I f K H E RALl);!,,,: local" NEWS. LOCAL ADVLI.'i ISl.M h.Vl S. Transient. 2.'. cents a lite. Regular adver ner to cents per line. No advertisement ia Mrtwil lor less than Scents. to lie obliged to record of George Shafer's little ba- j by. '-Only five short weeks ago the I" I If.kalh recorded its birth and now we are obliged to tell of its death. LS:al advertisements will be chared to the partie handiiiK them in. li. fr .V. 7 TIME-TABLE. Hi and aft r the 1st of December. 1X71 the passeinccr trains out of Il.ittsnioiuh. will leave Moniluic Train (for Lincoln v im.iha ain Morning Mixed, (for Omaha.. Return Iv:v Trnin L. rv'' ( miaha. ;oi so Passenger. !acli iiw ).. 11 :M A.M. ... 1 :.':( P.M. .... 7 :IK) A.M. 11 :15 A.M. 5 JO P.M. . .. 2 :!5 r.M. Tlie old reliable Plattsmoiith Den tist, Dr. McCr.EA, PICTl'ItlfM FttAJIEU by 1 I have (I, en s, .M iss , most assort merit of wom :id Children' line- Fn-i.f.h DEATHS. MURPH Y-Dio.il. Thursday, Dec totli, 1874, of Tvphoid fever, Alu e Janf.,UiikIiUto( Pat rick It. :nd Margaret Mtnj)iiy, atjed li yea:. mouths and p. days. We sire very sorry to record the death of the riisUt little daughter of our City Marshal. They have -he sympathy or their frier. d3 in this sad iit'iirtion. can be found at all times and ever; day . Calf Sii.e-s. ever (.lb-red to i,us tra .j. t in the trecc at his ollice over I'armele's Also IV'... Co.it. Oil (b it. and in fad a j Hall, next door west of Clark & l'lum- complete line of Allocs. Overshoes, and j mer's. Give him a call. 3612. ItubU-rs. My iroods are .ill new, and I . m will not be umlerse-ld for a.sh. lioot lVr Handsome Holiday Presents in the Jewelry line, go to Frank Car rut hV. Attachment Notice. "r r Miies Q. Merman vs J. F. Smith. I lie fore M. I. Aubott, Justice of Peace of Salt j Creek Fiwinrt, Cass . o.. Nfi). i On the Dth l;iy oi Decemucr. A. 1. 174. said j Justice issued unorder of attachment in tiie 1 above aciion for Iht sumcf ninety dollars and ! fort v cent s.xt.iTi). nail dee, i-recinet, uec. mil. !. astj. iltLiay. XtunoAS. SheriiTs Sale. Try John sinions oysters. M. E. Sal.bath School Concert on Tuesday evening next. CONCERT. The M. E. Sabbath School Concert will occur on the eve, of Dec. 22nd, at 7 o'clock. The entertainment will con sist of songs, reviews, scripture, qno- ' tations, recitations and ! lainations. All are invited to attend. An a lmit- & Shoe repairing done with neatness and dispatch. Give nie a c:ill. W. II. Pool. TO THE PEOPLE OF CASS COUNTY AND VICINITY. On or about the 5th of January, 1375. I will move my entire stoek of Drugs, I- rank Carruth lias the finest stock j of Holiday Jewelry in town. f ...I ii-i m.j I.'itit Oil. Itmiks. X-f.. into tance fen of 25c wiil be charged for the ; : i,,.,,,;,;,; r .',, ' itP l!ie i Vi known as Cai. I'arinele's brick building, and owing to thi move, everything in my benefit of the school. Sabbath Seh j-.l children ad mil ted free. Geo. Sliafcr, ?ti!l keeps his Black smith Shop in full blat. and lie is one of the best horse shoers, and mechan ics in his line, that we have. Leonard, our energetic and enter prising Photograph man has moved up town over Peter Merges' shoe store, and is readv for business once more. Thi oug'.i press of business we have i neglected to notice the return to health and business of Mr. Fred Goerder, Grain buyer for the Plattsmoiith Grain Company. Fred had a tight squeak of it but is now all O. K. and once more ready for duty and business. Try him on farmers when you are selling your crops. The fire made some neighbors for the The editor of this paper desires to return his thanks to his friends in the line, and Holiday goods especially, will be sold cheap in order to save moving them. All books purchased of me will be furnished free ot charge, with the Patent Book Cover. I)H. CiiAPMAX. Druggist, S8tl Plattsmoiith, Xeb. outfit, and Heisel has gone into the old hotel, both opposite 1 1 A 1. 1 office. Born, to cur friend Win. Woodruff, -on the evening of election day a young merchant. "William thinks if he had been twenty-four hours older he might have voted. Wonder if he'd gone Uiftight. Palmer or Stadclmnnn. Hank Streight has got the hardest nuts of any man in town. He tried to sell the IIr:::ALi by offering us some provided we w nil 1 crack them, after break in ;f the hatchet and bruising our The Watchman is on its ear about Prof. Sturgis saying a prayer or two at tlie High School. We have no desire to legislate relig ion into our schools, nor would we wish to see anv proselvling lv teachers,, but and an praver every morning win nun satisfaction of knowing that lie forced j nobody's children and we think the the opposition to put up the best man j WaU-htncn man might go and hear they had, and also desires to say that , tiie j,niyers Gf the Professor with prof bo would not have felt very badly even I naj i,e. if beaten bv Mr. While, than whom j there is no better or abler young man i in t'uj ward. Old papers for cents a hundred. sale seventv-five If 30!i want a nice overcoat for S.oO call at Win. Madel matin's. Jleisel & Hippie arc making good Lflger Beer again. WOOD ion SALE. Two hundred cords of dry hard wot d for sale. For terms, address J. L. Ilobbs. Bock Bluffs, Neb. 3G-2t. z t 2 IZ ' ?' I ! Si -i - 1Iei:ali. O'Xeil has moved 'up in EI- j first Ward who voted so efficiently for a Verse from the Holy Bible, a ster's old tailor shop with his butcher i him last Monday. He has the proud , iu)n(st prayer every morning wil IT KS ! FIBS! ITBS! A nice stock" of ladies and gents furs at Wiil. Sla lulmann's, to b sold at cost. 37tf. for i s, we ?!ite. ('.me horn-.? and wrote this Thcr.. were three Frank "White's running last Monday. FraTik, senior, was runniug an auction: Frank, jr., was running for Alderman, and Little Frank was running to keep goods be fore Frank, sen. ar-d Faxf n as fast fts they cottl I seM them. "Al."only voted and tan for nothing. CLOTUiNiJ. I'm .i t ht .tp suit of Clothes rail at Trm. St.'tdelmar.n's. JiTtf- I buy the largest stock of Boots & Shoes, and consequently buy and sell cheaper than any one in Cass county. Call, examine, and be convinced. Pr-TEi: Mni:ci-:s. Go to V.'. II. Pool's, before you buy your Boot?, Shoes, Gloves. and Mitts. HEADUABEKS OF SANTA CLAL'S (Jo to . II. 1 ooi. to get V'.ur Btols"and .shoes Bepaired. ail i;iP"r. V.'iiulow Saa.b-s. Cbro- mt'?. ar. I all kinds of upholstering good, xt Fkaxk St-ai)Ti:::'s, vitf Ctntral Block. 1 5':U;:; AT CI! A P.'I AN'S. ii-.ve a Med to mv already large and w cil-scleeted rdoek of Drugs. Met'.icines. I'.e-oks Stationery, S.. a larg stoek of "ods suitable for the Holidays, to Mrhieh the atnntion of liuvcrs is in- ited. " 5to. at Scldaters Jewelry Store, opposite the Platte Valley House. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, and look over tn3- stock of choice Holiday goods, all of whieh will lie sold at pan ic prices. Plattsmoiith. Xeb., Nov. 25, '75. S5-4t FA IB AND FESTIVA1- The Ladies of the M. F. Church in l(inj Weft r will hold a Fair and Festival on the afternoon and evening of Dee. 21th, in connection with the "Christmas Tree." All are invited to participate. Fair to commence at 11 a. m. Just you go and see the 1. O. Jewel ry store and il you don't buy some thing for your gal. your sister or some body why yon can't be human. BIG SCAKE AND NO FIBE. Yesterday afternoon Ben. Ileinple gave the boys a benefit by letting tlie floor get Are, through which a pair of pipes ran. It turned out all smoke and not much of a lire, .Connor spit it out. v 3 O H -J-. t. S BURNT OUT, BUT NOT DISCOUR AGED. Ileisel's feed store has reopened in the Grand Central Hotel, opposite the Herald orrlee, where yon can get ev erything in his line. 'Call and see him. 3St2. -e oi your winter loot -gearing, oetore purchasing elew'liere. I won't be un ItrsoM east of the, Bocky Mountains. Pktli: Mr.u.'Jiis. NOTICE. The pal t ons of the Louisville Sun day School, are making preparations B-;K)1S .Si SHOES. j for having a Christmas Tree o:i the j Ca'I atid examine the low-down pri- I night of Chiistmas. Thev intend giv- I mg the children an A Xol treat, in the way of candies presents, &c, and a good time generally. The oHiveis of the School take this opportunity for thanking those, who have so generously coatribiftci toward procuring the presents. W. B. S. r.IK AND FESTIVAL. The Ladi-s Aid Society of the M. F. Church, will hold a fair and festival at Kight Mile Grove, on Tuesday evening. Dee. 2:ith, 1871. Go ! time and sup per for 25 c-ts each. After su;;er they will pell the handiwork of la.-t year's lab:u'. C7L2. o.nns A ifo waf t) t siiom:;) :pi!Mj it: 'sA'e.!pi,)qi .it. AJ.)AVf .;t:ospu: q toqjo put: 'spnjs -JlH-I 'sipjs'vr.ui.i s-hijji: u iu.iip.ibM BOOTS A: SHOES. I have now on hand for prices correspond with tlie low prices wheat ami hard tunes generally. to of a CHBIST3IAS CELEBRATION. The Sunday School teachers and la dies of the Episcopal Church will give a supper to the children on Christinas (Thuisday) Eve, in the vacant store room formerly occupied by Vallery & Buffncr in Masonic Block. The S. S. children are invited to assemble there at 7 o'clock for supper and a good time afterwards. FAXON'S AUCTION ROOMS. In Vallery's old store, Masonic block. A line large stock of Furs, Dry Goods, Blankets, Counterpanes, Comforters, Muslins, Calicos, and everything you want. Come and buy. . auction every day at 2 p. m. and evening at 7, uniil sold. Ladies especially invited to call and examine the stock at any time during tlie day. F. S. Wiiitk, Auc'uecr. CITY ELECTION. An election for City Councilmon in tlie First and Third Wards of this city was held on Monday last. In the First Ward Frank E. White and Jno. A. MacMurphy were the only candidates. Mr. MacMurphy was eh-cled by ten votes. The election passed off very ill Centaur Liniment. There is no jit i i whieh the Centaur I.inin.a,t will not re lieve, no swelliiiir it will not subline, and no l;;uiane.ss which it will not cure. 'A his is strong i. iiyu.!i-e, bin it Is true. Where the p:ti t s are m.t ;wie. Us effects iiie i!i:irelloui. li has ru!ne'd mine euies of rheuiinilism. neu- .rirVs i-aijshi. lurk-jaw. j;tlsy, sir;iiiis. swelling, ear-.-iehe. eaked-breiisis, sea'ds, burns, yaU-lhenni, tec, uj-ou the liu:a:!!i fiMiiie, and of strains, sj.avin, tjaiis. uyoii itniniiils in one year Ih-in h:'.i' :e oilier preteuded leniedies since th ivor'.i bewail. It is a eonnter-iirilaiit. an :Ul-he;ilii:i pain-reliever. Cripi!es throw away their erutrhes. the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered hurinle-is. and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no huniluj. The reeijie is seilir, as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does Jast what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not live Centaur Liniment, more, than MX) certificates of reinarkab'p cures, iueliulins frozen liiahs. ehroiiie-rueunialisin, sout. runiiinstuiiiouin.&e. have been received. V. e will send si circular eont lining certificates, the recipe. &e.. gratis to to any one retMiestiici it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur .Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweeuied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this lii.;3ient is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Lhiaueiit. J. 15. Hose & Co.. New York. 4Cly Castouia is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in exister.ee which is certain to assimilate t!ie food, regulate the bowels, cure wind eoiie and produce natural sleep, it contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleas-tut to lake. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4(l-ly Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by I. V7. Mckmtioii. Cleiiiot tile IXsiriei Court, second .Iui1ici.il District, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to m direcicd. 1 will on thed dav of January. A. 1. ISJj. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, At the sotuu door of the Court iIoii.-.e in the eli v of I'lattMiloiiiii, in said eoun tysell at public auetioti tne Soi-owiui; real s l.iie to-wil. : Ti.e soutii ea-t quarter ise -4i of section thir-ty-llnec (Si), in lownsiiip minuter eleven (111. liorta liin::(.' iminlier eleven ( 1 1 ) e.-ist of t!.etlii pn;ici,j.il mei iiii.-.n ; and iuMi i'if tiort.i lui;i iu-,1 of die north wf.-i iptiiner u.. -) of d: siitiii ea-,: 1 in i r i " ., i : vcl :nr! i,.ii,i'i':- fo.ir ( ui to' tisi.ii iitn.ii.i-r t .-u 1 1-" iti i h (t r ti'i" numoer eie en (U e;t oi tae p: iiu ipa' iiu-r. !i:.ii. all in ' iss c-iuui y. Ncbr.is ;a. iiie same neiri '.i' d - anil taKeu a-. li:e pi-eij-crty of v i ILs J. Ii : 0'ii. frtiitiua A. Ooi ion, W.ii. .:. Jeiu.s ft al., .ieleii.iai!i. to satisfy i ! em of ;i-- Cour.. recovered by Euuicu A. White, l'iaintiir. i'...nsmouth. Xeb., IV-". is?1. M. U. CCTLKit. SSlo. Sl.eiill Cas- (. o., .Neo. profession- at; ca kds Executors. Sale of Peal Estate l'v virtuw of an rder of sale from .Iml;:e vt Disirict Court (and indertoe seal of thes.onct in and for Hie iit.ict Com;. Second Judicial District, in tiie Count v of Cass and Siate of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned, in nu aeliou w herein J.lovd D. licmifit, sui v ivm ex tcatorof tne last will and testament of siiep herd Duke, deceased, is Plain tiff, and Lavina Duke an J oliiers are Defendants, I will at 10 o'eiock a. in., on he IMh llay ot July. 17! In front of the Court House in the City of I'latts mouth and Suite of Nebraska, oiler for salt" at public auciion. to the highest bidder the lands and tenements iiereinalter described, on terms following, to-w i: : easa in baud. Sabl lands be lou,: t toe estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are desenbed as loi'.ows, io-wit : A Mtodivisioii of lol eleven 111 in section tweniy ieii." 2.; to-.vn t.veive lj and rane foiuieea li. cr.ut.dalm; ei.-jht s acres, said tract of boid h i i.: and l.ein.i in Cass Cot.i.tv and slate ot N. ruasiia : also ilie follow ing lots ia thecitv of l'ljotsmoutii. ill said Cass County, has four" ill. live i"i. a.el (-.even 11J in in block live ' lot four (l in block fariy-fonr (W): also the folio .viiiL,- Iot lj in;jf :ntl l.ein in DuKe's Addi;iou to tiie i:y of riatiMiiouili. aforesaid, luat is to sav lot four (4i in block tiiree CO. lols v.i.e (1) two 12) three (a. four (4 i live (:"! six (;. i.inc it.) ten (lot eleven (11 ) twelve I (121 1 .iirteecii fi.i.i t. t ail t,i fifteen (i."i) sixteen (iio seventeen ti.. i iu.iLctn (l. anil iiineicen (l:i. ia bloesi toi l ( n. lots siK Oi) seven (7) ei'ht is) nine ( ! ten ("., eleven ( 11) twelve (12) thir teen I'M loiiMeee lilt titieen (la sixteen (Hi) s.veii:eeii ( IT. I''lavO! (IS) JUid 1 wellly (j(!) ill I b'ock lixe (". lels f .e.r (I.) live (."o six (C.) j seven (7 i ei-hl (sj,;,,. lenie) eleven (II) .....I i ii- ,: in i.iivU si- mi. lo!s one ill il ve i7 !--ts WllKKLEi'' & r.KNNF.TT-Keal Estate and Taxpavlug Agents. N'o-.aiiei Pul-lie. Ir ire and IJfe Insurance Auents, I'lattsmoiitii. Neb. KK. LlVlNOSTOX.rhysieiau and SurK-n. Tenders his professional serviee.s to the citizens ot Cass count v. Uesidowo southeast corner of Oak and Sixth strei ls ; ofiiee on Main si reel, one door west of Lyman's Lumber VrJ, i'latUinoutli, Ncbiiikka. SAM. M. CHAPMAX. K. T. MAXWKLL. CHArKAX A .TIAXWELIi. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors la Chancery. Office in I'ltzs-raJd's li.oik, 1'latU moutli, Neb-.iska. A. L. Si-uac.uk, T. B. Wilson. t i v w J-v. & iv i l,s ors. Attorney- m Low. I'L.vnv. ;'" ni. - - NEa:t.v.sx.. UK... S. SMIJ1I. R. li.BIM'UAM, KTirru x uisouam. r.:ii ee-sors to Marquett, SmUh. & StarMnt, Att,i -my sat Laic cC-Ihal Eatate Brokers l-LATTS.MOUTlt, ... XEB. Special attention jrlven to Collections, and all m.-de-rs alleetiu the title to Ileal Estate, tiluee on 2d tloer. over the Post Oiuee. ; m.fr tii!f' , - ;,4es!v'vri'!;"'.-:r-4 i i v. 11 ar-.;-.o V v-A---, v . 1 r J, , . .-r ---..r .-i a I pi.-.i I .VI. 'a-.- .iir d SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR MALE. Two houses one fr csh and one on lime. For full particulars apply to i:- I'vey. no tf (5i six (; tiroi- 3) a i ii ua." ;' nv.i (.'iiuiw : co o.:i i' l'v.- ," "x ' iT) eiei o) nine i i .. '.v.. i : . i v ive : i in I 'lock .CV--C (!.'.:.: v.- ' -'. ' ' I'l ra h.ls ! on.' i 1 1 i- i .vi'-.: v-" v .' - 'ifi.i.-i ve. all of idoek ! li; r,.-. i . ; . . ci .c (.-, 'mc," : u a ( v.'cnty -1 wo (Si) I ii:e.ii.-..v. :e; - v.:. (.i.ad two t.'.'ia hhwk tour- teeli li;. Sot-, cue , t .vo ilii llirec (.',) lour (I) live (Si end six in block fifteen (l.'o. lots threj (;i) lour i I and live ".J in bim k eiuliteen (10. ioi.s one Ij two -.'J three a) seven (7) eiht (sj nine t : i ana welvc (If in bh ek niueteen (l:ij. all of blo.-lc twenty (20) exrept lot twelve I2i beiaj lots one 11 to twenty-two (") inclusive e-a-ept lor twelve li.-.lotsone t 1 three :; four 41 leu lid liiieen l.V in block tweuiv oiit; I J1 p. has one two pj laree :J four 14 five ri six id f seven C) -iv;!it ! nine (: teea lo eleven 1111 and twelve i i block twenty hree -2:f. lots une (1 1 two three al four 4 six pi; wen 17 eMht si nine ii len Lb' eleven il! and twelve 12 n- bloe.t t v.'i niy-.sev en 27, all of block twenlv-ci'-'iif (J) ei-e;.r lot seven teen beiii'; lols one li to twenl v i'J'o Inclusive, except 1 : sevi t; en (17); lots six t; seven (7) ei'dn nine (:i) ten ii';! eleven lit) and twelve (12) in .lock twenty-nine !2!1. lots one II two U thr-e!1. four 1' tiv- fil six psi seven j,7 ai.d ciirht s) in block t till I v- .-a', lots three -a four i 4.1 live h six iiil seven 171 ; ml eijjiit S in block thirty-one l'Jll. lots one (I) two (2) three c;i foi.r 4) five (."i. seven (7) nine(ii) tu(le) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (10). lois one(l) two (2) four (4 live C.) seven (7) eight () nine (S ten (1 elevi li (li) twelve (12. ia block twenty-two (2'.o. Lois three ( o aad four ( n In block ciirht (s). S:dd sale will continue from lo o'clock a. in., until sfiulown of the said day. if neees.sai y. and il will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold ; I'latt.sniotith, Jure 2?. H7I. Lloyk 1. P.r.VN KTT. Surviving Executor of tlie last will and testa ment of Shctiherd Duke, deceased. Wmkklek i Si isciirintB. n-4t Atlorneys for Evc utor. The above s.iie is hereby adjouruded until Saturday, Dec. l'Jth, 1S71, at 10 o'clock a. in. t'luttsmoutti Auk. Rth 17. LLOYD D. BENNETT. Surviving Executor of estate of Shepherd I Hike lie!! si leetod stock- nf I.adicx .mil Misses nice lined shoes. IJeautiful j quietly, and the II Kit A LD is bound to Holid iy slippers for Ladies and Gen-j say that both the candidates behaved V,-. II. Fo..I wil! niee.d your II ,'ots and Sl i-cs, in the best .stvhs. tlenien, Wol linetl boots &. shoes for men. Arc-tie's of till sizes for young and dd. Call and examine fjoods and ! prices. Fetkb Miiiiges. i 3-tf WOalAN.". I'OliEIGN .MISSIONARY ?iei:timj. The me:nlnrs of the Ladies Foreign Missionary .Society i'.ad a meeting last Sundav ni-'ht at the M. E. Church in tiiis cilv. The church v.-;is crowded. The meetinj TICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. j "We have received Vicks Floral Guide for 187 . As usual it is full of bright cheery words to its subscribers, and to a lover of Mowers the list offered is very templing. Mr. Vick is not to bo .out done in generosity to all deserving pro jeets, and now he conies to the front to I aid tlie crrtisshopper sufferers. Jlesub- was opened by singing j scribes 503 dollar. himself and calls and prayer, and then Mrs. Xewell arose i upon his two hundred thousand cus aud in ji few sensible? and pointed re- J tomers to send in small sums, the to rn arks explained the motives of the So- j tal aiuount to be invested in vegetable, -iety ami what they intended to do. j prass, and other seeds and sent to the The choir then sang a hymn. Mrs. j grasshopper sn-ferers of Nebraska, I'hiliippi next addressed the audience ! Kansas and Minnesota. .hi the cause of Wom-ui in India. Her j He also authorizes every State and address was well learned and delivered Territorial Agricultural Society to of and made a deep impre.-don. Mr. Xor- j fer premiums of twenty dollars, ten throp now sang the hymn entitled j dollars, live dollars, and a floral cliro "Your Mission," next Miss Ruby and J nio for the best four collections of cut .Miss Decie Johnston, read some ex- J flowers grown by amateurs, tniets in -,i very able manner. Tiie. The Guide conies quarterly at twen metting was then closed by an able j ty-fivo cents a year, and contains much and original essay, by Mrs. U.Spurlock, : valuable information relative to the culture of dowers and vegetables. Those desiring either the Guide tr re liable seeds, tlower or vegetable, can Frank Madter litis tne most wonuer fal Christmas tovs ever seen. Horses that walk, canter and run; wagons and teams, circus men. and all the greatest mechanical curiosities of th?- age..Go and see hi in. Frank's a genius and so are his tovs. and prayer and singing. WWDllKr'L'l. CIIKISTJIAS TOVS. address James Vick. Rochester X. Y. I themselves admirably. Roth were good men, and either would have made good representatives for the ward. In the Third Ward they had four candidates, riz.: Jason Streight, Capt. Palmer, "Win. Stadelmann, and Miles Morgan. Uncle Jason got away with the baggage-, and is a portly alderman. They Inula lively quadrilateral fight there and made things waitu till day around the polling place. NECK-TIE SOCIABLE. Fair and Sapper on Christ mas Etc. SOMETHING iCT7. PATENT ROOK COVER, SAVES S ROOK.S, SAVES MONEY, AND IS EASILY ADJUSTED TO ANY ROOK. CAN RE II AD OXLY. 37U AT DR. CHAPMAN'S. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! ' "Win. Stadelmann has l$k gokl rings at j?1.:M per pwt, also a nice lot of jew elry low down. The Ladies of the M. E. Church will .hold a Ntck-tie Festival and Fair oil Christinas Eve. at Parmele's Hall. Ev--ry one interested in getting a new neck-tie would better come. All who c:mt. to lifdn tlie church are invited. and everyone else besides. Remember, Prestnts, go to Dr. Chapman's Drug oOCJ. i Store. v ases, loilet sets, smokers PERSONALS. Mrs. J. P. Ruby litis gons to Ohio to spend live or six weeks and left Mr. R. to ruminate tdone. M. S. Drake, step-father of our young butcher, Mr. Mart his. has been visit ing us this week, from Fredtmckton, Ohio, and was very much pleased with Nebraska. He left yesterday. Captain Real, of Richardson County, Representative elect and David Ste venson, from Falls City, have been vis iting us for a few days. Hon. M. V. Moudy, Representative elect 2oth Dist. Visited us Tuesday. Robert Metter. one of our most en terprising farmers, leaves with his wife for a six weeks visit.to Bradford County Pensylvatiia, his old home, this week. Rev. W. Reed, a minister of the M. E. "Church, at Rock Riuffs, called on the IIcxald Tuesday. Dan. McKinnon, our excellent Clerk has. gone to Ohio, to spend the winter. Mr. MeKimvon h;is not enjoyed "good hatalth, Or any other kind of health lately, and we most heartily hope he will find the balmy airs of his native State congenial and come back to us in Spring, happy, hopeful and hearty. Frank Kennard, of Omaha, has turn ed out an Orator and is elected vale dictorian of his chtss at Louisville IIusiiiesK Is busiuess, auU so are the Cigars at the I'. O. Book Store. 5-tf. FOR RENT. The lar'se and eommodiou.s ware-room, cvb.ir and ottae, on second lloor oi' bnii-iin. formeriy occn ied bv Jacob Vallerv. .Ir. in Masonic Bin';. Einfuire of it, K. Li vinostoN or 43-ii t: I'. lH'KK. t'ehnsUa Wnle itesister. A 41 eolucui A ji.iMer. piiLilisned at tne Siate Capil.ii ; ia.1 nf si .t " news ; independent in every! uiar. nea ia iioii:nz ; St.rn a year. Correspondents a: al 2e:its warned in "every town. V.'M. C. (. :'. Liueolu, Neb. Uf One houe. FOR RENT. Apply to E. a. Dovey. rctf FOR HALE. VJ) acres of" land belonInc to Cass County Nebraska bein the South West ouarter of Section No. l ive (") Township No. Eleven (It) North of Kane No. Tliirteen (13) East of Sixth Principal .Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile (irovc. For Terms of sale see L. ll.dAMKS .) Timothy Clakk or ;-Co. Comr's. M. L. W.'ittk. ) Mf LEGAL NOTICES. Attachment Notice. C. II. Binkham, ) ri'l'ff. .rncob Keb?ctt. . nef't. JJ. fiirr Jivnu: Cnur'ur.!. .Tuftice of t.c Peace. in an t lor in Co.. Xthraxka. To the said defendant, von are herebv rinMfied that, the s;.id .luslice oil die 27th day ot Novem ber. A. D. 1 7 4 , i.-sued ae orderof au.!chuieut in the above action, for the sum of -10 li) ; yen are rep;:.-ed to appear and r :ake any lefen.c you may nave, on the loth (lav of January, l7j, at 10 o'clock A. M. South Bend, ncc. 2nd, 1"7I. S7I3 C. II. MNKIIAM. U. S. District Court Nctice. In the Dsitrict Court of the United Stales for theDistiiit of Nelnaska. The t'ni-e.l States vs. Sixty thousand and nine humired (I'.o.r eio ci;:ars. Be U remembered that on tlie in;h day of De cember 174. an information was Hied iii the of fice ot the CleiK ol said District Court by James Ncviile. Esip. attorney of the Ifnited Siati.s lor said District against sixty thousand and nine liirauircd (uf.O o) cigars, sa'id to be the property of Calm Bros, of lnow in iile, Nebraska Said information charges that said eig.-irs were removed froia the manufactory soul place e. heie they were made without tlie same bciin: stamp ed as reiiuireil by law denoting I lie payment of Hie tax due the Oovernuieiit of tlie t'nileil States and without burning into each box. with a brand, the number of cigars contained there in, and the name of tlie manufacturer thereof ; also that the parly iiiaiiutact uniifr said cigars lraiidiileutly soid'a part of the same without I payurr the revemte tax due thereon to the i United States. These are i herefcre to notify all persons claim ing ; aid cigars oi kiiowini; ,r liavin aayil.iup to say why the same shone! not be condemned as forfeited, and the proceeds thereof distrib uted accnrdini-'jio law aiiil.the prayer of said in foruiiilion to 1; and appear before said District Court on the 2' th day of December 171, at 10 o'clock a.m. if the same be a dav of lurisdietion. otherwise on the next day of jurisdiction there alter.tiien and there to iuterMsea claim for,the same, and to make due allegation in that be half. Witness the Hon. Elmer S. Dtanlv. Judpe of said District Court, at Omaha, this U s. loili day of December. 1S7L WATSON B. SMITH. 3St2. Clerk. In Bankruptcy. I T ii I V... Iii.-v'-.l . "t nf tlie T'liilcl SI(M f..l- the District ,.f Nei.r.iska. in the mallei- v( Oeorite D. Siiiith. B ankrupt. Omaha, Dku. 1S74.-' i" SirtI'lense take notice hereby, that a Bi t! tioii has been, to-wit. on the tird'd iy of Decem ber. A. D. IS74. tiled in sail District Court by Oeorjre D. Siauh. of Lincoln, in siiil District, v ho has been heretofore dulv declared Bank rupt under the act of of on jress ent illed "An Act to Establish a Uniform 'System of Bank ruptcy Thrucrhout the t'nited States." approv ed -Mareli 2ad. l;x7. and as aniended July Wis. for a di.sehari. and certificate thereof, from all Ins debts and other claims provable tinder said Act, and that the M dav of December. A. D. 1S74. at 3 o'clock 1. M.. at the -office of J. L. We'osicr. Es'p. the Itetcister in Bankruptcy fur s-'id District at Omaha, in said District, is the time and place assigned for the licarinfr f tin same: when and where you may at end. and show cause, if anvyou have, why the Prayer of the said Petition should not be ;i-;ntc(L WATSON B. SMITH. Clerk of tb? U. S. District Court for said Dis trict. S7t2 In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, in the matt r of Nel son L. Thatcher and Isaac MulhoiUnid, Bank rupts. U n . ...... .,-,( M. m. p .m. i . w 4 M..... Imliik.il w.i.i r OMAHA, Dkc. 5. !S74. i" Tn iriinm it mni Concern ; Take notice hereby, that a reiiiinn has been, to-wit on the .'id d.ir of Decemocr. A. D. 1S74. filed In said District Court by Nelson L. Thatch er and Isaac Muiticlland of i'lattsmouih, in said District, who have been heretofore duly declar ed Eaiinnr.'t under the Act of Congress entitled An Act to Establish a Uniform System of Bank ruptcy I hroimhout the United Slates," approv ed vi.rrcli 2.. i.-j;7. and as nmenaed July lstjs. for a I Ms-na. :. an-t ( ertitu ::te iiu-reoi, in. in ait Dr. ScliildkiRdit, Eulectio A Homoeopathic Physician. f VT-OFFICE AND KESIDEXCE,3:3 Comer vl Oth and Vine Streets, riattsnioulh, Nebraska. CALLS ATTENDED AT ALL HOURS. cyl Justice oi' tlie Peace. O.T.ee on Main Street Plaltsmouth.Nfeb., near ly opposite tiie Iltat.vi.n olllee. Business hours from S A. M.. to H. I". M. AH County business usually transacted be fore a Justice-of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. g.ly .T. AT. HAINES. jIattsi;iouIi 31111s. Ci 1IEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in lliroii'sh runniiiK order iou.iMHi Bushels of Wheat wanfed imme diately for whieh the highest niurket price will be paid. G. A. von Heimhurg, Veterinary Surgeon. OJUee south aide Main Street, between Third and Fourth Sts. PLATTSMOUT II, NED. PIATi'SlIOUTU MILLS rLATTSMOUTII. 'EB. C0XKAD UEISEL. - - rioprietcr FLOUR. COKX MEAL', FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. -7-The Highest price paid for'V.heat and Com. Particular attention eiven to Custom work. : --L Singer Sewing 31achincs, FOR SALE BY ' F. J. METTEER, With all the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, tC-c. Also, riows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements lor sale. DOWIT COMBTHEPBIOES! OF THE LARGEST AND VEST STOCK IN Chicago kip boots onlv 64.00. 1 'helps. Dodge A ralmer boots only 4.."u. Was. best kip shoes from -71.75 to e2.(0 "Was. lest French Calf shoes only SS3.00. Children's arctic overshoes only 75 cM. Was. A- Mi pes lined shoes, cheap. I received Diploma for tine home maJe bo ls and shoes at the State Fair, and tun competent to do tlie best and neatest kind of Work. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. 8Sm3 ri'TKR MI'RUKS. j Medical College. Good for you For your Christmas and New Years ! vr.. r I M- tun r ,hristraas live. FAR3IF.RS ATTENTION! .lulius IVpperberg. (!igar Manufac turer, opposite the IIkbald ollice, on Main St.. I'lattsmoiitii. Xeb. Cifrtir i'lippingsof Spanish and American To liaceoes. for smoking pnrioses, For Sale. Rest qualities of plug-smoking tobacco alwavs on hand. 20tf. READ! REAR ! I The largest assortment. The best assortment, Tiie cheapest assortment, of Roots & Shoe at the exclusive Shoe Store, all and examine; no charge. Pr-TKP Mrror. sets, fine Russian l'oeket-books, choice Holiday Rooks of nearly all kinds. m The largest and best assortment of" Cold Fens west of Chicago. flold Cliarm Pencils, &c Ac. Full line of Albums. Remember that Merges got Diploma at the State Fair for line and good boots, and he still continues to make them to order. Give him a call, acitf ; If you want to make your friends a l present, go to Will Pool and buy them j a pair of Roots, Shoes, Gloves, Mitts. At panie rrjees. Sf!t f NO AUCTION GOODS. fS.t gllllYOCK, DEALER IX URITXTUHE, "SIT t.cii- !. sai! A.-i i tS7i. ; r. oVioct We'-.-ter !.-'.. 1 he said Dii . e-t )i time and i.i.iee asse; d lhaf iii: o'clock i' l.. Ihe Hi r ciatms provable under fSd d-'V of December. A. ."L.-at'lhe olliee of J. L. ti.-ter in Ban!nntey for t in said District, is the d for the heartier of the smne ; when and where you may attend, and show cause, if any ym have, why the Prayer of the said Petition Vliould not be lirantcd WATSON B. SMITH. Cierk or t'ae U. S. District Court for said Dis trict. S712 Estray Notices. Taken up by the undersigned in South Bend precinct on tlie loth day of November. 1874. one sorrel pony 14 hands high, white stripe in his face, whiie hind feet. JOHN O. Joliyso.N. December 12ih. 1S74. 3S15 Taken up. id the resitb'nce of Jacob Luft. a red cow spotted with w liite ; :doui 9 years old. Any person payliur for this not ice. a nil proving pioperty can have same. Jacoi: Li'KT. oft,") Two miles west oi Plattsinotitlt. Taken up by the sub-'-rilier. livin-r near lfels el's Mill, on or about November lo;1i. IS71, One W hite Sow. Said sow, since she was taKen up has had a litter of pitrs. The owner is request ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take away. :itU3 '(!. loni.KV. Taken up by the undersigned at his residence in Plattsmouth Precinct, on the 1th dav of No vember. A. D. 174. one horse coir. 1 year obi. bav color, bind feet white, and two white snots ill fa'-C. 3' tfj AM.llEW llKSSUOKPKll. Taken no by me at my residence in South Weepinjr VCater, Cass county. Nebraska, on 1 c tober -7iii. 1S74. two sows, described as follows : One white Sow ; and one sandy sow, with pis. '1 he owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges and Like nwav. tvilO " D. BA I LY. Not Burnt Ont Yet Neither. llememlter Solomon & Nathan's. They do not keep auction goods and have not been to a fire, lately; but .they do keep one of the Lest, stocks of fine dress goods, jewelry, hats, caps, and generally useful and fancy articles in the store. A large .stock, of new goods, just bought, suitable for holiday presents, will be sold cheap. Don't fail to call and examine our stock, day time, night time or jwy other time. Solomon $ Nathan. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by Ti. W. McKinnon. Clerk of the District Court. Second Judicial District, within and for Cass County Nebraska, and lo me directed. 1 will on the 22d day of January. A. D. 175. 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the Court House in the city of Piattsmouth. in said eour.tv. sell at public auction the following real estate,'to-wit : the east half (e',iof the north east quarter ne,l and the norih west quarter (nwU) of the norm east quarter (ne,i of section number twenty-six (2d) in township eleven (ll) north of ranfre twelve d2) east ot the sixth principal men. .1:111 ; and also the the south cast quarter lse'4 of the north ea.st quarter pie1! of section number seven 17) and the south half s'i of ti north west quarter fnw ijj of section ei-ht Sj in township number twelve 12 north of range twelve IS east of sixth principal meri dian ; and also the north half pi', of the north east quarter ne'4 of section number tweu v five ;,) in township number twelve f 12 north of raue twelve 12 east of sixth principal mer idian, ail in (,'m.h.s county. Nebraska. The same beinir levied upon and" taken as the property of E. II. Eaton and S. M. Eaton, defendants : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by John FitGerald, plaintiff. Platt5!uouth, Neb., Dee. 1G, l74. M. B. CUTLER, t"- Sheriff Caw Co.. .. PLATTSMOUTH. XEB. I have on hand a lar?e and well selected stock of tables, chairs, solas, bedsteads, mat tresses, lounges, bed spring's, safes, bureau, wash-stands, stools, cribs, whatnots, cane and wood-seat rocking chair, clock, comb and book shelves, book cases, hat racks, parlor sets, etc., etc., etc., all of them suitable for Holiday Presents Persons having Pictures to Frame will do well to give me a call as I have on hand a very fine and "large stock of Mouldings and make Picture Framing a Snecialty. T. W. SHRY0CK. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. B. G. BOVEY, Pres't E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. GOKIIEK, Ruyer. This Company will buy grain fct Ite l.iglits market rates at all times. Scales and ofiiee at E. G. Dovev, Store, lower. Main Street. Plattsmouth. Xeb. 2MV William Stadelmann lias on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. t?l Invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my store. SOUTII SIDE MAIN, Between 5lh & 6th St's. And convince themsf Ives of the fact. I have asas;octa!tv in my Uetail Departments, a stoek oi Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which , we none muse who want goosii. I J3?I olso keep on hand a larpe and well se I leeted Slock of flats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. Janlyl wnvrt iW7 tV. i. Taken efi bv the r.ttl)seriber. ere mile west of Ko-k Binds, t' ass ii.. Nt b.. i n the first of No vember. Ih74. one white yenrlina lit ifer. no marks or brands. Z':-:" A. M. Holmes. Tichenor House, LINCOLN. NER. "Will bo Ke-iei!Ctl Xueilaj-, Decem ber 9, l7i. This is tlie Larcesf Hotel in the City : is situ ated oniy one block from the State House ; has been newlv furnished ard renovated through out, and w ill Ik' kept as a F irst Class Hotel in every respect. P.AL1.ANTINK BBOS. & BRAGG, Prs. FLORAL GUIDE For 1S75. Pnblisliod Quarterly. .January numWr just issued, and contains over KM) daes. ftoo engravings, tlcscriptious of more than 500 of our best t'loivers anil Veprct h!Ich, with Directions for Culture, Colored I'lute. etc. The mos' useful and elepant work of the kind in the ip Fnplish and German. Address. u To aU parties notifying me VK K.ltwiifMfr.YY. : "-ly rETER MniTI Co, tMiKtmiKi I am now prepared to furnish the best una dulterated milk TWICE EVERY DAY, . OMAHA ADS. Wyoming Hold, Good fresh milk . delivered dailv at every body's home In Plattsmoiith, if they want It, by , OMAHA, - - NEIiltASKA A. W. TKNNANT. Proprietor, tiion racifle Ticket and Sh cpintt Car Ofliro .,: . II .1.. 1. I. I M ililici li iiiiii.ne. Ainil.t. iii;,.ij iuiuiitiir nun Send In vnur orders Mil I will trv and cl ve ; elio aiea i ,.i ounnoi.i. you J. F. I5oauiii(iistcr.. t nJ in your orders ivid I will try and and serve you reimlarly. m-iv. DON'T BUY Grand Central Hotel carefully''" ex a m iked OUR NEW Tr?AD2 MMV MA71K MllllI LOW RESERVOIR v.vVMi'.lii;, ' TTl P , T-s. 7.-. v ,v k jiA' I r mi i i r ' :-i--. As we have 12 food rearons wl y t;iey vl'.l your work. Q UICK A ND EA S Y, CHEAP AND CLEAN. Thcyare ciieaju sl to buy. l m y are caeapesl ro t:sc, 'I Ley bake evenly oud ipiickly, Their operation is pcilccl. They have always a :ul draft, They are made of the best material, The'v roast perfect I v. They reipdit; but little fuel, They are very low priced. They are easily manaiied. They are suiled to all localities. Every Stow guaranteed to tive Satisfac tion SOLI) BY EXCELSIOR MAN'G COMPANY ST. LOL'IS, MO., AND E. T. DUKE & Co. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. 8-Rm omaiia, Ni:n. Ii'j.riji.st a hit Finest Hotel Mwurn Ch4 cajo and Sin Frarn-ino. UEO. THRALL, FTarttr. . LOUISVILLE ADS. rK. J. M. WATJIUMAX PIIYSIO-MKDICAL PRACTITIONER, Lotllsville. C:i.! Co , Neb. Alway tit the ofiiee on Saturday. 3 e-- S CD 2. O 3 -S - 2 5 S CO CD CO ,3 M J 2 - M s s & 7C a; C n zs rr. 3 '-i6 r - - ( ! o a 1 rr 9 O I 5 - ' FOX & 0L0VER, Sells the BEST GOODS al the LotVent PiuJ at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO., NED General Dealers in Dry Goods,Groceries HATS, CAPS, HOOTS A SHOES. Ready 3!iulc Clothing,' ;oritN3. c::of xmv varl, AND Farmers Supplies Generally. Call mill five them n tiial. Also dejtl lu. GRAIN & COAL. 20-m j Farmers Lumber Yard. I Ilaviny; made anangciiif iits in Chl ctijro, .iiid (lsc-wln-rc, with cxtf-nul v (U'iilcrs, I nin prepared to furnisli on' utini'l fii-itirn ull 1'iiul.i .P . 7.1.. 1 inin i 1111 nutKn J A. w 1 Lumber Doors Snsh. I Shingles, feb., ) J at a roasonaMe rate. I si'sd kerii con stantly 011 hand a full assortment ot Xails, Hinges, j Locks, Hardware,. of all liind.. Thoso wishing to builil f will please call and scf my stvx:k. E. NO YES, LOUISVILLE, NEK j CD r- c rr U. " -1 1 fC CD Si CEDAR CREEK ADS. eg S3 3. PIIILADLPIIIA. ST0UE. Solomon Cc Nathan, r.EAi.n.s i:. FANCY - GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS. Largest. Cheapest. Finest, and best Assorted Stoek in the City. We are preparea to sell cheaper than they Can be purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL end examine our goods. restore on Main street, between till a- d 'lh streets, Plallsmmith Neb. Ifttf. Xew Store ! Xciv Stock ! . Mk. Willi a:i i. Woodruff haviinr taken the Store formerlv occupied by fr. Laton, will keep a full and com plete slot k of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, and hereby invite mv friends to call and exam ine the new outfit, lira liters especially invited to call and -,-et priecsjicfore ordering goods.away from home. I propose to - SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Kat.-s. YM. G. WOODKUFF. Wm. F. Eknnktt, Clerk. l-yl II. A. WATEJniAsT)N Wholesale and Iletail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, Sashi Doors, Blinds, &c- J. IN HELD Kit & SON, leaiei"s in Clothing, Dry Goodsh Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest polbl rate, Also Dealers in Grainy for which the highest cah priie are paid. Hides and produce of ;U1 kinds bought at rt sonable rates. Inhelder'M (Station, (Cedar Creek.) 5Uf. Cass County, Neb. aceek miLLS nii i.v Oood liimiiin Order and keep on hand the best assortment 04" . Flour, Corn Meal. &c. r Especial attention U jriven to custom work.. 1 SalNfaction guaranteed, in exehmilna Flour ! for Wheat. ' C. " SCIILUNTZ, Prop. j Alao keeps a Flour IVi.of, at CLARK A PLL ' MPLS, in PL ATT S MO UTH Where will be found Flour. C.mln. Corn Meal, t and l eed.at V HOLr.SALK A KKTAIL and t REDUCED PRICES. trAtl orders within tb.e eltv limits, proinit lv filled herafter. froin t !i!s Oepof. 4-tjr STIIEIGUT b 3ULLEU, Harness Manufacturers. HR1ULEH, COLLARS. and all kind of hanies stoek, coastantly band. Fruit, Confectioncrj, GROCERY STORE I CAS DIES, TEAS. SUGARS, TOli A fCOES, COFFEES, FLOCK, A. Remember the place, op;os!;e E. 0. Dovey't, on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREPS HT cD MILLER. Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN. KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE; ON LOWER MAIN STSEET. PLATTSMOUTH, - - ITER. Meal &t all hours.. Ic Cra u Soda Wtr, . Lenxad, to ' Cool Ton. On Main Street eox cr 6tli PLATTSMOUTH Crvd sjoare Meals, nice Luncbeii. ie., tr n arm you. ! Ales. Wines, and god Lienors to be Me4 reasonably, for j our betierlt if you desire. NEB. B . HEMPEL , Trg. 'S S"'