'-Til E II BR A LD. J. A. MACMUKTCIY Editor. rA-TTSMOUTII DISC. 1 174. CUJtt RATES roil 1S73.' Vlg In'lat'-rfeiifs to Subscribe AnotT fa. the? HeraM. I'lr.KTt Froe for Tiro 3Ionlhs. Kii'.l oar tt CIuT List. 3.G0 ?",) C.T.0 4.10 7.35 . 4. Ml ... UO .. ,.CO .. a. 03 .. 2.7. Th time ! now approaching when v.-e receive eur an.r.i il propositions from the ci-.tlfni papers nd magazines for clubbing purposes. We have cceived but fev as yet. We give a partial list this wceli ami aiso o.ir oilers to sans rinors for Uiu incoming year. n.irn i:atm i Tan IIztmi.d and Harper's Baz.tr, Weekly, fr Magazine ' Iljni.'irestVi Monthly Vouns America, "Weekly Inter Ocean end " " " " C'hlcng Vonl A Mail, daily weekly Galaxy 4.S0 f"cribncr's Monthly,... St. Nicholas I'brenoloKic.tl Journal Science of Health . " St. Louis C.lo'.ie Ml IIeualds going outside of tl:e county iu;u-t stdd po.-.tat;e to these rates IB cents n year. It will I'.N'i be oliservcd tliat the rules are .-lightly higher abroad, owiinr to tln-ir having to pre-pay postage, otherwise they are 'as.low as cm he made, and by this means the poorest fuitiily iiftri secure home news and one or two foreign papers for little more than the price of o'ie pood paper singly. And still more the IlKitAt.K offers all oldsab-M-riherstlirit pay upn"v back due.-, and oi.e vear In entrance a reduction of to per cent on ac roantand w if subscript 1011. 7 All new subscri bers paying in tvivance. will receive the IIkuald and ail the pspers clubbed therewith from now lo tUe fl:-Ht of January next, except dai'ys, khkk To any one Rending in two other new name, iu addition to his own, with the cas'i.for a year, we will give a fine steel enravni. This orfcr v.lil also apply to any old subscriber who may renew lor a year. To any one sending five new subscribers, with the cash, we will give the llKKAi.n free, or a hr.nd:ume Ohinmo. These terms good to the first of January only Send in your orders at once. Postmasters respectfully asked Li take an i;i eiest in the matter a::I help us to new sub-irvilrers. The transit of Venus oreurretl on Tuesday the Sth inst. The Omaha Republics nlh&s a new trie-graphic dress outside, and is much improved thereby. Ket-p it up, Major. The last session of the 43d Congress rommeneed on Monday last. It ter minates on the. 4thof March, and will no doubt he an important and exciting session. They are to give a grasshopper Cali- o Ball, at Hebron, on the 2.1th,' under t ho auspices of the Masonic, fraternity nf Thayer and Nuckolls Counties so says the Journal. And now the regular old democrats call grangers, temperance folks and other good men who helped them to victory, "Varioloids." IlepuLlics, dem ocratic Republics are ungrateful. Koumiss, or fermented mares milk is s ud to be a cure for the whisky habit, and the Post d- Mail suggests that ('. If. Harrison (one of their members) take a hogshead to "Washington with him. The President's Message has been re ceived, but too late to insert this week. It will be all the better next, however, because'the telegraphic reports as set up in most of the papers, makes per IVct losh of the whole thing. If the Hebron Journal will tell its l eaders that we wrote material welfare and not Tnatchediwelfare, in our arti cle on the Senatorial question, wc shall fe el obliged, one makes sense'of the ar ticle, the other doesn't. Shall we pay the Southern "War rJaimsV That's the question in Missou ri already. Their papers are full of it. It's coining, boys, just hold your breath l.mg enough :mdyou'll hear the cry all over. Instead of Addition, .Division and Silence; in Omaha it has been "Int'ii enceSilence and Division" for the past week. Let us know all about it, Mi nor. It's no Minor matter and the Ma jors want to know all about it. The l'apillion Tints shouts " Vice Le Jloi" because a live King will soon pass through there. It is the King of the Sandwich- Islands. It thinks Col. Noteware will meet him at Omaha and tell him how fat the Nebraskans all a r; The Senatorial question 13 waxing hot all over the Stale except in the quiet town of Plattsraouth and here we rest content because wc know that our man will be the man. We haven't picked him out yet, but when we do he's our man you know, and that's the man we want. The Editof of the Nebraska City Netrs is meek, but tbe.f ditor of the Chronicle is Meeker. Plattsmoath Watchman. The editor of the Plattsmouth Hfr ALD is Mac, but the editor of the Watchman is a -Mackerel." There now, take that you old salt, and don't banter us with a chip on your shoul der, if you don't want us to trid on yer coat tail wid a tphi ig of shillaleh." Neb. City News. Quit twitting on facts, boys, it often harts. Tom. Keeler, of Klkhorn, was shot on Saturday last by D. S. Parmalee. Tom. Keeler is a deperado well known r.ot only at Elkhorn but throughout Nebraska. I). S. Parmalee i3 an old resident of- Omaha, now of Elkhorn. and has-been a member of the Legislature. Between the two men there has been a feud of some eight years' standing, which came to a ter mination Saturday by the death of Keeler. Xot enough information has yet been elicited to show by whom the first provocation, was given or how far Parmalee may have acted in self de fense. Parmalee immediately pave himself up to the authorities. KNIMIiTS TEMPLAR. ; The first scandal in th-i IJoceher cas viz.: Thai. Mr. tin cln-r had b c-n criin ( inallv intimate with t !: ili:-l wife (now j dead j of II. C. Jiowen, is disposed of I Both Mr. Bo wen and sons au-cttr that she never confessed any such thing. That settles one lie, and if all the rest turn out the same we shall soon hear less of the Beecher scandal. Conmunleated. ADJOURNMENT OF COLIIT. The Knights Templar have had big doings at New Orleans, as witness de scription given below. Major Wheeler of Plattsmouth, and several parties from other parts of the State were there to swell the procession: New Orleans, Dec. 4. The parade of Knights Templar to day was a grand affair. The buildings on the line of march were decorated with national Hags and banners, and the streets were crowded with specta tors. The prize offered by the Louisia na Jockey Club for the best drilled and best appearing company was .awarded to the St. Louis Command, Xo. 1. In obedience to Mayor Leeds' procla mation, the City Hall was closed to day in honor of the visiting sir knights. The courts were closed, and business generally throughout the city was sus pended, while the procession was mov ing. The Pickwick Club, St. Charles Hotel. Masonic Hall, and many other buildings are brilliantly illuminated to night. FR03 FURNAS COUNTY. The letter below from Prof. d'Alle mand explaines itself. "We are very glad to get any sucn statistics, and statements concerning the grasshopper raid west of us. Send it along, Prof. Arapaiue, Fi rxas Co., Xi:it. ) Nov. 2Sth, 1874. f MB. MACMPRPIIY Dear Sir: I have just received two kind letters from two generous gentlemen, from your city, asking me to make a state ment of the condition of our suffering people. Xext week I will be prepared to make a full report of the number of inhabitants, how manv are suffering, &c. Furnas county is divided into 10 pre cincts, each of which has two sub committemen. They are all hard at work, to furnish me with full reports of fhe condition of ear-h family, or in dividual, then I shall lay the report be fore the county committee, and after obtaining their approval, I shall for ward it lo you. May the people of your city meet with a duo reward for their generous donations. Respectfully yours, AbOLPIIE d'ALLEMAXD. 21 CW ATE IW ON TRIAL. Th-i lAneoln'Blade has changed hands. The Farmer. News, Temper ance Advocate, &c.. has swallowed this blade likeanother horn of old bourbon and it's now the Farmtr's Daily Blarle no corn juice allowed to be extract ed, however. The disadvantage of bad spelling is apparent in this screed. It took us three times to get that tooth come through our head: A hoary head is a crown of glory, but it small tooth come goeth through it all the same." The Fremont Tribune undertakes to say something in French about Gen. Brake dnl his paper, and gets the nee in the wrong jdace, or else he trots the General on the wrong knee. Perhaps our western friend had Paw-7Jre in his head. The General we believe, is not of the knre-llug kind. Journal. This celebrated desperado was taken from the Penitentiary at Lincoln, on Tuesday, and conveyed to Nebraska City for trial. The editor of the Her ald was aboard the same train. Mc Waters has a young looking face, claims to be 2S years old, wears a moustache, rather long nose, low fore head, with steel colored eyes that have the Devil's own glint in them when he is aroused. He eoirversed freely about his escape, his exploits in Kansas, and his capture in California. Says they never will take him back to the peni tentiary, and laughs at the chance of locking up another sheriff or two. "When they brought him into the Court room at Neb. City, his wife and children were there; he seemed very much pleased to see them, fondled the children, while the tears sprang to his eyes, showing him not devoid af kind ly feelings for his family. His little hoy climbed upon his knee and nestled up against his father's cheek, with all the confidence of untried and untaught childhood. Along the road, people were all anx ious to see Me. At Syracuse, where we stopied for supper, a big crowd of boys and men gathered at the Depot, and hung around the train to see him come out from supper. The Irish brakeman coining out, found his steps and platform full of boys. Have yees tnny more folks in this town?" asked he, "Yes," shouted an urchin. "Bring thim out thin, now's yer time," answered the brakeman. LECTURE INSTITUTE. In Omaha when a new scholar enters the school lie or she must till out a Card of Information," telling how old they are; their Father and Mother's name, occupation, &c, &.c. "When this i hap ctune to his F.rther's occupation he put it down "Grtisshopper Sufferer." Bright boy. Capitol moving is warming up again, too. One would think that our Legis lators might meet one winter and at tend to the wants and needs of the State, and a new Capitol just now is 11 at one of its needs and wants. With the present cry of hard times, grasshopper devastations, &c, to try to move the Capitol out in the grasshop per region and then ask the east to in vest in such .1 scheme wonld simply be f d 1 v and fit i In tv. A county Teacher's Institute, to be called a Ltctxre Institute, will be at Plattsmouth, during the Christmas Holidays, commencing on Monday evening, the 2Sth day of De cember, 1874, to continue for at least four days. "We have the assurance of the aid of the best talent of the State. Lectures will be delivered by Chancel lor Benton, Professors Thompson and Aughy, of the Nebraska University, by Superintendent McKenzie, and by Professor Palmer, Editor of the Ne braska Teacher. Now teachers of Cass count-, is your opportunity for a week's enjoyment, full of interest and instrtruction. Come with blank books and pencils in hand to take notes. The good people of Plattsmouth will furn ish us entertainment at such low rate as to leave us no reasonable excuse for absence from these lectures. The Cass County Educational Asso ciation will hold its regular annual meeting at the fame time. U. W. WISH. :):', Nnpcj mtrndmt. The adjournment of the December term of Court was wrong. Tardy jus tice, the very word is a frightful misnomer. It is not only the preroga tive, but the absolute duty of Courts to administer justice to all parties who come within their respective jurisdic tions for the enforcement or protection of rights or the prevention or redress of wrongs, and this irrespective of the character of the parties litigating. The law of this State guarantees to Cass county two terms of the District Court, annually ; namely: commencing on the third Monday of March and the first Monday of December of each year, and that the December term, all things considered, is the most favorable one for the transaction of business, is plain to all. The people, whether litigants or not, true to the instincts of civilized nations, always look forward with more or less interest to the tribunals of justice, the auxiliary brandies of the judicial department of the State government. Delay in the proceedings of Courts except for the furtherance of justice, never was contemplated by either the common or statute law. And delays for any other cause are always a source of disappointment and aggravation to parties who go into Courts to maintain their rights; and not only this, but such delays work a positive if not an irreparable injury to the reputation of the Court itself. Attorneys are officers of Court for the proper management of the causes of their clients at the bar, and their interests are in the majority of cases if not universally, subordinate to the l ights of their clients. There are other phases of this ques tion which are no doubt fully appre ciated by the masses of the people that need not here be mentioned. Would it not be well for all concern ed to discourage adjournments of the District Court, for a while ? except up on good and sufficient reasons, and thus secure to Cass county at least one reyn lar term in the space of every eighteen months. .7. K. P. Mc Callujx. Plattsmouth, Dec. 7th. '74. OUR ELM WOOD LETTER. King David Kalakana of the Hawai ian islands passed through Crnal.a os tenia 3 . . PLATTSMOUTH IN FLAMES COURT HOUSE JUST SAVED IiT GREAT WORK. A Cool Morning Hade Treltj Hot. Elm wood, Net. ) Nov. 30, 1374. f MR. EDITOR-Dear Sir: I take the privilege of reporting to you an or ganization of a Union Lyceum at Pleasant Grove school house, on last Thursday evening. The meeting was called to order by electing Howard W. Zink temporary chairman. A consti tution was then read and adopted. The society then proceeded to ballot for their officers, which resulted in the election of the following persons: President, James Clark; Vice I 'resi dent, John McCaig; Secretary, II. W. Zink; Treasurer, Charles Holenbock. After miscellaneous business the socie ty adjourned to meet next Thursday eve. The school hero at Pleasant Grove, is nourishing finely, having the largest at tendance ever known in this district, and great interest is manifested by the scholars. The people are all alive here about Elm wood, and we expect a pros jierous winter. Respectfully yours, Howard W. Zixk. The Aldinc Company's New Publications. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPT IOX. THE ALDINE ; Til E ART-JOURNAL OF AM ERICA. This splendid enterprise is not only well sus tained iii every feature. Put is Pein 'constantly developed aud improved. It to-day stands without a rival in the whole world of peiiodi c;il literature. The beautiful d op;-port rait, "Man's I'nseifis'i Friend." achromo presented to every sulieiilier. is a decided hit. and will, if possible, add to the popularity whieli this work lias gained. The Aur 1'nion feature also 'lomises great and lienefieent results, in aroiis iik public interest in the flnj arts. Circulars aud full information on application. Farts I, II, III, and IV are now ready. SUTTOH'S LEISURE HOUR MISCELLANY. To be completed in 40 parts, issued fortnightly. Each part will contain an eleimnt frontispiece originally engraved on steel for tiie lindon Art Journal. REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, entrravins never before ottered at less than live times tiie amount. These plates have been the attraction of TIIE LONDON ART JOURNAL, Each part will contain 2i quarto paes pases, including the elegant frontispiece, mi heavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illumi nated in red and gold, wiii be given with the tirs! part, and the printinsof tne entire worlt will be a worthy representation nf "The Aldinc Tress" which is a guarantee of something beau tiful and valuable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part. Tarts I, II, and III are just published. TIIE ART JOURNAL. Complete in VJ monthly parts, at ?l each. Re producing the best full-page illustrations from the earlier volumesof the Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six superb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or fs amini;. will lie en tirely beyond competition in price or artistic character. Every impression will be 11106I care fully taken on the finest toned paper, and no pains s ill be spared to maUe Jhis the richest production of a press which lias won. In a mar velotisly short time, a world-wide reputation. GEMS FR03I THE ALDINE. Especially assorted for Scrap Boo'c Wuxtrattwu A Drawing Clasz fopie A large collection of pictures of different dzes and on almost every conceivable subject have been put up in nu attractive envelope, an I are now utfereU jtt u. price intended to make them popular in every sense. Envelope No. 1, containing r0 beautiful engra vings, is now readv, and wid be sent post-paid, to any address for ONE DOLLAR. A liberal discount to agents and teacher. SCRAP BOOKS. A splendid assortment of Scrap Hooks have been expressly prepared for the holiday season, and no present of more permanent interest can be selected for gentleman or lady. o!d or young. No. 1 Half-bound, cloth sides, gill back, v.'io pp. r'xir indies oo No. 2. Half bound, cloth sides, gilt back, .'on pp. txli! inches 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled lioards. gilt aud antique, very lich. to pp t2 TO Lettered to order in gold, at 2 cents each line. Sent by mail, istpaid, on receipt ol price. TIIE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. In coaiplianee with repeated requests the publishers of THK Alkixe have prepared im- ressuiis of many of their most beautiful plates or passe partout framing. Tuet-uts are mounted on a beautifully tinted azure mat. with a handsome red border line. To attach the z:xs it is only lett for the cus tomer to paste and fold over an already at tached border, and this may be done by a child. i subjects, Vx1j in.. L'5c. ; witli glass 5e. Six of this size for ?t, when scleetionis left to publishers. subjects, PK12 in., 20c. ; with glass. 4jc. 7 subjects. GSxS1 in.. Be. : with glass 4nc, 12 subjects, t4x:'. in.. 5)e.; with glass. Si. Sent by mail, without glass, postpaid, for price CANVASSERS WANTED. THE ALDINE COMPANY, is .Hniden I.an. New York. Just as we were going to Press this morning, about eight o'clock, the alarm of fire was sounded. The Hekald boys dropped their sticks, left the forms just ready for the Press, and broke for rhe Engine House. The fire was in the building just ca&t of the Court House, known as Leon ard's PI: olograph Galler, and occupied below as a butcher shop. The fire caught from a defective flue in the butcher shop, and hythe time the peo ple or engines arrived there, the whole Gallery was one dense cloud of smoke and flame. Volumes of black smoke poured through the roof and the cracks of the building, but for 15 or 20 minutes no blaze could be seen; then little tongues of flame crept through here and there, and Micked out black aud ugly patches in the weather boards Soon all the roof was in a blaze. The next building east, and neisel's Feed Store, of course caught and the blaze from all these buildiog ROSE. HIGH toward heaven. Now the Firemen stream up over the ladders, the little 1'abcocks sqirt and Gzz, and the big Engine, after some delay, sent a show er of Eenzine over the roof. It was no go, higher rose the flames, flereer grew the heat. Treasurer Cummins began to pack the things from his olltee. Dan. McKinnon, and Commissioner Clark, who happened to be here, order ed the things in the County Clerk's of tice to be pulled out, and soon'. a huge pile County books, records, pledges and vouchers lay in the street. THE COURT HOUSE caught in several places, and 'for some time it seemed impossible to save it. Wet blankets were spread on the roof of the County buildings, and also on the roof and over the sides of Merks' hardware j tore, on the east. Wheel er's house was in imminent danger, and the pale faces on every hand gave token that the danger was fully realized. '.A DUCKET CEIOADE was formed from the creek, 125 yards distant, and soon the. water began to fly lively. All the wells about had been emptied before this, the soda wa ter had given out in the big Eabcock, and the red, red fiend seemed to be hav ing a perfect Christmas holiday time of it all.to himself. THE FIREMEN and citizens worked heroically to save the Court House standing in the scorch ing flames and packing buc kets rapidly to be flung over the scorching, hissing roof. AT LAST the two frarae buildings fell Twith a great crash and the worst of the .dan ger was over. The buckets did th business mainly, and we hope, hereaf ter, when a fire breaks out a bucket line will bo formed more speedily than it was this morning. The machine shop boys, our town boys and the firemen all worked like nailers. Frank Stadtcr held the noz zle on the roof as long as a single "ga loot" could pass a bucket to him. Some man in a blanket on the Court House kept his place firmly, and passed many a bucket along. It would be useless to attempt to mention the names of all who acted bravely and well, the citizens may thank the boys in a bunch for doing the best they could t"ailhf ully and live ly, but we; need more organization. better order, and Leaders, if we are to have.mauy more such fires. THE DAMAGED. Leonard saved most of his pictures, chemicals Slc, some of the meat was saved from the Butcher shop but most of it was roasted too crisp for even a grasshopper sufferer to digest. Harvey Snge lived over tjie auction store, but got most of his things out and moved up to Elbert Duke's, Hei sel lost some of his flour, feed &c,Frank White got his auction'goods mostly out Leonard and l'armele owned the build ing that caught first. Mr. Hillings the other two. No insurance on anything and the buildings ji complete mass of cinders, with the exception of a few bricks in the side wall of the feed store. Loss about 4,000. TEN O'CLOCK. Already the streets are almost clean ed, the books are put back in the Co. Treasurer's and County Clerk's olliee, Heisel is open across at Schluntz's old stand and Leonard is hunting another skylight. He expects to take a "Photo" of the dirtiest Fireman there was be fore night yet. Mayor Livingston was on the ground working like a Beaver, John Fitzger ald spoiled a new hat, and Sam. Darker shouted himself hoarse. AN OLD LAND MARK GONE. Pottenger's old office, one of the old est and meanest landmarks on the street was "hooked" by the boys early in the fight and no more can "Put" smoke on the steps even if the Mormons al low him to return and pass his declin ing years in his almost native place. No one was hurt seriously, one or two got a scratch, and lots of good clothes are soaked, and now we're all glad it is no worse; if we had lost our Court House, we should have been in a bail fix. Fate on the whole was kind ly to us, no wind, and the "actual dam age is not irreparable." A Valuable Wedieal Treatise. The edit i- n for le"3 "t Hie sterling Medical Annual, known as Hi -atelier's Almanac, is now rendy.aiid may be obtai.ied free of cosf.of drug gists ami genera! countiy denie s in all parts of the United States :ind I'.iiish America, ,md in deed in every civilized portion of the Western Hemi-iphere. This Almanac Has been issueil regularly at I he commenoi incut of cv ry year f.r ar.oui one-f':fth of a century. It combines with the soundest pract'.e.il advice tor Use pre servation and restoration of health, a lare amount of Interesting and amusing liuht read ing, and tiie calender, astronomical calculation, chronological iiems, &e., are prepared with gr-at care, and will I f found entirely accurate. The iss..e of Hostetter's Almanac for 1S7 will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in anv country. Tiie Pro prietors. Messrs. Hostetter'& Smith. I-ittsbiirnh. Va., on receipt of a two cent, stamp, will for ward a copvbv mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. THS MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by White. & Darrah. Wheat .... Corn new.. Oats new. Eve 1 'alley Hogs Flax Seed. Cattle . ...COjfS .. 4Vr..r0 ..... ?St,zx . .. ..Oft 'MOO ...S.fioffl'ioO ..i.2'ta.2. ..2 001163.00 LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS. New YtKK. Doc. 9. Money Gold 4 per cent LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Dee. 9. Flour Wheat Corn Oats Kye Harley Cattle Hogs 4,2004.7.". 1-2 74 54 1.2.1 f.li.".-iO 6,7&a7,30 ''Uuquerticnably tn Bi sustained work oi th kmd in 'he World." Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. CLARK & PLUMMER'S This well-known firm have just received a larg-e Stock of Bleached and Brown Mus lins at very low prices. Another lot of those fine Jaconet Embrorderies just arrived Call and see them. Xittices of the Press. The Ttozar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom And iu anv iournal : mid the journal itself is liie orsui of the great j world of frvsliion. ii.'on TravrlUr. The Ibizar commends itself to every member oi me nousenoin ro ine cmniren nv oron ana funny pictures, to the young ladies by its fash-iou-piaics iu endless variety, to the "providuut matron by its pattern of children's clothes, lo lMitrrfumuiiiH for its tasteful designs for em broidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. Rut the read ins matter of the llazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity tor the fireside en joyment it alfords. JV. 1'." Evt n ing 1'ont. Call at Clari for Queensware PI u Turner's and Glass- TfiHMS: rOSTASE rnr.E TO AI.I. SUIISCHIIIKnS IX TIIE United staiko. TTctrprr's lagnziiir.. one year $4.00 $1.00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage. by the publishers. Subscriptions to Hary.er' Magazine. fVechli, and llazar. to one address for one year, jf lu.oo ; or, two of Harper's I'crioiluaU, to one address for one year. $7,00 ; postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, IVeeli iy, itr linzar, will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at each. In one reinittitiiee ; or six copies for 2O,0O, without ex tra copy ; postatie free. Hac.i Numbers can be supplied at any time. Tiie seven volumes of Harper's llazar. or the years 1 63. ' 9. 7a. 71. 73. ':4. elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, wi!l be sent by express, freight prepaid, for 7,00 each. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HAEPL1' & BROTH ES. New York. STOltE AND MILL AT Rock Bluffs. We have purchased tin? EOCK B1UFF3 STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW 'MILL, And will hereafter rim the same in Connection With Our Store. CUSTOM WORK will be guaranteed to be satisfactory. We em ployed the 33 ZEJj S 'JL' ware. Xew stock of dried Fruits just received. Cheap. Zii con Soap Try it. California Flour at Clark & Plum tiler's. Spring "Wheat Flour at lower pi ices than anywhere else, at Clark & Plum mcr's. Mil we could find, viz : It. 15. Bucknutli, wlios reputation is well known, and It Is pro-pos..-a that the fanners ;vnd a'.i others have if they bring Good Wheat ! ! The highest market price paid for the Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE is Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we me an to sell them At Low Rates Having been enabled to purchase large stock Uncommonly Low, They wiil be sold to all. EQTTALLT LOW. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY. J.&H.Shera, Three car loads of Salt in the barrel, at old rates on freight, for sale cheap. Far mers, now's vour time. Tho Favorite Home Rented y. Is eminently a Family Medicine ; and by belnfc kept ready lor immediaic resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctor's bibs. After over Forty Years trial it is still rewiv Iiik the most uniiualilleil testimonials tu its vir tues from persons of the highest character and responsibilty. Eminent physicians commend It as the most V. V V KCT V AJ. K 1 EC I Kit For all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and Spleen. i lie symtoms of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste iu t lie mouth ; l'ain in the Rack, sides or Joint s.otteu mistaken for Rheumatism ; Sour stomach : Loss of Appetite; Rowels al ternately costive and lax ; Headache: loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to hae been done ; Debility, low spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the skin anil eyes, a dry cough olten mistaken for consumption. Sometimes many of these svmtoms attend the disease, at others verv few ; tint the liver, the largest organ jn tiie body, is generally the seat of the disease, and if not regulated in time, great suifeiing, wretchedness and deatli will ensue. For Dyspepsia, constipation, faundice. bil lions attacks, sick headache, colic, depression of spirits. Sour stomach, heart burn, &e., A.C. The CToy)ti, Purest and best Family Linitnmt in the World! Manufactured only by J. II. ZEILIS A CO.. Macon, (i;i.. and Philadelphia. Priee $1.00. Kold Iy All 1M-uSw4h. tr NKW HOOT AiD SHOE STORE Opposite the Brooks House. I Propose to sell to my friends and acquaintances throughout the Co. a superior quality of oods at reason able prices. Having- had a lifelong experience in the tanning business I consider myself qualified to select goods to satisfy the demands of the people. W. H. POOL. Plattsmouth, - - - STeb. 27-12C. Machine Shop. John Wayman, Suceossor to Wayman A Curt.'" PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairers of Steam Englnci, Hollers, Saw :nrU (Inst Milis. Oa and Stenui Fittings, Wrought Iron Pine Force and Lift Pumps, Steam linage. iiiUtT Valve ('oveniors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings FurnUhed on short notic. Farming Machinery Repaired on slmrt notice. -U. Chicago tt North-Wtxttrn Railwuy BUY YOUR VIA THE Chicago tfr North-Western Railway. For CHICAGO. Detroit. Toledo, BulTalo. New YoOk. Philadelphia, Rallimoie, Toronto, Yunctou, Montreal. Cleveland, Boston. Bloominton, Springtleld, ashiugtou, Cairo, Indianopoii, I'iprtlaiid, i:n;nrH Full. Pittsburgh. Cincinnati. Albany, bioux City, MILWAUKEE Sheboygan, Maui to woo , Clinton, Jauesville, Milton Junction, TV A T E li T O W X . Minnesota Junction. BURNETT. FOND DU LAC, O S II K O S II . Appletnn, Menasha, flreeu Ray. Encauaba. gaunee, Ishpeming. Marquett, L'Ann. and tlw Shores of LAKE SUPERIOR. It is the only Route From CHICAGO TO ST. PAUU Via Madison. Rarahoo and Elroy, and It is Mm only route running Pullman Pala Cars, through bet wren Chicago and St. PauL, Uakytk "Idhmitt, W. II. 4-rxsvtt. (ieul Sup't. Uen'l PasN'r A&.X. O. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AX Wall Paper. For your Groceries go to J. V. Weckbach, Corner Third and Main street, Plattsmouth. (Cuthmanu's old stand.) He keeps on hand a large and well sHeetod stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR, SYRUP, ROOTS, SHOES, &c, ic, &e., &e. Al.to a large took of DTiT GOODS, CHUCKKPr. (tUKEXSWAItK, dr., ilc. Ar. In connection with the Grocery la a Bakery and Confectionary. Highest price paid for Country Produce "i?A full stock at all times, and will not be un dersold. Take notice of the sign EilPIllE BAo.IlI' 1' AND GKOCIiUY." fyl. Mm, -; I : Coal Oil bv the barrel cheaper than can be bought atChicago and shippped here. Call and see Clark & Plum mets Sugars, by the barrel, before purchasing elsewhere. It will do you good. CALL AT Sir eight 4 Jones' Livery, Feed & Sale Stable3, Comer sth and Tearl U. Horses Eoarded by the Day Week or Month. HORSES BOUUIIT, SOLD, OR TRA DED, FOR A FAIR COM MISSION. LIVERY AT ALL TIMES. Particular Attention Paid to Driving and Training Trotting Stock. STl XMMMH it;,' . .3 U -' f All Pp)r Trimmed Free tf Chragi. ALKO DKALKR IX Books, Stationary, Maga zines, And Latest Publicatioas. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a a -periencea Druggitt. Keooemtxtrth plaeo, oat. nil Main air Platrtwmowrtj. ... WILLIAM IIEUOLD Keeps ono of Iho Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. El 11 JJLJ . .. .... . .. .. 1. 1' Blil WEEPING WATER ADS. : : L-aM Hubbard House, IIUUnAKI), - - Pitow, Main Mreet, 'Wwep!nrt"fTat. (700 D ACCOMODATIONS tH TRA VEL E RS. 41 t McELWAIN & HODAPF, House, Slgrn, Carriage, and Ornumentul Graining A large lot of Teas just re ceived from the Importers, at New York. To be sold for the benefit . of the people here. AND PAPER HANGING, A Specialty. (Shop on 6th St. bet. 5Iain Si Pearl.) SATIS FA CTION G VA RANT FED. 31tf NEW DRUG STORlv vttnxi waius, was. T. L. POTTER, DEALZi: IN DRITC.S. MKDICTXCT, PAIJPK& OILS. VARNISH, PKKrl MKitt, STATIONERY, NOTION. CIGARS. IOHACCO, AND GLASf. tEr-lTennlptloTia carefully prepaiftd. tcl tToocis BaTOS.p beam; lis in Agricultural Implement Hard war e Tiur. Pumps. Iioa. tfafe. ROCK IS LuFFS, IV CIS. 31tf FOR SALE. Iimi acres of land belonging to Cass Count v Nebraska being the South West ouartcr o'f Section No. Five (5) Towuhip No. Eleven 01) North of Range No. Thirteen (U East of Sixth lYinripal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile llnivc For Terms of sale see I j. 11. .Iamks 1 Timotiiv Clakk or Vf.'o. Comr's. ;;;f M. I.. Wtr i r. VehrasUa Ktnfo Itejis'cr. A 40 column pajer, published at tiie State Capital : full of Stat news; independent in everything, neu tral in nothing ; l.rio a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted iu every town. Wat. C. 'Cloyd. Lincoln, Ntb. SUf FOR RENT. One house. Apply to E. G. Dovey. vtf J .i.J.',T-v"L'.. w;;i -,9i' MJLKtMtUU T am now prepared to furnish the best una dulterated milk Once more remember Clark & Plummer's, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Nebraska, if you -want to buy cheap for cash. TWICE EVERY DAY, I To all parties notifying ine 17 -iv I FT Kit irrWlf Co. J ONCE MOKE. Wc are selling largely by the unbroken package; Mus lins bv the bolt, Groceries by the barrel, keg, or original package, Thread by the doz en spools, and so on. It is the best way to buy, for ev erybody, and we call atten tion to this new feature of our trade, and invite all to give this method a trial. -2Wm Frank Carruth, POST OFFICE JEWELRY STORE! Spectacles, Glasses, etc. Crrut &PViJk yi 1'" AT N-N&gjS TORK- c XSl CJ f-4 cS .r-t r I O OAIL IN-. Repairing done to Ordnr nd Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. .vi-iy New Finn in Weeping Watec Fleming & Race. (Successors of J. CLIHBII CO.) WEEPING WATER, NEB. This new firm have just laid in a lirjt aa raried stock of goods, ENTIRELY NEW, and will now offr them for val at lb M Stand in Weeping Water. They respectfully solicit the patronage of t people, and pioposc to sell good (hIi a cheap as anv vun iu the Mar ket. Try Us Once, and Sec. y Weeping Water High School, WILL orBJT November 12th, 174. Tuition, 5,00 PerTasnr. Aided by a good corji oi Instructors, THIS INSTITUTION Offers as GOOD ADVANTAGES As aoy school in tho County. For further particulars, address cither of the undersigned, at Weeping Water. ::.! 1 Ty s a it i tt'Ti rr i. X ' .fW;trr Sf'ire. .-.lit K. L. HEED. H. W; FA K 1.1". Y. J.A M 1 .si.r