n ft 4 - ? 1 THE H Eli A LI). LOCAL .XEAVfc lACALAIVEin"lSliMK.TS. Tranidcnt. 2-.ceut.s a line. Itesular ndvertis r. 10 cviil.s lor line. No advertisement Inser ted tor t'.iuu Kit-ruts. Legal Notices ar St.-Utit rates. , . ' . , Attmcv mid iHdeers of tin l.iw will be rielI roLinsili;'e for all Icir.d notices they Ii:iimI in. fcia all pirtie deui in line a proof of pul.lica ii'n oi .l.ty notice will be held lor the publica tion lee oi ucii mil !. COM M U Nl'O AT I ( ) X. As our ii:hv U limited, nil communications ttjut i. bncl iiud to the point, with no waste l wurda. JCEWSFAFEU DECISIONS. X. Any person who takes the paper regularly lron lUe ftniW. wiK iJi. r directed lo liW i.h-iip. or w iielher tie Is a mihscriher or not Is reponltle for the pay. 2 If but person onlcrshls p:ier discontin ued, he ir.u'si .iy nil srreai-ajp-s. or the ptiniish sr may continue t send it until payment i u.&l. and collect the whole iiiiioiiiit. whether the piier U taken from lie offuv r not. I Tii-roiirls liav decided tli;it rejtrMnrr to : news;itie"S and w-riodiruls troni I he nst Hlc. or rr-mit iua and Icaviiiir them urn-ailed for. bivrunii arte c iiieuce f l.Sihllox.u. rAt i. We have received No. 1 of Vick's Floral Guide for 1870, containing the here's your fresh ji eat. - SheriiFs Sale. A3 everybody Hill observe our friend-1 ry virtue of four executions issued by it. n. completion of bis trip to the I'aciHc, ! ,y lmtchrr. Mr. M:u this, has made aj wmtu inciuue.s) onuii, uui, iiiicMf.Mjiij; : cjliina.e jn JS affairs. Having leased ir s.vii .lay oi .lu.ui. account of the Yosemite Valley. It the business of Mr. Ilatt for this year j u':u!hZt !lX WATERMAN'S. PROFESSIONAL CARDS nmVl.T'l',1,",.lin-rt.V.I wPl j TliO 01 StllHsl-hy LU111?)C' ! ATTORNEY ami Counselor at Lii.ili.rv. A. D. l.7'!. at 12 . estate ImU'ilit and sold. laxesp; iiwiMift in N.-thl roiili- E. M. R. R. Time Table. ViJirecUd Monday, Dec. Cth, 1873. rOll OMAI1 V n;nM JM..TTSMiCTH. 8 ;V u. I'l. Arrive. tt ;5T a. la. " 2:3) p. in. Arriv ?. 3 :"! i'SilM OM '.!l Y!:i i'l.ATT.SMOUTII. !.:., :.. :.. Arrives. t) :D:. a. ui. a p. in. .vn i to. 7 :!-ii- i :: i nz ?.'i:sr. l5--- Pl:itt;n it!i. f :!: ;i. in. Arrive lu IaculuU :I0. Kearney. S :( p. ru. FH'iW TIIK Wr.-iT.. Lo&ra Kearney. :4 .i. in. Leave I.lneoln. lit ,V p. la. Arrives P!at'!jioutb, 3 :13 p. Ui. 'IXC KAUT: f.xpr5. 6.W A. M. )"-uer, train ie:icii day), 3 :."o P.M. JW . . . . - 1 K L'SEH EN I'S,' TO 03l E. Jti. IT. Teak Family I'.-!1 ICinireis. Aiilfti fM 'mil iti'jit v 1 rri -vt I.iiio if nn u and rare plants, as well as improve- j inents on the old ones Th (j aide ex- t . , .... ...:.t t.:.,.. f t!i r enwiod V;ireJ.n:.'?. one Ml Kuirb ink i Of gMMl ntvai.s, wuu tii..w. ,lj s,:i. ne U .nie. cuale ,,i!i-e. ; "H.SHine be- want in COOd Style. The IlEU- i iiiilleie.t iion ;ftd taken a- tr.c property or . ntains also an article on mushroom , he s prepaml to accomm-nlate the lov- , J; f llt Fall and Winter StOCk Cheap- er than ever. Kff ad on Afilaltlr. Painter Grainer, PLATTSyroUTH, XEJt. l t ti lotio:il: :i ciui:l tiade ftr Martlli.S. dant: to .ui-fv liulL-rn-ur of ":'ii eo'irt reeov- rrsst'3 unnualiliedlv its disanoroba-! i ' ' v- 'od-e. .tohn I.. r.n-n, v. W preM uiHiuaiiutiiiv n ui.inii.i $ee Jlts a-l. ! (inlii.tii. and Sen.er Kennett. plainrilf. tion of the Act of Congress doubling! j nattniouth. eb., Jan. 7th. a. irisjti. .. .! T'llXX 1 . , - the postage oti all nercuatuiise sent j tlirotigh the mails showing the means ! The rreat Signer Iilitz, Ventril-xiuist taken to yet it passed, and giving some , and Wizard will b- e some time this interesting statistics of the mails of , im-nlli. lie has i iltn the IIi;ualt .Sheriff. It. II. WIMMIAM. U, l'.ral lid : and ipe- ! elnl .-mention niwn to naiertfons.- omei'over ! !r. t'hapinan'H Dm( Store, rtattitHiith. .T7yl ' rAJr."M7VlIAl,JIAX. i ATTOtlNKY AT LAW mid Solieitor In Chaii ! rtM-v. Oilice in Kiixgei aid's riuek, I'lattAmoiith. elraska. GILES, BR0.MI0.; WHOLESALE- &o TZ,lZrrJL.TXj WIIKKLKK A 1IKHXKTT, KEAI. ESTATE and Tax Paying Ajrcnti, "o t:ti ie Puldie, Eire and Life Insurance AgehU, l'lattsmoiith. Nehnytka. Sheriffs Sale. Mr. Vick again o!Ters foiirlloral pivmi- : hi.n. urns, fcO.on, eiO.00, S.0, anl a lloral ; chrotno, to be awarded by every ftatf I Agricultural Society in the United i States, and a chrurno to be given by ev- : ery Co. Agricultural Society, for the j best display of cut llowers by amateur, j The (Juide, which is issued quarterly, : costs twenty-five cents a year, and is sent free to any one purchasing a dol lar'i worth of seevls of Jas. Vick. We consider the Guide almost invaluable to glowers of flowers, and cheerfully give our verdict in favor of Vick's Flower and (iarti'Mi Seeds, which we have grown for several years with unvary ing success. See hitf advertisement in another column. SETTLE - FOII VOI R LAST ICE. I!v virtue of an ordfr of s;!!e, !ied lv C T. Moore, f'iiik oi t lie 1 i- U i.'t Cinirt, wiilin mid other countries compared with this. ! t,. s:iy eo and even body wants to see ri)i un i!,'e S a' or.tnnarvVX i. J! it ! i lit ti't'iofn :t. ;n id' - ill i' t :i' lilt smilll dour of I the Court I!oum(. h, t;,.. Viry of 1'latf iimi!l li, i ' ''icily. .ll at !nllic;uie!ioii. tli loiiow 1 LAI. . . ii: !eai erV-'t.e lo-vii : Tlic south iialf is') f ' the touth h ilf (-'-,) "i th outh-eajtt rpiartr w'4l of eetr.ui !oi;r i4 nmi tne nor; li -eat ., , . - ' iiarter .ne'i) of section jianrUli, ill t The riatlsmoiith Ice Co. gire notice i ',. ,.,,! ,:,.,.. (f ,,.. u,: ,!. tli i ir 1is'!vh ii -i' bill mnst now tie "f 'ti'i,u ";:! l !' :"'il)r'1 meridian, in ( ti.at tin ir ias.Jai.s uui imim now ( ass ( ,, ,,,., , uraskti. The s:i Leiiur levied 1 settled and paid to V. S. White, collet-- m- :.mi teke.. s tbc pn:p..rty..f ji. li ivit. t. j 1 ; I.. I.. IVt!et. i7. :., defer.i.. 'ills ; to r-atify :t de- tor, i ' ree of aid o::ii. recovered hy It. j. Duom. I pl.-!lltltT. j I'laltsniolith, Neli., Dec. VMli. A. 1. ?7r White & .Stadelltnan have dissolved. Al. i). iXTKKK ami F. S. While will put up Ice alone for the next year. Sheriffs Sale. Alvi.ill kin!rf PAPR HANGING AND GLAZiira-, Jonp to .rder i! good style. Jfl lnvi1 ;i new set ui Graining Tool, nnd am fidlv prepaii il t do work, in the het and lilt I'M MJ ie. A I. SO vfA;x a 'A its: i r.nTix. Enquire at Miko SeLnellhuelier' r.laekomitli Shop. -lO'.f n. It. MVIS!TO, PHYSICIAN t Sl'lICEON. tenders lil pro feHional servii-e to the eitien of Cass eounty. Jtesidenee rmiitlicnM corner Sixth and Oak Ms. ; i mice on Main Mreet. two doors west of S;th. Vhitt.iinont li. Ncl.ra.ika. rii:. . MMITII. ATTOItNEY AT LAW and Keul Estate Ttro krr. Spi-eial attention jriven to Collection and all matter .iflectim; the title to real eMate. oi;l-e on .M tliir, over l ustoiliee, Platt.mioulh, t Ne)raika. I. HOOKS TO LOAN. To all who desire to read: I have now on hand about 200 vol umes of the choicest literature of the day; and I propose to give the public the benefit of this reading matter on the following terms: An advance deposit of the value of the book will be required. A sum av eraging about 15 per cent of the value of the book will be charged for reading i t!ie same, varving somewhat with the l:y virtue of an order of sale issued ly C. 1. , i -i i t Moore. len oi ii:e uistrii'l toiirt. uitmn ami Remeruber all bills to lie paid to 1 . j i,,r t ass t .i:i.ty. N l.iaka. and to me directed. f tci f i, r,.Q '.v, .....n,,,,! ' i :i! on the 3;l dav t( January. A. i). liOi. Ht 1 S. Y lute on the old Ice Cos. account, j ,.,, .k , ..j., V ,,. j,,, , t!l. j Court House, in the city ol l'l.i(ts:noi:lii. in said i Couiay. sell at puldie" saie! ion. the lollowiu It having been reported that I will I real -M:a.. to-v a : Ti.e smuii-weM fpiartenv .... t i - ' "' section lentv-oiie CJI). town twelve llOt put UP IOC this Winter 1 lieie give ; t;.'. nortli of ranu-e iiine en east of the sixth 1 1 I ...'...:. i .. ....ti. ... ! notice that I have over lOOtons in my . l.,l;irt..r(Ne.J t n,e so,uh-east .marter ((. u.inaoAii Hio livrrliank now a'ld ami thu nun h-wext iiuarteroiv.', tof l he south Ice House on me liver oauK now, aau j t (lll.u1l,ns,,lll,vMrl(lIWHlIy lmvil shall lill it as usual. Send in your or- ; twelveilJ'. north of ran-e nine ,91 east of riie . I siMh itli prmelprd meridian. 1 lie same Iiem dei'S. 1" - HITE. i levied upon and taken a tin oriM'erty of V. .1. Mastia. .loini Mvaiiix. .Marina a. fcvaiiK, aim .loh:i T. Wei'ooiirn. lieicmlantM ; to satisfy a df crce of said Court, recovered hy John It. Claik, plaint i ft. J'lallsiiioulh, Nebraska, Dee. 2:)th. A. I. t87". M. li. t l l l.KK. lta Stienff. ML'TZ-HALI MARRIED cc. Olh. ls."i. at llic rol lehce i of Hie 1. ride's father, l.y Kcv. i. K. Crn-pen. : .J . .Mr. wai.i a: "iiirz i s-i.to .miss .MAUTiiA v.. , ., , Ha ix. eldest .lum:la.r of Jaiiics Hall i:.-. ; Slienll S SalC .ll i.f l-'I.rlil Mill linivi. C:iss Co.. Neb. i A tun tli.i ca:'t tell lietizine from Whisky- Well! We have our opinion j glyle wf thft book. Rook not to be kept j marrltige Just like any old, old State of l.im. ..!) ifr vmiiiL' fo'.ks HiiCt irettlric! By vlil i:e of an order of sa.e, issued hy C. I". 'i 1.1' t. wi, ii... iiirii.ii ...n : M. ore, i-li-rk of tin District Court, within and marneil with a rush. Why the Hkhai.d can , f(tr (.. ,., v ,..:-:iska. ami to me directed, remember when it was a novelty in Nebraska, j I wi!l 1 11 the 24th day of .January. A. D. !s7t;, at and now. why they are married and given in ; o'clock, a. m. ot s aid day at 1 he sout 11 door of LJie t lllll ..l.lisc, ill llll- 1 11 I'l i :tll I SIIII'UI II , lil a. l oiiiitv. sr-n at pami- ;.U'- ii.ii. t lie l.:,..v- ,.nf 1,, ..vw.,! xfv niv mil nf ciiiiri' I iAt i lil.AliJ .January etr., a.. i i-vt. ai 1 '" " V 1 11 T ' " :"'v i"'" " ' out to exceed ten dais ana 01 tourst , ,, f i.f(.is f.!;,,.r jr j,,n;i. iswAoof ectii nmiiher six (fi. rownship ien than. Bhiir. by S.ir.iue! !:ichad;oa Ks-i., Mr. ii(Kli of n.n-e lhuu-en ( i;; east 01 .ith .IMPS !HlV:il:i MisK . I .ll. A 1W. All! : ail OI . i-m 1 1 : ... 1 1111 1 ...i .in. 111 v .1.-. u'U'lii, .'i: White Ko, aa l Ifaple Syrup, at j to be returned in good order. On these j y Vr KUA( ii's. j terms I will loan such hooks as I have. . I and hereby notify the public to thatef- II. u'.rmber the Ladies great Leap i f,.,.t. Dr. (1. . Chapman, at Chanman's Drug Store, l'lattsmoiith. Neb. 43-3 1. Yk.au party in the last week in Janua ry. The evening will U set next week James Krenan. a half brother to II. ilet!uir has bought out the business f MCuiie & Curtis, aad will run the fchebfiug after this. Silomjii and Xathan, one of the nisi.it energetic, and live advertising rhuis we havp, couie out in a whole column "Ad" this week, telling what t'aey are going to do for-next year. Merges undersells the whole country u boots and shots. Read price list and ga tsi try hiia. J3-tf. GRAIN HOUSE SOLI. We call attention to the sale, of the Ireenwood drain Company's' Ware bouse and fixings on Jan. 2:Jth. Here is a chance for our enterprising young graki buyers, either here or elsewhere in the county. Now is your time to Lid. See Sheriff's notice elsewhere. i NEW YEAR'S (METS. Two well known citizens had bad luck ab.nit New Years. Mr. Schlegei wasn't able to get out of the house fo several days after. Ma:-Ioii:ighs at tack was nut quite so severe, hut he looked like a gli- st far a whole week They bay it always works that way in "Leap Year." May it come to the ITtKALD on an odd car. then! keVvice 7io use i Standard Carpet Warp, the best in the market, at J. V. Weckc.vcii's. W. Stadelmann selling certain lines at cost, positive; come at once. oUtf HIt.HEST AWARD. I received the diploma for line dress boots at tin State Fair, and continue to make the best and nicest lits. (live me a call. :r.-tf 1. Mi:it(.i.s. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. The taxes for 1875 became due on the 1st day of January lsTfi, and I here by desire to give notice that the tax lists for the year 1S75 are now ready and in my bands for collection All Eiht Mileiirove. Cass Co.. Neii. FECIAL XOT1CES. luasKa : the .same lieinj levied noon and taken as tin property of Joseph Mcl 'Siii'.1. defendant ; lo salislv a decree of .' .ml t Ourt, recovtaed bv Vallerv ii, KuRiier. I'laitiiieS. Plattsmoatii, Neb.. Dee. J'.'d. P57"'. M. li. CCTI.HK. 3uta UerirT. To Establish Courts in Cass County. Notice. Frank C. Cox, SSoaSes? 2n Ice, PL 1 TTS310 UTir, NEJi., ALSO, AT LINCOLN. NEI5IIASKA, AN!) RED OAK, IOWA. Ji"!rit': of tti?: rKACE. omce on Main street, riattniiouth. Neb., two doors east of lliaiM.n oitlci. l'.uiness hour from S a. m. In t p. m. All county business usu allv trarsacted beforo a Justice of the Peace wi!l be attended to. Also Kei.eral collector of debts. L loy 1 J J W. H viM-.s. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & HonKropalliic Pliysician. fOITice and Kesidetiee comer Sixth and Vine Streets, l'lattsmoiith. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. !. I propose to furnish lee to customers by the Cw t. or lb. A deduction made tor REGULAR CUSTOMERS. T will a'so FJT.T. WE UOrsF.X. M'lf.P XEW O.V ;.. or FCltXlSIl YOU WE, in any shaN yon desire AT HKASONAHLV: R.VTKS. ( COT, lonit ri.tt!.m(Mth. Xeh. IH. J. M. Yt" AT K It 51 A X, Physio Medical Practitioner. Jyiniftrii'It-, Cis Co., Xeb. f -gAlways at the office on Saturdays. tPyl Saunders House ! PLATTSlWUTir, XEH. J. H. LIGGETT, Proprietor. NEWLY OPENED, RE-FITTED, RE-FURNISHED. Edward Mctlevr, and .tin Mederr. non-re-ideiit defend nits v.ill take rniice lliat Etl- 1 ii-ii-m 4 l:..i'i .1.!.. ,f- ... I '-.oj i.i ti... i;y value oitlieauuioriry in mexesien ti ii.e .,...tl. rl .N,brasK-1. did c.i th.. l uh dav of lie- ...i..riii..i .if I li ! Ut .. t 11 j.t iil,l"i' L" 1 I II I . . . . . uii.s.iiiiii.'ii vi mi- " :'".nlcr A. 1. ISi.j. iiie IMS pi tition ta tin lis- l'our.d. JuI-e of Hie .second .Judicial lis. net .-1 .,., (,It ,,f i-:Mcmiiiv. :n state of Nel.ru- said Slate, do her. by appoint ami aldx l lane 1 k:t. s...rUiiHi vim. self ii forth that to-i anve a of lioldiuif the re-nlar terms of C.e liirict , m ,na,.e to the s.tet Ke.wanl i. D .ey on lot CouiHa and lor llu-severai lountKs oisaiddis- I ,;.,,;.,. f,.r ,4, j., y 1 i -a :ii ! f..rlv-six irict lor the yc.u A. D. 17'i, as lollows :. j ) tt)(. ,.iry ,,f o:tIt inoi:' h. In the said "euunty of In the county of Cass, on the fourth Monday 1 Ca-.. lo secure the payment of four huiimed in January, 011" the third Mi.aday in April, ami j and tucnty-one dollars and iiiaety-one cents oil thi secoad Monday in September.; .- 1 is!!!..l .. ai i.-otuirtr to a ecn.-an Hole referred to , t ii siid inoria;v;e, ant prajl.ip: that Edward U''i,.iiiMv.iii-li,.ii-iii ,!-ivi,f .Tiiin-nv A i McSerr and Jam ?!ei ten inav p'.v stid mini of D. l.sTii. ts. It. roi'ND. Zi. Judse Sccvial Jji'.icial District Nebraska.?;- 4J. 5 Notice to Jurors. persons are requested to come forward 1 , SEAI- ( cf j um.:ry, D. is:i. 1 -i . 1 r .1 1 ' C. P. MOOIiiC. and pay said taxes before they become 1 kvv"m. L. Wki.i.s. c: 1 I y-oi.e cs ii! s ( j-iL'i .'M h n !i interest 1 : 01a the Mil 1 d"av of ,l;:n A. !). '.ST4. or t!l:a flid Diemises I may be so !d to pay the s nin ami that the said j Kdivard ! (ien and Jane Met. err ar hereby 1 no.i :,i di"u.:f t iuy arc ie.pded to api':'r ami 1 answer .Id in-! 'l':. i ! en or liefore the 2-Uh dav ..... , ,1 of .laiiHa! v, A. I. fCii. ;rand and Pet'it Jurors who wic siimmi.!icd - EIWUi)t; DOVE Y t ;oMar at the Decembi-r term. A. D. I,s7.", . ill ; j. cl l-H in & Si-i; na -t ike in tice thatCii y re re.juircd to be in at- t -; . ' tli i;l . novs Icinl.iiice on thoCs'tn d..y of J.iuuaiy. A. !. :s.. -' m V. itness jay iiayil and seal ot said 1 Court, at I'lallsiMoutli. this ld:Ii day I'KOI'ISIKTOK OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Mala St., under First Nat. LanV.) PMTTS3IIHTH, ... .i:EX. iv hah is srrriJKii with nut BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BE EM, ETC., ETC. 40 yl WILLIAM KER0LD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF Satisfaction Guaranteed ! fCn a iu. i:s Moderate. Kyi GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, L.arircl antl fluent IKoicl IwecB CSiIcagro iinl San if r;iitclsco. i! EG. THRALL, - . - Prop. OMAHA. NEIL delinquent as the penalty iu such case must be fully enforced. 41-lt. Wl. WlNTEKSTEIN'. Citv Treas. 42U Deputy. How Lost. How Htrrwcl! r . '.t: I 1 . TEACHERS EA'AMINATIOXX. 1 t' ..' cl verwe jr(V tvieiM-ki- . . ......:.i r-v' Yd i.ssay on tl:; radical cure .Sill ICC IS I1C1 e l. JIril lll.ll,l Till! V .f.in I .ir- .v. 1 ( Iqt .M . Msnli nod : See Stadelm;'.nn's new ;g oat ; no hum loig. Als. Clos-UDtf AN EIGHTY ACRE FA Rill For Sale Cheap. OPPOSITE THE I'OST OFiCE! I Oa YalL-ry's Corner. " Y. C. Cox is filling a large Ice House, ou the above corner, holding .""() ) tons. Tie has everything in sipple-pie order n is prepared to do a land otrice no we mean an ice office business, lie al so intends to put up another building holding about 150 tons, farther up in town, for the purpose of packing and keeping fish, butter, eggs, and fruibs. Mr. Cox will build Ice House;?, till Ice Houses, furnish you Ice. or let you help yourselves. Pee .!(." elsewhere in thii paper. 4 J12 Five miles west of town near I'dtir Mile Creek. Oood improvements, and under good cultivation. Also, all the j iools. stock, and farm iinplemeim i f I all kinds, iil Ik sold on reasonable termi. Apply at the o.qf " Hekali Office. i Never undersold iu boots and shoes. See price list elsewhere. JJ-tf Fete it Mekoes. . Mr. Windham, one of our brightest young attorneys is branching out again iu the real estate business. He hopes to so systematize this business that cus tomers can surely and readily buy land or have their lands sold. Try him. See "Ad" elsewhere. THE PEAK FAMILY. persons w l.o may Oii.riuemse.es.tscai.o.M.ns , ,,is i.,ii,al V.rakni-s-i.linn'-.nilnrv S.-.uinal for teacm-rs of the common sehoo's ot Cn le.'.un- . 4SM.K ,,,;,.,... . .Mental and Phvsu-.d lae;. ty. t my office in tlietwn of V.'eeplnii water. ; 1:,,.i;V. j ,,., itm.".,..s to M:iiriae: etc; also on the ::st Friday aie! Saturday of each aiidev- .(1S,-:. ,;.;..., ..,, rhs i;;i!i:eed bv erv moT)Ci. ce-.u. iene!ir- at 10 o c!".-ka. i" j se!f-lmlii!'c.e; or s.-siV.! ct ravaami. fa. Dated 'this 8th;day!cf an.... . Is. . , ;-pi,ce, in a sealed envelope, o..r. six if. I. I ii 1 lll . j r..lf I Ct..Sup't.;(f ru;;ic:ia.struc:ioii. ! The ceiebratcd aulhor. i:i fins admirable cs- MILK. IN TOWN. C.Ol)d f'.V.Sll lllllk DSLIVERED DAILY ! AT Evri: vr.onvs tihme ix vi.a ttsmoctji IfTlIKV WANT IT. r.V r;)POJAW Fait fi,i;t. office Pckc-ii si 'i am Pn-fiT c. S. .)MAHAiNtu..iIVc. 27, 157".. i CEA I.ED PROPOSALS, ta diip'lc.Te will be re- S-IV .:...,1'V .l.!.,.,l.l.:.l s f .,.. tnirlv vom' . O lll! ii!IH.i:.H .l I V.ll-1. un -' i successful practice, t hit the alalMiio". iIi.m-i'!'I olK Vol j ft J ces of .c!f -abuse may be railici.ily ei. red - wit ii- ! . . , ; r i TJ? ' g Bri P l.ie us. of ..it.iu.i! mc.:ci:ie or t..e api.iica- ' I J r-T r-i , IVt t I IJCrs. ! f! H H 3 W 1 cv V I. M I SM. H H 1 a,.i.i oi cure ti"ii I lie la. ilc . in intim. on; a m ar one si in pi , certain, ami eiiect ual. I means j ii' t k-J ceived bv the iiiiders-eti d ii'iiii 11 o elck 'of winch everv smterer. no matter w hat his i.. on Tue.-day Ilie Ii of J.iuU'.n . l.s.i.. I.ir c.nui; ;on n;;' v :e. ma a. ni f u nihliing lO.lf ii po-.nids first ipialiiv. Spit. is p: i al;Jy. an may cure laiuseif cheaply. I uai-iUiv. Wheal 1'iour. iu siuule sacks, la be delivered at the C. S. suliMsteacc Storehouse i. OniAha. Ne!)., by the ..Vh day i f February tsrit :s:imp!.-s mu-t accompany proposals and be referred to therein. , , Freight ti samples mi!-.f4le prepaid, and Ihe envbiiies contaiiei'i; iropos-.ls should be mark ed "Proposal for 'Flour.'" - Jli.mkfonii for tro p.isals should be obtained at IhisotiicH. 42-2t John F. Haw jiiNs, Major and C. S. LEGAL NOTICES. THE GREATEST HELL RIN(.ERS IN THE WORLD. 1 Will be Here Monday. January 1 71 !i. Among the many to whom the Urn- i ald feels indebted about this first of! They are the best known, and per Jatiuaty is Mr. Jos. Buttery, who gal- haps the best artists in their line now iantly helped us to bridge over the i travelling. Co and see them, wants of our creditors. Mr. Rultery is ; Admission 2tc; ode; and 73c. orif? mir oldest and most prominent ; Fannie Peak. Sole Proprietress, dealers in drugs. He keeps a good ; R.tleony Cornet Serenade at 12 stock, sells cheap, and urnlcr the care- , "dock. and in the evening. i ful supervision of Charley Rlack the- . ",,"" , . , ,. , , , . , , . . ( losing out all mv stock of ladies store looks as neat as a newly furnish- -t f r Hous. j at COST. FARlfPRS TTE XTHX ' Come right off and get your Furs. Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manuiae- Vt"in Ut aU Ii,0t3 & S,,,M?S' :it tarer. on Main St Flat tsmout'n Net,. ! ' ' nnaerwe:ir. and Overcotits, agar ( l.ppit.gs of spanisa an.l Amen- M- aj.(. (;K . imu robaccoes for smo.iing purposes. x . . f bargains. for bale U-t qualities of V. stadelmann. uig tobacco always n band. VO-tf. Mr. Murphy, the Photographer offers j NEW 15UTCI1EU SHOP. the following: j For every dozen Photographs taken j xt Murphy's Callery. he will give an Alburn; one that will hold SO pictures. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby siven that co-partii"is,hip heretofore exist iii4 between the iindei signed, under the name and siyie ol the Johnson Oipui Coiup.iny. h:is this day iu-cn dissolved i y iinau al consent. L. F. Johnson a.ssuiuiinr all liie lia bilities of the concern, and collect iui: all the in- ilebtedness due and owia to said Joi.usou Or- 'au Com j.aliy. January 1st, H7i. L. F. JOTTVSOS'. 4!3t D. N Johnson. -Tliis lecture should be in the hands of every youth aaJ every man in the land. Sent" under seal, iu it plain eiieloiw. to any address. int-.ti-!, on receipt id .six cents or two IMisiajro slumps. Address the I'ul.'.ishers. CIIAM. J.V. UUMU CO l0-43!y I l.'7 Jlowery, N. V. : l. O. box. 4.s:. jSamari tan N ervine, The great Nerve Conijiieroi-. cures Epileptic Fils, l'i.:ivaisii.is, spasms. St. Vitus Dance, and alt Nervous Diseases ; the only known positive remedy for Epileptic Fits, if has been tested by thousands and has inner been kuoiwi to fa. 11 in a single ease. Trial package tree. Enclose stavip tor t i; ceiars ivin;r evidence of cures. Address, Dii. S. A. KICH MO.S D. Uo.v741,St. Jo. Mo. Pi.attsmouth, Neil. November 22d, lb73. The undersigned wish to call the lit t- 111 lull nf tl... DnLlii fit. t . i ' uit- This is a neat ami suitable present and . Mtat M;irket on ynnXh shle of will no doubt encourage many to have ; Street, two doors east of Jones' Li very StaLle. Here, gentlemen, you will lind Heef and Pork, Mutton and Veal for j Sale, at wholesale ami retail, cheap for Estray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned, of South P.end Precinct, a small sorrel hore with a w hite spot in the forehead, three shoes on. jailed on the back: had a Icaliit r halter oa waei liken u; bv me. li. COON. South Lend. Nov.Ch. tS7.".. Probate Notice. Notice Is hereby given to to all iiso!i.s Ikiv in.i accounts against the Estate of Ciairissa H. P.iii-kK-v. deceased, lo tile the same ia the olliei ..r i i.'.t.. I.. I ... 11. :. j ..... i j i'l I miMU .1 u.Ih' . 1 Ulllllllflli:!, V .vs VUillltl. : Neb., on or hi Io;e 1 !:u 7tli day cf Jt.Iy. A. D. lS7u. II. 1". El.l.lsON. 41 13 l'l'ub.Ue Jude. Sale of Estrays. Notice is hereby ieu tht T v. ill sell at pub lic auelii.ii. al the i I'jiiii'iii'c id J .lin tiilmore, in Ml. 1'lca.saiit pri'ciaoi. i.i Cas County. Ni li us ky. on the tilth day of February, A. D. ITfid. at liio'elocK a. ui.. i.ii saiil Hay : T.o 12 black colls, one ( I) ami t v. o iU) years old; said colts appraised by A. V. Cu.v.and II. ivper, at forty (4IO and sixty Uiiil dollars re.-pi-c.iveTy. Said coils were taken up by said J.ian l.iunoiv. ami by him adierti.sid as estrays. and now adver tised by me for sale aeci. riling lo law in such cnses laadeand provided. January 1st. Is7t. A. N. SFLLIVAX. 41 tj Jus: ice of i ne Peaee. WINDHAM'S HEAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. : O : I ta'se pleas'ir in MiiimiMiin',' to the public, do in biisiews!, iu ti S ate m' Nc!r.isKH. and tsj).' idly in lass C.oo'iiy, that I li.t.vn established in eoufiocii.in with my Lesal i'ractiee. a COLLBOTOiNr, AND - REAL ESTATE AGENCY ! raid servo you regit. aiiy. Foil Ydi u P.etter vrni call on dot Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. t)N LOWEtt MAIN ST KELT. PL ATI'S MOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all Hours. Ales. Wines and irood Lbpiors to be used rea sonably, for jour benefit if you desire. Ji. HEMPEL, Pro? SEWING 3IACUINES BEFAIBED ! ! I am now prepared to fix any kind of SEWING MACHINES, that need repairing In the place. I have just received a New Lathe, and can guarantee mv workand at prices that wiil not foejrjrar the poor man or woman to buy. fJT Also. Cun Work of every description all kinds of fan mechanical work can be done a; my .shop. UVt.im tit'o. W. hlnsr r. AW. 'WHITER 5 NEC. Dealer in r . mi fl :j zr "v ar 3CERIES Main st., bet. at It and 6th., PLATTSMOt Til. - Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. - e- 3 40-2,1 Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Iirhlds. Crrls. Swltclie. Furs, and all kinds of liatr Work prompuy and neatly made by Ordeis !ert at J.IUS. KENNEDY'S H, 1.5 X IZ tl Y STORE. On Main St.. 1 door east of Clark & I'luinnier's. 5 c-i-CD O o 1 t - -J. Iheir pictures taketi. NtTnci- SheriUs Sale. A r.in."" years' residence in State and County, with eonstrait buiiii'ssrclaLb.tisaaiouthe peo ple.L.v.e ii-!a!ific.l me f.ir Ir ias.i-.tiiig bu.siiiess of I'iN c!ia:;.eter with G R E A T F A C I LIT Y . Ai! business en: rustej to my care by firms or individuals, wiil receive" immediate al tcalhaj. All fdoneys Collected, z:i:3iitts:i vnoztv?ix. ! REAL ESTATE BOUGHT & SOLD ! Claiv & Creenslateat KlmwomlXeb. J.:15?11,- 1 i( : ket'l n hand Turkeys, neral dealers iud rv goods, groceries. ! -J''is E-gs. Ac. &e Cave me a id all aiticles generally kept in :l : tnal, gentlemen, and get the worth of imtrr slore. desire to call attention ' '"s!r mone-r' 1,1 Zk1 Resiiect their stock just laid in thi season, ; 1 u.' F.M. iorxw. ,A .-1, il. f ,..,,.,-., r. ,11 ...,.l t 'tl. Ruy your wife or daughter a new traveling bag. at Martin's. Don't fail to read Merges price list j of boots and shoes. Jio-tf. LETTERS FROM DRFbtJlSTS. general and country to their stock just laid in this season, and ask the farmers to call and exam ice our goods before going away from home to buy. 24tf CLAPP & GnEENsXATE. OLD SETTLERS MEETING The Old Settlers Society (which Mc- i Dobagii declares dead, but that like the j lleraoeratic party won't die) met in the Court House on Saturday, Child in the. chair. Win. Well ' . iin:in:iiiiliiiinn r n several application for membership . fer from Costiveness. Sick Headache. ! w ere received, and the Association ad- ! Sour Stomach, Indigestion. Liver Com- Mn4-,'pQ n QtnpVlinlrlprvs i journed to meet on the last Saturday j lknnt, or derangement of the Stomach in .r inuirv ItUt,.l. w,in,.,t or Liver try it. Two or three doses At 'thig of the st.--kiioi.icis, f the ,ia j.vnuarv. it IS to lie IlOpea Iliac ail u.pi r i;,Vo v ' T":,l'1", bevn Comminv. lu-lil Novemler 2tth the old settlers in tha countr will at- ' ,'. , . W . . . ! 1sT' ""i r"'"J'P resolutions s adopted : : in'sriire a Keiiii.iii srrn i is now so id u-i.iimi. iiiai i in i riiniir nil secrrarv t in everv tuwu aiulcifi- in ti Iiiiril : b dnecied to notify sdl stockholders of tl i . LLV " ' - , ,ur(I i i-onipaHy tocome forward within niuetv dav ; rjiate.-i. we nave not less than five i ami pay assessment and x-z ibeds to their V.y virtue of an order of sale, issued bv C I. Moore. Clerk of the His; rict Court, within ami for Cass Ccitiity. Nebraska, and to me riio cel. 1 will on the Tin day of February. A. D. lsTtj. at in o'eioi-K a. m. of said day, at ihe south tloor of tin Court ileaise ju Hie Citv of Plat tsmoulli. in said County, sell at public au.-tiou, the ful- i lowing real estate, lo-wit : Lot or.e (!) in bliw-k thirtv-oije ir.l ! in the citv of Pla'tsr.iouth. Cass ConnTv. .is designated ii."i: the rei-ordeil plat of sai.l cit v. '1 be same bein; Icvic-I upon and taken as the proi-Tty John" D. Simpson, ef. ol. defend. nits ; to .saiMj a judgment l said court reeoviTcd by I'en ;. F. Liljei t. piailiilil. I'laltsnui.rtU, Neb., Jan. 4th. ls.o. jl li. cuti.e;:. 41t."i MierilT. Iii Bankruptcy. In the District Court of tiie l uiied States, for the District of Nebraska ; i.i the m.tlter off : JollU iti'USC, i. lllKI ll l. . I To tr;Vm if May Cviicfru: I 1 'riie niiilcrsi!'noil hirhv- -tvi nst:ii ff I appointment us assignee "of the estate of John I Louse, iii LreeniMiod. iii the county of Cass, in . TAXES PAIDI tT Rwfinta loiter Anwcrel PmtnjM'j. II. li. UIXUIIAM, 4-!y Flattsmouth, Nib. This is the place where 9 . 1 11 m i , -.ii vi.i-Kii, in niaij "J ill et in 1 tiere is no case of Dyspepsia that a.i ;:snict : ami uim w t- jo-v.it on tin 4ih A. L. J-reenes August FJ.wer will not cure. llaMk ; c SeeV I Come to lhe I)ru tin'e of ('- 1J- Chap- j I.at.-.l at .Jaia, the ;j;h dav of December. , 15 'man and inouire about it. If vou suf- ; A- " Nathan a. couxisn. ; 'rshin f- ,., n" I 4!U Ai;nt'i(if .l.ilm limw. ' I Successor to McGuirc k QuviU, isS" going to spread himself in an tend this meeting and sea if wo can form and keep up an association of c c A 77 i i .a . v-v . r . -a- . . . . . ,41 . 1 . a . - I l.kT - v 01 iiotiim to ha mdi 1.. ....I it. ..1.. .1..... :.. mis Kina. ttoo, uurt, w asliington icu ie tie r ir om artiggtsts, saying ; n and other c-)tinties have done so. and ! . Ksne lK?st "eUieine they ever sold i stMki"io1,u rs failing or rrfrsii K to ,,av as- ! , . . . . . . . ; IOr C onstlinption. 1 liroat or I. nil" dis- segment a provided .y tins lesolutioa. shall t uenvea mucn amusement ana in-true- e:vse. samt.le bottles of both 10 cents i(Vr.:" i:- IiLA,VK-. ; ttcn th? re from. as soon as wc can ret 'round to it. t each. "Regular sizo 75 cnt.-i "V'y. 421y ROBERT DONNELLY'S WA.C3-OISr lA'i BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wdjon, Butjuii, Martint' and I'lorc re prtiritij, and yuicral jobbing. PETER RA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken charge of the waaon shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WOLKMAN. Sfiv WnjsiiH unil HnysipM mmle t Onlcr. SATISFACTION lit'AUANTEED. Shot) on Sixth sin et, iiiosite Streight's Stable- 2. O i 2 - cr CD -! 3 'J' E - 5 ? ' t 7 ill M NE W LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. ! The partnership of o. M. Straight and V. D. ! Jones, beaig this day dissolved-- Dr. W. 1). JONES, will open n new Liverv. Feed, and Sale Stable, at the Old HI AIT LAUN.ou Main Street, just east of Jnhi Shannon's well known Maine, nallsmouiii, ?en. IXorxeM. Unseen A I'arrlas', to let at all times, at leasonable rates. CEDAR CREEK ADS. rr jitatsES hoauued by the day, week. I'artieular at tenlion paid to driviiiKand traln ; inn Horses. Havhijr all the appliances 1 shall m; drivin ike a particular leature of mv business the h ills and handlin' of TIlO lTlNd STOCK. tfP.ein? well known all over the county, no further chin music is necessary. I cordially In vite of mv friends to call and see me, and they v.ill receive a hearty welcome. Lespeclfiilly, 3ra6 W. D. JONES. J. INHELDER L SON, IHCAl.KK.H IN HOOTS. SJIOE, AXI OHUf'EItlES. Of ever' kind. at the lowest possible rates. Also DS'.LEaS IN GRAI.K. For which the highest CASH prices ar paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at Keastaiaijie rates. I X II KI.I I-:k-k SiTATI X -(Cedar Creek.) 4oyl CASS CO.. XEIWASKA. "weeping water ads. Fleming & Race, DEALEHS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, hats. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS. And I'ariners" Wcpplie Generally. Our Goods are all New, and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! Fr p"'0m, f tVfs fr piw"T eM Z. Z. rt 7 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and Sale Stables. Corner 6t h and Pearl Sts. iionsKs iiOAicnr.rt hy the DAY, WEEK, OR 3IOXTII. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEA3IS AT ALL HOURS. Farticular attention paid to Driving and Training TUOTTIXG STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the CKLEBKATEU IlOKSEii : NORM AN & TALARAN, Known as the W. I. JO.T.N 1IOKSKH. Nos. 26G and 2(8 Wabash Avenue, Chicago TVE A TIE BPKCIAL AOENTS FOlrj ELGIN WATCHES. AND HAVE X FULL STOCK OF HOWABD !WATCHB AND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF Ladle Finn tlold Watches, ttold t)per Chains. ;ild Neck Chains. Silver Vest Chalnu, Table Castors. Cake ItaskcU, Nut Picks. Card Mauds. Napkin King V niters. Hotter Dishes, tlold Linus. Diamonds. Gold Tooth Ticks, (odd Watch Kkti, Coral Leads. Coral Necklaces. Coral Sets mid EIiiks, Unitize Ornament, Silver Spoons, Tea Sets. Ladles' SeU, Pearl Sets, loe Pitchers, Coffen rrnn. 6jrup Dl-the. fpfion'.Holilrr Cii) nd tiolileta, Bracelets, I. old 1 lincblea. silver Ttiimld, lobl LfriU BUIrt SlUils. Ksl l..ngs. Crooche.. Cpr-1 Office nnd Parlor Clocks of every Description. Watch Materials and Tools forMewelers, ETery OU9 visiiini; CUH'.sCO should call M our psintdlsliment ndVxtnin our foods. Xt2 1IIK I IICAI'KMT I'ltK K IH OIH MOTTO. HENRY ROWLAND. ALSO General Blacksraithin. 'rr!nje. rnielm. nnd Wncoec Itepnlred n Hhort ttr AIO IIOTlSC-SIIOClfi And all other Iron w.-.rk r ronudlr ttnt- el to. ciicii.pv inun ine cheapest, lor Hy the undersiicneiL it. HOWLATD. Shop nnilli west Cor. of Vine ft Siktb PLATTSMOl'TII, NEII. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HLACKSM I TII . HORSE SI10E1MJ, -ifl AND WAi;ON ltl'.PAIKINt;. All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly tf Promptly :0: Horse, 31ule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a (a ruffe. Comb and see us. on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streets, just aerofs the corner from the ar.w HEIIM.D orricK. ioji THE JOHNSON ORGAN, F. D. LE Nil OFF, Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, Havmg lately bonpht out SUA FER'S OLD STAND I am prepared to do all work brought to me in this line. Horse Shoeing and R pairing of all kinds. 3ltf F. I). J.enhoff. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in ETC., ETC., ETC. One Door East of the I'ost-Ofnce, Flattsmouth, Nebraska. o :- Tract ieal Workers In SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIERY, dr., d-c. Large, assortment of Hard and Soft COAL STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on Hand. Every T.irlety of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept In Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. tSE VEJl YTllIXd 1 A I1HA X TED '. !BJi run KM LOW IOWX. SAGE BROS. SStf NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! GREAT BARGAINS , AMERICAN WATCHES, CLOCKS, TOYS, AND FANCY CHI NA WARE AT COST! For the Next M) Days, AT- Schlater's Jewelry Store, Ojrpoklte thrPlatt-e Valley House. CHANGE OF FRONT f Hatt Goes Out, and Marthis c o m c s i rs i The same old burner shop, but JNO. MARTHIS Is Kiug to run it awhile. Having leased the Old and Well known Butcher Shop of Mr. Hatt, I am prepared to furnish GOOD ROASTS. CJWJCf. STFAKS. FRESH FOWIjS, ana TEXDEU JOIXTS. I cordially invite nil the old customers of the Shop, to continue their patronage, and respect fully ask u-s many new ones as feel inclined to to ifeal with me. to com. forward and buy. P.attsiuouth, Jau'y nth. 18Tu JOHN 3IARTHIS. f Aot kH'vir S VL ' Mtsnufftctnred by t-b t-1y JOHNSON ORGAN C0. AT rLATTBMOVnt, KF.K. Drew the First rremlum At the Kighth AnntiAl Fair of C County, Neb., over all competitor. The following Organs were Ua Competition: S Mason A Hamlin, 1 Exte, an4 1 Standard. -T7 These organ are all pal nj W elegant IJlack Walnut Caae, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to si to perfect aatU- f act ien. THE TONE Is the most perfect that haa ever berf produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are fclr-' ing, and the universal praia they are receiving are Justly merited. They are First Class in Every Respect very Front for Kejn. Ebony A harp.' Brsss Finis, 3IortleeM ( ltheC that there Is n Frletica r tHqaeaklna' Action as Quick and Per- feet as the Rest Piano. IJT The Tuning and Voicing is all done by myself, and the .superiority of Tone and its juick response to the touch is acknowledged by every judgt that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or not. If they nee and hear them they in vari ably give the verdict in their favor. 13T 21 Y I'RICF. LIST U u low a for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a goof and reliable organ either for I'arlar or Church will advance their own inter est by trying my Organs. Address, TIIE JOHNSON ORGAN" CO, 1'latUniouth. Nek. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music; and all kinda of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired. Satisfaction guaran teed. 50yl. ST R EIGHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, EUIDLES, SADDLES COLLAR'S. and all kltnit of harness stock, contthatlr en Land. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NETS. CANDIES. TK AS. SUGARS, COfFEES. TOBACCOES. FLOL'H, e. licmenibr the plivew, opo lie K. G. Dovey' on Lower Main Strret. 21-1y ST HEIGHT A MILLER. Wm. Gramberg, Dealer a W Lumber Coal l'x attiiMol't u. X kp , Op. Pla'.te Valley Hout, On l-.aad all kinds of LUMBER, D00 'IS HASH, BLINDS, t II INGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED BATE. I ; J! I