THE HERA Ll. i). A. MACMUIU'lir. ; . i . . : :Ei)ITOn. PLATTSMOUTn. APRIL 20, 1873. The State news column of the Oma ha Republican was fearfully mixed up on Saturday last. Our experience with J. li. "Weston, Auditor of State, is that he is if any thins too scrupulous ttb'otft paying out my money on contracts, and yet the Omaha Herald lias the impudence to designate him as a "nimble lingered ras cal." It is curious to read the different ac counts of the reiorters in the I'eecher trial, one says he was nervous and tim il, another bold and saucy, one thafc he looked worried, another jolly and oily andso-on. Queer eyes they have. We guess the eyes are home in the editori al rooms of the papers they represent. WHAT SOME KEl'UBLICANS HAVE DONE. The franking privilege was supposed to have been abolished and postage made cheaper for the people. As a. matter of fact, instead, franking is re established and postage for the people increased in price. Let us see ? The Democracy of Louisiana don't mean to live up to their bargain it seems, as regards the "Wheeler award. They are reported as unseating four Republican members of the lower House. Evidently peace does not suit the fire eating element south nor the rebel dis contented north. There is no capital t be made in a State of peace.much may he manufactured at a time of unrest. "But four months have elapsed since we heard a great shout and cry for free banking and wonderfully wise men told us if we only would give every body a chance and destroy the "ringed monopoly" of bankers we should all have glory and money galore we 7iace free banking, not a new bank in the State, very few anywhere else, and $.,000,000 of capital returned to Uncle Sam by the old bankers don't want it can't loan it, no money in it. THE JOHNSON OUU1N FACTORY. During a short visit at the above es tablishment last week, the Herald saw many curious and wonderful things: just how organs were made and put together, we never understood before. We stayed to see the finishing touches to a new instrument just go ing off on the wagon. After the last ornament was placed on, Mr. Johnson played us a tune, and away she went to make some farmer's home glad. Mr. John "Way man, Engine maker, has quite an establishment in the same buildings. The engine Mr. Johnson uses was built by AVayman; he ha.s also built a number for farm use and for Mill3 out in the county. In fact Mr. "W. may consider himself a success :ls an engine builder. All who take an interest in our manufacturing prosper ity, should take a peep at these two ithops. ANNUAL SPKINOiiUNT' OF THE FLATTSMOUTU SPORTING CLUB. Our spoilsmen met at Hon. Sam M. Chapman's office last AVednesday :;ight and made arrangements for their annual' spring hunt. Thirteen were chosen on a side with Geo. S. Smith and Capt. L. D. Bennett as captains, but when the day for the hunt carao only seven on a side went out. The sides made the following score: Smith 1,303 Average 199. Bennett 1,430 Average 204. The hunt was conducted on the count tfiven by the American Sportsman of February 2d, 1873, and is the one used by the Xew York sportsmen in their match hunts, and is as follows: Swan ;o-e Turkev !-juid i'lill Crane I'm'itsaiit KurTol Grouse... Woodcock Brnt I'niirie Chicken.. ...'00 ..300 ..200 ..100 . .... . 75 60 50 30 Larjje Ducks . Small " . Kail 1'ieon Snie yuail Squirrels Plover m 15 . 5 15 15 10 10 15 COUNTY FUNDS. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF JOIIN'C. CUMMINS, TEASUKER CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Submitted January lilh, 1875. GENERAL V1EAV or tlie condition and operation of the Countjr Treasurer, from November 15th, 18T3, to No vember 1st, 1871 : N K EC EI ITS. n.VLANCKS ON HAND NOV. 15TII, 1873. Co. dist, school fund 5 153 37 " " sch'l house fund 2 2.'4 33 " sinking fund 3oo 6K " land and road fund 5 4.5 45 " poll fund 421 f9 " doi; fnd 7.K " precinct bouds on hand 400 00 Aftrresate receipts from Nov. 15. '73, to Nov. 1, Tl-SSa 481 r,l Co. int. col'd same time 1 875 35 Total $15 083 60 S4 3.17 02 !9 446 02 DI9HUESKMEXTS. BALASCKS OVERPAID OV. 15, 1873. Co. general hind " bridge fund " poor fund " teacher' fund " advertising fund 1'recinct bond interest " bond & commissions 2 'J 48 23 212 0J .. 3 202 4a 1-J2 ! 424 09 !1 2 557 3J Am't paid out as pervoucli frs, including Treasur er's fees $70 192 13 cash on hand to balance. 21 417 11 Total . 5 7 837 33 $91 609 24 ?90 440 f,2 I'AKTJCULAK STATEMENTS of county finids collected ami disbursed from Not. 13th, 1x73, to Nov. 1st, 1ST4. GKNFItAL FUND. UK. To amt. col'c'd for 1S73-. sales " " . ' coined " 1572 sales " " . " coirted " 1871. " 1H70. " 186'J. " is;8. " " lsfiT. " " " " lfrVt. ltA. WV2. " " ISCo. To amt. ree'd of Jno. Hlack for rent Tr'u'p'l I Interest. $13 83171;$ 146 51 sol 27 39 74 . 2 3TI5 48 161 43 311 13 5 2 50 S2R 21 a Xi 173 5S 18 13 115 44 1 ) 67 67 9") 22 -J5 9 82 ; h 31 46 52 44 5fi 77 6 JC 10 54 11 62 20 18 '. 29 00 $18 226 49 $ 540 86 To amt. in, transferred from sinking fund To amt. int. tiansf "r'd from land road fund To amt. int. transf'r'd from bridge fund To amt. int. transf'r'd from poor fund 18 220 49 Total . 274 32 700 00 Ck. Bt amt. overpaid as ver St. Nov. 15, 173 $ 2 948 23 By amt. exonerated 15 OS .. -reiuimu on erron eous sales By amt. int. on trroneous sales ...... .-- i t .j mill int. MJJ .lllll.. niii ...... ..... paid asjer. vouchers 15 08 1 j2 By amt. Treasurer fee 655 4t) Am't overpaid SINKING FUND I) it. To bal. on h'd Nov. 15. 173.S 300 5 " amt. eoi'd for year 1873. . 3 4"3 41 " " sales " " .. 21 6o " c'oll'fd for 1871. . . . . 130 50 ' 1S70 31 !IO " 38 4-8 " " " iHGH 11 51 " " fin 07 ' " 1X65 . 13 1S04 14 1X02 C5 S 4 1S1 97 Total . FROM AYEEPINU WATER. A Little Girl Burned ti Death Grass hoppersThe ATeather, ete. AVeefing "Water, April 27. Ei. IIekald: Seldom haour com munity been more startled than by the announcement last Friday morning that a little daughter of T. E. Evans had lieen burnt to death. Mr. Evans, who lives several miles south of town, was engaged in burning corn stalks or stubble, his children being with him in the field. One of the girls, aged about nine years, in some way caught her clothes on lire while she was at quite a distance from her father. Jieing of course frightened she scream ed and ran with all might until the last stitch of clothes was burned from her body, her father being unable to overtake her until after she had fallen down. She lived for about six hours, being conscious all the time. Com plaining but little, and trying to com fort her sorrow stricken parents by as suring them that he was not afraid to die. Dr.-Thouias, who waited on the patient, says sho- was one of the most terrible sights he has ever seen, the Mesh being cooked to a crisp. The young grasshoppers are much mere numerous than last week, but they are yet of too diminutive dimen sions for us to hazard any prediction . on their probable operations. The weather for the past week has been very favorable for farming oper ations, and our farmers seem to have improved it to the extent of their ability. A good many people in town are beginning to think the place old enough to have shade trees aud so are setting out elms and maples jut outside of the sidewalks (or where they ought to be.) Iieed Bros, have received large addi tions to their stock this week. The good! which they offer are very attrac tive. Their prices seem to give uni versal satisfaction. AVe call attention in another column to all sportsmen to meet to-night Hurry up boys the State Association ill be formed next month. Cn. By amt. exonerations 8 3 07 refunded on erron eous sales 3G 72 By amt. int. transferred to general fund B9 41 By amt. Treasurer's fees 7u 01 Balance on hand o LAND & ROAD FL'D-Dh. To bal. as per statement Hov. 15. 17.1 5 8J5 45 To amt. coll'fd for 1X73 0 950 47 sales " " 5'1 70 coll't'd " 1872 766 :3 " sales " " 114 21 " cont'd" I71 l: t7 " 1K70 3! 41 " " lsr,! 31 11 " " IStW -3 91 " " lsiJT 6 94 " lai 1 21 ' " 1SC5 83 " 1S64 1 50 " " i860 3 9 $14 573 61 Total Cu. 1 88 By amt. of exonerations . . .$ retunueu uu enwu- eous sales Yrt ?8 Ey aintr Sup'r's receipts 3 517 44 orders pd. in favor of districts 3 (V.5 12 By amt. orders on comm'rs portion 1 173 93 By amt. int. transferred to general fund 220 52 By amt. Treasurer's fees. ... 178 97 " cash on hand due districts. $2,451.3!) less Treas. fees on $9,6;K).55 at 2 per cent 2 2".7 40 Bal. on hand due comm'rs fund Bui. on hand due districts brot down 69 44 220 52 258 83 102 18 8 1 257 88 ?'9 4S1 37 $22 60 CI 5 3 196 24 SO 44 10 02 11) 74 3 48 3 77 3 m 12 11 15 1 01 S69 4t 3 4 251 41 188 24 $ 4 003 17 88 29 40 19 14 5 5 9 2 1 1 68 $ 220 52 13 71)4 13 Total cash bal. on hand BRIDGE FUN D-D it. To amt. con t'd for 1873 $10 370 81 sales " " 002 79 eoll't'd for 1872 1 159 70 sales ' " 165 47 con t'd " 171 130 CO " 168 22 47 $12 447 84 Total Cn. By amt. overp'd as pr state ment Nov. 15. 1873 212 03 By amt. exonerations 10 61 " refunded on erron eous sale 79 83 By amt. paid out as per vouchers 5 C26 90 By amt. int. transferred to general fund 2."8 88 By amt. Treasurer's fees 254 13 Balance on hand. BOOK FUND Dn. To amt. coll'fd for 1873... $ sales " " con t'd " 172 sales " " coilVd " 171 " 1ST0 " received from sale of grain of 1S74 402 87 201 57 154 49 I V, .- 132 (Hi 3 70 60 07 Total . $ 5 201 o; By amt. overp'd as pr state ment Nov. 13, 1H73 $ 3 202 43 By aiut. exonerations 4 52 refunded on emwi eous sales 61 83 By amt. paid out, as per vouchers 1 650 52 By unit. int.. transferred to general fund 152 18 By amt. Treasurer's fees 107 25 Balance on hand.. DOG FUND Dn. To bal. on h'd as per state ment. Nov. 15, VS73 $ 733 88 To amt. coll'fd for 1873. 1 059 no " 1872 403 00 " is71 6; oo " " " ls7o is oo " ' " IHOO 14 OO 18 10 00 " ree'd from fines & licenses, lens Tre;is. fees.. To amt. int. transferred from dist. schot fund .... To amt. interest transfer red school houe fund ? 2 303 88 118 80 $ 2 422 68 Total. Cb. By amt. transferred to teachers' fund $ 550 oo By unit. Treasurer's fees io 21 Bal. on band. $11 195 14 5 3 crs 09 2 257 40 $ 5 856 39 110 25 2!) 93 74 71 26 07 Hi 7 2i 258 88 $12 7CX! 72 3 6 412 38 $ 6 2C1 34 37 02 iH 74 75 26 25 10 74 3 48 $ 102 18 $ 5 a 24 $ 5 191 74 $ 171 50 3 19 06 31 79 27 $ 51 12 211 23 2 99 $ 554 34 ? 2 977 02 502t TEACflEKS' FUND Dr. To amt. appor'ned Jan. '71..$ 5 594 no June 1874. . 5 C5s 15 " dog fund apporoned June 1S74 550 oo Total . . Ck. By amt. overp'd as prutate- melit, Nov. 15. 173 $ 122 99 BV amt. paid districts, as pr Voucher. .. $11 854 90 By stmt. Treasurer s fees ... 1 17 03 Balance . lOTB. This aec't should show a balance in favor of school districts, of $ 891 C3 DIST. SCH L FUND D it. To bal. on h'd as per state ment, Nov. 15. 1873 To amt. coll'fd for 1873 sales " eoll t'd " 172. ... " sales coll't'd " 1871 " " 870 " " 180!) " " " ISO " " "1807 " " 1800 " " 18H5 " lsi;2 ' 1800 9 5 153 37 5 923 99 308 00 982 37 35 18 189 SO 20 19 8 56 14 B3 o 03 20 61 5 79 $12 703 38 Total . Ck. 10 18 By amt. of exonerations reiunueu on erron eous sales 103 55 Bv amt. paid districts, as pr vouchers 8 325 30 Bp amt. int. transferred to dog fund 211 23 By amt. Treasurer's fees... 77 01 Bal. en band Xotk. The balance of this fund should be$2,31G.15 only. SCH'L HOUSE F'ND Dr. To bal. on h'd as per state ment. Nov. Id, is.j T amt. coll't'd for 1873.. sales " " .. " coll'fd " 1872.. " sales " " .. coll'fd " 1871... 1870... 1809... 1X08... 18;4... 1S02... 9 2 234 33 9 027 78 545 91 1 121 73 115 25 150 79 53 79 13 84 87 19 1 23 1 54 ?13 353 38 Total Ck. By amt. of exonerations $ 256 32 " refunded on erron eous sales 143 22 By amt. paid districts as pr vouchers 10 071 49 By amt. int. transferred to dog f unc 291 99 By amt. Treasurer's fees 114 11 Balance on hand Note. The bal. of this fund Should be $2,773.13. FKECT B'ND INT. F'ND Dr. To amt. coll'fd for 1873 $ 1 329 On $ io 98 sales ' " Ks M 4 44 coll't'd " 1872 279 89 1 42 " sales " " 1 56 jo 16 Coll'fd " 1871 95 85 12 02 ' 1870 20 59 3 GO $ 1 8s 170 60 08 Total : $ 1 912 3S Ck. Bv amt. overp'd as pr state ment. Hov. 15, 1873 $ 309 02 By amt. exoneration 3 10 refnndek on erron eous sales 7 17 Bv aint. paid coupons, as pr vouchers 1 520 0O By amt. Treasurea's fees,. . ::9 2s Bal. on hand SrL TAX FOR DIST. No. 72 Dr. To amt. coll'fd for 1873. ...S 187 21 sales 6 81 Total Cr. Ey amt. refunded on erron eous sales By amt. jaid as pr vouchers " Treasurer's fees . .. Bal. on hand. ADVEE NG FUND-DR. To amt. eoll'f d for 1873 $ sales " " coll'fd " 1872 " sales " " coll'fd " 1871 " " 1870 " " " 180!) " " " 18.18s " 18.77 " " lM 1S0.5 " " " 1804 " " 1S02 " 1800 i9i o: 3 12 105 00 1 !t6 74 90 174 80 21 00 88 90 9 40 4 Oil 2 30 2 00 1 80 40 20 30 1 80 90 $ 38 90 Total . Ck. By amt. overp'd as pr state ment, Nov. 15. 187J $ By amt. refunded on erron eous sales Bv amt. paid for advertis ing tax list 1872 & 1873 ... By amt. Treasurer's fees Amt. overpaid , TOLL TAX FUND. To amt. on h'd Nov. 15. '73.$ coll't'd for 1869 424 09 12 25 374 40 7 73 421 99 22 00 $11 703 03 $12 094 92 5 3ul 87 108 22 18 30 49 35 6 04 9 40 it8 1 08 9 57 47 04 95 6 73 $ 211 23 512 914 61 3 8 72787 $ 4 18G 74 llo CO 26 88 61 99 19 21 8 75 1 70 4 20 54 98 1 39 2 23 S 291 99 $13 645 37 $11 47713 $ 2 108 24 $ 1 939 17 $ 3 21 $ 2 43 $ 2 45 $ 196 47 ? 170 08 $ 26 39 386 90 Bal. on hand. I'REC'NT B'ND ACCT-Dk. To amt. Precinct bond on hand as statement, Nov. 15, 1873, unissued -? 400 oo Total Ck. By amt. overpaid commis sions as per statement, Nov. 15. 1873 $ By amt. b'nds still on h'd.. Amt. everpaid 157 39 41 HI O0 819 07 432 17 $ 443 99 $ 413 99 $ 400 00 557 T.S) 157 39 Sundries belonging to Teachers' fund, but not yet apportioned : SUNDRIES Dr. To amt. ree'd from fines .? 75 00 " " licenses.. 45 oo Total $ 120 00 Ck. Bt amt. transferred to dog "fund $ 118 so By amt. Treasurer's fees 1 20 Balance $ 120 00 J. C. CUMMINS, Co. Treasurer. $ 2 410 81 We have examined the foregoing statement of J. C. Cummins, Treasurer of Cass County, of the receipts and disbursements at the Treasury for the year beginning November 16, 1873, and ending November 1st 1874, and we find the same correct, riattsmouth, February 10. 1S75. Co. Comrs. T C. Cr.ARK. ) M. L. White, V( Wm. B. Arnold. ) J Vf. McKisNOs, County Clerk. by C. 1. Moore, Deputy. PROCEEDINGS OP COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS MEETING. Monday, Arrtiv 19, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Timothy Clark and W. 13. Ar nold; County Commissioners; C. P. Moore Deputy Clerk, and M. IJ. Cutler Sheriff ; Absent Commissioner M. L. White. "When the following was done to-wit. The petition of G. F. Shnider, and oth ers for the appointment of J. F. Buck as Superintendent of Dist. Xo. 40, was read and request granted. On application of Mr. Geo. I5oeck (in person) correction of his assessment was made. "A number of claims were then present ed and taken under consideration by the1 board. And board adjourned to meet to-morrow, at 9 a. m. Attest:. C P. Moore, Deputy Clerk. Tuesday, Armi. 20, 18T5. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same as yesterday. "When the following was done to-wit: The Clerk is instructed to Issue an or der to' the Treasurer, authorizing him to exhaust the amount of the sinking fund, collected as shown by statement of Xov. 1st 1874, in paying registered warrants, and to transfer the amount of the sinking fund, levied for the year 1874, to the general fund. The claim of Noah Clemmons and Levi Churchhill was adjusted. A number of other claims for exemp tions was presented and taken under consideration by the board. "When board adjourned to meet to morrow at 9 a. m. Attest: C. P. Moore, Deputy Clerk. "Wednesday, ArRiL 21, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same as yesterday. "When the following wae done to-wit: The account of L. "W. Patterson for as sessing Rock Bluff precinct, allowed on general fund 140 00. Account of M. B. Cutler, expense for pauper allowed on poor fund $G 25. The Clerk was instructed to notify Fred Miller and Wm. Caygill to show cause why their land should not be en tered on tax list and duplicate, and as sessed for year 1874, in accordance with Statute Law. And to inform Tm. Carlisle, that the Supervisors of the Districts in interest were authorized to settle the matter of old bridge tim bers referred to by letter. The Clerk instructed to draw orders on land road fund for $85 00,in favor of W. B. Arnold to be expended in Dists. No. 7, 49 and 51, and one in favor of .T.S. Upham for $20 00 to be expend ed in Dist. No. 53. Board adjourned to meet at 9 a. m. to-morrow. Attest: C.P.Moore, Deputy Clerk. Thursday April 22, 1875. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, same as yesterday. "When the following was done, to wit: All claims that were considered as meritorious were adjusted by the Board. The following accounts were allow ed on General Fund: T. Clark service and mileage as Commissioner. $ 15.00 "Wm. B. Arnold, service and mileage as Commissioner,. ..... Cost Bill, Judges and Clerks of April elections C. P. Moore, certificates, post age, &c, as per bill, M.McElwain, assessing Plat ts mouth City precinct, J. C. Cummins, stationery, ex press, &c, Board of canvassers, April election "W. B. Swearengen, assessing Louisville precinct, A. McMurray, assessing Greenwood "Wm. Snyder, assessing Eight Mile Grove G. II. Black, 1 years attend ance on prisoners in jail, James Hall, assessing Mt. Pleasant G. W. Adams, assessing Avoca "W. L. "Well3, labor on assess ment returns, M. B. Cutler, attendance on Board to Amil 9th, Thos. Mitchell, making desk, and repairs in Court House,... Account of G. II. Black, med ical attendance at Poor Farm, allowed on Poor Fund 44.00 The following official bonds were approved : Bond of J. F. Buck-, Superviser of District No. 40. Bond of John King, Superviser of District No. 21. The claim of S. E. Eaton, of 8300 damages by the location of a county road, (having been presented as re quired) was this day considered, and Samuel May, D. L. Cl3pp, and 11. "W. Hyers appointed commissioners to as sess and report on the same. The petition of "W, A. Daris and others, for the location of a county road, was presented, and G. "W. Fair field appointed commissioner to view and report. The report of G. II. Black, as county physician, was read, approved, and placed on file. The Clerk is instructed to draw war rants for all claims that have been al lowed and for all outstanding certifi cates that have been given. Board adjourned to meet on the 1st day of June, next. Attest, C. P. Moore, Deputy Clerk. 16.50 218.60 23.45 117.98 14.90 COO 3G.G9 75.00 09.00 25.00 3G.00 00.00 27.00 7.50 9.00 THE MARKETS. HOME markets. Reported by "White. & Darrait. Wheat Corn Oats . ... Rye Barley Hogs Flax Seed. Cattle 73 65 60 75 1.00 .23!.50 , 2.MK23.00 LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS. New Youk. April 2. Money 3 percent Gold $1 l.Vi LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicaho. April CS. Flour 4,05'35.00 Wheat 1.04 Corn 7.5 Oat-s 62', Rye 1.07 Barley 1.2s Cattle 5.20l.70 Hogs 7.40!i8.7.j 1)717. 3I01U&OW8 NEW Blacksmith Shop, ON Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Does a general business in Horse-Shoeing, Mending, and Repairing Wagons & farm Machinery, Dressing Mill Ticks, and all Steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE 1 1 ! REMEMBER THE SIGN, D. L. Morrow's 431 y liUcksiuUU Shop. A Prevalent Iiseae. There is 110 disease so prevalent in America as dyspepsia and f ci'talnly none which has so generally baflled and defeated the skill of the medical profession. The only remedy for this distressing complaint is a pure medicated stini ulnat. Hostetter's Stomach Rittors. whose es sential principle is sound rye, is admitted by medical practitioners to be the only alterative, corrective and restorative on which they cau rely. The Hitters are the best possible specific for" flatulency, dizziness, watcrhrash, incgnlar itv of the bowels, ami all indications of continu ed dyspepsia. They do not excite, but soothe the irritated stomach and bowels, and may be tak en by persons of the most delicate and sensi tive organization, who are unpleasantly affect ed by the use of the ordinary stimulants of com merce. Though their effect is most decisive, yet they are so mild and beneficent it) opera tion, as to be suitable to children as well as to adults. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN 40yl n n- -D v. r r y c o 3 r e-f & o o B CO ; cr CO CD i pa 5; n 3 Ok a rt ' C m - p 3 5.8. J5" 0 33 t , t !- ZT. O ? SS a p p -! Bl 3 5. - 2. 5" 2 p. . C 3 O ?P r O - re T DO S 00 m r h as CM X Z. Jrf I DICK STREIGHT'S LIYERT, Feed and Jsale Stables. Corner Cth and Tearl Su. HOUSES EOAItDEl) BY THE DAY, WEEK, OCl 3IOXTH. HORSES BOUOHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTIA'Ci STOCK. "Will also have for service during the season the CELF.r.KATKU IIOltSK.S : TiOKMAN & TALAItAN, Known as the W. I. JOM'.S IIOHHKN. J"i?For partieulai's, see bills or posters. sly Kcduccil Rates for Lumber Clear the Track for our Spring Trade. H. A. WATEU31 AN & SON Will sell Frnme Iamibcr, of ail kinds at perm. Fencins. '-i o 2X C'oiiimon Stoard. i'iO toS23. Itewt liinsleis, 1S1... Xo.1 Otlicrsrailcsof liuraltcr equally Cheap Ioori,!SaKli & Itlinds at I'actory priceH See other ad. on outside. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of O. M. Streinht and W. I). Jones, be:n this day dissolved Dr. W. 1). JONES, will open a new Liven', Feed, and Sale Stable, at the Oid HIATT HAUN.on Main Street, just east of .lohn Shannon's well known Stable. I'lattsmoutli. Neb. Horses, Itussiei & C'arriaseH, iolet at all times, at icasonable rates. JTOllSES liOAUDF.n Ii V TUK DAY, WEEK, OH MO.XTU. Particular attention paid to drivinand train iiur Horses. Having all the appliances I shall make a pai ticular feature of mv business the driving aud handling of TKOTT1NC. STUCK. J;?r.i'iii well known all over the county, no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite till mv friends to call and set; me, and they will receive a hearty welcome. Respectfully, 3m 6 W. D. JONES. GEO. SHAFER'S 8k AND BL ACKS31IT II SHOP, FOU IIOIiSE-SIIOEINa, 31 ending and Repairing: ! ALL. ICrXD.S OF FARM IMPLEMENTS Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sale, C If J? M. f FOR CHS If. New Wagons made to order. Hates reasonable ana woriv guaranteeu Oil Washington Ave. 4vi ii!,'ton Ave.. rLATTSMOUTir. near Ttli St., t NKU, nit. ;eii:i:'.s FA31ILY 3IED1C1NES A HE the result of an experience of thirty years in the practice of a successful physician. Hitter Tonic-An extract of root's and herbs so judiciously and medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help reunircd. It is not claimed as a panacea for all the ills of life, but for dyspepsia, billions and liver complaints, fever aiid ai;ue, cholera, debility, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, and digestive organs, it is an effectual remedy. As a preventative against fever and ague and malarious diseases it is unsurpassed. It strengthen and builds up the debilitated sys tem, and gives renewed vigor to all parts of the Loitv. Ik i 11 sr " Core Acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of droisy, gout, gravel, and diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Purifies the blood, enres scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and all diseases of the uri nary organs. K.xpectorant A prompt remedy forcoughs asthma, cioup, and all disease of the throat, lungs and chest, and the first stages of con sumption and tvphoid fever. Fever and Ace Are prepared ex pressly to aid the tonic in curing acute and chronic cases, thev act without depletion. 4'rimeaii I,iniment iens the pored of the tlesli. and penetrates to the bone or seat of pain, giving relief to man or beast a speedily as any outward application can. Sold by all Dnurgist and Dealers. C I. BAliTKl FF ti CO.. 50yl Burlington, Iowa CLARK & PLUMMER. More new goods next week. Come without any special invitation. A new invoice of Spring and Summer SHAWLS. Genuine Plantation JCeylon Coffee. Try it. An assortment of Invisible Plaid Dress Goods. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Ladies Hosiery in tho City. Common at $1.23 per dozen. A large and well selected stock of Yankee Notions. Purchased for cash, and for sale cheap. The largest stock of Parasols, will be here next week, that lias ever been brought to this market. Come and see them. The largest stock and finest assort ment of Ladies Xeckties, and the Chcabest. Come and see them. More Hamburg Edging. Cash paid for good Tallow. A new invoice of Coffee, Yellow C, Extra C, and New Orleans Sugar. A choice Japan T, at 70 cents. Salt Lake Peaches. A splendid quality of Syrup in Five Gallon Kegs. Pure Sugar goods, cheap. A large invoice of Brown and Bleached Muslins, bought before the advance. New Currants at 10c per pound. Choice Michigan Apples, cheap. Pure Maple Syrup. All other goods cheaper than elsewhere, FOK CASH. JOHNSON ORGAN, Manufactured by it. croHiisrsoisr, AT rLATTSMOUTII. NEIi.. Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason & Hamlin, 1 Etel, aud 1 Standard, 35?" These organs are all put up in elegant Black Walnut Cases, aud Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to give perfect satia-factien. THE TONE Is the most perfect that has ever been produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praido they are receiving are jnstly merited They are First Class in Every Respeet Ivory Front for Kej-R. Hbony Siharp Itrat.H Vin. Mortice Clothed so tkat there I no Frlctirc or SquocLkLnfs. Action as Quick and Per feet as the JJcst Piano. ISf The Tuning and Voicing is all done by mvself, and the superiority of Tone and its quick response to the touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or no. If the' see and hear them they invari ably giro the verdict in thir lav or. MY PllICE LIST ia an low as for any First Class Instrument anil those who wiah to procure a goufl and reliable organ either for Parlor at Church will advance their own inter est bv trying my Organs. Address, L. F. JOIINSOX Plattuniouth, Neb. WHOLESALE and Ketail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned aud Repaired. Satisfaction guaram teed. 50)1. Ik -READ .G.DOVEY g-:r,:rat .ajd NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Flavins made up my mind several years ago RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and being still of the same 'miml. I take thl method of informing the public that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue doing 50 through this year or until the 1H disponed of. During that time I intend to Sell Goods for Casli, Lower than any other house can do and sustain themselves. My stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, JfATSd- CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, dC, d-C, d-C. The whole stock will be sold at lottom Prices until it is LL SOLD OUT. My object is not to orf ri n ti w but to GET out of BUSINESS. Clive mo a call and see for yourself. 53yl E. G. DOVEY. ST0IIE AND AT Rock Bluffs. J. 4- Ii. SHER&. We hare purchased tfta BOCK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW MILL, And will hereafter run the sauitf ta Connection With Our Stora CUSTOM WORK will bo guaranteed to lo satisfactory. VT ployed the BEST we .could find. whose reputation is well known, and It h p posed that the fanners and all otiici-s bare us? If they brfafr Good Wheat ! ! The highest market price paid foe tla? Best Wheat and Cora. OUR STORE -15? Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to sell them At Low Rates H.iTins lx?ca enable'! to purchase ft laze stock Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to all. EQUALLY LOW. NOW IS YOUK TIM-E TO BUY. J.&KLShera, lUMLIir ISLuFJTS. IV EH. sirt POLLOCK 1 BE ARDSLEY It lM I, EST AT 12 AfiCVrS, ANI NOTARIES PUBLIO ! ! Having formed a partnership for the purpose of doing a tieneral Ileal 8 Husine-.s, ho an; prepared to attend to the same in ail its branches. Our list of Lauds i LAKtili and CHOI I K and soiuo VERY LOW PRICES. AVe have .111 Abstract of Ileal 1'stale Titles, for Cass County, which we have carefully com pared wiiii tin original Kccords, and will jtlvo Special Alcntion Io the Kx ammation of title, to fuiiiishint; Ceililicd Abstracts. and Con veyancing, and Notary Woik, G-EITERALLT. Oilice in Fitzgerald's Itloek, over Frst Natioi liauk. Pollock & Beardsley. 47yl 820 $20 Make Home Happy. And eirn (30 or (40 per Day. Mar-Tclou Mrrliniil.m. luseiiiou luveiitlon. Absolute I'ciToctlon. AN ELEtJANT. DL UAliLE & FULL-SIZED WITH TAItl.i: and TIKKADLU Complete for Domestic Use TWENTY XDOXjOLIS. liiarallelled in price. With many important supei ior and valuable liiiprovciui'iits. Lijual in sle. and docs the same work, in the same way asansuor P0 inachine. Th best, simplest and I'lieapest machine ever made. Written guarantee for live years with every machine. Xo superior! No competition ! No rival in quality and price. A skillful and practical cl- utilic accomplishment of a most wonderful combination of all the irood qualities of a cw in machine, and fully acknowledged to be a perfectly sueccsstul m h ;i 1 1 ic:il acliievement of practical siniplieity. 1'lioronlily tested. Csed in thoiisand.i of homes. Tim favorite of tho family circle. It does not take an hour to Kct ready to do a minutes work, Imt Is always ready in a moment to do a days work. It will save its cost many times over In onn season, doin.'Z the Work of the family, or it will earn four or live dollars a day for aiiv man or woman who may w isli to do scwiiiK for a living. Is so plain and easy to run, and smool Ii to run. the children and servants can usi it. So strong and solid luiilt, it will last a generation if prop erly cared for. Has no supeilhious corgs or cams to get out of order. Sews equally Alio with coarse cotton, linen, silk or twine. Kapidly sews a strong seam overall kinds of goods, from finest camliric up to heav iest broad cloth and leather without st opping the maeliiiin Kims faster, lighter, more easy and quiet than any other machine at live times the price. I'ses the strong st raight needle. Marvclouslv true in rvery motion. Sews the finest, linn and lasting stitch. Makes the only seam that can not be lipped apart without destroying the fab ric. The strength, beauty, evenness tuid dura ble qualities of which have long been acceded. Will sew anything it is possible for a needle to go through. Will do every description of sewing everdono on any other machine, nomatter what the price) and with less trouble. Will hem. Ke J, tuck, scam, quilt, braid, cord, bind, gather, rutlle, shirr, pleat . fold, scollop, roll, embroider, run up -breadths, &e., &c, with, rapidity and neatness, lias received testimon ials of its merits from till s :'tii. us ol the coun try, marks of distinguished consnleral ion sel dom voluntarily aeeor.led to an Invention of similar domestic usefulness. Our many new attachments, patented August 1C. IsTO: September 171 ; .Inly 7. IS7'. Mad to fit all machines, are I he at ta'iument of pre cision in mechanical accural-" for rendering it easy for even those who never saw a machiinf before, to do the finest kind of fancy needlu work, otherwise dillicnlt and tedious. "with tho ul most case and rapidity. Simple in construc tion. Needs 110 teaching. .Money refunded af ter thorough trial, if not satisfactory in every particular. Cash prices of machines. : M:vhinrs with plain table. Iron stand and treadle, complete) with all the necessary fixtures for immediate' use. $at. Machines, with cover, lock thhI key, half case style, i?. Machines, unh cover, drop leaf. f;nr side drawers, locks, keys. Ac., three quarter cabinet style. .!'). Machines itii enclosed table, side drawers, p iMeled folding doors, locks and keys, full cabinet style, 75. Tables are of various st vies, materials, mount ings, richness ul design, i.c, according to pricu.- Machines carefully selected, securely packed, and shipped as freight to any pari of 1 lit: world, Safe delivery insured 011 recc"ii of juice ilhout further charges. Descriptive books with illus trated engra ings of the'ililleicid styh s ff ma chines and attachments. large profits, testimon ials, samples of sewing, liberal illdileenu -tits In canvassers. Wholesale prices. ,.., forwarded free of charge upon application. i:clusuii agency for large territory granted gratis to re spectable, enterprising business men. clergy men, teachers. &c, who will introduce the vx traonlinary merits of our goods to the people of their locality and supnlv the increased demand. " J. THOMPSON. HAN N A . CO., y7 Jwiiadway. New York. E. B. FOOTE, ED. 120 LeiiREton Atcmb, tor. K SSth SLt NEW YORlf, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Letters front all parts qf the Civilized World BT H'S ORIGINAL WAT Of ' (Mnctiui a Medical Practics KB 13 TE EATING Kumerous Patients in Europe, tho West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Etata of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ko merearlal medidne of deletcrloni dnigs ne4. 1Ib durin? the pat twenty ycBrt trcatwl (uonw fu'tly nearly or quite 40, COO cases. Ail facta wm ccted with each caae aro carefully recordmV whether they bo communicated by letwr or ti person, or obncrved by the Doctor or hi aMootato physiciana. The latter are all aoicntiflc niodicnl mrn. All invn!Id at a distance are rejnlred t-j nnrrvr an extendel lint of plain qnertlona, which will bw f iiniished by mail free, or at the office. A cota plcte ny.stem of rcKtcring prevent rr.inUke W confusion. Caae book never consulted, cx-ejt by the pliyr.ciana of the eablishmf-nt. For twra coT5nIttion aend for list of question. A sixty pajjo pamphU of evUlcncre of nieces ent free aiao. Addreju Xr. E. Ti. FOO'IT; Box 788, Stw Vor!C AGENTS VAMTED. Pa. Footb Is the author ol "MrnjrAL Con. BO!l Skkbk." a bw.k that reorhwi a c-:rrulnln of over 250,000 copiea; also, cf ' Vl.t.1 tlcncz TtK," more recently published, whieh has er.Vl to the oottent of 70. WO eopies ; n!rf. of "Scica K Stout," which is now beinff pnblihed in stiicX. COKTIXTH TAIiLKS of all, eTta-ptiBji the fir.-t-mentioned fwhT h orrt of print), will be sent free on apphi-ation, to eitlier Dr. Foote, or the ITirriy Eili PuIUS--j ;;j7, whose ffioe U lVi'J Et 2Nh Ftrwt. AgcnlK Ixth men and women-want-1 to rH fhe fon-goin( work to whom a litwral Tf.t wiTI be all-nre-l. The beBinnings of small fortmiea tave leen mivlo in selling Dr. Footih popular work. "Pla! IIomb Talk' is junictilarly a;itetl to alnltA, and " PcirsrR l! Sm.f 1 ju.t the Ving t'T the younp. Send for o tsK-nta tables and w for your-lvos. Tlie formrr answers a multimde c.f questions which Indies and pi-ntln-nen fp"t a dclu acy about aLini of their pl.y.icians. There la nothing in literature at all eithiT tf the fcroKoinu work. "Seiners 15 Stout cau onlv be hat of arnt or of tho I't.biishura. I'l.AiN 1I''U TALK " la publlwhed in b-;n itut Buf ii.h i:n I .erman 1 Jinjuncs. Once u. jre. .e023-0 Waiitocli ADTHitSS A3 AEOVK. MttKtMItKt I am now prepared to furnish the'esV um dultm(pd milk TWICE EVERY DAY, To all parties notif incr mc