Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 03, 1876, Image 2

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    THE HEHAL1).
9 prewrt our nvaJer thl week with n club
ttot$ot papers which, can be taken with the
II K RAID. In till way J you can get two papers
mt magazine XorlltUoiuor than the price of
We should like to hayc$all thoubwrtbers we
MVJtet ander?:hee Jrte by the middle of Ie-
TVe aJo would like new subscribers lo the
Bkkald.uI all who iniote taking it for an
stber yarto coraejforward now, for on the
number of yonr iubscrlptions depends some
change we would like to make tn the p;icr.
Tn'ILxaAi.D and Hariiers'llazaar, Wtfk-
ly, or Magazine ? 4.90
" and InUr-Occan, weekly.... 2.80
aetnl-weekly, 4.23
m m m chlcngo Tribune 2.80
- Tot &II1, weekly 2.30
dally 6.C5
m m m Prairie Fanner,. S.30
- Dally Graphic J2.-15
- Dearth & Home, 3.50
Loul3Tle Courier JournoJ 3.05
Scrilncr Monthly, 4.85
- . " Et.fNicholas 4.0J
American Agriculturist.. i.70
The net Union Republican National Conren
llon for the nomination of eandtdates for Presi
dent and Vlee- Preiil-nt of the I nited State
will b held in the city of Cincinnati on Wednes
day the 14th day of June, 1870. at 12o"clx-k noon
ai will consist of deb-gates from each State
equal to twice the numlterof its Senators and
Kepresentatives In Congress and of two dHe-
fates from eaeh organized territory ami the Dis-rk-t
of Columbia. In calling the convention
for the election of detonates, the committees of
the seeral States are recommended to invite
ail Kepublican elector and all other voters,
without regard te i:it jiolitical difference or
iirevious part v afllllations. who are opposed to
revlvlnar sectional issues, and desire to promote
friendly feeling and permanent hamionny
throughout the country by maintaining and en
forcing all constitutional rights of evcrv citizen.
JucludTnj the full and free exercise of the riht
ofr-iffi-aire without ir.tiinidatlon and without
fraud who ar In favor of continued prosecu
tion and punishment Jof all official dishonesty
aud of an economical administration of the gov
ernment by honest, faitiiful aud capable offi
cer : who are In favor of niakine such reform
Tn the government as experience may from
time to time Bugnest ; who are opposed to itn
pttlrlni; the credit of the nation by depreciating
any oflts obligation and In favor of sustaining
In every way the national faith aud financial
honor ; who hold that the common school sys
tem Is the nursery of American liberty and
should be maintained absolutely free from sec
tarian control : who believe that for the promo
tion of these ends the direction of the govern
ment hould continue to be confided to those
who adhere to the principle of 177ti. support
them as Incorporated in tlin constitution and
law, and who are in favor of recognizing and
trengthentngthe fundamental princtplesof na
tional unity In this centennial anniversary of
the birth of the republic K. 1. MmtiiAN.
Chairman iiepublican National Committee.
Wx. K. CnAMi.F.K. Corresponding Sec'y.
The address was stoned by lo. K. Spencer.
Alabama; Powell Clayton. Arkansas; Ceorgo
C. UorhaM, California ; Marshall Jewell. Con
necticut ; S. M. Ilarrl'igtou. l'lawa- ; li. Con
over, Florida ; Isham S. Faniu'ry, ".eorgia; J.
Y.Heainmon, Illinois t Oliver P. Morton. In--diana
: W. H. Allison, Iowa : .1. J. Tngalls. Kan
sas : w. C. Uoodlove, Kentucky ; S. It. l'ackard.
Iulsiana ; W. P. Fry ; Maine ; C. C. Fulton,
Marvland ; William Clsnin. M:is:ielnietts ;
"William A. Iloward, Michigan : Jdin T. Aver
111. Miunesota ; J. C. French. Mississippi ; K. .
Van Horn. Missouri : E. K. Cunningham. Neb
raska: William E. Chandler. New Hampshire;
A. O. Cattell. New Jersey ; Edwin I. Morgan,
New York ; Joseph C. Abbott. North Carolina ;
H. K. Cowan, Oliio ; J. H. Mitchell, Oregon;
"William II. KcinlIv-. rennsvlvania ; Win. I.
KraTton, Khmle Inland : J. J. Patterson. South
Carolina : J. M. Tliornhurg : Tennessee ; (ieo.
Nichols. Vermont : P. II. Wells. Jr., Virginia:
llsns Creswell. West Virginia: T. O. Howe,
Wisconsin ; J. A. Htibbell. Colorado : .1. P. Kid
der. Dakota : S. B. Smoot, District of Columida ;
36. B. ElkiiiH. New Mexico.
Powell ciavton.of Arkansas, represented Tex
a In addition To his own State, and J. Mitchell
represented Montana, and John C. New repre
sented Wyoming and signed the call tf.
Suiil to be in the Sheriffs hand,
.And there's wailing in "Weeping
Water land.
They ure having Court over at Glen
vood too.
They are trying to move the govern
ment headquarters from Omaha again.
The Advertiser was rather rough on
the Granger man about that dog and
post business.
A great many of our exchanges pub
lish Senator Paddock's eulogy on Andy
Johnson, in full.
Speaker Kerr thinks Hendricks is
the man the Democrats should nomi
nate next fall.
Rev. L. D. Filield, of Kearney has
"been appointed Eegent, in the place of
Mr. llungerford deceased.
Tom Kennard, of .Lincoln, has been
investigating "narrow guage" roads in
.Kansas, and reports quite favorably.
Dr. Miller's plan of stopping surveys
in our western country, does not meet
with much approval from the frontier
Henry M. Atkinson has been nomi
nated U. S. Surveyor General of New
Mexico, and Chas. R. Gill, of Wis. takes
hia place as com'r of pensions.
The Omaha Excelsior is getting to
be more than an amateur paper. The
editor's New Year's address is vary good,
and ye HntALP man wishes he could
plan a vacation to the Badger State
The Neb. City Press, says two boys,
"who worked on a farm in Plattsmouth'
were caught in a "trap" down there and
fined. There is no very big farm in
Plattsmouth for them to work on, how
ever the IIeiiald hereby warns them
to keep out of other folks potato patch
es, hereafter.
The members of the State Board of
Agriculture have elected for the ensu
ing year the following officers: Presi
dent, Moses Stocking; Vice-President,
Col. Matthewson; Treasurer, J. AV.
Moore; Secretary, D. II. "Wheeler.
The following are the officers elect of
the Horticultural Society; I'resident,
S. B.Uobson; Secretary, D. II. Wheel
erf Treasurer, J. W. Evans.
This 6eems to be the Democratic ex
cuse for every blunder they make; ev
ery wrong they uphold. Suppose it
were true! Is that a plea to go before
the people with? Do two wrongs
make one right, or two acts of folly
one of sense? If the Republican party
have been all wrong and the people
have sent the Democratic party there
to correct that wrong, (as the Democ
racy claim) what idle folly to exclaim:
Wk are only following republican pre
cedent, we are only doing as Republi
cans did, when they had the power."
In there any logic about such a plea
that would induce honest men to turn
the whole government over to our
wjftoenrtic- friends ?
Please Road Carefully Business Men of
Froni the Neb City A'cir.
Laat Thursday night a large num
ber of our most prominent citizens met
at the office of T. B. Stevenson to con
sult upon a matter of vital importance
to the town and the surrounding com
munity. The meeting was called to or
der by N. S. Ilaiding and organized by
electing James Sweet President, and
F. W. Jhmann Secretary. Mr. T. B.
Stephenson addressed the meeting and
said that he had learned through semi
official channels that the Chicago and
Rock Island It. R. Co. proposed run
ning a branch line to some point in
Southern Nebraska, and that the citi
zens of Plattsmouth were endeavoring
to make that place the terminus of the
branch, and he had suggested this meet
ing to see if that project could not be
averted, and the proposed branch run
to Nebraska City. Such an outlet
would necessitate and ensure the speedy
construction of a bridge across the riv
er here.
The article goes on to say that a pool
was made by the B. &. M C. & N. R.
W. and C. 11. 1. &. P. R. It, on all through
freight to and from Omaha, which it
is claimed inured to the benefit of the
B. & M. but not to the IL I. In view
of these facts they take the gronnd
that the B. &. M. might bridgs across
here, and they propose to 6top that by
having a branch from near Atlantic
down the Nishnabotna, through Fre
mont County and cross at Neb. City.
It behooves our people to look out
for this move and check-mate it at once.
"We think the B. & M. ought to be stir
ring in the matter to, as it cannot be
to their interest to see this Neb. City
scheme carried out; ;
Some Pleasing' Facts.
Below Is etven a table Intended to illustrate
the comparative progress of the school work in
the ouunty during the past four years :
rs c; 5 c c
t -r -
it oj; i n
P 1? s:
a it
23-: J?.?.?
2 -a i
- o
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-1 5 to In o -5
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-1 V
4 Jt . W . N - r
-i 1
OC30 O tO tJ
O io r. S ? t; 1
While the figures In this table show a general
advance In most of the elements which enter in
to our estimate of progress In our school work,
there are a few points worthy of f pedal notice :
Ffrgf The ratio of Increase in school atten
dance much exceed the ratio of incre;ise In the
enumeration, thin indicating a steadily Krowing
interest in the caue of education on the part
of officers and patrons.
Second Greater stability U shown in the fact,
that while there has been a gradual Increase in
the total number of days of school, the work
has been performed by a smaller number of
teachers, thus indicating a waning disposition
to change ; and also that a better grade of
teachers now perform the work.
Thirtf The Increase of the number of visits
by the district officers is to be noticed as an
Item which speaks largely In favor of the Inter
est manifested in the mental and moral welfare
of our children.
It has been my constant desire and endeavor
to raise the standard of qualification in teach
ers, and though much remains yet to be accom
plished in tli is behalf, the advance Is quite
manifest. The provision of the law restricting
teachers to three third-yrade certificates has
had the effect to stimulate to greater diligence
in study to prepare theuiselve to take higher
rank iu the profession. If school boards will
now exereUe their influence to dishonor certfl
cates of tills grade by making material discrim
ination in favor of the higher grades by diiter
erence In they will de much towards a
reformation in this important feature of our
system of public instruction. There is a general
disposition to remunerate teaching talent in
proportion to its worth. Many te.achers. howev
er, complain that the compensation is too small
not In proportion to the lalnir required but
the complaint proceeds generally from those
whose services are learit valuable. The best
teaching talent when ouee known Is in no dan
ger of beim; left to rust for want of employment
at respectable wasea.
In closing inyoftieial relations with the school
ofllecrs of the county, I must bear testimony to
the general fidelity which has characterized the
performance of the duties entrusted to their
care, and to the great improvement made iu
the fulness and general accuracy of detail in all
particulars in their annual report to this of
fice. In looking back over my four ye.ars of labor In
this county there is much that would 4eeni to
have been left undone, ywt the present status
of the school interests, compared with that of
four years ago, is a Source of genuine satisfac
tion, and gives earnest of a very substantial and
gratifying progress for the future. The interest
which now pervades the public mind on the
subject of education rests non a firm l;isis,and
ail that is necessary for its continuance and in
crease is faithful, intelligent, and energetic ad
ministration of tho system uow in operation in
the State.
We gladly publish the above state
ments from Prof. Wise, and desire to
say that his services in the county in
capacity of Superintendent, will not
soon be forgotten. He took charge of
our schools on the eve of an entire
change of programme in the school
system of the State, and has organized
and systemized the work from chaos.
The exhibit above shows great increase
in the per cen. of attendance from '71
to '75, as well as a remarkable increase
in school houses and number of school
days each year.
All persons who desire to make con
tracts for ice at last years prices must
Kill on Y. S. White within three days,
price 33c per hundred. After this the
f-jiripe will be ratwd
On the 27th was a very lively affair.
The youth, wealth, and beauty of Platts
mouth appeared upon the floor. The
ladies never looked lovelier, and gentle
men arrayed in all the glory of
hood meekly jiccepted their fate and
thanked their pnrtners as modestly as
any other man. The lady floor mana
gers with red ribbons on their shoul
ders bossed things about lively and
made the band think there was music
in the air, or should be. The supper at
Mr. Stadelmann's was xcellent and
well served, every one was satisfied.
The net proceeds after paying Hall
rent, band and everything, must have
been most gratifying to the dear ladies
who took so much pains to get the
thing up, and to the parson who gets
the money. They amounted to S73.S5.
The court was seated on a
rained dais at one end of the room, with
the Dist. Attorney on his right, and
the Sheriff and assisting bailiffs on the
left all with their instruments of of
fice in their hands. Th8 members of
the bar were spread out at their feet
and the dance commenced.
A tajl woman with her hair friccas
aeed on one side shouted "all set," his
honor said "let 'em slide Mart" and the
crier announced that the case wbs ready
for trial and the witnesses on the floor.
The first bailiff called the figure and
the Dist. Attorney was getting up the
papers for a new quadrille when the
court decided that "whosoever dances
shall pay the fiddler."
Everything went merry as a mar
riage bell until Sam Chapman got tang
led up in a case with two opposition
attorneys, an ex-sheriff, and the other
ladies on the floor.
"Swing her to the right" shouted the
crier "Double up on your left' ehassez
round the side couple's attorney, tile a
statement on the lady on the corner,
make a motion to quash the opposite
gent, and return to places."
That was more than Sam could
stand. In a pause of the music he ar
gued the case thusly: "Your Honor, I
object; one motion at a time is as
much as any court can entertain, and I
desire to take exceptions to this mode
of cross-examination right here ; I am
willing to give my right hand to my
partner and swing out with my left; I
have no objection to quash the oppo
site attorney if possible, but when the
court orders a fellow to try three cases
at once, that is swinging three ladies
in four different directions at one call,
without being allowed to increase my
fees correspondingly, I object to going
on with the suit.
"Ballance all!" shouted the crier, and
the court ordered "on with the dancr."
"Yes, I'll ballance it all with my
bill" growled .Sam. as he cut a pigeon
wing that Glad a cross-bill on the right
hand lady's new calico panier.
Things moved on pretty well until
Smith, another lawyar, struck a stump.
He was arguing that a double schot
tische without any extra levy general
ly came up on demurrer when the head
fiddler ordered a change of venue and
turned the suit into a waltz. This ril
ed George and he asked time to put in
an answer. The court musician said he
was out of time all the time and could
not dance to the first rule laid down in
Greenleafs evidence. George got out
an injunction but before he could find
a deputy to serve the warrant the band
struck up a lively tune and the whole,
assembly formed in lints lengthwise of
the Hall and danced an old fashioned
Virginia Reel with such vim and evi
dent relish that he allowed a motion
to adjourn to be run in on him una
wares, and so ended the great Leap
Year party of 1876.
The Herald feels very much exercised over
the above report, and has had grave doubts
about allowing it to appear at all. but as we paid
for it we hate to lose our money and so put it iu.
The facts are that knowing the leap year par
ty would be a big aflair, and also that Court be
ing in session we should be very busy we tele
graphed to Omaha for a patent short hand re
porter to do things p brown, ffe came down
on the train and we sent him to the Court Room
where, unfortunately, the case of Clements vs
Spurgeon was being tried. He became fully im
pregnated with the merits of the Court and. this
case, and then went down to Ben llempel's for
upper. After supper he took a glass of beer
with Ken and started up street to the Leap Year
party ; not liking to patronize one German and
slight another he stepped into Fr. Guthmann's,
when he came down he thought he wouldn't
overlook the Irish element and so dropped Into
Mike Mngttlrc's, andwhen he came up;t he street
lie didn't like to leave the Trench out in the cold
so went in to see Ed. Iloscnbaum. From the
same friendly feeling ho had to see O. Shafer
and Cap LenhofT, then he must go over to Met
teers because ho was the only Republican in
the business, and after that to Eilly Neville's
because Billy was a v ood-butcher and the Re
porter was a word-butcher, and leaving Billy he
started up the Hall stairs, but finally thought it
wouldn't do to leave the Americans out, and so
went over to se e Am. Lazcuby because he was a
full blooded American. At last he reached the
Hall where Marshal Murphy was putting In the
final touches.
The Marshal saw how It was, but thought as
the power of absorption In newspaper men was
great he would come out all right, so he just
took him by the neck of his big Ulster over
coat, and hung him up on a big book jut Inside
the wings of the stage where he could see every
thing aud told him to "report away." The fact
Is the report Is really ail right from his position ;
it is only given as the thing looked to a man up
a tree, or else benzine and b court trials don't
mix well.
Toomy vs Taylor continued.
Claiborne vs Billing continued.
Doom Bro & Co vs Holland contin
ued. Robertson vs Schn.isse continued.
King vs Pottenger et al continued
under former order of reference.
Andrews vs Livingston same as
Koch, Chew & Co vs Bennett brothers
Burton & Pierce vs Bennett brothers
Child vs Slaughter et al continued.
Bryson vs Decker continued under
former order of reference to Wm. L.
Wells to take testimony.
Hammer vs Allison continued.
Smith vs B & M II R Co in Neb
continued. I-atta vs Shera judgment against
plaintiff, motion for new trial.
Dailin vs Poisal & Beveridgo refer
red to R. B. Windham to take testi
mony, and cause continued.
festory et al vs Latta et al eon tinned
under former order of reference to W.
L. Well" to take testimony.
Wisewell et al vs Meili dismissed,
judgment against plaintiff.
Black, admins, estate of S. Cr.iig.
dee'd y the Heirs et al stricken from
the docket.
Fitzgerald vs Schneider continued.
Andrews vs B & M It K Co in Neb.
30 days given pl'ff to file reply and
cause continued.
Altaffer vs McCarrol judgment for
Birdsal vs Carter verdict in favor
of deft for 6525. ,. .
Dorrington & VanArman vs B & M
It R Co in Neb judgment against
Windham vs Eaton continued,
pl'ff to fiile amended petition within 3'J
Matherly vs Jones et al judgment
ag.tiust pl'ff.
Whitmer vs Nicholson continued.
. Shryder vs Klepser et al continued.
Stewart vs Jex'ome continued.
Rauen vs Earvvicker dismissed at
pl'ffs cost.
Thomas vs Sbrider continued.
Hurley ys Eaton continue for ser
vice. l'armele ys Richards & Dowers
Davis vs Schlater continued.
Golding vs "Wisewell new trial
C. Pailing vs J. Pailing judgment
against plaintiff.
Eatta vs. Eatta & Woodruff Default,
amount 2,100, interest at 10 per cent.
McEntee vs. Taylor Continued.
Allison vs. Sherfy Leave given ptff
to file reply within 20 days.
Pervines vs. Carper Continued.
Johnson v. Allison t-t. al. Contin'd.
Allison vs Johnson continued, de
fendant to file answer instanter.
Johnson Harvester Co vs Cunning
ham plaintiff to file amended petition
with 10 days.
Crane vs Rakes dismissed at pl'ffs
Welford vs Brantner continued.
Tulsifer vs Dowers '
" ltichards
Barker et al vs White over-ruled,
deft to Gle answer instanter.
Eickhorn, Williams, Hawkins vs
Vanbuskirk each contiuued aa per
stipulation on file.
Bennett vs Duke estate heirs, et al
Brown vs Colvin continued.
Huutvs Baldwin et al continued.
Chapman et al vs State Grange
Lazenby & Buttery vs State Grange
motion for continuance sustained
and cause continued.
Greenwood Warehouse Co vs Lewis
sustained at cost of appellant and
execution awarded.
The cjises of Greenwood Warehouse
Co vs Rausch, vs Bent, vs Trunible, vs
Post, vf Cooley, vs Casey, vs Bromley,
vs Casey, and vs Daggert dismissed
at cost of appellant and execution
awarded; appellant excepts.
Parkins vs Carper continued.
JgArndt vs Iuhehh;r judgment of re
versal and for costs, and execution
awarded therefor, to which pl'il in er
ror excepts.
Brayley vs. Dove & Ryan Motion
submitted and attachment discharged
.as to Ryan.
Philips vs. Clopper Continued.
Fitzgerald vs. Lazenby Continued.
Fitzgerald vs. Vivian Default, .umt.
$701.01, interest at 12 per cent. 8110.03
total, 6811.84.
Fitzgerald vs. White Not at issue.
Fairfield vs. City of Plattsmouth
Stricken from docket, ptff to pay cewts.
Fitzgerald vs. Lyman et. al. Cont'd.
Dovey ve. Altaffer Contiuued under
Stadelmann vs. Altaffer Continued
under stipulation.
Hodges vs. Altaffer Continued un
der stipulation.
B & M R R Co in Neb. vs Cass Co.
Black vs Winterstein new trial
Folden vs Ross continued, defend
ant to answer in 40 days.
Dovey vs Nichols & Drain cont'd.
Babcock M'fg Co. vs city of Platts
mouth submitted on demurrer.
Application El'en Steele, to sell real
estate granted and deed granted.
Z Mason vs D Mason pl'ff restored
to her maiden name, Zerilda Shafer.
Stratley vs Mastin continued.
Richardson vs Union Mutual Life
Ins. Co. of Maine etal default against
Ins. Co. to amount due, 8127.81.
Creamer vs. B. & M. P. R. Co. Con
tinued. Ptff. to file petition in 30 days.
Dovey vs McGeer Default. Amt.
491.63. Decree of foreclosure & sale.
Amison vs Amison Order & license
Bed well vs Walradt Demurrer sus
tained. Ptff to file amended petition.
Bccck vs Merrian Contra tied. Deft
to tile answer in 30 days.
Nessbit vs Amison Not at issue.
Metzger vs Pankonin Case contin
ued. Clark vs Mastin A Swank et al.
Judgment for deficiency. Ain't S103.43
Ilagood vs McGill Continued.
Paimele vs Barnes continued.
Carry G. Clemmons vs John Spur
geon verdict of guilty; deft to pay
50 per year until child is 16 years old
and to give bond in the sum of 300
for performance of said judgment.
Vallery & Kuffner vs McCluro pl'ff
obtained judgment, of 61.01.
Fitzgerald vs Patterson judgment
for 128.."5.
Parmele vs Cutter et al judgment
for 256.85.
Parmele vs Hinchman judgment
for 6304.12.
A funny story is told of two Ver
mont farmers who are not Grangers.
They induced their wives to join and
report before they would commit them
selves. Now, when they wHl, they can
not. Two blackballs greet every ap
plication. Meanwhile the wives go
regularly and triumphantly to every
meeting of the Grange, and the men
stay at home to mind the babies. Ex.
Subscribe for the Herald and pay
for it in advrmce.
Barley Seed...
.5 y 5 00
.3 wo'u 00
Kkw Yokk.. Feb. 2.
Money 3?0
Gold ?1 13
Chigaoo, Feb. 2.
ats, . . .
5 00
..7 4.T'.7 75
Rational Jlediratio.
Medication Is only suoopssfu! when It 13 ra
tional, aud it is rational only when it begins at
tint beginning. In other words, to cure a mala
dy, it eause must be reuioYed. Weakness,
efther general or loeai, is the origin of the (treat
niajoiityof disiiases. Reinforce the vital ener
gies, regalate digestion aud Reerelion, by
strengthening the orKans which perftrm those
ail-important functions.' and dyspejwla consti
pation, kidney and bladder complaints, merine
diftleulties, impure circulation, and the thous
and and one ailments which are the conse
quences of deoi'irj. are completely, and io
most ises prmjuiently. removed. The best,
safest and most ai;eeable uuic and alterative
that can be employed for this purpose is Hos
tetter's fitflinach Bitters. The experience of
twenty-five years, during which time it haa out
lived perhaps ten times that number of ephem
eral preparations which have entered into com
petition with it, has proved it to be unecjualed
at a remedy for ail disorders accompanied by
or proceeding from weakness g
re" for Sale or Rent ! !
Of every description
Cheaper Than Ever.
Some things even
Chamber Sets, $25 and up.
Dressing Buresuis, $12.50, up.
Bureau Stands, $7.50, up.
Bedsteads, $3, up.
ExtensionTables, $7.50, up.
Chairs, $50c, up.
Boston Rockers, $2.50, up
Centre Tables, $6, up.
Wool and Wire 31ttress-csj-very
Everything in the Furniture
Line, Cheap.
If you don't belicTc it call
and see for yonr
elvcs, at -
Medical Institute
"KOM Q ir A C K ERV.
THE only place where a sure cure can be re
lied upon. I.ittlc i3 required in the way of
advertising, as the reputation of the institution
is well known throughout the west. Call and
be convinced that this is the largest and most
complete institution of the kind in America
for the successful treatment of ali Chronic Sex
ual. 1'iivate and Venera' Diseases of both sex
such as Syphilis, (ionorrlnva, (Jleet. Stricture,
Kupture, " arieose Veins, Orchitis, Bubo, &e.
Ail urinary and syphilitic or mercurial afiec
tions of the throat," skin or bones are treated
with unparalleled success, (iounrrlieea cured
iu from three to live days. Syphilis cured in
from five to ten days. Over 17,iivo cases cured.
Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhoea. Night Loss
es. Sexual Debility and Impotency, Ixjss of Sex
l'ower. as tiie result of scU-abwe in youth, sex
ual excesses in maturer years, and ail impedi
ments to marriagrc. permanently cured without
mercurv or any other mineral poison. I'atients
at a distance Heated by letter. Medicines sent
everywhere. Young men who have become
the victims of solitary vice that dreadful and
and destructive habit which annually sweeps
to an untimely grave thousands of young men
of the most exalted talents and brilliant intel
lect, who ini'-itit otherwise entrance Senates
with the thunders eloquence, or waked to ec
stacy the living lyre may call with full eonfl
dence. What a pity that a young man, the
hope of his country, the darling of his parents,
should be snatched from all prospects, and en
iovments nl life by the consequences of deviat
ing from the path of nature and Indulging in a
certain secret habit. Such jwrsons must, be
fore contemplating marriage, reflect that a sound
mind ami body are the most necessary requis
ites to promote connubial happiness, indeed
without these the Journey through life be
co nus aweary pilgrimage, the prqeet hourly
darkens to the view. the mind becomes shadow
ed with despair and filled with melaneliolv re
jections that the happiness of another is blight
ed with our own. To all erring young men we
would say. do not keep this secret to yourself
and your i'.od until it lias sapped the vitais and
left you a wreck of humanity, a curse to your
self and a burden to society. If you are entan
gled in the .snare of self-pollution, or any pri
vate disease, t'.ee from its destruction, and ap
ply at St. Joseph Medical Institute for treat
ment and become one more a human being.
J-?7Cures gUMrunteoil or inony refuned.
ir-A II female dillicuitios and impediments
to Marriage treated with safety and success.
lrA great medical book and secrets for la-di-s
and ge.iit.s. Sent free for two stamps.
Address St. Josepe Medical Institute, Francis
Street, between Second and Third, St. Joseph,
Ma. 331 y
W. L. Tucker,
has removed lo the building opnosite Math
ews Hardware Store, (On 4t!i Street, I?et. Main
and Vine.) Where in addition to other work,
he will give si ecial attention to
Also Agent for the COMMON' SENSE IKON
IMi TAHI.ES. of which I have a
number on hand ; call
and see tlieui.
Careful Work and Prompt Attend
ant to Calls.
40-ly WM. L. TUCK. EH,
Machine Shop.
At D. I Morrow's old stand,
Seventh St , & Chicago Ave.
Wc aie prepared to do a general business la
And Krpairinc "II Uln'l or Jlaehlu
vry. urli a Uepei-. JEowei'S,
Tlirc!iiu;r Jduchiue,
I'laws, Jic-, dr.
Iron & Steel Work a Specialty.
Xew fl agons & Kugrpries Made
To Order.
gTAU Work Warranted to Give Sat
iitfarifrm w Moiwy Rounded. .
SPLLtL&mouth, JfcL,
Jan.. 7th, yd. J
To my Customers :
Jf dc&ifie to. thank all my.
aid ji.atan& fa- tieiiL niune.1-
QU& evidences, af Qaad mill and
the cant biued and ualuakle
fuat&annQe tlieij. have extend
ed ta tne mhile. in lui&iie&s. in
&till hatie a feia aods,
tahich mu&t he clawed aid this.
tnanlh, aX the ftale ik tented
and alltet fuatliei taJce u2SAeA-
xian Aoon.
,Jhec aads. uiilL lie said
at leat Reductions., and
all fiarties. desiiina ta Luij. af.
bitch ,j.aads. as. uie haae left,
mill find it gfcally. ta theit
adaaniae ta juLiclia&e af
JfColujiQ ta see all an
hand dut inQ the next JD kitty
m mm m s
viau; Jf tizalL lie. cticeLpulty.
glad ta f-eceiae unit.
fli PlummerJp
See! Read! Look!!
Tho Compliments of the season to all
our customers, from
For the increase in our trade and
the large business we have done the
lat year, we desire to thank our num
erous friends and hope they may con
tinue the same as we expect to offer
better and better inducements for
them to do so.
"Wo hope to see you at the old stand,
the ensuing yeir, where we are prepar
ed to do a large wholesale and retail
"We have just receivt! a large new
stock of goods,
Bight from
and the
ak the very lowest prices; which we
intend to sell at such rates as will m
tcniah everybody.
We do not pretend to say we soli the
cheapest in Uio world, neither do we
profess to say that we keep everything
from an axe-handle to telegraph
matches, and from pies to bologua sau
sage as so many do
BUT WE 1)0 SAY :
we are the only
Exclusive Dealers,
in our city in
Staple & FANcy
In these lines, and in NOTIONS, wo
led tho trade.
JVe have the best assortment of the
latest novelties from the last patent
needle to the most fashionable style of
silk dross.
We sell at the lowest prices that can
be found between here and San-Francisco,
Cal. We think few mer
and to convince you, we especially ask
your candid attention to the following
list of prices:
3 cases of American standard prints.
13 yards for 100
1 case cotton flannel, at 10 yards
for 1 00
13 oases domestic ginghams, at 10
yards for 1 00
5 c.osasof muslin, best brand 13
yards for 1 00
A very large .assortment of black and
colored alpacas, double warp, tho finest
in the city, from 25c a yd. up.
A prime lot of ladies thawl3 from $1
Carpet chain, standard brand, 5 pound
package $1 25
A new and handsome lot of carpets,
hemp, from 27? cts. up.
Ingrain, from 65
three-ply, from 85
New stock of handsome embroideries,
from 12' cts. per yd. up
Ladies fashionable collarets,
from. ... 5 cts. up.
New stock, all colors, of worsted
fringes, 20 cts. per yd.
In addition to all these new goods at
very low rates, we offer our large stock
Furnishing Goods I
now on hand, at
D!siHag aat
desire to dispose of our HATS,
and Ladies Millinery goods will be clos
es out at DEAD DOWN, BED ROCK,
Cash Prices, -LSiSnlS
(fine trimmed 61 00
CLOTHS, in the same catalogue.
and all articles of luxury not staple,
will be sold way down, to make room
Spring Stock !
Now come ? head, all of you; glad
to show you goods, and gladder yet to
Solomon Nathan
Plattsmouth, Neb, Jan'y 12Ui, T6.
dk. cati:i:. H
AUK tlie ruit-of an experlenoeof tbtrty ymn
In the praetlee of a i.iecf.ifiil j h vMrian.
Hitter Tonic An extract of root nnl brti9
no juilicioiialy anil oeilieinally cointMneJ, that
every part of t J i UU.-a-wil body recelvi Ui
liflp ri'iiuiretl. It is not claimed as a panar-
for all tlie ills of life, but for (lypeiMia, MilloiiH
and liver complaint. Uver aiiU aue. rholrra.
debility, and all UisowM of the utoinaoh, htr,
and digestive orjrans. It Is an effectual reniody,
A a preventative against fever and ague 4n4
malnrion diseaae It U uiiNiirpaerf. it
strengthens aud bullda up tho liollitatd nv
teni. and give renewed vljfor to ail part of
rfins'w Core Art a a diuretic eraruaal
In cases of dropv, cont, gravel, and dlseasct of
the blau.lor and kKlopvn. purine tho blood,
enres scrofula and enipilv rtlsea-, rheumatic
and neuralgic pains, aud all duteaMciof tho uri
nary organs.
Kxpeetorant A prompt rme1y forrmjuha
asUiina, eioup. and all disease of the throw,
lime and chest, and the first Mages ol con
sumption and tvphoid fever.
fever una A(ne I'ili Are prepared ex -
eiirtiiu aculo
TtriKslv to aid llwi tiinlf in
chronic ease, they act without deol
1 rimean Liniment Open the pore f
the ttosh. and penetrate to the bone or sent of
pain, giving rvliff to manor bea a peJlty
a any outward application can.
Hold by all DruKKjsts and Dealer.
ftTt Rurltnpt Iont
USesid else
I we ed g
We have employed tho
Jas. B. Folden.
Now, Friends, if ;you ant
Fair Dealings, and to go fceno
satisfied, bring in your
We alsorespsctfully annenaca
to yen that vjq hav3 goi
on a full lino of
Dry Gooc.,
due ens ware,
Boots & SllO09
OUR ' ;
Saw Mill Yard
is well stocked with
Building ftlaterittl
Axle Trees,
Wagon Tongue,
fcc, Ac.
Come tehen you need anything in fr
line, ami get tilu for your monry.
J. &H. Shera,
rock. aL.c:rrs. xkzi.
II 1 1 1 1 II t l
,7 e- Vyl 'juilZfm
XST" A oor advoruaer tiav no duuU bia JorU
ment altogether diatlnot, w wiil lnton c3 -'
rate it a follow :
12. II. FOOTK, r.T
Aothor of Plain Horn Talk, Mod leal Common fk-
Hcicnce In Story, etr... 1M Ixinrtn Arenne
Eiwt 2Hth Street), Nw Tork, an Ikdc:kI'4W
Phtsiciah, treat all form of Ltrtjrtng or OwHs
Diseanes, ami rpndre letter from an part cf tk
Oitiuzbd Worij.
By hiii ortcr'nol mxt of oorvd noting a Medina! Fra
tios. he la mxaanrt ally trontinir ntwwm twOwit in
Karope, the Went Indie. Ioni I it I on of
Canada, and in every part of th l'naxl HtJ
Or deletrrion drnH uned. He has. dnrinir tho pa
twenty thme years, treated ncy-fiilly nearly or T"
40,000 ca4X All fact oonni-otM with wli cnc :ua
carefully nwordt-d, whether they be er.mmunUniV.i by
letter or in peraon, or otmerved by the or hi
Kwociata phyniciaii. The latter are all adeutiDe
medical men.
Are trrxted. All Invalid! at a diMAJioe are rrntrrA
to annwer a Ut of plain qooKtiona. wbW ellei erery
symptom under which the invalid nafTr. Alt corn
muiuiraUnn Irtnf'l trtclly oonJUUntHii. A compl-.
ryxtem of rejrlnterintr prevent! mitkM or oonrnai,
Lint of qneation aent free, on application, to any pnrt
of the world. Sixty -patfe pamphlet o Bvldekcu or
Buccr.s, alao aent free. All iheae tenHm.nil ara
from those who have been treated by itjuI and e iwea.
Ad vie ia office, mr uxju, rax, or cuiaoaT
Call oa or addrea .
DR. 22. B. rOOTE,
No. 120 Lexington At6m K. T.
TKintert to Sett XTHxte Plata J fame Talf
and -M&lieal Commcn. Sense: Also
jyrfectes Science in Story.
IcrPirrtfculars address ,f
Dr. Bergsr'i Tonic Bowel an! File I'.l'i.
Thine pillaar an InfiUIiMe rnif tar ennMipeH'
and piiea, oauaed by weaknoea or pprwiwi'm of Wi
perim.i!tic motion of the bo we la. Td-y vrry
incraai the activity of the inteatina! can.tL, irrv1m
aoft stouls and re!iee pi lea at one. lave
been cared by them. Pr-os 50 oent. aent by mt -rt
r v::t of price. Prepared only by F. ALKUr.9
RBICHARDT, Pharmacibt, j4 Pomm Aimrre.
KW 141 ClTT.
Dr. Bergsr'i Compound Fluid Extract of
Rhubarb aad Dandelion.
The btvit combination of pnrely v'Ki tab'e nrvV- 't al
entirely replaoe Calomel or Blue Itll. It rtirrmirs.
th liv.r, tnnreae-i the flow of bile, axid thna m
atom torpidity of the liver. bt!ton-;ne and hi I
sannipation. and the diaeaew arurina from aiiob a
3yM iA- nick hend iehe. flutalrncw. to. Tec . fl.x
lirni of tiui Kjomi will be provnd, riaibly. lief
to t!w patient, an on or two ttuCtli are urticten
oiear tho ounplexion beautifully, nd remove pimp
and Maine e-ned by liver trmib'ex. Prloe 91 per boS-v
S botHaA, 8. w-ITI be aent on rewii if tho ptKa)
to anv aidre. free of chanre. Pn-parofl nnjY by
a rfscii naw luabv-jji.