J J THE HERA LI). . A. MACMUnrtli';. . .EpTTO!!. PLATTSMOTTII; AUGUST 2;, 187.-,. cam: ron a kkim;iii.u'an county CONVENTION. Tin' It i :'-'.i-;t!i elector of tlie County of f':us !l'-idy e.V.livi to li-lc;.Mtc-i flolil tltcir l : 'H ;.! J.ilil Mil'; imvi', :i S:tt tin lay, Scit-:n-1m -.- liif I H i. 17.".. i: o'clock :i. in., for llie l.iro.M- i; 'i;n iit- 1 i ii-i:ii:i;tt:.n live ilclc.ucs t l.i .; ;' '.i Vut :l. l '" tlccr:il" to tlie : i if-; t;. invention. ;.i:t i.t in nomination a ' .4 n t y I'tk, n'ititr rr':ivirT, 'utility .Jinli.'e. Su M1. t 'oiintv '.MiiiiiisniiiiiTs for vi 1 district. i:i.'ii.iiMit I'lt'Ki lif.trtn-tiiii. Coroiii-r, ;ii.l i it or. T'h jTt'i-iin-ts i!i also noi-tiii-:;tf '1 .1 us! lies if t'.ie IViice ill each reci net. 'J '. :i;.. i.i c.i.vi ir-i-i:ic(. ami one nial Ni-ji'-i vis.ir in e.i ii iiivriin-t to le votetl for at tlie jretier.il election li 1.1 n tin' "Jii'l Tui'Mlay in October, next, and ti tV;it.:irt saHi utiicr busi iii"s:s may ps-o;.-rly eutne Itefore it. 'I he sev eral ivciu'c;- ;uc ciitltleil t.. r'iisfit;:Li'):i t tin' s.iid convention tulnus : M. TTlM'll Til I'lTV, lit W.ir.l 4 M 'Waul :i ;;:l W'.inl -I -iiii anl j"i-it. im-i'ini't Hock Bluff.- ' Liberty A viH-a .....'J t. He e.iiit L'iit Mil- fiiovc r J is To tlwr reeomuif mletl thai I lie I'liinaiii-s fir llie -v-vei-io vanl- ami precincts be ln-M on S.MXItlUV. skit. iril, at 7'i o'clock, in tin- City -f I'lattsiiuti'.t !i. ami nt 4 'clock ill tin afternoon Iti tip- county ;re-t-iii'-ts :tt the f.illow iin ua:iii--.l p!.--es ; i-UA TTSMOI Til 11 TV. 1st V;ml-t'onrt House. W Want School House. 8t Ward Livingston's till Wan I -P. II. heeler's nfliee. I'l itt -in.Mitli I'riTini't .frail's Si-Iiim1 House. KIhiwoihI McKiniioii Nchoi,l House. Liberty Kolil n School limine. 'V".-.in' Water Weeping Watrr Si-lnml House. Centre Grati'l I'r.iirii? Ki-lnt IIousp. ICik-K lltilt- I!friTS-lunil Hoiisi-. Aviwa Tfft's Sc.'iool lloiist-. Ml. l'l';Lsant i;ilniir Si-liool Mouse. I, lllllVlIll- LlMlisVilll! Sl-llnol lll'IIM-. SUivc Crvi-k Si-liixil ilistrii-t No. M. ; reel i ii i I iir--nvoil Villaf. 'Ili'tou tir(vi' Si-liiwil Huns.-. KaU Cri'i-X. Ailitt N'-liix'l llmisf. I.'ui - illo I ' nlii- W--iir4 Wati". Slw- -r--k i-;in' wi'i Si.ntii Bi-i-il .... Sail '!i-Vl; ...... i;ri-iiiiil Tiptort :i;lit Mi:- tirove Sliaifcr's Si-IhmiI I (misc. tf ron i:i:riKMCAN state am DISTUK T CONVENTION". Tin; RiuiMif.in i-lci-tors of tin Stair of Ne braska, air herray railril tiisrnil .li-l--.':itr from thrir rrsjin-tivu i-ountirs to im-rt in Stat I'un Vrntlnii at Krarnry. on Wt-ihu-Hjay. tlir lMh l.iv of S:ptraibrr. ii. at in oVIock a. m. for tliu purpose of plat-in in nominal ion tlircr i-:t;i-ttiilair- for Ju-tii-f. ol tin: .Siioi-i:ir I omt . ;mil tlx raiiiliilatrs for Krriits of tiir I nivrisity of V1bri.bfea, to br tfotl fr at tlir jrrm rnl i-irc-Vwi. In l.l in :ircoidaiivr vti! lir. provisions of tin propose. I iir-.v const:;. itiua. on tlir -j l Tui.s ly in Oi-tolirr,nrt. ami to trana-t sui li otln-r biisinr- as may propriiv i-on-.r u-lorr it. Tlir nrvn j! rountirs are etititir.l t i t iursc-ntativcs l:i tlir State C'onvrntioil as follows : No. DKi.i-:t;.vri;s. .. 3 Jt-ffc-rson .. if.loimsoii . . 2 Krainrv ..4' Kt-illi..'. . . :ij Knox .. 3 I. a .f.-.st -r .. o! I.illi olll .. 'J; Madison . . 1 1 Mt-irirk .. 1 Nciualia .. 3 Nuckolls .. 3,Oto . . 3' I'aw nee .. a: I'lirlps .. I'ierce .. S I'latte .. .V I'olk ..lo lietl Willow .. 1 1 KirliarUsoii .. 4 Saline . . -i S irpy .. 1 1 Saunders .. 2 Srward . . . 4 Sherman .. l'sianton . . 1 i'i'liaver .. I ; Valley . . 4 Washington .. 3 : Webster .. l!Wanr .. 3 York .. ll The lii pitt.lirnii electors of th six .Tlidlclal Iistii-ts. unJrr the proiMisrd ne-.v eoi-.siitution, axe rei-omni inleil to elect drlciratcs to I'istrict onveiitioiis. to meet at such times a:id places sro hereafter tlesii;natrd. for the purposi if p'ai'ini in nmuinatiou a candidate in each dis trict for the Justice of the four: for such Dis trict, mid in. tit" First. Second and kixlh Dis tricts, resps-ctively, for nominating eandi lates for list. Attorney, in accordance with the pro visions of the proposed new const:! ut.'oit. anil to transact such other business as may pro;eiiy eome lu fore theui. The several comities r'.r" entitled to the same liuiti'x-r of ilt legate in their respective Districts conventions as has been apportioned to them in hC- State convention. '1 he several District conventions will be held as follows : 1st District, at Crete. o:i Mon lay. Sept. 13th, at 3 o'clock p. m. 2d i Msii ici. ai .senrasKa . ny on eoii'-suaj , Adams -j ltelope . . Boone Buffalo Burt Butler ... . 'ass ....... I'e.bir 'hase 'hryeiine . f lav I oifa . ... V 'uiiiiii Dakota .... Dawson ... ion . lV".u'r Douuias ... fumiy l-'ilmo'rrt . . . Kranklin... Frontier... Furnas lae Josper ifeeley Jlall ....... Il.iniilton. . II irl in.:... Hitchcock . Howard Holt 1 . 3 . 3 . 4 . 1 . 1 '. 3 . 1 . i . r . 3 . 4 . 4 . 1 . 2 . 2 . 1 . 4 . 3 . 1 tlie ilav of Sent ember, a 1 o'cloclv I. ill. - - . .-' . . - . . . . tlav, tne 21SI oi Peji'euiiier. at 2 o e'ock p. in 3 I Dint i t'et, at Omaha, tin Tuesthi 4th District, sit Colunib'.is. on Wednesday, Mentrmber Xtli, at 2 o'clock i. m. r.'t'i islri-t. nl l'luiii CVeek, on Thursday. Tie"e:iiher tiilh. at 2 o'clock, p. mi. 6th Distiict. at Norfolk, tin Friday, September loth, at 2 o'clock P- m. By order of the Stale Central Committer. C. 11. liKUK, K. N. Sv. kkt, (.'airman. Secretary, Lincoln, July 2ts'. 1ST3. Wo have received a, copy of the Cita dtl, imhlished at Milwaukee, "Wis., and devoted to interest of the Knights of Carthage. Minnesota has had some severe frosts lately. Advices from thirteen counties, in different parts of the .State, show that there were severe frosts Sunday. Corn suffered much damage. Tobacco is totally destroyed. Hops, buckwheat potatoes and all vines on the low lands are Ladly injured. The Uekald had the pleasure of meeting Captain Ashly, of -Indian Com missioner fame, at Omaha, last week. The Captain vras on his way home to Ileatrice froin the upper Siop.x Coun try, ajfd is as full of old Indian nd'old Nick, as ust.;A. Ho has added a good many new words to his already large voe-a-lml-a-ry (as our poor dead friend rown used to say.) THE AMERICAN "iSIFLE TEAM has arrivwl safely home, and met with a very enthusiastic reception from the people of New York. They were welcomed home by Mayor Wickham in a- ne.it little speech. After the Mayor's welcome they formed in procession with the invited guests, and under the escort of the 23d, GOtli, ami 12th regi ments, marched to the Army & Xavy Club, where a banquet was given. VOTINli rilECINCTS. alt Creek and Greenwood precincts ha ing iieen consolidated, for voting purines &c, art a loss to know how they shall send delegates to the County Convention. We should think they had better hold primaries and elct the proper delegates from each tf the old precincts, according to the "call." It will avoid any confusion this te, and next year the call can be made out in accordance with their new relations. Our farmer friend J.inch, at Mt. Pleasant, cut for us a little limb of Si--. bfi i.m crabs that was very full. His I orchard as a rule though, suffered ter l xhy from grasshoppers. In fact the i whole county about there did. Mrs. Buck said to us, "most years when you would come here I could say, down l.in the orclisrti iR-J eat all the apples I you want; this year we have scarcely 'any." It looks hard to see the great ; lin.i tres bare of fruit, or with little : Ii.ili-! iveloi-ed runts on their Cout "iiioln. DOES INVESTIGATION INVESTI J ATE. Tlii:3 In juiry has oit".n been put. in the past few years, and as often an swered by facts in thy negative. Let us see it C.u;s county is an exception to the rule. An inveKtigatingCominittee ha1 been formed to investigate County matters, and urge economy so they say. Let us see how far they are ahead of the Hijuai.d, and how much they have accomplished. More than one yenr ago the IIki:ald wrote the following in regard to our Commissioners and their bridges: The Uekald proposes to stand by them in all reasonable and legal meas ures until we have better reasons for supposing them either fools, niscals, or thieves, than at present. But we do say that under tlie present stagnation in business, and with the heavy debts pressing upon our people, Vice Mills 'ju the dollar for bridge purposes, was pretty steep, and we would be better pleased if Messrs. Commissioners had thought lit to extend this work over a longer period ami called for less money just now. Our taxation is enormous ami it;jne decreased. There arc no ij's and awls about the matter; State and County ollieers must reduce the expenses of their ollices, and cease any unnecessary experiments, no matter how useful to the public, until this pressure on tin; money world passes over. We can't stand another ounce. Don't lay it on, then, gentlemen, and break our backs and your own as well. That w;is very plain talk ; we don't think Todd could make it any plainer. It shows just how far we could defend the Commissioners too, viz: "In all reasonable ami legal incisures," no further, be they never so good friends of ours. This was published August 13th, 1S71, ami the same paper con tains a long list of bridges to be built, with the length of each. Here was fair warning to our Committee over 12 months ago. If there was any dissat isfaction in the county, then was the time to show it, or to take steps to pre vent it. Why let 12 months elapse, and just on the eve of a fall election, when, may be, it can be used to some advantage, come out with a hue and cry, about bridges! We do not in the least object to all the proper investigation that can be made to detect fraud, but we do most decidedly object to these fellowa steal ing our thunder, one year old, and try ing to make believe that they have just discovered a mare's nest of fraud, when it was going on all the time under their noses, and we further object to their ar rogating to themselves and their clique all the honesty, ability, and all the au thority in the county. Quiet and thoughtful men have long ago looked up this matter, and, with out blow, and parade, and talk of hang ing, made up their minds on the best way to act about our county affairs. It is a late time of day to come into court now and squeal when members of this very committee were informed months ago, how, and when, and where they could stop the payment of these orders, and show up the fraud if there was any. We don't believe some of these gen tlemen mean to investigate, they do not act like it. When Mr. Upton pro posed to hire a lawyer and have legal action taken, Mr. Todd moves to post pone that until their county conven tion meets, .and when their county con vention meets.it will be postponed un til after election, and after election, you will hear no more of it. Uy the way. let us look at that "call" for a County Convention at Weeping Water, on the 26th. Here it is ver batim, from the WuUhmnn : CITIZENS OF CASS COUNTY ! To-day the legal voters of Liberty precinct met and formed an organiza tion (whose object will be to examine the records of Cass county officials.) Hoping that other precincts will do the same, we would request the legal voters in each precinct, to meet at their places of holding elections on FRIDAY, AUG. 27th, 1875, and elect from each precinct three delegates, to meet at Weeping Water Tails, on Saturday, the 2ith of August, 1873, for the purpose of forming a county organization. (We wish to form a permanent organization for the purpose above mentioned.) The voters of Plattsmouth are re quested to meet in their respective wards, on the evening on the 27th, and select three delegates from each ward to attend the Farmers' Convention in Weeping Water, Aug. 28: politics dis carded. l- M. MacDoxaoii, Ch'n. Head that call, leaving out the words we have put in parenthesis, and it is plainly and simply a call for a political convention, nothing more, nothing less. To make it plainer and more simple, McDonagh adds his call right under it in last week's Watchman. Farmers' Convention; the assump tion that Todd, McDonagh & Co., con stitute the farmers of Cass county, and the only ones that need look after the welfare or honesty of the county, is as false and absurd as that the same crowd constitute the people of Cass County; they never have- since the IIf-kald has been here (if the people, of any place, means the majority of the people, and it means that or noth ing) and they will not this fall. If you want to beat the Republicans, and think you can manage the county better, why don't you say so like hon est men. You have a right to do that, it's your duty to do it; but it is not your right to go about the country abusing everybody and everything, and it is not honest, nor can it lead to any good result, or real reform to follow the lead of men, who, under a false name and with false designs, under take to lead the people astray. Honesty is the best policy in the long run, whether in politics or business. Itrpublieans come out of that; if there are to be no politics in this meet ing, why are politics mentioned? We received a communication from Salt Lake this Meek too lat? f-or publication. THE COUNTY SEAT. Tho election fbr County Seat re-location is a fixed fact, and now comes the question of place. Aye, there's tlie rub. Our Weeping Water friends are very sanguine. A great deal of bad blood will be engendered before that is settled; we wish some other time had been chosen for the fray, other than when we are suffering under severe business depression, but when the Gods want to see humanity real mart they send a County Seat election on them, and we suppose' the people of Cass must submit. Personally, if the coun ty seat 7ta9 to be moved the editor would like to have it go to Weeping Water in preference to the open prai rie, but that is not tlie sentiment of the people, and the real fight will not be between Plattsmouth and Weeping Water, as many suppose, but between Weeping Water ami Centre. There's the bulge our folks nre rather indif ferent. . THE CENTENNIAL CONVENTION. In Omaha was quite largely attend ed, and we think Nebraska will be ful ly and fairly represented. It is time we made some move. The one hun dredth celebration of the existence of a Republican government, once thought impossible by all the Philosophers of Euroie, is well worth celebrating im mensely, and what better than by show ing the progress in arts, agriculture and mechanics that we have made. We hope to see every member of the committee or county organization alert and up to the mark in this business hereafter. Dr. J no. Pdack, 1). II. Whcvjler, F. M. Dorrington and J. A. MacMurphy were present froih Cass. Dr. Black was made one of tho Vice Presidents. A committee of eleven were appointed to wait on the Governor and urge State action and a State appropriation. The U. I, ami 13. & M. R. R. companies will exhibit largely of the products, ores, &c, along their lines. Altogether we feel greatly encouraged that our State will do herself justice in 1876. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCLUSION and meeting at Lincoln, on Thursday was largely attended. The Herald should have liked to be present, and would, had not other matters kept us away. As we have often expressed ourselves, we do not believe in "God less schools" any more than some of our Catholic friend, and while not ad vocating Sectarian teaching in our public schools, we do not think a lit tle Christian teaching would come amiss in any of them ; but the ques tion is so surrounded with diflicuties, and our people are so excessively jeal ous (and justly so) of anything that leans towards the remotest union of Church and State, that in many places, no attempt at any religious teachings can be safely introduced in the free public schools. Therefore it becomes the duty of all true Christians and honest religious people to make the Sunday School. the great lever for re ligious development in the young. They should be made as attractive as possible. The best minus in the Churches should devote their attention to this subject of teaching children re ligious truths in the readiest way to attract their attention, and fix these great facts on their young minds, with out wearying or disgusting them with details, and hard, dry, discourses. As has been suggested, if the preach ing could be dispensed with, the sec ond time on Sunday, and the time, and care, and attention of the Minister and the whole congregation could bo de voted to making the Sunday School a place of interest, pleasure and thought ful education, we believe it would be better. Anything and everything, that will aid our children to get something more than a mere heartless and godless edu cation in their youth. THE EDITORIAL EXCURSIONISTS. The editorial excursionists were met at the depot by a large delegation of Lincolnites accompanied by the Lin coin Cornet Band and escorted to the Commercial Hotel where they had re iresnments. Alter dinner carriages were in waiting to convey them to the places of interest .about the city. In the evening they met at the Oper House, where they were welcomed, in behalf of the citizens of Lincoln, by Hon. T. M. Marquette, in a few well chosen words. Mr. W. II. Michael, of the Western Ntbras7;ian, replied in neat little speech, thanking the citizens of Lincoln for their kind reception. The floor was then cleared, for danc ing, wiucu was continued until a rea sonable hour. The Herald paid a visit to the hand some little town of Weeping Water week before last. Since we came to Cass County it has grown from a mere point, with a store and a mill, to the dimensions of a very neat little Village. Tho houses are substantial and the yards show Xew England thought and t-tste. It now has aspirations for the County Seat, whether it can make the riffle is not for the Herald to say. One thing we do know, that Mr. Reed took us in his buggy and showed us a beautiful plateau for a town, and also some as fine country off to the S. W., in C;tss county, as we have ever seen. We then came round by Mr. Tewks bury's mill and found himself and madam well, and a great increase in their family around then?. The mer chants at Weeping Water are all in good spirits, have done a good business and never croak. liesides the mill at W. W. Village (Clinton & Johnson's) there is another "mill two miles below, and a good water power between town and that. Al ready there are three mills within live miles along the River. Weeping Wa ter no doubt is destined to be a manu facturing point of some magnitude at no distant tlav. FRO.M. OUR SL'RYEYOUS. OWN ) Wf;st. V 5th, 187.J. ) In CAir. ?x Sec. 28, Tow 19, Range 48 August 15th Friend Mac: Having been out from home a little over 1 weeks, a de scription of this part of Nebraska-may perhaps be interesting to you. To start from Sidney we go north east about 18 miles over rolling prairie, and canyons of immense capacity, to the south boundry of our work, Town 16. A portion of the country on the south side of the North Platte river is good farming land, perhaps as much as ore-third of it. Then there is about the same proportion that Mr. Lp would not take as a gift from the great Fath er at Washington, while the other is rough in the extreme, with a few scattering scrub pines, for timber The bottom on both sides of the riv er is well adapted to stock grazing, and is used for that purpose by a number of men who have large herds of cattle, roaming here and there over as grand a pasture as you could possibliy mag ine, or dream of. The north side for about two miles from the river, is as good btttom land as it is on the south side. Then for some live or six miles we find bluffs, ravines, canyons, &c. For some J or 4 miles north of that we find what is called a plateau, or scope of level prai rie, the soil of which might be termed 3d rate for Nebraska, upon which we have found a few basins of first-rate water. Continuing north as far as Town 20. we have nothing but short or low sand hills, some of which are cov ered with the shrubs called sand cher ries, (will .show some of them on our return) until near the north boundary, where we arrive at a chain of lakes and marshes, one of which is over two miles long and averaging about H of a mile in width, which we call Swan Lake, for the reason that we found quite a number of that species of the feathered tribe, a few of which wen captured (by the boys) with the aid of messengers of death from the Winchester rifles and Spencer carbines. We have a specimen of them in the shape of the outside covering of the magnificent bird, which will be placed on (the stays) exhibition in about four weeks. The principal game that we have found is Elk, Deer, and Antelope. Well, for a description of our outfit, we will commence with McBrom, who rides his grey steed and shoots through the sights of one of your old time horn comp:tsses, accompanied with a man who tlags the line for him, another who with his spade turns up the soil ( when he can find any) into a huge pile, and calls it a mound, and two others, who drag a chain and cry stick, stuck, and tally, one, two, three, &c. Alexander S. has a party of men that together with himself, do the same, when Alex, is not atSidney. Mr. Kuhlman is ditto, as well as I. Then we have 4 teamsters, and two cooks. I could it tell the names of half of the men on one sheet of paper, so we pass (them by). We have fish, for a change, for sup per, and as our mail closes in a very few minutes, we shall also close. Yours Truly, W ILL. nebhaka! TO ALLYf H0.H IT MAY CONCERN. The great problem, in the minds of many people, is this: "Shall I go west?" and if so: "where in the great west can I the most easily, and thoroughly make a hotne'S" To assist those who are endeavoring satisfactorily to answer these questions is the object of this article, as it has been of the series of notes sent to the Herald, and other papers for publi cation, during the last twelve months. HEALTH FULNESS OF CLIMATE certainly should be the first on the list of local qualifications. As to that, our locality, (Town 5, north of range 25, west of Cth P. M.,) certainly excels, as there is not a practicing physician in the county of Frontier, to my knowl edge an experienced mid-wife supplj' ing all professional demands. . ri'RE WATER is known to be a great auxiliary in pre serving the health, and this we have in abundance, from spring, brook, or well. As for OUR SOIL the time has come that I can speak knowingly about it. Nebraska soil is generally conceded to be as good as the Union affords, and during an eighteen vears residence in this State. I have seen none more productive than ours Everv crop I have seen tried here, has has eriven satisfaction, and it being of great depth, will not soon wear out. FRUIT promises to do well. Several wild va' rieties grow and thrive well. ROCK can be got for all or any purposes. TIMBER is abundant, and of good quality. CLAIMS, either homestead, timber, or pre-emp tions can be taken along the water courses; some improved places for sale on reasonable terms. STOCK will perhaps prove to be the most re munerative to the settler, as it is easily reared, and marketed, and will live all winter without being fed; although in severe storms they should be taken care of. As for .SOCIETY, We have as good as could be expect ed in a new settlement. One organiz ed Church, and regular services, and arrangements are being made to have schools this winter. In a former article to the Herald I made an estimate of the probable yield of coi n, oats, ic. On closer examina tion, I am convinced that I underesti mated it. Wheat, will I think, yield 10 to 15 bushel per acre; oats and corn 40 to GO. Mariv of the corn stalks are 10 to 12 feet high. Some of the above may seem to be pretty strong assertions, but I can readily substantiate every word, by goo l men, former citizens of old "Cass." Correspondence with a View to loca tions will be willingly attended to. I remain, very respcctfullv, E. S. CHILD, P.M. Afton, Frontier Co., Neb. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Musicians, all tlie country over, and almost every m:n, woman ar.-.l child throughout the West will read with pleasure of the announcement which comes to us of the Virtual re-establishment of the old bouse of "Root & Cady" as "The Root & Sons Music Co." It calls up the strange story of the fortunes of this famous house, reaching far back to 1858, when Geo. F. Root, E. Towner Root, and C. M.Cady placed over the door of 07 Clark St., that mag ic legend, "Root & Cady." However; they rapidly outgrew these quarters, and in 1805 we find them occupying the finest Music Store in the country, in "The Crosby Opera House," where the great lire of 1871 swept over them. From this calamity resulted two hous es Geo. F. Root & Sons, and Root anp Lewis, which now consolidated with the publishing business of Chandler & Cur tiss, becomes "The Root & Sons Music Company," which may justly and proud ly claim the successorship to the im mense popularity of Root & Cady. Besides this, the firm inherits tho very valuable connections of tlie moth er house with the European Manufac turers, which enabled them to purchase so favoraby in the foreign market ;and also, the Agency for the celebrated Steek Pianos, which won the only gold medal of the Vienna Exposition; and for the famous Standard Organ. Their new location is at 150 State St., Chica go, where they have every facility for doing their immense business. They send us copies of the following pieces of their new publication of Sheet Music: "I know a Maiden Fair to See," by II. R. Palmer; Lenore March, by Oscar Mayo; Normandy Waltz, by C. T. Root; and Prairie Belle Waltz, by F. W. Root: "The Song Messenger," a very sprightly Musical Monthly, published by them, and the Album of the Chica go Musical College, which contains a rare collection of Vocal and Instru mental Music. Tlie Ninth Annual Fair of tlie Cass Co. Agricnlt'l Society is to be held on the Fair Grounds near Plattsmouth, Neb., on Sept. 14, 15, IS, 17. 1167 11 R. B. WINDHAM, Secretarj', Plattsmouth. This yeai, especially, we desire to sec a good turn out alul a splendid exhibition at our County Fair. Beat the grasshoppers, and snow tne world mat we are superior to them. Kemcni- A. ber the Cass Count' Fair. On the 15th.l(3th.and 17th of September, we hold oui uounty ran, l lease rcmem ber, and be tretlinir vour things ready. Reported by White, & Darrah. M b on t ClTU );lt.H Kf Barley I loirs Flax Seed. Cattle ...RT.ff.OO - . . 4? 45 C-''r'2 . . . (i.Vf.70 ti'.MlO .0.5t''Ji.(hl 3.50 LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS. New Vouk, Auj;. 25. Money 2 Kri-i-nt I I t U'i C.-4 Z Z. M 7 DICK STREIGHT'S Xj I "V" IHj jR 5T , Feed and Eale Stables Comer dtli and realist. IIOKSKS llOAKUKO BV THE day. wli:h, on inovrii. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS -AT ALL H0UH8. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TBSGTTIXC; STOCK. Will also have for sei viee diuin;! the season the CKI.EUIC.VTKI UOUSKS : XOIiMAN & TALAItAN, Known as tliu W.U.JOMX 1IOKMKH. J.ff"For partieulars, see liilU or posters. 3vl STllElCliT & MILLER. Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES Kit ID LICS, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NITS, CANDIKS, TEAS, .SUGARS, TOI5ACCOKS, COFFEES, FLOUR. Jtc. Remember the idace. oino ite E. G. Dovev's on Lower .Main Street. 21-ly STItEIOIIT d- 2IILLBR. 3' s SrBsissisfificr SUCCESSOR TO CLARK & PLUMMER. I purchased my Goods for Cash, and will sell them cheaper for Cash than any other House. I am not closing out for Cost, or be low cost, but will give more goods for the money, than those Houses that ad vertise to sell for cost, and below cost. Just received a tine assortment of St. Joe. Cassimeres, Cassinets, and Jeans, suitable for the Fall and Winter trade, also a large invoice of Woolen Stocking Yarn from the same Factory. A case of Fall Styles of choice Prints. The largest stock in the city, of Bleeched and Brown Muslins; super ior inducements offered to purchasers by the bolt, for Cash. "Western made, Dress and Shirt Flannels. Canton Flannels by the yard or bolt, cheap. Do not fail to look at them. Flour Wheat.... Corn Oat Fve K.ij1-V.... ('.-title Ho-'S LATEST CHICAGO MAKKETS. ClltCAf.o. Autf. 2.3. -- . . . i.ivi.i .ri ... fU ..... 1 ..', a.U-"w'.Jv.0 7.5-! ."0 4MB 1IATT, THE JtUTCHEK, ou.iT.XDiimKmi:nsiiEi) J! IB E51& a O Meat Slnrkct In Hie Clly. j Not cltani,'lj:fc constantly, but Gift old liellabhe j M:iot Tt istie yon -:in rft your Steaks. Kiiants. I Kanie, Fish and FoliM Season. ' South Side of Main St., rZATTSUOUTII, - . - XES. i CoillO II cl SCO Me. The finest assortment of Black, Brown, and Drab Alapacas in the city, and cheaper than any Jloitsc can sell that bins their goods on time. A great variety of Foreign and do mestic Dried Fruits. a specially ; all kinds and prices. Telegraph Match es. AH kinds of Staple and. Fancy Groceries. w hite Goods- Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Kraid. ("nils. Swilclies. FulTs. and '! kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by Oldeis left at IHS. KENNEDY'S M ILLI - V, ll V STO li 12 . On Maint., 1 door east of Clark & I'himmer's. SEWIXG MACHINEST" New Improved Lock Stitch GROVER & BAKER SEWTNU MACHINE, For sale by CHARLES VI ALL. With all the Extras an. I Attachments, swh a.s Needles. Oil. Tnckeis, Hinders, etc. Thoso who contemplate buying a machine, w ill t'.o well to ive the G rover & Baker a tnu' Satisfaction i.'iiarantced.aiid the cheapest machine in the market. All orders by mail promptly attend ctlto. Address, CJIAHI.K VIA LI.. 2m l'lattsmoutli. Neb. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND RLACKSMITIl SHOP. Wayon, Jlugyy, Ma hine and 1'lotn rt pairiny, and ynnral jnbhiny. PETER R ALIEN, The old Reliable wagon maker has taken charge of the vatfon shop. Hu is well known as :i NO. 1 WOKKMAN. Xfw tVasrom anil HujjjfiCM made to Order. SATISFACTION GTAKANTEKD. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streij;ht's Stable. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps ono of tho Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. 40yl Good fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT- KVEllYIiODT'S IIOMFi IS PLATTSifOCril IK THKY WAST IT, MY j. r. ibi-:ai'sii-:i.sti:k. SENI IX YOUlt OUOEKS AM I WIiL Tit V AND GIVK VOLT 40yl and serve yon regularly. Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWEtt MAIN STKEET, PLATTSMOUTH. - - - - NEJJ. Meals at all hours. lee (.'ream, Sotla Water, & Lemonade to t'ool yon. Good si:arc Meals, nice Lunches, Sc., &e. to warm you. Ales. Wines and itood Liquors to be used rea sonably, tor your Penetit it you iiesire. 40-,yl B. HEMPEL, Prop. JOHNSON ORGAN, ',1MiJij.WN.'-.:.J Manufactured by the J0HNS0X ORGAN CO., AT rLATTSMOUTII, NEB Drew tlie First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason Sc Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. 5t These organs are all put up in elegant Black "Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to give perfect satis-factleli. THE TONE Is the most perfect that has ever been produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praise tliey aro receiving are justly merited. . They are First Class in Every Respect. Ivory Fronts for Keys. Kbony NliarpN, JlrnrM eiiiN, ."Mortices Clothed, no that there Is no Friction or Squeaking. r 1 I A ir.:. ?.ti:i:'s ajiily 3ii;iicim:s AKE tilt: ivsul: oau experience f Unity y;ai J in the practice id a successful ph sioau. titter Ton le An extract of routs ami hi-ibs mo judiciously ami medicinally i.-ml!ii.'l. that everv part of the diseased hod y receive tlie help" required. It Is not claimed as a punace lor all tlie illsof life, hut for dyspepsia, hilhotis ami liver complaints, lever and aauo, choh-ra. dehilflv, nud all lise;ise.s of the stomach, llvei, and digestive organs, it is all effectual remedy. An it preventative against fever and a-.-ii'j and malarious diseases' It B unsurpassed. It strengthens and huilds up the d. hilit.iicd .sys tem, and (;ive renewed visor to all paits of the In ily. Iiiiii's Cui-p-Acts as a diuretic evaciiant in eases nf dropsy, iriut. iMavel. and dNcasc ot the hlndder ami kidm-vs, puiiIVs the Mood, cures scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheiiiiialu: and neuralgic pains, and all diseases ol the uri nal v organs. l'.Xcctoriit A prompt remedy forenueln ast lima, cioiqi, anil ail diseases of the throat, liuiirs and chest, and the lirst staues of con sumption ami tvphoid fever. I't-vei'iinil .'2iie IMIls Are prepared ex pressly to .".id the tonic In curing acute tiud ehioiile ca-scs. they act v ithoitt depict ion. t'l iiiM-ati Liniment Opens the pores of the il'-li, and penetrates to I lie hone or seat of pain. KivhiK relief to manor heast as speedily as any outward application can. Sold ly ail Inimeists and Mealers. K. T. I1AUI hi I K it ., 5i)yl lu-rlinpton, lovvii - , r - t -.-r MUSICJ MUSIC!! MUSIC!! I-.K W lSK. AMI SWi: MHNI.V, hy usiii; the hest and Cheapest Oigan Mado At the OiKan Airency of E. II. EATOS, I'LATTSM Ol'TII, SLU. WOULD IIEN'OWNKI) Mason & Hamlin C lEUM'T CJIIKAIVS Declared hv one thousand eelehr.ited Musician "In rivalled and I iicoinoaiaMc." w i Mil lie, th First Medal at World's l-'air. Pans, in "tiT, also the two highest Medals, anil di ploma ol Honor at VIENNA WORLD'S EXHIBITION '13 Call and see the PIANO HAlli'-OUGAX, Just Invented and patented, rivalling I ho I'lano for ptuitv and hillhaney of tone; also thf Elegant Oiie.ui Kur;cr ea.se, the most heaiitiful onran made, ami many other styles exceeilini; any thing heretofore manufactured hv the MASON & HAMLIN COM I'ANY, Til K IC1 CHEST. MOS'l LLI.IAItLK. an 4 Largest Orau Manufactory in tho World. i:vi:iiv oem;a WAIillASTEO VEUFKCT IS E VKU Y I'AIiT, ASH WILL LAST A LIFETIME, And sold at Trices r,0 per cent, les.s than maoy other makers, for Infi rior Vtynnx. I Examine price list and Organs hefow tuiviiii;. and compare for vourselve.s. Price ht. Illustrated Catalogue, ami Circulars free on ap plication to the Nwluaska Musical Agency. Store opposite tlie iirooks House, Plat tsuiout h. Cass County, Nehraska. 4tf K. II. KATOV. MiCRCHAWT TAILOR, H ill receipt of the finest and 7i E .? T li if S O 3i T.yr ror C'mssimeres, Cloths, Ve.stlnjrs. Wcototi Uootls, Irl-i!i I'rifseo, Ac. tT"In fact, the largest and hest assortment of Cloths ever hrouuhl to this clly. whiHi 1 an. prepared to make up in the Latest Styles, t ail and examine (lotuls. o 1 A. L. STRANG, StatE AgenT F O 11 WS P i I ' ' -f slates 1 1 w-n Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. iJ-Mihle r'.i.d single actli-tf Force a:ul F:tr: li5iips, JFet'ii J2II!, -te. The H-d!day Mill h:;s stood the test for ftix-tei-n vears, hoth in the l i.il'-d States and Imi rope Iiml is the only one generally adopted hy all Principal ttnllroadM n;i;l I'armerx. Ternifl Liberal. Send tor Catalogue and Prie) Hi....-. List. A. K. STtCANU. Lineolu, Neh. MM Action as Quick and Per fect as the Best Piano. 23f The Tuning and Voicing is all done by myself, and th superiority of Tone and it.s quick response to the touch is aeknowledsfol hy every judc that has yet tried tlif-in, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or not. If they see and hear them they invari ably give the verdict in their favor. tTf7 Am oar adveru&cr h Qui uuuia lun mi vertl. ment altojfether distinct, we will interpret nd oialfi rmte it w fullowi : 12. it. rooTi:, t.i.. Anthor of riain Hume ThIW, Mt-rticml GWiuwm 8n-,, Science in Storv, etc., VM1 Ix?xliiruin Aennfl (wr Eftt Ststh Strtsct), New York, n IvDEPEKMCf : Physic-iaw. trelH all formi of Lingering nr Cii VIvhkch, an.l reeclvo lrtt-r from ail jmrU of t Civtlizkd Wonr.D. By his orlgltuit vxiv of oontlnctinn a Mr.lical Fr. tiro, he U sucofcR-fiilly tr-.-t:rir ntinitrrfms t-ati'-nti n K ll rope, the Vel Indien, Oomlnfon ot C'uuada, anJ in erery par, of the United litatra. Or tlrlrtorionj dnia nsl. He has, durinif the !-? twenty three yearn, treated euceenxfully nearly or qrilx 40,(100 cases. All fact connncw.l with em-h cae ar'; carefully recorded, whether they be communicated I y letter or in iieraon, or obwrred by the l.tor or h.i aiwo.-it9 phyiiicUiM. The hitter are all adtfoLt medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Are treated. AH Invalid at a distance are requ' to answer a list of plain rintutioiu-. whirh ellciM e- eymptom nuder which tne invalid ro1rt. AUc - -muntcrUitm trt'ltei ttrir.tly conblntvii. A com r ryum of retrintc-rinK prevent mimakea or corifno Lint of question c-nt free, m arplicnti-ii, M any of the world. Sixty-jmife pumptilct of X. siiixncx." Scccksh, also writ free. All these tcie.ioionia! j from t.'nse who have been treated rj mail and expr Advicb ra office, o bt uxn rnr.K or cbasuz. Coil on or oddread DR. E. Di FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave.. K. Y. IW MY PRICE LIST is as low as for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for J'arlor or Church will advance their own inter est by trying my Organs. Address, the joiix.sox oiu;ax ro, l'lattsmoutli, Xeb. TKinM ic sell ITJorfi Fiaia Jfomt ThVc and AhuliecU Commcfi. Sense: Alto Dr Ibofcs Science' in Story. Fcr ?urtfcu kvrs addres jrurnn-fiil iMtafcing G,mjsi;y VSTzZVPtf. NEW YOHK. "WHOLESALE and Ketail Dealer in Strings, Slieet llasic, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MC-SICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned a"id h'ep:iircd. Snh'sfact i.m gn.ir:i!- teed.. Dr. Server's Tonic Eowol and File Pills. Thee pill are an infalliMe remedy for c-.nstlpafi' and pili:, ca-.net by wi...ik:ms or mijpresi.n of tt pcrlntiltic motion of the bowels. They very gent'.J lncreavt the a;tivity of tho intestinal t-anul, prodiic". aoft stools and relieve pi li. at one. Thousands hav--been cured by them. Price 50 cents, Hent by mail o-s receipt or prk:o. l'repared only by Y. ALKRK. KBfCK AP.liT. raABjfACisT, FornrH Avchoi , 2s'W YOBK ClTT. Dr. Berber's Compound Flail Extract C &bubarb and Dandelion. The bet combination of purely YeifetaMe mrdlnl. to entirely replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It utirnala taa liver, incrc-ane the flow of bile, and thus renin at once torpidity f the liver. tMlioiifliiex anJ habl; eonatinatioo. an I the dieease ariiii) from atich .. dy!eps!a, riolc headache, tlatuli-noe. etc. Taee.' tiveneai of thi Extract will be proved, viKlbly. at to the pxtient, an one or two boUk are itricie- ' -clear the completion be tutifiil'y, a.id remove pir ; and stains caused by liver tr.iibie4. Trie $1 per t 6 bottled, $5; will be wnt on rcce-pt of the r r ta anv a.l tre. fre t f chnri?e. I'rci.arrt. erjK I V A f 'Voir 1 1 . P-reil A II m tu .wrf ..-iw-r 4l2l-'.kfi. Uy 1. j A.et;rv Wiw Vcm t'uv.