Ml THE U E KA L I). Jr A. M ACM UK I'll Y, E dito n. PLATTrJMOUTII, JULY 8.1873. The papers make all sorts of fim of little Phil Sheridan as a married man. Mortimer Thompson, better known as "Doesticks," died in X. Y. on the 25th of June' "We are under obligations to Gen. Paul Vanderwert, Chief Clerk Postal railway service, for u copy of the report of the Postmaster General for 187-1. "We have been asked to call the Coun ty Central Committee together, by a few, Others think it too early. Proba bly we hail better wait until after the State Committee meets, which is on the 21st. It was currently reported that Gov. Garber went to California for his health and now they say his health demanded a new wife. How is that Governor? "Wish you joy happiness and everything else that's good. You've been a good Governor, and you must make a good husband for some woman, we know. The Republican State Central Com mittee is called to meet at Lincoln on July 21st, to call conventions for nom inating candidates for Justices of the Supreme and District Courts, Regents of the University, and Prosecuting Attorneys in the new districts. All of which is providing the new Con stitution carries. Keep your hair on and see. The Hekald has employed special artists, from Europe, to embellish the papers for several weeks, and would like to illustrate the late indignation meeting very much, but unfortunately when our artist endeavored to cut the face of one of the chief mourners from below, he broke his graver on the first wrinkle in his cheek. That spoilt the picture and wo can't waste a kit of tools on such hard subjects. The IJeecher Tiltou Trial is at last closed. The jury were out eight days and finally disagreed, standing 9 forac quittal to 3 for conviction. They bal loted 50 or CO times, and once had 11 members for IJeecher only one stand ing out for Tilton, and had they been brought into court then the verdict would have been for IJeecher as the Tilton man would not have continued to stand out. Two of his comrades re tracted and stood for Tilton again, and thus finding they could not agree they asked to be brought into court, and so stated whan Judge Xeilson discharged them. At last we have the verdict, and mustn't that Jury feel relieved, 101 days of evidence, 18 or 20 of arguing, 2 occupied by the court and 8 in their own deliberations. "Well it has been a preat trial not only to the parties in Brooklyn, but to the newspaper men aud to the readers; one half the read ers of papers wanted more of it and the other half none of it, and that tried the editors and when the readers got it they quarreled over it and that tried their tempers, and those who didn't read it formed opinions any way and got mad because other folks thought differently and so on, in some way it has been a great trial to every! ody. The con con was to liberally dispos ed when the members gave the publish ers 10 dollars for publishing the con stitution two issues. IJut it is on aver age with the liberality of public men towards newspapers the best invest ment for the people of the state, and the worst for the owners. The idea is to starve the local press down to skel etons. Adams County Gazette. The Lincoln Journal rather objects to this statement. We think it correct "VTe can prove that the cost by the pamphlet plan will be more than to have paid the newspapers a decent price for publishing the same and not a pamphlet is seen yet. The people to day only know of the constitution by the liberality and enterprise of the much abused county newspapers. W give elsewhere the account of the meeting to inquire into the preced ing of onr County Commissioners. In many respects it was a fizzle. The get ters up began at the wrong end, and yet it may be productive of great good. The right to inquire and petition should never be abridged, and never wi'l we hope in this free country, and it may be that the determination of our peoyUj to fes and to know how our public aihairs are managed will le pro ductive of more earefullness, more economy and better management here after; no matter how awkwardly the inquiry is set about. The Commissioners publish, author itively, a full statement and ;is far as we can make out the' seem to say that they never let a contract to themseves, never let a contract to a commissioner, inspected it themselves and audited it themselves; which was the chief bur den of Mr. Todd's charge. They sim ply authorise. Tr. "White to see that the bridges were built in good shape, according to the contract and specifica tions, at the nominal price of S per foot. This may or may not have been wise, but no evidence of fraud appears. In regard te the extraordinay levy. They show conclusive!' that tfiey started in over 83,000 in debt, that the Legislature crowded several thousand more on them that they had no option alxjut, and that 820,000 had to be lev ied to meet the 1$. & M. tax. They al so show that the levy this year is very light. The wisdom of these measures the Hekald will discuss hereafter; at present time and space bid us stop. Enough is as good as a feast. MOVED I Our friends will all find us hereafter and as long a3 we stay in Plattsmouth. we hope, on Vine Street, one block tforth of Main street, in the -;W HKICK OK KICK. the (jim;at CASS CO. JiO.NANZA. (J rand Itally of the In dignantcs. Talk of Tar and Ropes and Bludgeons. THE LATE COOL It A INS II AYETHEIR EFFECT. Science Comes to the Relief Against IJrntal Strengh. APPOINTJIENTS 1JY THE PRESI DENT. "Washington-, Jhly 6th, 175. The President has appointed Mr. C. Nichols Assistant Treasurer at Chi cago; John Taffe Secretary of Colora do; John It. Clakke of Plattsmouth, Survevor General of Nebraska & Iowa: Feathers, II. M. Keyser, of 111., Receiver of Pub lic monies at Helena, Montana; Asst. Secty Cowan State Secty. "We congratulate our townsman and friend on his new appointment, and feel assured that our Senators never did a wiser thing, nor made a better appointment than that of Mr. Clark to this high and important position. Todd & Co. Rush up to Plattsmouth. The Cotiimfasioiicrs Defend Themselves Grandly. .411 is fjuiet on the Hanks of Mml Creek. As Thunder Cools the Atmosphere, so Do Fovts C'odI the Indignantes. Let us Have Peace I For days and days rumors of war and whisperings of great doings have been wafted to the ears of the IIeu- ai.i by the citizens of Liberty and Avoca Precincts. Tuesday was the day set for a final charge along the whole line, and Tues- CAItD FROM 31 R. CIIAPMAX. Ed. IIkuald: I am informed that County Commissioner White made his statement to the committee appointed to wait upon the board of County Commis sioners in relation to county matters on Tuesday afternoon, in which he attempt ed to shift the responsibilities of his offi cial actsjupon the countv attorney. lie ttotcil tliafc T si r-niint w uttamnxr nnrl nne other attorney, had advised the course pursued by th Board in constructing Co. bridges. Now as I gave a different writ tea opinion in this matter, it is but prop cr, thut I state here that such is not the fact. Mr "White is not only mistaken as to mv?elt bur. 1 nave sound reasons lor i believing that ho forgets as to the other plan, they therefore made an estimate of the kind of bridges bent calculated to stand in this county, and advertised the lotting of contracts in a number of papers. A specimen of the advertise ments for contracts appears below: Notice to Bridge Contractors Notice is hereby Riven, that scaled proposals will tie received at tlie County Clerk's ofhee in ri.iUsiiioutli, Cass County, Nebraska, until the 2d dav of Juno, 1874. for building bridges in s;iid rimiitv : One to be built across Suit Crock, at ShcflVr's crossiiifr. span eighty feet, with two approaches 01 twenty leel eacii. mas reccivcu for pitlier Iron or Howe Ttnss. Also, five smaller bridges, of wood, ranging from thirty-six feet to sixty feet each, including approaches. For furt hr particulars, se plans and specifi cations at Clerk's oflice. Approved security required of contractors, in double the amount of contract price, and all bids received, subject to be rejected by the Jloard of County Commissioners at their pleas lire. J!y order of the Hoard of County Commission ers, this the Cth day of May. I. 174. ii. W. McKi-vox, Clerk. Ilere arc the bids just as they came In : BIDS. 1'r.ATTSMOTfir, "KB., June 2d, 1874. To the Ilnu. liourd vf Commusioners of Caxs Co. Xebraska. Ofsti.kmek : I propose to build your small bridges No. 1, Xo. X o. 3, No. 4, No. 5. as per specifications now on file in the Clerks onico for the sum of seven dollars: per lineal foot. H. T. CLA UK, I'er. 11. A.KoJsKK'j-sox, Agt. dav ushered itself fair, calm and cool. awaiting the affray. At an early hour att;raey Bivin hm or the IJoard any the people from the southern part of the county began to roll in, and by noon we were handsomely represented by the rural population. As you all know, Tuesday was the regular day of meeting of the County commissioners, ana an tins row was kicked up by somebody became it was thought the bonds to the Trunk road and possibly those returned from the R. & M. had never been destroyed: Also to ask the County Commission ers to translate their Bridge Contract System of last summer into Kass Koun- ty English. Right after dinner the horny handed and hard fisted assembled in the Court House, and Ilro. Todd proceeded to di late. He told us wonderfully touching stories of wrong and want and woe. and denounced M. L. "White in fearful figures, but wound tip by saying he did not know much about it after all, and had only heard so and so, and asked that a Committee be appointed to in vestigate the books and accounts of the Commissioners- IJefore the Committee was appoint ed nowever, jur. KirkpatricK got up ana speecneu a lime, lie mc Todd a square slap in the mouth, (metophori- cally) and winked at the Herald, then he offered some resolutions which will be'published in next week's Herald in full. Short hand they called for the vacation of M. L. "White's office and the burning of all R. If. Bonds and all other county indebtedness. Then Todd and he sparred a little and the "meetin' " accepted "KirkV addenda and appointed the Committee which consisted of Messrs Todd, Sheldon, Doud and B. F. Ramsay. Pretty shortly after this, the body corporate adjourned, and the Commit tee prepared to wait on the COUNTY COMMISSIONERS down in the Court House. In the rear sian sat tne august L'ounty Court in all the panoply of legal authority, calmly awaiting the onslaught, minu tes passed and no Committee, gradua lly and by degrees, the face and form of Todd edged in at the east door of the room and the solemn and combined such counsel. Mr attention waa first called to the course pursued by the Co. Commissioners by the letter of "Old Set tler" in the Watchman, at which time Mr. White came tome with his written state ment which I now have asking ma to shape it into a reply, for him, to "Old Settler," then and there I first learned the fact which he claimed and published, viz: That the contract was awarded to him self (?) I very naturally enquired where" the Board derived its authority to so con tract. His reply was, he had "slept with Mr. Marquette" and taken his careful opinion en the matter. Com'rs James aud Chirk were both present when he made this statement. As to Mr. Cummins' bill, which was allowed; in reply to Mr White's statement I hold his written ce rtificatc to the cor rectness aud justice of the account and asking the Legislature to authorize the Board of Commissioners to allow it, and I am willing to allow that certificate offi cially made to stand side by side with Mr. White's public declaration now made S. M. CHAPMAN. 1'i.attsmoutii, Neb.. June 2d, 1874. To the Hon. Hoard of County Commissioner of Cas County, Xcb. ;ents : We will furnish all the material and put in the substructures, superstructures and approaches of the five uood bridges, adver tised above at the following prices : No. 1. AltalTer's Crossing 30 feet span, with one 10 foot and one 2ufoot approach $10.00 No. 2. South Hranch Weeping Water 10 foot span, with two 8 foot approaches,. .iVi.i'O No. 3 and 4. same as above, 512.00 No. 5. ''0 foot span, with two 20 foot approaches 40.00 The same to be built of nood, sound, pine lum ber, except posts and sills, which are to lie of good, sound oak, and the same to be construct ed according to secItlcations on tile in the County Clerk's Office, and to lie completed and ready for travel within 0 days from date. Z. KIM J & SON". By Jso. Ii., Ag't. STATEMENT OF THE COUNTY COM MISSIONERS OF CASS COUNTV. To the people of Cass Coun ty : Your Board of County Commission ers in justice to themselves and the people of Cass county desire to submit the following Statement, as explanato ry to the levy of the taxes for last year. 1st. The expenses of the county for 1873, had at the end of the year exceed ed levy .$ 5 6U2 for which there had to be provis ion made in the levy of '74. 2d. The Attorneys fees in the B. & M. R. R. bond case, for which there had to be provision made in the levy of 1874 to the amount of 3d. An extraordinary levy had to be made to provide for the payment of n numerical in dex as required by law 4th. "We had to provide for the payment of in the 74 levy for the relief of John C. Cummins, County Treas urer (by special act of the Legislature. 7 000 2 000 42 Plattsmouth, Neb., June 2d, 1874. 'To the Hon. Tlonrd of County Commingionerm, of l.S., .At IstJI ItCfllta I hereby propose to construct and furnish material for Ave wooden bridges, in accordance witn tne spcciucations in Countv Clerk s Oflice, and at the places named in said snecifications in a good aud workmanlike manner, for the sum of eight dollars and eiglitv cents (SS.jso) per lin eal foot, to be paid in County warrants on bridge iuu i. I also propose to construct and furnish mate rial for the above bridges, according to speciti cations, substituting pine for oak lumber, for the sum of six dollars and seventy cents rt.70j per lineal iooi, io oe pain 111 county warrants. ritOfOSAL, KOU 1KO.V mtlDGK. I proimse to construct and furnish material for one Iron bridge, of eighty feet span and fourteen feet wide, with two approaches, twen ty feet each, as er snecifications in County . ici v s voice, ii ii o i lit ii joisi s ami j men noor ing. same as plan enclosed, without sidewalks for the sum of three thousand dollars f-'.' to be paid in County warrants. Weight of iron linage nnoui lti.'XM) pounds. N. H. If Cash is paid, fifteen per cent. dii. count on aoove inns. . WALTER JAMES WHITE, being isstted for work done on Chicago Avenue. Said tax lein: for the year 1875 on the raluation of said real estate, as shown by the Assessor's books of said city, for said year and that the said taxes for said year shall be paid in money only Sec. 6. That there shall be, aud is here by levied on all the real, personal and mixed property within the corporate lim its of trie city of Plattsmouth, not exempt from taxation by the laws of the state of Nebraska, a tax of four J4) mills on the dollar for interest and one tenth principal due on the Bonds of the city of Platts mouth, issued to fund the indebtedness of said city. Said tax being for the year 187o, upon the valuation of saia property as shown by the Assessor's books of the city of Plattsmouth for said year, said tax shall be paid in money only. Sec. 7. That there shall be and is here by levied on all the real, personal and mixed property within the corporate lim its of the city of Plattsmouth, not exempt from taxation by the state of Nebraska, a tax of ten (10) mills n the dollar for the support of schools in the school district of the city of Plattsmouth, in tho county of Cass, and State of Nebraska, for the year 1875. Said levy tc be made on the valuation of said property as shown by the Assessor's books ot said city of Platts mouth for said year and that said tax shall be paid in money only. Sec. 8. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to law. It. It. LIVINGSTON, Mayor. Attest: F.E. White. City Clerk. 2 STOKE AM) 3IILL AT Rock Bluffs. J. $ II. SHERJl. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by "White. & DAitRAn. Wheat Corn Oats live Barley nogs Flax Seed Cattle The lowest bid was $7 per linea foot in Cash. Mr. "White, thinking the bridges could be buiit for $7 per foot in orders, was instructed to see them built according to the specifications, a f?7 per foot, payable in County orders and here is his statement ol the expen ditures: Plattsmouth, Oct. cth, 1874. Cass County, to M. L. White, Dr., To furnishing material, and building C3 bridg es as per specification 3,2St'i feet including ap proaches at $7 per foot SJ2.970.50 Cr. by 1.271 feet of bridges covered with 2 inch instead of 3 Inch plank, making a difference of 17,0'iS ft Cr. by lumber used at the Porter bridge 1.4 to rt 18,478 Dr. to lumber furnished Co., to Craig ft. To lumber furnished county, to Wiley and Eikenberry To lumber furnished county, to Elmwood To lumber furnished county, to Bohhet Tipton To lumber furnished county, to McClintoe, Stove Creek, left at John McKcys bridge 306 2,520 5.3 5th. An extra amount of 1 000 papers of the proceedings of the peo- for making tax list, fees provid ple) were hurled-'en masse" at the de- ed for by the new law and by voted heads of the three fiscal agents strict computation under the of Cass county. Dro. Arnold kept mum law would have amounted to Rio. Clark nodded at liro. White and 8200 or 300 more than SI 000. 800 Cth. Also we had to provide in the levy of 1874 for the pay ment of attorneys fees in the B. & M. R. R. land tax case.carried into the Supreme Court of the United States. 7th. "We had to provide in levy of 74 for the payment of interest on the B. & M. R. R. Bonds to the amount of 20 000 8th. We found it necessary to make an extra levy on the bridge fund over the previous year of 3 mills on the dollar making a difference ef 8 000 Bro. White said "Clerk read the peti tions and Clerk "Wells propelled. Todd had left you see, but after awhile he returned with Sheldon and Doud (Ramsey did not appear) and then and there commenced the battle of brains between A hite and Todd. "We must say the old man acquitted himself with credit. Todd didn't press his best points and seemed overwhelmed by the legal acumen of White. THE COM E DOWN. Finally they slobbered the whole thing over and concluded there had been some mistake, that the bridges had been built and there was the end of it, and that some day next week the committee would come up and go over the books &.c and then violence In the early part of the day there had been considerable talk of roies, tar feathers- and so on, but it all died out,as each party came to face the facts. The IIei:ali must say it has seldom seen so great a collapse, except, when Sheriff Cutler went up to Omaha to see the big Balloon. THE LATE ItAI.V Cooled many thing down, it must have cooled the Cass county Bonanza or else as old man Chase used to say "science beats brutal strength," and science won this time. at six o'clock Tuesday Evening, the waters had sub sided, the great rush was over, Cal Moore lay down to sleep, Sheriff Cut ler went over to see the School board to make arrangements for another pic publicly burned, as shown by. record nic, and the County "Corns" retir- of Board, and that the bonds voted to ed to their virtuours bridges we the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk R, mean couches for a irentle snooze. R.. and the "Weeninsr "Water Vallev R. So ends the things of earth. "We hop R., were never issued. All of which up like a hopper-grass, grow up like a will more fully appear by examination sparrow-grass, are cut down like blue- of the records of the Commissioners of grass, and finally tlie like a jack-ass. Cass County, which are always open to Such is life, and the great moralist is the public. making a total of 45 7J4 All of which was an extra levy over the ordinary expenses. 9th. "We further state that there is yet not drawn against the levy of 1S74 5.23G.1G There is yet cash on hand in the land road fund at Interest, 0,000.00 The following shows the levy of the present year: General fund 5 mills. R. R. Bonds 2 " Poor fund " Land road, 4 dollars per qr. sec. "Which is ample to meet all expenses of the County for the coming year. Your Commissioners would further state that the R.R. Bonds lifted and received from the Bi & M. R. R. Co., in compromise of the Bond case of Cass County, vs The B. & M. R. R. Co. to the amount of 8150,000 are canceled and Making 11.723 ft (?. 3cts a ft . .$ June d by 2 orders on bridge Fund June 3d by cash from Super visor, per T. Clark July 7th by 8 order on br'ge Fund Sept. 2d by 1 order on I-and Bond Fund 206 3.7o5 5U.0J 2,000.00 71C.11 8,000.00 1.000.00 J?l?,lT)7.g0 $10,712.00 I do hereby certify that the above account Is correct. M. L. WHITE. I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the original acc't as appears from the files and records of this oflice. C. P. Moore, July 7th, 1S75. County Clerk. led to exclaim : "Since we have been so soon done for, What were we thus begun forV" ' THE EXD IS HERE. The Herald has faithfully chron icled the rise and fall of this great bo nanza, and now patiently awaits the next chapter of events, which will be tlie report of the Committee on Investigation. July 7th, 1875. T. CLARK M. I "WHITE W. B. ARNOLD Attest: Cr.MooEF, Clerk. U County Comm'rs How much does a fool weigh gener ally ? A simple ton. As regards the building of the bridg es, the Commissioners submit that many petitions were constantly pre sented for bridges, and that tho rec ords showed that insufficient and poor bridges had been built oil the cheap ORDINANCE NO. GS,, An Ordinance providing for Revenue for the city of Plattsmouth In the state of Nebraska, for the year 1875. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Com mon Counci'.men of the City of Platta mouth Fec 1st. That there shall he and is here by levied, on all the real personal and mix ed property within said city cf Platts mouth, not exempt from taxation by the laws oitlie btate ol ricbraska, a tax of rive (5) mills on the dollar lor General Revenue purposes, for the year 1873, said levy to Le made on the valuation of said property as shown by the assessment books of said city for said year. Bee. 2, That tUere shall he, and is here by levied, on all the real estate within the corporate limits of the city of Platts mouth, not exempt from taxation bv the law of the state of Nebraska, a tax of four (4) mills on the dollar, for grading streets building bridges, culverts and sewers, and for constructing fotalks across the streets, for the year 1875. Said levy to be made on tne valuation of said real estate, as shown by the Assessors books of said city for said yc?r See. 3. That there shall be, and is here by levied, on all tho real, personal and mixed property, within the corporate lim its of the city of Plattsmouth, not exempt from taxation by the lawswf the state of Nebraska, a lax of one half () mill on the dollar.for payment of interest due, and one tenth of the principal of the Bond issued by the City of Plattsmouth, aad known as the "High School Furnace Bond." Said tax for the year 1875, beinw leyied on the valuation of sa'd property as shown by the Assersor's books for the said city for the year 1875. Sec. 4. That there shall b, and is here by levied on all the real, personal and mixed property, within the corporate lim its of the city of Plattsmouth, not exempt, from taxation by the laws of the state of Nebraska, a tax of lire (3) milU on the dollar for payment of interest on Bonds voted and issued by the City of Platts mouth, for the construction of a High School Building. Said tax for the year 1875 being levied on the valuation of satd projerty a3 shown by the Assessors bo"ks lor tlie city ol Plattsmouth, Ibi said year, and said tax shall be paid in money only. Sec. 5. That there shall be, and is here by levied on all the real estate within the corporate limits of the city of Plattsmouth not exempt by the laws of the state ot Nebraska, a tax of lire (5) mills oa the dollar, fcr payment of interest and prin cipal on the Street Bonds,, said Bonds 75 fftw 5V,Wl ftUfy.Vi 7fK!.7." 7-ri'(-KS .- 5.00(' w.50 1.25 2.WKjt3.00 LATEST NEW YOIJK MARKETS. New Yokk. July t. Money B 2!-J percent Gold SI 17S4 Flour... Wheat. Corn.... Oats.... live liarley.. Cattle.. Hogs LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. .lulv 9. 4.60&4.75 1 03 75 CO'i !K) 1.35 50l6.75 6.5tXii.7.25 TVe have purchased tho ROOK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW MILL, And will hereafter run the same tn Connection With Our Store. CUSTOM WORK will be guaranteed to be satisfactory. We em ployed the IB IE S ? we could find, whose reputation is well known, and it Is pro posed that the farmers and ;li others have it they bring Good Wheat ! ! Tlie highest market price paid for tho Best Wheat and Corn. The Wrong Side of the Sleridian. On the down hill side of life, which an old medical writer quaintly terms "the wrong side of the nierdian." when the functions decay and th e frame gradually bends under the weight of years, the system requires to be sustainedun der the burden imposed upon it. Innumerable physical ailments and infirmities then press up on it to which it had been in earlier life a stran ger. The surest and pleasantcst support and solace of declining years is found in Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, long recognized as tlie most wholesome and agreeable of dilTusible stimu lants, the most potent of tonies and alteratives. Tlie aged and infirm may place implicit confi dence pi this invigorating elixir,, which not only checks those maladies to which elderly persons are peculiarly subject, but in a measure retards the encroachment of time upon the constitu tion. Obstacles to Marriage- Happy Kelierfor Youns Men from the effects ol Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediment to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. liooks and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address liUWAlil) ASSOCIATION. 4P N, Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Fa. an Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. 9yl rj t r. pa c-t-CD o o 3 CO O i : CO CD m 2. - t -i X CO tt 5 8 ?5i c- ir1 t S S s t VI s rr. -c r m 3 S. 8 ' T 3 3 OUR STORE is Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to sell them At Low Rates Having been enabled to purchase a large SIOCK Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to all. EQUALLY LOW XOW IS YO UK TIME TO BUT. J. & H. Shera, 3Uf ROCK IILurFS. ZfcTZEW" -A-3D. Reduced Kates for Lumber Clear tlie Track for our Spring Trade. II. A. WATEIUIAX & SON Will sell Frame Einmher. of all kinds at 621 perm. V nc I us, S0 t 823. Common Honrdw. 80 to 23. llewt KliiiixlfM, 14. 25, Xo. 1 Shingles. 92.75. Other grades ofLumher equally Cheap IoorM,Hasli& ItlindM at Factory prices See other ad. on outside. E.G DOVEY'S ne w LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE S T .A. BLE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. i. The partnership of O. M. Streight and W. Jones, be-ng this day dissolved Dr. W. I). JONES, will open a new Livery. Feed, anil Sale Stable, at tne imi n i. i i i;.u.,ou .Main Mrect, just east of .lohu Shannon's well known Maine, l lattsmoutn. ;eo. Iorei. ISnjrgleM &. CarriascM, to let at all times, at rates. houses no.innr.D nr the day, week. Particular attention paid to driving and train ing Horses. Having all the appliances I shall make n particular teature of mv business the driving and handling of THOTTINU STOCK. tIeing well known all over the countv. no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite all my friends to call and see me. and they will receive a hearty welcome. Kespectfully, 3m W. D. JONES. FAMILY MEDICINES AIIE the result or an experience of tlurtv j'ears in the privet ice of a successful physician. Jtitter Tonic An extract of roots and herbs so judiciously nnd medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help reijuired. It is not claimed as a panacea for all tlie ills of life, but for dyspepsia, billions and liver complaints, fever and ague, cholera. debility, and all diseases of the stomach, liver. and digestive organs, it is an ettectnal remedy. As a preventative against fever and ague and malarious diseases it is linsunnuvsed. It strengthens and builds up the debilitated sys tem, ami gives renew cu wgui to an pans oi tne bodv. Hinzs C are Acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of dropsy, gout, gravel, and diseases of tlie bladder iif kidneys, purities the blood, cures scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and all diseases of the uri nary organs. Kxpeetoranc a prompt remedy lorcougns asllima, cioup, and all diseases of the, lungs and chest, and the llrst stages of con sumption and typhoid fever. Fever ami Ag'ue I'ills Arc prepared ex pressly t aid the tonic in curing acute and chiontc cases, thev act without depletion. Crimean Ijiiiiiiient Oncns the Mres of the tlesh.and ienetrates to the bone or seat of pain, giving relief to man or beast as speedily as anv outward application can. Sold bv all Uncnrists and Healers. E. T. UAliTia 1 F & CO. joy! Uurlinstou, Iowa NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! n.iving made up my mind several years ago RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and being still of the snnie"mind. I take tht method of informing the public that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue doing so through this year or until tlie USTSioIe Stools is disposed of. During thnt time I intend to Sell Hoods for Casli, Ixiwer than any other house c;in do and sustain themselves. My stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS&- CAPS, ROOTS d- SHOES. WALL PAPER, CARPETS, dC, dC, d C. The whole stock w ill be sold at Bottom Prices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object is no to Make Money but to GET out of BUSINESS. (live me a call and see for yourself. E. (J. D0VEY. CLARK & PLUMMER. More new goods next week, without any special invitation. Come A new invoice of Spring and Summer SHAWLS. Genuine Plantation Ceylon CoTee. Try it. An assortment of Invisible Dress (1 coils. Plai.l The Largest and Cheaiest Stock of Ladies Hosiery in the City. Common at 1.23 per doen. A large and well selected stock of Yankee Notions. Purchased for cash, and for sale clnrap. The largest stock of Parasols, will be here next week, that has ever been brought to this market. Come and see them. The largest stock and finest assort ment of Ladies Xeckties, and the Cheanest. Come and see them. More Hamburg Edginj Cnsh paid for good Tallow. A new invoice of Coffee, Yellow C, Extra C, and Xew Orleans Sugar. A choice Japan T, at 70 cents. Salt Lake Peaches. A splendid quality of Syrup in Five Gallon Kegs. Ture Sugar good cheap. A large invoice of lliowu and Bleached Muslins, bought before the advance. Xew Currants at lOe per pound. Choice Michigan Apples, cheap. Pure Maplw Syrup. All other goods cheaper than elsewhere, FOU CASH. TZHTIEJ JOHNSON ORGAN, Manufactured by Hi. if1, croiiisrsoisr, AT 1'I.ATTSMOrTH, XEik, Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Neb, over all corn pet iters. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason & Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. Irif These organs are all put op in. elegant Black Walnut Cases-, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to give perfect satis- factien. POLLOCK IIJKAKDSLEV iciMi, iistati: a;i:t.s, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! ormeil a i:n1nerslii for the purpose of a (ieuer.'ll Keal Instate liu-illll-ss wo I!a I n tr formed drlill are prepared to at li'iid to l lie oaiiie in nil its branches. Our list of Lund is I.. Mail-; and C'HOR'R ;md some VERY LOW PRICES. We have an Abstract of I.'enl INlate Title. f,,i Cass t'ouuly. which we have carefully com pared with (lie Original IbconK and Will jrive Special .Mention to t he Kx uiiim:ttiiu of idles, to lUMiisliiiii; Ccrlitied A bsl rai ls, and t on vevaueimr. and Notary Work, GEUBBALLY. Ollice in rilL;ejald's I'.loelc, oer I'rsf Nation al Hank. Pollock & Beardsley. -yi MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!! i;k wisr, Al S V K MONK.V. by usm- the best and Cheapest Organ Made ! At theOiu'ail Atri iicy of E. 11. EATdX, I'LAiTSMUUTII, XKU. WOKLl) KKNOVYNKU Mason & Hamlin caiiib:t oiik.ixs, Declared by one thousand celebrated Musicians I' n rival led Mild 1 n comparable." wiiiiiiiiK t no 1- iiNt Medal at World 's Kair. Pari. In Ij7, iilso the two highest Medals, and di ploma of Honor at VIENNA WORLD'S EXHIBITION '73 Calf and see the PIAXO IIAliP-OKGAX, Juit invented ;,n 1 jcit.-nled, rivalling the Plana for puril y and In illi:ncy of time; also thu Lleaut Oiuaii Jltairerc case, the most be-iutiful oriran made, and many nlhir styles rvccdinu any Ihiim heretofore. manufactured bv the MASON & HAMLIN COM PANY, mi-: i;u iiicsr. Most kkliaiu.k. and Largest ()r';in Manufactory in tho World. i:vs:i:v k;.i hml'li.vyl'i VEiirEcr i.v eyeuy I'AHT. A.t) WILL LAST A LIFKTIME, AiKisffldat Pi i-cs per cent, less than many other makers, for Inferior (tiyitnu. t Kxamine price list and Organs hrfur hu)iiur. and ni)ire for yourselves. Price list, I !l list rated ,d a lot; ire, and Circular free on ap pl:catiiai to the SulM:ka Musical Ajreiuy. Store oppiiit- the llronks House, Piatt iinoi'it h. Cass Countv, Nebraska. i:t K. II. KATOJf. c.-i , z, 7 DICK STRSIGHT'S LIEBY, Feed, and fc'ale Stables. Corner cVlli and Pearl St.. iniirs i:oai:im:i i:y tiir av, we:i:k, oh nio.vrii. HOUSES BOLTCiHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TL.UIS ATVLL HOURS. Pal tirulnr attention paid to Driving and Training Titcwrsxt; srct ii. Will also have for service during the season thfr ki.kivi: a i r.i hoi'.sks : S0K3IAN M ALA RAX, Known as the . i. .io;:s iiousix ""l"or particulars. see bills or i osier. nlv II ATT, THE P.UTCIIElt, oi.iirsr ami i;kst KSTAr.i.isif rr Heat Iiiikt In I ho C llj. Not chan.nrin constantly, but I ho old l.'eli.-iMe Spot where von can jrt your ieaks. PoaMs. Oaiue,' I'isli and l-'owl ill Season. South Side of Main St., PLATTSIWVTIT, - - - NER. Jfiyl THE TONE Is the most teifect that lias ever leen produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praise they are receiving are justly merited. They are First Class in Every Respect Ivory Front for Kfj s. I'bony Nharpj. ItraxM Pin, 3Iort!cc Clothed, mo that tli ere i no Friction or NqueaWIiicr. piHl Action as Quick and Per fect as tlie Ilcst Piano. The Tuning and Voicing is all done by rnvself, and tlie superiority of Tone and its quick resuse to the touch is acknowledged lv every jmlire i that has yet tried them, whether prej- uuicea in iavor oi oilier organs or not. If they see and hear them they invari ably give the verdict in their favor. Sr-.-ZtZs tOr- &zy6 As onr :1 vcruotr lull doc inndo tua advert! mcnt nlt.other distinct, we will interpret md elabo rate it as fullowii : 1. It. FOOTK, r.i., Author of Plain Horn Tidk, Mc-flical Common Bonn. Solenc in Storr, etc., i) Ix.xiuKton Avenue (cor. Kn-t 3ft Stroct), Nr-.r York, nn IiErKn:T l'HViiciA?f, tn-t all i'lrri'.n of l.tntjering nr LhronUi on l rKivo letter rf frum all part of tho Civimzkd VWnr.r. By tun oriijir.ul ?-ry f roii!m;tIiii? a Mmlical Prac tice, hi- fs H!ir-.n"f't!!r t--n!'tiL' nun cror.n pdtirflt In Kuropr, the l est IikIIcm, IXiilnlon Of t uiiiiila, nnd in every pun of the L'ihUhI elate. TsrO :UI:itCTTItIA.L Or drtofri'TO'! dr-i nsp-1. Ho has. iltirin the part twenty three yenrw, tritct mci-Mwfiilly rieirly or quUa 40,lj i.-hk-s. Ail twx nmiii ctnl wn h m cate arc carefully rerordiil. whether they b e miriiiiilcatel by ltt.-r or in -r-uin, or olmTwl by th IhTUir or hla skvk iiifu physicLti4. 'J'.iu laUUT l!9 all cieuti& mediiail rri'-n. HOW INVALID3 AT A riSTAHCZ Arc treated. All IiivalliU at n dinrai ctt are nrquire4 to ancwer a li-t of plain n'n-ntiiia. wliich elicit every ymptnin iindiT w)ii-h tho inv;i I unffi ra. Alt com tiitiuir itiiiu ti oott-l KtrU tlf i ii fliUnitnl. A inplet iiyrt-ra of p-u':ti riinf prevcicn mi"Lak4 or confiuion. Lii -t fiii--tniH i"e!i5 fn-e, on B'lictin, to any part of tlx) world. S! I'HTiiplilct "f EviliEieu or Biti;cks, nhv 'nt free. All thoe t'-atlmonial ara front thoNe who have btv-n trcntf-il by nril finrt exprr-a. Axvn a i.t omen, on ur mall, i;le or ciiAftoKf Cull uu or adilreait DR. E. B. FOOTE. No. 120 Lexing-toa Atc, H. Y. for anv riUCi: LIST is as low as First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for Tailor or Church will advance their own inter est bv trying my Organs. Address, I,. V. .J O II NSOX Plattsmouth, Xeb. h f. r- -: Lt-e- vr ; - w J! . sett VKxfcs rU:rn 7tJTe 7o'Jc Jyr lrcs .SVrKT. i n Story. lirjWfiia.urs Gd'Jjrs.t lIurr.T-JuiilVUih'.nif4sir.r nniS.- NKW YORK. WIIOLE-SALK and Hetail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL IXSTIiUMLXTS Tuned and Repaired. Satisfaction guaran teed, soyl. Dr. Eerer'a Tosic Bowel and Pile Pills. The p:i: an Iuf.iluhle r.-meilv f r ecnf ipaHon an 1 plli-s ertnw I by wukii- or ivpr-.t 'n of the ln-rist title lu 'U"H nf IHn lw.. '.s. T:n y very avntiT iii'TC-i tii m iiv.ty iI the l:i:ti pnxliion oft ieiN an. I relieve at one 1 hava brii cjre-l lv thc-m; .VI if-n'jt. went by mil on rencn-r of prion. Pr.-,.i"-.' I only by F. A I. FUEL lt:l'"HAliliT, i'uiRM.iar, -it'J FoVbiu AyKnur, Nirw Vkbk Citt. Dr. Berg-er's CoTnpoanl Fluid Extract of Khubaib and Dandelion. The het comftiru; ion of jmi t ly ri'.'i iahie mitllcinea to entirely rcpiitc-i Calomel or lUim Pill. It rlimulatea the liv r. lncri- the fl.nv of b'lc. an I thu remove atnn- torpi.luy of the livc-r. bilimnne anil habitual co:itipari..n. an t the 1iv- arising from such aa dy-pepm.'v xiclc head.u-he. flatul' nee, to. Theeffeo tivenets of this Extract will lie -ovel. visibly, atone to the patient, one or two Ik.uIi are mftVient to cli-ar thu coinilexion hent.fiillv. mi l remove pimple anj n unit i-tuie-1 by liver trouble. Pri-a 1 per bottle, fi l llle, S."; wiil Iw Kent on rw-i of the prie to anv Klilreu. fre of chnrve lVepared only by F. ALFltEO UEH'II.UIDT. I'HtUtdbl, 4UilKZ Avtn; Ww loan Cixr.