., rmim0m ms r i 0 I ! 3O,C0O Ihivelojpes v.-w;t prima." One good!. : y b A.i'e al tin- II h-IMXJIAL XOT'IC ii ili H' i'l U thC H;;:;.W.O utile... j AI.1 ihce. - -- - v oa - --. LOCAL NEWS. I. CA I. A OV Kil i i.-.KMENTS. i ,.,iil.:Tntil lec l:-;:"'-r in'.vcrtts- t f 5 : t j-r 1 1 m . N adv ei iisrinriit itiscr . i j i le s t;';ui i cents. Notice n? snara n'"". . jr'ievs an. I n'hV. i s .'f tee l.e-e will he held . i!ioi't for rdl l aral notices I hey I' no I in, , ' -j'.i pact!" ,i-;i.:o!. :!;? :l pr.ai! of puldic.i- .. i'l nv notice will le-ol tr the J'i.l'!ic;i- ,. ten v( si..-!. !" :-. f'O T M l ' iY'A I !' :.'. e'O.ir ;i:;r U ltaiilcl. a'l 'niii!iii!ili,;itii:s .-; fi- brief and to the point, with no w.tNtt; ' .irus. - Fi r.Ue ' Noliufj T! " 1 r . I . t ;i. At.i .,.iri:i -i ci. ii. ' 1 a Mi- A I JW you sue ui independent tail a " 1 ei -e.. i.:-v.-i v p !;.; tv.. r-.-i.-. willing? it just wiggled under a dim- Umuua-:iul -ulUd i ' L" - ' niycratic wigwam last Saturday. Todd needn't have cone way down tip there and run it. ; No'.ce : vchy '- :vi-n ' I.' (: ; ;dl !! ;-o .-i , o ; . ; ei t !: ::.--.! st : ,v:,t 1 e.o ii- . ,i- i : i t -? :':.;' ao i.e.: if t :" -.T, t !;!.! .: ; . !; ' u; ' '" : ( ' . jr :t ci;:! v:.t '!';;!.'-': I: r' . J y. : t iic m l .!o. A. :. i.i . - : : ' M ', v. ; o i !... -.i . I i. ! rKOFKSSIONVVL (JArKI)S r.r :i:vt A T :;.: V A I LAW :.i-! .-.,,!'. r if !:;m- , . ;;! of ' . f y . ' ' !f i D i'i : : -.iMN I !-, I il ' - 'Ut '..1 U . (JLoTinXG. The ii.e.i.al SH.-iahe will ho at to Weeping Water to write to the j '7ll -A- Muri-hys this ,Thurs- j r T. . ! f f Hkuald: Ite r-otthl have -nt hU luon. 1 dil.v evam- A cor,:ai j!iM,.ui..a , .jh .i .m:.,. v.' ii;:n. ". :i i : T i:s: at i. ;.-ft r v.. A-i;ts. - 1 :s: it--. I'iiI'Im-. li'-c.i ni In'- S ;i i,. 11 A-li's, N Y. NVSI A !' t'.I I M .' 'I:-!')NS. M,v iwi.', W.-- ill- ' .t r-nJarly tli- ! . (,: ;!'- r ''i. t to Ins . . or v. i.t'HuM- I:.' N :i ilK'-ril-rj- or not -IS .1'.. t'i!;- I ir I t. . v. if iinv j'-t --. : i r-" !: ! Ii U::i :it ' hratinm to i:s lu re. J)oc. Livingston litis ot a new run ning ni.i!", ri ht.-tlior D.H-iur; aad-all ; Jl. 1.. !.!.(.!--, rrotj.m- .I'.i'! extendt'd to ::!!. T!:o .n.?iii-: .:.:;jtiii:fn.its f..r .-..nn- . I ly. v.-i-.: ! h' I ' .' t;.- i. t;i:ii-3 ; 1 11 1.0 JOlKUOiaU 11 X liivc Lilt; u.iii ; a ) e;iv Mac-, DtU 1 ID'liiL Uiojj suiaew itcie, ( A v.i!--ny. .-4-;.'s-r ..? -" -. - i w,: i w.-.j-r- o--t. ! r i?:.. . , .. . , us-...f. .smith. h. j-.. v!miia. the Uilf.-renee there is between them :iu,J 113 ou u 1,11,3 4 (.rvottu.,,.?. r.vt. -.s ,!:V..o:,.,..i.t. cr.tV75. vuim,, .,.s ,.t ...... n t;;.i-.:, h3:itj? rjsr:r. , ,.,v , , , . ' i the other wde of the romnril come m rtsr--tt'.-x-. -r m:.. ' n. ! " V: ::;'iVnV ' " atd:::y;s at law a-i iv .! inivc r.r..- ma he ieiie.,ei.te.l by a-by a well, i . , . ' a.,,:,..,.,-. v ;:: ,.;..:s.. i,. i.. i-mci- i 1 ',v,.' V."..'. i. . ', a,,,. ,v;J! aiH-M,-; tx.'" an enetoi e. . . . i r.-i.t;y u idihk. i.v..':-... ; lo.-.-.,..--.. i o.:v -M tumr. wt foy; i!i(.. i-i-uts,.,outh. Gpccial Eicctioii Notice. ! is !; 'i ' .' . th.it o;i i k. ii. :,!Vi i no-. j I'M Ys'riAX .v srtx'tl'iiN, t.'n.lcrs .r 1 f'-.!-n;'.l st rvii- s to l!. cifl.'.M-- o; .s . oiiiit. ( ;i I'l::' ! V.)'i:'. Ii. rSrt'i ttkH. V '. S" f'f .S 1 tl, I The hf" t h-s nc'irly always the cheap est. The use of drv earth as a disin- :' '.!;n- , . . . . i.u'.ii-!i- ivv.-taiii, wohm .soon hrcop.io ltcarly uni- iy ,..,':).:. t.;,H.--.,.i u u-'.i !;. u.; in t j vejH5:li if j i other coinaiode wer in ex- :i.mt is t:iW ! !;.-o : , r :i.-r. iblence I Csides the AKKFIKLD, sold I !!" r.-.irts '...) o. ( t . .! It i'l'lii'.' to ' GoCi-ahBiaokidiiith'ii'K. a-' "v ii'-i ,l vi i,.!rf .Votlcc A f An.I r.'.l oi!ir iron work nofiiplly tV o1 i .1 to. ! .i)i-r l !ian Hie ric.ii'i si. tor c.v' I'.y tin- inulrist jiumI, . H. WiWr.AMV S'lop n : Miucsf ' r. i f v i., -,ittli at i J.A i ISMul, III. Ml. j. .ti-. . 'T- :nni ! i -o :..,! 1 1 .1 ! :r !m- : . ' or ri-in.n i:i i :ti !v.ii:;: l.i- i.i u::. aii.-fl s ji im i jane l i-1 -i!- of 1 N i'k.ntioxai. ;i. iJ. XV. it, l.lii Xil'iw. Vorrr-l.d ?Jm I .,'. Jaw Cts.', 1S7.1. i-u:: omaiu fi: :.t i'l.Arr-Mourtr. I.tav. 5 -..'to n. la. Al""!rs 7 ;!":. I l.g a :t) . i.i. A:iv, i --, 4 1. 1. 1. V.i'il OMAl! A r.Ot I'i. AT I.-MOI TH. LcttV.-i. P :.: . . 111. Ai liV : ') a. ! I. t: i' 1 l. A 1 :'iv "s. M i,. m. r!:t Tin: wi:-. r. i..ivo ri;itt.-::;i :u:t. :tf ti. in. Arrive ; in . .Hji;;. M Ktatii. y. S :1" i. in. vii )M rm: vr. Tat.-j K-'.'ir:i, y. 0 ;u lit. !.'.:: v. s f.in ."oln. j iflj J'. Ui. Arrive. 2'l.i:;:.i.utu, 3 :-v . in. ', ! v 1 K A T : 'wie.sger, t'.titl (-:ch t!:i 4 -.30 l.?.f. ivl iioseitbauiii hat a r.-;w variety of To:n:tto'3 .;i.'.-:':--ket Mtt -i) j'.i.t,j;a & Tudd have a new oatli to .sw: ttr with; they fay :;ow: "Til be iljlMb....-.!:.-.! if it at; ft In answer to the many iniiuiries why I wti.j nut at the fair, I would sny that I had nine reasons for not being there. The first reason is that I was sick, the other rea.-on.s can be learned at my fruit room. Vf. S. Wkst. Harry Ilowlanii i.i re-rdi! idling his black .st;; i tit sh-.' and otherwise fixing H for tii'i fall and wint r trtide. It is foolishtie.s.s to talk about dull times in I'lattsmonth, when you can't laid tvi etaply dwelling house for tent in to a n. TI.ey say th.i. the yahlo ;i 1 ef the Indrpendrnt move, just iraA.el to have, the ;iiai-ii!. dimmycrats admit : t Charlew MeEnte wtis always consist ent, an old !i:ie democrat, kept to hi.s own side of the fence, and minded h; own bu.sines.t. Jle will tell the Ilf.n Ai.ii yarns ahoat the lives of their can didates, that's all we have agin Charier. Solomon & Xathau after many per ainbnlati.m.'j have concluded to &top in Phittsmouth, and have .laid in a big fall stork and put in a bu-jlin' big ad. See their column, read of all the pretty things th"y advertisethen go buy. The Jim my crabs had a high old time at 8 Mile. After Todd joined the meetin' ho wanted to si all the preach ing, but Mick stulTed part of las clean shirt collar jn his mouth and choked him off. EA'CHANUE NOTICE. I am bound to exchange, my large sto'-k of lloot.s and .Shoes for ' cash. Come and see if I don't. I'ktki: Mi:it(ii:s. item. The ir'-n who believe hi no party.no ar.eus. no cum r.tion, every wan for ..ms'-'.f, tlfd i;id'-: "i.h nt good men, .a.;t begged to V adiiiitttfd to a con tention and ti j.aily l.tsi. Sttturday. JV.!-:aa::!Vtep that C. S., don't u know i;')siM v aft b shot till the Int of U-do': r? Y. a ':'. eh! wiii ju.st f;"ivo Judge K'.li5"a ;? a piece fr th:se you g i Titv.iht iiiht, and stp kill" g doves and tptaifs till you have a ri-h; t-.. v.td :-i.e-s. '!:!':iper than ever. 1 ';:Ti::: Mrie.tK.-. for Ces! U.TS! JIATH! .'I ATX! J Hi.e .'o.'k I li its. ! ;.: -: s. ! .t ;".. v a " ':-. Clajip Clreenshite at IChuwood Xeb. genertd dealers in dry goods, groceries, and all radicles generally kept in a country .stor desire to call attention to their stock just laid in this seascn. and ask the farmers to call and exam ins oar goods before going away from home to iejy. xMtf " Ci.ait & C.iu:i:xm.atk. Ilubdoota the thing, what ipieer led fel'.ows p-.iitics will bring together. Here's Todd & "Mae"' who don't want a party, and have been standing on their own bottoms so I. 'tig, now quiet ly crawl in over the foot board of the Democrat ie bi dste.id, and let Jd..h Douta m .1 Michel wait wiggle thtir toes over ihetii i:i triumph. Great is conslslcitcv. VAV.Yt.i A V k II!). I it ( ived a b-r t;:te dr.-s ; I .ots at : s'! 'te Fair and (eati:t!;e t make ti i .;L and nhr.st tits. Give i.io a e;.!h (tl-tf) 1'. M ::s. FAH.vi:::-- AfTT:'TJo:f! Julius Pep erb-rg. Cigt.r ?!annf;tc ferer, en Main ;.. i'l ;!t-:e tth. Xeb. rigar Clippings cf :-p :ii:'h end Amert-i-au Tob.i.-fees !!' Mewhimr pnrpo ses. For Jl t j a tlitier.of p.lug-smok- in taL-eco ;ihvas in hand. i'O-tf. Dr. liogs, after r.tany ti 'se:pe by held and tlood has retf.r.ied to i'latt s mouth to die or be dye,1.. Some o::e will do liim brown yet t pay hi;o for that hist conu'.adrttr.i he brought. The Democratic (Vnt titten met at Eight Title Grove on S.dr.tday las:. Mr. 0. Dowd was elected chairman and lhank Vfhite See., with AV. .'-hryoek as ast.'t See. Th'-re wtis no contest mure, except on Sheriff, raid Mr. .Toner, beat Mr.Lazenhy by only one votr'. unni-: is t:u.i:: th;ki:t. For Clerk, C. II. Pinkhtim; Tretisur ( !, J. C. Cnmn-'ms; Co Judge, 1). S. Draper; Shcti.T, Y. D. Jones; Co. Com U.S. Ihimsay ; Co. Supt., C. Usinger; Co. Surveyor. I. 15. Fitgrrald; Kepre sentativo. A. C. I.oder. Jo it boy-! "Ye are sorry for our next door friend Mr. Lazenby. lie is a good, genial m-ighbe-r, and a very amiable man. Vt'' hr.'. e never ;;;;irnh".l over the chickens, nor over h.ihies. nor the eat, and w. iike Charley,, first rate, only he makes fan of ear d rg, bet then to go and get beat by a man by the mime, ef Jones. .N'ut.'. Smith is bad enough, but Jon?-, oil. Doe-, i it man. its too bad. We sii -d 1 have be, n pleased to htiv? i"har.ey up for h-ri.lT might have voted far Lim. know well, old fellow, go t.; .'..'t p now, be a g -ed hoy, ;m ! :;ext tit.m be'l-r luck, that's your motto. Quite an extensive railroad accident httppem-d on tlie C. 15. & ). on Taes day, aboitt three miles east of Yoob :;yr,, an i i.T n.ih-s etist of here. The track .i-.-i.-t I i'i ! I't the baggage car down, v.l.eti the other cars were j -1 1 1 1 on top of it and a lad wreck (u-mcd. Otie man v. r.s killed and or HJ in jured more or less. The heavy tains had sofrene.l the roa I bed and ma le it air.'o-1 impossible b kvp the track up t his s -.tinnier. V.'.'.i'- ihe I!:.;:ai.! wits off at the Fair broth r .- hrvt :-k tool: it into Ids head to o-; ;.,. j-t isiarvted Xow t'nis liii.'i I ihS. I'l.itSi.tiaah, X"!.., S. ;it. Kan. I ;. ". -as tuU.-h, ' ' l.y :.'.:. i. .. -A . v !:...; :- ,'! ; . L. "l..,' i:.-io( .o..!. o on. .tys- to. at- , or ! f Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, NOTICE TO SOLDI EjiJ A-;en-i ; Co.-:.:, tv:i:.-' o:!!,eo!i M.,e. tr!-et. H.-.tt-aMafN. .!... two ' --"-'o- ' . i . . . . . . . . i : . w ... . . . ..r ii. . . ......... e ,.,,... I.rtiii. i i .: .i.;..,-..:,,. : , t .. ...ti t.v.- I :s i'l lull M.i' ..... . i - .... io iiv l.::l'..ts oa i;e-i.H-atio:i of fr.i"i ... ei. to ;.. i.s. AU co..r.f y tsismex nsii- .:.m;(. o,.... j,. .. w.i.r:i'f I 'Hiv f - o -ct . . I l,,f,ro:t .!:.:..- of r i , l't-.ict !;; :mi. k pi lor tiial piirpos,; ; tli.-y mi.!1 l.c will If atoaid't to. A'.fo i;e!e-r:ii collector ef ...1 .....I 1-. ..-!.... l i i : . . .' : I . . t . ' . ' . ,-, : i i . i I .1 . n . i . A I a r.r I w.'.'.t in.. il:n' i;.'.;s ;ri . s.'. '.r . : a-. j lifiit-rat Ci.',-; ioi.s. " j f.-r s.u.-, iaC'l:ivr Vi.A., York, ! It.i'.uiltoat Also, l ;.i .'.., in. .1 ion of I'lO tiov. raor of Ne- ! ,. ,., ... s,- , i-fims- j r..sKa. an .1 :m for in.-tn-.er or I'i- l.ejji.s- ;.i;r.. t.i.p.-o'n, ".!. ii... i. .m.i.u mi, :,::, i Iit.-Ii lo.--,:.(n vi;i j... . jN-ne.! at o' !..! a. vi. Vt; -IjI.-J at We. nine Vat r Futls. fe!t. ...-.a fvr--A . Ki.o-.vrir. or.tv .-tii'.-l ef larilv Soi.la-is -.:. far. i- t.-.kea only -J, ty !i. res 1 M.,'l Jui.a l"ie.i:-: au-a s'wn i.-vtrtas :eel jaes-to .Ia.e iJ.i, l.-:i. au.l !i:at a..: taken art j ''': f.i-o .'.. i i.u.ini.mt'.l eii';;y. arc iavi' il e-c.-o.-j VLll -ONAL. Harris, a Saiiiii, .r ll j-',i litat: ,, C 'Oil too, takes ;t II nn A t.r after t!i:-:. S.Tv,iss,e,f I.ouisv:!:-, j-::: I as a very iati-resiinji one mo. .:. V "l.- . i -: -a ins i;i..o- . .:. . o.. a i , , , , ,, , ., . 1 1. Villi ,e.,- v.i: 1-. ins if oh .I'.:,:. I'eaet.. I Iuiil i,'.-: .u.. -imi l.u.-kh -s tiie. :.;.t v-..l lie k'oa: , ' .... '.. ... ,. . ; aa.i a i ;;; m:xt fall and sprinc.'. fit inol leiii'y, tie..; j-.-.-o-iaeii-, o str-tl Jiiost Ai i i-.. :e..l I'i: en v n res. ii a ; ' s,sa..ui fruits strawi'Tcv i.l :i;ts, n;e::oie.'.i t.ees,i!!lsiinils, j evcr,'ree: ;, l..:'l...as roo;.;.!t..,'..:.' ; l.e.t.s, ;a: I ev in. :muI :il eo:.t:i:iie onen until it oV!oe, p. nt. of tlie '; :.: ii;-y. ity order ot the t'eumy Coia liitss'iOi.ers, ll.is-j.j.1 .lav ot Aie:a.-a, "". V. J". MixMlK. Co. Clerk. a!)oL.i toil d .vs. . We are ;,r, y to l.--.;-'i i'aat M.-. Jacob JIa.se inei.-r, of t'eilar Crce'.c. is very ill. i thiu t!;rt.)te fcr .eiii;.-..asoi; ie.i; etiitette I Mr. To!!: -.!! in town the o' her m i v ienl s,ii! . tv '..eif.'it. ' i me tti. I t rm-i. (i'il i si.;- , Elsctiou Notice. .'ivi'ii th . t ''e rucst ty. OetoLei 1 StU, 1H7S. DR. SCHILDKNECI1T. riiysifinn- i iri'rIec- an.t He .i,!- !i.-e eorta-r Sixth an1 VS'ie. Sin . Is. riiitlsiiioa! ii. Net.. Calls atteeitcil at .",11 hoars. 4-iv i. Gb5(r?.cSc5 to Marriago- Iil.-tj.py Itelieffor Vn;! y.lt-n fr"oe the el!;' ts oi l.rrors ;-,int A oases m eai iv ate. ai.n - ;.lr. 1 out v.:: t ei t.w:i rue ot iter miv yini s.ie: . ,;a tie :.e!f: it ' : me st: a i n n;i. v-ooio.. , .. , . r, , I eueeis m r.nois ..no .ssi- m -.u. mo. ..- he won,,, give the n..,s ti-.t tl.., hcl.a.e. A : ! . . : ,-, in to, a No .,-:,:.:;: e- In- Vae I i.. tU i Jl-ra.trm!; i(5it. ; e-s l.ev. .!! t.'e- 1 .;'"' s. ae.l :-a.s v. a: v.a; t- i . IccMoii 1 , i.ct.l lot t.te i af'-ose o fits- , ,,...,.,.,1.1,. ,-tne.lies. Itooks and Circulars sent T-,..--,..., j,, i ,-.i :'..o,! :.e. I in L.-o. 1 -th.o. ', r,-f.. .. . T.. , . ...., ,.. r ..., j free. ii. sea'i .1 etr. elopes. A.i'ltvss ItaWAUt) Oca. Cl.li.. ' a... ... t..o .... , vsi', ' ' ' V- ,! ;: ';. ; r . ;;: :, " ! Association, oa . Math m.. rhihidrlplua. iloh Io.'C- .- . T-twas. , 'V.1 to, .a .l.a. .. .a... ... . . x !...;;,..,.( ..- I i,a I- . , i l .i. as J i :.:.:; ha vi--a hi;-!: icpu'a! ion for M!-is I'al-i.. ivtlit U the l..;r yean l u'y :ii (. :.,,:,.s ha ; s, ; :::: I i..o . :.;: 1 neatv oth- , e: ! i- " iia ..; .Hiin;.:-; l-r .v,ohl Jn- - v ;tios-;h tine ii nflit'ii.-'t.i i.l -i t.mx i.a- !"..' . ,.lS t :,,.! ;. ,:. f. .;: t: , si a ;r,io.' ;-a i. t y j Oi '.'-"':,.'. 'h' :' T" ji '- T-? V' N"e,7 preaii!-.::! la hcri-ai.is :e. th" Cou-i' y r:t:r, t.enur.i u-n : .... 1 1; .,, t. ., t. -s a u ss.-r v.:. lety. i. Ii. ;;.!. -tied io .jiiiiiLf.-l ia lh i-ba.-o-;.i it -t j,,. .:, ; i:, . Al ' j :, (I s;ood :.eie- l iSt W.-c ties. ; 'al t; aitr-. : a : a tanl !. V. . S. V. ! ST. Xew Si ;?!: For Sale. Down Vi ilh the Pricr" ! I We in-ar of Mr. Merpi.y, our ii'.an I Itav of a can-i .1 a a. I e. p. i every mm- :uel Mien fr-aa tlie Nortii rhit pa- ; or ;-re,a u tio r.-si.l.-s in ...ur i.-in.ty. pers a:o:v the iiii-; el tho L'. 1'. Ho M-eias to j it- v. :y e:;t-.-i.it to l.e.-p your trees in a cool !;; ochiL: v.'.-ll. 1 !: idy piaee. ;o il t:.- l, ot-s v. t. V. 1 1 1 . ia v. a . . , . .,-.. i , . ; . . ; v. Ii; l: v a ! .! : .n t t ie-l.'. 1 i : a i- ; .!. t !o-l i c;:h : a- Oae of Hi--liit-ino-rs cf t :e -ti l ,"-...!,...! .-' ; .. oi, .. ... i . or l,n;.: :!. (:,'.'! t:.e . a ..lea--:!-,-, t, e'. - comtiiitt. e .lis a. en caaed a..: o.i ,-..'.!.. ; .S'"j'.i"'iee atiotlier w.-.-h. W e ha l he; , t to he ahle to give it to the paWie hef:.re tat-?. Mr. C.ca. II. Saiith, uf the tt--h ;v. Xe:c-. Sohooler.ift. Ma il., a frietul of Mr. V"h 'er atot Mr. Lewis of ties place, eah.-.'i on the iii.e.Ai.n M .iiiiay. He was one of the e lit-. .i.h o.eiir iiioaists. A C. MfMaken. one of the e.hh-st Mai! AeeiUs in the service leit this week tor Jcnv a, whore lie eaters the service aaei on the Colorado Central, rmiisins hetweea Heiuor and l.e:.;4 nKiit. "Ataly" rt a wit!i the first taait e-.r o.i the 15. & M. to Liaeoln. fa-.a to Kearny, and t'..:.-tin-t oa tilts roa 1 into Cltaah.:. iia v.-.s tin- ii - neer a-eiit in this ea.i e;" L'neie .-son's at al out- ; fit, tta.i L'o.;s we are info -.1 to op -a ;. now route out in Color:;do. Sit-ee.ss to the el,! hoy. wherever lte may he. ile is oil"' of e.s a.n 1 a right (lov.M aooil fellow u:l o- er and iif.itts.l. Mr. JJroady, the democratic nominee for Dist. Attorney, in this district, vis ited us yesterday. Dr. Jno. Flack in troduced him around and MaeDonny hobnebbed with him. lie tried to scare Smith but Tzehttcks .we 'd carry (ieot ge like a vniee. Iho.i ly is tt gentle manly little: febo.v Uaniglt and ti good law) er. in e t.-h preciiict, SHOP, .JOHN VAYMAN, rLATTSMGUTH, - - - - XEJi. II- p; iiov of Steam Ktt.trtnes. Uat'ers, Saw ;.n! (a ist Mt.i.s. Gas and Steam Fittings, Co .il whiskv at. ?1.."0 pergallon. oth er braiids tit e-bTo, .'-!';-3.0"and WiK Extra ti'.ie ir igorled whi.diy an t brandy. Gin, Port Y.' in. ,t 'la rry tin-; all kinds of ii.itiorted wiius. Xe-." r'loek of mails i ;dl through. CtiKo-r-iia Cigars, i itl in st oat. Lom'on Ci i aei .Me. Gentlemen now is the lime o save your nt-uiey. lh-i iemher tJ-,o place, one ;.t,v east of the Post Office. Milwaukee E;t::er. v.... ( ,.,,:, i -,- '1 , . :-.-,a:cr. Ctie Coil..: ,- , in. iTohaie d.a.i,, ' se .-:.. er. One C...a:: C. tia.ii-.-! ".s r. S"cen.l or Mi.lule Ihn-d. " , tine e.audy Sa;-iiati o ::t Pit! !:c tiistnte- t!.:l. e.e Co-es.-r. I 'lie ( 'oua: v S nrvevor. ( .!' A.w.. . '1'S.; .h: of the l'e Tv o ,! ' )! . is ! s h ! Sap. : i : ! ia e.-el; ko;,.) i:strirt. 1 '-O i I' .i a i :-s : - : i di I ' i L . . t ; :t e.teli ol l-l iact. V, o e' 'i'.r.'v 'V.'es'.e i -'s-a'l-ed i Vroa.a.t Ir.-a l'ipe. l'oive a: d lift pumps, st cam to inc. J.I;oi.!e at t he same't i Vie.;, fe.-a.io'pl'ioa' or , Oaa-cs Sa' dy va'yc ( tovevn.a-. ::sd all i, het ia. :.::.; ti-.-ro si.alt l.c caarat' -lv mio- kautso ,r:,.vs t n zli.e 1- a aes l,- eon -..:a fee s....... time, f-r n.loptimi hr r,- pa.rc-d en .-.hit t not i.-e. a-::;;. .. is ;.!-!:,.. j..tt rei.aiax to J 5' A ' !3 7J A V II 1 X K SI Y. "s--; ..: t-ie-.-tif. :eei tie- im! -peioiet't : rei:.!r.-l on sho.-t notice. 41'yl iatl ;le "a: '" .l.H e!cci is i'i e pre- , ! Ii -ir pi el - ; eiei.ee !,-r I e.:ed Stales S.-n iter" : v, hi, h sai I h i i.os :;i in.- ..f the ;'- :h-v.h: fon.i : "J er l :-. ' N'.-e 1 'oa h a; he:." ".'. ;ii:el tl-.e New Cei. ' i ::; io::." ' Cor the ; ii-n. i -I.e. ii::.; to S. at ef C .vi rn- . i" i t -.' -.:.h,-d the it-ll.-te -. htt : i i . . the Seat of (t.. erioaeie." ' I " loi h - :ir: ;-dV c :a :r ei. ii-.rs toespi-.-ss . lti.-if p: .-a i- ace I' i' t aile.t :! ti .- i-;i:ilni. "Aicitest l iie a i --.e'u- :.!io-.'.i.-, eie'-tol-s to ex press ta..;!1 pe l'. f. r t i .us Sona- i -is." Wai.-h e". ei v hi ! :.:.e;i. a at S i.Vltu k. a. in., and w.tl ..!.!: .; ,-a a,.; i ! o't-iet ::. ;. v. McGflUK iv Ct. i liv oie'. r of use'e'.'Sftv Caa: nas-ieae: s, . LEGAL XriCKS. x. j. --r vc. v'.' X"; oi .j w fa th-v., : I elth- - i.i ami In th. Tr.e.ate C .;:;: d.r. .it .-. -1 ' , C. i' ( ' t:i: itiji.u ea-i.t .h. 'oi ... !.: v. !i dec o ;', U Hi,:! ';': ; a: I e, s ,. 1 1 : 1. Ill' i ! Mi .! . :':' :' a. has 1' .- -a-t. IGBOVKLl tz BAKER i i.:.e la HOUSE AjJJ IT EX ITU RE I'UR S.i. f. n j .1. !.. i ! ta'-V. : t a - i'd .oa! li t-..,: .! t th l! s.;Vt ,!,;. ;EWfS--; JfACEINE, 1 will sell mv l i, v.'ith gooil well of wttter in ard, atid it'tl my ! iue- -.".!;- - u .m.'.o.ee-e i i. ao i . ...... C.,,. : d !, !.i-t v ;.l aia! i;i,.,.,ii:i'i,. in...1!.,,-..!..,' ij: - ...... .. . V; -l.ess l.-v 1. l! For t;:rt tenia rs call at mv residence, just smith of the Machine shops. Pr'jh.n Pt.i)ia;s.i;. ::!..! a. -. . :: ..:d e.-t : o : -ia" h. o t 'J"',:' I '- ".". ! e ..!.',.- . . ,,. 1.. ; . r V I A L L . hfhiaerts. -.aO, as : '. -. P: d'. '.Veil to l - S 5s - i 'k ZO. CO s I D re 7T ;: I -'- r- 'Ji n i A s EdNFV K) IJAN. Lotee; on inim-o'.ed !te-J Estate can i, . ) the jmii -.!::v - f :, nd :. e-T".. ( Il a hi id - t. !-7t ,; t i h...-- .la-h . : r T . ' j . s. . .a -,...- - i -s . i i . Si . r V(t ... I but bro. Tho.-h the chirr cue, and it is not the fr tt time he has done it i ither. Tw.nty 'tve years .g last ' la iday in the calm sti'i light vi a September inoen. b-rfcro the Wet sc.is.eie; cant 2 0:1, bro. Shryock ('a.';.':!-! V, s, ,-.;..! A:..- ;:: "!-.-- a . .. . -,...0 , Ir ii! (Tel. be ecu re I on n-aoii.dl- tvr;iid by tip-; i.- . . . ia,,-- i.-.o -e th.-e. .-a tio- :,, a e.i;; , ; , r, - , -. . . , ; ; . . .1 a . i ; a :.-.:. . c - a '.V. ! ii: ' ..-.':s .0 in olli.-e . f t!.e i !!: . f ti..'- j o-: -i Co.-o. ;u:i for C.ss eo-.ti-tv. N-!. o-t-.i. I ; , : . i a 1 o.-a c: aa 1 p. c. el .t j.i p. 1 n ion Is to ! l-.-loi't'l il e..:-'-,--, 1- n ; ; -.- -i.-e I r.iv '. I .' ! ':' tl- .- - j.-ii'ie an; :...::: .'ij. W.i.-.a ot. I-. el .i-.ti.", on T. ik Hall, formerly a barbt-r hre. "y;':;. .1 1 - a.-ilth el. . . C. , . , Ne- T..O ll-i.l-l. '..- -..a.. ;!.,. -s. ..--', .'. -,.. on the 20i.li lav of Sept. That ret ties . le-'ot.e .1 . as ii.. hf: o-u a o in s.a I a.l- j n.Li -n, a e. 1 1 :l u ..s a.. -: .; !..- ! i . . s,- ( 1 1 a:d a -hat l..a. :.;ai a ai, i :i''l a- t) I ;:-'. r-a a e: S::;"--',-o! i-.'-C;: !;: d-- - : y ! Is- p i in.'St of t ., o i !..'.!- it'1' s a.'s e.f'.i e; t or ; .. a ... .-:. : .: '. a 1 :-: a. : -: cad s-. .-; :' a - ' :s . eyo .n...,. - :S j,,-,. j;), iioej.. i .- ; t'! ;::-. ..' ;.- p.-r e.-nt. j.er .-.nauta. iniii a' i : : . . t ei-:' ce, :.-, ,i. i , , ; : :. -.-.! ;:..- .;- , . , ... i .-. . -. t t ' -. ' i-v . id ' at SViia: .:-.'. A. T'tir T.. ,r-- i.t. -. ..1,0 't;-l-o'. ' . n-: ' tn t'- :.'':..' !. ;,.'d ::o . ail 1 '; i:.l .v...'.. is ...... . - '1 i. ii-" e-f- plying to IV emc irti di.-d in AN tilth ei. Allaiaak-'O Co., Iowa, i 1 ;-, -.s-.. ,,. Ir-S-i t'l , ra ns 1 .-. ... ledo people ;-assc I through yct-terday, : j, west, from the C. Ik (. P.. Xov. b- c: .a-r.':. Ad '.. ia! :- e. H : .a . . o : ' : ..s' . i.i .'. -a. oii.h. "''. :1. IIEEPS AN EATING- HOUSE. on lov.t.:; main sri;:;iiT, i'LAT'THlToUT'I, - - - - NEB. l-e Civarn. So.i..'. V':-.tei', & 1. -tnotia !o to Cosl yea. Cha sqaavt- M. ao, -L',- t. a:: .'to., ive. t- -.- a1" A'.-s. Wines ..rood la ocas to ho used rea- i . 1 1 e Iv. 1 or o-.i; la-:a :': :." v m ilcsa.e. ! 4 '.- 1 JL !! EJJEEL. I'v p. J li.j 11 ihtii liii.e ig to th" dim- i el. oa e.ist l.t stood up bcf...ie the ;i:;r;--i !i and dottided ' ra vrrt.tic cor. fab Oh what a lead of j iii. p,-: ..-; in'V.i 1. - ,ir f.. 1. .. 1 .... 1;..;. .. ! .0 ..- ... I ... 1 . ; 11:; . r r.-itiii-. i loan 1 ii :i im i i . 1 . e i : i-s I'c-vu 1 1 1 . to.;. .. . Sin .11 1,1 1 )j a; i.i o e. 1 i . r .j 'a is.c -.ti 10: 1 . r 7 - VT- s. i-si Jl c-.-.i :-i to ... ..'. S -,.!, p., .It,-!-- to ! ,-I.o.li S.e:l d -'. , ' a-,;..- j 1. :.- :.. ,., in, .-i; .-a or i- ;.ae -a ;v-st i 'C- I deduced Hates ibr Luiiibcr Clear Hie Tradi: lor our Ii. A. VATEIS3IAN & HOZi W!:l "rlt rrnr.it r.;:r.:".er. f t ". kirn's at t?dtf per in. i'ivj-t rj-euHty of S'crn-sii', SO. Sec 0:1 'I ' " " 3.7. E'lrt ' Il!:irt:i, -X m NocrtJirt " " ' 17. " if.r -A" e!t!ri';le. mf5.ro perM. ri.. 1 fan-.iUcM. ss.3ft. " Odirr 5v:i:lr.i -ii'lit' n:5;er eijiir.IIj- CIrrap v, lt!i iliwis, W i.-h KMaai. tlc Ac. See oth-:' ad. on f.atsi.le. eer since. His neighb.jrs, -,,-i ,hiug to one peer little te:tm to itra oiTi.-r their e.-ngratuhttiotts tltat ltj still s'.trvive-l the perils and tidal waves of the sra of matiimony, gathered to gether hist Friday and presented Mr. and Mrs. Shryock with the following handst uie silver articles: Silver Castor, from Mr. and Mrs. Ja cob Vallery. Ihrry Dish, from Mr. and Mrs. Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Newell, and Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Wightman. Spoon IIol.Er, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vf. Mirshall. Butter Knife and Pish, It. Ik ".Yind-h;-.m. I'itkle Jtir, Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis, and Mis. Kennedy. Ciike Ea.-'-ket, Mrs. Ik Spurlock an 1 siteis. Silver Tea Spoons, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yf. Earncs. Knives ami Folks, Mr. and Mrs. I 'Jr. 1 Schtldkii.vht. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wttv- S;iITil---lEPA Thr Farts. I !.,' S. ! .: I V O! il'.'.. ren-h. re.t e.ie:i eae of thr.il ;a iit-coi .ta.iito Wii! the ' .:'. cr ot s:.:. i-.-t;;t-"!. " a'.! :": i'. - on. r.v Cu vi max ii Sen on f.. 7g. iosatfyl a-, oi i in- oa v, Leral Notice. .T-.!ei :.fo:-aa. ) Ihhf. Aiiatth-de in the Eincolii .S7 :; of' n.-n e'a n.inn. it -rt. Moadav hrd, retl n-ts seven lv ttnd nn- ! , ih.:,.-ra :..: ei ui'lt.ike neti.-.- ti.at i .na. oa : e,:;;:,';','',;-' ii'pv!'1!l"v'" .- s.,. i, . i I,; .,,.,,,.!,., .... o... a .:... I t... 1 ' : . S i i.r L I, NLW Jit,..-., Jli-3.lt tJ.i -..1 I. 111'.'. -.'.Illill V.i , . : i s I'-iu. i I . .i . . . . . ...... ... ... . .. ..... . i " " e ,. , c .-i 'i :: a::d : ' C..ss (.... r. di.o (l!.. t.. i : d.--;. iis;iv t.a'!i !.eds. ty, tUKl tiCCUSCS ItiUl Ol trailing aim I s-a-1 ii r-i ''.o-Mii. ileft. setting I'-.rth llitll j v..,.,..s v-.,t,.,j r-verv 'icr to whi dickering with both delegation-.. o':c- I 't';''- ao'TI : 'flr"! ' rT !k ,K,n-,i: We tire authorized by Mr. Smith, to ! ;V-T i'l1 J;v..:l 'r'' i:: 'na a-at j-ti; j LiL-l-:lll' . ' --- . 111.; .-.,...!. I'..:. a.. I a s..; .. ir j Sj JlH? il M. 4V i'll kJiJ iul t 9 i l'.' '1 m-n I : ra o,. io- ; ,ieir :!. doi t '.he . Marness Manurablurers, SAIi! iT.i; s f.IIID't.IhS, coi.i.ai:s. r.ti'l all kiads of harriers slock, cotisttiutly on ham!. AN!) GrocepIy Store NITS, Xii'J t a.i.tii0.a wj.a cii Jittivii, Is any leei.oe:- f y.--r e'y n-efnol to the tool 1 tl.h a--'ia" ,!: - .-s,-'.' '1 'lie-lie .'. that y.-n a:ay have 111 tnat rxoai aa a"."o;il:l:n!!ia.i,t! d ai 1: ; ie'le l.y u.sin 27. e IF. !;.'t!'I E-:rth a-l. It i it.'.o;--..,J l.y tkoas.'.ii.'.s ol families who p.,.-.. .,. . p.. .., ( 1 '. , e.a s. cad. l.y the ia-st .aea. i.-.d a : ; h.s it v ia ilc -aid ry. it is id oaly a cone'01 1 , Imt is eadispeti ,aaie 1 1 . .... I -.1 ai-. -. : , t. .1,11" 1 lie I.1..1.U I l -i.i , : ia . -s o v ! .- . d 1 1 (i;s;,-;.a i-.ini t iu an t fot 1 .-s '..a.'.:'.. N -'.r .-:.::. a: id 1 '.a: ..aa - - . app.'.u- and aj.swer !-.v tl .sit. d -y of h. .. 1 1 i ot: tie ,-:ii-:... .IMIN . !'. ilt.'.y, l'y COAOtA.'t r .S; S-l tavo y. 11 - ht. t-.fys. state that this is wholly untrue, ami it will so be proven. The three counties are not disgtt.strd, j and both this county ami Earn a.sier at e cir: for it Fig majority for Smith and Pound, whatever Otoe and Xemaha may d y. Th.e Star savs Smith was ttfraid of tie ,,. . . . I S . A ! 1-. i 1 i 1 . J s. 1 ,.-s, o !; pi we, I-' JlQntliuan voters of Lancaster, j rve-tv. at tads ..-r-e. imiii si .:.. ic ia. ! and so broke his btngam with riCTtlUniC vZ-t' ri. t (, T r i. tl : . o I liitlde- i-.r ti e .M'e.e v i'i mav o.n.e, lit -v lite ii.nr OVer-l cacao. .t ui.u j pip .; i :1s. ba: Vda I '.:t.el. Ni-lna--ta. hi i aaa- fact and there are P.'.JO Itei. voters in ! t : t i - .s as i. ...nr. a .i.aoa; s. -. ad .p ; i :. - ..! r.i-net'.ster wh will vote for Pound and ; H-i'inottlo f-r-'" otr'"1 '"a TIt-ro' Ai.-ri-e" I'ttcr. : Tt'M I'l.ATi'ii. fT:; . . ti.'i.vr A. Nr.!-... s. -.:. IS. Is75 1 I A! lh I'd-01'! ) s. l.S. ia tr: 1-1 a-:!". v :d 1 A. jLj oiiidAUj bTATii, AGEN 1 srs -rs x t 1. canimms. TIIAS, -TGAllS. corniKS, TOMACCOI-IS, FJ.oia. . i er-L' ' .. . .. -. ; '-3 T a :.:!dioas (2d. I-' .- oa-.. it i!.' 1 bright, Mr. and Mrs. 'iV. Erantner, and j 'it h U's as good a thing as we want, t l; Vb !'! ' - 'y Mr. and Mrs. E. Frown. ar. 1 rshows that Mr. Smith's friend's ,.'i; 7. fd le'V; It is ebta to brother Shryock to state j (Roi jjr s,:nitli) did a wise t!attg in mat ta..- -c-'-i.-' ;'., aaLaa.'-Fbi, a-.'.' d '. i Yi)A SAJ.F.. A f tr-'ti e.f : .m -teres, inela Fmir jt) acres taut he i.its out ft.w si'ver tiire-ads am. i.g th.; gobl, so no grey hairs c..n cet in the but : rr lish ; but long years after this, when th: llmtAl.a is gath er timber, and a good bearing orchard. f l0 Fath.-r'.s, we expert to hear Tev:!ti?:;Frv,eii d )tv n. b-d- j , (l.;r (.idren's children going to an ante en tim. F.r firtner piattcn.ars : . ,, . ,. , oaU o: or ad-in-os. 10-:1 5 'Otden t-dutng, and las v.r.s. ;i. a. .liiir.iis, 2.':S Eiglit Mile (Eove, Xe'o. - V V 1 ( '- . 1 iff i "'' "TilO a. -i p -j-pi v y v 'tn and f th oays of Oct., at the drug -r'-Z-- -A J CTW-j-2.i-c . j ,;, ire of T H .p.Mf.ry for the purpose nr. me v. id be Shrvock. E lib' IsTKAlt'S .NOTICE. I will ret Friday and Saturday the th and V-th days of Oct., at the drug am row r re-.-: ed to tlx an v kind of of corrrci ir.g the Pegtstry, forth Mtt-'ii'ic-s tliat needs repaaing ! ' ae ...... ir taen ia the l-iaee. I have jast rereived a ! cers, to be It. ld on the lJt!t day of Oct ci staid id Ce.mtv ul. making the nominations they did. Art ' i ;.'; to Smiths' knowing the X-iri tale to i ;v;.'.; ', be true as gospel Smith says it's ::.s ! .;,!''',';! fidse as well its '1 odd's te-moeraeT. . i'.-- Wo un hastate! Mr. Proa lv pi-..-posfs 1 ' i'. '." i i ds :e.i:s' !. in trl; lie .. -lv I. !' (',.. :. i f..'C.. , , ' -rt i' , ;. .', it i- i -r-e . ,t Hi ie '',v a I '.;"!'; a- :-l"l.e r d .n can I'sl; i i "1 - ' - - - r i :AN ' : . . J - i -'' .'' " '.' ft.-'- Ihae,en.'.er I'm place, oppo ite II. O. Dovey's oa f.etver Miiia Si reel. .7 h TJIEK, IIT tO MILL EE. NE V LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE 53 rn .a. 33 Xa S3 ! AN OLD STAl-ID, BUT A HE 77 1-IAN. The pa:-.::.'! -hip of . M. Sir. iuht ami W. D. .i'.iiitS, Oca. .ills t.i uissoltcd ltl hnd nil k!ntbs of LUMBER, DOOM. SASII, BLIXDS, NHIXULHS, L AT IIS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, Plaster Paris, etc. AT bOWKST MAIHiED UATIIS. Vifi 1 13tn.1 Call ami Kxatnine. A. VV. WHITE, IVu'cr in GEOCERIE Main st., bet. Mil ami fith., 1 'FATTS.MO l.'Tl I, - - nk: Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. GEO. SHAFER'S y7i7 a (c Ph VH AND BLA0KS3UTII SHOP, roil IIORSE-SHOEIXa, 7IiMUiiiif; and I'cjiairin? ! -4Lr. XI.S (jF FA I'M TMl'LEMEXTS Mended and Fixed. ,pMev Wagons for S90, KnpijiOM rind Ii?:ht Vt'iifoiin on IiaiKt. aral for ii!e r.ll tlie time. C Jt J? -Z 2 F O K C 6' Jl. Nutr Wagons made to order. Itates reasonable ami work ituarauletal. Oa M'ashittv.ton Ave.. I l'LATTSMOUTIT. 4oy i iii t.r Tt h si., ( Ntd.. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF P P A P FT R I il il U L tl kl I ELS IN TOWN. ritoi-m KTott of PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main re.., ntnler First Nat. Hank.) iS.lTTr.Sfr 'E3. - - - . s;22. 1V C.AIt IS SUI-1'I.IK.I WITH TIIK BEST TINES, LIUUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 4fivl 'i'il Jl taiHAT I'Al'KI-: , s . ur Jr. YV. J). J0:iKS, Sr.. JL' nf.v le.lh..'. t:iid can guarrntr-e toy worl ..I prices that w id not beggar the pom man or woman to pay. Also, (inn Work nf every description ail kinds of n.-i" m-.ahaitieal wotk c.itt be elone at my shop. 0Tt2 j i:o. W. Kins mn. C i.e j.00 NOTICE. IIa7in soi l $2.0)0 worth of boots G. II. J.la; ::, n.L,..-d.ii. -i--l -.v;i! t ,'h-t i;h tie-provN,. . . . . , t i t ' the -jCaa I : te :-. i -. ;. 1 to; aia 1.- 'a. r.-.e- -i to circulate tms fe. ttider in po -trrs. In j r,.'(il ...,;,a.,t p-, ca.et ....-;u.-rn... :- this county at lf-ast it can do no harm. 'i,!.'' l" -k :A il!!-v !:" l lie i.i.iv circulate mid spend his cheeks '! ' i'Uhi t- r-.h-.-t any or Ml hi is u r..-rve. : .-hOih ! i.fs f-a !.;a,... i-.ad fat. cotiiuti.... s a. cte for nothing. "We Stlld a good Word lof kaee.vn t.i ar-'.'.:e.uiuu to this a.:::-.-. I i- e i no - - Mr. Eroady, elsewhere in the paper, i 2v IiFpery'i "?.(.'..' -li.'e.h supposing lie was a genth men, but if: - T th:? is his Ft vie f v.'ttrfttre shall ' j.i0l1C8. have to take that hark, if Fib story j wrs true we ou.ght to have hea-.l it i i : ia ti e reie.'.o. a. am joe. s att i t 'te p' j pid.-li.-.-.'.i.s X.h..d:a and Otoe b. fore ! tttis. '1 '.f O ' -' U-sllodnT-h. Onf i.i. .i i , e 61 iT-,.i ;,- and i e'ni'cc iiiu Far!. . in..' will oj..-;i a v.-o.v ! ivc-c, reci. and Sale Stable, at 1 a,: ( (Id 1 i I A i JiAWN.ou .Main Sii.-et, j t. I east .-l .1 ..m si. .anion's tv.-a knuwn Staid -. i'iaiisii. o.uii. Ne'o. ITorso-s. E.eanis' A- t'arriastcj. to let tit ad .ini'-s, at ica-i-aiahle mtes. iOON.'-.s- lUtAltftKl) ,'!!' THE DAY, U'EKIC, ii :;; v '.. t : r'i.-.dai' a: i -atioa aaa. to ir: n. ; i-.l-i .l.iili I i- !io:ses. I!;n!i.;:.;i!h:' at ; haices i shall ' n; I-..- ii particular feature :f l"V omsom ss h,u die. ; :iad lane '.line of I'll' sT'IlNti STe;CK. T-T illo i F ' d. ::: ; v i ll lo.'.-.tti ;dl ever the eo'inty. no li ii "y p. i o. ., edia :!:-:; is nt-i-essary. I cordially itl- ' . . .s i for si nd fcln -lled by is p ..e ,'s ati ... t d too thin ti ! .-- i .- - d f r O-HO:!. -,t - ; i : -a. . The 7'e.'-i Prhe Paid for Jvl j l'-m..cratie dodge ta win here r.t thi .)'ioi i'vii in its j t r t i "it t i I;iifi.:iy. .Iji jit i.a.jao j x i a 1 1 1 . . I tin- I . j 'Shy, ;:.-.- No. !' fC"o"". .. .. .. .. .O. .atdy " " it .-.-.:... I r !:.::-: .: :I Ttr . hi--.: .,-M'- i - 'i.:- -1 i'V i.i- Aacast .--th. 1 at t oaaty. N:-.a..s'-:a. t.-v virtue I - 1 ! T!:-UtIh'-lay;l:!ln- l - .: . : i: s, :!.. ... . ic t ; I ; eee Imd i - : de o:dy one I l-T ilvt a.!)-. &a II ) I i i'. ria.s l.a.ci ...1. s .nt fd 1 yd ft j I.i.a. A . i j-i : JTZS b Net de ia t, ie.ids to ea:' alul see me, and they tnl ii.-et.ive a he i.'ty v, ciclue. itcspectfiilly, W. D. JONES. of ail kinds, at my FRUIT ROOM, mi Main Vlrrcr, to be kept nn exhibi- a .:.:. a.-,, ti. 0, tent :....:. in: , .: s: ., i .a' i ;: i i: a- d si at. s. and i tt l s. !-. ', ! I :a.- .-ri. ..::,. t -tt it : I . - , i- , . 1 . ... ... ! .:,.;: !.:.. ..:. i..- s.;.:.e ...is .i'-. i-i. u NO EXCUSC FOR ULINtJ fllCX. I ,,',0. ,!i:lt T, , , i -'d. That it was r.-n ov.-,I o!: the li ill -rv 1 Xo jiers-i'i can use Eosche s Crnn.m j ;., ;,;i ,!f : t,, ;. ,;i f ...... Kli !,...-! . ;. j Svrun without getting imme-litite te- 1 tt '. 'i hat e as .-, :-a.-. ci wnii iat.-i.i t- a I i:".f 1 ic. 1, ... . e n :,..o . f'-' - ai: a Sed'-s . f tie tax la. p-aa. I 110 itii'i oiir. 11 t- 11.11.- 0.1; ii .sv i.i.u- 1 ... . ; . . , ... ,. , ,. ..... . ., , ..... , ... : -i I e.' I (ibstAv'i "el X Z 2 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and Oalo Stables. Cot in r.Oih and. real Sts. norsie Tei.nip.i r.v tiis HOT. S E 3 DOUCHT, SOLD 0R TRADED, For Yulv Co:iii;iision. and shot's viae I bean scii'in-" at r- ! tt.-m for the iiiFpoetion of thoa who ' ci Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or ! ;.t r! ' ai ra-ah -.fa:- t I't-.-i.-i-.i. , j J j Xg:,"--- duel prices. I nm still boumf to fur- 1'Unt th. best kind of fruit. , any dt .,;te of the thriiat an.Uar.gs. j et ::::.,'.-.: f.,'.',;; 'Ia'::':-;;:, . .. Also ppt-cinittis of vegetables arel grain to I. e.a .ts-ni toat ha.s not been ctat it. ; 1..., i .-, c ;., ,, j.,..-,.., i, - t , , ,r, m-ti mil T" R thfr reduce my stock, now is your time. ! w.;.il1iL j Ave lir.ve distiib-ale-l eVsiw year for j . . VF ;;: 1-s-..-i.-a..i..i.. ;... .a ab-e.-e a.ii 1. 1 tiij I IV lots formerly ST.0: now SV)h J i ani soliciting ord-rs for all kinds i thru years, over ifVi.ooJ sample b.;t- u.;-..., the niii'w t.'.r ! ota-nsr am nsx 4i Fine Kid Shoes, form'lv .'J.oU,- " o-" ; of fruit trees and plants, from apple i tics by Druggie tr. iu all parts of the: j be. r a -.: . b-a .: i. r the aisii-u t t.r N. hi.o- f The best IS thrratl serge shoes only x.2- tr-es to strawberry plants, ornamental j United States. Xo ether m';:i uf. letur- ,k;';-',V:V ..' 'Vc- ''b' r--''1 -e' : " M-n's Shoes 1.2o t tr..?, shrttbbery. tlowers, seeds. X.e. 1 er of me.lirlnes ever gave tlu-ir pre;a- ; i.v:-, a a. 1 .,:m,i ,', ...eiiViaaa or sal f 'lneeri-vi: roiistaiitty. nBt iir.en s .a!cs 1.00 1 I hav a 1001a fr.U of pictures, and i rations sneh a test Ji3 tut. do to your ; '' '.' "'y:"-';-' .'' V,1, ft; . -0 1 iiae'-.e. Vi-l: an'.-l Ko-.vtin 'al! and cvamine. Xo charge for ! wi.-h to show all the kinds of fruit j Druggist O. IS. Chapman, and get a Ud- '' .,7'; 'iai,": ' '' m" ,'hv'o' ah- ! q,,4-t, qhh-i nf TTr i etii" 'Oils toi'l I'l .ce... vv 1.1 oe naiipv i mat gio. t.a i oeai u'H 111 iui - ; i...- . -.. nn. . . , s s. - ... ,. .... 1 .0 iticm l,tth. ! rintty. W.S.WiT. reliave you. Sample bottles 1 rents ; IK;,i,.v r.,. , Ni ;lh .Sl. PLATTSM0VT1I, ltf I'tTiu: Minittiis. J Plaltsiaoulh, Xeb Sept. 13707 leach. j .n Nh-hi-. j.tti. - j ; ;. 1 b I TEAMS AT ALL HOURS. ' j I'ai tti-ular a'.U 1uii.11 paid to II, ; Drivinc: and Trainincr I j T?.OTTE ti KTCt'ri. f aln.Uaf. e. t.A JiAiiAAj IC iioAv 11 as the w. 11. .jo: sis siits:i.-. Fil"e.r pari iicie, c-.-e b'.ihs or posters. rtvl EHUjIAX 3USKI1Y. Ju-sf PuhlixhrA, in a S ab d EnrtU'jir, j-rirr, B rl A l.eet.ire on th Nature. Treateient. and I'ai. Ileal cure of Seminal VVakness. or Sperma loiihiea, i'lil'ic.-d by Sclf-Abitse. Invoiniitary I'ai issions. Impotence. Nervoi: I.'.-biliiy, an.l Ii-pcihntciits to man i.m" ir'-neiid'y ; on sum p tioii. Kpih psev. atid l'ils ; Mental and I'll vsie:i I.ieapai-itv, &c. I'.y KOltFUT .1. t'lA l-.ll-Wl-d.l.. f. I)-. author of the "(Ireen Hook." Tiie world-renowacd author, in this admiiit hle Lecture. c!e;irly proves from his own e per il nee ihar t he a v. f-'il ci-iise.pieiiees of Self-Abuse laa v be etn cliiaiiy icniov.'d t ahoi.t medii-liie, aiei witliout .lanfei-oiis surgic.d operation, bou gies. iiiMtnnueiils. rhnrs. or cordials ; pointiuji out a taoile of eure at once cell ; in and effect ual by v hi'-li t-very sutlerer, no matter wh it his eoni'.l ion laay " be, may cure himself cheaply, pi-;v.!i"!y. and 1 ailiea! I v. ; " ' iti I ;rl 'hit )aVf jiriou c rt fioon o f.oiw on'ff and cecoie. Sei.t under al. in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six c ents or two post si-imps. ' Audress the Fublishers, 'it.s. j. ii i.i r. & o to-rily 'r l-'7 Ilnvtery, N. Y. ; l. ). box. 4. sit. OMAHA ADS. (ix-aml Centra! Hotel. lairtresi and foo-st liot.-l between f'liienjjo and S:iu 1 r.vacisco. l.-o. Thrall, proprietor, onaiai. VSEEPIXG WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DKALEl'.S IN' Til yyuiid, GPiOCEKIIUS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. Aral I'tiraiers-HupplleH onerally. Our Goods are all New, and v.e s. 11 thvin CIIIIAr. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (iOyl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. ! CEDAR CREEK ADS. -inr.viv- .G.DOVEY'S NOTICE TO TIIE PUBLIC I Having made up rny mhnl seveail ywirs rj?o RETIRE FROFfi BUSINESS nbout tlie end of THE YEAR 1S7V, and beinc still of th" H.inie"tnlnd. I take t?I nietiiod ef Infoi niinir I no public that I am s.-iiaiH out lay ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS I AT COUT. and slaill rontjntie doiinj o t IiniURh Ihls Joft or until I lie Is disposed of. During that time I liiter.1 K Sell Goods for Casli, Iiwer Ihan iaiy oilier hou.se ran do and sustitla tht iiiselve.s. ily .stock consists ot il ROC FRIES, DRY GOODS, HA TS 6 OA PS, BOOTS tfr SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPFTS, d:C, dC, C. The vvhote stock Mill bo ol.t nt BoitomPrices until i! 1, ALL SOLD OUT. My object is not to but to GET out of BUSINESS. (live i no a call and see for yourself. i:. G. IIOVEY. LOUISVILLE ADS. IIt. .1. M. WATIlltMAX, Physio Kcdical Practitioner. IsiulriV.e, Ciuh Co., Xct. CTAlways ;it the otli -e on Saturdays. nyl MORROW BROS.' IS LA C K SJU TI AXD Machine Shop. At I). L. Morrow's o'.d stand. Seventh St, & Chicago Avo. "We ate prepared to do a j'ern-ra! btislne In HORSESHOEING, Anil Itepnlrlnr: nil Iit of !Hnr!ita rry. sitrh n- Iti-ajierts. Jliiwrrs, Tl;r-liliisr .flnrliiurM, I'loii t, Ac, 4f. IDE,a33SI3sTC3- MILL PICKS, AND AM. Iron & Steel Work a Specialty. Xctv 1V:go:i ii nuirgios do To r!r. ZZrAll Work W, ri'iu!d to (lira Sat-isfai-Um or Mnn-y R-fimi't-d. CARPENTER WORK! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the buihlintr oj.posit.n Math ews Hardware Store, (On tl Ii Street, Itet. Maui and ine.i 'hT. la ndditlop to other work, lit; w ill Kive special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAK1XU I'lriCT'.E FHAMES.AC. Also A treat for tl. COMMON SKNSII I I'.OS- INC; TAltl.KS. of which 1 have ; number ou hand ; call and see iheui. Careful Work and' Prontpt Attend-ati'-e to CnVx. 40-t v V. M. T..TC( K1IU. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Til iioiisi; SHOKINO, AJrt w a;on nr.i'AiiiiNa. All kimls of r a;:m im tlem knts memled ?".tly C- Promptly :0: J. IN H ELDER SON, IKAI.F.ItS I.V ro)T.-; suoa. axd gwh'Ehies. Of every kind. at the lowest possible rates. A'so DEALERS IN GRAIN. For whi h the Iti-'hest C.H ju ices are p;iid. Jlides and jiroauce of :.1I kindi bought at lteasonanie rates. ...... . . m..: .... i w;n.i- i Oil I'olEl ... o,'i-..e,-.. ....i. ...... . .... ''-.'.' ..-.,.. ,..,--- "-.. ... .- S ..,. s. .... . J . ... ......... l. ..... .. I I I.' I" I I . s . . z A u. Mmr m. r. i-. a . mr , ... e.i.ii oi-rR,;,,:l. ;l.-:.i.s Ii'.' ilioil I 1 1 1... . lie r, r. ........... Icyl fVI.SN CO., XEUllASKA. ofi h it. r' Horse, Milled OxSIiooin?, In short, we'll shoe anything that h;w four feet, from a F.r-brn to a CJirsiffe. Come ;md see us. JNTSW SHOP,