Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 02, 1875, Image 2

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I'.z'Arv- , . i.j
We prawn t oar readers this week with a ehib
list of. papers which can be taken with the
IItrai.u. In this wty you can got two papers
or ni.i-uiiK's for iiUlc more titan the price of
We Sk.uM It. to hiv.j ail the subscribers we
m jr. t 11 .!er th c t7 tho middle of De
vcmber. We :.Ko .vi':T- like new Milvitaibera to the
llKiiLi. and all nho propose taking it for aii
other t-jconie forward now, for on the
liuribtT of vosir leibseriptlons depends some
T-han.p.s wo -.vuiM like to make lu the paper.
The IlEitM.D H.i'mers' Hr.z;iar. Week
ly, or Magazine $ 4.90
2 80
It hits been paid that no metier in
what l"i:irtni?nt of literature th;
why a n;)m;i hack iiohs!: .ui-;i. i
Tin x:tii:in;ition of th U)iv of Lcx-
A Ynl:i,
iiltoil, the K-'bdt
iittii kv racf liois
t... ,..!,. 1 f .-. Il.r. r .. ...
modern aspirant trvl Isis h:ivA, on ox- , t,. . f, , tl
ol 1
ammaticn Ik? would find Shakespeare . to he, was tilled with at least a ou.trt : H .'
before liirn. j of Mastifatr-d food, that been fore- ;
While Vic-Ireside;jt Wilson's hotly 1 : u"' cavuy ninns-ii na - !:
i in tiiu ii j jut ja'.y, nitMo i.y me lo:;s
; a U.-otii.
ii'' V
and Inter-Ocean, weekly....
" m " " se in I -week I v.
Chicago Tribune
" I'ost & Mail, weekly. . . .
Prairie Farmer,
" Daily Craphlc,
" Hearth & Home
I.oulsvle Courier Journal 3.05
" Seriimer's Monthly 4.85
" 5t, Nicholas 4.0)
And the Dakota City Mail i3 after
Railroads again.
Chas. O'Connor the freat lawyer is
lying at the point of death.
The Filmore county Review, a new
paper, to us, cornea to hand this week.
From the narrow Guago Kpizo-ot-ic:
"Good Lord deliver us." See Omaha
Hi publican.
D. H. Wheeler sends us a fit. Louis
JlepuLlian. Dan. beats the Jews to
remember his friends.
The narrow-guy bonds Mere de
feated in Omaha by at leant two hun
dred majority.
The Globe-Journal still sticks to it
that Stanley ahem yes that Little
ilac and he bed a tussle.
Judge Maxwell has got a new gold
headed cane, presented by his friends.
:ind he has been to see tho old home
They are all pulling up Henry At
kinson tremcnduously. Henry
where's our Trunk road, that was to
be built in sixty days ? we pause for
Tom Scott will make the Iliflle on
that outlet yet. You see the next
House of Representatives may be dem
ocrats, or they may be grangers; but
they 'ro hungry all the same.
For a lively wide awake newspaper
we recommend the Plattsinouth Ilicn
ALI). Mail.
That makes us feel good all over,
Brother S.
was beii'gconveved throii'.i Ualtiim r
the following inscrii.lion on canvass 1
in large letters appeared vn the City j
Au old man, broken with the storms ! State,
Though from an humble t-tock, undoubtedly
Was fashion 'd to nrieli honor Ironi bis cradle.
Exceeding wise, fair oken, and persuading,
He save his iium r.-i to the world a-cain,
His ble.ssed part to heaven, ajul slept in pe:te-
ShiilidtiK'arc, Hinry VIII.
If any obituary of the late Vice
I'resident, three columns long, luts ex
pressed as much we have failed to see
;' t.
t: . i
We call attenti.m to
ad ver-
IJrother Cunningliam, of the Kearney
Times, must not try to joke us on mat
rimonial subjects, as our memory is
very fresh yet of his exploits in St. Joe,
during the editorial excursion. Repor
ter. That's a fact; Cunningham had bet
ter keep quiet. Star. m
(Jo slow, all of you boys; does your
mother know you're out ? Or did she
at St. Joe?
ti.-c-mcnt of Harper's JSjytr, '.'. ' ho-
lis, and the Nuw York Xuu.f
ii. :eiv
ku..;vi. il'-s-t.
y, : :' ..;.'. ! obi
rV'l'V Cii ii'-' 'd 1'
:..tvi-; f. r the ;-n S's vi.b.i
irriltlt. a 5.,;-.- t (-f
ii it readla.'. :u-d
1 w r , ;-.-(.:it ::,
" : ' I ; t " : l . -. ti ! : ' 1 ; t ' '
. ' i 1 - w ;'l .;'r:..,y
n "! a i-.t-i: v ! !. ; e
t :;.!V. I -f 1 '-vr;. .-,.., -
.7 w
1. ::' r,. ia
1, .Joliii S!3;tni)on, sonit1iiiic
-,:'.. i
-:e ;i
a'- r.- -til:-.
-l.-.i lar
'Ml I'.t ....-
-.Mt; lr.
!. i !.,::
llfS3WMIi5 i LiverY Business,
..e lie.-T i:a-it cf t
nrc, etc.
r..;.!-0:nee, 11.ittsu:cutl
i- '.. 1 !
I'ra tie-d Yoi kt-r-s in
in this weeks IIi:i:ald.
t. r v ' 1. i;:. '.::,.. i'..,o:i inTipt i a; c? r.'7 vj V v ' ''r'"
T .O, i io e.e.;l v. ;.i cpy to a'ny per- i"'" t, ,)-',, V- ) '
j Fou who eaiaiot prv-.-ure o:.e ia L:i neitu-or- j Zi7 1 , lv., tlC.
The small i:y has long leen recog
nized as one of the most formidable of
all wild beast., but no greater compli
ment litis ever been paid to his capacity
for making life a burden to hia fellow
creatures than this, which we and in
our latest lilrs from Mexico: A father
in Guadalajara, during the earthquake
season, sent his two bovs to a distant
Lar'O ossortaieiit of Hard and Soft
X7rrjrTv QrTKT ? !OAL STOYB3,
VVliillVLiY UUlS I j Wood and Coal .Sioves fur
177G. NBV7 YORK. 1876. i
Al .vays on Hand.
h.i.. iU Ui ;;uii,:.t i! aa.l sewniy-sU is C-!iLeu- i;v,.rv varielv of Tin. Sheet Iron.
ii -i" ..ear. i; in a. o in,- a;r,n u lai o,.;,o- Work. i-.i-tt ill Sioek.
and Zine
o. ...t,.., m .i i, hi.-, inu wis ig it illNUUIL l sunn iiiilMM.! ii.-;.('!'.!IV. s. !hO Hist Mtll'C I
friend's Until tho peril Was SUppOS"d to i t'.ie wur. Kdl ie ia power iti V.chlitou ; and j ZT A VJTlfl AND V. V. PA TTJTNfi-
be over. A few weeks afCer t he fath- ! tt -l L' ! U L 1 l It 1'V rl-'t" ee AlA1 AiVf bl'AlKlJSlj,
er received tins letter from his friends : VsVeVo iKMlfat'cVaml mAane Jone on hhort Notice.
"PImo t. !. 1mv l.rtm ai. espwia.iy the two latt-r : a-et an . tlu-tn ana
, .'. r. , J ' w ev ryiniir eiu:ieeii-il ifeoi id tuily
down the earthquake. a. Jr(.,iV respite I au.l in the
I 1 he ()j'i'.iti..n JIoae of liei'lTJ''. litailMS.
Jlr. Dow Woodruff our business ! taking ii t li i- line of in. dry opened years a;i.)
Dartner left. 11 011 Mmd.-iv for VVsh- I '' ('''. -' inly a;U .di.l-eniy. li.ves.i
i;ai et.rrait;.nis and nu.;deeiis ot .laats
utlaiiuifc: ration ; and will, it is to be hopi-d. iay
tne ;'utiiidai ion for a 15 and better period in
oar national History. Of ail this the San will
eont.iin eomplete and aeoi.rate aecaaiins, fur-
iumiiiil; an us reaueis witii eariv ami iitist
ington J. V., where he has liad an
pointment in the Dureau of Printing,
and will probably remain during the
IVllitflT fill liML'turtiJCi otiiiio(i,.nn
; 1 1 1 wormy iiuoni.ation unoa tb.-se absoi bins: too- impoten.-y. dental an I Piiysieal luea-
Manhoo'1: How I-ot. How Hestoredl
".'75 Just published. :i new edition of
v.V '''',r" Cuivcrwcil's 4l"lr:t-
, , ! ; f -':May on the radiea! i-ure
tuwUr ( .v it bout iiicdieint ) of Snerio-itor-
u'.i orSemiicd N'. e.ikv.i s'-.,.nv'i:iiitai v Seminal
im Istiiu trc:tl ismcli, 10
my Ntj-i-nv, o sitv ifle tine
n-iJ U:iul3 notlev tfsal 1 v:int
tU3 ;:jv ac;:oa;j( ScttIt'J ill !'
j First cf January, next, and
they 2ust be.
I can't Ntniitl it any longer.
I9ay iind Grnln st C'asli, as
well at several oilier tilings 1
must buy.
Therefore take Notice,
It ,-jon uw" tlsat owe "ne linn" don't
puny up 011 or before January 1st, "we
i n-i" will liave to start io"iiiet!iinj; af
ter "you uiim"' Somethiutf tirive a
grey niareand a bay pony ami oarriet
nuinlterst of little xieoen of paper
wliicTi lie shall Nerve on all delin
queiits. AVitneHK my hand and Heal
thi UStU day of October. 1H7, and
Sovern yourHelveM aecortliujrl.V-
matter oi expeiliencv that compels the
temporary chang
and a lucrative nosition was offered
wherebv Mr. Woodrutl' can make more
The event of the week, perhaps, was than by staving here this winter,
li'M'ilv lli.l.i-ili'm-Mtj lit riiri'M(M' i.ti
The tweiitv-third Tresi b ntial Llection, with
Tlmnj .ivn . .1 ,-, 1 ! the prt-parat lor.s for it, will be m'Mii'lu!) as
V"K-' deeidmii noon tiraiit's aseiratio
the tableaux, singing and other enter-j consequently we considered it best to
tfimmenr at Fito-er.-dd I fall on 'lues- : acquire". We feel his loss more than
uiiii upon i,!m:iI s tispiraiions h r a third
term ol pov. er and plut'dcr, and slid more as
deeiilee who shall be the eand.d.ite ot I he p.n
1 y t lei'.iriii, and as etretinc thai .;:ndat..ic.--
the jia 'Vid h:ne t'!c eoiiiiant hacans oi 1 ; iiia' '
t :ioi o . ;ab. . v.: ii.'.on.i.'d. i
.lav tvM,!n.f l.v 1ia 1 f,f tin C call Spetlk, UUMIig I.C0T1 Wltll US , l.U ion of ov.-r . e: ,.: y t ! 1 -s. jdr-.-.i-l y
daj evening, by the of tne J tes- t(fi 5rst stj..k ()f t t f j ha, its r.,!,;; every s.a.e .d.v-intorv ;.-d ,
i. ...... . -. .. . . e t ra st 1 a - ve..r 1.''. Ml mm1 t.u .r loi.aoei i
uvtenau , tlif !'UV tll, a.'1-.l our relations lltlV- ! ,i.,ubi..-d. !t" w.d ,.o::;ii.v to be a la .nc, mi j I'1!'
We should only show how little we I ing been most agreeable. liurtoniun. 1 i.ev.-s;.a,.er. Ah ta- ;-.-ue:- -a i,e.vs of th.- nay j
14! i. I -1 ' i . i I i., e. . . -i i ,, n! i; i:7 -: ii. : -
t 'ou.'.iiiiipl iiui. J-'pitep-iy, and Fits, bidaeed by
self-ieeideiiee or sexual extravagance. Sec.
i "lrie.., in a healed envelope, o::iy six
ecu is.
The celebrated author, in tins admirable es
saj . t'.i arly demon! i a!( -s. from a thirty years'
slice, s -fid Ji'.'aet ee.e;t ; h e a la rail M' e H1-..MI lli'il
ces ol . cii -a i.ese may be radically cured v.iia
niil ! ' use of Intel aal aiedietae of tti- appliea
t i i ' i J ili-'iu iie . ai' mil a n,' i!-' of eeiv
:-! .--hui.l . e. i-.ain. an I etu ; aa!. by means
of vlii. a i v. r': 'i::'i !:!. no mallei' w'haf his
isea elieal'iv. j
know about music were we to attempt
to criticise that given us the other even- j
ing, sufiiee it to say that good judges (
declared it the best amateur music they j
ever heard. The whole performance
was very creditable and shows what
we have often maintained, that we
have a large and very good dramatic
on inav b.-. lua v cure hie
. ! I a. '. !!.'
I iiisj.-ei.-.u. l...i;hi be in tt.e hands of
oiith aa.! i-v.-rv i.i.'.a ;a the laud.
Store for Sale or Rent ! !
l in
and musical element among us for the i:ve.'.
tiKrwiTED liV wunr. oaiirah.
i old ...
j ra.u.a'. tn-b l"ai a .a u ol l.iera. ai . ; :.:ul ,tl
i w ay s, w '.r.i .. treat's I oi a clear, iiitei- s!i.:jr
I ami m '...'. ;. i;er.
i it ii ot : .: . to make the V.'e,d.i .s'aa the
':l e;i!' in a pt.ti-i- ervei '.e. to nnv i jf Tfs
av -. " (..'. oil ivceiot at six reals or i wo I Sj 3 a M V
l la S.
Hots.... aitle...
i.atkst m:v vo'tiv m.!:!-::ts
Ni:v.- Vot:.:. I ;-. !
toiid,: i ii
emeu u
t':ti'.A;o. Dec. I.
size of the place.
were very well given, the two orig
inal ones excited shouts of laughter
and were recognized at once.
At least to those who had to stand there,
was tho movable wax-works of Mrs. Fhnir
'V. !le:.t
Jarlev, or as a little fellow called it :
"Mrs. Yarley's jax-works." Xow we i...;;;
htive to be "keerful" what we say about i',1,!".1'"'
the singers and the tableau folks gen- j ' '-
r-..,ll.. I ....... i thin' en .ilieii nut -ln
VlttllJ, Hi Villi.:; LIU I u: UIIU ie v. in
maul lis if we sav unnrettv thinirs of
their performance, but the wax figures, i ia- i;- oi s ua; n i'.u- a'iraiVive a. t .
, j eil I T emi:- I - Aleliti'.ly lor the eiii!i!-: .
r, o
i he-i I,, .i,i , n .. -:ij
: r,i!:i iii :; i ; ! s e la i
; id .;.- cian.i . ; - ! e.;.-
I pill': , S. se;el! : l!ic !!i I -it;',.
inform. t; ;-..i. to v. , wi
rei. i ! a oar '. ;i : :y e . : i i- .'i.
p:i!!a:e-,i e.:
"i. lee i
ia i. coiaiei.
k I . e i .
'j'.:.. ''' ek!
1 I o ,,i eeliiiai
oa:.t. .Vs i .a
to e!al
1 In .s th I'lli n hers.
ilXfi.J. . !v!,lK A ..
t'l-l.'.'y !- 1:7 Itow eiv. N. Y. ; !'. O. box,
t la w.e i i. a-,.t vbrdi !
'. t:a..s a 1. r "e amo-iat i
ne a.n : I ; j i :;:' :! !
i iv hat aide t make j JTl
Vi.e a: rt .a- . 'J t'-
, . . t ..:,o f; "r.'l.:.; V,:'e cVm' U.- j ii rA$J
xxzx'z :::;;:mevis i n xy y xy y
j ; ae l .a, a !... l ... r pa-e newspa?..-!- " r'1 -'
i if rii,' r. . . -. ' a: '. i:a' news for
! two c, !'.: a iv'.v. a. !. is: : t-re-
P a i. ee ;; or ; .. j . e-..-. .-'.,...,.:.,' e:li-
timi ei4-a. - le-r y ar. .e...i- i,. :'i,i.-i-h::'
a.'i i:fs. Adare
Of every description
Cheaper Than Ever.
Some things even
Chamber Sets, $25 and up.
Dressing Bureaus, $12.50, up.
Bureau Stands, $7.50, up.
Bedsteads, $3, up.
ExteiiSiemlTables, $750, up.
.1 '((,: .Itl M-ij .for tV 1"
n '-.-; e.rrin ....
nir.nK-rnifli &. Wrm T.T.tI-ov jfuvy., up
1 r 1 1 St. riicfiQlas for
o f.
1 .1
. . .tl ..
...i I..
1! ,:a-r lately bomeit oca SlI.UTi'.'S ()!,h
S'i'A N ! "I oi. -pared to dj all work bran; lit
to me i:; i ai-. line.
I f. " . t :.. i I :..
: aai'i i o i; i oi ji, . e-i, , iaae.a,a tmc-i ia
4;, ) ; i ae ;eiu.i:-i oi j .i w'n..e aL'-r.u ea v. nai :,:-: v, :.ic:i I Ki)iils.
.1 w .ta i! -"ii ail its
i find iii; ii;- i
.i si. A ifeis ins cot-sidi l.i
i,isc hui-iitj an l 7. ,;f ?' of all
oUt F. H. Lr.vuorr.
! a -i j m - n v. t '.;o:ii'.;t coh: p t iti r-i. t a oio ii-, !ei - find iii; ii;-
i Scnoiier s Mon-cnly a 180. i -.nap-nee, , ptvmK,. !:.a,
! ; oie,,;'., iie.'.;,iiii!i: v.iwi tin' n:i.a!cr for .No-
it. i ... i i. ........ l ... ..,.,,
I .tli I I III' ,11 llil h l II,' ' I 11 '.III 11 t:
a thousand years, and we can say j .,u.i.s:,r;e, .s.-.nv.s, ta..-re v.,,1 be ther-v.a: b-.,.1. Poet,,..-.,, i sk-tehes. by
just what we please about 'em. Well. 1 J KC ill a lxCabie Serial StOHSS, ; s',,la !!,;,:-; i'"" f-y aui....:-.---
' An ae. : ;::i 'its aave aeen made lor ;i very ia
they was a fraud, they lacked alive and I -i.T;:f'-i.v avtuous. : iiit.n .- pap as o:
.. 1: .. 4.11 .... I Til ' tir-t of tai. se. lee.v c..i! -.tele in our haiids. i IV T X 7) si It .' ' 1 .V T T. V.
held of It.-t
:i. Oolites lo
-v - e:::l.e, . l.-.; .. -; a,
;r- ! tiliU ill d l i v",
:r. I vela. ii. -s. in adil
. ia iis uau a! ai t :'aeti m - lor
Mlip;..--. i ', ca the pr 'cediu
i ion lo com i!a:i iof.s ii ..a
If our readers will try and squeeze
out part of our pay, each one, we
shall be yery glad. The times are so
hard that we hardly know how to
keep tilings going. Every little helps.
Tl'.e Schuyler Sun, a new Democrat
ic paper comes to hand. It is edited
by Zentmeyer & Allen. The IIi:uali
met Mr. Zentmeyer at Omaha a fevy
weeks ago, and was much pleased with
his appearance.
Stilson Hutchins of the Times, don't
believe the whiskey evidence when it
touches him but he was ready to be
lieve the statement of theives and ras
tals when it promised to inculpate
President Grant, liabcock, and others.
The strike in the coal mines along
the I. P. It. II. has ceased and 50 of the
dissatisfied miners were shipped east,
thereby allowing all who wished to
work to do so. Here is what the dis
patches said
i I
Gabriel Conroy"
By iaivt. laarie.
some of 'em was alive, needn't tell us
that any "George" can w ind up old
mummies like that and ha c 'em go off.
You see, these wax-works ain't like
anv other kind of people, they're hol-
i 4i 41.,..- f,i Kin aa.-l vol run In. Ive m n.t
nw, uir w .y iuhw; .m ; j:rsi ei ended v, i : K. '
it hollow shape together as big as they
want inside, and then they get their In
dia rubber skin ami blow it up about as
big as they want a feller, and then
through a little hole in his head they
run him full of beeswax from Dr.
Medea's and there's your wax-works.
Ii I X J) S it 11 (.' A ,V T L F. ,
Hit ."In. Of.! l .i XT,
.a.! (he CUdd-Iat.
X'ir- nil.rr X anther.
This is Mr. Hartc's
;cs and cha. aci.-is.
Wi'nen t ae raii nor lias eao-.en 1 f.aa ):.-. livoiile
li hi. t'aiifoiaia. are painted uitii car.: a.i-tei
t ie i viiiiif-ss and pow it ; ; ':d 1 !i" work is w i: I: -out
doubt tlie ;no; I'laaiiie !ve..rd ot earlv Ca!
iforni.i t:te t ! i a i lias vet":ippi a red.
We siiai! ai so beain in lae .ianuaiy iii!inb.-r,
Dr. S!imc 1 "oar '( Sxi;s'x."
iiy f:f'.v.ti;:: kv:-:i::-:tt iiai.i;.
The scene of t h is s; ory i-. la: I in ! S.uiih
western Territi ry. now fonnin;: the ,s;a:es of
louisiaaa and Texas, tit the tiaie of Aaron
lturr's treason. The characters lived in a see-
n. i
j Treat i:m- cf its History
i Siuves-a ; iCoval ( ;. r:.
C 11 III sT IX A (1. RoS.'il'TTI
! Will euhtriia!. e to the ie v vob:;.:".
Wi'l wtite ' Ma i jo: :e- jtirthda) Ui."is,''ai:d
: cr .sion'..
! S.i'ii,. ;trci hv. o- A-dioii.e.ay for;c 1'.
I pi" h o been pro:n:"it . il.e p ; :,; ii i.:.j.
Machine Shop.
At I. I.. -Morrow's oh! stand,
Seventh St., Chicago Ave.
tit e pr7'.tred to do ;i pener;-.! besitteMs !u
e. HI
eT ??.-irlil-
ers, $2.50, up.
Centre Tables, $6, up.
Wool iuuI Wire Jlattress
es? very Clieaj).
Everything in the Furniture
Line, Cheap.
If you Iont helieve it call
and see for your
elves, at
I'LAT T MO l" T II, N F. I J.
.;;er. liimcru,
ie.. c't.e.
.'.so emaner.
RICH . 1 R l) PROf 'TOR.
'! ', . 1 e. ,,.. c'l.-e ,,f I i !.-. (
Th wa
,i:ni by
, - i ii ..i. -ii . . - ..i;
UlU excellently cn, s.uui we eouipn- ,; hje!, w.:s now Ameiieai l-reneh
ment her by saying that she must have
showed waxworks ail her life.
she was super excellent.
the inevitable, the illimitable, the un-
i tvataiupd s.o
tie' November Xi. :.. bi.-r, (ie- .;:
o. ami; wal nc. a a aa
i iii:
Ii one": Gteoi Work a Specialty,
W ' - r. -if '
Medical Institute
fr'KO.I (jt'ACtSKRY.
1 .,'
11? only p
! V
; T
O tTtiiT.
t:oa wnicn was now .vmel lean, now r reneli.aiiii . - ,ysyvT.-i 4 -t C'TAT CT.'T I
now Spanish, and tins rcccrU of jlieir adven- iiilH,jlLi OilifclAil OlUlbl, I if" All Work to (lire !
lni;;,,,;" iale"se :Uul -THE BOY Ell I (J RAXTsi," "' W-li or ITon.o, Rtfiimh.
A S'jron-l " Farim r"a Vacation,"
liy Vol. .. Z 'WAUlTiti, Jr.
s now hi hurope. vwitiiiL'. in
t'ol. Waria
low-lioat ride oi" two-hundred and I: ft y mib
one a f ae most fertie iiuil i:.ii icsiiii of tile j
viue-.uro i;i:r al:ey-,,f Europe. Tins s a-uad I
series of panel's to In- more hiicivsLhi s
iionroaehable. "Oeortre" did tl'.e busi- 'ban that with which or lvaib-is arc alreealy
ness. George, wind us up to
now, for we are run down.
ro o
When Mr. Lindley Murray g-t thro'
writing the other night it was found
The men who went on the strike re- tliilt hti had print; I these words:
fused to work themselves, or to allow
any one else to work. Gov. Jolm 21.
Thayer, its soon its he heard of the crit
ical situation at the mines, proceeded
thither, and after he had carefully ex
amined the condition of affairs, and
had listened to both sides of the case,
he informed the men that those of them
who desired to go to work, should do
so, and should be protected by the
strong arm of the law.
GovhI for Gov. Jno. M. Thayer, the
ld war horse of Nebraska.
We reproduce this because we think
the present generation of boys often
overestimate their hardships. Wilson
"I worked for
I used to get up long before daylight,
feed the stock get my breakfast, and
just as tin east was beginning to be
streaked with red start off for the
woods with my team. I used to place
ray dinner-pail on the sunny side of a
tree, and continue drawing saw-logs to
the mill until after dark at night.
Then I went home, fed the stock, ate
my supper, and went to bed. My fath
er tended the saw-mill most of the
time for many years for fifty cents a
-In the spring of the same year, I
took my pack upon my back and start
ed afoot for the town where 1 now live
llessed be MaeDonagh, for he be
lieves in L. Murray, 17Uo."
stati: i:.xhiui:atiox office.
f n re
I'.-.iited by .loon Vaaec 'tie:cy.
A l ire eeO ..e'oii of IJevolei 1, 1 irv h f.-.-s
m -i :!y from st . s in the i:,ii'.N n! th5- de-.'a- i by a.T. ii.'r :':
i!:i:i'm1 .'i!i..),is, i'!i Ward. They arc 1ml of 1:1- ! o: tee m v. i,
ten-.', and wi:l be real vii'h a'l.ue relish ia s J ' ''' in lo
com! in witu ilie t Vnti hi.ial crie! lati an of IXi'lCl 'CA Ts
i:v noah r.iami;.;. i
Givih;; the :;d V4 i:tu. s oi a parly of boys ia the j
ill tile e.trly days f tin: V.oid Fever. j
Author of "Jactv ;i:..:ai I" sr ., , r,,,,T ii,. ;
Hie .- .ae !, i.i y ia : r -il.'. tcUes, oi a iU' :- '
?7 I .
ha; vn
It..? a. c.
' 1
:oe i to th'1 beildin ojain-ie Mr.lh-
... ai Store. 0 n -i :i st 1
1 '.V. 1:, .: aiaiea
e s eei.i I v ,-nt ion to
e.e w here a sure cure can b re-
1 itiicii. tat i e is 1 cqiiii : 111 the wav f
ad v..": 1 isin.5, as tne reptitattou of the institution
b ii.'il ' iiou a 1 tu ouaiiout t lie west. Gail and
be coin aiceij t hat t ids is t he hirK-'st ami most
coii:;nete msi irm i-'ii ol" the knot in America
for tne sneiies-,!!!! , 1 cat men t of all Chronic Sex
ual. Private nd Yt.i.rral 1 n'eascs of both sex
s it'll as Syphilis. Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Stricture,
Kupture. arii use Veins, Orchitis. P.ulio, tte.
All urinary ;iad syphilith- or mercurial affec
tions of t he t hroat, "skin or bones ar! treated
w ii h mi.aai a.lh leil - acees. ,oa m l:u a cured
in from tl: :ee to live hiys. Syphilis cured in
from live to leu days. Over 17.:Tii cases cared.
Semiii ii W fiikin'.v.. Sermai 01 rha-a. Niht laps
es, sexual 1 let iiii i y and I m potency. Loss of Sex
I'ovvii'. is l!ie li'.uti of .selt-abuseill youth, 5cx
U ii eees-,es in laatnrcr veins, and all iuiicdi
meiil s to in an ia-e. pernianeiitly cured wit hout
mei ei.t v or any oi ia r mi.ieral poison. l';ilicnts
at a distance treated by letter. Medicines sent
every .viiere. onm: iiicn w!n have become
ia a.
1 1 .
I 1:
I.,.-- i'
lm. iv
the 1 i
ami nar- ;
aieht viil'i" !
penoiii. ail. 1
a- .
to 1. .a
i.iiii.i.MMi.v ii.i.' sti:at;-i .vitriol. r: or.
'i iti--'n I'l Sjii'i ih eiy bv their fiiends. v. .i! ;i-.
pear !; in. 4 t :i- The l-evi.ed itde.e 1 .;.
10 iie;".' the !,i:, s tuese papers da-ly 1 i : 1 -ly,
and w i.i .--i cii e uni,. a ia: aihil aliVui aui,
N0VEMnF.R2l.lS7-,. j ,,.,....,., iHl.,r...te....,.0,... ,.,."MV V,,.,.
Er. IlEttAi r. As the clos of the imnii'-ra- Yori;, bv .bihii V. ahii.-s. will a; r ai oa e
tion season is upon us, I deem it not a. to-, l.-i- v, i;f ,. al , .. or
r improper to throw out a auicswtiou or two 1 c. l v .A k u Li,,. (j .vri,.;i.
peiKiut? its return. . ! mei.i of the iri'cat mctroi.o'is. and aib-, oumee-
It is believed uton every h:-)d tlrnt next v 1. -men, bcr tiie nuanit peculiarities of its -Id -sprinu
and summer will witness an extensive 1 1 ti 1 .
ie.iliix ot the various emigrant classes to our j ' l.verv" number is profnnelv iibist rat .-.!. ih..,
niillt- x lie ,,,,-, ,ui iv.ii" .- i ,., ,., ,i , , , ,ls , ., ... v,. ,. , ,, . ....... . , ,( ,
lire of last year, have paled into ins;niiiicaue. , V). s ',,., jpiere-! aad pen,
before the impariillekd crops following close ; n,v er at ti.iiieii i:i a mu-i h:si 1 at e.
upon men nee;s.. jar ne.u i-n nuiiij; ,iii.h-i) I aher 1 1 s list nee. 1 ma n 1 ;e.a -lit 1 in- mi
ansui; irom i:ami!:enti inspectie waiii-tu.t , in will in t he Rti 1..0 be devoted. :.s ii has :: :j i
to say jiossiiile starvation io iresn in our mem- j ii, the pa-t to souad 1 U'iaiuie aiai Cli't-'i'-i t Ks
oi ies. is only cipiaied by our own astonishment I progress. ' '
at the marvelous produetiveiiesH of N'-biiissa I " ..... .... . . i
sod 11ml climate under favorable conditio its. me t..h.nrl:il Di'iiarhiifrds. .
One failure in sixteen years has not dishearten- j oeeupv re. ; ( vent v o i a s or e-" h ji-im' . r and tva
:d us : nor will it ib'ter those persons wiio pes- ; coaa.'ii !) J I ' I - 1 j i " - x ; ,,i:s 1 i i iiedu- i t-oi
s.-ss "spuKW." and deK-rmiaatiori eiiia',i to ! enaN. a, w , ;l as 1 eve ,v s ci lac lai-st v. orhs ;n I s,
make them desiiiibie cttlelis, iroai taking up ' .,t 1 ,., a, ...... ! w 1
I beir aboiie anion- us. i !
Althoti'h we may reasonably ant iclnate in
creased immigration next season irithoul extra
ordinary eilor; : 11 is very i'.ppiirent Ihat sm-ii 1 .,11.1: mt. ; a,;
increi.Sf mi-bt he more 111:111 di-ubi.-d. I lie 1 x'.e la Vms ce. ;..;ee N,,v. is 70 to Oct. ! u!
Coiiiin..: year wiit present opportunities iuot p- is-.- b rniat iii'ime-o iac!o:!i .! ".'i ca ! rt
caiirtliy lilted to make Known the .superior ad- ,',. ' bound ia liaif ' liioro'-eo, I
vantages of Netn aska to the liome-ei.'r. la- . , , .. !
borer; capitalist and mamfaeuirer. I thfrc- V..:-. t.e.i'i;n..; r.iml.yi:y. Any of tne t
. .. .. .- . ,i.iii..,.i;',,....i:l,,Vill,.,,i
loiem em 11 rcuiaiK a'aiv naioi'llitiiti lii.u we . .' " -
ai" about to neulecl iiuv piL-seu! ai mil ol oar ; ' : 1 1 ' " . v- ,Xi 11 aeai
availabhilv in these rcsiM-et to fin- mi iioi-.s v. i.. ts a, tais rate, 1. fnua. .--.' ; atu!
v. il! assemble at i'aihub Ipliia diiri:e-next ;::.!- ! -
laef. After exnendin j sonic ti'i.iii.ii lo 11, haea 11:1- j '.: , -Vn pers and i' Kaiiii-t.Ts wi'! Iw :::.;,iil
jiiiuration isome ot ii 111 1 :ii iier tiesi,ouair:e ex- 1 : i.iie-I ia.l til ea..t ic lii. :a to lid any f tie-
a: -eve ehet s.
Sid -ci i:.. :s w i'l je a retail in V. O. Orders,
or in P.. i. ik t'aeeks'or Orafis. nv :y re.-ist er. ii
tellers. Mo;:--;,- seat in b Itcis Let 1 a eict e l.
at si n.ii. r's ii:"..
A :' h
ok d;r;:;:;:MV
, ited pti'ioi iai ill ast r
'--a -:as. ",1;..
' i , . 1 1
( i
V . : .U-
'Toil 1",
,.r.a 1 , . - 1 ti, .t- , ....nifi.i .....4
ivef i .e.. I and desi ; net i ve halni which annually sweeps
lo otii-. r worst, j,, .,., lm; laie'y sii iivc t iio-rsauds of yo'uhtr men
i of 1 ii- most exuded tiiicr's and brilliant iwtcl-
1 iThMii''!"'' CTJir "I 7M r I lect. who mialtt ..! ur.-.i-e entrance Senates
' wui j'i! i". J ill i UiUG 1 Uliw.) j v. i;ii t he ilia.miei-. (,f einoiienee. or walked to ce
' , P , ,., ! s'aev the living iyis- -may call with full eoufl-
, .V'.i.,4..'. .' if !-.,: r .1 -. :.s. tKt . iiene.-. What a pity that a yountr man. the
, a ft- I'..- OVJVTOV t'N'sl' IltOl- ' hope of Ids count ry. i lie dariiim of Ins parents.
' ' .ip is . ef -,i ; jeli J "f"'Ve ' s!'0!.lil be siiiielu-d liaia all proypects. and en-
' '' ' i,v in',' i- o a b 4-ii'l j ieym--nts id life iiy t ae eouse.p-icnces of devial-
ei' Thorn 1 o'"- ooili lae pain 01 n.ii.ue aon uiiiini;iii 111 ;t
' I'C , ' -.I'l'll'l !i; .. 7,11111 IH'IMll S lltllsl 111'
'.. I. a
t ii ,1 Ie 1 v 1 n
r a. 1 ii ::
; a s i. 1 . - -
i , ra !'.
.:. .' !.-- v. :
aii oi : . la oi
M. 1 Ii Y M. 1 ' L's DOD'IE,
Vn 1 11" e".. .-; st, . t 1 -,- t-:;;e.r am! rat
io 1.1
e n
! V
' Rrn-.n.t AtUvd
AVM. f Tl'CK'Fl..
UD$.ac?t3S lo liiarnage-
S3 p: v I." - i if " f j-. "j";u-; 'r ?n fM.m the
l- Cis 1 i I . : s -' . 1 s : ; ; ...- - 1:1 ea :!y life. Mau-
M d : .-' -!. I . oi. ed'ut, eats to :,5iirria:e re
ii e. . I. .!; hod oft r Ml iueitt . New and
"..t'li; reiaei! i"s. p.aok s arid 'ireuhi rs sent
lore cool em 1 la 1 in" nnrriaije. retieet t hat v sound
min i and body are lie' most necessary r-f-ins-ites
to p-oiao! c,t:i.i,.il haiipincss. indeed
without the--., the joiirTiey through life be
en' in s a Wc.'l-v poe:: imiee. t ''e l.rospect ta'tll !'
1 o
tie lew.
i" ati'td Iiwiik's shadow -
A i'e il
1 ; m
ta t :
. Niatl
-. i--. a
.1 1 rail
now ai.I!
... Pi::l.e'.!:.!)ia.
:!i re!at- tii.!i ha
oit.d sKi.l. Jivl
V .;!.,c ! t a
f -i i
;a . m -- ;
ia a a i ''uif.
.".....! .c s i. tu ri'iiti K.u&i-.l V-a:
c ; j t l.a-ii.
T E II M S :
tti.4s-a Yrar, i-.i advance: 33 (Vutn ji
,d tile !,! .,
" -"i'-a
piiolis .
! .e: i a w-.t 1 :. .'v. '-'I:. er. I .
; I." I a:.. I t-t". e",-t!.t
: .t . e e i !". a ai the i 1 a : .
t .1 ever i -. . I ",
. : t r o-.e jcar. he -i aa'..
:l.i ' 1 a: . ' ; e Vo.e.lii.-s 1 !
'. : ; .: 1 ; o.'. a vi.i -e: i .
i It; ! so v.-: ::.: s, fo" -"'a a.
tl ,t f.l.'jSi'iii IS Wli! l-ef.-tV
Mtapiy veUiii.c.s at tl:C ;ibo
t!J(k 71 " Hr.) idwa.y, N. Y.
r, - .. . , ft
'.' w ; - w -
'-11- - M
; (. - SV.
I i i ' . , ' i
A ' . '- . . " .
' : V ; . ..y U
li ATT.
eit w it a fiesjiair ami hle a w itn inclanetioiy r
tlee! mas t hat r he hapoiaess of ar.ot her is bliirlit-
1 1 w ith our ou n. 'I o ail crriiui piun;; men we
would say. do not keep this secret lo yourself
i and y oar God in:: il it has sapped the vitals and
loft yo 1 a wrei-t; of humanity, a curse to your
! .si i!';:,el a burden to six-Set. v. If you are enlan-b-d
ia t lie siihi e oi 'sell '-poll at ion. or any prl
vae ibsease. t:.e from its desri iiction. and ap
, jily iii S!. dosepii Medical Institute for treat
I ne nt and i.e. (mu- one more a human le iiiK
1 i :-' ti res L'iiaianteii or mmiy refiined.
; J "All female iliilieult les iinil impediments
! to Marriage treated w ii h safety ami success.
I , '-.V :r it nieiiical liook an.1 sicrts for la
' dii s :i!i ii tits. Sent free for two stamp.
! Address ST. .lo- epe M. iiica' lasiaute, Francis
i St i cet, bet w (a :n Second and Third, St. Joseph,
! Ma. Ctily
'raoeeo I
Eieposi j ,ry ;f i"'hi',i. ii'le.iijre,
iniif intriict i-.J."
a ill;
s r an ti i- -
i. r. 11 1 -ii f.:
penments perhaps. 1 11 wouat appear to be aa- j
siudly r'creiiiit 4n our parts, jusi at that junc
ture vvheii we are best prepared to receive, ami '
.s'.ind most m ii 1 t 1 of :i cert ;ii 11 clas, (. iiumirii- i let siipsiKai a :i,,i .iiilicenl oajioi ! anil for i
advi 1 is "ucht us this ; m ie especially since j
our neiuiiboi s. north, soe.tii. etist and west are
fully alive to the 11: it ter and haid at woikt in j
their respect i ve interests.
Kotmei iy f hen.' w a ; but one Incentive to im- j
liiigration this region a farm, a home ; but ;
we now number a ipiaiier million sauis. 1 iiese j
have opened out an enormous breadth of (arm I
aiea. Ibis discovers a lack of inoiifj ar.d tans- j
L- ft TTJ ft ?-f O 'T C!
,CRIliNER d- CO.,
7i.t lir.i i !it.!. JV'. iC I'url;.
N"ot e!i"!' : "tl c !:: ti t 'y. but the oM fct:,
S.i.'I v. a, 1 y.n:r Si e.-'lts. Kti4sts.
(., I-'ish ami 1 e. 1 i ji easia.; .
South Sldo of Main St.,
V." A C. O N R I: P A I It I N G.
' is
....I-'.. T of- ! ,n.,r.l. .. f past half e:i
ncr&a nuiiv a vjic i- iui: tri.iii.ii " 4 iu i kaowii
atlck, iliss., 100 IUlies away, and u has been sti!T"est4-d by prominent iudividu- I
that journey cost me just Sl.2a. 1 nis. itnit a l;it.Hr i.ureau be ,Knei 111 con wee-
" Mi.j, uilh tiqii wl i!.) lbihil 'rt'liin nfl en Ili-it
? , worked there at shoe-making, averag- ;,,m..V,1,,'1i'ui,,l!!, m-ce-s-u-v -imi' feasU
ing fifteen hour :i day, and the last J Me. nl mjht. be made mec4s.sfui.i.Uuiiiizihf
It. Ill .C.4.. II llf llilll .tl'Ullll.lll. IIIl .tllT .'1
.1111:. Tiiere (iitiiinlv .1 fair an l ;
(trowing tlemainl for farai and servant labor in
our state at re munera' iv ntifs ; while ti.e '
available supply is practically inexhaustible. j
Mr. F.dwiu A. t in ic . wt'.o "has v, 1 iiteii an ex- 1
eellent work o; Nebraska, inform; me. that, 1
with a denude prospect ot employment any rea
sonable number of fm-ni Inborirs. servanls.
Iut t nnalr or female ;) skilled workers, as for iiist im e
v-m -it- thisi rit T nl i,mn monev cn-ese laeiois. 001-w oi Kers, etc.. woul.l he
evenattnis raie i oi sumo money (....median-iv lorth cuniu- tiom ih-h-mi alone.
ahead, and made Up HIV mind to WOrk Cran.-e and other Ihihi assiii iaiions miiit
my way through college. I lent my !
money tO a mail in liOStOU.aild went to j Fanners' well know the dituVuUv f leastau
t the Academy at Concord, N. II. I ! ciilttvatcil lands, ami that many th.Misi.nil were
, , . ., J . , - ,i,.uij, I .'lie s!iMTlii'l:!!!v tiiiiil.iinil nut a little tolui'v
had been there only six (three i) unclli,ivatej. owia to the superabundance 1 f
mnnlhl wllPtl tllf m:itl to wllOUl I had !!. eil HCIC.
. 4 ,.i ,.. 4..-f f.-.i't.,! -i,l rim move need incur no additional expense
Hill USltU JX4JT luiiuiiviuiivi't
j t-ft :v!id tai ait 't .
I n-t : and the j . ,tt:
: p-t.Mt ot Id oi 1 .
j The Ihiz tr coa.aa
! (It'lf llO!Soi..,p! - t
j p: ' i : ;. pa I arcs, to
I loll pi;:!"S !'l .e i
i m itr.-M by its ; :..-ie.-:,s ! a
t ,:--. ;
I i ". ' : ..I
j e,.w; s. it :
il e aidiiaa'.ion of
il I ia ;
jour- ;
i lis
e el
bottoming shoes for a week. Out
of this I paid 50 cents for pegs and ."?2
for board, so that I had left just $2.00.
I have bottomed fifty-four pair of
men's shoes without sleeping, and that
for a little more than Co cents.
1 jo., meal it
In its way 1'
1 trn-i.,.ri ay a
1 '--:. s. i; . po
i the iiii.i
m:v goods.
1 Ikisl 1 X i JUJti t a-ipu.-.-d a v.
Solomon & Nathan's
Reaps of Things,
All Lintls or Tilings,
All No-iv Things.
Solomon & Nathan's
1 - I eC I'i'-ttli 11 1 III'
.- VI Tt'n '. h ".
If t every m-'t:ibcr
1 . t i ! - -1 by 'ds, ill and
. .: haoes 1 , v i ,s f t.-h -y.
10 ! he" pro-, pi.-'Ht
;lf r'l'.i.-llCil SI . 'l!.. s,
1 i d'. i : .1 S b .1" 4-ai -
d 1 P iil'io: -s - of the ':' ,ir
: . " -. "' . " ! ' -i iias
at .' -cite;. I ; '-ia- 'li -1".
a. r.. it; J t'" 'i.
.'on - i'.'.e ii. 1"; f sh and
if - Id '- : .-..;'. itS s t . j..S
y at. i s ,.','. s. :;-.' ';' invi.-i'
. ( '.'ol'. IO L'i ::liifj J'iurn:ll.
-.'..1 .1
ere i , n
T (-'t'S I "V
A iA O 1 i. 41 It,
tayE AgenT
r o n
. .. ii
All kinds of
Xtafly Z- J'romptly
IIors. 3fule& Ox Shoeing,
i In short, we'll shoe anything that has
j four feet, from a Zebra to a (Jiraffe.
! 'om j and see us.
j jriiiW shop,
011 Fill ii St., b-iwei'ii Main nud Vine Street".
; jast across the e,,i. cr fr,. in the nkw lIKRAbb)
I 1IKH1K. Kvl
t n T a i" t. -j-1-
Vo (t ajs Tees t all SuhHoribrrsi in (lie
5":;iie i fitat' i.
Harj'tr tt ilaur one year
nt of U. S.
. ..-I lei
.t.i :e bv
I was so reduced that, although I owed
for two or three weeks board, I was
absolutely unable to pay it, or even- to
... i- l.on frr.rr tl.o li-t-f1tTl4,- wifb-
tahB a icuci wi- p.-er, , far enabled t.. pcrb.rm ad 1 he timet ions j
out borrowing the money to pay tne 1 rw.,aremt-nis .f the itt:ci and if unducr- i
earned money enoug
, -. ..-1 1 X
Af,y.iiinrr ur uni. j s ,
ure Voting at shoemaking teji hours b" for an,j , v
:x slay and from W to 3 fiflav. i
-.'f,rjil3IU. '
SI o'l iii -1 i i
tlie Isliei s. i
Sat. a-rlpi iotis t 7." . ra r' -V f; I ri:u.. H" 1 7. 'u '
ami l- li ir. in on:- e.-blr -s for on - year. - !it e-i'; 1
or, t wo ot 1 1 ' ie: i I .. iii I.e. i s. lo o:-.. aii .ii ess j
j t..r one ye.-.i , -; ( u ; past.. : !:'( '.
! Am i".-;tr,t copy oi ia he." tl'.e -f 'f"(fC4"n,-. tr c''ji I
i or ei.'ir w ill hosiippl; I i-i-atis for ( v a y caoi
! (d !ive s-b:sci,t.ers ;. I ia i-lit e:,-. 't": fi- ,
I tutjve ; r six eo.ii 's for f.p ii , .vitlu-a?. c;.a I
i '-"'la-': i'o a-"e 1 1 ee.
1 Itac"; Xu abers c m ! sup;. he.! a! any tiiiie.
na mi vo-'.ao-s ot ii.i.-;i' r : j ir-:r. i
""-t -V-:-'.. - - : -'
to tlm itiile ; iiidecd it may not be known to
: i ... .i. . . i t a,.;,,,. r,.,.a f,.,- '
ill. lit . i ii ill in1: i i.uer iiris .'ii i.iui.s i.nivi .
the la-iinteH.inee .f the sf.lfe immiu'ra! ion ofiice. (
was eliiainated from the net en that subject, by LATENT STYLES
u ,.,ri,v,l MiTitr Jiiiii. . t)l, I'liuiil'' IliOICs lif I ll4 ! '
1-1 t b"-ist:ltlir It... nr. :,"il ilelllilllellt. liOW- l i .". . .. . . . . . .. I '" - . - -T . -
ever, by resort to exir u rd! :'ir' exnedieuts ami J: I .M Jjd;. j
i !,,. Iii.i: Tt v'ii.fii inn .if i to. si .i ! board has 1 1 a.
.( . , ...... Tl T" C T. LS T T T- Li ,.!,.:!. 1 i
oi jiLo. ''.-.: '...-..:..:...."". ho Ptnt'v ! t rnu vvinti iti s
I ex pel. .e. i . a , i ,', i. .v e, ,: . i . --. . e, aa - j. .m.--s. ,.a-s
t t ! it: -ti.'-' ia 'nt Yo'.imea. sen; on re--i, of c .sit ! t V -i .l s,p. ,
AT !U the rarcof per vol.. lre;..t i.t i f,e.. oe ..i.a .m. .a ,m j
pui-.-iei-er. i l oi'CP iiiiii s:;i ;i j'Hi3i;., o --i ;
able. I fetayed ! yours, it:o. U. F.K.nvx. O trmfr J?. rJolhO'r : nitn'inn v. i'l In civ.t ir !T:i-p -tV 71 Ills, ''
. and in the winter i T, s.Tbw. Jir lW I bOlOlTlOn 6i Hathatl S ! Am t --. for ,x-
lSlLhoi- l'LATTeVI0l"Tn, N Eih rT:
O O ST !
For the Next 90 Days,
r. .-ut ,.: ihc expr'- c.esire
HAlSrKJU r.TtOTilPl'.S.
V V.rk,
! Ilaiiroad
t Term, Llh-THl
Iit. A
annanti i ar.ner-,. i Schlater's Jewelry Store,
Send for r.t lo-ue snd m jeo )
A. L. STKA W..m.ihrt,NVt.. i . Op!(os1e theri.stt Vlly Ifou-e. I
Closing out
For cash
Between now and Februa
ry 18TG, I propose to close
out the whole stock of g-oods
now in my store at Platts-
This is a positive sale and
no humbug-.
Dry. Goods,
Queens ware,
Will be marked down to
Cost Prices absolutely.
"Vc invite purchasers to
come and examine the stock
and note the jiriccs.
Xext week a list of goods
and prices will be given.
Eli Plummek.
Plummer has been so busy
he couldn't make out the
price list, but if you don't
hurry you will not get any
of the cheap things.
Hitter onic An extract i r.,o i amlherU
so Judiciously and medicinally coiulducil thi
every p trt of tlie diseased bydy ti-celvc (!?
In lp n indrcd. Ills not claimed as a ii.-imie.
for all the Ills of lif -, but for d vspepdu bniine.
and livi'i-cempliiinis, fever atid anai-, Vli.,l,.
lcbility, ami nil diseases of tne uiinuacii py, r'
and diirestive ori::tlis. It is an reinei'T
As a pi'evenltdfve against fever and ftcjie n.,
liialainms diseases it, ia il
slrenntliens iiiid builds up I he dcbiliiatu j ny.
tern, and jtives renewed vijjor to all pimn of M
li'ine'n Vure Vetn m a'dluretle evafuw
In cases of dropsy, e,out, (travel, nmf iINense , f
the bladder and kidney, junirvn tlie bb .1
cures scrofula ami eruptive lesr-jweji. rlieuiii.a.aj
and neuralgic pains, ana all UiaeiMei ot mi
liary organs.
I'.xpc rturant-A prompt remedy forrotih
nst hriui. eioiip, ami all llse:isi-s of the tin "at
luniks and chest, and the first taKf vl a
Kimiptiou ami tvphoid fever.
Fever ami Atjuc INIIm Are prep:irrJ ct
presslv to aid the tonic In curlm: acute ju.-i
chionic casi-s, they net without depletion.
4'rifiiciui Liniment 4 ipens tln .irra f
the Mesh, ami ienet rates to the bone ur ..:p of
pain. Klvim,' relief to manor beast aa uneeJiiy
as any outward application can.
Kohl by all I insists and Iealer.
li. 1. ISA UT II I, I I-' & CO ,
I'.mtiiiKton, lowit
We have employed tho
Jas. B. Folden.
Now, Friends, if yon wrnt
FairDoalings. and to go hcizb
satisned. bring in youi
Ve alsorespactfully annoncc
to you that we have got
on a full line of
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Notion a,
i5c., Ac,
Saw Mill Yard
is well stocked with
Building Maleria),
Axle Trees,
Wajon Tontfnufi.
tfcc, &C.
Come wlien you nee'l anything in for
HM, awl get nil tie for your m iw:.
IKICC4. KLtt-'t'S. fitr-.
ZgT-ZZ-j, r 'f l
tf Ai our deruier tin not ma liu u itr.!
ment nlmfetherdinlinc, w will lnlerprrt oaS ""
rnls it bi follow :
K. IJ. TOOTH. M.l-,
Author of Plain Iloma Talk, Mll-1 Codic. iu Iox
Seipnce in Kfnr, eto..-120 Ltrxinirlon Ao.'i
East 2Hth Street), New York, n Idk y.i.krv
Phtsicias, tn-at all formi of Ungrig or i h'-utUj
Ilineaiuw. un i risi-rtvo. lotttrni from all nv-rn v( tho
Civilized Wobld. .
Iiy hia original uhiv of ormdiictlntr a MkI.c-J V x
tin. h Is 4iiicfssfiilly trsatinir nnnnrooi t.r,,.nt In
Knropo, the Went Indira. Ioul iton if
Cauadsl, and In every part of the Uaitvnt Sui.
Or drtetirriatu drnii oimd. Hp ban. darti sf ti4 t
tvfiitv thr Tear. treated auoouatfullr -r n ;!'
40.(J'X) caKen. All fn.M coiinttl will! e- . i- -
oirefidly recordwl, whether thy bo rt.mrr
tetter or tn pernon. or oiwrtm oy
ansocHate uhTniciana. The latter
medical men.
Are treated. All Inralid at a dUtaroe im ri;-.W
to answer a list of plain i-tMwtt'.nm which eia.: -. -vrrj
ympUitn under which tna inalid tnffer.. A. I
tuuniratloiut treated Hrictly conjldtntnl. A c. rrpe u
nyrtem of watering irenU niUtake ot or.. . : a..
L-.t of quBstiona atrnt free, on apeliO'tlon. to m nt
of the world. Sixty-pa? pamphlet of le-rj-r-i
Bcccru, aiao aent free. All tbe-w tm."r -
from those who tare been treated by raai.
Aovica ia orricB, oi wtwjii. toeb Ci' cuj.iii-J
Cill on or addreaa
Ko. 120 LrlngtJn il
ttitt V U,T nr M
ara a-i uWa
Wanted 1o sell JTIZetcs Plain 7IotT
end Afetical Comoncn. Sense ;A2so
J)r Fcofes Science' in Stcry.
Krj'artf tutors adchrss r,x
JfurTOfiliVublishirfcinpaiiy V$J
Dr. Eerger'a Tonic Bowel anl Tibj if:l't.
The pll'aare an infallible remedy for r'.-. t -.. v n
and pilfts, ca:ml by weriktm-aa or upfir.A-i.., ...f t
periHtmuci motion of th bvweUi. Thy T-ry ytXf
luereaHe the activity of the lntrsflnAl ce... ;,r-a.j,.
aoft Ktool and relieve pileNatotie. Xho ..ia. I uni
been cured by them. Price tM cv-ntj, aart Li in.. a on
receipt of price. Prepared only ty 1'. AL.'iii.U
k.-.ICKAItDT, PajBMjCinr, 4Ui Fyt-ai'i av,:vu,
hr. loat Citt.
Dr. Bsrger'a Compound Flail rtrct of
Rhubarb and Dandelion.
The beat oombinatioB ol purely Teceta'. j Vti -r-to
entiraly replaoe Calomel or Itliie Viil. it r.J.-j ...dtrm
tn liver. Incresie4 the flow of bile, nnd th .- n'.i.n
atonoe torpidity of the liver, btliotwiirs.-. aa-l !.. -i!a.i!
eon.tipatiou, and the diKeaee ari.iijr f.-oi.i K.e u aa
Jyiepma, eick hnadche, fl.-itnlrnc. lr. T':- ( .!
tnvenon of thla Extracrt will be provt-L, v: :' .it i
to -h pjtient, aa one or two bottle nr t i
si.r thT cotnplexion bonnttfullytan I r?..-i ,;r ,t
and Ptaina e-ia'd by liver irmjt.'.on. Pi'cj 41 r t.4il.-.
I bottles, S.i ; will be eaut on re ipe ,,i i.e.- ii
m anv addrwe. f nm. of charge. PrT-Tii3 ril ivo
r. ALFREri REIOII A K.OTi I'mMilrr. XwV.'iJ.-'
ArtKCC, Miw ynr.H T"t l t
1 1
1 1
' i