THE If e ra l d; J. A. MACMUHPIIY Eihtok. TLATTSMOUTII, JAX. 13, 1876. om CI.UB LIST FOU 1S7G. nirctnt onr retilf- tltU with a club l'.v' f papers "be ,tak-n with the In tills v:iy :yoti ran yet two'jiaiKTs or Tj iainrs forJUt!ttin;e ;thaa the price ot V.V s'.u.r.J like trt have,-ill thejvibsoribpr we r. ivt" 't u.i.lrIthMo frate.H by tlie iniJUle of I)e- .' i::! re. W l Mr wnuM lik new nabstrilM-r U the nri-1 all v.!i. projiosi? taking it for au- yr,to c.'trwr Jforwar-l now, for on th r tf roiir r.iIseriitioin ttepmlt some 4 xre wattl.l I!k to Make in the paper. L:::l.r iti JI-irirfTs Raz;i:ir, Week ly, or M.tirrizliie, 9 4.90 ami Inter-Ocean, weekly.... 2 80 - semi-weekly, i.r, " Chieauo Tribune 2.30 - - Post &:.Ma, weekly 2.30 daily - " rraiile Fanner. 3.30 Dally r.raphlc 12.45 " Health & Home - 3.50 I.oiii5VltCpiir!or Journal 3.05 - Seribner's Monthly 4. Si " " Sf.lViehola.s 4.0 From our Special Correspondent. (isauc suiter and installa- T10X. - ' t-ljari Jn't fret, Zentmeyer, we cm edit Th Fremont Herald thinks the 0:.i ihu. Editor have plenty of cheek. A H'ltlie Centennial Editorials in our Co ". ity Exchanges have brjun "It is ju.-t one hundred years ago, Ac." ::.iiiie and ill had quite a spat on Monday, over the amnesty bill. ;!:; :ie in said to have won the heat. T:. Crete Sentinel thinks there is no i 'wsion for Grant to set up and howl that he does not want a third r:.i I'lummei's farewell letter from a l .i-ii fss point of view, appears in his cl'iinu of advertisements. Mr. 1. has I e- n one of our most energetic and re ;i:iVe business men and we are sorry to : -' Lira from the trade. We hope he sil:ftnn enter some other line and e himself useful in Plattsmouth net; mre. ! COmT NOTICE. tse observe Judge Pound's notice in j '.ml to the setting of the regular term i f Court in Cass county on .lANTAIiV 24TII. A'.- as regards juiioks, who are now ro ;. :d to appear on the 24th ami not i th) lTth as before named. JT-'-w there's our mule in Buffalo, X. Y. M.nds us the prettiest kind of an al r.i .i ;. with his name and "Com pi i Is", too' printed on it. t;-jo. hakin, Agent Anthracite Coal A .-ciation, (Icneral Othce No. 221 .t:-i St. Uiiffalo, X. Y." Aid a pretty big coal yard it is, too. mi!v two or three miles long up and d .... -.n t he wharves. SETTLE UP! Vi i are trying to settle all accounts t : i'i.j first of Jan. 1870. So far we ) iv paid every one that presented us M;!. how long we can do this depends t . how well you pay us. We shall ! out a collector on the paper who h is rdeis to present bills to all that ov. ns and you must not tak offense, j- :temen. It is the only way we can ko-'v our books straight and pay the g. '.omen who have leen so kind as to iv.:. -i us during the year. Vr. llamsey, the new Commissioner, fi t, ts out rather brash, and his first d: is after the newspapers. I !" Mr. Kamsey shows by his course hot- after, that he is true and fair, and r.; seeks honest light about all these ; : i 1 1 ' 'Ms, t lie Hkrald will help him all i: c .ri; but if it only developes into I i: y 5pite against a republican editor, is done his duty, and a rernbli i i e r that has tried to act uare parties, we shall not be slow 'end both ourselves and our '. ;: i CU1! !y by L d. t'i ic:v We v isited Plattsmouth last week, aud of course made the Saunders House :r t:ome while in the city. This I: . under the management of our (: 1 f iemls J. II. Liggett and wife, is fast .lining popularity at home and a? r ..; t. All who visit Plattsmouth s:,t il ! not fail to make the Saunders II - is 1 their headquarters, as they can n-r-'t. assured of getting neat rooms and ' i- a' beds, while the culinary depart !:;.:. t is presided over by a genius that e-ti!.V't be equaled in the west, and a bi :? ye Tiew ofjher department issuf tldt !it to set at rest all doubts to the c titriii v, and every other department i f th'.r house is conducted in the same Hi i tci ly manner. Liggett is a "hail f ll i'-v well met," and has a faculty )f it Mining all who once pay his house a visit. While there we had the pleasure of: -tiding a Social Hop under the su- l v ision of the A. 1. and A. M. which v.-, largely attended. Saunders Co. 'i iiis "last" week means the week be f r-'. The IIickald meant to notice Mi. Andrews' visit last week, although a L.Jf sheet was the consequence next week. 1 N Y.YS K IN I OF u7 K. KING. A few years ago everybody here krt v.- "Hule" Wood, and for old times fr'ikr- we give the following pen picture .f hi ai by a correspondent of the Oma h i Herahl. ! eni N ood lias blossomed into Camp Crehit, Jau'y 10th, 1376. ) El). Hkrald: I arrived in Camp Creek la.-t Saturday afternoon, and was kindly invite! to attend a range sm pcr and public Installation of ollicers of Charity (I range Xo. 404, of Lancas ter County, which was to beheld at the school house on Steven's Creek, about seven and one half miles from Lincoln. Accepting the invitation, we were soon on our war over the prairies towards the school house, arriving there just af ter dark, where we found a house full of Patrons and invited guests, who gave us a warm welcome, many of them being old friends and acquaintan ces. After a few moments devoted to handshaking and introductions, the meeting was called to order and opened with prayer and singing. Pat ron J. P. Loder made a few remarks about the business of the evening, and then proceeded to install the officers elect for the ensuing year, as follows: Master-1). M. Swishar. Overseer-It. Reed. Stewaid-W. S. Tiger. Trea.surer-S. R. Jaeoby. Chaplain-I). Doubt. Ass't Steward -II. Pranks. Lecturer-XI. Riley. Secretary-S. W. Denham. Gate-Keeper-J. Reed. Ceres-Mrs. D. Swisher. Pomona-Mary Reed. Flora-Mrs. L. K. Doubt. Lady Ass't Steward-Mrs. S. E. Den ham. Mr. Loder was subsisted by J. II. Painter, of the Nebraska Patron, and Judge Jennings, of Weeping Water. After the Installation came the princi pal business of the evening for many, which was supper; I think I was one of them, also. The ladies soon arrang ed the tables, which looked as if pre pared for about a hundred couples, in stead of the fifty that were there. In a few minutes the order was "Come to supper," and for about an hour we did nothing but discuss the merits of a piece of this turkey or that chicken, and try a piece of this cake and that, and this pie, and this, and this, and this, till all had a surfeit, and sighed to think they could not empty the dishes which were tilled anil refilled from a Kcemingly inexhaustible larder with almost magical celerity. After supper the young folks adjourned to the resi dence of Mr. Riley, where they tripped the light fantastic for a few hours, when we adjourned in the hardest storm we havo had this winter. Times are hard with the farmer in this neighborhood at present, but all look for better times next spring. Will. a i The IIkiiald settled up its postage bill for the year the other day, and got a pile of papers a foot high by way of receipts. PKIiSONAL. Major Wheeler and his brother 1 5 i r nev went over to Glen wood on Fridav last. Ren McMurtry, one of our oldest tel egraph operators, leaves us this week for a home further East. R. TJ. Claiborne was in town last week. The weather immediately I2ej istewl ten degrees colder. Ii. Seibold, one ef the IIckalis old est and firmest friends, dropjed in to see us yesterday, II. G. Race, of Weeping Water, pass ed through town for the East, Monday, where he has gone to attend the tuner al of a sister. The Rev, Mr. Crippen, new County Superintendent, came up from Weej ing Water to see the Hkrald; and kept marrying folks all the way. Prof. Wise, our earnest and respect ed county Superintendent for, lo, these many years, retired last week to make wav for the new incumbent. We shall notice both men more fully next week. Charley Black, formerly with A. I White, has taken up his quarters at J. II. Buttery's, and will hereafter mix medicines instead of sanding the sugar. Dan Johnson, of Weeping Water, has more than two bushels of nickels. lie is going to melt 'em down and make a tin coffee-pot of 'em. Judge Maxwell, our judge, drew the long straw and is fairly seated as judge for six years. Judge Lake got a short nip. and is chief justice for two years. Mike Schnellbacher, the Blacksmith comes to time with a few "scads" for the Herald, and we wish Mike long life, and plenty of monev all through it. Prof. Secord, at Decatur, principal of the High School there, returns his thanks for very handsome Christmas presents. Xow we're right glad of that, for Secord is one of our friends. We were very much pleased to hear that the Rev. Mr. Orr and Regent Adair called at the Herald ofiice on Monday. Mr. Adair is an old acquain tance of the Herald's in Dakota, and has just drawn the six year's term as Regent. Webster Eaton, Register of the IT. S. rai. way king. Ys, Reuben is monarch I Land Office at Bloomington, (Glory! of ,-ix mik of railroad. Its gauge is j we've got a share there, so has Billy ti.rl-t and his cars carry two tons I stadelmann.) and President of the .; :i. Ins locomotives have immense ' o r x- i i ezr and sincrularlv mushvd voi ! 1 reS3 Associatian of Xebraska, went Their power is not computed in dyna-;ei-.l uiiitfi. though their cylinders are Urge, and their stroke when tested by t:i:i;!m in the rear, is variously at from three to four thousand feet,. Reub. generally accompanies his train in jerson, which moveon thecar .;v. in principle doubling the entire !i-::h of the road each day. I met i iii; the other day in his road costume. Fur cap drawn over his ears. sheepskin mi Liens, a neck 3'oke strap buckled around his blanket overcoat, and boots encased in ore sacks, he was a picture fi r a l ainter. His hair 2s grown grey v uv. but he carries more of youthful V.Z'V t,...l- -nil tPlU his wonderful sto- I he W1 l)a' :l S00(I Ve for at rie v. iih as much relish as when he j Connor will close up his Plattsmouth! w :!;- iibcred among the- choice spir- j house for the present, as he has two! it v. , in days of yore, held their dai- others, one at Greenwood and cue at j ..tionsattlu.othce of 1 'r. j AshLmd. Fetch on vour corn now, ! .-.;: f . ffman. or slaked their "lowm i . - , ... ;.v at pick Willis ' iivia-r' for Joseph is bound to buy. i East in a double breasted, silk lined. satin covered, Pullman palace car, last week. Col. L. C. Bartlett, the efficient Dep uty U. S. Surveyor General of Nebraska came down from Plattsmouth on Sat urday to visit hi3 friends. So cordial was his reception and so bounteous his entertainment that he still tarries there. The great railroad bridge is a monument to Ids engineering skill. St. Joe Herald Jos. A. Connor, one of our most prominent Grain ilerchantg. gees to Greenwood this week to buy corn, and XI r. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Commissioner's Court, f Tuesday. Jan. 4th, 7G. f Board met in resrular session at 3:30 . i Oitts, ........ ;.. p.m. i:e. Present M. L. White, and W. B. Arnold, commissioners. M. B. Cutler. Sheriff, and Wm. L. Wells, Deputy Clerk. UEI'ORTI IY W IMTK & OAHlSAH. Absent Timothy Clark, commis sioner. When the following was done to wit: The board then examined the official bonds of several county and precinct officers, which were passed until to morrow, whereupon the board adjourn ed to inset at 9 o'clock a. in. to-morrow. M. L. WHITE. W. B. ARNOLD. Corns. Attest: C. P Moore, Clerk. By Wm. L. Wells, Deputy. Wheat ni haney Flax Need.. - HOL'N Cattle limk ,. ft) ; " " ''.Vl 1 ii ..3 oi-r4 w LATEST .NEW YORK MARKETS Miiney,. . Ooltl,.... Nkvv Yoiik, Jan. 13. r7 tt iisi i.i. r no - January 5th, 187G. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present M. L. White and W. B. Ar nold, commissioners. M. B. Cutler, Sheriff, and Wm. L. Wells, Deputy Clerk. Absent Timothy Clark, commis sioner. And being opened in due form the following proceedings were had to wit: The following official bondg were ap proved to-wit: Official bonds of J. C. Cummins, Co. Treasurer. Official bonds of C. P. Moore, county clerk. Official bonds of XI. B. Cutler, Sher iff. Official bonds of F. B. Reed, Coron er. Official bonds of J. W. Haines, Jus tice of the Peace in Plattsmouth city and precinct. Official bonds of II. Allen. Justice of the Peace in Rock Bluffs precinct. Official bond of Sam'l Richardson, Justice of the Peace in Xlt. Pleasaut precinct. Official bond of A. Teft, Justice of the Peace in Avoca precinct. Official bond of James Gilmour Jus tice of the Peace in Avoca precinct. Official bond of A. A. Harden, Jus tice of the Peace in Weeeping Water precinct. Official bond of James Crawford, Justice of the Peace in South Bend precinct. Official bond of T. W. Fountain, Jus tice of the Peace in South Bend pre cinct. Official bond of X. A. Cornish, Jus tice of the Peace in Greenwood pre cinct. Official bond of A. A. Laverty, Jus tice of the Peace. Official bond of G. W. Young, Con stable. Official bond of O. J. Willard, Con stable. Official bond of Lec Allison, Consta ble in Rock Bluffs precinct. Official bond of John Ward, Consta ble. Official bond of W. F. Morrison, con stable in Plattsmouth city and pre cinct. Official bond of L. C. Stiles, consta ble in Plattsmouth city and precinct. Official bond of Ii. P. Wright, con stable in Tipton precinct. Official bond of C. F. Came, assessor. Official bond of Frank Stander, as sessor. Official bond of T. W. Fountain, as sessor. Official bond of Isaac Wiies, assessor in Plattsmouth Pretiuct. Official bond of tfames Hall, assessor in Xlt. Pleasant precinct. Official bond of V. XL Bcardsley, su pervisor of road district number 3. Official bond of James Ingram, su pervisor of road district number 12. Official bond of Samuel Richardson, supervisor of road district number 29. Official bond of Chas. Fhilpot sup'r road dist. Xo. 3.). Official bond of S. L. Gable, sup'r of road dist. Xo. 30. Official bond of W. A. Pell, sup'r of road dist. Xo. 40. Official bond of Daniel Forsy th, su visor of road dist. Xo. 51. Official bond of II. C. Vanllorn, su pervisor of road dist. Xo. i0. The following accounts were examin ed and allowed on the general fund to wit: Account of C. 1'. Moore, part pay for making tax list and duplicate $400 00 C. 1'. Xloore, postage, expenses to Omaha, as per bill 7 75 O. F.Johnson, Stationery &c. . . 4 75 J. C. Cummins, bill of Trevett S10.00, Omaha liee, 42.00 and Festeres $40.00 M. B. Cutler, boarding prisoners in jail XL B. Cutler, summoning jury and attendances in Court R. G. Knowles, services as Bai liff in Court Henry Boeck, office chair and cushion C. P. Moore, paid sawing wood. J. II. Buttery, stationery, coal oil. &e (. H. Black, salary from Oct. 1st 1875, to Jan. 1st 187G M. B. Cutler, two and expenses White & Darrah, for coal Geo. Cutler, Bailiff in March 1875 R. B. Claiborne, publishing elec tion notice &c The following were allowed on poor fund to-wit: Account of J. II. Buttery, medi cine for poor Wm. Stadelmann.mdse. furnish ed poor as per bill, Murphy and Vanatta Kennedy, board of pauper. It. II. Vanatta. for board mt paupers, month Dec. 1875 (to r. rovTiTEr1 LATEST CIIK'AdO MARKETS. CincAoo, Jan Flour .7. ........ ii. . . ii i 7i ii . . Wheat Corn, - Mats, live Il.trly, 7 Hogs 6 TW.i Cattle 4 iKtv" 75 The TIalutenJince of Health. The inaiotenanee of health fs often more dif ficult than Its recovery. Vitiated condition of the atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, ex tremes of heat or coltl, antl constant exposure to rouh weather, are all so many provoca tions of diseases. There is hut one sure way of effectually Kuarliii' the system when thus sub jected to iiitliienccs prejudicial tu he.iilh, and that is to establish. Iy judicious tonicand alter, ative nn": icrttioji. ijior of the body and regu larity of its functions. The properties of an in viotaiit and corrective arc bappily combined in I lost-i ters S.omach Hitters, wnicii.nt the same time that it infuses unwonted vitality into the svsti in. overcomes ail tendency of t In- Stomach, liver, bowels and urinary orcaiis to deviate from regularity in the li"-liare i functions upon which the welf ire ot the entire phvical orani a t ion is dependent . 1 1 call il cam mt be more ef fectually maintained than bv usini; the Hitters. TICK'S Flower & Vegetable Seeds are the best the world produces. They are I'lamcd by a million people in America. ami the result is, l.eanlilu! Fioweis and splendid V vye tables. A I'rieed Catalogue sent lice to b!i W ho enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. VICE'S Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work f the kind in th world. It contains nearly 1" ) panes, hundreds of tine illustrations, and four ( l.ioiiio l'lates of Flowers, beaiilirui.y drawn from nature. I'riee :V cents in paper cover ; to cents hound in ele gant cioth. FL021AL GUIDE This is a illU'-trated. and cotit.-.inintr an elecant colore! Kroiitis.iiece .v ; t l tne first n natu r. I'riee only 2." cts. for the year. 1 be first number for 1S76 just issued. Address jASf, ViCii. 4Jt4 Zlochcter, X. V. Weekly Sun ! 1776. NEW YORK. 1876. Ki'-rhleen hundred and seventy-sfx is Centen nial jear. it is a! -o t:ie year in "which an oppo sition House of llepre-.eutaiivcn. the first since the war. v.i.! be in power in Washington : and the year of the tuviity-tliird election of a I'res iden: of the L'niied Slates. All of tut'se events are sure to be of nreat iniercst and importance, especially the two latter : and all of tneni and eveiyt Iniiji connected wit II them will be fully and "freshly reported and expounded in the Sun. The Opposition House of Representatives, taking up this line of impiiry opened years by I he . iiii. w ill sternly and dnii;;eirty im esti mate the corruptions anil misdeeds of tlralifs administration ; and will, it is to 1- hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better penod jii our national histonj. Oi a'l this the Situ will contain complete and accurate accounts, fur nishing nil Ks readers with early and trust worth information upon these abisorbmg top ics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations tor it. will l mcuioi-.ihle as deciding upon t. rant's ti-.pations for a third term o power and plunder, ami still more as deciding who shall be the candid. ijc of the par ty of reform, and as electhrg that candidate. Concerning all these subjects, these who read the Sit" wnl have the constant means of being thoroughly wed informed. I lie Veekly Sit. i. wincM lias ;-,t taiiied a circu lation of over eighty thou.vtm! copn-s. alr.-aoy has its icade. s in every State c::d 'i'eri it ory ai.Tl wetnisi ti'.e ye. r IsTu wnl sc.- I heir numbers doubled. It' will continue to be a tnciiouh newspaper. All the geie-ral news of the day will lie touad in it, coaden . l when unimpor tant, at full b iigl ii v lieu t monteiit ; and al ways, we trust, t re. ited In a ciuar, imeiesiii. and insiruciivc maum r. It is ci'r aim to i,iai;e tin! V.Od.l- Sit i the la st 1' iniily iie .vsp.ijiir in tue. wm Id", and ..shall continue to give in us columns A large aiiioui.l of miscellaneous re;;di:ig. suca as stories, talc, poems, scieiitilie ii 1 1 e! 1 igeiiee and allien!; mal i nf o: ma! ion. fur vv v, c a re not ann i make Here is where Jno. Shannon "Wants a nice new Liver- which the editor. had not had time to write up yet. Go and get one of Shannon's Teams an v wav this week. 121y OLQBim OUT! ! AT COST ! FOR CASH I Store for Sale or Bent!! mt. c;iii;i: See ! Eead ! Look ! ! ELI PLUMMER'S COLUMN. FURNITURE,! i ! Of every description Cheaper Than Ever. Some things even BELOW COST ! ! Chamber Sets, $25 and up. Dressing Bureaus, $12.50, up. Bureau Stands, $7.50, up. Eedsteads, $3, up. Extension Tables, $7.50, up. Chairs, $50ctup. Boston Rockers, $2.50, up Centre Tables, $G, up. Wool and Wire 31a Ureas es, very Cheap. Everything in the Furniture Line, Cheap. If you don't believe it call and see for your elves, at SHEYOOK'S, 1'l.ATT.SMO UT 1 1, N KB. The Compliments of the season to all our customers, from Solomon Natlmu For the increase in our trade and the large business we have done the last year, we desire to thank our num erous friends and hope they may con tinue the same as we expect to offer better and better inducements for them to do so. FAMILY MEMCIXEff AI1E the renilt of fin experience of thirty yean in e. prsietloo of ;i MireeHsfnl .hvleln. Hitter I'imir -An extra" t of rooi ;,ri lierM RO Imlirious v ;iml Inedieimtll v rniiil,ln,l n.t j every p.irt of tlie rtisetiwd l.iifly rerelv Ihl for.'tll the ills of life, hut tor (lyMjieiiviii, tlllous nrifl livT iroiniiliLliil. fuvi.r ftn'.l u.iw. ) eliiilty. ami hII li.He;tsi-( of I lie stonii'irh, liver' I ami dijreMlv orjiant. It is an effeetiMl remedy' ii reeiu;ii .iKaniKi lever Htm akc am' inalarioni dtsea.He It Is uii-oirii iao.mI. strengthens mid Imilils tip the (lelnlitated sys. teni. and nlves renewed vior to all p;ut of 1U9 liody. li'lntc'M Oirc Acts as a dluivtle rvanunl in ease of drowy, iront, gravel. himI illsears of the bladder and kldnejs. iHinlles thn Idnod, enres serofulit and ernjitive diieaaes, rlieninatic and nenralitic pains, and all diseawei of the nrl inirv organs. Kx if t ormi t -A nmnipt remedy for coukUs astlnna, eionp. and all il leases of the throat liinirs and chest, and the first Mati ttl o.n nnmption and typliold fi-ver. IVvrriiud A true IIIIm Are prejnrrdex presslv to aid lite tonle In iirmi aeut arid ehronfe eaes, they act without depletion. Crimean I.iiiini-iit - Onens (lie pores f the II-mIi. and p-net rates to t lie hoiii or Seat of pain, trivinu relief lo manor lieat as sneodilj as any outward application ean. Sold liy all DniL'trNts and lealers. .V.vt i:. T. HAKTiU h V ft CO. I'.iirllDpfon, Iriwa "We hope to see you at the old stand, the ensuing year, where we are prepar ed to do a largo wholesale and retail business. We have just received a large new stock of goods, PURCHASED FOR CASH I Itight from Head-Quarters Ulead 6Ibc jfol We have employed tho OLD RELIABLE and the at the very lowest prices; which we intend to sell at such rates as will as tonish everybody. mlW SB Medical Institute ESTA BUMflKD VltOJl t: AH A ItKKU; .UKKEY. F. TlllC only plaee where liel upon. Utile i-s r room in 0111 daily oi;io!i. 'ft:.' a.urienli r p.niiiient e-ipei-iaily i- oin- oi i;s piiiiiiineiil fi a tllies. i i.e fiisiiiolis alw- il.-o le.ilaily li'polte.l iii its eolniiii'.s ; 11111I mi aie i.i.ii ket. of t-veiy Kind. Tlie Weekly Su;i. eiM paes Willi finyix 1'1'oa 1 eo!i!in:is is only -l.'i a year, noil . :.;!' pre paid. A 1 his com liarely n rV s t!iVc: ot tlie paper, no di.ieoiiulx'a.i lie n;:nle from this r.ue to ehilis. aueiils. l' rs. oranjone. Tile!y Su 1. a iar,;n foiii- paue" nevsp:i;KT of tweiity-eifht ciiiiiii.-, :;;v.'s aii the iiert-. lor twoe.-i.tsa copy. 1 iM-rijil ion. postage re .ud. f.V. a uioiiii or -1; .",1: u t a". Sunday 1 1 -tion eMr.i. l.!n 1.; t y. -ar. VVoluive no liavcl itli! Uveitis., ,i ,Nr ik . Ity. A Finr Ai l M :y tii'i-: t'.v Vuiiiiv. SI. Nicholas for 1876 After two yc;u-" of piospei i:y, unexampled in the anna! s ot jitvetiiie literal me. i .111:14 w liieli . A ic.W'M has consolidated vt it It itsi-if all its competitors, tlie (Ki'.'ii-.iri'i lie.d Ui"in selves in pt .su io.i to ptv.mise Volume. itu the i ve'.nber. Is7 . siiati. in its i:;iiis:il ; lor . ills iii.ti Mtrpuss ei'ii itte preeeilin; volumes. In addition to contributions from Tin: rinsT wi:irt:::s nr ameiik a. thetv will l.e Stor!"s. I'oerns. Mid Sketches, ly soiiivof the most l'toMi'iieiit J-atlisii Antliors.--Anar.enieiits liave lieen niaiic for a very in lerest fitir series ot p;i:e-s 011 ir 2,T i ft on c a s t l e , v.u :.rr. OUrilAXT, Treating of its History a'.e.i lite l iiild-i.ife of Successive laiyal Hi iiei'aliiu.s. cJiti&TiXA a. numsETTi Will ctmlriljute t thn new volume. LOUISA M.ALCOTT Will write' M.trjorte's llirtlnlay tiilts'tiitj oili er .short Stories. Some articles on Astronomy for Younjj ! pie have been promised liy liie popular Enj;usli Astronomer, lllCHA HI) PROCTOR. There will be a continued story of I.iTe in lee land ly HA YA RD TA I' LOR. In the November Number, tne opening of the 1 sure cure can be tr illion, utile is retrmrert in tl:e v.av tf i a lveriism:. :is t he 1 cptite.t ion ot the institution j is well tl.rousnout the west. I'aii and b conviiiced tli;:t Inis is the largest ;imi mom ' e nuplete Inst it nt iei of the kimt in America, ! for the sneeessfnl treatment of all C!ironi Sex 1 nil, I 'r: vale Ve:er:ll jir:tses of botil sfj Riieh .is Syjilidls, tlonorrhc a. (!!eet. Stricture, ! ilnpf titv. t'.t'ieose Veins, Orchitis. Hitbo, &.C. j All urinary and sy.daliiie or niereuiial aiTec ! tion of the I lir-s'.t . skin or bun. s are treated ' v. it '.1 unprirallfletl sueeess. Cmioi Tinea cured j in from three to five days. Sypiiiii.s cured in 1 troni live to ten days. CcV 1T..'Ti eases enred. : Seminal Weakness. jH-nnaton !iea. Nicht l-o-s-j es. Sexual I )ebih: y am! l!npoteney. Loss t f .Sex row er. as tin result of sell-abuse in yout li. sex- 11 al e hi maimer yeais. antl all hnpMi ! ui'Si's to m:irri;i:ie. permanently cured without ! mercury or ai.y ttiher niineral poison. I'aiients I at a distance ireatetl by letter. Mecliehies sent everywhere. Vouu men w lio liave become I the victims of solitary v ice that dicaJful and ; and tlestruetive lialut W hich nnnii;t'l .sweeps 1 to an initiinely j;rave thousands of younp men 1 of the most ex.;.! et I tah-nt s au.i In iihal t ii:tel ! leet. who might, otherwise flilranctr Senates ; with the t linn. I. is of elotpietiee. or waketl lo ee- stacy the living l re -may call with lull cotifi j dttice. What a" iily that a yoitn man. the ' hope of hi.s conn: i y. t he dai !iii4 of h-s purcii:. j shouhl be sietieheil !rom all piospeels. ami ii I joymenl.s d lite by the consetjiieiiees ,f deviat 1 ini; from the palli tif nature ami iai;i)::!tK in a eei tain secret hnbir. such persons must, be fore contemplating marriage, reflect that a sound mind ami body arc the most necessary reitiis I ites t promote connubial happiness, indeed ; without the jetirtity through life bc j etin s a wtetry pilyriuuivte. ilie pro.speet hourly darkens to t he vie tV.The initn! Iiectimes shaiiow- tlu-t tin! third j flections tlu.t t:ic lrnpi:iess of ar.erheris biif;ht- tUi.,er lor - o - t 1 1. . .iveti 1 o :i i ! i-rririlr vioii"- iin.n w would say. do not keep this secret to yourself antl your Ood until it lias sapped the viiai and lett youawret Ko! iiiimaiiiiy, n enrst to your slf smd a burden to socierv." If vou are entan- WLatUmautli, Jfeb., Jan. 7th, "?b. J To my Customers : Jf dc&ific ta thank all mij. aid Lallans, faf- thei& numet 011& cuidenccs. cpQaad lulLL and the cantinued and valuable iatfanaje tici(. haue extend ed ta me nihde in business, in Mattsmotdh. slid haue a feui rj.aods, uthich must be cLahed out this month, a A the 3 talc iA tented and afhel iaitie tace icses- Hon Aoon. JDheze ,(j cads mill be sold at yj.t'eat Reductions, and all I Lattice d exit in a ta butj. of ituch ,faadx a a tue haue left, mill find it greatlj. to theii aduantane ta Jiutchasc of me . Jfofiinc ta see all on hand during the next JDIiiity OZa'jl ; Jf shall be cheerfully glad la f ' eceine ijqu ffli -PlummehJf) e,led iii the snare of sell - pollution, or ny pri vate disease, flee from its destruction, ami iip p! at si. .loscph Medical institute fn- treat ment ami become one more a human being. i r-r-l'nres jjuarautccd or niony reftmed. t iTA I! female tluUeuities aii.l impedimenta te M.v.riace treated with s:if"tvand success. ' ;y."A irreat meiiieai hooU and secrets lor la ; tin s anil ;;enis. Sent free for two stamp, i Address St. .losepe MedhTtl lvstifute. Kr.meis j Street, between Seetmtl au;l Third, St. Joseph. Ma. 3.H y UUJlUUltyJ lJ il 1 ClI 1 ICIVJU' j H;tj;y IJeliefr!r Ymms XI'n from the ! elTeelstif laiors ami Ahnst s in earlv life. Man- ! houtl restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Hooks ami Circulars Rent free, in scaled envelopes. Address HOWAlil ASSOCIATION. t;! N. Ninth St.. I'hil.olelphia. l'a. an f usi it utio.i ha vhif ahiiili reputation for hoiiorahle cotitluet ami puifessiorial skill. 9vl CARPENTER WORK ! 93 oo 10C I new vtiliime will lie-in an j TT T ' i ! AMERICAN SERIAL STORY, W. 1. 1UCKER, -I'JIIi BO V EMI (1 RA XTs," 00 UV X.l.Vll KIttJOKS. (living the adventures of a party of bovs in the c j.n,xjroTZ2rij o- 6 x. x in the early days of the (inld Fever. T. 11 3 no 30 insane cases Court 21 00 50 00 70 90 92 40 4 ."0 21 00 the TRU WBRIDUE, i Author of ".lack Hazard" stories, wiil oontrib 1 ute some highly intt resting sketches, of ad veil -I ture at "Ilass "(je." I ! ''TA -A WITH aiRL.S," 1 V, : leailiier aaihors. w ill he a nl-imii-i,Mil f,.:ttuie ti t if new volume, l-iapt-ciai ttlte uliou widal- j so le eiven to I IX( i;iESTS OF AMEHfCAX 1IISTOIIY, Wiiii spirited pictorial illustrations. The various tiep.irtuicuUi, "Jack-in the-Pul- I i I'll, "luo llitbiie-liox, and "l.ettcr-C.-ix, aiei j liie pimes for 'Very Lit lie Folks." are to be 1 more alt i active than ever, 'lhe French, I.a in, I and Herman Stories, for translation, which ! I have proved so opuhir. will he frequent in be J All .UHtill. . ..Will. .t. UH llllT-SL VHIlh tJl Hit (ireatest 1'ainters of the Century, have been j engraved expressly for .s. .V ('.",, (x. ;;nd the lirst artists of t lie day vi ill eonti iluie fresh and uiiniai uravvtuiis jor tins line Art .M iaine jor the Voiuk. iHiiiiite aiiliouaeeliieni Hi tiianv interesting an i novt l f- at ures will be made iii the 1 ece; n.itu:er. St. Xicli.ilax wi.i c-oii tinue Uiider lit successful ctiit.ii.shi-- of JIA R 1 JIA PES DOP'JE. An 1 iuM'iTi'i'li -pared liy editor ami puhllshers to mai.'itai'.i ami the attnicttons and value ol the magazine. has removed to the bniltlhn; opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On tih St; I. Met. Main and Vine.) Where in addition to other work, he will give s., eetal attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKI.XH 1'lClL'in: FKAMFS.XC. Also A sent for the COMMnV SILNSM IUON- isn lAUi.r.s. oi VMiien i nave a nuiuli'r on haml ; call ami see them. Careful Work an'l Protnpt Attend-ati(- to L'ttlLt. 4)-1y WM. I,.TF( KMi:. MORHOWnOST'" IS LA f KSJ111H A XI) Machine Shop. Ave. "Ve do not pretend to say we sell thp cheapest in the world, neither do we profess to say that we keep everything from an axe-handle to telegraph matches, and from pies to liulona sau sage as so many do BUT WE DO SAY: we are the only Exclusive Dealers, in our city in Staple & FANcy DRY GOODS. , In these lines, and in NOTIONS, we -lead the trade. We have the hest assortment of the latest novelties from the last patent needle to the most fashionable style of silk dress. We sell at the lowest prices that can be found between hen; and San-Francisco, Cal. We th'mk that few mer chants CAN COMPETE WITH US. and to convince you, we especially your candid attention to the following list of prices: j i 'st in:: 3 cases of American standard priiitH.13 yards for SI 00 j 1 case cotton tlannel, at 10 yards j for 1 00 j 12 cases domestic ginghams, at 10 j yards for 1 00 j ."Senses of muslin, best brand 12 j yards for 1 no ! i A very large assortment of black and colored alpacas, double warp, the finest in the city, from 2 c a yd. up. A prime lot of ladies shawls from 81 up. Carp3t chain, standard brand, 5 pound package SI 2" A new and handsome lot of carpets, hemp, from 27' cts. up. Ingrain, from C5 " three-ply, from 8 " New stock of handsome embroiderh s, from 12 , cts. per yd. up Ladies fashionable collarets, from . ii cts. up. New stock, all colors, of worsted fringes, 20 cts. per yd. In addition to all these new goods at verv low rates, we offer our large stock of " . LA DIEf? AND GENTS Jas. B. Folden. Now, Fiiends, if yon want Fair Deal ings, and to go home satisfied, bring in your Wheat. Wg also respectfully announco to you that we have got on a full line of Clothing, Dry Good, Groceries, Qticcnsware, Boots yiioes, Not ion 8f OUR ISaw Mill Yard i i ! is well stocked with Cottonwood Fencing ANI) Building 3JfiterinI, Axle Trees, AND Wagon Tongues, ! etc., &c. line, and get mine, for your money. J.&H.Shera 3Uf Furnishing Goods ! row on hand, at .Oo8n Seventh St, At 1). I.. M:htovsoNI stand. S Chicago We aie iiT:ir'il to do a jrM!t,mn)ii,siiiPs In HORSE-SHOEING, And Itpjmirlnz r.ll kindw of .fr'iiu ery. rarl ireaferx. Jloivrrs Tit "'! i"K Slar!iine, f3 A our xlvUMC IiU nt ii:au ln advertlx. Blent nlto-ihrr distinct, w 111 Interpret uid tl it as fiilluw : ic. jj. footi;. 2r.i Anthor of Pluin Home Tlk, Mnli'-al Comntm Brut H i-nm in Purv, t-.. l'JO Ixxinct'ii Avenii f". 'th Stni.-t N"W Y'-rk, n I i.m-KNi,rn T 1'HNirun, trU all forni of Liujerinu or CrunM an! rtxvirnt lett from all I nrt of th Civri.iZKD WoBt.r. liy .t oriji'fti iwfv of ordsirtlnif a M-siira! r-m-f t!w. hf ia u-.fnlly traljnif nun'nn; la Knropc, tho Weal Indie, lloinlnloa t Canada, and in every pml of th" Un:ti eiai- NO MKUCUItlAIi Or dcleti'rim Arun nsl. llfi during the twenty thn-e year-, treated mu----fiillr nenr., t iuit 40.(11!') case. All fa-t connected with each raw are carefully recorded, whether thi-y bo x.mrr.!iuieutl l.y Iett4r or la peron, or olwrve.i ly the H-tor or tru ; . i ... . Th tur are all e4' !. FURS, BLANKETS, AND i Zimcn ' j HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE t Ire treated. Alt inYallil at a dianee ;e jTiiitre1 t aiiwer a list of f!in fU""ti'n. whi h e;lciteery Tinptom undr wliieh the inraiid raffera. Ail com-muitl'-altni tre'ltett 'rl I'v ""iftitenti'il. A o.,plee vstem of reirisUTinif rreeiit miP.iak.wCjrr.aifiip.loa. List -f question aent free, on apil:onti.n. Ui any (mil of the wirid. Sixty rne l-amphlet of Efinrnf ia or HCC-K!", alo v-nt free. Ail tbete tMiinoniak ara from tho who hare leen treated by mail a:id Hri Advii b ia orricjt, o bt mail, wutm ci tswan Cull oo or addretj DR. E. Bi FOOTE, Ho. 120 Lexington At., W. T. itT PRICES I CVj dosire to disjiose of onr JIA Ts, t?ri i T CA f's ar o BOOTS and 'y SHOES, TRUNKS and VA LISES, COM PORTERS. JEWELRY, ;tnd Ladies Millinery good. will he dos es out at DEAD DOWN, BED ROC A', as for instance, Ladies' Hcita, (fine trimmed $1 00 Cash Prices, 14 1 DBBSSIIG- MILJL PICKS, C3 00 I HixNsii-rlptloii Irir-. $S.(K) n yoar: j Ninslc '!imin,r'.S5fri!ti: (touiid Vol. j llllll-s., i.ltli l'.Hf!l. 1 lir-sf viinnics !('!;i with T oiv nlior. Tli I ! two nn rciKtv f-.r 171 :r.;I l.7."p are eieirAtitlv I . pi.", in it-wiiiiM iiu.i (ii;i tin1 i i:p Uusom I et (.itt-1' tor l'liililri'11 ever Ksji.-tl ! will M'inl tii iiia;ihie for out- yt-ar. I'i.iiiiiiiit; an above, i:ist-ini:i. for ;.o.i : or, s.utsw)- i iron cL Steel W qvk ti SueciaJ tv ; ti-iiour- y. the two voluin.-s. r..rSU ! iiwiu'ul'cw U UlAttWlJCtiajtJ. All iieusiienK-iM aii-l ImpoUsi-IIiis will re-tivf S'.lt:sci"i:iti;i!W and smiiitv vr,n:i:,..s t t'.. iatfH. lo Urder. CA SSI 31 E It ES, JE A X S, WATERPROOFS, AND LADIES' CLOTHS, in the same catalogue. IX SHOUT : LINEN GOODS, WINTER GOODS, and all articles of luxury not staple, will le sold way down, to make room for an IMMENSE NEW Spring Stock ! AXI AM. SCR I UN ER tt- CO., I i-All Work Wa minted to Uir .SW- Xow come ahead, all of you; glal to show vou goods, and gladder yet to SIEXjXi TO -3TOTT, tro.C A XI) ALL.J Solomon $ Nathan. riattsmouf h. N'eh.. .Tany 1 CM h. "Tfi. Wtnttd te stU E'Foob Flam Ifomt TJlk and Mifu-uJ Comwcn. Sun te.-Alio J)r Fcpts Science in Stor' . KrJiirtfcutars address Hurray J fl ii Mishi n j Cwnpury 129 Fii2Sa. Dr. Berger'f Toaio Bowel ml Pile Pil'.i. Th-s pill are an iofaliili'i remedy for con.;jitiia and pilN caupl by weakne or Mipn,"lon of the per mt .ilia ra'iti'm of the b-jwel. They very Bent;, irirreaw the aetrvity of the inteirtlnel (at.fti. prdiipne ifc nis'. and relieve piloe at one. Th'"iend haw been care1 by them. lr:oe iVI cent", nent by mail n rpiceiot of price, rregmre j otn l.y if". A I. Kit Kb KBICIf A RDT, Phakxacist, 4'li KoraTH A rase a, h'r.w Yoac Citt. Dr. Bsrger'i Compounl Fluid Extract Khabarb and Dandelion. The bet cumuintxion of purely r.-rtai,' bisSk- a Co entirely re(iaoe Ca'ioinel or I'liL It ptliaalra tne hrer. Inrre te flow of bile, and tin rein. t. it ')T t.irpidity of the liver, bllioasriee .,! Imbt'rel sjonsCi(iti'!i. an I the t:iu? ariin; frr.;ii P'Kh a iype-HPia, aiolt h'-a 1 U'he. flHtr.lrnoiv ete. Tue arTaa M!Qnipi of tiui Extract will In i-.ved. vitJj. at to h ukh'Ix one or ta bottles are snfftrVtif t- sLrivuo:aiPxi)D oe.iutifu'lr. an 1 remove rtmp.c-l id aiiun owjwsl liy iiv.-r ;r.i iti '. fc 1 pr botHe. lutrl-s. $S , wi'l In ent in ree. r .f the piee an H'VI-esw. frv ef Pr-m ..-'y ?y V. A r.Ftl'.t lltft.'-fl MlfiT. ri.-i .lit rif,K'tr:if . rr.xt'K. S p. :iR ''i i y.