'I i In i' i ) 5 i'5 t T THE HERALD. LOCAL XKWh micai- aiv Kill ikmi:n rs. Transient, 'J". cen! a line. I.ctrular advertis ers, to cents per line. No advertisement inser- ti lur Ichg tL.iil &j fell IS. Notices :it St:itnl rates. Attorneys and oMrers uf the law will be held reMionsilde for hII leiial notices they lund in, ami ii'l parlies dem.iiitlinir ;i iinml of puldie.i lioii of. a:iv notice wiii be held lor the publicu tiaa fee of such notice. commi'-niVatiov. Annul spae is limited, ail counnunieaf ions rt!t b bnel and to tin- point, with no waste oi MIS. ; : : w s p a rr. p. l : : ' i i o n s. 1. Anv person who takes the paper reaularly from the po.-dolhrc. v. li-! i.er dlrecTed to Lis t.ic i..- . iK-r.i.-i- in" N .i .subscriber or nut u re- poi.sih'.c for I In- pa . j a. n any pcrm oi .i.. n - . d. he nmt pay all aii'-ariu'es. or the puldi-h- I M A It i: I Ki inst., at the residence of Mr. J. 'J. I Huberts in (jnenwood, Cass Ooui.tv, ! Iy the licv. Mr. Farwell, Mr. J. II. ' JLioultt to Miss Fuankie Minaku. i That's wliat's the matter, we wasn't i "ej.pi?sactly" aware when this thing wai j to come off; but knew it was hovering ; in the atmosr liere. Now that Le''ett's ! Kone ami done it, au;I Alex Schlegel and the boys are hapjy we irive our consent, and wish the new landlord and landlady all the good luck possible both matrimonially and Ilottlly. CLUB MEETING. The annual meeting of the riatts mouth Sportsmen's club will be held in the Council Chamber, on Monday the j Legal Notice. j rriT. NEW MILLINERY. Fall and winter stock of hats and bonnets, just received at Mrs. L,. 15. Crocker's & Co. 30tf in' r may c. nt .uue t- ml il int.i payment is made ami ciiltci-t t !) lode amount, whether lln- j.-;.t is l il-'i-n li'.i'i tnc !".. I not. I'll.- co in t have ii -i-idc, I th:-.i rcl t in .;. ii.'Wss.;itw-s uu-l ;.T-..i.ieu;s i.i.m no- pi- to I N ST A LL A T I ON SEHVICE S. The pastor elect will be installed at th l'resbvteriaii Church on next Mon- tkU XiTtt cv'iVr',; of "sllsrutstt I day evening. 23th inst, by a committee ! of I'resb tery, consisting of Jlevus. JI. John Xloriin, s. lloiiora Moran, S I .ft. Hoimra Moran will take notice that I rtbl. on , , ... , r . it: -' " i'iiii'iiiuvi.a. t"" '"J 2olh lUSt. Hi i p. HI., lor l-iec.UOH ui i-ai ; !:., I(l tlw ..ili.r-? f tin- rh-vk of iIInIii i , - . r.n c. ..ffr.r ! C tart in :inl for ;:ss Co.. N .1. iir;'iast on. ! oi- cers, hearing repoi t, c.e. .vc. .u r , sii., j,ll(,r.t -r;t. ,i,.ri. s-.iiu lonii taai the which sides shall be chosen for the an- ! "'l. i i": 1'as U i u guilty .i wiiliuliv atu nmm Miii.isii.iii - doi.iiiu' i''iai ritiMiit just -au-..- tor laon- UUal Fall Hunt, which occurs on I llUlS- j than two y.-.u-s last past, ami prayiaj that I'rti ... , 4 j tuait-r lie mantril a ilivoiff from tin- In. mis of day t lie 2-th mst. ii niemoeis iiiul be present and all arrearages paid up. 11. II. LlVlXOSTOX, Sam M. Chapman, President. Secretary. flood Stoga 13ols for Bros. 3.00 at Heed taal rui ion v hv lei ret- of I n.- uisii i t l om t in and for ass Count y. N'lira..!a. ami that imU's on a;'l-ar and :iiht-r lv t iic H' ii lav of N ovc:n!cr A. 1). is;.,. u(a:iU wiil b;J taen a-raitiit yon u un the same. .UUIN MOiCAN, P.y t'HAl'MAX & Si'KAOl I . 27tl hisatt'ys. SIEVING 3IACIIINES! Now IiiipruVfJ Lock Ktiteh GROVER 66 BAKER 8 U 1 VrXU MA CJI IX E, For ialo ty CHARLES V J ALL. With all t!i Kxtras ami Attachiaent s, such as Noeilles. Oil. Tnekeis, Himlers. ete. 'l'ho-e li eoni-mplate imyniir a iiiaelimo. w ill h well, to fue : iiiovoi ..v i;;imt a iriai. ran.-'ui i iwii f.';;-ni:iteeil. ami the eli'Mpest ina'hi: in the j market. All e,nlers hy mail iron:j'liy attemt ; en in. AUiire.s, lii.wu.w i 2nu'. 1'IatlMiiolith. Neh. PKOFLSSIOXAL CAKDS !MAU.3I.'IIAPnAX. ATTOrNKY AT LAW ami Solii-ttor l Chan r:ry. 'upe in ViirTiilU's Llock, Plait.smoutli. Nfiiraska. WIII.I.LKRA BKXI'.TT, KKAL LSTATK ami T: Paying Airents. No taries l'nhlie. Fire anil Life Itisuiam w Aeut.s, Plattsinoiith. NeLra.sk:u It. It. MVIiHT. PHYSICIAN i Srmil-ON. temt.'rs hi pro f"sioiial er lees to the eitieiis of Cass eminty. IVMileuee iintlieiLst eorner Sixth Hilil Oak sts. ; Hhee on Mam street, two iloois west of rixth, Platlsuiouth. Nehr uska. h;ai l. Kced Bros, have just received a large C. llobinson and J. 1). Kerr of Nebras btockof ladies and chifdi en's sIi.k s. ka City. The services will be inter- est ins and all are invited to attend. Boots and Shoos, cheaper than ever, fur (ash. I'kti:;: Mi-.k;ks. (.'all at Mrs. Crockei's & Co. and 4c: the latest stvlt s of Millinery goods. Sotf. II ATS .' JfATST HA TH .' A I.no stt.'-ek of mr.v Hat i. Latest sty!" at W.M. f A I) I.I.MAN N'S. Mike McGuire goes for Jouisville next time. V. W. Harold send3 the IIf.kali east ag.iin like a man. YAfcVum la ing over we can pay our little debts in the way of locals, ex changes iN:e. Frank Stadtcr continues to improve in picture making, and his little corner on sixth st. loo'is quite like a:i Artists stu lio. 7.1 E ET I N u " o r I II A : K IA 1 o STOCKIKJLDEKS. All persons interested in the town of Franklin, are requests to meet at the store of Win. Stadelmann on Mon day evening next, at T o'clock. CO ELECTION NOT I CE. All persons indebted to M. McCuire or McCuire & Curtiss, either on lum ber account or for Liquor must settle their accounts. We have changed our partnership and the busin"ss must be j settled up. J Mease take notice, all ac counts must be settled within the next thirty days or they will be collected by law. ' " M. M( C,rn:K, McCiFlUK & Ccnris. Von can s!:c m ar children cheaper at Kced Bros, than ;;t any other store in the county. In Cuming the Democrats carried the Statu Ti' kct by 22. Tie- County ticket was mostly Jb-puVlican. Washington is about half and half. Burt B-ubli-cati, strong. The tiacst assortment of hats, lluw cr.i, plume:; and wings, in town, lle-ti-ived by Mrs. 1.. B. Cn.icker A: (Jo. WKoTLST TiT MID. I received IMpIoum f-s- life dress bunts at th.; ta.e Fair and continue to make the b 'mI and nL-t-st tits. (Jive me :i call. (U-tt'i V. Mki:;ks. rAnzii:ns a tt !-:xtkx : Julius l'cppi i bci ir. Ci-rar Manufa;--turer, on Main !.. lir.t!s:i, N'.d.. ;,-, ;r ( ',. ;;;:: (, of Spaiii!i .-'.n 1 Aiiu ri oau Tob tcci-i s i t s:i'oVii!L; jurp'ics. i'Yr Sal-. Bi s: -yi of j.ing-sinok- iii toba-co al .. c. s on hand. -''-'f. r.)v j.ost; The ur.ilt i si-ii.'d lost a dark red cow, 'big hoi jis and dark stripes on her, pret ty well along ia years, star in fore ?. -ad. Bet urn to the owner and get a : i-c.ua!'le return reward. 2'Ji-l" Adam I.onxr.s. Tli- High School Bntertainmeu Club did ind have as large a turn out as thev $fi,000.0:) NOTICE. Having sold S'i.'M worth of boots and shoes, sim e I began selling at re duced prices, I am still bound to fur ther reduce my stock, now is your time. Boots formerly -ST.Oo, now $M) Fine Kid Shoes, form'ly ;3.."(), - :;.0) The best Is thread serge shoes only 2.'2H Men's Simes 1.2. Women's Shoes l.f Call and examine. Xo charge for swing g m Is and prices. Will be happy to show both. K'tf 1'i:ti:h Mkkoes. Geo. .S.Smith is elected. Here's the vote. For Smith Cass 417; Lancaster SOG ; total 12C3. For Broady Otoe 10f; Xcmaha 10 27; total 1217. Majority for Smith C. Only GOeorge, but its enough. The 1 tst is that Ceorgo is not e'ect- d--v e give it up. Settle it among you. CLDAU IBEEIv JULES. Mr. Schhintz the wll known Cedar Creek Miller, has just purcnased a large lot of prim" ol I tr.'fvit and is making a superior brand otjloitr. Xow is your tiiti t purchase. Inquire for the Ce- lar Cri Flur, 'SHiluntz' make." Sold at the b'-st groceries in town. He also makes the patent proeess Hour, which we have been using and know it can't be beat. If you want a really good article of lour try Schluntz's shi-ul-d h ive 'jy.iO. voting feiks. We are sorrv for the ! patent Hour. Tier Bev. Mr. Schwartz will preach a: the Cerm. in Scho.,-1 IIou.se in tliis city, on Sunday Oct 2-!th. at 2 p.m., for the purjiose -f cftV(di:,.,4 an te.-gani-ization in this city and vicinity. The 2't'l't, at Blair, has changed hands, and Frank Ililiou is ranning it. V'eil he ou'at to be . ippy, h. has got control of a newspaper at last and he has I. an try "forniiist" I.iiii. ( ur carpenter fricn-l Tucke r, some weeks ago. sent the 1Ii:i:.w.i a very pretty little framed pietare for which we now return due thanks, and will hang U ie ..me in the 1Ii:i:ali office, thai all m;iy sec Tucker's skill at fram ing, and that Ave may enjoy the little girls and their locking glass and take pattern. Heed Bros, have the finest stock of Bon;.? and sfcoes in the County. Mrge? b-'i':ht out Mr. Plummer's Legel Notice. Catherine Wheeland. and AliL'tithS Wl'.ce- ,, , , . t m hi . ! land, ami ii o. W. Sroat, nnn-iesiili-nt ilefen- Merges bought out Mr. I lummer , ,ianis win tak n 'tiie that on the js;ii day of entire stock of boots and shoes, to epieinl.er. is;.-,. Oiiler 1. Mason. Plaiiiliif. iih-il , i :.. ii. i i ,, .. ' h s lietii ion ill t lie n.''iie of I lie t lel'K. if the I is- make room undgne Mr. 1 lummer a j ,,,. i lHlvU Ul ;iIia riir t.;.ss ,.,i;.tv. N.-uras-a. chance to pay more especial attention the niijeet an.t prayer .f said petiiion is to (., ,ir,, rr,,.,la mill rrrnefric to lil(ase telnrm a eeruu:i nun t.'a-e deed r-'iven ly C,M fl tO (lr goC-U.i ami giOttlKS W 1" ; eiine and Ai:'Ulus W aeeland. to i.laintia. on li is large increasing trade in that line, j me :uh uav m !.. is: ;, aa i wiiieii was intend- Mer"es bad to procure his brother's as- ! -'' emivey lot om- (bin bh.ek on mh in stiiiV j '1('"t3 1 1 1 ',. L ' ...... I addition to riailsmi. ntli eliv. ;uss eonnt..e- Sistance toattentl liisnumeroii.'sLii.siiMii-; j.:;lska. Lin w nl.tli iv mistake ile.,-riied sanl ! lt one (1 1 as lyinj; in l.Joek .-even i7) in said ad dition, when it was ami .should lie l!oek one (!) in said addition. ::nd also that N;;id lot one (Jl in Idoek ine 1 1 1 in St iles' s.-.id addiiio'i lie de ereeii l ! sold to sai iify I lie payment of t .vo rei t iia pnniiKsiiry notes, of eeii "ilat.- it ii s:iid iaoif'ae deed, a'el e i'ijn f,v j ivinent of one hundred dollars i!iho Dee. it: Ii 174. and seventy-live inilars (,7oi June y'h. l-7,'. Willi inleiet al the rate of M per eei;t. !( v annum, and aiso pniyin tliat a certain nioi t ,'ae need made ex ecuted ami delivered liysaid Oaf hi line ami Au !:tits S heeland, to said (jeo. V. Sroat he tie creed to he null, void, and of no eih et, and that tile cloud ca-t iljifili the til!,- to said n ;;l cstatp !' reason of said iiiort'aue deed to Ceo. V. Sroat, leinainint; nasal i-liel of record he forever lemoved. ami said title declared to he perfect in all res;ec;s ; .Said ilcfemients arp reiiiireil to answer ai! petition on or trior the St Ii day nf Nov.. Is7". or a decree w i'd he rendered aaiitt each one of them in accordance v. ith the prayt r of said petition. O LI Villi P. MASON. Ily ClIAC.MAN iv SfllAia K. 2715 hisaifys. ...... . . i , . . ers. All tins proves mar. ciosei .iu tion tospocialti -s and small profits bring quick sales. 20tf. TE. 1 C II EES' EA'AHrXA TIOXS. The fall precinct examinations for Cass coun ty, will he held at the foiiowiiij; naiaud times ajal ji'aces ritove Creel; Octoher p)tli lTa. Weeping Water (!ctoher 21st, 1.-75. Greenwood, (Waters seh'1 houselOet. aitli.'T.'". nattsmoui'.i -Noveml.er 5!h, 1S75. Ap;il:eants will plea.se he in attendance promptly at 10 o'clock. V . AV. WISK. Siiiieriiiendelit. Jlattsniol'.Ul, Nch., Sept. 10th, 17 j. - tS Ben Hempel. Ilirs THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. OX LOWFK MAIN STItKKT, PLATTSMOUTir, - - - - NEli. Meals at all hours. Ice Cre.-rtTt. Soda Water. & Lemonade to Cool you. Com! f nuare Meals, nice Lunches, &e., Xc. to warm yon. Ales," ines ;:nd ood Ll.piiii-s to he used rra yona'dy. for your henelit if you ilesire. 40-21 J. HEMPEL, Prop. (Jreat reduction in Boots & Shoes at Beed Bros., for cash. Take your family to Beed Bros', and shoe them up for winter, and get a ptur of shoes for the baby free of cost. "Ladies wishing dress suits, cloaks, or any kind of dres goods, can have llit'in'ordered from New Yoik by Mrs. Crocker for at least 2. per cent less than can be purchased elsewhere. yotf. SPECIAL. NOTICES. (JLOT1IIXU. For a cio-ap suit of Clothes call on VM. Sr IiH.MANX. rnoGisrss. AVe are glad to notice that some of our merchants are making improve ments in the mercantile business, by changing into more exclusive trades, which is a great benefit to the whole community. Mr. L'luminer sold out his entire stock of hoots and shoes to Merges, in order to pay Ids especial at tention to dry goods and groeeik's to keep pace with his hirg? increasing trade in that line. Merges procured the as-dtance of his brother to help him al ;:g with his large trade. All this proves that exclusive dealers win in the end. Attend to one thingand do that well. 2hf. X0TICE TO SOLDIERS! Soldiers who hav taken only eighty ucri. i prior to Ju:.e 2J1. 1S71. ami have not takrn ix additional f-ihiy, are i:mta. to correspond wU!ira. ITnmestpad rljfht and cheap lands for sa, la Clay, l.!k, York, t-ml Hamilton com. ties, t.y " S. E. SIir.LtalN. 1 1 1 a. Liueuhi, Net. base ball. Last Saturday the Xameless Base Ball Club of this place played a match entire stock of boots and shoes, which , game with the High School nine for a EA'CIfAXi.'E XOTICE. i I am bound to exchange my large stoek of Boots and Shoes for cash. i Come and sec if I don't. Pktki; MriiiiKs, John Bus sell, formerly one of the best known and liveliest citizens of this little burg, returned to pay us a short yl.iit this week. .Lalm says they have h;t l county seat light in his county in T.v.va, and he represents Weeping AVater and got busted. He don't take it so hard as those fellows do though. We tender our thanks to the good people of Plattsinoiith and vicinity, who offer us two subscribers for every one that is withdrawn from Weeping Water, (iood subscriptions are always welcome but we thinK we shall survive. will be sold cheap f.or cash. 2!'tf ball ainl bat, which resulted as follows: s -x swt 1...- I . ......it . .;.!.!. .;,w l..nniiir3 w.uil i-i mm: ; j sj. jnn j,,. at the JIj.ualu office. ! 2nd " I 3 1 - Once more Madelaianns at 10 per cr-nt below cost. .lump when the pig eon Hies. Human hair giods order-! by Mrs. ': c -r A: Co. from the cast, to suit pur- .sors. l'riccs very low. :0tf. N0TKT. ("la;v; A Cic.'f.slate at Kim wood Xeb. g 'neral d .ih rs in dry g.ni'ls. groet Ties, ar i all articles gt in rally kejt in a country sture, desire to call attention to their stock just la: 1 in this season, and ask the fanners to call and exam ine our goods before going away float home to buy. 2 itf ' Ci.Ar:'i'c(";:::i:sLATi:. Alt TI0N SALE ! At the farm of John Ahl, near hl'.uiU' Mid. on (V.iar Creek. Cass Co., Xeb., on Saturday, October :;oth, l .sTa, at : o'clock a. m. aktk li:s to soi.n: Two sp in of imrses and harness, five lth " oth " 'th " 7t!i " Sth - Total, 3t being late when they began only eight innings were played. The two clubs will try it again next Saturday, on the ball crrounds south of town. Xameless II. S. o 4 0 ( 1 0 1 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2'J 11 LEGAL NOTICES. In Bankruptcy. Ta the Pistrii ; Co-e t of t!i I'niO'ii s;.U -s. for t ".e M'.strict of Nebraska; ia tae la.uur ol llyman ll.d.o. Uankniit. Tliis is to t?i'? mil ice. that on the 20th day i f Ociooer. l7 . a warrant of laiikni;i'.cy was is sae I out of the IMsti jcf Court of the Cniied States, f.ir the District of N eliraslia. a i:n: the said llvman Ha'hi of Lhieolit. in the .n.uiy of I. iec.isi.ei'. In said I riei . w ho has t een ail jad'.'ed a r.an'-ouvt on Ins own p tition, and tlie 1 .vmea: of any ili'his. an.i til-- iie!iery of any .r-i,'eriv heloa-im; to said n.iakrupT. to liiin. or to iiis n,e, aad tin- transfer ol aay iiroperry hy hini are forhi Idea hv law. Tliat a iae iiJZ id the creditors of the said liankrup:. to p) e t heir ih hts atnl to chaos;? oe in- ne re Vin es of les INtate. w id he h -id at a Courl oi )1 insruptey to be iiol.h n at miaha, in s aid d su ict on t!:e .".r'i day of .-'-vein'ji r, 1S7". at .1 o'caie!; ;. m., a! the oiVce of .1. L. Wensicr, Lsii., tll Ui i ia oauki a;.: ey of Slid Court. V. lla.i.VM ! 1LY. ;;j'2 I". S. Marshal. Sneniis Sale. P.y virtue of an execution issued hy II. i". rm. i'ro'i.ee Jade. within an.l for Ca .s Ci Lli- soii. rro-i.ee .1 aae. w a am ana mi i a .s umi tv. Nehi asl.a, ami to me directed. 1 wiilen the lt day m Nmeinoer. A. D. ls.:. at to o'clock a. in. of said dav. at t!c H am-r Siahie-. in tlx city of l'lattsiii:u:!i. in s ..id Co-uily. M il at I'uh lii ."Auction, the following (iescrii-ed ;w!s ar.d chattels to- wit : Twelve ( l'i unrnislied Warner Harvesters 1 inclu liii' a lot i.f ruolier heliiinr. cast id's. ami ot her ti Mures for said t ve! ve 1 1J harvest ers , a'so onu 1 1 1 part can of luhricaiinti ci'. one 1 1 1 part kP of yellow oelne. oneili lot of b ir and straa iron, one (D iles. fi ve u;y,ce i-iiairs. otu? ill o".e 1 stool, one 1 1 1 t iock, one ( 1 ) lnokin; iihiss. one I i :i acUct laini. and one ill box ot patterns ; 'I he same lieiu levied upon and taken as the property of the State ;i-0';-e eftlie ordT of I'atroas of llus!amlry. of the State of .Ni'hr tsUa. defendant ; to "satisfy a i' llvr-i-nt of said. Court, recovered by diaries I-azenby and Edward lhiliery. Plaint ill'. I'laiisiiiutilli, Neh., Oct. lai n. A. I . s7". M. P.. CL'TLEit. 3;it2 SiieiiiT. DOAHD OF COUNTY COJIjIISSION- Tits dav, Sept. Ttli, 1845. The following uecountd were exam inel and :tl lowed on the eevera.1 lload Districts: IL A. WaU rman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 37 8 17 33 II. A. Waterman & San, lumber furnished to District number 15 12 60 II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number o'J 7 2G II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 1 38 72 II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 45 4 2.1 II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 44 4 05 II. A. Waterman it Son, lumber furnished to District number H 4 40 II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 40 3 OS II. A. Waterman & Son, lumber furnished to District number 55 5 28 V. V. Matthews, lumber furn ished to District number :iJ. . 4 87 J. (I. Oldham, lumber furnished to District number 17 2 00 The following accounts were allowed on the Poor Fund: MeKlwain .Jc Ilodapp, repairing windows at Poor House 2 SO It. II. Vanatti. boarding Pau pers, 234s 00 bss $12 00 for rent L'-j 00 J. II. IJuttery, Medicine fur pau- pers, per bill 8 40 White & Darrah, 1430 lbs Coal for Poor House 041 The following accounts were allowed on land road fund: John Schwab, for timber furn ished District Xo. OJ 27 25 L. Hathaway, work on Tucker Bridge 9 00 James Tucker, work on Tucker Bridge 5 00 W. Hastings, work on Tucker Bridge LLTTLRS 1I1U;JISTS. There is no case of Dyspep.sia that Greene's August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of (J. B. Chap man and impure about it. If you suf fer from Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Indigestion. Liver Com plaint, or derangement of the Stomach or Liver try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. B oschee's (Jerman Syrup is now sold in every town and city in the United States. We have not less than live hundred letters from druggists, saying it is the best medicine thev ever sold b si- Legal Notice. In the District Court of th- .second Judicial district, within and for Cass Co., Nfbruska. S. Pulsift r & Co. ) A. V Kh hards. ) A. W. Liciian's. you will tak r.otlc that Siduev Pulsifcr :" d" Lrastus 1. Hardin icom nosimi the linn of S. Pu'.si cr and Cumii.iiiv) did on tiie third i :tili day of I'Heuarv. A. 1 . i 1S7.".. lilt their petition in "the district com t. in i and t ! Ca.ss count v inthe State of Nebraska, I 'L'-.i'i-d von A. W. l:ichard. defendant, setting forth that vo t trave a certain mortu'ae to Cell ed Ely and Compan .', on hits number two ii) ; aiai uir.'e o-i. in u.e in.'ui!ttc-.i i:i.iuri uni-i' of section number sixteen U1'1 in townshin tw elve I IJi. raae ten I I'M. east of the sixth ml Ii ) principal meridian in said county of Cass f -cure i lie pament of love II. in Ired Dollars ,S:ti aeeovisiiej t- a certain jifeiiissorv note A. Xorris, work on Tucker Bridge P. Hathaway, work on Tucker Bridge D. W. Foster, work on Tucker llridge John Charlis, work on Smith Bridge B. Ilargan, work on Smith Bridge (i. M. I.aBue, work on Tucker Bridge II. McLaughlin, work on Tuck er bridge James Allison, work on Tucker Bridge John McCarril, work on Tucker Bridge II. Taylor, work on Tucker Bridge I. II. Freeman, 2.893 feet lum ber furnished Tucker bridge. John McCarthy, work on Smith llridge ..f...-i-.a l.i ill k-iirl liinvt. r-,.r. .'viltf... tin irli"l'r( was afo-rw arils a.- o-iied "to s. l'aNif. r .x Co.) j L,. (I. Sici tll, Work Oil Tucker & and luavmu' mat you mav i.av lae sum now due. witn iuicrest from the iitli djv of May. A. I. 174. or kliat saiu i.remise.s mav he .sold to pav the same. j ou are n.-ieoy ...on.eo . ,ai )"arf rerjiered . , , i Smith bridge. The following accounts were 3 00 7 00 10 00 14 00 23 00 2 80 9 00 8 00 8 00 2 5j 57 8o 8 00 50 00 tt appear and answ er said petition on or be tore tin Iran day o; i 'ecemner a. it. .... .September LUtii. :S7a. S. PI LSIKER & CO., P.v Smith & Windham. 30C. " '1 heir Attorneys. Chattel Mortgage Sale. P,v virtue of n Chattel Moi'tsa'i". eM-cu'ed to me."aml dated .latoiary J.;th. s7.-. I.y A. W. Carey, and recorded on pae 107 of Pcmk I- i f Ciiattel morltiasres. lecor.is of Cass CouutV. N'et.. on wMch there is due one hundred avid liinety dollars and .seventy-live cents, (l-n.7..1 I will sell at public auction at FactnrvviUc. in Cass County. Neliraska. at 1 o'clock p. ia. ol tiie luillday of Nov t'liiber. I.s7.". one Murf l mare, .-t.rlii i'7.-ne nVI iii. rfd cow Tivi. ve-rs otc! cm ba"y mule colt one ve ir old. one set of double j M. B. Cutler, boarding prisoners harness, and oni on n i'-if hv waon. ADDISON 1'. ''WESTON. October 7th. 173. Jiiia I General Fund: Cost bill of assessors, taking enumeration of inhabitants.. 24S 81 M. L. White, services as Com sioner and rent of room to Co. Superintendent State J'liirnnl Co., for books and blanks for Treasurer J. II. Battery, glass, coal oil, ink. &:, per bill ?-ye:ir old colts, two 2-year old colts, I fl. Consumption. Throat or Lung dis ease. Sample bottles of both 10 cents each, llegular size 75 cents. one ytiri;ag u. iw i.tini wagons, one rrn ci usher. l;.e milch cows, two heifers, severed calves, three plows. one breaking pbv, and i::e reajier .t mow er. TERM ,k Sale: All under 810.00, Cash; all amounts over that, twelve month time, on good security. lb-member the day of Sale. Oct. 30th, 175. dleodtfj John Ahl. F0i: THE YOFMJSTLTIS. Proposals for Forage. llFMijl-.l;ri-'.!.S Dkvt. ok THE Pt.ATTF.. Oku. y. C. t. M.. omaha. Nkii., Sept. is7,-, .-EALED PROPOSALS, in tooTh-ate. will Ik SMWINCJ MACHINES The corn raised in tiie L'nited States this year is estimated at 4,000. 000,000 of bushels. That is more than ca;r conveniently be put in one heap, and we have no idea of the size ff the heap it would make. So let us suppose one month, and guard for jail ' A. C. Seybert. 14 days atten- dance on Iteihart's family... . John Fisher, cleaning Court IIou-so cellar K. (i. Imvey, mds for Biehart family F. Stadelmann, bread furnished r'cived at tins o:r:ce, until It o elocK a. in. Wednesday. October y. 175, at which place ami time they will be opened in the presence of the luiiileisi. tor nil" iie:ivi ry in new iaai.y ami mir- ( t.ties as r.-ituited timing second iiuarterwf tisc.il ' liClhart iamily ye.o eudimi.liiiie:!. Is7d. ot two miilionsl J.oim.- j j r Cmiiioins Post itp Sf imi.si i-o pounds of corn and one mil. ion ii,wi.";i 1 d u l'"'""'. l 5W0t! OUUlipa pounds ol oats, l ropo.sais lor a less ipmmiiy i andcanb w 1:1 e leceiveo. J-T.Tp, A f "TZ,Frir J J i it to be loaded into wagons, 2G bushels ! in each wagon, and the wagons placed I am now prepared to fix any kind of j in a line; each wagon and team occu Sewing Machines that needs repairing . pving two roJ:, Xow iere is a ques. in the place. I have just received a ,." , , ,, , ,. . . TI , new lathe, and can guarantee my work, I tlon for Penniless and his sisters. How and at prices that will not beggar the Lar would this line of wagons and poor man or woman to pay. j teams extend, and how near would it Also, Gun Work ot every description come to reaching around the world? all kinds of tine meclianicai woik 1 ! Lacti bid to be considered should be truaran ; f.-d by two respoiisiiile parties, not bidders. t hat they w nl become bondsmen on award of contract". The proposal mus he in triplicate ami l r.iaib scp.-iralelv for Corn and forOats.nm.1 inuxt nhitt: thr crfi 1 nm which it ix jiniil t' ttelirrr. Prefer, m e will be given, to ariiclcs of tlomei tie production. Lids should be endorsed on envelope "Rids for I'oraire.' The (soiitra"ts will llet with the proviso that the ipiantities contracted for may be increased or reduced one-third by the Chief tjirutorm-'s-t-r of the Department at any time pcn.iin full delivery. can be done at iuv shop. 2?Hf " Ceo. W. Kinder. Please to answer in the IIekald next week. B. Mary Haines, Taking care of small pox patients (J weeks... O. M. Streight, Livery of coun ty Commissioner.! T. Clark, services as Commis sioner 5 days, and mileage. . . W. B. Arnold, services as Com missioner 5 days and miieage J. A. MacMurphv, printing, as 1 t.:u Tli.. lidit to relect anv or all bids is reserved. I'ei uiii p.iank bids luniished timi fail conditions matte 1 J. & II. shera, goods furnished, known on an-ucatum to this office, j, I Ellington while attending 2i;t6 i'jput'o! m. ceuei-ii. I small pox patient 37 00 9 3 7 45 00 75 20 00 4 73 S2 C7 4 25 3 25 120 00 17 00 21 00 21 00 55 50 WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. 1'UOPItI KTOK OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Ilanli.) K'f, vr'rs.uorTsi, - - - xlij. 1V BAK IS SLITI-IKD WITH THK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEEH, ETC., ETC. 40V I STOKE AND 3IILL AT Rock Bluffs. j. ij- n. sun 111. .V. We have purchased the BOCK B1UFF3 STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW MILL, And will hercttrter run the same in Connection With Our Store. CUST01YI WORK will be 4:11 na'.ifeed to be satisfactory. We rm t 'oyed the BEST 7? p v7r: we e.mhl Tud, whose ivputatioii is v 11 known, and it is pro posed that the fanners and ali others have if they luin Good Wheat ! ! The highest market price paid for the ' Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE -i3- Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to sell them Al Low Rates Havins? heen enahled to purchase a large stock Uncommonly Low, They will l sold to all. E(jU.lLLY LOW. XO W IS YOUR TIME TO IBTJ2- l.&H. Shera, KOCSL iiLurss. -CIJ. VAt CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. IN H ELDER & SON, URALKIIS IX HOOTS, shoes, a':d GHOVEMES, of every kind. at tin lowest jx.ssible rates. Also DIALERS IN GftAlrt. For which the highest CAII ptiees are paid. Hides and produce of Till kinds bought at Leasonaide rates. I3k II IH.I21Il.i SiT.VI" i OX Cedar Creek.) Kivl r.4Ss' Cfh. XEllllASKA. WEEPlXii WATER ADS. Fleming s. Race, DKALKK IN RY GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES; AND XOTIOXS And Farmer' Supplier ticnerally. Our Goods are all New. and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEETIG WATER, NEBi -.K. H. SMITH. It. 1!. WIMMl M. S3UTII A WIMHIAJI. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW and Keal Kstate Bro kers. Special at tent. oil uiven to t'idleetioliS and all matters atlectuiir the title to real estutt. oflh-e on kX lhor, over l'o.sl O.'Uct, I'lattsmouth, Nehra.xka. 4"t. JI'STICK OK TUT. 1'K.K'K Olllee on Main itrept. n.itt.stnouth. Neh.', two dooi-s east of Ili:u.vil olliee. Lusiness liouin from K a. in. to k p. 111. All county hasiness usu allv trat-sacted heforo a Justice of the lVac will he attended to. Also general enllertor of debts. luyl J. W. Haixes. DR. SCIIILDKNECHT. Eclectic & lloiiutopatlnc Thysician. 1 1; Office and Krsideiie corner Sixth mid Vine M reels, l'lattsiuoutli. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 40 L IIt. J. 3i. WATKItMAV, Physio Medical Practitioner. IjiuitriUc, 1im Co., yd. Always at the ofllce on Saturdays. fyl A W. WHITE, noa.or in Main st., bet. Sth and Kill., PLATTSM ( LT 1 1, .... NEB. Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. V. t 5 r. c-t-O o o 'r. i. 'J, 3 3 -i " ,-s h 2 v O 3 - Q -r cr CO z sTS zr CD 'r. b4 .a -5 is. bd M Vj H H t 1 o 1ST W -A. .3D. Keduced Kates for Luniljer Clear tiie Track for our Spring Trade. II. A. WATERMAN & SON Will sell Frame I timber, of all kinds at 20 jier in. B-'irist quality or Kencinjr, JiO. " Second 17. " l irHt Iloardn, tiO. Hecond 17. 44 Wtnr -A" SJiinsIes. 9.1. 50 per M. I MiinIeK. SS2.50. " Otlier grailfsoffiumlier eiiiall.v Clieap iv i tfi Doors, Snsli IClindm. Ar Ar. See other ad. on outside. STRAIGHT & 311LLEI5, Harness Manufacturers, sAnm.Ls CIUULKS, COLL.VKS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AM) Grocery Store NITS, CANDIED, TEAS. SCtiAKS, TOBACCOES, COFFEES, FLOCK. Ketiiemher the jihice, oppo ite E. O. Iiovey's on Lower Main Street. 21-1 y STREIGHT & MILLER.' NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE ! . AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of ). M. Streight and W. 1). Jones, be'tiij this day dissolved Dr. W. 1). JONES, will open a ttfw Liverv, Feed, and Sale Stable, at the Old IIl.UT llAllN.on -Main Street, just east of John Shannon's well known Stable, riattsuiouth. Neb. Horse, Ilnjcsic t'arri aze, to let at all times, at teasonable rates. HOUSES HOAlUEI 11 V THE DA 1", WEEK, Oil MOXTU. IV.rticuIar attetiliou paid to drivinirand train hu? Horses. Having ali the .ipplianccs I snail make a particular teatiite of my business the driwiigund handling of TKO fi'lNtl STOCK. J-f-T.cinir well known all over the county, no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite all inv friends to call and see me, and they w ill receive a hearty welcome, l.espectfully. 3tn6 VV. D. JONES. C.A I, L y DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and Sale Stables. Corner i5tll and lVarl Sts. lldliSKS HOAKIiKI) I!Y THR DIY, WLi:i, OU 320ATSI. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEA3IS AT ALL HOURS. l'urticu!ar attention paid to Driving and Training TUOTTlG STOCK. Vi'Sll also have for service during the xeason the CKLKHKATEn HORSF.S : N0R3IAN & TALARAN, Known as tha W. I. JOXEM IIOKSKM. For particulars, see bills or posters. 9y HENRY ROWLAND. AISO General BlacksmlVlihl.t'. ('arrlnereolIatEKleH, mid Wiitrw Itepnirril on Nlivrt Xolt . ALSO zzoctsK-Mii:ixr And :ill other iron work promptly attend ed -. el"' p' r i''.-11 ; h.- i.;tpc-1 , fur c;ii 11V the iind. lMr.iic'l J H. LOW LAND, ithoi) ii.u b" C" of li.e .v Sixth I-I A I'ISMiH' I II. M'.l'. (a 1 . w Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, r.V.TrM'.i;Tir, Nkii.. Op. I'latto Valley House. On hand all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MAIIKED 1: ATI'S. 13ni3 Call and Examine. GEO. SHAFER'S AM) K LACKS MIT II SHOP, FOU HORSESHOEING, 31cii(ling an;l Repnirin ! ALL KlXm Ol" EAUM IMPEKM E.TS .Mended tind Fixed. New Wagons for S90, KagKieM mxl Ilslit AVnsons 011 Lund, nud for HaIeII t in ii:i. cut: .-i i r o v r .-1 .v . New Wnons made to order. Kates reasonable and work guaraiiteed. On AVjLshintoii Ave.. I l'L AITS. MO I'Tl f. 403 1 near 7th St., f NEH. m II ATT, TIIE RUTCHER, OI.Iir.ST AND P.K.sT KS fAIll-ISH rl 31cat llarJiol in llic Cily. Not chantrin? constantly, but the old Ih-liable Spot where you can pet your Steaks, Loasts. Oame,' Fish and Fowl in Season. South Side of Main St., PLATTSMOUTII, NEIl. toyt . t s. . s v r -4 ai u i r.si JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTU, - - - - NEB. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Crist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Fipe, Force and lift pumps, steam Cluaires, Safety valve Oovernors, and all kindsof Liass Engine FitttiiKs re paired on short notice. V A It 31 11 A II 1 x 1: It V . repaired on short notice. 4flyl r-7 4 Manhood: How Lost. How Hettorecl! Just published, a new edition of Mr. .' ft Jfih '--. -Vlr. nl vrrtvrll'N eleirnt ssv -k. , j d I'.NMiy on tiie radical cure Hffnn-r y ( wit limit niediciin 1 of Speriua'or r 1 11 iNi orSeminal Weakness. In voluntary Seminal Losses, I mpotency. Mental and I'liysicnl Inca pacity. Iiiipedimeiits to .Marriage, etc. ; also t'on.siimptioii. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-iiidulj;eliee or sexual extravagance, tS.r. f-rTi ice, in a sealed em elope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly (lemoiitiates. from a thirty years' sueeessf ulpracl ice. that the ;i la ruling eonseipien ees of self-abuse may be radically cured v. illi out the use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knil" ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simpl -, certain, and elfectual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, ami radically. Vhis lecture should be In the ham's of every youth and every man in the land. Seiit iinder seal, in a plain envelope, to Hiiy address, ;.i-;iiii, on receipt of six cents or two postatre st;:mis. Address the Publishers. -II.ri. .1. V. KMXF. CO, 10-43:y y 127 IJowery, N. Y. ; P. O. box.4.V';. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! GREAT BARGAINS AMERICAN WATCHES. CLOCKS, TOYS, AND FANCY CHI NA WARE AT O O ST ! For the Next 1)0 Days, AT Schlater's Jewelry Store, Opposite the Platte Valley House. I KEAIV- ;.G.D0VEY'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I HaviuK made up niy mind neveral year t'iO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR tsf ,V, ainl beinjj s! ill of I'.ir- same 'mind. I take tbf method of luloi inin' the puhllc that ! aiii selling out my ENURE STOCK OF GOODS I AT COST. and shall continue diinrs thront'h this yw or until the iH..pi." '.! t,, l-uihi t!iat time I intend to Soli (iooils for Casli, l.ouer tltiilt any other hoiine can do and susUUrl themselves. .My slotk colisistM of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, II ATS it CAPS; boots & shoes; WALL PAPER, CARPETS; d-C, d-C, dC. The whole stock l!l be sold Bt a t h! y u r ' until it U ALL SOLD OUT. My object Is not to' but. to GET out of BUSINESS Live me a call and see for yourself. "l E. G. D0VEV. Obstacles to Marriage- Ilupp.v Itelierior Vounc; Men from the' (fleets of Errors and A bus. -s in early lite. Man hood restored. Impediments to .Nlarriaiie re moved. New method of treatment. New nud i eiiiai kable lemeii it s. lWmks ami t iri'ulars cent free, in sealed envelopes. Addriss IIIIWAKI) ASSOCIATION. 4P. N, Ninth St.. Phih.ilrlphui, Ph. an I ust it ut ion has iu;t a hii:h reputat Ion for hoii. raiile conduct ami piidcsMnual skill. wy l Men. women and a-'i-nt-s. we EMPL0YMEiT. have jusi w nat you need, our axil Mounted Cliroiiios outself anj ;i.iu in Lie market. Mr. P.a-kinsons r!"" by workitr dy has Jus Uixiti as s , ed 5T.."0. one aj:en' rieveii wm finest a.s"i dreds of en . We will s.'i: liiinr on rt or ki ve u a i $i.uu. - A P. O. Box . JOHfl. Ma:. johnso: A.T rL '"tnic'k out yesterday .and ir, eleiued Sr. A la r proiits f.r the tore- to 2 o'clock lie Clear- eyond piesimu that ot lliese enrumos in have tiie largest ami nitd Mates: li nu ll a Which to select. ted KKi of the best Send in our onb-rs V mail -,-., or l for f HAH V O . j St., Lot. ton, Ma.ss. 2MI3 ORGAN, Sy the Un Co., NEB.. CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the buiblini opposite M!h ews Hard ware Store. (On 4th Street. I tel. Main and ine.) W in-re in ad iitioii to ulliiT work, be will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKISO I'irn;;K Fit AM ICS, AC. Also Acnt for the COMMON' SKXSK IT.OX I.M1 TAP.LKS. of which I have a number on baud ; call and see t hein. Cavi'ful Work und Protnjd AtUtuU miri- to Culls. 40-ly . M M. L. TI CK Eft. lflbM6W"BR0S7" BLACKS Jill II AXI) Machine Shop. At I). L. Morrow's obi sLind, Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. V.'e aie prepared to do a p'-ncra! buslne In HORSE-SHOEING, And lte;t:ilrliiic nil Lind of Tlnrbln ery. neh mh KenperM. Viin tr", Tlirexliinie .MiM-ltliieM, i'l own, Ar., A. c. MILL PICKS, A N I ALL Iron & Steel Work a Specialty.- .Yew Wagons K IJiisrIcs 33ado To Oi'tlcr. ZifAll Work Warranted to Hire Nat vfactiou or Motiy RrfuitU.d. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH IIOKSE SHOEING, jVrf WAGON KEPAIP.IXO. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Kttrtly d- Promptly Horse, 31ule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll slioe anytliin' that ha.i four feet, from a Zebra to a GiralTe. Come and see u. ISTEW SHOP, on Tilth St.,' f etsvecP Mab n Vine Strert: just across the corner ffin the Ffcw IIEKA.I.I' omcK. yt "AT -