;.-.r-.-,- T II E FIE It A LI). J. A. MACMURPHY. Editor. TL ATTSilOUTII, DEC. 30, 1875. Ol'BXLUB LIST FOR 1876. 7f e'r'ent onr reader this week with a club ttof papers VIiieliTcan le"?tk.en with the IljtH.iLo. la this way fyou can get two'piiper k nii3at1u's for.lttUe,ii3orc JtUanIthe:irlce of ce. . We l:ould like to baveftll tliejsubacrlbers we iit un !rt:iie1rat by the middle of De e filter. w i:t would like new subscrtliers to the J'.nr.Ai r. a -id all v!io proiose taking It for an f r y.rj:o crme;jforward now, for on the nOi' er "f T'-ir suMcriptions depends some iisf i we w:uld liiie t make In the paper. VaJlEHA:.r and liren'R;uaar, Week ly, or Magazine $ 4.90 - and Inter-Ocean, weekly.... 2-SO - semi-weekly. 4.25 " - - Chicago Tribune 2 80 " FosteVIMail, weekly, i 30 - - " " dally 6.65 " Prairie Farmer 3.30 Daily Graphic 12.45 ' Hearth & Home S.50 Loulsv'Is? Courier Journal 3.05 &erilner's Monthly 4.85 Ht.Nicliolxs 4.0J CV: crross will meet again on January 6J.li. Here's ours' to Senator Paddock for a "C'o!i:nssioTial Record." I) jwcn pot a verdict of $1,000 out of tlie jiiooblyn Eagle suit. The Fremont Herald .is forninst brother Pat. That settles it. Then are 53 Sundays in next year and two "shortest days" in this one. Tlify're been giying "Yaller Crock cry'' to the editor of the Pioneer, Nio brara.. Tli- Journal of Commerce of Omaha, conM to hand, published by S. A. Tay- & Co. TIj l'ai)illion Times suggests Tom. TTenr.arl as Com. of Indian affairs. "i'S, let's send Tom. nd Grant got part of his message fro, I laue formerly of the Hastings Joxtnal. Nextl To: are rather walking into Bishop IIart .',ut his statements of thewhite o:r! uv3.uUi thieves on the frontier. "Tl.f. ittle Pioneer," as we used to C:dl it, vay up in Niobrara is growing -, a;id makes things lively around Oiir M acquaintance lieijile, of the Fi tU J'rrive has been walking a race sorr.'1 oder fellows in Council Bluffs urA t left TL?y hx.l a 12,000 lire in Tecumseh, ?i -1.it last. It began in a saloon anl v s-.ij p'.ded to be the work of an in- c t alary. . 3:; foniit'ctioii with the whiskey de v ic ;-!v.ents it does strike us that the Ciiii reporters push impudence to t!:c wry verge of interrogatory high way roi.bery. It used to be "your i!, : t y or your life!" with them it is v,);;r life- or your money! or an obit- u: r, filk-ial, or political notice? . ! jiil ry, who shot Col. Anthony, was ;( ;::it.r 1 ly a Kansas jury, on the :i 1 tfiat Anthony was quarrelsome. 1. i'. x .sn't t-tem to us that a bad dispo- fri:;.n warrants shootinga fellow being iio'.Mi. If so there would be a good i i t iy popV- wiped out. Do we pay t:ie.-, to t-iii j)ort officers and a legal system for protection, or do we not? t';;tV the question. ?lr. Promise has introduced a bill to ti ll tl.e Tt. Kearney Iietiorvation and l'iwi it to Homesteaders. It differs f re: a Mr. Hitchcock's bill, as that pro-p--;"s to soil the Reservation for the b( ;ief:: of the blind Asylum. T.rt us be! Tax ourselves to build ;.i.J ke-j up a blind Asylum when we iiseuluioot broke on taxes now shut i.nt tl:? poor homesteader from his in-ali?u;il.l- rjg!;t to pre-empt that Ite f.TW. Toss up a nickel, Billy. THL U01SE COMMITTEES. THE NEW XtAlls "We ca'lfd attention to Mr. Kerr's Coiniiilttees last wek, stating that the ii out h could not complain; we guess not. Tii. Southern States have 24 chairman ; the Northern states.of Penn sylvania and New York, 12. The wes tern States, Illinois, Ohio, and Indiana, 12, and New England none. ' f co '.i it h that doesn't set well on Mavhuetts democratic stomachs, j it aft. r having elected Gaston demo cratic (Jovtrner, nor on Cohr.ticut, v!.;ch has been sidling towards democ racy, and New York papers are mad that the west got so many, and well, who wouldn't be a Dem. Speaker? l)int all sav ves at once. This is the last issue of the IIeraLu in 1873. It has been rather a tough year for all of us, but with better times fast approaching business will improve and money Income plenty once more We hope to make the Herald fetrong. er and better this year, but in order to do so we need all your help. A news pajer well established is part and par cel of thecommunity. It prospers with them, it fetds depressions with them. The bone and sinew of all good perma nent newspapers, is their pecuniary sup port, all the brains in the world can not make a newspaper without pay from the community in which it is placed. We had hoped to enlargeand change the Hhrjli.u for 187C, but the pressure of hard times is too recent to allow us to indulge in that luxury just yet. Next spring we think we may ac complish it. With new hopes, and bet ter prospects for the future let U3 all take hold of our work with renewed courage and strength. SHALL THE TIME OF THE NOON KECESS BE7 ONE-HALF IIOUU, OR AN HOl'R AND A HALF I The experiment of the lialf hour re cess has been tried for a week and found quite satisfactory inside the school. It remains for the parents to give expression to their preference in the matter. The school authorities de sire to adopt the plan which shall give the best satisfaction, and at the same time promote the best interests of the school. The arguments in favorof the short noon recess may be stated some what like this: First, the half hour is sufficient time for eating a light lunch, and taking the necessary out-door exercise, and the long recess gives too much time for play. The most of the damage done to school buildings and school proper ty is done during the long noon recess. The short recess with teachers all re maining at the scheol house, would ef fectually prevent a great proportion of such damage. Secondly, the time necessary for the fires to be kept up would be shortened by an hour, thus saving about one eighth of the expense for fuel, which, during the cold weather is an impor tant consideration. Thirdly, the small children can be at home earlier, and thus avoid exposure in very severe weather, and the older ones can be at home an hour earlier, and "thus be of use when their help is needed. Of course scholars can not go home for dinner in such a short time as the half an hour, and thus much tardiness would be prevented in the afternoon. Since the afternoon session of the school is only 2j' hours, with a recess of 15 minutes in the middle of it, the confinement of the scholars during the afternoon 13 not tedious. Now what we would like is this; who ever ha any well defined objec tions to the arrangement of the short recess, will confer a favoi by stating such objections to the School Board or the Principal, during the present week. A. It. WlGHTMAK. The Committee to locate the Metho lht college, mot at Omaha and decided te meet hrre this week and make their iir. al location. This was done at a reg ular forma! meeting. Afterwards the third term Bishop of the church (Ha Ton,) allowed himself to be led away by the Omaha Lobby and in a speech be fore the board of trade in the evening ! " is reported to have unqualifiedly y-.i-yrxiscd the College to Omaha, for that laud up above Florence and some i..o:ify. There has been fooling enough about Lhis college. The citizens and property ') tMers of PlatUmouth made an offer in good faith to the gentlemen com pos ing tl.e committee to locate, supposing tlity had th authority to do bo. We begin to want to know whether their action is to be valid at all. Why it's worse than a third-term this siiilly-pballying and Haven ought to have his hands full making Presidents, without locating colleges. The offerof Plattsmouth is the best yet made, but the day of grace is passing, First thing you know the offer will be revoked. With the prospects ahead for the town w e are not eaprer toseeour High School building barteied away cheaply. Literary men can never be sure of l.-iving s.ikl a :-i:iart thing unless they law " !!-;-? . PEKSONAI- Geo. L. Seybolt is promoted to a special agent of the P. O. department, headquarters at Omaha. Jessie McVay takea a Hkuald and Inter-Ovean after this- Mr. Shakspeare, in the person of an old gentleman calling himself Prof. White, came to town last week, just after the advent of "Buffalo Sam." The poor old gentleman who had prob ably been a fair actor once, has now become the victim of the whisky liend to such an extent as to render hira a useless member of society. Mr. Arthur Mills of Mass., formerly in the B.'& M. R. B. office here, paid us a visit last week. All Mr. Mills' friends were heartily glad to ee him, and none more so than the Hekald. Beauraeister is the most patient milk man keeps good milk, too. Fred Dorriugton has goue and left us all alone, again. Mr. Murphy, the Photographer, has returned home, after a very successful trip abroad on the line of the U. P. His new Gallery wrll be open soon now, and we are pleased to welcome him among us again. Mrs. Gen. Davis, the wife of the pop ular Commandaute of Omaha Barracks, will spend a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs Chaplain Wrightand will attend the grand Concert ou Friday evening. Dr. Schildknecht is the best man in town he divides with the Herald whenever he gets any money; who wouldn't like him. Fred Dorvington, Gen. Cunningham. A. L. Child, Mr. Doud, Jno. Chalfant, A. M. Holmes, H. Bestor, ami a lot more of the bestest men we have visited the Herald at different times this week. und left us better for their visit. Mr. It. S. Norval, of Seward, was in town last week. A maiden once said: "I'll not mate with a man who h:i3 not fortune great. So she pouted and waited, ainl scorned to be mated. She's a maiden yet aged forty-eight. X. Y. Com. Adc. A maiden once thought, "I'll not be bought 111 marry a man who is poor;" nut the man lie drank beer, died driv ing akeer, and twelve orphan went out from her door. Tis better to wait and le aged forty-eight, than to marry the average man; for there's trouble ahead for the maiden who'll wed the very first person she can. Cornier Journal. We knew of a maid, who to her friends said: "I'm in for the di'munds. for love not a fig." The di'munds turn ed paste, of love she'd no taste, she went on the stage and died dancing a .. A kangaroo is a curious chap; when its wide awaks it's leaping. Why is a minister near the end of his sennon like a ragged urchin? Be cause he's toward his close. Always examine an old plug hat be fore vou kick it. GAME LAWS OF NEBRASKA Revised Statates. Xr.c. 6. Tt shall be unlawful for any person to kill, ensnare. r trap any wild buSa!i. t'lK, (ewpt takiiiK elk fortiie piiriHjse of dometira t if ii iiiomtr:Liii htfn !. r oraiilpinf 14' t frvn the first day of January and tlie first day of (Wtoher in each tear: or to kill, eninme, or tftp anv wild groutc (prairie chicken) between the firit day of January and the first day of Au gust in each year; or to kill, ensnare, or trnp, or net anv wild turkey or quail between tlie first dav of January and the iirt day of Ocio- ler in each year; or to d--tnare. trap, or net the same :t any time of the ye;r. or to buy, s.l, ahip, transport, or carry, or Lave in posseisiou any such animal or bird between the dates within which the kilstnr. ensnaring, or trapping of such animals or birds is prohibited by law. It shall also be unlawful for any person, aiuit. tir employee or any association, coriniratiou. railroad company, express company, or trans iHrtation eoinnao v. to receive, curry. tratisiKrt ship, or have in osesion any sued animal or bird within the time the killing, ensnaring, or traiioiiig of n:i4 animals or birds are prohibited by l.iw. It shall be unlawful for any persou to go uio.n j tie premises oi auutlier persou, or cor poration for the purpose of hunting, trappiuz, tiHiiiK. ensnaring, or kiiliit any amuial or bird, iu violation of law. it is further enacted : 'lhat any person. ai;eut, or employee, as aforesaid, who shall violate anv provisions of this section shall be deemed jruil'iy of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shull pay a fine, of hf teeu dollars for each buffalo, elk. mountain sheep, deer, antelope, or wild turkeys, so as aioresaiu kiileu, eiiM.areu. irappeu, neireu. bought, sold, shinned. traiisnorteU. or held in possession iu violation of the provisions of this aection. and the sum of three dollars for e.tcn K rouse or quail su as aforesaid, killed, trapped, eusuared, netted, bought, sold, slipied, trans ported, or held in povsessiou, iu violation of tlie provisions of this section. The bavins iu iossession of any of the above named animals or birds letweeii said dates shall be deemed presumptive evidence that the same were killed, ensnared, trapped or netted ii violation of this section, aiid the civil authoriiives of. auy city, town, or precinct, w here any animal or bird shall have been killed or held in iwissession in violation of law be found, are hereby authorized to cause the tvanie to be seized, with or without warrant, and to be distributed anions the poor persons, of such city, town, or precinct, and any persons who go 'upon the land of another iu violation of this section, shall pay a hue iu auy auui not exceed ing fifty dollars. 3ul2 "state TfEJisT Every exchange we pick up from South and West of Lincoln begins "The Itoad to Denver" We've heard of the "Rocky lload to Dublin," but this Denver thing beat it all hollow. The West Point Republican is for an extra session. The Independent, Perk v's Democrat ic paper, is forninst Dr. Miller's Demo cratic paper, and all he and it does, and Mr. Zentmeyer's Democratic Sun, at Schuyler, is for the Doctor and his Her ald Brotherly love! FROM THE LITERATURE OF KISS-lNt!. Lipincott & Co. have published a book with the above title, from which we extract the following oh! my: THE MODUS OPERANDI. After all this discourse on the art.the author describes the method of per- lorming the ojMrauon, ami concludes: "People will kiss, though not one in a hundred knows how to extract bliss from lovely lips, any more than they know how to make diamonds from charcoal ; yet it is easy enough to learn". r list know whom vou are going to kiss; don't make a mistake, though a mistake may be good. Don t jump up like a trout for a 11 v and smack a wo man on the neck, ear, or the corner of her forehead, or the end af her nose. The gentleman should be a little the taller; he should have a clean face, a kind eve, and mouth full of expression. Don't kiss everybody; don't sit down to it, stand up; and yon need not be anxious to get in a crowd. Two j.er sons are a plenty to corner and catch a kiss; mere persons would spoil the sport. Take the left hand of the lady in your right; let your hat go to any place out of the way ; throw the left hand on the shoulder of the lady, and let it fall down the right side. Do not be in a hurry; draw her gently, lavingly to your heart. Her head will fall submissively on your shoulder, and a handsome shoul der strap it makes; her left hand is in your right; let there be an impression to that, not like the grip to a vice, but a gentle clasp, full of electricity, thought, and respect. Do not be in a hurry. Her head lies carelessly on your shoulder; look down into her half closed eyes. Gently, but manfully, press her to your bosom. Stand firm, be brave, but don't be in h hurry. Her lips are almost open; lean slightly for ward with your head not tlie body ; take good aim; the lips meet, the eyes close epe-t-wet pst-e-e-ee ! the sound dies away in delicious music; the soul rides the storms, troubles and sorrows of life (don't be in a hurry): heaven opens before you; the world shoots un der your feet, as a meoter flashes across the evening sky (don't be afraid); the heart orgets it bitterness, and the di vine art of kissing is learned." THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. KKPORTEU BY WHITE & IIAKRAIC. Wheat. ' ol(l - i new. Com Oats Kve Harlev i'iax Seed... . llo-s Cattie Huck wheat,... 2-) i;;fi r ;.' ai;--J." 1 2i . ..5 f0"'6 ( ...i 00(4 0 60 LATEST NEW Money,. Gold,... YORK MARKETS New Yokk, Doc. 23. U'iT 1 US LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicako. Dec. 23. Flour 5 K. Wheat Corn, -is1 Oats 3n Kve 7li Rarly, M Hosts li TVVT 00 faille 4 oa. 5 The Maintenance of Health. The iiiaiotenance of hea'.th is often more dif ficult than its recovery. Vitiated condition of tlie atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, ex tremes of heat or cold, and constant exposure to rough weather, are all so many provoca tions of diseases. There is but one sure way of effectually iruardinp the system w heu thus sub jected to i'.iiluences prejudicial to health, and that is to establish, by judi'-ious tonic and alter ative medication, vinor of the body and regu larity of its f minions. The properties or an in vioiaiit and corrective are happily combined in Hostetter's S.onuu h Hitters, which, at the same time that it infuses unwonted vitality into the system, overcomes all tendency of the Stomach, liver, bowels and urinary organs to deviate from regularity in the discharge ot function uixr.u w hieh the welfare of tlie entire physical onjani zation is dependent. Health cannot be more ef fectually maintained than by using the Hitters. sJjp-Samaritan Nervine, Tlie jrreat Nerve Conqueror, cures Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, spasms. St. Vitus Dance, and all Nervous Diseases ; the ox!y know n positive remedy for Epileptic Fits. It has been tested by thousands and has never been known to fail iiiAHiiiuleea.se. Trial package free. Enilost; stamp tor Circulars jriviiii; evidence of cures. Address, Die S. A. RICHMOND. SJly Dox 711, St. Jo. ilo. EMPLOYMENT antTXe hale jusl what vou need. Our 9x11 Mounted t hjxtmos outsell anythiiiK in tlie market. Mr. I'erkiunons writes : "I struck out yesterday, and bv working easy four hours, cleared ?7." A la dy ha just reiHirted her profits for the 'ore noon at n2 vealejday up to 2 o'clock she clear ed 7.5u. tVe cau jrove beyond question that one ajrent ordered 5.C0O of these chronios iu eleven working dav. We have the largest and finest asfvortment lit the United Mates; hun dreds of ch.iee juibjerls from which to select. We will send v,u au asaoijed 10O of the best selling on reeiit of ii.oo. isend in your orders or irive us a rati. Sample bv mail tfn'., or 12 for 1.00. j. Latham a to.. 419 '4Yahiiu;toii s-L, Huston, Mus. I. O. BX 21M. VATERItIAN'S. Tlie old Stand-by Lumber Yard. Fall and Winter Stock Cheap er than ever. , - , Hce ad oatwide. STIiElUllT & MILL Ell, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kiDds of harness stock, constantly oa hand. Fruit Confectionery AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES. TEAS, SUtlAES, COFFEES, TOBACCOES, FLOUE. AC Remember the place, oppo He E. G. Dovey's on Lower Main Street. 2 1-ly STREIQHT & MILLER. Good fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT VElt TDOD T'S HUM El X PLA TTSMOUTH IT THKV WAJT IT, BT J. F. KKAl'MEISTEIl. SH.1D lit YOUR OllIiEIW AMI I WILL TRY AJID il VK IOC iyl and serve you regularly. G. F. GYGER, Painter Grainer, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. Also all kinds of PAPxiIR HANGING Q-LAZ XJST Done to order in good style. f!rTI have a new set of Graining Tools, and am fully prepared to do wotk'iu the beit and latest .style. Enquire at Mike Schucllbacher's Blacksmith Shop. I0tf Frank C. Cox, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB., ALSO, AT LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, AND RED OAK, IOWA. I propose to furnish lee to customers by the Cwt. or lb. A deduction made fur REGULAR CUSTOMERS. i win also ftt.t, irt: irons:;. jitriLn XKW OA KS, or FCIIXISH YOU ICE, in any khape you desire AT UF.AttOXAllLE R VTKS. 0rr.6 F. a. co r. I'Vithin'mi'i. Xeb. Wm. Gramberg, DcattOu Lumber' Coal Pxttsmoutu, Nek., tip. IMatte Valley House. On hand all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED RATES. 13m3 Call and Examine. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids, Curls, Kwitcr-es, Tuffs, and' all kinds of liair Work promptly and neatly made by Oideis left at MRS. KENNEDY'S 3IILLIXERY SI OU 52. On Maiu St., 1 d(Kir east of Clark & 1 iiiiumer's. BO BE RT Don NELL Y'S WA-G-OZLnT AND KLACKSMlTIi SHOP. Waran, Bn'jijy, Mat'hine and Plow rv imirinj, and general jobbing. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Waff on Maker lias taken charge of the wagou hopt lie io well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. fw Waztim an-1 Ilue:iH Made Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streipht'sStal.lOk CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DCIUKH 1M if m m L'oor.s swiLs. Axn gihk-eriks. Of every kind. at the lowest possible lute. Also DEALERS IN GRAM. For which the highest CASH prices fire paid. 1 lidos and produce of all kinds bought at Reasonable rates. IXIir.l.IKR WTATIOX Cedar Creek.) Jj.j l CIS"? CO.. XETtUASKA WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Rac 8, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, BOOTH. SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And KaraerM'MapplieM Ueueraliy. Our Goods arc all New, and we sell them CHEAP. ' TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! 4(Tyn WEE PI WO TPAJTER. NED. Manhood: How Lott, How Kettorod! Van Just publisbeu. i new edition 01 flr. ( BlverweU's Olebrnt- ed Kxmi)' on the radical cure (without medicine! of Sperinator- rlue orSemiiial V eakuess. Involuntary Seminal Losses, I mpolency. Mental nnd I'liysical Inca pacity. Impedimenta to- Marriage, etc. ; ;lso l o:ist'imp:iiin. Epilepsy, nnd Fits, induced by clf-iiiiinl.ence or wiual extravagance, S;c. jirTrice, in a ealed envelope, only six Cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable es say, clearly denior.trates, fiom a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarm; nu conepien ces of self-abuse may le radically cured with out the use of intern. :1 medicine or the applica tion of the knite , putins:oi!t a mode of cure at once sinipl , certTu. aud eftectu;d. by means of which every sulterer, no matter what his condition inav be7 may cure himself cheaply, privately, aud radically. fiSTiiis lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man iu the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to auy address, Kwft-jMitii, ou receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address the 1'ublLshors. CIIAK. J.V. KL.IXES A CO. 10-43ly Y 1J7 Bowery, N. Y. ; P. O. box, 4i. F. D. LENHOFF, Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, TTavinR lately "boueht out SIIAFEE'S OLD STAND I am prepared to do all work brought to me iu tlm liue. Horse Shoeing and Repairing of all kinds. 34 tf F. 1). Lenuoff. CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the huildine opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On ttli Street. Bet. M;in and Vine.) Where in addition to other work, he will i;ive s: ecial atteutioa to REPAIRING FURNITURE, UAKIXU PICTURE FXAMES, &C. Also Ajrent for the COMMON SENSE IROK lNti TA1II.ES. cf which 1 have a uuinber on hand ; call and see them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend ance to Calls. Wi-ly TVM. L. TUCKER. RIORROW BROS.' ii LA K SMI 111 AND Machine Shop. At D. L. Morrow's old stand, Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. a:e prepared to do a general buslncsa ha HORSE-SHOEING, And KeiMiirius; nil klnriw of 1 ach la cry . siir h r Ilenpei-is. Iovern, YUrexitinjc Jtnrhlif, VloWM, Ar. JLc. MILL PICKS, AND ALL Iron & Steel Work a Specialty. ev Wiicrotis & Elusle Made To Orlr. 1-ifAll Work Warranted to Gire Sat isfaction or Money Erfunded. Obstacles to TflarriaqG. HniMiv ttelierror Yonn- Tien from the effects of Ern.is and Abusfs iu eariT life. Man hood restored. Inipedituents to Mani;'' re moved. New method of treutment. New and remarkable remedies. Rooks and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATi(lN.4!J . Nint.'iS;., Phihtdelphui, I'a. a:i lnJtttrf.on havitiita hit;h repiattou for honoraMe conduct and professional skill. Vi 1 fel & HATT, THE BUTCHER, Ol.l'EST AM) BKST KSTAKt.I.siI KI 7lent MixrUii in flic tifj.. N(d chriiiiinK constantly, but tlie old Reliable Spot where you e;tn jrt your Str:il;s. Roata. (iamu. Fish and Fowl in Season. South Side of Main St., PLATTSMOUTII, 40T NEB. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in ST0E3, ETC.. ETC., ETC. One Door East of the I'ost -Office. Plattsniouth, NebiiLska. -: :- Practical Workers iu SHEET IRON, ZISC, TIN, BRA-ZIERr,dc.,dc. L.ijiie assortment of Hard :md Soft COAL STOVES, Wood und Cn;i! Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING. Always ou Hand. Every variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc 'Work, kept in Slock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. SSTErEIlVTIilXa WAliRA XTED ! Jfl vnivvM i. ix.tu'x. Mtf SAGE BROS. NEW GOODS, HHIGI1T GOODS, PRETTY GC0US. AT Solomon &Kathan's Iier.ps of Things, All kinds of Thing. All New Tiling, AT Solomon & Nathan's LATEST STYLES, FRESHEST STYLES, BEST STYLES AT I, John Shannon, sometime! known a "Canada John" baviu? Iouk been In the Livery Business, and having trusted much, to nay sorrow, do now fflve due and timely notice that I want all iu y ucccuut Settled up by th First of January, next, and they Must "be. I ran't slund It any longer. liny and aaln tost CaxU, as well us several other thing I uiuvt buy. Therefore take Notice, It "job aus" that sve "wr don't pony up oh or before January 1 mt, "we nun" w 111 have to fctart oatethIn af ter "you uum" Nontethtne drive a Krey aiareaud a Bay pony and earrlen numlier of little pleee of paper which lie Khali Mcrvo ou all delin quent. tVltne-M- my hand and Meal thlM 2Sth day of October. 170, and govern yourselves aceordlssly CLOSING OUT ! ! AT COST I FOR CASH ! Store for Sale or Beit ! ! FURNITURE, Of every description Cheaper Than Ever. Some things even BELOW COST I ! Chamber Sets. S25 and uo. Dressing Bureaus, $12.50, up. Bureau Stands, $7.50, up. Bedsteads, $3, up. Extension Tables, ,$7.50, up. Chairs, $50c, up. Boston Rockers, $2.50, up. Centre Tables, $6, up. Wool and Wire .Mattress es, very Cheap. Everything in the Furniture Line, Cheap. If you don't beliufc it call and sec for yonr clvcs, at SHRYOCK'S, PI.ATTSMOUTir, NEI5. Medical Institute ESTABITS1IKI AM A REF'(E F :! qrACHKBY. T? IE onlv lilaee where h sure cure can he re lied upon. . Little is reiiuir (! in the wav c.l .lvnti'inr. a rhe rei:it:itiou of the hist iff; ion i- well Known tliiou-liout the west. C:ill und tie t onvineetl tluit thl.t is the hireit ami most coiiiulete tnstitu'iioii of the kini iu America tor the sueeessf'.il treatment of all Chronie Sex ual, liiv:tte uud Veueral Diseases of lith sex such as HyIii!is, (lonorrlurH. (Ileet. Strieture, ICiijaure. ;uieo-e Veins. Urchttls, 5nl,o, &e. All urinaiy :.'nl syjihilitie or lneH Lin.il allec tionsofthethro.it. skin or hones an- treated with nnparulleled .nicivss. (ionurrttrrtt curei in from three to live days. Kyjihilis cured in f i oin tive to ten days. OverlT.'J.O eases cured. Seminal Weakness. Sierniatrrlm,a. Ni'ht Loss es. Sex tut! Dehility and Impotency, Lov f Sex l'ovver. its the result ot self-iilmse iu youth, sex ual excesses in inulurer yeais. und all impedi ments to marriage, jx rmaneiitly cured it hunt mercury ?r any other mineral poison. 1'atlents at a distance l iv sited hy letter. Medicines sent cverv vv here. Young men w ho have hceome the. victims of solitary vice that dreadful and aud destructive halut which annually sweet to an uutiniely rave thousands of yuun men of the most exaited talents and hrihiunt intel lect, who might otherwise entrance .Senates with Hie thunders of elo'iiience. or waked to ee stacy the hvinj: lyre may call with full confl denee. What a pity that a youii man. the hoK' of his country, the datlin of his parents, should he snatched from all pnwpcets. and en juv i.u nt.s oi life hy the consequences .f deviat mt; from the path of nature and inilul-iirj in a certain secret hahit. Such persMins must, he forecoutee:iplatinnuu i'iai?e. reflect that a sound mind and hyiiy are the most necessary requis ites to promote conniihial happiness, indeed wilhout these the journey through life be comi s a weary pilirrinuwe. the pTo.spert hourly darkens to the view. the uiind ttecumes shadow ed with despair and filled with melancholy re flections that the liHpjiine.ss of anwther is hiiKht ed with our own. To all erring young men we would say, do not keep this ;ecret to yourself and your clod until it lias sapped the vitals and left you a wreck of humanity, a curse to your self iiiid a hunlcn to society. If you lire entan gled in the snare of self-pollution, or anv pri vate disease, lire from its destruction, and ap ply at St. Joseph .Medical Institute for treat ment and hecome one more a human liohij;. jTCures guaranteed or mony refuned. t-trAi; female difficulties and Impediments to .Mavri.-ure treated with safety and success. ;rA Lji'-at medical hook and secrets for la-rii'-s and uents. Sent free for two stamps. Address St. Josepe Medical Institute, Francis Street, between Second and Third, St. Joseph. Ma. 331 y "mIke schnellbacher, IIL.ICKSMIT II HOUSE SH0EIX0, AKD "A'AtlON ItEPAIRlNG. All kinds of AIIJI IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly d- Promptly :0: iJorsi'. .Hule & OxSlioeins:, In short, we'll shoe anything that h;ts four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us.. IsTSW SHOP, on Tilth St.. between Mai:: aud Vine Streets, just across th? corner from the sew liKi'.AI.I' OI KK K. lyi NOW IS YOUR blliiiA' CE! Closing out For cash. Between now and Februa ry 1870, I propose to close out tlie whole stock of goods 'ii ow in my Btore at Platts mouth. This is a positive sale and no humbug. Dry Goods, Hats, Notions, Caps, Queensware, Will he marked down to Cost Prices absolutely. We invite purchasers to come and examine tlie stock and note the prices. Iscxt week a list of goods and prices will be given. Eli Plummets. great bargains AMERICAN WATCHES. CLOCKS, TOYS, AND FANCY CHI- J NA WARE AT ! COST ! ! For tlio Xoxt 00 Days, j Cnln v-i rr P. TVf " 1 1- O -i ' f AT I rLATTSMOtTH, KFI. UIl. GRCC.V8 FAMILY 31EDICINES ARK th a result of n eiperlenc of thirty yea In the practice of ucckf ul vhyjoin Bitter Tonle -Au extract of roouuid herb Bo judiciously and luedicinUy eouifaiud tliat eveiy part of the diseased body receives tha help reuuired. It is not claiiued m piiiiace f)r all the ills of life, hut for dyspepsia, tlllioua and liver complaints. fvr fcud a u, cholera, dehility. and ail diseanca of Ui loinach, Uver and digest ive oraus. it is au effectual riudy' As a preventative aKaiust fever u4 u and malarious diseases it is uusurpatted n strengthens and builds up the deblhuisd sys eh d K've feiie td fior t tilpite of th KiRK'n Cure-Acts as a fllureOc eraeuant In cases of dropsy, tout, travel. ud dieM of the bladder atuf kidney,. punSea i"ood. cures scrofuU and erupifve iirm. riiuiaati and neuralgic pains, aud ail dia uf Uia uri nary organs. fr'.xpeetorant A prompt remedy for eouirim asthma, ctoup, aud all diseases of th throat Iuuks and client, and the first staces mt aou sumption ajid typhoid fever. l ever and Ame IMU.-Are prer.red l. presMly to .id the tonle iu curing arut aiiif chionic canes, they act without deiHetlon. 4 iluiean JJuimeot Oicii the pores f the flesh, and penetrates to the bone or seat of pain, giving relief to man or beast as siUilr at any outward application can Sold by all DruKKiaU aud Dealers rnv, - X- "AKTitlH 4i CO.. Hurliiytoii, fow-a USeadl the veitl!e Weiiave employed the OLD RELIABLE HUM Jas. B. Folden. Now, Friends, If you wut Fair Dealings, and to go hoxat satisfied, bring in your Wheat We also respactf ally announce to you that we have gol on a full line of Clothing, Dry Good. Groceries, Gueenswarc, Boots & Shoes. Notions, OUR aw Mill Yard is well stocked with Cottonwood Fencing, AKD Building Material, Axle Trees, AND Wagon Tongues fcc, t&c. Cony, when you need anything In rr line cm( get value for your money. J.&H.Shera, KOC'ft BLt'l'la. NLU. 3!U jetrvUCliCmu r3y&L 3Tm Am oat tdiivuMi hx nut adm lua aduitti rsM it at follow : K. H. FOOTE, I.I Anthor of Plain Moms Talk. Mr-Ural Oommnn I Brl!ftCB in Htory. stc. 1SU Inr.fUni imnm ,orir. Bart Hth BtreetX N Turk, an ltttHMli PnrslciA. traaU all forms ot Unstring vr Cei4a I)iwane. and receives lettsrs from aU parts tA M Citiucid WoiLD. By his original vtnv of eonrtactlna a Wsdtral Prs Vnr. he U uM-fiilly tnaVn aiimroii ttier.t la Ksropc, the West Indies. nralnlun sf Ciasss, and in svsry panel the Uai'jsj Blsim. NO MKIlCTJItIA.1 Or 4rtrroai &rtg ns1. H baa. dor nj th p tweniy three years, treat4(d mcrfiilly noarly or qui 40.)IK) case. All facta oonectd with each ee are enrefnlly recorded, whether they be oommunicat ty letter or la pereon. er trvel by the ixctor or Ws mm-isM physicians. Toe latsr are all stimujfls medical men. HOW IHVALIDS AT A DIBTAHCX Are treated. All Invalid at a ditanoe are me;nlre4 to anwer a li"t of plain qneiona. whieh elicit every symptom snder whk-h the invalid ff-e. AU one. tnunUvtUowt IrtnfA tirirUy crnntfttml. A rmiplt yntin of re(nterint preTenu mwuiae or ofifuua. Lit of questions aent free, on ap(licati-n. to any part of the world. Bixty.peo pamphlet of Kniimrn ow Bcccss. alao aent free. Ail Una tntimoniala are from those who have beea treated by mail and exiTess, Adtics ta crrioa, oa srf stall, raaa ur cbsv jali oa er address DR. E. B. FOOTE, Jfo. 180 Lexlagtoa Ats K. T. JlZintrd iv JIl JT&m Flam Homt Talit and Medical Commcn. Sen e: Also JJr t 'cotes Science in Btory. Icr Particulars, address Afun)fiUI-WishinSCompajry IMfASifc NEW yORJC Dr. Berj-sr'i Tonle Boirsl ani Pile P.lii. Tbeee pUlssrs an lafallihls remedy for oonatipatlo and piles, esamd by wexknee er snpreri'n uf tits periatkiUa saotioa of the bowels. Thry very frent'y inereaae the activity of the inf'tnal anal, produce eoft Wls and relieve pile at one. Thonaanda have been eared by them. Prion iH eenta, eent by msil on remit f prioe- Prepared onlv by F. ALFKKO REICftARDT. Phkmcist, ''J Fouaia Avsxtrs, Krw Yoaa Cm. Dr. Bsrrer'i Compaunl Pi old Zxtract of Ahubarb and Dandelion. Tlie heat oombi nation of purely vegetable mdljine to entirely replace Calomel or Bine Fill. It atimulatet the lirer, lncresae the flow of b'le. and thn removes atonoe torpidity of the liver. biliane and hahitnal constipation, and the disease ariains; from such as jyppma. rtok beadache. flatolrnoe. etc. The fTeo airrnee of this Bx tract will be proved, viaibty. at once to the patieak, a one or two buuiesare uffl-ient to oinar tha completion benntifullv. an I remove pimples and stains enaaed 17 liver urmbie. iVoe $1 per but: Is. bardea, $6. will be sect on rer-.v. of abs prJS pa snv addreav free of charge frfparod emly by I