J rn r II E II IS R.ALI). EPITOME OF THE WEEK. N:;:.Ysr:ii TCLi:.;iLr;iic news I'lUI.AIiFI.rill , July 1 'J. Tliti heat continues intense. Thirty-three em jdoyea of the .is works abandoned work; twciity-ony are known to have died from the etiect of heat. An:o:i-the- prostrated who have recovered is iuv. Jlartranft. Two wajjons and furniture were kcj-t constantly em j.h.ved yesterday carrying sun-stricken persons" to the hospital. The coroner is in continual session. Chicago, July 12. The election for inavor to-day resulted in the election of "Monroe Heath y the following vote: total vote, :?0,072; Hfcath, over ".Jedta'th, l.l.Ty.S; Heath, over Kimball. 11,01-i; Heath over JJath, S.2VJ. Heath carried seventeen out of eighteen wards. Sioix Citv, July 12. Agency In dians along the I'pper Missouri, who have ;tu account ol lousier s unt tlirouuh some hosliles who took part m it, says that Custer shut three In dians with his pistol, and killed three others with his sahre, when he fell. sht,t tiirough the bead by "Uaiii-in-the-Kace," a chief whom Custer had ar rested some time ao for murder. The Indians lust seventy killed, among them many noted chiefs. The Tight was hand-to-hand. The Indians say h-v did not fear pistols as much as they did the sabres. They are nearly out of ammunition, and will not tight again until they gat ;i supply from the agencies. :i:w York. July 12. The emperor of IJrail and party sailed to-day for Europe in the steamship Uussia. Men-of-war in the harbor ran up the Dra zillian tlag. manned the yards and tired a salute as the Uussia steamed past. Among the nominations made to-day are John Kelly, collector of customs at Wiiiiamettt', Oregon; Thos. 15. Shan 7ion, collector of customs at San Fran cisco; Wm. II. Howard, of Texas, Surveyor General of Washington Ter ritory. The president to-day nominated Jas. S. DeLano, of Illinois deputy second comptroller of the treasury, and Thos. V. llennett, of Idaho, Governor of th.it Territory. Loxixi.v, Julv 12. The four oar crew- (Ju.-ton,- liu.it, Howell and Ilabat - of the London rowing club, sail foi the I'nited States this month. The first Trinity College Cambridge Uni versity 1'toat Club, four, with boatmen and three boats sail for the Interna tional Keg atta. llAGt sA, Julv 12. Turkish advices received here state that an engage ment had occurred at l'odgoritza, be tween two battalions of Turkish regu lars assisted bv volunteers, and o.oo;) Montenegrins. ' Th latter were driven from their fortiiieations. losing -1;' killed and -10 J wounded, including -JO officers. New York. July 14. Carl Schurz in a private letter, says: There is a striking contract between the hard and boft money mixture in the democratic platform and candidates, and the strong and fearless assertion of moral duty in the linaiiebd paragraph of llov. Hayes' letter of acceptance. The vi-ws he expresses about civil service form a most comprehensive, a most c'eaiiy defined and in every respect a nio.-t satisfactory civil service, reform pro gramme I ever knew uttered in few words. That programme is accompa nied bv a pledge of an hoiie.-t man that if elected it shall U faith fully cai i ied out in its completeness, and that no personal ambition shall interfere with the work. Never has civil service reform a better opportu nity to light with a chance of real suc cess of tlie cause, and wrl only success of candidate or party. I shall support Coy. Hayes heartily and actively, and I have never felt more clearly a con sciousness ol doing the right thing for the best interests of the country. Ina.cn.VDr:, July 1:$. O.'iicial intelli-g-eiice from the Turkish army stales fiiat Osmar I'acd i attacked the Servian po.-diiou yesterday. The light lasted a'! day. The l.ss of life was very great. Tin result is unknown. Mo:;i:or, Mich., July 14. Citizens of this. (Jen. Custer's native city, have taken steps toward erecting a magnifi cent monument to the memory of that brave oliicer and his comrades. Ni:v Yo::k, July 14. The liberal stale convention next month will de clare for Haves and Wheeler. This will secure the republicans a change equivalent to thiity or foity thousand voles in November, and about thirty thousand majority over the democratic vole of last election, Cc !n x an ti Nor lk, July It. The m rvians and JJulgarians who Kppeared near Widden were defeated and lied to Servio. Their losses are considerable. ri:Tsioi"Tn. July 14. An accident, the nature of which is unknown, oc curred to-day on the Turret ship Thun der, on atrial trip. A large number of the; injured have been taken to the naval hospital. I a t k n. It is reported the boiler burst. killing fifteen persons and wound ing thirty-two. The chief and assist ant engineer are among the killed. Captain Wilson's hand was blown off. The Thunderer was making a trial trip on a measured mile in Stokes Uav. The vessel is now at Spithead. Ni;w Yokk, July l. Reports from Washington indicate danger that the house will be left without a quorum if congress fails to adjourn very soon. The intensely hot, depressing weather is driving members away like the chol era. Already mure than one third are absent from the st sio:i, but until I5cl knap's impeachment is finally disposed f, the house is indisposed to fix ad journment. The postmaster general has been in formed by 'ai:derbilt and Col. r-cutt that the fast mail service will be dis continued on and after Saturday next. PKNSIOX TO CI "STICK'S WIIOW The house has granted a pension of ..() a month to the widow of General Custer. New Yokk, July 1". The Pope has appointed Monsigueur James O'Con nor, of the diocese of l'liila Itlphia, Vi car Apostolic of Nebraska. Gen. Custer had a life insurance pol icy of ....000; Capt. Yates, S"i.U'M ; Keogh, 810yn0; Lieut Calhoun, So ,'" Crittenden, SiO.ono; Porter S-V-X. Yankton. I. T.. July ir six com panies of the fifth i'-.fantry under Gen Miles h:id arrived here en route for the l!ig Horn to reinforce Terry. They leave ;t'!i4ay for the seal of war. Chayev.ne. July 1 ". Crook's Camp ;.! ! I'-juk Julv 12. The following is tr jif:' via lYtterman to night. The Indian': ?re still hovering about Little i Uig Horn, one d ay's hard march from J here. 'I hey ha ' fired into camp every night ot late.- ari l trie. I to (turn us out, by setting the grass '.'n fire all around. OntheCtli ins. Lit ut. .Sib-ley, Company L, Second cavalry, with twenty-five men and Frank Gruani and JJaptiste Powerier as scouts, went on a recon noisarice. The company were discov ered, surrounded, and followed into the timber of the Uig Horn mountains, where by hitching the lenses to trees and abandoning them, the men were enabled to escape on foot by way of a ravine in the rear. IJurlington, Iowa, July 1"5. ('. W Ilanscome arrived here from Custer City to dav. He says he left there on ' the 2Stli of June, and has come direct through. He says the company of IIanscome,.Cook and Carter were at ; work on a dry gulch claim, which was j paying S-' p-u- day to the man. On' the 2')lh of June the party were at work in the gulch, had just received a new hvdraulic engine and had been engaged through the day in placing it, and about 10 o'clock the camp was jumped by Indians, who captured nine horses and killed the following of the party; Carter, Win. Drown, Henry Drown, Lowell, Valentine, Jno H. Huff, and Win. Page.. Hanscome and j Cook cut their way through the Indian circle and escaped. On returning next day, they found their companions ter- ribly mutilated' and scalped, also the j absence f !0 ) pounds of provisions. ; Tie nnr-hinery was turned in tin- j gulch, and Mr. Hanscome 1ms started : out with the remains of Mr. Carter. 1 which he has forwarded to Liverpool, ! England. P.riM.iXGTox. Iowa, July The storm of last night prevailed generally j over this part of the country, and re- j ports of accidents are coming in. On j the D. & M. It. II. a washout occurred, j by which a freight train was ditched, j and the engineer, N. Dest, and liremrr.i, J. Korfman were instantly killed. j HOUSEHOLD COLUMH. CUULEiM INi ANTC"!. FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. The president h ;s approved the fol lowing acts of congress: An act relative to redemption of un used stamps, aulhon-ing the. commis sioner of Indian affairs to purchase sup plies for the Indian bureau in open market. To amend revised statutes, providing a penalty for making of obscene books and ot h-r matter therein contained, and prohibiting lottery circulars passing through the mails. Making nppropriat ions for service of the post office depa'tm-'nt for the fis cal year ending June MOth, 1877, and for other purpose s. To amend sect ion r,s fr, ,f the revi"d statutes of the I'nited St ttes. providing for imprisonment and transfer of Uni ted States prisoners. To authorize the Northwestern im provement company to improve the Ocorito river and its branches and trib utaries. The hopsp passed a bill appropriat ing 200,000 for construction of two military posts or d.-pots in the Siouv country in accordance with reconuneii dat ions of Generals Sheridan, Terrv and Custer The time for the coming of cholera is nearai hand. We propoM to deviate I from the regular course of our papers ! and say a few words to mothers, who j are anxiously wishing to know what j they can do to protect their infants j from cholera, and, if this disease has begun, what they can do to cluc k its progress. l irst, what are the causes that de stroy So many infants every summer? The excessive heat, bad food, irie.gular fee-ding, and overfeeding. These points have already been considered. In all H.-'f-ase the first step should be to re move the cause. If it he excessive heat, keel this cause at bay by wash ing the infant with cool water two cr three, times a day. De particular to keep the head and spine cool. '1 In: fum tiv-ns of every part of the j body depend upon t ho normal coudi-j tion of tin brain. If the brain force ' tails to be transmit ted to the various organs of the body, they fail to do their duty. Then, secondly, keep the infant in a cool room, on the north side of the house. .r open tin; windows early in the morning, so long that it may be full of cool muning air, then close them till evening, (.'lose the blinds, .to present the hot air from entering the room. Mothers who have never n ied this way of keeping their rooii.s cool j will be surprised at the result. In j previous papers we nave reierreu to other causes. Thousands of infants are saved, ev ery year, by their mothers observing a few simple natural laws of nealth, which we have discussed under Un heal c-f indigestion. We cannot say too much upon the importance of mother continuing to sii, piy tiieir n fants v. ilh that Woieier:ui pi epar.il ion of t iie Creutol". iiill li tills cauiiol le had, or if no wc-.uurse can !( obtain ed, give tin tir.sl milKiiigs ol a w t li led cow; give it belore it cools, ii possible. If this cannot be done, let the milk stand twn or more houis. and then uip off the upper third and tinnte it Willi soft water, or some thin mucilage. Ii the infant eructates curd soon alter it has s. allowed milk, aud to each pint a t abb's pool; a I oi li.ne wa :. lio i not fotgi t that the Moiy ts neaiiy I as important as tie quality. Never j give the infant so mucli that it eruc tates a part, ami poorly digests the ic maiuder, as oti may know by ol. -serv ing us movements. Always give less than it wants. Third!, teed regulai iy. Dat if with giv in; to these points, t ht i- ft'ii-'.v --------- ' :-"t- f Smith American Organ The OP.IeMt ('oniiinny ! Tlir Jfest Oi ra:i. Tirr. : lv tlie lit-Kt SI UMivisiiiM and t'uily Vi'ar:nn!i-!. i Amri'icau Oiuu il" 3 sxi Buy. PEESOOTT & HILL, y 7..OSH in I 'sc. Hcii't Kai! Co Ti- t'iiiIorel i ix fvuiitli ,:v, Aigcui, Lor I'LATTSMOL'TIl, NED. Genera is cuts, CJ LI 'Mill's, NED. AND SHOE tenti.-n i cius t-i ! - proper infant 1 vomit ami purge. give it niucii less lood, j and if it fails rapidly in strength, give j it an en: in a of btet'- ta; of.e cr two teaspoons ever," tinnl iiour, apiiv a --.t-v- Ttiil.l iio!Ct:o'i! ti!-'-l.r to itc Imiv. i els and to its feet. Above all, at the va ry outset, give it in a teaspoon of cold water, after each vomit i.ng one or t h i) drops of the following compound. Keep the lttle coiked and in a cool place : IT. :.I'-'lc!. 1 liiaelun : -':'o i.f..iM. 1 e'aii : spl i its of im 111 .',en-, l ,o ;e-lll.i ; '1 V. r-li 41I j ,j r- iiiint. iii'.ii-aui : ir. iiin. en Aii-iii. 1 i r is .uuiinjiii.i. I ii;n-.!i.i ; Mi l'ilt: ' t .li.ill. We havi; used it for nearly vears in all cases of ehoh:..1 1 1 : 1-1 1 1 , 1 !l. i H : r Til K LST OF HNv D')I) iVA A special from Nebraska City I'riday evening annoauer.T t!;a II ink Dodge die.! at rJi-'O yest-Tday morning. His dying words w ere addrt ssed to Dob. White the guard, and were "Do':) White are you going to hang meV" Deing assured that he would not leave him or let any one hang him. Dodge turned over toward the guard and calmly a -ke 1 : '"Do you think they will hang me'r" Willi these words he fell asleep and never woke again. II died with a reouest on his lips not to be hung. The funeral took place yesterday af ternoon. Deputy sh-ii.T Dennett ar rested Peter Me Juire, a former guard, an I Kelley, a boy la years old, at Pal myra, and took them to Nebraska. City Thursday night. Sheriff Farbar yes terday ;aic.sted Pat McCuire. a broth er to Pete Mc uire. of South Dranch. There has been no trial yet. Liwufn JuururA. "Pull I..vn Your Vest." D. D. French, of Milwaukee, says of the slang p!:ra.- ? "Pull down your vest" that it is not new but has been revived lately. "1 first heard it about twenty years ago. Lincoln and Douglas were campaigning it for Congress. I was soliu thing of a politician then, and went to the meetings whenever I got t he chance in my wild days. you Know. My! how Douglas used to throw him self!" Carpenienter's r.uwhen. When he'd get otf a particularly line passage all eloquence and gesture tlie bat tons would pop ;ff like periods all along through his sentences. When he'd jiet through, and was sitting down and rocking back a'nl forth in his chair.the boys would howl: "Pulldown your vest.' Then Lincoln's lank form would rie up like an interjection point, and the' crowd would be still. I'oujh-kt-psui Courv r. v D. .v q. 1:. 1:. From Plattsmonth to Chicago and return .$2:1'. From Neb. Citv to Chicago and return From Omaha to Chicago and re turn From Chicago to N. Y. by 13 dif ferent routes ... From Chicago to New York bv Montreal ." From Chicago, via Niagara Falls, to , e w ork From Chicago, via Cincinnati, to t V. elitV Ad ul s may take 1" to Oil drops in one hail a tea-cup of cool water, and repeat it af ter each vomiting or purging. Even Asiatic choh-ra yields to it jui"ker than to aiivthiug Isc now l.r.o-vn. 1'ruiri- 1'itnticr. OSAGE CORMD COB MILL, Fcr GrMiig stack Fesi, Ecminj, Heal, &c . ii thitt Has advantages for tno farmer over any ' STORE. i tern- m mmm h mMf N y l i te I '' ii im- 11.. . - ........ -i .isstd-t .t w I.' :i i .......... . I.an any other ' Til'. i M I " w 1 1 . V :.'s i. p v 1 I i- 1. r.'i-M i' v. ...i ,i ! :.!:. !! :;i.-.t if t:i'im I w.ak. :o..l wr.'U i.e..; n.- :-:el .!:..;.!. V. . ! - w -I i-..o:s l'-r !!. i.!s. t'.ae j 'i ... L' . i I ..i.K f.ir : s. ;.;.t l-y I.'; ' ' I. ' ; I' S 1 1 ! I ; ' " i '. 1 . 1:1 ! 1-u-l.oM otl: i Wa f: out I 1 :il 1'.. : r. ! : ;'. '.r '. r .-s :n T . " . 1 . - i; f o V .." 1 .-.i, :u i::..ue 1 'e-. . ( tui ia :i: ot I .1 1 e l . 1 u ! . ni - ii. :s,-.- I: a ..l , : ,i-e : j l'a.c dress v.-.v. d I !s f H.''" ' :u'''-s' ser.-e .:ft-j-s .ST. j p. . d 11 .vi.-ii's s.-i-e t '.-ii;.!, s ;;t;:( i.:'ii ; I'ii'i. s; ;ii.ri.. 1 i.!v :; - , " i:,ir,. !. I'I. . ;;l.i-s 1 I... .a....- s. i.:.- ( . i.li. s- ,:..;..: '..I ; All I'll:! r.M.ts. ..;,!;. 4.M I f.vi . I.-- .....-:! :.-.. t. u:l ar.d s-- us. V.a inn-" l.-- i.l.-:is.-l :; tt-e ; Vit"in:ial j ,i!ii'i'S,iir." 1 - - - - 1 i-Vae,: ailti ua3 taken itiS&ifial First Premium at State lairs of Illinois and Missouri. also CHALLEXGE FEED MILLS AND COMBINED SHELLER & GRINDER. For Description and rrice&, address SEZIIPLE, BIKGE & CO., MANTFACTrRFlts OF OPTCTT.TT'RAT. Tf',LB- llb.NTd A.Uter.ClALT.i.S IN UAUWAUli, S3 SontU .tlain Strrrt, tU I.oain, ?5o. I V fie aa mon'-ioa la what paper jou ie&4 Uita. rtsj w- r- - BUY TM2 L rv 1 ' z v ) 3 iIKl; Hil ii S i Al l I.M ,NN. - -r-5 s ,. t i-h y ai C5 New Yor! 2-1.00 21.00 !.."() 21.. "JO lC.aO 1.00 ,jfjs- -2r. 2. As our sulvtriiaer Iiks not uia.le his advertlB. ment alt"i."'thr distinct, we will inten'rf' elutK rale it a-s follows : 10. it. 1-ooti:, 31. l.. Author of Plain Huna Tiilk. f.'llinl Common S-nR, Scim- in Storv. etc.. 1J Ixxinptun Avenue ((.-or. Eat asth Strwt), New York, an IsriKPFNiESI Phtsiciaw, treatR all forms of Lingering or fhroiiio Lis...ne.. an l rcofivos letlera from all iarts uf the Civiuzki) World. I'.y Iiik orlgiii'il mny of conrtuctintr a Mcliral Pra ti--'-. he i suoccs-fnrv trnen.T numerous i.ntientn in 1 : 11 rope, tlie Uol liidiex, Itoiiilnioii of Canada, ami in every part ol th-- UnaJ buiten. NO 3Ip:itCXJIiIAL, Or drtfti-rious ilni tiied. lie has, ilurins; tho rat twenty three years. treHteJ successfully nearly or qTiit 40.IIU0 cases. All faoM connected with ea.:h ca-e ar carefully recorrtetl. whether they be conimuiiicuteil by letter or in jjerwon. or olwcrved by the lK:tor or hia a&H.H.iate physici-kua. The latter are all wicntilio medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A LISTAKCE Are treated. All invaliits at a distance are required to answer a list of plain questions, wlin-h e'.ieits tvery vmptom under which the invalid puffers. All com tHunh'itlion treiitcti nlritUip ctnt ridenlttti. A complete system of revixturinir ireventa mistakes or confusion. List of questions sent fr-e, on apiilicati.m. to any part of the world. S.xty pasre pamphlet of Eviiiknces aw IsnccEss, also sent free. Ail these testimonials are from th.we who have b-n treated by mail and exprea. Advice in office, oh. bt mail, rutE of cbabub. Call ob or addreea DR. E. B. rOOTE. No. 120 Lexington Ave., K. Y. This Machine is Oitjrocl to tho Public Upon its Merits Alone. I Us Li'ht an-l Stiff Iln'nniiU ll!ti- s- 1 ' ' '' Sf If-Tiiri'-rliny X !' and Slf-K'-:ntl,itiuj Tensions, m-tk- ii tic M st .', "' A J,,-fn'ne in. tfo trl. I'llAXK CAllIlUTir, JEWELER. Au-nxr. it.a rrsjrorir. xebuas'a. (Jen era ? 1 Vx e r n ( ffire. J. H. 11 AH I. F. ft, E5i:i;i'. Sli-i, n::j!j;i, r't!. T1SK HAH15IS0N I'ATKST Comblnalion Kitchen Safe, A. 4 ;t-s-'-'I'-'Afx'- Troin Cliii-ao ti 1'liil. !irect. y nine ilitTerent routes, i ieltiliii via tin- Tails Ifi.n0 rr-m n-ieao via X. V. to lMiila. 17.00 Ketuin "cl;fis over s:ui- routes tlie same. None Lu p.i::nl trii tickets ;iic so!l ai tliese r.ites. These I'm l;ei.s will le jst.M from May lj-t to- )et.-,Lp.- yist, ls7fi, jooil for C days. Vtu eau jro one way a:el return another'. Fares va vy lnt slilitly over the iliilreiit routes. From here the Hverai'e ti 1 'h i iaileinhia an-l retain is ahoi.t $.V' Tl:eii are a vast iniiiilier of routes to e!e':t from, aiel printe.l eirealars of r utis arel Ii-r'-etio:is wi!J Le yiveu at ea-li place v here ticket:; are s.-M. Hunted 1o stll IT Tories Plain. Jfomt Tallc and Afciicul Conuncn. Sense. sUso J?r Ecofcs Science in Story. Kri'tctkuurs address 3lurs-J liil lAiWisJii n Compjany rTAZSfc. xev you k. Dr. Berjer'a Tonic Bowel anl Pile Pills. These pil.s are an infallible remedy for constipation and piles ca-.isM by we.iknesi or siippresi..n t.f thi peristi tic nioti.m of th bowels. '1'iiey very fi-ntlj increase th- activity of the intestinal canal, produce sft St. ari.l relieve tiies at one. Thou.-snnda hava been cared bv them. Pri.e 5. centH. sent by mad on re.siot .f pri.-e. Ir'repareii only by F. ALl'KKll KEICIIA 111) r. Pharmacist, 4'il Fo'uBru Avunce, Nf.w York Citt. Dr. Larger'a Coapounl Fluid Extract of Khubarb and DandeI:on, The twst cotnbination of purely Teab'e imd!-M9l to entirely replai-e (Calomel or Blue I'i.l. It Ptimului tne livpr '.ncre is... the tiow of bile, and thus reim.vev kt yn.w t rpi lity of the liver, biliousness and liat-rrual m.tita-iou. an 1 the disease arUintr from such aa dyspeoia, iT l.ea i ache, tlafjl' mie, tc. The elTeo iiveness of Ues Kxtrn:t will le prove.!, visibly, at once to th- patient, ns fne or two Ik.hI.-. nre Hiirtic!e;it to r'.-ar th cotii'-.. xi. ri be.n:? fu'ly. ati I remove pimp.e id rairm coined y liver TT"-itee-t. lrie $1 Jer bottle. 5 b'ttle.. ." . -wi'i bs ent on rei-tt ..f the price to anv address, free if t.tire IVwul only by F. ALFRED RBK'Ii .KIT. Pi'ab-u4 ist, 103 KoCiiT le c-tb. isbw iort rn. . v;.e . r,ZpT'.'ii'C--- , ' ' . si; '. -v t ' - a- . -..;.- V ,"7- ti vf-. v- i -f ' :" v. ' - ';. i .'. v;ir ' ' -. . '' '- '- ' : '.."; :;.a ', .'-v-Vi--.;! , ' - ' : . j i. f,''? . .;-' .-' ?rv-? ; : . , ;v..-.v-4vl s ...j .-r-'. c. -' .''.:; .'-. . V i ( .- ,tr..-.' v.- : ;-v ' ':':-..:' : ?; MISSOURI VALLEY NOVELTY WORKS. SO?. JOSEPH, SOLE PltoriilETOnn AX I) jfAXrEAfTUKERS. Knjrniviu;; slum.- to-sj.f-t i -c view. S-if.- st ei Is r. f.-.-i :i in. lii-xli. 2 fl. in in. v.i.ti-. 1 ft. s in. li-ep. Space li.ii. v 1 1 1 i 1 . 1 . d wiili s'iel.-s. il.p- .-,1 .y inlu.-.l (I.mi-'s : a iiili - e 1 b:i-;il iie-;M;:ii l-opir-l : ti--. ;t 1 i n ir i : f till, forms r over i f ei .:i e-ri I li.o.p..; ; li.sitieit .i !' a e-'i e-i' il I n pi ,-, ;e lor Hutu-, t In- sill r-r :ii i ol i--. I t.. ,ii.- . is r. a.'nl .- i . T a -el. w I !i .:i 1 !" si I ' . '. pi : . -. ia siiit.-r is r nt'-i! uitli ci-an;; l-:itntl.. To .-..utr..! .t.-.-ebt ! ti.it.r. .-' -ioic is ei!i.1.i. . v:i t rn s tit;., l-ottolit of tn-pl'i-r. - --i .lil i at i ! .f -1 . 1 . Ji i U T '. . i ':"-ii:.! li. Ml f i In i -. .ii .-i.l-no ., ,...,( closes itil.i :i iltist - in i. if , s. 1 1 i. n . easily K.-p! el', p.n. 'i 'la- -i.-M- is at.u.le !. l:i i'. In r-ai':i- ly (lela-li.-.t lor clepittsino. Ii...er lu.p.lv ol . . t.-est pipci-n ii i. .: '. :! e.f m e;-;i.-? !'..i;r. p.ice beiiepit h and alio did iKMiper iilni la: i.'o tor i.uM can. a ai'l i.i a-. . .-..i: - ;.' A-l p. in lcr, extracts, if. Dinners siilln-n-ii! l'i li".i .1:1 niiln..a:. -''il'l'iy - --a. ...... i PHICES AT THE rACTOHY. ! No. 1, All V'a!ii!il. -i! fii.ish, jiam Ice. ite-ti'pi.-ii eioS a:..; ?::., c:.;- ;: ae- ' ,- i i. ; i " L'. V';ilnt;t, oil libili l'.'inri! ii.o-.Lli;.'.! fiimf ii:i!.'d. -: a :u - t ..' ! ' e.. I . " " " " " ' ' '!.; I " Oak :r:ti:ieii a-.ul val'liislu-tl, .!aia j ' ' " i-:i;-.'ih1 inn! ta.e. !.'... I AW. WHITE, DEALER IX frriflrd sll LJ LJ J-J 'L -A.isriD onsnsrsiD goods. Ladies Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Soap, Paper, Collars, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Queenswarc, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. LATEST IMPBOYED COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary household needs, and will sell you goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard times any more. J ... TP . ' "' T " pf P. .PL'.. 1 jAN-v r i. . ,TrrT''"?rr'''-''''',''y BOOTS & SHOES. Read, Call, See and be Convinced. I am an exclusive dealer, and I carry !y far tj Largest and Best Assortment. Slipper for only 35 cents. Men's Plow Shoes, 75c. Men's Prince Alberts, only $1.2i. Shoe Pacs, 75 cents. Rev Stock and New Style of Business! After c;upfu! rak-ul.ition (notice figures) I concludeil to adopt thestrtctly r;sh system, feeling convinced thnt it is tlie most satisfactory and profltftbU style of business in the end. For instance. 82,000 turned evtry thirty dan at 10 per cent, will be $200; in twelve months !?2,400; in five years, f 13,00. The same turned every ninety days rerjuires an increase o. profit to 30 imr cent to prot..iee the parne result. J'esides, there are always unavoidably and surely a large amount of accounts lost in the. credit system, which redor the large profit gained in good customers. All those, then, who int'd t pay for their goods will see the benefit and profit of calling on mn tor lu ir shoe wear. While extending my thanks to the numerous friends Vk'o whom I have established so large a trade, a trade eq.ial to tho best in t'u State, I would respectfully invite all to continue dealing with me, s well m all others who will call to buv cheap.- 4, ,3 PETER MERGES. flood f:isii inilu D ELIVERED DAILY ! AT WEii vnonr's wort: .v vj.a ttsmocth ir Tur.v w..vr it, r.v J. 5 EilMK'.II I.IS'I'DI. SRSIl IN VOl'K OIIUFHI AMI I WII.I. TICT 1 D lilVK VOU mile: 40V1 niid sTve von n-'ulai ly. i-i;i)I-imft.')i: ok PALACE BILLIARD HALL, j (Main St.. imdi-r I'ii st S.it. V.uuU I'PtTTSMoi -in, - - - m:ii. ;y eaii is sn-i-i.iEii wiiu tub EEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 40 vl MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, 11 LJl C1ZSJI IT 11 BEST FARMING LANDS, IN NEBRASKA, foi: salk nv IV i:iIKAMKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1S70. Ten f'irs f'rr fit at ft per rent Interest.- ' Sir Yvurs f.'r fit at C per cent Interett, an i 10 p-r vnt Discount. 4tlir l.iUrr! Dlironnlii Fr tb, Ki-lmlr on J'ri- noil Krli;hta, an:l Pi-fiulatiiH tor linpro int'iils. The iu.-i ii. I Xtiirisk Firm'r. r iritpiinin f-iii i irucii;;irp4, will he in:tild freo to any part l tin' world on apiiliiMUon to LAND COMMISSIONEIt. It M. R. R. 10)1 ASVD-X. NriiKAH A SAGE BROTFERSj I)f aWn in f! HOUSE SHOEING. mvf ' WACON HFI'AlWXG. V, Il All kinds of ii I I- il FA KM IMn.KMI'.NTf V'vX L'fJ mended Tllff- WiLH.EJ ETC.. ETC., ETC. One ir East of th- f'ost-Oflioe. riatUmmith, N'ebr.isk.i. li-- Is 17 ( 1.-. i n Xiully rf- Promptly: .0: Horsi. 31ulc kr (Vx Shooing, :i sliorl. w e'il shoe anything that has ! t- iir f-. i, frmii a Zebra to a (jiraffe. ' '6ine and see us. j FEW SHOP, I hi ; i ;, st.. I etween yi:-.ir. i S'rp.'to. . : ps- .: - -j.-- - -.. '- i r ; r : ' ' f Practical Workers In siiEEf tnox, zisc, rrx, bra-- ZIERY, dc.de Iirge a.s.Tirtir.en? of Ftard ann Koft OOJl- STOYES, Wood tnd Coal Stoves for II A TISU Oil C00KIXG, Always on Iland. Every variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, sad Zin Work, kept m Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Sliort Notice. &rtFMYTIIIX(i WAKRASTRt ru hi: low iowx. ilAGE BHOS i 1