hr I - THE E R KALI). LOCAL NEWS LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. TA0fant. r NnM a line. Kegular advertls Gfc ! twuls per Hue. No JTeniieiueat iuser m lur k Uiau u renin. OOatUMCATIOS. A w f iww U limited, all communications MMt be brie aad U the point. wilU no wwte li VkTlU- JfEWSFAPEE DECISIONS. 1 Ay person who takes the paper regularly U ixwtoulce. whether directed to his kJLuie. r whether lie in a subscriber or not in isMSoasible lor the pay. S. LI hit person order his paper dleontin- d, be tuusi pay all arrearages, or the punh.ih r may eoutinue to send it nuiil payment in saade. and eolleet the whole amount, whether Ui paper ia taken from the ofllce r not. 1. 'Hie eourt have decided that leinslng to tmis newspapers and periodicals from the post Cm. arremuviiu; and leaving tliem uncalled f cr, as prvna fan erideuwe of iKicxnuKiL At last we have hail a regular Court week in Cass County, ami it has made it quite lively in town. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Cerretted Monday, Dee. Cth, 1S75. FCS OMAHA FEO.U PLATTSMOUTIL UtfH. a. in. Arrives 11 :56a. m. " s M i. ta. Arrive. J :jp. m. rE-OH OMAH A.FO" PEATTSMOUTTL liMru.l.'j i. ra. Arrive. 10 :05 a. in. p. m. Arrives, 7 :45 p. m. FOS THE WEST. Lauras FoilUmouth,' 9 :2j u. bi. Arrives In !Aai;aJU :19. Kearney, 8 :C0 p. in. FROM THE WEST. tnT?Karuy, 6 :4')Ja. bi. Leaves Lincoln. U Ui p. W. Arrives FlatUraoutu, :li p. ta. COIXfl M.JLMT ; XxpT9l.-t.99 A. M. nrajcer, train (each day), S 0 P.M. SJftJ - AUL'SKM EN I S,J TO CO ii E. Ja. 27 Leap Year Party, iaa. 2 Peak Family Bell P.Ingers, & Who is to blame, the boss or the LireJ man when the boots are stolen. Twenty-six honest men were found in Lawyer Cole's timber up on the l'latte last week. BOOKS TO LOAN. COURT WEEK. To all who desire to read: I have now on hand about 200 rol umes of the choicest literature of the day; and I propose to give the public the benefit of this reading matter on the following terms: An advance dejosit of the value of ; Court in good style. Mr. IJroady our tho book will be required. A sum av- ' new District Attorney wtusaltoon hand, eraging about 15 per cent of the value ; Uoth gentleineu seem eminently fitted of the bock will be charged for reading I for their places, and drop into their re the same, varying somewhat with the ; speetive niches as frisily as if they had style of the book. Book not to be kept j leIongHl there all their lives, out to exceed ten days and of course the docket to be returned in good order. On these J i3 very full but the Judge and the tow terms I will loan such books ts I have, j yers iJOth sem bound to clear it once and hereby notify the public t ) tluttef- I any way, and it looks f.s if they would feet. Dr. G. B. Chapman, at Chapman's i succeed. Drug Store, Plattsmouth. Neb. SPECIAL NOTICES. Notice. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of srile issued by CP. More. ierk of the District Court, within and I 1 w i.i on tin- "etil laT if F brnoi v. A. D. t76! AM-or are reipiested to meet at the ofTW at Iff o'rioek a. in.-, ot s.ii l dav. at the vut!i dtMr PHOFESSIOXAT, CAKDS CENTENNIAL LEAl YE Alt PARI Y. EXTP.A BAILIITS go galloping around and about, and we j It. B. WI Villi AM. ATTOKNEY and Counselor at Ijw. Keat ..l it. l.iiht inri aolH Turn KHIil : and sre- ;i. in;. t'i .tri liiv. m upvh :iu(Hr i - . . ' . rf the fount vl'leik. in Pl.tU'inouth on the lirst, : oi the t'o.irt in the . ity f f l'l.itimonth ! attention Riven to coiie.-iu.iis.v iiurt over Tuesday in Ffhrnrv. txTH :il 111 nVli-k n n , in sui.I I 'mi:i lv. .!! at onl.lic niii-t II.-(nllmv . I Dr. I hapman 9 DrilJC Pr, I latmmoiuii. ,Jl blaiiksic. I 1114 real esiate. to-wit : t oiiiiiieiitin at the , " . r ATTortNEY AT LAW and Solicitor CTian- 43-Ct of the Alii P. M.. rtini.lilh south thirty-two (3'J) rp n a r, rr tt 1 j p j- 4 xft v 4 t 1 v V I r-idt. theuce west live ("i rod. theacV nonii iil.ltI OM I j 1 1 1 O. ! thirl v -twit iXM r.iiU liiif nnl Ti vi ( si roilw tn Our new judge, S. 15. Pound, made his rt f purpose of r.M i' iviiiie.-fssaryblai.ksic. ii4 rea r , , 1 I iaUi:ioutli, January Kth, Ih;o. jnoiihc: rtpIH-arance on iJoudav, and opened ( ' f. I. Moons. ; m- tion i il esiate. to-wit : I'oiiiiiie'H'in at the ast f inief of the .oiithwet n:iarfer tit imnilier piirlif (!! Mm. in ti,w nniiir ifion- I j Iter twelve 1 12t. no: th of rane fourteen (tft.rat cei t. Ortiee in Titgera! J' iihx-k, Plaiumoulh, .euraaiiji. one (t) are lrr.o.! who mav o5ertliemse!v:v-.eai:.ii.iatea J" " t " " a 'U m tor teat-hei of the . ommon ,r!ioo!.H,.f thi-oun- ' 1 ' l,1, . ".' '"'L. S Jl?. Court, recovered Iit Edwariftt. Dovev plaintiff. Plauiuo'.th. NeLra-ska, .lanuarv 2t'.tli. A. D. 187f.. M. H. 4j-5t Sheriff. ,y, al my iRl'c in the t in n of Weepinu Water, ori the ia-st Friday and Saturday c.f eacii and ev ery iiionlh. roiiiiiieticiiiu al lOo ciack a. in. I will n'.iii hold an examination in the Court lIone. at Platt':iou!h, on the 1st Friday and b-turdav in Kch. A. D. l.o:. Died tli i Mil day of Jan.. A. D. 1S7S. ;. B. ( KII'PKH, is Zl Co. Siip't. of Puhiic liistruciion. LEGAL NOTICES. km .vi,ri'i,n,iiT intvo tt.n i I hear t hat some of oil r friends out onr- -,-- " 0 1 a I Tat a a . t a a a Sheriffs Sale. is to be ix magnificent affair, for the fare, and conducted as it ia by the Fair alone, it cannot help but be a grand success. HARRIED. a 4T a. -s. AHNOLD-MILLEK January 2rtl. A. D. 1576, svt the residence of Mr. Kenninon, at Eight Mile Grove by Sam'l Eicbardon, Justice of t'.ic Peace. Mr. liKN.tAMtx D. Arnold, and Miss Saltan A. Millkr, all of Cass County, Nebraska. Choir Turkish Prunes at tn cents a pound, at J. V. Wcckbach'a 43-4t. Children's J'hotographu a Specialty .! Murphy's Callery. 48-lt. The Ladies who are managing the CVnt. L.Y. P.proiose to invite hi honor Judge l'ound, an-1 Dist. Att'y Broady to help them celebrate the many nice little tea parties they have all had since 1770. PUBLIC LECTURE. Robert Morris, L. L. D. will address tlie ublic at the Kpiscopal Church, on .Saturday evening next, the 29th inst Ilia subject will be "The Holy Land, a testimony to thy Holy Bible." All masons and their relations are particu larly requested to be present. Address will commence at C:30 p.m. Immedi ately after the close of the address all Master Masons will assemble at Platts mouth Lodge Xo. G. to hear Bio. Mor ris recite nome of Ids unwritten work. Standard Carpet Warp, the best in the market, at J. V. YVeckbach's. YV. Stadelmann selling certain lines at cost, positive; come at once. I 1 THE HEIIDKR OK THE UllAND JCItY I AUE Sheriffs Sale. I,.. nt..o ...l. 1 1. ...... ! .. .......1 ! Urfh.-itn !V r f-1 n r ing Ladies of this town give a j iiuuaLu huuuc. Leap Tear party at Fitzgerald Hall to- 1 busincss lixM? are lulUins U1 lhe i,rice I -.'"v"y siv"." K "inc 1 J & i tit iiflit ti-iv ttipir f inrt PYiifim" elau:i aua:uM l:ie ot Jno. L. lSrown. tle- night, and everyone expects to go. It ' 1 13 luuu eiiinis. j 0,.as,.(i- , ,U(, t!lc. s-tll, itl ,j)e ()liiVth o( ( oullty or U-lore tlie Lit day of Ai'-rnst. . 1. l76. VVm. H. Smvki.i, Cllllflf V 1 I 1.1 1 A vr. i . ritu linn. S. S. Billings. Wm. Coleman. J. S. Foster. S. B. Hall. Win. Loyd YV. Micklewait. J. M. Patterson. J. C. Stevenson. YValter. II. Trumble, J. Gilmour. P.v virtue if an order of a!e. Issued by C. T. Moore. Cicrk of the District Court, within and for t ass C011111 v, clirr.-.ka. aiu! to tue liirected, I will tin the 3 1 st d-iy of January. A. I). l7r. at 10 o'clock a. ui. of s.iid day al tin 'm!l door of the Court llo.isi-. in tile ri'y of Pl.-tl tstnoitt h, f'asu (,'otintv. scil at nuiiiu- auctloti. tin follow ing retil e-iiHie to-wit : '1 lie sou'.h li;if isS of j the souih li;.'lf s-,i of the south-east iiia:'ter ! (st") ,t ht'i'ttoii lour (4). and the X IIKKI.F.n A BKXXETT, RKAE ESTATE and Tar PayiiiR Aerrt. tatles Puhiic, Fira and Life Insurance Ageata, l'lattamoutli. Nehraaka. rt. II. MTIaUHTOX, rilVSiriAN & Jl'nC.E)f. tenders his pro fossionai services to the citizens of Cass county. I.'esidcuce southeast corner Sixth and :ik sis. ; t mice on Main street, two door went of Suth, Plattsmouth. etTka. i:o. n. sjiitii. ATTORNEY AT LAW and P.enl Estate Bro ker Special attention Riven to Collection . .. . . J .1 I L I , . ...... I .... t A and ail matters aneciuiK iiir uur i irai Oillce on 2d lit Kir, over Poll Office, I'lattsmouih, Nebraska. GILES, BR0.&C0., Nos. 2G6 and 268 Wabash Areitaot-Chics' WK ARK BPKCIAL AQEXTS FORJ ; L G IN n 1 TCI1ES. A5D ITATE A FCLI. BTOCK OF HOWARD WATOHBS, AND AN EVflLESS VARIHfT GF ColTea Frna, . , ((,i:t: till in JI STIt r. Or TIIK PKACE. Offlce on Main street. Plattsmouth. Neb., two q,ia: t.T .'lie'i of iect!oii i!i!ie(.v. a!l in town- i doors PI,st of H EKAl.u oltice. l!usitiess hour ii 1 1 in i it r ivei c ( i.i ii-i i ii i raiiiii? iiiincrn from H a. 111. to s l. m. All Collin y ousincss usu- a!Iv trarvn'ted Iiefore a oi uic i cm- will he atteudeil to. Also general collector of debts. HOyl J- v. tiaiaais !. east of the sixth a'.ihi principal ii-r:ilhii. in t '.ih-4 Coii-iiy. Ntliraka. j ise name bcirij; If vied UKii and take:i ns the projirrtv of H. il. IVtt' t. K. L. lvtt.'t. of.,defM:d-rU : to -atisfy a de cree of S:ud Court, recovered by li. ;. Doom, i; i.iitirf. I'lattkiuoutb, Neb., Dee. 23: h. A. D. 41. 11. CUTl.KK. 40US Sheriff. Bv virtue of an order of sle, issued hy ( P. Mooit'. clerk ,f the Histrict t. oiirt, withia and ffirl'.'LStl'n.ihlv W!l:isi?l mif! In mi J I will on the istii day of t ehi nary. A. D. lsTf', at i j 11 o'clock, a. i;i. ot s;iid day ai the soutn boor of j tlie I oun 1 1 in liie c;iv of J ialtitiioi.Ui, In j Sheriffs Sale. WhIU Base, and Maple Syrup, at J. V. Weckhacii's. Hes B'.adelmatin's new "Ads.1 iaj out; no humbug. CIos-5tf H?ige9 imdersella the wholo country la boot and sfioes. Bead price list and f sad try him. SU-tf. Crab Appl Vinegar, Xe Plus Ultra, at 43-4 u J. V. Weckbac'a's Don't fail to read Merges price list f 1joi and bho'H. ii:J-tf. IJisless another hitch takes place a through train from Omaha to St.Lotiis. via, J'lattsmoutli and JJncoln will be vut on .Sunday Morning next. Bsnnemlr that you can grt one doz Photgraph and an Album worth uq9 dollar nd fifty cents, for Three IU.-s kt Murphy's Gallery. 43-it. TEX IOLL All II AN" I) MADE snoEs roil (jeniv yveau, sell ing AT $.0., AT LOB ING COS. UP P. THEGUAXI) CENTRAL HO TEL, OMAHA. NEB. 4,1-tf. AT PITZtiCKAM BALL, JAN LAB Y 2sth, r.UKLINMTON A MISSOURI BIVEK BAILU0AB COMPANY IN NE BUASKA. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Burlington & Missouri Biver Railroad Company in Nebraska, will be held -at iht; ollice of the company in Plattsmouth Nebraska. Thursday the twenty-fourth day of February, A. D. at eleven o'clock a. m., for the election of directors, and any other bu siness which may legally coma before the meeting. Boston, January 17lh, 1S7G. John" N. Denxison. 44-4t Secretary. YYANTLD! Easoave Ball Co. Shares. Peak Family Bell BiagerR. 5t. Paul Pioneer Press.) The original Peak Family have la cored uiider the disadvantage of having their name assumed by 5mall companies ho have strolled around the country ivith nothing but the name for their capital. But the senior and only gen uine company, exhibited its powers hut J niht. The prograaniae was almost ' unexceptional)!' good and for variety iiad completeness would be difficult to improve upon. Tlui bell ringing was sweet and pv-rfect. Fannie Peak has made many additions to her excellent company, and she is worthy to receive A full house this evening. Reserved Scats for sale at H. J. Straight' Book Store, NOTICE. Oapp A G reinstate at Elm wood Neb. ieueral dealers in dry goods, groceries, ar.d all articles generally kept in a country storc, desire to call attention to thir stock just laid in this season, xn i ask the farmers to call and exam ine our gotds before going away from home U buy. CL.APP GlIEENSLATK. Never undersold in boots and shoes, bee price list elsewhere. S'i-tf Petek Merges. CENTENNIAL TEA PARTY'. There will be a Tea Meeting at the tons of Mrs. Spurlock, on YVednesd.iy . in., Feb. 2d. Refreshments at five o'clock. Collection taken for the ben fUt ot the Woman's Foreign Missiona ry Society. All invited. J. S. YVlUlITMAX, Secretary. In accordance with tlie direction of Plattsmouth Lodge No. C, A.'. F. k A. M.. we will purchase one humired and seventy-live dollars (SI 75.00) worth of th shares issued to aid in the erec tion of the Masonic and Odd Fellows building in Plattsmouth. No .shares will be purchased unless the said shares were isscf.d to some MEMUKlt OF THE MASONIC FilATEllXI- tv. Bids will be received Tor the money until March 10th, 137(5: 'and those shares purchased from which the owner will make the largest per cent, discount from the pur valuw of the shares. The bids should be sealed and addressed to "Geo. Foster, Secretay, Plattsmouth, Neb.," and endorsed "bids for sale of shares in Jhe Masonic and Odd Fellows' Hall Co." Bids must be on file on or before March 10th, 17G, ami the awards on the same will be made on March 15th, 1S70. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, January 27th, 187G. Frank E. White. YV. M. J. W. Marshai.e, Treas. GEorge Foster. Sec'y. Plattsmouth Lodge No. G, A.-. F. & A. M. 44 1 6 HIGHEST AWARD. I received the diploma for fine dress boots at the State Fair, and continue to make the best ami nicest tits. (Jive me a call. ;'.a-tf P. Merges. YVe must ask the young gentlemen about town to keep out of the printing ollice in business hours. Our boys are there to work and not to gas, besides you cause mistakes to be made and you are not around when the "cussing" comes in for that. If you always were perhaps the editor would not object to vnn wasting the time of his workmen. F. J. Todd. A. E. McMakin. S. Bethel. YVm. Chalfant. A. B. Taylor. AND THE TETIT Jl'EV John F. Buck. John Beaver. J. YV. Barr. Harvey Clapp. B. Chapin. D. S. Draper. David T. Dudley. G. E. Elson. J. C. Eikenbury. YVm. Grossbeck. J. Gil more. James Hall. YV. C. Jvnks. L. A. Kenaston. L. Lynn. L. C. Pollard. YV. G. Bobb. John Snyder. John Stine. E. S. Sharp. T. W. Ti land. Isaac Wiles. A. II. Weckhaeh. G. W. Young. The Giand Moguls intend to visit Hy virtue of an order of sate isued by C. P. Moore. Clerk of the Di.:nct Court, within and for Cass County. NetnaKa, and to no directed. 1 will on the 3;sj riv of Jaauary. A. D. lSTti. at 1 DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homeopathic Physician. FZ'-Ci'rtce Rurt Residence corner With and Vine Sueets. Fliutsnioiith. Neb. Calls attended at all hour. 40yl. IK. J. M. W ATI-.RMAS, i if! ii-k it n of 4iil l:iv tiit'tiiiiMliiWu.r uf i hi i K. w n T .a a ? said oinity. 11 at public auction, tlie follow- roult n'ollse iu t;1(, ( lt( of puu-miou! h. in said HhVSlO--MGCllCal f raCllLlOUOr. itiK.Eea ..Estate o:wit : t.t one U 1 m hlock one (, sell at i-uMic' auet!on. the t'ollcoviin; (1). in Stiles addition to Plattsmouth city ; the rPTll ,.snt to-wit : ine south-west .ju.titcr Cs w .nim'.'!. Cast Co., Xtb. same l.eiuji levied upon and taken as the prop- i, ,. f sc tion t went v -one .. tonu twelve , -.,,... .i eitvof atherme Wheelan AiiKiwius ; Whccl-m ,,-'. nonii .f ran-.- ime (, cast of tii aUtlt tflrAIwayt at the office on Saturday. T and!.. W.Sroat.uefeijdai.ts; to satisfy a ,Hlju Iiri,.ij,a, ,,i,-ii,ii.ii!. also Hie south cast " meut of sai.i ( ourt, recovcied by O.iver P. ,,UJ,r(er(-M-?,-f tl south-east quarter (V O I O" . , I Mason liaintuts and tho noriiiwcst .juarier uov'.iof the south- S H 1 1 Tl fl P I2 O U S C I PiatUi:ioulh.ieb..Jan.2Cth. lg,6 MSt ,4U !.,. tsP-.4, i se-tioti u. towu j OaUIlUVl O iaUUUW 41t5 ii. li. CUTLER. Sheriff. Notice. In the tt after of the Estate of Samuel Alley deceased, before Win. H. New ell. County J ude in and for Cass County, Ne braska. T'i whom it. may enncern: Notice is hereby sriven that application has been made to have M. O. Alley appointed ad ministraiorof the estate of S.-'imn-i Alley, le-cca.-"i. that saiil ca ise is s i for hear ni; at the Cotititv Judges ollice in Plattsmoiitu.oii lhe Hih d;iy o! February. l7j. atiMi" o'l-l-ick p. m. of .said j day, al winch time ami place any person inter ested may appear anil siio.v caii'ii', it any they have, w hv t lie s, iid 1. O. Alley should 'not be appointed su'-h administrator ai'iordiu: to pray er of said petition. Wm. il. Ni: ri.i.. 4t-t County .ludye. Sale of Estrays. Notice is hereby pive:i that I will sell St. pub lic ail'-tion, ;it the residence of John tiilmore. in lit. Peasant pieciacc. in Cass Coi.ntv. Nebras ky, on the ldi day of February, A. f. 17H-;. sit 10 o'clock a. in., on said ta : Two (i blaca colts, oiie ( 1 1 and tw (Mil years old; said enits uipra.!-l by A. P. Cox. and II. l'eper. at tortv 14m and sixty (oil dollars respectively. Said oils were taken up by said John Giiniore. and by him adverlised as estrava. and now adver tised by me tor sale to-cording to la.v in such cses made and pn-vMed. January 1st, laTo. A. ?i. bl'M.l VAN. 11 li Justice of tile 1'caae. PLATTSMOUTH, NEli. twelve ( li, north if rane nine t'.o of the sixth itith) piitici:al ineiidisn. l he same t-eine l..-t...l it..., . .....I .L-... ajlh. it.,x.u,li' .r w i ' M.-.:in. John Swank, il.u lba .1. 5s wank, and i t Yr It Tll!.!PT, PynnriptnT John T. WeliMUiiii. il-fcndai:iti : to sutisfya de- j J. U. .'ljlUUlllA 1, XlUlJlICUUl. cree of ald Court, recovered by John li. Claik, . . plain! iff. I r 111OVIMI 1 lausmouta. .Nebraska, nee. rem. a. o. i75. , si Vl li 1 If I Tj .1 Ij It irts 11. b. clti.e:;. Htieriff. WATERfilAH'S. The old Stand-by Lumber Yard. Fall and Winter Stock Cheap- er than ever. Kee ml 011 or.1 wide. Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of an order of s-ile. issued by C. P. Moore. Cieik of the District Court, wi:hi"n and Inr Cass County, Nebraska, and to toe c.iiecied. 1 will on the Till dav of I'ebrua.'y, A. D. 1T6. at in o'clock a. 111. of s;iid day. at ibe s ::t'i lio-ir of tii 01:1 1 lipase In tin-C'ly f Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auction, tne :'o'. lowing real k' itc. 1.1-wit : l.oi tine (li iu block thirty-one ftl 1 in the city of I'la'tsi.-inuth. ;:ss Coui'tv. ns desiiri!aul Orion the rei-orded tlat , of naul city. 1 m-same h''tu if iei n;in and 1 Ottr County J:tll ami make, a report anil ! taken as the property John D. Sin.jison. ft. i.l. iit'iciiu.i!; ih ; ios:iitsi n jnuwiiifiii 'i s.iiii rumi G. F. GYGER, Painter Grainer, PLATTSMOUTJf, AS7. Also all kinds of PAPR HANGING AND GLAZ jl jLST 3r , . Done to ortter in good si vie. the Petit lellons are on hand to try not only the tallow, but the very sum and substance of all offenses. THE WEATHER has been delightful, and we think a very good season has been chosen to hold Court here, and hope it may be mad'! the permanent order. rec.ixered tv lSeiii. K. Ell.ei . p'aiutlif. Pia'n.uoulh, Neb., Jan. ii a. !STt. M. u. cun.r.E. 4t:.S saeniT, Sheriffs Sale. Pv viv'ite (.::!! "rder of sale. Nt;ed hj C. T. i fieri: of the District Coiiii. wioiin and J fur ''ass ( oiiiitv. Nebriska, an 1 to me directe j, i I v. id t!i the'ilh d..y uf i eliruaiy. A. D. !;, at ; l!t o'clock s. 1.1. oi sa:d nay, at the aontti d'.i.r of j the Court ibmse ill lhe eliy f i'i.iiistmua!.. ill j said Count v. se:I jit Ji'ililie "aticl iiiu lhe iol.ow- Ins real estate !ii- l : The noi l ti-eas! ij i.i! ter trt - tiiree, (see ii.;-, town- m.l 1t,-L i'iit .ia llf.. iii.l s,'l' iiui',n'r en cn. ui) ii'M.i 01 laue iiu. liner uiu, just as urge as Die and IIMo;l1i ,,. ihHit!i p. m. ia t:.e t:u- Jf?I hive :i new set of Crainini' Tculs. and am fuliy prepared 10 do work in the best ana latest style. ALSO U'AliOS . CARitlAK PA!XTIX. Eii'iuire at ?.!ike Sehiiclibacher's r.lac'rsiiiiih .Shop. 40lf Frank G. Cox, RE-FITTED, aJd RE-FURNISHED. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! I-Chaf.oes Moderate. 3-yl Ijtdlea Flna Oold WatcaM, tiold Opera Chain. Gold Neck Chaim. 8ilver Vent Cnalo. Talde Cantors. Cake lla.skau. Nut Pick. Card Standi. Napkin Kings V alters. Putter Dlnbes, Hold Ktiis. Diamonds. ' Hold Tooth.riekt. Gobi Watch Keyi, Coral bead. Coral ecklire. Coral .tats Mid Etnr, Xroiae OrnainenU, BUver Spoon. Tea Sets, l adle" Sets, fcarl Sti. Ic ritclir. fcynip Dinheff, Hi nouDlflolilar. Cup nil Capiat ftrta:ia. un l I LinifclM. Silver Tblnbl eld I orkUJ . SMrt Start, tgf aal KlDg,' Jsrooch., ' 0)er,U iMMtwfa Office and Parlor Clocks of every Description;' Watch Materials and Tools forMcwele, Evary oti vliiiln;; f HICaCO houlil call st our establishment and'etamlna our looda. Kt3 Till; ( lll.APIHT fHK rS IS.Ol B JIOTrO. II EX II Y IIOWLAXI). 1 j General BlacksmithingJ Crrlea. fnitlfs. mwtA XT near i ITleiiiUred n Shrl KetlHi. AIJSO .' IIORSC-SIIOEl.TO J and all othr Ircin rromptly afteww'i ed to. cheaper than the ctvapest, fnr eaai Ity the undei-algurd, IE HOW LAND. I ffhop norlhwesl Cor. of Vine Mixta PI-AlTSMOUni, NEB. 'GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, . S.argcKt anal finest ISotel be tucen C'tilcagAand San Francisco. GEO. THRALL, - - Prop. I OMAHA. XKK. -e. t- j . , , 1 Ins real estate to-wii A e saw Moses Hodge up at Omaha, j n,e 1,1, t s.., ;i. n th ii.i'vr, i i:r 1 I slihi mil-, her cb en. twice as natural. lie sent a message i of Nebraska. The aame b. in-; levied n;t'. and i taken as tin- t!-":" rtv of Erank Ki use;, defen- to all his friends in IMattsinouth, but i ian : -j satisfy a jn-V.z netit of sum ' .m, re . . . . : covered hv l'ober T. Maxwell plaiotitf. we can t jml im tue Heeai.d just nov, ; piattsmoaiii. Neb.. Jan. imii. a. d. i?;. A-1 sr t, i- j. .sfcw PL A TTKllOUTir, NEB., A1.S, AT LINCOLN, XEIJHASKA, AND RED OAK, IOWA. SEWING MACHINES I am now prepared to fix any kind of SEWING MACHINES, that need repairinff in the place. 1 have just received a New Lathe, and ejn cuarantee my work, and at prices tbat w ill not beggar the poor man or woman to buy. j-Also. Gun Work of every description all kinds of line mechanical work can be done at mr shop. 2V:3m Geo. W. Kturr. ;is we are out of cast iron types. If any one is anxious to know what Moses sai-J, they can come up to the ollice and we will tell them. M. 11 CL" i 1 Kit. Sheriff. The following rules, &c, are to be the order for to-night, fit the Great Leap Year 1'arty: HULKS AND REfSULATIOXS OK THE CENTENNIAL LEiPVEAK PARTY OF 1T. AT FITZGERALD lIAXt., JANLARV 27TH, 18TC. Robert's Razor Steel Scissors, the best in use, formerly sold by Eli l'ltfm mer, can now be had only at 43-4t. J. V. Weckbach's PUT IX F0K l'l N. To Cive the New Devil a Job. FAN NIK'S HBISTMAt PRISEN'T. "A doll 1 hat will bawl. Or none at ail.' Said pouting Fanny so surly. Oh ' So her lovinc mother. With considerable bother. Manufactured another. Halilcss, toothless, crying, precious little Igirlie, Oh 1 The celebration of the Centennial at Murphy's Photograph (iallery is a de cided success. Photographs and al- A friend of the IIehai.d's not over . million of milfs from here, went to i " . 1 . Cim J .ir 4.s.m . ' V- 5 1 11 1 "mu' i bums are going off like "hot cakes." hen the collection plate come round; drt'pped what he supposed to be a piece J " - cf M-rip into the plate. What was his j Closing out all my stock of ladies' astonishment and mortification on Mon- furs Iiy to have the Senior Deacon baud j AT t'OST. a ticket witli this legend, "good -pme riK'!t on and get your r urs 1. Every lady is expected to behave in a gentle-manly manner to her part ner, and till persons on the floor. 2. Gentlemen will endeavor not to drop their fans and handkerchiefs at inconvenient times, as their partners may not be dressed for picking up things from the lloor. 8. Ladies are requested not to leave their partners standing on the lloor alone while they rush off to kiss a friend who litis just come in. 4. Xo smoking'", aloud ; the gentle men can whisper and giggle :is softly as they please. ."5. Gentlemen with children attach ed, who do not desire to dance, must not obstruct the lloor for tho3e who do dance. 6. The lady managers will form the sets, have entire charge of the lloor while dancing, and sfe that everything is done in the most gentleman-like way. 7. Xo lady allowed to take more than two gentlemen to supper at once. 8. Gentlemen are requested to shorten their trains as much as possi ble during round dances, as long trains bother their lady partners. 1) Sheriff's oaic. Ily virtue of an order of sr.le issv.d by C. V. Moore, Cleikot" the District Court, with:;! and for Cass foiiat v.';a. and to 11 e lb cried. 1 will on the 2i'i;h d.-y of February. A. D. 17 ".,. at 1 1 o clock a. in. oi s;ud day. at tlie South dnoi of the Conn House in the t ity of Piattsinotii h. in said County, sell ;tt public auction tlie follow -iut; teal estate lo-wil : The cast ha: f. e !- of the south west n'.rirtt r. (s w 1 of section Dt.iii ber eighteen, (is) in town ten. do, ratmc. t vei v c. CAstoftith P.M. Thes:ime hem-; levied upon and taken as the property oi Wm. Westlake de f.iiil.tnt ; to sat isfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Win", cavgill l laititifT. I'laltsii.i.'iilb, Nebraska, January '5 th. A. D. lSTi". M. 15. t'i ri.iut. -l-.-it. ShciiiT. Chattel Mortgage Sale. P.v virtue of ;i power of sale in a certain f bat tel executed and d-ilivereo by Wilbur V. li.ii tnii. tu Hiii & Moore. 0:1 the second day of January, A. D. iS7.". ii.iid recorded on pa-'e 1 1 7. iti Hook h" of MortiraKes. 1:1 the County Clerks ollice at I'iuttsnioet h. in Cuss County ."Nebras ka. Which said iuort;r:t;;e was jriven to secure tlie payment of a ceion'ii proinissoiy nde of even date wiih said liioit. iiie deed. and hecom itijC due and iiayabl" 011 tiie 1st day of .Noveiii bci', A. D. Is7,-,";ind e-it'iii for l!i" payment of Hie sum 01 one hiuolied and si..tee:i aiel seveti-ty-iiveoae huiidretbs ( 1 :.7) dollars, together with interest on l he same, ;.t the rale of leu per 11 nt per annum, from date theivof until paid. And w berejis the wmde amount of said iiTe wi;ii interest issti'.l dacaiiu lheiefore by virtue of mortae. ami by direction of l!il! & Moore. 1 v.i.l on Wc-.!nesda"y the 23d day of February. A. D. 1S7::. at 2 i :iick p. 111. y't ElmiviMid I'osi Ollice. t -ass County. Nebraska, oifer for sv.V ;t public auction, a.iil seii to the Inchest bidder for cash, the personal property de.vcribed in said niorti'ae, to-wit; ne. o:.e Moiy frtiine house. 12 b-el wide l.y to feet Ion;;, beir.j; now situated upon tne north -ast ipiarier ot sectiot. twelve tow n, leti ilii.i, raii- ten (tu). ia Cass Cnuntv, Nebinska. to satisfy the Hinotait secured by said I'hattel Mortae. an 1 also the costs and charges pcitaiuiug to adver tising and sel!iiK the same. Ebnwood, Nebr-iska, January ItV.h, 1S76. liftl. I!. HhNNKlT, ll-3t At;eiit for Hid : Moore. I prop ise to fur.iish Ice to customers by the ('wt.oi ib. A deOut-iion made for REGULAR CUSTOMERS. Sheriffs Sale. I viU also riT.T. irp unvKS. IiVILO SEW O.Vs'. 01 FC11SI11 YOU ICJ. in any shajie you desire at Ki:.iiosAc:: F. c. COJT. 0m'i i'lait'inoth. yh. W4; 1t A W. WHITE, Dealer In Main St., bat. 5lU and G'.ii PLATTSMOUTH. - KEB ITS FBOPUIETCK OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. P.ank.) I'LITTSMOITH, ... .CB. XV llAR IS Sl'i'l'l.tKI) W ITH TH K BEST VINE3, LIQUORS, ZL. CI3eT'-jZEFL' 12) BEEP, ETC ETC, 'ivl WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the OF GROCERIE IN TOWN. " MI LI 40yl Highest Price Paid for Coun- MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, lll,A VKSMlTll HORSE SHOEINt;, WAGON IlEPAIKIKO. All kinds of FARM IMPEEMENTI mended S tatty it Promptly :0: Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Gome and see us. JNTEW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streetw. just across the comer from tlie mkw lifclAl.L) orncic. lffyl ST JlKlti lit & tiUAlYAi Harness ManufaLturers) 8ADDLE3 ( roi.i.AW i mnA .11 L In .f ,mrrmm mtW U ..I..1I. ban4. Fruit Con feet ioncrj, AND Grocery Stor: HUTS, CANDIES. TKASy SUflAK. TOHACCOES, corrint nxun. Itememhor lhe place, oppo lie B. O. Doyej on bower Main Siieet. Ht liUUI IIT A If ILL R Ft. 1-1 F. D. LENH0FF, Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, Having lately bought out SHAFER'S OLD STAND I am prepared to do all work brougbl' to me, (n this line. Horse. Shoeing and Repairing 0 all kinds. 34tf F. I). Lemiofe. WINDHAM'S Iv.E-A.Xi ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Wm. Gramberg, Deal e rjl y 1 - m LumDerLoai dta Valler Houa'l l.of I SII, BLIND PNATT8MOUTM, ' p , Op. Platts Valley Iioui' On hand all kind LU1IBEII, DOOIiS 8 AS If, 8 II INGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS. BUILDING PAPERl CE3IEXT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc AT LOWEST MABKID BATES. try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. i a. v S3 CD o o 3 CO 0s e er as Si s? 2. tr cr. rr" s r t C sS - 'jc s; o en CD c 1 . -r t 3 e r? ?!!! 'J! C '-Sr " - I?" 2 2. 5 T td M m P.v virtue cf an ord'-r of s.ile ised by C P. Mdre. Clerk of the District t-'onrt. witfiin j for diss county. Ncbr.tsAa. and to ine Uirectii, I 1 will on lhe ilay of Febi u.iry. A. D. ISTb. 1 -it 1 i 1:1 1 1 .! i.l 1 1 -i V :i r 1 e f soli I 1 1 .In, ir iientlemen must not ionret to , .j the ' enn iim-e m s;nd uy : pi.ttisinoui..!, NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE flood fresh miik I J J. -ED LJ r 1 1 DELIVERED DAILY ! j AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. A T t I The partnership of O. M. Strefglit and W. KVEHTSODY'S HOME IS PL A TTSMOUTH j Jones, lie'ng this day dissolved D. IT THFV WAXT IT. KT j. r. 1111 a 1.12 1: ist f. si. IK YOlIt O R r FRS AI I WII.I, TKT XB DIVE voir behave in a lady-like manner when j ! aHjae,H.Hy.seiiat pu:.i:ca".ictiou u,ftd:ow- . , , , J . , r . . .. I ir.g Ke:-.l Edate to-v.11 : Lois one. two. three, asked to dance, and be careful to waltz 1 ;;.. t,-n. cl-v.-u. twelve, thtiteeu. fmii teen, nf- ! SK?,D as femininely as possible. I " "iMeeu. s-vemeen, eiiiteen 11. . 3. " ' ' I III. U, 1. M. I . l. 1. A. s.! Ill IflOC lOiir 1 10. Gentlemen witli their front I E.iHaix.aeveu.eiaiit. i.iiie. ten. eleven, twelve, 1 TTDTTT.ThI T1 r , . .... . . . , j thirteen, foiirtten. hfteeu, nviein. s ventt .en, ' s L-' I...J i-V-t I, I ' 11. ui i-iuii('"i, iu no oi" oiiitiienii v j ii;,u:.eii lit, 7, h. i. hi. 11. lj. 1.:. !4, 1".. id. i ", wait?.eii on on tneir ear, iiv the nrst 1 i. iui.ock .s. i.oi iour, nve. six, seven, ei huly who discovers them. 'ALL SET! nvi and serve you regr.'aiiy. f or two drinks." Church now. He's quit going to TREE TIVKCtiREEX AND FOREST SEEDLINGS, FREE. The editor of tho Evergreen, Sturgeon U iv, Wis., informs us that he has gro wr it, ir upon his premises, of spontaneous beeding, larjre amounts of seedlings of ti.e above JitTerent sizes, and some ten or a dozen different varieties, which he will give away in any quantity to any I erson for his own planting only, by h i removing them at his own expense II? will furnish full information re garding sizes, varieties, cost of remov- Closing out all mv Boots & Shoes, at Cost. Also, all underwear, and Overcoats, Mitts and ti loves. Now is your time for bargains. SJtf Wm. Stadeemanx. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Plattsmocth. XEIi.. ) November 22d, IST.j. ( The undersigned wish to call the attention of the Public to Ins New Meat Market, on youth side of Main Street, two doors ast of denes' Id very Stalde. Here, gentlemen, yon will find lleef and Pork, Mutton and Veal for Sale, at wholesale and retail, cheap for nine. tn. eleven, and twelve, 1 4. 5. G. 7. H, !. l'l, 11. .t l.'i. in block siv ui . Lots nils, tsii, three. four. five, and six. LI. . . &. Iu block sev en 17). Lots one, two. three, and lour, i, 3. v; 1 4.1 in block nine ivi. Lots one. two. liiree, ! r, j five, seven, len. eleven, and telvel, 2. :. 4. S. 7, I in, n J. pjj. in blucx ten io, Lois one, tw.i, I three, four, five, seven. eij;l;i . nine. ien. eleven. ami twelve il. 2. . 4, .7. . 9. HI, 11, .v in ; I dock cli-i tu i 11 1. l.ols "lie. t .o. liiiee, lour. B ve. six. seve;i. eU'!i., ten. eleven, twelve, inir Ifen, j(;-,;rt-e!i. ft, teen. siien, seveuieeu. c:,;:i te.:. 11 1 1 ecu. tw niv-one and luent v -1 wo t.1, 3. 4. 5. 0. 7.. 10. 1 l.'la. 1.1. 14, 1, 16, 17. IS. J'.i, il. & 'Jul. in Mock tweive l!-ji, l.ts one. two. I tiiree. feur. live. six. seven ei:lil, nine, leu and I eleven ' 1. 2. :?. 4. -". 6.T. s . 10 . r. 1 in block farturers in the country. Comprising ' een ii;:j. J .its one an.i two 11 r: iu block our- - j tcei: L' Eot s oi.e, two. 1 :n ee. (our. tive ,i::d six a vaiieiv 01 siyies 01 jftfini a,im janrj . 11. -j. 1, .i, a t i.i ii.ock iitnen iio , r, " . , i lits tiiree. tour ami fie .. 4 & 5 iu blok LOXGIiKiiS. ALEXIS, liUTTON ami risnteen iisj. lts iiie. two. three. f..;r, ti.e. Of K CKLPIIATRD IIAXI MADE SIIOIi-5 For Gentlemen, SELLING AT $3M0, Regu la r Price $ 10 These shoes are Iitiml made of the bwt Frttuli calfskin, by the best mann- Laced Shoes. The same styles in finest machine WOKE at 83.00 Regular price SS.00 Gentlemen should avail themselves of this opportunity to procure one of the greatest bargains cer oJTered. W. II. LORING & CO., Opposite Grand Central Hotel. P. S. ' Orders promptly tilled, satis faction guaranteed, or tU goods may be returned. 43-tf. turer, Cash. I also kef n on hand Turkevs. pi.toi-nnc . e - : Cicar CliooinirH evf Sr,anis;!i and A Ac. to any ir.o addressing him j f, t'the with f Tobuoes for ..king rnr a arve "3""' i trial, gentlemen, and get the worth f 1 louawws i'r smoKuig pni fLim Vy return your money, iu good meat. Respect- ! For iiale- lst qualities of pi ng- 1 f. M. Tm-w; t. i".-U'.acr.i ?lvi on b.v.v'.. FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepper! err. Cigar Manufae- , 011 Main St- Plattsmouth, Neb. Ameri- poses. ig-smok- - f. seven. ui. nine, eicven au.l t . elve 1 1. 2. 3. 4, ..7.S.ii. 11..VI2! in Mock lihuteen iIh, lits one. two. t bree. tour. five. m, ten. eleven, four teen, fifief-n. sixteen, seveiiieen. ciiihleen, mtie teeii. t w eiitv , t cut v -one. t wcoty-l wo I. . 3, 4. 5. C, til. 11. 11. Ij. iti. l"7, 1. li. U1. -1. 22) M bha-k twenty -V'. Lh one and ten 1 & ioj in block tnent y-o;ie -jl, Eots one, two. four, uve, se en. eiRiii.'ii'.n?. ten, elevi n and twelve 1 1. 2. 4,5. 7, S 9. ;o. U .t 12 ia block twenty-two tZ. lois one, two. three. I.iur. five, six, seven and eihl 1. 2. 4.4, o, 6. 7 x) IB Muek iSi, live rj in block twenty-six, 1. lds one. two tlaree. four six, eitit, nine. ten. eleven and twelve. 11,2,3. 4. '. 8. S. lo. 11, and 12; iu Mock twenty-seven, I'JT . Lots one, two. t hree, four, six, seven, eitit nine, ten, eleven, twelve, loorteeii, fifteen, six teen, eighteen, nineietn and twenty i. X 3. 4. fi. 7.K.9. iu. 11.12. 14. ic. 1. :. and 2 i in Mock twenty-eiTit. 2Si, l.its one. t.. nre, six. seven, and ei'ht l. 2. 5. C. T. and 8j in Mock thirty l-toj. Eots live, six, seven and eint L3. 7, ami f.j in block thirty-one Lai, in li.kci Ad dition to li.iltsuiouth l ity. 1 he .sani bein levied upon aad tnken f the rropeity of Elbert T. Duke and I- D. I'.ei.uett. executors of the est;tte tt Siie-dieri! Dane and I .loyd D. Bennett, defendants ; to ausfy a iudtnnent o. said eouit. recovered by the F'.mt National Back, of Plattsmouth. Neb.. Dlatutiffs. FlaUsinoutb, Neb.. Januaiy vn, M. H. 17K. cuti rn. ROBERT DOS NELL ITS AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and J'lorr re pairing, awl general jobbing. PETER RAUEN, Tlie old Reliable Wason Maker has taken chame of the wagou hoK He is well known aa a NO. 1 WOK KM AX. X'ew Wa;c r.nd 5Jueiie made to 4rJer. SATISFACTION (,1'AUANTEED. (shop-on sixh street. op-,Kei:ie Streij;ht's Stable. CEDAR CREEK ADS. Dr. Y. I). JONES, will open a new I.i very. Feed, and Sale Stable, at the old 111 ATT EAKN.on Main Street, just east of .lohn Shannon's well known Stable. Plattsmouth, Neb. Florae. 5tnsgle A. t'arrlnie. to let at all times, at icasonable rates. JpmsKS HOARDED 7J1" THE DAY, WEEK, OR MOSTll. Part ieuiar attention paid to drivinsrand train inr Ilorses. HHvinr all the appliance 1 shall make a particular teature of mv business the driving ami handling of TEO 1T1NG STOCK. E ffe-P.eins well known all over the county, no fun iier chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite off my friends to rail and .see me. and they will receive a hearty welcome. Kespcctf ully. SiiK W. D. JONES. CM L L y DICK STREIGHT'S J. INHELDER & SON, DEALEItri IK J.i'XtTST SHOES, AXD GROCERIES. Of every kind. at lowest p'-.-sibie Kites. Also UEALEF.3 IN GRAIN. For wfcieU tlie hi ijhest CASH prices tnf- paid, irides and i'roduce of all kinds boaht at lte;sonat)!e rates. IVIir,I.Dr.tti KTATIOX (Cedar Creek.) w r-AHK f'-ti Xf--HMAHK-4. Feed and bale Stables. Corner 6th and Pearl Sts. , HORSES HOAKDKD BY THB diy, ivi:eii, on hoxtu. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL HOUItS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTIXG STOC K.. will iso have for service during the mmou the CKLXbKATEIl IIOKSES: X0R3IAX & TALAItAN, Known as the W.D.JOKF.R HOBSEfl. I take pleasure In annouricin to the public, do ing business in tile State of Nebraska, and especially in Cass (many, that 1 havu established iu connection with my Leal Practice, a COLLEGT02ST, ANI REAL ESTATE AGENCY! A nine years' residence in State and County, with canstant business relations ainoni; the peo ple, have qualified me for transacting business of this character with GREAT FACILITY. All business entrusteJ to my care by firm or Individuals, will receive immediate at tention. All Moneys Collected, BEHITTEI) rUOM ITI.T. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT & SOLD ! TAXES PA1D1 l2TBusiTUs Lttttrt Anurrel l'r'mplly. II. 11. Vt'IXItUAM, 412y Plattsmoutli. N'eb. I CHANGE OF FRONT t Hatt Goes Out, and Marthis) V O .11 K S I fll ! I The same old burlier shop, but.INO. MARTniPi is K'uiik to run it awime Having leased the Old and well knowr Butcher Shop of Mr. Halt, I am prepared t furnish GOOD ROASTS. CJIOlt r. STEAK. vrlhji roirrt, otul TkXSlikR JOISTS I efrdlal!y Invite all the old emtnmer fif the Rhou. to continue their patronarn. fcnd respect fully ask as many new ones aa feel Inclined to to 'lent wun me, 10 come iorwara ana buy. Piatuwouth, Jsn'y 12th. 176. JOHN MARTHIS. 3 This is i he place where Sueceseor to McGuirc Curtis, is going to spread himself in an SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers In Tim- WTMM.I3,, 1 ETC.. ETC., ETC. One Door East of the Post-Oitiee, ristUmooth, .-senrasaa. : o : c c AXX 77 as soon as we can get 'round to it. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEAEEP.S IM DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. Am Frmer'tupplle Uener&H j. Our Goods arc all New, mm A A ..11 UAM MIT a l ...v. i-rin k-.a . . Ar. Wmw nn(1 K,)0, L1,1U(,r, , ,,e W4 r,j TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! j srmably, for your benefit If you desire. rraetieal Workers In SHEET IRON, ZI.VC, TIN. BRA ZIER Y, &c, &c. Irge aasort:nnt ot Hard and Soft COAL STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on ITand. Every variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, an4 Zlno Werk, kept In Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. ts7-Erfrri-Vtf warranted; ;xj riiiCKM i.ovr iow. Kxt SAGE BROS. Mrs. A. H. Kneer WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curl. Switches, Puffs, and all kinds tt Hair Work promptly and neatly made by HVi:"R,S. KHsTEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S MILLI . i: It T STORE, On Main 5t., 1 door east of Claik & Plummer's. FOR YOU a Detter ynn call on dot Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN. KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE OS LOW Eli MAIN 8TEEET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. I ir 1 a. n TT liiuais nil nuui.