The iteka l d. a. jcAcarrji:pnT, ....... .Editor. PIATT8itOT7TIT. MAY 6. 1873. TLo famous Janauschek will be in y aaha next week. The NeT York Graphic 1ms nomin ' led Samiu'l J. TiMftn, for l'resiileiit. Gen. Crook the new commander of r r.e Department of the Tlatte arrived .1 Omaha on April 2Gth. . At the great sale of Llooiled cattle in Blooninigton, Illinois, on April 2Sth, 48,000 worth of stock was disposed of. The Soldiers and Sailors of the late war will hold a grand re-union at Chi cago on the lth, 14th and lotli.of May", 137.1. 'Hanger" of the Bee is having a hard lime with the State papers for shooting a Jack rabbit. Give him a rest; it wasn't hi3 fault. Nasby is going to writa up Nebras ka, in letters to thirteen of tiie princi ple newspapers of the east. Hon. Guy G. B;rton will furnish data, Sec. A boy named Patrick Walsh was hit over the head with a cane and killed, by a blind man whom he was annoy ing and teasing, in Orange, X. J. Over one-third of Oshkosh, "Wiscon sin, has been destroyed by fire. All the business portion was destroyed,and hundreds of families are homeless. The miners strike in Pottsville Pa., still holds out. 5100,000 will be for warded to them from other towns to fcuable them to continue the strike. THE NEW "ARCHBISHOP. Archbishop Williams was consecrat ed in the new Catholic Cathedral in Boston on Sunday May 2nd, in presence Of a larg? audience. Hlti II TAXES.' The taxes for the year of 1874 are due, and the taxpayer finds when be comc3 to settle with J. C. Cummins, Esq., that the tariff is frightfully high. There is no little complaint among all classes on this account, and there is ground for it. The truth is, the taxes in this county have become overbur- densome. "Without going back to dis cuss the causes we must admit the fact. Times are hard, and our citizens feel he grinding pressure, laid upon them; wo do not wonder that they complain; taxes should and must bo reduced. We are gratified to be able to say that our representatives in the Lgis- ature, Messrs. Chapman, Brown Barnes and Farley, during the late session at incoln, fulfilled the pledges made the people of Cass county through the Re- mblicau platform last year, viz: to imit the power of county and munici pal authorities to levy taxes. We will publish at an early date, an Act passed by the Legislature at its ast session, limiting amount of levy for various purposes. We understand the amount that can be levied, has been reduced one-half. This act was intro duced by the delegation from Cass, and ts passage secured through the earn est and active efforts of members from this countv. We trust it may at least prove a par tial remedy for the evils of a high tax ation from which our people are suf fering. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Crops and grass in Burt county look well as far as they've got, no grasshop pers hoard of there. They are still talk ing and voting about railroads at De catur, we see. Its chronic. Beecuer's church received 105 new members Sunday May 2d; 75 on profes sion of faith, and 30 on cards from sis ter churches. Ilenry C. Bowen and family are among the communicants. Paul Boynton will make a second at tempt to swim the channel. He will filter the water at Cal Gresnes on the French coast and swim for Dover. Tho day appointed for the trial is May 27th. John Harper, the senior member of the grat Publishing Firm of Harper Bros-, died April 22d, aged 79. Fletch er Harper, the sole remaining member 6f the original firm is nearly 70 years In Columbus, Ohio, May 2d, a man named Richard Council took half an ounce of Croton oil, which was put up through mistake by a druggist's clerk for castor oil, and died in great agony in a few hours. Wilber F. Storey, of the Chicago Times bail to pay Miss Alice A. Early, of Rockford, 111., $25,000, for saying that a gentleman had been detected in night time leaving, en deshabille, from her bed chamber. . Miss Ida Greeley, oldest daughter of the late Horace Greeley, was married Saturday May 1st, in New York Citv, to Colonel Nicholas Smith, of Coving ton, Ky. After the ceremony the bri dal party embarked on the steamer Ab- .asynnia, for.Europe. Attorney General Williams, tendered hi3 resignation to the President on the 22d, to take effect May loth. There is the usual amount of speculation as to who will be his successor. Later. Judge Pierrepont, of New York is reported as having been ten dered and accepted the office. The ship Niagara brought a cargo of salt to New York a short time ago which was found to be mixed with ar senic caused by the breaking of some barrels of the latter during a tempest uous voyage. Considerable quantities of the salt had been sold before it was known that it was iisoned, but it was immediately returned upon notification A family in Nebraska (somewhere) lv-ve been in the habit of reading "Beccher Tilton" eveuings aloud. The other day one of the little girls went visiting, her playmate proposed that they pkiy keep house and visit each other. Yes says the visitor, "well play visit and you can be Mrs. Becher and I'll be Mrs. Tilton.". Would they? The Kearney ites are talking of build ing a railroad from Kearney to the Black Hills, via the Loup valley That, it is claimed, is a very feasible TOute, ami Kearney is the nearest point to the Hills. If there is gold in that famous country the people of Kearney cannot embark in a better enterprise than building said road. Adams Coun i'j Gazette. FIRES. Jacksonville, Florida had a 8100,000 fire the night of May 1st. Montpelier, Yermont.had a $114,000 fire Saturday May 1st. Janesville, Wis., $33,000 fire Satur day May 1st. Hillsboro, Ohio, $23,000 May 2d. Plymouth. Indiana, $15,000 May 2d A SENSATION AT A FUNERAL. MoxnoEViLLK, Ind., May 2. At the funeral of Joseph Marriotte, the man killed by the express train at this place a few days ago, mute a sen sation was created by the priest refus- ng to conduct the funeral services any further, hearing Marriotte had rccent- oined an Odd Fellows lodge. Hie friends becoming indignant, tore the cross off the collin and had him buried under Protestant rites in the hitters eemeterv. Great feeling of indignation is being felt by the people over the un usual occurrence. A Trip np Conntry. Decatur. Bukt Co., Neb., May 3d, lb75. Old Herald: Here I am safe and sound, though tired and cross, after a thirty mile stage ride over the present roads. At Omaha we found the water lad really been up and on a bender, in other words, got high. At Platts- mouth, we know little about real high water, that is, any damage from it. All around the O. & N. W. depot the remains of the high water were to be seen. 1- airly seated in the cars and oil the river bottom though, we forgot all about it; .and in meeting old friends, and chatting about other days, the time skipped away, so quickly that we were at Ft. Calhoun almost before we ought to have left Florence. Hon. Elam Clark, and Hon. Ed. Grinnell, (mem ber of the Con. Con. from Washington county), and John Howe, Esq., lawyer, from Omaha, were aboard the train, all old friends of the Herald, and conductor Herman kept us all alive and roaring, talking politics and telling anecdotes. AT CALHOUN Judge, Congressman Crounse got aboard, and rode to Blair with U3. This didn't "spile" the fun any, and that old "caboose" rang again with one joke after another. Arrived at B LA I II we found a plum temperaneo town, Charley McMenerny was shut up no license the new law caught him and Alicia ISilly 1-ox was in high feather, .and shook us by tho hand right heartily. We met many old friends but could not stop, and soon steamed away for Herman. From there to Tekama we took one of Jim Stevenson's four horse Concord Coach es, seven passengers inside. TEKAMA. The growth of Tekama the past two years has been wonderful. It used to be one of the most dilapidated towns on the road, except De Soto. Now it is a fine, thrifty growing place, the real terminus of the O. & N. W. It. II., for the present, and improving daily with railroad speed. Many fine business houses have gone up, and the country around has improved wonderfully. We dine at the old "Block House," kept by J. J. Adams now, and then take a two-horse "jerky" for Decatur. As it has jerked some of the best of my ideas out of my head, not to speak of other things, I shall close this letter, hoping the Herald will appear on time, Thursday, Editor or no Editor. Mac. WHAT A VIRUIMAN THINKS OF NEBRASKA. Proceedings of the Miller's State Asso ciation. The Millers State Association met pursuant to a call, at the Commercial hotel in Lincoln. I). B. Cropsy was chosen chairman, and J. H. Culm secretary pro tern. - After consultation it was decided, upon motion, to adjourn to meet at the Commercial hotel, Lincoln, at 7 p. m., on Thursday4 Mayl3, and the secretary was instructed to give notice through press of the state, of the action of this meeting. D. B. CROPSEY, J. II. Culm. Treas. pro tern. Sec. pro tem The following letter we clip from theShepherdstown (West Va.) Register, of April 17. It contains some good advice from a progressive and shrewd business man: LETTER FROM EX -MAYOR RAY. A few neeks aso we stated that Ex-Mayor Ray, of this town, had taken a trip West, fol lowing the advice of of the late Horace (Ircelcy, an 4 whilst sojourning in the State of Nebraska he writes us as follows : C EDA II Ceek, Cass Co., Xeb., I Anril 5th. 1875. S Hojf. Johs 11. Zittlk This is a beautiful morning isi this far western country. This Coun tv (.together witii Otoe. Seward. l.anc:ister. and Saline counties) along the South of the Platte Kiver. comprises the excelsior pritirie the finest country ever man's eye beheld. It is a wheat and corn crowiiir country wheat crows in abundance they raise an average of jo bushels to the acre, and of a very line ijuulity, and it is worth 75 cents per bushel. Corn grows in this country as Cue as in the Shenandoah Valley of Vinrinla. and yields much more to the acre tio iHisneis i-o me acre is eoiisiuereu mii average crop, but often a croi of ko and ! bushels is raised. Uaisiin: out is very profitable here they crow to perfection in this climate-the finest I ever saw being here and they yielded M) busliels to the acre. I'olatocs also crow in abundance, but our little Slienherdstown Col orado bun played havoc w ith the crop last year. The climate is much colder than in Jefferson county. West lrginia. Fruit lis scarce here but voumr orchards are being set out. and in few years, no doubt, fruit will be plentiful in this State. 4iame is from a quail to a sand liiil crane the air isMuuetimes darkened with them and geese and ducks of the linest kinds. Fish in the Matte suid Missouri Kivers consist principally of buffalo and Cat. and range irom ine smaiii-r sizes 10 ovvr j' ixmnus in weight. Small fruits crow here i'.i abundanci wild plums, grapes, and gooseberries are gath ered alone the ravine and creeks. Now. friend Ziltle. 1 have Liven yon a brief de scription of the country, and what do you think tliuse lauds can be oougnt lor per acre .' ivaw lands can be purchased for $5 to Sin per acre Improved land. $10 to &r ; school and railroad land lo per acre, with ten years time. Oreat inducements are held out to emigrants to pro cure homes in thi State. The lirst crop will par for the land and all einense lor cultiva tion : so that if auvof our Jettersou folks wan to nn-n a line farm in the west, without money we suv rtnne right abnuj. This is the asylum for the oppressed ol all nations, l nousanos aim million of acres of the finest land here are wait in for such folks ;ui we have in old Jefferson emintv. ami who would become w-cnitiiv ubllst if they remain there i is iinoossible for them to become any more than a moderate renter; Thousands of people in this State, who came here almost penniless a few vears ago, to-day are in first-rate circum stances, whilst a large portion of thm are wealthy. Mow, young men, and middle aged men, come Wost, buy yourselves home, and grow up rich with this beautiful western country. The building formerly used by the Kearney Press has been bought by the Catholic denomination of that cityfor a church. Thus changing the abode of the "Devil" to a house of worship. So says the Beat pec Express. IIcutj- Damages Claimed Against a Cir cus Itiuer. James Kobinson, the great champion tareback rider of the world, broke his engagement with Wilson, of Wilson's California Circus, to ride in San i ran- cisco against Charley Fish, a riding champion, fresh from Europe, for 810, 000 a side, and the gold, diamond stud ded, belt of the world. Wilson has commenced suit against Robinson, the rider, for S50.000 dam ages. Itobinson is the favorite with the San Francisco brokers, who, it is said, have staked over a half million dollars on the result. They are riding in Montgomery Queen's Circus and Menagerie, and the great champion will have his hands full to get away with ! lsh. Hie match is to be decided by the audien ces. -o cnance lor uanoi siuning on this occasion. Oakland (Cal.) Trans cript. STATE 1TLJS. PeWitt wants a Barber. Can't somebody give theni a lift. They are going to have an 3.000 school house on the Otoe Reservation. The coal diggers at Aspinwall, Neb., hav dug sixty feet and uo coal yet. The Il.istings Journal and tha Juniata Ga zette are having a personal bout. Sarpy County is going to take another vote on the county seat question, May 25th. Lincoln gave Miss Kate U. Brewster a compli mentary benefit on Tuesday, May 24th. Grand Island lwts a good driving park, and the first trial took place Saturday, May 1st. Tho editor of the Saline County Pctst is hav ing a bout with a business card directory man. Falls City had a spelling match, the school children against .the tow n, and the children won. Seward County had a whirlpool and water spout a short time ago, but it did not do much damage. Two companies of cavalry will soon leave Om aha, for the Black Hills, via. Cheyenne and Fort Larainie. An Indian was drowned at Decatur hist week. He was standing on the bank, when it caved in with him. The Lincoln Joto-netl is advising the people of Lincoln to give the three card-inonte-itieii, and such Ilk, a -lift." The site selected for the Blind Asylum, is known as the Dunkin property, about one mile from Nebraska City. We learn Irom the Beatrice Express that Sen ator Griggs came near being suffocated by gas in Lincoln, List week. Grand Island had a fire the other day, and but for the Bahcock Fire Engine, the town would have been destroyed. fj James Matthews, who had the contract for siaking the Artesian well, at Ashland, has skip ped out. 81,300 went about the sam time. In Denver product, Adams county, the asses sor returned 220 male citizens over 21 years of age. Yet they cast 30t votes in the precincfon Con. Con. They have a new town on the Republican called Supervisor, which was laid out a few- weeks ago. It has a new IJowe Truss Bridge built already, which eost $10,000. John Britton, of Waterloo, Neb., committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. He was 78 years old and had a young wife aged 18, w ho left him, which was the cause. A band of Omaha Indians are encamped at West I'oint, near the river, putting in their time tanning butfalo robes, which they buy from white men in Colorado. Xcb. I'ity i'rf. The Rev. John McNamara, I. P., President of the Nebraska College at Nebraska City, has resigned his position to accept a position at St John's Land, Suffolk County, Long Island. A young man wlto gave his name as John Ir win, and claimed to be from Ies Moines, Iowa died at the residence of a Mr. Coojer, in Seward County of epiliptic fits on "Wednesday, April 2lst. l'oix county lias a crim eon case. A man named Arnold has been arrested for seducing a girl named Rhinnj-, and his wife as being acces sory thereto and for helping to spirit the girl away. Lincoln is going to try the experiment of a temperance Billiard Hall. It will be run in con nection with the Metropolitan Hotel, and no lnpior of any description will be allowed on the premises. A partially deranged man, named Chas.John- son was shot in the thigh with a load of buck shot, by his brother-in-law, while kicking in the door of his father-in-law's house, where his wife had fled to escape his rage. The soldiers on the westrn bound train got into a fight among themselves at Schuyler, and two or three of them were badly cut up. Three of them were left at Schuyler, and they engaged in another fight in which one of them had his arm badly cut in two places. Jesse McNeil of Nebraska City Is another vic tim of the careless handling of fire-arms. Dave Walnuth pointed a loaded gun at McNeil, and tocked it. He went to take the gun away, when it went off killing McNeil instantly. The cor oner Jury says it was an accident. A very careless one we think. The county clerk of Gosper county, Mr. It. G Gordon, denounces the abstract of votes of that county, upon which Mr. Harmon received the certificate of election from the clerk of Frank lin county, as a base forgery. Mr. Zediker is therefore elected, and there can be no question about his getting his seat. Th only qaestiou is, who is the forger? Mr. G. D. Shannon, of Pawnee City, came very near getting killed a short time ago while handling cattle. A wild steer broke through the fence knocking a rail therefrom, which stiuck Mr. Shannon in the forehead, knocking him down as if he had been shot. For a time it was thought that the blow would be fatal, bnt he is slowly recovering now. The oldest landmark of civilization In Nebras ka has been overwhelmed by the unprecedent ed Hood in the Missouri valley. We refer to the building between the track of the B. & M. It. R and the river, not far from Bellevue, which was used for years as a trading post by Peter A. Sar py, and was the first frame put up en Nebraska soii. It is now making its way toward the Gul of Mexico, riding the tumbled waters of the Bij Muddy. IUPOttTAST TO ILL. The most general complaint that seems to spare neither class nor condi tion of person, is seated in the liver, Many with woe begone countenances desponding spirits and depressed feel ings, exaggerate every event until even suicide has been known to result from this morbid condition of body and mind yet Simmon's Liver Begulator is known to be a specific for affections of the Liver, Spleen and Kidneys. Unlike most preparations it fully meets the wants of the patient whose liver or stomach is disorganized and soon re stores the emaciated and dvspeptic suf ferer, to a more hopeful condition of life than he could otherwise hope to attain. The Episcopal Jtethodist says: "This medicine is acknowledged to have no equals as a Liver Medicine, and it gives us great satisfaction and supreme pleas ure to endorse what skill lias developed in securing so valuable a remedy as Simmons Liver. Regulator. Why is a compositor like a cripple? Because he can't get along without stick. GENERAL STATEMENT, Of State Funds collected from November 13th, 1373, to No vember 1st, 1874. 4.f21.i 70.41 431.03 IS.604,13 DK1JTOR. To mt 'ate Ceul fund 11 inkni " " I'un'ry " N'or'l itch Judry CREUI 1'. imt pd dale t-iurir 17.671.22 1 exonerations n.c-t rofundt-d cr' ealcs 1'Jl.Si ' triurcr"nfe 662 08 1H.532,?6 DEBTOR. Amt .chool fund 9.5.-27 uuivereiry- 1.172,2'J 10.44Q.4T CltEDIT. Amt pd slat traarer 10.431.83 ' exoneration 8,58 refunded cr's ralas lll.rt ' treasurer' fees 101. :J0 10.656.59 71.1T Amt overpaid 226,12 DEBTO R Amt ch land f jnd K'.'2.F0 interest 7 9M.'.u lo 123,80 8,'JOS.Sl CREDIT. Amt pd etate treasurer 8.619.81 ' treasurer lees coin, ou ,u IJiil iu favor of state Amt oer pa on fcch f. Net bal due stato S26.12 374, as 226, IS 144.70 Particular Statement of State Funds collected from November 15, 1973 to No vember 1st 1874. 6TATH GEXEXAL FUND. am't col for ' pulue " col Kales ' collected d do do do do do do do do 1873 itr 1S72 do 171 '70 '6s "t8 "6? 'Ctt "fi5 64 '00 prin'l 8.053,73 50-2.27 1.450,24 l'.4i 32'..4U M5.71 3--I.4S 22 65 6,14 27 11 34 9,75 6 44 int 91,34 24.8S S4.-W 32.55 2C,53 T.HS 3.77 7,27 4,41 46 23 3'J 4.( 10 26 i:,2yl,82 303,45 11.599,67 CREDIT. am't pd state treasurer 1Q.E04.71 cxonrranonn refunded er'a ea!ea 127,01 treasurer's fees M2 0J 11.453,20 Eal due state STATE SINKING FUND. am't collected for 1S73 3.461.!I6 33.66 14G.47 ales collected sales collected do do do do do do do do 1ST2 do 1S71 "70 "c: 'M '67 '66 '05 '64 &01.58 577.M 77,15 131.1-5 17,iJl 1W.24 11.33 4.1 16 20 14 9.56 37,12 12.1M 10.73 1,5.1 1.H0 3.60 3,43 23 17 15 4.503,1)1 117,02 4,620.03 CREDIT. am't pd tate trensner 4,607.34 exonerations a. refunded cr" pales " treasurer's fees U2.40 4.762 11 A n't over.paid 8TATB SCHOOL FUSD. 112.0 am't collected for iSTi 6,f 14 03 72,34 salf-s do 401,01 l'.,53 collected 1872 1,161.03 74.U1 " sale do 134,43 25.K3 collected ISil 2t:j 51 21 CO do '70 V.54 6 afl do "0'J irhS 2.7(J do '6 1.2S 4.00 do '67 4M 343 do '66 21 26 do '6' 20 22 do "t4 U) 22 do "62 1.M 3.i to "GJ 2.14 3.41 U,02 U2 23,13 CREDIT, am't pd stale treasurer 9,200,04 exoneration 7.5a refuudsd er's eales l'd.60 ' tretuurer's fee 92,3d Amoant orer p:ud UNIVERSITY FUND, a-n't collected for sale ' col.ected 9,253,27 9.1,P0 2-3,5S eases collected Collected do 172 do 1370 8 7.1 ) 52.58 143.74 l'.i.fW 34.70 7.71 J.07 6,0-i 3.25 3.47 1,0 1.145.83 2(5,37 1,175,20 CKSD1T. am't pd state treasurer 1, 17 1 ,T"1 ' exonerations 1,0) n-fundea er's fculed 10,28 " treasurer's fees 11.72 Am't over paid I'EMTENTIART FC'ND. 1,104.79 22.5' am't collcted for sales 1873 do 1,735,7 102 21 17,25 4.0'J 1.83S.0S 21,94 1,800,02 CREUIT. am't rd sia'.c treasurer 1.856.77 " exonerations 1.4 " refunded er's a!ee 4,8'. " treaurer's fee 37, SO 1.900.45 Am't over paid , SOEMAL BCnOOL FCKD. am't collected fr 1871 65,33 6,(8 CREDIT. am't pd state treasurer 70 41 " refunded er'b pales 11.31 " treasurer's fees 1,40 JVD1CIAUT FUND. aa't eolleeted for 1873 4 454,00 CREDIT. am't pd etate treasurer 323,00 treasurer's fees 9,03 40,43 70,41 83,12 12.71 454.00 334.03 ll',92 Bal due state SCHOOL LAND PRINCIPAL, INTEREST AND LEASE. PRINCIPAL. am't collected 18734 8;'2.H) " pd i-tate treasurer 8'2,8a INTERBiT. am't collected for '734 7.9g!.7t pd state treasurer 7.033.21 S4S.70 LEASE. am't collected for '734 12.1 80 " pd taie treasurer 128,8J treasurer' lees 41.99 44,99 SSlneral Kemetlles riaperxetlod. All except tlioso who refuse to te convinced by the most positive proof, admit the infinite superiority of Hostetter's Stomach Dittcrsto the mineral remedies which it has to a very great extent superseded, ahd is to De hoped, for the sake of the human stomach, may event ual! r he abandoned altoiret ,:er. The Bitters are a most potent corrective of disorder of the liv- er.stomach and kidneys. Habitual constipa tion, dyspepsia, howel complaints, and the nu merous anil caaiiKcliu syiniuiiis wiuen muieare li,ti.rn.l uii.lrou.. nr jlwrvi,,. Tiro ill 111- 9l.hlll.V7 llt.l. I'UIJ li Hi. .1.1, ',tvi-i.v,i i. j 1.10 tent and systematic use of this sovereign reme dy, internment ami nimous rettimeiu ievers may he surely prevented by the daily use of this powerful but pleasant and mild tonic. Vl . 1 ii,r,,t iu fltii Itout uririiir in ivtitiOi til fit. counter disease. Secure it by recourse to the jsmers. 30,71 Bal dne Plate Respectfully submitted, J. C Ccmmins, Co. Treas. Jau 14, 1375. We have examined tbe foregoing statement of J. C. Cummins, County Treasurer of Cas9 County, of tbc receipts and disbursements of State Funds at tbe Treasury from tbe 31st of October, 1873. to the 31st day of October, 1874, and find tbe same correct. Plattsmouth, Feb. lOtb, 1S75. TT-ARE' ? County W . B. Arnold, ) Attest: D. W. McKinnos, Clerk, By C. P. Jloore, Deputy To raalte n tull man sbort try to borrow five dollars of him. Retail cigar dealers are unhappy ov er the new cigar-box which has perfor ated coupons on the inside edge, cor resixmding with the number of cigars in the box. The coupons are furnish ed by the Government in place of stamps, and when a cigar is sold a cou pon has to be destroyed before the pur chaser. Before long they will have each cock-tail, manufactured for mar ried men, announced to their wives by a telegraphic bell-punch. Bost'n Globe. THS MKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by White, & Darrau. "Wheat Corn OaUs i:e Harley Hosts Flax Sted Cattle 73 65 m 75 1.00 1 .25 2.50&3.O0 .6.: LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS. New Yokk. May 4. Money -. .... 4 per cent Gold $1 15? LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Mav . Flour 4.6&&5.0O Wheat I ,( Corn 75 Oats f.2S If ye l."7 Karley Cattle ....t 5.?t?.so Hog9..i T.4(xi.7o WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF IN TOWN. 40vl c. 7 c-t-CD o o B . O 5 - CD C2 Im "X- j CB re iz 35 -! i . C a 2 P fc. o - rt rr zz s 3 SJ 's -S - sr : cj 5 M ' a T ft o n 7? ft S- 3 C. 55 H S3 DICK IsTREIGHT'S Feed and Sale Stablea Corner Cth and Tearl Ste. nOJJPKS EOAHDIl) BY TUB DAY, WCEIi, Oil BIOXTO. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair CoimnUsiim. TEAMS ATALL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTISG STGCIi. "Will also have for service during the season the CKI.EItK.VTKI ItOKSKS : -XOHMAN & TALAHAX, Known as the W. 1. JOXKfi IlrtKSKS. fST Vor particulars, see bills or posters. Sly Ileduccd Hates for Lumber Clear tlie Track for our Sii 'ins: Trade. II. A. WATERMAX & SOX Will sell Frame Iainiher, of all kinds at Sl perm. rcncitis, s?Oto:i. C'onmioii ISonrdH, 0 to$23. Itext hins;Ics, 4.., o. 1 Shingle. S..7S. Other trratIeofIiambcr eqaally Cheap IoorM,SaNh A. Itliiuls at Kaetory price See other ad. on outside. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of O. M. Streisht and W. I). Jones, being litis day dissolved Dr. AV. I). JONES, will open a new I.ivery, Feed, and Sale Stable, at the Old MIA l 1 I5Ai:,on Main street, just east of .John Shannon's well known Staiil-?, i'lattsniouth. Neb. IlorHfs, Ilugifiaft A- t'arriasfft, to let at all times, at icasonable rates. HORSES UOAliDED TiV THE DAY, WEEK, Of JitA Til. rartieuiar attention paid to drivin?; and train inn Horses. Having all the aip!iances I shall make a lmrlienlar feature of inv business the driving and hanllin of TUoriTNG STOCK. fp-Hoiiisr well known all over the county, no further chiii music Is necessary. 1 cordially in vite all my friends to call and see me, and they will receive a nearly welcome, uespeciniuy, 3n6 W. D. JONES. TO . GEO. SHAFER'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, FOIi HORSESHOEING, 3ieniliiis ami Repair! ns ! ALL KIXDS OF FAIIM IMULXMEXTS Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sale, C IT J5 si. -F" O 7i C S J. New Wagons mnd to order. Uates reasonaUe and work guaranteed. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB, On Washington Are., i 40yl near 7th St., f FAMILY MEDICINES A HE the result of an experience of thirty years in the practice of a successful physician. Hitter Tonie An extract of roots and herbs so judiciously and medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help" required. It is not claimed as a panacea for all t lie ills of life, but for dyspepsia, billions and liver complaints, fever a i id ague, cholera, debility, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, and digestive organs, it is an effectual remedy. As a preventative against fever and asrue ami inahu'ioiis diseases it is unsurpassed. It strengthens and builds up the debilitated sys tem, and gives renewed vigor to all parts of the bod v. Itins'M Cure Acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of dropsy, gout, gravel, and diseases of the bladder and kidneys, purifies the blood, enres scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and all diseases of the uri nary organs. Kxpeetorant A prompt remedy for roughs asthma, ciotip, and all diseases of t lie throat, lungs and chest, and the lirst stages of con sumption and typhoid fever. Krvrrnnd Ague I'ill Are prepared ex pressly to aid the tonic in curing acute and chronic cases, they aet without depletion. Crimean Iiininifiit Oim-hs the porei of the flesh, and penetrates to the bone or seat of pain, giving relief to manor beast as speedily as any out wan! application can. Sold by all Druggists arm i 'caicrs. CLARK & PLUMMER. More new good next week. Come without any special invitation. A new invoice of Spring and Summer SHAWLS. Genuine Plantation gCeylon Coffee.- Try it. An assortment of Invisible Tlaid Dress Goods. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Ladies Hosiery in the City. Common at SI. 25 per dozen. A large and well selected stock of Yankee Notions. Purchased for cash, and for sale cheap. The largest stock of Tarasols, will be here next week, that has ever been brought to this market. Come and aee them. The largest stock and finest assort ment of Ladies Neckties, and the Cheauest. Come and seo them. More Hamburg Edging. Cash paid for good Tallow. A new invoice of Coffee, Yellow C, Extra C, and New Orleans Sugar. A choice Japan T, at 70 cents. Salt Lake Peaches. A splendid quality of Syrup in Five Gallon Kegs. Pure Sugar goods, cheap. A large invoice of Brown and Bleached Muslins, bought before the advance. New Currants at 10c ier pound. Choice Michigan Apples, cheap. Pure Maple Syrup. All other goods cheaper than elsewhere, FOU CASH. JOHWSON ORGAN, Manufactured by ' Hi. if1. j"oscisrsoiT, AT nTTSMOUTIi, KEIi.. Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass' County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason & Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. 3?" These organs are all put up in elegant Black "Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to give perfect satis-factien. ooyt K. X. BAHTKl'FF & CO.. Burlington, Iowa THE TONE Is the most perfect that has ever been produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praise they are receiving are jnstly merited They are First Class in Every Respect Ivory Fronts for Itej . Ebony Kharps, BrnHs Piss, Mortires Clothed. ho tUa.t there is no Frietiw or Kqufaking. Action as Quick and Per feet as the Best Piano. Z5j The Tuning and Voicing is all done by myself, and the superiority of Tone and its quick response to the touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or not. If they see and hear them they invari ably give the verdict in their favor. 1ST MY PRICE LIST is aa low as for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for Parlor or 'Church will advance their own inter est bv trying my Organs. Address, L. F. JOHNSON Plattsmouth, Neb. "WHOLESALE and retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merckandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TunwJ and Repaired. Satisfaction guaran teed. soy- KKA1 ULiL i;STATIJ ALUM'S, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! Having formed a partnership for tho purpose of doing a (General Ileal L'stat liusintss. we are prepared to attend to thesame iu mil its biHtiehes. Our Int of Lands is LAKUK and CHOICE and souio very low Prices. We have an Abstract of Heal Kstate Titles, for Cass ounty. which we have carefully cftni-pan-d with the Original Kecords. ami will give Special Atcntion to the i'.x aininat inn if titlus, to furnishing Certified Abstracts, and Con vevaiicing, and Notary Work. .G.BOVEY'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! Having made up my mind several years nyo RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and being still of the same 'mind. I take tlii method of informing the public that I am gelling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue doing so through this year or until the is disposed of. During that time I intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do and sustain themselves. My stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS d- CAPS, BOOTS tfr SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, d-C, tCn cCC. The whole stock will be sold at lottomPrices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object is not to but to GET out of BUSINESS, Give ine a call and see for yourself. E. G. D0VEY. STORE AND MILL AT Rock Bluffs. J. 4 H. SHERA. "vVs hayo purchased tta BOCK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW MILL, And will hereafter run the sane ra Connection With Our Store. CUSTOM WORK will l guaranteed to bo satisfactory. Wc ployed the BEST we ;oould find, whoso reputation is well known, and It 1b p posed that the fanners and all other hare IX they brlnj Good Wheat !.! C The highest market pric paid for Ck5 Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE is Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, sod we mean to sell them At Lo Eaies Having leen ea&bled tg purohaan ft ln? stock. Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to all. EQUALLY LOUT. XOW IS YOUR TIALE TO iB"unz J.&H.Shera, Btt UOCIL UlAlFFS. XEB. Office in Fitzgerald's Llock, orer l'"rst Nation al Lank. 47yt Pollock & Beardsley. S20 $20 Make Home Happy. And etrn $30 or $40 per Dy. .MarTclou 3Icrlinuiui. liieiilou In vnitlmi. Abftolute Perfection. AN LLKCtANT, I)l'U.VnLI-:& FL'LL-RIZE1 WITH TAHLi:and TKIMULU Complats for Oomettio Ui. I'nparallelled In price. With many superior and valuable iniprowiiients. l.(tiul In sle, and does the same work, in the same way as ;ia s or 100 machine. The best, linplcst and cheapest m;itli 1 11 - ever made. Written guarantee for live years with eery machine. No superior! No couigetilion ! No rival in quality and price. A skillful and pi iirtical sci t otitic accomplishment of a umsi wonderful couibinal ion of all tlie ood qualitii-s of a srw iuj: machine, and fully acknowledged to be a perfectly successful mechanical achievement of practical simplicity. Thoroughly tested. I'scd In thousands of homes. The favorite of tho family circle. It does not take an hour to get ready to do a minutes work, but li always ready in a moment to do a days work. It will save Us cost many times over In on season, doinu the work of the family, or it will earn four or live dollars a Oay lor any man or woman who may v isii to do sew iim for a hv inir. Is so plain and easy to run, and smooth to run, the children and servants can use it. So strong and solid built, it will last a enerution if prp erly cared for. Hits no siiperlluous eos or cams to net out of order. Sews equally fliiw with coarse cotton, linen, silk or l ine. Ilapully sews a strong seam oer all kind' of Koods, from linest cambric up la heaviest broad cloth and leather without st oppine; the machine linns faster, lighter, more easy and quiet than any other machine at live times the prico. t'ses the stionu straight needle. Marvelously true in every motion. Sews tlie thirst, firm and lasting stitch. Makes the only seam that can not be 1 ipped apart without dcstioyiiin the fab ric. The strength, beauty, evenness and dura ble qualities of which have lou been weeded. Will sew anything it Is possible for a needle to Ko throii!;h. Will do every description of sewing ever done 011 any other machine, no matter w hat the pries and with less trouble. W ill Item. Ke 1, tuck, seam, quilt, braid, cord, bind, cal her, rulll, shirr, pleat, fold, scollop, roll, embroider, run up -breadths, &c, tc., with astonishing ease, rapidity and neatness. Has received testimon ials of its merits from all sections of the coun try, marks of distinguished consideration sel dom voluntarily accorded to ail luveulion of similar domestic usefulness. Our many new attachments, patented Auytmt 1f, 1S70; September lsTl ; July 7. 172. Maio to fit all machines, are the attainment of pre cision in mechanical accuracy tor rcmleriiitf IC easy for even those who never saw a machino before, to do the finest kind of fancy needle work, otherwise dittieult and tedious, with the utmost ease and rapidity, simple in construc tion. Needs no teaching. Money refunded af ter thorough trial, if imt satisfactory in every particular. Cash prices of machines : Maehlues with plain table, iron stand and treadle, complete with all the necessary lixturcs for iuimcdiaia use. S.'v). Machines, with cover, lock and key, half case style, .Machines, with cover drop leaf, four side drawers, lo--ks, keys. !c, three quarter cabinet style, 10. Machines with encioscd table, side drawers, paneled folding doors, locks and keys, full cabnn t style, $75. Tables arc of various st yles, materials, mount ins, richness of design, &c, according to price. Machines carefully selected, securely packed, and shipped as freight to any pari of the world. S.ife delivery insured on receipt of pi icc without further charges. Jerriptiv bonks with illus trated eimravimrs of the different tyles of ma chines and attachments, larire profits, testimon ials, samples of sewing, Imlia i incuts In canvassers. Wholesale prices. &c, forwarded free of charge upon application. Exclusive aueney for lar;:e territory rantt d gratis to re spectable, enterprising busitoss men. elerKy nueii. teachers, (ti-., ho will Introduce the ei ti'aon! in.try merits of our (roods to the people of their locality and supply the Increased demand. ' J. llIO.Mi"So.. IIA.NNA CO., U07 Uroailway, New York. E. B. FOOTE, O. 120 Leiimtoi Ayenne, Car. R 28tALt NEW YORK An Independent Physician, THEATS ALL FORMS OV CHE0HIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters from all parts ej Vie Civilized World, - IT m CRIGIIAL WAT CP CofliictiEE a Medical Practice 113 IS TBSATIXa ITumerotis Patients in Tarope, the "West Indies, the Dominion ol Canada, and in every Stata of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. No mrrear!! tnadlcinwi or deleWioua drotpi vmltm Has daring the past twenty year u-mtcd wnoii fully nearly or quite 40,000 cuoea. All faou con nected with each case are carefully rrordod. whether they tM oommanlcated by Htor or ta person, or obnerved by the Doctor or his amootatai physicians. Toe latter are ail eoieatifle nxwtlrs men. All invalids at a dintanoe are reejnlnsl anewwt an extended lint of plain question, which win M furnished by mail free, or at tha offloe. A coos. plrte systera of retristeriDg prevenU rnioUke or confusion. Case book neror connulvxl, eocjit by tbe physicians of the establishment. Tor fw consultation send for lint of questions. A sixty page pamphlet of evidences of s-uceB ent free aW. idJrM Dr. E. 11. FOOTE, flax 788, Itevr YotV AGENTS V ANTED. " Dr. Foote is the author of " MkwcaV Cm tsox t twsE, a book that reached a circulsfWI of oer S50.000 copies ; also, of Plr II rm Tsia-," more recently putjlixhed, wbieh has srtM to the extent of 70,OoO eoie ; aW, of Bciescs 131 STOBT," which is now being punished to serloflt tOTKT 1ABU of all, excepting the firrt-mentioried work fwWS is out of print), will bo sent frm on rppticsAlmj to either Dr. Foorr, or the Kirny E1U fat'.'-iap ii Z'tl"7, whosa offi'--e U Ji0 Ksrt 'Jtth EtTwt. Agents both men and women wanted te acX the foregoing works, to whom a literal profit 3 be alloweil. Tbe bejrinnings of eoiall fnrtnnca hare been made la selling Dr. Jooie b ipr.lei work. Flaix Horn Talk " kt particular! Blunted to adults, and Scir.Mcn w firrm ts jmt the thing for the young. Srnd fur coirtetifs tables and we for yoiirlTcs. The former ancwera a multitude of quetiotis which ln'tes and ymtlo men fed a dt-'ueacy about s.-kicf f their phyficians. There is nothing In liurralure at all like ehhor sf the foregoing works. 8cYkw"B IK SToaT' can on'y be had of arnta or of tfcc rnbiUher. PLAIN 1IUM:'. TALK" Is pnblltj In both Le Ec-luh and German Languages. Onoe more. Aflonta W autocl ADDKES3 AS ABfJVB. MttKlMtttit I m now prepared to furnish tho betit un,i dulteruted milk TWICKEVKKY PAY, To All paitlea notify Ing nie 40-yl PKTKB sk CU