you don't think "Billy. (Ir.vv" knows how to keep Hotel, just drop in at Win. Neville's and see for yourself, where In- is dispensing the choicest brands of Liquors and Cigars ever brought to the West. 21tf II AYS & WHEKLKU CM'B MEETING. The Hays & Wheeler Club will meet in the Court House, on Saturday even ing, Sept. 26th. All turnout. A lirnol-ioirie ilano for sniff rhap, or to let Inquire at the Hkkai.h oftiie. A conductor on the B. M., John Middleton by name, somehow slipped fiout his ear at Lincoln, on Tuesday, and fell under the moving train. His l.o 1 1 v. as almost severed from hisbo ly and both legs cut off. He lived from ! to half past 31 oVlock. 1 1th Sep. Circus Howe. See ad. Ple.nse et Ir. Chapman's terms and prices on Organs and Pianos. 15- JOt The Tilden and Ilendri ks Club will meet at Cuthmann's H.t'.l Saturday evening. Whoop her up! JOH.V II KF FX KB. Chairman. ?!.iiiiif.irtiirinj an I r-'p.iii'i'i c!icapf-r tlian fli- rlu-a-f . :iiiI or tin- licsl lii.iinial au.i wink lit Iei4..s '.huj :!- . l)iek Streight his got ten head of very line new horse fr sale and to l.t. Mie team of greys are perfect beauties ; dark, dappled and dancing, they drive div:Te! " ni.-.'. Ir. Chapman is agent for th: great Smith Aiaei ican Or-ran. and c an lo better in Organs r Pianos, than any on in th" '1'iintv e.iu or will do. lJ-SOt. amid one of the most trying afflictions which ever testula parent's heart. For this noble humanity accept all we j have ta give th deepest gratitude which can emanate from sad and broken hearts. May Heaven reward you! We imrtr can! But we pray to live to do by others as you hare done by us, and thereby pay a small per cent, of tin debt we owe. J. W. A Maktha I). Baknks. J. V. Wcckbach has gone East, and will purchase his entire stck of Fall and Winter goods for cash, positively, and give his customers the benelits of the unusual margins thus obtained. Call and price his new goods when thev arrive. 22--.il lirapr-r "axed" a man whMi lie could pay his t:ix-s, tic other day. "Io yon take inf for a prophet, you fool you," was thi? answer. Hraper says he's a j roph 't. In' knows w'n.'U that ( hap '11 have to try and pay Via. WAMK1). A ; -).iple of ;-ood chunks of pigs will b" taken on so! -en;. i. i;i at tliis othee at fai r rati s. A5IONC THE SI, F(J H I EKED. So say- .Julius IVppetburg of our f i ii I "Shorty" Xewman. who gets in .n i d at Cuuncil Bluffs ihis week. If it d o.-sn't ni ik-? a new man of him there'll be a new woman there shortly after the amen. orn hk;h school, The l'lattsmouth High School will be conducted for the coining year by Prof. A. B. Wightman, but will be in some measure independent of the oth er schools. All scholar.-, resident or not, will pay tuition at SV0 per month. Term opens Monday Sept. !th. 176. We hope the people generally will appreciate the advantages offered by this arrangement, and give the school their hearty support. 21-;?t. Mr. Barnes had, on Tuesday, a letter from his daughter Vance, written to him on the 12th. and forwarded from L'tah. There is nothing to show despondency, or g'ootn or premeditated suicide. It was written and mailed here on the 12th. and was a pleasant, cheorful home letter, full of love and kind thoughts. REST IX THE WORLD. !'.. San-iirr. li.irts. anil Ilan.in KeiltiWU's, root ai.il slums at .Morj-rs' shoe storr. Circus see ad. Admission only .jOc. SCHOOLS. The schools in the City of l'latts mouth. will open on Monday the lfth of September. A. B. Wioiitman', City Sup't. STAHKLMANX. Now there's Stadelman just come home, and he's got sloughs of goods i.ew clothes, now hats, new caps, boots and shoes by the acre jewelry, trunks, and sich like by the million. Bush for Stadelinann at once, before he gets sold out. Cheap, cheaper, cheapest for cash is the motto. NOTICE. Preston Conner, who had a fit last fail and fe!l in the fire and burned himself, was buried last Thursday. J. Y. Werkbach will leave for the E. '.stern in irkts on or about the 00th hist., to lay in an early supply of Fall and Winter Coods, and which will be ottered to the trade in the early part of September, at the very lowest figures. Lookout for bargains then. 2 It 2 WANTED. A good responsible man as agent for the Singer Sewing Machine in Cass county. Apply at II krali office until Saturday morning or at Nebraska City after that date. H. Ska. max, Agent lor Otoe and Cass Counties. The Smith American Organ is en dorsed bv the best musicians and is un excelled." rilEsroiT.v HILL. Cen'l ag'ts. Columbus, Xeb. Dk. Ch.wman, Ag't. for Plattsmouth. Some bad cat caught Mrs. Marshal's pretty red bird and &ix singers; bad funeral. i'.l iiev-r I'e ineliT-mlil in i i t y fiinl jrifi of liiiots aii ! nii i.-s. Ma tifact uri.ih' ami ieiaii -lui; nl Miners !iue sNire. The Ilr.iiAUi got out three extras last week, and sold them all but the regular one, that went out with the paper, which of course was free. A i ;((! RARh'AIX. Jfiist he Sold; 50 Lots in Plutfsmnuth v.-SioO. tf R. R. WIX D HAM. Amendments to the constitution of the i'io.r:i:i:s ass'x of cass coV.ntv. Moved and carried that section 12 of the Constitution and section 8 of the By-Laws be so amended as to read by ( ?3 ) two thirds vote of the members present at any regular or adjourned meeting, provided, that all amendments offered shall lie over for at least one meeting. Also, that a Com. of three be appoint ed to revise the Constitution and By Laws and report at the next regular iiiKting. 20-4t. COL L EOT I OX XOTI CE. Wm. Stadelman goes east about the first of Septemlr. and must have money to buy goods. He therefore re quests all who aie owing him to come up and settle. If not settled in the next 10 days said accounts will be put in the hands of a collector. This means business ; I cannot buy goods without money, nor sell en time, ever lastingly. Wm. Stadelmanx. We are pleased to announce that Prof. Wightman has been elected City Superintendent of Schools. It is a good selection and the Board d. serve credit for their choice. Notice isherol-y gii-pn that I will examine ai! jieisons who may offer them selves as eaiuli lates for leaders of the common sellouts of this emmty. at ley illice in the tw n of Weejiin Water. im the last Kriilav Mill Saturday of each and every luonth, eoinmeiiciiii r.t 10 a. m. I.-.teil this 8th rtav of Jamiarv, A. I. 1ST'".. :. n. uirrKx. 4"!f Co. Snp't of I'nti. Siistnii tiun. Also :t th I'm;: t House, in IJaltMi'omh. on the iir.sl Friday ;:l:d fealurdav ol tacli moiith. li. 15. CuIPI'KN. Slil"t, OBSTACLES TO ha rev liEi.n::- to Y.mni; i T.-ri from tie- ellet ts of farms and i buses In ciiiii life. .Man- hood rcs'oii d. 1 .nii'ui;aciits i to Mai i ii.ue ri'!iioeil. New i X? T AP V J:i'ihod ol tit MtiniMit N(?w j i.li liliVVjij .,,..1 ivinai kat.ie remedies'. o'clock i Ilook.s and circulars ciit free in sealed cinel- j i !j"-.. .Mini 1 1 I . li i.M A.Ol.lA l lo.( 1l I N. Ninth St.. t'liiladelpli ia. l'a. An In.ililuiion ; ha'. i:i ' a h:;:.i ie:iitalion for hoiuirabic coiinie t ; COMING ON 42 OF OUR OWN R. R. CARS. THE Li:VIATIIA COMING ! LABflBST SHOW UPON' EARTH Hippodrome, Menagerie, Circus and MAKDI-GBAS. and iiof..'ii)iiai ski!!. l.-ly COIHON SENSE AND TIIL CKXTEN-MAL. Euuls and shoes. he.iji, cheaper. Than tlie cheapest, at Serges" exclusive shoe store. See why elsewhere. H0VS' GREAT How and When to Ho, The weather having grown cool, those who dislike leaving their homes whilst the thermometer ranged t ) - in the shade, will now make a grand rush for the Centennial. The Ft. Wayne & Pennsylvania Railroad, having nntici pated this, have all of their magnifi cent ne ,v cars and rolling stock in the most complete and perfect order, so that Centennial visitors may not want for anything to add to their eonven venience and comfort. It may be re membered that tickets via Washing ton and Baltimore, may be purchased at the same figure as a straight Phila delphia ticket costs. This enables many persons to visit the Nation' Capital, view the "city of maguiaVent distances," and the largo pile3 of mar lie and granite, of the Capitol, War, Treasurer, Post and Patent Odice De partments, the PresidentUl mansi.jp, and all the public institutions of Washington. Then Bait imore, Phil t- i delphia and the Centenial, and New I York each in succession visited, and ride continuously over the Great Ft. Wayne & Pennsylvania Railway line an advantage which no other road on this continent can offer. The Ft. Wayne & Pennsylvania Railway have neatly printed guides in book-form, containing overlifty pags. They are beautifully illustrated, and a great con venience to the tourist and traveler in selecting tiie points of interest on the entire line of the road. They also con tain a map of the Centunial Gro.iuds of Philadelphia, and are invaluable. They can be had by mail. free, on ap plication to the General OihVf. No. 0- Clark St.. Chicago, also be obtained at ison ru.d Canal sts I RESSJIA KIXG. Mrs. l- List ei and Miss Nellie Short havecone i:i!o the dressmaking business, and would he pleased to have those in want of work in their line to ca'l and see liiein at the residence of Mrs. Klster. one door west of the Pro.Nbytciiaii Chinch. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges leudcrute. 7 -1 f LONDON CICUS-HIIEOIDIROIMIIK!, Sanger's EilM IMmm of Trained Animals, -AND- MARDI-GRAS CARNIVAL COMBI1Q ATIOIST. MOXEY TO LOAX. ?l'0.'kki on nml 5 years' tune. Improved rarins in Cass Count v taken as seeuril v. Ap: to U. 15. SVINDMAM. Atfy it Law. I "(mee over Dr. Chapman's Druj; Store. 4SMf LEGAL NOTICES. Leral Notice. j Iu the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, i John McCormick, riff.") I v t Notice to take deponi- I John Me.Meeh.1r1 and 'turn. ; Jaui' S Croiiin. J)ef:s. ) ! 'I'he al'e iiamea lefendnnts will take ; notie-i that on S.iinrdaT the fill ilay of Septem i ber. ljia;. the said plaintiff will take" the deposi i tloii of JdIiii ?-lcMeciian, to be used as evidence ' 011 the uial of the above entitled caue. at the i re idence of the said John McMochan one mile j soutli of the city of Nebraska eily in Otoe : county. NehraKa. betueen the hour.- of eiht 1. in. and tour p. in. 01 .said iuv. C.'-4t J. I.. MITCH FT- Slieriffs Sale. Cheap tickets can Dejiot, corner Mad- Ity irtue of an execution Issued by Wm. If. 1 Newell County Judsic. within and fori ajscoun tv. Nebraska. and to me directed. 1 will 011 the '."id day of Aut:il-t. A. I). IsTi;. at in o'clock a. in. of said day, at I he slock yards of Harvey C:r i.er. on Keclioiis:ui and 31 "in town 11. rau'-e 12. east i I. M. leoTiiineiieinir said sale at the stocks ! on ..etion :;c) in said County, sell at public ,ii let on the follow iniiyoods and chattels. Kieht i m stacks of w heat in said section thirty (me, one ill. slack of wheat in said section thirty one Ci one ( 1 1 stack of rye iu said section thlrty one i .l :. nine oi stack- of oats in said section thirty-nne yi. I lit same beiasf Wvied upon and taken as the property of Harvey and Airness Carper, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of sani Court, recovered bv John' Carrol, plaintiff. Mt. I'lea-ai.'t ri-cliii'l'. Neb.. Aujf. . A. 1. IsTf". I'ti-i't M. II. t'l TLEH. Sheriif. FOR SALE. A sccoiiil hand Victor Sewing Maeliine. war ranted in eood rutiniiil or.ler. I'rice JJ". Also .1 new WiNoii ewiie; M.ichlne. i'ricfr 1 Iui(inie at l he I! f h ai.ii oftice. 40-it j d RAX I BOWERY DAXCE. There will be a (Stand Bowery Dance, at Weeping Water. Fridav, Aug. 25th, lsTii. H.t of Music by Prof. A 1 bee's Band, of Louisville. All are invited! to attend the last Centennial Dance. Free fiance from 1 to 4 p. m. . W. CoiJLIZKlt, 21 12 Manager. FIAXO FOR SALE. A Tcry h.inils.nue riano for -.ale cheap for cash ; or a 310 loan WKiiteii on the same In quire at te IlKit.vi.n Ciflce 9-tf. Tin: (jbkat snow ((:-i;nc- and will exhibit at Plattsnniutli rhuis day Septetiibcr 1 1th. We do not hesi tate to indorse the fSreat London as the very be.-.t show travi ling on tie roail. The press, everywhere along the route, speak of it as the only Show that Exhibits to its patrons everything that it promises upon its large posters. Tics being a commendable feature those who adipt this course shonl.l be liber ally pat i onized. Below, we cop. an article from the SjtiiwjJ'r bl Illinois St.it'- Journal, a stanch and reliable pa per: al ter the Creat Show had exhibit id in that city. It says: HOWE'S GREAT LOXDOX CIRCUS Hip'dnnc, 3ft nayn i'' Just trhnt Tin ' suit I it tfubl be, a O'raud AJ'ttir. "Yesterday was a grand gala day for the ciii.cns of pringlield and the sur rounding country, the occasion was the two Exhibitions j;iven yesterday after noon and evening, by Howes' London Circus and Sanger's English Menagerie The managers annoiiced a wonderful ring and trapeze performance and a line exhibition of animals; and we are glad t-o be able to chronicle that tiie promise was fulfilled to tiie letter, which is much to the credit of the managers. The spread of canvas was immense, and the audience was num bered by thousands, who manifested their appreciation of the perfoi malices by repeated bursts of applause, as an nounced, there was a grand prcessiou in the morning, which, for novelty, beauty and even grandeur, exceeded anything ever witnessed in this city. The Pageant attracted an immense crowd, and thousands of men. women and children, crowded the sin e's along thrf line of procession. We ei.nid fill a column with the interesting features of the exhibition. The performance w as fine in all respects, both equestrian and trapeze. Mr. Melville, the renown ed Australian hoisc-man. ami his Ueau- tifnl boy, astonished all by their won- j derfui bareback performance. In the ; same line was Mile. Dockrill the beau- j tiful Parisian artist, who achieved aj marked success by her wonderful feats j on four horses. The Trapeze perform- j ancebyalady, and a couple of lads, , was among the best, if not the best, ev- i er witnessed in this city,and called out ' immense applause. The double sum- j ersault over live elephants and a cam- I el, was fine of the wonders of the per- : formance. Tne trained elephants, ; tigers and hyenas, showed in a remark- ! able degree, the power of man over the 1 animal creation. The crowded state ; of oar columns, forbids anything but a , nu re mention of the exhibition; but , the half has not been told. Everything was conducted in a manner acceptable i to the most fastidious; the audience i was highly respectable, good order pre vailed throughout, and we commend j the exhibition to lovers of amusement ; throughout t'.e countrv. j Legal Notice. I in the District Court of Cais Countv, Nebras ka. John McCormick. plaintiff, versus John Me .Mcchiia and Jaines '..ronin, defendants. . 'J o . o7ii t.'rni. t: ' Viiii will take notice that the above nanied phiin:i!T did on the loth dav of Atlvilt, HTt;. tile : in the ollice of the clerk of the l:s;ii'-t Court of ! Cies f 'utility. Nebraska. al-ins and praying the f.lid Cuiirt to ipiiet in liiin the title M tiie north we-i ijiiarter of sect ion number thirty-one i.".l; . in tow in-hip n urn ber ten ( 1n north of raiifie lium i ber fourteen il li in Cass County, Nebraska. A! j so. t ike notice that you are ieiuiied lo plead j to -.aid petition on or before Monday, the 11th I day ol September ls7t. or the ;illtvation t'lere : i f w id be taken as t rue, and decree, and juilg j luent tendered aecoidiiiulv. .1. I.. MITCH!'!. Z'-tt Attorney for pluintiiT. Legal Notice. U". . SrhihlJnircht rs. Ilotrgc f'iiily oil. I'efoie John W. Haines, a Justice id the IVace in i. nd for Cass t ounty, Nebraska. m the r.th day of July. A. I. lsif.. said Jus tice ol the I'eace i.-sue.l :t garnishee notice In at iacliiiH'iit iu the atmre action for the' bum id ici Dollars, tspti. riattsinouili, Julv e"th. i;t.;. lstJ " V. II. SCMH.DKNKCHT. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, I'HILADKI.riUA, TA. THIS',KKAT I N T I'. K N A T I O N A I . KXHIHI TIO. KI.SKiNKIi TO COMM KMOKATK : Till; fXK Hl'NIlKKDTH NM KUSAKV OF I A.MKIMCAN INDH I.NDKNCK. oPKNKl) j MAY '.dill AND Will. C1.0SK NOV KM IS Kit loth, is All the nations of the world ami all ! the States and Territories of the Union are par j ticipating iu tliis wonderful demonstration. I lijinui'iK tojrther the most comprehensive col- lection of art treasures, mechanical inventions, j scicnliDe discoveries, inainifactui intr acliieve I lncnts, mineral specimens. ,inl agricultural pro ; flucts ever exhibited. The (Mounds devoted t" i the Kxhibition are situated ou the line .of the I'eiiiisylTania Uailroad anil emtuuce four lii'.n drcd and li f " y acres of Fan mount l'ark. all I highly improved and ornamented, on w hich are i erected the I.:n;est bui'dinus ever constructed. ! five of these covering an area of fifty acres and i costim; sr.oo j.(m. The total number of beild j iiers erected for the purposes of the exliibiton is I near two hundred. Diirinc. the thirty flays ini i mediately following the openintT of the Kxhibi ; lion a million and a nuai lerof people visited it. Emblematic, Historic, Amphiteatrical, Allegorical, Etc. Every Feature Advertised Truly Exhibited. Every Xation of the Globe Represented. Only One Ticket Required For All. 25fMore Performing Animals than any other Ten Menageries in the World. The only Zebras everse-n in harness. "Specialties, our great feature. The Grand Mardi-Gras Carnival, Seven Missive Gold Chariots, Five Pet forming Elephants, Five Performing Royal IJcngal Tigers. Six Performing African Ilyenas, Two Roman War Chariots, Roman Charioteers. Fearless Cavaliers escorting Grecian Realities. Elegant Costumes adorning shapely ladies. The Spirit of '76 Washington, Eafayette Goddess of Liberty, Win. I'enn, Rrother Jonathan, and hundreds of Continen tal Characters represented. Elephant Coursing, Hurdle Racing, etc. We use our own Race Track. Read our 8250,000 Challenge. Four acres of Exhibi tion Tents. Has no equal no rival. The Pennsylvania Railroad, TEIE fcillEAT TIlLWJk. AND The Most Intensfh- Interesting: and XovjI Exhibition in the World. rfMore wild beasts, more men and horses, more curiosities, than any combination ever seen. The mot porj;fous street procession everciven. lilitteriiiK Kijues-IIippo-ZiKilo Mardi Oras Carnival ; trliiii phal street jiapeant two miles lomr. Ilooming of cannon. Centennial chorus of 3tv Miiees. A blaze of iold and btirnislied stei 1. Fire-works shedding Kavp of Gold en Fires. (uo men and horses. AtyA -M on each day ot exhibition, cum, early and see it. XOXE BUT ITSELF CAX BE ITS PARALLEL. CAMP MKEflMJ NOTICE. A Camp Meeting will be held by! the I'nited Rrethren in Christ, near' Mit. Editoi:. Failing to clos up j Weeping Water Falls, commencing my affairs in time to leave Plattsmouth Aug. :Ut, I ,STCi. bv the Stove Creek, i during the spring, please say to your Ashland and Plattsmouth Circuits. I readers that until further notice, hall j Nt.,, ritv Misioii. The Rreth- j remain at the old stand ready to man- , leu .iml Minstcrs nf aH sliri.0!IU,ih,ff ! utaeture furniture to order, and do all' ,. . . , ,. , kiudsof iepairin-and varnishing. Pie- I arc cordially invtte.l to attend ! ture frames and window cornices ;l j ''--"!- Martin, presiding n-br; I.j sjK'cialtv. Prompt attention given to ! 1 l1's' I,avt'"' Move Creek ; J. . ; undertaking of funerals. i Smith, pastor Xeb. City; I. ( '. Rark- j -."."-tf " T. W. Shkvoi'K" t er. pristov Plattmottt'i. ! SEXSIBL E A If VICE. You are asked every day throgh the columns of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something for Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. No v to give you satisfactory proof that Gkf.en's AvtJi'sT Flow Kit will cure you of Dyspepsia and River Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stom ach. Sick Headache, Habitual Costive ness. palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn, Water brash, coining up of food after eating, low spirits, &c. we ask you to yo to your Druggists, Chapman Ai Glas and get a Sample Rottlc of Grkkn's At'tii sT Fl.owKnfor 10 cents and try it, or a Regular size for .-" cents, tvo doses 'viil relieve vmi. v?vl is the most direct, convenient and economical way of reaching I'liilad-Iphia and this jiivat Kiiibit;oii from all sections or the country. Its trainJto and from Philadelphia will pass through a (iKAND I KNTFNNTAI. DH"OT. which the Company have erected at the Main Kntrance to the Kxhibition Grounds for the accommodation of passengers who w isli to stop at or start from 1 he numerous larfte hotels contiguous to this station and the Kxhibition. a convenience of the greatest value to visitors, and afforded ex clusively bv the IVnnsvlvania Kailroad. which is TH - ONLY LINK lil NMNil DMIKCT 1 () IHKCKN'IKNNTAK I1C I I.DI NGS. K.cuisi.,n trains will aNo stop at the Kucampmcut of t'le l'ai ions of Husbandry, at Klin Station, on tins road. 'I he Teiiiisylvani i Uailroad is the grandest railway organization in the world. It controls seven thoiiand miles ol roadway, forininv: con tinuous lines tt I'iiiiadelphia. New York, lialii inore. and Wasliiiiton, over which luxurious i ilav and nicht cars are run from Chicago. St. 1 I.oiiis. Ciaemn iti. Kouisv ii!, indianaolis, Col I uiiibii.-., Toledo, Cleveland, and Erie without i Cll:lllp'. ! Its main line is Tod with double anil third tra- ks if heavy stec 1 raiN upon a deep bed of broken stone ballast, anil its bridges are all of 1 lion or stone. Its passenger trains are equipped with every kimwn improvement for comfort and : safety, and are run at fasli-r p'ed for greater distances than the trains of any liueoii the con ; tinent. The Company has largely increased its ; eiiuipment for Centennial travel, and will be i I'o pared to build in its own shops locninntivvs ! and pas.Nener cars at short Hot tee sutlleient to I f.;IIv accommodate any extra demand. The un ci, nailed resources at the command of t he Com pany iruaraiitee the most perfect aceoiiMnod.i . lion's for all its patrons during the Centennial ' ICTliibiiion. ! THK MAGNIFICF.NT SCENKKY for which the I'ennsylv ania Central is so justly ceUdnated . presei.ts to the traveler over its perfect road- way an ever-chanjiinn panorama of river. ; mountain and landscape views iiiieiiialled in ! America. THE EATING STATIONS on this line are 'tio-.nrpasi.ed. Meals ill be furnished at suit able hours and ample tune allowed for enjoy ' mir them. i I'XCCKSION TICKETS, at reduced rates. ' wT.I tie s.,!d at all principal hLailroad Ticket O'tice.s iu the West, Northwest, and .Southwest. I lie sure that vour tickets read via the Great Teiii'.-yHunia Koute to the Centennial. I FKANK THOMPSON. D. M. BOYD. Jr.. 1 ISt Get'orat Man.'f r. r.n. Fa -'r A;Tt. THE BEST ClKUUb PRFOHMANCE IN AMERICA. S-Every IVrformer a recognized Star !! S j3"Tne Emj7-css of the Arcnn. MLLE. JfOCKJiILL! the champion Female bn re-hack rider nf the World! and only Female fovr horse rider f America ! $10,0(10 will be given to produce her equal? James Melville, Frank Melville, Alex. Melville, Wm. II. Bachelor, Wm. Worlaad. II. II, Dockrill, Mile. Jutau, Ren Maginley, Wm. Conrad, II. Dorr, Wm. Conweil, Fred OUrien, Masters Jean, Fred and Will. MLSO TiriHTr FI7tS7'-CT.MSS MKTZS7S OF CFZJtBX XI 2. The above list of .Star Artists a sure guarantee as to Superiority. Nri jmkefSj k K-Jsa v53$ SsI 810 000 Challenge thai Hoicc' Orrat London Circus, Sanger's Englisli Men agerie of trained annimals and Mardi Gras Carnival, owns and daily exhi bits tho Best group of 5 performing Elephants in the world, viz: Chief tain, Emperor, Mandrie, Saltan arid" Victoria, all performing in the ring at the same time, the most wonderful feats ever seen, just as represented on bills, programmes, etc., trained and per formed by Prof Arstingstall. 310 000 Ch'dkngethat Hoirest Orc.it London Circus, etc.; owns and exhibits the only group of Hour Royal Bengal Tigers in the world, and performing iii the ring at the same time, trained anil performed by Heir Still. SI0 000 Challenge that Uoicm' Great London Circus, etc., owns and daily exhibits the only group of fix fierce African Hyenas in the world. Train ed and subdued by the African Canni bal Montano, and are daily exhibited in the. public streets accompanied by their keeper, in an open iron-clad den, during the triumphal street Pageant. 810,000 Challenge that lvwes' Oreat London Circus, etc., owns and daily exhibits the only two baby Royal Ben gal Tigers (Born April 21. 1875.) ever seen in America. 810,000 Challenge that Howes' Oreat London Circus, etc., owns and daily exhibits, free, in tho public street of each city or place of exhibition, seven, of the largest, most costly and magni ficently constructed Triumphal Golden Chariots of India, or Car of Jugger naut. The Chariots of Commerce, the Car of Euterpe, the Chariot of the Sun tho Celestial Chariot, the Legendary Dragon Chariot, anil the Cinderella Chariot, anil make the most Gorgeous disvlav, while in the Grand Eques-Zoo-lo-tlippo-Mardi-Gras Triumphal street pageant ever seen. 5,000 Challenge that Howes' Oreat London Circus owns and daily exhibits the only Fotocjuaine in America. 8o,000 Challenge that at Howes' Oreat London Circus Mille. Dockrill, tho Equestrian Phenomena of the age "Queen of the Arena," vr.ll positively appear at each performance In her great act upon a bareback horse ptln-cipal-hurdle act. In which she challen ges the world. SS.OOO Challenge tkat the Oiand Mar-di-Grtts Carnival far excells in beauty wonder and magnitude any Amphl theatrieal. Historical or Emblematical Spectacle that has ever been produced in the public streets, cr tinder canvas, in the world. 83,000 Challenge that Honks' Oreat London Circus, tdc, has the best Zoo"3 logical lecturer (Prof Ellingham, from II. B. M. Zoological Gardens, London), in America. 85,000 Challenge tluit the proprietors of Howes' Great London Circus has imported into the United States mora Elephants than any other concern in America. 85,000 Challenge that Howes' Great London Circus owns and exhibits daily in the public streets the only Jerusalem Donkey and Abyssinian Asses ever seen in harness in America, 85,000 Challenge that Howes' Great London Circus, etc, owns and daily exhibits in the public streets, the only African Zebras ever seen in harness (ordinary shows have these animals caged); by this company they are used and driven the same as the horses, 5,000 OhalUng that Miss Bovkritt, the only female in America that rides four bare-backed horses all at one and the same time, and challenges any male rider to compete with her in this wonderful feat of her beauty, grace, form and skill, she has no equal, no compeer. 50,000 Challenge tlmt Howes' Great London Circus, etc., special features, as advertised ami daily exhibited by this company, are to be seen in no other concern in Americxi. 850,000 Challenge that Howes' Oreat London Circus, etc, Sanger's English menagerie of trained animals, and Mardi-Gras carnival, has the best gen eral outfit of chariots, cages, vans, animals, horses, ponies, mules, asses, donkeys, wardrobe, paraphernalia, hotel, exhibition, cooking, sleeping, and stable tents, of any equestrian or zoo logical combination in America. 850.000 Challenge tltat Howes' Great London Circus, etc., owns and runs 42 railroad cars, viz: 22 flat cars, 10 palace horse ca-s. 6 box cars. 1 bacrsaare car. I 2 palace sleeping cars, 1 palace pas- eenger car, this leing a greater num i ber by far than run by any circus, menagerie, etc., in America. THE GKAiND MARDI-GRAS CARNIVAL! A Scene of Ileautv. new. Novel, and interesting, representing the Spirit of 7ij ; The Continental Patriots, etc. ; The birds of the .Tnnele. Trie Monti-rs of "the deep ; II ii satauie ma jit v : and thousand- of firotesnne. historic, and representative characters in caricature in carnival iraii tv and crlendor. "WK Cll.lliliK!iK THK WOKIill T K((I AL IT. This is the only Com pany in America, that luis a Snecial Detective Force for the protection of it patrons from impositions. No Give-Away Hellenics. No iraniMing of any kind or nature, and no intoxicating Ihiuors allowed on our Exhibition , rounds under any preteuce whatever. ADMISSION 50 Cts. i Children under 10 years, 25cts 1,200 Reserved Cushioned Seats. IDOOSS OPEN" .A.T 1 & 7" O'CLOCK I3. HVE. For full particulars, see Pictorials, Programmes, nn-I our Illustrated Pictorial, the Advance Agent, ryAll nail Road Run at II-ilf-Far Kate to th tireat howiSJ 3 a e w Id o I i t I f'-m V