Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 09, 1876, Image 2

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' 1 ! ' " ' '
Til E IT B i A I, 1).
Line on the death of Jennie will ap
pear next week.
l;" J? . .'
Call attention to tho meeting of the
Co. Agr. Society.
tiock Bluffs has taken . 55,0m II. 11.
lock. They think we'll make it yet.
The Ilattc rose 8 feet .it Fremont on
Sunday. and loth bridges across the
I'Jutt toSunders Co. were washed out.
As regard 3
fe"t, Will If!
br'ulj'; ami i l,i placed at eveiy feel an I to
le securely las'em-d l.y s:is.-es i ;l...r joist and
to lOV.TH'. pl.flii. Idle I'll. I t i -it Is I be :it I '.. -ed
to Joist tn be -h;;ini'ied !.- I i nicies i hi.'..
Cpon In- top of the int is in K' a piece svxt
laches llruiiy pll;ed, on the tC-p of csveii splice
there will lie a piece, of same siz- U f-t lonsr
spiked t trv.i.licii -iilii-e.- Half w;tv from i
1 1 1 . . . B- . . ..... ..! . . .. . ;1, 1 . .1 . 1 1 - , J
I Indies of sikii. i -tit i s:.a '.;Oii im. ', was originally built in IS.., ot
tins to be firmly spiked to ih:. Ali tiinUt-r ! nine, no t rets! 1 Wiii k- and laid on the
the. 1.274
could not gt the -i iii.ii p
ordered him to put in i ; i e ; i pi. ink h:
kUiI, and the county was' c: e lite I
villi everv foot of the difference.
The l'urtor bridge, near .Porter's own
HHeil in bridge to bo of Mawm-d while oak and
Jl.UUT.Hivl vlth coal tar.
Mil. S. I look -1 lie main so;:n ami np-
r .,.'.., .. f.i . .f I. kv.'. .4 iilll. X ... n-iv m.w ll-.i-.I 1
Vine. S iurl;e- tliirli Uu-U;s ;.! Lv 1 1
Jiiim tn hi; itimlite vtilk'.i ;it -;n'li c-iitt auJ sii Cie I
ground, 20 'ft-tt Iwiiir. huiit undtT thu
supervision of the Uif-n t'oiius. ;it $11,-
l'l : .,1 i.i.i- f. ...( It .--. i-j
J.JllT.fcf, . ,
Tht Omaha Republican gave us a
fery nio article last week. Do so
fume more and we'll love you 'more
and help you too.
On the outaide of this paper will be
found the tory of the disgrace of a
Cabinet ollicer who h.-w hitherto seem
d irreproachable.
Later particulars Bay the Secretary
f Wur has been impeached. A crim
inal suit his also been commenced.
The sale of trad its hips has loiij been
suspected but it was not thought the
Secretary wa-j privy to it. It would
teem us if his wife led him to it in or
der to shine more resplendently in
Washington society.
Iooked at in any it is a mourn
ful eight. A soldier, hitherto honora
ble, broken and disgraced; a woman,
idolized by society, hereafter to be
shunned, and an innocent child to bear
the mark of its parents disgrace, per
chance for a lifetime.
The corruption of Washington soci
ety i fearful. We must s.-ftid men
there ina-L' of so hard a metal that they
can withstand these blandishments,
mid public sentiment must insist on a
return to old fashioned Ilepublicau
simplicity and economy.
We this week th bridgs (jues
tioii from II. L. White's, the Com'rs
and Geo. Fairfield's view.
We expected this, and while the
IIlt.ald, sis a newspaper shall adhere
t it's declaration that this is not our
fight, we are glad for many reason that
Mr. FoIIard's and Mr. White's state
ments hare both been put before the
The people can now sow that there
wai at least two sides to this question,
uud that the IIei:ali was fully justi
tlrd in touching it lightly.
The last part of Mr. White's stat e
Jutntthe IIuiiald has still less to do
Mill), only to say that Mr. I could not
expect anything else when he took his
viue into the newspapers. lie or his
friends have called Mr. White many
lard names, and lie would be more or
less than human if he did not retort.
Now gentlemen, you have both had
fair swing at your bridges, in the
IIi.kali, aud whoever wants to light
this tiny further must pay for iL
pik-.l cm f.toh Jol-i: t iiorcaf I'T. S;laiS ! I:1C.I j
'iuaro ami 6 iiii'lict 1-:i:. Ali wor tn be done ,
lu a ymil wtirkmai.Uivtt manner.
t'AKS l or.NfV. '
I. V. I. loore. I 'otinty t l r'; !n :iti for s:-icl :
County, tlo lu;i-b" ci riiiy tti:it t !i :;ijovt ai.d ;
lor,troji is a true ainl i-orrect copy ol tin one- : spt'ci!iMt iotn of the briilf ut .Ml :i:lt-r '
cru-miii-r ot onth branou of Weeping AVatfr, n
fl!e !n tliit iifilcr-.
Wii itess my band aud orScial se;vl this 41 Ii day
of Maivii. A. L. lsTii.
. . , , c. r. Mooin;. c;.rk.
lSK'"-J By 11. Knowus, leputy.
tirrup bridging," there was no si de i
rniling. it was dangerous to cross and ;
utterly worthless as a bridge.
In the fail of '74 White rebuilt the :
In idge, sending fir S) feet joists audi
l:J feet oak bents, ;uid the County was !
e v ;t.U i:nt v a ':'"! Jo of '.:rJJ,.f. f"i" :
.;:mi.-y .ii. '' ' i
Hum v i i " :i"'.i- ! t i t I - ii ''ii. i a ! i
"'t:i;:l t,U etui:-t i... i....:y i..i.ii '.
b .l.L l. "iuir..i t a ui Ii ' .. s , .n ; In i ii -.n.i;i .
iae p: i-Moiis syi.-m h a-i i.-t n v.'.peuii .-e ..ud
tile s i..:!i. r I. nil " Vui.!i!i'.
ii,i-c-i:iv...i aihi by t it" ;' !vii-e of t'.i
other C.i.a'n 1 it!i:l''ri!:v t.f ,'" ia my o:
iianif ;;l liiat titno 1 tle h isuie to
;zie tn t'.n' w(ir:i and they had not. I av.:;:neil
me i es.iunsihii;! v oi mi:iir tetia Komi l;'le-
under il.' if o:il: is or the euuiii' i-i s at '.". pi-r
tool in order-., or -.".'.'. in e;:ii. It 1 jriit mure
I had to bear the Ions. It li"s. I to pay tin'
lovs on onleis. dieoi!tst o;i original laont-y boi--' and t t out ii it pay tor my liim ; but,
1 was to mi bi ni-i 1, laat uaiiiltt pas, ia
s;--r i:i iiv t io-aisi-i i- and lh eniia-i-r. I
had i- i'ti-a of ! ronlde. wnmx. ''' fraud ;i!mu it.
I l iii.t the i.I.,i--i. ii. ider Ml. Kail iiehi's oid- is,
t Hi.- liesi of i .y aindly. u:nl be a.d thi-y in-Sii-'eted
aa-i i;:i-ii!:iVill::i-i.i ; 1 ttVer did.
I i;o.s;;y i.-i7 hri auo i; i,y t:,e r-
rl I'T 1 T -.
i;ti ! r.v witn a. I'auha;!.
, "it
. a!s
; l:ye
Kil it-v
M.'V serd... .
; i l-.vs
: t'alfe .
lliiek wheat,. ..
. . 4f. -- .75
v. -21
Lie id
. .1 C0...1
. na.. a i
. ..3 b ' ' I
i:....i ,. .ii 4i . .. . i i- . .. ,. i i e. ir-a i I did imt lMsin-et tnexe i.rn.ires lay
cicuittMt wuu uu ut turner ui .ne j ;i..,j. ttl.t. ,,.v f.,v i,,;,.,,- t!ie.e biinu.--
bridge. .. , . . iPiya.f. nor U4a i i-.veur iv the itu.ab:i- vi feci ot
The other one. No. Ss, t Cook's) was I !
... . 1 1 Kept an lit
num. in at. cii..'j a; no sway tMi
bntecs, oiily four bolts, j! ink not spik- tri
ed down, and no siuV rail, and could i
This bridge called No. 1 is the model j not he used until appoaches were built,
bridge; all other bridges to be eon-j as the bridge stood ir 6 leet high.
structed at tliHt timx are reftttred-to There would have beeu 40 feet of ap
this bridge for mode of construction, proaeli on the east end and :rj feet on
as No. 1 at Alltaller'o crossing of tliH ' the west end. .It was built with pine
Weeping Water. It is here necessary posts, which would not last 5 years.
wniio me oaii ones uue nut in will
(lold,. . .
N'r.w VoiiK. Mareh 3.
to state that I was appointed as engi
neer to draw plan and speeilication for
the construction of a good substantial
class of bridges, and to .superintend tire,
election of th same. The foregoing
specifications I submitted to the board
of cam'rs. and they are the specifica
tions in accordance with which the
bridges were erected, so far as th
banks of the streams which the bridges
were to span would comply with the
approaches. I would refer you b.iek
to that part of the specificatioas which
refers to approaches, and more espec
ially to the bank end, which is to rest
on a bank sill ;'s?e article 5 of specifica
tion.) Fid- the benefit of those unac
quainted with bridging. I will endeav
or to explain wh it a bank sill is; it is
last 1 or JJ years
White put in a bent on each end, of
oi;, spiked down t!i; plank, on a
rail and thoroughly saturated the whole
with coal-tar. In this way White got
credit for 1-1 feet of bridging on each
end, and that was all he did get pay
for. I was not present 't the Coinrs'
measurement of the bridges. In cur
measurement the whole; bridge was
measuied over, intending to deduct the
I 2H feet Porter built. In writing up ;
j our notes in a hui ry for tho "report'" '
this was forgotten and there is where
t 2o feet of th'i discrepancy between our
measui emeiit and tie- Cinninissjoners' j
j came i;;; ij;it Mr. White never got pay j
j for that 2J feel, as he wis paid bv the I
u '.ut an 1 not bv our j
ii t of :;n ojlaiv arid evpem
. and when dune lo!d llielii to ineas'iie 1
s. at IjIi-,l,i-:-ir .las nt t-U lal- -! lie-
ea.l-i' 1 di 1 ii-. r i:a'.e a num. oi li.e ie!i.:n ol ;
erll In id.-.- 1 ilni n t nee t it: 1 : Id Hot
A inc u. 1 did i:ot know liuW la uiy 1- et of i
..: ... ...... ... .. .. i :. I . I t .. I '
ori-ii-s i iiajiuiL iip urn 1 1. w.ts ooai". i o.oi
no bti.siness f5iia';-ii.iv theia. 1 kept ray t-x-peiulli
Hies, iiaaiili- 1 ta' fillies, ana saw that
tile men put in Ihe wurk evaelly as J-"ai; i'.el.l
bad ordered it ; taat was my bu.; ! not to
measure these bridge.
"t:i i-.ititi;:.vo."
I did n-.d ask Imw they wi-rt- ;rdag to iae;is:ne
tli-i-i. 1 did not iaveiil Lie term "end lnid;-
lirir. ihiit is lnnv'ed abou?. 1 lai not i.i.iKe an
! Cm icaoo. Mareli S. j
! I"i ur 5 1
j m a!, 1 e
j Coin 44
j Oils ."4
Kve (..; i
! v M;, :
, Mo-s 7 9Vi S in
I allie 5 o.i ;7 ') '
Sr.itt;t il('I..f-iTi'inrnt,
WJio:. ti.t; p'.j .! -d eiv.i.-s :ire .ivei"- c or
fl g t'.!iii,.!-;!i .ea.ii:i-ss tr, lliey need
proi-ip! reiafo.i-i mens, licni-wi'il vior t.i most
speedily supplied through 1 Ue medium of a tou
ie stiiic..k".it, and ainons medicinal resoureos of
f tuat c!asi, Jlo-tetter's Stoiii:i-'i Pilters as
suredly d.-spveve a pre-e::ia'-t pluee. Weak
nesic, ivi.i-ilier eonsi ii ni lonal or- :sriiii; from
d:s.' i-.e or ovei -f ii ip-c. cannot be l.eller eom-)M-ns;:ied
fur tiian by a resort to tins prime
sireni:' heiiin eordi.:"l. The enfeebled invalid,
thee i-oiivaleseeii mid ;med and iniiri'i find thai
it is bii unfailing soiirec ot viuor and comfort.
It5 eoml-im-d tonie .vnd alleraiive jiroperties al
so constitute it an invaluable remedy for liuii
jv'tsstiim. x eaUnesi of she organs ef urination,
const i i io;;. t.-rpidity of tne iiver, and many
oi h.-r ini"ji!!.-rm f and disabilities, and render
it an i.aiu-rii- p-.ii eel i.m a raiasi m ilerhi. as
a-disoi ii.-is of li.e stoma" ii a. id linwels.
-r e;r:t
l'or Throat, f.uirrs, Ast'ima. Kidneys.
Forest Tar Solution,
For Inhaling for Catarrh. Consumption, r.rnn
chitis, and Astiua.i.
ili'.ni.ed i-id, bee pise it was not lav place; ill i TpATTS'Si' T,0' T't'O fV
bad I siio.d.i have uo-.:t for "..ppioa.-n- J? Oi li At-i ilULUW,
l-'or Sore throat. Tickling Con-.-h. Hoarseness,
and i'urj'iij itig tl.e ihe.itii.
Forest Tar Silvo,
For Hi-::H::t: H.ires. I'e crs. Cuts, Hares, and for
Forest Tai Soap,
For Chapped Hands. Salt ltheni. Skin I'isea?es,
t lie Toilet and l'a! h.
Forest Tar lnhalers.
t -.-.! J '.i'-iitliiir I'.'i' Sol'iiioii for ('atari!: and F.ath
i-s,' tindi r t'lv; oiiiii.;! plan, aiul '
Wol'k ol Mele-i hi!I:;'id. lor .salety,'
t lie i c .v i'Ii.'. as be teiis j on . .
h -a F .t. :ie!l si:u;;ev.ed Hie cha::;;e from
'ti .Kks.lia.i l appro. .i ll. " t "exl.a m ill and
fiaiai ..:,' 1 .1-i.-: iiiat ii that wo-.n-i not cost
lam-' e.r.d i in; ! '! my ;7 per !''ot. lie said it
svo;:;d cost na;v ot for ihe
ot ii i.,:i v.oa.d s.!,.i ifji sla- appi oae! es. and
I -.-: 1 I t.rin:r it mi.ler t!:e 7 any Way. as I
wiiild Lie entailed to p.:v tor n.oie leel biiii-intr.
made more money tt!a oth-T wjy.
y I'.i-me 1 '.'.as a'ser. i-r il l-a.i'I'i id
n in collilsn.n.- di.-'Lii: co.mi
11 ie.- we eoied li ive maile i'iinai.1
p,.;.i tehes. t.'.d'.l, i;h a. 11 hi .'!;,.'.
ui.-!S" t-:e r:-;'.it to have ciai'.ed
1.-. 1 li.;:!'i i.; it ;:s or-.e'.-.-ti. au-i
ki I !:,.- Ciea': : 1 i-'. to :;- s.iai
a stick of timber bud n the lmnk of '. curs in;M?ure
the stream win. re the end of ihe ap-! 'oni lees.
proach intersects the bank, and the end i Tlie caps of all bridges, under the in- j
of approach joist rests thereon. The i struct i.tis were to be of y'e; and the I
sill is ireiierallv laid on small pieces of : rest of the tiis'-iv;vmev between ih- i
i e mm na
if il w -.-. m1-.:
and I ita.t i.
t lie iiaiis.s a :
:-.i 1 I leel hi .
".viii -a no on
i jr ai vi-: 1
M .i- .l u- :.e
lae.i ! h--
ii H
Store for Sale er Bent i !
S3a ijr ai'
See ! Eead ! Look ! !
Tlie Compliments of the season to all
our customers, from
Solomon INathnjt
S 3 v.J i 4 8 I
e w t u n i. tm
Of every description
Cheaper Than Ever.
Some things even
BSI,0"W COST ! !
Chamber ets, $25 and up.
Dressing bureaus, $12.50, up.
Bureau Stands, $7.50, up.
Bedsteads, $3, up.
I. 1 '. Is si k O
1 ne i n .) I ' ..o i s . en'
p. eted theai. a:. a iXau:
;. -vay, a:
liie.'.s.u e
d 11. .s I
il e-.iild
poi l :
r v r 7
U I U il il ,
All our readers can gee now why
"we cannot fill our paper every week
with long dissertations on county
juetion!. We either have to omit
.nearly all that makes a necpaper, or
jua an extra.
A it is, much news and several im
jortant matters must lay over.
a. L While's own Statemjat.Th last
lift, kditok Having s"en an article
in the last issue of the in re
gard to bridges built by M. L. White
alining the year 1S74, in which refer- I
nce is made to a certain report, (in j
Tour issue of Dec. ICth.) which for J
short is called Fairfield's report, charg- i
ing me with greatly deceiving the cit- 1 l,;lnii 511
i7t'nn cf f'.is Ciiinitv :iml tlm ciiih'i- from tl
cnirnssioners. I beg u hearing. snows you ui.i not, aim ta ti tne au-
Thit captious Isaac sava ; the swered your kHter of Ui.-uiry just as I
facts come out. that vour "readers mav I should have done, had I r-i.leu on,
know the whole stofv." I liropoge to ! presuming th:F. you h id stated all toe
.i.iti.Su f-r .. r ..r.." ;t;...t ;.. n.;. ', facts in regard to t lie bridges, lu your
bridga all'air without fear, favor or auv
piank or other material lor tlie put 'post
of preventing ths Mil lront c
contact with the ground to
rotting. In the construe; i u of tiierv
bridges there is not a bank .-ill to be
found in one of them, and why? In
the first place there was no accurate
measurement of th length, or bank
height of any point, or crossing of
stream where these bridges were built
prior to the tiling of tlie specifications
to govern the erection of bridges then
under ciuitemplation ; and at the time
I staked out the foundation of these
bridges I found that the width of the
stream and height of banks would not 1
admit of this bank sill without length
ening the bridgf in many instances
from 10 to U) feet, and many places
would not admit of a bank sill at all.
In order to save thi:s lengthening of
bridges, I ordered an end or approach
bent, made of the same kind of mate
rial that was used in the main bents, to
be framed and braced with on? sway
brace, and to be set in trench cut suf
ficiently deep in the ground to make it
as safe as the main bent.; sunl a plank
to be spiked on the bottom of tlie post
of approach bents, J in. tnick, 14 f"rt
long and 10 inches wide, to prevent the
bent from settling.
Now, Mr. Pollard, for your end bridg
ing. As 1 have shown the cause of wot
Duttimr this bank sill rn" the eu end
you see by the change I made from j
bank sill to approach bent, that the j
cost was largely increased: first, in m i- j
terial; second, in hauling; third, in j
framing; fourth, in excavating a j
trench to receive bent, ami liiling the j
same after bent was set. 51 inv of j
I these bents have been set from four to
six feet in the ground when the bank
wa3 steep and liable to slide in. and the
measurement of the nd planking as a
part of the bridge was don in order to
defray the expense of material and la
bor on these approach bents, and in
most every case the measurement of
the end planking at ST per foot did not
compensate for the cost of bent. You
publish correspondences between your
self and the King Uridgc Co., and vonr
self and 51 r. Clarke, ihidge Ibiiid.T,
and attempt to show by them that it
is not customary to measure bridges in
this manner; and, sir, you put a great
ileal of stress on their answers to your
letter of inquiry. Did you send them
a copy of the specifications and t -l!
them that there were no bank sills, but
that there was a heavy frame bnt,
same as main bents, used instead of tlie
bank sill. The answer you recdved
lose JJiblge JMilders idainiv
Comrs met-
ureme:.!s and theCumuiit-
,iing in i tec s, m ty very v. eii n? account e.i lor
prevent j by the fitct that the coinmmit lee meas
ured tneia m.;ie aec-irately. It is only
Is ieet '-2 inches, which tlifiVi nve
would occur in almost any two uihYr
ent iiieas irein -nts of so many bridges.
();(. W. I'.m:fii:!.I).
- I. . V.. Fad-::;-: I. l.-a-f.r-t daiy sv.'oi n, says
Hi t the a:.-ov e si iti-Mu t.i : s f. r as his coiisiec
lioii v.i;h th 1 i.i'dia ,f t'irs-j biidu'es is ci .:
eenicd is :r.w to the l -t id his i-eliefand lai.,v,:
eile. i'.i.n. V. Fa I n Ft i: l.:.
To fi,iai.'i:a
(,.; i ; ..i.cs us
f- e: i.. -.a. ai.ii.
" !ie
v. i. -. -i
u, ;.;
e l p..r
.... i ..
Fi.a i rs.Mi.L i ii. Oi:t. oth, is;4
M. L- Wii:-e, lc.
in.'.i-". ial. ::i-i baihiir, s .et-.i.::.. I Kl:, r.L.-vlj-i
C! e:
i: o-i - r;.
el -1:1 n:y
A e.
w ere
i.'i .la:
Z "f
added ; it
tin lroai,;e
i siiid ir.t'
-. ere
ilo A I. iind lil-
Painter Grainer,
. . ie.-
s v. in ... ie 1:. i I o -.- ol--.'
... t :".r (1 i l- s 1.. ,..a io
. An e.i:. ..r::. . i. o..:::.i' :ct' , as e.a.a-
a ioi- ; uailt i i : is pi - -.-.stii e oi.-e v, ;ks J.piiein : -;
Cii' .i".;i-.ji,i..; . a uae 1 1 pi. aia-au. .ioi Sue
-.1' .s i, I...- I tae I S'l-l I.e.'....,.' I,"
i.S thai ee:, l .l.lce't l.evi v. ieir l-i bird
in.-:.;i -., u'i el .-.(.((: ;d do t:.-. r
AJ-u) .-'.! Kin '.s of
Subscneed in i.,y pre-- i. , and s.-.i;rii to be- i
fere me ihisTiti day of iiai.-n. A. 1. UTO.
.. V. M-u-an, l lerK. !
By V.'M. 1.. V.', liepaty.
si:a :
FKO'.I .11. 1 WHITE.
lo the a'"ive v. men j-ives a p.ain s
how the b;i;!.;( s v. er- l-i.ilt a'.al 1 y whoai
st. n-d, I only desire lo iold : i have been p
e.i . ii
I'll, v .
ad i.i
They r-. -mea-iHre l the
lai : ,ii--ln.:.'.- I he si ;.
"i lal-oi lilam." Ilo- V
..ppt oaiao s i see a
r.'i-.i.i to. i .i pint : ed
oi any bill, and ad
i'o lor enu ir. i.iii
u-;Liitz. 1 j in. i j
man ea-i see i V t i,e
ill ;. ia -a
for -a;-i i
t e
al us
," is
i."y i -
a. ::. ,
1.1 I I
i-.l .1
I. ill I.
i l . Sir
ai out
to laare J -il-o-u-a'ai.
call-.-.l 11
sl.-l.eis land i .
1 e vei" sa v lac
i:n:-- oi.t e.!ii.-r.
l-o;.c to order in ginnl style.
li.ive a new' set of 'Ir .iiii.Kr T
lallv prepared lo ii v.tni. i.i the
noW. an.
last and
i !ale- l al j
.tox s. .:itiAi;::
White eh
e. I (i'e;;i;i'
a sare lino.,
aeei'K.iuc to
al i-le ia i -r. a i-i it
aii-t la a:. ease i ; i vi-t . ;
:rs Fdae'
:e f
itemeat ef
1 lit
ed lo:i tho i -h about these laiil p-s !.y e k;es,
tilst; pni:.' t d men, ami laalieior.s lmsy-hodies.
Vi l. w I io:.i. i:.y seat as Coin'r., rlh.ost the fir-1 I
tp'.i-'-:i-!i that c.iii.e up v,;is iih-t;t bruises. M-t- j
i.n ioiis pe'.i.ioiis irii' l-i fore t:s ::sl.iog f-n-
1 ri. !.-, in the 'I ke snpi-i i.-oi oi .-.niae j
:l erili'. ! - wi re di-:.iaiii!l?:t; l.s.e".,ll!y
in the west was S.:i.- demand s:iea;;. they j
f iaiaia;: I -iv t I y never liad i - e ia 1 his m:u- J
ii-oii ii that lie y eoi.hl pet market t'ae.r i.ii.i j
wilh the loads and bridges then exisiin ; ie the 1
coii:.!y. t a t he etii- r hand, parlies in Fl.'.'.ts- !
a, ai 1. i i.e
e.di i: w . ,i
si m y. l I!
i i ie: .s M.;. i ii ii
!- -i 1:1. i ii-1;
. i.ept an aec,
e pi .. ilia
I li
' l-i: i.
I i I ::" ,
i 1.
I 1
: l". s
1 .
il Alii
f-. Ii
ex pel
. .11 , 1.
eft I id.
; and in rn. i y
e 1 I.i all
Hie i-ride-; ai
p. i . i -1 a a r.i
i; l.A it :
l i. i a. i ,
V, a c,,i:
.1 li),:n
' P l ' ' :
n i'.'i els. ?s a
-7.1 'i We i .id i:o
I P r 1 ae ( anil! y ; usual eoalia---
Harness an uidLlu re rs,
Jilt IDLE?!,
rat .-.!! titles C hnrr;- st;cX, ee!iSiKlJjr oil
ion Tables, $7.50, ud.
Chairs, $o0c, up.
Boston Rockei-s, $2.50, up
Centre Tables, $6, up.
Wool r.iid Vf'irc 3Lt tress
es, very Cheap.
Everything in the Furniture
Line, Cheap.
if you don't believe it call
and see l'or .your-
ll.i A T T-s Mul'TII, N E It.
. JL W
I mi,:::.; ai
j ihe eeii!i;y nr
were v.-al il ej
es. and 1 i ll id
jiav tor ! the
i1. ueii.' in Iht
ed lii. ;t the
liolia sTor.'lel
e ts
..ese 1-: i
!a).ai s!i
and t
f. ...
ei-.U V portiol.s d ,,
.c: te: n pit'i'iiii'is i )..( .
s, wiio paid no ta-
soai i w ,i I h ive to
es. ii this II Was a.isvveied
ier.i ami ail l::' ia
llli res ftoU nine W..SH-.I. -Nol It in
a.-.ui.ti-i; v,,;k v...n liiaie far ... li e
. In;; I- ieV l.;..- ! - il I. .lee 111:1. s,
'o-i.iia r.i:s"il it lo I;-..- l:::lU s'.-i-
.Tl 1 It..' i ;u.l... .ill i:...s-- -,.'Oll I'.i
1 ais ) ".i i' I a'-: e is do le i', , i- a . ;,'
,e . ..o.e l- y ea .V 7 i liiios (.alaeco
limy p-.irpos. s. i ia, l;..c.s ia tins ei.:
a;, a. oii.-iliiiil o what Ii e :.:i
i-i.i'i!.is. Hi 1 M.'..eas! e.r. li.e I oi.n; -, i
.1 -li iee. i:;a. a oetit r ih.t.i V. ;.-a 1
led. I'.Voiy emu', leisau eian i.i
iiov. s ilia
l..r ;
r- I
k. i lilt Vti.lll V ill-.d . j ,
LtROCKRY dtore
the western pr. eiiie.s naa as nood a n,;iiL lo a
i.iarivi-l as lln-se in the older t.liK.ii. oi the
i-oaaty. That the pi-ospi-et lor a l-iige crop o. was goo.l ana liiey inn:.; iia. e a way lo
jicS in the dep its and the maiiie;-.. tiial i ieir
e. op , and t h.-ii inlpi ow-na-Ili.-. nelpe.ii lo I.ii a; e
t he w ealth (if the waoie county as mueii asa.ny aa.t tiiey sa'asl iiave to.l hrtdges.
1 j l.ii". us 1 nmiei'-iaiHi, linit om r. for the
Wesiein t'l-tri-'t Was la.-iriy eii.-e;" i on tins ha
sis ;ai. I pie . .e. I l-i s. i' t a.. t tin: e..t t 't ;wn!
hi i t elaieii-i I ;:at ail the mu ley liii ni .o
h s-l n. en .spent ill tr.e .i ,1 a'a.l soa;'n -i the
Coaii'y. it is alis'ji.t to sut poi-iha: i.a 1'oin'r
j fro. a l"ne i'l.ittsma'h h prt ea.el . s Lou hi ::r; e tlie
j tiiiildH!" ot in id;."-s i aai tii.i i:s no;-.ou.l lie.c. cx
! eept si 1 s.nv liie jn-'.ie-.- of il,.-,.- cOi.ip...-:.-ls
i a a la" iii-ierm I.. :.;. n in i :..-..: i-i o::r eoas, n u-
111 s to It a ve t heal l-ni it. T ie t oai i s .vi e ol.l .;
eil !o no oae t.-l i h : ' i ai is : editor reins. ail
p 'li:i eis I'ar new lri-.i.;es, (wlnc i would i-ae
s.iolt ralite.l a 'io'.Vi ., K,r ul o.v laeni lo i.L l.iti.t
h.ip lu.z.O'.!, iii.'i'e ioid 1 h- - i e o , er 1 !-e eomil y, as
had iieea ilia: ; of : 1 lonil "-"laie c.r:i!pre!lei..s:vc
and sys: etna; ie pistil of in niia ; ii.aisi a: I r
icts ol "travel throughout at least a 'oinoa ol the
(. onr.rv
ele.-tl-i. I'.Veiy
ty k
"J-t r V,'il WAN i' T
Ilo son? Well y n: i
1 in ; a i o t iiaii a
.1 -a y iin-i ; in.-.l h a-1 la
ami I'h.'V.l ii. i ae ii.i'i
to tin- hoard. I t:d ii
en ; leu 1 was ia:. ran.-. I mat
,ii;.a.i:.:i;:-; me, thai they '
and leather Pie. sne lne ,ti,tl i-.,,a
do n. e.l v hii'-," as yo.s ;;;;,.
led me, is not il.e kii.d ol iaaa I
thru. Ii::u;.a.l l.y tiii-s.ui.e r'i.
i 11 1. ol! .'. ,(nid ..rid oii.el"- so! u: iie.'e iiiol lieid nil "i id
M IT 3,
j has r. moved to the Viiihliie; opposite Math
j -'. s 1 ii l.'.a- SUnv. (On lt!i mii-,-i. pet. Mam
land Vine.) ' h.-re in ad, in ion to other work,
j he wi.l Lives eei.d alUniani to
; Also A'.'eiit for the COM.Mt)" SJ'.NSK 1KON'-
i.Nii T.ri.!.s.- t which 1 have a
J iiiiiiilier on ii mil ; i-all
J and see I hem.
el'. ! have i.e. Il t'l 1 id I i:n
H-'i il- ee.a. Pel i: e l ,c
ii-;iLU;iu 'i oni
u! s ol a : : -en a i a ja s, a t J
1 leteiid 1 ) come cow n c v - was ill I
i; inc. t.;r
-. 1 came
ilit.i--i.a- I
h,a-..s"oiit j
1. :-....;!..... !
ei.i.ei.s .mi
latiol! t- I
i: :
en !.
J 1 -1
'-r ihe f I'n-c, oppo it? f?. O. f?ovej
M tia t.
sTiiintjnr miller.
d Lv
1 l-.t
i . i . y
-1 ii.
e- ei
lil'. ,.i!u taey in 1 la
so on." If i '.l id lie -i
wa, ia t. 'i.' a-i a. .a
lam ; hill wane .'o.y '.
St his I W.l-i d I .VI si n; T tiev ap..ea
Vi'fi i:-.:.l.o:i. V. no m;- ar
I ae ei ,!i::i y eon. 'I i oom,
ali -.'.-, ei ed ( Vi IV i -1 i i c. :
Alter '. deli'ieralioii the coia'i's. trad
' : i n . i
1 ii was ju-
.si i
ni(j tail the i'o.ii'is. ol I
tae latter einirse an i l laian
i) .' i'.e InCis ! T. !V ns.
In tae '..ea:!'.. h;h: i-nd h- fin e ve had
ooaic lo lii; - coae i,.i:i. in aiiu - r lo ji
for br.d.ies a! Specni p dn'ii. iml i rur l.a
ler h:i-i..:e and 4 oim-i , . en- . v i T i ; s- a .
M. h.
li ie.l
d; is
it l:as
1) 'e.i ea.i i e.i 1 .nil l!n:Oi.;ie. n- "ii i:esi ;,i ia
a i ei : i in li e i ndues and a'.uv w ai hull-i: . j;
6i. i'lld ill .1 IS W.l 1 i.m.e uu- In iy. I..1- Is
.'-'. Wlleli 111" live iii'i i,:cs wele taS.Ce.l Ol. V.e
d d no! -oii:i-mp.a'.'.' 1 uni.i. . snore li...i siiiii-
'". l'i". in. r:': i;ia p
! c .-liiniili- e h.l'.c e
lais i e.-,-.- . 1
1 no .V i:.. e tii
1 i.mi I lit
fn' e t ,i :' people el
tai pail". it la'.'ii'i
1 :,e last ', ol h I
t lie J I i I :i H t l ee ;
t'l voit le.v - re i 1
tor Ihe !ai;i---i la!
I-eesi niis.ed !' 1 h
ai on; i.r;u;.es, an
w... I. a'. a .-.a-i'il
tile co.i:. iy. 1 i
in -r.
i ef-ir.' tlie hi 1 s w
Ji-'l :i ion s 1 ill! i e -p-i
of l.i piS.i I s "In '. n
Vllt'-ed OS ! ill i ,11'-: '
re epet.ed however, 1 :n
.en oi, s n.l i co. n , ia.
W . -! ;i"t;r -i ia .,n i i .
wo'.n.l not no , liua- a a
a i
; "initio, t..r, .S..OO', . ; : ii I
t'l- jZ i: i : V in : n . h said j
l.iii e; . !i 1 w aii I ii iVe j
i- re silo .r in,; ho.u.M i.p i
i: 1 : ipi.i . 'y t- i..y
vi .1 i omnil.i "i- in ill- i
i ili.w n s". i s , !, ! i ii ; o j
i .ml not inn, 1 . . J
pic clioti and ev haned la!i
, i to me. stii. I i.i-'. on- o: i a.s j
; er i::ti! ::-. t'laniioiai ! f-li ;
o.i: s. j. in' ; ; t- li.e leasoi.S a.s !
a.:; I nis , i j
.- i ta; i. us whole tn.'.it -r he- ,
this i-ocaly. 1 ;-sl; a lespecl- 1
1 reran old ..i ia ami it is 1
,.l! do :..i' yon, plea-e -lo t; e j
e any ami , -..-..j e o nnny tin- J
dl'' ...; S. li -I 1-1'' t j
i. diii i ttijv' . . may ,
i s di, an I f . d a . aa. I e' a :. nor j
1 wilh i.:.i.: Ihm.i.s to li.o.e I
,' ia.- an i ..n otner I'llieei's d VlfU. a, il '..
il. I,. White.
id ..i i; s.1 .3 J. iu'.
!. I.. Morrow's oh! sta:iil.
Can fui Work cu l Prompt Attend-4n-ly
'J u
van ill
W'p aie prep ire t! to do a treiieral hiisiness isi
Ami l?e:...;i-iiir Uiu ; of ?7nrhiii
r,v. Miieit ;:- IteaperM. )l!)v.c r,
Vii i's. ;i i a lac ;ii n-,
VI ii . :.. t1c.
hope of reward. In order to "jet at this
nd as a general denial has been made
f the fact that there are specifications
oa file iu the ollice of the County Clerk,
1 here introduce a certified ropy of said
sneciScat ions at lenpth, with the excep-
article you say that Mr V. into used;
joist 2 in. thick, inste;ijj of J in. thi -h: j
this is true in some cases, but, ?ir, v by
did you not tell the whole story ? You i
pass over in silence the explanation of j
this with the intention of delu-lin ,4 the j
oeonle. and c:ra.-:e them to think you -
tion of the amount of material to be j are ot t;'t;'cl!Vf H; ,.v " y. .UI;'
uitd in the bridge. ! 0Xl n'A ieU thp"-that " e In- J r,:sts
SPECIFIC ATIOX ' were us- 13 j,i5s ere put in. and
Of the Alt ifTer Bri-I at erovsinS ot the .outh w,ieFe 3 iu' J were uspJ only U were
Vrsiaeh of the Wcepi,u Water: Put accord m;,' to the specilications,
AiiT.i Main span of hride s fct ton- with which additions of 4 joists 2 in. thick.
ne aoproK-ii 10 feet io:i? th other -.'t feet lon. j would sustain ;is raanv pounds to the
The main spin of this bride is to rest cm uu I . . . f a . q :,;.,( ;f ;.. ftiick Fi
friiue l.elits. each lient cotistrucled as follows : ; lU-"- -OJ- J '':i";I,' 1 ' ' 't , , ' "
Hud sili 8s feet lon;r. Said siii to j lire this Up, IsriaC. W llt'tl 31 r. V hlt9
t.jMiorti.e.l as follows, setsin-r off from the en 1 tul lne tht he eonld nit pvt the three
of fitl 4 feet for center of mortice, thence t f-et . .i t tii-
f-sracetuerof second moniee. them e feet for j JOlSt he aKCd What hi? Should do IU
.-nter of third mortice. tiiep.-H 1 feet to end of ' rptr.nil Id this: I tool hill! to out ill
Mortices 6 inches Ion- 2 inches wide and t f . : fli5.v ,,1,;,.!, ,.,,.,1.1 1 ...
Ill 11 (J"'-fc .. .... ......n. ........ ......... ...
t.ial a S .sieaiat ie 1 nlilse ! on. hie nl.rl.t.., i
saiiiin-.-r w .ni.d s.i'n- i.ii- conn, v 1.1 .!. 1:1 i ne
tit. I.
Admitting thai tin Com'r ha 1 m i l.- up tlr'ii
laimls t- nnilil .-.aaie iM in : lues i,n --r! 1
li . e 1'l ii g" s '.o see li.iu low e-aiHMccars do
t iciii ; Is 1 nere any eri'iit: y.i inal '.' ist.;e:v.i ,y
!:t ,v ot icasan '. iiat ( !i.;-e I u.. l'i tell every b. nr..
c.tside ei lae coi.i.iy and JUl over, w " tat "we in
ill!ea.!e I lo ilo. or woit'. l il l i-m li; tlie eonniy
any. 1 'a.'i e is i.m hi. a; a ia or '-liana.! iia.l
w e . iidve:1, ,-.e-l, i.tit 1 lie l.n i -. ..1 - 1 a i ..e ......
in : ol lae t-d hi 1 u .s w a s I.e. 1: '. u :ai oa... 1 o 1 o
n! l!ii- w in s o: 1 .it; etiii-iiy ..oi ihe . i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 t
t ar I an oii: '-.-I !:' se.iso.i's crops s.ioa.d i.
m. eie ,,' r,,'!.
Tiieie i-i s. i 1 anothi r and paramount r; a
wiiy lne r.ani.ii-r ol Iniu r s siscii lor n-u,
cot.i.i not Pave l.e.-n hi so as to nine In., a t.'tii,
t.rii .'n.'' l.y o:;t, te ii...'.ies. ,Ve in. I in. i.netey
ii tiie l'r -as-u y lo i.r-i.-l .1 ilf '. ae l:':.l :. s i--,i-
lioi.e.i far, iet aioi.e a systematic 1 niaiLC of I
t ae 1 .Hint y.
1'. S. ONil WOih) Ta I'ld.I.AKD. !
As wiil be observed in the ahove. I i
have .t'lili'i's-s'.-.l my to tlie people of
Ca.-'s Co. '1 ii -y ti.e parties who jud.e this . but ;.s one i'ttl
l.iiti has taken upon himself to bo the ,
i; -op!e, it : it I has i-.diletl me many 1: lii'ies. ;
and iiitiidted ol her., to persccnte. I J
fee! obii'id to tell the ,ini.:-i)i.s of this j
whole tuinjf, and tht'ii I am done with !
Mr J'oliasd aial his partner, Mr Mai- ;
do::. Alter t'is IP',ji:-o'.luie of 'Tliof
wisicli Sheldon was .1 memoeiM a 1- '
jaiiiiied. and pcii'iiiiy; t iie (Irani I'iiin- !
pa i p, M.v..-ir:-". l'ori.ird .0..I siielii-di re- !
AM) Ahf.
LCvi o Oi " Ci l-)UvidJ tj .
,'cw Wnr:ris H. Eltjsrsrlcs 'Imlc
'2 C.r;!i r.
li-.l7 Won: Wi'rr-ndrd to dir" Sat-
if- W All IU AX,
Blackrnith3 & VHsron Makers,
Cor. Washington Ave. and S;h Sts.
IT ivhi- lately lion :ht out I.FMiDlT'S OLD
S I AM) w are prepareil to do all work brought
to ns in this line.
1 1 o r s ( ? - S 1 1 o p i n
M E X It E I) ,
l'or the increase in our trade and
the large business we have done the
last year, we desire to thank our num
erous friends and hope they may con
tinue the same as we expect to offer
better and better inducements for
them to do so.
Wc hope to see you at the old stand,
the ensuing year, where we are prepar
ed to do a large wholesale and retail
is.eix, estate:
I t-An phMMiirt tii siniio'iiiftliic to the.pi'?,),o d
lii hiissue.sslii the ft-ilo of N. L,r,i--sh. ZX
ospet ially in Cass y. that i lj,,v
eslahllsheil in connect lou with lijjf
I'im'licn, a
A n-no ye.-iM' resldencD In 5fat nrt Ctrnntf,
w ith ctmstaiit hnshicss relat Ions amon, tho x., have cpiaiiiied n. Ir trni Kitin tiualUM
of this character with
All hiisitirM entriisfpi to mr cdt f-t flrm r
individuals, will reccirr linsaedlai !
lellUull. All
Honeys Collecled,
ki:mittj: mom-ix-jr.
n. n. uiMifi t ii.
We have just received a large new
stock of goods,
Right frona
and the
at the very lowest prices; which we
intend to sell at such rates as will as
tonish evervbodv.
At I. II. V.l.
' !i'!' ..' Cn.'i ii::ii-t in ihis City, is
. lor Cass Coiimy.for tae
Ct i ved
.1LC p
i larfse survey ing c .
.ract. the
wliP.di ai " current Iy re
l'oitcu to have In fi! t-i.'1''. 1 liev nev
er !il a st iteit of woi k.
! home mi l ran tla-tr l.trms
1 5 ' . i. 1 .. . . '' wl 1 (il
Ft li - . ' 1, I .
The mini sill is to he s..
ch exc-Tiei to hed of creek and rest npmi ; eoual in strength to tl joist 'i in. thic
V.! l-iVyi' h.xV'"i'. "T.1 "V ' "' ! Von sav if the notice to bidders had
'i.iiv'i u;tiii-i r.r ii iiiiini inui,il ,ui-i i.n ; , . - ,-, ...
ncen lssttcti ior oni on
a ini'hcn deep
lie piiiis-it mi
under eacli pjst. They niMt he icatly leveled
And rest tlrndy on the L'lon-nl to ps.--.-eiil s.-t-I'.lnz.
Three posts s.sin lu tcet lorn:, iiielmli.i:
tenons frameil to fit in-aily into lii niiees in ilt.
inu-l sid and to he Crm'iy pinned. I'pon tiie ton
of eaeii post is to be framed a tenon 'J iiieh"s
Ihiek 7 iii.'lies w ;t:il la inches o;i. upon
tlf top of Hsts is lo lie placed a cap s ta pie ie
t feet lonu. an 1 to !i morticed, sctsicr o.s one
fiioi from lne end for center of S;r--t iiiar.ii' on
lh ineii face mortice to h "i iche-i wid-7
lTieiis loria and 5 inches detp. them-e fiotn cen
ter of this mortice rim ( feet to center of second
mortice, thence 6 feet t- c-nte.' of third mar
lice, theiiee 1 foot, to end of cap. Tiie cap is to
fx firmly pinned to tinj post, swajf braces
JiMujli I tenons.
ikr. 2. From one end of mad sill to reevi
?lte corner of cap is to he lo!tei and spi.ied a
,..u'i i,,..!,,; l,i..V U i,...!,.. ..-i.tu
....-...-..... ....... Mi... .,......-.
another sway brace from opposite .side said ;
end f matt sill to ojiposile comer of cap, re- !
quiring seven holts mude of roanded iron, six j
of the iHilt4 to tie li i, inches Ion-;, one to be 15
tactics Ion-;, this holt stays th two sway t.raet s ;
to the middle post ; sinil al eaeii point u nere
',-tail i iiave laid far !:, fi .
find hii.ily lii. c. a1. I mere v.e s.ii'.s
V1-." in e i.taei pi. a.
In evaaiiinn Itie t oiinty 1 ,n
w a id i tai Iy iu .on ii
ed oa i-i id.e.-. uni.ei loriacr t o.
li'.iei .-ys.e tt. ol v.'ah-a v.-i li
were tne.i si.indaiy. la M.oii
this laian'tis" Mini l--'
si.vav a i I .va-'.eil. 'i U.
biilll staved
si'id pocki-t-
ao. i .S a 1 ) !'),.;-(;!,, ,;f
tl ti
r.ti on soecincat ions
' like the bridges actually built bv M
White, the bids mmhl have been less.
; Admitting this to be a fact, would n t
; the bids have been, higher than they
i were when this chtnge from ".i.inksili"
! to "approach lent" was made? I here
ins.-rt bid of II. T. Clark, per II. A.
j Robertson, agent:
i (Jknti.f.mes : I propose to bnil l ynnr snviM
: hlidzcs. No. . No. 2. No :i. No. t. No."?., as p.-r
! specisications now on lii in til" lerk's ofiici.
! for the sum of seven dollars p"i" lineal foot.
!v in l'
'.s it CI
li l s
s C
ol In t'. tl -I'-i nill
In i i-,s j ci nianen
an ; not lid la- ii.
la. lei s.ll.l ., id. ti-.
as . ell ;.- b .iis lot
SiiiV t'li.dl,: i.ii' i.a.i oh-, le.
wilil t it? e. os aai inn aili.
tr and la ne i ' in id.
iii'i' in" eye :1 a Co.a'r i"i'
1 lie In.i i sj.-p -,t a So Lil t
I'm i i '...ti . t in o lae a.: s:
0 e. ijivmj their i.n - e 'i -'. ol ...
li Il ls I.e. II e.l.ilve.l , iat i I
i.T ; t o.e i..-.o:e a w.
a dear lamed i.ik. 1 ii.s ;;n,'
llli nne.' i a:d !.u . ti 1 ..e l-li.ii
in-vei an in ki dra'.ii. ;.i'.er..
V. ol K O'lti
l-U oil 1-1
had o-'i-n f ;;,.,,i
..': s. hy in - c.iii
le -,v ooii, a ..i- s
; a j::.-;-! pin i i
;i in:.-iiy tio'wii
as in. a.-. as a..y
itiK o.i.l v s lianl earn
ed money.
r.el'ore they fad this cotilract they
preti u l. .! to le 2 rant men, but
o s :: was it signed beyond recall
tin iii they turned round for (Iici ley.
N'nv, to the present isue: In the
x't ;..''.
. . ji' . . . . w- V. -r -7- ,d- t Y- f 7
V - S ' -- -' 7' s y
"s'?'rcT,.i ttfr -'rSy
Koxctta, 111., Xur.s?ries;
tiie pio Im-ts of which nr- with prosier care,
warranted to ;rnw in this soil and climate.
will furnish ( ;veor. house, tlediiie. ;-.ik1 House
i'iiinls, ciioi.-c iiv erj.'reeiis. Austrian, and
White I'iiie. I liiepcoi J.arcii, Nor-
I Ida!.-..'!:.! 1 ir, Hoin-V f.oensi I'lan'.s. i isatre Orantre
l'lanSs, st :.';, .'ic, at tin; very
I fiTlrf ia. ear1 v Verraont l'ofatoes for Seed.
!.; sis nj ..'i- mi". Jiltl(lV K .w WKI.I.S.
-iy-n2 Koetta. Illinois.
1 !;. a i
1 . d. 1 l
1 e.l lo
lo uiipi. ve t :
miny, l int I..- n.
lea i aai i in- A 1
el . l-e ; 5, a in. 41.1
i a- low a 1 :-.;e as
l-aild li , i.i, i m
l ne.i-.d tiial 1 -d-nal
l-e P., -it i;a
;..e 1.1-ie--.
I iul.i-v and thr
am. ' r .".. -i ; in
.." ' ti". '.lit' .
. e - : I-r.. i 0 or-
s in.n!. it is :a.s(
I) p i.I'll.lM'.i tin'
S Sold tilde VvilS
id in Sitivi.-.s..-.- id
first p! if', I'oll i:-l waalsa
Co 11 ni ii.'i'aii:
to strike f-ii
les.'.isi.;tisre i.i soon to
chance li s-Cicbo.! y
genll' icen can howl
in tie
biu'i'ing, th-y inci.'i
g;iiue. Aiin'.ii' r
be el -eti'-l. A
and if litis l ( uo-.ijjh
o ve: L 11 l'n ',
Id. m iii:-!
the lb-
get (
pur rid
m.d !nr
I also insert
Company :
bi 1 of King
the sway braei ititers-ct the post is to he bolt- i with one M foot jttul one jy to it uppricteh. -t si,
rd and pikc. I with spikes inch s.pnue and i W. N. S '.nh I'limch Wcepin- Wster. l j
inches img. Length of svay brace 21 feet. j f''t span, wstli two s toot npiiroaehe.s, s2.vs.uti.
jlKTA. rlOOK .lots rs I pon tlie top of bent ' N. 3 and 4. s.un'e sis above, .sd'-'.uo. No. 5. JO
rapsailoor J..ists..To ft. long. 3 inehesjtiiiek by lis j foot span, wil ti two r. ft. approm-sies. rls ). Ihe
inches wide. sre to he set. The outside ioist on 1 same to be buiir of uoml sonati pine Inmhci ;
ther sid are to he set C inches from the end except posts and .sihs. wim-.i are to l e Imi.t ol
! 1 lie .at in: l.o r : ov ml a .nl ! ! e v.i.r.: 1 . n"m 1 ',..
Uridine lei's were ih a a n iti lot; ai.d t.n ii,..i. '-r .i.r-
i cst.isi'd lu lay niiiiaj as a mailer ol co .ve. it.r-.
f Tsiee o.-.lcss weiihl nave lo :-el!a,.i J j 5.0,. c
"We wiil f'.iruish all the 1 one eoin'r.. not 1 a 1 t h: ee. Vi'.i iatnvr hii!
onterial raid pr.t in the .substructures ! cue ComY. s. :i s orders a-, chni; m..n of lae board
siipei-irti','pues and approaches tt tin live. Vim wont-i not nave Ceni tirawsi lo nun nor to
wood bridd's ad veil iseii a'love. sit t he foi io'.i ir.ij ,' tin board tenctaliy. some one bad to haad.c
!! iecs : No. 1. Alt.'iHer's cr-nsiai. "1 feet snan. ! aa-i keep ae-. omit ef them ami lne ol'nr Oro
1 lii-iican pai d.
ted 'i!::i. an 1
J.".;..'. for very ea.-y
1 work. 111:11:11 c.i.--ier tnan bail bng bridg
j es for co duty orders ; t held' i the whole
gist of all this cry. M. L. W.
I Me.;-.' nit this' out ami jri-s.-ne for
j r. i .-ii lice. e tie n.-t w ;.i;t lo over t his hi ; !l p
I 1 ii'.t'.i-r a :' .1 a. 1 hi s paper coaisiisss many
of the I'.iids we hap. all our read. d i iK kei; it.
: L:. !i-.::ai.i.
.11(1 li.siiCet til
or the
f run iiiVinir the distance from thr
v-ne joist ti center of next i:: inches
distance helvvceii toists liS Indies.
AKt. . Citoss r.iniKSiNO. Seveti an 1 one
balf feet fr.i:a the end of joist in main span set
one row f cr--s bridin-j made of 2xi inch lnm
Jier natlv fitted and firmly spotcd : another
novat. lj"fet. Cited and spiked same sis iii-,t
row : another row at 2'i feet fitted and bpi.sed
Atir. ft. AfflsoACnEM-One of which 1; 10
feet lon and u Have seven lloor joists iivld in.
And 1) feet loiu- to re -it on bank sid "Ml m-hes
ind It feet lon r. with tiiree foundation blocks :i feet lonjl. The o.itstde Joist
t-be nrjtlv tll'.ed iu the en 1 ol joist 1:1 main
1..B th' .nsileif liie Hero. Joists
n 1 cver-the h-ut there ld be a sphee-phuih.
'eVt l,.',J three inches thick n: inches win,-.
eoin:rii--t- ' for i'nier.ii co-sii. rv in-". ih
leeoraniJ to speed. ealions oa llle 1:1 the l o. ' provide!, i iiiii.'l n la-l IS lor s- v.-n 1
it-id; s otiiee s to be ctmipicic.l and ready lor I Mat ni or ii is. be n-' lne lo'-vesi conti
center of j K',l,d sound oak s. and the same to '
1 ,l -.l,-f...l-: ,0 .r t,. ,....,!. ,'-il -. ,11 .1 . I-
travcl v. stii'si nsiicty das ir-mi a
'.. KINti & S'l.N.
By J.n'o. It. Maxchlstk::.
I insert these bids to show you
vou are mistaken in regard to
t 'u:n'r: to uu lit the usvo-.iais
v, 01 k.
1 ;i.s,anie.l the respens:'. iluy of drawiiiB these
orders, and building Ihe-e hii.Ies, ui:ti, - sac'r
sutvii-e. aetai as tae iiueid lor !,e coss.ay and
tarir ;.i.'e:i:. as yon may say. Iiniil-al in Mich csi
Ide.'ily, ni :y, to Cms; tiiil in tr.e cry lust b. iti-e
be tievi.tcd. per
t lid IU
A Uni n s d diet residing in Aurora j
111., after reading Ueti. HiiTs speech,
recalls the following leaf in Hill's J
military career : j
Jh-n Hill, the Georgia Congressman, !
f'S'" An o:r MvciLj-r t:ss m-i. imuie Itis advert!"
rj.-nr. nhn-.-'-'Iisr diihi?t., we will interpret ai.d elab
raa- i! us f .iiowe:
50. IS. l-'OOTTJ. ?r.i
A'lO'itr i f Jit; n II :ne '; r.Vs, M.s'ienl C nan ut 8r.ft
, jrp(. in S 'rr. ete.. 120 f.exii'Cton Avin-tc Csr.
I".i t i Ci !; ee: , ;,w Yark, an l:.!)Hi.ti.i:.vj
I'ltyipuv, tre.,t- '.l f..r't:s of l.'nt' tua nr C lirnnie
1) - es. h-' I r s-tivLM letter from rll pnrts i f tits
Ci . -ia.. n V.'onr.D.
Il,- :n -r-;, i.'il irn f t r-ind-trt iri-r a frpral Pip.
I'".--. 1..- i- -,ns- fid y I rear tie nm: i-r-i,;. emu-i.t-1 i
l-Piro ", :,.c "lVel In. lies, f o:ril:ilon of
l ain: t.i, ami in every pun ot '.he Cn td -s-.'.i.
no ii;ijcxji:i.vrj
' O' i.i t -ri- ti-i (Itna-, use I. lie i;,-i. .luraii Ih" pnt
, I r.-!;') r . r, -e yttar-. t r Mtetl s;t n i.f :Ay ne -riy "r .jaert
-i 1 .-.i All fa -r- ii-iitii-rli-il w.lfi ettrli i-it-c iirf
e-.r f a -,- - :,.-.! ..J. tlhclhiT tVj be eotutliiul '.ted hy
1 I".:--.- or in .n. or eli-ervM by the lln'inr or ris
' ..(. pI.yKU:i.ins. The Utter are all ei.-i.t.f.o
on-.Pea. ntpn.
' Arr tr- a". I. Ail inv.t! .N at a ili-i.tnts ar.' r-"-l'.j!r-it
, t. ii'.' r a li t ,,f p!ain H.sriu. whieh e;loif eery
1 avitie. r under e h ti e intu.i I ml. rs. Ail rot.
1 littln ai'i'i, trt-l-l Jll'-e'v i-itti ?.le itftt. A en'tljilrte
! iiy-1'.! n -jf r- steraitf ittvi-iiih titis-uKp- or cntifuvlon.
j .:: 1 q hkIiO'ih wit free, on a'.n.iir.'tion. to ai-y ptirt
.of Tic rriil rvxty luvf p:mh'et of ilvii-Ksi-Ks or
1 a.' vr-'i, iils.i rtent fr-. A.i thee teii iiaoninU are
I li-en ih-iK' rti-i h:ivc lien trettti"! liy ria l and i-pre-4
Ctdl on or ad, In
We do not pretend to s;iy we sell tho
cheapest in the world, neither do we
profess to say that we keep everything
front an ae-h.indle to telegraph
matches, and from pies to bologna sau
sage as so many do
we are tlie only
fCxdusivo Dealers,
in our city in
Staple & FANcy
In these lines, .-ind in XOTIOXS, we
lead the trade.
We have the best assortment of the
latest novelties fr.dti the last patent
needle to the-most fashionable style of
silk dress.
We sell at the lowest price that can
be found between here and San-Francisco,
(ail. We think that few mer
chants ft AX COMPETE WITH (TH.
and to convince you. we especially a.-.k
your candid attention to the following
list of pri'Tf. : .
JU.ST ix::
3 cases of American standard prints.
i" yards tor 1 00
1 case cotton flannel, at 10 yards
for 1 00
tii cases ttomestic ginghams, at 10
yards for 1 00
ii eases of muslin, best brand 13
yards for 1 00
A very large cssortment of black and
colored alpacas, double warp, the finest
in the city, from 2oc a d. up.
A prime lot of ladies shawls from SI
Carpet chain, standard brand, .5 pound
package 1 25
A now and handsome lot of carpets,
An fmpTorrd" farm cf M ere.. tli aerth half
(n S) f the north -vt est rj muter (nw V) f mtt tfa
"hi. towu lo. n it. pp!y to
t:tt h, n, rurvmAm
A frxm of Itfl asres. partly rultlrnfa.f.
bought nn t years' Uu. Jfo j aymeiit
do-Ti!. Apply to H. K W u
Oa re-ts:in.4hie terns, t
aeips tnnler eu!t.ivki.
j ly to
ftrsn c f 14 . it
goe.1 vrjser, Ae. A
A t.i! liable elly rest jenee, with rli".'.t im .
proveiiient", ad n ruMun iMf trrm. App'T
4Tt K. B. win AH
I will trrvl desirable rcsldtnea l JSaa-y.
UlufTs for a np:m of soud Uor . A ppi
7if It. r,. Wisrmtitf
Wajon, Dwj-jn, Ufachin n i l I'loxg rt
..,'...':,.. . . 7 7 '.II
in-j, inni iji.ih-i hi, jo'.ntitj,
The old Reliable Wason Maker
liiista'a n charo of tho ngoii thes
!! li ell kuown .is .
.NO. l WO It KM A V.
cw Wazn mi I 1 1 niesi '
SAT I S T V (TION t i f A H A NT F K 1 .
Shop on M .lli street, opposite S-trelhi fte'
-'- i ets. up.
. . Co " "
. . fi r, - -
embroiderh ,
Vm. Gramberg,
tt grf sjp
1.N An s;.Si ii'Tit, N kp
' W. W Ul
Op. I'lalte Valley House.
Dn. E. 3. FOOTE,
Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., 3". Y.
fin- Tw oi i'.e holw In joist in main span and
Vo i'u Joi-d of apr.. oa lies. Th. t wo apj-r;'
is a-e to be spliced on the utsi. e tiers in this
tiiT. there will alsul, re.inircd four bf;
j cIhh I -i;,, imsde . f iueh iron, to be 1 nt
;4 between the slices and ends of Hot. y st
i'lrou-U.apto prevent the hnd-e from bt-iiifc'
i a'OA1. ..KS-Tiie approach on op
iijsiteead Is lo ut cotiststicted same sis llr-a
lut to be '(. feeL lens? and Have eisM flr J t
. i ia.r.. in feet frsmi eitlier enl. with
aui i.s - .i- --- - - - - .1.-
rar dlt at botu eims oi IM ,
AKT. 7. MttK i:ail.-i...v..i , i
i-iebldillC f.ryri'iu -l'i. IOinver.eit i........
s'lfeet liiuh.ce.ns'r.i. tp.l fii f dlows : posrsfor
lt rnil.. -re to,)- of ?s In-hr- by5M Ions .
frame work to be onstiueted of o ;k
timber. Mr. King's bid is for oak
posts and sills. Whereas the specifica
tions call for sub-structure to be con
structed of seasoned white oak. At
ii : t .i .i : ... . i
t uu- iiuiL' l aiew nir pteiiKaiioiis, i
j understoiHl from the ("idiir's that su!-
structure was to be of o ik, I learned
fom them ;tt the time I submitted t!ie
specilication, that the posts and bank
sill were to be of oak, the rest of pine.
At the time said bid were put in.
the parties representing the different
bridge linns were notiiied of this fact,
before they put in their bills. This was
the understanding I was present at
the time ami Amoc that Mr. liobtrtson j
was informeu ot tins change and
tras (i vdsiier a (eneral of Home
f 2 1 1 -i t- ! .j in flii.-trir! i ,.,! 1 ,li,.i..i S ..
casii. 11 i-Mn-ii, i ii moid moi.ev Iii.tM tin.-, 1 -..'.i'..T hi w.v-ii.. ..oii .ii.i'j'iiii.i, in
I s'ioidd nave nad lo bear tae loss, la this vvuv j hic'l capilCttv, sit the bead ( when t fiev
! 'isT.!:;!;;!! v.e ! arteill.ome, of about: ;.-rnossb:,ks."
. ,t. t . . .1..:... i
'.'.ere ae'.iti as i.,,.'at ;:ea-li;s in.- lne co.iiov. Co- j lie 11 ssuei lot iK lO Hint' IMCK, Illitn
iii ; iiiis f .i tae in-si ia.t-ie.sis t,f no-i inn... .s.ii.i I M' ,,,,., V bi ni il :: I s,:", nt.nt
rigntv soldiers ot me econ,i .ni-iiig.-m
0: hand all kinds of
Plaster Paris, etc.
hemp, from
Ingrain, from
three-ply, from . !.
Xew stock of handsome
from H2.; cts. per yd. up
Ladies fashionable collarets,
from 5 cts. up.
Xew stock, all colors, of worsted
fringes, 20 cts. per yd.
In addition to all these new goods at
very low rates, we offer our large stock
Furnishing Goods !
now on hand, at
Obstacles lo Ftlarriaqo
riippy Itellcffor Vou ni; Men ft . i ,
Clfeets of : ml Alais.-s in f ally Vd.'i
hood i (-st,.rei. 1 in :e,i ue.-n I s to M tjrii'f p
moved. New met hod of re-itrnctit. "i- y a, I" remedies. Hooks :uid ( ii e .l. if s - ' ,
free, in s.-rtp-ii envelopes. Addr !10. A 1.
ASSOCIA I ( N. Ninth S!.. i'.'nholr';.,
I'.'i. - an I n'tst nl ion bii 1 it a'I. ie;in : : ; I : y,
ll'ilnn able eoiidnel ionl pi ni'-ssnni al , i. . 1. rl
We have employed tru
Jas. B. Folden.
NoT7f iFiiemte, if yea
cod Eidus?
Fnir Dealings, and to ;o fain
satisliea, bring1 m jet?
I ft w
Osdl sujrl I'xami
.' desire to dispose (
Ti P cars, a LO
oir .tr.5.
P CARS, ti LOVE:--. !U T? and
to save inoaev to l
mistaken the oihei
,c eoiini. iiov.i-'.ei' intieii
coat is or inveif mav
liecli abi-in the propriety cf thi.-. nay i t bni'd
iiij;, is was clili-ii'ii .liio v. il ll l si.tcure oesi , o so
s;nt- ex. pi-tut s ill the los. inn. mm u oh 1 he be
lief thai Vie. had the mtnal ana a'tal suddi lo do
cavalry, but llciij imin changed his
mind (as he lately changed bis sprecii -,
and, within live minutes sifter the last
S if it lias been an error, it was an error of j,idx- ri"e sIlot 'W bl,IS-V di s' ul
meat ami led one i 1 esisirfjed so ojten ; j out of 1 noble .southern lOUie, With a
! J!.'..;, :o StU DTchs plain fone 7blJc
i J'r c'-.-j XstJic in Story.
Ft r iU'ttk-uars cdJrrss
i 2:ttr3"i2;a'ut!''3fd:!$CiCipiiy risr?.
S L. 1, A ......
Cc. Eir2r's Tozii Eoyel aa.t ilo P.lls.
Ttsc pil.aarc as ti.fUhjia reintijy fur cara'..ia'.ioa
and wcolieria instdicui 'ii : T
bmit ;i".d servi-'c tb.e.tcnl the ..
jr il aiiriioniy. aitlie iit.ic. Inal
to biil.d then, ii' lot' the lies
lo'n.i'.. l-lmier the si: ii lit "s v
il - : well I Id r ,,.ir of saiirs find if ill jit th.- l-a-i.l
inioji t.i ;fin b-- i (.-.'. i -i -
ve ha-i siie id,-at ! 4, his command. Ihe (cnerai left
bteiest oi n.e i on the iield evervthiiig that was mt
i'.ie toe siaan-
, e.l l- ' I 'j-." WlKlitl or
i.."--:.!;. .1J-C ,11 .,f I...- bo'V-.w.
: - -ts s Ol- a.', v ty ot tiia im -ii
vi-1 i-i i r-.'lievp nl une.
irea-i -n of th:
rery fiitnt j
il eati.s). iir ti-te-
Tr.oti. o it- rvp
It f, Irp-s - ;- ' .
r a t VvV -r -r - si s
and Ladies Millinery goods will beclos-
es out at DEAD DOWN. BED ROCK,
for instance.
lies' Hats,
(fine trimmed 81 50
Cash Prices,
Wo al3oresp?ctfully nnre:.r.
to you that wo liava a.
on a full line tl
- Inthing.
Dry Gotfs.
IS oiian if.
Hoot 8 6c
Hatt Goes Cut, and Marthis w:n be s:
! fastened to him. such as artillery (two
in unatevtr shah prove i pieces). pack m u les. overcoats, blanket?.
his hitt, etc. His command did not
acain get together until the dav of li.
. -a j i e-i ii-.- traj:. i. l'r;,
.--. . if -i-i--. Pr -p i- "
II J .1 K l V. I'iliR-l.tCii'
r W 1 1 1 I ClTT.
:) rents, sear. I' v i;;-d m
1 t!y l.y '. ALi'ia'D
r, 4 'i Fnm ' H AtrtMii,
r et oiily to such
e or del e. iet ion
ving & C'o.'s bid shows for itself that
hevinderstood what kind of bridge
thev understood
their wre t build.
to aid in I ind eaiiai itv
lo bstve l.'.en in-ccsai v . sabj
, puniy-liaient for e;-o ir ;!i',h
! of il iiv as ol' i.-r liia-iiis are.
If tiiese bridges were needed rt!'. I :,sded for. I I I's elf ci ion f o nip o-rfS. II r.i:u-ImlliPV
stud we had not the liiciiey lo cotnraet am! j . a " -u " m I
cose to build she:... wiiiiin tae c.,:..:iy. so that hae sesittcred again. Chicago 2 rib
oar people could i.'ct to marhet. 1 lion., v.e were J line. j
jilstiii.'d. Is w is ! his or no In -'e -. tl:s:t v esad i
And now .ve come lu my own pasiicu.iw p.tit ' '
of tae i.iisiiievi: ' I The actors in London who made u p '
iiow TncvvEur:r.rii:TAvr) v wiiosk ix- , the donation of 1.0.)') tothp Centennial j
nupi were .Aisssi Nieisoii, Air. ouinern.
t -if
ilir'?.-'3 Cojtioi-ii irraot cf
IHiibarb tal Ci.idilloa.
rh- 'n-i er.ti.-: -il-'ll nf p-.i;,-!y c I'T-(Tl 4
C O 3
C A 88 1 31 K i ES, J E A XS ,
CLOTHS, in the same catalogue.
and all articles of luxury not staple, j
3d way down, to make room i
! Saw
d '.in :
- s-.'.-v. bill .JN'O.
So it.ii it awi.i'e.
UR7"!"! Spring Stock !!
v -. .n :r i , t
t .iri 1 :v
t 1 :i. ei I
.s: i
cf h--.i 1
I -ll-'ll nf p-.l;,-;y V'--La.ll C I'T- (Tl
f aintnel nr Pine l'i 1. It siitni.'.
. ; ': ' !! oi t'l". a,-.! t!iu it.n '
if th" a-r. l:!-r-nii,-is and I nl ''
ta . si-.i ar;s:nr from micti
I'., tela S
l'i 1 i.i -a
it p
the O'rt
l:r. t i .ii i .
j-.nd veil knovn
1 sou prej-ared t-o
C,(JjD Ti' A
e VT'.'P,!
unit '!'
IXljKii JiT.VTS.
' e-
.a ( c :-a a i
:- sr "l - cni
1 1 '. i i , tt- t
. b ' :1 j -.
ft a :d- n ni-. The esS?-.
-i"t will tn ij v.I. visib'r. iic
'lie or t v i t t" ie h is? sti!tic;ent t
'il tvini f 1 i .'. oi I r-inove t'iTv.p'iM
T !Ur -T-ir!. P: J 1 rer b 'I a-. :
1 Tit ill r.-- '-"i-. i.f the pTIep
V,..n I ,...l..t.,.L' r. l.,,il.l f..l
ih omti. i tni . with i-tw mrTiM- t-;iro m .Mr. -Tobn Clrkf. nnd Mr. .TptTevrirm.
n-- d Irp, fis i.f citnr. e I'l.-isn-.l iTfy j
r.Fliiti KEiCHAH-ivr. PniK?! tw-t 4iHTmfi:-Tjt
KTttmt. f'ri- Yfi ffr-e.
I crrdi'd y invite. 'ill 1V0M ei:totner of the
en to old in I IP 1 1. ':-p-'Tr )i!Hre. i-!i.l resfa-c; - j
d : : - many nee. ones us fe! -) A tf j
(.-. i v-f ! "ie.' to -o p for-... -ru Mi.t buy. ;
1 iats!i:'.ah..J:iry lSth.
Xow come ahead, all of you; glad j
to show you goods, and gladder yet to i
Z-ifo i: a.m aiAj. ji i
Solum on .A rt th a ii .
PlatUmouth, Xeb, JnV 1 2tiu 7ft.
is well stocked T7itl
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