f. r THE HERALD. LOCAL XEWS. L( (.' A 1. A u v E IHTS e M UN TS. Trsn-dent. as cent a lino. Regular advertis ers. 1I renin iht line. N udeiiiscliie lit iliscr lud for U- tli.in cents. l.eal Notice at Statute rates. Attorneys and oliieers of I lie l;iw will be held lepon-ii'iie !nr all leual it !-- they hand in, ;iii! all p.u lies deni.iiidin.' a proof nf pnhlica li.'ii i( ;inv notice will lie held for the publica tion fee of suel notice. CO MM U N IC ATION. A our space is limited, nil communications I. m-it br brief and lo t!ie im i:i t. Willi no wahte of itiird.s. newspaper decisions. I. Auy person who take- the paper regularly ,'l,im the .li.'liee. wlwliler liireeleil lo Ins li.iir.e. or v,!iel ii.-r lie is a Mil srri,er or liol is lestioii-iliie lor the 1'iiV. J." il anv prison ou'ers Ins pu; r discontin ue 1. !, mii-t pav all am" ii.i'es. or tin- publish er may combine' to send it until ;'. incut is m el-, a'nl eolieel the w imltr unioiitit, whether toe j in tken Iroiii i': o'liee r not. 3 I lie courts e c I im-s ! i I that leitisinjr to l.i -te new nia vers a: el i. i I i ! from i he io The Catholic Church begins to ap pear above tue foundation. Dick Keese lias got the prettiest new red sulky, and he is going to trot it at the Fair, and lie is as tickled as a boy and twice as happy. Good for Old Dick. The folk3 who went up to Omaha to see liarn din's Hippodrome Lust week, are having a great deal of good natur ed fun over their escape of being liar-nuuiized. There will be a called meeting of Plattsmouth Encampment on next Fri day evening. JJusiness of importance. Travelling Patriarchs are invited, liy order of the C. F. Our Circus last .Saturday, as might bt: expected, was well patronized and although it bore evidence of being ... oriei.ienv a:eS i-avi:i them MiHaiieii I rjitjr an impromptu affair, the ier- l.j.,iif,:iuw f tvi'haie of I m K.v ;t ion a i. ; ntu i. i formances were fairly creditable and g ive satisfaction. 2. & M. II. R. Time Table. Crrti:ll M n l-iy. June 21 st, to:: omaha n:oM pi.attsmoitii. a. m. Arrives 7 :l"a. in. 2-.it j. ai. A "rives, - j. in. r.j..)M omaiia v-.y.i plattsmoctil L.:ii .. :'" in. Arrive-. 1 a. in. .Mil . ,: i -n: v H . III. IJ.o-,.ln. 1 li :4.r p. i:i. In :'li- -S i . in. Arrivs ." ii. in. v .:i i :u: wks r. ::irif; . ii :ii ;i. hi. Leave Lincoln, Arrives I'lal tsnioiit !i, 3 :JX p. in. t-iI -4 K v r : train c-aeh ii IV :V P.M. Inf. Albe.-, gives a "Fair Dance" Fitzgerald Hall to-night. A e.mple f light-' t wo bi s in the loe! l.i.-.L Sunday and iii as tlie result. Mik: li,:.t, m, iinoll!). teller wanted more e hiii li.nl two new windows P'it in his nt w br'wk blacksmith sliop. 'J :. K;isi.' pal S.ci.i!Ic will meet at Mrs. .Ino. A." MaeMurphy's on Tliurs ilay evening, Mopt. o). A cordial iuvi tation is exteniled to all. They do say that our friend Foster was married according to the Meiinon ite system, where the parties botli swap names ;nd I,. r al"l"r it will In; (I. Ueck n'.T and L. Fester. Democratic Ward meetings next Sat urday night, as follows: First Ward- Judge Ellisons office. Second Ward German School House. Third Ward Dr. Livingston's oilice. Fourth "Ward City Council Chamber. !iO,OSO Envelopes want printing at the 1Ii:kall oilice. W ANT L I) at my shop, all the cast iron you have to sell, lor cash. 1 intend to start a foundry in October next. John Waymax, Flattsmouth Xeb. MONEY TO LOAN. TllIKTV TlKHSAXO DoLhAKS ($30,- 00;),) to loan, on improved farms, in Cass County. Inquire of J). II. WllEKLKK & CO., 2U3 Flattsmouth, Neb. HANDS OFF. Hands off, is on every specimen in the fruit room, what does that mean? Well it means "hands off." Please dont touch my specimens. A word to the wise is sufficient. W. S. West. Jioois a.iJ S.;oe.s, f.r ViiAli. cheaper than ever, Pi:ti:k Mekoks. HATS! A Uu st.u k .if ; Jf ATS.' HATS! w Hats. I.atet htl; at VM. STAHKI..M i.a; riAsoNic. conoeation of Macov Lodge No. 22, on Friday evening. Lecture by Hon. fieo. S. Smit!:. All Masons are invited lo bi present. Will the frieu !s of thu tlifforent can did ifes in the. county send us their tuim. ages, meui:ition See, that we m ty i t il the people a little about the in n thev ;..-ked to vot for. r ! t At tl i:i reg i; S-:!..:l hail )i)i'itt'-i i. T.tho.r t';-n;s tliev ; ing ( a! 1 V.l. ling, a j.i.viit th' t i . d to t;ike action iisal f the High :i:nitti'o was a;- tru.stees oi th" 1 seo on what i! 1 hie tie. here. There were three weddings in town l.tst week, all by Mr. E:irge:s and the Dominie is getting fat on it. He says this is th worsted marrying commu nity be ever lived in and lie hopes they v;!i keep it up all winter. II03IESTIC PAPER FASHIONS. The undersigned desires to call the attention of the ladies to the new styles of the celebrated fashions just issued. They are the cheapest and most per fect lilting patterns manufactured, and will be sent by mail postage prepaid, to any address on receipt of price. Send for Catalogue. Mits. L. M. Johnson. 2512 i-'OG Dodge St., Omaha. We are informed that the ltev. Mr. Crippen's China wedding, last Monday was a very pleasant affair, very well attended. The IIekald and wife would have been there except for the weather. It just rained enough to scare us out that evening. ANOTHER GOOD CITIZEN GONE. Mr. Christiansen and wife bade adieu to Piattsmouth yesterday, very much to the regret of his many friends here. Such citizens Plattsmouth can ill af ford to lose. Mr. Christiansen informs us he h:is no settled destination as yet, but will visit friends in eastern States forwi time. The good wishes of their many friends here go with them where ever they may settle. Tht c t::1 of Mr. ( wh rely alt! i:h d. Kui gilts' Tempi; , ;l Omaha. Fortv-five :e 1 u was J.i r mount d Kui ghts' Templar followed the hearse, and a g U numberof car riage? hearing- friends a:i I sincere mourners. About thirty went up from Plattsmouth in a special car, kindly 1 urnished by Mr. W. Irving Stipt. of the voad. HICHKST AWARD. I received Diploma for line dress bo.)ts at the Stale Fair and continue to make the best and nicest fits. (Jive in e a call. (14-tf) P. Mkkoes. FA Ii JIB KS ATTENTION! Julius IVpperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St.. Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish ami Ameri ca:i Tehr.ceocs for smoking purposes. Fat S.7.V. Uest ijualities of plug-smoking tobacco ahvavs on hand. Jo-tf. FOR SALE. A farm of 1 1.1 acres, including 40 acres of timber, and a gocx I bearing orchard. Terms 8'i per acre, :? 1.500 down, bal ance on time. For farther particulars call t'M or adtlf-ys. Mks. M. A. JrFFEirs C t8 Eight Mile Grove, Neb. Nebraska is ag ii a triumphant en the question of fruit growing, she received the vS ilder Medal fr the rinest collec tion of apples at t!ie Chicago Exposi tion. Ncbr.L-.ka productions are exhib ited by the Land Departments of the liailroa Is and bv the Horticultural S- Th Congregational church ha been bought, re-plastered ami refitted in good shape by the Christian denomina tion, who are going to dedicate the same on the third Sunday in this mouth. Chancellor Denton, of State I'nivcrsity, will officiate, assisted by other distinguished men in the State. AH :u invited, A special invitation is extended to the ministers and churches of the citj'. :iKETI. OF THK UNTERRIFIEI). If there is one thing behind the age inoiv than another it is the privy sys tem. Exeept in a few of the larger cities where witter closets are used there has bivn no improvement since The old fashioned bourbons, dyed in the wool democrats, never surrender, no laps and jams,met in the Court House on Saturday and held a conclave. They elected as delegates to their State Convention at Fremont, J. Vallery, Sr., J. Patterson, Dr. Donelan, J no. Heff ner and Dr. Winterstein, and to the District Convention, also at Neb. City, Harrison Smith, Messrs Oldham, Cur tiss,. Draper, Clemens, and Doc. Jones. Their County Convention is at Eight Mile Grove, on the 25th, at 12 ni. Hoop, Hoop, Hurrah! Mr. John Wayinan hands us the fol lowing letter which speaks for itelf We are glad to see that lie is meeting with such good success. J:;o. Waymax, Plattsmouth. IharSir: The four horse pow er engine bought of you and used by me for cleaning and elevating grain works to my entire satisfaction. lean with an expense of 40 or 50e for fuel clean and load a car of grain in less than two hours, and with more elevat ing capacity can load a ear of 350 bush els in an hour. The boiler I believe will generate steam for two such en gines. Very Respectfully Yours, C. II. Pin ki i am. OUR FAIR Opened Tuesday Good Display Good turn out. If the weather only let3 up we shall make it a grand bucccss. It is decided to .continue it cite day longer on Saturday as the weather so far has been unfavorable, ami en tries were coming in all day yesterday. Turn out every one, and help make it successful. Dance! Fair!! Albee!!! To-night!!!! The house recently vacated by Mr. Christiansen will be occupied by Mr. McLaughlin. One of the unoccupied stores in Fitz gerald's block is being fitted up and will be used by Mr. Neville as a Bil liard Hall and Saloon. Mr. Osborne, who took Mr. Egberts place onjhe li. & M. It. R., has settled with his family in Plattsmouth. They are occupying Mr. Pottenger's house. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans on improved Real Estate can be secured on reasonable terms by ap plying to Pollock a Reauosly, lTtf Plattsmouth Neb. One good buggy for sale at the IIei: alu oilice. DEATHS. JONES Dieil at Omaha. Sept. 10th. IIvhon Lkhov, only child of tleore S. rani S. C. Junes ; aged fifteen months and lvele U;ijs. Mr. Ceo. S. Jones is a brother of Mrs. K. Viv ian of our city. 1S7S. PERSONAL. We are i!eesed to learn that the ltev. Mr. McKelvey has received one of the best appoint ments in Nevada Territory, at Virginia city. While among us lie won the esteem and respect of all, and we know that the people of l'latts niouth are always jjlad to hear of his success. The IIkrai.d met an old friend, Mr. Almond White, at Herman, last week, and.aLso heard from another, Mr. S. M. Carhart, at Ogden, L'tali. They propose to take a II era lu, after this. MaJ. Wheeler left for Omaha with his traps for the State Fai On Tuesday. E. M. Denny, of Blair. taks a Hbkai.D, now. Ve shall have lo he careful what we say about the l'.lair boys in the future. Mr. Miilcr, of Weeping Water, takes a ITer alu from now on. It strikes us that we have lie;nl th;:t name before. Ixyd savs he hits quit preaching from that verse in Job, and turned it over to Mr. Crippcn. Our old friend King, at Eight Mile Grove Just did splendidly on Convention day. His dinner was super abundant ami put two inches of fat on the ribs of every candidate. We caught a glimpse of our Salt Lake friend Tarker Wise, on the street the other day, but did not learn how long he would be with us. It looks cood to set linn among us once more. HARRIED. UALLANCK-1U 'TTKKY Married, on thc'Uh lust., at the resilience of the bride's father. I the Kev. Mr. Hm-gef. of St. Luke's, Mr. Oeo. B.illanee to Miss Kliahclh liultery. Ail of J'laltMiiuutli, Neb. After the marriage rani v e l;a 1 all kissed the bride and the Hkkalu had kissed the Krnom, and the old folks had all looked wistful because they couldn't do it all over acrain themselves, and the yonng folks had all looked sheepish because they wsuited to and touli'.u't. Mrs. But tery threw iiien the dining room doors and there was the fattest table, the biggest turkey, and the most good things we ever saw. Mr. Burgess asked a blessing and we mentally add ed, "may the Buttery family have a wedding evry week, if this is the way they get it up." Maj. Wheeler presided over the carving knife, and Mr. Buttery, blushing like a rose, threw in the vegetables and other good things. My stars ! Wihut an appetite it gives a fellow toct married: that table was a wreck before be fore we could eat half as much as we ought, and then v.e had some toasts and good wishes ard desert. The happy jiair. and we know they were hap py for they looked it all over, left us on the af ternoon train for Michigan. ANOTHER ONE. FOSTER EECKXKR Married. o-i Wednesday evening. Sept. lh. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Kev. Mr. Burgess, Mr. Oeo. Foster aini Mi-s Lydia Btckner. Both of I lattsiiioutll. Neb. This w:is a very neat little wedding and kept very quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Foster hoped to sur prise Mr. and Mrs. P.alh'iiee the next day, but man proposes (to many) and gosijs are dis posed to tell all they know, so that our friend Foster's little ruse was pretty well known on Thursday morning. The IIkhai.o wishes you both the greatest amount of happiness possi ble and hoies to always number among its friends Mr. George and Mrs. Lydia Foster. At a Centennial meeting hastily call ed together in the Court House bust evening, Dr. J no. IJlack was called to the chair and GEN. BR1SBIN, one of the National Centennial Com missioners addressed us. The General is a very pleasant and a very energetic Rl-eaker. He says the Centennial must be a success, they need some money and they must have it. He told us of the great size and magnificence of the build ings at Philadelphia, also described tlie officers in charge of the various depart ments. There is some two millions of money needed yet to complete the build ings. Stock has been issued by the managers at 810 a share. It h;ts been apportioned among the different States and Nebraska's share is 830.000. He asks us to help take this up. It is not offered to the people as an investment but asked first, tis a patriotic duty. The General says though that he thinks it will be returned, that is the. original stock will be made good and even a premium paid on it, and we think so too, if Centennial affairs are honestly managed. Ninety dollars were subscribed last night and a committee apiointed to solicit more. Said committee consist of two gentlemen and one lady from each ward, as follows: First Ward 11. It. Livingston, Jno. Fitzgerald, and Mrs. MacMurphy. Second "Ward J. W. Johnson, E. G. Dovey, and Mrs. A. "Wright. Third Ward S. M. Chapman, Wm Stadelmann, and Mrs. Thos. Pollock. Fourth Ward A. Child, J. W. Mar shtil, and Mrs. Winterstein. Gen. Livingston, as chairman of the Committee, requests that they meet at the house of Mrs. MacMurphy, on next Monday evening, to organize and prepare for future work. Please re member. Gen. Rrisbin read us a very hand some poem on our old Continentals, which with a beautiful picture called Progress, will be given to each share holder. We want to see the Centen nial an assured success and will feel proud to have Cass county do her share. Gen. R. deserves our thanks for his vast and unremitting labors in this cause, and he has them. Commit tee, do your duty. Rig trotting race at the Fair Grounds to-morrow. Notice. Notice is hereby pivenhat the following de scribed goods to-wit : 1 Barrel Whisky, Stamp No. B P79.S3. i yrx.uit. 1 " " A 55.!.:W2. l " I ) 4-'4.o;i. 1 Brandy " It 55a.3SJ. all gnaged for Kind. scoff Bros., Milwaukee, Wis consin, were seized by me August :th. 175. at I'lattsuioutli, Cass county. Nelr:isk.i. by virtue of tlie provisions of .Section xw, and 3t.";, Revised Statutes of the I'nited States, and were seized on tlie following grounds, lo-wt : 1st. That the tax on the same has not been paid. 2d. That it was removed from the distillery in violation of law and in fraud of tlie revenue. ad. That it was removed with intent to de fraud the I nited isiates of the t:ix thereon. 4th. Tliiit it was falsely and therefore not properly stained. marked and branded. Also two biurets of Whiskey. no stamp, seized by me at same time and pi. we, on the grounds of having no stamp thereon, as required by law. Any and all mtsous claiming any of the above and foregoing goods so seized as aforesaid are required lo appear at tlie otliee of the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district of Nebras ka, at Nebraska Cilv, Oine countv, Nebraska, on the 7ili day of October, A. 15. ist.v at 10 o'clock a. m., and make such claim or said goods will be sold according lo law. In lest mum v wliereol t nave Hereun to set my hand this lu day of Au gtist, A. I'. 1ST"'. O. AV. RKYMOni. Deputy Coll. ot tut. Rev. Uiv. 2d I list, of Nebraska. 'Silo Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution Issued by C. P. Moore, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 1Mb day of September, A. 1). lsTo, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Flattsmouth, in said county. s 11 at public auction the follow ing real estate, to-wit : Commencing at the south-west corner of section eighteen (18) town twelve (12). north of range fourteen (14). east of the sixth Kj;li) pi iucipal mcridianuiud then run ning cast forty i m rods thence north twenty four (2i ) rods to tlie place of commencement, thence east sixteen and two-thirds (16S) rods, thence north twenty-four (24) rods, thence west sixteen ami two-thirds (lo ) rods, thence south twenty-four (-'4) rods to the place of be ginning, except a strip sixty ;iMi leet wide by twenty-four (24) rods long, olf the west side of the above described tract, and also excepting a lot described as follows : commencing at a point sixty uii) feet east of the south-west comer of the above described tract, and running thence east one hundred and forty (140) feet, thence north fortv-four44) feet, thence west one hun dred and forty (I40)feet, thence sonrli forty-four (44) feet to the place of beginning, in Cass coun ty. Nebraska. The same being levied upou and taken as the property of J. V. Carnes, defen dant ; to satlsfv a judgment of said Court, re covered by Vallery & ltutfuer. plaintiffs. l'laltsmoulh, Nebraska, Aug. 18th. 1875. Xif. B. tTTLKR, 21 15 Sheriff. When you meet a small youth play ing the drum at the head of a lot of two-foot soldiers, with i stick and brass kettle, you may know that his mother has the preserving fever, and has sit down to wring her hands and wonder "what on earth has become of that boy V" she sent after Mrs. Jones' kettle two hours ago. jf -SOIOOATI1IS NgL an it vu iff It is against the law to shoot quails until after the 1st of October. O. M. Carter lias purchased the hard ware stock of Mr. Merk of this place. NOTICE. Cl.ipp & Greetifclateat Elm wood Neb. general dealers in dry goods, groceries, and a!l articles 'enerally kept in a i cnuntrv store, desire to call attention the earliest civilization which comp iles i to their st:t k just laid in th'n season, ait ail with that suggested in the cireu- and ask the farmers to call and exam- me our gooas oeioie going tiway iroin home to buy. 2 lit Ci.Arr & Grrenslate. l tr of tiu Co., of N at;kkikli Earth Closkt Y. A LAST CHANCE. ::ly ten days further will be given to the public- to buy stoves, tinware, and bar iiMn at 1". T. Dake & Go's, for net rash. Those desiring any of the above mcnti.c.uv! goods will make mon ey by purcha.-ing what they need, as the stock will positively le closed out at the expiration of that time. U L T. Dckk & Co. CLOTHING. I'or a en.'uji suit of Clothes call on Wm. st.vif.!.m.?x. EXCHANGE NOTICE. I am bound to exchange my large stock of IJiMits and Shoes for cash. Come and see if I don't. Petkr Meroes. KENTUCKY DISTILLED WHISKY. New Stock For Sale. 8;Loy.).c: Notice. Having sold Si.O l) worth of boots and shoes, since I began selling at re duced pri.-es, I -am still bound to fur ther redit' c my stock, now is your time. Doots formerly ."0, now Ao.OO I me Kid Shoes, form ly b..,t, - ;;.()') iort WiucCherry and all kinds of The best li thread serge shoes only 2.2r, . imjorted wines. New stock of iroods Down With the Prices ! I Good whiskv at 1.50 per gallon, oth er brands at S 1.75, 3.200 3 Jo and 2.50. Extra line imported whisky and brandy, Reniemlier Prof. Albee's "FAIR DANCE" to-night, (lGth), at Fitzger-. aid Hall. The fight at Kearney was between Cobb. Connor, and Maxwell. The Judge got away with the baggage on the 6th ballot. Our merchants are beginning to lay in fall goods, so the folks say; they havn't notified the Herald that such is the fact yet. We learn by a telegram hite last eve ning that the old bench, to-wit, Judges Lake. Gannt, and Maxwell were re nominated for the Supreme Bench. The Itegents were not heard from yet, except t state that Dr. Livings ton, of Cass, would probably be nomi nated as one of them. SPECIAL NOTICES. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. The fall precinct examinations for Cass coun ty, will be held at the following named times and places Stove Creek October 19th 1S75. Weeping Water October 21st. 175. C.ieenv.ood, (Waters sch'l house) Oct. Cotll,75. riattsmouth November 5th, 1875. Applicants will please be in attendance promptly at 10 o'clock. U. W. WISE, Siiieriutehdent. riattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 16th, 187". 25t8 NOTICE TO SOLDIERS! Soldiers who have taken only eighty acres prior to June 221, 1H74, and have not taken an' additional eighty, are invited to correspond with me. Homestead rights and cheap lands for sale, in Clay, folk, York, and Hamilton counties, by W. E. SHELDON, 24U3. Lincoln, Neb. Will our County friends an J all who owe us, please try and remit as soon as possible. We are called on by the butcher and baker every day, and can't bear dunning. It is but a little each, to you, the aggregate will pay all our debts and help give you a bet ter paper. Try your best now. Once more Stadelmanns at 10 per cent iielow cost. Jump when the pig eon flies. G1KL WANTEU. Good wages and steady employment given to a Girl capable of doing all kinds of housework. Inquire at the Herald office. 24t4 Men S Mioes l.- Women Shoes L00 Call and examine. No charge for peeing gods and prices. Will be happy ,T) show both. U'li' Petl.r Merges. all through. California Cigars, Dublin Stout, London Cream Ale. Gentlemen now is the time to save your money. Remember the place, one door east of the Post (Mice. Milwaukee Laer. McGuire Sr Co. The Hijhest Price Paid for Good SPECIMENS OF FRUIT ! of all kinds, at my FRUIT ROOM, on Main Street, to be kept on exhibi tion for the inspection of those who wish to plant the best kind of fruit. Also specimens of vegetabes and grain wanted. I am soliciting orders for all kinds of fruit trees and plants, from apple trees to strawberry plants, ornamental trees, shrubbery, flowers, seeds. Ac. 1 have a room full of pictures, and w ish to show all the kinds of fruit that grow and. bear well in this i cinity. W. S. Westv Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 175. The ?f nltiplication f IIeae. Diseases Multiply. One begets another. A trifling indisposition may, therefore, originate a complication of dangerous maladies. Indi gestion begets far more fonnldrble diseases; a mulitude of ailments are traceable to constipa tion : fever and ague unhinges the entire ner vous system, and is therefoie the source of tlie poiteau ailment which affect that portion of tile human organism. Iftistetter's Stomach Hit ters, however, whether resorted to at tlie incep tion of those disorders of the stomach, bowels or liver, which give hirtli to the majority of dis eases and disabilities, or taken when they have ripened into formidable maiiiiily, are alike powerful to cure. The process of "recovery is. of course, longer hen tlie in ilat'.y has gained headway, bet it is none the less certain. Dys pepsia, constipation, lullioiisness. kidney com plaints and iiileiiiiiltcnt fever, invariably yield to the operation f the great alterative and in-vigoraat. FOR NEXT FALL AND SPRING. The most hardy, most productive and most profitable varieties f Apple, Pear. Peach, Plum Apricot and Cherry trees.Grapevines.small fruits strawberry plants, ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreens, bulbous roots.herige plants, and ev ery! hiug desirable for Nebraska soil and climate can be bought of me on good terms. Orders re ceived in town. No travelling expenses. Pri ces low. All trees, shrubs. Mid plants warrant ed good and in good condition. There is an apple tree i'.i I'latismouth, which 1 sold in ltWS, and it now pays the interest of one hundred dollars, and I have sold many oth ers that are as good. One tree of a good variety is worth more than ten trees of a ioor variety Re careful to plaut good trees of good varie ties, and take good care of them. Buy of a careful and experienced nurseryman. or agent who resides in your vicinity. Re very careful to keep your trees in a cool shady place, and the roots wet, water them well when you plant their., then kiep them cultiva ted, or mulched. Call on me on M.Uu street, ev ery time you come to tv.n, and see sjeeimen9 of fruit and flowers. "W. S. WEST. LEGAL XOTICES. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Harvey B. La- mrop, ucceaseu. Tiii irioin U hum eimcern: Take notice that Ceo. R. Lathrop lias made application to the Probate Court to be appoint ed administrator of the estate of Harvey R. Lathrop. deceased ; and that said matter is set for hearing on the 2-tih day of September, A I.. li . at 1 o clock p. in., of said day. at my oiuce. in nalismouiii. hi wmrri lime ami place any eerson interesl-il may amx ar and show cause, if any they have, why the snid ileore R. I jithrop should mt bo appointed adminis trator of said estate Witness niv hand and official seal this the 1st day of September. A. 1). IsT-V --it :s. H . K. E i .li ! x , Probate Judge. Special Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that on Tuesday, October ltit, 1H7S, at the usual places of holding elections In the various precincts of Cass County. Nebraska, an election will be held for the purMse of sub mitting the following proMtsition. to-wit : 'Sluiil the County Seat of Cass County be re located." The form in which said proposition shall be taken, shall be by ballot, on each of which shall be written or printed the words : "For Re-location of County Seat, at ,"or "Against Re-location of County Seat." The Judges and Clerks of the regular elec tion will receive the ballots on Re-location of County Seat and deposit them in a separate ballot box. kept for that purpose ; they snail be counted and letiirned the same us ballots ill General Elections. Also, by proclamation of the Governor of Ne braska, an election for member of th Legis lature in the Fourth District, to fill the place of Hon. John lirown. resigned. Wuich e'ectlon will be ojiened at 8 o'clock a. m. Sviid wm continue open until o clocn p. in. of tlie same day. l'.y order of the County Com missioners, this 23d day ol August, IsTj. j. i . .uiniiir., Co. Clerk. Election Notice.. Notice is hereby given that on Tnosday, October I'-Jtli, IM73, at the usual places of holding elections in the various precincts of Cass County, Nebraska, an election will be held for the piiriKi.se of elect ing Three Judges of the Supreme Court, Six Regents of the University. ue Judge for the Second Judicial District. One Prosecuting Attorney for tiie Second Ju dicial District. One County Clerk. One County Tieasurer, One County Judge, One Probate Jucge, One Sheriff. One County Commissioner, Secoud or Middle District, One County Superintendent Public, Instruc tion. ne t oroner. One County Surveyor, One Assessor. Two Justices of the Peace in each precinct. Two Constables in each nreciiiet. One Supervisor in each Road District, Three Judges of Election in each precinct. '1 wo Clerks of Election in each precinct. Also the new Constitution w ill be submitted to the people at the same time, for adept ion or rejection, ana mere snail oe separately mm muted, at the same time, for adoption or re jection, the indeiH'inlent article relating to .seat ol Government", anil me liiiiepeiioeiu uti;:le "allowinu electors to express their pref erence for t' lilted States Senator" ; which said ballots shall be of the following form : "Fertile New Constitution." "Against the New Constitution." "For the article relating to Scat of Govern ment." "Against the article relating to the Seat of Government." "For the article allowing electors to express their preferenecfor United States Senators." "Against the article allowing electors to ex press their preference for United States Sena tors." Which election will be opened at 8 o'clock, a. m., ami will continue opeu until six o'clock, p. in., of the same da v. By order of the County Commissioners, this Cth day of September ts75. mta C. P. MOORE. Co. Clerk. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Rraids. Curls. Switches. Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S miLLiriEUY stoke:. On Main St., 1 door east of Clark & Plummer's. SEWING MACHINES! New Improved Lock Stitch GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, For sale by CHARLES VI ALL. With all the Extras and Attachments, such as Needles. Oil. Tuckets, Hinders, etc. Those who contemplate buying a machine, will do well to give the G rover" & Raker a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. and the cheapest in;ehine in the market. All onters nv man pmnmuy r.uemi ed to. Address, CllAlll.KS 1ALU 2niG Plattsmouth. Neb. Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream, Soda Water, & Lemonade to Cool yon. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, Sic., &c. to warm you. Ales. Wines and gixwl Limiors to ! used rea sonably, for your ht-neht if you desire. 40-tl IS. HEMPEL, Prop. PKOFESSIOXAL CAKDS HAM. St. OHAIVnAX, . ATTORN BY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chan cery. Oilice iu Fitzgerald's Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. WUK.KLKU A IIKXXKTT. REAL ESTATE and Tax Paying Agents, No taries Public, Fire and Life Insurance Agents, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. It. It. I.I VI(iiKTO, PHYSICIAN & Sl'RGKOX. tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Cuss county. Itesidence southeast eonier Sixth ami OnK sts. ; otliee on Main street, two doors west of Sixth, Platlsnioulh, Nebraska. (JKO. S. HM1TH. 11. K. WINDHAM. MMITJI &. WIXmiAJI. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate. Rro- kers. Snecial attention iriven to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate, Oilice on ''d floor, over l'ost Office, Flattsmouth, Nebraska. 40t. JfHTICK Ol' TIIE l'KACR Ofllce on Main street. Plattsmouth, Neb., two doors east of IUuald olliee. Business hours from 8 a. nt. to 8 p. m. All county business usu al! v transacted before a Justice of the reave will he attended to. Also Keneral collector of debts. kjyll J. Vv'. IIainks. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic rliysician. ; ??"Offlre und Residence corner Sixth and Vine Streets. Platlsnioulh. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 4oyl. Obstacles to Marriage- Elaupy Itelief for Vouiis 3Ien from the effects of Errors and Abuses iu earlv life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. 419 N. Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. !yl S ZEE O IE? , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and lift pumps, steam Guages, Safety valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. V A K 31 M A C II I X K n V. repaired on short notice. 49yl il w a. 3 ao i- I AC fa O 5' 3 i CD 05 CI P3 o o 5: . I i rc C CO CO s: 5 CD CO Ed c C -i 2 S3 w - 3 w 5 or 8 - E M p.: VJ AID. Reduced Rates for Lumber Clear tlie Track Tor our Spring Trade. IL A. WATERMAN & SOX Will sell Framf Lumber, of all kinds at S20 perm. Kirxt qnaliiy of Fencins, 20. " Scroad " " 17. 44 KIrsit - Boards, . " Nfroii!l " 17. - Star -A" Shingles. )3.50 per M. Xo. 1 Khir.clr. .50. 44 Other cjraJeK of titimhor equally "bcap with IoorH, ts&Hli SIIndM, Ar &r. See other ad. on outside. STR EIGHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TORACCOBR, FLOUR, AC Remember the place, oppo lte E. G. Doyey's on Lower Main Street. STREIGHT & MILLER. NE V LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership Uf O. M. Streight and W. D. Jones, being this day dissolved Dr. W. D. JONES, will oieii a new IJverv, Feed, and Sale Stable, at the old HI ATT RAKS.on Main Street, just east of .loan Shannon s well Known Stable, Plattsmouth. Neb. IIorse. XSu;ie Jt Carriage, to let at all times, at leasonable rates. HOUSES BOARDED BY THE DAY, WEEK, Particular attention paid to driving and train ing Horses. Having all the appliances 1 shall make a particular feature of my business tlie ...1 1 ili ..ITIXtTTIV'C ? "I". W L.' urn nig an 4 i! aniiiing 'i i .v 1 1 i.u o i ksk, f? Being well known all over the county, no furtiier chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite all my friends to call and see me, and they w ill receive a r.eany welcome, lu-speciiuuy. 3mG W. D. JONES. C.-4 X, Z. H 3 TIIE WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET. Do you care for the health of the females and children, the aged, infirm and invalids of your household? Then furnish for tht.ir comfort the greatest blessing of the day. The Wakefield Earth Closet. Is any member of your family confined to the room with wasting disease? Remeiuber that you mav have in that room ait uucuntaiuiiuited atmosphere by using The Wakefield Earth Clcjet. It is endorsed by thousands ot families who have used them ten years, and by the bcot med ical authority ia tlie country. It is not only a comfort, but is iudisK-nsable for health and cleanliness. Send lo our oilice, 30 DEY STREET. NEW YORK, for descriptive pamphlets. AgenLs wanted everywhere, t whom, liberal inducements will be offered. Exclusive territory givea. vju. DICK STREIGHT'S 31. 1 "V IE IR, "X" , Feed and Sale Stables. Corner 6th and Tearl Sts. HORSF-g HOA11DKU ir TH B DAY, WCEK, Oil JHOXTII HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. HEMty MOWLAM). A 10 General BlackBinithing. Oarrle. ItnCKie. nnil Hsgors1 UepatreU fSliort Notleo. A I -HO aiousi:-sn)t:ic; .Uid all other Iron work promptly sttend ed to. eheaK-r thiin the elu spent, for c;ftti Hy the undeisigned, , , II. ROWLAND. Slion liortlutest Cof. i.f in sixth si. PLATTSMOUTH. NKK- Vm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, Pnattsmoith, Nk.b., Op. Platte Valley House. On hand all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED RATES. 13m3 Call and Examine. A. W. WHITE, Dealer in GROCERIES Main St., bet. 5th and Oth., rLATTSMOUTII, .... JSER. '3 TEA31S AT jiLL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTIXG STOCK. WiU also have for service during the season th rrijrBUATFn hoksfs : NORMAN & T ALAR AN, Known as the KFor particulars, see bills or posters. Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. GEO. SHAFER'S W37 . HhZJ ZAiA Va iA AND BLACKSMITH SHOT, FOR HORSE-SHOEING, Mending and Repairing ! ALL KJKDS OF FA TIM 1 31 1 'LEM EX TS Mended and Fixed. INew Wagons for $90, Hassle and I.itrLt AVagons on hitnd. and for Hale all the time. C If J! si 1 F O It C si. S II. Xevr Wagons made to order. Pates reasonable ana work guaranieeu. On Washlnpton Ave., 1 l'LATTS.MOUTl f. 40yl near Tin si., j .r.u, READ ' LG.DOVEY'S AD. ILLIArfl HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. Wm. XBTeville, 1'BOrniETOll OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Hank.) PJLATTS5IOUTII, - - - XLB. MY BAR IS StTl'LIKH WITH TUB BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 40y T1IK UIIKAT I'Al'HK OK HUMAN MISERY. Jurt PuWfahed, In a Sr.nUd EnrcVijic, n tee 6 rt A Ijeeture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Traklles,. or Siierma- tonlwea, induced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions. Impoteney, nervous iieiuiny. aiu Impediments to marriage jrenerally ; 'oiiMiiiip tiou, Epilepsey, anil Fits: .Mental and Physical Ineapai-itv. &c Hy IlOP.EKT J. (TI.VKU WEI.L. M. D-. author of the '(ireen Hook." &:. The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that tln nv ful conseipienres of Self-Abuse mav he ctpwtuary fimwi without tne-iieine, and without daiifTenms surgical ix-rati'iii. boii iries, instruments. riit;s, or cordials ; pointiti'T out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual bv v. hieli every sufferer, no matter what bis conditio!: may be. may cure Lii!i"ei; cheaply. privately, and radically. trr'Tni IjU'Uirc uill jtrifiVc a hooft V) thuan nm!n ntul tli'niMtJtil. Sent under seal. In plain envelope, ti any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address tlie Publisher, vw.n. .?. ''. :lm.ea '.. 10-i:51y vr, P.-cvery. V. ; P. O. box. 4:i. OMAHA ADS. (rand Central Hotel. Laniest and finest hotel between CIiIchko and San Francisco. ieo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPING WATER ADS. 3U Fleming Si Race, DEALEF.S IN" DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS. And Farmer' Kupplie enerally. Our Goods arc all New, and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Having made up iny mind several years ao' RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the cud of THE YEAR 1S7$ and being still of the Maine ilnd, I take thl method of lufonnin the puldie that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue. lolinr so through this yetti or until tlie is disponed of. During that lime I Intend to yell Goods for Casli, Ixiwer than any other house can do and sustalu' themselves. My sucl( consist of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HA TS A CAPS; BOOTS A SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS. f-C, d t dC. The whole stock, will ho sold at totiomPrices until It Is ALL SOLD OUT. My object Is not to hut to GET out of BUSINESS fiivo me a call and see for yourself. 6l E. 0. DOVEY. LOUISVILLE ADS. IK- J. 51. W ATKItMASi, Physio Medical Practitioner. LiuixrlUc, f'axj Co., Nth. C3fAlways at the ofllce on Saturdays. iyl MORROW BROS.' IS LAC K S MI TH AND Machine Shop. At D. L. Morrow's old stand, Seventh St, & Chicago Ave.- Vie m e prepared to do a general business In HORSE-SHOEING, And Itepnirlnir all kind of kinchin-' cry. kucIi hm ICeapern. HowrrH, Tli renli ioar Mnclilnr. i'liiHK, MILL PICKS, ANI ALL Iron & Steel Work a Siifecialty.- Xew XYagoiiN & Xlnprgloj Itlatlc To Ortlcr. l-Jf-All Work Warranted to Glee Sat vtfaction or Money Rr funded. CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, lias removed to the building opposite Math ew Hardware Store. (On 4th Street, Pet. Mal:i ami Vine.) When- in addition to other work, he will j;ive social altentioii to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKISO VWTVIIE FRAMES, AC Also A pent for the COMMON SENSK IKOii- INti TAPI.KS. ol which i nave i-tiuiulH-r on liaml ; call and see liiciu. t i i CEDAIi CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DEALWH IX IUJOTS, SHOES, AXD GItOCElUES. Of every kind, at the h.--u. pooil.ile rates. Also DEALERS IN CR.MN. For which the highest OASH price are paid. Hidett and produce of ait kinds bought at Reasonable rate. IXIIF.I.lKIt N HTATIOX-tCedar Creek.) 4oyl CASS CO., XLBIUSK'A. Careful Work ami Prompt Attend- anx to Calls. to-ly WM. L. TUCKER. "MIKE SClfNELLBACHERT BLJ1 CKSM1 T II HOUSE SIIOLINU, WAdON HEPAIKING. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Ktatbj d- Promptli :0: Horse, 'Iule& OxSliocinl In. sImwU we'll ble anything that has four feet, from a Jftbra to a Giraffe. J Coiae ana see a. I on Fifth St.. between Wain and Vine street. , jus! across the eoriu-1 f r.m the 'KV UEPAl.l 0 .-r-r'..-' !. j..-.. .... -mi . I,,, ... . . .