f t 1 ; f : I 'A is- i 1 J THE JIEJULi). Just taste Bosenbaum's cheese, home made, little seeds in it. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Tr,vwlent. 25 cents a line. Regular advertis- i j iicuu ier nue. .m am 1 lor lets tli No advertisement i5 cntj. inser- I-CRal Notices at Statute rates. Attorneys and otlioers of the law will be lield responsible for all legal notices tliey hand in. una nil parties demand inir a pMK.f if publica tion of any notice wiil be helil for the publica tion lee of such notice. COM M UnVca T ION. A oar space is limited, all communications aunt bs brief and to tlie point, Willi no waste nt words. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly Trom the postofflce. whether ilireeted to his djuiiq, or whether he is a subscriber or not is responsible for the pay. 2. 11 any person orders his paper discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish r may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether ttin paper is taken from the oflire .r not. 3. The courts have decided that reinsinsr to take newspapers and periodicals from the poit ofT"ce. or removing and leavinu them imeailed for. is jtrima tu-t" evidence of intkntioxai. rKAin. Henry Doeck, our Iloeck, the Boeck, the furniture Bocek has put in i hand some "area" f orninst his store. Anil Buttery still keeps that good soda. See Faxon's great Auction notice in another column. Geo. Pronger has got into new quart ers with his carpenter shop. He is up on Washington Avenue. Marshal Murphy is still keeping the good work moving, putting our side walks in good repair. John Boone is happy. lie has his new soft-water Shower Bath, for sham pooing, fixed and in good running order. POSTPONEMENT. The public examination of schools will be postponed one week from the time given in our last. Commence ment day, Friday, July 2d, 187.3. Mushizer; the barber has soft water for shampooing, shower baths, &c, all fitted up very nicely. Dick Straight nearly lost his "hoU" last Monday morning. As he was com ing in from the training ground with "Sorrel Bird", she made a misstep and threw Dick out of the sulky, breaking a shaft By very great good luck and the naturally good disposition of the mate, no further damage occurred. "Strawberries and Ice Cream", are the magic, letters that greet you in front of Fred. Stadelman's. So quick ? We do wish some good "brother would ttirri that "B" up straight, in the M. E. Church It makes us squint to keep looking at it. HA TS ! HA TS ! II A TS ! A fine stock of new Hats. Latest style at Wm. STADKI.MAXS"! Come to Merges Shoe Store for the 1 unrest and I test assortment and for the luwett cash prices. When you go to Weeping Water don't fail to call on Heed Bros, and ex amine their stork of troods. They have excellent bargains in boots, shoes and summer clothing. Otf ESTKAY NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned, on the 22d of May, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. Two black colts, one two year old, one yearling. (lt:t Jno. Gilmour. $! KEWAKI). I will pay $23 to know the name of the man or brute that put out the poi son by which my dog was killed. JVZ 11. J. StiLkiuiit. May 2Sth. 17.-,. Faxon! Phaxon! Phaxion! Faxon i- onisiu! -'Faxon's coming.. K. Xi'Vcs, Louisville, sends the Iler :ild a check for his dues. Prompt man. Hope he'll do more and more business, until ho has to hire twenty clerks to keep his books. Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Smith, of the Con. Con., came home Sunday to see the folks and hear the news. Cap. Paine csmc home to see his wife and the "ga rding". I lesser, the Cass County florist and vegetable man, has still some oyster plants, lettuce, radishes and the finest of flowers on hand every day. Watch for his ponies at your door. Mr. Wolfe shipped a lot of the fnv.st Berkshire hogs last week that were vver shipped from Cass County. 580 head were shipped nl together, and they contained many line hogs, but Mr. "Wolfe's were the best, taken as a lot. The State Agent of the Marsh Har vester, at Beatrice, offers a big chal lenge to all other Harvesters, to give him a trial this summer, 1,000 dollars aside. This is the same machine tiiat our Mr. Metteer is Agent for. AUCTION SALE! Consignment Sale of Boots, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Gaiters, Children's and Ladies' Slippers, a lot of Gloves, a full set of Shoemaker's tools, lasts, and sundry other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence Saturday, June 12th, 1S73, at 11 o'clock A. m. Wm. Stadf.lmann, Consignee of W. II. Poole. F. S. White, Auctioneer. Also ;it the same time and place I will offer one 3 year old mare colt, taken ;is the projKTty of II. Calhoon, to pay charges. 10t2 Our old friend, Dick dishing, has made a change in his quarters, we see. He lives at Wart burg, Tenn., now. As poor Geo. Christy used to say, "he's moved, he don't stay where he used to was any more." Knotty place, that Wart-burg. Mike Schnellbacher comes out this week with a spic span, new, flaming Ad. all about his new "Blacksmit shop, in de house" where the old Bab cock used to reside, Sec, &c. Give Mike a call he has two new forges, plenty of chin-music we mean, blowers, and lots of stock on hand, that wants work ing up. Largest Assortment, Best Assortment, Cheapest Assortment, of Boots and Shoes at Merges Shoe Store. Somebody sent Joe Buttery a hand some water-proof overcoat, cape and all, by Kxpress, and he don't know who it was. He hereby returns thanks for the same. OBITUARY NOTICE. Death of 1). JIcFinnon. IMPORTANT NOTICE! TO FARMERS OF CASS COUNTY ! As the undersigned Avill go East on or about the 5th day of June, and be absent for a month, now is the time to bring your wheat; for the "boys" will "let down" the price as soon as I leave. A word to the wise is suflicitnt. 9t3 Josefii A. Connor. Groceries are usually sold on a small profit, but still you can save considera ble on them, by buying of Reed Bros. They endeavor to keep tlieir stock com plete, and to keep only the best of gods. Otf FA RMERS A TT EXT I OX ! Julius Fepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the Herald office, on Main St.. Plattsmonth, Xel. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and American To laccies for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. AWNINGS ! AWNINGS I Business and private awnings put up by J Fkaxk Stadter. Now is the time to protect your goods and carpets from the Sun and yet have light and air. For business awnings see Fepperberg's and Mushizer's places. Give me a calL 5tf Frank Stadter. FAXON", the AUCTIONEER, will be in Plattsmouth on next MO.VD.VV, JUNE 7th, with a big and splendid stock of DRY GOOD?, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES, AND SUGARS; NOTIONS, DRY & CANNED FRUITS, a large variety. CARPETS, HATS AXD CAPS, BOOTS AXD SHOES. The largest stock he has ever brought to this town. The Auction will be held in Fitzgerald Block, at Dr. Chapman's old stand, at 2 AND 7 r. M., HVCn DAY, until further notic llOtf FOR SALE OR RENT. A small dwelling house, two rooms, 12x18, a good well of water ami close to the business part of town. Enquire at the IIeuald office. 8lf. FOR SALE OR RENT. The F. W. D. Holbrook house on 5th .st, near Dr. John Black's, lately occu pied by Gen. Cunningham. Enquire of 7tf. John Christiansen. Reed Bros, desire to call the atten tion of the public to their stock of dry croods. during these close times there is nothing on which you can save so much, by exercising care in buying, as on drv goods. In looking for cheap goods beware that you do not get goods cheap in quality. SJtf Remaining in the Neb., J line 1st, 18 LIST OF Post LETTERS Offlce at riattsniiiuth, Andrews A R Ashman Henry Alley MissT.l Riidsel RoVrt liOKardid E Riial Miss M Lallan! C C R.irrie .T Black Mr(Rarbei) Carey John L Coiiklin'4 Win Cutlaghau L S Casey James Denning Ilenricli ('eriihai't Francis E Harper 1 C Hawks Mrs II E Harris Joseph Person calling for above say "advertised". HirU W Hickman Ruth Jenning Thomas Johnson I. A It Lane Charley T Melun Win M;iran:ile Rolurt Newton (1 A Nichols C II Sanders J S Shroder Mrs Ttachael Thomas John W Yinke Hsnry Walk ins IJi; Wood Mrs P. P. Wiilford Moses Wignagh W V letters, will please J. V, Marshall. P. M. CAUTION. All Krsons are hereby cautioned not to buy or trade for a note, of one hun dred and thirty dollars and lift)-hve ets., given to one Eliza i;irlie, dated Tipton Oct. 1st or 10th 1874, due Oct. 1st 187.1. Signed by A. S. Cooley with Dick Coolev as security. uv " A. S. Cooley. May 187: FOR SALE. At liOw Rates. An exeellent stock of Gladioli, Ver benas, Geraniums, Dahlias and a gen eral assortment of Beilixo Plants. Also a nice lot of Tomato plants, both Trophy and Canada Victor. Dtf L. A. Moore. 10 lw mfu w '-S&IIu-' J S t:s v J 78 HT needed in House KTIS and everything else cleaning, refitting or ornamenting, you can get at ! rank Stadter s. P. S. Orders received for all kinds of painting, graining, paper hanging, kalsominmg, done in a workmanlike manner bv 4-tf. McElwain & Hodapp. HIGHEST A WAHD. I received Diploma for the finest 1 oots at Orb State Fair, and I manufac ture them constantly. I also do re pairing good and promptly and warrant satisfaction. P. Merges. Billy Stadelmann keeps the best, the largest and the cheapest stock of Clothing in the town. ALSO A very good assortment of Boots and Shoes, a large assortment of hats and caps, and the largest and best assort ment in town of gents' furnishing goods, consisting of Underwear, Collars, Ties, Shirts, Gents' Pocket Handkerchiefs, Pocket Knives, Jewelry and GENTS GLCVE.S of all kinds. Just drop in and see John Wynde. We are called upon to note a very painful occurrence this week, one of the most painful personally that has fallen to our lot since editing a news paper among you, It is the death of our young and promising County Clerk Daniel W. .McKinnon, who departed this life at San Diego, Cal.on Saturday May 22d. at 3 a. m., of pulmonary dis ease. His brother Joseph was with him, and we understand the body was conveyed directly to Ohio for burial. Fall particulars have not come to us yet. We can scarcely realize that the young man who so short time ago awoke our enthusiasm and received our almost uniftd suffrage in Cass county for a high and responsible position, now lies cold in death, dying in a foreign State, though watched over by loving friends, yet such is the case. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice. Notice is hereby ;iv'n iu all iiersons having tViiini against the estate of C'randlsi Shaw, to tile the .same In the Proba!" .Jii(!?e"s ofUre. Plati.sinoui ii, t rts.1 roomy, Nebraska, nn or before the ll'lh dav of NoVember. A. I. W.". II. E. ELLISON. 7t5 Probate Jiifbre. PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAM. .11. CI5AIMI VX, ATTORNEY AT L VV ai d Solicitor in Chan eerv. At:- in l'iuueiald's Rioek, Plattsmouth Nct'niska. Sheriffs Sale. GREAT SALE OF LOTS. We call attention to the Sale of the DUKE ADDITION LOTS by Capt. Bennett, the Administrator. See advertisement. FOR NEXT FALL ANI SPRING. The most hardy, niot. productive and most profitable varieties f Apple, I'ear, Peach. riuni Aprieot and Cherry tree.s.Cnipeviiies.sniail fruits strawberry plants, ornamental trees and shrubs, evergreens, bulbous roots.hedge plants, and ev ery'h'iK desirable for Nebraska soil and climate can be bought of me on good terms. Orders re ceived in town. No travelling expenses. Pri ces low. All trees, shrubs, and plants warrant ed good and in good condition. There is ail apple tree in Plattsmouth, which 1 sold in lr. aid it now pays the interest of one hundred dollars, and I have sold many oth ers that are as good. One tree of a good variety is worth more than ten trees of a poor variety. lie careful to plant good trees of good varie ties, and take good care of them. ltuv of a careful and experienced nurseryman, or agent who resides in your vicinity. He very careful to keep your trees in a cool shady place, and the roots wet, watertheni well when you plant them, then keep them cultiva ted, or mulched. Call on ine on Main street, ev ery time you come to town, anil see specimens Of fruit and flowers. W. S. WEST. WANTED. Masonic Hall Co. Shares. In accordance with the direction of Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6, A.-. F. & A.: M. we will purchase two hundred and fifty-eight and 70-100 dollars ($2o8.70) worth of the shares issued to aid in the erection of the Masonic and Odd Fellows building in Plattsmouth.' No shares will be purchased unless the said shares were issued to some MEMI5ER OF THE MASONIC F I" ATE UNI TY. Bids will be received fr the mon ey until June 30th, 1873; and those shares purchased from which the own er will make the largest per cent dis count from the par value of the shares. The bids should be sealed and address ed to Julius Pcppcrberg. Sec'y, riatts mouth Neb. and endorsed "bids for sale of shares in the Masonic and Odd Fel lows' Hall Co. Bils must be on file on or before June 30th, and the awards on the same will lie made on Thursday July 1st 1873. Plattsmouth Nebraska, May lOtli IS 73. Frank E. AViiite, AW. M. Elbert T. Dcke, Treas. Julius Pepperberg, See'y. nattsuiouth Lodge No. 6, A.-.F.and Av M. H-tG PERSONA I- The Deputy Sheriff of Adams Coun ty, was in town Friday. Arthur Winterstein.brother of "Jim my," called around last Friday. He was on his way to Burlington, Iowa. Chas. Driscol, the well known Arch itect, was in town yesterday, viewing the spot and submitting plans for Mr, Fitzgerald's new mansion on the cele brated "Forty". Fuller reports of the State Medical Society's proceedings, and the Sunday School Convention, will appear next week. Those desiring extra papers should notify us in advance. Miss Bennett is making a short visit to her friends in Plattsmouth. She re ports business lively in Villisca. Her many friends will be triad to hear of her success there. Hon. John Barnts has returned from Greeley, Col., and reports Representa tive John Brown as improving in health and spirits. Mrs. Cant. O'Rourke returned last week from avisifrto Milwaukee, bring ing with her her mother, to make them a visit in their new house. Levi Pollard, one of the grasshopper sufferers of Cass, came up the other day. He bears it like a soldier and a martyr. Mr. Beach, of AA'eeping AA'ater, is in town, attending Sunday School Con., as well as several other AV. AV. gentle men. He reports business good with Reed Bros. AA'ishing to have the people all see our modest improvement on Vine st., (the new Herald Office,) we asked Marshal Murphy to move his Bill board around a little, and the Marshal did; and now comes in Jno. Shannon and says that Mr. Fitzgerald will move his big brick block out of tha way, if the Herald only says so, so that our new office may loom tip more distinctly. We feel grateful to Fitz, but lack the cheek John has to ask such a great fa vor. Shannon, you ask him to move it. Eh? GREENHOUSE PLANTS k ROQUETS. By Virtue, of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court, Second Judicial I'm lilt I,, niii,iii an', A'I vviinijt . t-i ii.-icvu, and tome directed, I will on the 'jsth day of June, A. 1. ltT'. at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day at the south door of the Court House in iliecily of PlattsmouUi. in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The south half (s', of I Ire northwest quarter ( li Mr '4 J Ol SCCUOIl JII1IIJ-IKII J). IOW USUI p II U III oer twelve (i-'1. norm ot range number nine (in east of the Sixth principal meridian, in Cas county. Nebraska. The same bviug levied upon and taken as the property of Doom Iiro. & Co.. defendants: to satisfy u judgment of said Court, recovered by tlie Moiiue flow t oinpaiiv. p'.ainiins. riattMiioutli, Neb., M;iv 1x7.".. Sit. M. II. CTTLER. Sheriff The grasshoppers are very bad in many sections, ana will no uount en tirely destrov some fields of grain. The prosjKjet is foreboding enough to warn all classes of people to be careful and spend their money where it will buy the most. Try where you will it will be dinieult for you to rind a place where your money will buy so much as at Reed Bros, of AVeeping AWnter. Otf NOTICE OF SALE. The material of the DeutscJte Wunht will be sold at Sheriff sale on the 12th of June. German type, press and ma terial for running a small weekly gr- man newspaper. 8t:J. PATENT FLOUR. Our ixirtly and good natured Miller, Mr. Coon Ileisel, has put in new screens and bolts, and is now prepared to make the celebrated PATENT FLOUR, made by an entirely new process, from the "middlings". This flour is very fine, exceedingly white and is said to contain all the nu tritious and albuminous properties that are left out of the best and whit est Hour made by the old process. Let's try it on and see how good it is. That'll tickle Coon. HEAD QUARTERS For Geo. A. Prince & Co. Organs and Melodeons, the oldest and most dura ble Instruments made. .v,ooo a'ow i i src. Elegant and unsurpassed in quality of tone or finish, and at low prices. Come and see them at Eaton's Music al Emporium, Plattsmouth Neb. Also agent for Cass Co. for Singers Sewing Machines, with a full stock of needles, attachments and material for al Sewing Machines in use, and will furnish any article or parts of Machines to order. E. II. Eaton, 7-t3 Agent. PLATTSMOUTH SAW MILL. NEAR TRANSFER LANDING. McGUIRE & CURTIS Having purchased the aliove named Mill are prepared to furnish Cotton wood Lumber at "Hard Times' prices. They will keep constantly on hand and for sale in their yard at the Mill: SCANTLING, SHEETING, JOISTS, FENCING, And all kinds of Lumber necessary for farm use. Orders for sawing lumber from owners' logs will be promptly rilled at low rates. All orders left at their store 2 door3 east of new Post Office will receive immediate atten tion . McGUIRE & CO., 2d door east of the new Post Office, in addition to their large and varied as sortment of First Class Liquors, Wines, and Ales, have just received a large stock of: CASTILLON VINET BRANDY, " ANGELICA, CATAWBA, CALIFORNIA, DRY A SPARKLLNO RHINE, WINES. and McGuinnis' Dublin Ale and Tor ter. Tobaccos of fine aroma, and the best Br.-md of Cigars in market, all of which will be gold low, Wholesale and He tail, 49tf In a look around Mr. Moore's Green house the other dajr, we found indica tions that a great many plants had been taken out within a few weeks, and Mr. Moore informed us that there had been a demand for all the plants he could supply this spring. His plants are healthy and vigorous, and in purchas ing, one is sure to get what he bargains for. Cut flowers and boquets Mr. Moore makes a specialty, and it is one in which he is eminently successful. Call and examine his plants. MEDICALITIES. Dr. Tilden, and in fact all the doc tors, agreed in their reports, that Ne braska was one of the healthiest States in the Union. Believing this to be trite, yet the Herald, in surveying the fine and rounded abdominal pro portions of the assembled Galens, and the amount of adipose matter, spread over and about their muscular devel opments, irresistibly draws these con clusions, viz: That they either brought large private fortunes to this country, that their practice lies outside of the State, or that there is some mistake in the reports. AVe kind o' think Dr. Tilden got mixed in his report. These cool nights would have done well enough several years ago and, in fact, we accept that; but when he tells us that there are no "mixed skin diseases in Nebraska", he lets the cat out of the bag at once, .and shows that he does not know anything jout the days of '57 and was never introduced to the "Prairie digs." So! Mr. Vallery thinks if the Medical Convention met here often, and Dr. Black had the feeding of them, the lo cal practice in this town would soon increase. June Black has just graduated in M. M. and he took his first fee last night. Hurrah for June! AA'iley is awful jealous. Many citizens think we shall need no medicine for a longtime. The presence of so many doctors having the effect to scare all disease away, or frighten the patient well. Executors Sale of Real Estate lly virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court (and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court. Second Judical District, in tlie County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed to tlie undersigned, in an action wherein Llovd D. Bennett, surviving ex editor of the last will and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plain tiff, and Iivina Duke and others are Defendants. I will at 10 o'clock a. in., on the ltftli Iy of Jiuir 175. in front of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth and State of Nebraska, oner for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands anil tenements hereinafter described, on terms followinir. to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased. anil are uescrmeii as follows, to-wit : The following lots in the City of Plattsmouth, In said Cass County, lots eleven (11) in block tive (5), also tlie following lots lying and being in Duke's Addition to the cily of Platt.smouth, aforesaid, that is to say lots one (l) two (2) three (3) lour (4) five six t) nine ud ten (.ioi eleven (tl) twelve thirteen (13) fourteen U- fifteen (15) sixteen Uu) seventeen (.17) eighteen (!S) and nineteen (19), in block four (4). lots six ((5) seven (7) eight .(to nine (9) ten (in eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen (131 fourteen (14) fifteen (to) sixteen (16) seventeen t!7) and eighteen (1), in block (5) lots tour (4) rive (5) six (6 seven (7eiglit (S) nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block six (ij, lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (l.i live (5) six (hi seven (7) eight (S) and nine (D) in block seven (7) lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) in block nine fyj. lots four 41 five (5) six (u) seven (7) eight (3) nine (t ten (lm eleven (tl) and twelve (12), in block eleven (it), all or block twelve (12) being lots one (l) to twenty-two in elusive, all of block thirteen (t.'t) being one (1 to twenty-two (22) inclusive, lots one (1) and two (2) in block fourteen (14), lots one (1) two (2) tnree (3) tonr (4) nve (o) ana six (o, in block fif teen (15), lots four (4) five (5) and six (6). in block eighteen (IS), lots one (l) two (;l) seven (7) eight (Si nine (!)) ten uoj eleven ii) suit twelve (I2.),in block nineteen (ly), all of block twenty (2 ex cept lot twelve (12) being lots one (1) to twenty two (22) inclusive except lot twelve (!2, lots one (1) three (3) four (4 and ten (ioi in block twentv one (21) lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four i4) live (") six (tV) seven (7) eight (hi eleven ill) and twelve (12). in block twenty-three (23), lois one (1) two (2) three (3) four 4 six ;) seven (7) eight hJ nine ten .10 eleven 111 and twelve 12, in block twenty-seven 27, all of block twenty eight 28 except lot, seventeen 17 being lots one 1 to.twenty 20 inclusive, except lot seven teen 171. lots one 1 1 two 2 three 31 five 5 and twelve 112 in block twenty-nine 29, lots one 1 two 2 three 31 four 4 five 5J six J seven 71 and eight s lu block thirty (30). lots three "ajfoiir (4 live 5 six i seven 17 and eight fs, in block thirty-one 31, lots one 1 two (2 Miree 3 four 41 five 5 seven 7 nine 9 ten Kij eleven 11 and twelve 12, in block ten to, lots one HJ two 2 four 4 live 5 sev en 71 eight s nine 9 ten lnj eleven HJ and twelve 112 in block twenty-two 22J. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m. until sundown of theaid day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold a l'lattsiliouth. May llth. 1875. Llovd D. Bennett. Surviving Executor of the hist will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. D. 11. AVlt KF.LKR, 7tl Attorney for Executor. BOOTS & SHOES. I have the largest stock and assort ment and deal exclusively in Boots and Shoes and can and do sell foot gearing cheaper than the cheapest. 1 LTKK ME11GES. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR RENT. The house now occupied by Gen. E. E. Cun ningham. Knouire of 7tf John Christiansen. STRAYED OR STOLEX. . From the subscriber on the 10th inst, one light Bay or Dunn colored horse, is four year eld, lias no marks except a dark stripe down tlie back. Any person giving information that will lead to his recovery will be liberally rewarded. Ad dress or apply to It. W. SMITH, or r. B. Murphy, City Marshal. Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, May 17th, 1S75. 8t3. FARMS FOR SALE. I am authorized to sell the north east quarter of section ten, township twelve, range twelve, aud the north east quarter of section eleven. township eleven, range twelve, for two thous and ($2,000) dollars per quarter. Terms Five hundred dollars down and five hundred in one, two, and three years, at ten per cent interest, payable annually. For fur ther particulars inquire of a. v. Mclaughlin, 4tf At First National Bank, Plattsmouth. Neb. A Sewing Machine Is an absolute necessity In every family, la making a selection do not fail to examine the Wilson Shuttle. This machine is meeting with unprecedented success, being sold at aless-price than any other first-class machine, and at the same time combining to a greater detree all the essentials of a family machine. Machines will be delivered at any-Railroad Station in this county, free of transportation charges if ordered through the Company's urancii House at "so. cio 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo. They send an elegant catalomie and chromo circular, freeou application. mis Li-inpaiiy want a lew more good agents. Special Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in the several precincts of Cass county, Nebraska, at the nsual place of holding elec tions, on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1875, for the purpose of voting on the proposition here inafter stated, viz. : at a called session of the Board of Co. Commissioners of Cass Co., hld at riattsniouth. in said county, on the 28th day of May, A. I). 1875. it was by this board resolved that the following proiosition be submitted to the electors of Cass county, Nebraska : "Whereas the bonds voted in aid of the Weep ing Water and Plane Valley Itailroad Compa ny, their successors or assigns, bv the electors of Cass county, Nebraska, at a special election held in said county on the2"tli dav of January, A. D. 1 873. at which said special' election te amount of l-'ivc Thousand ltollars (-So.ooO) er mile of tlie bonds of said Cass county were voted in aid of the construction of the said Weeping Water and l'latte Valley Kuilroad, upon certain conditions and under certain re strictions, and whereas, one of the conditions submitted in the proposition under which said bonds were voted on the 2"th day of January, A. D. 1S73, was that any of said bonds not due and delivered to said Company, under the terms of said proposition on tlie 3ist. day of December, A. D. 187B. shall revert to Cass coun ty and thereby expire by limitation ; Now the proiMsuion submitted to the elect ors of said Cass county is : "Shall the time at which said bonds revert to said county under the terms and conditions of the said proposition voted upon by the electors of said Cass county upon the 25th day of Jan uary. A. D. 1873, be extended until the 31st day of December, A. D. 1877." The form in which the question in said prop osition shall be taken shall be by ballot, and each elector voting upon said proposition shall have written or printed upon their ballot the words : "Shall the time for the reversion of the Weep ing Water and Platte Valley l'ailroad Bonds be extended Yes" or "Shall the time for the reversion of the We ej ins Water and I'lajte Valley railroad bonds be extended No'' : And if a 'majority of the the ballots cast at said election have written or printed thereon the words "Shall the time for the reversion of the Weeping Water and l'latte Valley Kuilroad Howls be extended Yes," then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as carried and adopted, and said time .shall be extended ac cordingly ; but if a majority of said ballots have written or printed thereon the words: "Shall the time for the reversion of the Weep ing Water and l'latte Valley Itailroad Bonds be extended No." then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as lost. The question of the adoption of the above proposition shall be submitted to the electors of Cass county' at a special election to be held for that purpose on Monday, June 2tli, A. I. 1873, and a special election for that purpose is here by ordered to be held at said time and at the usual places of holding elections in the several precincts in said Cass county. Nebraska. Said election will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. of the 2sth dav of June A. D. l75, and will remain open until 6 o'clock i. in. of said dav. By order of the Board of County Commis sioners, iviili:u:k a bi;.xktt, 11KAL ESTATE and Tax Baying Agents, No-, tarics l'ublie, Fire and Life Insurance Agents, I 'lattsnioutli, Nelra.-Ka. It. IC MVIXUNTOX, niVSK'IAN & SCBGEON. tenders his pro fesMional services to the citizens of Cass county liesuienee southeast corner Mxm auu iiaK sis. Otllee on Main street, two doors west of Sixth Blaltsuiouth, Nebraska. CEO. S. SMITH. R. B. WINDHAM KniTll & 1VIMIIIAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Beal Estate Bro kers, siiecial attention given to Collections and all matters affectinvt the title to real estate Office on 2d floor, over I'ost Otllee, riattsniouth, etrasK. 40 I JI NTK'i: OF T11K I'K.VCH. Office on Main street, riattsniouth, Neb., two doors east ofllKRAf.n oltice. Business hours from 8 a. m. to 8 i. m. All county business usu ally transacted before a Justice of the Peace will be attended to. Also general collector ol uenis. ItuyiJ o. w . halves. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Ilomceoimtliic Physician. t2Ofllee and residence corner Sixth and Vine Streets, l'lattsiliouth. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 4oyl ITSJm. XSJeirille, PROPRIETOR OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) IIjATTS3IOUTII, - - - ,EU. MY BAR IS SUTPLIED WITH THK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC , ETC , 4oyl Co. Com'rs M. L. WHITE. W. B. ARNOLD. Attest, I). W. McKinnon, Clerk. f5 by C. 1. Moore, Deputy. IS YOl'R r.lKK WORTH lO CEXTSf Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of some disease during their life. When sick, the object is to get well: now we say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspejwia, Liver Complaiat and its effects, such as Indigestion, Owdivcness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Ileart-btirn, Palpitation ot tlie Heart, Depressed Spirits, sc.. can take i'kken's Aiui'st Flower without getting relief and cure. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist. Dr. ii. B. Chapman. Platts mouth, Neb., and get' a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. LVgulax size 75 ceuts. Two doses will relieve you. 45yl SICK XURSE. Mrs. Charlotte Finnv desires to ive notice that she will act, as Sick Nurse, whenever call ed on. Residenee in Stiles' addition, near Al taffer's Mill, Plattsmouth, Neb. 3m3 FOR SALE. A second-hand Victor Sewintr Machine for cheap, tor terms inquire at Heralo sale olliet;. Special Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in the several Precincts of Cass Ceunty, Nebraska, at the usual place of holding elec tions, on Monday the 2th day of June, A. D. 1S75, for tho purpose of voting on the proposition hereinafter stated, viz : At a called session of the Board of County Commissioners of Cass County, held at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 28th day of May, A. D. 1875, it was by the Board resolved that the following proposition be submitted to the electors of Cass County, Nebraska : Whereas the bonds voted in aid of the St. Ixiuis and Nebraska Trunk Bail Koad Company their successors or assigns, by the electors of Cass County. Nebraska, at a special election, held in said County on the 2-th day of January, A. D. 1873. at which said special election the amount of One Hundred ami Thirty Thousand Dollars (SKin.ooo) of the bonds of said Ca.ss Coun ty were voted in aid of tlie construction of the said St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Bail Road upon certain conditions and under certain re strictions. And whereas one of the conditions, submitted in the proposition, under which said bonds were voted on the lioth day of January, A. D. 173, was, that any of said bonds, not due and delivered to said Company under the terms of said proposition on the 3tth"d:iyof June A.D. 1875. shall revert to Cass County and thereby expire by limitation. Now the proposition sub- mmeu to me electors ot sall lass County is: "Shall the time at which said bonds revert to said County by the terms and conditions of said proposition voted ujMm bv the electors of said Cass County on the 'iMh day of January A. D. 1873. be extended until the 30th day of June, A. D. 187. The form in which the question in said propo sition shall be taken, shall be by ballot, and each elector, voting upon said proposition, shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words ; "Shall the tune be extended Yes", or "Shall the time be extended No". And if a majority of the ballots cast at said election have written or printed thereon the words : "Shall the time he extended Yes", then said proposi tion shall be deemed and taken as carried and adopted, and said time shall be extended ac cordingly ; but if a majority of said ballots have written or printed thereon the words: "Shall the time be extended No", then and In that case said proposition shall be deemed and taken as lost. i The question of the adoption of the above proposition shall be submitted to the electors of Cass County at a special election to be held for that purpose on Monday June 2Sth. A. I. 173, and a special election for that purpose is here by ordered to be held at said time and at the usual places of holding elections in the several precincts in said Cass County, Nebraska. Said election will be opeued at 8 o'clock A. M. of the 28th day of June. A.D. 1875, ar.d will remain ojh-ii until t o'clock P. M. of said day. By order of the Board of County Coinmiss'n'rs M. L. WIIITK I County W. B. AKNOLD f Coinmiss'n'rs Attest : D. W. McKINNON. Clerk. By C. P. Mooke, Dep'y Clerk. 0t5 S ZE3I O DP , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - XEB. Kepairer of Ste;un Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and lift pumps, steam Ullages, haiety vaive oovernors, ana an kinds of Brass Kngiue Fittings re paired on short notice. r a it yi jiAciuxn u v. repaired on short notice. 49yl CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On 4th Street. Bet. M;Un and Vine.) Where in addition to oilier work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, .1f.4K-T.VG VICTUr.E Fit AMES, AC. Also Agent for the COMMON SLNSK IIKWs- l.'j i ablls. of which we have a number on hand ; call and see them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend ance to Calls. 40-ly WM. L. TCCKEB. FOR GO TO Gus. Herold's. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Jwt Publislicd, in a Sealed Envclipe, prire 6 cU A Lecture on the Nature. Treat ment, and Kadical cure of Seminal AVcakness. or Spermatorrhea, in duced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, Inipotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage generally : Consump tion. Epilepsey, and Fits : Mental and Physical incapacity, ;c. ny lioiittti i. iii,itit- WELL, M. D., author of the "tireen Book." &c. The world -renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience tnattneawtui consequences oi cii-Aiuse may be etlectualiy removed without medicine, aud without dangerous surgical operation, bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing ut a moue oi cure at once certain anu eiiectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately, and radically. l ni jjrcriire mu nroitvc a ixmn lit uunt- atul ami thmusaiul. Sent under seal, iu main envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Auuress me runiisners, (IIA.J.C.KLIF,4(0, 10-431y ) 127 Bowery, N. Y. ; T. O. box, 4580. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. Geo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPIXQ WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AXD XOTIOXS. And Farmer" Supplies Uenerally. Our Goods arc all New, and we sell them CnEAI. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEEPIXG WATER, XEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. 1IC J. M. WATEHNAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. Imixrille, Cass Co., A'eb. fAlways at the office on Satnrdays. 4nyl F0X & GLOVER, Sell the BEST GOODS at the lowest prices, at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO., XEB. GF.VERAL DEALERS IX OUT GOODS, GROCERIES ! HATS, . READY" CAPS, MADE BOOTS & CLOTHING. SHOES. JVOnONS, CROCKERY WARE, FARMERS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. Call and give them a trial. AlsoMeal in GRAIN & COAL. 40yl AND CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DR.4LERS IX BOOTS, SHOES, AXD GROCERIES. Of every kind, at the lowest possible rates. Also DEALEftST IN GRAIN. For which the highest CASH prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at Beasonable rates. 1M1ELDLR M NTATIO.- Cedar Creek.) 40yl CASS CO., NEBRASKA. ALSO General Blacksmitliins. Onrrlnirfj. Itiiirr,'. nl IV f Kepnircd ott Hhort :Vttce . .. ALSO noiisisiioi:ii And all other iron urU promptly attend -cd to cheaper thn tlm cheapest, Jor cash KytlielMHiei-gMed. nmvijiNi) Shop northwest f"-i ot Vine tt sixth Jits ' PLA lTSMol'Tll. NEB. , GO VALLERY & TO RUFFNER'S FOB 2 o GOOD NEWS FOlt THE PUltMC!! Xow is the time to buy your Notwithstanding the depression of the country, i will still continue to sell poods at their old .st:md in FITZGERALD'S BLOCK, cheaper than ever, and defy competition in prices ard goods. The constantly keep on hand a largo as sortment of DRY GOODS, XOTIOXS, ready made clothing. Groceries, - - , boots t shoes: hats axd caps.' queexs ware, WOOD it- WILLOW WARE, BEST BRAXDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, dr., dc. Thev will sell all poods as low as any house in town, CTen if advertised. at cost. They do not deem it necessary to give a price list, hut would ask you, to call and examine the good 3, hear the pricesand satisfy j ourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," IF1 O IR, CASH VALLERY & RUFFNER'S Implement Bepajptment IF1 O HZ 1875: They also would call .attention of the farming community to th fact, thab" they sell the Improved and world renowned J. I. t;aso jc i o. riuiKHu IXQ MACHINE. The Nichols & Shepherd "VItRAl OR" Thresh ing Machine, the "Old Keliable" McCorrnick "Advance" REAP ER d- MOWER: also the MeCORMICK HARVESTER,' the best in the market. Don't give, your orders un til you see samples. Prices lower than . . any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND M0WEH,- which gives perfect satisfaction.' TnE KIRBY REAPER d- MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AXD PLOWS. DERE c- CO. GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, hat inum.' KEYSTONE dc BROWN CORN PLANTERS. : FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, Tlie best on tchtl' BROAD CAST SEEDERS.' DRILLS, STALK CUTTERS, HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. dr., dc. "Which they will sell at'bed-rock prices to suit the limft. ! SdCTTor the above named Machinery, they always keep on hand a full line of extras, which is a great item to farmers. siyi VALLERY & 1UJFFNEU. Great Sacrifice of Boots and Shoes I 1 i f-.All il YvJL-tLI. V J-.' . 1 I Ml . PETER MERGES. M 1M r .11 Down come the Prices of tlie Large-stand Rest stock of Roots and Shoes in the State. READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES: Niee Serge Gaiters, only SI. Genuine 18-thread Serge Gaiters, oniy $1.73. Women's Serge Slippers, only 75c. Men's Brogans, only $1.25. Every thing else in proportion. I have a nipe assortment of White Slippers and Misses and Childs' Tearl Colored Shoes, Button and Lace. I also received DIPLOMA for fine home made Boots at the State Fair. Repairing always done with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine. I will always be pleased to show goods and prices. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Lraifls, Curls, Switches, ruffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and ii-;itly made ly PETER MERGES. SEWING 3IACIIINES! livings, ikhltieie. Orders left at MKS. KENNEDY'S MILM.YCRY STOUC. On Main St., 1 iloor east of Clark & Plummer's. SIXGCR SEWI.YG FOR SALE BY with all the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, Also, riuwe. Cultivator. 'Wagons, and FA KM lMr LtM i.y In for sale. Cor. Main and 40yl 6i u Sts. rLATTSMOCTII. NEB," New Improved Lock Stitch GROVER . & BAKER SE WING MA CIIIXE, For aalo by CHARLES VIALL, With all the Extras nnd AttarhmCnts.surh a Needles. Oil. Turkris, nindfrs, ete. Those who contemplate Imyliiir a inat-lutie. Kill do well to give the (i rover & Baker a trial, flatiidat Hon guaranteed, rmi the cheapest machine in tliH market. All orders hy mail promptly auena edlo. Address, CHARLES VI ALL. 2m I'lattsmouth. Neb. E. 33. ESlster, MERCHANT TAILOR, is in receipt of the fine hd n j? s r i s s btt r.1ij?Ji" r o r CMniairrrs, Cloth.- Xrntins&r HrotrH 4'oodn, Irinli J'ritif , Ae. fif-In fact, the lartrevf ,md' hest assortment of Cloths ever hronvlit to this city, wlii-h 1 ai- prepared lo make tip in the Latest Stylta. Cal nd examine ' G'yds ' Vrft J 'ST V" . ii ii mr- , n