Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 08, 1876, Image 5

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Hayes Refuses to Accept the Nomination
of Vice President.
All Wednesday was consumed in de
bate on rules and platform.
The anti-Spencer delegation from
Alabama was admitted, which caused
considerable excitement ami some feel
ing, as this was understood to mean
RIaine. It was finally settled harmo
niously. A section of tin resolutions treat
ing the Chinese question elicited much
Kellogg presented the name of .lew
ell, of Conn. Thompson, Morton of I n
diana. Pinchbeck colored ) seconded the
nomination. Italian presented Rris
tow of Kentucky. Judge Poland of
Vermont seconded this nomination.
Win. Curtis, X. V. followed in behalf
of X. V. Republicans. Dana, of Mass.
spoke for Rristow.
Ma ink Rob Ingersoll nominated
RLAIXK. He paid a glowing tribute
to his ability and statesmanship and
said republicans did not demand a man
who must get a certificate of character
from confederate Generals. II. II.
Timer (colored). Georgia, seconded
the nomination, Mr. Five of Maine,
stood up for RIaine. and pledged the
vote f Maine solid for him. Wood
ward presented Conkling as a states
man an orator and a patriot.
Ex-Governor Xoyes presented Haes
of Ohio. Reviewed his political rec
ord and said he w;.s honest, brave and
wise. Old I Jen. Wade seconded his
1 1 art ra nfts name was presented
a' tout " o'clock, when it was ascer
tained the hall could not be lighted,
and an adjournment ensued.
Hon. I,. W. Osborne, of Ulair, is ap
Miuteil on the National Republican
Central Committee from Xeb.
s!'KIAL TO T1IK N KB. II KB A 1.1 !
Our people gathered in knots ou the
street, and speculation rife as to who
would be the winning man. Almost
every Republican Mas sure IJlaine
would be the man. About 2. p. m. the
ballots begin to come. Here they are
Rla:ne, 2!; Morton, 124; Rristow.
li:J; Conkling, !9.
Maine. 2U ; Rristew, lit; Morton.
burne, 1 , Wheeler, 4.
RIaine, 2'2; Rristow, 12tS ; Conklinn,
4; Ilartranft, 71 ; Hayes, 0; Moio;i.
10; Washburne, :J; Wheeler. 2.
RIaine. 2st; Rristow, 1 14 ; Conkling.
2; Ilartranft, t50; Hayes, K4; Mor
ton, ti.-; Wheeler, 2; Washburne. -i.
I J'.aine. :;); Rristow, 111; Conkling.
!M ; Harlranft, 40; Hayes, US: Mor
ton, : Wheeler, 22; Washburne, J!.
Rristow and Mo ton withdraw ami
Hayes nominated on 7th ballot.
IT AT TIIK TKI.Kl It A I'll Oll-J::.
When R'a'ne ran up to SO many
were very sanguine.
While all were waiting for the 7th
ballot, which it was felt would proba
bly settle the matter, some wag sent a
message down on Main street giving
particular figures,' unnig RIaine down
to 1.10 and giving (Smut 20:5. The
wildest confusion followed, most of
the way'aiers b,;eved the news many
friends of the old General threw up
their hats in dead earnest for Grant.
And yet we wait. Click,
click, c'ick. goes the 'sounder," and no
news from Cincinnati. Wires so full
big nowspapes and big politician
want it a'l. Little place like Plaits
mouth must wait, and yet there were
many anxious hearts in Platlsmoiith
as well as elsewhere.
At last alout 4 we got the news
from Uui -lington.
Many would not believe the news
having been fooled on the Grant mes
sage. Mr. Yates kindly asked again
and got the news from Council RlufTs:
Hays nominated, can't get the figures."
Then everyone drew a long b:eatl.
and now we are waiting for the View
Wheeler of Xew York stands best
for Vice President. He is a number
one man from a good State, and would
take well. All true Republicans seem
pleased and satisfied at the nomination
of nays.
1 p. in. no fu: t her news.
LATKB o;'i0 V. u. 7th ballot.
Hayes 34; RIaine Sr,l.
To JVt-6. lie mid, Piattsmoittlt.
William A. Wheeler, of Xew Yoil ,
nomiaated for Vice President. Great,
enthusiasm over the ticket. All par
ses satisfied that it is the best ticket,
on the whole, that could have been
nominated Send her up Hayes x
Wheeler. Here she goes and we're
lound to elect.
100 Guns were fired for Hayes Hip,
Hip, Hurrah!!! We have delayed our
paper to g:ve this great news to the
county, and hope our county subscrib
ers will appreciate tue motive, and
pardon the delay.