I T 1 V THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS. lcal aivki:tisfmkxth. Tronkiertt. x cetits si Ihie. H-Ftihir advcrlM e, lo cents iM;r line. No advei ii- iiiciH iusur tod fir levs tliau tents. Lepl ailrrrttxi'inciitH will lt charged to tile parti baudin,- them in. COM MCNICATTOX. . Asnnr apace i limited. j-11 communications roust he brief sutd lo the ioiiil, wii.Ii no wsite i words. N I". V Nf'.VlT'U DKI '1SIONS. 1. Any i rini ho lakes tint i:tpor refill n iy from tin- stn!l;'-' v!:eliier ilir--t.-ii to l;is nsjue, or v. hit !kt he i a MiiiMTilit r "r not i rilisille for Uie i;i". I. If any -r-.ei r-!ers liis p.i;T iliseont in red. he must iay ;i'l : l .'iraes. r the u!. Wish er msy cii!tiim-to s.-ml i: i4u;ii p;ii:i. i,t is in;de. stud i'ii'.Ii i-l the whole :ini whether too paK-r is taken from tiie efilcu r hot. a. Th court hi', ve dci lei! th tt in;p;r to take newspapers and r.i.li'Misiiuni i i . p. .s -o!livr. or renii an.l ii'ik i;i,r IStPM Hie -filed t or. is jcriii.i Uuu, etidciicc of I n ik.n t iu.xai. rtuii. B. cr M. R. R. TIME-TABLE. fHl and after tl: 1st of !ercinl.r-r. WJ. the pr.sen;;'! ti.iisi-. o.;l of I ia; tniiloui li, will le.iv?: ;s follows : loreiii 1 i Tiio i .' r Li:.co!n . . . n-.i.ilia Tra:n Morning mixed, vf u Omaha .. 11 :ro AM. 1 CM i'.M. 7 :ijO A.M. Omaha and Council Bluffs aro going to have a spelling match soon. Local Artists, DennLson & "Walton portraits painted, photographs retouch- ed, &c. Wo call attention to t!ie sale of per sonal property, belonging to the Ami son estate, on Saturday, May 1st. The Presbyterian Sociable, will meet at Dr. Chapman's residence on Thurs day evening. Apr. 22,1. Friends invi ted to attend. V call esper-ial attention to the new and greatly enlarged Ad of (Jeo. Sha-! for, our enterprising blacksmith, W;:g on Maker and iron worker generally. The Episcopal Sociable will meet at the house of Mr-;. J no. A. M.icMurpIiy on' Tuesday evening, April 20th. A cordial irmtation is extended to all. U; Tapers from Dan McKinnon, from Santa Barbara. Haven't had time to read them yet. Dan n doing well and we haven't forgotten him in the II kk ALi office by a long shot. The Friend of our new (old) May or, Dr. It. It. Livingston, presented him with a handsome ring last Saturday evening. Mr. MacDonagli, made the presentation speech. The Doctor was taken completely by surprise, although, as he informed us, he docs not as a habit, sport much Jewelry, he ac cepted this emblem of eternal love in a very happy and cordial way. In fact the Doctor is a happy man, and cor dial ; we always knew that, if you keej) on the windward side of him. Upturn Train Lc. Omal.a.. vv's c.ii; K.15T : rw-rj-T, (fraeh day), 11 :5 A.?.'. 5 ui I'.M. 2 :' .M. See noti'-c of Ieard of EiiuViization. Last snow of 1!il- season Sunday and Monday Ai.ril lith and 12th. S. S. ItENEFXT. Kernmbr Mr. Clark's concert next "Wednesday eve. lie sings for tiie beue ht of the M. L. Sabbath School. Miss Delia liahhington and Miss Xel lie Sliort have opened a dressmaking establishment in connection with Mrs. Kennedy's Millinery store, where they will do good work in the latest styles cheap for cash. Give them a call. Our I'is'K-nneu are eitrhing f:s!i in large quantities now. ():. "nindr ' thousand Xo. 1 shingles 2.7S at Water. nail's. 3-ti. Our young artists an? doing firat ratr Th?v hive two w-r-k's work yet. The Spring term of sehod coia rncncei last week, after a week's vacation. Bemetnber the hptdlin.4 match at the High School building to-moi row night. Two nice prices. Judge II:i:ncs has re:i;v''l his ollii-c to tiie bri kbu;.Mi:ig one t'oor west of t!i3 Court Hons;'. We hoard there was a wedding in town last week, but we can't 'tiite swear to it; bo hold our peace. Ib'inenib'.-r l'rof. J. (. ('larks concert, at the Metho li.st church next Wednes day evening, for the benefit if the Sun day School. Turn out and enjoy a .rare treat. l'o. lUa expressman, still survives tie ravages of timi arid th? ambling of t ha grey p j:i y. Alvvay ready aud iumxt too l:i; for the train. Slate itt the express oilice. (live him a call. JiMKS, ST ATIONERY,ClU)iUET SETS SlIKKT Ml.-H AT Dr. ClIAPMANS. The above reward will be paid to thr person furnishing evidence that will convict the person who has been poisoning dogs in this city for some tinrj past. BEAUTIES. I'.eantlf il White Khl aixl Satin Slippers at Merges' Shoe Sore. HATH! HATH! HATS! A fine Ktock of new ilats. Latest style at WM. Si AHE1.M ANM'ri. The Odd Fellows are going to dedi- ! cate their new Hall in Omaha, on Mon day April 2olh. It is expected to have representatives for every Lodge in the State, who will march in grand proces sion. A festival and ball at night. ttlOOltr ? :. A few mere li ri . of those patent i itt I so it!i ino ami mcwino T.il'.i t'-. at SllliVOCK'S a LOT 11 1 NU. ..i) suit of Clothe r ill on Vm. Staiiklmann. Men's I'iow li.iuts for ?L..r)(i. ami woinens nlee r-eme K'iiers f r -.on at M.T'ri ' sii ie ture. The l':v:.bv teriau 1'istival was very w:ll attended last Thursday evening and w:u a su'.-ess :i:i:r'-i:ill y. lint the pei'ing s:.d.ool part did no', go o!f as .'Veil as it mili t. Wo call atlentinn to the nc-w ti.enient f lxseLvr .Ki;' s, in tie. business. II1 lit.; just op-:e the old Hyatt b u-u. (live th a call and he.ir him t;-.lk "ilos d a.'ver- livery up in 1) ). t -i l'UDLIC NOTICE. Tiio City Council, of the City of I'lattsmoulh, will meet as a Hoard of Equalization on Monday the 10th day of April, l sT.", for the purpose of equal izing and correcting the assessment roll of said City. 11. II. LtVIXOSTOX, Mayor. DO ."SOT -"OaiS:T T!i;i! U;irrr:l!iN JciT'liy Store Ims resiioi't'd r;tsii IIit aid sf:rn3, ntvl !.' r to SJinJel iri.innVs dtJIiS:ig Niorc, ivliere yo.i will ii:n a "arser :inl Hjk'I' ;trtt li ol tloclo. TiVatcficN and .JrrcSiy liiasi ever. Call untl ca::i3:H' .'i'.;t;i. UiitcJiucj'!: tlcnr, and War i a ill -.. 4 F. C:.4KUl'TiI. Mr. Shryock's y.)ii:!g-.t . hil l, Lizzie, Hired 3 years had a j-retty k-.-vciv fall last Friday afternoon f;dli:i'i- down the steps. Fortunately no bonos ware br;i k'!i although sm-j was se", f.vly bruise;!. Frame l.uml'O' at W.ttri l Hi's. .r .t:i ki.: i- i3! r. pr yo-.:r !ru;;-i. i;--i:ies. i'.iints. Dils I'.ootis, Sr tion i.i:v, e!l at In:. C'ii.u man's. ritTl'ItES 1 !IC! fliES I i'iCTfltLS ! Now is th;; time for having family port rats painted. I)cnr;so:i t Walton at M. Murphy's Photograph gallery, P!attmcuth. Neb. We learn that Miss Uarrett of Con cord, Mass., who visited her sister. Mi's. Mills, in i'lattsmowth a year ago, was married on tholst u!t. to a Mr. Den ny. Her friends in IMattsmouth all congratulate the happy couple and wish them aivmg life of happiness. Frank Stadt-r is going to paint a full size life portrait of our new May or with his third term robes on. Coun cil men Way n.au and .Johnson will frame it and it is to be hung over the facial chair of State. We feel encour-ngc-vl for Grant now. head; in: ad i Only one 6l!sr will 5-ny .1 nice fair of Wi rau's Scr.;? Shoes p.t Mvrjre' Slide Store. Diirss .'iTkims. Miss l)Dp iin tt Miss Marks respect fully inform the Lvlies of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that they are now prepar ed to do dress making in the latest .style. They will carry on business at residence of W. J. Despain, corner StTi and Pearl sts. 2 at We were loth to say good bye to our old frietul Dick Cushing yesterday, who left us again for Tennessee, to stay un til November or December next. An article about our schools handed us two weeks ago, and apologi.ed for once before, has got mislaid .somehow. Wo will try and hunt it up for next week. The vote for members of the Con. Con. has Icon rot urned and was can as jc i last Tuesday. Whole, number of votes cast in the county 4-. , Smith received 4"2, Kiikp ilrirk 4U and Val lery 33. We had expected to give a tabulated statement of the vote, but could not this week for want of space, shall next issu?. Walt Paper. Decorations, Window Shades. Holland:-:. Chromos, Paintings, Window Cornices, Picture Hangings, Brackets, Carpet Sweepers and Stretch ers, and many other useful articles, sold at lowest possible- prices, at I7tf 1'itAXK Stadteh'j. The l.ir.'e-t aid eheajwut stock of Doots anil Plioes tliat over emus to town, at Merges' Ex elusjvc Shoe Store. LOOTS d- SHOES. I des.1 exelinirely in Uoots and S!:o?s. wid ensequenttj- en itiiil rto sell cli'ajier than the cheapest. V.y motto is quick saie-t and small prn2t. Ca'l, cir:iino, and ho conviric;J. l'KTKlt 'fIiOKS. V.'hile at Omaha recently, we drop ped in at Mrs. Hickman's millinery es tablishment and took a little look at the spring styles of hats and bonnets for the fair portion of our readers. Lack of space prevents our describing the shapes and modes of trimmings. Put we recommend all of those who go out of town to get their hats to call upon Mrs. Hickman, on Douglas St. between 14th and 15th, and we know they will never go away without purchasing. A SPELLING HATCH will be held at High School Hull, l'ri- meet .as hty evening of this week, to which all , which time all parties interested and NOTICE. To all wliom it may concern: Notice, is hereby given that on the mh, 20th, and 21st days of April, 1ST3, the Commissioners of Cass county will a board of equalization; at -ire invited to come. No ;utic:ilar !ook is to be used Jut Wcbst?r is to be Authority. The words to be spelled will consist of those in common use, Come up ladies, busines men, clerks, students and teachers, in fact rrcry one, and let us all learn to spell. Captain Co. A, Dr. It. It. Livingston. Captain Co. P., Hon. Geo. S. Smith. Two prizes will bo awarded for d'. CONCERT. Mr. Clark, whose lata concert was served merit. Programme consists al- ' postponed oa account of the severe so of singing, recitations, declamations, having any claim must present th same or forever hold their Peaee. Py order of the Poard. Attest, CP. Moore, Deputy Clerk. t . Three hnudrn l thous'and Slar "A" shingles f 4.25, at Waterman's. Z-V2. gymnastic exercises, proceeds are to be applied on Chandelier Fund. Admission '2"c, children 1". Tickets for sale at Stroight's. Carruth's and Dr. Chapman's. i?f..i-,i wilt tn C . w ..... ....: 1. r . : i ''rain or shine" the eve. of Wed. Apr. Cist, at tha M. E. Church. Mr. Clark's 'evening of song' are very entertain ing. Tha secret of his charm depends largely upon the fact that he is the composer either of the poem or the music of nearlv all the songs on his F'GTIlNriTURB. CJirapcr. Cheapest, For Cash, for the next 30 days, at T. W. SHltVOCK'S. WAGON IJOAD ACItOSS THE PLATTE. FA EMEU ATTENTION ! All the latest tyles f f Men's Loots and Shoes at llerir Shoe Store. c':e.it. - . ! liroyr.llil nit Tli'a iinnnrr !x vprr -v- pressivk and ho always pleases his an- c Julius IVprrbery. Cigar Manufae- ' dience. This concert is for the bene fuer. opposite the IIkt;.m.t .dVice. on ' f-t of the Sabliath School. Let all come Main St., FlaliBntouth. Nob. Cigar . ....f .....i i, .., . v;..., , , - . .,- . r - i ii .7. i an;! n--.ii iu:n. Admission oc Clippings of span:h and American To- .... k u baccoos for smoking purpoM-s. 7.'r ehddrei. l o. Doors open at 7 o'clock Hale. P.r"t ;-'-dit: s of plug-smoktng ' c-lonirnc at o'elocV. Seo small bills tobacco al w.i vs on band. 2') tf. e'sev.hf-re. This matter is being stirred up very lively again. It is of great importance to our town and must greatly accom modate a portion ot the citizens of Sar py county. We hope that our eommis missioners and the. commissioners of Sarpy can unite and aid this enterprise and if not through them, the live get up and get citizens on each sida of the raging Platte mast unite and see this thing through. We understand that the It. It. Co. are favorably disposed, and Mr. Joseph A. Connor, who has been very active in thi3 matter, has re ceived a letter from Mr. Perkins, in which he says that he will be here next week in person, and will seo the citi zens about bridging the Platte. Keep it going, there's a better time a coining. We feel it in our corns. Cheap, chfap. cheaper than the cheapest, those Boots and Shoe at Merges Shoe Store. PEI'.SONAL. Sam. Waugh, of Creto visited us last week. Mrs. Clans Speck died on Monday night of Tympanitis. Mr. Col well and family left for Cali fornia en Monday last. Chas. Seley, Foreman of the Omaha Republican called in to see us Monday. Henry Pons, the genial and enterpris clerk of the Platte Valley House, is building himself quite a reputatation by the able way m which he is conduct ing that house. Mrs. Wm. Wells, Miss Lou Mitchell, Miss Aloha Conn, Miss Cynt Mitchell and Miss Lou Shryock, called and in vestigated the "art preservative." Dr. Waterman, of Louisville, was in town last Friday, bringing in the elec tion returns. We understand he has started a branch otlice on Cedar Creek where he can be found Sundays. Mr. Hoar, of the P. & M. It. It. otlice, left en Monday last for Southern Cali fornia, where he will engage in sheep raising. George Harrison left last Tuesday for Lincoln on his way to the Plack Hills. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Cashing ruturned to Plattsmouth for a few days last week. While we share their grief at the great loss that necessitates their comming home, we cannot but feel glad to see them and knww that they are among us once again. WOODS BEOS., OF WEEPING WATER, Hereby notify the public that they have taken the job of furnishing Cass County with the Adams it- French Harvester, 2 he Crosby Cany Ploir, The Reed Plots Man ufaciurxny Cmnp'mjs Breakers, Stulbls Plows, Harrows, dV., lie They also have a full line of other implements, of all kinds, which we will sell at ljottom prices, also the usual stock of Hardware, Tinware, Szc. Go to Woods Br os, and examine for vonrself. SOtf. PLATTSMOUTH SAW MILL. NEAIJ, TUANSFEi: I.ANPING. MctiUIHE & CUKTIS Having purchased the above named Mill are prepared to furnish Cotton wood Lumber at "Hard Times" prices. They will keep constantly on hand and for sale in their yard at the Mill: SCANTLING, SIIEKTING, .lOTSTS, FKNCING, And all kinds of Lumber necessary for farm use. Orders for sawing lumber from owners logs will be promptly tilled at low rates. All orders left at their store 2 doors east of new Post Office will receive immediate atten tion. McGUIKE & CO., 2d door east of the upw Post Ofhep, in addition to their large and varied as sortment of First Class Liq nors, Wines, and Al"s, have just received a stock of: CASTILLON VI NET BKANDY, ANGELICA, CATAWBA, CALIFORNIA, 111 St srALKLINO KlJlNK, WINES. and McGuinnis' Dublin Alo and Por ter. . Tobaccos of fino aroma, and the best Brand of Cigars in market, all of which will be sold low, Wholesale and Ke tail. tf large SPECIAL NOTICES. SICK NURSE. Mr. Charlotte Finny desires to cive notioe. th-it sin- w '.A act, a-s isii k Nurse, whci.evt-r ca.i ed on. Residi nee in Sti;cV addition, near AI LiUer's 2ull, l iuilauioiitit. Neb. 3ml WANTED. A jriil for jrenr-ra! housework, in a small fami ly. Feriiiiineiit situation. Enquire of Streigh. 3-ti I, o. i:ook Stoke. Arc; tnt ri,on i:::. The most miserable beings in the world are those sufT.-rliij; from 1 ys;i. jiiia and Liver Com piaint. Mure than s-venl y-five per cent of Un people in the L'nited States sue aftlieted with lliese two diseases and their elleet : such as sour stomach, sick hea lai-he. habitual rust i ve il ess. impure Wood, fioarthuni. waterbiash. jrn.twin and bumiiii; pain nt. the pit of the sioin:i'"li, yellow s.k in, voated tonjrne and iisa L'iVfaMe taae in tho mouth, comiu nji of thu f.x'd alter cilia.', tow spirits. &e. 'Into the i o u:.' :. e of I r. G, J1.. iiapumit. I'hii l-smou: Si, Neb., a jit uet i ,.i r-nt boll'-, fl" a ; Jnple hol llt fi- i Mits. Tr it 4jt Savf Movf.v ami Hkai-th. The reputa tioii ot t!i Wilson .shuttle Sewing Machine is s thoroughly eitablished that nov eld in Us com mendation is necessary. . The plan Hdupted by the manufacturers of this famous Machine of placing tiieir prices so low hs to come within the reach ot the joorcr chwses, certainly enti tles them to the gratitude of of those who are really most In need ot su4i an article. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station In this county, free f transportation charges, if ordered through the Company' r.ranch House ut No. 6iu 4ih Street, St. Louis, M. They send an elegant catalogue and enromo circular, free mi Application. This Company want a few more Rood agents. It Is asserted as ;t fact that every canvasser who lias turned ids attention to the introduc tion ot the New Kamilv Sewinix Machine in Ins locality, or who has been fortunate to secure an anency, has outstripped the bestelTorts in mak inir iiKinev of tiie old and tried a.-nts of the hlh-prieed machines, which latter they now replace. The demand is enormous, and sales so rapid and money made so readily with so little cHert that farme'rs. tradesmen, speculators, .'.. sue Hocking into tiie business as fast as they can secure territory and net their ijroods on the ground to supply anxious .customers. It cer tainly is the machhie of the times stud does the same' work, as other machines at so.( and Oo. and iu really beiiv" it would sell juntas resdiiv i.t d.uil'le'and then not cost hsilf the us ual price of so good an article, for it is astonish ing to see the vast amount of labor it performs sit .so low a cost. Tiie inventors are daily inun dated with testimonials of the worth of their new machines which so suddenly and success fully bounded into popular favor. It has at tained an enviable reputation in many thou sands of homes and lactones, for its solid sirei,th. power, rapidity, simplicity, certainty, and ease of opera! ion. wit h fextreme beauty, fineness and reliability of its sewing ; while tiie wonderful low price (Twenty liollars for a lai-;e and complete st win machine with a strong ta ble and treadle), places ad idea of competition entirely out of the question. It stands alone in its merits and juice. We sidvise you to invest in one at once for ymir wife, daughter, mother, sister or ladv friend and make home happy, or put them in our factory, or what is better if you aro lucky enough, secure an agency, if there Is none iu your town, make money yourself. The manr new sittachuiciits for doiiiji extra flue, skilful and dihlcuU work, are a surprise in their simplicity i f construct ion and far below even "grange prices," ami will be delivered sstfe atvourdoor.no matter how remote you mav reside, if you write for them. Andres J. Tuimj, 11ai.-. a & Co., sw7 15roadway, N. Y. 47yt CUT TIE If Ol'T! It Jlnj Wave Your 11 fir. There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung liseae, Coujihs, Colds, or Consumption, yet some would rather die t'.inn pav To cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure thriu. I Jr. A. lloschee's (iwriaaii Syrup has lately been introduced in this coun try from leniiany, and its wondrous cure as tonishes every one that tries it. If you doubt what we s:;y in print, cut this out and take it to vour c'ririffst. Dr. (. II. Chapman, riattsmouth. Sell., and i:vl a sample bottle for 1(1 cents and trv it, or a reji'ilar size for To cents. i'.yt G. li. UukilN, Woodbury, N. J. LEGAL XOTICES. Notice of Sale. In the Intier of the EMaU of Henry Amitim, de- CiW.'l.- Notice is hereby jiiven that on Saturday, the 1st flay of May iiext. between tiie hours of 2 o'clock tn tiie forenoon sunt 5 o'clock iu the af ternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the town of riattsmouth, coun ty of Cass, and State of Nebraska, the. personal properly ot said decedent, consisting of house hold furniture and other articles will he sold at public sale as per order ot l'robatc .Indite, is sued. JOHN W. SHANNON. Administrator. Dated April lt'itli, 1ST5. Sti Sheriff s Sale. l?y virtue or an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court, of The second Judi cial District within and for Cass County, Ne braska. fud to iiej directed. I will on the 15th day of May. A. D. 1 ;.". at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day at the South door of the Court House, in tin city of riattsmouth. in said county. Hell at l'ublie Auction, tiie following Real Ks-state. to wit : Lot number five (?.). in block number tliir-tv-seven Cs7, and lot number six id), in block number eight (.s. sdl in th" city of riattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska. ThesaJiie being levied upon and taken as tiie property of John V. Hiuchiiian and Alice It. Hinohman, defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Calvin if. l'a; mele. plaintiff. riattsmouth, Neb.. April nth. A. D. 13TS. M. It. CUTLKR. 3t5 Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb. Sheriffs Sale. Ily virtue of three executions issued by D. W. M kiupoii. Cicrit of the District Court, of sec ond .Indicia! 1 istriel, wit bin and for Cass Boun ty. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the jstli day of Kay, A. D. Is7.". "t 1 o'clock p. m. of siiid driy r.t the south door of the Court House, in said "county, sell at public auction, the fol lowing Real Lstate. to-wit : The South half m) of the north-east quarter ne'.j) of section thir teen i tow n ten i let. ranjie eleven ill'.cast ei 5th principal meridian, in Cass county Ne braska. The same brinsi levied upon and tak en as t he propcrtv of Willis J. llorton.and Win. ('. Jetiks, defendants: to satisfy three Judc lueuts ol s:iid Court, reco vered bv Iliiibard and Spencer. Win. M Wycth t Co.. a'nd St. Joseph Mai.ufactu: iiiji Co.. pl.'iiiitltTs. Said exccutioiig rc-.M veil bv in i in tiie order above named. 1 lat'.siiiouUi, Nci., April 7th, A. D. 1 S7.",. M. It. CLTLtfR, 2t5 Sheriff Cass Co. Neb. Attaeliment Notice. Alexander Carper, ) riaintil. vi . -Dnvid Koltz. ) Defciideiit. To lt-iri l roltz, def indent in the aliure entitled (i!i: You sire hereby notified that siti order of at tachment was issued in the :ibovi entitled cause on the Mill d iv of M.-'ich, A. D. Ib7.r, by A. Carini' liaei, Justice of the Leaee, of Cass County. Nebraska: for the sum of ei;;ht dol lars and .seventy-five cents (.s.7' ;tnd cause st t for hearing on the loth day of May, A. D. isr. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day. 2t3 Al.KXAN OKU CAlit'KR. Estray Notite. Taken up on or about tho first of November, a dark bundle cow. star in forehead, brass knobs of her horns, probably 8 or nine years old. The owner can prove property, pav charges smd take her away. Wm. Snvkkk. riattsmouth rrecinct, April :.'nd, 1S7.3. 2t5 Attachment Notice. John McCnitf, ) rJefore J. A. Ken vs. vaston. Justice of the L. J. 1'alinfcr. ) l'eace. To L. J. Palmer, difewJ-ant in thr- nlxtrc cauc: Vou are hereby notified that an order of at-t.-u-lniieii t was issued iu the above entitled cause on the 5th day of March. A. 1. 1S7.", by J. A. K( tiaston. Justice of the l'eace, of Cass county, Nel.iiisKa, for tiie (iiini of thirteen dollars and forty . tuts (n.-tm. and cause is set for hearing mi the ttlh day of Slav. A. D. Is75, sit tea o'clock sv. m. J. A. KKNASTON. 113 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court, of the Second Judichd District, wit ill ii and for Cask County. Nebraska, and to me. directed. I will ou the 3dday of May. A. D. 1K75, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. sit the front door of the Court House, in the City of riattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auc tion the following real estate, to-wit : lits number one (1. two (i, three (3. and fonrd ;, in block number six (t; in Thompson's Addition to the City of riatumouth, Csvss County. Nebraska. The ssirtie being levied upon and taken as the property of Win. AltatTer. Defendant : to sat isfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by W illiam Stadelmann. I'tvtintitl. riattsmouth, Nebraska, March 31st, ls7a, H5 M. U. Ci TLEU. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. r!v virtue r.f an order of Sale issacd by 1. W. MetCiniion. Clerk of District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 2f h day of April. A. 1). Is7.i. at Hi o'clock p. in. of s;iid day, at the south door of the Court Unit in the city of riat'smouth, in said County, sell at public auction, the follow ing Real F.state, to-wit : conimeiieintfat a point one thousand eiht hundred and twent v-seven and two-tenths (1H27 2-ld) feet north" of the south-east corner of the west half if-,) of the south-west quarter C4, of sct'ou sven (7, town twelve i-J), range fourteen (14 east, which point by actual survey is one thousand three hundred and twenty-six (tajfi) feet east of the south-west corner of sstid section, thence west four hundred and three (4o3 feet, thence north two hundred and sixteen and two-tenths (210 2-l feet, theno0 esit four hundred ami three t-ln.ii feet, thence south two hundred and six teen and two-tenths ( 2-l(l feet to the place of lieKinning, containini; two (21 acres, more or less, situated in Cass County, Nebraska ; the same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of William Cut'er. Margaret Cutter and Wm. Lmiiick. defendants ; "to satisfy a jndg niee.t of said coait. recovered by Cat via Ii. l'ar niel". plaintiff. i'la'-Uiiiouth, Nebraska, March 21. A. D. 7". M. It. CL'I LER. S2to Sheriff Cass Co., Neb. "The lay to H'ctUIi. if iiti ilfrtre it, is at yliin i Vic uvifv to MnrkttJ" riiAKKLIic. AJE3ST! WASTED to canvass in Cass and adjoining eo-inties, for fhs new boo's "Success in Business," er Tiff ( T J TT1 "VT Tb.is country has money "tVil Al X for fVHi-vl.od v M,,nev in Trade, ifi the'Mill. in Mines, on the Farm, iu the ttanien, in Wheat, in ( -.in Stock. in IVultrv. This book shows Row Liuiness Men, Farm ers. Workinirinen. Younir Men and Wotneii. may all jU, .irr. Umn and one it. Just the book needed, and will sell fast. Address for circulars & terms. .1. '. .IrC'I'lt fV csuecsssors to Zieler & Mcl'ur- dy.i iso W. Fourth St.. Cincinnati. O. ; F'ifth Avenue ft Adams Sr.. Chijo, ill.; fc20 Oiive St., St. Ijiiis-. Mo. N. 15. Th l'eoplc's Standard Edition of t'i? Holy j:ilile. pi.Miv;,ed byns, is the t:p.ess. cheap est and Iw.t. Agents make from ;-i to per month sell.iv -piji o'hiw booss. without ex trsi i-ri'riii ! HOW TO MAKE IT. WILLIAM GRAMBERG'S Lumber Yard ! All kinds of Building Kalerial AT BOTTOM PRICES. Main St., opposite riatte Valley House. PLATTs MOUTH. - - - - NKB. GEO. SHAFER'S AND BLACKSMITH S II 0 1 FOU HORSESHOEING, . Mending and Repairing ! ALL KIXDS OF FAItM IHl'LEMEyT3 Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sala, CJfJFrt7i F O It CMS If. New Wsmons made to order. Katos rcasocwRde and work guaranteed. On Washington Ave.. I TLATTSMOirrn near Ttu St., 40yl N KB, FAMILY MEDICINES AKE the result of an experience of thirty years in the practice of a successful physician. Illl tor Tonic An extract of roots and herbs so judiciously and medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help" required. It is not claimed as a panacea for all the ills of life, but for dyspejisia, biilious ami liver complaint.?, fever and unur, cholera, debility-, stud all diseases of the stomneh. liver, and digestive onrans. it is an effectual remedy. As si preventative siiiaiust fever and sigue and malarious diseases it is unsurpassed. It strengthens a:id builds up the debilitated sys tem, and gives renewed vitor to all parts of tho body. iWins'N Cure Acts as a diuretic evaeuant in cases of dropsy, ;out. (travel, and diseases of tiie blsuider and kidneys, ptuitics tiie blood, cures scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and all diseases of the uri nary organs. Kxpcctornut A prompt remedy forconphs asthma, cio'ip. and all diseases of the throat, luuiis and chest, and the liist stages of con sumptiou and tvphoid fever. Fever and Ajiif Are prepared ex pressly to aid tiie tonic iu curing su ute and chronic cases, tliev act without depiction. Crimean Iiiiiiment Ot.ens the pores of the ID-sit . and penetrates to the bone or seat of pain, sivius; relief to man or be;ust a speedily as any outward application can. Sold bv all Druujiists and Dealers. K. T. 15AUTKI FF & CO.. 50yl liiuliiirton, Iowa. COXSUMFTION CURED ! To the EdUor of the A:l. ITEIIALD: EsTERMED ritlE.VD Will you please inform your readers that I have si positive cunu Fon coxsumptiox and a!l disorders of the Throat and Limps, and that, by its iisrs in my practice, I have cured hundreds of esuses, and will j;ve 1,MH00 for a case it will not benefit. Indeed so strong is my faith. I will send a Sample, free, to any sufferer addres.srns n i'lease show this letter to any one you may know who is suiTeriiig from these diseases, said oblige. Faithfully Tours, IKK. T. V. H1RT. lmfi G9 1 Fill io m St., iNVw Tori;. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. Tiie partner-hip of O. M. StreiRht and W. 1). Jones, be'ng this day dissolved Dr. W. I). JONES, will open ;i new Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, at tho Old HI ATI' JtAUN.oii Main Street, just east of ..'iiiin Shannon's well known Stable, I'l.ut.snioiith. Neb. Hornet, llustiioH & Carriage, to let at all times, at leasonablc rates. HOUSES TIOAUDED III' THE DAI', IFSEA". Oil MUX Til. rarticular attention paid to driving and train ing Horses. Having all the appliances I shall insikc a particular feature of mv business the driving and handling of TROTTING STOCK. fHeing well known all over the county, no further chin mush; is necessary. I cordially in vite nil my friends to call and see me, and "they will receive si hearty welcomo. Kespect fully. 3luO W. D. JONES. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Jut Pttblixhcd, in a Scaled Envelope, price 6 cts 'rrw v A f.ci'tji-!' tho Nature Tre:it- V-.vincnt, and Radical cure of Seminal 'O Weakness, or Spermatorrhiea. in- .'.ift-ifitr ducud by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, nixitency. Nervous Debility, and Impediments lo marriage genertilly ; rnnnimp-tion.-Kpilepsey. and Fits ; Menial and I'hvsical Incapacitv. tc.-llv ltor.F.KT J. Cl'iA'KU WEI.L. M. author of the "Green Look." e. The world-renowned sun hor, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that t he siwfid coneiiencfrs of Self-Abuse mav be elfectually removed without medicine, ami without dangerous surgical operation, bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode ot cure at once cc'rlTaiu and effectual by which every suiierer, no matter wlsat bis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pi irately, and radically. iiThin La etvre- irill y-roorc a toon o f'loifs- (ti'ix (liul ttinuntliirf. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, '1IAM. J. C. HLE.IXE S. CO 10--31y 127 Bowery, N. Y. ; P. O. box. 4oWi. Reduced Rates for Lumber Clear the Track for our Spring Trade. II. A. WATERMAN & SON Will sell Frame Lumber, of all kinds at perm. r'enoiiis;, to Common Itoards, '20 to $23. Ilest MiinsleH, m l. a 5, Xo. 1 Nhinles. r2.75. OtlirrKrsdesofLumber equally Cheap DoorsSash & ISlindH at Factory price See other ad. on outside. DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and fcale Stables. Corner Cth and Pearl Sts. HORSES liOiKbED bt thk DAY, WLER, Oil 510VTXI. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT Xhli HOURS. Pstrticulsir attention paid to Driving anjl Training TIUTTIXG STOCK. Will also have for .service during the season the rEt.rnn.vTF.i) houses : NORMAN & TALARAN, K l,oyn us the w. i. jo.vi:s iionsRM. J jyTff paitieular. see bills or poster" ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAM. K. CIIAIMIAX, ATTOHNKY AT LA W and solicitor in t'hsui c.erl'. tAce in FltzgeraLPj l'.lock, Ptatlsmoutli. NebraekK. W II K ELF. 11 A U KS X KTT, HSAL f.STATE and Tax Paying Agents, No taries Public, Fire and Life Insurance Agents, Plattsmouth. Neimusks. A. I.. SPKAUt K. T. It. WlUSOJi. KI'ItAt.VK A. YVIL0., ATTOUNKYS AT LAW. rolleciions prompt ly attended to. Cfiice in Fitsenild's blM-k, Plattsmouth, Neb. 4oyl. n. is. LiriiiNTo, PHYSICIAN & SUlKlKHN, tenders his ro fessional services to the citizens of Cass county. L'esideuce southeast corner Sixth and O ik sts. ; I Ulice on Main street, twodoois Mestcf Sixth, l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. CEO. S. SMI i ll. K. H. WINDHAM. S.niTII lVIXIHIIAM. ATTOUNKV-S AT LAW and P.e il Fstat Bro kers. Speci.d sille'.itioli jien to Collections ami all matters sifte-tiiv the title to real estate. I Mice on i'd tioor, over Post Oilier, Plattsmouth, Nebrsiska. 4Qt. justici: of th:: i'eaci. Oftlee on Main street. Fhtttsmoiith. Neb., two doors cstst of Hi:uAi.t oflice. Business hours from ( a. in. to S p. in. All conrity business usu ally transacted before si Justice of the Peace will be attended to. Also general collector of debts. 1-lOyl J.W. Hainks. DR. SCHILDKHECH-r; Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physiclau. y-Ofllce and Kesidenee comer Sixth and Vine Streets, l'lattsmouth. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. Hoyl. G. A. von Heirnburg, Veterinary Surgeon. Office sovth side Haiti Street, between Third and Fourth Sts. ri.ATTSMOUTH. - - - - NKP.. 2? j MERCHANT TAILOR, Is in receipt of the finest and 32 E S T 34. S S O 12 T .tf J2 A' TOT CaKSiRieren. :iotli?. Vestinsn. ReoteTi (ooilf. ItImIi FrieMes, & r. F7In fact, the Iarit and best assortment of t'lotbs ever brought to this city, which 1 am prepared lo make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine floods. -!0yl SEWING MACHINES! New Improved Lock Stitch GROVKR & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, F'or sale by CHARLES VI ALL. With all the Kxtrsus and Attachments, such as Needles. Oil. Tuckeis, Binders, etc. 'I hose w ho contemplate buyimr a machine, w ill do well to Kive the tJrover & Baker a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. and the cheapest machine in the market. Ail orders by mail pi ptly siltelid ed to. Address, C HAULES VI ALL. 2mJ Plattsmouth. Neb. riioi-isiETOit or PALACE BILLIARD PALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) riATTSZtaOTLTSJ, - - - XEB. MT UAIt IS SI.I'FLIED WITH TUB BEST WINES, LIQ0ORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 40yl Mrs. A. H, Knee, VORKER IN HAIR. Braids, Curls, Switches, Puffs, and ail kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by Ordeisleft at MKS. KENNEDY'S 1 I I4 1. I S E f 1 V STOKE. On Jlain St., 1 door esist of Clark. & Pluminer's. S JEL O , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB. Bepairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Paw and Crist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron IMpe, Force and lift pumps, steam Uusmes. Safety valve lloveniors, and all kindsof Bras Fnsine Fittings re paired on sliort notice. V A it "tl 31 A (' UIXLItY. repsiired on short notice. 9yl FOR ELTMIlie GO TO Gus. Herold's. ' CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has reinoyed to the bul'ding- opposite Math ews Hardware Store, (On 4th Street, Bet. Msiin and Vine.) Where in addition to otlicr work, he will give si ecial attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKIXti PICTURE FRAMES. tC. Also Asent for th" COMMON SENSE IBON INO TABLES. of which wo have a number on hand ; otdl ami see them. MIL Careful Work and ProntqA, Attend3 anee to Calls. 40-1y WM. L. TUCKER. w Good fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY I AT E VEB TliOD YS IIOM E IX PL A TTSMOUTW IF THE! WA.1T IT, BT J. F. 1112 41 MINISTER. 6E5D IX YOCIt ORIiF.RS AXD I WILI. TUT AJTB Giyj; vou 40yl and serve yu refrularly. E.T.Duke&Co., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers In HARDWARE AND OTJTLEBT. STOVESJIWWARE, Ibon, Nails, IIoi-s, HAKES, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORES, AJ'ES, &c, ALL KIr OF Tinware Manufactured. MAIN T.. T'ET. 1r.l " I -Vyl GO TO , ' - ' VALLERY & RUFFNER'S. FOR i i r. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PTTHLICI! "Mow is the tim6 to Imy your i Notwithstnnding tiie depression of the country. stf mm will still contimto to pi'll poods nt tlioir old stand in FITZGERALD'S BLOCK, cheaper tlmn tver, and deiy cotuj.ttition in prices acd goods. Thcj constantly keep on hand a hug as sortment of DRY GOODS, ' NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING. GROCERIES, hoots & shoes. HATS AlfD CAPS QUE ENS WARE, WOOD dt WILLOW WARE, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, d d-c. Thev will sell all jroods n low as any house in town. ven if advcrtisrtl at cost. Thev do not doom it necessary to pive :t price list, lint wnld ask yon' to call and examine tin' goodd, hear the prices, and satisfy youmelvos lioforp purchasing elsewhere. Our motto id "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," UTOIR, GASH. VALLERY & RUFFNER'S jTOtt 1875. They also wotild call attention of tho farming community to tho fact, that the sell the Improved and world renowned J. 1. Caso & Co.'a THRESH' ING MACHINE. Tho Ni hols & Miepherd'.s "VIBRATOR" Threuh inir MachMie, the "Old Kelial-le" McConnick "Advance" REAP ER d.-' MOWER: also the McCORMICK HARVESTER, the Lost in the market. Don't pive. your orders un til you see samples. Prices lower thun any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, which pivf-s perfyct satisfaction. THE KIR BY REAPER d- MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. DERE d- CO:$ GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, hrst n t. KEYSTONE di BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, Thu best on tnhoel. BROAD CAST SEEDERS. DRILLS. STALK CUTTERS, HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. dc, dc Which they will sell at.hcd-rock prices to suit tho timca. J-iT'For the above named Machinery, thfey always keep on hand a full line of extras, which id a great item to farmers. .VALLERY & ltU FI NER. m II -READ E.G.BOVEY'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! n-tviug mad up my mind several year? tz RETIRE FROM BUSINESS ahotit the end of THE YEAR 1S75, and being still of the samolmind, I talce thl method of infoi tiling the public that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue doinjr so through this year or until the is di-iiosed of. During that time I intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any ether house c:in do and sustain thcmsel ves. My Mock consists of GROCERIES, DR 1' GOODS, HATSd- CAPS, B00T3 d- SHOES, WALL PATER, CA IIP 1ST S, d C, dC, dC The whole stock win he sold Jit iottomPrices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object is not to but to GET out of BUSINESS. GiT mc a call and see for yourself. Slrl E. G. DOVEY. STORE AM) MILI -AT- Rock Bluffs .. i$- . SIlERJi. $Ve hato purchsod t BOOK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, JLKD SAW MILL, And w!U hereafter run lh saraa fa Connection With Our Stoiu CUSTOM WORK will ba guaranteed, to bo sa'.UfaeVorf . W ess ployed tV.it IB !ii 3 '-L1 ws 'oould End, whose renutatlon is well known, anl It hi pos'Hi mat tiie lariners mui a:i otners nr Good ST3! o ill? If they brlnj Good Wheat ! I The hhOTt mvkot rrir paid for fM Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE -re- Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL-, and we men totel! ttom At Low Rates Tlavinj boon cnahlewl to p'trchaao a lrtf stock. Uncommonly Low, They will bo sold to a'.;. EQUALLY LOW. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO 33TT5T. J.&H.Shera; sitr A . n